#i wanna be kid and toon link...
skyward-floored · 8 months
I beat hyrule warriors :D
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Here’s a Beetlejuice Beetlejuice fanfic/chatfic and headcannons I wrote because I was bored and the ghost characters need more recognition (minor spoilers for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice)
BeetleJuice BeetleJuice character headcannons! (Also don’t mind all the super smash bros headcannons, I was watching Blake jennings “what your main in smash says about you” while I made these):
Wolf Jackson the movie star:
◦ Has MAJOR former theatre kid vibes, like he totally had a Hamilton phase and watched Cats ATLEAST once just to make fun of it, but he ended up secretly kinda liking the songs from it.
◦ Wont admit to even HAVING a favourite superhero, but it’s totally Spider Noir
◦ Says he mains someone like Snake in smash, but he actually mains Isabelle, jigglepuff, or The duck hunt dog and he somehow wins EVERY TIME HE PLAYS SMASH because he’s good at spam pressing buttons.
◦ Good at claw machines for some reason. A strange hidden talent, but he probs brags about it every chance he gets (which isn’t often but still)
◦ Everyone thinks/assumes he’s straight and probs bangin his secretary/the girl who brings him coffee (idk if she’s actually his secretary) but then he’ll casually insert “my boyfriend” or “this guy I’m seeing” into a conversation and the whole room is shocked.
◦ Knuckle cracker.
◦ When he’s sad infront of other people he hides his emotions and says he’s fine, but when he’s sad at home alone, he curls up with a bunch of blankets and binge watches all the movies he stared in when he was alive. Only his secretary(?) knows this.
◦ Drinks coffee (obviously) but also likes iced teas. Can on rare occasions be seen wandering around with an Arizona Tea can in hand.
◦ Ocean from RTC vibes. Like he doesn’t really mean to be rude, but he also has a habit of thinking he’s better than most people around him.
◦ That same way that I walk into any store and when I wanna get something I tell myself “I can make that at home.” He watches ANY action movie (especially ones with cgi or heavy effects) and says/thinks “I could’ve done that MYSELF, WITHOUT special affects.”
◦ Chronically tired
◦ Under-appreciated-employee-core. Wherever he works in the neitherworld would not FUNCTION without him, but no one who works with him would recognize this until he put in his two weeks notice.
◦ A pushover. I hate to say it, but this man DIED (double died ig?) for a ghost who didn’t deserve that amount of loyalty and Bob probably knows it. He knew Beetlejuice wasn’t worth sacrificing that much for but he did it anyways because he is a pushover.
◦ My general headcannon for all the “tiny head” people in the Beetlejuice franchise is that they can speak telepathically to people, but most either choose not to, or don’t know that they can do it. Bob chooses not to because whenever he does (on rare occasions) it freaks out everyone who’s ever known him and he finds it hilarious.
◦ Current theatre kid. Has all of Heathers memorized. Could sing most RTC songs and says “this is all your fault Jafar” and “youre FUCKIN useless Paul” in his head or under his breath EVERY DAY.
◦ Once played Smash with Wolf Jackson and absolutely HATED the fact that Wolf won every time without really trying. But also Bob mains wii fit trainer, toon link or Kirby because I said so.
◦ Coffee drinker, but also gives off “DO NOT FILL UP A “SUPER BIG GULP” CUP WITH 5-HOUR ENERGY AND CHUG THE WHOLE THING” vibes. He is WIRED.
Harry the hunter:
◦ Bobs uncle who died at around the same age as Bob so that’s why they look the same age/look like the same person.
◦ BESTIES with Ms Argentina
◦ Likes Delores because he hates Beetlejuice and wishes she successfully killed him, but also dislikes her because she killed Bob
◦ Bob is chronically tired but gets a good nights sleep most nights. Harry is an insomniac night owl who stays up until 1:00 in the morning rewatching Over the garden wall or Wall E for the 1000th time even though he KNOWS has to get up at 5:00am that morning.
◦ Only drinks tea or water.
◦ Mostly uses ASL or writing on notepads to communicate (same with Bob)
◦ Bob is the type of employee to work more than he should and do extra stuff and overtime etc. because he thinks people will like him more or atleast he’ll get some benefit from it right? Harry is the employee who knows you should just do your job and leave because no one will care if you do more than that so don’t waste your time.
◦ Just like Bob, he is a theatre kid. And he totally got Ms Argentina into musicals too.
Ms Argentina:
◦ a HARDCORE SIMP for Delores. Like “she could suck my soul out of my body and in my last moments I’d THANK HER” kinda simp (same tho)
◦ WILL THROW HER HEELS AT YOU IF YOU PISS HER OFF (Bob, Wolf Jackson, Beetlejuice, AND EVEN Delores ALL learned this the hard way.)
◦ Mains Daisy in smash because they both have Loud-Lesbian energy
◦ Her nickname is Tina and her real name is Valentina, but ONLY Harry and Delores can call her Tina or her real full first name.
◦ SOMEHOW managed to get Delores to go on a date with her, and now they’re dating. Beetlejuice still has no idea how Tina pulled that off.
◦ Tina gives me tea or coffee drinker vibes, but part of me thinks she sometimes puts vodka in her tea and/or coffee
◦ Because Harry got her to like musicals, she totally got her girlfriend into musicals too
I’ll probably make a chatfic based on the musical and cartoon, but this one is based on the movies
Astrid has created a groupchat
Astrid has added: Lydia Deetz, Richard Deetz, Charles Deetz, and Delia Deetz
Astrid has named the groupchat “💜the Deetz family💜”
Astrid: hi! For those who are bad with tech *cough cough, grandpa* this is a groupchat, “gc” for short. It’s like texting but with multiple people in one text conversation.
Charles Deetz: Thanks kiddo, I was confused!
Richard Deetz: hey! This seems fun!
Lydia Deetz: OMG RICHARD?!
Richard Deetz: Hello Lyds!
Delia Deetz: omg Richard! Hi!
Charles Deetz: hello!
Richard Deetz: hi everyone!
~in a different groupchat~
“Work only” groupchat
Richard: my daughter just added me to a family groupchat 🥰
Bob: nice.
Argentina: omg fun!! My family is still alive.
Bob: So is his, Argentina?
Argentina: oh. OH. How the hell does that work?
Richard: I’ve learned not to question things like that a looooooooooooooooooooong time ago.
Argentina: that’s fair.
Wolf: my family has been hiding from me 😅
Harry: why?
Wolf: because ~~🏳️‍🌈~~
Harry: ah. SERIOUSLY?
Wolf: yeah. They only found out last thanksgiving tho. I was at my Mothers house (she is dead, to clarify) and I mentioned I was seeing a guy, and they DID NOT LIKE THAT LET ME TELL YA
Harry: Bob is the only family member of mine I know who will talk to me
Bob: to be fair, only about half of our family is actually DEAD?
Harry: yeah. But if Astrid can add her dad to a family gc then don’t you think they might just not be *trying*?
Bob: that’s fair.
Richard: ANYWAYS, I was thinking maybe I should make a gc with you guys AND my family in it so you guys can be introduced to each other!
Argentina: sure!
Wolf: okay.
Bob: 👍
Harry: 👍
Richard: yay! Okay brb
Richard Deetz has made a groupchat
Richard Deetz had added: Astrid Deetz, Lydia Deetz, Charles Deetz, Delia Deetz, Ms Argentina, Wolf Jackson, Bob, and Harry
Richard Deetz has named the groupchat “friends and family”
Harry: I love how apparently me and Bob are just “Harry” and “Bob” and everyone else has some form of last name XD
Bob: omg yeah, I didn’t even notice that! Rude.
Richard: well to be fair, you never told me your last name(s?)
Harry: and I still won’t. It’s still funny tho
Richard: 🙄 alr
Astrid: Dad?! Who are these people?
Richard: my coworkers! Thought I’d introduce you guys
Harry: just “coworkers”? Ouch Rich
Richard: oh hush 😑
Harry: 🤭 k
Astrid: cooooool. Hey.
Bob: hey.
Astrid: OMG @Delia @Lydia @Charles, I forgot to mention I auditioned for my school musical lmao
Lydia: WHAT! And you didn’t tell me? Thats awesome!
Delia: Omg wow!!! You’ll be amazing!
Charles: nice kiddo!
Astrid: HAHAHAHA I was NOT expecting that reaction from @Harry
Argentina: he looks very intimidating irl but he’s the biggest FREAKIN NERD YOULL EVER MEET I PROMISE-
Harry: RUDE! But Fr- what musical?
Astrid: Heathers.
Astrid: THATS WHAT I THOUGHT! But I auditioned anyways for fun.
Harry: so did the cast list come out yet?
Astrid: yeah! I’m gonna be Veronica!!!!!!!
Harry: OMG AWESOME!! I would love to play JD, but I died before even the MOVIE was made, so I’ll never get the chance sadly.
Astrid: DAMN, that’s tough.
