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tori-sama · 4 days ago
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caldarus sketch 📜
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tori-sama · 4 days ago
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tori-sama · 4 days ago
Help, I can't
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"my savior!"
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tori-sama · 4 days ago
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caldarus x ciro dynamic in a nutshell 🫠👍
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tori-sama · 9 days ago
It's nice to see some positivity regarding Caldarus's human form. Personally, for me, I would have been happy with almost anything so long as it was consistent with the design of the statue. But I think a lot of people are being WAY too harsh on his human form.
First off: he's not even a twink. He still has a bit of muscle when we see his titty out sprite. Actual twinks are far more slender. Hemlock was 100% a twink in his youth and he kept that slenderness even as he got older.
Second off: he's still not fully young looking. If you actually look at his eyes, he has eyebags that most of the older characters get. He might look younger than we anticipated, but he still looks older than most of the romance options.
And finally: He just spent the last several hundred or so years trapped as a stone statue, and says as he's rescuing you that he has very little power left. He's essentially been bed ridden the last several centuries. He has the chance to regain and grow muscle once he's rested up at his temple.
Speaking from personal experience, I think Caldarus gaining his human form and how he lives life now could easily read as an allegory for disability; the kind that leaves one bedridden, weakened, and requiring long rest in order to regain strength. It just depends on how the rest of his events play out.
Would I have loved a buff dragon or more monstrous dragon? Sure. But once I saw the character designs for the main romances prior to him, I tempered my expectations. And I think the rest of the fandom should do the same. It's fine to be disappointed, but some of them need to chill.
Hi! Thank you for this message.
First of all I'd like to say I'm always happy to try and insert positivity into things like this where I can. I think people jump to extremely aggressive reactions online way too often.
Secondly, I love your takes on this! I fully agree about him not being a twink. He's much more in the twunk area if we have to use those terms (which I don't even like the way those specific terms box in character designs. Not aimed at your ask, I know it's the terminology other people use/are using) But I haven't seen the data mined art so I can't fully speak on that and I'm not really interested in using those classifications going forward personally. I just find them too limiting of descriptions that due to overuse sort off feel like people brushing off designs as "just another basic twink" kinda thing.
But even more so I think it would be so cool to have an allegory to disabilities within the game, especially shown through such a powerful character as Caldarus. Obviously we don't know how the rest of his events and the story will play out, but it would be great if it stuck with the theming. (I had really hoped in the beginning there would be more disability rep because I know those with disabilities get even less representation than plus sized folks)
Overall, I do hope people can step back and relax about it a little when the initial emotions of it aren't so red hot.
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tori-sama · 10 days ago
A Traditional Birthday
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Pairing: Caldarus x Gender Neutral Reader (Fields of Mistria)
POV: 2nd
Summary: You decide to give Caldarus a birthday gift that goes beyond mere objects.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1114
Dividers: @cafekitsune
Notes: With the Caldosian Artifact set, I decided that Caldarus is likely from an ancient Greece or Rome inspired time period. The clothing I had in mind when it’s described in the text is called a Doric chiton, which was worn by both men and women. Happy reading!
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Sunlight trickled through your curtains like a steady stream as you blinked your eyes open. A silly grin spread across your lips as you remembered your plan for that day. It was finally the twenty-fifth of Spring, which you knew was Caldarus' birthday. You had prepared a surprise to introduce him to a piece of modern culture. Back when he wasn't stone, he didn't celebrate the date since he was 'far too busy for such a thing,' as he put it.
Due to his stony prison, you knew a material gift would be redundant, so it would be tricky to mark the special day. Luckily, the idea came to you while you were in the museum. While you admired the artifacts you found on The Eastern Road that dated back to the Caldosian Empire, the concept struck you.
What if you gave Caldarus a proper offering from his time?
The dragon was worshipped as a deity, so offerings were commonplace from the rich and poor alike. You were excited to learn about his time and provide comfort without physical touch. One could only imagine how lonely and disoriented your statue of a friend felt. He was in his proper time one moment, then woke up hundreds of years later without most of his memories. He couldn't even move around, so he was stuck in place during such a trying time. You hoped this would help a little. Then again, it was like placing a small bandage on a mortal wound.
After several hours of listening to Eiland teach you about the period, you knew what to do. The archeologist was unaware of your true intentions, but it was the obvious course of action to keep him that way. You couldn't exactly tell him that your dragon lawn ornament was alive, now could you?
