#is that while i don't support kris
daybreakstorm · 1 year
i mean, i have to ask since it will determinate whether i still follow you or not but what do you mean by being an exo ot12 blog? do you still support kris after what he's done?
Ok this is a fair question.
I don't support kris. He's a scumbag.
However, I can't ignore the fact that he was a part of exo, and that there are times when I'll look at an older post of exo that still has him in it. I wouldn't, for instance, post his more recent music or videos, but if I see a post from, say, showtime that's focused on him and I remember that moment fondly, I'll still reblog it.
(I'll be honest, the tagging decision was more for luhan than anyone. Out of the three that left he's the only one that I was semi-actively following)
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Ricky Starks Saves The Day
Summary: Ricky refuses to watch his ship fall apart, and makes it his mission to get Y/N and Hook back together.
Warnings: angst, cussing, arguing, drinking, implied smut, fluff, lil bit of spice
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this imagine!!!!! All the support on my last one has been SO amazing and I cannot express how grateful I am for it!!!!🥹🥰 I love all of you so so so so much!!!!! And once again, a special shoutout to my bestie @99hook !!!!! Ilysm bestie and thank you!!!!🧡🤍 If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be posting this🥹🩷
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It was never a good idea to spew words without thinking them through while you're both furious.
Because when the feelings of anger fade, you are left with nothing but sadness and immense regret.
This was something Hook learned a little too late.
All Y/N wanted was for him to spend a little more time with her, and neither of them could even remember why it escalated like it had. But it did.
And then Hook decided to blurt that he thought it might be better for them to break up.
Now both of them were miserable, and everyone could see it.
But Hook was too nervous to approach Y/N, as she had avoided him entirely since that night.
And Y/N had been avoiding him because seeing him made her so sad.
It was just a cycle of sadness, that all of their friends were sick and tired of seeing them be stuck in.
Enter Ricky Starks; who made it his mission to get them back together.
He loved both Hook and Y/N dearly, and just wanted them to be happy. He wasn't gonna sit back and watch true love go to waste.
But at that same time, Y/N had decided enough moping was enough.
And with some encouragement from her best friend Kris Statlander, she found herself considering dating again.
So when Ricky walked into catering and plopped down next to the two women, their conversation almost gave him heart palpitations.
"I'm telling you Y/N, the best way to get over a guy is to get under another" Kris smirks.
Ricky starts choking on his food, making Y/N's eyes widen and she pats his back. "Are you ok Ricky?"
"Y-Yeah" he croaks out, clearing his throat. "You know, personally, I don't really agree with that philosophy"
Kris raises an eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah? And what would you suggest?"
"Um," Ricky falters, unsure of what to say. "I, uh… maybe some ice cream?"
"I like his idea way more" Y/N immediately says.
Ricky feels momentary relief, before Kris scoffs. "Ignore him. Look, just give it a try. Once you go out with another guy, you may realize that you don't miss him as much as you think"
Ricky cringes, as he can tell Y/N is considering it.
"But who would I even go out with?" She asks after a moment.
This makes Kris perk up. "Take your pick hon. I mean, honestly, have you seen yourself?"
"I don't know" Y/N sinks in her chair.
"Hey Y/N" She looks up when she hears her name and sees Darby Allin approaching them.
"Hey Darby, what's up?" She asks with a smile.
"Do you remember that one night you did my face paint when the makeup artist had an emergency and had to leave?" He asks nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah" Y/N answers.
"It's just.. the way you did it was really cool and I wanted to ask if you'd do it again?" He rushes out.
Y/N grins. "Of course I will!"
She sits her plate down and waves goodbye to Ricky and Kris. "I'll see you guys later"
With that, she walks off with Darby.
Ricky scoffs at the pleased look on Kris' face.
This causes Kris to raise an eyebrow. "What?"
Ricky shrugs. "Nothing"
Kris narrows her eyes at him. "Oh hell no! You wanna get her and Hook back together! That’s why you said all that stuff!"
"So what if I do?" Ricky challenges. "Her and Hook are true love! Hook made a stupid mistake, and he wants to fix it"
"Too bad" Kris immediately snaps back. "She is just getting better, and I'll be damned if I let you bring her down again"
"I ain't gonna bring her down!" Ricky defends. "I wanna reunite her with the love of her life!"
Kris scoffs. "I'll believe Hook is sorry when he starts showing it. Until then, expect me to run interference on whatever little plan you have cooked up"
Ricky leans back in his chair with a groan as Kris walks off.
It's then that Hook enters, and raises an eyebrow at the exasperated look on his friend's face. "What's wrong with you?"
Ricky glares at him. "I'm gonna punch you"
"There! All done!" Y/N grins.
Darby opens his eyes and smiles widely when he looks in the mirror. "It looks amazing! Thanks Y/N"
"My pleasure" she smiles back, leaning down to hug him from behind.
He puts his hands on top of her’s and leans back into her. "I have a question"
"Hmm?" Y/N hums.
"Would you like to go out after the show?" Darby asks.
Y/N bites her lip. "Darby.. you’re a really great guy. I just... I don’t think I’m ready to date someone else yet. I’m sorry”
"No!" Darby exclaims. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that. Not go out like a date. I meant just go out as friends”
Y/N lets out a breath, and they both laugh. "Then I'd love to”
"Yes! You're going on a date!" Kris exclaims obnoxiously loud, making Y/N quickly shush her.
But the damage was done, and Ricky overheard Kris' yells.
Ricky's eyes widen, and he scrambles over to them. "So Y/N, a date, huh?"
"No! It's not-" Y/N tries to explain, but is cut off by Kris.
"It totally is" Kris grins. "Y/N and Darby are getting drinks after the show tonight"
With that, she grabs Y/N's shoulders and guides her away, and looks back to send Ricky a triumphant smirk.
Ricky scoffs and runs off down the halls to find Hook.
He finds him sitting on a crate in the hallway, and Ricky snatches the earbuds out of Hook's ears.
Hook looks up with a glare. "What the hel-"
"No time for pleasantries!" Ricky yells. "You need to get off your ass and apologize to Y/N! I know she still has feelings for you, she's told me! And you still love her! You're just too chicken to tell her that you’re sorry, and she's about to go on a date with Darby so you have officially run out of time! You need to go get your girl and live happily ever after! I'll be damned if Kris will beat me!"
Hook stands up with a scowl on his face. "She's going on a date with that little prick?"
Ricky frantically nods and exasperatedly yells “Yes!"
"Where?" Hook demands, causing a smirk to grow on Ricky's face.
"How do you know they're here?" Hook asks as Ricky pulls into a parking spot at a busy bar.
"I asked her. You know, like talking to her" Ricky deadpans, making Hook shoot him a glare.
"Now get out of my car, and don't come back until you've professed your love to her" Ricky demands.
Hook does get out of the car, and takes a deep breath before entering the building.
Y/N and Darby were tucked away in a booth near the back, talking and laughing without a care in the world.
Hook can feel his face flush when he sees what Y/N is wearing, in both anger and attraction. He knew Kris must have picked it because she always needed to be hyped up a little to wear that damn dress. It was the definition of that little black dress every guy loves. It was a short, fitted bodycon dress, with a bustier top and ruched detail on the skirt that accentuated her curvy waist and hips.
That damn dress made her look both classy and sexy all at once, and Hook wanted to go snatch Y/N away from Darby and take her back to his hotel room and have her all to himself.
It was then that Y/N noticed Darby staring at something over her shoulder.
“What’s wrong? You got quiet” She leans in close to speak in his ear so he can hear, and places her hand on top of his.
Darby hesitates before answering. “Hook just walked in, and he’s coming over here”
Y/N’s head snaps around, and she easily spots Hook making his way through the crowd towards them.
Before she can debate between jumping up and running, or hiding under the table, he’s standing in front of them. “Hey Y/N”
“Why are you here Tyler?” Y/N asks with an annoyed expression.
“Can we talk?” Hook replies, shooting a rude look at Darby which only pisses Y/N off more.
“She obviously doesn’t want to talk to you, man. And we’re busy right now, I’m sure you can talk some other time” Darby says, a clear edge to his tone.
“I wasn’t fucking talking to you Allin” Hook snaps.
“Darby, it’s fine” Y/N cuts in, trying to prevent a fight from breaking out.
But neither one of them listened, and Y/N buries her head in her hands when Darby stands up and gets chest to chest with Hook.
She can’t hear what they’re saying to each other over the music and people, but she scrambles to get between them when Hook’s face hardens after Darby pushes him back.
“Hey! Enough!” Y/N exclaims.
But the two just continue to glare at each other over her head.
She scoffs and rolls her eyes at their childishness before reaching down to snatch up her purse and storm out of the bar.
She walks a little ways down the road, before stopping when she realizes she left her coat as a chill runs through her body.
“You left this” she hears Hook’s nervous voice behind her.
She turns, and the scowl on her face softens when she sees the sad look on his.
She takes the coat he was holding out for her. “Thank you”
“You’re welcome” He answers, shuffling back and forth on his feet.
The two of them stand in awkward silence for a moment before Hook speaks up. “Do you need a ride to the hotel?”
Y/N thinks for a second; while she is mad at Hook for coming here and ruining her fun, she’s also mad at Darby for pushing Hook.
“It won’t just be you and me” He elaborates. “Ricky’s waiting for me in the car”
“Why’d you come here Tyler?” Y/N asks after a short moment of thinking.
“I..” Hook falters, scrambling for an excuse before finally realizing he just needs to tell the truth. “Because Ricky told me you and Darby were going on a date tonight”
“So you came to crash it?!” Y/N snaps.
“Seriously Tyler?! You’re so fucking childish” Y/N rants as she starts speed walking to the parking lot, Hook following close behind. “You broke up with me, but you still think you can control who I go out with?!”
Ricky glances over when he hears yelling, and cringes when he realizes it’s Y/N.
She swings the passenger door open and plops down in the seat, before crossing her arms and leaning her body towards the window.
“Hello Ricky” she grumbles as Hook climbs in the backseat.
“I do not think I have any sort of control over you Y/N” Hook insists. “I just-“
“You just what?!” Y/N interjects, whipping around in her seat to glare back at him.
“I didn’t want you to go out with someone else! But that doesn’t mean I think I have control over you!” Hook yells back.
Ricky lets out an overly dramatic sigh as he starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.
This was totally not going to plan.
Ricky practically dives out of the car when they get to the hotel, as Y/N and Hook take their time; more concerned about arguing than getting out.
Taz, who was also just arriving at the hotel, stops short of entering when he recognizes the voices of Y/N and Tyler fighting.
He walks over to Ricky. “What the hell’s going on?”
“I heard that Y/N was going on a date with Darby, so I told Hook. Thinking back I wish I hadn’t. And then I found out where they were going and me and Hook went to crash their date so he could tell Y/N that he’s still in love with her. He went inside and the next thing I knew they came out arguing. They’ve been arguing ever since” Ricky rambles out the entire story.
Taz scoffs. “You two are idiots. In what world was crashing her date gonna do anything except piss her off?”
Ricky rubs the back of his neck. “Our world I guess?”
Then Hook gets out of the car, and he goes to open her door but she swiftly opens it herself. “I don’t need you opening my damn door Tyler! I’m more than capable of doing it myself! Just like I’m capable of deciding who I spend my fucking time with!”
“I never fucking said you weren’t!” Hook exclaims.
“Then why even go to the bar?! You still haven’t given me a straight answer!” Y/N fumes.
“Because I’m still fucking in love with you!” He finally exclaims, stopping Y/N in her tracks.