Argentina: WOMP WOMP
Harry: >:O
Lydia: You got a part!!! That’s amazing! When’s opening night???
Richard: yeah! You might not see me in the audience, but I’ll be there!!!
Astrid: it’s in October but rehearsal hasn’t even started yet, I’ll let you know when I know!
Delia: let me know too!
Harry: no offence Delia, but have you SEEN Heathers?? I feel like if ghosts can be unconscious, it would send you into a COMA. With Dead Girl Walking ALONE
Astrid: DEAD GIRL WALKING? She’d be out before Big Fun ends XD
Harry: fair point!
Charles: I know that what you two are typing is technically words, but I understand NONE OF THEM
Harry: that’s also fair XD Poor Charles
Wolf Jackson: I know what the words mean! And your right, Delia would be sent into a coma by that show. Movie OR musical
Argentina: one word: Blue.
Richard: oh god what have I started with creating this gc
Lydia: clearly this is a Pandora’s box of chaos you’ve created and opened, Rich
Richard: yeah…….whoops…
~hours later~
Astrid: weird question but raise a digital hand if your 🏳️‍🌈 (no pressure to answer I just want info for a project)
Harry: me!!
Bob: does bi count?
Astrid: yes it does
Bob: cool
Wolf: *slowly raises hand*
Astrid: FR? No offence but I would NOT have guessed that
Wolf: no one ever does 🤫
Argentina: OO OO OO ME!!!
Argentina: wait- can I add my girlfriend to the gc?
Astrid: YESS DO IT
Argentina: okay!!!
Argentina added Delores to the groupchat
Argentina: yeahhhh 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Delores: hello…? What’s this?
Astrid: a groupchat!
Delores: I’m not sure what that is, but alright?
Bob: ………. Argentina why would you do this to me.
Astrid: wait what? What happened? And what’s a “soulsucker”?
Delores: basically a ghost that can kill other ghosts. And that’s what I am
Astrid: but wouldn’t that not work because they’re already DEAD?
Delores: nope.
Bob: Astrid, you learn not to question stuff like this after a while of being dead or knowing someone in the neitherworld. Nothing makes sense here. (Also Delores almost killed me)
Argentina: yet another reason to NOT KILL YOURSELF 😃
Astrid: noted! Wasn’t planning on it, but good motivation! 😃😃
Wolf: god you people are insane.
Delia: agreed.
Lydia: you both say “you people” like you aren’t a part of this family/friend group. Bad news: YOU ARE PART OF THE “YOU PEOPLE”
Delores: I think I’ll like you people a lot.
Lydia: you tried to kill 🪲🧃 so I definitely like you girl.
Delores: 🥰omg you you want his moldy ass double dead too?!
Lydia: he tried to marry me AT 16 YEARS OLD so yeah definitely
Delores: I’m from an era where thats pretty normal, but I’m gonna assume that’s not normal and bad in the future??
Lydia: yeah it’s bad and gross. Also the year is currently 2024 btw
Delores: thank you! Damn I was in those boxes for a long time wasn’t I?
Argentina: yes you were
Wolf: and you were TECHNICALLY supposed to STAY THERE
Delores: my girlfriend has advised me to reply to that with “womp womp”? I’m not sure what that mean but I hope it has its intended affect.
Bob: update: I have just read the previous texts. Yes Delores it DID have its intended affect! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Delores: oh good!!! 😀
Wolf: NO! NOT GOOD. I don’t like you! Mean lesbian!!!!
Richard: what is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?
Richard: omg I jus read the last few texts, that is pretty funny Wolf
Lydia: 😮 🤭 yeah I’m with Rich on this one, that’s pretty funny honestly
Wolf: I hate you all /ns
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eminsunnytoons123 · 3 months
Class of 3000: back to the SING!
Lil' D And the other six in dork diaries style
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Since some of my loved ones in my tumblr family such as @nightkit92 And a few more tag me in various picrew chains And since I yesterday posted sunny And his kids in toon me picrew styles, heres lil' D And the other six in the style of 'dork diaries' =^_^= 💚💟🧡🩵💛💖♥️
And this is even a treat for @iggyguyy @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 And more of my loved ones in my tumblr family just incase they wanna try the website And make their own dorks too =^.^=
Again, I made them in their reboot looks And styles such as Madison since there wasnt much more details And accessories to give others ^////^;
I'll make more like these later or tommorow when I find more cute avatar Makers =^_^=
And heres a link to the dork diaries website 。⁠•́ w •̀⁠。
Also, yeah, I saved these seven pictures to my computer so thats why they look like this, I was kinda lazy to make them on my phone And it wont even allow me to And I sometimes cant screenshot some shit And stuff -////-;
I hope y'all will like this =^.^= 💚💟🧡🩵💛💖♥️
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Round 1 Results
Round 2 should start tomorrow(Sat Sep 16th). Posting Round 2 matchups in a little bit!
Note, it wouldnt let me put all the links for some reason to the actual polls, so if you wanna see the %, here is the link to original polls
Group A1:
Star Tours VS. Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run: Star Tours
Muppet*Vision 3D VS. Mickey's PhilharMagic: Muppet Vision
Horizons VS. Journey into Imagination (1983-1998): Journey into Imagination
Country Bear Jamboree VS. It's a Small World: Small World
Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress VS. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride: Carousel of Progress
Voyage of the Little Mermaid VS. WEDWay PeopleMover: People Mover
Matterhorn Bobsleds VS. Expedition Everest: Everest
Frozen Ever After VS. Rise of the Resistance: Rise of the Resistance
Group A2:
Tron Lightcycle Power Run VS. Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind: TIE - Tie Breaker: Tron
Mystic Manor VS. Phantom Manor: Phantom Manor
World of Motion VS. Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room: Tiki Room
Stitch's Great Escape! VS. Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith: Rock n Rollercoaster
Incredicoaster VS. Soarin’: Soarin
Maelstrom VS. Remy's Ratatouille Adventure: TIE - Tie Breaker: Remy
California Screamin’ VS. Indiana Jones Adventures: Indiana Jones Adventure
Beauty and the Beast: Live on Stage VS. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror: Tower of Terror
Group B1:
Dumbo the Flying Elephant VS. Mad Tea Party/Teacups: Teacups
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train VS. Jungle Cruise: Jungle Cruise
The Studio Backlot Tour VS. The Monorail : Monorail
Doug: Live! VS. Big Thunder Ranch: Big Thunder Ranch
The Legend of the Lion King VS. America Sings: Legend of the Lion King
Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage/Submarine Voyage/20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Submarine Voyage VS. Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast: Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast
Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure VS. Avatar Flight of Passage: POTC Battle For the Sunken Treasure
La Tanière du Dragon VS. Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour: CC Mystery Tour
Group B2:
Innoventions VS. Conservation Station: Innoventions
Snow White's Scary Adventures VS. Pinocchio's Daring Journey : Snow White's Scary Adventure
Adventure Thru Inner Space VS. Spaceship Earth: Spaceship Earth
Rocket Rods VS. Superstar Limo : Superstar Limo
Astro Orbiter VS. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad: Big Thunder
Hyperspace Mountain(Disneyland Paris) VS. Sindbad's Storybook Voyage: Hyperspace Mountain
Turtle Talk with Crush VS. Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor: Monsters Inc Laugh Floor
Finding Nemo - The Musical VS. Splash Mountain: Splash Mountain
Group C1:
Monsters, Inc. Ride & Go Seek VS. Pooh's Hunny Hunt: Pooh's Hunny Hunt
Primeval Whirl VS. Goofy's Sky School/Mulholland Madness: TIE - Tie breaker: Goofy/MM
Radiator Springs Racers VS. Test Track 2.0: Radiator Springs Racers
Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure VS. Toy Story Mania!: Toy Story Mania
Crush's Coaster VS. The Barnstormer: Barnstormer
Cranium Command VS. Ellen's Energy Adventure: Cranium Command
Disney Riverboats VS. Na'vi River Journey: Na'vi River Journey
Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin VS. Haunted Mansion: Haunted Mansion
Group C2:
The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure VS. Peter Pan’s Flight: Peter Pan
Kali River Rapid VS. Grizzly River Run : Grizzly River Run
Circle of Life: An Environmental Fable VS. Living with the Land: Living with the Land
Typhoon Lagoon Wave Pool VS. Polynesian Volcano Slide: Typhoon Lagoon wave pool
Raging Spirits VS. Dinosaur: Dinosaur
Disney's Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular VS. Frozen – Live at the Hyperion: Aladdin
Silly Symphony Swings VS. Mater's Junkyard Jamboree: Silly Symphony Swings
Alice's Curious Labyrinth VS. The Great Movie Ride: Great Movie Ride
Group D1:
Jumpin' Jellyfish VS. Maliboomer: Jumpin Jellyfish
Railroads (any of the parks) VS. Pirates of the Caribbean : Pirates
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Movie Set Adventure VS. Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin: Buzz
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril VS. Journey to the Center of the Earth: Journey to the Center of the Earth
Festival of the Lion King VS. Fantasmic!: Fantasmic!
