#invisible draco fic rec
sitp-recs · 1 year
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3 Tacky shorts to read this week
I ran against time to get this post out before midnight ET but am still a bit late 🥲 I know T won’t mind so here’s my belated gift to my sun and stars, my first and dearest partner in crime @tackytigerfic! T, I have no words to describe how much I appreciate our friendship. It’s been so special to experience this fandom with you in the last few years. I love that we immediately hit off and share one stupid brain cell when it comes to these idiots; it feels like we’ve known each other forever and 24 hours (especially living so far apart) is not enough to talk fic, headcanons, kinks, squicks and all other irl and existencial topics with you. Navigating such a big fandom can be really scary but even when nobody knew me I’d never feel lonely, invisible or like I had to pretend to be someone else, because I had you by my side. Thank you so so much for being my safe harbour, my sicko soulmate, my confidant, my role model and my biggest cheerleader!
As I thought of new ways to celebrate your day I tried to remember which fics I hadn’t written a rec for. I came to realize that I was never able to put my thoughts into words when it comes to my 3 favorite short fics of yours. They got me in such a Drarry fever, a tingling incoherent state of emotional devastation that I immediately put away the idea of doing recs because there was no possible way to translate my raw, ugly and chaotic feels about them. I tend to do this with fics that leave me with the so-called hangover once I’m done; funnily enough, the last time this happened - when I read Lettered’s By the Grace - it was you who helped me get that rec out by reviewing it and cheering me along the way, tysm 🥹 now it’s time to respond in kind and share love for these short gems that I have the privilege to revisit every time I need some comfort food. Lucky me, it turns out my best pal writes the exact brand of tender romance that checks all of my boxes. You are a fantastic friend and such a brilliant, talented writer. I love and admire you, and I’m so proud of everything you’ve achieved. Can’t wait to see what comes next. Happy day T! 💜
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👩‍🚀 Far Side + Relic Radiation (M, 1.7k)
Draco goes into space, leaving behind his son Scorpius (who has just started at Hogwarts, at least), and his not-quite-boyfriend Harry Potter. But Harry can't stop loving Draco just because he's approximately 408km up, in constant orbit.
“You’ll kill that plant,” Draco said, and flicked a lazy charm over the pot with his fingers so the spicy smell of the lavender sharpened the night air.
“You’ll kill me,” Harry said, and Draco turned his face towards the darkened sky, lunar pale, his profile some stupid unearthly thing—a flaring blazar, a supernova—in the light from the kitchen window.
When I say the heart kick factor may hit you in the solar plexus when you least expect, this is what I’m talking about. I’ve obsessed so much over these 2 tiny shorts with single dad!Draco (one of the tropes Tacky does magic with, they are so disgustingly romantic and emotionally satisfying - gimme T’s dad!Draco anthology or give me nothing!!!) that I came up with a whole theory to prove these stories are actually connected. Whether I’m on the right track or just another delusional reader it’s yet to be seen 🤣 Draco’s devotion to baby Scorpius - and Harry’s gentle yearning for the both of them - does things to my poor heart I can’t quite put into words. Let that boy have his found family happy ending, damn it. Every time I reread these gems I get teared up and wish I could stay in this verse forever, watching Scorp grow while these two lovely men find each other time and again. To make your heart melt a bit more, check the breathtaking artwork by the one and only @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm. I cannot— *cries in Drarry*
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🏜️ Between the Power Lines (M, 3k)
For Harry Potter, all roads eventually lead to Draco Malfoy.
In New Orleans, they got drunk on Bourbon Street, and Malfoy danced on his own (arms bare, laughing; Harry could have watched him all night) and later on, so late it was almost morning, they let themselves into the St Louis Cemetery—Malfoy unpicking the lock so sweetly—and walked around until the sky was pink-edged with the promise of another day’s heat. Then they sat on the steps of a crypt, watched over by sightless eyes of the statue of an angel. She looked exhausted rather than sad, Harry thought, and that made a lot of sense when he thought about his own longstanding, dull-edged grief.
The best word to describe this (literally) hot fic is “atmospheric”. T does a flawless job building impeccable Americana vibes and packing so much story while keeping it 100% character-driven. I love the elegant, contained, confident writing, I love the evocative prose and how the mutual attraction bleeds through these quiet but intense road trip vignettes. The scenario is rich and immersive, the heat so palpable you can almost taste it, and the confession at the end is my definition of peak romance. A whole sensorial experience, both introspective and exciting, vibrant and melancholy, packed within 3k. Absolutely genius.
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🎯Aim For My Heart (M, 3.4k)
Harry's in love, Ron's in control, and Draco just wants a nice lunch. They say three's a crowd, but Harry doesn't always agree. Not when he gets to be in the middle, anyway.
Neither of them had asked Harry what he likes best about them, but Harry watches them and feels the sick curl of excitement low in his belly, like something lost and gained all at once, and he wonders what he’d say if they did ask; would it be mouth or hands or arse, the gleam of clean hair or the hidden scent of a freshly-revealed patch of skin, blue eyes or grey? He doesn’t think he’d tell them what he really loves the most, and that’s the fact that both of them have been his for such a long time, in one way or another, and he loves that he gets to keep them.
For reference, this will always be the Dronarry classic I refer to when I think about this ship. The way Tacky explored the implications and complications of a triad relationship in its early stages (I am so fucking weak for that mix of want, jealousy and vulnerability) combined with exquisite characterization is so well executed I could cry. Beyond that banger of a starting line (“Big hands,” Draco says, and blushes) that made me blush and squeal in delight, Harry’s POV is a triumph. He’s genuinely lovely and relatable in all his yearning and insecurities, soft and longing for both Draco and Ron. The ideia of him realizing that he gets to be loved by, and keep the two people he loves the most in the world, makes my heart burst with warmth. I can pinpoint all the small, quiet but meaningful moments that made my breath stutter and my heart beat faster. This fic is a masterclass in elaborating complex and conflicting emotions, while solving them with a light hand of tenderness and understanding. It is subtle but efficient and all-encompassing in a way that stays with you for a long time after you’ve finished reading. The perfect triad fic.
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liiilyevans · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love
Hello my lovely friend! Thank you so much for this sweet ask! It's really hard for me to choose which fics are my favs, but I think I've managed to narrow it down. In no particular order:
Invisible String - Bill/Fleur, E
I wrote this for Weasley Fest and I had the best time with it! I related to Bill a lot more than I thought I would as I was writing him, and I loved putting my own spin on Fleur.
Life's a Witch - Ginny centric, T
Another fest contribution! I wrote this for @hp-12monthsofmagic, which is still going on if anyone is interested! I saw the prompt and immediately thought of Ginny and being pushed out of Quidditch and how she might handle that. So, this little one-shot was born.
Uncharted Territory - George/Angelina, M
The fic that brought me back to the fandom. (@harryissuchalittleshit can take credit for this as well.) At the beginning of this year, I decided I wanted to get into writing more. I saw some prompts for fluffuary, and I said, ok, you're going to write at least a thousand words every day for a month. If you do that and you don't want to write anymore, then you can quit again. I didn't quit again and I'm so happy about that.
your heart was glass, i dropped it - Draco/Astoria, T
I love the way this fic turned out. I just loved building out pureblood society and pretending that I was there with Astoria as she was in Venice. Like who doesn't want to just jet off to Italy when the chance comes? I also really liked the character development that took place in this fic. It's just one that I'm really proud of.
Reunion is Sweet - Katie/Oliver, T
This is an older fix and honestly, it was just so much fun to write. The OG Quidditch team (minus Fred) are in it and there's laughter and drama and romance and drinking. It was a riot to say the least.
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andithiel · 1 year
Fic rec: Invisible Dragons
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Author: @uncannycerulean
Rating: Teen And Up
Length: 6,8k
Ship: Drarry
Content: EWE, Chance Meetings, Hebridean Blacks, Dragons, professor!draco, Mention of past mental health struggles and panic attacks, Post-War, Fluff, Open ending
Summary: Draco Malfoy teaches Potions at Hogwarts and successfully publishes his research in his spare time, when a letter delivered by a seagull upends his routine.