You saved some money and spoke with Louis about making a specific garment. It didn't take much to convince the fashion enthusiast to do such a thing when you told him how much you were willing to pay. He was always happy to help, but he was also a merchant, and materials were expensive. The outfit cost about two thousand tesserae, but you didn't mind. You had more than enough to spare since you regularly sold cow's milk and chicken eggs. And Caldarus was worth more than any gold.
It would be a lie to say the clothing fit you like a glove when you put it on since it was designed to be loose, but it was perfect. It was mainly white cloth with a light blue border, fastened at the shoulders with silver pins you created yourself, which had two wings engraved on them to symbolize the deity himself. If you were honest, it took you several hours to make such a fine detail.
You bought some candles and incense from Merri to place at the foot of his altar and a bottle of red wine from the Inn, but that was the easy part. You scoured the Eastern Road for a spare drinking horn, which took a few days to find earlier in the week.
After putting on the clothes and setting up the altar, you were ready.
Caldarus usually only spoke to you once per day due to his weak state and slept for the rest of the time. He didn't wake until your voice called to him first, which you found endearing since he conserved his energy for a daily conversation with you. It was the finer details that made you happy to be around him.
Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself for how he would react. Would he like it? Would he think it was an insult?
"Hey, Cal? Can we talk?" You asked. You found that asking politely was the best way to go since he was your friend and deserved common courtesy. It was only your second year in Mistria, but you felt close to the piece of concrete.
"Yes, mortal?" He asked in return as the eyes of the statue began to faintly glow, signaling that he was awake. "What did you wish to—"
His voice cut itself off as he took in the sight before him. You were in the clothing of his time and had a traditional drinking horn in hand. Were his memories and current situation mixing in a strange dream? He was silent for a long moment in what you assumed was shock. You imagined that if he had a moving face, he'd be blinking rapidly.
"Surprise!" You cheered as you waited for his words to sound in your mind. He always spoke to you telepathically since he couldn't move the mouth of his statue. "I remembered that today's your birthday, and I thought an offering would be better than an object. Especially since you can't do anything with it at the moment."
"You... did this for me?" Caldarus' voice sounded touched, and it was the first time he had ever used such a fond tone with you. He typically spoke clearly and without emotion.
"Do you like it? I know there may be some inaccuracies since I don't have a lot of information to work with—" His voice cut you off this time.
"I love it. You recreated something meaningful to me for my birth date, and that means more than you know. Offerings were always valuable to me since the person giving it likely needed my help or just wanted to pay respects. I genuinely don't know what to say except thank you," he said. His words warmed your heart, making it beat faster with happiness. You were relieved he liked his "gift."
"Really? You don't have to lie about liking it," you replied. Laughter rang through your mind, freezing your body in shock. You had never heard such a hearty laugh from him before. That day seemed to be giving a lot of milestones with him.
"Ah, farmer. Why would I lie to make a mortal feel better? I am a deity, after all," he snorted, and it was the most adorable sound he ever made. His logic did track, though. He was a superior being, so why would he coddle you?
"I'll admit, you are an extraordinary human, but I wouldn't lie to you," Caldarus continued. "You deserve better than that."
"Thank you," you brightly smiled. From that day onward, you always gave Caldarus an offering on his birthday to celebrate and remind him of his time. It became a tradition between you until he was released from his frozen state. Afterward, you gave him a cake you baked like a normal person. The deity never felt unloved when you were near.
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tori-sama · 10 days ago
Masterpost: How to write a story?
Compilation of writing advice for some aspects of the writing process.
