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child-of-the-deep · 2 days ago
" Hello? Sunspot? .. "
She spoke through the doorframe, knocking faintly.
There’s a long period of silence- then shuffling- muffled curses and grunting. The door opening a moment later, Sunspot peering out. Wearing a neck brace, and visible bandages under the shabby t-shirt they wear. The garment barely fitting them
“Mm.?” They huff, at first not registering who it was they were looking at. After a few more seconds they gasp, demeanor changing immediately! A bright smile on their face
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doey-the-doughman · 15 hours ago
*hugs all three dough boys at once*
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swansea-and-daisuke · 2 days ago
??? ??? ??? ??? ???
SSSSSSSSloading . . . loading . . . loading. . . loa
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Your visualizer finally sets in from the long black screen that you were so used to seeing. It feels odd, being awoken like this and seeing light for the first time in god knows how long. Dust covers your "eye" as you try and focus in... Before you could however, your lens is cleared off with a swipe of the person who awoke you from your slumber. You could hear a voice, muffled in the back. "...-ading some of these chapters, huh? God, they really just gave me some kid with NOTHIN'..." The voice seemed to mumble out the last part. He sounded exhausted. The person holding you seemed to finally realize that you were awake, and gave an expression of surprise. "Oh?? Woah!... You didn't tell me you had a 20Q!" The guy holding you tilted you around. "These things are OLD! I didn't know Pony Express made them either!" "...Eh?" The other guy across the room seemed confused.
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"Yeah! Check it!"
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"Its like some old... like I said, 20Q machine! You know those things? You would think of something and try and get it to guess what you were thinking??" The guy sitting behind him gave the other an odd glance. "Daisuke we got shit to do, we don't have time looking through Pony Expresses HUNK OF JUNK that they have lyin' around here. And certainly not the ones that are just meant for games." "Dude this thing is like higher tech too! It has a camera and everything as well- maybe it can identify things- is that a microphone too?? Can it hear us?" "Like I said, hunk of junk. Probably nothing. Looks like a bunch of parts slammed together." "Come onnn Swansea! maybe I can try fixing this thing up! Like maybe its my intern project!" "Your... Intern... kid, you're unbearable." "PLLEAAAASE dude? Give it some air at least!" "Its not an animal." "...Lets try having it ask some questions at least, right? See if it works?" "...FINE. Fine. Put it on the desk and leave it there. If it says something, answer it. I don't care. Just get your ass OVER here so we can get some work done."
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SWANSEA and DAISUKE are open to questions! 🌺🪓
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ace4thespades · 2 days ago
I don't CARE that you've committed countless atrocities and don't regret it one bit, you're so awesome cool and everyone loves you!!!
Can I have a hug??
Uh. Yeah.
Sure, I don’t mind a hug though. C’mere.
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ask-hollowknights · 8 months ago
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It seems The Knight believes so.
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we-are-dogclan · 1 year ago
Moon 60: Week 1
Broken Tradition
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It's a big world out there.
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interrogatormentors · 4 months ago
kanaya, strike a pose with your favourite outfit, will you, please?
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Every Outfit Is My Favorite Until There Is A Sale At The Fabric Store
There Is Nothing More Exhilarating Than Ripping A Bolt Of Fabric From The Spindly Grasping Digits Of Some Waifish Fashion Disaster Who May Not Necessarily Deserve Such Callousness But Does Require A Firm Hand Preventing Them From Committing A Literal Actual Crime Since They Are Cruising The Clearance Rack Intending To Line The Nest Of Their Slavering Lusus With Reams Of Castoffs And With My Spoils Creating My New Favorite Fit
How Am I Supposed To Choose When Each Outfit Nay Each Nascent Wiggler Hatched From My Own Flesh And Blood That I Labor Over For Hours Whilst Bent Over My Sewing Machine Until My Back Creaks With Each Purposeful Arc Of The Shears And Needle And Bring To Glorious Pupation Upon The Dressform Until I Am Satisfied With Every Fold And Crease Ensures I Am The Most Fuckable Person At The Agricultural Laborers Bazaar
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ending-the-cycle-ask · 3 months ago
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coolmagoloraskblog · 2 months ago
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griffin-the-enderman · 2 months ago
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She offers you a flower.
(Draw your oc’s reaction and tag it with this post)
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blackrocks-king · 3 months ago
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! Thank you . ! You are all so kind . . I’ll make sure to take care of these flowers . . You are all too much . .
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askthesillygoobers · 2 months ago
hows mugsy doin?!?!
