#i miss pa grocery stores
fairy-ganj-mother · 29 days
I want land with trees and chickens and to be less than 3 hours driving distance from the beach
#so not denver basically#i would probs feel different if we made a bunch of friends here but it seems like denver is too cliquey for that#like why did we buy a house here after living here 3 years and not really finding community?#i guess Jeff's job is here but plenty of his coworkers are not#he's so big into ski lifestyle now#i am not#i want to go home :( to pa :(#where we could own a bigger house with the kind of land and trees i want for less money#he cant ski but i could go to the beach#and see my family#and my friends#:(#i have been missing pa so much this month#its been rainy in CO and the grey mornings are making me miss pa....#also talking up central pa to my friends that are moving there from denver has obvs made me miss it#also my favorite people in denver are moving to central pa like wtf😭#but its just making me want to go buy a 250k house in port matilda or something#i miss pa grocery stores#pa food like locally grown veg and locally made pasta and all the cute things i took for granted when i lived in central pa#i miss day trips to the beach with my mom where we'd leave at 7am#then hit the nj beach for a few hours#then the boardwalk then dinner then drive home and be home around 10#bc you also have to stop for ice cream on the way home at the roadside stand off the beaten path#ugh#colorado is cute and fine but its more rural and i miss those mid atlantic vibes#the in between philly and new york vibes#the grit of the big cities seeps into the country soil out there#and that is my favorite soil type🤣#ughhhhh#t
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daisies-on-a-cup · 6 months
in my ideal version of a young southern will graham, he talks like old folks and says out-of-pocket shit in a very polite manner
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paradoxiii · 1 year
That first panel of that comic I just reblogged randomly reminded me of that time when I was in kindergarten & I came home to find the door locked. My mom had always told me before school if she wasn't going to be home when I got home so I thought maybe she was just asleep or something & banged on the door for a while. I eventually concluded she wasn't home.
Normally, if she isn't going to be home, she would also tell me to go to Ms. Hilda's house (a little old lady across the road that we often visited), so I started walking back up the long ass gravel driveway. When I got to the end of the driveway, I saw Ms. Hilda tending the garden in her front yard. She looked up & called out to me, and I was initially relieved, but then suddenly I panicked. I was just filled with fear as the woman who was basically another grandma to be stood up and told me to come over.
I turned and ran as fast as my little legs could down the driveway, across the the backyard and into my father's shed. I locked the door and just started crying.
I heard Ms. Hilda knock on the door and tell me that my mom told her to that she and my grandmother went out to run errands, and to have me come over like I usually do when my mom isn't home. I refused to listen, refused to unlock the door. I just kept crying & saying that I wanted my mom.
I think I did eventually unlock the door for her, but I don't remember what else happened.
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
I love your blog it always makes me laugh <3 could you do the batfam+superfam at thanksgiving or something??
Clark: Bruce, Selina, Kate, glad you guys could make it! Alfred's helping Ma and Pa in the kitchen. Come on in.
Jon, poking his head out: Where's Damian? I wanna show him my new issue of One Piece.
Kon: Never mind that, where's Tim? He said we'd go Black Friday shopping together.
Bruce: The kids are coming separately. They're just picking up some last-minute groceries from your mom's list.
Kate: Smells great in here. Very cinnamony.
Lois: I've been on a scented candle kick recently.
Kate: Ooh, show me.
Selina: I'm going to freshen up from that long drive.
Clark: Kara, Natasha, Chris, and Kenan will be flying in after they take care of a minor alien invasion in Beijing. Biz is out by the barn serving the animals their Thanksgiving feast. Cider?
Bruce: Don't mind if I do. Hey, I think I see Dick's car.
Dick: Heyo everyone! Babs and I brought the pecan pie Mrs. Kent asked for.
Barbara: This was the last one left at the store. Can you believe that? Oh, Jason's right behind us.
Jason: Waddup Thanksgiving fuckers, guess who brought pecan pie?
Dick: Language! And I thought we agreed Babs and I would bring it. I texted the group.
Jason: Then it might not have sent because I didn't get anything.
Tim, pulling up: Hey everyone! I brought Bernard and pecan pie. All I'm missing is my other boyfriend.
Jason: Seriously?
Damian, climbing in through the window: Greetings, family unit. I have acquired the pecan pie.
Tim: You too?!
Duke: Hey, sorry Cass I are late. We were stuck in some pretty nasty traffic. On the bright side, we got the pecan pie.
Barbara: You have GOT to be kidding me.
Steph: *walks in with a pecan pie*
Steph: *sees the others*
Steph, turning around: I'm going back to the store.
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lqveharrington · 6 months
Dust Storm | W.H.B.
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summary: You and Billy get caught up in a dust storm while on a horse ride.
pairing: William H. Bonney x fem!reader
includes: slight angst, fluff, you and billy are engaged, not a lot of warnings 🤷‍♀️ let me know if i missed any !!
a/n: i had this sitting in my drafts for a billion years 😭 my bad bookies
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It had been days since that last dust storm blew in and the spirits in the small county of Talihina, Oklahoma were high. However, there was no rain insight. And with no rain, it left many farmers with empty fields, covered in dried-out dirt and sand. It especially hit the Ashford farm and ranch the hardest.
The Ashfords were the wealthiest family in Talihina. They were well known for being able to run a horse ranch and a healthy farm. The father, James Ashford, was in charge of both the ranch and farm, making sure everything ran smoothly. His wife, Josephina Ashford, better known as Jo, was known for helping around the town and giving to those in need. Luckily for the couple, they had two children who helped them with their work. They had a daughter and a son. You were the eldest Ashford child, and you had a bright future. You resemble your mother in all ways. You were the kind of woman to make young men turn their heads just by walking by. Unfortunately for them, you were happily engaged to one William H. Bonney. On the other hand, your younger brother looked like a replica of your father. Adam Ashford was eight years old with the same determination as his father, hoping to take over the farm and ranch when he got older.
But because of the dust storms starting up two years ago, it was harder to tend to the crops that would grow and bring the horses out of their stables. Before, you would help your father to tend to the horses when you weren't doing volunteer work, but with the constant dust blowing around the whole country, he banned you from leaving the house unless it was absolutely clear from dust. And for the first time in two years, James let his daughter out of the house. Only to run her mother’s errands, of course.
“In case of emergencies,” James tied a red bandana around your wrist as you took your mother’s list and woven basket from the kitchen table. “Wrap this around your head and cover your mouth and nose. I don’t want you to get hurt. And remember to come straight back from the markets—”
“Pa, I’ll be fine.” You squeezed her father’s forearm, kissing his cheek. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
He sighed and shook his head, “Okay.”
You squeezed his arm again before leaving, silently reassuring her safety. You took quick strides to the town center and watched the dust kick up with every step you took. The walk going to town wasn’t bad. The only downside was that there was no shelter for any incoming dust storms. Fortunately, the blazing sun was beating down on the earth and the wind was seemingly absent.
Upon reaching the town center you smiled at the sight in front of you. You found children running around with wooden toys their fathers made and their mothers gossiping about the recent family who left for California. It felt normal. For the first time in years, it felt normal to see mothers scolding their children for messing with drunkards sitting outside of the bars.
You shook your head before entering the town’s only grocery, the bell above the door ringing to alert the storekeeper. “Mr. Taylor?”
“Miss Ashford!” The storekeeper beamed at the young woman. “What brings you into town? I haven’t seen you and your folks for a while.”
You gave him a tight-lipped smile, “With all this dust, I would hardly expect anyone to be hustlin’ ‘round town.”
“What can I do for you?” He dismissed the comment.
“I’m in need of some of your delicious Fuji apples. My ma s'been craving them ever since Adam read a book about them to her.” You looked around the empty store. “Other than that, I can grab the res’ of the things myself.”
“I’ll be right back.” He knocked the wood on the counter, heading toward the back of the store. You watched him leave before heading into the different aisles, glancing at the brands and prices of the different items. In fact, you were so immersed in deciding which brand of vegetable oil would be best that you hadn’t realized someone new had entered the store until a pair of strong arms wrapped around you and spun you off the ground.
“Oh my god!” You clung onto the stranger’s arm, not wanting to fall face-first onto the ground. You glanced back at the stranger before gasping, eyes lighting up at the male. “Billy!”
“Afternoon, gorgeous.” He put you down and kissed your cheek.
You felt your face warm at the name and action, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “What are you doing here?”
“My ma sent me into town to get money from the bank.” Billy followed you around the store, his gaze flickering across your face. “Then I saw my favorite woman walk into town. I decided I could spare some time to talk to her.”
“Uh-huh.” You spun on your heel and peered into his eyes. “Did you get the money for your folks? Or did you forget?”
“You think so low of me, sweetheart.” He tilted your head up with his finger. “Of course I got the money.”
You hummed, giving him a proper look now. William H. Bonney was once a lanky boy in grade school. But he had definitely grown into himself. He got stronger and taller over the course of two years. The loose clothes he once wore now perfectly fit him, making you flush red each time you saw him. Your eyes then traveled from his fit shirt to his tattered, dust-covered boots. You frowned at the state they were in, but no one could do any better from the current weather the states were currently facing. Finally, you shifted your gaze to meet his eyes once more. His crystal blue eyes were such a beautiful contrast to the dust coating his dark jeans and his wavy brown hair. You swore you could get lost in them if it weren’t for him pulling you back to reality each time.
“You’re staring, gorgeous.” Billy grinned, earning a small scoff from his beloved.
“You’re impossible.” You shoved two bars of soap into your basket, heading toward the counter where the apples were waiting.
Mr. Taylor suppressed a laugh at the young couple, taking the basket from your arms. “That all for today, Miss Ashford?”
You hummed as you took your wallet out of your dress pocket, “How much?”
“$3.42 is the total.” He read off the cash register as you handed him the exact amount, trading it for the baskets of groceries and apples.
“Thank you, Mr. Taylor.” You smiled at him and moved to grab Billy’s hand as you left the store, intertwining them. “What’ve you been up to since I’ve last seen you?”
“Since last week?” Billy pulled you closer to him, squeezing your hand. “ Not much has happened since I visited your place. Just helping my ma in the fields like always.”
You nodded and looked toward the ground, watching the dust cling onto your leather boots and the bottom of your maroon dress. “The dust storm affecting your folks’ farm badly?”
“It’s affecting everyone, sweetheart.” He pulled you away from a stampede of running children. “No one can get any crops.”
“I know…” You muttered, rubbing small circles into his palm. You peered up at the bright sun, squinting at the beam. “You know what I wish for?”
“I wish for everything to go back to normal.” You adjusted your hat, the Ashford ranch coming into view. “The dust storms have ruined everyone’s crops. I can barely step foot out of my own house. There hasn’t been any rain since god knows when. My pa won’t let me tend to the horses. It’s madness, Billy.”
“M’sorry, sweetheart.” He kissed the side of your head. “I can’t promise everything will go back to normal, but in the meantime, I can find a way to ride horses with you. ”
“William, what’s that supposed to mean?” You squinted at him, his piercing gaze meeting yours. “Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably not a good idea—!”
“Come on. We can ride the horses and be back before your folks worry.” He pulled you into the Ashford stables, taking the baskets from your arms and tucking them safely in a corner.
You bit your lip, looking at the groceries and then back at the brunette, cursing him for being so convincing. “Fine.”
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Laughter filled the air as you raced Billy through the back trails of Talihina, the generated wind blowing through your hair. It felt like you were both young teenagers who had no idea they were in love with one another, doing reckless activities until they were caught by one’s parents.
“Pick up the pace, Bonney!” You shouted as you saw Billy catching up, urging your horse to move faster.
A huge amount of dust kicked up with every stride the horses took, and if you looked back, you wouldn’t be able to see anything. Billy shook his head with a smile and copied you, finally riding beside the pair.
“Sweetheart, you know I can beat you in any horse race.” He chuckles as he brings his horse to a stop, wiping the sweat off his forehead. “You feel any better?”
You nodded and glanced to your left as you tugged on your horse’s reins, meeting his blue eyes. “I do feel better. Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He tipped his hat in your direction. “Ready to go back?”
Your smile slowly faded but nodded, “Yeah.”
“Hey, we don’t need to rush. We can take as long as we want to go back if you want.”
“I’d like that.” You guided your horse to head back toward the ranch. “In the meantime, you can tell me all about what you’re gonna do when your ma finds out where you’ve been all day.”
“I can tell her I’ve been with my girl all day.” He bit back a smirk when he saw your cheeks tint pink. “I think my folks love you more than me.”
You shoved his shoulder, your engagement ring glistening in the sun. “They should love me more than you. I think my Pa loves you more than me.”
“Impossible.” Billy took your hand and kissed the back of it.
The young couple took short strides on their horses as the sun slowly faded away. One could argue that the sun was setting, but it was still much too early for the sun to set.
“What time do you have on your watch?” You looked back at the darkening sky, picking up the pace.
“3 PM,” Billy muttered, looking into your panicked eyes. “We gotta go.”
The both of you started to rush your horses back as the wind picked up, dust blowing around them which impaired your vision. You hastily removed the bandana from your wrist and tied it around your head, keeping your balance. Billy kept one hand on the reins and shoved his own bandana up, covering his nose and mouth. The sky was now covered with dust clouds and the wind blew harshly against your backs, the mix of dry dirt and sand hitting their exposed skin.
“Are you okay over there?” Billy shouted over the blowing wind. “Y/N?”
“I’m fine!” You blinked away tears from the dirt that stung your eyes, squeezing your legs to make your horse move faster. You could just barely make out your family’s farm, but with each passing second it became more and more obscure.
“Sweetheart, we have to go to the stables! It’s closer to us than your house!” He veered his horse over to the left.
“I can’t! My folks will worry and—”
“Y/N!” He snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts. “Please!”
You quickly followed him and turned toward the stables. Billy slammed the front doors open, causing chaos to erupt inside. The other horses stood on their hind legs, thrashing as the harsh wind blew the dust inside. You raced inside as Billy jumped off his horse and slammed the stable doors shut, grabbing bales of wheat and shoving them by the front. You took deep breaths as you tried calming your own horse, resting your forehead against the head of your horse.
“This dust storm ain’t gonna go away anytime soon.” Billy rubbed dust off his face, removing his mask. “We’ll be fine in here.”
You nodded weakly, combing your fingers through your horse’s dusty hair. “We shouldn’t have gone out— I-I promised my pa that I’d be back—”
“Hey, look at me.” He went over and took your fidgeting hand. “They’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. When the storm eventually calms down, we'll head over to your place.” He slowly helped you off the horse and held your dirtied face in his hands, slipping your bandana off and wiping your muddy tears. “Okay?”
