#if anyone has more to add please feel free to!! :)
Just One Reason: A Wonderful Winter Time
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Lloyd Hansen
masterlist - to be added
Summary: A chance encounter at the sandwich shop doesn’t end how you expect.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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'❄️IT'S SNOWING!❄️' 
You hit send and put the phone down. You glance through the window on the other side of your desk and smile. You have it all set up so your heavy laptop doesn't block out the scenery, though it's just the alleyway.
The suite in the building across from yours usually has a rich array of flowers on the summer. And the sun hits nicely at a certain time of day and almost illuminates the brick. 
The whole desk buzzes and you read the response. Lloyd almost makes you laugh with only a '😿'. He used to tease you for all your emojis but now you find yourself trying to decipher his use of them. Sometimes he doesn't make much sense. He is a funny guy. 
You pick up your phone and take a picture out the window of how the powder starts to pile on the railing across from you. You hit send and add a follow-up, 'so prettttty.' 
You smile as you peer out again. Another swell of nostalgia floods through you then rolls over to a sense of longing. Your dad would love it. He'd be trying to goad you into sledding, even though he always lost control of his toboggan.  
Your phone shakes violently in your hand. This time, it doesn't stop. You answer Lloyd's call, "uh, hi?" 
"Whatcha doin'?" 
"Uhhhhh," you lean your elbow on the desk, "just finished some work. Was going to put the kettle on--" 
"Forget the kettle. I'm outside." 
"Outside? Lloyd." 
"I know, tootsie, you're a creature of habit but I'm a man without rules," he snickers. 
"I didn't even know you were back," you say. 
"Wow, some welcome, huh?" He scoffs. "Thought you'd be happy to see me." 
"I am," you argue shrilly. "Alright, let me just get my stuff. It might take me a few." 
"Sure thing, candy girl," he says, "I'll keep the seat warm. Crank this thing up to ten." 
"Right, bye," you hang up and stand with a sigh. 
You're happy to have a friend but Lloyd can be a bit... demanding. He's a bit oblivious too. He doesn't always ask, he just kind of does. You're much the opposite but you suppose it makes it more interesting.  
You grab some socks before you tuck your feet into your boots. You stand and grab your jacket. You lost a button and replaced it with a close dupe. Still, it stands out. 
You shove your phone in your purse and pause. Your forgetting something. You scurry back to grab the bundle on the armrest then pluck up your keys. You hurry out and barrell down the stares. He may have caught you offguard but you always hate to keep anyone waiting. 
You kick up snow as you near his car and the doors unlock loudly. You sit with your feet outside and shake off the snow. You pull your legs in and shut the door with a brr. 
"I thought you liked this sh--stuff," he snorts. 
"I do!" You hold out the bundle, "welcome back, Lolly." 
He smirks and curiously eyes the sewn pouch. He takes it and chuckles at the nickname. One autocorrect mixup and it just sort of stuck. 
"Remember, you can't call me that around others. I got an aura to maintain," he says as he loosens the string and looks inside. He tugs out the wolly mitt with its black and grey ombre. He narrows his eyes and slips the other free. He examines them, feeling the stitching. 
"You don't have mitts so I made some," you say, "just in time too!" 
He looks at you then back at the wool, "you made them?" 
"Yeah, like mine," you bounce excitedly, "you like them. I hope the colour's okay. I didn't have black but I found that on discount." 
"They're... nice," he says. 
"Please, try them. See if they fit. I had to guess and my hands are tiny." 
"Uh, yeah," he flinches and looks down again. He shoves his hand into one and raises it, stretching is fingers inside, "perfect. Warm." 
"Awesome," you smile proudly. "But uh, you know... if you don't like them. I know they're not really your style. Oh, maybe I could sew in a Gucci tag--"  
"Stop," he slips it off and puts them back in the bag, "I love em, okay?" 
He leans over and pulls open the glove box. He puts them inside, his shoulder against you, and snaps it shut. 
"Make sure I don't lose them," he sits back and rests his hand on your seat, "so, anyway, you're not gonna make me feel like a chump so easy. You're not the only one with a surprise." 
"Please, I'm not dressed for that bar," you protest.  
"Ha, no, don't worry, you'll be fine," he assures you. 
"Can I have a hint?" You ask as he pulls away from the curb.  
"Nope," he makes the P pop. 
"Hmm, alright. I'll be patient." 
"Just sit pretty, tootsie roll," he steers down the snowy street cautiously. "Wanna turn on some of that girly trash you listen to?" 
You roll your eyes and tap the touchscreen of the stereo. You search for the 00s station and hit play. An Xtina classic comes on and you turn it up. 
"Oh, I love this one," you wiggle in your seat. 
"Really?" He remarks, "wouldn't think..." 
You sit back and tap your foot to the rhythm. You watch the snowflakes drift and peer up into the deepening blue evening. It's so pretty. You're just happy not to be alone. 
You look over as the tires crunch to a stop at the light. At least he has the sense not to drive like a maniac in this weather. As you glance at him, his lips curve around the lyrics of the song silently. You chuckle softly and turn back to the window. You knew he liked your music. 
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nifexchange24 · 1 day
Announcing: The Nirvana in Fire Fanwork Exchange 2024
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Sign-ups — 1st-14th Oct
Prompt claiming — 17th-21st Oct
Assignments — 24th Oct
Check-in — 1st-5th Dec
Deadline — 21st Dec
Gift reveals — 25th Dec
Creator reveals — 31st Dec
The Nirvana in Fire Fanwork Exchange is an event for anyone who's a fan of the show Nirvana in Fire, its sequel series The Wind Blows in Changlin, the novel, manhua, audio drama and any other associated media I've forgotten.