The two stand in silence for a moment, before Hook lets out a shaky breath. “I’m still so in love with you Y/N, ok?” His voice cracks, and tears well up in both of their eyes. “That’s why I went to the bar. Because the thought of you being with someone else makes me feel like someone is trying to rip my heart out of my chest. I know I fucked up that night Y/N. I was mad, and I was just spouting shit, and I caused myself to lose the most important thing in my life. And I know you’ll never fucking forgive me; I know how much I hurt you. And I fucking hate myself for it! And I know you deserve to move on, and I had no right to go there tonight. But- fuck Y/N! I don’t know how to come to terms with losing you! I can’t..”
Y/N stares at him for a moment, and Hook feels like his heart is going to beat out of his chest from the anxiousness coursing through his body.
But Y/N was using that moment to attempt and find the right words to say. “It wasn’t a date..”
Hook furrows his eyebrows in confusion. “What? Ricky said..”
“He just overheard Kris” Y/N elaborates. “She’s been trying to get me to go out again. But I couldn’t do it”
“Why not?” Hook dares to ask as she takes a step towards him.
She puts her hands on his tense arms and makes eye contact before answering. “Because I’m still in love with you. And no matter what mistakes you made, I know that no one else will ever make me feel the way I do for you”
And with that, Hook sweeps her up by her waist and hugs her as tight as he can. She lets out a relieved laugh, and hugs back just as tight.
He places her back on the ground, and their lips collide in a messy, but sweet and passionate kiss.
They only pull away from each other when they hear an obnoxiously loud cheer from Ricky, and they turn to face him and Taz with amused laughter.
“Sorry guys! I didn’t mean to break up your moment. I’m just so excited!” Ricky bounces up and down, and Y/N laughs again when she notices he has his phone out recording them.
“Why were you recording us, Ricky?” She asks with a giggle, as Hook leans down to kiss her head.
“Two reasons. One, I needed footage of my ship getting back together. And two, I gotta show this to Ms.Statlander! True love prevails!” He yells with a victorious grin, before running into the hotel to find Kris.
After Ricky’s gone, Taz approaches them and places a hand on Hook’s shoulder with a delighted smile. “I'm glad you two are working this out. I missed you being around Y/N”
She smiles back. “I missed you too Taz”
With that, Taz bids them goodnight and heads up to his room.
Hook places his hand on the small of her back and guides her inside.
He places one more chaste kiss on her lips. “Now that I can kiss you again I don't ever wanna stop”
“Then don’t” Y/N quips back with a cheeky smirk.
He grins down at her when she pecks his lips once again.
“I gotta get us checked in; but after that, your cute little ass is all mine mamas” he whispers lowly in her ear, and his hand trails down to sneakily grab her ass.
“It’s always been your’s” She giggles and stays tucked into his side as they head over to get checked in.
Hook talks to the desk clerk as she pulls out her phone after it buzzes in her pocket.
She laughs when she sees a message from Ricky.
It was a selfie he took of a rather pissed off Kris, and him grinning like a kid in a candy store.
She shows Hook as they’re walking towards the elevator, and he lets out a hearty laugh. “He better stop messing with her before she knocks him out”
When the elevator door opens, they quickly slip out as Hook’s hands start to trail up and down her body.
They get to the room, but as Hook swipes the key card the two of them look up when a yell echos through the hall.
“I told you to shut up Ricky!” They hear Kris yell, followed by more yells from Ricky.
Y/N goes to walk towards the screams, but Hook snakes his arm around her waist and pulls her into the room.
“Tyler!” Y/N chides, but her protests get caught in her throat when he presses her up against the door.
Their bodies are flush against each other, and Hook immediately dips his head down to start trailing kisses along her neck. “They aren’t our problem right now mamas. All I’m concerned with is reminding you how good it feels when I make you scream my name”
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just-my-type-x · 1 year
could you please write about colby and reader where reader falls asleep on colby during a movie night kinda thing where their friends are there too
Late Night In
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We all sit in the comfy, red chairs in the movie theater, while Sam, Colby and Nate share the snacks and drinks they brought from the kitchen.
"I can't believe you made all", Colby pauses and moves his hand around the theater where we're all gathered, "watch White Chicks", he laughs and i chuckle, chewing on some sour patch kids.
"And i can't believe this is your favourite movie of all time", Josh turns his head around to talk to me as he's seated in front of me.
"Y'all just expected from me to only watch hot guys on the screen", i shoo them with my hand and start the movie, while Colby dims out the theater lights
"Oh what i'll do for a Chris Evans movie", Kat sighs and we all laugh
"Get out", Sam tells Kat and she throws a popcorn flower at him, making all of us giggle
The movie follows its course and i chuckle like a little kid at almost every scene, feeling great when everyone laughs every now and then. Colby puts his arm over my shoulders and brings me closer, kissing my temple. I inhale his scent and i smile, looking up at him and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. He smiles back at me and i intertwine our fingers together, kissing the back of his hand. I turn my attention back to the screen and laugh loudly along with our friends when the girls try to make some pants fit one of the guys that's disguised as their friend, their struggle and grunting making the scene delicious.
Colby starts playing with my hair as he pays attention to the movie and i make myself comfortable, getting closer to him and resting my head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head and holds my hand with his free one, squeezing it gently as a comforting gesture. His fingers twirl strands of hair and move my hair around in a chaotic pattern, but gently enough to make my eyes feel heavy.
The next scenes become blurry one by one, feeling unable to keep my eyes open. I fall asleep soon after and i feel Colby's lips on top of my head and he rests his cheek on my head as he continues watching the guys and girls on their get together at the beach. Sam, Kat, Josh, Seth, Kris and Celina all laugh at what's happening, making Colby shush all of them.
"Can you be a bit more quiet?", Colby asks, smiling. "She's been really tired lately"
"Oh, shit, sorry" Kris says and watches the two of us. "I wasn't prepared for so much cuteness, Colby, why are you doing this to me?", she laughs, the others joining her too
"Oh, look at you two", Seth whispers and Colby chuckles
"I don't know about y'all, but I've already picked a tuxedo for when I'll be your best man", Sam slurps on his white claw
"And i have a dress in mind", Kat doing the same
"I'm so happy to see you all so supportive of us. She's the best girl i could ever ask for and i feel so lucky. Having you all get along so well feels rewarding in a way", Colby's smile makes his cheeks hurt and he caresses my shoulder, while glueing his cheek back to my head
"She's a great match for you, man. You're so much more alive since her, she lit that spark back into you", Sam winks at him and Colby agrees, nodding
"That's so true. I have no words to describe how much i care for her"
"You don't need words, we can see it clearly. Anyone can, actually", Celina points out
The movie finishes and i feel Colby shift in his seat. I raise my head and groan when i realise i fell asleep, leaving everyone else watch a movie that i picked.
"Good morning", Colby jokes and he gets up, holding me by my hands to get up too. I stretch and yawn, picking up the popcorn bowl to take it back to the kitchen. "I'll take it back, you go upstairs and get ready for bed, I'll be there in a minute", i give him a quick kiss while thanking him. I pass by the living room to go upstairs and i see everyone chilling there.
"I'm so sorry i dipped while watching the movie. I know it was my pick, but i hope you at least enjoyed it", i smile in resentment and hug Kat, using her as a pillow until i reach the bedroom. She holds me by my hands and smiles.
"We loved it. Kris actually learned how to make the same voice as the white chicks", Kat says and we all laugh at Kris' attempt to speak like one of the disguised men. "We had a really interesting conversation with Colby, by the way. About you", she whispers so no one could hear us. I frown, waiting for her continuation. "He's crazy about you and he loves you a lot, y/n. Everyone can see it, you're the best thing that happened to him and we're glad to have you as our friend too", she squeezes my hand and we smile at each other.
"Good, because my feelings are the same, i love you guys a lot", i hug her once more and call it a night, bye bye-ing everyone until morning. I get changed in my pj's and get in bed, Colby following a few minutes after. I extend my arms in the air as he gets on the bed and he crawls in my arms, his head on my chest and his arms around me. "I love you, babe", i caress his hair
"I love you too, princess. But sometimes i wish you'd really understand how much i actually love you", he raises his head to look at me
"Oh, i think i know", i smile and he raises an eyebrow, before his eyes grow wide
"Did you hear us in the theatre?"
"Oh, no, Kat spilled everything", i laugh when he rolls his eyes
"I should be careful what i say", he jokes and i hit him playfully
"You better not mess up with me", we both laugh and Colby comes next to me, switching off the lights.
I hope no one got mad at the group of friends i chose
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prism-forgone · 10 months
Deltarune Classpect Assignment, or: We've Been Godless For a Very Long Time Y'all
Everything that happens next can be blamed on the tumblr user @vriskologymajor. They literally asked for this to happen in response to me stating i have Some thoughts on the subject x. Enjoy the carnage lmao
Note that this whole analysis is over 2000 words long. I'm putting everything below Susie under the cut but there's also an analysis of Noelle, Kris, Ralsei, Berdly and a surprise someone in there. Please read it. Pretty please.
EDIT: An ask in which I elaborate about the secret bosses can be found here: x
Here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to provide the classpects i believe the main characters can be aligned with and my reasoning for both parts of the title. Be aware this is my own personal opinion and every classpect analyst's opinion is worth its salt because, frankly, classpects are insane. Okay. God. Let's get to this.
Susie // Knight of Rage
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Susie's classpect might for real be the easiest and most obvious one I've ever assigned. It seems incredibly open-and-shut once you think about it. I don't think many are going to disagree with at least the aspect assignment but I'm going to monologue about it some more anyway because there's a lot more in support of this than some might think and it's actually pretty interesting.
Rage is the immovable object of aspects - Ragebound are incredibly volatile not only to their environment but to narrative itself. They're unpredictable and can quite literally go against the powers that be (i.e. narrate the story) because they don't feel like following their directions. And Susie does that routinely - she cuts off the player's choice and states their decisions don't matter while being inside an RPG and, in Chapter 1, quite literally refuses to listen to their commands. She is the one that initiates the revelation that her and Ralsei can act on their own, and picks a third option from the two given to the player, splitting the party and leaving its leader alone.
When it comes to less meta elements of this aspect, the main thing that comes up is her strong emotions. Contrary to the name, Rage is not only about anger. It is largely about negative emotions, though. In addition to anger, doubt, bitterness, aggressiveness or fear (specifically of being betrayed, left alone or lied to) are all emotions Susie exhibits quite a lot. Fortunately, she finds a way to utilize those and vent them out instead of bottling them up or lashing out, and she does that by... oh man, utilizing them? If only there was a class that did that, huh-
Yeah, Knights have a tendency to weaponize the elements of their aspect A Lot. With a Knight of Rage, it's something among the lines of a barbarian in DnD - they utilize their negative emotions to gain strength, using it as a means for attack and protection; both literally and on a more interpersonal level. And Susie does both! She's a bully both before and during a good part of Chapter 1 but it seems very much so that she's projecting, especially when it comes to the entry on Noelle's blog. It's a defense mechanism to hurt before you get hurt.
It's not surprising in the slightest - Knights tend to have incredibly low self-esteems. Later on she switches to a different strategy - she lets her strong emotions fuel her attacks and even further down the line, her S-Actions. Her demeanor switches to very explicit protectiveness of her team. And I think something that was kind of the final nail in the coffin for me is that her title in the party is literally its knight:
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Doesn't get more explicit than that, I don't think.