“Okay.” You took a breath, holding onto his wrists, following his breathing pattern. You rested your forehead on his, shutting your eyes. “Okay.”
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The dust storm only accumulated as time progressed. The field and crops were covered in piles of dust once more and the automobiles were suddenly buried underneath the dried dirt. Those who were inside any buildings had dust seeping through the smallest slivers, despite the taped downed windows and towels blocking the doors. It was as if the storm would never stop, deeply worrying the Ashford family for their daughter’s safety.
“James, you can’t leave!” Jo whispered toward her husband, arms crossed over her chest in disbelief. “It’s late and you wouldn’t be able to see anything with all of that dust blowin’. Adam worries for his sister, but imagine the grief if he lost his pa and his sister?”
“I can’t sleep without knowin’ if my little girl is fine, Jo,” James argued, tightly tying a handkerchief around his head. “If Adam wakes, don’t tell him where his pa went—”
“James!” She held his arm in desperation, holding eye contact. “The storm might end soon, don’t risk it.” She looked between his eyes as he glanced toward the backdoor. “Please.”
His gaze softened at his wife’s demeanor and pulled her into a hug. “I’ll wait.”
“Thank you.” She murmured, wrapping her arms around him. “When the storm dies down, you can go. I won’t stop you then… I worry about our little girl too.”
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The storm kept blowing until early morning. The crops were now either torn out of the ground or buried deep within dry dirt and families had given up on keeping the dust out of their homes. James and Josephina Ashford fell asleep at their kitchen table waiting for the storm to pipe down while you fell asleep in the stables in the security of your lover’s arms. William H. Bonney, on the other hand, stayed awake. He was constantly listening for the winds to quiet to let you know you could head home. In the early hours of the new day, Billy gently shook the woman beside him awake.
“Sweetheart, wake up.” He brushed the dust off that had fallen on you overnight, watching you shift closer to him. “Gorgeous.”
“Give me a minute, William.” You groaned, using his government name as a threat.
He chuckled and sat up straight, bringing you along with him. “The storm stopped, you can go home now.”
Your eyes shot open and you looked over at the male incredulously. “You should’ve said that first, idiot. Let’s go.”
Billy smiled as he stood, helping you up. He shook the final bits of dust off as best as he could and moved the hay bales away from the doors. Billy tilted his head toward you, silently signaling you to head home. You grinned and picked up your dress, racing over to the house without stumbling. You burst into the house and discarded the dust entering as well, finding your parents standing by the kitchen’s backdoor. James had his handkerchief tied across his face, triggering your tears.
“Y/N.” Her father let out a breath of relief and engulfed you in a tight hug. “You’re safe. You’re okay.”
“I’m sorry.” You sobbed into your father’s shirt, clinging onto him. “I’m so sorry, pa.”
“Why are you crying, sweet girl?” He rubbed your face. “What’s wrong?”
“I didn’t go straight home. I wanted to be out more, so I-I rode on the horses with Billy an-and then the storm started up. I shouldn’t have gone. I should’ve gone home right away. I should’ve stayed home. I shouldn’t have—”
“Hey, you’re alright.” James sat you down in one of the wooden chairs, removing his handkerchief from his face. “You’re safe. You’re home.”
You sniffled, looking up at your mother who had tears in her eyes too. “I’m sorry, mama. I didn’t wanna worry you…”
“My baby,” She knelt on the ground, taking your hands in her own. “I’m just glad you’re safe. The worst didn’t happen. You’re here. You aren’t hurt.”
Billy knocked on the side of the wall, making his presence known. In return, all heads whipped over to him. “I brought the groceries your daughter bought the other day.”
“William, come over here.” Your father beckoned him over.
“Yes, sir?” Billy stood by your side, removing his hat.
James sighed, putting his hand out. “Thank you for watching over my daughter.”
“Anytime.” Billy shook his hand, bringing him in for a hug. “I would risk my life for your daughter every single time.”
You lightly sock his arm at the mention, lacing your hands together. “Thank you.”
“I mean, now that you’re here, why don’t you help clear the dust out of our house? I’m sure my daughter has brought in heaps of it from runnin’ in here.” Jo patted her future son-in-law’s shoulder.
You flushed red as Billy chuckled, feeling him squeeze your hand at the comment. “Of course, Mrs. Ashford.”
The young couple got to work clearing out the dust while Jo and James started preparing breakfast for the day. It would be a while until all the dust would clear out of the house completely, but it wasn’t the worst problem they had. The dust storm that day might have ended, but little did the Ashford family know that it would only be the true beginning of their hardships.
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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laiosynth · 2 years
come away, oh ghostly child... (pt 4)
(PT 3 <-) (-> AO3)
Tim strolled down the street towards Dick's apartment. The coffee in his hand was already almost gone, and he was feeling like a sack of shit. He felt like Tom in the one episode of Tom and Jerry where the cat tried and failed at several methods of keeping his eyes open.
He needed Dick to look over his reports for WE, he wasn't entirely confident that he hadn't missed anything.
Pulling out his phone with the hand not clutching coffee like a lifeline, he dialed Dick's home phone for the apartment Babs had said he was staying in while he visited Gotham. After a few rings, Dick picked up.
"Hey, Dick, it's Tim. I'm headed over to your place, I need to run some WE stuff by you."
"Ooh- this might not be the best time, Tim. I've got a kid with me right now, and he's got a lot of energy."
"I can pick up some stuff for the kid to entertain him for a bit if that helps? I really need your help, nobody else is free right now."
Dick sighs on the other end of the line.
"Alright, that works. Could you pick up some groceries while you're at it? I used up the last of my non-cereal food feeding him this morning. Just the basics- eggs, milk, bread, fruit, etcetera. I'll pay you back."
"Yeah, I can do that. I'll call when I'm done and on my way to yours."
"Thanks a million, Tim. I'll see you later."
With that, there's a click as the line is cut. Tim sighs.
Tim stares at the milk cooler in the grocery store. Which kind of milk is best again?
A text conversation with Alfred tells him whole milk is the correct option, so he grabs a gallon.
They're set in the cart next to the other groceries- honey wheat bread, a carton of eggs, and containers of basic fruit. A collection of toys sit in the cart as well- an inflated ball, two dolls- a barbie and a Batman toy- with their accessories, three different stuffed animals, and a book (he has no idea what the kid would like, so he's playing it safe).
He moves out of the milk aisle and towards the checkout. Along the way, he grabs some snacks- fruit snacks, animal crackers, and crackers.
When he reaches the checkout, he pays with Bruce's card- no need to infringe on Dick's savings by making him pay Tim back.
(Tim doesn't need to mention that Bruce had been an asshole recently and Tim doesn't really feel that amenable to being kind to the man.)
He struggles to carry all the bags on his own but manages eventually- most of the bags hang from Tim's elbows.
As he walks back towards Dick's apartment, he pulls his phone out to call Dick again. It takes longer for Dick to answer this time, but he does.
"Yup, I'm on my way. Just letting you know."
"Sweet. Thanks. Bye!"
And then the line cuts again.
That was hasty.
Tim knocks on Dick's apartment door with one grocery-laden arm.
"Come in," comes Dick's muffled answer, accompanied by mad giggling. Tim opens the door to find Dick lying face down on the ground. A black-haired, blue-eyed child giggles as he sits on Dick's back triumphantly.
"Apologies, I would greet you properly, but alas, I've been defeated."
"I see that," Tim says, closing the door behind him and moving across the apartment to set the groceries on the kitchen table. The child giggles madly.
"I gotchu! I gotchu!"
"Yes," Dick says, moving his face off from the ground to lay on his cheek, "But can I have up now? I admitted my defeat, I am an honorable loser."
"Okays, you can have up. Since you're nice about it."
The child slips off Dick's back, and Dick rolls over to his back before sitting up.
"Thank you, Danny. I see you're an honorable warrior."
Danny giggles some more. He seems to be a very happy child.
"Hey, Danny, I'm Tim," Tim greets. "I brought some gifts for you."
Danny runs away from Dick and towards Tim, throwing his little arms around Tim's legs.
"What!? Gifts!?"
Tim laughs and reaches down to ruffle Danny's hair.
"Yeah, buddy. Do you wanna see?"
"Yes!!" Danny practically shrieks, jumping up and down, still clinging to Tim's pants with his little hands. Tim reaches into the bag that the cashier had put the toys in and pulls out the two dolls. Danny does shriek when he sees them, grabbing them out of Tim's hands and moving back so he can spin and jump up and down, shrieking all the way, grin wide on his face.
"I always wanteted one of these!! A doll, a doll!" Danny yells, tearing up. Tim hopes they're happy tears.
"You like 'em?"
Tim laughs and reaches down to ruffle Danny's hair again.
"Do you think I could have a little grown-up talk with Dick while you play with your new dolls? Does that sound fair?"
Danny nods frantically and scrambles away to the living room with his new toys. He gets behind Dick and pushes him towards the kitchen where Tim is.
"Go, go, go!"
Dick laughs and acts like Danny can push him, shuffling where Danny pushes him. When Dick is near Tim, Danny runs away to the living room, Barbie and Batman figure in hand.
Tim turns to Dick.
"So, WE figures- Ready to talk finance?"
tags: @basilf1res @ollietheotaku @angelheartgamer @justgray15777 @terzatheunderscorerima @phantom120 @undead-essence @crazydoughnutlady @big-flrda-kys @pheonixdemonqueen @confused-moose-child @the-fandom-hopping-mage @rangerhorsetug @shamelessstudenthideout @nonbinary-disaster @keegan-parker @terrasolstice @eonic @mayoota-blog1 @theonewiththegays @glitchedchaos @nikki-pondtheauthor @allee52hrz @blacksea21090 @crazylittlemunchkin
(been thinking about continuing this on ao3. i have a whole doc for this. can't decide if i want to continue here or on ao3- if i did on ao3, i'd share the link and tag everyone, ofc. i think i'd explore more of danny's time exploring gotham if i made it an ao3 fic as well. thoughts?)
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
2 | in which Damian Wayne wakes up to an odd breakfast
Part 2 of No Mr. Wayne You Can't Adopt Me! | Masterlist
Saturday. Bruce's only schedule for the day? An interview.
But inside the Wayne manor.
It wasn't Marinette's first visit to the house, but she still couldn't get used to how humongous it was. She readjusted the box in her hands and the coat hanging from her arm as Bruce himself welcomed her at the front door and guided her to the drawing room.
A drawing room that indeed looked expensive but was extremely messy at the moment.
"Where's Alfred?" she asked.
"He's out for groceries and a few other errands," replied Bruce, which explained the state of the room. Which also explained the Batarangs and a utility belt lying out in the open which Bruce didn't seem to notice.
Marinette inwardly sighed one of her many sighs for the day. Her boss was lucky she came over early in the morning on a weekend. She wondered how his identity hadn't been discovered by the public yet. She took the chance to give Bruce a once-over to examine his outfit: polished shoes, blue blazer, blue tie, hair gelled to perfection.
"Is it too formal?" he asked hesitantly.
"They will only take one photograph of you but you have to at least leave the impression that you're not 'all work, no play' in your own house." She crossed her arms. "May I suggest your waffle-knit sweater with a collared dress shirt underneath and light-colored pants?"
What is that expression . . . is Bruce actually pouting?! "Yes, okay. I'll change now."
Just as he was about to turn around and retreat upstairs, Marinette stopped him. "Mr. Wayne, may I tidy up this space for our guests?"
He appeared a shade paler, pinned under her stern gaze. "Yes, of course. Thank you Marinette."
And off he scurried to his bedroom.
With his permission, the PA got to work. Ms. Sinclair and her assistant will be here at eight-thirty. We have around fifteen minutes to prepare. She picked up the papers scattered on top of and underneath the coffee table, stored away the blankets draped on the chairs, and safely hid the Batarangs and other identity-incriminating objects behind some knick knacks on the shelves. Armed with a duster and a lint roller, she moved around to clear the cushions of fur and get rid of the dirt between spaces. Finally, she pulled the curtains open to give a lively view of the courtyard (and to introduce some much-needed sunlight into the area).
When Bruce returned downstairs wearing the outfit from her recommendation, he blinked and looked around as if it was his first time seeing the room. "This looks much better," he hummed in approval.
Marinette topped it off by placing a flower centerpiece on the coffee table. "Anything else you need me to do, Mr. Wayne? Should I sit in during the interview?"
"No thank you, I have another request for you." Bruce's eyes flickered towards the kitchen. "You see, some of my children might already be awake at this time and Alfred's not around to take care of breakfast."
". . . I don't believe this fits my job description."
"I'll add to your pay this month."
"I'll get started on breakfast right away, sir. Any preferences?"
"Anything will do."
Marinette nodded and immediately put away all the cleaning equipment as the doorbell rang. Bruce told her that he would be the one to greet Ms. Sinclair, so she headed for the kitchen instead.
Upon entering the new room, Marinette noticed that there was already an occupant inside. A short-haired woman sat on top of a barstool on the kitchen island, cradling a mug. Marinette halted in her tracks, bowing slightly.
"Hello. Miss . . . Cassandra." She smiled softly. "I'm Marinette, Mr. Wayne's assistant. I don't believe we've met before. Your father's currently entertaining a Gazette reporter at the moment and asked me to cook breakfast."
Cassandra, or Cass as Bruce would often refer to her, tilted her head. "Nice to meet you."
Marinette unhooked an apron near the refrigerator. "Would you like me to make you another cup of tea?"
Cass' eyebrows raised, perhaps surprised at how perceptive she was. She gazed down at her mug, thinking, and met Marinette's eyes again. "Sure."
With a one-month raise in mind, Marinette prepared the teapot and collected the ingredients. Thanks for not telling me which children are home, she frowned as she went over the contents of the pantry. Very helpful, Mr. Wayne. She settled on playing it safe: simple but numerous choices.
"Have you got any preferences for breakfast, Miss Cassandra?" She asked as she tipped the teapot over Cass' mug. Cass merely shook her head 'no'.
"Very well."
Marinette had just preheated the pans when footsteps sounded. In rushed another Wayne kid, slinging a bag over his shoulder.
"Good morning, Mr. Thomas," she chirped. "Would you like coffee, tea, or juice?"
Duke looked like he was caught off guard seeing her there. He looked back and forth between her and Cass, eyes filled with confusion. His sister only motioned for him to reply to Marinette.
"Uuh, coffee please," he responded, walking up to a barstool to sit down.
"I'll brew a cup for you right away." Marinette took the empty coffee maker, suspiciously containing remnants of the drink. Mr. Drake's doing, no doubt. "Mr. Wayne had me get started on breakfast since Mr. Pennyworth isn't here at the moment."
"Ohh," said Duke. "Marinette, right? It's a Saturday today though. Bruce called you in just to make breakfast? He's incompetent but not that incompetent, you know."