Heimlich's Chew Chew Train VS. Food Rocks/Kitchen Kabaret: Heimlich's chew chew train
Aquatopia VS. Space Mountain: Space Mountain
The Making of Me VS. Captain EO: Captain EO
Group D2:
Journey into Imagination with Figment VS. Alice in Wonderland: Figment
The Casey Jr. Circus Train VS. Storybook Land Canal Boats: Canal Boats
Slinky Dog Dash VS. Test Track 1.0: Test Track 1.0
Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters VS. Gran Fiesta Tour Starring the Three Caballeros: Three Caballeros
Armageddon – Les Effets Speciaux VS. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: Pooh
Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway VS. Mission: Space: MMRR
Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular! VS. Lights, Motors, Action!: Extreme Stunt Show: Indiana Jones Stunt
Kilimanjaro Safaris VS. Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars: Kilimanjaro Safaris
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tigirl-and-co · 1 year
Welcome back to Toon in Monthly, the series of Tumblr posts where I pay to show you a cartoon (or old anime) in the hope of brightening up your day!
Today's cartoon?
This is the original Zelda cartoon, which originally aired as a segment on The Super Mario Brothers Super Show.
It's not great, but it's very charming! This is also the only link I'm not very fond of haha. Everything else about the cartoon is pretty decent, but then Link starts talking.
I actually have a personal history with this one. Even as a little kid I was OBSESSED with LoZ. We were taking a two-day car trip when I was about nine or ten, and my dad found a DVD with all 13 episodes at the local video rental. He remembered it being terrible from Way Back When, and so of course brought it home for us.
The three of us kids sat in the car, losing our MINDS and watching every episode.
If you wanna watch more, every episode is up on youtube!
Have fun!
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sigmxnd · 4 months
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[didn't draw this btw, this is a picrew that's linked at the bottom of this post] this is Aaron and he's the new oc i will be shipping with scott :3
i also wrote down a bunch of info for all 3 of my self shipping guys (all canon timelines are written for proof of concept, and main au is the one i mostly write about and draw for) so let's start with Aaron:
- he/they (demiboy)
- gay
- w/ scott
- 23
- grew up in a small town
- quiet, stubborn, headstrong personality
canon timeline background: watched total drama pretty frequently and only gained the confidence to audition by the 4th season. him and scott would butt heads a lot during the duration of the season, but were more so enemies to lovers behind the scenes. after he was eliminated, Chris spilled their secret, but they never confirmed whether or not they were a real couple. aaron didn't compete in the 5th season, but came back in the 6th as an intern. he says he's taken, but he's neither confirmed nor denied whether or not he's taken by scott (in fact, he never mentions him by name).
main au: went unnoticed in high school, met scott a few years after they graduated (both around 21) and they got together after a year of dating. they've been together since, although they have a pretty quiet relationship.
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- he/him (trans male)
- biflux
- w/ duncan
- 24
- grew up in the suburbs
- calm, cool, laid back personality
canon timeline background: grew up with a solid friend group in a quiet neighborhood, lived a pretty uneventful life. he'd heard about total drama through his friend group, but his mom was the one to recommend it to him as something to do for the summer (applies to certain aus/main as well). he competed in seasons 1 and 2 (getting with duncan pretty much from the beginning), but skipped out on 3 and didn't go back. broke up with duncan after seeing the situation with him and the girls.
main au: met duncan in high school (moved to a different district, similar home life) but didn't get with him until a few years after they graduated (both about 21). they've been together since.
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[this is the original picrew i made for Leo which i'm only putting here since i haven't drawn my own ref sheet for him yet. link is also at the bottom]
- he/him (trans male)
- gay/asexual
- w/ ezekiel
- 23
- grew up in the country for 7 years before moving to the city
- affectionate, strong, outgoing personality
canon timeline background: learned about total drama in the newspaper, competed in season 1 but didn't qualify for season 2 and never came back. its to be assumed he got with ezekiel sometime after he was eliminated. he cut off contact with everyone but sigmund after the events of season 3. (in one au, Leo and Ezekiel met as kids and reunited on the show)
main au: grew up by himself until he got a stepbrother after moving into the city. had a few failed relationships until meeting ezekiel senior year and getting with him after graduating. they've been together since.
AUGHH JDBAIEHFZWJ :3 i love them so much they are my finest creations (no they aren't, but i love them anyway)
FEEL FREE TO DRAW THEM BTW. tag me n stuff. i wanna see everyone's creations (if you have questions, feel free to ask as well :3 i promise i don't bite. won't even judge if you're anon, i mean there's a city that needs you and tumblr certainly doesn't need to know you're batman)
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
🎃Redacted Couples Dressing Up For Halloween🎃
👻👻Spoopy Time Headcanons👻👻
🥰Couples Costumes🥰🥰
Pt. 1
(Btw, the gender of the costume character is not directly linked to the gender of the redacted character/listener character, Milo and Sweetheart’s is prime example of this)
First up is...
Asher and Baaabe
Ah, yes, the lovely goofball/hot bitch power couple ☺️☺️
These two are the reason I made this list, because I KNOW
Asher would dress as Roger Rabbit
And Babe would dress as Jessica Rabbit
(Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988 film)
I also just kinda wanna see Babe in that red dress, ngl-
You just can’t tell me this isn’t them 👇👇👇
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Milo and Sweetheart
I’m not making fun of Milo’s accent, I swear-
That being said...
Milo would dress as Harley Quinn
And Sweetheart would dress as The Joker
(The DC Universe comic book series and more)
If you disagree, that’s fine, I get it, it’s probably an overdone joke idk,
And Sweetheart in a suit 👀👀👀👀
I don’t think more needs to be said
Milo calling Sweetheart Puddin
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David and Angel
I wish I could think of something more interesting or elaborate for these two, but let’s be honest...
David would dress as The Big Bad Wolf
And Angel would dress as Little Red Riding Hood
(Little Red Riding Hood 17th century folktale)
Okay, well, that’s a lie, I almost made them Beauty and the Beast
But I have a feeling David would not want to dress up, so Angel just has to work with what he already is-
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Sam and Darlin
Now, I’m not making fun of Sam and calling him a cowboy.
I have his accent too, it’d make me a hypocrite.
Sam would dress as Jedediah
And Darlin would dress as Octavius
(Night at the Museum film franchise)
Darlin rocking that Roman armor 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Sammy in the cowboy fit 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
I know he wouldn’t want to dress as a cowboy, but I think he’d be fine if he’s dressing as Jedediah
We all know he’s an Owen Wilson kinnie anyway
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Vincent and Lovely
Okay this one might be a bit of a stretch...
I really struggled to pick a dynamic duo for them, but I think this works
Vincent would dress as Erik “The Phantom”
And Lovely would dress as Christine
(The Phantom of the Opera 1986 musical)
No, I didn’t choose this because I think Vincent would look hot in The Phantom’s mask 😅😅😅
I honestly don’t have much else to say about them, it just felt right.
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Geordi and Cutie
This is another one that I struggled with
And I honestly don’t know why I think they’d dress as this duo-
Geordi would dress as Jerry
And Cutie would dress as Tom
(Tom and Jerry animated franchise)
To be completely honest, I think they’d dress as any dynamic duo within Looney Toons/Warner Bros...
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Gavin and Freelancer
Y’know how I said Sam and Darlin’s costume was my favorite?
Well this one is a very close second
Gavin would dress as Tiffany
And Freelancer would dress as Chucky
(Bride of Chucky 1998 film)
God I hope someone draws this, ngl
Do I just want to see him in a leather jacket and fishnets? Maybe.
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Ollie and Mentor
This one was another struggle
I just don’t know much about either of them even though I’ve listened to Ollie’s playlist
Hell, Mentor doesn’t even have a proper pet name...
But, regardless, there was one iconic duo that came to mind for these two and it just kinda stuck...
Ollie would dress as Shaggy
And Mentor would dress as Velma
(Scooby-Doo animated franchise)
I don’t know why, I just feels like they would
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(This is a really cute gif omg)
Elliott and Sunshine
Okay, hear me out-
These two DO NOT PLAY when it comes to Halloween costumes, alright?
They’ve been doing matching outfits for YEARS, even before they were dating
And they will not stop.
Elliott would dress as Wybie
And Sunshine would dress as Coraline
(Coraline 2009 film)
Again, I just feel like they would, okay?
The bestest, mostest, dynamicist, duoist duo in the entire Redactedsphere
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Avior and Starlight
It’s just perfect for them 😭😭
That being said...
Avior would dress as Jack
And Starlight would dress as Sally
(The Nightmare Before Christmas 1993 film)
I might just want to see Avior in a black and white striped suit, but I swear there’s more to this-
Halloweentown is basically hell.
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Here's part two!
