#i posted this on reddit too for the redditors out there
Are you serious? One person had to ruin it? Now everyone has to take off their Mickey mouse or Minnie mouse ears because one guest (who we're being a Darren or a Karen) couldn't see which was their problem!
Edit: Tall people exist btw so I don't think it'll matter if you can see with or without the ears!
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sugarcoatedcherry · 8 months
my asks are off but every now and then I get messages saying they've been trying for void since months but haven't tapped in yet.
I relate to you (way too much)
it's not like you already don't know how much self concept and void concept will help you tap in quick and easy. BUT, I am going to tell you a method that will actually land you in void.
I gotta say this requires work, but isn't that worth your dream life? if you kept affirming, listening to subliminals, meditated for several minutes and nothing worked, this is your gold mine.
If you have followed me for a while, you'll know how much I swear by the phase method. I am not going to say much, I will link this post of mine and this guide by @voidprincessblog as well. And this reddit post which actually gave me a final push. (this redditor has linked all resources, I strongly urge you to check it out)
The phase method never failed me. NEVER. I have so much love to Micheal Raduga for curating it. I am such a big fan fr fr. I can't express how grateful I am for being introduced to this method. It literally changed my life.
Good luck, you got this! <3
PS- a post about my journey, struggles and success is coming up and it's vvvv interesting and inspiring.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 1 year
tips for redditors joining tumblr
make sure you have a profile picture: otherwise people will think you're a bot. we currently have a bot infestation right now, so many people block on sight unless you look like a human
reblog stuff you like: reblogging is how this site operates. it's sorta like resharing the original post around, and it'll show up on your blog too so people who follow you will see it. sometimes you can add a comment or tags, but it's not necessary
make your experience better: if you're on desktop, download Firefox, ublock origin, shinmigami eyes, and xkit. these make the website usable, block ads, and let you know who you should murder on sight. if you're on moblie... uh, idk...
turn off tumblr live: literally no one uses it, and it probably steals your data. go to blog settings, dashboard preferences, snooze tumblr live. you'll have to do this every week, and we celebrate that on Snooze Tumblr Live Tuesday
we have lots of holidays: we have Out Of Touch Wednesday, Feliz Jueves, Kill A Cop With A Baseball Bat Monday, Get Lost In The Evil Forest Saturday, and Summon The Dark Lord To Bring About The Destruction Of The Earth Wednesday. some of these are real
don't go in the cave: don't go in the cave don't go in the cave don't go in the cave don't go in the cave don't go in the cave don't go in the cave don't go in the cave don't go in the cave
take lots of breaks: mental health is important. discourse is really stupid and dumb, and you can absolutely block whoever you want for any reason. be sure to log off if you feel tired or stressed
you have to be queer and a freak: this is the LGBT sjw website. to be accepted here, you need to act like a homosexual pervert. furries are really popular here. find a group of furries to be horny with. do it now!
most importantly, have fun: I never really used reddit much, but I know that it was like tumblr in that it was one of the social media sites that was most similar to the forums and message boards of yesteryear. as the internet is slowing being killed off by corporations and capitalism, it's important that we make the most of the small space we have left.
875 notes · View notes
mythserene · 6 months
A BEATLE DIDN’T SAY THAT! Lewisohn’s lab-created quotes
“One of the things about this book that is a strength is it’s not me saying anything, it’s them or other people. I shape the text, I plot where it goes, I weave it, but the quotes are theirs. And so when I’ve got Paul McCartney behaving in a way some readers might think, ‘Whatever, oh dear,’ it’s actually him saying it. So you end up thinking that to his own credit he said that. It’s not me saying it.” (Mark Lewisohn, ‘Noted,’ (October 7, 2013) Somerset, Guy.)
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This is hella long, and that's because it's actually a full blog post. (In case you want it in a less monstrous form.)
A lot of people for a long time have put a lot of trust in Mark Lewisohn’s footnotes. Or at least in the fact of those footnotes. Because once you dig through them for any length of time you quickly discover that Mark Lewisohn’s footnotes hold secrets that would get him expelled from any undergraduate program. They reveal a “history” often contrived through a mass of Frankenquotes, ala carte creations, Lewisohn rephrased ‘paraphrases,’ and worse. For some parts of the narrative things aren’t too bad, yet in others monsters lurk around every corner. But this is not the sort of thing that’s graded on a curve, and it is past time to have a conversation about what standards should be accepted in Beatles’ scholarship.
Lewisohn lists his sources unlike most others. And his footnotes alone are more insightful than some other writers’ books. (Reddit, r/beatles)
I do not judge footnotes based on their insightfulness, nor do I want to single out a redditor, but I grabbed the comment because it’s an opinion that is widely shared and even accepted as canon. At least by people who have not combed those freakish footnotes. And while the pages of piled up sources do look fearsome en masse, a closer inspection reveals an offense to the truth, a threat to the record, and a blight on Beatles’ historiography.
“The rules for writing history are obvious. Who does not perceive that its chief law is never to dare say anything false, and never dare withhold anything true? The slightest suspicion of hatred or favor must be avoided. That such should be the foundations is known to all; the materials with which the building will be raised consist of facts and words.” –Cicero
A Look at Lewisohn’s Lab-created Frankenquotes
Quotes are the soul and center of recorded—and recording— history.
And the rules around quotes and quotation marks are pretty simple. Most people, even if they’ve never written anything beyond a term paper, understand what quotation marks represent.
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A set of quotation marks means, “This person said or wrote ‘these exact words’ at some given time.” You can smash a quote from two hours before or two years before right up against a separate quote to make your point—although it might get your grade lowered—but what you cannot do is take two different statements from two different times and make them seem like they are one statement.
When you put words inside one set of quotation marks you are stating, in black and white, that the identified person made this statement. That they said all those words together—or if you want to excise a reasonable part and use ellipses to represent that— as part of the same statement.