"He does require my presence for the interview he's doing." Marinette motioned towards the direction of the drawing room. "I have nothing to do while he's currently conversing with Ms. Sinclair, so he thought I could cook some food for you."
"Pretty sure his main problem was breakfast though."
Marinette slowly nodded in agreement, stirring the contents of one pot. "I didn't object because he promised to compensate me fairly."
"As he should." Duke brought out his phone to check his reflection on the camera. "By the way, do either of you have any tips for an internship interview?"
Cass shrugged and patted his hand. "You'll do well."
"Really? I almost couldn't sleep last night because of it." Duke huffed. "Then Tim told me to just wing it after I caught him making coffee."
Marinette contributed two words while still moving around to cook: "Your cologne."
Duke sniffed himself. "Does it smell bad?"
"It's best to go for a more subtle scent." She wrinkled her nose and momentarily reached for her bag to toss him a bottle that she brought. "Here, this might be more suitable."
"You brought men's cologne?" Duke stared at the glass sprayer in disbelief.
"You'd be surprised at how many things Mr. Wayne unexpectedly needs." The reply drew out a little laugh from Cass.
Duke took a whiff and lit up. "I'll go change and put this on. Thanks, Mars!"
As he raced back up the stairs, Marinette checked the time. She untied her apron, poured out four cups of coffee, and prepared them with differently: the first two (one for Duke), she used only creamer and sugar; in the second one, she added just the right amount of sugar; and in the last, a vanilla flavoring, tower of whipped cream, and a dash of cinnamon. Next, she quickly set up the three drinks on a wooden tray, plus three plates of pastries from the box she brought.
Thank kwamis Alfred has a good kitchen arrangement system, she thought.
"Please excuse me for a moment." She told Cass as she picked up the tray.
She was granted impeccable timing when she slipped into the drawing room—Bruce and Ms. Sinclair had paused their interview, with the latter's eyes immediately gleaming in delight upon seeing the snacks and drinks. Meanwhile, Sinclair's assistant-slash-photographer gawked.
"Excuse me, here's some refreshments." Marinette beamed at the journalist, setting down the tray. "Mr. Wayne picked these pastries just for you, miss. I hope you enjoy them."
"Goodness!" Excitement was practically radiating from the woman. "Aw, Bruce you didn't have to!"
Ms. Sinclair wasn't a difficult person to please. A quick research told Marinette that she had a sweet tooth. A much deeper (totally not borderline stalker-ish) research revealed her favorite coffee blend and pastry shop.
Marinette definitely read a hint of surprise from Bruce, even if he did a good job of concealing it. Because Bruce, in fact, didn't prepare the pastries and is seeing them for the first time. He directed a charming smile at Ms. Sinclair. "It's the least I can do. Please enjoy."
"Such a dear," the woman gushed. "Now I might do three pages of the magazine for you, not two!"
And when Bruce glanced at Marinette, she sent him a look saying 'you better thank the heavens you have me.'
When she returned, Duke was back, happily sipping his coffee but along with him was a newcomer.
The youngest son.
Marinette had met Damian Wayne only a few times before and only when Bruce was around. Bruce had introduced him fleetingly, so she had only managed to exchange simple greetings with him, not anything more.
But despite their lack of interaction, Marinette knew a lot about Damian from Bruce's ramblings during lull time at work. He'd tell her 'Damian tried to adopt another cat', 'I think Damian's mad at me', 'How can I get Damian and Jason to bond together?', 'Damian threatened to go back to his mother if I don't agree to let Titus come on vacation with us', or 'I think Damian just used a slang on me. What does this mean?'
Marinette would give her best advice to her boss during those times, but she couldn't help but wonder if the resolutions ever worked with Damian since Bruce never relayed follow-ups.
"Good morning, Damian," she greeted, "Breakfast is almost ready. Would you like a drink?"
"Thomas filled me in." He set his bag on top of the counter. "Father really shouldn't be calling his PA for this. And no, I don't want a drink. I have to go soon."
Duke eyed his brother's outfit. "You have school today?"
"I asked my art teacher if I can come in today to work on my painting as we're not allowed to take our artworks home." Damian replied.
"No need to come in on time," Cass pointed out. "Come eat."
Damian narrowed his eyes at the pans on the stove. "I cannot eat—"
"Vegan kimchi fried rice and tofu scramble," Marinette said, "I cooked something else for you."
". . . Tt. Fine." And he begrudgingly took his seat.
The three siblings watched as Marinette served a feast—the delicious aroma of breakfast wafted around the room as she carefully plated the dishes in perfect portions. She didn't know if her cooking was on par with Alfred's, but she should at least impress them for the good pay she was getting from Bruce. She set down the plates in front of them with a simple 'bon appétit!'
Duke shoveled up the food quickly. "This is so good!" He took another bite.
To this, Cass nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Damian quietly chewed his meal, paying no compliments.
But he gazed up at Marinette. "You're not going to eat?"
"Oh, no thank you," Marinette declined, "I wouldn't want to impose, and I already ate before I came here."
It was a full-on lie. It was taking all of her strength to not let her stomach growling be heard. Although she was inside Bruce's home, she still had to act professional. Luckily, Damian only raised an eyebrow skeptically and continued eating.
"Is there anything else you need, Mr. Wayne?"
Bruce seemed stunned for a second after seeing Marinette hand a packed lunch to Duke before he rushed out. He even taste-tested her cooking and remarked how delicious it was.
He blinked at her. "Nothing else. You've done so much already, thank you."
"I should be going home then."
"Wait." Bruce spun around to face his son. "Damian, you're heading out too. Can you drive Marinette home?"
"But Father—"
"I can commute on my own, it's no problem at all." Marinette stepped forward.
"Her residence is on your way to school," Bruce insisted. "And please let him take you, Marinette, as thanks for breakfast."
When her gaze landed on Damian, he didn't seem too happy about it. But how could she deny a free ride?
"Thank you, Mr. Wayne." She bowed slightly. "I'll see you on Monday."
Suffice to say, the walk to the car and most of the ride was full of awkward silence. Marinette tried not to look at Damian every second or so. She went over her mental notes about him. Damian Al Ghul Wayne. The current Robin, who's attending university. Likes animals, broody, formerly extremely violent. If she remembered correctly, he was around her age.
"Take the next right over there and my apartment's in the second building." She offered a small smile. "Thank you for the ride again."
He didn't reply.
He only followed her directions and stopped in front of her building. As a last attempt at communication, Marinette took the box with pastries left over and held it out to him.
"Here, you can take these last two. They're vegan." Marinette watched as his gaze dropped down to the box before lifting up to meet hers.
"No thank you. You should have them instead—you're starving, aren't you?" He tapped his fingers on the wheel. "Besides, you're the one who bought that."
Her eyes widened. Had she been obvious the whole time? "Um, er . . ." She retracted her arms. "Okay. Thank you."
She unclasped her seatbelt and sneaked another glance at him. She was close to opening the door when she stopped. "Hey, can you take off your seatbelt for a sec?"
He frowned. "What?"
"It won't take long, Mr. Wayne."
"I don't—" He cut himself off and sighed, most likely remembering one of their first encounters. He'd ask her to call him Damian, not 'Mr. Wayne' like his father, so she'd only use his last name when he wasn't being cooperative.
Damian did as she said and she reached over to undo his tie. He didn't say anything as she redid the lopsided knot, tying his necktie neatly and smoothing over the creases.
She didn't notice how small the distance between them had become until she felt his breath on her forehead.
"There you go." She pulled away and opened the door. "Alfred usually helps you with that, doesn't he?"
"Yes," he mumbled.
She smiled. "Good luck with your painting, Damian."
Again, silence. But Marinette pretended not to notice him fumbling with his seatbelt as she got out of the car. 
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eclipsedrgn · 1 year
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥
Batfamily x Reader || Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: Jason may be rough around the edges, but he goes through hell to gather everyone you love for a very special day.
Credits: Music belongs to Khloe Rose, I changed the lyrics a bit to match the theme. Photos aren't mine, unfortunately I forgot to check the owners of it.
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5 whole years.
1825 days since he laid his eyes on you, the most beautiful girl he's every known. His girlfriend, his soon to be fiance.
Jason thought to the first time he met you, a complete accident, you weren't even suppose to be there. But there you are buying recipes to a pesto pasta you love making when a group of Black Mask's gang decided to rob the grocery store you were in. Jason was tracking the gang for a while, for territory reason, and saw the hostages.
He decided to attack.
He killed 6 of the men.
Jason found you crouched down at the milk aisle covered in blood, in front of you was one of the gang members, he guesses the 7th member dead on the ground.
"I-It was an accident" You whispered shakily, "He was going to attack me"
"Don't worry about it sweetheart" Jason says, his voice activator on, "He's a bad man. He doesn't deserve to live"
The next time he saw you was when he finally returned home to the Manor after many months of anger and anguish against his adopted father. You were standing there emotionless, you were going through a moment, you were missing your parents as they just dropped you off at Bruce's whilst revealing he's your biological father.
Jason placed a hand on your head, ruffling your hair. "You'll get used to it. You're a Wayne now. You gotta act like it"
You started to see him differently, not a sister-brother kind, but a more romantic side.
It was the gala when you officially started dating. You were wondering the hallway when you bumped into Jason, Bruce was going to introduce him back to the family while you are going to be known as his biological daughter. Jason was having a panic attack, guilt slowly eating him with how he treated his family when you kissed him.
"I'm sorry" You said, "You wouldn't calm down"
"Don't ever say sorry" he whispers against your lips as he presses them back to yours.
And now 5 years later, a lot of kisses and makeouts, dancing in the halls of the manor. Jason knew you were the one and he was ready.
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Jason flew to your hometown where you grew up, he asks threaten Tim to give him the address where you used to live. He knocks on the door and your mom answered the door. Your mom loves Jason and she would remind you everyday you guys talk to each other. Jason takes out the small red box revealing the ring inside, a custom ring that you always talked about when you get engaged, it was beautiful.
His next stop was your friends, childhood friends, school friends which ever he found. Jason told them about his plan, which was to fly them to Gotham to surprise you. You have been telling him how much you missed them.
Jason flew back with his heart full, his next plan was to prepare. You didn't want a big engagement, a simple yet thoughtful one was the one you like. So he decided to do it in the backyard of the Manor, in the beautiful garden that Alfred works so hard.
He (finally) asks his brothers and sisters for help.
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The day of the engagement was perfect, the sun was shining, not too hot for you to sweat and not too cold for you to have a sweater on. Stephanie, Cass and Barbara took you out to do your nails, god forbid they let you get engage with plain nails. While Jason and the boys went to get the backyard ready.
"I can't believe today is the day" Dick comments while carrying boxes. "Are you excited?"
"Of course I am" Jason grumbles, "Are you sure this is the color she likes?"
The colors consist of beige and while.
"Trust me Jay" Tim grins, "She's been playing sims lately and she's been decorating with these colors"
"She always plays sims" Damian mutters as he passes by.
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Once the decorations are up, the boys went to their rooms to get ready. With a shaky breath, Jason nervously straighten his shirt as he stared himself into the mirror in front of him.
"She will love it, Master Jason" he hears Alfred.
"Do you think so?" Jason quietly asks.
"Do you trust her?" Alfred asks, his hand on Jason's shoulder.
Jason nodded, "With my life"
"Then you know, deep in your heart that she will say yes" he says.
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You wore a pretty light pink off shoulder sun dress with matching pink flats. Barbara curled your hair while Steph did your makeup, you questioned why they're dolling you up but you shrug knowing it's typical for girls to do this once in a while.
Once your finish, Stephanie sent a text to Jason with a thumbs up who replied back that he's ready. You four made your way to the backyard.
"What's going on?" You asked giggling.
"Alfred demanded Bruce to do a family picnic in the backyard, so we are now on our way there" Barbara lies.
The curtains on the main floor are shut, covering what's really going on, but you didn't question it. You reach towards the doornob, not noticing Steph bringing out her phone to record as Barbara did the same.
You open the door as the music starts playing;
Well, I guess the third time's not a charm Nursing a three times broken heart And down the rabbit hole again
Your eyes widen as you see the boys including Bruce and Alfred standing on each side of Jason as he smiles when he spots you.
I put myself in another world Where I can be any other girl 'Cause I don't really wanna face it
Cass places her hand on your back as she gave you a soft smile, she whispers. "Go on"
Your heart flutters as you began your journey to your boyfriend, you notice the white-pink petals on the floor, your favorite colored flower that you told Jason on your first date.
'Cause, if it isn't real You can pretend all you want It's all you'll ever need "That's not healthy, " they said "To live in your head" But it hurts a lot less to me
You covered your face when realizing the song that was playing, the song you became obsessed with once it came out. You love this song. And everyday, it reminded you how much you love Jason.
The man of your dreams.
I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be I spend all of my time imagining What it would be like if they existed My parents tell me I should look for one in real life But I get let down by both the bad boys and the nice guys I'm tired of giving more than I receive So I'll just stick to the boys Who don't know me
To you, Jason was the fantasy boy you've always wanted, the one who loved you with all your heart. The one who made you smile, laugh and cared with all your being.
Oh, I hid his number, I almost called Like, maybe he's hurting after all I can't afford to be that naïve I'll just keep wishing it was me In that ending scene Where they're meeting up halfway And they're kissing in the rain It's a little bit cliché But I love it anyway
Memories of the two of you flashes before your eyes, the good and the bad, tears starts to pool in your eyes as you approached Jason. His hand out as you reached for him.
"Hi" You whispered.
'Cause it's better than when you're walking home And the rain starts pouring But you're all alone
"Hey baby" he whispers back as you both a bit further from the family.
I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be I spend all of my time imagining What it would be like if they existed My parents tell me I should look for one in real life But I get let down both the bad boys and the nice guys I'm tired of giving more than I receive So I'll just stick to the boys Who don't know me
You appraoched a lovely scene of fluffy pillows with your favorite drink and favorite snacks you love to eat while being in the lair.
You start to gasps as tears fell, Jason's hands cups your cheeks wiping the tears with his thumbs. "Hey baby, breathe"
"I'm sorry" You cried quietly.
"I love you" Jason begins, "5 years ago, our journey began when you kissed me in the halls of the Manor to calm me down and I knew, you are gonna be the person in my life who's able to do that"
I'd rather keep on dreaming of someone I'll never meet (Ohh-oh) than give love to another one who won't choose me
I'd rather keep on dreaming of someone I'll never meet (Ohh-oh) than give love to another one who won't choose me
"I can't..." Jason sniffs as his tears falls slowly, "I can't imagine my life without you. You are someone that I can't imagine living my life without and I have... I have to make you mine. Forever"
"Oh fuck" You cursed knowing what's coming next as you covered your face.
