#i love every single second of their scenes i am sad we didnt get more :
mostlyfate · 2 years
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If it's like that, then why join this club? Does it really matter?
Tadashi Koi no Hajimekata 正しい恋の始めかた 2023, dir. Horie Takahiro
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theshy1sout · 4 months
Okay, so
I finally got my bf into reading Homestuck. I was on a phone call with him as he read it at loud, voice-acting and stuff, while I was drawing. Today he reached the Dave first appearance and he discovered Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
You have to understand that I always thought that this comics was just a stupid joke that only Hussie understands and finds funny. Bc the moment I saw the page with the dog (you know which one) I left the comics and never looked at it again. Until today.
My boyfriend read every single page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff in complete silence. I asked him what's wrong, and he said "This is extremely sad". I was confused so he started explaining to me how this comics is a way little Dave was coping with trauma of living with his abusive brother. I didn't believe that, so I started reading the comics again and you know what?
Imagine adult Dirk, being completely under Lord English control, going shopping with little Dave and destroying supermarket in frustration of not finding anything that Calliborn would recognize as a food, being arrested by police in process and leaving little Dave alone hidden somewhere in the shop.
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Imagine little Dave being pushed from the stairs so many times by his bro, he drew a caricature of himself pushing his bro off the stairs in revenge. Or being regularly beaten so hard and often, so he drew comics in which his brother got beaten up, shitted on and even brutally killed.
Imagine little Dave being so hungry (bc of course brother didnt give him proper food) he literally threw himself at a Subway sandwich machine during idk a walk with his bro (probably) and tried to steal some food or even just smell the actual normal food and while doing so got abandoned by his brother. Again.
Of course we can't interpret this way every single page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, but come on, if you start seeing it, you cant stop sensing that every single page is either a way Dave coped with a traumatic experience or a way he kind of got revenge on his brother in a way his brother wouldn't understand and notice and beat him up for doing so.
I searched internet for so long and can't find a single person who would interpret it this way. Am I wrong though??
It gets better. As we know, Dave from universe B also drew this comic. And we even got a directly explained to us interpretation: he started drawing it as a simple comic (probably to cope with the loneliness). Then when Batterwitch became a real danger and he saw that but couldn't react directly, he started using his comics as a way to show what Betty Crocker was really like. So we also had this two characters, one represented Betty Crocker and the second one represented society, and they had this very abusive relationship that had references to situations in real life in Universe B.
So my theory (or more like my bfs theory) is that Dave from universe A was using his comics for the same exact thing. He drew situations from his life in a unreadable for others way (and also no one taught him how to draw or write, and maybe later he kept the shitty format so it's unreadable and too shitty for his brother to read) to cope with trauma. We see in this comics that Sweet Bro is shaving himself above Jeffs face while he sleeps, a thing that Dave's bro could definitely do. We see some pages of Dave trying to understand sport, economy and politics in his own way, bc his brother of course didn't teach him shit. And we even got a page that might suggest that Dave was sexually molested by his bro. There are many scenes of Bro being abusive to Jeff or Jeff getting his revenge. We also have Geromy, a possible interpretation of John, and on one page Jeff (Dave) tries to come to Geromy's (John's) place to visit him, but he can't and he drowns instead (which is so sad???).
I could go through every single page with this interpretation. I think some pages being a foreshadowings for what is happening later in Homestuck is just an additional joke, Hussie loves having layers of meta twists and many unrelated things relating or referencing each other for no reason. I don't think the comics is Dave's unconscious traveling through time and revealing the future, bc if so then we would see every single page of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff being a foreshadowing, and they are not. I also think that the huge wink to the audience was the scene of Dave being pushed by his bro down the stairs and we see him falling with accompaniment of a little panel of Jeff saying "I warned you about the stairs, bro". For me this is a visible hint that this is what this page of the comics was about, it was a way of coping with trauma, it was Dave drawing his brother falling down the stairs and himself saying probably a line that his brother irl was saying to him a lot.
Dave drew his life. His own horror of a life and it was probably more terrifying than he revealed in act 6.
Do you remember the iconic "bro hug" from Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff? A hug from his bro, sth that Dave really needed and wanted, a simple hug that he was very nervous to asked for, he literally drew himself hugging his brother in his second comic, and then we have the very same scene of Davepeta and Arquius hugging (part of them was Dave hugging Dirk, even if artificial), and then we have the exactly opposite of the scene between actual Dave and Dirk, when instead of enthusiastic "we're doing it bro, its happening, were making it" it's Dave saying "fuck forgive me for what I'm doing, this is so messed up fuck" and it's not even full embrace like in his comic, it's awkwardly side by side hug when they didn't even sit on the same level (like in the comic or with sprites), no, Dave is lower, he's smaller, he's scared, he cant face his brother, he wants to but he can't and this is just aaaansnanbska dmnsksnsdkydykdky
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Can someone talk about this comic more? This flashy shitty documentary of Dave's life drawn by idk maybe 8 years old Dave ? The more I read Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, the more depressed I am, cause this is so sad if I'm right about it. I really wish it was just stupid colorful comic without any deeper meaning, just faking to have one or sth....
Also I think Geromy is black bc either Dave didn't know how John looks like so he imagined him being somewhat similar to his fav president Obama or maybe he was just trying to make John's character as unlike John as possible so no one would suspect a thing. Or maybe he just imagine himself being friends with young Obama, who knows.
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After editing this chaotic rambling I have two more things as a prove for my theory. One is picture above, and second is what Hussie said about Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff:
“SBaHJ is absolutely inseparable from HS, and has been almost from the start. If you don't understand this, then you don't understand HS very well. SBaHJ is like the mentally handicapped step brother of MSPA, requiring special attention, but no less cherished as a part of the family. It was originally intended as the chief source of in-house memes for dialogue, but this is ultimately a superficial purpose. Though it only has 20+ strips, it contains a pretty dense and internally consistent language of recurring symbols and typo-driven grammars, applicable as a rich sub-cognitive lexicon for highlighting elusive elements woven into the mythology of the story which tend to be shrouded in the unconscious.”
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koaly-ty · 6 months
Different Princess (Episode Reacts)
Spoilers for Different Princess from episode 18 to 20. Tis what this review covers. Expect nothing and be not disappointed.
Ep 18
bestie stands disapproving of you rescuing your traitor wife (fish guy needs an award for all those exasperated frustrated im done with this looks, also a promotion to eternally disappointed in you bestie)
so much shoving
dont suck it out dont suck it out (chants frantically) please dont please please please nooo, eternally frustrated bestie why did u have to say that, u r a doctor do not make such terrible incomplete medical statements, lovesick people have very different interpretations of such matters
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (cries, not in a goood way, in a very sad utterly done with these people way)
also doctor thank you for stating that like you thought it was gonna stop him, or be retained in the memory of any of these people
now they are going to kiss feed her and fight over that (facepalm)
bro u should atleast be awake to appreciate all these tropes going on over your head (and on your neck)(he makes a nice vampire, perfect amount of agony on his face while attacking her neck)
please just end me
i cant do this
gongye qi i am so sorry for you and i respect you, i would have left the continent by now
and they have music, background music for the medicine mouth to mouth (sinking into the ground, im never coming back)
also bro u r the prettiest in the room, why didnt they give you more space for your faint, why such a cramped fall (so disappointed)
bro you need to get paid, forget brotherhood of revenge, your bestie has clearly decided to lose every single one of his braincells
what they cant share the medicine, mouth to mouth, it just all perfectly pours into the other person's mouth?
wrong word. u r a physician not a saint
bro changed his hairstyle (hello zhao yunlan)
bestie mad about it
such a im a big tough guy nice stoic pose (rolls eyes) could look a little less constipated though
oh oh fish guy reciprocates
Female lead: i will not believe these villains but of course they have explained their side of the matter and i may have misunderstood them (lies on floor, what logic is she on)
Ep 19
secretary du u have an exemplary work ethic
new robes new hairstyle bro got a full makeover
and how do u not know he is gentle? he carried you out there while running from pursuers, caught you before you could fall etc etc
he smiled!!!!! (who are you)
proud man applauding his brilliant wife's achievements (so cheesy, pauses to stave off the second hand embarrasment, does not succeed)
lady realises son is still after his bro's wife (aishh)
bestie accepts his in-law
everybody get up give this princess a standing ovation, ostrich (accurate, died laughing)
well now we have two matchmakers for her main couple
i did not just read goo-goo eyes (my eyes oh my eyes my eyes)
bury head in book why not
Ep 20
bro u wrote him, what do u mean since when do u understand each other so well
look who is jealous (smirky face)
secretary du, are u scratched, u r the assassin arent you
im dead sorry, look at him, look at that man staring so adoringly at his wife
ive passed away…………………………..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (insert more incoherent screaming) proposed, he proposed (more screaming) bro is totally on full husband mode
and here is the obligatory mid-autumn festival scene, every single drama has it huh lanterns wonder and adoring looks
sorry bro your automated script lines are not gonna reach those ears tonight
oh no that male lead is gonna confess his love to her isnt he? bro u know she's ur bro's, why do u persist so futiley
yao yao adorable as always
ah hah mid autumn festival, the holder of all the all cliche cheesy and embarrasssing romantic scenes of dramas
yao yao is the general's kid
murder bro u cant flirt and reciprocate and then suddenly have a moral dilemna, the dilemna should be before you throw yourself in
princess (give her a standing ovation), forget your brothers, u would be the best queen on the throne, she is every self-insert's dream, a pro at wrapping her man around her fingers
okay look here bro, u betrayed your murder bestie for your wife, now you who recycle your outfits has gone and gotten a new outfit to tell your bestie off for falling in love, he hasnt even betrayed you
i can give them a chance, if (insert pointy finger) u agree to marry me, admit to being my wife etc etc
bro u could have called him delusional, u could have pretended u had so many options instead u stood there like a goldfish and admitted it, then u blame him (slaps hand onto forehead)
get off my screen and flirt you terrible cringy creature, even ur servants are in on this (wriggles fingers at screen, shoo shoo)
so du has been replaced by someone else, and no one noticed? poor guy :(
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Second Chances Thoughts
bc what
spoilers below
i have...thoughts
ah no chaotic intro, f in the chat
it’s still a nice intro, tho
i used the thingy
no bows either?!?!