Look, combining two separate quotes that are not part of the same thought or topic is not a subjective issue. It is not an issue of controversy. Quotes are the bone marrow of written history. Quotes are the alpha and omega. In academic work or journalism they have to be, which makes sense as soon as you think about it. If it was cool for me to take a transcript and grab half a sentence from page 2 and half a sentence from page 17, push them together as if those words were spoken one after the other in a single thought, I bet I can manage to get those words to say almost anything I want.
Separate thoughts must be in two separate quotation marks. Separate. Somewhere between four sentences and a paragraph is widely accepted as the “two separate quotes” line, and there can be some ethical and technical wiggle room in a long rant by a person, but what makes all that subjective nonsense go out the window is if the quotes come from two separate questions. Or two separate days. That’s two quotes. Not hard.
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Which again, makes sense if the point is conveying information to the reader and lessening the chance of a writer manipulating someone else’s words to express something that the person didn’t mean.
This is the contract inherent in a quote. These are the rules we all agree to and understand, and these are the reasons why. And there’s no reason to break them.
Why do you want me to believe that John said these two things at one time? What was wrong with what he did say?
The Basic Lewisohn Frankenquote 🧟‍♂️
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(“CONCLUDING FIVE WORDS FROM—” – I cannot even see the point of this THREE PART monster. Full footnote reads: 9) Author interview with Tony Meehan, September 6, 1995. (“I met George again in 1968 and for some reason he was harboring a grudge against me. He was very, very uptight about it—’You blocked us getting a recording contract …’ ”) First part of George quote from interview by Terry David Mulligan, The Great Canadian Gold Rush, CBC radio, May 30 and June 6, 1977; concluding five words from interview for The Beatles Anthology)
This three-headed monster attributed to George Harrison is a very dull little guy. Not particularly venomous. Just convenient, I guess. For whatever reason, Mark Lewisohn decided it was worth rummaging through the quote buffet until he collected enough pieces for George Harrison to say this thing. “…concluding five words from…” What are we even doing here? No, really. Please tell me.
And like a lot of the footnotes for these bespoke quotations, there are further problems. “[F]rom interview for Beatles Anthology”? An interview that aired? In one of the episodes? Can you narrow it down? I guess I’ll just have to listen very closely to them all and hope I don’t miss the five words.
But if we got bogged down in the sorts of trivial details that would immediately lose a college student a letter grade off a History 101 paper we would never get anywhere. We have to stick to the violent felonies.
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*Love the "George would say——" Uh, would he? Well, I guess after all that trouble you went to, he would now. It's really incredible how cavalier Lewisohn is about a Beatle's words.
These sorts of reconstituted, lab-engineered, made up “quotes” are shot throughout Tune In. “Quotes” made up of words from two, three, and even four sources, spoken months or often years apart.
Ala Carte Creations 🍱
It really is a buffet, and these ala carte creations come in all shapes and sizes. They might just be words that have been plucked up and glued back together to make something more useful to a particular narrative. (Ellipses or dash optional.)
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TUNE IN: “John saw a bigger picture, and it would be surprising if it wasn’t equally obvious, or made obvious, to Brian and George. He likened Paul’s enduring snag with Brian to his other long-standing difficulty: ‘[Brian] and Paul didn’t get along—it was a bit like [Stuart and Paul] between the two of them.’” (Footnote 37: Interview by Peter McCabe and Robert D. Schonfeld, September 1971)
Bonus 🍒 Phoebe's dramatic reading of John's original quote:
The Donut 🍩
Then there are a seemingly uncountable number of “quotes” with a sentence or three ripped out from the middle, but with zero representation that more words were ever there. (And in most of these particular deceptions, the simple representation of something excised (. . .) would make the quote fine. There are a lot of these, but they are also the easiest to fix.)
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Chapter 10: “I was in a sort of blind rage for two years. [I was e]ither drunk or fighting. **It had been the same with other girlfriends I’d had.** There was something the matter with me.”
And then there are the true buffet bonanzas, words lifted and twisted beyond recognition until they say something brand spanking new. 
However, John remembered Paul’s attitude to Brian being very different. John was always emphatic that Paul didn’t want Brian as the Beatles’ manager and presented obstacles to destabilize him, to make his job difficult … like turning up late for meetings. “Three of us chose Epstein. Paul used to sulk and God knows what … [Paul] wasn’t that keen [on Brian]—he’s more conservative, the way he approaches things. He even says that: it’s nothing he denies.”
The Lewisohn Remixes 🍸
And then there are the “paraphrases.” I couldn’t even begin to guess how many of these there are, and often they aren’t even paraphrases, but whole new Mark Lewisohn re-interpretations with quotation marks slapped around them. But if you don’t check, you probably won’t know, because like this Lewisohn rewrite of a well-known Mrs. Harrison quote, there’s a good chance you’ll recognize the bulk of it, making it less likely that you’ll catch the scalpel work excising Paul. And while I don’t want to get caught in the nooks and crannies of intent in an example like this one I have to say, just this once, that what has to be a purposeful excising of Paul to create a slightly new quote on one side, combined with a badly acted, bad faith—(or bad scholar)—“Where was Paul when John’s mom died?” on the other, is par for the course. 
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George Harrison’s mom’s made up Lewisohn rephrase which coincidentally removes Paul from the imagery.]  ❦  LEWISOHN:“ Asked some years later to describe how he’d been able to help John cope with the loss of Julia, Paul could remember nothing of the period at all. It could be they didn’t see much of each other in the summer of 1958. John was working at the airport, and Paul and George went on holiday together—adventurous for boys of 16 and 15. But Louise Harrison would recall how she encouraged George to visit John at Mendips, “so he wouldn’t be alone with his thoughts.”  ❦  DAVIES: “They were still practicing a lot at George’s house, the only house where they got endless hospitality and encouragement. . . . I forced George to go round and see him, to make sure he still went off playing in their group and just didn’t sit and brood. They all went through a lot together, even in those early days, and they always helped each other.”
Why do you have to slice and dice and reconstitute people’s words? No writer, and certainly no historian, should ever feel empowered to take words from a historical figure from two or three different places and topics and times, splice them together, and tell us, “Winston Churchill said this.” No he didn’t! Why are you so intent on changing the words of the people you’re writing about? What’s wrong with just using two different quotes? 