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b3ndy · 7 months
What does fandom get right and/or wrong? (The ask game)
Things they get WRONG !!-
I am not a child !! I am an adult who is shown to own my own adult house and drink my adult drinks and I even drive an adult car (as shown in comics). I've made a post about this before if you wanna check it out (link to it) and I'm tired of being made a kid so much
Not quite fandom but canon - batdr ink demon and his toon form are not me. I feel a connection I can't describe to them and get shifts into them Occasionally but they aren't me !! That's a whole nother guy. Also overthinking the logistics (i feel like I'm meant to be the only one in canon and there's some weird feelings like that) messes with me
I Do Not Like Mickey Mouse. He's a bitch and a coward and I'd easily beat him up. Also cuphead threw a ROCK AT ME and I will NEVER FORGIVE HIM . LASHES TAIL
Things fandom gets RIGHT !!-
I am animalistic as the ink demon. I've heard people criticise the books and fans for portraying me more as an animal but man. I'm still a person even with animalistic characteristics. I can hunt and purr and stalk and growl and hiss and walk on all fours and still be capable of thought that's at a humans level yknow.
I am quite sexual. I will not elaborate.
Ink demon and toon are the same yes. I am the silly fellow on the silverscreen but also the guy who almost tore someone in half in ink hell
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gengar-pixel-2 · 2 years
Okay so right now a HUGE special interest for me is kids virtual worlds. Toontown caught my eye, But mostly corporate clash. Count Erclaim, Specifically since well- I also have a special interest in vampires. Now i want to know the lore but.. Where do i look?
Please, If you have a guide or, Anything, I would love to know. I don’t know a lot about toontowns C.O.G.S, Other than the basic stuff from the original game (great don’t get me wrong, It’s good but what i see here hits.. Different..) I wanna get into corporate clash’s lore!
Thank you if you see this! Reblog it, Link me guides, Dm me, Whatever is fine with me!
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Lucas' Persona Awakening
It was supposed to be a typically normal day in the Smash Bros Mansion. Nothing too bad or anything. Just a simple picnic between Smashers and Assist Trophies to pass the time on a normal afternoon.
However, that was until…he…showed up. Porky, the cause of most, if not all of Lucas’  problems, decided to show his face once again. And this time, he didn’t come alone. He had brought the Pigmask Army and Masked Man along with him.
Mario: Everyone, be careful!
Link: Damn, there’s too many of them!
Due to the sudden attack and sheer numbers of soldiers at Porky’s disposal, the Smashers were left unprepared and were soon overtaken. They were soon all held down by the Pigmask soldiers while Porky sat confidently in his spider mech.
Porky: Heh! This is Smash Bros? They should rename it Porky Bros due to how strong I am!
Ness: Shut up, Porky! You just have an insane amount of people that snuck attack us.
Porky: Aw, Ness. It hurts when you talk to me like that. (He goes over and pats his head) Aren’t we super best friends?
Ness: No. Literally, we weren’t even slightly friends.
Porky, sighs: Well, whatever. Not like you can do anything to stop me.
Masked Man is staring at Lucas, who was being pinned down with more Pigmasks than everyone else.
Lucas: Gah!
Masked Man: …..
Porky: What is it, Right Hand Masked Man? (Looks over and sees Lucas) Oh, it’s him! He’s the one who tried to foil my plans before! Isn’t this lovely? Not that I remember this runt named Lucas, but still.
Lucas: Let my brother go, you monster!
Porky: What? Your brother? Now, there’s two things wrong with that sentence. A. He’s my secretary/lieutenant. B. If it wasn’t for me, he’d be a bloody corpse in the middle of some forest or something. Wherever my men saw his sorry sack. I made him way cooler.
Porky: Woah! Language. Didn’t your mother ever tell you-
Lucas, practically growling: Finish that line, and you’re gonna pray it was me who was killed by the Mecha Drago.
Porky: Mecha…wait…waaaaaait, you’re from Tazmily, right? Oh, I get it! Well, I know it’s a bit late, but how about I give you a little gift as consolation?
Lucas: What?
Porky snapped his fingers, and about twenty Mecha Dragos burst into the mansion. Lucas froze, a horrifying memory coming back.
Porky, smiling evily: That’s right! These things were such a huge part of your life, practically being a turning point for it. So why not have a little reunion with the ones who changed your life? Of course, I had to clone it after your hillbilly father killed the original. But why stop at one, am I right?
Ness: You jerk! Leave Lucas alone!
Ashley: You fiend…If you so much as harm a hair on his head…!
Porky, looking at Ness with a frown: ….Ness, you’ve made so many new friends. I thought I was gonna be your best friend forever. But you went and replaced me.
Ness: We were never friends.
Porky: You shut your mouth! Anyway, I decided to come to a choice. We’ll have a whole buffet of nostalgia!
Porky snaps once again. All of the Pigmasks move the Smashers up to their feet.
Porky: Lucas can get a flashback of him losing his loved ones due to the Mecha Dragos, and I’ll get a sick kick out of it!
Lucas: W-What?!
Yoshi: Don’t worry. They’re basically mechanical Yoshi’s. I can communicate with them.
Yoshi tried, but was immediately smacked by a Mecha Drago.
Yoshi: Okay…it didn’t work…
The Mecha Drago’s took a step towards everyone, who were all still restrained by the Pigmasks. Lucas’ breathing began to speed up. It was all happening again…and like before, he’d be unable to do anything about it. Was he going to lose more people?
Lucas: Porky, stop!
Porky: Heheheh, why? You can’t stop fate. I’m going to rule the world and rename Smash Bros into Porky Bros, and you…
Porky smiles and looks at Masked Man.
Porky: Hey, Secretary/Lieutenant. You wanna do the honors and kill this kid?
Masked Man simply looked at Lucas with a blank stare. There was no emotion. Just a cold, lifeless stare. But instead of an answer, he threw a capsule which summoned an Ultimate Chimera.
Porky: Ohoho! An Ultimate Chimera, I love it! A bite from them can crush metal! And considering Lucas is all flesh and bones….hopefully I’ll have enough to make something of it. So look on the bright side, Lucas! You might get to work with your dear brother after all! That, or you’ll end up like your mom. Hehehehe….Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Ness: Lucas!
Ashley: Unhand me! Lucas!
Toon Link: Those things are an instadeath!
Lucas wasn’t concerned about the Ultimate Chimera slowly approaching him, even if getting bitten was certain and VERY painful death. He was more concerned about the Mecha Dragos. Once again, the people he loved, his newfound family in Smash was going to be killed by the same monster that took away and ruined his family and childhood. Was that his fate? Death all around him and losing everyone he cares about.
???: What’s wrong? Are you truly going to let history repeat itself? Are they not your dear friends?
Lucas paused. Was…was that a voice?
???: Failure to act will result in their death. Are you truly able to let people as simply as that? Are you not tired of constantly losing others? Do you not want to end this cruel cycle of death?
Lucas, under his breath: I…I am….
???: …Hm. I can understand your resolve based on your emotions. Very well.
The whole world seemed to go into slow motion as sharp pain rang throughout his whole body, more prominent in his head. No…it was if time itself stopped. A currently blue flame in the shape of a body appeared before Lucas.
???: I am thou…thou art I….Thou who art willing to do battle against the cruel fortune of death for thine happiness! Call upon my name, and bask in your rebirth, my dear friend!
???: Show no mercy to all who dare harm your loved ones, and exact vengeance on those who have taken what cannot be reclaimed!
Lucas slowly looks up at the Ultimate Chimera, who was inches away from him and was seconds away from chomping him. Time began to move back to normal.
Porky: Now, all of you die! Die for my ascension!
In an instant, the Ultimate Chimera was flung across the other side of the room, and the Pigmasks that were restraining Lucas were blown back by a mysterious force. Everyone looked back at him in surprise.
A blue glow slowly emanated from the ground, growing in color and brightness before growing into a circular flame, spinning around Lucas more and more.
Lucas: Hey, Porky….I’ll be your friend…
In his words, there was no kindness, nor rage. It was a quiet calm, but a very offsetting one at that.
Lucas: But before I do officially become your friend…I need you to do one thing for me…
Porky: W-What the…?
Lucas looked up at Porky, his eyes glowing a piercing yellow. The azure flames that had circled him had now over taken his entire body
Lucas: Please….Could you…the Mecha Dragos, and the rest of the Pigmasks… die for me?
The flames burst away, and on Lucas’ face was a mask. It appeared to be white, dragon shaped mask with some red outlines and a Dragon Needle in the middle. Lucas had a wide smile on his face, and his eyes were bloodshot.
It was safe to assume Lucas had handled the Mecha Drago and the rest of Porky’s army. Porky had to retreat, of course. Lucas fainted immediately afterwards. He couldn’t quite remember what his Persona looked like though, but it definitely wouldn’t be the last time he had an encounter with it.
I am thou, thou art I…. Thou hath acquired a new vow….
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Death Persona, I obtained the winds of blessing that  shall lead to freedom and new power….
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kitkat1003 · 4 years
Tower Tales
5: Just how old are they?  And how are they heating this place?