this is called high school musical: the musical: the series not high school musical: the backstage drama: the series
wow they got changed fast
I’ll be the judge of that oh wait i cant bc they didnt show us
ashlyn is such a queen
the perfect belle, stunning
“A couple letters, actually” it’s a sign (literally)
flower touch
they love each other so much
east high kids be snooping
not me thinking about carlos’ hand on seb’s back we were robbed im taking what i can get
“You were the perfect Belle tonight. I was really proud”
“Evil genius”
they’re so happy
kourt and howie are so awkward 
howie and seb would get along
weird little playoff, maybe he is lying?
they’re cute, tho
sad that they didn’t really get any build-up
“happy now?” “yes”
“If it’s with you, always” MY HEART
just like a fanfic
kourtney just invited north highs beast to east highs cast party
i was not expecting that okay
ej and mazzara are the best
gina is so happy too bad it wont last
gina is an actress 
gahhhh portwell drama
oh god rini let the drama begin
that was very calm, did someone possess nini and ricky?
i really like them as best friends. i was a hardcore rini shipper last season but with all their constant conflict i realized how much fun they are as friends
“we are literally on the same page” 
“just for a moment” I LOST MY SHIT
miss jenn no
oooo seblos please be good
Seb calling Miss. Jenn out on her bullshit since idk when
“That’s a hard never mind now” okay wow
Miss. Jenn is Carlos’ godmother 
This is theatre, not football
oh wow a plot line actually being addressed
season 1 callback im not ready
gina and nini people!!! 
very sweet scene
ahha jamie callback we all knew it
i would really like to see miss jenns batb audition notes
“I’m in a great place, mentally” if you were you wouldn’t be saying that
like that was a big deal, a big effing deal and then nothing?
you told a kid to jump off something high and you can’t even say “sorry”?!?!
back to the miss jenn love triangle
“I think I’m happy, or gettin’ there”
ricky you don’t have to be there yet it’s okay
that line hit
killer harmonies
sofia giving us that alto rep!!
portwell duet! audition outfits
very good, very very good. this song kinda screams autotune but it still sounds very good. 
last song of the season NOOO but very fitting
Is it just me or does “Second Chance” look like a music video they show in Justice (the teen store) in 2014?
cast bonding yay!
shit why does my favorite ship have to be the gay one on a disney show?
east high booing the lily and french boi has me on the floor
“Big Red, you were also in it” BEST LINE OF THE FINALE OMFG
i missed antoine 
sorry carlos has glitter on his face
seb’s smile and wave at north high why am i laughing?
off topic but i have unintentionally started doing the seb wave (you know the one) (with the fingers) in real life.
also gay chair sit
e.j is also doing the gay chair sit 
lily what
you have had like one conversation
she says she likes his face but not his personality? 
im calling bullcrap
pause didn’t lily steal the harness? are we just going to forget about that
probably, the writers did forgot to develop seblos
Let Ricky be single challenge
so this season has been for nothing?
all the shit they went through (the self-doubt, relationship problems, the injuries, the death threats) is for nothing?!?
since when does Miss. Jenn not care anymore about the Menkies?!?!
I actually get the kids side of this, but not Miss. Jenn’s. 
I was surprised they took this route with the Menkies, didn’t even cross my mind 
“It was five”
Big Red x medicine 
bet your ass ashlyn would have gotten a nomination best actress
is mazzara staying for miss jenn? they could do long distance but it doesnt have the best rep in this show
ashlyn is the captain of the portwell ship and nini is her right hand man (or whatever second best is called in sailing)
“Will you be my first kiss” smiles
“this summer is about to get hot” SUMMER SEASON 3?!?!
hey they ended with andrew barth feldman what more can you ask for?
Oh wait some cast stuff...brb ima cry. The ending has some very series finale energy...I’m scared. Natalie wouldn’t have done the “buckle up wildcats” if there wasn’t a season 3, right? But the bloopers at the end...
The cast ending was great. “You are the Music in Me” was so heartfelt and I’m a sucker for bloopers.
Wait so no Lily home? It was probably a cut scene. 
If we got Lily home, can we get an album with the cast singing all the BATB songs? 
I have so many mixed feelings about this episode. Here is the thing, if you love the core 4 then this was your episode. If you’re like me and prefer the side leads then this was probably a little disappointing since we barely saw them. This episode felt rushed and a little messy, but there were some great moments. Season 2′s writing has felt a little weird. This season lacked the chaotic theater kid energy season 1 had. It was one of the reasons I fell in love with the show. If/when we get a season 3 I really hope the writers find that energy again.
Let’s all give a round of applause for the cast and crew who filmed majority of the season during a global pandemic. That could not have been easy. They gave us a pretty good season under crazy conditions. They definitely had to change some things to fit the current climate. Overall, hats off the the cast and crew because you guys killed it. 
I’m really going to miss this show, hopefully it gets renewed. It has become a comfort show these past several weeks. My sanity says “no, don’t go” but my sleep schedule says “leave.”
To second chances!!
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im rewatching jatp instead of studying for the 3 tests i have tomorrow and i thought i would share my thoughts and reactions with each episode so enjoy!!....
wake up
- hearing the “1, 2, 3″ at the start of the episode gives me more serotonin than my antidepressants ever will
- julie’s slippers...that’s it...that’s the thought
- that dry ass pasta the molina’s are eating for dinner??? someone needs to give my man ray some cooking tips or a cookbook... something
-the looks the boys give julie when she says it was an OLD cd she found. as if they could be old??
-the entire julie and luke kitchen scene i mean there are no words to describe how much i am in love with scene. the banter, the flirting, luke giving this girl he literally just met an actual PIECE OF HIS SOUL so she can get music back into her life. not a single time have i watched that scene and not felt my heart literally grow cause of how cute they are. 
-the entire scene when julie is singing wake up. that scene is what made me literally CRAVE watching the other episodes. like of course i was going to watch them cause i wasn’t gonna just stop watching a show after one episode, and yes the show was good already but seeing the lighting and her voice, and just everything about the scene,,,,*chef’s kiss* 
-flynn drinking seven sodas....SEVEN??? i would be throwing up if i drank more than like 2 and she drank seven,,,no ma’am.
- flynn and her trumpet. talented queen
- “ i wouldn’t have given you the song if i didnt think you were gonna rock it.” lmaooo im crying:)
- i start tearing up every time julie goes to play the first notes of bright,,, and then i’m full on bawling when the guys come in and play with her cause...they weren’t playing to be seen they were playing to be there for her and play to comfort her. pls i love them<3
- nick vibing in the front row
- the tech guy deserves so much more praise
flying solo
- reggie’s little butt shake or whatever you wanna call it!!
- julie’s little laugh when she yells at the guys to stop it
- “and we’re on the runway again” GENUINELY one of my favorite lines of the whole show pls i love luke’s humor
-this is the first time i noticed this but reggie’s face after alex says “DONT TELL ME HOW TO GHOST!”
-WILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU<3333333
-the slow mo helmet take off,,,,me too alex me too
-willie’s little giggles:))))
- “oh-oh!”
- “no clue” alex i love you baby<3
- next season better give us a scene of flynn throwing eggs at someone’s house because i think it’s safe to say we were robbed of that experience. 
- the flying solo performance is just amazing
i got the music
- just the whole opening scene is so cute ....the dancing, singing, happiness RADIATING from julie 
-nick in an all white suit and fedora
- carefree skateboarder bf and anxiety ridden drummer bf
- yelling. in. museums. 
-alex thinking he’s literally dying again because of the salt... zero braincells in this band.
- another scene we were robbed of that i need to see in season 2...reggie singing “home is where my horse is” while alex and julie sit patiently and attentively listen to him but luke looks like he’s about to commit murder
- i get SO MUCH second hand embarrassment for julie when she looks through luke’s songbook and says “ wow luke I didn’t know you were such a romantic” julie baby i love you but...eekkkkk
- “he looks like a substitute teacher”- where did he come up with that like so many other things he could be compared to but a substitute teacher??
- “luke introduced you to rock” heck yeah it did.. literal soulmates
- would like to see a picture of the raccoon in Flynn’s backyard
- wee woo wee woo police sirens://///
- julie’s outfit ughhhh i love it
- the poster that im pretty sure says “sexiest role” behind caleb... why was that necessary 
the other side of hollywood
- i lose my absolute shit over this song omg literal chills
- the cape grab i cannot physically do this rn
- willie being so excited the entire performance and looking over to see alex’s reaction
- reggie being in awe everytime one of the girls performing does something.. me too reggie
-”well i wouldn't really call it mAAgiCcCC bUT”
- nick and his fedora again
- alex has a crush, alex has a crush on.....WILLIE
-the boys eating food for the first time in 25 years is honestly so realistic
-alex shoving a whole slice of pizza in his mouth
- lukes ‘OH MY GODDDDD’
- reggie kissing his meatball sub that looks painfully dry but also delicious 
- the continuation of the other side of hollywood performance and everyone dancing
-reggie imitating caleb’s evil laugh and owen trying so hard not to break
-me getting mad at the boys for not showing up for julie and being sad with her but at the same time i’m obviously not mad at the boys just...disappointed?? idk 
finally free
- how did julie get to the school if she missed the first three classes?? wasn’t she still at flynn’s house from the night before cause she slept over so did she walk to school or was she just sitting in flynn’s house by herself and one of flynn’s parents was like you gonna go to school or???
-dance class with nicky poo<3
-reggie fixing his amp in the rain
-julie’s blue dress outfit in this episode is my ABSOLUTE favorite 
- the birthday candle scene makes me sob like a little baby,,,and rightfully so
- julie smart, smart to be taking calculus as what a sophomore??