You cannot take two or three quotes from two or three or even four separate statements, stick them between one set of quotation marks and say John or Paul or George or Joe Smith said this. 
No they didn’t. They never said that. Why do you want me to think they did?? 
All these words are Abraham Lincoln’s, but this is not a Lincoln quote:
“Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Whether it be true or not, I can say for one that I have no other so great as that of — making a most discreditable exhibition of myself.” 
(I kept it ridiculous, although I didn’t have to.)
But I want you, the reader, to be saying to yourself, “Okay, enough already. I get it!” Because in the last few days I have wandered too far into the weeds too many times and written far too many words detailing the multiplicity of ways Mr. Lewisohn does violence to each and every law of reporting historical facts, and could write many more. And I will post a more detailed list of the crimes against the quote that I am charging Mark Lewisohn with as we go forward, but I don’t think we need that now. The fact is that every fair-minded person knows what quotation marks represent, and there is no more fair-minded group of people than serious Beatles fans and scholars. And it is those fair-minded scholars who I want most to hear me. Whether you’ve written books or host a podcast or just know that you know a whole lot of stuff and take seriously your part of the trust in preserving the truth about The Beatles for us and future generations, it is you I am really talking to. My Cicero quoting-freaks. The ones who care about getting it right.
“The chief, the only, aim of style is to put facts in a clear light, with no concealment.” - Lucian of Samosata
⁠What footnotes can do, and what footnotes can’t.
You can list multiple sources in a single footnote. That’s not only fine, it’s correct. If I want to tell part of a story based on several sources, that often means several sources in a footnote. But not for one, single quote. 
The problem isn’t the footnote, it’s the bioengineered quote on the page that you swept under a footnote hoping I wouldn’t notice. 
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Which leads us to what a footnote is not. A footnote is not a post-hoc fixative for your textual sins. You cannot do whatever you want as long as you confess it in a footnote. A footnote is not a magic spell. A footnote is not the universally understood symbol for “I have my fingers crossed behind my back.” You cannot fix lies and misrepresentations in the footnotes. Footnotes aren’t for trying to chase down three different sources to match up which part of a manufactured “quote” someone said on which date. Footnotes are not the picture on the front of a puzzle box. I should not need to find corner pieces to figure out which of these George Harrison words were actually spoken together. 
Footnotes are a truthful and independently verifiable record of primary sources. It’s that simple.
And taking Mark Lewisohn completely out of the picture for a moment, I feel sure we can all agree that neither John Lennon nor Paul McCartney nor George Harrison nor Ritchie Starkey would want anyone rearranging their words as if they were guitar chords. You wouldn’t take three-quarters of Penny Lane and one-quarter of Across the Universe, put them together and call it a Beatles‘ song. So don’t take three quarters of John to Jann Wenner and one-quarter of John to Lisa Robinson, put them together and call it a Beatle’s quote.
None of the Beatles, dead or alive, would be cool with their words being taken out of context at all, let alone two or three different statements on god knows what being combined into one. This isn’t hard, though. Use two or three separate quotation marks, and don’t take statements out of context. Don’t mix and match their words, but don’t twist them, either. If a person said something, it is the historian’s duty to represent those words to the best of your ability, and then use them to tell a factual story focused on what you feel is important. Staying true to the original words and true to their meaning. If you can’t use those words without twisting them, then change your story to fit their words, not the other way around. If their statement helps tell the story your way, use it! For goodness sake, John Lennon said at least two opposing things about almost every topic on earth, so there should be enough to choose from without being deceptive. I actually want the truth. Don’t you?
Biography is story based around accurately represented, trustworthy and verifiable facts. And look, Beatles fans, whoever your favorite is: we are not going to get the truth about his history if we don’t learn to take these things seriously. Let’s have—if not high standards—at least the lowest generally accepted standards. In the mid-term we need a lot more Beatles scholars with a lot more points of view, and now—right now—we need experienced Beatles scholars to prioritize searching out and finding smart, interested people to mentor. And we simply must ensure that we aren’t allowing to solidify into stone “facts” that are not facts and statements no one ever made. I don’t think any honest Beatles fan—(which rounds up to all of them)—wants any question around that issue.
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The record is the most important thing. Now, and always. This is not about John versus Paul. John versus Paul may live on always in our hearts, but for Beatles history, it’s the wrong question. I’d rather someone be up front about their loves, but in the end the focus should be on representing the primary facts in their most pristine form. Love who you love most, but place truth above all. Pristine facts. Pristine quotes. Nothing hidden. Nothing misrepresented. 
Let the historical actors speak for themselves. That is their right.
And the historian’s duty.
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Final note: I became frustrated and (maybe strangely) offended by Lewisohn's obscene pretenses in 2020, but my frustrations were nebulous and unfocused until this incredible AKOM series. I feel much better now. Angrier. But better. They worked their asses off. 🥂
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Fans Confused After Alison Victoria Lists ‘Dream Home’ For Sale. Wait. Her GA loft didn't sell, and she was supposed to be selling that to finance a new place in the Cabbagetown section of Chicago. Now, I'm confused, too. Anyway, this is an ugly ass building. The 4bd, 3.5ba, property is listed for $3.5M. Let's have a look (if you recall, Alison is the designer who did the "Ugliest House" I posted yesterday.)
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Victoria worked to transform her office space into a residential home, which she envisioned as “the biggest, the baddest, the sexiest live-work dream home I could ever imagine.”
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Although she’s called it her “Dream Home” home for several months now, fans online noticed that Victoria is quietly planning to part ways with her live-work space. What is going on?
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She has posted photos from her dream home as recently as April 9, just before the building hit the real estate market. Well, I like the muted green chairs and planters. The floor is reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland.
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One fan brought the home’s listing to an HGTV fan community on Reddit, where other users chimed in with their thoughts about the sale. (I'm an avid Redditor.)