It takes the form of an anonymous fanwork gift exchange: gifters will be matched with recipients based on prompts submitted by participants during sign-up. All participants will create a gift and receive one.
The event is open to all types of fanworks: fic, vids, visual art, crafts, podfic, etc.
Announcements will be crossposted to Tumblr, Discord and Dreamwidth.
If you would like an invite to the Langya Hall discord server, which has a channel for discussing the exchange, please let me know.
How It Works
During the sign-up period, you will be able to submit a Google Form with a list of 3 prompts for fanworks you would like to receive, as well as space to list any Do/Do Not Wants. The link will be posted on the DW community, the Langya Hall discord, and on this Tumblr.
On 17th Oct, participants will be sent an anonymous list of sets of prompts and asked to rank their top 5 choices. Once all participants have responded, the mods will do their best to match everyone according to their preferences.
On 24th Oct, participants will be sent their individual assignment: the prompt list of the person they have been matched with, along with that person's AO3 username.
On 31st Oct, the prompt list will be made public, for anyone, whether they signed up or not, to creat additional 'treats' for the prompters.
There will be a mandatory check-in 1st-5th Dec. Participants will be asked whether they are on track to complete a gift by the final deadline of 21st Dec. Participants who miss this deadline without contacting the mods will be assumed to have defaulted and their assignment will be sent to a pinch-hitter.
Gifts should be submitted to the AO3 collection (still under construction) by the end of the day on 21st Dec. Participants will still be able to make edits, but the gift should be in a giftable state by then.
On 25th Dec, the gifts will be revealed: everyone will be able to see all works in the collection, though the creators will still remain anonymous.
On 31st Dec, the names of the creators will be revealed.
TL;DR: Sign up with prompts, choose the prompts you'd like to fill, make a thing, post a thing, get a thing, shower your fellow creators with love and comments.
Minimum gift requirements
Fic: 500 words
Podfic: 5 mins
Art: 1 artwork (B&W or colored)
Video: 30 secs to 1 min, depending on complexity
Crafts: 1 picture and/or documentation of the finished project
If you don't want to sign up as a full exchange participant, you can still create fills for prompts as 'treats'. The prompt list will be made public on 31st Oct. Treats can be posted to the AO3 community and tagged with 'NIFTREAT24'.
General Points
BYOB: Bring your own beta. In previous years, the exchange has offered a beta-matching service, but we're running at reduced capacity this year, so if you want your work beta-read, please organise this yourself.
Timezones: Deadlines for participants are 11.59pm of the date in question, wherever you might be in the world. Timings for the mod doing stuff are based on 'when I have a spare hour during that day' and I can't be more precise than that.
AO3: You'll be able to add your work to the Nirvana in Fire 2024 Exchange collection on AO3 (currently under construction but you can see last year's collection here). If you need an AO3 invite, we can arrange this, but please let me know before December if possible.
Contact a mod: If you're in the Langya Hall discord server, feel free to ping me @ sinni-ok-sessi on there, or @ withans for a PM. You can also contact me @sinni-ok-sessi or via the @nifexchange24 Tumblr. Nominally I am on Dreamwidth, but I almost never remember to check it, so that's not your best bet. If you sign up, you will receive instructions for how to email me.
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moghedien · 9 hours
ok who are seonid (?) and alliandre (??) and why are they super gay for each other 👀 you have no idea how hard it is not to google them but i learned my lesson after i made the biggest mistake ever and typed in siuan 💀 and then did it again with moiraine 💀💀
Seonid Traighan is an Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and Alliandre is the Queen of Ghealdan (the country that Logain is from). Both show up in the later books more I believe and admittedly I don't know a ton about them. I'm reminding myself of who they are on the wiki right now (and yeah don't google them)
Seonid is canonically a lesbian I believe (the books say she "doesn't like men as men" and has more of a brother/sister relationship with her warders). Alliandre I don't know if they ever mentioned her sexuality outright. I'm honestly not 100% sure if they ever even interact in the books, HOWEVER, I do believe that they have canonically been in a relationship at some point. I think it comes mostly from Robert Jordan's notes, and isn't directly said in the books, but might be alluded to? Like there isn't gonna be content about them in the books so don't get too excited about that.
I don't know, I'm honestly a very bad person to ask about them specifically. I just don't remember a bunch about them, but I know there's a ton of people on here that do and who make content about them. There's not any particular reason I don't know a lot of it, I just don't. I'm bad at remembering names of WoT characters who aren't like the main 50 ones.
So yeah, from what I understand, the relationship is technically canon, but pretty much all of the content about it comes from fandom.
Anyone of you people who know more about them feel free to correct me or add information to this post because I would also like to know more, just please don't get too spoilery for the anon's sake if they read it
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novella-november · 2 days
I would love it if there was a variation of the Outline October calendar with a darker or spooky themed background, if you don't want to make more calendars is there a way for you to share a transparent version if it so people can add their own?
I know barely anything about graphic design lol, so my method of putting backgrounds on the goal cards just involves me using MS Paint with the second color as white, and then select the "make selection transparent" when I paste the Goal Card / Prep Calendar ontop of the image I've picked from Pexels, which has free-to-use stock photos :)
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Here's one thrown together in paint in a few minutes, but if someone has more technical skill, please feel free to share proper ones that are easier to work with -- MS Paint has randomly updated itself in the background and changed a lot of staple functions so... its so bad now lol.
It doesn't even make a straight line actually clean on either side now so there'll just be random pixels on either side, where before now it would actually be clean lines that were easy to make transparent...