- all eyes on me yes queen iconic
- alex dancing is how i dance in my brain whenever the song comes on 
- finally free as a song is NEVER given enough credit and why not?? it’s my favorite song they do as a band AND the madison’s vocals and the echoing part omg i loveeeee
- and the whole performance with luke’s heart eyes. i count this performance as the moment luke like fell in love with julie...like full on just blown away with how much awe and admiration he has for her in that moment and all the time.
 - julie and luke singing “and you’re a part of me” while staring directly into each others soul,,,yeah that’s love kids
edge of great
- carlos being the ghost hunter he is and tía being done with him
- luke’s pouting face 
- reggie and ray making breakfast together is so wholesome. reggie really loves and seeks comfort in ray and i love that
- luke just waiting next to julie’s locker and his little “hey”
- the first time i watch this scene i thought charlie was from new york cause of the way he says “ i can't do this without you” and then i watched the cast interviews and just realized he is somewhat joey tribbiani 
- jealous luke hehehehehhehehe
- “well dont you look shARrP”- yes he does luke thank you very much
- “uh oh i think someone has a crush on julie” yeah you do you little shit,,, now admit it to her
- the proud look on luke’s face when he realizes julie is still paying attention to HIM even though she’s supposed to be having a full on conversation with nick
- the shoulder push ( as someone who has had their own shoulder pushed in the middle of a high school hallway as a weird way of flirting,,,,i can definitely somewhat attest to how luke is feeling in that moment and i too continued to flirt with the person who shoulder shoved me while we were still standing in the hallway)
- the flow from whatever the hell dance nick and julie are doing and the perfect harmony dance is so special to me and i love it
- i think people see my username and assume i like his hair in this scene but...ummm fun little fact i do not like it
- the dance is so good though ugh my babies
- the hair
- madison is gorgeous 
- another season 2 scene i need: julie teaching this dance to luke and they perform it in front of alex and reggie so they can see luke roll on the floor like that
-the hair
- the lift i loveeee
- the voices at the end of the song *chef’s kiss*
- the way julie spins out from luke and into nick omg so good
- “thAnKs pArTnER”
- luke denying his feelings for julie,,,babe pls
- the whole edge of great performance is so good and beautiful and the colors are SPECTACULAR 
-julie avoiding luke’s gaze lolz
- can't believe my mans really tried to deny he didn’t have feelings for julie like 5 hours earlier even though he’s getting upset because she hasn’t looked at him in 2 minutes
- when i finally learn how to play the electric guitar well enough to learn the guitar solo... it’s over for everyone
-nick just came to watch the girl he likes perform not watch her flirt with a hologram plssss can we give this man a break next season.
- “we have to say goodbye to julie”- that’s literally more important to luke than not playing music anymore because julie is music to him now
unsaid emily
-already crying and the episode hasn't even started
-willex in the orpheum
- alex literally being OVER reggie
- nope too emotionally unstable to watch this scene right now
- my therapist will be hearing about this tomorrow
- show us the baby picture of luke cowards
- this is such a beautiful song that makes me cry every fucking time gosh damn it
- everytime i watch the flashback scene of luke on his bike i think of “christmas song” by phoebe bridges and i cry even more
- i tried to learn how to play this song on my electric guitar (because i dont have an acoustic guitar) and i ended up crying half way through so i do not think i will be playing it anytime soon:/
- the harmonies *chef’s kiss*
- FAT tears rolling down my face
- there's literally not a moment i don’t cry during this episode
- interesting little relationship :0
- when i played percussion in 7th grade i used to lay down on the couch in the practice room at school ( which god knows what people did on that couch...ew) and stick my drumsticks up my nose too,,,, just another similarity between alex and i 
stand tall
- willie really drove a bus 200 miles into the desert for his crush
- i love willie no last name so much,,,i just wanna hold and protect him
- alex’s ballerina dance
-julie’s overall outfit i love<3
- “im swimming”
- the way carlos hangs up the iPad on tía makes me CRACK UP he’s just lmao bye girl
- another julie outfit i love
- “anything julie. you know that.” AHHHHHAASIDSJFPACISN love bitches
- the suits
- luke’s hair in this episode is so much better than the perfect harmony hair pls
- the way luke looks so restricted and confined in his suit... but at the same time he looks like a 10 week old puppy
-luke’s AGGRESSIVE but small foot tapping leading up to being on the stage
- the solos:)))))
- crying again over julie’s monologue to her mom
- julie really was brave enough to be ready to perform by herself
-the way Trevor looks at carrie when she says “been here before”
- this performance makes me cry
- especially the first time when i saw luke flickering...sobs
- he finally looks free in his suit:))
- alex’s solo is so pretty i love him
- reggie’s solo too 
- nick just straight up vibing the entire performance
- alex and luke holding hands...hehehe cute besties
- “thank you, guys” NO THANK YOU 
- the way julie begs for them to do something about the jolts for HER cause she knows luke would never say no to her
- “no music is worth making, julie, if we’re not making it with you,” I JUST SCREAMED AND IM PRETTY SURE I WOKE UP MY ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD...whoops
- going back to that line i could say so much about it but....for someone who’s life was literally MUSIC for the 17 years he was alive, and after finding out he could play music again even though he was dead and saying it made him feel alive, he would give that up- he would give up playing his guitar, playing in a band with his friends, give up writing and singing music- if he wasn’t doing that with julie. that’s more than saying i love you,,,that’s literally like saying i’d give up my ENTIRE LIFE and what i love to do if i dont get to do it with you
- i just made myself cry with that description...wow
-the hug<3
-also imagine how luke felt in that moment,,, hearing this girl, once again that he would give his life up for, saying in his ear that she loves them. i would motherfucking glow too, luke
- *passionately but gently holds each others faces*
- caleb’s outfit is....something
- the head turn plssss
this was so long and i am so sorry but if you read this far.....leave some of your own reactions or thoughts:)))
k goodnight im gonna, ugh, finally go study ://
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 4 years
BBC Merlin Rewatch:
01x01: The Dragon’s Call
aw look at merlin all happy and smily, walking into camelot like he isnt going to witness the death of his best friend/king and basically everyone he loves
“like everyone, he must live and learn” yo shut ur bitchass up lizard man u literally tried to murder everyone in camelot that one time
“his name: traumatised 😍😍”
fuck ur bitchass uther no one likes u
“i pride myself as a fair and just king” sir didnt u like basically kill ur wife... and thousands of peo- OH MY GOD MORGANA BB ILY
oh jesus okay hes dead um chile-
“when i came to this land” wait i thought he was raised kn camelot brb i forgot im an idiot wait,,, does this mean before this it was the du bois family on the throne of camelot?? also, mired in chaos? u mean like.... before ur wife died and everyone was living peacefully? ....okay
“merlin, seeing a person who's been stated had been studying magic get beheaded: [a magical being himself] ah,, welcoming.” -my gf
“since the great dragon was captured” ....so did no one think about where they put a dragon?? a captured one at that. ud think he’d be more smart but nah he just left a random ass dragon under his castle like THAT is going to end well
“a son for a son!” omg why couldnt u have killed uther bb ur the perfect villain i love u ur literally just a loving mother i-
.....why is there a bunny mask in there
why is thERE A BUNNY MASK-
why didnt merlins eyes glow when he dragged the bed to gaius to save him
also whats this slomo magic why didnt he do this after this why did season one haveso much magic and like every other season was just everyone throwing it back
like i get instinctual magic but like.... if its instinctual wouldnt it happen more especially when his powers get stronger-
gaius: what did you just do?!
also gaius, five seconds later: i know what it was!! i just wanted to know where you learned it
merlin: 😐
merlin, about his magic: i was born like this
gaius, who knows full well warlocks exist: impossible!
(are warlocks naturally born knowing how to use magic without learning? i mean if u have to learn magic like a sorcerer then whats the difference between a warlock and a sorcerer cuz wouldnt sorcerers atleast have to have some magic in them to actually cast spells? am i dumb or do i just not get it)
wait so merlin arrived in camelot on a wednesday
merlin, walking into camelot: it is wednesday my dudes
merlin: [witnesses an execution] aaaAAAAAA-
“someone that might help him find a purpose of his gifts” oh honey he’ll get something mUCH LARGER THAN THAT-
“the more brutal you are, the more enemies you’ll create” oh the waY SHE PREDICTED THEIR FUTURE OO
ah bless u lady helen/mary collins we love them spicy villains
...why do you have a dressing table in a tent
[watches mary collins murder lady helen] i never snitch on dadd- ...someone pls delete me
merlin, about his instinctual magic: i just do it!
gaius: ...lord have mercy what did i just sign myself up to
what ever happened to sir olwen did he die from accidentally overdosing
merlin looks so offended, oh god i could watch this whole scene for HOURS
“do i know you?” “im merlin” “so i dont know you” ugh theres already sexual tension
“i would never have a friend who could be such an ass” “or i one so stupid”
also them, ten years later: “i use my magic for you arthur, only you” “just hold me” “i cant lose him! hes my friend!” “thank you..”
“tell me merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees?” OOOOH THE BOYS ARE FLIRTING
im convinced atleast half the knights with arthur were like “ayo thas kinda sus bro 😳😳 ayo 😳😳”
arthur: tell me merlin, do you know how to walk on your knees? would you like me to help you?
merlin: ....i really dont know how to answer that
imagine being paid to throw fruits at colin morgan omg id be so thrilled
gwen: well, arthur looks like one of those, save the world kinda men... and you dont
merlin, 1500 years later, having failed his destiny: well i mean you’re not wrong
gaius: uther banned magic a long time ago
merlin, flabbergasted as if he wasnt raised on tales of the death of his kind every day in the kingdom right next to his: why?!?!?
gaius: the dragon is imprisoned where nobody can free him
Tumblr media
(that is the face of someone knowing full well hes going to free that dragon. look at him. he’s already made up his mind.)
