#i was bored and made this
dawnthefox24 · 8 months
*Vincent looks at a black cat staring right back at him though found it odd that the cat alost eerily resembles him*
Vincent: Rody what the hell is this stray doing inside my bristo...
Rody: Well um I was taking out the trash and this little fella came up to me soaking wet from the rain and he isn't a stray his name is Vinny
Vincent: You did not just name it....Vinny after me
Rody: *picks up Vinny who hissed at Rody for being picked up*
Rody: Look at him how can you be mad at this face and maybe I did...
Vincent: *pinched the bridge of his nose *It hissed at you
Rody: Vinny is not an it,he's a cat. Besides he look just like you.
Vincent: *narrow his eyes at the cat* Yes I can tell.
Rody:*sets Vinny down before giving the cat chin scratches listening too the purrs*
Rody: He's quiet bipolar this cat but loves chin scratches
Vincent:*glared at the cat feeling a bit jealous at the cat*
*The cat looked at Vincent and purred extra loudly against Rody rubbing its scent all over him*
Rody:*laughs a bit* Vinny is very bipolar 1 minute he's scratching my hand the next he's giving soft kisses
Vincent: *how has a deep hatred for this cat*Y-You don't say
Rody: Anyways I'm gonna take Vinny home
*The cat looked at Vincent paws softly at Rody purring even louder*
Vincent:*slowly grabs knife but controls himself a bit* je déteste ce chat(I hate that cat)
Rody:*smiles softly and picks up Vinny petting them* Alright see you later Vince and what did you say?
Vincent: I said enjoy you're new pet...
Rody:*smiles happily and nods* Alright thanks Vince bye~ Vincent:*watches him leave* I truly hate that cat...
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weirdstills · 1 year
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nieceeee · 1 year
* He cant stop thinking about the night you two shared. No matter where he is, even in the middle of his lecture… *
WC: 541
A/N: I got bored, took one of my book scenes and rewrote it a bit, took out the names of my OC, hope ya like it
He was trying his best. Ever since the night you two shared, it's been hard to keep you out of his mind. No matter where he was or what he was doing, images of you together plagued him. You were taking over his thoughts and he would find himself spiraling if he didn't get it together
He walked into his professor’s class that day determined to focus. He sat down and began pulling out the coursework when his eyes raked over the pen you let him borrow. Images of that same pen stuffed behind your ear as he lifted your skirt up, slipping himself inside of you. Please you begged him. Your cries ringing through his ears as he fucked you deeper.
Focus, he needed to focus. He shook the thought from his head slightly before continuing to get set up. The professor walked in and got right to work. Throughout the class, his mind drifted back to you. Each time he looked down at his notes, pictures of you splayed out against the table, the notes underneath you as he stroked you hard and fast, crinkling the papers under your back. You were insatiable. Deeper. You cried. I need you deeper please. You moans rang through his ear as the blood rushed down to his groin. How deep do you want me? He had asked you. I want all of you you cry out so he obeyed, always willing to give you everything you asked for. Here in the middle of the classroom, your moans rang through the walls. He could feel himself hardening in his seat and had to take a few deep breaths to calm down.
The class continued to drag on. But he hadn’t heard anything, just the melodic notes of your cries serenading his ears. Baby you’re so deep, it's feels so good. You were thrashing under him, your body shaking with pleasure as he pushed you over the edge. His eyes rolling in the back of his head as he fucked you relentlessly. Your juices create a thick white ring around the base of his dick as he pushes into your belly. His breath quickened, chest falling and rising rapidly as he tried to pull himself from the trance you had him in. He needed this credit but you were overpowering all his senses. I’m going to cum, please baby. I’m going to — You screamed his name repeatedly into the air as your body released a wave of liquids, splashing against his pelvis and chest. His released followed after, coating your insides, filling you so much that it spilled out around him. A heavy groan built in his chest but he forced it back down. He couldn’t do that here.
As the view of you slowly faded from his mind, the distant voice of the professor called out. Eyes were on him as he realized that his name was being called. He apologized quickly, his cheeks burning as he responded to the question. Class resumed as normal as he dropped his head slightly. He had to focus.
But as he sat up to start up his notes, the sound of your whimpers filled his head again and he knew this was going to be a long ass class
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accelerandy15 · 1 year
Heyo. sorry not sorry :p
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tori-sama · 1 year
I was bored and wanted to draw. So I made one of my MC's from Obey Me :)
Her's name is Tori, btw. She loves sweets, coffee, and, mostly important, my gentle giant, my baby Beel (He's precious!) ☕️
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foxymc · 2 years
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Gyro using the Gizmocloud as intended
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lord-of-plants · 1 year
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autistic-autumn · 1 year
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itsdabatt · 28 days
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happy national impersonate your favorite vigilante day to those who celebrate
Part 2
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bookshelfpassageway · 5 months
yknow i dont go here but sometimes i gotta go: seriously respect clowns. they have the worst pop culture representation in the world and also the best most thorough honor code. they're just here to be silly little guys who bring joy and are very conscientious about doing so responsibly. let them to their merriment in peace you dont hafta take potshots. i dont go here but like maybe i should, you all seem super chill
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may12324 · 8 months
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Halsin- Archdruid of the Emerald Grove
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coolerdracula · 6 months
saying “visual style" because, for example, if you would swap your current wardrobe for an identical, ethically made counterpart, there would be no visible change
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ewwww-what · 2 months
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When are the cignifiant figure’s releasing their album made specifically to bully Ruben Hopclap?
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nonasbirthday · 6 months
Tbh? I don't like Paul. I don't want Paul. I understand that Paul serves an important narrative function and that Paul is the best possible ending for Camilla and Palamedes given their situation, personalities, and relationship. However what I really want is for Camilla and Palamedes to attend the ATN wedding as two individual humans and for Pal to be a lightweight who loses his tie in the garden fountain after three drinks and for Camilla to do exactly one shot with the group, keep Gideon from ripping the sleeves off her dress shirt, and absolutely kill it at lawn games during cocktail hour. Since this scenario is a wild tonal mismatch for the series and also Palamedes was already dead, this was unlikely to ever happen. However Paul is the final nail in the coffin for the theoretical existence of this scene and I can't help but resent them for that
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pancakemolybdenum · 4 months
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2015 called, it wants its cloudball back. redrawing things yet again.....
original here
dress design by @rumminov
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smallpapers · 6 months
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some pre-reaping Katniss and etccccc
Random thoughts
Hc that Katniss and Prim wear oversized pre-loved clothes bought from the hob, which are lots of men’s wear left behind by the peacekeepers. And it makes sense to get larger clothes to grow into and whatnot. So yea it doesn’t fit the best but they are mended and presentable! On another note I like the blue grey washed out aesthetic of district 12 in the movies so I tried to put that here
Anw I been struggling to draw esp with this one for like weeeeks so pls pat me on the back for finishing it /sobs
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