Noelle // Mage of Hope
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The reason why Noelle is on the list so early on is because her and Susie have opposite aspects and I think that's fun, and that it's easier to exemplify those differences if they're next to each other.
Being a pair to Rage, Hope is an aspect that is also connected to its hero being somewhat connected with the narrative. But, as opposed to the way Ragebound refuse to make things easy for the narrative, Hopebound are a driving force within it, either through acting on their own volition or being forced by an external force. Other evidence includes its symbolic connection to angels, things that are holy (like... Holy Prayer? wow), extreme passion for their interests and a penchant for uncovering what is real and true but perhaps hidden (like easter eggs in a game, for example).
Hope is the unstoppable force to Rage's immovable object. In connection to Hope's alignment to miracles, it fits in nicely with how Noelle is the key component in the Weird/Snowgrave Route, as it reads as something straight out of a creepypasta, something that should not even be possible in the game. (To those who read HS scratching their head about the miracles being a Hope thing, Gamzee was a Bard (a destruction class), and thus ghosting his opposite aspect - in his case Rage. We'll talk about aggressively ghosting aspects by Princes and Bards in just a while, though).
The Mage part might be more complex and less obvious than the Hope part. A Witch might be something that seems more intuitive due to her power level but I'll do my best to make my case here.
Mages internalize their aspect through experience. They take in both the good and the bad that comes with it and learn from it to be able to use it. Their relationship to their aspect can then be quite volatile - sometimes the aspect serves to actively harm them, they have too little or too much of it. And Noelle puts a lot of faith into others and is pretty easy to trust and be swayed to one side or another. This shows the most prominently in the Weird/Snowgrave Route once again, where her blind faith in the hope of getting stronger puts her through the awful experience of being made a tool of destruction.
There's also a fascinating element to Mages and their relationship with external beings. They (along with Seers) are extremely attuned to hearing and perceiving external forces and their voices (like the commands of the exiles in HS - or the player in DR). Additionally, Mages have once been speculated to be the passive counterpart to Witch at some point before settling into the active part of the knowing class duo they make alongside Seers today because while Witches manipulate, the Mages are more prone to manipulation, mostly through something directly connected to their aspect (Sollux by literally fate itself, and Meulin by someone close to her as Doom and Heart heroes respectively). What screws up Noelle in the Weird Route, is her blind belief in who she perceives as Kris and their actions, her sureness in there being some method to this madness and the reason for all this being getting stronger, something she really wants due to feeling weak.
Let's discuss that feeling.
Kris // Witch of Heart
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I know! I know. I know this class seems out of pocket but I'll do my best to justify this title, I promise.
Let's start with Heart, the less... offending of the two. Heart as an aspect has to do with emotions and desires, yes, but mostly it has to do with identity, self, personas and literal soul. I'm sorry but this is non-negotiable - if you believe Kris is anything else than Heartbound, you need to reconsider the text again. Yes, there could be some argument about how struggle for freedom can be a sign of them being Breath-aligned but their struggle is mostly for the freedom of self-expression. There are multiple points in Chapter 2 at which we direct them to do something and they comply but use an incredulous inflection or say something that technically is what we picked but in such a tone that it's construed as something completely opposite. Their struggle is centered on identity for sure.
It goes beyond just our influence and Kris's struggle against it, though. There are multiple hints at Kris not really being entirely comfortable with their place in Hometown as the sole human. They don't like thinking about other humans, Toriel says they would wear a horn headband because one time they asked when their horns would grow in. They're clearly usually an introvert and don't like other people knowing too much about them. They look up magic and were interested in the occult at least at some point, and seem to not really want to be themselves.
In what ways are they a Witch then? Many, actually! The first piece of evidence is that Witches break the rules of their own aspect, and I don't think calling tearing your own soul out of your chest and shoving it into a constricting place for just a moment is a stretch. Additionally, they seem to even have a Witch Familiar that is closely related to their aspect and without whom the entire plot would change drastically! It's you. You're the familiar. The soul is the familiar.
And the 4th-wall breaking fun doesn't end there! Despite being possessed, they still retain who they are - no one thinks they're a different person, after all. Which means that us using Kris, Noelle's childhood friend, to exploit her need (dare I say desire, to make the connection to the Heart aspect more explicit) to feel stronger and make her IceShock every moving thing in Cyber City is us utilizing their abilities to manipulate the Heart aspect.
Ralsei // Prince of Void
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Remember when I said we were gonna talk about how the destruction classes like Princes and Bards ghost the aspect opposite to theirs in a bit? Yeah, that time is now. Back on the more stable ground because I don't think it's that big of a hot take to argue Ralsei is a Prince of Void, given that it's basically in his title within the team.
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Yes, Princes and Bards ghost their opposite aspect a lot. Ralsei accomplishes this by being a walking, talking exposition machine, something that those more familiar with the mind-numbing properties of Aranea Serket, a Sylph of Light (an inverse of a Prince of Void) would know is very up the alley of those who are Lightbound. Ralsei serves as an introduction to lore, game mechanics and other very technical things. However, ghosting the opposite aspect is not the same as being bound to it. Ralsei is still very much Voidbound.
There's an air of secrecy and obscurity around Ralsei. He's not telling us something. He smashes through the 4th wall - something Void heroes adore to do, by the way - like it's nothing by showing knowledge of what he should not be aware of at all - what do you mean EAST classroom. How do you know this and why can you acknowledge this. He can banish us to focus on other characters to talk to Kris one-on-one, causing a narrative blackout of sorts, which is another thing Voidbound tend to do.
At the same time, he shows clear signs of being a Prince that destroys his aspect or with his aspect. As I said, he's incredibly prone to throwing animated exposition dumps at the player but that's not all there is to it. He's literally part of a team of heroes who set out to destroy dark fountains. Not only can he cause narrative blackouts around himself, he tries to make Kris stop focusing on what happened after Spamton's fight, blocking off a path to solve that mystery. "You don't need to know anymore" kind of thing.
Destruction classes are dual in nature through being defined by their aspect but setting out to destroy it. He's afraid of being abandoned and forgotten. He keeps things from both his friends and the player. He doesn't want to fall prey to obscurity. He's secretive and does unexplained things through unknown means, like by just showing up in the Cyber World. As befitting a Prince, he's a walking contradiction.
Berdly // Page of Light
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Believe it or not, Berdly's was one of the more tricky titles to pin down. I'm still not fully sure of it but I'm able to argue in favor of this decision.
Light is an aspect of relevance, knowledge and fate. Berdly is someone incredibly focused on academics. However, Pages inherently lack their aspect and literally have to be fed it by someone else who has more of it despite not even being bound to it until they reach a power threshold that allows them agency. Once they do, they're a force to be reckoned with but, as things stand, Berdly admits that Noelle is the real smart kid and he would never be the best in class if it weren't for her.
Despite not being the opposite of an Heir of Void, the narrative seems hilariously allergic to him anyway. He starts reading out loud and literally puts Kris to sleep with it. His monologue is not going to be read by many people because it's happening while there is a time-sensitive multi-part puzzle going on. Queen, the antagonist that moves most of the plot forward, runs away from him. Additionally, Lightbound are usually quite prone to being swayed to do things, and Berdly is a pain for Queen to handle but she does manipulate him quite a lot anyhow. He's flabbergasted when she captures Noelle right in front of him because that's not what they agreed on.
As an aside, one of his attacks is him throwing pages of A+ school assignments. That's the most hilariously Page of Light attack in the history of ever.
Player // Seer of Mind
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Bet you weren't expecting that, huh?
Every player is a different separate person but again, classpect titles are more about the place and role in the narrative and oh boy, oh boy. Is there evidence that the soul, i.e. us, are a Seer of Mind in the story of Deltarune.
For starters, it's literally the inverse of Kris's classpect. We're as diametrically opposed to them as possible. Secondly, as stated with Noelle, knowledge classes like Mages and Seers are incredibly attuned to meta-level voices. In Noelle's case that means things like hearing our commands even if Kris is down. In our case it means literal narration. We also know things we have no business of knowing - we're able to do things like hearing characters' thoughts, literally mind-reading them.
A more traditional role of a Seer of Mind (and we know this because there literally is one in HS) is knowing the outcomes and consequences of certain decisions. We literally have the power of reloading and saving to find that out. I rest my case.
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jivderzii · 2 months
On misgendering "bad" trans people
The Ava Kris Tyson situation reminded me of this whole glorious debacle. I'll probably be speaking to a mirror here, since I think most of Tumblr is either trans or at least trans-friendly, but I have been wanting to voice my thoughts on this for a while and hope to have at least one person reconsider.
I would venture to guess at least half of the people attempting to report coverage on a trans person who did something bad resort to misgendering and deadnaming. While there are some people calling them out on this, they are usually laughed at, insulted, or ignored.
Because why does it matter how this person is referred to? The *important* thing is that they did a bad thing. Is that seriously what you're worried about?
It is clear that many people view correctly gendering someone as "respecting" them. This "respect" is not obligatory and can be revoked if a trans person does something to lose that "respect." Furthermore, anyone who goes out of their way to correctly gender a bad trans person, even worse if they correct others, is "respecting" someone who did something horrible.
It is true that it can feel trivial, but correcting or using the right name or pronouns does not dilute the discussion topic. The issue is that nobody calls Jeffrey Dahmer "she" because they don't like him. The misgendering is clearly motivated by trans identities.
Discouraging that behavior does not remotely take away from the shitty things that person did, and nobody is going easy on them because they’re a minority (respecting someone's name or pronouns does not mean you support them or what they have done). They should be criticized as much as anyone else. The issue is that people are so quick to deadname and misgender bad trans people they dislike. It postulates the idea that a trans person must be nice to have their identity respected, with misgendering itself being used as an insult, and that is the thing people take issue with.
Ava Tyson should absolutely be criticized; her actions are disgusting and her "apology" is lackluster. But this does not make any transphobia justified, because transphobia (and all bigotry) is never justified. Ava's identity is completely irrelevant to this.
To put it plainly, misgendering "bad" trans people isn't an appropriate way to treat them, and calling people out on this is not "missing the point / focus" of the discussion. It's setting a baseline where identity can still be respected when the person in question is being criticized.
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I understand why a lot of people would NOT like this and they are in their right to either dislike it or provide valid criticisms towards it...
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HOWEVER, the response to this series (that isn't even released yet and the pilot has NOT been created) just feels too hostile tbh.
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(Not censoring Gangle's username because.... imagine wishing death on someone for just liking harry potter and being cringed--) Like, we should be encouraging small indie game devs, series creators and such not discourage them by being hostile/bullying said creators while not providing actual criticism or simply hating them because the art-style has already been done before...
Like yes, I do find it kinda cringe to have your Harry Potter houses up on your kickstarter like that but I'm not going to judge because as long as they ain't actually supporting JK Rowling and these guys aren't freaks of nature.. I don't see any real harm. If you couldn't tell, I'm a firm believer of separating the art from the artist in some cases.. I'm willing to give Steph and Kris the benefit of a doubt, also I don't think they did anything that warrant the hostility and toxicity their getting, like none of them diddled a child or donated money to a hate group (correct me if I'm wrong lmaooo)
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I think you guys need to stop judging a book by it's cover.. again, you're allow to critic them, give them a few pointers and yeah, you can dislike the upcoming show's art style (I personally don't like the art style and if this series becomes successful, I may or may not watch it) and all but being hostile towards a indie series is just trashy and discouraging towards not just them but other people who WANT to start a kickstarter, patreon or even a ko-fi so they could fund their own indie series, games and all. I think we should give all Indie series and games a chance instead of being judgey. (Go support them)
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alien-girl-21 · 3 months
Since semester has ended for me, have something I have been cooking for a couple of weeks:
Joker Out and Käärijä as shit my friends have said:
(Kind of long so it goes under the cut)
Kris: I'm the wall god punches when he's mad
Jan, while searching a song to sing in the karaoke: Peru :) ... wait
Bojan, filling out a form: is m for male or mujer?