Jason chuckles at your reaction, "(Y/N) (L/N), you have been the love of my life, my girlfriend, my whole world..."
Getting down on one knee, Jason brings out the small red box opening it to see the ring that sits there.
"Will you marry me?"
I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be I spend all of my time imagining What it would be like If they existed My parents tell me I should look for one in real life (ohh-oh) And I've found my love that sits under the night skies (ohh-oh) I'm happy of giving more than I receive (oh-oh) So I'll just stick to the boy who do know me
You nodded frantically as you jumped into his arms shouting "YES!" the entire family cheers as Jason places the ring on your left finger and kisses you passionately.
And I've found my love that sits under the night skies (ohh-oh) I'm happy of giving more than I receive (oh-oh) So I'll just stick to the boy who do know me
You pull away as you felt three heavy weight on you, you grinned as you felt his brothers hugging you tightly as you squeal when seeing your family and friends running towards you.
"You did this?" You asked Jason with a wide smile.
"I bought your friends and parents here to see you get proposed" Jason smiles pecking your lips.
"You remembered" You whispers.
He nods, "Of course I did, how did you think I pulled this off?"
You gave him the brightest smile as you flash your ring towards your family and friends who greeted you.
Jason stood there with his family, congratulating him as he smiles watching you hugging the people you love. He pulled it off, the tiredness, the nervousness he felt finally went away when you said yes. Now, Jason knew, the next step is sealing the deal.
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lovelyleclercs · 2 years
Weekends Away- CL16
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Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader
-> Juliette spends the weekend at grandma’s for the first time, leaving you and charles alone to catch up and reminisce.
hey can i have promt #66 with Charles Leclerc please?
#66- “i’ve missed this”
can i have the plot around where charles and reader give their child to charles’/reader’s parents and they have a weekend just together e.g watching movies, going out on dates, hours of chatting and asking each other questions about future plans/ future kids/ careers ect, just spending time with each other really.
just a really fluffy story.
ps. love your work so much 🫶
warnings: google translated french
word count: 2717
a/n: I had so much fun writing this, this is part of the missing home universe!!<3
After three years and two months of spending every day and every night with your little girl, the day had finally come where she had decided she wanted to stay at her grandmother's house. 
After three years and two months of spending every day and every night with your little girl, the day had finally come where she had decided she wanted to stay at her grandmother's house. 
The idea had come spontaneously, you, Charles and little Juliette had gone to Pascale’s house for dinner like you always did on Friday nights when there wasn’t a race. 
Charles’ older brother, Lorenzo had also come over that night, bringing his wife and his two year old daughter, Olivia along for the occasion. 
This weekend in particular, Lorenzo and his wife were dropping Olivia off for the next three days as they were headed out of town for a couple of days for a friend's wedding. Juliette had caught onto the idea of what a sleepover meant that night- though she had never seemed intrigued by them at all in times past. The moment she realized that her baby cousin would be staying at grandma’s house for the whole weekend, Juliette’s eyes lit up. 
The moment you saw Juliette run over to you and Charles with that look on her face, you instantly knew she wanted something. You pulled your hand out of your boyfriend’s grip and held both of your arms out for the little girl, lifting her up into your lap when she finally wrapped her small arms around you. 
“Maman, puis-je avoir une soirée pyjama avec grand-mère et Olivia?" (mama, can I have a sleepover with grandma and olivia?)
You looked at the little girl in your lap, watching as her face grew brighter while asking her question. “Je ne sais pas, ma chérie…" (I don’t know, sweetie…) you said with a sigh, tucking a piece of her curly chocolate brown hair behind her ear. The idea of being away from Juliette for 48 hours scared you, even though she would be in great care. 
Ever since Juliette was born, you had made a promise to yourself and to Juliette that you would be there for her 24/7. With Charles being gone so often with racing, you wanted Juliette to have some sort of consistency in her life. 
Although at times this proved to be mentally, emotionally, and physically draining, you had lived up to your promise. Everywhere you went, she went. The grocery store, races, even a simple walk through the streets of Monaco. That exact promise was the reason you hadn’t attended a race for 2 and half years up until last season.
“s'il vous plaît, maman!!” (please, mama!) Juliette said with almost a whining tone, proving just how badly she wanted to spend the weekend with her baby cousin and her grandma. 
You smiled faintly and kissed Juliette’s cheek gently. “Alright, I suppose that’s ok” you said, knowing that Charles had been encouraging this for the past year so consulting him wouldn’t be necessary. 
“Merci, maman!!” Juliette said before kissing your cheek and sliding off of your lap, running back over to Olivia. 
As you watched Juliette run out of arm's reach, you got up out of your chair at the table and smiled slightly. “I’ll be back” you announced to everyone before turning on your heels and making your way towards the other side of Pascale’s home. You opened the balcony doors and slipped out onto the small patio space before closing the doors behind you, ensuring yourself some privacy. 
As you looked over the city of Monaco, you couldn’t help but wonder how this weekend was going to go. You were going to miss Juliette dearly- there was no doubt about it- but would she miss you? Would she even think of you? What if she missed you too much that she ended up crying for you at night? Was this the right decision? 
Your mind continued to race as it always did whenever you were face to face with any kind of parenting issue. 
Had Charles not put his hands on your waist, you wouldn’t have even known he was there, too zoned out to acknowledge the presence of anyone else. 
“Cherie, is everything ok?” he asked, placing a gentle kiss to your shoulder as he rubbed up and down both of your arms gently. 
You sighed and leaned back into his chest, continuing to look out over the city of Monaco. “Just nervous for this weekend I guess. I’ve spent every day and every night of her life with her and the idea of spending 48 hours without her running around or asking for something every five minutes scares me.. I just hope I did the right thing, you know?” 
Charles turned you around, allowing you to face him as he placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “You absolutely did the right thing, mon amour. You waited for Juliette to decide she was ready for a sleepover, you didn’t force it on her, nor did you ask her if she was interested. She made the decision all on her own, with your approval of course. She’s lucky to have a mother like you.”
You sighed and looked into Charles' eyes, nodding gently. “It’s just so.. Strange. I love watching her grow up and being completely fearless, but I also feel like as she grows up, she needs me less and less you know? It’s just going to be hard this weekend without her…”
Charles nodded, taking in everything you said before wrapping his arms around you. “I know, my love. The house will be quiet without her, but it’ll give us some alone time together.. We haven’t had that in months, you know” 
“You don’t have any work to do this weekend?” 
Charles shook his head, pulling you into a kiss. “I did all of my meetings last night, I'm all yours this weekend, mon amour. We can watch movies, eat pizza, drink wine.. Maybe even try for that second mini leclerc we talked about at the gala a couple of months ago…” he said with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. 
You laughed and rolled your eyes before pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s getting late, we should probably say our goodbyes to Juliette now…”
Charles nodded, grabbing your hand as he opened the balcony door, stepping back into the house that had been just slightly warmer than the outside temperatures. “Jules, Maman et papa doivent y aller” (jules, mom and dad have to get going) Charles said, walking over to Juliette before kneeling down in front of her. “Se comporter pour grand-mere” (behave for grandma) 
Juliette frowned, looking up at both you and Charles. "Où allez-vous?" (where are you going?) she asked, almost as though she was confused. Maybe she hadn’t really understood the concept of a sleepover. 
“Home, sweetie. You’re spending the weekend with grandma, remember?” Charles said, pulling the confused girl into a tight hug. 
Juliette nodded, her tiny arms hugging Charles tight. She still didn’t really have any idea what was happening, but she knew that she wanted to get back to playing with olivia. “Au revoir, papa” she said before breaking the hug with Charles and turning to hug you. “Au revoir, maman” 
You smiled sadly and placed a kiss on your daughter's forehead before she managed to slip away, running back over to Olivia without any second thoughts. 
Charles stood up and held his hand out to you, interlocking your fingers once you had accepted his hand. “Let's get going, my love. The pizza is out for delivery, we don’t want to miss it”
With a quick goodbye and a call if you need anything to Pascale, you and Charles were out the door, leaving your daughter behind. 
The car ride home was silent, both you and Charles being deep in thought as the car maneuvered its way through the streets of Monaco. Though Charles didn’t admit it, he was starting to have second thoughts about letting Juliette stay away for two nights in a row. 
When he pulled into the driveway and parked the car, Charles turned in his seat to look at you. “Not having her in the backseat made the ride home so quiet…”
You nodded, looking over at him. “Yeah, I know. We didn’t have to listen to baby shark..”
Charles sighed and squeezed your hand “I know this is all new to us, but we will get through it. The pizza should be here soon, we can go inside, eat pizza, drink wine, watch one of our favorite movies and just.. Talk”
You smiled a little and nodded before leaning over to kiss him gently. “That sounds amazing, the last one inside is a rotten egg” you said with a smirk before getting out of the car quickly and running towards the front door. 
Charles laughed and got out too, chasing after you in attempts to beat you inside, despite your head start. 
When you had finally gotten inside, Charles bolted in closely behind you, throwing his arms around you as he caught his breath. 
You laughed and placed your hands on his arms, also trying to catch your breath. “I win! What do I get for winning?” 
Charles laughed and kissed your cheek, letting you go from his embrace. “Hmmm… I suppose you can pick the movie, as long as it’s not the notebook. I’ve been forced to watch that movie far too much” 
“Hey! It’s a good movie!”
Charles laughed and walked over to the couch, flopping down on it as he tossed you the remote. “I never said it wasn’t a good movie, it’s just overplayed in this household. 
“Fair enough” you said as you sat down beside him and began scrolling through the list of movies the two of you had created years back.
Movies, wine, and pizza had been a tradition the two of you started when you had first met nearly 8 years ago now. It had become a staple in your relationship, being what you always did together for every anniversary, birthday, or even after any sort of fight- the whole event had always made the two of you look back and reminisce on when you had first fallen in love all of those years ago. 
When the doorbell rang, indicating that the pizza had arrived, Charles got himself off of the couch, heading to the door to greet the pizza man while you continued to scroll through movies. 
By the time charles had returned back to the couch with a pizza box, a bottle of wine, and two wine glasses, you had finally settled on a movie.
“10 things I hate about you? The movie we watched on our first date?” Charles asked with a smile, sitting down beside you as he placed a piece of pizza onto his plate.
You smiled and poured the glasses of wine, nodding at Charles’ question. “I thought it would be nice. We haven’t watched it in ages” 
Charles smiled and kissed you gently, taking a glass of wine from you as he handed you a plate of pizza. “It’s perfect, mon amour.”
After pressing play on the remote, the two of you sat in silence, eating your pizza and occasionally laughing at something said in the movie, doing your best to soak in the limited alone time with each other you had been granted. 
When finished with your pizza, you cuddled up to Charles, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your head on his shoulder. “Charles”
“Yeah?” he asked, rubbing your side gently as he took his attention off of the tv, looking down at you. 
“I’ve missed this” you whispered, feeling yourself getting emotional as you thought back to all of the time you and Charles used to spend together-back before he got into F1, back before you had Juliette, back before life wasn’t so busy all of the time. 
Charles placed his hand on your cheek and smiled gently “me too, my love. Me too.”
“I don’t think I ever realized how little time you and I spend together, the past three years have been such a routined lifestyle that I never realized how little time we spend alone together..”
Charles nodded, agreeing with everything you had just stated. “I know, that’s why I’ve been suggesting we let my mom take Juliette once in a while, it would be good for us, I miss you”
You smiled a little and snuggled back into his side, looking out the sliding glass doors that led to your balcony. “Do you really want another baby? I mean, do you think it’s what is best for us? Could we handle having two children and still be able to have time for each other?” 
Charles rubbed your back gently, taking a moment as if he was trying to think or put together a sentence in his head. “I want another child, yes. I’d have three more children if you offered it to me. I love watching you be a mom, i’d do it over and over again”
“But what about us? We finally got comfortable with letting Juliette stay the night away from home, a new baby brings us back to square one, no?”
Charles shook his head “not necessarily, no. Juliette is our first born, we were a bit more cautious with her as we were new parents. With a second child, we would be more comfortable bringing them to the race track or letting them go to grandmas- we know what to expect now, it makes it easier for us”
You nodded a little, thinking about Charles’ words for a moment. “You really think so?”
Charles nodded “I know so, mon amour.”
You smiled a little and rested your head on his shoulder again. “Ok”
“Speaking of taking kids to the track, I was thinking about something”
“Oh that’s never good, but what were you thinking?”
Charles laughed and looked down at you “I wanted to know if you and Juliette would attend more races this season…I absolutely adored having you two by my side in Abu dhabi.. I’d love for that to be a more common occurrence…”
You smiled up at your boyfriend and nodded. “Yes, of course. I already planned on it”
Charles smiled and held you close again, turning his attention back towards the TV screen to catch the end of the movie. 
The next 48 hours had flown by. You and Charles had gone grocery shopping together, went out to eat a few times, and even managed to slip out onto the boat one day, despite the cloudy skies that had hovered above monaco. 
Juliette had called a few times, only to inform you of the new games her and Olivia had created throughout the day. 
By the time Sunday night rolled around, you and Charles had been more than ready to pick up your little girl. Although the two of you had enjoyed your time alone together, you missed the crazy little girl who was constantly keeping you on your toes. 
When Charles pulled into the driveway of his mothers house, you had quickly unbuckled and made your way up to the front door, Charles following close behind as you opened the door. 
When you opened the door, you stepped inside and grabbed Charles’ hand, making your way to the dining room where Pascale had informed you they would be.
You walked over to your daughter who had been oblivious to your presence, and kissed the top of her cheek gently.
When Juliette put her fork down and looked up to see who was the culprit behind the kiss, her face lit up. “Maman!!” she practically yelled, standing up in her seat as she wrapped her arms around your neck, giving you a tight hug. 
You smiled and hugged Juliette tightly, placing a kiss on her cheek as you did so. “I missed you so much, Jules. So so much”
Juliette giggled and moved on to hug Charles as well. “I missed you both!!”
“Did you have fun with grandma?” Charles asked, scooping Juliette up in his arms. 
Juliette nodded “and Olivia, too, but I missed you” she frowned. 
You wrapped your arms around Charles and Juliette, taking in the moment and enjoying the fact that you had both of your favorite people in your arms again. “Papa and I missed you, too, sweetie. So much” you whispered.
tag list: @hammick @Cl16msc47 @majkaftorek @04asheley16 @polyjuiceslytherin @Lizziebitch33 @viktorie16 @Johannalindau @Jamieeboulos @cedricdiggorysimpp @Southernprincess1997 @Myescapefromthislife @F1andbookslover @ferrarilover16 @my-fangirling-outlet
713 notes · View notes
Abandoned Driveways
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Alex Keller x GN!Reader
| Blog HQ | Modern Warfare 2019 / 2022 Masterlist |
| Series Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part |
TW for eventual angst, light swearing and flirting, mostly a fluff
Chapter 02
“Uh, stupid question.” He awkwardly chuckled, rubbing over the back of his neck as he stepped back to let you in his house.
