#bc i definitely will still be writing stories that include kris if the story calls for it
daybreakstorm · 10 months
i mean, i have to ask since it will determinate whether i still follow you or not but what do you mean by being an exo ot12 blog? do you still support kris after what he's done?
Ok this is a fair question.
I don't support kris. He's a scumbag.
However, I can't ignore the fact that he was a part of exo, and that there are times when I'll look at an older post of exo that still has him in it. I wouldn't, for instance, post his more recent music or videos, but if I see a post from, say, showtime that's focused on him and I remember that moment fondly, I'll still reblog it.
(I'll be honest, the tagging decision was more for luhan than anyone. Out of the three that left he's the only one that I was semi-actively following)
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Happy STS Morri!!! I hope you are having a good day/night!
@ink-fireplace-coffee here, so get ready to answer some questions if you don't mind me asking...
If you could only eat one (1) dish or food from All the Queen's Horses, which one and (if its a dish) what is it made of? why would you choose that one?
Do you have any alternative titles for ATQH??? Were you deciding in between more options?
Is there a favorite deleted scene you can show us?
Tells us about a time when you were proud of yourself bc of your writing
Give us 3 (or more) songs that you associate with Duncan
If Nora was a color/place/object/food/element, she would be...?
If you could insert any of your characters in any other universe (think books, series, movies, whatever) which character would you choose, in which universe and, would they be happy there?
tell us about the Moment (tm) when you decided to start writing! Not just this wip but ✨writing✨
Oooh, okay!!! This is fun!! Thank you so much for all the questions, Carmen!!
If you could only eat one (1) dish or food from All the Queen's Horses, which one and (if its a dish) what is it made of? why would you choose that one?
Hmmm... I honestly have no idea. There's these straberry jam pastries that Fallon loves, but doesn't eat much because they remind her of her mom, but the problem is...... I don't like strawberries. So, maybe I'd just want some very fresh hommemade bread, because I fucking love bread.
the rest under the cut!
2. Do you have any alternative titles for ATQH??? Were you deciding in between more options?
I am 100% sold on the title ATQH. I'm never going back. But, when I started writing it, it had a horrible, horrible temporary title that was abbreviated RTQ. (Romancing the Queen) I only even named it that temporarily because I needed to call it something other than "that story in my head", and all I knew was it was going to be a romance. Although I very quickly stopped thinking of it as anything other than RTQ, and sometimes I forget that RTQ actually stood for something, ajsda.
3. Is there a favorite deleted scene you can show us?
Not a deleted scene, but oneshots that take place in the wrong timeframe to be included! I actually have two!! HERE and HERE.
4. Tells us about a time when you were proud of yourself bc of your writing.
There was this short story that I wrote in 9th grade that I entered into a short story contest. My teacher (who was a harsh critic) said it should be in the top 10 for the contest. It didn't make it, but I'm still pretty damn proud of it! Maybe I should revisit it and post it on here... It was a really kind of strange experimental short story about aliens finding Earth, but all the humans are gone, and what they assume about us based on what we left behind.
5. Give us 3 (or more) songs that you associate with Duncan
Oh god, I don't know. I actually don't have a single song I associate with him. It's sad, but I'm really picky about my songs. They have to be spot on perfect or else I won't associate them to anything. I have songs for Fallon and Kris, and for the whole story/certain scenes, but none for Duncan. Which is TRAGIC. I love Duncan. He deserves better.
6. If Nora was a color/place/object/food/element, she would be...?
Nora is definitely purple. I associate her very vividly with the color purple. All of my characters have A Color, and hers is purple, adsjak. As for an element, I'm thinking water, since yk, she's a pirate, and also because water can look calm on the surface, but have very strong currents.
7. If you could insert any of your characters in any other universe (think books, series, movies, whatever) which character would you choose, in which universe and, would they be happy there?
Can I say our universe?? I really just want to bring Kris here and give him a hug, or Fallon and have her be my badass older cousin. Fallon would absolutely rock a pantsuit, btw. I think if she were here, it would be very freeing for her to not have the weight of being Queen on her shoulders. She'd find a way to make herself be able to do something though. Maybe she'd run for office, maybe she'd be a businesswoman, maybe she'd start a charity, I don't know. But she would do something, because she can't do nothing. And Kris would just be happy to be where Fallon is, and also he'd be happy to be out of Oryn.
8. tell us about the Moment (tm) when you decided to start writing! Not just this wip but ✨writing✨
Carmen, I'm going to be honest and say I don't remember. I've been writng my whole life. When I was in 3rd grade, I wrote 42 pages about the Titanic. When I was in 7th grade, I wrote an epilogue to a book we read in class and successfully predicted the plots of the next two books in the seires. When I was in 9th grade, I wrote that short story. But I was never able to get more than a few pages into something until ATQH. Before ATQH the only projects I had ever finished were short stories that were for class. Because I never was this invested. I don't remember learning to read (I taught myself and was reading road signs by 3.), and I don't remember starting to write. I've always done it, even if it was just making up random stuff in my head. When I was a kid, all my toys had to have plots. The lego girls knew a secret portal into the dinosaur world. The little animal figurines had very complicated politics. Everything had a story, I just didn't write them down.