Kris: if there was an idiot competition, Bojan would be the judge
Nace: good luck with your algebra homework!
Jan: how did you know it was algebra? (He wrote algebra on top of the page)
(Right before a test)
Everyone else: studying
Jure: well... what do we do now?
Jere: idk dude, join my game
Bojan: can you pass the meat for the grill?
Kris: what am I your fucking wife?
Nace, after joining the band: if someone were to come out of the closet here... I would say it would be Jan
Bojan: come out of what closet? The one made out of glass?
Bojan, to Kris: why would you need a toxic girlfriend when you have me
Jure: I don't know if I should go to pride with you guys, I'm straight
Kris: you can come as an ally and support everyone!
-at pride-
Jure: -making out with a guy-
Kris: not THAT much of an ally
Kris, pointing at the rest of the band: I'm sorry if my children ever missbehave, if they do, just call me, I'll put them in time out
Jan: Bojan, if you don't stop I'm dropping you off to Jere so his lovesick ass can sort you out
Interviewer: what is the first word you think of when I say eurovision?
Kris: money
Jure: microphone trophy
Bojan: talent
Jan: reciting poetry
-like 10 minutes after the interview-
Jan: why tf did I say reciting poetry?
Jan: the way to know that kris is really drunk is when he starts being nice to bojan
Nace: if you don't want to come to pride with us, you can come to the afterparty!
Jure: that's not really his type of party
Homophbojan: yeah, invite me to a party for normal people next time
(I should clarify that the friend who said this is an ally and they were joking, they are actually really cool and respectful towards queer people)
Jesse: Jere got really drunk at the party and he was talking about Bojan and started crying because he missed him
Bojan: I like people that have a presence, that's why I started dating jere
Nace: yeah, I remember the first time I saw him in person I went "oh, that's jere"
Bojan: exactly! ....... and then he opens his mouth
Jan: I don't care at this point, a car can run me over before I turn this demo in and I would be fine -walks into oncoming traffic-
Jere: what are you guys doing?
Kris: cutting a cake with a ruler
Bojan: welcome to the balkans
Bojan: I need to do my duolingo lesson!
Nace: Bojan, you're so drunk you threw up on the street, don't do your duolingo lesson now
Bojan: I have priorities
Jere, walking into a surprise anniversary gift Bojan was making: hi— what's that?
Jure: it's a mass hallucination don't worry about it :)
Jesse: Bojan branded my boy like a cow! (Jere's wearing a bracelet that says "are you?")
Jere: if this whole music thing doesn't work out, I'm moving to Thailand and raising fish
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ash-shark · 6 months
★ I want to talk about my Oc today ★
You guys might be sick of her, srry T-T
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Muchacha Amara/Muchamara/ShaoJr
(Everything written here are fan stories and headcanons. Please don't take it too seriously and enjoy yourself.)
★ She is the biological daughter of Shao Kahn and Sindel, although Shao Kahn raised her from infancy himself, he wants her to remain in the background, even deliberately separating her from the public eye, he wants her to remain hidden. She grew up never knowing Kitana because Shao Kahn kept his experiences with Kitana a secret from her, so Muchacha always saw her father as trustworthy and doing what was best for his family.
★ Unlike most people, she wanted to be a General, not a Kahn. Since she did not like to deal with the people, she devoted herself to becoming a general and her first goal was to kill General Kotal when she became a real warrior. Likewise, she refused to become a woman ninja. Since her family could not take care of her when she was a child, she grew up under the control of General Kotal, and therefore she became dependent on General Kotal's attention. She had a love mixture of hatred and love for General Kotal. She wanted to marry General Kotal when she became a warrior, but General Kotal opposed this with violence, because he was aware of how unstable Muchacha was and he knew that she would kill him because of her desire to become a General after marriage.
★ Muchacha always looked at women older than her as idols, in fact Sheeva and Jade were her biggest idols.
★ She was obsessed with being a perfect princess because she was looking for a life partner who would support her in her rule, unfortunately no one agreed to marry her. She felt left out in this regard.
★ Appearance: She has a large build (maybe you could call it a curvy, square body shape or chubby, idk), she's 5'5 feet, she's 18-20 years old, Although she is not a full gyaru girl, her behavior and some of her accessories are inspired by gyaru style. She has red pupils similar to dragon eyes, and her pupils dilate when emotional changes occur. She prefers colors that are a mixture of red and purple because red represents Shao Kahn and purple represents Sindel. She's using kris blade and kris knives as a personal weapon. She wears sandals because she cannot walk in high heels.
★ Personality: Even though she is hungry, fame-loving, jealous, wild, cruel and foolish, she loves her loved ones like a child (because of traumas?). She tries to compensate for her lack of self-confidence by constantly praising herself. Has an attraction to strong men and women (she loves womans more to be honest 👀)
★ Death: She dies from blood loss when her face is ripped off while trying to make her father proud.
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izzielizzie · 1 year
Hey! What are your OOU couples wedding headcanons? 😍 (ilysm queen xoxo)
phoebe and knox
their wedding is the biggest and fanciest of the bayview crew's wedding
curtesy of melissa lawton ofc
they get married right out of college and no one can convince me otherwise
the first ones to get married
they just spent a lot of time not being together because of outside influences and now they just want to spend the rest of their lives together
all of phoebe + knox's family is there
plus the santoses, the bayview crew, ash & eli, and nonny
knox asks owen to be his best man and it makes phoebe cry for like three days straight
maeve is maid of honor
phoebe struggles with picking the wedding party because she should chose emma as maid of honor but maeve is her best friend and she was there for phoebe when no one else (other than knox) was
emma is actually the one who says phoebe should ask maeve
maeve throws herself into wedding planning
she and melissa are a force to be reckoned with
they're married in knox's back yard
phoebe chooses to wear a replica of her mother's dress but she asks ashton to help her sew on lace detail to make it her own
addy does phoebe's hair and keely does her makeup
phoebe plans on walking down the aisle by herself but as she's getting ready she realizes she doesn't actually want to be by herself
before she puts on her dress she hunts down cooper and pulls him aside
"it's okay if you don't want to, but you were there for me at a time when i really needed support. would you maybe want to walk down the aisle with me?"
cooper can't answer for a few minutes because he's full on sobbing
of course he says yes, and phoebe is so happy she thought to ask him
there's a lot of crying at the wedding because phoebe looks so beautiful and happy and knox looks so happy and they're just so in love
cooper and kris
they have a small wedding after kris graduates from medical school
it's at contigo
the restaurant is closed for the day
it's a small guest list: the bayview crew, nonny and lucas, kris's immediate family and friends, the santos family, and ash & eli
it's less of a wedding and more of a party since cooper and kris decided to just go to a courthouse a few days earlier
they all take turns telling stories about cooper and kris (obviously addy and keely's idea)
addy and phoebe baked the cake themselves
and luis learned how to cook some of kris's favorite dishes from germany over facetime with kris's mom
there's a lot of laughter and good food, which is exactly what coop and kris always wanted
addy and keely
they don't have a wedding
they wake up one day, decide to get married, get married, and then plan a joint facetime with their family/friends to tell them
phoebe and maeve take it upon themselves to throw a surprise party for the girls
they bake so many desserts and buy cute pastel pink decorations
luis and ash do all the cooking
they throw the party in kris and cooper's apartment
keely and addy love it so much
bronwyn and nate
bronwyn's parents plan most of the wedding since bron was busy finishing law school and nate became a partner in myers construction
it's held in the rojas' back yard
maeve is maid of honor and knox is best man
addy and phoebe are bridesmaids too
bronwyn wears a gorgeous dress that her grandmother made for her
nate's vows are in spanish
keely has to run interference with bronwyn's makeup because she's crying so hard at the vows
(i like to believe that nate went to mr rojas for help with his vows)
maeve puts together a slideshow of pictures of the couple instead of her speech, and the last picture is one that ellen took of them when they were little and still attending st. pius together
they print and frame the picture, and it lives on a shelf in their living room
maeve and luis
i kind of feel like maeve and luis don't get married for a while
maeve is a spanish teacher and luis is opening a restaurant so they don't have a lot of money for things like a wedding
luis proposes the night that the restaurant opens (yes this is @glitterandgoldrush's headcanon and i'm in love with it)
they just get married at a courthouse
but they have a potluck dinner that night with friends and family
it's everything they ever wanted
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Deltarune's themes of escapism and why they hit me hard
I was going to do some Deltarune art based around this and then just have the definition of escapism under it, but I can't think of what to draw, so I'm just going to ramble about it instead.
Deltarune, as I'm sure many many other people have pointed out before, has strong themes of escapism in addition to its themes of control, freedom, the narrative, etc. The Dark Worlds transform objects into people, rooms into environments, high school students into heroes. They seem to bring to life the sorts of games you played as a kid, with your toys and your friends, making up a story that played out in your mind, enhanced by your imagination. It's theatre of the mind, helped along by the toys and props and whatnot - like when you're playing D&D, too. This sort of thing is mainly in Chapter One, with the game pieces and cards and toys. I remember playing make-believe with practically everything as a kid - I made up stories with chess pieces a few times, that was fun. Castle Town and Card Kingdom are both reminiscent of a very traditional form of escapism: fantasy.
The Cyber World is a little different, but it still holds the same sort of idea - hell, we're all here on Tumblr, we know what it's like to bury ourselves in the internet, in videos and memes and posts, and forget the world for a little while. This is emphasised by Queen's commentary - I can't find the exact quote, but it's something about being worried that the Lightners will become depressed without the 'bliss' of the internet, which isn't currently working in Hometown. We also know that Chapter 3 will take place in Toriel's lounge room and seems to be specifically based around the TV (and, this is off topic, but I literally just realised Mike could be, like, mic, as in microphone, and Tenna could be short for antenna), which can also be a form of escapism for people. I know that my mum, for one, watches TV most nights.
There's also the specific characters who fall into the Dark Worlds - Kris, Susie, Noelle, Berdly.
Kris seems to be considered weird by most of Hometown, where they are the only human and don't seem to have many - or, well, any - real friends apart from their brother, who was the town's golden boy, who everyone keeps talking about and seems to hold in high regard, whose side of the bedroom holds trophies and pictures and colour while Kris' is bare and grey (they also have Susie now, but she only became their friend during the first Dark World). In the Dark World, however, Kris gets to be a hero, sword and shield raised, saving the world with their friends. Everyone in Castle Town loves them. The room Ralsei built for them has trophies aplenty. And then there's the matter of Ralsei, who looks so much like Toriel and Asgore and Asriel, who is so nice and so supportive of Kris, who has pink horns like maybe a certain red headband faded (yes I headcanon that Ralsei is Kris' old horn headband and will continue to do so until proven wrong).
Susie, who drinks milk from back alleys and threatens to eat people's faces, who didn't actually call home when she had a sleepover with Kris, who gets uncomfortable around the block of flats in Hometown, who doesn't seem to know how to react when shown kindness or friendship, who considers herself the 'bad guy'. Well, she gets to be that bad guy, strong and powerful and scary, with a big axe and sharp teeth and enemies to defeat. And then she gets to have friends, she gets to have food, she gets to be the hero and maybe that's not so bad after all if she does it alongside people she cares about, people who care about her. We can see how much happier she is in the Dark Worlds.