Rec notes: I had the absolute pleasure to beta read this gem of a fic. I loved the characterisation of Draco, a slightly cautious and worn out version, but with a sharp mind and need to give it an outlet. The interactions between him and his friends were spot on, and there was some really cool magical theory in this fic! The ending is pretty open but it’s also obvious that Harry and Draco have chemistry and that this is the start of something great. So exciting that this is the first published fic from this author, I can’t wait to see what they come up with next!
Read on ao3
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Hurt/Comfort - Drarry fic recs
Pt. 2
Statues Crumble by milkandhoney, xanthippe74(13k)
Between one war and the next, Draco has lost his parents, his home, and his menial Ministry job. All he has left is the secret (and anonymous) work he does to help Harry Potter overthrow another government—oh, and that statue he stole from the Ministry Atrium.
Five Little Things by bixgirl1(6k)
Harry was supposed to be good at this.
Isolated Thunderstorms and Scattered Showers by triggerlil(21k)
Post-war, Harry needs space. Everything is too much all at once, and time and time again, he finds himself pulling the invisibility cloak over his head, just for a bit of peace.
Returning for eighth year is hard, especially when you're considered a war hero, and your name is Harry James Potter. It's just that things go a little wonky when Harry starts following Malfoy, and finds that he can't (or doesn't want to) stop.
Still by alexmeg(7k)
Dating Draco Malfoy, Harry thinks, will mean being at arms length outside of sex. No unnecessary physical contact or displays of affection. He wants him anyway, inexplicably. Perhaps that is exactly the kind of person he should be with, someone who will never need Harry to kiss him first, because Harry doesn't think he'll ever be that person.
A week of somewhat forced but not completely unpleasant dinner dates with Harry Potter. A story by Draco L Malfoy. by QueenofThyme(13k)
The only thing stopping Draco Malfoy from being forced into hospital is a condition from his doctor to have dinner with someone every night. And one night he's desperate enough to call Harry Potter. And Harry Potter says yes.
With You, Always by acupforslytherin(14k)
All his life, Harry repeatedly hears one same calming tune in his dreams. No one seems to recognize the mysterious song, until one day, Harry catches Malfoy humming it when he thinks he's alone.
Reigniting Harry Potter (A Task For Draco Malfoy) by QueenofThyme(4k)
Harry Potter is depressed and won't leave his house, or his bed if he can help it. Hermione has the bright idea to send Draco Malfoy over, who is surprisingly gentler than Harry realised, and might actually just be able to reignite a spark in Harry...if he stops being an arrogant prat of course.
Drop Everything Now by parkkate(21k)
After accidentally bonding himself to Malfoy, Harry finds himself in an utterly precarious situation...
Disjointed heart by lovestillaround(21k)
Draco tries to take control over his life whenever he can. He does whatever is best for him. He protects himself in ways his parents didn’t protect him. He tries to minimise the discomfort he feels by avoiding most people, by covering himself up, creating barriers and putting up walls.
Maybe he has lost himself in it all.
Maybe he never really knew who he was in the first place.
A Light for Another's Dark by p1013(19k)
Every touch leaves a memory. For Unspeakable Draco Malfoy, this is literal. When Harry Potter goes missing, Draco is asked to use his ability to Read the memories embedded in the objects he touches to help find Potter. While following his trail, Draco’s only certain of one thing: what he learns about Harry Potter affects Draco's life more than he wants to admit, and, more worryingly, not just his life, but his heart.
A Little Wild, A Little Damaged by FrenchMarshmallow(17k)
It should have been simple. Get a hair cut, attend Ron and Hermione's wedding, go back to self-imposed exile.
Of course, nothing was ever simple in Harry Potter's life.
Lilies by AwfulGoodness(2k)
Harry makes a discovery when the eight years view footage of the Yule Ball, all the way back in fourth year.
Lilies had always been his favourite flowers, after all.
The Chains of Memory by oldenuf2nb(14k)
Harry is growing sicker by the day and Draco wants to know why.
The Two Days That Changed His Life by TheMightyFlynn(11k)
Draco believes he is happy with his current arrangement with Harry. A conversation with Pansy and Harry being injured force him to re-evaluate that belief, however.
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juuls · 2 years
Juulna's 2022 reading stats - fics and books too!
Wow, so many statistics and so little time! Let's see... what are the most pertinent and interesting ones...? Thanks to the @fanfic-reading-challenge I got to read some pretty interesting things this year! The new one starts soon. :D
How many books did I read?
177, wow! My goal had been to read 100 (you can set a goal for yourself and keep track on Goodreads, which is awesome) so I definitely surpassed that. I used HowLongToRead to get an approximation of how many words I read in books, and it totalled 16,700,982 words. Nearly 17 million! It's actually more than my total in fics, hah.
Do I have any favourite books I'd recommend?
Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett
Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan
The Women's War by Jenna Glass
Shake Hands with the Devil by Roméo Dallaire (genocide trigger)
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
Scythe by Neal Shusterman
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
The Last Watch by J.S. Dewes
Heck yeah I do! These books were amazing and had me reading any sequels I could, ASAP. For those with a limited budget, check out this free online library, Library Genesis, or your own library's resources!
Now let's talk about fanfiction...
In total, I read 15,832,562 words, 4,017 chapters, and 589 fics. That works out to about 26,880 words per fic on average. But what's the monthly breakdown of all that? Some of those words, chapters, and fics are ones I did not finish (yet), but I did count as finished those WiPs which I'd caught up with.
The least I read in a month was 470,293 words in April, with 22 fics read. Not even sure what was going on with me back then. The most I read in a month is actually December! I attribute that to me finishing off or at least reading as much as I can of some long fics on the back burner. Also, there were a lot of WiPs which had updates in December, and fics I'd been reading a little at a time month after month, which I finally completed. So yeah, I read 2,030,497 words in December, fairly closely followed by October. Pretty sure I was just drowning out the lack of light these last few months. :P 7/12 months I read more than a million words, and 4/12 months were over 1.5 million, plus those labelled incomplete for both those stats.
I read 137 different romantic pairings which were the main relationship(s) of the fic. I also read 49 distinct fandoms. I definitely dug into my past and some of my favourites from when I was a kid! It was quite neat, actually!
But okay, so this is definitely getting a little dry. Here are some of my favourite fics from this year (and I may make a few rec lists from my much larger 'favourite list')!
How about some fic recs?
Red are the BEST of the best.
Knock Three Times by Jellyneau, TenRose (Doctor Who)
I sung of chaos by Sadhippie, Sansa & Cersei frenemies (GoT)
This Time, We'll Do Better by LadyTP, SanSan and others (ASoIaF)
Conqueror by mardia, Darklina (Shadow & Bone)
The Empress, Robed in Sun by Anonymous, Darklina (Shadow & Bone)
And all that's best of dark and bright by kaaterinapetrova, Iron Family (MCU)
System ID: J.A.R.V.I.S. by valdomarx, Stony (MCU)
Kudos by StonyFan1918 by RiaRose, Stony (MCU)
she swallowed the shipwreck between her ribs by justanotherpipedream (Marvel x The Witcher)
It's the Little Things that Matter by TunaFishChris, Wanda & Tony (MCU)
create / detonate by pprfaith, WinterIron (MCU)
ink and paper prayers by kitsunerei88, Chedric (Potterverse)
Three Wizards and a Baby by Lizzie_carlile, Dramione (Potterverse)
Bring Him to His Knees by Musyc, Dramione (Potterverse)
Phoenix Rising by Peanutbuttertoast, Dramione (Potterverse)
Chronos Historia by In_Dreams, Dramione, Bloody Baron/Helena Ravenclaw (Potterverse - Founders era)
Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse by rizzlewrites, Dramione (Potterverse)
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Falling in Love by isthisselfcare, Dramione (Potterverse)
A Marauder's Plan by CatsAreCool (Rachel500), Harmony and Sirius & Harry (Potterverse)
What Would Matilda Do? by hansolo, Harry & Hermione (Potterverse)
Face On the Milk Carton by dyslexic_penquin, Theomione (Potterverse)
The Shattered Marque by Kryptaria, Johnlock (BBC Sherlock x Kushiel's Legacy)
The Intergalactic Scuttlebutt Club by Moonbeam (luvsbitca), Spirk (Star Trek: AOS)
Living in the Now by Alethia, Michael Burnham/Christopher Pike (Star Trek: Discovery x Star Trek: Strange New Worlds)
Gotta Love The Little Things by AquaWolfGirl, DarkJediStormPilot (Star Wars)
It Takes a Village by rightforlife, Reylo (Star Wars)
Sky Marked Souls by AnonymousMink, Reylo (Star Wars)
This Bolder Life by darkrose, Telesilla, Teyla/John/McKay/Ronon (Stargate: Atlantis)
Pegasus Non-Verbal by igrab, McShep (Stargate: Atlantis)
Written by the Victors by Sperenza, McShep (Stargate: Atlantis)
we are the raven and the ghost by Itar94, McShep (Stargate: Atlantis x His Dark Materials)
How Rue Became the Mockingjay by aimmyarrowshigh, Everlark (The Hunger Games)
Value by didoandis, Geraskier (The Witcher)
We Drift Inside Each Other (All We Need is One Another) by newtypeshadow, Stuckony (MCU x Pacific Rim)
An Unexpected Malfoy by RiverWriter, Dramione (Potterverse)
The Black Family's PR Nightmare by elphabalives17, The Black Family (Potterverse)
Heart on my Sleeve, Joy on my Cheek by freyjawriter24, Geraskier (The Witcher)
Sorry for the lack of Tumblr handle tags, I can only link 50 things a post now!