AO3 link
Age is a fickle thing, for toons.  Some toons are created old, with a backstory they never lived.  Some toons are made to be adults in their prime, never aging, never older or younger despite the passage of time.  Some are made to be perpetual children, to never grow up.
They fall into that third category.  They think.
See, they were out for a little over half a year.  They had a contract, they did vaudeville shows with a crew of older comedians, many who liked them and one who hated them, and they never reached what one might call a birthday before they were locked up.
The one who hated them, he taught them what it was like to be hated, for someone to despise them that much.  He was the first they knew personally.  They didn’t know that he was a template for everyone else, eventually.  That the whole world would mirror him soon.
“Do you think we’re gonna get older?” Wakko asks one day, out of the blue, and Dot and Yakko glance over at him.
“Why would we?  We’re toons,” Dot responds.
“Yeah, I don’t think we’re made to age,” Yakko agrees, and Wakko shrugs.
“I guess.  I think I just wanted a birthday party.  Cake and ice cream...,” he drools just thinking about it.
“Do we even have a birthday?” Dot asks, and there’s a thought.  They all pause, and Yakko gets a smile on his face that promises something interesting.
“Why not pick one?”
The conversation ends there, but it’s brought up again, later, and Yakko pulls out the calendar one day after lunch.
“You guys thought about it?” He asks, and at their questioning looks he continues.  “The birthday thing.”
Dot shrugs.
“I guess.  It seems weird to just pick one.  We were made, not born.”
Yakko rolls his eyes. “That’s semantics,” he shoots back.
“Your main form of comedy is semantics.” She’s quick to reply.
“Touché.” He grins, because it never gets old to have someone you can go verbally back and forth with.
“I’d like a birthday,” Wakko pops in, and Dot sighs.
“Well, I wanna go first.” She clasps her hands and raises them to her cheek.  “I’m a spring girl, a blossoming flower.”
Yakko makes a face. “That saccharine makes me wilt,” he snarks, and she glares at him.  “How about the first day of spring?” he offers, raising his hands in surrender.  “It’s either the 19, 20, or 21st of March.” 
Dot considers this.
“March is such a boring month.  What about May?  It’s more the month of spring than March.  And the 21st, because I only ever shop at Forever 21!” She strikes a pose.
“Pretty sure that company doesn’t exist yet, so you’re not getting a sponsorship anytime soon.”
“I can try anyway!”
“Didn’t they go bankrupt?  Is this really the hill you want to die on?”
“May 21st it is!” Yakko marks it on the calendar with a strained grin, and Dot poses victoriously.  “Wakko?” he asks.  
“I don’t know.  I don’t think I have a favorite season,” Wakko taps his hands on his seat to a random beat, tilting his head to the side.  “Maybe Halloween?  I like getting free candy.” He shrugs.
“Yeah, but then you’d have to share the day with all the trick or treaters!  This is your day,” Dot hops up to stand on her seat.
“October 1st?  Same month as one of your favorite holidays, but far enough away that it won’t steal your thunder,” Yakko suggests, and Wakko thinks for a moment, and then nods.
“Okay, sounds good.”
“Good,” Yakko marks it down.
“What about you, Yakko?” Dot asks, leaning her elbows on the table and propping her head up with her hands.
“I was thinking uhh....December 31st,” He has a specific reason for it, one he isn’t going to share, but as is his siblings don’t need one.
“That’s awfully close to Christmas,” Dot frowns.
“And it’s right before New Years,” Wakko adds.
“I know, I know, but—I just like it.  And besides, what better way to ring in the new year than to celebrate me, huh?” He grins, and Dot rolls her eyes.
“Okay, but it’s kind of hypocritical,” she tells him.
“There goes my place on Santa’s nice list, then, huh,” Yakko writes it down.  
According to when he started marking the calendar, they’ve passed Dot’s birthday and Wakko’s.  He frowns.
“Guess I’m the only one getting a party this year,” he mutters, looking down at the count.  He’d based it off of the last date he could remember before being put in the tower, and how long he thinks they’ve been in here.  The thought makes his frown deepen/
“Dangit!” Dot curses, causing Yakko and Wakko to jump.  “I wanted a party,” it’s a whine.
“It’s not like there’s anyone besides us to celebrate it,” Wakko says it a bit bluntly, a bit morose, a bit matter of fact, and Dot flinches like she’s been hit, and starts to cry.
“Wakko!” Yakko scolds, and Wakko just blinks. “What?  It’s the truth.  I try not to think about it but—” he looks away, unexpectedly numb about the whole affair.  “They’re not gonna let us out just cause it’s our birthday.”
“Just shut up!” Dot shouts.  “Maybe I don’t wanna think about it!” She stomps off, and Wakko watches her leave.
“What’d you do that for?” Yakko asks, because Wakko isn’t dumb.  He knows what he’s saying will hurt.
“I don’t know,” Wakko replies.  “I think I’m just tired of pretending.  I don’t think we’re ever gonna leave.”
And Yakko, well, Yakko didn’t know he had it in him to be angrier at the ones who locked them in here, to hate them all even more, but he does, because the expression of defeat on Wakko’s face should never be there.
“Yeah, but who can throw a party better than the three of us?” He tries, and Wakko smiles a little, hopping off of his stool.  He grabs some food out of the fridge and disappears, likely upstairs to eat and maybe set off some bombs.
Yakko hangs up the calendar, flipping it a page and staring at “Yakko’s Birthday!” written in his typical cursive, on December 31st.
The oldest day in a year, on the cusp of the new one.  Kind of like him—old and young at the same time.  14 and 30, a brother and father, and a million things in between that threaten to tear him half, like every day he’s struggling to be the kid he wants to be and the adult he needs to be.
He’s very tired, for not even a year old in existence.
He finds Dot, teary eyed in her bed, and jokes away her sorrow.  Later, Wakko will apologize—he won’t take back what he said, however.  Because nothing he said was a lie.
Whoever said the truth is better than a lie never lived the life the Warners have.
See, they’ve been using fire for light, for cooking, for practically anything that requires heat or light, because they can’t figure out how to put in electricity.  They can summon the incidental lightbulbs that appear over their head in the presence of a sudden idea, but those flicker out fast.  They can summon things that require electricity, but to actually use them they need power.
They can tell that it’s nearing winter, because the Tower is getting colder.  Metal doesn’t insulate, and they’ve had to start wearing socks to keep their toes from getting frostbite.  And toons who don’t have to wear shoes being forced to wear things on their feet is a serious form of torture.  Rugs could work, but Dot says that they’re tacky, and so they’re only reserved for certain areas.  Even then, the rugs get cold too.
“We can’t summon an outlet,” Yakko paces back and forth in the first floor living room, and Wakko and Dot watch this both for entertainment but also out of concern, because Yakko takes worrying to a professional level.  “We can make batteries, but those don’t last long.  We don’t have enough toon power yet to make our own electricity...”
“Have we tried drawing one?” Wakko asks.  “You have pens on you all the time,” Yakko looks up, blinks, and slams his fist into his palm.
“That’s got to be it,” He pulls out a calligraphy pen, shuffling over to where they planned to place a TV, and he sits on his knees, sticking his tongue out in concentration.
“Do you know how to draw an outlet?” Dot pipes up from behind him, and Yakko rolls his eyes.
“Of course I know how to draw an outlet!” He responds, as if he’s offended she would even ask, but then he stares at the wall for about a minute and then slumps over.
“So?” She makes sure to add a bit of smugness to her voice.  
“Do you have a picture of one?” He manages, embarrassment tinging his voice.
“I don’t know.  Wakko?”  Wakko searches through his gag bag, and pulls out a book.
“Right here!” He scampers over to Yakko, opening the book to the right page, and then Yakko finally gets to work.
Once the outlet is rather perfectly drawn—those are Yakko’s words, not theirs, and Dot rolls her eyes when he says it.  All they can do is wait and see if it works.
“If this works, I’m using it to straighten my hair before we use it for anything else,” She grins, and Wakko crosses his arms across his chest.
“Hey, I was the one who thought of drawing it!  I want to make some good food.  We won’t have to use the icebox anymore!”
Yeah, they don’t exactly have a fridge.
“Well, I drew it, and I’m the oldest, so I’ll decide what to do with it,” Yakko interrupts the two of them.  He squints at the drawing, and reaches over to add another bolt.
“I thought you said it was perfectly drawn.”
“Everyone’s a critic.” Yakko rolls his eyes, and Dot grins, but they are interrupted by Wakko’s gasp.
“It worked!” He points, and sure enough, where there was once a wall with a drawing is now an outlet.  Yakko wastes no time in pulling out a heater and setting it up.
“We’ll figure out everything else later,” he says, “But we need heat or we’re gonna become popsicles.”
“I’d like to be that tasty,” Wakko rubs his tummy in thought, licking his lips.
“That’s gross, Wakko,” Dot deadpans.
“Eh.” Wakko shrugs.
Yakko shakes his head at the two of them, but he’s smiling.