How to motivate myself to write more
How to get rid of writer’s block
Basic Overview: How to write a story
How to outline a story
How to come up with plot
How to create a character
How to make a character unique
How to name your characters (Masterpost)
How to start a story
How to write a prologue
How to write conversation
How to write witty banter
How to write the last line
How to write a summary
How to write a book description
How to write romance
How to write friendships
How to write emotions (Masterpost)
How to write an argument
How to write yelling
How to write anger
How to write betrayal
How to title fanfiction
How to write an unreliable narrator
First Person vs. Third Person POV
How to write character deaths
How to use songs in a fanfiction
How to name fictional things
How to write self-insert fics
How to write multiple points of view
Introducing a group of characters
Large cast of characters interacting in one scene
How to write dual timelines
How to slow down time
Redemption arc
Plot twists
Fatal Character Flaws
Good Traits Gone Bad (x)
Slow burn
Explanation posts about writing terms
What is…
AU ideas
Favourite tropes
Tropes of the day
List of Genres
Drabble vs. One-Shot
Advice for writing relationships
Masterpost: how to write relationships + romance
More specific scenarios
How to write a bilingual character
How to write a character with glasses
How to write heterochromia
How to write taking care of a tired partner
How to create a villain
Reasons for becoming a villain
How to write a morally grey character
How to write an inferiority complex
How to write a road trip
How to create and write a cult
How to write amnesia
How to write being stabbed
How to write a stratocracy
How to write a heist
How to write the mafia
Criminal past comes to light
Ideas for traumatic experiences
How to create an atmosphere (Masterpost)
How to write a college party
How to write royalty (Masterpost)
Paramilitary Forces/ Militia
Superpowers Masterpost (Hero x Villain)
Inconvenient things a ghost could do
A Queen’s Assassination Plot
Reasons for leaving their land
Crime Story - Detective’s POV
Evil organization of assassins
Evil wins in the end
Causes for the apocalypse
Last day on earth
Liminal Spaces
Workplace AUs
Signs of co-dependency
What to wear in a desert
What to wear in the arctic
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tori-sama · 10 days ago
I can't get over the one sided love of a deity trapped in stone with a newcomer to their land.
Fields of Misteria has a dragon statue that seemes to be romanceable later on named Caldarus. They are immortal and trapped in stone because they have grown weak and their memory fuzzy.
You nurse then back into power by collecting nature essence by doing things around your farm. Cutting grass, tending crops. Cutting trees, clearing rocks etc.
I can't get over this idea of one sided longing or enamorment now. A mostly silent being who watches from afar as you wake up everyday just before the sun comes over the mountains in the distance and begin your work.
Diligently clearing land, planting and lovingly caring for your crops. The strength you built as an adventurer coming in handy with cutting down large trees and smashing large rocks with ease. The gentle way you handle your farm animals and the bonds you build with the community.
The beam of pride you have when you complete a days worth of work. Tired, sweaty, dirty---but happy and content.
They watch you get frustrated when you get tired and you're so close to being done, when your backpack gets too full too soon, watching you take breaks to restore your stamina and how you treat animals, even bugs, with kindness by shooing them away before clearing the next plot of land.
They see the gentle smile of your face as you water and weed your plants and hear you regale the silent stone with stories of your adventuring days. They see you run past into the village with gifts to give and materials to offer, help to aid those that need it.
They feel sad when you sleep in, noting how unusual it is for you to sleep in late and plead for you to take care of yourself and not push so hard. The mines are dangerous and their power is limited.
The find themselves worrying for you. Did you remember to make food? Are you eating a proper diet? Are you remembering to rest? You can be so stubborn sometimes.
They despise being so weak, they wish to speak to you more, to see your eyes light up with new information and to keep you company. To aid you in your self appointed quest of a manageable farm and happy life.
They find themselves excited for dawn, when you come out and stand in front of their statue--coffee in hand while you plan your day, knowing they can't respond but still treating them kindly, gently.
You make sure to scrub them clean when the rain comes to avoid mildew and moss growing on them. It can't be comfortable and somehow you think of it like a virus for them. They're your friend and you want them to be taken care of, since, as a statue it's not like they can clean themselves.
They think you are devoted to kindness to those around you.
And they wish to reward such devotion.
By returning it in kind.
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tori-sama · 10 days ago
Caldarus growing his own garden made my day 100% better 🤗
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Fields of Mistria
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tori-sama · 1 month ago
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hayden x monroe 💙💛
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tori-sama · 1 month ago
Fields of Mistria's 2nd Major Update is coming March 10th!✨ We'll be showcasing some of the new features in the meantime, so stay tuned! To see everything that's planned, check out our roadmap here!
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tori-sama · 2 months ago
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anyone else been struggling lately
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tori-sama · 2 months ago
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close enough
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tori-sama · 2 months ago
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a kiss among the stars 🌟 ⚘️
Join our Patreon to see what happens next! 🔞💘
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tori-sama · 2 months ago
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guns n’ roses n’ horses
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tori-sama · 2 months ago
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✨ Fields of Mistria's latest Roadmap is here!
Our 2nd Major Update will be coming in March! Here's a look at everything we have planned for it, as well as what to expect from future updates! 💛
Visit our website here for the text version.
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tori-sama · 2 months ago
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