If anyone knows how to clean the template images up and make them properly transparent, please feel free to do so and you can @ me so I can share the cleaned versions so its easier to make custom ones!
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morgana-lefay · 8 months
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I realised there's something even more special than fishnet Till...That is, fishnet Till with just suspenders on top. Here are the evidences I could find to support my conclusions.
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dabblingreturns · 2 years
One of the great things about the locked tomb is that hot women can:
Have acne and big biceps (gideon)
Have scars ( pash)
Be big and tall (coronabeth)
Be small and flat and chronically underweight ( Harrowhark, Dulci and Cytherea, nona)
Be trans women in the body of a dilf (pyrrha fucking dve)
Be prematurely graying (judith)
Be tall and thin,with the worst taste in clothing, and have limp hair and a bone arm (ianthe)
Can be a octogenarian with only one limb left (Aiglamine)
Can be a mom* (wake)
No matter what we feel about our own bodies, we look into the mirror of the locked tomb we find charecters that would consider us hot.
Edit: this is only physical stuff.
tamsyn muir doesn't give us hights and weights so I don't know if charecters like Gideon nav and Coronabeth Tridentarius would be considered fat in modern society. But it's not remarked upon.
If anyone give me a verifiable citaions I am happy to include it.
Also when I say wake is a "mom" I mean post Partum. Flooded with hormones and rage and blood and exsughtion.
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relicsongmel · 6 months
The dubious nature of Iris' name (and what it means)
Sister Iris Fey Hawthorne of Hazakura Temple finds herself in a rather peculiar situation for the Ace Attorney franchise in the fact that she is one of very few characters without a canonical last name. Of course, this hasn't stopped fans from assigning her one—for the purposes of tagging and categorization (or simply to distinguish her from Iris Wilson from The Great Ace Attorney series, because "Iris Ace Attorney" is no longer specific enough), every Ace Attorney fan seems to have a different answer as to what they call her, whether it be Iris Hawthorne, Iris Fey, Iris of Hazakura Temple, or simply Sister Iris. This confusion is understandable given the lack of a clear answer in canon as to what her legal last name is as well as her unusual upbringing; what with being raised in Kurain Village as a Fey, taken away by her father as a Hawthorne, and then sent to Hazakura Temple to become a nun. However, before we delve further into Iris herself, there's something a bit unusual (that I don't often see acknowledged within the fandom) that I'd like to bring up—that being, that this name drama not only affects Iris, but her twin sister Dahlia as well.
Simply put, Dahlia Hawthorne being named Dahlia Hawthorne doesn't make much sense when you think about it. Dahlia was born to Morgan Fey, the then-leader of the matriarchal line of spirit mediums of the Kurain Channeling Tradition. As such, it's safe to assume that she and her twin sister were also given this name upon their birth—so why, then, does she have her father's (or possibly her stepmother's—it's unclear) last name when we meet her in-game? Children generally do not have their last names changed when their parent remarries, so what's the deal? This strange situation makes slightly more sense when you remember that much of Trials and Tribulations builds up to the reveal that Dahlia and Iris are Morgan Fey's daughters; as such, Dahlia appearing in Chapter 1 and introducing herself as "Dahlia Fey" would be a MASSIVE spoiler for the events to come.
As for an in-universe explanation, we obviously aren't given one, but we are given a bit of insight from Dahlia (while disguised as Iris) regarding their father's perspective on leaving Kurain Village:
"He hated the place. He said it was a hick dive, and that he had no reason to stay there."
I think it's not an unreasonable stretch to say that their father wanted nothing more to do with the Fey clan after its reputation had been destroyed post-DL-6, and likely went to great efforts to separate himself (and his daughters) from anything that reminded him of it. With this in mind, who's to say he didn't have the twins' name changed? Now, obviously whether this affected Iris herself is still up for debate—it's possible she had already been sent away to Hazakura before this had all happened. But given that Dahlia implies Iris had only been sent away after their father's second marriage, I find it more likely that her name was changed beforehand. That said, it's still just a headcanon based on my personal preferences—I like the idea of Iris having the last name "Hawthorne" because I think the association with the Hawthorne Effect (in which one modifies their behavior in response to being watched) fits her really well, but I don't disagree with those who choose to use other names for her because there are good arguments to be made there as well.
However. However. The intrigue behind Iris' name doesn't even end there. We hear from Sister Bikini very early in Bridge to the Turnabout that it's Hazakura Temple tradition for nuns to choose a "temple" name—meaning that even Iris' given name might not be her real one. I hesitate a bit on this idea considering her name already pairs up nicely with Dahlia’s due to the shared flower theming (and Iris having a lack of respect for acolyte tradition in that regard would give her an interesting resemblance to her mother which I REALLY like), but if it is true it creates another fascinating bit of symbolism—Iris’ first name is a lie. A facade. Which fits in with her lying about her identity to Phoenix for 8 months and her general tendency to put up a front of whoever the person she's talking to wants her to be—whether that be Dahlia's obedient co-conspirator, Bikini's sweet and good-natured daughter figure, or Godot's accomplice and the scapegoat he can use to protect Maya. And neither of the common last names given to her by fandom accurately reflect/show the full picture of who she is either. Fey is what she was born as—but that name comes with a whole host of burdens and generational trauma that she likely does her best to distance herself from considering her tendency to run away from conflict like she did with the fake kidnapping and the aftermath of Doug Swallow's murder (she’s a lot like her aunt in that regard). Hawthorne ties her to the sister she so dearly loves—but also weighs her down due to her sister’s crimes, her role in said crimes, and the family she was sent away from against her will (even if it ended up being better for her) before it tragically fell apart. Neither one truly fits—the Iris name debacle is a perfect representation of the identity crisis of her character and that is nothing short of beautiful to me.