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“I thought she was building this to be her dream home/workspace? Or was this always to sell right away?” one fan wondered, with another guessing in response, “In reality it was always just content for her show.”
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So, that's just a mantel with candles, then.
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“I don’t think many people would be interested in buying this but it might work for someone who has a business and can live on the premises like what she claimed it was intended for," said another fan.
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"I think more than likely it would be an event space esp for a wedding w/the option to stay overnight," said a 3rd fan.
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Interesting wall with the big niche for decor, oven and 2 wine fridges.
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One user pointed out in the comments, “There are no windows! I’d go crazy ! No, the sky lights not enough." Yeah, it's like an underground house.
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Shoot, no matter how nice it is, I like the lighted shelving, no windows is a deal breaker. I'd feel imprisoned.
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Interesting en-suite.
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“The closets are full of clothes and shoes. Not staged stuff, real stuff," said a fan.
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Nice little home theater lobby with a snack counter.
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This is it? I was expecting a home theater, not a TV room.
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Interesting light strand in the powder room.
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Long hall to the wide industrial stairs.
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One of the other bedrooms. I can't deal with just skylights, I gotta see what the weather's like and all.
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One of the other baths. My love of floating sinks is kind of leery of something this big. I feel like it would break loose eventually.
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"The mudroom looks like it has a little kid's jackets or maybe they’re just tiny women’s jackets. regardless, it looks like Alison or a family is living there. Interesting,” another fan pointed out.
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Exercise depresses me enough, let alone doing it in this room.
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I'm gonna say that this is the work area, where the team gathers to discuss design. Interesting that this is the area that has the windows.
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The garages in the back of the building.
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I'm no designer, but this building wouldn't have appealed to me as a home/work space. I would look for an end unit with more windows.
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Anon who sent me the reddit links--
I'm not going to publish your ask because the details (tracking travel between different royal estates and speculating on children's whereabouts) make me uncomfortable, but I did want to point out a couple of flaws with their analysis and theories.
First, while that poster did find a lot of valid information, I'm not sure how credible it is. For one thing, the individual assumes everyone is traveling by helicopter and that's not always the case. Some people will take trains, others will drive. To assume that everyone commutes by helicopter and base a theory on precisely that fact, it's flawed. Take it with a spoonful of salt.
Second, there's a heck of lot of confirmation bias happening. It's a bit hard to explain, but much of the analysis reads like everyone has presumed "the Waleses are hiding something" and "something is seriously wrong with Kate" and they're interpreting everything they see through that lens. It's not the best way to analyze information - when you're doing an analysis, you're looking at all the data and considering all the facts to create a narrative. What these posts feel like is somone has already established a narrative and they're shoehorning data to validate that narrative.
For example, the posters and commenters have presumed that William is the one taking all these helicopters because they're finding routes from Windsor Castle to Kensington Palace to the Sandringham/Anmer Hall part of Norfolk. They're assuming the helicopter is going to Anmer Hall but the helicopter could just as easily be carrying passengers destined for Sandringham because we don't actually know where the helipad/landing spot is in relation to the physical buildings and estates. So for all we know, the helicopters they're claiming is William's taking him to Anmer Hall could actually be Charles's taking him to Sandringham.
Another example. The posters suggest that because another helicopter was tracked from Kensington Palace to Anmer Hall to near-Wembley-Stadium, they've all assumed that William was staying at Kensington Palace, flew to Anmer Hall to pick up George, then flew father and son to Wembley Stadium for football. That assumption ignores the fact that the Waleses travel almost consistently as a family unit. William isn't going to stay at Kensington Palace when the rest of his family is in Windsor or at Anmer Hall. He's most likely going to be wherever George is so the trip leg from Kensington Palace to Anmer Hall probably isn't William living by himself in Kensington Palace traveling to pick up George for their football outing; it's the helicopter's point of origin. There were probably no passengers on the leg from Kensington Palace to Anmer Hall, William and George were picked up from Anmer Hall, and they flew together to near-Wembley Stadium. Because helicopters don't just magically appear when someone snaps their fingers. Helicopters have to go to where their passengers are and if the helicopter's "home" is Kensington Palace, then obviously it's going to fly from Kensington Palace to Anmer Hall.
What the redditor posters are doing is they've predefined the narrative and are cherrypicking data that matches the story they want to tell. It's confirmation bias, using Court Circular events and flight tracking. I wouldn't believe anything they find until (or unless) there are photographs of the travel in transit that clearly show who the passengers are.
It's incredibly flawed and, ultimately, incredibly dangerous should the information fall in the wrong hands. That's why I'm not posting the original asks with the links - because it's not an objective analysis. It's an analysis focused specifically on their opinion that the palace is lying about Kate's condition, her whereabouts, and the children's whereabouts.
Bottom line: consider everything you're told as absolute from internet people that don't have clear incontrovertible receipts - yes, that means me too - with "what if" skepticism.
(Also I don't pay too much attention to their "haha William's a hypocrite for flying helicopters everywhere despite being an eco warrior. First, William doesn't preach about eco travel while he's doing all this. Yeah, it's a little weird that he and the presenters gets to travel to all the Earthshot ceremonies but the actual honorees/nominees have to Zoom in but that's a separate issue. Second, it's been confirmed that William occasionally pilots these helicopters himself to get the hours he needs to maintain his pilot license. I think that's smart. Not only is it showing his children that just because they're part of monarchy doesn't mean they have to give up the things they love, it's also maintaining a vital skill should the unthinkable happen and there's no more monarchy.)