[sees merlin and arthur in the marketplace] oh heres he is again heres the lil bitxh ooo theyre about to FIGHT
god hes flirting so hard without even realising it, oh my god
“i could take you apart with one blow” “i could take you apart with less” um sirs this is a mcdonalds drive thru 😃
arthur: ahah, you’re in trouble now~ 😏😏
....yall are yelling very loudly, um, arent there guards near yall? people passing by? please relax
“im just a nobody, and i always will be” OH IF ONLY YOU KNEWWW
“if i cant use magic, i might as well die” ....well, ive got a surprise for you-
“maybe theres someone with more magic than me?” like... a whole dragon? i mean if you say so 👀
merlin about why he was born like this: if you cant tell me, no one can!
a fucking dragon, basically every magical creature and the druids: WELL-
the camelot guards are so stupid how the hell is this kingdom still standing
how does kilgharrah know merlins name? in prophecy hes known as emrys (and we see basically every magical being call him emrys and not merlin,, i think). so how does he know? did he stretch his neck long enough that he could somehow hear merlin? is it cuz theyre kin? is it cuz merlin and gaius were yelling so loudly that kilgharrah could hear them all the way in his cave? ig we’ll never know 🖐
merlin: where are you?!
kilgharrah: without you, arthur will never succeed.
merlin: ....oh look, im already paranoid
the amount of sadness i feel hearing kilgharrah say “none of us can choose our destiny, merlin. and none of us can escape it” is INSANE cuz in season one you can SEE merlin trying to escape it. hes doing his damned best trying to have some control over his life. and then in later seasons you can see the light slowly drain from his eyes as he becomes just another toy for the gods to be entertained by. he realises he cant control a single thing about his life so he does the one thing he can: protect arthur. and he loses SO MUCH because of it! its not fair, he deserved so much, and when he finally got everything he could ever ask for, it was taken away from him by his own mistakes.
arthur, seeing morgana in a beautiful dress: god have mercy 😍
uther: .....um
the way they set arthur and morgana up as if they arent gonna make them siblings i- what the fawk 😄
person A, who knows arthurian lore: oh no! arthur is going to have an affair with morgan(a) and have mordred! oh no!!
person B, whos seen merlin: oh no in this show its worse
person B, knowing full well theyre siblings: much worse....
gwen: who’d wanna marry arthur? 🙄
gwen, getting crowned queen of camelot: well fuck
hhhnghnh yes queen sing them to sleep yes murder his bitchass (and fail but like its the thought that counts)
on a sidenote tho this is such a fun way to murder someone, id try this
the absolutely OFFENDED “FATHER!” and the horrified look in arthurs eyss when uther announced merlin would be his manservant is PRICELESS OMG
oh the way uther unintentionally plants the first seed of his sons love story omg 😍😍
Conclusion: this episode is a 10/10 greatest episode with so many iconic scenes omg. mary collins u will forever have my heart for unintentionally kickstarting merlin and arthurs relationship destiny. i loved the whole thing and oh GOD does it already hurt knowing full well how the show ends
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
Can you hear me?
Bakugo Katsuki x reader (hero name: Elementas)
Quirk: Quantification of Emotions (shorten to QoE), basically whatever emotion your feeling strongest (out of six) will allow you to control that element. Your hair also changes to that color. 
Anger, vivid red, wind
Sadness, pastel blue, water
Longing/Love, white, light
Happiness, pink, fire
Loneliness, black, darkness
Confusion/Anxiousness, green, earth  
Summary: There was a villain attack and as your about to die you think of your last words to Katsuki.
warings: yelling, swearing, angst, like ANGST, character death, blood, villan attack, blood, depression, fluff?
Song: Train Wreck, James Arthur  (I hope that works, I've never done this before) 
Word count: 3206
Laying in the silence Waiting for the sirens Signs, any signs I'm alive still
Coughing I look around me. “Wha-” I place a hand on my forehead feeling a liquid underneath my palms. “What’s happening?” I speak as my ears ring and I see a red fluid on my hand. 
I look around and see the chaos around me. All around me is ruble, I can't see an inch of sky. I look around seeing the dust flying around the air, the small fire scattered around trying to find anything amongst the concrete to consume and stay alive with. 
At least I can't see any civilians around me, thats a good sign. As I continue to assess my surroundings, even with my blurry vision and ringing ears know that the villain is gone, or at least not near me. 
When I finally look down at my own body I wince. There was a giant metal rod sticking out of my abdomen, I guess the adrenaline must be preventing the full brunt of the pain. As I look at it and see the amount of blood being lost I know I won't be saved. 
I don't wanna lose it I'm not getting through this
Tears well in my eyes as the regret swims into my heart. I don't want to die like this. I don't want to die not knowing if everyone is safe. I don't want to die not knowing if Katsuki is okay. I don't want to die in pain. 
Of course every hero knows the risk, we’ve known since we where in high school. But it doesn't mean anyone actively wants this to be there way out. 
Everyone deep down hopes for a peaceful death. Or at least to die with those we love. 
Hey, should I pray? should I pray To myself? To a God? To a saviour who can Unbreak the broken
What if I could make it? What if I scream loud enough? Can I even scream right now? And even if I can who's to say it'll get to the surface? And I would want them to get the civilians first. “Damnit!” I try to yell but all I can manage is a weak whimper. 
“I should be stronger than this!” I said as my throat constricted. ‘God I sound just like Suki.’ the thought of him makes my heart clench. ‘I shouldn't have said all those things. I shouldn't have-’ I was swept up in the memory of my last conversation with him. 
Unsay these spoken words Find hope in the hopeless
“Jesus y/n what is wrong with you?!” He screamed at me. “Like can you calm the fuck down for once?!” 
I scoffed at him whirling around on him. “I need to calm down?! Don’t you tell me to calm down!”
“You're the one who started all of this!” He screamed at me. 
“And you’re the one who flirts with other people!” I fire back. 
He scoffs again, “I wasn't flirting with her! It’s not my fault you're so insecure that you think that you shitty woman!” 
My face drops slightly more sadness seaping into my heart. “Why do you think im so insecure Kasuki? You call me shitty woman every other sentence! You talk about how great other girls are and how strong they are! You-” 
“You know thats just how I am! And I don't talk about them romantically im taking about them from a hero stand point! Shouldn't you be happy now that I don't look down on every single person!” He screamed his quirk popping off in frustration. 
“Yeah I know thats how you are but it still an hurt me you dick! And it’s different when those girls are clearly in love with you!” he scoffs “If you tell me they aren't I swear to god you must be really blind!” I scream again. 
“Of course I don't notice because why would I when I have a girlfriend!|?!” He screams. 
“Do you?!” I shout the words spilling out of my mouth. “Because it doesn't always feel like you want to!” his next words break my heart. 
“Maybe I don't!” I watch his face drop the second the words leave his mouth. “y/n- wait I didn't-” But I cut him off as my alarm goes off. 
“I have to go to work. At least I know they need me.” I whisper bitterly. 
“Y/n wait! We can't leave it like this!” he calls frantically after me. 
“You never had a problem leaving me heartbroken before. Why care now?” and with that I got in my car driving away as the tears streamed down my face. 
Pull me out of the train wreck Unburn the ashes
When I got to work I quickly dismissed anyone at my hero agency as they asked what was wrong. I even ignored Kirishima, who was one of my best friends. “Go ask you ‘Bakubro’” I muttered bitterly at my fellow hero. 
I looked to my side kick, she was nice. She wasn't a cocky self assured teen like me and my classmates where. Both me and her quickly left to patrol. I was happy when she started rambling about the latest guy she found an interest in instead of asking me what was wrong. 
Not that I didn't appreciate my colleagues concern I just didn't want to think about it. Or I didn't want to talk about it, theres no way im not thinking about it. Even now, I couldn't help but tune out my sidekick/intern as my thoughts where consumed with my final words. 
“You never had a problem leaving me heartbroken before. Why care now?” Damnit I know thats not true and yet I still said it. Katsuki always at least texts me after wards, and he’s never left without muttering some form of I love you. I moved to pull out my phone when I suddenly heard screaming. I look up to see five of our most wanted villians up ahead wreaking havoc. I stop my phone Turing to my intern who looks ready to fight.    
Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet Pull me out of the train wreck Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
”No.” I said placing a hand on her shoulder. She looks at me shocked as I continue. “I need you to help civilians.” 
She hesitates,”But I can help-” 
“I know but these guys are to strong. Please trust me, I want you making it out of this alive. Go help the civilians. If you have to I give you my permission to use your quirk for defense and defense only. Do you understand?” No response 
“Minako!” she stares at me “Please, you're like my kid, don't make me beg.” Tears well in her eyes and she nods before running off and I run onto the scene.
I should have known the second I asked her not to fight that this wouldn't end well. I should of said something to him before I left. I should have- 
  Pull me out, pull me out Underneath our bad blood We still got a sanctum, home Still a home, still a home here
I was pulled from my thoughts as coughs ripped there way through my throat. the pain in my stomach worsening. Was I really going to die like this? Filled with regrets and what ifs? 
No. I still have people to live for. I still have things I need to do, things to say. A man to kiss and marry and love all I can do know is hope. 
‘Please, damnit if someone is out there please help me. I know I don't pray enough, hell I know I don't deserve this but god damnit Im selfish. Im selfish and I want to live longer. I want to get married and have kids. I want to at least kiss him one last time. I don't even have to live, just let me hear him say I love you one last time. let me hold him again.’ 
As these thoughts consumed me I didn't notice the light blooming around me becoming brighter and brighter. 
It's not too late to build it back 'Cause a one-in-a-million chance Is still a chance, still a chance
“Y/N!!” I heard someone scream. “Y/n baby hold on!” he screamed again. My light glowed brighter. 
“Katsuki!” I cried. 
“Thats right! Im here princess I’m gonna get you out of there okay?!” I dint respond knowing he wasn't really answering. 
“Hurry Deku please!” Deku was here? after a moment he spoke again “Riot! Cellophane! Thank god you are here! Please you have to help me I can't blast through the rubble I might crush her!” He cried frantically. 
I saw some rubble begin falling next to me and screamed on instinct. “Oi be careful!!” He screamed. 
“Ground zero!” I heard a familiar voice. 