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bleachbleachbleach · 4 months
You've always been my go-to for all things Bleach lore and world-building! Do you think Shinigami all sleep in futons or beds? Or maybe it varies from character to character? We've seen the 4th division with beds in their wards, but I think every other character has slept in futons.
Haha, thank you! We do love a furniture deep-dive here, and people's headcanon speculations about shinigami life even more.
I started a list of any time we'd ever seen a character in some kind of bed (futon or frame), but it mostly just ended up being a long list of "_______ at the 4th," lol, so we'll see all those aside (almost all those aside). But canonically, there is a mixture! We see:
Hinamori in Aizen's futon
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[Bleach 100]
Ukitake in his quarters
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[Bleach e40]
Isane in her quarters
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[Bleach 179]
Hisana at the Kuchiki house
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[Bleach 179]
I think Rukia had a similar setup during the Bount Arc, as well.
Also, I'd like to note that for the record as I was retrieving *bed pictures* I got emotionally destroyed by my re-encounter with this panel. It is just SO deeply sad:
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[Bleach 180]
The incredible, isolating vastness of the room, and the way the shadow cuts across the space. ToT <33333 It also reminds me of a really excellent meta piece done by afinepiece, where she analyzed the panels from Byakuya's story about Hisana and pointed out sections where the panel visuals might suggest Byakuya's memory/headspace more than physical reality. Her journal is deactivated but I know the reblog is on B3 somewhere! I'm inclined to go with that reading here, even though I also feel like the room probably just *looked like this* because every room in Soul Society is like this. (Maybe it's also for airflow, given her illness seemed partially respiratory and possibly contagious? ngl I'm basing this off that one anime elaboration scene and my co-blogger's post about Circus Hisana and Elephant TB).
In my mind Byakuya's convalescent setup was the same as Hisana's (is this the sad Seireitei equivalent of couples' outfits) but I was wrong:
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[Bleach 180]
He's in a bed! But from the look of this building he's probably at the 4th and not at home. Put simply, this building is too brutish and workmanlike to be part of the Kuchiki complex:
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[Bleach 180]
Hanatarou's quarters (implied)
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[Bleach e259]
The tatami floor, layout, and big closet on the right-hand side seem to imply that Hanatarou uses a futon.
Abarai family quarters (implied)
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[Bleach "No Breathes from Hell"]
This is probably not the only room in this house and they could put *anything* in those cabinets, but their sheer number and the style of the room suggests that this converts to a futon-filled bedroom, regardless of what might exist in other parts of the house.
Bonus 1: Renji in jail
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[Bleach 118]
Is this at the 6th? Is this at the 4th? I always assumed the 6th, though obviously the 4th was involved. Idk, Byakuya left him on the ground. Maybe if you don't pick up your invalids the 4th just stashes them in their jail.
Bonus 2: Hitsugaya in Junrinan (non-shinigami, non-Seireitei)
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[Bleach -16 (in between 286 and 287)]
These examples are pretty skewed in favor of futons, but if we think about this collection of characters, there is an overrepresentation of people who trend more traditional in terms of aesthetic, so they might not meaningfully represent the whole. Also, half the list is the same family.
We've seen a number of different offices and meeting rooms for each division, as well as some private residences, which have been a mix of Western and traditional styles in terms of the building itself and the furniture within it. Most of the offices seem to have Western furniture (or at least, the 10th, 6th, and 3rd), whereas Byakuya and Aizen, at least, seem to prefer the traditional at home.
Though, I don't know what this big-ass room is, but given its size and feeling of formal reception, this may well be the 5th's office?
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[Bleach 100]
NB 1: I tried to look up what the office looks like under Shinji, but what is happening here:
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[Bleach "No Breathes from Hell"]
NB 2: The 2nd also has traditional receiving rooms (used by both Yoruichi and Soi Fon, wherever the division between Shihouin and the 2nd is. But I assume Soi Fon's office is not the Shihouin Family Receiving room).
My feeling is that the differences are more regional/Division-based than personal preference-based, and *when*/by whom this design language was established depends on how much time and money the people in charge want to devote to furniture.
But that doesn't necessarily mean each Division is uniform, since we can see Isane and Hanatarou, both seated officers of the 4th, have different-style rooms! Maybe this is an effect of the 4th being an early bed adopter for their general professional purposes. Unohana is 100% a futon lady. I feel like Isane just accepted whatever was originally in the room, and that if there were no bed at all in the room she would sleep on the floor before asking to remodel. Does that mean a previous 4th VC wanted to modernize the VC quarters?
Was that previous 4th VC the original bedframe proselytizer, and got permission from Unohana to do up their quarters like a model home that gave examples of both types of room? Do Isane and Unohana live in an IKEA showroom?
What are the benefits of futons?
the room can be multi-use, a general common room by day and sleeping dorm by night
don't have to make a bunch of bedframes
Given what a big deal everyone makes out of transporting goods from the Living World, I feel like they probably make all their furniture and don't import particleboard from Nitori, so this would be expensive! Plus, given the amount of building reconstruction that needs to happen, I feel like there's probably a fairly small quota of wood released to civilians and/or divisions for non-essential use.
What are the benefits of bedframes?
easier cleaning/long-term savings?
Yeah, you'd have to make the bedframes and have a whole separate common room, but having beds implies you've probably done away with the tatami in the room, since you're not really supposed to put heavy furniture on the mats. And I don't think in a barrack with heavy use you'd be able to rely on shinigami simply "being careful." Same logic as college dorms and their "IKEA, but completely indestructible" furniture.