Berdly, who tries so hard to be perceived as smart, who loves videogames. I don't have as much to say about him, honestly, but his Dark World design is quite distinctively Cyber World when compared to the other Lightner's more fantasy-inspired designs, and being in the Dark World gives him the chance to be a hero, even if he's not great at that for most of Chapter 2.
And Noelle. Noelle, whose sister seems to be missing or dead, whose dad is in hospital, whose mum is the town's mayor and works a lot and has an icy personality. Noelle who searches for bugs and secrets in the games she seems to love. Noelle who wishes she had magic to heal her dad. Noelle who seems to feel powerless to help someone she loves, who doesn't stand up to Berdly or her mum. Once she's in the Dark World, she can heal people. She stands up to Queen, who is a sort of mother figure. She gets to spend time with Susie. She gets to see the city lights that Dess promised her.
All this to say that Deltarune in general and the Dark Worlds specifically have some not-so-subtle themes of escapism.
Now, the 'why it hits me hard' bit. Escapism has always been one of my main coping strategies, and even beyond that, I love fantasy, I love stories, I love burying myself in another world. It's much easier to be in a world where there's magic and quests and maybe there's struggles and strife and people still get hurt and mess up and go through bad things, but eventually there's a happy ending because that's how stories work, they don't have the constant uncertainty of real life. And, you know, if I could go to a Dark World, I would. I can understand why Susie likes the Dark Worlds so much, why Noelle and Berdly wanted to make another. Escapism is something that I can understand, especially after having struggled with my mental health for a few years (I'm a lot better now though). The world can be messy and complicated and hard, and wouldn't it be nice to be in a different world for a bit, one where you can be who you want to be and you don't feel lost anymore?
So, uh... yeah lol.
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cutest-silly-nb · 1 year
a story that has been fermenting in my brain is one where kris and ralsei find themselves on the castle roof. there's no adventures to be had. the two of them overlook castle town, and a breeze sweeps through the cold, forever-night air. "do you ever think about dying?" kris asks, more to fill the silence than anything. "Oh, all the time." says ralsei almost immediately. kris doesn't expect this answer, and doesn't really know what to say anyway. there's a few moments of uncomfortable silence. the breeze suddenly feels colder, the stars seem slightly darker. ralsei tries to explain, and hastily says "I often find myself wondering what will happen to the world after I do. Or if I will." kris doesn't understand. they say as much. "Well, I'm not all that important, right? Once I've completed my role in the prophecy, the world won't need me anymore. So-" kris cuts ralsei off before he can continue. "what do you mean?" kris says. they also sometimes feel the world doesn't need them. they're not even entirely sure why they're asking. "Oh, well, that's why I'm here, to guide you and fulfill the prophecy. Once that's done, I'll have done all I need to. And I guess I'll just be... alone again. And then I guess somewhere after that, I'll die." ralsei pauses there. it's a short pause, but kris notices. it's the sort of pause they get every night when they feel particularly existential. after a bit, they say "that's... a really depressing way to think about it." "What?" "the way you say it, it makes it seem like you'll have died long before your brain stops working." ralsei doesn't know what to say to that. "you aren't born with one specific purpo-" "Yes I am. I exist to guide you, and be your friend. It's all in the prophecy." "maybe that's why you were created," kris says, not entirely sure what they're saying. they feel like the words are coming from a place of pure emotion now, and the feeling is new. "but now you're not just a guide. you're... you, you're ralsei. just like susie is susie and noelle is noelle and my brother is my brother." "I... think I see what you mean, but you're all Lightners. I'm a Darkner, and I was created to be your guide. I can't just-" "yes you can. you're alive now. you can do anything." a tiny laugh comes from kris's pocket. both kris and ralsei pretend to not have heard it. "you have meaning just because you're you." and as they say it they realize it's true. "...I... ..." ralsei is silent for a while. "I've... never had meaning just for being me before." "i don't know what life was like before we came along, but you have meaning. you always will, too. you're meaningful in so many ways." kris is a little surprised hearing their own voice. they've never talked with this much emotion before. "you don't have to be a guide, or a friend, or anything else. you're just ralsei, and you always have been." there's a long silence. kris's brain catches up with what they've said. ralsei starts to cry. it's a quiet sort of cry, the sort of cry you make when you're embarrassed about your crying but can't hide it so you're not trying to hide it too hard. "Having friends... is a lot of pressure..." "yeah it is. but since you're alive, here's the cool thing. you have friends to support you." they're parroting something noelle told them once, and the truth of it is only sinking in now. "It's a lot of pressure because... if I'm just me, and all of me, and I'm alive and can do anything... what should I do." "what you think is right." noelle said that too. kris wraps ralsei into a hug. "this is right, i think. it feels right." it does.
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theraggedygirl11 · 7 months
Sospeso tra finzione e realtà
SUMMARY: Bojan was turned into a vampire some years before. The band met the famous photographer Damon Baker while in London and now it's time for Bojan's photoshoot, but something unpleasant happens.
PAIRING: Bojan Cvjetićanin/Kris Guštin/Damon Baker (+kind of implied poly!jo)
WARNINGS: anxiety/panic attack, blood, sex (not too explicit), angst and more angst, hurt/comfort, death/homicide mentioned, slight torture
NOTES: This comes from a collective work that's going on since last July or August, I don't remember. The AUs spawned on their own, we have too many and you'll find everything under the tag #vampire!bojan and #vampire!bojan storyline. So, I'd like to thank @signoraviolettavalery who supported my nocturnal brainrot in this post here, and also @touchyourblood and @nyx-aira who added a general background in this other post.
The title comes from this Italian song, feel free to go and listen to it. Here you can read the translation into English.
This is not beta-read, we die like men here! I just took what @signoraviolettavalery and I wrote, put it together and wrote something more around it
I just hope I added every tw in the tags, if something's missing, feel free to tell me and I'll add them!
* * *
“Bojan, are you sure you want to do this?” Kris asks while looking at the vampire. “You know you’ll be all alone with Damon, right? And that you’ll end up showing your vulnerable side?” 
“Yes, Krisko. I’m fine, and I’ll be fine,” he reassures him before pecking his lips. “I fed on Jure this morning, I’m relaxed, I feel good, London is showing its sunny side and I’m ready to conquer the world!” He even giggles. He’s truly in a good mood and full of energy. 
“Call any of us if anything happens, ok?” Kris looks at him, still worried. 
“Yeah, sure, don’t worry,” Bojan winks at him, then quickly kisses the others before leaving their apartment to go and meet Damon at his house. 
Damon and he already discussed about his photoshoot, so Bojan knows what he’s about to face. He’s truly relaxed, he didn’t lie to Kris. That part of his life is over, behind his back forever. 
As soon as he arrives at Damon’s, he changes his clothes to the ones they chose for his photoshoot: tight leather trousers, a leather belt with a broken heart on it, an oversized shirt and an untied bowtie around his neck. Oh, he loves this outfit, it’s sexy and makes him look so much masculine, but at the same time he starts feeling uncomfortable, uneasiness crawling up his spine. The Bojan he sees in the mirror isn’t the Bojan he wants to show to the world. He notices a shade of red in his eyes and immediately changes them back to brown. 
“Are you ready, honey?” Damon asks while getting closer to Bojan. “Oh, you look amazing, sweety. I could ride this cowboy any time! Or you could ride me,” he winks. 
Bojan giggles. He’s now used to Damon flirting with him. He likes it. “We can go, I’m ready.” 
The photoshoot starts. The poses that Bojan decides to do exhale aggressiveness and masculinity, and the more the photoshoot goes on, the more aggressive they become. He doesn’t want to, but his instincts tell him to do so, to assert his dominance over the person who’s taking pictures and the ones that will see them. He’s unconsciously showing the predator inside him that is violently ramping against the weak human surface, it wants to come out because it feels in danger. And what does an animal in a dangerous situation? It shows aggressiveness and attacks. 
The moment Damon gets closer with his camera, something snaps inside Bojan. His entire body is petrified. His mind shows him a memory he thought he had locked up in the deepest corner of his mind. He’s again in front of her, she’s taking pictures of him right after she fed on him. He’s covered in blood, he’s crying and begging her because he’s feeling dizzy, he just wants her to lick the bitemarks to close them or he will bleed off.  
But she keeps taking those pictures, she grins showing her fangs and her lips still stained with blood of the most vibrant shade of red. She’s in full control and the only thing he can do is stay there and hoping she will make him stop bleeding. Tears run down his face. He’s so scared, so powerless and hopeless. He wants that all that ends as soon as possible. 
In the present Bojan’s eyes got red. He didn’t even notice, at least until Damon brings him back from the spiral he was falling into. 
“W-What are-” 
He can’t even finish the sentence. Bojan snaps back into reality and in a blink of an eye he attacks the photographer in front of him, pinning him down on the ground. The camera slides on the floor while he grabs the human’s wrists with his hands and blocks them above his head. He growls, showing his fangs in an intimidating way. Bojan’s on top of the photographer, his instincts full in control of his actions, he can’t even recognize Damon. 
“B-Bojan...?” Damon whimpers, terrified. 
The fog that invaded Bojan's mind and finally fades away and he can restraint his vampiric instincts. He stands up faster than a normal human would. He’s afraid of what he just did, he feels so ashamed for having lost his control. 
“I-I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to-” 
He just runs away, out of the window. He doesn’t care if someone sees him, he just needs to go away, far, far away from Damon. He looks like a scared prey chased by an unknown predator. While he tries to remember where to go to reunite with his bandmates, he looks around, overwhelmed by sounds and smells and colours and lights. 
He’s panting, he’s panicking, his mind is barely functioning at this point, he’s letting his impulses rule over his actions. He doesn’t even know how, but he manages to go back to the apartment, jumping from one roof to the other. 
Bojan enters the room where Nace and Kris sleep through the window. He immediately searches for Kris’s colourful sweater in his suitcase. He needs some familiar scent around him to calm himself down. His heart is beating fast in his chest, his eyes are still red. He’s still wearing the clothes he was using in the photoshoot. 
When he finds the sweater, he puts it immediately on and lets Kris’s smell surround him. He takes deep breaths and closes his eyes. He tries to block everything else out. He sits on the ground, right next to the bed. His knees are against his chest and his arms embrace them. He’s trying so hard to look smaller. 
You are safe, Bojan. You are safe. Damon is alive, you didn’t kill him. You are safe. He keeps repeating these sentences in his mind, trying to regain control over his body, now dominated by fear and panic. He is shaking too. 
After some minutes someone enters. He’s too focused on Kris’s scent to identify who that person is. 
“Bojan?” This voice is worried.  
Soon after a hand is laying on his shoulder. Bojan winces and raises his head suddenly. It’s Nace. 
“What happened?” 
Bojan doesn’t answer, he just hugs Nace and hides his face against his chest.  
“I-I couldn’t do it. I-I showed myself. He knows-” 
“Hush, hush,” Nace gently caresses his hair after hugging him back. “It’s ok,” he whispers. “Breathe. You are safe here, no one’s going to hurt you here.” 
It takes Bojan at least fifteen minutes to calm down. He slipped, he thought he could be strong enough to face that photoshoot, but something clearly snapped in him and made him reveal himself. And he’s so ashamed of it. 
“Let’s go to the others,” Nace suggests when he sees that Bojan is a little bit more relaxed. His eyes are now brown and he stopped shaking. 