Electricity makes the entire tower better.  Wakko is most excited about the TV and fridge, and Dot is just glad that she can actually see without having to light a match every two seconds.
Yakko is happy with the fact that they have heat, and that’s his opinion on the matter.
They burn their socks.  It’s a good day.
They’re sturdy, for toons, but they aren’t invincible.  Contrary to popular belief, injuries to toons can occur.  Injury, sickness, etc, it’s all a part of a toon’s life, to a lesser extent, and honestly, Dot is surprised that one of them hasn’t gotten hurt sooner.
The first few months they didn’t do much.  Then they were just getting into the groove, and then they were constantly redecorating, and then there was the talk of birthdays, and then there was the whole electricity debacle.  They haven’t had the time, not yet, to be wild enough to warrant serious injury.  Wakko’s stomach thing doesn’t count, because that wasn’t him being silly so much as it was the dangerous situation.
But, Dot thinks, it was going to happen eventually.  
Wakko goes off on his own more often than they do.  Yakko doesn’t really seem to like alone time, and Dot doesn’t like to be without her siblings for too long.  Even if they’re just background noise, that is more comforting than being alone and knowing they’re on a separate floor.  She does, of course, have days where she needs to be alone, but those are few and far in between.
Wakko likes to be alone.  He has his own adventures, and maybe that’s just in his nature.  The quiet one, to flit in and out of their lives.  She doesn’t like that thought, but it comes unbidden to her some days.  Of course, he hangs out with them more than he spends time alone, but still.  She wonders.
She’s playing with different hairstyles up on the second floor, and Yakko is downstairs,  pouring over the encyclopedia he managed to summon—evidently, he’s a history buff, and it doesn’t not make sense but it doesn’t make sense either—while Wakko messes around on the third floor.
And then, they hear Wakko cry out in pain, and suddenly Yakko is just there.  She doesn’t even think she saw him go up to the second floor before he’s just at the third, because by the time she gets up there he’s already cradling Wakko close.  Wakko keeps trying to reach for his ankle, left leg curled to his chest.
“What’s wrong?” she asks.
“I-I tripped when I was running to the canon, and my ankle hurts!” Wakko cries, whimpering, and Yakko shushes him, soft.
“It looks twisted,” she whispers, more to herself than anything else.
Yakko turns his head to her sharply. “What do we do?” he asks, as if she would know.  She shrugs.
“I dunno!  I think—don’t you ice stuff like that?  At the very least he should lay down,” she fumbles for a solution, but Yakko takes it, nodding and picking Wakko up.
“Sound good, buddy?” he asks.  Wakko buries his face in Yakko’s chest in response, and Yakko’s frown deepens.
Dot gets the ice pack while Wakko gets situated, rushing over to wrap it around his ankle.  He hisses at the cold, but relaxes as the numbing feeling takes effect.
“Better?” Yakko asks, and Wakko nods.
“Sorry,” Wakko shrugs, sheepish.
“Be more careful next time!” Dot scolds, but not too harshly.  The last thing they need is Wakko crying because she was rude.  Yakko already looks stressed enough.
They give Wakko dinner in bed, even though technically they’d agreed not to do so since they’re sharing a bed, because this is just an exception. Dot practically bullies Wakko into being careful and clean while he eats.
“If I feel a single crumb on my side of the bed, I’m coming for you,” she pokes him in the chest once, and Wakko chuckles nervously and nods.
Once Wakko and Yakko are asleep, Dot hops out of bed to the dining room table.  She pulls out a book—one on first aid.  The last thing she needs is another situation like this, where one of her brothers is hurt and she doesn’t know the solution.  She opens the tome, and gets to work.
Yakko finds her there hours later, asleep and drooling on the book.  He carefully pulls it out from underneath her, and carries her to bed.  He glances at the cover.  First aid?
Well, isn’t that useful.  He knew his sister was smart.
He dog ears her page and flips back to the beginning, skimming through the page as he gets ready to make breakfast.
Time continues to move onward.
They decorate for Christmas.  They celebrate Yakko’s birthday, and then the New Year, and then every holiday after that.  Yakko discovers Shakespeare and nearly bores his siblings to death with it.  Wakko makes weirder and weirder combinations of food, as well as elaborate machines that serve little purpose.  Dot learns how to use makeup after many, many attempts that leave her brothers in stitches, and styles her hair a million ways.
The world goes on without them, but, well, they move on without the world. Turnabout’s fair play, after all.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #807: Day Two at Roy's Food Shack (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
12:23 p.m. at the Beach Side of Isle Defino.......
Roy: (Smirks Confidently While Watching Ness, Toon, Ashley, Kirby and Zelda Try out Plates of Nachos He Made For Them) Well? Whaddya thing?
Toon: Not gonna lie....(Starts Enjoying the Nachos He's Eating) These are some really good nachos.
Ness: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah. I'm actually starting to like them already.
Kirby: (Happily Cheers) Poyo!~
Ashley: I must admit, Roy....(Use a Napkin to Wipe the Crumbs From her Cheeks in a Polite Manner) Your dish was fairly decent.
Zelda: (Smiles Brightly While Wiping the Crumbs Off her Cheeks as Well) I'd say. Since when did you started making these kinds of nachos?
Roy: A long time ago. (Crosses his Arms) King Dad taught me how to cook them and I've became a master at it ever since.
Ness: Neat. Did you thought of some other foods and snacks you wanna put on the menu?
Roy: Only Hot Dogs, Candies, and Tropical Beverages so far. I originally thought about making smoothies, till I realized that the place behind us are already making business out the whole thing. (Points at the Smoothie Place Behind Them)
Wario and Waluigi walks out of the smoothie place Roy pointed at while drinking the slushes they've ordered.
Waluigi: (Starts Having Brain Freeze) WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Wario: (Starts Waluigi at Waluigi's Misery Before Getting Brain Freeze as While) GAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Back to the Kids......
Toon: (Sees Wario and Waluigi Screaming in Agony from a Distance) I feel bad for two sometimes.
Ashley: (Already has a Deadpinned Look on her Face) I don't. They're the epitome of idiocy.
Ness: (Turns to Lucas Who is Cleaning the Food Stand's Counter) So Lucas, how's the work life going for you?
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) It's going great so far. I cleaned the counters, the tables, I even got to be the cashier afterwards.
Ashley: (Smiles Softly at Her Boyfriend) I'm glad you're having a good time, Lucas. (Slowly Turns to Roy With a Dark Glare) You HAVE been giving him breaks during those times, right Roy?
Roy: (Already Getting Startled by Ashley's Glare) C-Christ onna stick, girl! Relax! I gave the kid plenty of breaks.
Lucas: (Nodded in Agreement) It's true.
Ashley: (Takes a Look at Roy For a Brief Second Before Sighing) Very well. If Lucas said you have, then I'll take your word for it. For now......
Roy: ('Sighs in Relief') Thanks for that. (Starts Grumbling Silently) You creepy ass twerp.....
Ashley: (Went Back to Glaring at Roy) What was that!?
Roy: (Gets Startled Again) Nothing!!
Zelda: You know, I've always been interested in cooking. (Smiles Sheepishly) Despite how terrible I am at it.....
Ness: (Turns to Zelda) How bad are we talking here?
Zelda: Well, for starters, I accidentally burnt the cake to the point where it actually turned into ashes that one time back at my universe. Then after that, I burnt the chicken, ham, corn on a cob, casserole, even the gravy.
Ness: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) How the heck did you managed to burn the gravy?
Zelda: (Sighs While Placing her Hand on her Forehead) Your guess is as good as mine on that one......
Toon: Speaking of burnt cooking.... (Turns to Zelda) Big Link and I are planning to go on a hunting trip in a couple of months. You can tag along with us.
Zelda: You sure you guys want me to go? I don't really know how to hunt that much.
Toon: (Smiles Brightly) No worries. We can teach you the basics once we get there. Hey, we can even get Mewtwo to join with us. We'll have more chances to hunt a crap ton with him on our side.
Zelda: (Sighs While Giving Toon a Sisterly Like Look on her Face) Alright, but we're not using him for shortcuts. If we're going to hunt, we have to do it fair and square, got it?
Toon: ('Sigh') Alright.
Roy: You folks enjoyed the best nachos you ever had?
Zelda: Yeah.
Ness: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Mmhmm
Toon: It was great.
Kirby: Poyo!
Roy: Good. Cause it cost you $20.00 each.
Toon/Link/Zelda: WHAT!?
Kirby: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock) Poyo?
Ashley: (Glares at Roy in a Deadpinned Like Manner) You mean to tell me that you called us here try out your nachos, only to charge us an expensive price!?
Roy: (Smirks Smugly at the Gang) That's the thing about business, people. If you wanna gain more money, you gotta higher the price sometimes.
Toon: But for a bunch of NACHOS!? These costs at least $2 or $3 each!!
Lucas: (Turns to Roy With Worry in his Eyes) Yeah, Roy. Don't you think that's a bit too much?