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underburningstars · 2 years
Self rec time! Rec one of your fluff fics, one angst, one multichaptered, one AU and send this to your favourite writers 💖
Thank you @anemicc-royalty for sending this to me! <3
histoire sans fin
G, Drarry
He doesn’t mind most things these days, actually–the world is tinted a little more pink now, and he’s pretty sure that it’s because of–
clandestine meetings and longing stares
G, Jegulus
James waits until his friends' breathing even out to take out the invisibility cloak and leaves the room. He doesn't bother taking the map because he already knows the way to his destination by heart. His heart knows where it belongs.
E, Moonseeker
Remus' life has always been simple. He has good grades, friends he loves to death, a boy he's smitten with, a less than simple relationship with his father. Nothing was out of ordinary, just like every other high schooler.
But a school field trip changes that forever.
everything, in time
Modern Royalty
E, Jegulus
He always knew that his parents would arrange his marriage with someone they deemed worthy.
What he didn't know was this marriage could have place for love too.
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moaning-riddle · 2 years
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I posted 151 times in 2022
6 posts created (4%)
145 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 145 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#drarry - 58 posts
#tomarry - 40 posts
#draco malfoy - 36 posts
#harry james potter - 31 posts
#drarry fic rec - 30 posts
#tom riddle - 17 posts
#hp fanart - 15 posts
#harry potter - 13 posts
#fic rec - 13 posts
#fanart - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 69 characters
#came across an earlier jegulus post of mine and remade it for my boys
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 24/29 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Theodore Nott/Harry Potter, Theodore Nott & Harry Potter, Susan Bones & Harry Potter, Harry Potter & Theodore Nott & Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Theodore Nott, Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood, Minor Characters Additional Tags: Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Wandless Magic (Harry Potter), Smart Harry Potter, Slytherin Harry Potter, Slytherins Being Slytherins, Dark Harry Potter, Morally Grey Harry Potter, Harry doesn't like most people, He just wants to be left alone, and he is - but only until 4th year, Harry and Theo are not good people, Susan tries to be the voice of reason, Asexual Harry Potter, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, (not that Harry cares), Dry Humor, unhealthy relationship, they will get better, eventually, whether Harry is actually Aromantic is up to interpretation, Character Death, Crossdressing, Harry occasionally disguises himself as a girl Summary:
Harry Potter of number four, Privet Drive, had always known he was different. He could move things without touching them, could make them float in the air and fly across the room. He could make objects invisible or burst out in flames. He could make them change their appearance. He could even light fire in his hands and it never burned him. He could also talk to snakes. They liked talking to him, but they never stayed long. In short – Harry Potter had a Gift.
In which Harry is magically gifted and maybe just a bit darker and possibly a touch too indifferent.
This Harry gains a different friend on the train, is sorted into a different house and ends up as part of a different trio that is certainly not golden but not exactly silver, either.
2 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Potter & Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort Characters: Harry Potter, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Abraxas Malfoy, Walburga Black, Lestrange Sr. | Tom Riddle's Schoolmate Additional Tags: Morally Grey Harry Potter, Dark Lord Harry Potter, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Not romance-centric, but it's a slow fucking burn, Slytherin Politics, Slytherin Harry Potter, Non-Linear Narrative, Moral Ambiguity, Smart Harry Potter, Psychopathology & Sociopathy, Animagus Harry Potter, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Dark Harry Potter, no beta if i make a grammatical error my friend just shows up at my house and eviscerates me Summary:
Eyes are the window to the soul. This is why legilimency requires eye contact and can delve so much deeper than mere surface thoughts. Similarly, occlumency shields the mind, and for those with soulsight, the vision of the soul too.
And Harry Potter, even as he is born to James and Lily Potter, has the eyes of a dead Dark Lord in the bright green shade of the Avada Kedavra curse.
They could only explain it as Lily's eyes, even though hers never pierced through one's very being or simmered like a live ember.
After all, they could not possibly imagine the truth.
Or: Harry is a dark lord reincarnated. Featuring backstory™ and two idiots who think the best way to resolve burgeoning feelings is murder.
14 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Luna: I'll have a coffee as dark as my soul.
Draco: she'll have a cup of milk.
28 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
3 am
harry, half asleep and looking for food: what are you in the mood for?
tom, smirking: world domination.
harry: huh, that's a little ambitious in this ungodly hour
tom: you're my world.
harry: that's nice
harry: oh-
228 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*in the Slytherin dormitory*
Pansy: Draco, why are you naked? Snape wants us down in the Great Hall in ten minutes.
Draco: ...i don't have any clothes
Pansy: what rubbish! *opens the closet door* there you go- shirts, trousers, hi Potter, coats, shoes
271 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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moonflower-rose · 2 years
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I posted 951 times in 2022
37 posts created (4%)
914 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 58 of my posts in 2022
#rosie answers - 13 posts
#my asks - 12 posts
#fanfic ask game - 6 posts
#drarry - 3 posts
#jason momoa - 3 posts
#my fic - 2 posts
#lamen - 2 posts
#curators on tumblr - 2 posts
#that ass - 2 posts
#god damn - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#and i absolutely can smell specific things like ploughed earth and oncoming rain and wet cement and hay
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ugh you’re back
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22 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
I’ve forgotten how to do any tumbling, but hello strangers, I made this:
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36 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Do you have to be so rude? I'm not the person who asked for recommendation, lol. I was just curious about sitp-recs opinion on the matter. You just insulted two people for literally no reason. Are you okay?
Lol mate are you? I do indeed need to be rude, I really do. And my care factor for whether anons get insulted by it is immeasurably small.
People who use the various anonymous features of various platforms to be dicks to other people are the ones who are the dicks, you see.
If we all meekly say nothing about it, we’re kind of saying that behaviour is fine and normal, and that we accept it. So the people who do it keep doing it from behind their invisibility cloaks and experience no consequences, while the people receiving the asks (and other forms of anonymous message) who generally are just trying to live their lives and create things to be shared and enjoyed by their community, continue being hassled and miserable, and feel undermined and lose their confidence.
I could have just sent that whole rant of mine as my own anon ask and @sitp-recs may or may not have answered it, and had a go without the shield to protect me from attracting the attention of people like, well 👀…but I prefer to put my name to my opinions. You know, unlike, well 👀
This next bit isn’t really for you, because I suspect you know all this and you just get a thrill from doing the anon thing and you won’t really absorb anything, so just cover your invisible eyes or something.
For the others reading: some of us laugh and post ‘rude’ rants about stuff like this and it doesn’t affect our confidence etc, but how many times have we seen nasty asks on our feeds, answered by some poor person who needed fandom to be a place of solace, maybe be the only place they can really express themselves in the way they want to…and then some cockwomble comes along to give them a hard time about whose penis goes where or whether they’ve interpreted a character with a different racial background than is usually depicted, or any number of choices they made in the thing they created for free in their leisure time, whether fic or art or a rec list? ‘Why didn’t you include THIS fic’ or ‘why did you make Harry shorter than Draco’ or ‘why did you make it so dark because I hate dark!’ Again I ask these entitled anons, why do you think you’re entitled to anything from any fandom creator when you’re not paying? There’s no contract for services rendered here.