Thank you so much for the ask!! And I'm sorry I don't have good answers for some of these.
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taechnological · 3 years
[🥂] get to know me tag
tagged by: kris <3 @calicooky also @jiminslight once tagged me in a 30 questions tag game similar to this too but I lost it bc I'm moronic pls forgive me ;-;
tagging: gahhh idk who has done it or not buttttt @mintagust @nvmguk @rmverse @kimchitae @kkulmoon @kimtaegis @kimtaehyunq @hobeah @textsfrombangtan as usual pls feel free to ignore this if u wish to uwu
when is your birthday? may 31st next year
what is your favorite color? blackred (yes that is one colour yes)
what's your lucky number? luck? what's that?
do you have any pets? i have a younger brother :)
how tall are you? ...........i'm not
how many pairs of shoes do you own? hhhh half of my stuff is at my dorm so i can't give u a definite number rn yikes hmmm but more than 8 i'm sure
favorite song? like choose one? i can't :O it's butterfly prologue mix lately tho
favorite movie? my attention span is too short to survive a whole movie in one sitting nowadays rip but uhhhh i used to like tangled a lot as a kid??
what would be your ideal partner? someone whose name starts with a "t" and ends with an "aehyung" and rhymes with "baehyung" but idk anyone like that so :/
do you want children? why would i want that omg
have you gotten in trouble with the law? i am the law u.u bow before me u.u
what color socks are you wearing? socks? in august? bro i live in a tropical country
bath or shower? cold showers hnnng
favorite type of music? if i like smth i just like it i don't care about the "type" uwu
how many pillows do you sleep with? like... 3
which position do you sleep in? starfish lmao
what don't you like when you're sleeping? when there's even one (1) single ray of light in the room i am sleeping in. i prefer total darkness. just like my soul.
what do you have for breakfast? one tall glass of milk and one peeled almond for idk what reason i just eat it
have you ever tried archery? no but now i wanna :o
favorite fruit? mango! ayeee
favorite swear word? "lol ok" works every time :D
do you have any scars? yeah this tiny one on my knuckle which i got from a huge fake dinosaur costume's teeth while i was on a dinosaur ride in a mall 5 years ago... true story
are you a good liar? will u be(lie)ve me if i say yes?
what's your personality type? mbti wise i'm an istj-a but i also qualify as a chaotic neutral so yeah that
what's your favorite type of girl? all girl are my fav type of girl except the girl who put other girl down for absolutely no reason other than trying to look better than that girl
left or right handed? right but i taught myself to write with both hands out of boredom back in 2017 but yeah no i'm still right handed
favorite food? if it's spicy then there's like 98% chance i'll like it
are you clean or messy? my room legit always looks like if u called me in the middle of the night and told me that we are fleeing the country in 10 minutes, i won't even take more than 5 to pack up literally everything bc I'm always ready to LEAVE (it's actually bc i live in the dorms so i leave home and return a lot)
favorite foreign food? taehyu-- *GUNSHOT*
how long does it take for you to get ready? like 25 minutes in the mornings (including waking up, brushing teeth and showering) but most of it is bc i have really long hair which actually take a lot of time to comb and like 10 min if it's any other time
most used phrase? "huh?"
are you a good singer? i don't think so
do you sing to yourself? nah i'm more of a humming to myself kind of person actually
biggest fear? not having a backup plan for smth
do you like long or short hair? LONG! i'm a hardcore long hair enthusiast~ i mean my own go down past my waist
are you into gossips? no lol my frens hate me bc i'm always never interested in anyone's business hhsgsj
extrovert or introvert? i'm active on tumblr,,, take a wild guess?
favorite school subject? mathematics :)
what makes you nervous? taehyung dropping kth1 without any warning o_o
who was your first real crush? like irl? idk man i have a shitty memory (definitely not dodging the question mhm no)
how many piercings do you have? one in each ear
how fast can you run? depends on what's chasing me
what makes you angry? that hybe keeps cockblocking actor jin e_e
do you like your own name? yeah my real first name is actually very pretty haha
what are your weaknesses? *bites lip* taehyung
what are your strengths? *winks* taehyung (pls don't block me) ok ok jokes apart i think my brain power is my actual strength no lie
what is the color of your bedspread? grey and white plaids :o
color of your room? at home it has blue walls, at my dorms it has... light yellow?? i think?? damn sae smh
i can't believe u made it till here??? how bORED ARE U LMAO??
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