So if you decide in the long-term that you don't want to do tatami maintenance/replacement and want wood furniture on wood floors, maybe the bed route is for you! ("You" here meaning "your division"!) At which point it'd be a matter of:
caring enough to do a cost/benefit analysis about this
whether or not you want to preserve the traditional aesthetic
whether you have the initial capital to invest in making the change
Some additional thoughts:
We know that at least a portion of the 2nd has heated floors, as financed by Oomaeda. I'm not a heated floors aficionado--though I stayed at an AirBnb once with a heated driveway--NUTS) but I feel like that would...not work with tatami? That over time the heat would dry them out too much and make them brittle? So maybe the 2nd has beds.
Despite the fact that the 10th office changes out their couch out a few times during the canon timeline, I feel like there's a 0% chance Hitsugaya has considered a bedding/architecture overhaul during his tenure at the 10th. He's spent the last 15 years developing a real filing system and an actual budget procedure. He didn't come in with extra money to put towards beds and the 46 doesn't generally approve that kind of line item. That's more of a "gift fund" expense.
Shinji is trying to get a Pod Hotel proposal approved, on the grounds that the idea would benefit more than just the 5th. They could implement it in the Tsumesho (Gotei WeWork)! And provide them in strategic outposts across Rukongai!
During what decade was the 11th briefly "HAMMOCK DIVISION" because it seemed like the cheapest, most low-maintenance option?
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My Headcannons for how Infected and Kasper operate
Buckle up, this is a long post. Thinking about how characters function in relation to the world around them is basically a hobby of mine, so expect more. (I have others planned for both lampert and unpleasant at the very least)
(Not ship related) (angst heavy sorry)
Kasper’s infection is a brain-rooted/cognito-hazardous parasite
He got it after purposely ignoring a chainmail curse, both as a sort of “fuck around and find out” as well as an outright form of self-harm/self-sabotage.
The parasite is the one that primarily controls all the conscious actions of infected, while kasper now acts sub-consciously.
Its less of a split-mind situation and more of a Venom + Eddie or Gundam + Pilot situation they are two separate entities inhabiting the same body that can potentially act at the same time
It just so happens that the parasite from the chainmail curse has VERY similar desires/interests/motivations to Kasper, so the host/parasite relationship actually works very well.
Infected accidentally makes Kasper lose a decent chunk of weight after it takes over, due to it not being able to feel when Kasper is hungry and forgetting to let him eat
Kasper and Infected can be addressed separately (Lampert, UnpleasantGradient, Folly and maybe a few others know this) and Kasper tends to choose not to respond due to his own apathy, instead opting to let Infected take the lead.
Being able to respawn/no permadeath on the regretevator is the reason why Kasper opted to infect himself, as he saw it as the next closest thing to death/suicide.
Allowing infected to enter his mind has radically reduced Kasper’s lifespan. (He’d be lucky if he made it to his late 30’s)
His nose bleeds when Kasper and infected try to act at the same time
Infected is only transferrable via chainmail
Infected doesn’t feel any of the bodily necessities that kasper has, so its not uncommon for him to collapse of exhaustion, dehydration, hunger, ect. If someone doesn’t remind him.
Infected doesnt feel pain either
Kasper feels it though. A lot.
In fact the whole process of infected entering his mind was incredibly painful as is.
Infected isn’t the reason why things in the elevator/on his own body suddenly lose their texture, neither of them know why that happens now.
They personally aren’t physically effected by it and both find it cool, so neither are bothered.
It’s probably just the result of infected’s malware (thats only technically supposed to effect machines) managing to attach itself to a human. Or maybe Kasper could do that and never previously knew. Who knows. ;)
Kasper/infected can phase through objects that are textureless, including parts of his own body. Anything else will collide as it normally would, and take damage.
Infected will always talk with full leetspeak, (L13k D1$) while Kasper will only have one letter/number substitution (L1ke Th1s)
UG unintentionally named infected that. Basically just looked at Kasper, who had just let a parasite into his mind, and looked at the chainmail virus on his computer, and it went “huh… Bro’s Infected”
Bro is, in fact, infected.
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bipolar-boygirl · 5 days
The Castle Beyond The Goblin City
so, me and @sweetdangerine were talking about what the layout of the castle even is, since we don't actually see that much of it, and i was thinking of making a post about it anyway, so here we go! lots of pictures and visual aides ahead
starting simple: the castle itself
this is the clearest shot we get of the castle in the film
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there's also this one, but its kinda crummy because its from a distance towards the start of the film
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so the castle seems to be made up of one main building, two (maybe three?) towers, and a second smaller building connected by a bridge or something
it's hard to see, but i'm pretty sure this little dark blob is the entrance
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we get a nice shot of the doors where you can see some organic rock to the right of it, which lines up with the doors being right next to the weird rock formation in the other picture
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the doors open and we get to see a bit of the interior
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not much to really glean from here, other than whoever designed this castle must really like stairs, cause this hallway is ALL stairs. we do learn that the way to the throne room is to the right of the main entrance though because that's the direction our characters go
speaking of the throne room, where in the hell is it? I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in this section of the building
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we get this shot of Jareth looking out of the window during the battle, and again we see more of that organic rock to the right
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but the window he's looking through looks completely different than the one we can see in the wide shot, and we also get to see his view from the window a few scenes later
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and this seems pretty close to the ground level, comparatively, so I think the window might be hidden from view by the rock formation, or (and maybe more likely) it's an inconsistency between set pieces
the entrance into the throne room is right next to this window on the inside, so I also think that the rock formation is actually a part of the castle/has been built into from the inside and made a part of the castle
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also, the hall into the throne room actually forks and looks like it leads into barracks or something similar, based on the flag
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and then finally, the throne room itself
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it's a very circular room, with windows on three different sides, which I think helps strengthen the idea that the throne room is in the section of the castle that juts out from the main building, and, if we're allowing for slight inconsistencies between set pieces, there's also this little bit that sticks off the side of the building that I think would fit the curved hallway into the escher room quite nicely
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which means the escher room is in the main building that sits behind where the throne room is, which makes sense for how big it is (of course discounting any kind of magic shenanigans that might be going on with that room)
and that's all I got. the left side of the castle and the towers are a complete mystery, but that's why we have fanfic, isn't it?