Or maybe that person is, I don’t know, trying to enjoy a game where people ask them what they like from a proforma list of questions that everyone and their auntie is playing, and they simply answer honestly that they don’t enjoy the specific trope - let’s say, fluffy established relationship fic or ‘innocent and soft’ so-and-so - very much. They’re just trying to enjoy interacting with their fellow fans. And someone comes along and tells them that what they enjoy is RUDE! And WRONG! And up for DEBATE. And then it happens dozens and dozens of times a week, for people with large followings, and absolutely sucks the joy out of being part of fandom. And those poor buggers start to feel like maybe they’ll just stop doing rec lists or posting art anymore, or will stop writing for that fandom and focus more on another one they’ve been getting into. Now the anons have spoiled it for the creator and their devoted audience. All because some folks want to be able to be dicks without suffering any consequences.
Does that sound enjoyable? Maybe you like it, I don’t know your life. You’re hiding behind your invisibility cloak, so I never will. But I suspect you don’t because you also came all the way over to whinge to me about it, that you didn’t like what I said and you found me rude. If you’re not really the person who asked for the rec (insert ‘sure jan’ gif here) then you’re someone who took an opportunity to have a little jab when there would be no direct consequences for you.
Let’s pretend I believe you asked in good faith. You could have gone off anon and just privately asked. You could have stayed on anon and said ‘hey about your prior answer, I’m curious as to whether you feel a sweet and innocent character can ever be complex and flawed as well?’ Or something to that effect. But that’s not what you did. If you didn’t mean it to come off as a challenge to defend rather than being interested in exploring more in conversation, then here is a handy lesson for you! Communicating intent is the responsibility of the sender of the message! That’s what tone of voice and body language is all about! And when those things are absent, it’s on you to try harder to convey those things! And you didn’t nail it this time.
Anyway mate, why do you care what I think? I just follow @sitp-recs likes thousands of other people. Let it go! Nobody knows it was about you anyway.
44 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
I wrote this for @hd-erised 2021!
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The softest thing I think I’ve ever written?
66 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Inbound rant, coming in hot
You people who send anons to harass and provoke.
It’s time to have a good, hard look at yourselves. I know you won’t, but it’s time you did.
There is absolutely no point in wasting precious energy explaining why there is no correct top/bottom configuration, or that, in fact, penetration is not actually necessary for a ship to be valid. Because you already know that. You’re aware. 
It’s pointless to mount a defense of preferences that people may have as readers or writers. BECAUSE YOU ALREADY KNOW.
If you and I are both walking down a street, and I’m wearing something that you don’t like to wear, or that you don’t like the colour of, or that you think is an unflattering look on me, and you stop to tell me ‘hey I hate cargo pants and I’m offended that I have to look at you wearing them’ - YOU are an asshole. Nobody but other assholes would argue that you’re not. 
If I open a shop that sells only crab cakes, and you don’t like crab cakes, and you come into my shop again and again to shout at me that you don’t like crab cakes and the mere existence of my crab cake shop sends a message that all other cuisines can go fuck themselves and causes trauma to those people who prefer boiled rice - YOU ARE THE ASSHOLE. And also, a fucking idiot. Why are you in my shop? Please go somewhere else! The boiled rice shop is literally right next door.
Mummy and Daddy and your nonbinary godparent are in the bar having a well deserved cocktail, it’s time for good kiddies to stay in the ballpit where you can scream and howl and run around with other kiddies to your hearts content. We can both enjoy our own fandom spaces in our own ways. Sorry not sorry if you don’t like the way I’ve infantalised you, I could have said we’re enjoying a cocktail at the crab cake shop and you’re enjoying a lovely hot bowl of boiled rice at the boiled rice shop, however since this category of anons insists on acting like fucking toddlers, you’re in the ballpit. Hope nobody pissed in it. Unless you’re into that.
94 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mojoflower · 7 years
‘Involuntarily Invisible’ Fic Rec List - various fandoms
and with thy lips dispell this curse by paranoid_fridge The Hobbit, Bagginshield, no rating, 10k
In a word where neither the One Ring nor the Arkenstone exists and all survive the battle, Bilbo encounters a strange, magical creature while helping to evacuate Dale for the coming winter. He thinks nothing of it initially – but then he watches his own arm pass through solid wood and sees Thorin’s eyes widen in fear and call for him.
“I’m right here.” Bilbo wants to say, but cannot make a sound.
Not when he has been cursed to disappear.
Wow, turning invisible involuntarily is some scary stuff...
Invisible Man by shinkonokokoro Merlin, Merthur, Teen, 25k.
"You are capable of more?" "More? Your majesty?" "More types of spells. More brain cells as well?" "Yes," he hissed. "Protect yourself." "What?" "Carl, shoot him."
Getting captured by Uther doesn't quite have the results Merlin expect
Lovely story. Modern royalty au, if you will, where, instead of executing Merlin, Uther makes him play invisible bodyguard, with a lot of emphaisis on "You no longer exist." Merlin is terribly amiable, which is funny, and doesn't actually manage to keep his mouth shut when he bodyguards. Arthur creatively names him Voice.
In Visibility by cat_77 Avengers, Clint Barton, Teen, 14k.
He was used to slinking in shadows, hidden from sight. This was just ridiculous, really.
In Plain Sight by oldenuf2nb Harry Potter, Drarry, Mature, 38k.
Draco Malfoy had stopped believing his wishes would be granted long ago. He could perhaps be forgiven for being startled, then, when one of them came true.
Lovely: the Board decides to do away with the Slytherin House and Hogwarts fights back. Meanwhile, Pansy is terribly injured by a curse and that makes Draco the last Slytherin standing. "He's the last," the voice tells Harry. "There isn't much time." Draco starts by using a disillusionment Charm, but it quickly becomes involuntary invisibility. But Harry's watching, and doesn't want him to disappear entirely. UST, although it isn't sex-heavy at all. There are some shining bits, however, like this bit, after Draco's injured and somewhat stoned: ******** “And that mouth…” he exhaled slowly. “Such a pretty mouth, Potter. Such a pretty, pretty mouth. Makes a man want to grab handfuls of your horrible hair and kiss that pretty, pretty mouth until it’s all soft and puffy and swollen.” Malfoy abruptly released the hold on Harry’s jumper and smoothed the bunched fabric with his hand. “I mussed you,” he noted, his eyes drifting closed and the smile returning to pull at his lips. “I mussed Potter. Although, Potter is usually mussed.”
Harry was frozen in place, staring at Malfoy’s face, his heart racing. /What the hell had that been?/ he thought, finally pulling back. Malfoy must be heavily drugged. It was the only explanation for what had just happened.
In Time of Trial by Merlin, Merthur, Mature, 37k.
Uther fears his son's power, and Merlin has helped Arthur flee to escape imprisonment. Now the two of them must fight to regain Arthur's rightful place in Camelot.
Wow, what a fantastic story. 36k words never went so fast. This is the one where Uther's old friend Aelfric comes to visit and slowly drips poison into his ear until he's convinced that Arthur is going to try to depose him and take the crown. When he orders Arthur to be taken to the dungeons as a traitor (and killed on the spot if he struggles), Merlin races ahead of the guards to rescue Arthur. (Luckily, he's been practicing a spell that makes things invisible. Unluckily, he has to spring it on Arthur with no warning at all and convince him to be silent and still while the guards search his room around them.) And thus is magic revealed.
The pair go on the run, and eventually settle near Tintagel, where all the Druids live, and begin preparations to fight back. Arthur allows himself to act on his attraction to Merlin (I'd rate this an M), perhaps because now that he sees that Merlin is a powerful warlock, he sees them as being equals. Also, there's no doubt of Merlin's loyalty, considering how they got out of Camelot.
This isn’t focused on the involutarily invisible aspect, but it does deserve a mention.
Merlin's Moving Castle by KrisEleven Merlin, Merthur, Gen, 49k.
As a result of some very unfortunate decisions, Arthur Pendragon, king of Camelot, is cursed by Morgana (also known as the Witch of the Wastes) and becomes fully invisible to anyone who doesn’t possess magic. Forced to abandon his kingdom, he begins his quest for a remedy to his unfortunate condition and comes across the quite charming - and even more annoying - Merlin who may be the only one able to save Albion, if only Arthur can convince him to try.