They go down the stairs together, holding hands. He can hear the others talking in that small living room, but their voices stop when they see Nace with Bojan, with Kris’s sweater and not his own clothes on. They know that something’s wrong. And Bojan confirms their suspects. 
“He knows.” 
Two simple words, but they all understand.  
“Oh, Bojč,” Kris sighs, then stands up and hugs the vampire. 
“I-I thought I was over her, b-but-” 
“It doesn’t matter,” Kris replies, interrupting him. “We’ll talk to Damon and we’ll find a solution. But now you are more important. Come here and sit with us.” 
That evening the band take care of Bojan. They cuddle with him, they prepare his favourite human food, they make him feel comfortable, safe and loved. And in the end he falls asleep on Jure’s shoulder, exhausted by the intense emotions he felt that day. 
Nace takes him in his and Kris’s room so they can sleep with him in the middle. It is a “standard procedure” when Bojan happens to have a bad day. Having familiar scents around him helps him to relax and feel safe. 
The next day Kris wakes up before anyone else because he needs to drink some water. He goes downstairs, but his attention is caught by his phone buzzing. He takes it. It’s a message from Damon. 
Damon: Hey Kris. Yesterday happened something uncomfortable during Bojan’s photoshoot. I’m really sorry. 
Damon is still online and is trying to write something else, but he keeps stopping. Kris decides to reply. 
Kris: We know he’s a vampire. He told us what happened yesterday. 
Damon: I guessed you should know, you are so intimate with one another 
Damon: Is he ok? 
Kris: More or less, he managed to sleep at least 
Damon: Do you think Bojan would like to meet me again? 
Damon: I just want to talk with him 
A couple of days later, a bit reluctantly, Bojan is again at Damon’s house. He drank blood before going, just to be able to control himself better. In a bag he has the clothes he wore the other day. 
Damon lets him in and welcomes him with a smile.  
Bojan knows Damon is afraid of him, he can smell his fear in the air and feel it in his heart beating faster than the usual. He harnesses his predator’s instincts with all the strength he has. He doesn’t want to be intimidating. 
They sit, Damon on an armchair, Bojan on the couch. They are far from each other. There’s silence between them, both are nervous. But Damon talks first. 
"Look, I'm still a little scared. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's human instinct, right? You'd think there was something wrong if I wasn't scared." And Bojan, who remembers what it feels like to be preyed on, nods.  
"But I've also gotten to know you. I've gotten to see you. I think you're a good person. And I think you're just as scared of what you are. Maybe even more."  
Bojan nods again. "This thing...it's like this monster inside me that I have to control. A demon."  
"I know a little something about having a demon inside me," Damon says and Bojan's eyes widen. Oh. "But you find ways to control it, right? To cope. A support network, friends who keep you from falling."
Bojan nods again. "Kad neman tebe, sa mnom su moji demoni," he says. "It's from our song. 'when you're not with me, my demons are with me.' My friends are there for me, and they keep the demons away."  
Silence falls again between them. Well, at least for Damon. Bojan’s ears are dominated by the constant beating of Damon’s heart, the blood pumping in his vessels that sings to him, calls him. 
Damon breaks again the silence and asks one basic question. "Do you want to talk about it?" 
Bojan sits straight, his body stiffens. Damon is curious, but his vampire instincts allow him to recognize the stance of a prey that's trying to not look nervous or scared.  
Should he talk? Should he tell him how he got turned? Should he explain to Damon why he snapped during the photoshoot? Should he really allow himself to be this vulnerable with a guy he barely knows? 
But Damon, poor little scared human Damon, seeing that Bojan doesn't talk, asks him another question, trying a new way to communicate with him.  
"How should I approach you? Like, are there movements or stuff I should avoid doing to make you feel more comfortable? Or words, I don't know. I don’t want to trigger any negative reaction in you." 
Bojan then starts talking, even if he's hesitant. He explains that his senses are much sharper than a human’s, so he's bothered by strong noises, intense lights, very rich smells, but for a brief period of time he can resist.  
"How do I smell like?" 
"I beg your pardon?" Bojan is really confused. Why that question? 
"How do I smell like? How's my scent?" 
Bojan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, focusing on Damon. The scent of fear is slowly disappearing. "It's sweet. Comfortable. It makes me feel safe, in some way," and it’s tempting, but he keeps these words for himself.  
And there Damon smiles widely. "That's perfect, because I have something for you to wear, honey." He gets up and takes this stripped and fluffy black and white piece of clothing from a bag next to the armchair. "This is my favourite sweater. It makes me feel safe and I'd like you to wear it," and stands up, gets closer and hands him the sweater, which of course is soaked in Damon's scent. 
Bojan's brain stops working because, well, he didn't expect this reaction. Damon, still afraid of him, is asking him to wear a piece of clothing that makes him feel safe. Some sort of peace offering.  
I want you to feel safe with me, even though I’m still scared. This is how Bojan reads this gesture. His hearts almost melts. 
He grabs the sweater and smells it, inhaling his scent and shivering. He quickly takes off his jacket and shirt, then wears the sweater. It’s warm and fluffly and soft. He’s immediately enwrapped by Damon’s scent. 
“It suits you,” Damon says, giggling. 
“It’s a nice sweater,” Bojan replies, nodding and hinting a shy smile.  
The vampire is really feeling safe with it on. He wasn’t afraid of Damon per se, he’s not dangerous, it was the photoshoot that made him feel too vulnerable and made resurface bad memories. 
Damon, seeing that Bojan is lulled by the comfort of his sweater, tentatively suggests "if you're comfortable with it...I'd like to photograph that side of you, too. Not for the public, of course. Just...for us. Photography is how I get to know someone, and that's a part of you too."  
"I don't want to scare you," Bojan admits.  
"I'm already scared. But that doesn't matter. I want to know you, all of you."  
Their eyes meet, prey and predator, human and vampire, two creatures completely different but similar at the same time. And Bojan feels some kind of connection with Damon, something he haven’t felt since the first time he saw his bandmates after the transformation. 
In the end Bojan agrees to this, tentatively. But he wants Kris to be there with him, just in case. Kris knows exactly how to calm him down. He will know what to do or say if he loses control. 
“You won’t need me, you're not going to lose control," Kris says while looking at the vampire. "Even if he does smell extra tasty."  
"How do you know that?" Bojan asks.  
"I know you," Kris replies. "I know that when you inhale his scent, you want." 
Bojan diverts his look and starts fidgeting with the hem of his sweater. Well, with Jan’s sweater. Having his bandmates clothes on helps him relax and push back his anxiety, so it’s easy seeing him with clothes owned by the others. 
A couple of days later Bojan it’s time for him to show that side of himself to Damon. Kris is with them, just to reassure both human and vampire.  
Damon's obviously still scared, Bojan can smell it. But he doesn't run away when Bojan changes his appearance in front of him, sharp claws and fangs, eyes of the purest and the most intense red ever seen.  
Damon admires this version of Bojan, stunned by his beauty. He looks Bojan in the eyes, and gets close, and takes those photos. Beautiful photos that capture not just the 'monster' inside him, but also the fear, the uncertainty, the angst Bojan is consumed by. How he doesn't want to be the monster. His red eyes on display and a look of sheer terror on his face...which is quite a photo, because predators don't usually look terrified. That's reserved for preys.  
Kris observes silently and not so far away from them. He’s worried more for Bojan than for Damon. He knows how much this photoshoot is testing Bojan’s self-control on his vampiric side and memories. 
And that’s why after the shooting Bojan needs time to decompress, to relax and make his human side come back to the surface. Kris, who was there the whole time, helps him, with tender words whispered to reassure him, caresses and kisses. 
Damon observes them, silently. Bojan is a predator, he could kill both of them and they could do nothing about it because he's faster, stronger, he’s built to hunt and murder his preys, to feed on them, just like a lion or a tiger. Now he’s so vulnerable, so human. 
But that scene is so intimate, so caring, Damon almost feels he's third wheeling. Kris trusts Bojan with his life because he’s keeping the vampire’s mouth so close to his neck, he’s letting him inhale his familiar scent while running a hand though his soft hair. 
Damon decides to ask another question, because in the end he's curious to know about Bojan and his kind. He saw vampires portrayed on the screen, many variants, but he's different. He's a real vampire. 
"May I ask one thing? You don't need to answer, if you don't want to." 
Bojan looks at him, fangs no more visible but eyes still a little bit red-ish.  
"Yeah, sure." 
"What's the most intimate act your kind can perform with a human? Like, how can a human show to a vampire that they fully trust them?" 
"Feeding," Bojan answers after a short silence. "Feeding directly from the neck or the wrist or any other body part. Giving freely the permission to take something as vital and as important as your blood." 
"So do you...feed on your friends?"  
Damon's starting to put two and two together. The way Jan had wanted a turtleneck on during his photoshoot. The way Jure had put his photoshoot off for days claiming to be "sick." Were they covering for the bite marks, then?  
Bojan gets a slightly panicked look on his face, and it's Kris who answers.  
"Yes. With our consent," he reaches for Bojan's hand, squeezes it. "We trust him, and we know he'd never hurt us."
Bojan gives him a shy smile, thanking him for baking him up.  
And Damon thinks about that. How intimate they all are with each other. How clearly trusting the other boys are around him. He's been around them all, seen how they cuddle, how close they get to him, how none of them is scared. Remembers Bojan resting his head on their shoulders, or face-planting into their chest, realizing he must have been smelling them, hearing the blood pulse beneath their skin. And they hadn't skipped a beat, hadn't been scared for a single second. He's never seen them too-pale, ashen-faced, too drained of blood and energy to function. Clearly Bojan is careful, never takes too much, and they trust him.  
And he realizes he trusts him too.  
"Would you like to feed on me?" He asks.  
Bojan is obviously hesitant, his entire body stiffened, but Damon immediately adds "it's how a human shows trust, right? Letting you feed. I'd like to do that."  
"I - " Bojan is hesitant because he wants. He wants so much. He hadn't been lying, Damon smells so good. He's so drawn to him. He's thought more than once about that beautiful pale neck, about sinking his teeth into it. He’s salivating, savouring Damon’s taste just by smelling him from afar. 
"Kris should be there," he says finally. "Just in case. He knows what to do if I - if I lose control."  
"Are you likely to lose control?" Damon asks.  
"No," Kris says before Bojan can even open his mouth. "He's never lost control, not since I've known him."  
He can hear Damon's heart beating, so, so fast. He's nervous. But that heartbeat also calls to him, all that blood beneath the pale skin. He wants. He wants so much. He craves it. 
Bojan can feel his eyes changing colour and his fangs becoming sharper. He's struggling to control himself, but he manages to not jump on him right away. Damon’s sweater on him isn’t helping much his self-control. He focuses on Kris heartbeat, slower and more familiar, to keep him grounded. 
"It's better if you sit down on the couch. The first time can be overwhelming for both," he suggests.  
So Damon and he take place on the couch, Kris follows them, sitting behind Damon. He holds him, a comforting, warm, human touch.
"Do you want to know what you'll feel?" Bojan asks, looking the photographer in the eyes. 
One side of Damon wants to know it, so he can at least be prepared, but the other one doesn't. No, he wants to dive into those feelings, experience them without any anticipation. He then shakes his head.
"Where do you want to bite?" he asks then. 
Bojan's eyes, now as red as blood, lower and stop on his neck, so pale and so alluring. He feels like a moth attracted by the light of a lantern in the middle of a night without moon, so captivating but so dangerous at the same time.  