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algolagniaa · 26 days
a couple days ago i found out the reason my skinwalker was so obsessed with me was he was convinced i was also a trans woman and being told multiple times by multiple people that i wasnt + literally seeing me naked wasnt enough to change his mind. and there actually was sexual interest which i didnt think there was but it was bc he thought i was a man. and that + the fact that a little bit before that i saw myself in the mirror in a group of other women and noticed my face was visibly very off from theirs made me kind of insecure. and so i had the brilliant idea to post pictures of myself on Reddit and ask them. and the resounding answer was that i have an extremely masculine face and need facial feminization surgery and an eyebrow lift and a nose job and nothing i can do short of these surgeries will ever fix it bc i am super below average and that i have crazy eyes and a crazy ugly smile and no one believes I’m not trans. and ik its redditors and this is embarassing to me bc i think of myself as being above these kind of concerns but. tbh it’s extremely bumming me out and the only thing stopping me from actually trying to out and get a new face is my extreme anounts of pride. and as it is i kind of want to crawl under a rock and die. and also i plucked my eyebrows way too much this morning because of this and now they look even worse
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Stuff that would get us fake claimed bc this trend is so amazing in my eyes
(And no I'm not asking to get fake claimed bc apparently I'm not allowed to make jokes)
High alter count
We don’t have an exact number, but our overall estimation is pretty high (not in the thousands but yk 100-150).
Not being able to control switches
We can’t control when we switch but it’s usually in stressful/negative situations. We also can’t control who takes front.
Alter variety
Istg, people are weird when it comes to alter variety. It’s always “oh your alters are all similar? Fake!!” Or “oh your alters are all very different? Fake!!” Our system has a lot of variety.
Has a TikTok account
“Omg, a system with social media?! Fake!!” Believe it or not, we only started our TikTok in late June of last year. We’ve known we are a system since way before that. So yes, systems can have TikTok accounts. Because I guarantee there are thousands of systems on TikTok who are not open to being a system that you will never know about.
Posts about system stuff
Damn, I didn’t know it was illegal for systems to be open about being a system. I didn’t know my literal existence, labels I choose to use, etc were taking away from the “real systems”. My apologies, Mr/ms high and mighty ceo of Reddit moderation as your 9-5.
Has simply plural
“Omg an app for systems?! And you’re using it?! As a system?! Fake!!” I’m not allowed to use one of the few useful apps that can log switches, keep track of members, send messages, help you meet other systems, make polls, make your layout look pretty if you want, etc without getting fakeclaimed. It’s almost like it’s an app for systems, and systems use it. Shocker.
Uses pluralkit
“A system using a meaningful way of communication and another good way to keep track of members?! Fake!!” Apparently redditors think that pluralkit worsens amnesia barriers and derealization. Is this true?? If so tell me, but it doesn’t happen for us. Because obviously, I’m not fronting all the time. How am I supposed to feel derealization if I’m not there?? Also it’s not like our main account profile is by default the host. Our user has <3 and our systag in the name for christs sake.
Goes to school
I know, shocker, I have a life. I’m not physically incapable of having an education as a system. And believe it or not, I have decent grades too. Systems are traumatized, not stupid (directed at that one boy at my old school).
Doesn’t want final fusion
Excuse you, but this system has been here for me and has been around since I was five (I think). I’ve only now fully accepted the fact I’m a system. I think it’d be a bit rude to just say “alr you can go now” like I don’t wanna be alone tf.
We ain’t Introject heavy, but ig even having two introjects makes you fake. This may be a shocker, but it’s more common to have other disorders alongside DID/OSDD than to not. This, and again, this may be a shocker, but it includes ADHD and autism.
In sys relationships
Me, the host, has personally never been in an in-sys relationship. But I think in our system there’s like, two? And then there’s a lot of ‘it’s complicated’ or ‘situationship’.
Decent communication
Obviously, it could be better, but we overall have decent and healthy ways of communicating with each other. Usually it’s talking out loud or leaving little notes.
Alter intros
Because apparently it’s a crime against being neurodivergent to share about your alters. We obviously can’t share everything for obvious reasons but we want yall to get to know us.
DNI alters
This may be a hard pill to swallow, but DNI doesn’t always mean the alter is some dangerous monster. It can mean that alter is too little to be online, it could mean that alter is a social anxiety symptom holder, it could mean that alter just doesn’t like talking to people outside the system/at all. These are just a few examples. Or maybe, that alter just doesn’t wanna be fuckin interacted with. But these alters should still be acknowledged. Why? Because healing is a thing. Locking them away isn’t healthy. Maybe they want people to know not to interact with them. But noooo, all DNI alters are awful people apparently.
Other mental health disorders
We have anxiety and depression (diagnosed and genetic), medically recognized ADHD, and tics. And yes, all of our alters have tics because it's caused by your brain and we share the same brain.
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AITA for running a kid out of a gaming community? (Tw mention of rape/self-harm/nazism)
I play the sims often, and am active in the simblr community. About four years back I (f, 19 at the time) saw a comment under a post about a DLC pack for the game, pointing out that there were an unequal amount of masculine vs feminine clothing in the pack, and stating that “girls were ruining the sims and making it a girls game.” I replied, saying I agreed with their assertion that in inequality isn’t fair (people, myself included, have been complaining about that very thing since the game first came out), but that it’s the developers faults, and it’s not right to blame the players or fanbase of a game for aspects of production that they have no control over. The commenter who I’ll call J (m, 17, though I didn’t know his age until later) responded saying again that girls were ruining the game for male players. Not wanting to clog the OPs notifs with back-and-forth comments, I messaged J privately, reiterating that I agreed with some of his points, just that it wasn’t fair to blame women for ‘ruining’ a game when they weren’t in control of mistakes the development team made. J went on a massive rant about how I was a ‘stupid white girl who loves Starbucks’ (I’m not white and I never said anything about Starbucks?) and that women were ruining the sims franchise by turning it into a “decorating and dress up game” and that players who were women “hated all men and children” because too many people made adult women sims and not enough men/child sims.
At that point I knew the discussion wasn’t going to go anywhere, so I joked and said he sounded like a Redditor. He responded by saying “me when women get raped” followed by a Fortnite dancing gif. I didn’t respond. An hour later he sent me a link to some website featuring a video of a man beating a woman in public. I screenshotted his messages, blocked him, and made a post with said screenshots urging others to not interact with him/to block him too.