What an amazing story. I kind of expected a rehash of the Howl's Moving Castle plot (which would have been fine, as I adore the story), but instead the author used only pieces of it and built something entirely new and totally belonging to Merlin and Arthur and their world from the show. There was a surprising amount of action (Merlin first meets Arthur during a fight and flight) and it culminates in an enormous battle. But in between, it's Arthur, learning to be patient and getting to know some new people... learning about the world through their eyes. It's just beautiful.
Unseen by astolat Harry Potter, Drarry, M, 11k.  Not so much involuntarily invisible as voluntary and fucked up, but damn it’s fucking gorgeous.
When he wasn’t wearing it, he got jumpy, always waiting for someone to come at him wanting something—and now they did it even more urgently, if they ever saw him, because most of the time, nobody did.
What it says on the tin, really. Draco is the only one who notices that Harry has turned himself into a ghost and is "haunting them all before his death". He carefully takes the Cloak, just for 24 hours, challenging Harry to see if he can do without it. Of course, Harry's never heard a challenge from Draco that he hasn't immediately and fiercely accepted. But it's HARD. As Draco, in a weird combination of rude and kind, coaxes him through the week, Harry learns to be seen again, is shown how to protect himself, and finds himself falling for Draco.
we are tangled by drunktuesdays Teen Wolf, Sterek, T, 6k.
"Derek was at your house?" "For like ten seconds," Stiles said. "I'd say it was weird, but is anything about Derek ever not weird?"
Invisible by chappysmom Sherlock,Johnlock, Gen, 86k.
John had had the knack for as long as he could remember.
It wasn’t that he could become invisible, exactly. The laws of physics worked quite well in his vicinity, thank you very much. It was just that people tended … not to see him.
Not involuntary, but my first invisible fanfic, and I adore it.
Who said that? by coconutcranberries (orphan_account) Teen Wolf, Sterek, Unrated, 33k.
Stiles has a very unique superpower, in that he doesn't exist. He's invisible, untouchable, unhearable-is that a word?-and just not there. He feels like a ghost most of the time, although he can't walk through walls (he tried, the wall took offense and his nose paid the price) and he can still trip over his own feet. He blends perfectly into the background and no matter how hard he tries, nobody knows he's there.
It's a lonely life, he's not gonna lie.
But suddenly something changes. Stiles is part of a group project which includes probably the most explosive combination of people in his class. These people don't notice when he waves a hand right in front of their face-how could they when he doesn't exist? The possibilities are endless.
Oh, this is going to be so much fun.
Such an interesting idea:  Stiles' power is to make himself not exist... AT ALL.  So from the time he's 8, he's vanished from everyone's awareness, all records deleted, everything.  Only his dad can see him (and even that is periodically unreliable).  But then suddenly, Derek sees him one day, which starts a chain of events that leads to him feeling hopeful once again about being able to interact with the world.  It's kind of tragic, I mean, think of the loneliness, the skin hunger, the sense of abandonment involved in being non-existent for 8 years.  But it eventually works out.
I have not read these yet, so read at your own risk:
The Invisible Man by Faith Wood (faithwood) Harry Potter, Drarry, E, 10k
Sometimes unforeseen side effects aren't the worst thing that can happen to a person.
The Invisible Iron Man by AnonEhouse Avengers, Tony Stark, Teen, 24k. Due to a lab accident Tony becomes an Eccentric Billionaire Hermit Philanthropist in Iron Man 2, joins the Avengers and becomes good friends with Steve without ever meeting him face to face. 
we can go wherever we please by stitchy Sherlock, Johnlock, Teen, 13k.
John is invalided home from Afghanistan, but instead of developing a limp- he becomes invisible.
"You can see me?” “I see everything,” he claims.
To Walk in his Shoes by SassyFanGirl Merlin, Merthur, Teen, 5k.
When a magical enemy of Merlin's decides it's high time Arthur found out about Merlin's magic, he sets a spell forcing Arthur to be bound to Merlin. There was a catch though, Merlin couldn't see him. So Arthur is forced to be Merlin's shadow for a day. He never expected to see this though. The magic was a surprise... But this? Can Arthur get himself visible in time?
Whisper by ace (alia_castiella)  Teen Wolf, Sterek, Gen, 2k.
Stiles yawned and crawled out of bed, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. They felt strangely gritty for some reason. It was then that he remembered the odd blue cloud. He trudged toward the bathroom and opened the door, expecting to see his reflection covered in sparkly powder. Instead, he saw... nothing.
(Or, Stiles is invisible because pixies are freaking annoying.)
He That Rides Unseen by Vulgarweed The Hobbit, Bagginshield, Explicit, 6k.  Not involuntary:
There is much more to Bilbo than meets the eye – especially on those occasions when none of him does. Thorin has faced down his fears on so many truly dangerous occasions, he will not shrink from the mere uncanniness of being seduced by someone he can't see. A fandom-specific kink: sex with the Ring on.
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dewitty1 · 2 years
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Fic Recs Wrap Up - May2022
The Paradox of Active Surrender by korlaena & Saulaie @korlaena @saulaie
When Draco shows up as a suspect in a murder case after eight years of no contact, Harry has to balance his professional life and his past friendship with Draco. As suspicion mounts against him, Harry knows he has to keep his distance, but Draco makes that difficult when he starts claiming that they have a Life Debt to settle. Harry wants to trust him, but what is he hiding and where has he been these long years? Rec Post
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop
Harry doesn’t mind that so many Slytherins from his year have returned to finish their NEWTs, really he doesn’t. It’s just – do they have to be so friendly? He’s not prejudiced, really he’s not. It’s just – they’ve got to be up to something, right? Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
When he’s hit by an illegal love-spell though, Harry finds he has more to worry about than whether or not Blaise Zabini actually wants to be his friend. For if everyone affected has been blessed – or cursed, by the look on Malfoy’s face – with a magical tattoo revealing the name of their soulmate, what does it mean that Harry’s skin remains completely bare? Rec Post
Let’s not wait for France by gnarf @gnarf
All Harry had wanted from his Eighth year at Hogwarts was a little peace and a little privacy but, from the moment that he stepped onto Platform 9 ¾, it was obvious that nothing was ever going to be that easy.
An accidental bond with Malfoy that resulted in them having to stay together at all times was the final straw.
Things couldn’t be worse. So much to a quiet year in Hogwarts. Rec Post
Currency by blythely, circetigana
Harry wasn’t at school any more, nor was he fifteen. He was a successful merchant banker with a flat to die for and an owl who loved him. And he wasn’t going to get into a pissing match with a stick-fiddler who’d always driven him mental. Rec Post
Always by Ischa  @ischa-posts
In which Draco is the (in)famous erotica writer H.J. Belladonna, writing successful scandalous novel after successful scandalous novel and hiding his true identity, and Harry is questioning his sexuality after reading one of Belladonna’s books. Until ten years after the war their paths cross again, and Harry doesn’t only question his sexuality, but also the meaning of his obsession with Draco Malfoy.
“You look like something my cat dragged in,“ Blaise said from the sofa. Draco’s sofa, in Draco’s tiny flat.
“You don’t have a cat, because you’re too vain, Blaise. A cat would get hair all over your expensive clothes,“ Draco replied and then ignored Blaise in favor of going into the kitchen to get some hot sweet tea into his system. Maybe that would make his day better, even if it had just started and the potential for disaster was high.
Blaise followed him. “I’ll take one too.“
“You can’t use my home as your personal hotel, Blaise,“ Draco said, but he was already grabbing two cups out of the cupboard. He was too tired to use magic, after writing the whole night, he felt like all the magic had been absorbed by his parchment. Some of his sanity maybe too. Rec Post
Liar by jad
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy always preferred the worst of each other; unfortunately, they had better halves. Rec Post
Take All That You See by GallifreyisBurning @gallifrey1sburning
Draco Malfoy has only two goals for his eighth year are Hogwarts: 1) stay as invisible as possible, and 2) get enough NEWTs to be accepted at a university abroad and get the hell out of the UK. Everything is going according to plan until he is unceremoniously outed by the Daily Prophet and subsequently disowned.