Kris notices Bojan’s look, where it’s laying, so he puts his hand in Damon's hair, tilting his head back for Bojan, an offering. His gesture is forceful but gentle at the same time. 
Bojan leans forward, closes his eyes and kisses Damon’s neck before sinking his fangs in his skin and then deep in his flesh. When the first drops of blood touch his tongue, he moans intensively. Damon's blood is so delicious, much more than what he expected. 
Without even realising Bojan straddles Damon's laps and pushes him until he's completely laying on Kris, the vampire on top of him. It feels like ecstasy. Bojan is so used to feeding on his friends that he forgot the pleasure of unknown blood running down his throat. The bond creating between the vampire and the human. The pure sense of trust of letting a creature like him taking away something so important. Damon's blood is singing to him and he could write both melody and lyrics based on what he's feeling in that moment.  
He’s too lost in it. He's drinking and drinking and it's addicting. Until Damon starts getting dizzy, eyes feeling closed, and it's Kris who warns him. 
"Bojči." Then, more firmly. "Bojan."  
And Bojan pulls away reluctantly, dazed, eyes a little glassy, panting with his mouth open and dirty with blood, that's also running down from his lips, dripping on Damon’s white t-shirt. 
"Fuck," he breathes. "Damon."  
Damon, half-dazed himself, looks up at Bojan, and he sees the fangs and the red eyes but all he can think is how beautiful Bojan looks. His perfect profile, those beautiful features, like something out of a novel, and the blood and the shadows just heighten it. He reaches a weak hand up, traces his cheek, murmurs a feeble "you're beautiful."  
Bojan leans forward then, licking the last drops from the wound, licking it closed, but then staying there, breathing in Damon's scent, placing a kiss where the wound had been. And when he moves away, so that he can look at Damon again, Damon's hand has found its way into his hair.  
And he doesn't know who moves first, but suddenly they're kissing. They're kissing and Damon is moaning and Kris is there, holding Damon, his hands find their way under Damon's t-shirt, tweaking a nipple, which makes Damon gasp into Bojan's mouth. 
Bojan breaks the kiss so reluctantly, resting his forehead against Damon's, murmuring "fuck" a second time. He wants, he wants everything.  
Vampires can give different types of bites. The ones given when the vampire wants only to feed are violent and brutal, but the ones given when a human offers his blood and shows his trust...well, those ones are truly intense and can cause great pleasure, both in the vampire and the human. 
Bojan notoriously has great self-control, but Damon is really testing his limits. He is scared but at the same time he wants to give in to his instincts, to the taste of pleasure he got from possessing Damon in that way. He wants to possess him totally, in every aspect. 
"Kris, I want more," he reverts to Slovenian, his mind is clouded and thinking in English is really hard. His voice sounds more like a growl. He raises his head to look Kris in the eyes. 
And Kris recognises the longing in Bojan's red eyes, the desire, the craving. He experienced on his own skin and body the frenzy that blood can cause on a vampire and on the human they feed on. 
Damon in the meantime starts kissing Bojan's neck. He wants him too, that bite made him feel all sorts of things, from deep pain to intense pleasure. He expected it to hurt, not to be aroused by it. 
Kris wants them too. Maybe it's a sick kink but observing Bojan feeding and moaning because of the blood always awakes something in him.  
Kris then kisses Bojan, his lips still dirty with blood, basically giving him the permission to continue what he was doing with Damon. 
Bojan grabs Damon’s face with a hand, gently diverting it from his neck, so he can kiss him on the lips deeply. His fangs touch slightly Damon’s lips, making him shudder intensively.  
They undress him, soon after their clothes end up on the floor too. Bojan kisses Damon all over his body, tasting his excitement and making him whimper. In those brief moments of clarity, Damon can see that Bojan and Kris are used to do this together, so he completely hands over the control to them. 
Oh, the sex with a vampire is even better than drugs. Bojan knows perfectly where and how to touch Damon to make him whimper and moan. He bites him in specific points on his body, liking the wounds right after to not make him bleed out.  
Kris joins barely, just to kiss Damon sometimes or to make Bojan tone down what he’s doing, to not make him completely give in to his instincts and do something he will regret.  
They all reach their climax at the same time, Kris almost untouched, the view of Bojan carnally possessing Damon was enough for him. They all collapse on the couch, panting and shaking because of the pleasure they just experienced. Damon’s body is covered in bitemarks. Bojan is on top of them, his head is on Damon’s chest, eyes closed. 
Kris starts running a hand through Bojan’s hair and plays with some of his strands. That simple gesture can make him calm down and relax after some intense emotions. Damon imitates Kris, still a bit hesitant. And Bojan begins purring, just like a cat. 
“Is-is he purring?” Damon asks, surprised. 
“Yes,” Kris giggles. “He loves when you touch his hair.” 
They keep cuddling Bojan as he slowly gets back from the high of the intercourse.  
“It was a photographer who turned me,” he suddenly talks. He decided to explain to Damon why he reacted in that way during their first photoshoot. “She approached me when I was barely 20. She bewitched me, oh-she was stunning, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” 
“A photographer?” Damon asks. 
“Yes,” Bojan raises his head to look him in the eyes. He grabs one of his hands and intertwines their fingers. “She thought that I was the perfect muse for her work. She kept taking pictures of me for a couple of years, she fed on me, then turned me against my will, just because she wanted that my beauty lasted forever. Even turned I was helpless, I couldn’t escape, she had full control over me.”  
Damon gently caresses Bojan’s cheek, trying to comfort him. He can see the distress he’s feeling while telling him about his past. 
“You don’t have to tell me-” 
“I want to,” he interrupts him. “You trusted me, you showed it to me, and this is me showing you I trust you. The only people that know my story are my bandmates.” 
Damon nods slowly in response. Bojan is showing his other vulnerable side, the moment he lost his humanity to become a demon of the night, a monster that feeds on people to survive. Bojan then keeps telling him his story: how important he felt when he was with her, how he liked her attentions, how she basically tricked him into letting her feed on him and then turn him into this monster, how she dragged Kris into the picture and how they eventually escaped from her. 
"I killed her."
“You...killed her?” 
Bojan nods. “She was seriously threatening Kris. He is part of my nest, and no one can hurt him. So I snapped, she couldn’t control me anymore and I killed her. I don’t regret what I did, she deserved it.” 
Silence falls once again among them. Damon is clearly trying to process that piece of information. 
“Vampires are protective of their nest. They are social creatures, just like us humans, and they will do everything to protect the people they care about,” Kris explains.
“Am...am I part of this nest, now?” 
Bojan nods. “Yes. I know that we can't be always together, but I’ll make sure no one touches you,” he kisses Damon on the lips. “You accepted me for who and what I am. You are important to me.” 
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abbysimsfun · 1 month
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 15 (Finally Exploring Brindleton Bay and It's Raining)
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For Father's Day, Heather's dad, Neal, visited with Holly and the family dog, Bernadette. Even though the weather in Brindleton was overcast and rainy, he wanted to help Heather make time to explore her new surroundings while also getting a much-needed visit with her.
They took the small ferry from the docks at Cavalier Cove to Deadgrass Isle, where they explored the local history museum and school just off the dock.
"Oh wow!" remarked Holly, reading a plaque under a statue of an anchor. "It's not just fishing that brings so many strays to the bay. Did you know there was a huge shipwreck almost a century and a half ago? The Brindleton lightkeeper died and the fire went out in the lighthouse. It caused a shipwreck, and all the passengers were dogs and cats whose litters have populated Brindleton ever since!"
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"I read about it, but I wasn't sure I believed it," admitted Heather. "They never found a captain and they don't even know the name of the boat. It was probably a fishing boat that crashed on the rocks when the Brindleton Light went out. I figured that brought more strays and created a local legend."
"You always overthink the fun stuff! You're not in school anymore, Butts," laughed Holly, truncating Heather's nickname to tease her the way her siblings always had. "You can believe the impossible sometimes - no one's going to grade you down if you do."
Heather glanced out over the bay as the tale of the Landgraab Curse pecked at her subconscious. If the impossible was possible, then the curse could be real. But she didn't want to believe it. "And you could get your head out of the clouds every now and again, Daffy!"
Holly crinkled her nose. "Why did Dad's nicknames have to have nicknames? Daffodils are beautiful, Daffy is a duck!"
"Your brother's first word was 'butt,' so he was bound to discover Butts and Daffy sooner than later." Neal chuckled at the memory, tossing a ball Bernadette could chase onto one of the isle's many beaches.
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Neal had gone grey recently but had taken to dyeing his hair, and he raced after Bernadette and her ball without concern for his aging frame. Having been warned by their mother that their father was still coming to terms with getting older, his daughters refrained from mentioning the spot of hair dye staining his earlobe.
They were there to explore and spend a nice day together. Holly fished from the beaches while Heather explored the old pet cemetery, and Neal travelled south toward Lighthouse Point.
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A bronze plaque on the white stone warned 'Beware of Dog.' Neal brushed his hand across a dusty window but the lights inside the former living quarters were out. Thick cobwebs lined the inner walls. No one was around.
The lighthouse was supposed to offer gorgeous views of the bay on sunny days, but he climbed the winding flight of stairs to the top and his view was clouded over from the rain. The township installed an electric bulb with a back-up generator after the wreck. It could be seen for miles every single night, and he winced as it passed him on the platform. A dog barked, and he glanced back toward the ground.
"Bernadette! I better not find you chasing squirrels!"
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He headed back down the stairs and rounded up his energetic dog before he found his daughters chatting with excitement.
"Are you kidding? Of course I'll be your maid of honour! But your wedding's next month! Why didn't you ask sooner?"
"Kris and I aren't really into traditional wedding stuff. We just want a fun party and even though I want you to support me on the day, I don't want you to think it'll be some big job."
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"Even if it was, I'd do it, but I appreciate you, Daffy, and nothing would make me prouder than being maid of honour when you marry the man of your dreams. And the first thing I'll do as your maid of honour is promise not to call you Daffy on your wedding day!"
After a great day on Deadgrass Isle, they caught the ferry back to the mainland, where they docked at Fisherman's Wharf to check out the Salty Paw. The tavern had an open-door policy for family pets, and they ordered drinks to take to the outdoor patio.
The skies had finally cleared, leaving the night air thick with the scent of fish and petrichor.
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"So how's Mom?" Heather asked with drink in hand. Neal and Holly rolled their eyes in unison.
"She's on another one of her quests again," said Neal with an exasperated but loving sigh. "She's searching for magic beans to grow a forbidden fruit, but Holly made her promise she wouldn't do anything crazy - like turn herself into a PlantSim - before her wedding day."
"Aren't rare seeds like that really expensive?"
"They are, but your mother works hard and can afford it. It's not the money I think about, it's the obsession with completing these goals for plaques and recognition, and now she wants to reward herself by turning into a plant! What's a man supposed to do with a plant for a wife?"
Holly leaned toward her sister and spoke under her breath. "Water her garden, I guess." They both laughed, and Neal blushed.
"That's enough," he chastised. "I miss when you girls were so young you didn't know what a euphemism was."
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They laughed together under the lights over the wooden pier until they all masked yawns with tired smiles and returned to Heather's neighbourhood, Sable Square.
"Care to join us for a walk to the footbridge and back?" asked Neal. "If I don't tire out Bernadette she'll try to open the car doors on the way home."
Heather joined easily, breathing in the cool night air and satisfied by how much of her new home she'd finally been able to explore. "You both know how much I overthink love and relationships, but am I nuts for thinking Malcolm's been distant since his mother's dinner party?"