“How fancy should I be going? These are my nicest jeans I have on, I have some button downs and flannels in the closet. Or I have the makings of a suit somewhere, I'd need a few minutes to find it though.” The anxiety clear in his tone, his rambling getting softer as he trailed off. Ending with a panicked smile.
“Depends on what you're thinking for food. Unless you want to find one of the fancier restaurants, what you have on now is fine. I like it.” You shrugged, guesting toward the retro Nintendo shirt he wore.
“Ohthankgod.” He breathed, chuckling as he grabbed his wallet and keys. Telling you that he was driving since you insisted on paying. Quickly locking his front door, and grabbing his sneakers he led you to his garage.
Sharpie marked boxes lined one wall, flattened cardboard stacked neatly in another corner. Allen was busy these last few days.
Sliding into the passenger seat of his Jeep, you watched as he started the vehicle and opened the large door behind you. Then turning his attention to the screen inbetween you, opening Google Maps. Holding back a soft laugh, you lightly placed your hand over his. Flinching softly as he pulled back, looking at you confused.
“I have no idea where I'm going. I barely made it to the grocery store earlier.” He admitted, cheeks flushing as he busied himself with adjusting the fan speed.
“I do?” You offered with a shrug, playfully glaring when he laughed. “What?”
“You also strike me as someone who would tell me about the turn I missed 3 blocks after I missed it.” He pulled back as you lightly smacked his shoulder, feigning offense.
Looking out the passenger window as he reversed you mumbled. “You're not wrong, but that isn't the point. Now what do you feel like having tonight?”
“Food.” He answered bluntly, turning out of the neighborhood. Ignoring your faux annoyed expression. “What do you recommend? Nothing too fancy, neither of us are dressed for the occasion and that would feel too much like a date.”
“Agreed! There's a cute coffee shop on main street with pastries and drinks. Or a little ma and pa place.” You shrugged, watching as he nodded. Gaze set to the road in front of him.
“I like ma and pa restaurants, and I am an enjoyer of caffeine.” He offered, sparing a glance in your direction. “Just like you're an enjoyer of staring into people's windows at night.”
You felt your heart sink as he chuckled. All week you thought you were off the hook.
“For starters, shut your curtains. Anyone could be watching! Secondly, that was my idiot best friend, I was in my kitchen minding my own business.” You defended, sinking lower into your seat as you watched the scenery pass by.
“Not the most compelling argument, but did your friend enjoy their view at least?” He asked, volume dropping toward the end of his sentence. Your cheeks burning as you desperately tried to formulate a response.
“They did. And I know this sounds like asking for a friend. But it genuinely was not me, I promise.” You laughed, relief flooding your system when he joined. Running a hand through his hair as he shook his head playfully.
“It totally sounded that way.” He laughed, pulling into a parking lot and shifting the vehicle into park. His full attention now on you. “I'm normally pretty good at remembering those things, the curtains and privacy I mean. I’'m not a total playboy, fuckboy, whatever kids these days call them. I prefer an emotional connection before I dive into a physical one.”
You were in awe at his honesty, how his values aligned with yours in a world where…..you were in a grocery store parking lot?
“Allen. Where are we?” You asked, leaning down to scan your full surroundings through the windshield as he stated your name in the same tone.
“I told you, I don't know my way around except to the grocery store. And someone, you, said don't worry about Google Maps. I'll tell you where to go!” He mimicked you, fingers wiggling as he spoke.
Scoffing, you smiled at him. “I sound nothing like that!”
Mimicking you again, he laughed. “Last time you said I was wrong about you; I was right. You suck at directions.” He gave you a cocky smirk before leaving the vehicle. Locking the doors as he wandered into the store.
“Excuse me, why are we here?” You laughed, jogging up behind Allen as he scanned the isles. Basket hanging in the crook of his elbow as he shopped.
“Excuse you, why didn't you give me any directions.” He teased, pulling food items out of a cooler. “Since you failed your job, and left me to my own sad devices. I'm making supper.”
“Well, then I'm paying. And buying us drinks before we head home.” You stated firmly, trying to peek into his basket. Which seemed to always be pulled away from your view.
Glancing over at you, basket pressed against his opposite hip Allen chuckled. “Supper is now a surprise, and we'll see about drinks. My standards for the night have changed considerably.”
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“So, what type of caffeine do you enjoy?” You asked, scanning over the menu. Despite already knowing what you would order.
You felt the man beside you shrug and ask for recommendations. Clearly overwhelmed by the options laid out for him. 
Taking charge, you smiled at the barista and ordered 2 of your usual drink. Eyebrows raising when you heard him ask for a croissant to be added to the order.
“We're literally going home to have supper.” You mumbled in awe, paying for the order as the barista smiled politely at the two of you.
“I'm literally starving and want a snack for when you forget to give me directions and we end up hopelessly lost and in the woods. Are there woods around here? Probably.” He defended, eyes lighting up when the small parchment bag was handed to him.
Handing you the receipt, the barista laughed softly. “You two are adorable, literal relationship goals.”
Before either of you could correct her, she busied herself with making your drinks. Leaving the two of you standing in awe.
“We don't give off that vibe, we met last week and hit it off as best friends. This is casual best friend banter.” You whispered, understanding the mistake -- yet feeling like you had to defend yourself to the man beside you.
The man who was already eating his croissant and shrugging at you. Mumbling something along the lines of “is it the worst thing though?”
Staring at him with an exasperated look he held his free hand up at you in surrender. Moving it to pat his stomach, signaling again that he was literally starving.
General Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @bowtruckleninja
Alex Keller Taglist: @glitterypirateduck @deadbranch @gcing-back-to-505
18 notes · View notes
Heroes in Our Midst
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Title: Heroes in Our Midst
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: None, mostly fluff!
Summary: You invite the confused veteran at the grocery store to your Friendsgiving, but maybe you should’ve done a background check first.
A/N: Happy (belated) American Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! I’m so thankful for each and every one of you. I hope that everyone, whether you are celebrating today or not, is safe, healthy, and surrounded by those they love (and that love them back). Dividers are by @firefly-graphics​
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The man in the baseball cap has been staring at the stuffing for five minutes now, and you’re on a deadline. You don’t really want to tell him that he’s in the way and that he’s completely blocking the bags you need for your Friendsgiving, nor do you want to reach out and force your way in. He looks lost, the poor thing, and it’s when he flinches at the pre-recorded holiday message over the PA system that you decide to intervene.
“You can’t go wrong with Stove Top,” you say, stepping a little closer. He frowns, turning to face you just enough for you to see his profile. 
What a jawline, you hum to yourself, and you, thankfully, manage not to say it out loud despite the fact that you’re running on only four hours of sleep. The holidays did you dirty this year.
“I’m sorry?” he asks.
And what a voice! You melt a little at the deep timbre of it.
You gesture at the red box to his left. “Stove Top. It’s pretty easy to make and it doesn’t taste half bad. It’s not homemade by any means, but it’ll do if you’re in a pinch.”
“Right.” He clears his throat and picks up a singular box, then sets it in his cart as if it might break if he weren’t careful.
Peering past him, you frown at his bounty. Along with the stuffing, this broad-shouldered man has selected a pitiful rotisserie chicken, a slightly smushed sweet potato pie, and a dented can of cranberry sauce. No doubt it was one of the last ones in the bin. People in your neighborhood apparently really love cranberries, much to your dismay. His isn’t the Thanksgiving dinner you would have chosen, but you remind yourself that not everyone is as lucky as you.
Some people spend the holidays all by themselves. A pang goes through your heart as the man steps down the aisle, finally allowing you to load up on the bags of stuffing you’ve been waiting on.
You toss four into your already overflowing cart and you’re reaching for a fifth when you feel the man’s eyes on you. Silently, you glance over in his direction before grabbing the bag and adding it to your bounty.
“Do you need another recommendation?” you ask, hoping that’s the only reason he’s watching you. There’ve been too many stories about creeps on the news lately and your heart skips a beat at the thought.
“You definitely look like someone who knows what they’re doing,” he replies. He nods at the cart and you grip the handle a little tighter.
“I’ve got a big family. And a boyfriend,” you add, just for good measure. “He’s waiting on me in the car.”
The man shakes his head and holds up his hands. “I’m not trying to hit on you, miss. I’m sorry if I gave the wrong impression. I’ve…” He clears his throat again and drops his hands, glancing back at his almost-empty shopping cart. “I’ve never done this before.”
“Done what? Shopped for a Thanksgiving dinner?”
“Something like that. Think you could help me out?”
Carefully, you push your cart closer so you can get a better look at his. He’s wearing dog tags, you notice, and a swell of sympathy makes your chest tight.
Of course, you think, and you could almost kick yourself. No wonder he’s so overwhelmed by all of the options.
“Well, the first thing I’ll need to know is how many people you’re cooking for. That���s a big factor,” you tell him.
Now that you’re closer, you’re able to get a clearer view of his face. He’s got kind eyes to go with the sharp jawline and beautiful voice, and you smile a little as he glances down at his purchases.
“Just me,” he says. “I couldn’t find a turkey small enough, hence the chicken.”
You frown. “Just you? That’s it?” He nods in confirmation and you purse your lips for a moment. “Honestly? You’re better off just getting one of the pre-packed meals by the deli or just going out to eat. Cooking a whole Thanksgiving dinner for yourself is a whole lot of hassle and a lot of stress for nothing.”
He shifts a little. “I’d rather cook as much as I can. This is the first Thanksgiving I’ve had in a long time. I want it to be…” The man trails off, seemingly at a loss for what he wants.
“That’s understandable,” you say, nodding and offering him a small smile. “I noticed your dog tags. Where were you stationed?”
Automatically, he reaches up to tuck them inside his shirt, out of view. “Europe.”
“And you didn’t have Thanksgiving there?”
Your poor attempt to make conversation falls flat and the man forces a tight smile. “Is my dinner a completely lost cause?”
“Not necessarily. You’ve got a good foundation, you just need some fixings to spruce it up a bit. Some mashed potatoes, green beans, a salad, some mac-n-cheese, another pie…” He nods along, as if making a mental checklist as you speak. “That’s if you’re really dead set on this whole cooking thing, and obviously that’s more than just one person can eat. You’ll have a lot of leftovers to tide you over, which isn’t always a bad thing. Of course, there’s always another option…”
“Which is?” he asks.
The song changes overhead from a newer Christmas song to one of the classics and you can’t stop the next words that come out of your mouth,
“Come to my house for dinner.”
He seems just as surprised as you do, and you want to crawl into a hole. You scramble to correct yourself before the man, a complete stranger, can run away and tell all his friends and family about the weird girl in the grocery store who invited him to her house on one of the biggest holidays of the year when all he wanted was to know which brand of boxed mashed potatoes to buy.
“Of course, I’m sure you have other plans. I wouldn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, I’m not even really sure why I said that. I don’t normally—”
“I’d love to come, if it’s a genuine offer,” the man says, cutting you off. He smiles softly, a gratefulness shining in his eyes, even from underneath the baseball cap. “I’d hate to intrude on you and your family, though, or your fella. Boyfriend, I mean.”
You swallow thickly, looking down at your cart. “Well, it’s— I actually don’t have a boyfriend. That was more of a let’s-scare-off-the-creeps-with-a-fake-boyfriend type thing, you know?”
“I’m… familiar with the tactic.”
By the way he says that, however, you’re not really sure he is. It’s endearing that he’s trying to save face in front of you, and you smile a little. When you lift your head, he’s watching you.
“I can text you my address, and what time to be there,” you add. “No pressure if something else comes up. I’m actually celebrating later this weekend with my friends—you know, Friendsgiving—so you’ve got some time to think about it. You don’t even need to bring anything if you don’t want. I usually do a lot of cooking and everyone else just brings something to drink or their leftovers from their own family dinners. It started out as a potluck, but it’s grown into something more over the past few years.”
His posture relaxes slightly. “That sounds nice.”
Smiling a little more, you hold out your hand. “Phone?”
After a beat, the man digs into the pocket of his jacket and pulls out something you haven’t seen in years. You manage to hold back your laugh, but the surprised noise can’t be helped. He looks a little shocked at the high-pitched outburst, then embarrassed.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make you feel bad, it’s just… I haven’t seen anyone with a Nokia in years. I mean, I think my grandpa probably still has one at his house… somewhere. We got him onto one of those little cheap smart phone things for senior citizens a few years ago.”
The tips of the mans ears are a bright pink as he hands the phone over to you, and you quickly start maneuvering your way to his contacts list. It takes a minute, but you finally get your name and number in, then hand it back.
“Y/N?” he reads, glancing up at you.
You nod. “And you’re…”
“Steve.” He stands a little straighter, a little taller, and you catch a glimpse of the great soldier he must be. “My name’s Steve.”
“It’s nice to meet you Steve. Send me a text so I have your number, okay? Then I can text back with the info. If you change your mind, though, there’s no need. I don’t want you to feel pressured to come, especially since we just met. I know that stranger danger is still a thing for adults.”
Nodding, he pockets his phone and grabs hold of his cart again. “It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Maybe I’ll see you soon. Thanks for the help with the stuffing.”
You can’t help but smile. He’s genuine, that’s for sure, and you watch him push his cart forward and turn the corner toward the produce section before finishing your own shopping. There’s a little bit more pep in your step as you head toward the registers.
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Three days after Thanksgiving, Steve shows up for your annual Friendsgiving. He’s not the first person you’ve welcomed today, but you know for a fact that he’s been waiting outside near the bus stop for at least a half hour before he’d come up to the door.
Poor guy must be freezing out there.
“Hi! I’m glad you came!” You step out of the way so he can come in, then shut the door behind him.
Steve stands tall in the little entryway of your apartment. He’s got a bright blue tupperware bowl in his hands and he looks entirely out of place, so you decide to take a gentler, less enthusiastic approach. For someone who hasn’t had a real Thanksgiving in a long time, your cramped apartment filled with strangers, festive decorations, music, and several different kinds of cooking food is sure to overwhelm.
“Hey,” you say, coming around from behind him. You soften your smile and hope he perceives it as genuine. It is, of course, but you don’t want to seem unsure of your invitation, not after he’s made the effort to come and even bring something to share. “I really am glad you came. Do you want to put your dish in the kitchen? I can get you something to drink. Then you still have something to hold onto?”