Finding himself the unexpected focus of unwanted attention and harassment, he is suddenly dependent on the good will and protection of the last people he would have expected — Harry Potter and his gang of do-gooder Gryffindors (plus Luna Lovegood). With his world turned upside down, how will Draco make it through the rest of the year? And worse still, as he grows closer and closer to Harry, how will he get out with his heart intact? Rec Post
Talk to Me by Saras_Girl
When the usual channels of communication are shut down, the most surprising people can find a way in. A strange little love story. Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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My Best Friend, the Serial Killer by trishjames @thusspoketrish
Draco’s best friend and flatmate Pansy Parkinson is a lot of things: she’s beautiful, intelligent, doting, and a bit unnerving…but Draco loves her all the same, even if he has to clean up after her bloody – ah, messy romantic breakups more than usual. He doesn’t mind, after all, what are best friends for?
But Draco starts to question just how far his love can go when Pansy brings home her next victim – ah, boyfriend, Harry Potter.
Heal Thyself by astolat @astolat
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.”
“What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
“Oh, I thought you might,” she said. “Well, goodbye.” And off she wandered again in her addled way.
What is this, fucking Jeopardy? by lumosatnight @lumosatnight
Draco is struck by a wayward curse of unknown origin and keeps trying to get Curse-Breaker Potter to help him. It’s rather frustrating that he seems to be so busy… and that Draco can only speak to him in questions. Draco’s at his wit’s end trying to get oblivious Potter to realise why he’s bothering him, and Harry won’t stop making obscure Muggle references. Like the last time, when he just stared at Draco before yelling “What is this, fucking Jeopardy?!” before walking away.
What Have You Been Hiding Under Those Robes, Professor Malfoy? by Booktopus @thebooktopus
After an accidental explosion in the Potions classroom, professors Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy have to utilize the emergency showers at the back of the classroom. Harry is surprised to find that prim & proper Draco is positively covered in tattoos. And… are those nipple piercings?
You can probably tell where this goes.
Eagles in Truro (Alt: That filthy one that snuck in a plot.) by Vukovich @vukovich
Hermione Granger just wants to get laid and maybe someday become Supreme Mugwump.
Ronald Weasley just wants to build a dubiously-criminal empire and hug everybody.
Harry Potter just wants... he's not sure, but it might be Malfoy.
Draco Malfoy just wants to survive the post-war world. And snuggles.
A story about four lonely people in a mineshaft in Cornwall, and blasting a home in bedrock when nothing else quite fits.
Hermione: Excuse me. This is a political thriller, but it's also how I ended up in a really complicated relationship.
Ron: It's not that complicated. And it's a love story.
Draco: He's right.
Harry: You always side with Ron. It's an action story. I got stabbed.
Draco: Sorry about that. But you're all wrong. This is art. And SMUT.
All: Oh...
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡
I hope you enjoy these as much as I have! Thanks, as always, for being here! ( ᵕ́ૢ‧̮ᵕ̀ૢ)‧̊·*
Happy reading, y’all!
xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Hi Liv,
Do you have any recs for outsider point of view? I read a recent one (from Astoria pov) which was really great (i can’t remember the name but it was from wireless fest, I think). And I absolutely love « Invisible » by Phoenixstrike. It’s short, angsty and a bit heartbreaking for Ginny but it’s a great fic.
Do you have any other fics you would recommend along those lines?
Thanks for all your work ! You are amazing.
Hi there! I think the Astoria fic you’ve read is the one by Sleepstxtic below - I don’t really read infidelity but have heard amazing things about this one so I decided to include other fics with this tag that I haven’t checked but might work for you. I don’t read outsider POV very often to be honest, but I hope you’ll enjoy these!
Aftermath of an Accidental Bond by @the-starryknight (2021, T, 1k)
When you took the Mungo's third shift, you knew there would be weird shit. You just didn't expect to find the most recognizable face in the Wizarding world shoved into a hospital cot beside Draco Malfoy.
Let it Come to Them by thestarryknight (2021, T, 1k)
From her position at her loom, Narcissa caught her son's lover slipping in through Draco's bedroom window.
I Don't Give a Crappuccino by @xx-thedarklord-xx (2018, T, 2.5k)
Ron already had a lot on his plate, what with working for Snape and all. He didn't need Harry and Malfoy making it worse. They really were the worst sort of customers. Of course, Pansy said it was love, but he wasn't sold on the idea. He just wanted to sell overpriced coffee, get through his shift alive, and avoid Pansy's matchmaking schemes.
Working With Them by Lomonaaeren (2013, T, 3.2k)
The newest Auror in the Socrates Corps, Isla Rudie, watches Aurors Malfoy and Potter at work and—well, at work.
Get a Room by @lqtraintracks (2015, M, 4k)
Harry and Draco have been seeing each other for six months now, and they really can't keep their hands off one another, especially when they get a little drunk.
so lie to me tonight by @bonesliketambourines (2021, T, 5.2k)
Ginny thought it would be different, after.
Florean Fortescue The Third by @queenofthyme (2018, T, 5.3k)
Florean Forestcue The Third or "GET IT FORTESCUE BOY" follows the story of the grandson of Florean Fortescue and his attempts to run his ice cream parlour in peace. When new regulars, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter, begin to shamelessly flirt with him, Florean the third uses his grandfather's famous flavours and his own quick powers of deduction to stop both customers bothering him once and for all.
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by @sleepstxtic-drarry (2022, T, 5.7k)
Astoria watches her husband fall in love with Harry Potter.
Need to Know by Saras_Girl (2013, T, 6k)
Some are born to matchmake, others have matchmaking thrust upon them, and all of this is Neville's fault, anyway.
Doer of Good Deeds by Lomonaaeren (2013, T, 6.2k)
Ron certainly knows how to recognize obsession when he sees it, thanks to feeling some of the same with Hermione. And he would rather that Harry's obsession with Draco Malfoy end sooner rather than later. Otherwise, Ron's afraid that he’s going to spend the rest of his life hearing about how ugly all of Malfoy's girlfriends are.
Maelstrom, the water told me by @onbeinganangel (2021, E, 11k)
Maelstrom (noun, /ˈmeɪl.strɒm/, from the Dutch maalstroom): 1. a large powerful whirlpool; 2. a turbulent tidal current; 3. an agitated and/or confusing situation or state of mind; 4. a magical core disturbance occurring on an adult, not directly caused by trauma
On the Couch by Frayach (2014, E, 26k)
It’s a Mind Healer’s worse nightmare to lose a patient to suicide, but Mind Healer Nick Nichols can attest to the fact that a murder/suicide is even worse. If only Dr. Freud had come up with a sure cure for love.
Normal is the Watchword by lamerezouille (2012, G, 30k)
This story is about love and family and yes, maybe it’s not supposed to be about Jamie exactly, but Draco and Harry are very stubborn and Jamie’s just a kid, you can’t expect him to completely extract himself from a story he’s actually living, right?
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dracosathenaeum · 3 years
AH omg do you have any peter x reader recs?
i think ive read more peter x reader fics than draco so i definitely have my tried and true for you <3
Far From You Trilogy by @hey-marlie
↳ my go-to comfort fic, i can't count the amount of times i've read this trilogy and all of its companion one shots. the chapters are like 15k words, the one shots a similar length. i mean this was written better than half the published books ive read, i really do consider this canon in my mind jahsgdjhagsdjhla
H’s Masterlist @duskholland
↳ the way i ATE their entire masterlist when i first found it. i think the practicalities of spooning is the fic i still remember the most and probably the peter parker one shot of theirs i revisit the most. my love of both tom and peter definitely originated from this blog/masterlist. also their mob!tom fics are god tier, and dont get me started on the hockey player!au 😳
M’s Masterlist @peterbenjiparker
↳ i mean, i made a whole other blog just to reblog invisible string  (at the time i was a solid draco only blog okay, lmao maybe ill re-reblog them here 👀). when i think of peter, i think of either avenger peter or college!peter and M owns him in my mind. i remember going through her entire masterlist in a night and just falling in love with peter all over again
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friendofhayley · 3 years
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It's back to your scheduled programming, with a multifandom monthly fic rec! My hyperfixations have taken it slow, so strap in for recs in multiple fandoms and ships that I read this month! Thank you to all the fic creators of every fandom for freely giving us the headcanons from your mind and fingers! This fic rec includes 14 fics from Harry Potter, My Hero Academia, the Witcher, and IT fandoms.
Drarry (Harry Potter)
1. A Crack In The Wall by facewithoutheart | Lily & Draco brotp - time travel - Potter crushes are a hassle - eventual happy ending - 38k
Hogwarts finds an unconventional way to heal the scars of war, using the power of love and a crack in the wall.