"Is he ignoring you?" asked Holly.
"No, but we never really talked on the phone and his texts are...I don't know, they feel different. Like maybe he realized I'm not what he wants, after all. We're both really busy with work, and we won't even be able to see each other before your wedding."
Neal put a comforting arm around her shoulder. "Long distance relationships are just hard. If he was having doubts, I'm sure he'd say so."
"You love your independence, and you're a business owner!" Holly reminded her, hyping up her sister with a pep talk. "You are literally The Boss. If Malcolm doesn't realize he should disown his mother and live happily ever after with you, Watcher help him."
With a renewed sense of confidence, she waved off her family as they piled into the car for the drive back to Henford-on-Bagley.
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As usual, Heather tried not to dwell on her insecurities, throwing herself into work for a welcome distraction. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 1 Summary | Gen 1 Start
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1galaxia369 · 10 months
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Okay guys, I see a lot good energy radiating from you. You've finally let go and you finally realized that the treasure is within. Alot of you are out here chasing crazy (but attainable) dreams. I love that for you, there's been so much pressure on you to be normal and do the right thing but there's no such thing. When you you force yourself into that box you become unhappy and restless. The stagnacy creeps in after and then the financial issues. You have to constantly stimulate yourself, you are a creator, you create. You are not meant to get up and do the samething everyday over and over. It's the reason you feel so depressed and confused, you don't have a creative outlet or anything fun to look forward to. Honoring your inner child is important to you, all work and no play will make you a sad and depressed mess of a human being. I understand Saturn being your ruler but so is Uranus, there needs to be a balance between practicality + hard work and Creativity + eccentricity ( like come on you never been able to fit into society...standing out is your thing). You use to be so creative and fun, what happened? You let societal expectations stop you again. You were never meant to be Kris that wears a gray suit everyday and works in corporate, you're the rich eccentric artist that spends their day doing crazy spontaneous things who dresses like they belong in a movie. I'm just trying to tell you that your success and happiness comes from the same thing you try to lock away--your individuality!
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You are really out here mad at yourself for not being able to do what everyone else is doing even though it makes you unhappy. That makes no sense, why do you have to change your self to fit in? why can’t everyone try to be themselves? Society is set up to keep everyone living the same story. You are here to create your own! Nothing you do will ever be normal, the way you are will never be normal and it's time to embrace that kid. Once you finally make this decision to honor yourself then you can finally see some movement in your life. The universe will be blessing you never endingly, people will be coming to you to bring you support and harmony. These new connections will be people who love you for you and will encourage you to embrace your individuality. You might have went through most of your life without any support or someone to clap you when you achieve something but this support is coming through for you. You deserve this praise and support you're a star and remember that. There's going to be success in whatever you are working on at this moment, this project or goal has been something you have been working on for a while now, results will start to finally show up and there will be a positive outcome. Of course it's successful, you worked hard on this and you agonized over it but most importantly, you stuck with it and disciplined yourself. Congratulations!
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Take the next step. It's time to go full in, get your pen and paper and start planning your next steps. I promise you, success is waiting for you to take the leap. Some of you are honing your skills for perfection and professional use. Some of you are in school, or planning to go back to school for a new skillset, some of you are practicing new techniques, self teaching new skills, enjoying your talents, whatever it is pursue it. It will be beneficial to you at this time, use it to further your self or invest into what you really want to do. Remember that you're here to do great things. You are bigger than what society has to offer hell, you're bigger than what this world has to offer. Some of you are a about become mentors & guides, oracles, astrologers, spiritualists, healers, practitioners, open up spiritual businesses or open a place of healing. You guys are here to guide and heal, people want to break away from this unhealthy society and you are here to help them. You are here to show them another way of life is possible. All of this can be triggered by you making the first step, out of society and chasing your true desires and dreams.
I recommend working with crystals, you have a lot of major things happening you need some support (rose quartz,pyrite, citrine,garnet, carnelian, obsidian,rainbow flourite, clear quartz,selenite). Smudge if you can and clear out any energy that makes you feel low. (palo santo, cinnamon stick,frankincense, incense). Go out in nature you need to interact with the natural energies that mother nature has to offer
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patchwork-crow-writes · 11 months
Additional Thoughts on Kris x Ralsei
This is a continuation of a collection of posts entitled "Thoughts on Kris x Ralsei", which are... exactly that. This series has already covered topics such as:
How Kris and Ralsei's roles in the story and game mechanics of Deltarune contribute to promoting their romantic arc;
How the game takes advantage of a player's knowledge of RPGs to create cute moments between them; and
How the relationship is being pursued irrespective of Kris's - or the player's - wishes on the matter.
If you would like to read any of the other posts in this series, below is a handy TOC that will point to all the posts that currently exist:
Part 1: And They Lived Happily Ever After Part 1.5: I Believe Your Choices DO Matter Part 2: A Pair of Star-Cross'd Lovers Part 2.5: In Another World, We Could Have Been (Just) Friends <- (You Are Here!) (Future parts to be added as they are written))
Part 2.5: In Another World, We Could Have Been (Just) Friends
Okay, so I've already talked - at some considerable length - about the Acid Tunnel of Love scene. But there is a really fascinating aspect of this part of the game that I didn't touch on in Part 2, because it wouldn't really have fitted there, but which I feel sheds some considerable light on the intention of this sequence.
But first, we need to talk about Parallel Universes.
...okay, FINE. It's actually the cut content from the Tunnel scene (link to Youtube displaying the options, courtesy of OrdinaryDeltarunePlayer2001.)
If you're not familiar with what this is, here's a quick primer: essentially, an earlier version of the scene would have had Ralsei ask Kris who they were thinking of, with the selectable answers changing depending on who you gave the present to earlier in Chapter 2. When selected, Ralsei would talk a bit about that person, in terms that would suggest that he is fully supportive of Kris pursuing a romantic connection with the person in question. An option existed for Susie, Noelle, and even Berdly... but NOT, crucially, for Ralsei himself, despite the fact that he can be the receipient of the gift as well.
Instead, there was another option that would always be present, which read "Thinking of you". Selecting this option would have Ralsei react... as you'd expect him to. But the interesting thing is how quickly he sweeps it under the rug and moves on to the next point in the conversation. Almost as if he doesn't take it seriously, or doesn't believe that he's a valid option in this instance.
(incidently, if you DID give Ralsei the gift, and try to select the alternative option, it will not work properly and completely skip to the next scene without any reaction from Ralsei at all... which means they either didn't get round to programming his reaction before they decided on the present scene, or they realised that it would be redundant (not to mention on-the-nose) to have two versions of the same dialogue option here)
So... what does this say about the present incarnation of the Acid Tunnel segment, or about Kralsei in general? Well, one thing it DOES say is about how we as players would have been given more freedom to pair Kris with any one of their friends, and perhaps would additionally allow us as players to more closely align ourselves with their own wishes and desires (which given all the positive attention she gets from them, would likely as not be towards Susie), while also potentially taking Ralsei out of the dating pool and into a more "agony aunt/confidante/cheerleader" role to Kris.
In addition, there is the "?" option at the top of the dialogue box, which effectively amounts to a "mind your own business, nosy goat". This would have worked effectively as a "don't care" option for people who... well, didn't care about any sort of romance centered around Kris, as well as giving them a way to assert their right (and perhaps desire) for privacy. Though it is interesting that Ralsei does default to mentioning Susie after this, I believe that's to make the link to the next topic of the scene.
However, there would have been a few problems. For one, it would have allowed players to throw a wrench into Suselle, right at the crucial point that that nascent relationship starts to take off. If, after all, we would have chosen either of Susie or Noelle at this point in the game, we would have an expectation that that pairing we chose would come to fruition, rendering the ferris-wheel scene right afterward devoid of a significant part of its purpose and weight.
(Not to mention that allowing either Kris or the player any real choice in this matter would run entirely counter to the whole "your choices don't matter" thing Deltarune has going)
Whether for these reasons or otherwise, we instead ended up with the Kralsei (and Suselle) show. Which means - at some point, a choice was made to initially present the player with options, which was then wrested away and replaced with what is essentially an on-rails dating simulation, which, if we're lucky, only one of its participants doesn't actually want to do. Within that context, it's difficult to see how people can refute the notion that the game is forcing Kralsei to happen.
But again, the question looms: WHY is Deltarune doing this? What is the game trying to say? What does our reaction to all this say about us, both as players of video games and as people who consume narratives and fictions for entertainment or escapism?
Uhh find out in part 3! Coming... whenever :P
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
Kralsei is first of all, as we all know, gross as heck! The only problem I don't have is him being a goat monster because well.. Toriel and Asgore, Kris' parents and... well... most obvious example not really best example, are both goat monsters... But Ralsei looking the same as Asriel immediately makes it gross again! And the thing with Ralsei is... we have no idea on anything with him, is he sorta like a Darkworld version of Asriel, what Kris wishes they could be, a support/tutorial character MADE to be that by Gaster or whoever else? Basically, no option makes it good... Very gross, we just can't know the details, but it's just... overall weird, and gross. Also for both characters it is NOT healthy. Both def are having an identity crisis as the time of Deltarune. Ralsei being a darkner with his purpose and the prophecy... Kris being literally unable to consent to it because of us, actively seeming just.. kinda uncomfortable with him.... But something I find absolutely fascinating is how the game DOES put them together in "romantic" situations! Ralsei so often offering to hug, Ralsei being so nice, to amount of options to be especially nice, and Ralsei bending over backwards to be nice... It's all just... concerning. The game puts the two in a romantic light at times, and following these... Definitely does not help. Kris cannot set boundaries nor consent and the most worrying thing is... Ralsei may know that? And also... Ralsei may not be appealing to Kris in these situations. Maybe trying to make the player like him? It's weird and Kris is put in a very uncomfortable position with 0 control... Kralsei follows the theme of lack of control! It's interesting and... parallels the romantic tones of a certain route...
It's a forced romantic thing, pushing Kris and Noelle together, taking advantage of Noelle's trust, and putting Kris under distress because you're curious, because you want to see more of Noelle and don't care about Kris... Looking at Kralsei it's similar, most people like the cuteness of it, look at how nice Ralsei is! Oh I just loveeee Ralsei, and Kris well, they're the main character, the protagonist, our self insert, so it's fineeee! And in this... ignores Kris. This meta narrative of how Kris and Ralsei are pushed together in the same way weirder ships are shipped, and especially paralleling Chara X Asriel. Kralsei is fascinating in the way that it's terrible for both. Kralsei is gross as hell, and fascinating in the same way Snowgrave's Kris X Noelle is! And while I... avoid all that, because again, gross as hell, it's fascinating.
Kralsei is gross, fascinating in a macabre way, and parallels Snowgrave's Kris x Noelle, and more meta wise but Chara X Asriel in Undertale
I'm nodding. abt asgore and toriel also being goat monsters, papyrus mentions them looking alike, but it's easier to brush this off when They Don't look alike in a lot of ways. they just Are the same species. ralsei's hatless sprites Really resemble toriel and (ut) asriel with the horns and Just Fur Not Hair. noelle says he looks like asriel and until we see him in deltarune, I'm inclined to believe her. plus the His Name Being An Anagram For Asriel thing. but also yeah i. don't care fro kri/selle. i actively do not like it in snowgrave settings. I don't understand people's deal w wanting to put kris in bad romantic situations like this. i do feel like the game has something to say about it but the fanbase just Is Not listening.
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