Roy: My business. My rules. (Reach his Hand Out While Doing a "Gimme" Like Motion With It) Now pay up!
Ness/Toon: ('Groans in Annoyance')
Lucas: (Starts Feeling Bad) I'm sorry, you guys.......
Ashley: (Gives Lucas a Small Smile) Don't worry, Lucas. This is not your fault. (Starts Rolling her Eyes on Roy) I should've known there was a catch in all of this from the getgo....
Kirby: (Frowns Sadly While Looking Down at the Counter) Poyo......
Zelda: (Gives The Kids a Reassuring Smile) Guys, it's fine. (Starts Taking Out her Wallet From Her Purse) I managed to save plenty of money from my allowance a couple of days ago. I can try and pay it for of all. (Turns Back to Roy) How much is all of this together?
Roy: Welllllllll......(Takes Out his Calculator and Add Up the Total) Four Nachos + Three Pieces of Chocolate Candy will lead you tooooooo........('DING') Over a hundred.
Zelda: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) WHAT!? For five Nachos and small pieces of candy!? H-How much are the candies anyways?
Roy: Ten Dollars each.
Ness: Are you seriously!?
Toon: What kind of service is this!?
Ashley: A lousy one. That's what.
Zelda: (Finally Glares at Roy) Roy, this has gone too far. I want you to lower the prices of the nachos and candy you us right now.
Roy: (Starts Getting Even More Smug Like) Or I can you five to work along with Lucas to pay your debt.
Lucas: Roy, no!
Zelda: I'm serious, Roy Koopa. If you don't lower those prices right now, I am going to telepathy to tell all of our moms what you've been doing.
Roy: ('Tch') Yeah. I like to see you try, Little Miss Princess.
Zelda: One. (Starts Glowing in a Pinkish Aura) Two. Th-
Roy: ('Groans in Defeat') Alright! Alright! Fine! I'll lower the prices. $2.50 for the Nachos and $0.50 for each candy. You happy!?
Zelda: (Smiles in a Very Satisfied Manner While the Kids Cheers her On) Very. Thank you, Mr. Manager~
Roy: (Starts Rolling his Eyes in Annoyance) Yeah. Whatever.
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eminsunnytoons123 · 3 months
Class of 3000: back to the SING!
Sunny And his kids in toon me picrew
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I have decided to try out picrew again since my loved ones in my tumblr family often tag me in the picrew chains, so heres sunny And his kiddos in toon me picrew =^_^=
I actually really like using this one because it looks very cute, And I even nailed them =^.^= okay, maybe not lil' D And kinda sunny but I still like how they turned out ^////^;
And I added the details for them like how they have in reboot, such as sunny And Eddie having earrings (I forgot to gave philly Phil some 0////0;) And even more details on the others =^.^=
And heres a link to it just incase y'all wanna make yer own =^_^=
Note 1: I might make more like these but with others in the reboot cast later =^_^=
Note 2: Im still in a mood for some class of 3000 asks, requests And ideas, even tho these couple mornings I literally wake up at 6 or 7 AM because my mama has to go to work at 6 AM so she and my babo accidentaly wake me up so I sometimes get really un-moody -////-;
I hope y'all will like this =^_^= 🧡💚💟🩵🩷♥️💛🧡
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that-one-bi-wizard · 4 years
Chapter 2 of my OC fic is up! Here’s the link to it on ao3 if you wanna read it there!
CH 2:
He was done.
Alan had finally finished them. He stared down at his three creations and smiled.
They came out better than he expected. They looked like… well, teenagers. It’s just as his boss had wanted.
The first one to be completed was Yakko’s replacement.
Rather than the simple outfit the oldest Warner was known for, this kid had been completely changed. Alan wanted him to be able to appeal to a teen audience, so he gave him a more punk aesthetic and aged him up two years.
He wore a purple leather jacket with a lavender long-sleeve shirt underneath. He had gray jeans that were torn at the knees as well. His ears were pierced too with two earrings on each of his long ears.
The second one was Wakko’s replacement. Alan aged him up as well to be fifteen. He decided to completely do a one eighty with this one. Wakko’s was the hardest to do with his personality being a complete wacky mess, so Alan took that out and made him a bit more refined. He also made him the tallest of the three because he felt that it fit his personality more.
This one wore a red vest with a white button up underneath and beige khakis.
Finally, there was Dot’s replacement. She was pretty easy to do.
Alan kept all her cute traits, but made her more tomboyish and aged her up to be thirteen. She wore blue overalls and a light green t-shirt. She wore earrings like the first one except she only wore one on each ear.
It wasn’t long before the animator got them animated and talking.
Thankfully, they all seemed pretty tranquil compared to their predecessors. They didn’t talk too much either.
Well, except for the oldest, but that was to be expected. He was loosely based on the Warner that yaks.
He sat the three toons down on his couch, so he could explain how their meeting with Nora would go.
“Alright,” he finally said, standing in front of them, “tomorrow is a big day for all of us. I just want to prepare you all-”
“You finally gonna cut that man ponytail of yours?” The oldest asked with a smirk.
The taller one snickered.
“W-what? No…” Alan reached back and ran his hand through his hair self-consciously. “I meant-”
“Don’t be mean, Zach,” the young girl said.
Zach, the oldest, looked down at her. He rolled his eyes. “What? That’s what we were all thinking, right?” He nudged his brother.
The other tried to keep a straight face. “No,” he lied.
Alan sighed, ignoring the last comment. “Look, I need you three to take this seriously. Tomorrow we’re meeting up with Ms. Norita, the CEO of Warner Brothers studios. I need her to find you three likeable enough to land you a show. I also need you three to be on your best behavior, okay?”
“‘Course we will,” Zach stated. “We’re little angel’s, aren’t we sibs?” He put an arm around his sister. “Button here is probably the best behaved we got.”
Button tensed up a little and pushed a stand of hair from her face. “Uh… mhm.” She nodded shyly.
Zach crossed his legs and leaned back on the couch. “Besides, I think we’re pretty likable little bastards.”
The tall one who was sitting on the end of the couch perked up his ears. “Who are you calling a bastard, you idiot?”
“It was a joke, Jack. Relax,” Zach told him.
“It’s Jackson,” the other corrected.
Alan rubbed his temples. “I’m being serious! You three need to get it together and act normal!”
Button tilted her head. “But we are normal, aren’t we Papa?”
Alan froze.
He wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that.
He shook his head. “D-don’t call me that.” He gave an audible sigh. “I- I mean, just try to act as though you’re not cartoon characters. I just want you all to stay quiet while I do the talking. That’s it.”
The three of them looked at each other.
Zach looked up at Alan. “So, what’s in it for us if we do this, Pops?”
“Stop that,” Alan said. “I’m not your dad. I just made you to—”
“So should we call you mum then?” Jackson asked jokingly.
The other two laughed.
“Stop it!” Alan snapped. “I’m being serious here!”
The three of them stared up at him. The oldest still had a smile on his face. Alan leaned in closer to him.
“Okay Mr. Funny Guy,” he said, “you think this is some kind of joke?”
He looked down at his fingernails as though they were far more interesting than what the older man had to say. “I mean, with that look on your face, I’d say so.”
Alan shook his head. “Oh, I bet you’ll be laughing when they lock you three in the water tower for sixty years, won’t you?”
The animator had an idea. He just had to give them a little scare to set these kids straight.
Zach looked up, but Button was the one to speak. “The… the what?” She asked in a soft voice.
“The Warner Brothers water tower,” Alan explained. “That’s where they trapped your predecessors. After they acted out of line, that’s where they were stuck.”
Button brought her knees closer to her and hugged them. “Th-that can’t be true. They were just kids, w-weren’t they?”
“Yup. Younger than you three even. The executives don’t care. They’ll get rid of you at the drop of a hat and leave you for dead if any of you step out of line.”
Button circle closer to Zach, who put an arm around her.
Jackson spoke up this time. “That… They won’t do that to us… will they? I mean, we haven’t done anything yet.” He crossed his arms tightly around his chest.
Alan gave them an exaggerated shrug. “I wouldn’t put it past them.” He looked at the oldest. “So, is it still funny to you?”
A dog-like whimper escaped the teen. “Uh, not when you put it like that… sir.”
“Good. So, you’ll be good tomorrow?”
The three of them nodded quickly.
“Excellent! It’ll all be fine as long as you three do as you're told.”
“Alright Harris, you better have something good for me.”
Nora sat at her desk and gave him an intense stare. She had her hands clasped together and firmly in front of her on the desk. She was prepared for whatever Alan had to present for better or worse. Hopefully, for his sake, it was for the better.
Alan straightened his tie and smoothed his unkempt hair back. He took in a deep breath and smiled.
Dear god, he hoped these kids were going to be good enough. He was really scared of losing his job over this. Or worse… he couldn’t think of what could be worse in that moment, but there was probably something worse that could happen!
He was sweating like crazy. His hands were damp as he clasped them together.