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doey-the-doughman · 1 day ago
>[Guh Asks are open temporarily, get your asks in!! ><]
>[Sorry for the inactivity of this blog…I, Aiden is a bit stressed at the moment with school…Was sick for 2 days and have a projects that’s due on March 11. Barely got a head start. I know non of you guys care about this though so I’ll just end it here.]
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cyanide-cafe · 7 months ago
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Nymph Searchlight
The Nymph Searchlight is a young [20 year old: a baby, for its species] Searchlight specimen that Urbanshade has carefully raised to document Searchlight behaviors and lifespans. Its purple coloration is due to its age, as Searchlights start off pink/purple in coloration to prevent Squiddles from becoming hostile to the otherwise defenseless babies.
[See below the cut for extra lore, explanation of mechanics, and transcript of the image.]
Found in Heavy Containment in an XXL tank. Spawns with 1-5 Searchlight Kibble nearby. No document, as this is a normal, non-experimented, but young, Searchlight.
This searchlight can be used as a flashlight-like item, needing Wall Dweller Flesh [80], Searchlight Kibble [25], and Party Special [500] to stay lit. Its light is dim, and it tends to stare at Squiddles, Turrets, False Doors, and hidden Wall Dwellers.
However, having this baby Searchlight in your inventory will wreak havoc upon you and your teammates when you encounter the Adult Searchlights in the Grand Encounters.
This Searchlight is only about a foot in length despite its age [23yo] and is purple due to an adaptation of Searchlights: they only gain their orange coloration later in life when they're capable of of easily killing and eating Squiddles, which are otherwise a big threat for these small babies.
You Monster
Kill the Searchlight Nymph by letting it out of its container in a dry room without picking it up within 30s.
Are you proud of yourself?
Take the Searchlight Nymph back to Urbanshade alongside the Crystal. Rewards the player with 100 extra kroner.
Happy Ending
Release the Searchlight Nymph to its family in the Final Encounter. Rewards the player with the Nymph jumpsuit: a black jumpsuit with orange and purple coloration on the bands and Urbanshade logo.
The Searchlight Nymph is a flashlight that requires Wall Dweller Flesh, Searchlight Kibble, or Party Special to stay charged. If you have a Gummylight, you can also give that to the Nymph, which it will slowly extract charge from [takes 1m] and then spit back out.
However, this cute baby is not just a flashlight, it is an actual living thing.. with parents that are looking for it. Searchlights aren't good parents, usually, having large communal clutches reaching to the millions, but this offspring is extremely healthy, and the last alive of its siblings, due to the Anglers, Squiddles, and Parasites killing the rest of them.
The Nymph only spawns at room 60 or higher, but cannot be found in The Ridge, as it only spawns in Heavy Containment rooms. You have to swim into its tank with the Nymph Container item, catch the Nymph [as it swims away or thwacks you with its hooks, dealing 1 damage every 10 seconds] and then it can be used.
It can be released into any room with water [though why would you want to do that?] and can be dropped into dry rooms, in which it will die after 30s if you don't pick it up again.
The Nymph is also, admittedly, not a very good flashlight. It looks wherever it pleases: though it can warn the player if there's a Wall Dweller, Squiddle, Turret, or Good People, as it likes to stare at these threats.
However, the Nymph's usefulness quickly turns to hazardous, as during the first Searchlight Grand Encounter, the Nymph will cry out to its parent, rapidly circling its small enclosure and bopping its head against the glass, causing the Adult Searchlight to spin around the room 15% faster than before. You can release the Nymph in order to get it to stop crying, but this will kill the searchlight, and that's just plain cruel, since you're doing it in sight of its parent.
During the second Grand Encounter, the Nymph will repeat the same bullshittery it did in the First Encounter, causing all three Searchlights to go into a frenzy looking for the crying Nymph, increasing their speed by 20%. However, they will occasionally butt heads, starting a small scuffle, allowing the player to continue repairing the cables.
However, you now have the opportunity to release the Nymph back to its parents, which will cause one of the adult Searchlights to stop looking entirely, instead, keeping an eye on the Nymph, retreating to the outskirts of the Trench. This will also change the Lucy cutscene at the end, in which two Searchlights chase after you instead: one being crushed, and the other narrowly escaping Lucy's foot, quickly turning back to care for the Nymph instead.
This also minorly changes the end cutscene as well, the Nymph poking its head out of the submarine dock, waving goodbye with one of its hooks, before popping back into the water. [This was something Urbanshade staff accidentally trained the Searchlight to do.]
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ace4thespades · 2 days ago
Yeah I wonder!
\\ It is ITrapped
Yeah .. I wonder.
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