He seems a little taken aback that you’d even noticed his tight grip on the bowl, but he nods anyway and follows you as you weave your way into your galley-style kitchen. Your neighbor is at the stove, stirring a pot of mac-n-cheese, and she smiles wide when Steve fills in the doorway behind you.
“You must be grocery store guy. We’ve been waiting for you,” she tells him.
You gape at her and whack the side of her arm. She laughs. “Gloria! Enough! Focus on the food, please! If you’re just going to gossip and spill my secrets, I’ll take care of the cooking myself!”
“No, we’re not having a repeat of last year,” she chides, still grinning. “You turn into a real mother hen when you’re in the kitchen. We all offer to help and yet you still complain that no one’s helping you!”
Steve’s cheeks are pink when you turn back to him, and you have a feeling it’s not just from the heat of the kitchen. Your own face feels a little warmer than it should and you force away the nervousness that bubbles up in your throat, instead trying to focus on clearing a spot for Steve’s contribution.
He sets the bowl down in the empty space you create and you try to sneak a peek. The silicone lid isn’t clear and your mind whirls with ways to ask him what he’d made, especially since he hadn’t seemed like the type of guy that can cook.
"Something to drink?” you finally offer, glancing up at him. “We’ve got beer, wine, juice, soda, coffee, water… Pretty much everything. There’ll be more options once everyone gets here.”
“Water’s fine, thanks.”
Nodding, you set about getting him a paper cup and scribbling his name on it with Sharpie, then making sure he gets his drink. You hand it off as the door opens and your work friends step in, cheering as the song changes to a newer favorite right as they arrive. 
“I hate to just leave you like this, but I need to go say hi to them,” you say. “If you want, there should be some serving spoons you can use for whatever you brought. You can figure out what works best since it’s your dish.” You gesture towards the drawer next to the stove as you back towards the kitchen doorway, and Steve obediently nods. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” he assures you, a small smile on his face. “I don’t need a babysitter. I’ll get the lay of the land soon enough.”
You try to take Steve’s words to heart as you head back to the living area. It doesn’t take long before you’re sucked into conversations and shenanigans with your friends, however, and when you finally remember you’d ditched him with Gloria, of all people, forty-five minutes have passed and you’ve finished the drink you’d poured just before his arrival. 
Grabbing the empty cup, you hightail it back to the kitchen, only to find him leaning against the counter and nodding along with one of her long-winded stories. He looks up when you stumble into the room and offers you a concerned look, but you quickly wave him off when he reaches out to help you. From the way he looks you over, you can tell he thinks you’re drunk, but you don’t know how to explain that you’re just frantic that Gloria is spilling your deepest, darkest secrets to the cutest guy you’ve met in months.
“Oh! Y/N! I was just telling Steve that story about my great aunt who worked for the USO during World War II,” Gloria says, and you glance over at her, confused.
“That’s great. I don’t think I remember that one. Did Steve tell you he was a veteran?”
Gloria’s brows furrow and she looks between you and Steve. He’s suddenly very interested in the empty cup in his hands and your stomach drops. Nerves set in as Gloria makes some paltry excuse for the two of you, then pulls you into the tiny hallway off the living area.
You wrench your arm from her grip in front of your closed bedroom door. “Gloria! What’s wrong with you? I mention that Steve’s a veteran and you suddenly start acting weird? I’m trying to make him feel welcome and you’re not helping!”
She shakes her head at you, scoffing lightly. Amusement twinkles in her eyes. “You have no idea who you invited, do you?”
The nerves are back, extinguishing any frustration you might have held with her. “What— I mean, I know he’s a nice enough guy. I didn’t exactly do a background check, but you’re starting to make me wish I had! Why?” you hiss.
“Y/N, that’s Steve Rogers.”
The name sounds vaguely familiar, but it doesn’t exactly ring any bells, so you just stare at her. “Okay? Does he work for the government or something? Is he a spy? Do I need to call the cops?”
She rolls her eyes and pulls her phone out of the pocket of her apron. You watch in silence, looking between the screen and the doorway to the kitchen. You can just barely see Steve still leaning against the counter, his shoulders slumped. Your heart clenches a little at the sight. 
He looks so lonely.
“Here,” Gloria says, shoving her phone into your hands.
You almost drop it, but you quickly right it and start reading. With every word that you’re able to process, your heart starts beating faster and faster. 
Captain America? World War II? Frozen in ice? Born in 1918?
This time when you glance back at the kitchen, Steve is gone. You shove the phone back at your neighbor and hurry back down the hallway to see if he’d just moved out of your view to refill his cup, but there’s no sign of him at all. 
The living room is filled with your friends chatting, leaning into each other, snapping pictures in front of your decorations, and chowing down on the appetizers, but there’s no Steve. You’re turning in circles when you catch a glimpse of him out the window. His cap is back on and his head bowed as he walks back down the street, his hands in his pockets. He looks every bit like he’s making a run for it, albeit a casual one.
Heart pounding, you throw on the first pair of shoes you can find and race out the door. You’ve never taken the two flights of stairs faster, but Steve is still turning the corner when you finally make it out onto the street.
Curse his long legs!
You have to push your way through the early evening crowds, throwing out “excuse me’s” and apologies every which way until you finally catch up with him a few meters away from the stairs down to the subway.
You grab at the arm of his jacket. He pushes you away from him on instinct, sending you flying into another passerby. His reflexes are quick, however, because he’s steadied you before you’re even halfway to the ground and the other person is only a few steps away. They grumble at the both of you and you and Steve both send them half-hearted apologies as he leads you out of the flow of traffic.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. Sometimes I forget—” He shakes his head. “Are you okay? I should’ve been paying better attention.”
“I’m fine,” you reassure him. “I’m more worried about you! Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Is everything okay?”
He drops his gaze to the pigeon scavenging around the discounted pumpkins nearby. “I’m fine, Y/N. You should be back in your apartment. It’s freezing out here, and it’s getting dark.”
In your rush to get out the door and catch up with him, you hadn’t thought to grab a jacket, but you hadn’t processed the cold until now. You shiver, and he quickly sheds his own to drape over your shoulders.
“You left your bowl,” you dumbly tell him.
The corner of his mouth crooks up, but it’s sad. “Don’t worry about it. I can get another.”
You shake your head. “Steve, I— Why did you leave? Is it because of something I did? Or something someone said? I promise that they’re all good people, it’s just sometimes when they drink, they get a little—”
“It’s not anything you or your friends did,” he says. “I promise. They were all wonderful and Gloria was very nice to me. I’m grateful that you welcomed me into your home even though we barely knew each other. Most people wouldn’t do something like that, not nowadays.”
“Then why?”
He sighs and looks up through the windows of the store behind you, watching the customers aimlessly browse the aisles for a long moment. Steve doesn’t meet your eyes when he speaks again, but you watch him fervently, searching for any sign of dishonesty or distress.
“Because I was worried that you’d be uncomfortable around me now that you know who I am,” he finally answers.
You shake your head again. “I don’t understand. Who you are? I know who you are. I mean, I already did, before Gloria showed me that article.”
His jaw clenches and you draw the jacket tighter around you when he steps away and adjusts his cap against a chilly breeze. His face and ears are pink from the cold, too. It’s not quite winter yet, but it’s rearing its ugly head.
“You’re Steve,” you continue, closing the distance between the two of you. “And you’re my dinner guest.”
“If we made you uncomfortable, then I understand you wanting to leave. You have every right to go home, if that’s the case. But my perception of you hasn’t changed now that I know more about your past. Knowing all the amazing, wonderful, selfless things you’ve done makes me want you to stay even more now, because it reminds me that it’s people like you that I’m thankful for. Who knows, I may not even be here if it weren’t for you saving New York.”
You take a beat, catching your breath a little in the cold evening air. “Steve,” you continue, as earnest as you can, “I want you to stay. Please.”
He ducks his head and you have to crane your neck to see his face underneath the brim of his hat. If the lights from the shop were a little brighter, you might be certain that there are tears in his eyes, but you’ll play it off as a trick of shadows for his sake.
“I’m more than just that guy in the article. They exaggerated things, and I am a veteran. I’ve done things I’m not proud of,” he tells you, and you nod. After a moment, you hold out your hand.
“Then it’s a pleasure to meet you, Steve Rogers. I’d really like to get to know you. All of you, not just the published stuff, if that’s okay.”
Steve stares at your outstretched hand for several moments, and you’re inwardly cringing and trying to think of a graceful way to recover when he finally shakes it. You have to hold back a relieved sigh as you smile.
“I don’t suppose I could invite you to my Friendsgiving for a second time?” you ask.
Much to your surprise, Steve chuckles. His hand is warm around yours and you shiver once he drops it. You tuck your hands into the pockets of his coat as the two of you turn and start walking back towards your apartment. He measures his stride to keep step alongside you, his body a barrier between you and the surging flow of people on the sidewalk, and you glance up at him with a smile.
“Well, I did leave my bowl,” he says, smiling down at you.
“Of course. That’s irreplaceable, so you’ll have to come back and get it. And while you’re here, you might as well stay for some dinner. I’d hate to send you home hungry.”
He holds open the door to your building and you duck under his arm into the overpowering warmth of the lobby. “Of course,” Steve replies. “That would be rude.”
“And I’d hate to have you think I’m a bad host.” You’re still smiling as you head up the stairs and open the apartment door, and you and Steve are greeted once again by your friends, most of which had never even realized that you’d disappeared. They’re none the wiser to your little escapade, and to Steve’s identity, but that’s just another thing that you’re thankful for.
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ashknife · 7 months
Hank & Gracie
Another holiday, another @inklings-challenge. I missed the deadline for the Christmas challenge, but I can revisit that next year. This is my entry for the 2024 Four Loves Fairy Tale Challenge. This is a retelling of Hansel & Gretel. As always, I do appreciate criticism and suggestions. Enjoy!
I’m Hank. I live with Ma and my li’l sister Gracie. We live in an apartment in the middle of the city. Sometimes there’s a dog or a cat, but it’s mostly just us. Pa used to live here, but Ma said he ran off after some hussy. I don’t know what a hussy is, but I don’t like ‘em. I don’t like Pa, either. I miss him.
The apartment is on the second floor of a tall brick building. I think I counted thirteen floors on the building. I’d look in the elevator, but Ma won’t let us go on it.
“That’s for folks who need it,” she said. “Don’t you let me catch you playing on it.”
I tried climbing the stairs to the top instead. They went on forever! But me and Gracie, we made it. The door said 14 at the top. The door below said 12. We looked all over for 13. Spent all day, but somehow it was missing. Gracie cried. She does that a lot. Ma found us while we was still looking. We got in big trouble.
“Henry James, you know better than to fool around and get lost while looking after your sister! What are you gonna do when you get lost for good? Huh? Now dinner’s cold!”
Ma sure yells a lot. She says I’m the man of the house. I have to be big and look after Gracie. I’m seven, and she’s only four. I say it ain’t fair, but Ma says it ain’t fair she have to work, but she does it anyway. It’s hard to get past Ma. She knows everything. I wanna be like her when I grow up.
Ma works hard. Sometimes she’s home, cleaning up the apartment and cooking supper, but most times she’s gone. During the day, it’s some office. At night, she’s waitin’ at some tables. That seems easy enough, but when I asked if I could wait at the tables, Ma just laughed.
“Thank you, child, but you ain’t old enough yet.”
“But you could stay home and be with Gracie, Ma.”
Ma just looked tired, shook her head, and drank her coffee. She drank a lot of coffee.
“Someday, maybe. Just not today.”
As much as Ma worked, she didn’t have a lot of money. Bills and rent, she said. She’d always talk about the bills and rent when we got holes in our clothes or made a mess or asked for a piece of candy. Bills and rent. They just keep going up and up. Sometimes it gets hard. Sometimes Ma can’t get nothing but the roaches in the cabinets. We’d go to churches more, then. Sometimes they have free food. Ma would cry every time she got a bag of somethin’. She’d cry more at home, when we was supposed to be asleep. You’d think she’d be happy. Ma does strange things sometimes.
The other day, Ma was at the office. She told us to behave and be good. It was payday, so maybe she would bring us home something nice. We didn’t have no food for a couple of days. I was hoping for some chips from that new shop that opened down the street. Some big white guy named Pete opened it and named it after himself. He was a little fat and covered in hair. He sure liked to laugh a lot, especially at Ma’s jokes. Ma said he was trying too hard. His store sure was nice, though. All sorts of candy and chips and soda, more than I’d ever seen in my life. Not even the grocery store has that many. Pete certainly didn’t have a bin of celery. Yuck.
Sometimes, when Ma wasn’t looking, Pete would slip me and Gracie a piece of candy.
“On the house,” he whispered with a wink. “Our little secret.”
We’d pocket that candy and hide it when we got home. When Ma was asleep or away, we’d eat it. It was real good. The candy smelled nice, too. We’d save the wrappers and smell them, especially when we was hungry. We’d dream of something nice to eat when Ma got paid. It’d help us hold on for just a little longer. We’d stash those wrappers under our mattresses. Ma would have a fit if she saw them. She might wonder if we stole them from Pete.
Since Ma was getting paid today, maybe she was gonna get that special something from Pete’s. But that was a whole day away, and we was hungry, and it was hot out, and we didn’t want to do nothing. But we was hungry. It was gonna be a long day. Then Gracie came up with a great idea.
“Hank, you go hide!” she said. She went to a corner and started counting. So, I went and hid behind the couch in the living room. It felt cooler back there.
“Ready or not, here I come!” she yelled.
I heard her go through the kitchen and her room and my room. I tried to hold my breath, which was hard to do because I was trying not to laugh. Then my belly growled really loud.
“Found you!” Gracie said. She crawled behind the couch and tagged me.
“No fair!” I said. “You heard my belly!”
“Still found you. Now you go, and I’ll hide.”
“Okay, okay.”
I crawled out from behind the couch and went to the corner.
“Ooooone…twoooooo…” I started. I have to count real slow for Gracie. She gets mad if I go too fast. It doesn’t help her much. She giggles and laughs while she’s looking for a place to hide. I know where she is, but if I go too fast, she’ll get mad. She gets mad if I take too long, too. I play at looking around in other rooms first before I find her, and then she laughs and calls me dum-dum for taking so long, but she isn’t mad. Gracie is as strange as Ma sometimes. Can’t please nobody.
This time, Gracie hid under the kitchen sink. I stomped down the hallway to Ma’s room.
“Where’s Gracie? Is she in Ma’s room?” I open the door to Ma’s room real slow so that it creaks real loud.
“No, not here,” I said, quickly closing Ma’s room. Ma doesn’t want us to go in. She has a way of knowing even if she ain’t there. I stomp to my room.
“Is Grac–”
She screamed and fell out onto the kitchen floor. I ran to see what was happening.