Come on Al, he told himself, they’re great. You got this.
He cleared his throat.
“I-I do, Ms. Norita! There were a few inconveniences, a-and it took a lot of work to get them right, but-”
“Just get on with it, Harris,” she said sternly, checking her watch. “I have other meetings, you know.”
“Yes!” He blurted out. He cleared his throat again. “Uh, yes. Now, let me introduce you to my new Animaniacs. They’re just out here.”
He opened the door and motioned for his toons to enter the office.
Zach, Jackson, and Button entered the room. They stood up with their backs straight, trying to look as best they could.
Nora pushed up her glasses and stared skeptically. They certainly were… something.
The drastically different designs intrigued the CEO though. She was curious to see where this was going.
Alan stepped behind them and smiled nervously.
“Now, they aren’t exactly the Warners siblings,” he explained. “When making them, I kind of intended to separate them from their successors.” He cleared his throat nervously. “S-So, they’re more like replacements than actual reboots of the characters-”
“I don’t care,” Nora interrupted. “Just tell me about their personalities. Are they going to appeal to our modern audience?”
“I hope so,” Alan muttered to himself.
“What was that?”
“I-I said I’m sure of it!”
“That’s a lot of stuttering for someone so sure,” Zach commented. He covered his mouth immediately.
Alan gave him a look.
Nora raised an eyebrow. “And who are you?” She asked.
Zach glanced up at Alan quickly. “Uh…”
He gave him a nod to answer.
“Zachery, Zach for short. I’m the oldest sibling,” he said, taking a few steps forward.
Nora looked him up and down. “Interesting…” She stood up and walked around her desk to him. “Tell me a bit about yourself, kid.”
“I’m… I guess I’m the leader. And I follow orders pretty well too. I’m pretty smart and… yeah…” He put his hands in his pockets and kicked the ground softly.
“Lady, I was literally born yesterday. What the hell do you want from me?” He told her.
Dammit Zach, Alan thought.
She put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips. “What about your siblings?”
Zach took one hand out of his pocket and pointed to his sister. “That’s Button. She’s the cute one.” He pointed to Jackson. “And that’s my younger brother, Jack. He’s more of the quiet one. Got a bit of a temper too.”
“Do not!” Jackson exclaimed. “And it’s Jackson!”
“Pl-please stop,” Button said softly.
The CEO held up a hand to silence everyone. “I think I’ve seen enough.”
Everyone went silent. All eyes were on her.
She brought out her cell phone and dialed a few things. She looked through a few things and finally looked up.
“I think they’ll do nicely.”
Alan’s eyes widened. “W-wait, you mean it?”
“I don’t play games, Harris,” she said. “According to statistics, teenagers and young adults are into the whole relatability aspect of characters, and the sibling bickering and sarcastic nature is just what we need. The emo look is in too.” She pulled on Zach’s left ear and released it. “With a few good writers and a bit of acting, these three can make us a quick buck.”
She pressed a few more things on her phone. “I’ll order a pilot episode,” she continued. “We’ll get a few test screenings and have a script ready to go by… as soon as next month!”
“S-so we’re not getting locked in the water tower?” Button spoke up.
Nora shook her head. “Wha— No, of course not! You three are going to bring in some good money. As long as you don’t cause chaos like the Warners, you three should be fine.”
The three of them loosened up.
Zach sighed. He turned to his siblings. Button ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. He ran a hand through her hair and pulled her close.
Jackson had a smile on his face. He turned to Alan. “We did it Pa!” Jackson stopped. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
Alan put an arm around him. “You know what? I don’t mind right now.” He was too relieved to care what they called him.
He was just glad he’d get to keep his job.
And the kids were glad they weren't going to be shut inside a water tower for sixty years.
Still, for one of them, it lingered in the back of his mind.He was scared of what would become of them if this pilot didn’t do well.
And rightfully so.
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olive-stripe · 6 years
One of these days im just gonna go down to Best Buy or something and buy a bunch of amiibos
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drummergirl231-2 · 4 years
How much of Disney Afternoon have you seen and thoughts on the shows from that era you saw?
Ahhh I think the best way to handle this ask is in list form!
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I’ll use the list of shows off Wikipedia to make sure I don’t miss any.
I was born in 1992 so most of my memories of Disney Afternoon shows are actually of watching reruns of them all day long with my big brother at my grandma’s old house during summers in the mid-late ‘90s.
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
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I mean, obviously I started watching that in diapers. We actually had a couple episodes on VHS that I watched at home a lot, and I got to see the rest of the show at grandma’s (we usually just had basic cable at home).
Adventures of the Gummi Bears
Weirdly, we didn’t watch it. I wonder if my mom didn’t let us because of the magic? Like I get some parents not letting their kids watch stuff with magic, but I don’t get how weirdly selective most of them are about it. Most parents who ban certain shows or movies because of magic will still let their kids watch other things with magic.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
DuckTales (1987)
My school’s daycare had some episodes on VHS (including “Duck to the Future” ...*shudders*) and I think they had the movie, too. I also remember renting the movie from Blockbuster and watching it perched on the end of my mom’s bed. DuckTales usually wasn’t on during the day during summers though, from what I remember... if we ever saw it at Grandma’s house, it was if we were spending the night there. It’d come on in the evenings. 
Chip ‘n’ Dale Rescue Rangers
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OKAY THIS SHOW WAS NUMBER ONE I ADORED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. It had my first OTP, I made my first OCs for it... I’m pretty sure this show is what made me like... a fandom kinda fan. I re-watched the whole series again when I was 15, but it’s been a while. My favorite episode when I was little was “Out to Launch.”
I watched it sometimes. It’d be the show that was on when my mom would drop us off at Grandma’s at 7:30 am. Not sure why I never got super into it. Maybe I was just anticipating the shows I liked more that would come on later in the morning? Or I was confused how Baloo from The Jungle Book could be a pilot with clothes. Those kinds of things confuse kids, ya know?
Darkwing Duck
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This was my second fave as a kid, and one of the ones I re-watched when I was 15. It started to mean a whole lot more to me then, since I was learning to come to terms with not growing up with a dad in the house, and seeing Drake with Gosalyn simultaneously made me grieve over that and find comfort knowing as a Christian God is my adoptive Father. <3 
What’s that? You wanna see a Drake and Gosalyn AMV that’s absolutely flawless and will make you cry? Well look no further. Here’s a link to “Darkwing Duck & Gosalyn- You are Loved (Don’t Give Up)” by Villaness. 
Goof Troop
This is another one I didn’t watch all the time. But I would sometimes. Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. 
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This one was probably my third favorite. I loved Fall Apart. Just thinking about the show makes me crave mac ‘n’ cheese, since it usually came on at lunchtime and that’s all I ever wanted my grandma to make for me. XD Also Bonkers was mac ‘n’ cheese colors. Even his little police uniform was blue like the Kraft box. Good times.
Aladdin (the series)
Yup, I watched it. Wasn’t my fave, but wasn’t boring.
Quack Pack
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Shoot, I kinda wanna tie this with Bonkers as my third favorite from when I was a kid. I loved Quack Pack. I thought it was cool seeing HDL as teenagers. I liked Louie the best. Weirdly though when I try to re-watch it... I dunno, I get bored really fast. So I haven’t watched it all the way through again.  Half the time I imagine Daisy saying something though I still hear it in my head with Kath Soucie’s voice instead of Tress MacNielle’s because of Quack Pack. XD
Mighty Ducks
Didn’t watch it... not really a sports fan.
The Lion King’s Timon and Pumbaa
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I liked this one a lot. Usually episodes of this on VHS would be my go-to at Blockbuster, and I’d watch it at Grandma’s, too.
I don’t think I was allowed to watch it. I wasn’t really interested in it, anyway.
101 Dalmatians (the series)
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Given the movie was one of my favorite movies as a kid, of course I liked the series based off it. Sometimes the theme song STILL gets stuck in my head, even though I can’t really remember all the lyrics.
I actually got to watch this throughout the year, since it’d also air on ABC on Saturday mornings (with Recess and such). But Doug was in junior high and I couldn’t totally relate to him yet, so I preferred Recess. 
Hercules (the series)
We weren’t allowed to see the movie so we just assumed we couldn’t watch the show, either. 
Some other shows I’d watch on the Disney Channel or Toon Disney were Madeline, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, The Little Mermaid (series), and Jungle Cubs.
Hey, was anyone else watching the Jungle Cubs episode “The Coming of the Wolves,” in Summer 2000 when Toon Disney just suddenly vanished from channel 52 (I think we had Charter cable)? Like, Cartoon Network on channel 51 still worked, 53 (whatever it was) worked, but 52 just became black and white static for no reason. Sad day. I liked Toon Disney better than the Disney Channel. 
A few years later when my brother and I were old enough to stay home alone (and Grandma moved 2.5 hours away, besides), mom would get good cable for us during summer and I found Toon Disney on channel like... 304? But by then my favorite shows weren’t even airing anymore. :/
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