I've been scrutinizing the hell out of this movie for set details for awhile, so it's nice to finally put it all down in a post, and maybe I can save some of you from losing your minds the way i did lol
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i-heart-hxh · 1 year
Hi again! I've had this thought in terms of hxh meta that I personally have not seen discussed, so I'm gonna dump it here for you! There's an underlying theme I've noticed of characters throughout the series being one that lost their other halves. Like, most obvious, Leorio and Kurapika lost their childhood best friends. Melody lost her friend to the devil's music. We see Nobunaga lose Uvogin, and so on. So Killua saving Gon instead of letting him die after CAA seems to be a "breaking the cycle" so to speak, although I'm not sure what that would even mean! Nothing much to say besides those details I've noticed, but I wanted to know if you had thoughts? Or perhaps it's just an interesting background detail that is up in the air in terms of being significant?
Hello, thank you so much for sending an ask again! I've put some thought into this topic as well, so I'm happy you brought this up! How I'm answering this is both somewhat abstract and far-reaching in the series so it's a little difficult to summarize and express simply, but I hope you and others might get some meaning out of it!
I strongly believe that one of HxH's great overarching themes is the transformational power of love and how it grants people second chances in life. In this post I'm referring to love in a broader sense, not just romantic love, as of course many different types of love are portrayed and have deep importance in HxH. We see the theme of transformative love in so many different relationships and instances that it's difficult to even summarize them--a few examples are Gon and Killua, Meruem and Komugi, Meruem and his Royal Guard, Ging and Kite, Killua and Ikalgo, even in less major character pairs like Ging and Razor (Razor: "Ging taught me it took only one person, one person in the entire world who will trust you, to save you.") and Kite and Koala, but that's only scraping the surface. I reblogged a previous wonderful meta that pointed out the domino effect of Killua's act of kindness towards Ikalgo, which ended up changing the ultimate trajectory of humanity's war against the Chimera Ants. This is a great example of this theme in action!
But of course, while meeting and loving someone can transform that person's whole life, so also can losing someone significant. It can set someone on a completely different life track than they would have been on had they not lost them--Kurapika, Leorio, Senritsu, the Phantom Troupe (especially with their flashback in recent chapters), Gon and Kite, Kacho and Fugetsu (though this hasn't played out all the way yet) come to mind, but there are many more throughout the series as well. Not all of the losses that fit into this are someone losing their other half/most important person, but there's a solid enough percentage that it certainly seems to be a trend Togashi is establishing and exploring.
It's difficult to explore one of these themes in depth and with honesty without the other--love happens, loss of loved ones happens, both are deeply transformative, and both can ultimately be placed under the broader umbrella of the transformative power of love. After all, if losing a person causes someone's entire life path to change, chances are they loved them a great deal and the force behind the change that occurs in their life is the love and grief they still feel after the loss.
HxH has many tragic elements and Togashi certainly doesn't shy away from the heart-wrenching and long-lasting results of loss, but I think it's fair to say from the 400 chapters we have so far that HxH's themes are not ultimately tragic and hopeless on this topic by any means. In HxH:
Death is not always insurmountable, i.e., Kite, the Chimera Ants in general
The life path one ends up on after a major loss need not be a tragic one, i.e. Leorio deciding to be a doctor and help children in poverty as a result of losing his friend
Death in itself can be an act of love, i.e. Meruem and Komugi, Netero and humanity
Even if one ends up on a dark path as a result of loss, that doesn't mean they can't be saved by someone else's love for them, i.e., Gon and Killua, this could also end up being the trajectory for Kurapika and Leorio potentially?
With Gon and Killua, their whole relationship is based on them transforming each other and giving each other second chances:
Gon saving Killua simply by not judging him, befriending him, and showing him another life path
Gon retrieving Killua from the Zoldyck family when Killua's resolve broke down because of Illumi
Killua pulling the needle of out of his head out of sheer love for and desire to protect Gon
And of course Killua not allowing Gon to die, simultaneously saving him and transforming Alluka's life.
(And Killua's ability to save and help Alluka is of course, a direct result of the kindness Gon extended to Killua and the love Killua has for Gon.)
There's no way to know for certain what will happen in their future, but I definitely think their relationship has one more transformation in it at least, in the form of a reunion and reconciliation.
So, in summary, I think these themes of someone losing a person who was their other half and how one continues to live after that are another way of exploring the broader theme of what it means to love someone and be transformed by meeting them, which I see as a primary theme of HxH. I also think some of these relationships are intended to be comparisons to or foils of Gon and Killua's relationship in a sense (especially Kurapika and Pairo and Kacho and Fugetsu, but others as well), expanding on the themes of their relationship and how a love that deep affects people, both in beautiful and in deeply painful ways.