“What is it? What is it?” I said.
“It’s on me! Get it off! Get it off!”
I saw a roach crawl across her shirt. I didn’t think too much about it. I got up and swat the thing. It smacked against the wall and fell on its back. I got up to it and stomped on it, and again, and again, and again. I’m sure it was dead, but I gave it a couple more just to be sure. I swept it into the dustbin and closed the door under the sink.
Gracie cried and cried. I looked around her and pat her clothes in case there was another one that was hiding. I sat by her and held her.
“It’s gone, Gracie. I got it.”
“Did you kill it?”
“Yeah, I killed it.”
“It tried to eat me, Hank!”
“It’s gone, Gracie.”
Our bellies growled. It was gonna be a long day.
After a while, Gracie calmed down.
“I’m hungry, Hank.”
“Me, too.”
“Can we go to Pete’s?”
“We ain’t got money.”
We sat for a minute.
“Do you want to go hide again? Somewhere without bugs?”
“I’ll count to a hundred so you can make sure it’s real safe. If it ain’t, you yell, and I’ll take of it. Okay?”
She got up, and then she got this grin on her face.
“Okay, you count to a hundred!”
So, I did. I went to my room and counted loudly to a hundred. It takes a long time to count to a hundred. I figured Gracie might have gotten bored, because she stopped giggling after a while. I heard doors open and close, but there was no screaming. Ain’t no bugs gonna get her this time.
“Niiiiinety-eeeeeight…niiiiinety-niiiiiine…oooooone huuuuuundred! Ready or not, here I come!” I called out. She opened and closed a lot of doors. She must have hid in a closet. She wasn’t giggling like she usually does. Maybe she fell asleep waiting, or got mad waiting for me. I don’t know, but I put on my act just in case. I stomped out into the hallway…
…and the front door was wide open.
I ran and looked out the open door into that hallway. Nothing but a bunch of doors to other apartments. I closed the door and went to the living room closet. She wasn’t there. Kitchen closet. Nope. Under the sink. Nope. My closet, her closet, Ma’s closet, under Ma’s bed, all nothing. I got real scared. Ma’s gonna really let me have it if I can’t find Gracie. My bottom can already feel the paddle.
I ran out into the hallway.
“Gracie! Gracie!” I called out. One of the neighbors told me to shut up. I ran down the stairs.
“Gracie!” I called out again. The old landlady was standing in her doorway, eating some kind of pudding.
“She went out a little bit ago, hon,” she said, pointing to the outside door. “Ain’t your momma home?”
“No, ma’am,” I said. “Ma’s in the office.”
“Mm-hm,” she said, going back into her apartment.
I ran outside.
“Gracie! Gracie!”
I looked left, and then right. The street was empty. There wasn’t anyone walking out. It was too hot. There was a parking lot next to our building, so I looked there first. Not a lot of cars. Everybody’s out to work or something, so there weren’t a lot of hiding spots. I looked, but she wasn’t in any of them.
The landlady called me to the outside door.
“Your momma’s on her way. You better go find your sister,” she said.
“Where did she go?”
“Don’t know, hon, but you better be lookin’,” she said.
“Oh, no…” I said. So, I ran. I ran down to the corner, watched for cars, crossed the street, and kept running. I slowed down by another parking lot. Ma told me I better watch for cars or I’d get knocked into next week. I saw that happen to somebody. I waited to see them next week and the week after, but they never showed up. I don’t want to end up like that.
Then I saw it. A candy wrapper. It looked like one of the ones Pete would slip us. I smelled it, and it smelled kinda good still. It felt a little wet. I think somebody licked it. And then I saw another down the sidewalk. And another. And another. It was a trail of candy wrappers. Looked like there was some in the street, too. They was leading somewhere. And so I started running again, following the trail. I picked up each wrapper along the way. This went for a couple of blocks, and then it ended, right in front of Pete’s.
There are a lot of tall buildings around with lots of apartments, but Pete’s was a house with a garage. He turned the garage into his little store. Lots of people normally come by to buy something from him, but it’s too hot today. Ain’t nobody around. Pete was sitting at his counter with a fan blowing in hairy face.
“Oh, it’s Hank!”
“Hi, Mr. Pete,” I said, trying to catch my breath. I bent over and coughed. Pete pointed his fan at me. It felt good after running in that heat. His store was full today. There were shelves of chips and sweets and drinks and other stuff. My belly growled hard. Pete put a trash can in front of me, so I threw the candy wrappers away.
“Looking for a snack?” he asked, laughing.
“No, sir,” I said, still breathing hard. “No, sir. Gracie. Did Gracie come by here?”
“Oh, your sister? She’s fine! She’s inside having a snack!” He laughed some more. “Why don’t you pick yourself something out? Get a drink, too. I’ll put it on your mom’s tab.” He winked at me.
“Ma’s coming home. I need to get Gracie,” I said.
“Now, now, don’t you worry. Hey, take a look at this!” He got up from behind his counter. He grabbed my shoulder with one of his massive hands, and then he pulled me over to a box with little bags. The box looked new. The bags said “fried pie” on them. I could smell them.
“Just got these in today. They make the dough and pie filling at the factory, put ‘em in a fryer until they’re nice and crispy, and then coat them in a sugary glaze. They’re something else, and I got a nice, cold Coke to go with it. You’ll have that down in no time.”
I shook my head yes. That sounded amazing. I really wanted that.
“Now, don’t you worry about your momma. I’ll be watching over you two and explain everything to her when she comes by,” he said, laughing.
“Yes, sir. Thank you, Mr. Pete.”
“Don’t you worry about it, Hank. Here,” he said, handing me a fried pie. He led me to the fridge and handed me a cold Coke. He then pointed to the door to his house.
“Go on in,” he said. I was so hungry, I couldn’t wait. I went to the door and opened it carefully so I didn’t drop the Coke or the pie. I stepped in, and then there was this big pain in the back of my head.
I woke up. I didn’t know how long I was asleep, but it was much later. Probably sunset. I was on Pete’s kitchen floor. I don’t remember falling down or going to sleep, only that I had a Coke and a fried pie. I looked for those, but they weren’t there. The back of my head hurt real bad. I felt around. It was kind of sticky. I don’t think it was that pie, though. It didn’t smell like it. I think it was my blood.
Past a door was the living room. It was hard to see in the setting sunlight, but I could make out Pete. He was crouched in front of a fireplace. There was a fire lit. He looked like he was sweating from all the heat.
“You keep behaving, and I won’t have to hit you again,” he said. “You’re gonna fetch a good price.”
He laughed, but this laugh made me shiver. He wasn’t looking at me. He was looking at someone else, someone who was next to him. There was a moan, like someone who wanted to cry. He was fiddling with something, and then he had a shirt in his hands. It was Gracie’s! He threw it into the fire!
“What did you do to my sister?” I yelled. He jumped to his feet like he was ready for a fight.
“I think you need another nap,” he said, getting a bat. It looked like a bat, but a little smaller.
I got up and ran into the living room. He brought that bat down on me, but he missed. I got something from a bin next to the fire, a little shovel. He swung his bat again. He hit my back. It hurt. It hurt a lot. It was hard to breathe. He swung again. I made myself move out of the way. I grabbed that little shovel with both my hands and swung it hard, not thinking too hard where it might land. It struck him right under his belt just as he tried to swing at me again. He cried out, and then he tripped and landed head first into his fire.
I never heard a person scream so loud in my life. His arms flailed, flinging burning wood into his living room. The room started to smoke up. Some of the paper lying around caught fire, and the curtains, and the couch. Lying in the middle of the floor was Gracie, without her shirt. It looked like someone punched her a bunch of times. Her eyes were black, blacker than our skin. There were bruises and rashes all over.
“Gracie! Come on!” I said.
“I can’t. It hurts,” she said. I picked her up the best I could and got out to the garage, and then through the shelves of Pete’s food. And then we made it outside.
“Henry James!” Ma yelled. “What–Gracie Joy! Who did this? What happened?”
“It was Pete, Ma! Pete tried–”
“You’re dead meat, kids!” Pete yelled. Black smoke came out of his house as he stumbled out. His hairy face was now red and burnt, and some of his body, too.
“What happened to you, Pete?” Ma said.
“These little shoplifters–”
“Shoplifting?” she said, looking at Pete like he was crazy.
“He burned Gracie’s shirt in the fireplace! He beat her up!”
“What?” she said, glaring at him with the full wrath of God.
There was a gunshot. A policeman stood in the street, and the pistol he shot up was now pointed at us.
“Nobody move,” he said. Another cop was in their car on the radio. There were sirens approaching.
It was after dark when we got home. Ma held Gracie in her arms as she led us in, turned on the lights, and closed the door.
“Go fill the bath, Hank,” she said.
I looked down. I knew what was coming and I just couldn’t wait for it anymore.
“What’s the matter, son?” she said.
“Aren’t you going to paddle me?” I said.
“Why would I do that?” she said.
“‘Cause I lost Gracie, and then all this happened, and Mr. Pete…”
Ma laid Gracie down on the couch, and then she knelt down and held me. I cried.
“This all started because Gracie snuck out,” she said.
“But…I could have paid more attention,” I said.
“We could all do better. Be thankful that you both made it out okay,” she said. She didn’t say anything for a minute, and then she let me go, held my face, and wiped my tears with her thumb.
“Ain’t enough paddles in the world to replace what happened today. Mr. Pete was an evil man who did evil things. You don’t understand the half of what just happened, but you will, and there won’t be enough paddles in the world to replace that.”
“Ma, Gracie’s all beat up,” I said.
“And you rescued her. You took responsibility. You looked for her, found her, and even after Mr. Pete fooled you, you wisened up and fought him for your sister. You know where you screwed up, and you took responsibility. Son, you don’t need the paddle.”
“I’m sorry, Ma.”
“I’m sorry, too, son. If things were better, I could be at home, and none of this would happen. It ain’t fair, but it’s what we got. You might not feel it right now, but you did good. Now go fill the bath. We need to clean Gracie up.”
“I’m hungry,” I said.
“When we all get cleaned up, we will go to the diner,” she said.
“Really? Yeah!”
Maybe I was too happy about it, but Ma didn’t shush me like she usually did. She said I already grew up a little too much. My bath felt good, like a bath never did before. The burger and shake was real good. I slept hard that night.
I miss Pa. I wish he’d kick Mr. Pete.
But he ain’t here.
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halfadoginatank · 9 months
Children!Au for COD
I’ve just been thinking that Simons dad would totallyyy get distracted by another woman, a concert, etc etc and leave Simon to the Frey. After befriending the other kids, I JUST KNOW that when Simons dad makes him kiss that snake, he’s running to them and lets them take him to Johnnys mom
..that’s all <3
Oh!!! This is interesting, I dont think I hit all the plot points but I definitely liked the idea enough to lose myself in it a little.
Slight content warning for vauge talks of an overdose.
Simon is trying to keep his head down. The weather was good outside, but now the swarming bodies make it terrifyingly warm. People all around him move to the aggressive music, some look like they're fighting the notes themselves. He keeps shuffling through them, some are in crowds others to themselves, it reminds him of being lost in a grocery store for the first time.
“Oh shit! Sorry lil man, didn't see ya there, ya good?”
There's a hand in his face, and a person above him. He looks just as scary and spikey as all the people in this god forsaken venue, but he's the first person to offer him a hand when he's fallen.
Simon blunders, checking the pockets in his hoodie and jeans, “s awight.” He mumbles. The older man is patting his shoulder and checking on him,
“I'll putcha somewhere less crowded, yeah?”
Simon nods and blindly follows. The man sits at the bar, and pats the empty stool next to him. Simon bemoans the effort to get up there without making a fool of himself.
“So whatcha doing here? Pretty sure bars are 21 up, right?”
“Not ‘ere. ‘S 16 and up.” Maybe if Simon looks away the man won't actually look at him too hard.
“Ehhh, I dunno kid, you don't look 16 to me?”
Simon turns around and glares with all the nastiness he can muster. “What's it to you!” He was tall for his age, thank you!
The man waves his hands in surrender,
“Okay okay, we got off on the wrong foot, i'm Alan, you are?”
“Simon! Good cool.”
Alan orders drinks. Waters for both of them. Simon sits there for a while, until the bartender lady comes back and starts talking to Alan, they seem to know each other and Simon doesn't really think he'll be missed, so he slips away trudging to find the restrooms.
“Psst! You don wanna go in there!”
A voice says as he walks into the hallway where the bathrooms split off into genders.
Simon jolts up and looked around, the boy is almost completely invisible, but when the stage lights pulse Simon can sort of see him, squatting in an open maintenance closet .
He leaned down, the boy looked a little younger than him. “Why not?”
The boy shook his head, Simon paused to look at the top of it, where hair seemed to grow longer than the uneven sides. “There's a lady in there! N a weird looking lad! You canna go in there! You dont wanna see it!”
Simon shuffled to sit down across from him, squinting his eyes like that will make the boy's Scottish accent easier to understand. A weird looking man? Running of to the bathroom with a woman? He grimaced.
“S probably my dad, he left a while ago and I can't just run away.”
“Then youre a steamin’ idiot! Ya dont wanna see it nuh uh!”
“Stop being a baby! I told you s probably my dad!”
“Then ur pa belongs in prison!”
The boy shrieked, simon stilled,
The boy pulled up close to Simon's face, “I don’ think the lady's, awright..” he whispered.”
Simon looked away, trying to tuck in on himself.
“Wha's your name?” The boy asked.
“Well I'm John! Mah friends can call me Johnny if I get some coin for it!”
Simon tried to hide his laugh in his hands. “That's stupid. Why would they have to pay?.
“Cause i don like it when they call me that!” John shook his head, “but.. You look like you're having a rough time! So you can call me that for free!”
Simon rolled his eyes, come to think of it. Here, in this club's shotty maintenance closet with no door, is probably the first time in weeks he's talked to someone his age or younger, besides Tommy.
“How old are you?” Simon asked.
“I'm 9! What about you?”
Simon shrugged, “12… maybe?”
“Maybe Johnny, maybe.”
Johnny snorted and went to bonk Simon's shoulder with his own forehead. “Ya called me it!”
[» «]
Simon found out exactly why Johnny didn't want him going in the bathroom after the boy's sister (the pretty bartender) came looking for him.
They parted. Simon thinks he's never really seen a kid that happy, was he like that? Probably not, definitely not.
Not after what happened in that bathroom.
He didn't think he could associate that night with anything else but the rolled back eyes of a dead woman, and his father's manic laughter. (In the years that come, simon will be forced to remember he laughed along with him)
But, in the years past that, Simon will die, be replaced by Ghost and sit at a table in a bar with his task force, the formidable 141, the three men who made his work life more than just that- work.