A while later I get a message from a mutual linking a post he made about the situation on Reddit, explaining the discussion from his point of view. It was removed by the time I looked at it, but the comments were basically all agreeing with me or at least saying his last responses were wrong. He would go on to complain about how I was “the reason he hated modern women” and that I was “driving him back to being a Nazi because Nazis were so welcoming”. I made a post laughing at the situation, because it was just so absurd.
A few hours later I get an anon from J telling me that I had made him self harm and he posted the photos on his blog. When I finally got the courage to look on his blog several days later he seemed to be okay (it looked like he accidentally scratched himself on the arm too hard, nothing life threatening) but he had DOZENS of anons upset with him for the heinous shit he said. This is when I learned he was 17. He said that he “wasn’t a Nazi anymore, but was thinking about going back” (even though he was non-white, gay and trans?); that women were turning the sims into a girls game and because of that people irl would call him slurs because he was playing a girls game; that the reason he said those things to me was because “I’m autistic, and no one gets mad when they say it on family guy”, and that he want a misogynist he just wanted to make me upset, as well as back and forth arguments with anons where he essentially argued that female custom content creators are sexist if they don’t make masculine clothing/content for male sims. His last posts talked about how the sims was all he had in life and that since everyone in the community hated him now he’d just make everyone happy by killing himself. His blog hasn’t updated since.
Obviously I can’t confirm what happened to him, but I still think about this event frequently, and check up on his blog a few times a year. I have a sizable following on my simblr, and I knew I’d be exposing him to thousands of people with my posts—but I didn’t want him to hurt himself, I only wanted to warn people that he wasn’t safe to interact with.
Should I have blocked and moved on without warning people? Was I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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howtobecomeadragon · 1 year
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yeah I'm done with the reddit polls. milevens are harassing the op about everything, in the comments and her dm's, bc of a couple hundred votes from tumblr on a subreddit with over a million subscribers, and we're still the ones that will probably be left out of a mileven consolation vote to make them feel better about losing? that's so silly. and the fact that the op even mentioned being "surprised that byler was still in bc they're soooo hated" in the same comment with the voting link was 🙄
we're not rigging anything. several people share the link, several people advocate to vote for this ship or that ship. a lot of us have similar opinions, in which case we vote similarly, and when we don't, we don't vote the same. i've seen plenty of disagreements in the tags and replies in my posts, so I know that we're absolutely not all voting together.
the redditors are doing the same thing in their comments anyway: they make a quick pitch for why one ship sucks and if it gets a lot of upvotes, that ship is usually voted out, all in the pursuit of keeping their favorites in. it's the same exact thing. that's how it works, that's why it's fun, apparently until the ship they usually report or downvote into oblivion actually has a chance to have their say in the votes.
I got a few nasty messages in my posts last night after I turned my anonymous asks off bc my tumblr was posted in the reddit comments like 5 times. with that and everything else, I'm just not having any fun anymore, this is making me too anxious. go vote if you want, have fun with it, I'm just not posting about it anymore.
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msfbgraves · 4 months
your posting about the disparity in portrayals of cobra kai and miyagi do reminds of the vibes of how redditors and those even here say that anybody who LIKES sam must be privileged rich women, or even posts preaching daniel was the true bigot even as a kid who provoked everyone and fought hate with hate and DESERVED to be beat for spraying johnny. the goalposts for the good kind of poor kid/rich kids move a lot with the show and the fan reactions.
The Karate Kid is about a hotheaded boy who, through respect for his elders and hard work, wins the respect of his peers and causes them to choose a less aggressive path for themselves as well -
And this bothers people!
It tells you a lot about what we value as a society, hm? And apparently it's violence in boys, and yes, always looking away from the consequences. Miyagi interfered because these boys were very close to beating Daniel to death. Something they may have been too young to recognise (though Bobby didn't let himself get blinded), but he would have recognised from his time at war. And in Cobra Kai, I had such mad respect for them showing the natural consequences of that No Mercy attitude - Miguel getting seriously, almost irreversibly hurt.
Except, no - we don't want to face that. The Cobras do not deserve to be called out on nearly killing another boy, because he, well, he deserved it 😒 We can't accept that this is bad behaviour! Because we don't want it to be! And violence ultimately does not have consequences for Miguel because we don't want it to! Miracle spinal injury cure it is!
As for Sam, who has no redeeming qualities in the narrative because she doesn't face any hardship, well, of course the default opinion is dislike. She's a white teenage girl. What good can she possibly do? And what is clever about Cobra Kai is that Sam knows this in-universe. She can't do any good, but she can do plenty wrong: she's not supposed to be too smart, so she ditches Aisha, who is her best friend but not white and not girly pretty. She can't be as hard as Yasmine or as soft as Moon, or she will be deemed a bitch or laughing stock. She's a rich white girl so she has to date a jock, cue Parker. She can't do karate, who does karate? She can't be sexually available, she'll be punished, but she also can't not be, she'll be punished. And then Miguel defends her honor, so she has to be with him, he's earned her.
She knows she'll be basic if she follows the rules but she's terrified of not doing that. And well,with reason, cue Reddit. She picks out the girliest, pinkest Prom dress that looks absolutely hideous, but at least showcases how she is still a good girl, and not a psycho karate bitch -
And then there's Tory, who so unapologetically is a psycho karate bitch it makes her blood boil. She's so angry that Tory gets away with it that yes, it turns her into a catty bitch - the only aggression she's allowed - until Tory gives her permission to let it all out. But for Chrissakes, she's punished for being a catty bitch by nearly getting murdered twice. But that too is justified to us. Daniel wasn't allowed to be a whimp and she's not allowed to be a bitch, or anything but what she is and even if she's just a basic white girl, following the script to the letter, it'll never be enough.
Makes you appreciate how insanely brave Ali Mills is. She goes for the poor whimp. She's unapologetically into soccer. She defies her parents in rejecting Johnny. She drives Daniel's car, and anyone who dares comment can kiss her ass. Sam wishes she was as brave! But as we can see, Sam is so perceptive to what other people demand from her that she doesn't know who she is anymore. Yes, karate gives her an outlet - but she still hasn't figured out she isn't into Miguel, or Robby, or perhaps any guy. Because forget getting hate for being basic... imagine the hate for being gay!