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jianghushenanigans · 2 months
Ahhh so, some of these questions is related to the donghua as well but:
-does Lei Yunhe only have one arm or how did they reattach his arm?
-isn't Li Hanyi related to Lei Hong? Isnt her father from the same clan as Lei Hong? Why is he interested in her romantically?
-is Xiao Lingya gay?(I remember in the donghua Xiao Se said something about his tastes were acquired and hinted at a man next to him)
-Does Xiao Se hate all his brothers?
-do you know how old Wushuang is?
And those are the main questions that come to mind. Thank you for taking your time to read them if you can.
SO I haven't seen the donghua (and I only started reading the novel this afternoon despite planning on doing that a while ago) but I'll do my best, and also tag @feng-huli who probaly knows more answers than me especially re: donghua
Lei Yunhe only has one arm as far as I can tell? I can't remember a huge amount of his backstory tbh
Li Hanyi's father was Lei Mengsha, but I don't know, like, how related him and Lei Hong are. It's most likely that they're different branches of family though, so they would be third/fourth/etc cousins and not really counted as related. Or I guess they could be more closely related, but they weren't raised together so wouldn't necessarily view each other as cousins? Maybe?
afaik no one is canonically gay in the novel and therefore not "canonically" gay in any of the adaptations but 🤷‍♀️ personally i like to headcanon everyone as a little bit queer, for fun
it's COMPLICATED (i don't want to spoil anything)
i think he's somewhere like 14-16 but I don't know if they mention anything specifically
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buggbuzz · 8 months
Israel is a terrorist state? We don’t even want this war, we want to live in peace and we don’t mind if we get a Palestinian state existing next to the state of Israel as long as no one hurts no one.
I don't really give a shit? As far as I'm aware Israel forced the palestinians out of their homes and land. Israel is commiting a deliberate genocide against an entire people and destroying every physical part of their culture they can. You don't get to defend a country committing an ethnic cleansing with bombs targeting children, infants, pregnant women, hospitals, ambulances, and journalists and then go "oh I just don't want anyone to hurt eachother 🥺🥺🥺" get real.
Coming from an american whose country has had a direct hand in catastrophically destabilizing countless other countries' governments and economies, as well as the indigenous peoples' of the land they stole AND its own people's political movements/saftey/rights, you have to at least fucking acknowledge when your country is commiting crimes against humanity.
I'm sure there're israelis that don't want to massacre an entire people. But your country is commiting devastating acts of terrorism against another. It's a terrorist state.
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woolmasterleel · 11 months
Mostly for myself when I want to doodle other characters as LAE, but I made a flow chart on how to determine which design elements to use when making a Limbo-Altered Entity (❁´◡`❁)
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And I'm sticking it here because why not?? If anyone ever wants to make an LAE, hopefully this helps!
This is to keep me on track and consistent with design elements, also helps with the broader selection of what "angels" and "demons" are in Indomitable Vows (✿◕‿◕✿)
I did omit a few things, such as what to do if a character is a robot/AI, I feel like it's easier to explain in text though so here that is:
Robots/AI, like every other being, needs to have an affiliation/use light/dark magic before becoming a LAE. In canon, these AI would have to be classified as either an angel or a demon first as well, so they'd need to spend some time in either of the realms before being taken to Limbo will do anything. If they are taken without being altered by either the angel or demon realms, they will simply break (insert something about robots/AI being humanmade, thus cannot be built with the ability to understand Limbo etc etc etc)
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orokay · 1 year
Hello, orokay!! I've adored your art for years now and I was wondering if you have any tips on how to draw and paint/render scars? I can never seem to get them to look right, any help is appreciated! Hope you're having a good year!
Hi anon, thank you so much!
Sorry this took a minute to reply to, I've been trying to figure out how I wanted to respond. For me, a lot of questions about how I do certain things are kind of tricky bc generally the answer is 'idk I just try things and tweak it until it feels right' and I don't really feel qualified to give art advice bc most of the time I'm just making stuff up as I go, but I know that's not really a helpful answer 😭
My art style tends to lean towards simple and stylized, so for scars I try to limit them to three colors at most, less if I feel like I can get away with it. It also depends a lot on the scar since there are different types of scars. Usually how I pick the colors I use is: one color darker than than the skin tone (shading), one slightly lighter than the skin tone for the injured flesh and occasionally an even lighter color for highlights. I'll include some examples under the cut. But please please please keep in mind wrt scars 99.9% of the time I'm just winging it and going off of what I think looks cool, I don't know anything about the science behind how people scar so please do your own research if you want to be accurate.
I'd say when approaching/researching scars you need to consider a few things:
Skin color of the person- Scars look different on different skin colors and different people scar differently. I think this is one of the biggest things to remember! Color pick for the scar based off of the character's skin tone and shade. The color you use for scar tissue on a person w/ light skin is going to look unrealistic and out of place on person with dark skin, doubly so if the undertone of their skin is different (ie. warm vs neutral vs cool undertones). It's so important to look up references because everyone scars differently and skin type can make a huge difference on how a person scars.
Color of the person's blood- same vibe as with blushing/lip color/etc. if your character has blue blood, the scar likely isn't going to be pink. This probably isn't something you're going to have to keep in mind a lot, but just in case. This also kind of ties into the first one because if a character has a non-human skin tone, like blue, and red blood then the scar is probably going to be more of a purple tone, for example.