‘What? Easers here? But- he's retired.’ 
“You need to stop shouting, your friends are here trying to help you. We both know they mean her no harm.” I can only assume he nodded because there was no more shouting, but there was also no more anything. Not a single sound. 
And I would take those odds Unbreak Unsay these spoken words
“H-Hello?” I called 
“Don't worry Y/n-chan we’re still here!” I heard deku yell. I sighed relieved. 
“Y/n!” I heard red riot or as I know him Kirishima call out. “Pop quiz whats Eraser heads child named?!” He yells out, and confusion builds in me. 
‘What? He has a kid? Oh my god is the kid here?!’ I thought anxiously. 
“Now!” I hear cellophane or Sero scream and before I knew it the rubble was being ripped away but I saw some coming towards me before I could think I manipulated the earth around me into a ball. 
“Yes!” I heard them all collectively say, except for katsuki. 
“Y/n! You're okay its okay!” He said as I placed the earth back and he ran over to me. He went to touch me but stopped short. “Oh god, princess!” he exclaimed looking down at my abdomen. 
Find hope in the hopeless Pull me out the train wreck 
“We need some help over here! Anyone who has a strong healing quirk get over here now we have a hero down!” He screamed but I didnt care about the pain, I didnt care about the medic. All I cared about was him. 
“You came.” I whispered he looked to me and cupped my cheek. 
“Im always gonna come for you.” He said softly smiling down at me as tears leaked from both our eyes.  
“Im sorry.” I whimper out and he shakes his head. My eyes begin feeling heavier. 
“no no no!” he says shaking me slightly “Don't apologize just keep your eyes open for me, yeah?” 
“Can you hold me?” I whisper. 
“I can't move you if I do-” 
“Please suki, I want to feel you hold me one last time.” I whimper my eyes getting heavier. 
                                                                                       Unburn the ashes Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
“Well then I have great news, and that’s the fact that I’ll hold you for the rest of our lives but I can't move you princess.” I shake my head smiling sadly. 
“Katsuki.” I hear a soft voice whisper and look to see a teary eyed Kirishima.
“N-no!” he screams at him. “She’ll be fine!” he looks to me now. “you’ll be fine!” I shake my head my hair turning a murky blue. 
He relents and eventually very quickly pulls me off of the pipe. But I don't make a sound, I don't even wince. I don't feel the pain at all my body to numb.  
Pull me out the train wreck Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out                                                              
I smile as he pulls me into his arms, “Thank you.” I whisper. 
“Anything for you princess.” He cups my cheek and wipes the tears that are still slipping from my eyes. 
“Im sorry.” we say in unison. 
“I shouldn't have been so insecure.” I whisper, and he shakes his head.  
“No baby no. I shouldn't have been so insensitive and I shouldn't have said what I said. I never question my love for you, or me wanting to be with you.” He says placing his forehead on my own. 
“I love you.” I whisper. 
a sob leaves his throat. “I-i love you too.” he sobs holding me to him. I try to lift my hand but I can't. I feel a gentle material curling around my wrist and pulling it around his neck. I look to see Mr. Aizawas capture weapon I smile up at him. 
“Damnit where are they!” Katsuki yells pulling away from me. I see a team frantically running to us but before they get to me I feel my eyes growing to heavy. 
“Be happy...Suki” I whisper as the darkness envelops me. 
You can say what you like 'cause see, I would die for you
I, I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God Be my help, be a savior who canUnbreak the broken
Katsuki watches as you eyes close, “N-No!” He screams. “Hurry up , please!” He calls out to the people who run impossibly quicker. Once they get there and he has to place you down he automatically wants to hold you again. But he's held back and he sees its Deku who’s holding him back. 
He wants to rip his hand off of him but he can't find the strength in himself so he relents and allows the freckled boy to pull him away. He sees his red haired friend and doesn't hesitate to accept the hug he gives him. 
he balls his hands against the gears of his friends hero costume. “Damnit kiri I can't lose her!” he sobs. No one says anything, theres nothing they can say. No words can comfort the fiery blonde except for your own.  
but he does pull away from his friend as he sees them placing you on a gurney and begin rushing away. 
“Wait!” he calls after them. 
“Sir you can't come with us you have to meet us there its to risky!” A female medic says as sets pumping oxygen into your lungs. 
“I can drive you!” He hears a voice behind him say quickly. He turns to see who only to see your side-kick Minako. He nods and quickly runs to her car. 
The drive there was silent, he isn't even mad at her which shocks both of them. She breaks the silence whispering, “She begged me to help the civilians.” he nods still remaining silent. “I should have- I should have been there.” just then a sob rips through her throat. 
Katsuki looks to her remaining silent for a long moment. “She would have been devistated if you had you gotten hurt.” he whispers. 
“huh?” she glances over to him quickly before looking back to the road. 
“she talks about you all the time, she feels a motherly bond to you.” he whispers. 
“s-she was serious about that?” She asks wiping her cheeks.
“Yeah, maybe because she never had a mother figure or maybe because you remind her so much of herself. But she does, and I know she's tankful for all the civilians you helped save.” The girl nods smiling softly.  
Unsay these reckless words (find hope in the hopeless) Pull me out of the train wreck
When they arrive to the hospital they both quickly run to the front desk. 
“Elementas, I need to know what room elements is in!” Bakugo cries. 
“Mr. Ground zero sir you can't see her yet.” the nurse states standing up and stopping him from running off. 
“Why the hell not?!” He screams fist firing off slightly.
“She had to go straight into surgery.” the woman states calmly. Bakugo grunts as he sits down. 
twenty minutes later the same nurse approaches. “Sir they've already set up her room you tow may wait for her there but when they ask you to leave you-” before she could finish Minako interrupts. 
“Understood.” she says quickly. The nurse nods giving them the number and they make there way there. 
It was another half hour when Kirishima showed up with a spare change of clothes for Bakugo and offered to drive Minako home so she could rest. She only left when he promised to keep her updated. He changed into his civilian clothes before he finally sat down on the chair next to the bed you would soon be in and before he knew it he was asleep. 
Unburn the ashes Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet
When he woke he looked around confused but he perked up when he saw a nurse. “Sir we need to get her settled and then you can come back in.” He nods quickly heading back t the waiting room. The quicker he left meant the sooner he would see you. 
It was fifteen minutes later when a doctor approached him. “How is she? Is she okay?” He asks anxious. 
“she sustained grave injuries. A head wound which concussed her. Five broken ribs, a punctured lung. Not to mention the damage from the pipe in her abdomen. But other than these things she is fine.” The doctor said as he walked away. Katsuki quickly made his way back to your room as he saw your eyes blink open. 
Pull me out of the train wreck Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
“Y/n!” he called happily. You looked pail, and honestly an inch from death, but never in his life had he been so happy to see you. 
You smiled at your boyfriend as he walked into the room. “Suki.” You whispered holding a hand out to him. He quickly came to your side taking it and covering it in kisses before moving up your arm and kissing your face. He placed a loving kiss on your lips before placing his forehead on your own. 
“Don’t you ever scare me like that again.” He whispered. 
You chuckled but winced. “easy there princess your ribs might not be happy with you for a while.” he says cupping your cheek and you nodded. It was a long day between all the visitors. Wether it was a crying Minako who had heart felt apologies and confessions with you. Or a group of your former classmates coming to make sure you where alright. Or even a soft spoke Mr. Aizawa who came once Katsuki had left to get you and himself some food. 
By the end of the day you where exhausted and you where more than happy to allow your boyfriend to carefully lay next to you only intertwining your legs and holding your one hand with his own while the other rested on your cheek. 
“Hey y/n, what you said about me being happy,” Katsuk whispered and you hummed for him to keep going. “I’m going to be... with you.” with a soft exchange of I love you’s and a sweet kiss after that you where both asleep. 
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magic-number-3 · 4 years
okay so i actually did watch a few episodes of 911 this week without liveblogging them but i did take notes as if i was liveblogging and then just,,, didnt lmao so in case anyone cares about my thoughts im going to share them anyway asdlfkjsdl mostly i think they’ll just be fun to look at later
Eddie Diaz is soooooo fuckin dreamy i stgggggg
“I cant order you guys to go inside that building and im not gonna judge you if you decide not to” “Hen, you got a kid, so...” “Yeah. And I’d hope if someone whose job it was to save him they’d do it. No matter what.” QUEEN SHIT 😤😤😤
Marvin you on thin ice but you right; you a king
“They could really use a miracle today” “I might just have a few  of those left. I see them.” ALSKFKGKS crying why is the dialogue so good in this show???
Russ gonna die im calling it. They saved the athlete and they’ll probably save the little girl?? So hes not gonna make it. At least hen is okay
“Even i couldnt save me. You dont know me, but im good.” “Oh yeah? Well maybe im better”
FUCK. I called it but it still hurts
ALL OF THAT ENDING??? WE CAN BE HEROES SLAPS AND IK WE BEEN KNEW BUT ALDJFKFKSKJ everything about the end to that episode is so 👌👌👌 i wanna cry
ATHENA AND BOBBY HELL YEAHHHHH the husband is a straight g pullin thru for him like that
Also Christopher is such. Lil cutie
“These fire guys are totally hot” LAKJDFKAL I MEAN YOURE RIGHT
Oh sheet Eddies abuela 😞
Every interaction between Eddie and Christopher got me like 🥺🥺🥺
Okay how are you not supposed to ship Buddie they’re talking about being single together and then his aunt telling buck about how ‘he’s a saint’ and all that??? THATS SUCH ROMANTIC INTEREST SHIT. WHEN DO YOU HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER GUSHING TO A MAIN CHARACTER AND THAT CHARACTER ISNT THE LOVE INTEREST????
Oooh I love this song STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH YOU
“Now I feel kind of lame” “BECAUSE YOU ARE” LMAO HEN
Ooooh yeah why do you call him chim???