But who cares, right? She's just a basic teenage white girl, even though that's all she's allowed to be...
And who else would care to think about what that's like for two seconds, but indeed other basic white girls?
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
Lady C Tea YouTube 5/23/24 (mini-nuggets paraphrased by me - the Tendonitis Edition) by u/daisybeach23
Lady C Tea YouTube 5/23/24 (mini-nuggets paraphrased by me - the Tendonitis Edition) Greetings from Castle Goring,Lady C says David Sherborne is a very good attorney and making a lot of money from Harry.  He was excellent against Rebecca Vardy.  Lady C was asked if Sherborne could be sanctioned from the court for taking advantage of a client.  She does not think Sherborne has none anything unethical.  The legal system was setup by lawyers, for lawyers and not for Justice.  However, Justice Vancourt has already recognized that what Sherborne is trying to do is alter politics with the Harry lawsuits.  Trying to change the laws to muzzle the press.  Let’s see if Harry settles or continues to waste money on these lawsuits.Lady C’s bongo bongo drums tell her the H&M marriage has hit a rough spot but this does not mean they are divorcing anytime soon.  Someone who knows H&M well told Lady C their relationship is sadomasochistic.  Meghan mostly dominates Harry, but sometimes they flip roles.  Meghan’s big role in the relationship is to blame Harry for failing to protect her and failing to keep her safe.  And Harry’s main role in life is to blame himself for failing to protect Mummy so he must protect Meghan.  Harry tortures himself that he can never be good enough as a husband.  As a son.  Harry is constantly being lassoed by Meghan.  Unless he cuts the rope and frees himself, he will never escape.    Lady C does not have hope that Harry will realize he is abused by Meghan.Lady C says the Getty family was not involved in Newsom’s defense of Meghan and Harry.  She was told Newsom did this to make the California Attorney General look bad.  She does call out that SOMEBODY sought to undermine H&M’s Nigeria trip by leaking Archewell’s delinquency status.This Redditors note:  Newsom is termed out as Governor of California and is now a lame duck.  I do not know why he would seek to undermine the California Attorney General.Lady C says the Line of Succession is handled by Parliament, not the Royal Family.  Children born are automatically entered into the LoS.  If something is amiss, it is the role of Parliament to address.Lady C says nobody can control if William chooses to travel via helicopter with his kids.  The protocols say the heir and second in line should travel separately, but William does not adhere to this.  What is everyone to do with an obstinate Prince of Wales?Lady C says if the Royal Family allowed Meghan’s dubious past to be released into the Public Domian before the wedding, Meghan would have played the race card anyway.  And then Meghan would have doubled down on her victim narrative.  By the time the Royal Family got all the background info on Meghan, it was too late. Lady C says the rumors surrounding Catherine are preposterous.  Americans are mostly perpetuating these rumors.  Princess Catherine should be left in peace while she does her treatments.  We do not know how grueling this is for her, but we can assume she is deeply challenged at the moment. Toodles Sinners post link: https://ift.tt/TSIzAy9 author: daisybeach23 submitted: May 24, 2024 at 06:29PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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chirpsythismorning · 9 months
I haven't been active in the byler fandom, why would redditors be mad at the play being canon?
Most, not all, but most active reddit users on the ST sub have been bombarded with byler evidence for the last year. So to remain sane through it all, they have resorted to insisting that almost every detail fans come across and try to share on the sub, are just mere coincidences.
This is because they've realized that if they are considering other really minor details meaning something bigger, that means they might have to start considering the possibility that the details pointing to byler are also intentional. This is how they cope.
You would think after saying 'it's just a coincidence' for the hundredth time, they might be starting to rethink their position on things, but the reality of the situation just isn't setting in I guess (aka they don't want it to happen so they are refusing to let themselves truly consider it until they have no choice).
The reason I still partake in the reddit sub, despite losing braincells over half the takes on there, is bc there are still a handful of users that are really smart and do great analysis on the supernatural side of the show, in particular things I have no knowledge on at all and would greatly benefit from looking at to expand my understanding of things and different perspectives.
The really smart ones that exist are usually indifferent to the romantic arcs in the show, although they do have a milkvan bias bc the straight bait is straight baiting. And so these are the few posts theorizing, that consider the details meaning something more, that just so happen to get support from the hardcore milkvans on there. And it's bc as long as it's coming from someone who doesn't think byler is going to happen, they will listen.
I will say the one thing that is sort of obnoxious about all of this is that regular fans without any ship bias, will pop on there semi-regularly with a post, accompanied by basic common sense questions like, 'wait this makes no sense...' or 'why did they do this this way?' in many cases, with the confusion surrounding the build up of Mike and El and Will's role in all that. These people aren't milkvans or bylers, they are just fans picking up on obvious subtext and they are looking for insight about it from fans. And every time they get bombarded with condescending and bitter milkvans that are having to defend mike and el's honor, and s4 really made this a full time job for them lmao. That sort of resentment has manifested into hating anything and everything that considers deeper meaning in relation to Will and Mike, but especially in Will's case. Because that's the thing, they have to deny any importance of Will's role bc Will being important fucking terrifies them. It means that everything could be important basically. It's their worst nightmare and they will hound you for even speculating something. It's insufferable to watch unfold honestly.
I say all of this bc it's important in the context of the play, given that there are a lot of theories out there swirly around, theories that mostly reside on Tumblr. Many of those theories are viewed by redditors as being crack theories that have no evidence supporting them (bc they come from bylers), like the weirdness around Alice not being in the play (and potentially connecting to Karen), or the fact that they insisted the silhouette of Henry's actor right before the cast announcement couldn't be him bc he was too old to be Henry (umm time shenanigans, duh), or that the truth about Brenner's involvement runs a lot deeper than everyone assumes.
And so naturally, leading up to the play, a lot of active (very vocal) redditors in both the main sub and the Hawkins AV Club sub, have commented on posts related to the play, trying so hard to convince others (themselves) that this play is not canon and we shouldn't waste our time with it because it wont matter in the context of everything going on in the literal show. They go as far as to insist it's not canon, even though it already was said to be canon.