Type of scar- think about the injury and what kind of scar would result from it. I'm not a doctor so idk how scarring works and generally go off of vibes, but if you want to make it as accurate as possible, I'd suggest looking up images of scars from whatever type of injury you want your character to have. I used to work with dogs and I scar easily so I have a lot of bite/scratch scars. Some of them are lighter than my skin and raised while others that were less deep are darker and on the surface of the skin (aka no texture). My brother has a very deep dog bite scar that's left a dent in his skin and light, pink and shiny scar tissue. Basically, if you know you have the stomach for it, I 100% suggest looking up examples of the type of injury you're thinking of so you can see how that injury tends to scar. Is it hypertrophic? Atrophic? Keloid?
How was it treated and how old is the scar?- is it a burn scar that received skin grafts? is it a surgical scar? stitches? did it heal well or was there infection? All of these things can change how a wound heals and scars. New scars are going to be much more stark, especially if they're still healing, and most scars fade over time. Examples under the cut...
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Some examples from my drawings over the years:
OC w/ healed burn w/ skin graft stylized and very simplified // really simple, sketchy scars on Narci:
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This iteration of Blue's blood is green so the scar on her cheek is green (we're going to ignore her lips and the flush on her ears lol):
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raised scars on nikora and blair's cheeks:
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the poll for how to arrange the brackets just finished with proceeding as originally planned winning!
so, without further ado, here are the lineups ^^
note :: songs with a * next to them may require a content warning. i'll provide specific warnings as soon as i have the time, but as of now please proceed with caution
main matchup bracket ::
alice of human sacrifice* by yugami p / fear garden* by chaa
magnet by minato p / romeo and cinderella by doriko
world is mine by ryo / world's end dancehall by wowaka
triple baka by lamaze p / the disappearance of hatsune miku by cosmo p
meltdown by iroha(sasaki) / luka luka★night fever by samfree
fire◎flower by halyosy / trick and treat by oster project
daughter of evil by mothy / dancing★samurai by kanimiso p
rolling girl by wowaka / matryoshka by hachi
madness of duke venomania* by mothy / alluring secret ~black vow~ by hitoshizuku x yama
senbonzakura by kurousa / outer science by jin
doubleganger by kulfiq / mikusabbath by utsu p
jinsei reset button by kemu / common world domination by pinnochio p
the fox's wedding* by masa works design / tokio funka by takamatt
heat haze days by jin / patchwork staccato by toa
six trillion years and an overnight story by kemu / lost one's weeping by neru
aishite aishite aishite by kikuo / echo by crusher p
setsuna drive by taki yoshimitsu / yoake to hotatu by n buna
a fake fake psychotropic by kairiki bear / therefore you and me by tadanoco
my r* by kurage p / i'm glad youre evil too by pinnochio p
chururira chururira dadada by kurage p / mkdr by deco*27
blessed messiah and the tower of ai by hitoshizuku x yama / 86 by dasu
law evading rock by neru / nakakapagpabagabag by dasu
sand planet by hachi / ghost rule by deco*27
monster by kira / hated by life itself by iori kanzaki
cause i'm a liar by mcki robyns p / honey i'm home by ghost
hole dwelling by kikuo / bring it on by giga
meteor by divela / seraphim on the ring by mitchie m
the court jester by thquib / casino by azari
king by kanaria / villain by teniwoha
lower by lanndo / phony by tsumiki
higanbana milk tea by vane / scapegoat by ghost
queen by kanaria / bug by kairiki bear
honorable mention bracket ::
electric angel by yasuo p (original), giga (giga arrange) / freely tomorrow by mitchie m
po pi po by lamaze p / go google it by wintermint p
black★rock shooter by ryo / bacterial contamination by kanimiso p
i like you, i love you by gevanni p / first love academy • school of true love by nem
(also a quick general note ! i don't have everything ready for a formal polished reveal at the time of posting this. i plan on updating this post with links to the songs and also a visual bracket when i have the time. they'll definitely be up soon, so make sure to check back in a bit for them ^^
i'll also make sure that reblogs are turned on for the final version!)
#vocaloid song showdown#sorry it's just a list for now i promise i'll update it and make it look nicer as soon as i get the chance :'D#i'll also add the playlists to the final post so those will finally be out soon too !#but for now it's just a quick little post to get the matchups out sooner rather than later since this is already kinda behind schedule :')#anyway it's still kinda bonkers to me that only one person nominated po pi po and electric angel#those songs used to be Everywhere it felt like#and unless i continually missed it no one sent in llevan polka :(#(to be fair itnisn't originally a vocaloid song. idk if i could fully qualify it bc of that but still shocked that it got no nominations)#oh also ! until i have the image finalized if anyone thinks any matchups should be tweaked at all feel free to lmk !#i was mostly judging popularity based on nominations and view count (reprints included) but it was hard to tell for some ???#like i remember a whole bunch of reprint channels getting deleted or privating all their videos and i'm sure that impacted some view counts#and rolling girl in particular has a lot less views than i thought it would ???#it's not a small amount by any means but it also seems to be on the higher side of the average for the final bracket songs#it was also unsurprisingly the most nominated song#so some of the matchups were a bit weird and wonky to put together fhdkfh#(especially echo actually too ? it got 2 nominations and barely made it but has the highest view count out of all the songs last i checked)#anyway all that to say if anyone wants to give feedback on the bracket pairings i'm open to it until i get the formal version up ( ^^)b#additionally if i missed any songs that should have some sort of warning please let me know fhdkdh#i added them only off the top of my head so i might've missed one#(the final version of this will have more specific warnings too. potential flash warnings as well)#EDIT :: changed up within 24 hours to up soon#i wish i could've had everything together within 24 hours but things came up and i need just a little more time :(#but i wanna get started on voting monday (february 27) for real this time ! no more putting it off :'D
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