Awe good for Maddie omg 🥺🥺🥺
CHIMNEY IS A MODERN MEDICAL MIRACLE???? I mean good for him bro figured lol but for it to be said out loud shittttttt
alkjsdskla im losing it over Tatiana
Awww now this is sad :( chim’s got noboddddddy
Sdkljfas Buck you have GOT to move out of Abby’s place dude
‘I had a life-altering trauma and her life got altered. All I got was the trauma.’ THATS SUCH A GOOD LINE SPEAK YOUR TRUTH CHIM
Chim 🥺 awe. “Wakes me up in the middle of the night”. Buddy :( CAPS GOT YA
like. Fuck Tatiana. But also good for her. And Chim gets to start to move on!! That was a really sweet scene
Aw Bobby gets Athena ^-^
This was such a good fucking episode yo. Like the way the idea of being stuck had to do with the 911s lives while also all of the calls they went one were being physically stuck and the way the proposal instigated Chim’s breakdown to allow him to finally move on…. just. Excellent television!!!!
So proud of Maddie!!!! So proud of everybody this episode :)
Buck yeah you gotta move out buddy
ASKFJHASJLAD this has gotta be fake im sdlfkjsaldk
LMAOOOO THIS BITCH she’s gonna end up actually getting hurt
OMFGGGGGGGG this bitch had it coming
What is this girls fucking problem with Maddie lmaaooooooo fuck off
Awe this lady with the muffin or whatever is so sweet. This places Celine dion 😂😂😂 queen
Lmao wait why is she actually horrible 😂😭😭
Omg Maddie and Athena are so fun
I love Maddie and Athena so much alsdkfj
Gloria im sorry but you’re getting what you deserve.
LKAJSDALKS. “People who yell and scream and cry and expect you to do something for them” GIRL YOU ARE LITERALLY A 911 RESPONDER THAT IS YOUR GOT DAMN JOB???
“Do they ever think of anything but themselves and what they need?” THEY ARE USUALLY DYING GLORIA
I feel so bad for Hen and Karen :( Eva can fuck off dude. Can’t they get sharing rights with the dad? I mean yeah it sucks that Eva is just doing this to fuck em over but like.. the dad still deserves to get to know his son if he wants to. Though Eva would probably try to stay with him just to turn Denny against Hen and Karen… UGHHHHHH
Lil denny :( aw Hen. I love her sm
Hen what u doing girl…. Cant it make the case more difficult if you keep interacting with Eva?
I love Karen and Hen sm 🥺
Ugh I hate that she lived but it was the right thing to do….
“I save awful people every day its my job” Hell yeah girl
Dont love cheering for her going back tho jail can be terrible…. But at least she’ll be out of Karen and hens lives. we’re not meant to think too deeply about this is.
oh…. gloria… damn.
Cant you just share custody?? :( I mean it sucks but like… just talk to him.
“Yeah people can be awful… but not everyone is awful… but you’ll never know what kind of person someone is unless you give them the chance to show you” :(
Wow the last shot of the episode thats like the long shot at the dinner table with the narration was real fucking good :( im emo.
listen. I do know what happens between those two and I am very excited.
Oh no maddies so anxiousssss
Buck fangirling over this reporter lady im asldkjflksad
“But the way they cared for me, thats what kept me alive” :( Hen :(
Omg are Athenas kids like the same age as Bobbys :(
Oh no eddies upsetttttt 😂
This is fucking HILARIOUS
Oh no bobbyyyyyyyy :((((((
Awe the news piece was so nice
Oh shes got a fucking POPCORN MAKER IM SO JEALOUS
Wow Taylor was really going to use the footage :/
“Just get a room already” BUCK NOOOO DUDE
The way bobby always fist bumps Athenas son whenever they say hello/goodbye. So fun 🥺good content right there
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sochilll · 3 years
Thoughts about the deh movie? What did you like, what did you not like?
I have SO many thoughts and I’m sure other people are gonna explain them much better so I’ll give you a top 5 on each side. (Also I did make a long ass story highlight of all my thoughts on my insta @ be_more_sochill always be plugging). Under the read more cause it’s long and for spoilers!
Jared Kalwani does is gay! I think they handled it pretty well. They just switched an existing line bragging about a girl to make it about a guy and gay him a pride patch! The “honey” moment was…….. a choice. But I didn’t think it was a big deal considering the tone of that scene. All around it was fun n good and makes sense that it wasn’t a major plot point given that Jared’s love life isn’t relevant to the story
Alana gets feelings! There was a lot of Alana changes I didn’t love tbh. But I really liked the scene of her talking to Evan in the park. It was a good connection moment and showed that while Alana feels the same as Evan, she actually sees that feeling in others too whereas Evan thinks he’s the only one.
Maybe cheating to make these two points but: Anonymous Ones! I really liked this song. It was good as a song, miss Amandla Stenberg has a beautiful voice, and it was good character development. I am disappointed they missed the fucking PERFECT opportunity to show a clip of Jared during the school shots god that would’ve been so good. But anyway, I really liked the addition
They gave us a few little kleinsen treats such as: Jared randomly telling Evan he put on 13 pounds of muscle and hooked up with some guy, and of course, Jared looking at a video of Evan and Zoe and being visibly upset literally in the middle of Only Us. Chefs kiss thank you
I did like the new ending of Evan actually trying to learn about Connor. Reading his favorite books, reaching out to old friends, finding the video. I felt like that showed how everything hit him and how he actually did care about what they were doing. I really liked that he sent the flash drives to Alana and Jared too.
Evan (and everyone else) isn’t responsible for anything. Other people have already talked about this but they removed everyone’s agency pretty much until the only people making bad decisions were people (like Alana) who didn’t *know* they were making them. Almost every single choice Evan makes in the stage version is taken from him. Cynthia literally just comes up with the idea of emails so Evan just has to agree. Alana comes up with the Connor Project and Evan says *no* at first before being pressured into it. Evan doesn’t even kiss Zoe or make the first (or any) move at all with her. There’s no mention of Cynthia and Larry making mistakes in regards to helping Connor except like one line before words fail. Plus, making Larry a step dad completely changes his role into like a hero for raising this difficult kid who “wasn’t his” or whatever. Jared is no longer the driving force behind Evan lying. He softly suggests that it would upset the Murphy’s to know the truth one time. He doesn’t freak Evan out and tell him he needs Jared’s help to pull it off. Everything is perfectly set up for Evan to just quietly nod along without doing anything himself. It undermines the message of the original show. It’s ABOUT people doing bad things. It’s about guilt and regret and GROWING from your mistakes. That can’t happen if no one is to blame.
Alana is very different. She’s quiet and you can sort of tell she has some stuff going on. Which is ???? The opposite of how she’s supposed to be. The whole point of her character was to show that even the loud, confident, outgoing, always good attitude girl feels alone and scared and sad. That doesn’t come across when her self doubt is prominent right away. It’s not as big of a shock when she gets her “I know what it’s like to feel invisible!” Moment. Maybe that’s why they didn’t even let her have it. She literally had to *whisper* her confrontation with Evan. Like they were so afraid to let her raise her voice they made her confront Evan for lying to her about this horrible thing in the library. Let her fucking yell!
Zoe and Evan’s getting together was so fucking weird. Without Evan kissing Zoe first, she doesn’t even know he likes her before launching into her love song for him. But more importantly, Only Us is not a “let’s start dating” song??? The lyrics are clearly about people who have been together. “What we’ve got going is good”??? What have you got going? A weird friendship where he’s trying to steal your parents???? It didn’t make sense. Also I don’t like how Zoe is the one to say “I wish we could’ve met now” at the end. I feel like it doesn’t make sense/feel right for her to say it.
Heidi. I’m sorry Julianne Moore but I can’t stand movie Heidi. She has zero emotion. The good for you fight was just SO boring and bland. She sounded vaguely annoyed. That scene is supposed to be SAD. Yeah she’s angry with Evan but she’s also SO heartbroken that he’s found this other family he loves so much. She’s hurt that he’s apparently been telling them how bad his home life is. She feels like she’s not doing enough for him and that makes her both sad and angry. In the stage version she’s on the verge of tears and she’s yelling and RBJ kills it. I got none of that from the movie. It was just a tense conversation. And because of that, Evan’s final “it’s not my fault other people can” had absolutely none of the punch it usually does. That’s a *gasp* moment in the show. It fell so flat. (I also didn’t like her version of so big/so small for similar reasons. She didn’t seem all that affected by Evan’s reveal :/)
And of course the biggest offense to me personally. Jared got fucked over so bad. They removed anything that gave him any development. Not just didn’t expand on it, fully removed it. He’s basically gone for the second act. He’s way less involved with the lying and the emails and TCP. And once the initial “I can do emails” plot is out of the way he’s just gone. He gets a few reaction shots looking at his phone and that’s it. And the worst part to me is the fact that they added those shots anyway. They put them in there to SHOW that Jared was upset. And then they just DIDNT RESOLVE IT HE DIDNT GET TO CONFRONT EVAN AT ALL. THEY DIDNT EVEN SPEAK IT JUST HARD CUTS TO “oh it’s graduation and we’re friends again”. It completely erases Jared’s entire character. He also feels alone and desperately wants to connect (specifically with Evan). We know that through the bits of him we see in the show ESPECIALLY during good for you. And they trashed all of that so he could be the funny side character.
Bonus dislike: they showed the scene of Evan falling so many fucking times and it was just so tasteless. Like… why was that necessary.
All in all I did enjoy it as a separate entity but comparing it to the stage version which I love so much, it was so, so disappointing for me. However I will be watching it 17 more times. Long live Nik Dodani Jared.