And now with this post, they are again having to face the reality this show is a lot deeper than they have had to insist it to is combat byler speculation. All byler evidence is seen as reaching to them. And they'll do everything they can to insist anything bylers are speculating is delusional, which includes theories surrounding the play. All of that denial has led us to this moment, which will only hurt their ego as time goes on and they are being hit with sign after sign after sign... that it might just be that deep.
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toxycodone · 15 days
I was gonna update you on the reddit stuff (took down my sorry & left the subreddit bc ykw youre right, and also 5 downvotes for a sorry omg 😭) but the snippets of virgin laios got me giggling & twirling my hair im so excited for it to be posted. Ik its gonna devour bc all your works do & i literally cannot express how ready i am to read it in bed while cricket rubbing my legs before sleeping, but i digress 🧎🏽‍♀️.
Anyways a nice redditor did update me on my turtle & it turns out she stopped tracking a year ago. So im hoping my fellow latina (shes from a national park in Costa Rica) is just swimming the coast of Belize & the coast quintana roo in mexico, & eating seaweed & fishies while enjoying that cancun air, which is not only the last area she was tracked but her most enjoyed area. :,)
AWWWW good end!!! I'm sorry they were so mean to you though wtf. I swear reddit is the site that takes itself the most serious ffs
In my mind that's what she's doing!! <3 She probably laid some eggs recently too! I was in Honduras hunting for turtle nests recently, so its their breeding season :) you can smile and think hey. her lineage is in the ocean right now growing big and strong.
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reblogsreblogs · 1 year
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I've seen a few folks visiting/moving from Reddit who are worried about reblogging too many things on their main blogs (the first blog you're prompted to make when you join is your "main").
I'm not familiar with mobile, so this will probably be a bit different there, but I thought I'd mention for new folks that you can make side blogs if you'd like. The reason I made this blog is because 1) my main blog sort of has a theme, and 2) I do worry a bit about spamming some of my mutuals (folks I follow who also follow me back) with too much random stuff, but I still find that stuff interesting or entertaining so I want to horde it somewhere!
So this blog I'm posting from, ReblogsReblogs, is a side-blog that I pretty much entirely just reblog things to (no original content). Well, until I make this post right here, I guess.
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You can see here in this screenshot of this post I'm currently writing that I can select from the dropdown which of my blogs that I want to make this post on, and it works the same for any reblogs I make of other people's posts.
There's probably a better guide somewhere, but if you're new and you're feeling worried about reblogging too much now you know one of the possible solutions! Or maybe you can finally just live our your dream of having a side blog dedicated entirely to deep sea animals? That's good too.
If a side blog doesn't sound any good to you, I've seen some folks mention the queue and scheduling options we have on Tumblr and that's also a good solution for extra things you want to reblog, but don't need to reblog immediately. A lot of us have BIG queues that we fill up with interesting stuff that keeps getting posted until it runs out, so our blogs keep posting fun stuff even if we're on vacation or w/e.
I was a Tumblr person before I became a Redditor, years ago, so it's been cool seeing some Redditors come over and check things out. I hope some of you stay and enjoy yourselves, Tumblr can be a refreshingly non-toxic space if you curate it properly. Fuck Spez. :)
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3rddimension · 7 months
Yeah I just started browsing through the comments on that Reddit post and I'm kinda upset. I fully understand that certain subsections of the community don't want shipping to be involved with their fanfare, and honestly, I think it works out better this way for us shippers to be sequestered off to communities like this. I just wish that if we're not talking about shipping there then why does the subreddit have to take cheap shots at us for no reason?
Seriously though, I've been lurking this blog for about 4 months now and sending in anon asks for about 2. I've been very adamantly against people going out of their way to argue with non-shippers about the "truth" for no reason, and I view this Reddit post as the direct result of people doing that.
I think that the proof we have is pretty conclusive. I actually only became a "shipper" after I saw the proof because I usually think of shipping real people as unethical. In this case though, it's appreciating the dynamic of two people I already know to be together, so I think that's fine.
In all honesty, if I had interacted with this community before seeing the proof, I woulda thought you all were psychos too, and I woulda been right in that thread with those redditors.
You might think the solution to this animosity we face is to spread the proof farther, but this is not the case. Shayne and Courtney are in a private relationship, and though this proof is all public info, to spread in directly goes against their tacit wishes.
Also, regardless of whether or not anyone here is actually parasocial, I hope we all admit that most of the proof we have was gained through dubious means. Stuff like noticing similarities in their apartments' architecture and Courtney wearing Shayne's clothing is fine, but those family photos, arguably our most damning proof, were gained through what is by definition cyber-stalking, whether you like it or not. We have a moral obligation to not intentionally spread shit like that. I've heard talk before of an incredibly depraved Shartney Discord server that effectively existed for the sake of cyber-stalking the two of them. 3d, if you know what I'm talking about, please do tell. Point is, if we go out of our way to intentionally spread proof like that gained through immoral means, we become just as bad as that Discord server VERY fast.
So, if you can't spread proof, but people wom't be convinced unless you spread proof, what should you do? Don't engage!!! I get that hearing people in r/smosh be blantanly ignorant and condescending towards us sucks, but guess what? We get to say "we told you so" in the end, and that's what really matters. Stop going out of your way to argue with people if you don't like normie Smosh fans having a negative opinion of this community, then stop fighting with them over shit that doesn't matter!!!
Oh yeah we definitely don't want this to spread further for sure. Tumblr is essentially the only and best place for fandom community to existing in. Which is why I picked this place because of all the community that I has been before and how like mind we are.
For sure a lot of stuff we accumulated are from shitty means which is why the twoshrimps post only contain fully public picture that each people still put it on the internet to see. It's also a very bad argument to be used if you go and argue about it as well. If you tried to using it please don't do it anymore. It paint us in the bad light even we are not the one to obtain it in the first place.
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