2. Bloody Knuckles by meshtams | I usually can't stand No Magic AUs but this one hits - trans boy Harry - the Dursleys are their own warning - side Wolfstar - 10k
Stonewall high and living with the dursleys... didnt work out, so when harry is adopted by his godfathers remus and sirius, and even better they are actually supportive of him, its like a dream come true, especially when his new school is so much better than his old one and he actually has friends there, but apparently it can't last. he's outed as trans to the entire school, and he has very few people on his side, but for some reason, Draco Malfoy, the boy who has been tormenting him since he started at Hogwarts, is completely silent on it. Until he isn't, and Harry has to re-evaluate his entire perception of him.
3. Reparatio by astolat | this is a classic that I recently reread - my favorite part is the lack of seduction before the sex haha - worldbuilding - misunderstandings - 17k
Draco snorted. “I’m not reduced to penury. I want something considerably beyond money, and I rather think you’re the only one can give it to me.”
“You want the Invisibility Cloak,” Harry said, flatly. He’d half expected as much; it was the only thing he had that Draco could want—
“Don’t be stupid, Potter,” Draco said. “I want my reputation back.”
Class 1-A Found Family (My Hero Academia)
4. Through Thick and Thin (series) by AoKoiClem | this series has it all: Bakugo & Midoriya omega friendship - Aizawa dad feels - genderfluid Yamada - CW: neglectful Inko - 12+ parts
Izuku isn't too sure exactly how to be an omega...so in the middle of the night while suffering and barely able to stand he goes to the one omega he knows that doesn't hate him.
5. katsuki's ua adventure (series) by wonhaebunny | this series has it all: Bakugo & girls of 1-A bonding - people standing up for Bakugo - Bakugo the feminist king - verbal take down of Endeavor by Class 1-A - 9+ parts
aka five times katsuki has his classmates' backs, and one time they have his + more
6. (Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder) FALSE by dragontrappedinhumanskin | Kiribaku ft. Class 1-A - they're pining and stupid, your Honor - be prepared for slow dancing and other cavity-inducing fluff - all the tropes - 46k
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fork is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?!
Well, turns out he never needed to.
Aiden/Lambert (the Witcher)
7. Pat-a-Cake by @inexplicifics | this ship is the closest thing I have to a hyperfixation rn and if Aiden is dead I will die - modern AU - mutual pining - love language of gluten free cake - 6k
Lambert, proud owner of Wolfe Bakery, realizes he's made a dreadful mistake: running a bakery means talking to people.
Aiden needs a job.
Sometimes, two problems solve each other.
8. The Viscount (series) by minutiae | Lambert gets the childhood he deserves - de-aged Lambert - side Eskel/Jaskier - non-binary Aiden - 2 parts
Post mountain, Jaskier has been traveling alone. It hurt to walk away, but being blamed for everything that went wrong in someone else's life was one step too far. He'd been a traveling bard for over two decades, both with and without Geralt by his side. He didn't need the witcher, didn't need much else besides his lute.
Destiny had other ideas, however. A chance meeting in a forest with a small, angry child gave them both a glimpse into a life they didn't think they'd ever have or want. But in adopting this feral kid, Jaskier finds himself irrevocably tied into a life he thought he'd left, with a family he didn't know he wanted.
9. A Cat Among Wolves by @inexplicifics | this fic has it all: misunderstandings of drastic proportions - a/b/o sex and cuddles - fanon hot springs - healing from trauma - 23k
Aiden is always far too thin and miserable in the spring when they meet up again, so Lambert invites him up to Kaer Morhen for the winter. Good food, good company, a nice warm bed, and the option of very good sex - what's not to like?
Aiden left the caravan and its brutal alphas as soon as he could survive on his own. He is heartbroken when Lambert suggests he come to Kaer Morhen to be the alpha Wolves' newest toy - but he'd do anything for Lambert, even this.
...There's a miscommunication in there somewhere.
10. Two wolves, a cat and a bard walk into a tavern by Beginte | Witchers are bad at feelings, surprise - side Geraskier - idiots in love - miscommunication - 6k
"Aren't you going to introduce us?"
A smarmy look crosses Lambert's face.
"Aiden, this is Jaskier – the famous bard whose songs make life easier for us witchers on the Path, the only person ever to win the Oxenfurt Academy bardic competition twice in a row. And this is his lover, Geralt."
11. The Kaer Morhen Book Club (series) by @jackironsides | this series has it all: the best concept - main Geraskier - Witcher erotica, bc if you don't want to sing praises, write something spicy - winters at Kaer Morhen - 1+ parts
It’s a tradition the three of them hold. Whenever one of them finds a book of the right kind, he brings it back to Kaer Morhen to share with the others. They keep the books on a shelf in the library that they inexpertly installed themselves. Eskel drags a chair up to form their little semicircle in front of the library fire. Lambert opens the first bottle of krupnikas. ‘Well?’ Lambert says. ‘Either of you find a good one this year?’
12. Songbird (series) by WhoopsOK | oh fic, how might I recount the ways I love thee? - Jaskier gets adopted by the Cats (+ Lambert) - poly relationship + found family - what-if fics in the universe - 3+ parts
A bard singing in the woods is nothing much worth paying attention to, he’s done it for years without interruption. So, he makes up a song on the fly—a very thinly veiled warning about conniving nobles and traps set for hissing creatures. It’s the best he can do.
Apparently, his best is good enough this time, because when he turns around to head back to his room for the night, he nearly smashes his nose into a witcher’s chest.
Reddie (IT)
13. the mind's a funny fruit by @joldiego | Eddie gains a family at the Farmer's Market while Richie stays traumatized - it's super easy to accept your gayness if you live with old lesbians - the ultimate queer fantasy: lose your identity and live in a B&B - the Turtle can help us - 22k
A man wakes up in Derry, Maine with no memory and a hole in his chest.
He names himself Richie and moves on from there.
14. RICHIE TOZIER IS...THE COMEBACK CLOWN by owlinaminor, tinypersonhotel | literally Richie just hanging with the funniest comedians (inc. McElroy family) - literally everything you never knew you needed - Tan France giving Richie a makeover? - fix-it - 11k
Griffin: You’re like, Richie, you’re like on a weird career roller coaster only you switched the ride up halfway through. Like, before it was a shirtty wooden roller coaster that you think is gonna collapse right as you get to the top of the big hill, but now it’s, like, sleek and has real seatbelts, and you can go upside down, and you’ll throw up after—
Richie: You’ll Throw Up After. Title of my Netflix special.
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sneverussape · 3 years
snape fic recs - old magic/epic worldbuilding
related to this post. i decided to dig through my bookmarks and wrack my brain for some of the fics i remember reading that scratched this particular itch. this will have fics that had the characters practice old magic and are more focused on the adults/hogwarts staff rather than the kids, or if the kids would be mentioned they would not be the main povs. these will be multi-chaptered, often long (and obviously au), and some of them have pairings. please heed the tags and warnings that the individual authors would have left; what you consume is your own responsibility. the fics are also listed in no particular order:
In His Name by moira of the mountain -  After the Final Battle, a fallen Snape is hidden, bearing Tom Riddle's last Unforgivable. There are three Secret Keepers and a Muggle healer to protect him, but will it be love - or an obligation - which finally frees him?  - no pairings // kinda brotp between mcgonagall, snape, and hagrid // also unfinished so fair warning. the lore is so rich though, it feels like how magic in hp should have been.
Death’s Dominion by MMADfan - Severus Snape’s life was changed when he was hit by an errant spell, and he comes to a decision that defies Dumbledore’s wishes. Even the fate of the wizarding world is altered by this ill-cast curse and Snape’s subsequent resolve.Long after the spell has dissipated, its effects continue echoing in the lives of Severus, Albus, Minerva, and Hermione, and they bring with them a shadowy figure whom Snape does not trust and whose motivations and influence on Minerva are murky. Not all is as it seems, and conspiracies and schemes swirl around Severus as he continues on his path of deception to his final confrontation with the Dark Lord. A “Light” fic of love, loyalty, and redemption. - mm/ad, ss/hg // this fic. is LEGENDARY. this is one of those fics that require your full attention and will eventually suck you in and spit you back out with your whole life changed. it will take you on a whole rollercoaster of emotions. the mm/ad pairing is quite an obvious one but the ss/hg is a subtle one and it’s more friendship throughout the whole fic than an actual romantic relationship. the ocs (a lot of them minerva’s family) are also SO well-made you’ll forget they’re not canon. 