“Okay then, what's the first time you've ever seen a dead body, since you wanna get ‘deep’”
Gost looked up from his drink, Soap and Gaz flanked him, as the three of them sat around a square table at the bar. Price off talking to Kate on the phone, they had been playing a game, the kind with questions evidently. Though the question was meant for Soap, Ghost traced the rim of his glass with a gloved finger. There had been many bodies in his life, ones he made himself, the ones he would never forget.
He felt a quiet mourning for the first one.
“It was a lass, I remember, but I was pretty young…” Soap began his story and Ghost settled in to listen, Johnny's stories were always engaging, he supposed it's just like him to make even his words pretty.
“I was maybe, nine? My sister went off to college somewhere in Manchester and my parents were off doing god knows what so they sent her to look after me.” Ghost watched as Soap looked into his empty pint glass and chewed on his cheek.
He was more interested now, he hadn't thought hide or hair of his hometown, and frankly Soap had never mentioned any family living there.
“Well, she said she couldn't leave me at her place, so she dragged me to work. Picture this! Me, a tiny little lad following my sister to a damn pub! She made me follow all sortsa rules before she sat me in the break room.” Soap laughed and waves his hands around, Ghost looks more at his face, the wrinkles between his brow. He hasn't forgotten what question prompted it, and from a look at Gaz he hadn't either.
“Well, ah I had to use the john…” Soap quieted down. “Uh, there was a woman in there, wasn't all that well off. A man came in there too, I guess there was some talking goin on before he left.”
Soap cleared his throat,
“Lady died of an overdose, in the stall. I bolted after the man came back. Hid in one of the closets.”
Ghost had a feeling he knew this already, a boy finding a woman dead in a bar in Manchester, hiding in a closet. Only, Simon didn't get a chance to hide once he'd seen it.
“That's all.” Soap put his hands on the table and looked to the ceiling, “pretty much it. Hid there with another boy, older than me, said the guy in there was his dad and we sat there until my sister found me.”
another boy?
It was really only after Simon had put the mask on his nightstand, retired Ghost for the night, that he thought about the night in full. Bothered to remember it, remember the other boy who had told him not to go there, who had protected Simon for a while longer.
He yearned to rush to Soap's room, tell him he was the other boy, the quiet preteen who barely understood him, he wanted to thank Soap, for giving him even a bit of joy during that night.
Instead, Simon began to dream of a world where Johnny and him had stayed friends after that night, some magical world where he lived in Manchester and in Simon's darkest moments, he could run to the MacTavish's and hide with a family less broken than his.
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thebirdandthebee · 2 years
Easy As
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A Carmen Berzatto Universe
This is another request from my inbox - feel free to message in requests for these two!
Vanessa Monaghan is the breath of fresh air that Carmen had been gasping for.
Page 11: Tasting
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“A tasting?” Vanessa quirked an eyebrow as she leaned back in her work chair, legs crossing over one another.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be small, private,” Carmen said, knee bouncing in his office. “I know it’s late, but I thought it was worth a shot.”
Vanessa glanced at her calendar for the day. She could move her 5 p.m. to next week, giving her enough time to stop home and freshen up a bit before heading to River North.
“I’ll be there,” she smiled into the receiver.
“Really?” Carmen’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline. “I mean, great! Yeah, I’m glad you can come – come hungry,” he insisted.
“Starving, I missed lunch today and I’ve been in meetings all afternoon,” she groaned, making Carmen frown. “Wait – isn’t it better to not be hungry? What if I’m biased because I’m hungry?” She asked, causing Carmen to laugh.
“Everything’s going to be good anyway,” he shrugged. “Cocky!” She giggled, her coworker giving her a knowing look as she passed by Vanessa’s mostly glass office.
“Confident,” Carmen countered.
“I’ll see you at 6, Carm,” she smiled.
“See ya then,” he replied, waiting a beat before hanging up. He couldn’t believe she was coming. It was their first tasting of the week – later they’d have media in house testing out he and Syd’s new menu. Reviews would be coming out in the Sunday paper and he was certain they’d be five stars across the board. But now, they got to do something for friends and family.
It was almost distracting how excited he was to see Vanessa. They’d been able to find time to get together once a week since their meeting at the grocery store about four months ago. Besides the restaurant, she’d be come the most consistent part of his life and he was already falling deep for her.
She was smart, beautiful, caring, funny… he could have gone on and on. He just didn’t realize what she saw in him.
His team had noticed, too. He was a little lighter in his shoes, his words delivered more carefully, smiling more abundantly.
“Is Vanessa coming?” Sydney asked the moment he stepped out of the office. He noticed that T and Ebrahim paused their ministrations nearby.
“Hm?” He pretended not to hear her.
“Is she coming or what?” Richie asked loudly, causing Carmen to roll his head across his shoulders.
“Yeah, yeah, she’s coming okay? Everyone act as normal as you possibly can!” He shouted, drawing a few shouts and one thrown dishtowel. “Don’t make it weird!” He called out.
The afternoon passed by in a blur. Everyone was excited for their families to join and thus, time went by quickly. Carmen ducked into the office at a quarter to six, washing off his face with a wet cloth, running his fingers through his hair and popping in three Altoids.
From: Vanessa
I’m on foot!
He ducked out of the front of house where Sydney was putting final touches on plates, a few guests already milling about and intercepted the brunette just as she came around the corner.
“Hi!” She smiled breathlessly. There was a real chill in the early November air and her nose was tinged just barely pink. “Where’s your jacket?” She asked, taking him in with his white T-shirt and blue apron.
“It’s warm in there,” he offered as she slid her arms around his middle.
“Well if the food is as good as you smell, I’m sold,” she smiled, a thin layer of pink gloss on her lips. He closed the distance between them, a little keyed up with excitement for the night and seeing her.
Her arms gravitated from around Carmen’s waist to his neck as she deepened the kiss. He shuddered as she played with the small hairs at the nape of his neck.
“Minty,” she laughed, pecking his lip softly.
“Wait, just a lil’ more,” he chased her mouth, walking her slowly backwards until she was pressed against the brick of the alleyway.
“Carm,” she warned. “I don’t wanna meet all your friends with wet panties,” she finished. Carmen groaned, pressing his nose into her neck. “But you can take them off of me after dinner tonight,” she offered, “if you wanted to come have a sleepover.”
Carmen was equally as excited about sleeping over as he was about taking the train with her up to her place. Sitting next to her on the El and showing everyone else in the car what a beautiful girl he had.
“I’m in,” he pecked her once more. “Okay, please just don’t take anything Richie says seriously,” he said, lacing his fingers through hers. “You can only trust T and Syd, and even then, a grain of salt is warranted,” he finished.
She shook her head, squeezing his bicep with her free hand before he could open the door for her.
They had staged a small coats area and he helped her out of hers, unveiling a black knit sweater dress and her tan legs, which were tucked into a pair of black knee-high boots. She wore a crisp white oxford shirt underneath her dress, which would otherwise show deep cleavage, but her figure spoke for itself. Carmen wanted to chew on the silver jewelry that adorned her ears and wrists.
“You look amazing,” he said quietly, giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks, Carm,” she gave his hand, tucked between the two of them a little squeeze.
They were too new to be hot and heavy in front of other people, and frankly, she wasn’t a huge PDA person (unless it’s in the back alley of a River North restaurant apparently).
“Vanessa!” Her head turned to be greeted by who should could only guess was Sydney. Not waiting for Carmen, the two quickly embraced in a hug.
“It’s so nice to meet you!” Vanessa smiled, holding on to Syd’s shoulders. “Carmen talks about you all the time, he thinks the world of you,” Vanessa gushed.
Sydney laughed, waving her hand. It seemed Vanessa had a certain effect on everyone. She didn’t even need Carmen to introduce her around, she was working the room just as fine on her own and it made him all the more proud that she was there with him.
That was, until it came to Richie.
“Now,” the taller man began, leaning against the service counter. “What are your intentions with my Carmen?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Richie, come off it,” Carmen shook his head, but a small quirk at his lips as he leaned against an empty table.
“Pure as the driven snow,” Vanessa replied with a grin, a drink having appeared in her hands about 10 minutes earlier.
“I gotta be careful with my cousin, Miss Monaghan, you already got him all loved up, head in the clouds, mixing up his facts ‘n figures, the man’s feet aren’t touching the ground,” he rattled off, gesturing with his hands. “I gotta scrape this boy up off the sidewalk at the end of the day,” he shook his head.
“Carm’s a big boy,” she winked, not giving away that he had just slid his hand over the swell of her ass from behind her. But he wasn’t quick enough for Richie.
“Hey, hey, hey!” He jeered, looping an arm around Vanessa’s shoulders and pulling her into his side. “You gotta treat a lady with respect, Carmen Silvio,” he scolded. “What are your intentions with my Vanessa?”
It wasn’t long until Vanessa was on her third plate of food, having devoured everything in front of her as it appeared. She didn’t mind sitting beside Syd’s dad, James, chatting with him intermittently about what was coming out of the kitchen.
“This is the best one,” Vanessa insisted, whispering conspiratorially with James.
“What was that?” Carmen asked, appearing seemingly out of thin air. Vanessa looked over at him with big eyes.
“Nothing!” She smiled, setting her fork down.
“You said that one was the best one?” He asked, stepping closer to her table, pointing down at the dish that was one of Sydney’s creations.
“I don’t think I did? Did you hear that?” She looked over at James, whose mouth was still full.
“I didn’t hear it,” he shook his head.
“The lady said mine was her favorite,” Sydney said, appearing behind Carmen. Vanessa looked up at the two, blinking like a baby owl as she slowly brought another bite up to her mouth.
“It’s really good,” she confessed. Carmen threw his hands up before heading back to the kitchen, making Sydney laugh.
“This one’s mine,” she admitted, making Vanessa smile.
“You must be so proud,” she looked at James, who was – Sydney had to keep from dancing back to the kitchen.
“I love her,” she said to Carmen, who was wiping down the edges of his next plate. “Don’t screw it up,” she warned. He could feel that was the general consensus of the evening.
Two hours later, the kitchen was clean, the guests had all parted, and all that remained was Carmen and Vanessa.
He held her hand as they sat on the train together and she relayed all of her thoughts from dinner. He could listen to her read the phonebook and he’d still be enthralled.
“And Marcus’ dessert?” She asked, looking up at the sky. They walked together, hand in hand, the four blocks to her apartment from the stop at Fullerton. “I’m going to be thinking about it all week,” she sighed.
“It’s a good thing I’m not insecure,” he teased half-heartedly. She stopped on the sidewalk, giving his hand a little tug to stop him as well, before looping her arms atop his shoulders.
“Carmy, the whole night was amazing,” she reassured. “You and your team are so talented, all of the food was incredible,” she added. “But I was most taken aback by how much they love and respect you,” she placed her hand on his jaw. “The control and precision and attention to detail you have, all while commanding the whole kitchen? I’m in awe of you,” she finished.
She didn’t have time to blink before he was on her, kissing her like the day would end right in the middle of the sidewalk.
A lone wolf-whistle across the street drew them apart.
I fucking love you. Carmen thought.
“But yes, Syd’s dish was my favorite.”
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We walked three miles yesterday. I took Mandana to the vets office to practice handing her off so she can be taken to the back room. It took me a minute to troubleshoot. Mandana isn’t used to training for other people and the person who volunteered seems more like a cat person and didn’t seem as familiar with how to handle/train a dog. We got it all figured out though and she went from pancaking under the exam table to happily following the person to the back room. We need to have a lot more sessions to build up that reinforcement history but it’s a new problem and I feel good about her progress.
Mandana was doing so well and her elbow is all healed up, so I felt comfortable stopping by a grocery store (not Walmart 🥲) to pick up something I needed. I can tell she misses going out and training. She was perfectly focused, well-behaved and eager to jump at whatever cue I gave her. I’m slowing down a lot of the PA training until we have more information about her back, but she’s not currently in pain so I think it’s ok to do a few sessions when the opportunity arises.
When we first started our walk I slipped and fell down a hill. If I didn’t have EDS I’m confident I would have broken my ankle. Lucky for me my ankles are really bendy and I just rolled it weird. I was still able to walk the 3 miles but there is a dull ache so we’re going to take it easy today.
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i-came-back · 2 years
Wheeeeeyyyyy look at me go, twice in a day
Fuck it, im too excited to show folks these kids
This is one of my faves omg
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Beloved of The Unsetting Sun loop, Meet Charlotte ‘Charlie’ Daley
Fortae, during great emotional highs she has incredible peculiar strength
Born: August 26th 1970
Age: 17
Current age: 53
Parents: Harriet and Albert Daley, oldest of four (a sister and two brothers)- none peculiar
born in Bensalem Philadelphia
Getting to know Charlotte Daley!
Oh, well hello, super nice to meet you!
1. What is your name? Charlie. Well, Charlotte technically but I like Charlie better :)💖
2. How old are you? Gonna be fifty three in a couple months, I’m super siked personally!
3. Where were you born? Bensalem, it’s this little town place in Philly, my little home before home
4. What did your father and mother do for a living? Me and Papa grew veggies in the garden to take to market but Mama was a teacher at Strayer’s
5. Were you well off? Middle class? Impoverished? Um… well I don’t know. Never wanted for much. Had clothes on my back and I never went hungry no matter how much me and my little siblings ate. I never had to be careful about buying things from the store, so… we did okay 6. Do you have siblings? If so, what are their names and ages? Well I’ve got a bunch of sibs now, but before I had a little sister and two little brothers. We always had a lots of fun, but I always had to be very careful when throwing them. They were very little, I had to be careful with ‘em. Didn’t want them hurt. 
7. Where do you fall in the birth order? The oldest, youngest? Oldest of four but the second oldest after OJ.
8. Which one of you is your mother’s favorite? Oh we don’t have a mom anymore but Cassie is kinda our mom now. But you know what? I think it’s OJ.
9. Why? Oh, now, now, don’t get me wrong! Everyone says I think OJ is the best at everything which is not true! I think everybody’s really great! I think OJ’s Cassie’s favourite because I think she knows how hard she works, she’s a whizz at keeping everything together. She’s got a thing about her, I dunno.
10. When was the last time you saw them? Them? You mean Ma and Pa? Well… quite some time. I was seventeen. I was having a breakdown in the grocery store because of something at school I can’t remember. Cassie found me, calmed me down and talked me out of that. She told me about this place and it sounded wonderful but there was a catch. My folks couldn’t know where I was really headed. I didn’t have long. We needed to be gone out of town before the sun came up and anyone could follow. I packed up what I could and snuck out my window. I left a note. I kinda wish I hadn’t given that I know what’s in it… I miss them sometimes. Just don’t tell the others that.
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