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lesbianlenas · 4 years
here are my comprehensive thoughts on bly manor that i have been writing since midway through my watch of the show in case anyone wants 2 hear my thoughts
victoria pedretti’s voice alone makes me want to nut unironically. combo w everything else and she is literally god. knew this from hill house but now she’s blond + playing a lezzie so that amps it all up by 500.
speaking of have so much love in my heart for miss dani clayton. she just wants to help children and is so caring and kind like ok wife? her adorable fake british accent. cannot make tea or coffee. i’m going to call the FUCKING police. determined walk run. tucked in shirt. comp het + internalized homophobia. just so brave and selfless. she has it all. would marry her in half a second.
and the absolute DEDICATION of her stomping on out after flora when viola just almost choked her to death. i’m literally on my knees proposing right now.
flora is so fucking cute absolutely love her would die for her immediately. also sometimes she is creepy and i am very scared of her. duality.
did not enjoy the jump scare w edwin or edward or whatever the fuck mr hetero’s name was i don’t remember. not the car scene like when dani turns around and sees him behind her and then he goes flying back into the mansion. anyway i get he had his heart broken but do not feel good abt how he was basically trying to force dani into marriage by constantly asking her until she said yes. like of course she’s going to eventually give in even if she didn’t want to when he was clearly not going to stop and if she said no instead of pushing it off she would lose basically everyone she considered to be her family. and then when she tells him that she can’t love him romantically he’s like fuck you dani ok homophobe. perhaps i’m glad he got hit by a truck ❤️
immediately noticed smth was up w hannah from the second she wouldn’t eat and i was like oh ok so she’s a ghost. her ep was SO confusing though until the end i was like what the fuck is going on here 😩 anyway hate to be right but. fuck peter quint.
same thing w miles i was like what the FUCK is wrong w this kid and then i was like oh he’s possessed then oh he’s possessed by peter quint in like. ep 2. once again hate to be right. fuck peter quint. also prior to watching the show i rarely saw anything abt miles and i was like why does everyone only talk abt flora? now i get it.
jamie is just so fucking sexy. like the lesbian energy off of her is unreal and smth that you don’t get too often w lesbians on tv. either amelia eve is a dyke or she somehow knows exactly how to emulate them bc truly unreal. only wish is that she didn’t wear makeup but we can’t have it all can we. also cannot stop thinking of her as a mechanic every time she’s wearing that like jump suit and god that would be so fucking sexy i......anyway love her w my whole heart.
speaking of how much i love jamie....the way that she acts all tough and a little cold while she is actually the most empathetic person and somehow knows exactly what to say to anyone when they’re having a rough moment and she won’t sugar coat it either but it’s bc she cares and understands so deeply that it’s ok.....wow. wife?
wish we could’ve gotten to know rebecca more outside of just her relationship w peter. i feel like that did her a major injustice. we practically saw none of her relationship w the kids and it seemed to me like they were trying to imply in the beginning that flora had been very close w rebeccca and i feel like we didn’t see that. felt like rebecca ended up mostly being a prop for peter’s story which was unfortunate considering she was such a great character. and did NOT get why she was so hung up on him either like oh he SEES me after one convo? he was also a dick like immediately after like....once again feels like a disservice that they had her be in love w peter based off of like nothing. like all of a sudden all her ambition is gone and she just wants to b w peter? lol ok.
charlotte cheating on her husband w his brother the absolute mind. fucking hilarious. thought he was jealous at the birth scene or that flora might be his but i was like no no way he probably just has a thing for her. but she is way too attractive for her husband anyway. do not condone cheating but she’s a milf so i let it slide. also flora actually being henry’s hilarious. fucking love this drama. had me rolling. “do you love him?” [silence] LMFAO. and dom’s (got his name!) fucking smack down on henry holy shitttttt will b taking some notes for next time i’d like to turn someone suicidal on fucking god.
i know it was the best vehicle for telling the story but tbh the dream hopping got SO exhausting for me after a while. i just did not enjoy that format. i’m already not one for flashbacks even in this context bc i want to know what’s going to happen next in the main story rather than what happened to get here since i know where it’s going and i just found this to be even more confusing and a little frustrating and incredibly hard to follow. but that’s just my personal taste i wouldn’t objectively say it made the show bad or anything. i think it was also bc all of the twists were unfortunately very obvious so the long drawn out explanations were like. thank u u could’ve said this in five mins instead bc i already knew this. felt like some of the dream scenes were pointless and could’ve been replaced w some better scenes.
flashback ep w viola was ok. kate siegel is so hot obviously but. once again felt extremely extended past the point it had to be. the repition of sleep wake walk was SO annoying like thank u i got it. but i was always a lot more interested in what was happening current day than in the past so once again this was just whatever for me. but good on viola’s hot sister for taking her out have to do what u have to do u know! did enjoy viola killing her back. just thought it was funny.
and how can i even express in words how i felt abt dani and jamie’s relationship? watching the scene where they first kiss literally put me to tears and i just had a real moment w it. and just in general the way that they open up to each other is just so incredible and how jamie makes dani feel so seen that dani literally can’t resist kissing her makes me just. cant put it into words. their relationship really encapsulates what is so beautiful abt lesbianism and that means so much to me truly. will probably make a whole post abt it tomorrow.
ok so in conclusion: i wanted more present day stuff instead of flashbacks. i feel like there was a LOT more creepy shit they could have done in the house and they just. didnt. also wanted to see more of owen in general but also hannah and owen’s relationship and jamie and dani’s relationship. felt like peter and rebecca got practically more screen time than jamie and dani did despite them being the main couple. felt like character & relationships wise there was a lot left unsaid. like yes the plot was finished with a neat bow but i don’t think most of the characters were done justice in the end. and speaking of which i don’t think the sad ending was necessary. do not see a single reason as to why dani needed to die. i feel like they felt it needed a sad ending and that’s why they killed her rather than it actually making sense. like girl get an exorcist. overall the whole thing felt more like an outline for a show that needed to be fleshed out rather than an actual finished show. perhaps could have benefitted from a few more eps maybe. but also. FUCK peter quint.
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smitti4thecity · 3 years
Imagine you are reading something and it ends like this?? Can a writer do this to people? Can a writer survive writing like this? And more importantly what is this?? Read along and hey follow along... time to take the brakes off of story telling and introduce the first of many in the "UNTITLED FOR NOW" series...
Untitled for now begins with three characters: Teapot, Treyein and then we have Jug. The opening scene features a cry for help from Teapot and a sad confession of guilt from Treyein... and we start to examine the characters beginning with Jug.
Teapot – Hey Jug? You busy
Jug – Never too busy for you
Teapot – Thank You for your kind words
Can you come over, I would rather talk to you about this face to face.
Jug – GPS says 25 minutes, see you about 2000hrs
Jug has no idea what he is about to walk into and that does not matter because in his world his friend of 22 years needs him and has prioritized her over all things.
Meanwhile Teapot was fuming.. IVE HAD ENOUGH, the jokes, the innaprorpiate touching has to stop, enough is enough and she must escalate things before she finds herself in Wednesday’s episode of SVU.
Text message from Treyein comes in, Teapot begins to read it..
Treyein – look tea, I have decided to check myself into a rehab facility, I recognize in myself that I have demons in my past I must let go of or I will never manifest into the beautiful person I am inside.  I hope this move inspires you to somehow take your leap towards greatness.  You have so much to offer the World and I truly will pray nightly that you live in your gift.
Teapot – My life will never be the same because of you – you have literally taken my (knock, knock, knock) throws phone on the bed.
Teapot – opens door and greets Jug with a hug
Jug – well hello, nice to see you too, you look nice, nails done I see you tea... pot!! knowing damn well I love the white tip nails..… wait!!! what is this??? some sort of setup???. Are you about to tell me we are dating? What did I walk into.. you sittin around lookin all good..... smellin like YSL and lookin even better than you smell.  Look, three letters woman!!! I DO
Teapot – laughing and smiling, no no no no no, we are not dating
Jug – sigh of relief and disappointment, don’t act like if I didn’t really try and holla you wouldn’t oblige
Teapot – shrugs, grabs Jugs hand… more serious now – come in, lets talk things right now for me are….. tear drop
Jug – hugs her closely, sweetheart what is wrong? What is going on? Jug silences his phone, takes off his shoes and hurry’s back to teapot.. grabs her face – look at me? I’m in the moment completely with you – talk to me.
Teapot – I need some time, just be here with me, tell me how you are doing? I will tell you I just need some time to gather myself…
Jug – Well look it doesn’t really matter how I am doing.. Please, you cannot hold this inside of you it is going to drive you down a dark road
Teapot – I know I know I know… just please you go first.
Jug for the first time in his life was asked how he was doing? Jugs mind instantly drifted to where it all started for Jug...
It was hot outside and Jug had to walk home from two a days football practice – now Jug lived below the hill and practice was above the hill so Jug started his journey towards the bottom. His feet draggin.. head down.. he all dirty with the long day face going on…sweaty.. smellin like last weeks practice…whoooo Jug was hurtin that day..… not even halfway into the walk a voice yells out of one of the homes:
Voice: Hey N WORD!!!! Get outta my neighborhood..
Naw I’m just playin, the Voice didnt say that..
Not even halfway into the walk a voice can be heard saying..
Voice: Whats up g? And there she was.. Teapot!!
Teapot goes outside with her wifle ball bat and says you hungry I got some pringles inside.
Jug: with all the life brought back into his body from that statement, Yes I am.
Jug went inside and banged some pepperoni pizza pringles and enjoyed some good conversation.  That day 22 years ago jumpstarted an unbelievable friendship that stands stronger each day that passes.  Jug was introduced to an entire different world on that day he had never seen a two parent home, food in the pantry and refrigerator, candles smelling all good, a garage, Jugs life changed that day.  Jug would have to eventually walk down that hill and go to his home but Jug was completely in that moment wit tea and Jug was and has proven to be forever grateful for the value meeting teapot has brought to his life.  Jug provided entertainment and Jug is good at it, you know the sober guy that’s loving life, the only one on the dancefloor, singing and talking the loudest like hey look at me.  That is Jug, the go to guy for anything you trying to do good or bad because Jug has lived.  Jug travels the country for fun, he has made a living by traveling to countries and providing some of the most epic memories in travel history.  You look at Jug and just automatically get inspired ladies love him, businesses respect his word and opinions. Jug has the President’s personal number and thats him -- the only person that can make the impossible possible – it is so important to have those people in your life that can connect with every age group and just find a common ground between different parties.  You just have to see this man to believe this man.