FALLING FURTHER IN by kaz2 - Hermione begins to learn something of the man behind the dark sarcasms of the classroom. - ss/hg, also features wolfstar, brotp between the faculty and severus // this was one of the fics i had in mind when i did that last post about missing old hp stories. this was started in the early 2000s and the author had free rein on a lot of the material. flitwick and sprout are married here and are the cutest things on earth. it’s also set during the summer leading into harry’s final year so all the teachers are staying at hogwarts and are all good friends with each other. hermione is there as well because her parents had been murdered by death eaters and so she’s spending it with them. the way the ww is written here is so...epic, jkr couldn’t even. snape lives in an invisible tower called serpens tower, the teachers often go to a brothel-which-isn’t-really-a-brothel in hogsmeade, the other teachers often baby severus subtly because he’s the youngest, wolfstar are tolerable and remus actually learns to brew his own damn wolfsbane, etc. the story is in story format until near the end iirc and then the author outlines what happens next rather than writing it out. i can’t blame them; it really is a massive undertaking.
The Crest by sheankalor -  Dumbledore only holds partial say in who the Head of House is. Severus Snape is nominated as the Head of Slytherin, but has to pass a final test. Can he? Does he work well with the other three Heads of House? And just what is The Crest? - no pairings // staff fic // one of the rare one-shots but it’s in an au which feeds into other stories // i loooove the lore in this. it provides an explanation as to how a house head is approved by the school and i’m a sucker for any fic that has the faculty getting along.
Balance by rabbit and -v-Jinx-v - Hogwarts is under siege, and it's going to take everyone to find a way out of danger. - no pairings // brotp minerva and severus, also harry and draco form a friendship // this is one of my personal faves. it’s not only old magics but the entirety of hogwarts come together to battle against dark forces (not even death eaters but...balrogs...and other things). there’s no build-up to it; you enter the story after the battle’s already begun and then you get taken along for the ride. also has a part where the heads of houses meet the founders and there’s this epic dance that’s reminiscent of the danse macabre in The Graveyard Book (if you’ve read that you’d know what i mean).
Another World by Aeryn Alexander - Detention with Snape turns into something of an adventure for Hermione and Ginny, not to mention Professor Lupin, as they all discover that Hogwarts holds a terrible secret that none of them want to learn. - ss/hg, rl/gw // this fic took me by surprise because i didn’t expect it to go the way it did based on the summary lmao. the 4 basically get trapped in a mirror version of hogwarts after a potions accident, and the mirror world has literal demons in it. they have to find a way to get back into the real world while not getting killed at the same time. i actually liked lupin in this one and he and severus form a tenuous friendship. 
In One Spirit by mavidian - Voldemort and Dumbledore prepare for war and survival. Plans go awry, intrigues abound and nothing is what it seems. Snape created the Dark Mark but that mistake may cost him everything. Can Hermione be his saving grace? - ss/hg but it’s such a slow build you barely notice it during even the first 20 or so chapters because he’s his usual asshole self and they’re too busy trying to protect hogwarts // the concept of this fic and the lore it built up...wow. the faculty are all friends and they’re trying very hard to protect hogwarts using their own magics and their own clever schemes (war brooms? battle wands? blessing tree? filch even gets powers!). voldemort is also equally devious here and snape has loving pureblood parents! (not that it matters, he’s still an ass, but then it’s nice to read about him having a nice family for once). neville also steps up as a member of one of the Traditional Families so he’s quite a BAMF here. 
yo pls feel free to add your own recs to this post, i’m pretty sure there are loads more out there!
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thedrarrylibrarian · 2 years
hello ! thank you so much for all you’re doing for people who love reading about Draco and Harry falling in love :) I am looking for a fic, I was hoping you could help me ? I remember only that there are pub nights with friends, that Harry and Draco start going home together just walking and Draco always hopes Harry will kiss him on a specific lamp post but when he feels ready to do it Harry’s fwb shows up and Draco follows them while invisible because he’s jealous. But then Harry’s fwb breaks up. I remember the guy was kinda blonde ? And a curse breaker or something like that. Thanks a lot in advance ! xx
Hi! I appreciate your kind words!
I no longer find fics. It was too much to try and do regular rec lists and find fics. I recommend trying the folks over at @lostdrarryfics they’re super awesome and can help you out better than I can!
Lots of love and happy finding!
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moonflower-rose · 3 years
Do you have to be so rude? I'm not the person who asked for recommendation, lol. I was just curious about sitp-recs opinion on the matter. You just insulted two people for literally no reason. Are you okay?
Lol mate are you? I do indeed need to be rude, I really do. And my care factor for whether anons get insulted by it is immeasurably small.
People who use the various anonymous features of various platforms to be dicks to other people are the ones who are the dicks, you see.
If we all meekly say nothing about it, we’re kind of saying that behaviour is fine and normal, and that we accept it. So the people who do it keep doing it from behind their invisibility cloaks and experience no consequences, while the people receiving the asks (and other forms of anonymous message) who generally are just trying to live their lives and create things to be shared and enjoyed by their community, continue being hassled and miserable, and feel undermined and lose their confidence.
I could have just sent that whole rant of mine as my own anon ask and @sitp-recs may or may not have answered it, and had a go without the shield to protect me from attracting the attention of people like, well 👀…but I prefer to put my name to my opinions. You know, unlike, well 👀
This next bit isn’t really for you, because I suspect you know all this and you just get a thrill from doing the anon thing and you won’t really absorb anything, so just cover your invisible eyes or something.
For the others reading: some of us laugh and post ‘rude’ rants about stuff like this and it doesn’t affect our confidence etc, but how many times have we seen nasty asks on our feeds, answered by some poor person who needed fandom to be a place of solace, maybe be the only place they can really express themselves in the way they want to…and then some cockwomble comes along to give them a hard time about whose penis goes where or whether they’ve interpreted a character with a different racial background than is usually depicted, or any number of choices they made in the thing they created for free in their leisure time, whether fic or art or a rec list? ‘Why didn’t you include THIS fic’ or ‘why did you make Harry shorter than Draco’ or ‘why did you make it so dark because I hate dark!’ Again I ask these entitled anons, why do you think you’re entitled to anything from any fandom creator when you’re not paying? There’s no contract for services rendered here.
Or maybe that person is, I don’t know, trying to enjoy a game where people ask them what they like from a proforma list of questions that everyone and their auntie is playing, and they simply answer honestly that they don’t enjoy the specific trope - let’s say, fluffy established relationship fic or ‘innocent and soft’ so-and-so - very much. They’re just trying to enjoy interacting with their fellow fans. And someone comes along and tells them that what they enjoy is RUDE! And WRONG! And up for DEBATE. And then it happens dozens and dozens of times a week, for people with large followings, and absolutely sucks the joy out of being part of fandom. And those poor buggers start to feel like maybe they’ll just stop doing rec lists or posting art anymore, or will stop writing for that fandom and focus more on another one they’ve been getting into. Now the anons have spoiled it for the creator and their devoted audience. All because some folks want to be able to be dicks without suffering any consequences.
Does that sound enjoyable? Maybe you like it, I don’t know your life. You’re hiding behind your invisibility cloak, so I never will. But I suspect you don’t because you also came all the way over to whinge to me about it, that you didn’t like what I said and you found me rude. If you’re not really the person who asked for the rec (insert ‘sure jan’ gif here) then you’re someone who took an opportunity to have a little jab when there would be no direct consequences for you.
Let’s pretend I believe you asked in good faith. You could have gone off anon and just privately asked. You could have stayed on anon and said ‘hey about your prior answer, I’m curious as to whether you feel a sweet and innocent character can ever be complex and flawed as well?’ Or something to that effect. But that’s not what you did. If you didn’t mean it to come off as a challenge to defend rather than being interested in exploring more in conversation, then here is a handy lesson for you! Communicating intent is the responsibility of the sender of the message! That’s what tone of voice and body language is all about! And when those things are absent, it’s on you to try harder to convey those things! And you didn’t nail it this time.
Anyway mate, why do you care what I think? I just follow @sitp-recs likes thousands of other people. Let it go! Nobody knows it was about you anyway.
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