Growing up Jug went to the community academy that required Jug to spend 7 days at the academy and he would go home for a total of 16 hours and after the 16 hours Jug would head back to the academy to finish out his next 7 days he did this for 6 years in lieu of elementary school.  Well in year three at the academy Jug was minding his own business and Jug went home for his 16 hour leave period and Jugs mom pops Jug in the back of the head like “wtf” Jug?
Jug: Momma what
Jugs Momma: Boy you been cutting your hair?
Jug: no momma
This continues for two continuous weeks and Jug is completely clueless because when Jug looks in the mirror all he sees is a billion dollar smile that he would sell his self short on if he grins... the dreamy eyes authors make up words to describe.  “Let’s call it hazel”
Jug was winning, fresh lineup, clothes was bummy but hey they all wore the same uniform, so LG.. F is the problem.
Jug strolls into his momma house on  summer leave that next week, and Jug momma put the paws on Jug.  You know the whoopen where you gotta go find the belt and you gotta find the one momma talking about or you gonna get hit wit the wrong belt and told to go find the other one…
when yo momma say “go get the belt” vs. “go get MY belt” the difference and  the tone in those two statements are completely different and has two different sides of the type of ass that gets whipped.  
When you get “the belt” only a little bit of ass is getting tore up so you good… when momma says get “MY BELT” well that my friend is all the ass.
That’s one of them beat downs that go like...
Boy (pop) didn’t (pop) I (pop) tell (pop) you (pop) to (pop) stop (pop) cutting (pop) yo (pop) hair (pop)
Huh? (Pop)
Get done you got snot bubbles, had two socks on now one of them outside underneath the car the other in the freezer stuck to the ice tray like its been there for a week.. yeah that type of life
Well a couple days later Jug was in his room iceing his buns when he hears his mothers voice scream out for him under his breath you know what Jug is saying so insert something you’d be saying in lieu of my sentence.
Jug gets up and goes in the other room and his Momma looks at him as if he were a newborn with all the love and desire a mother does and says to Jug.  I scheduled you a doctors appointment I have been talking to some people and they say I should …. Jug interrupts his Mom…
Jug: who is they Mom because if you are about to say what I think you are about to say then I need to meet them immediately.
Jugs Momma: Well what do you think I am about to say
Jug: Well, with all due respect momma - - I think you about to say …. Takes a deep breath and
That …
That umm…
Jugs Momma: say it son, you can tell me
Jug: you sure?
Jugs momma: yes son, you can say whatever it is you are thinking
Jug: I was going to say that I think you are about to say that “they” told you to stop beating my @ and like I been tellin yo xxxx xxx I ain’t been cutting my fxxxx hair, shoot”
Jugs momma: yes son its called alopecia.. wait a second Boy who you talkin.. you know what. Go get the belt…
Jug: sighs and drops his dobber and starts that stroll to the belt room and just as he takes a step momma gone say
Jugs momma: you ain’t gotta go get the belt but you better watch yo mouth, don’t know who you think you in here talkin to like that.. done lost yo mind.. clearly.
Think you talkin to boy.. I…
See when momma told Jug “boy … I” Jug was always curious to know – You’ll what? But Jug is a smart person… Jug takes his Loss… later in life someone told Jug the same phrase .. “boy…I” and Jug being the curious character he is.. Jug said it.. you’ll what? And to Jugs surprise Jug got muffed in the face and Jug would go on to never be curious again about what boy I… means.. because if someone tells you “Boy….I”
That means they are going to muff you.. so take your L.. or say “Boy..I” back to them and get ready for a muffing contest because boy I means nothing more than Boy I will muff you..in the face..
Jugs Momma: Yes son, in grown peoples words that is what I’m saying to you, and "they" is just people that gossip.
Jug: I don’t know momma, I don’t like gossip
Jugs Momma: not like that gossip, boy, shut up, you going to the doctor so go get ready.
School years begins Jug is bald, and Jug gets clowned every single day and Jug laughed along, soaked in the attention and listened to what the kids were saying.  Laughed louder than the other kids, complementing the very kids that were talking so bad about him and Jug had no choice because Jug couldn’t fight and Jug was lost, confused.  Jug knew why they were talking about him but didn’t know how to make it stop so Jug took L’s day in and day out until one day… The King of all Joke makers connected with Jug on a “I’m too great of a jokster to waste time talkin bout yo globe head self” type level...and that Jokster looked at Jug and Jug looked back and it was like the torch was passed to Jug.. and in that moment Jugs mouth opened and said one of the most legendary bars in the history of joke telling.
Jug: If you don’t get yo old…..
.. now “if you don’t get yo old” is the perfect setup however it is tricky to pull off but if you pull it off you are elevated to a different tier of joke telling…and Jug did it...
Jug was invicible from that day forward.. everyone loved Jug and Jug loved everyone.. For years the very kids that talked reckless to Jug was in the laugh of a joke (blink of an eye -- get it?? Laugh of a joke?? No?) Jugs biggest support system.  
Jug transformed that day into a legend, and in that moment Jug knew it was his life’s gift to spread love joy and happiness all over the world and that led to him winning a unanimous decision presidential election.. Yeah..He was not even on the ticket, everyone in the country wrote his name on the ballot..the most unqualified candidate in the history of life ...thats a whole nother story....
Jug has just been asked the most important question in his life, no one has ever asked Jug how he is doing? Jug has made a living by connecting with people and for the very first time in his life Jug must complete one of the most important steps in overcoming and that is answering one very important question.
Teapot – Jug, you okay you kinda went to another place for like 14 minutes, I have literally been calling your name… it was like you were not even here at all – I mean one of the first things that you said to me was that you are in the moment with me… I know that look Jug, I’ve never seen it on you… but Jug!! I know that look.. what is it..???
Jug – tears begin to form
Teapot – NO!! NO!! NO!! No Jug, you do not get to cry your way out of this one… Now open your mouth .. use your words and you get in this moment with me… and you tell me what is going on…
Jug – wipes them tears away that almost dropped, drops his head and unleashes this:
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oh-theatre · 4 years
Objection!: Chapter 29
Chapter title: Staring Into Hell
First | Previous | Next
words: 2224
summary: With Logans remaining anger, they all just try to get through the days
pairings: Eventual logicality, prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing abuse, graphic descriptions, alcohol, shooting, crying
Ao3 Link  
“A wheelchair?” Logan baffles, he doesn't understand but Patton does. His mind already races quickly and goes over everything he’ll need to adjust for his lifestyle. He can hear Logan shooting questions towards the doctor but he can't focus on the deep set panic. How will he make his commute, take his children to school, oh my how may he present himself in court? “I simply do not understand doctor” Logan finishes
“I know its a difficult situation but it seems as though his injuries could worsen if we allow him to return to his normal life instantly it could have detrimental effects” He explains, Patton takes Logan's hand comfortingly, kissing it sweetly.”This is a precaution of the most vital need, he will attend physical therapy and we will make sure he is in top shape.” Logan huffs, a disappointed scowl. Patton gives an apologetic look to the doctor, he takes his cue. “Ill leave you two to discuss”
“Lo..” Patton ushers, Logan sits himself on the bed, in front of Patton. “I want to be able to hold my kids, I want to walk through the courtroom, I want to be able to…” He feels the ring around his finger, Logan had returned it almost as soon as Patton had awakened. “I want to be able to walk down the aisle” He smiles. Logan chuckles, though still restrained he understood.
“Alright...Alright” He nods, Patton gives him a grin. His hand places itself carefully on the lawyer's chest as Logan pulls him in for a kiss. “Now to more grim matters…” He proposes, Patton sighs averting his eyes. The room had been severely decorated by Emile. Who wanted nothing more than the father to feel at home. At his bedside table were three framed photos. The first was of Patton and the children on the day of their adoption, he held the twins with vibrant tears in his eyes. The second was of Patton and Logan, a photographer had taken it while the pair had danced at the gala. The third however, he wished for it to be taken away, Virgil and him smiling exhausted as their children climbed them happily. That used to be his most treasured photo….
Used to be
Now the sight of Virgil conjured the worst of stomachaches and the most confusion. He shook it out of his head allowing Logan to kiss him on his forehead but he kept facing away.
“We will discuss it at a later time” Logan allows, Patton nods feeling his eyes grow heavy with exhaustion, listening to Logan's farewell. “I'm going to go and get you some food”
“Jamahl!” Patton yells, he serves the children already sitting at the table, happily bouncing for breakfast. Terrance flaps excited as Remus and Valerie chow down quickly. Patton huffs rubbing his hands on his apron. “Jamahl breakfast! Lets go!” Patton attempts again, Logan chuckles coyly taking Patton in for a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Good morning busy bees” Logan greets, a kiss to each of their foreheads. Patton cleans, finally the kitchen looks untouched. And yet as Logan reads his paper, the children discuss in chatters, one piece is missing. Patton taps annoyed, he checks his watch once more. “Something bothering you love?” Logan inquires, washing away his cup.
“I have to get the children to school, Terrence to daycare and I have a court case” Patton lists, he looks to the stairs that lead up. “Jamahl!” He calls again, Logan takes him from behind, leaning his head on his husband's shoulder. “What on earth is he up to?” The clock buzzes giving neither time to answer. “Crap I've gotta go”
“I'll get him to school, you take the three musketeers,” Logan promises, his hand moving down Patton's arm while his pinky interlaces itself with Pattons. A quick squeeze before a blushed Patton rushes to get the children on their way.
“Wakey wakey Patton” A cold voice shivered down Patton's already sweaty back. He yawns sitting up, rubbing his blurred vision as he reaches for his glasses. Soon enough his blinking pays and he wishes it had not. “Feeling better cupcake?”
“Feel like i'm going to vomit” Patton replies, a scowl returns to his face. Liam smirks taking a spot at the end of the bed. “Why are you here?” He asks for what seems the millionth time. Liam inches closer, and for a moment Patton can just seem himself return to his sinking self. Liam could take his cheeks right now and Patton fears his own control. Thank god for his fiancee
What a stranger idea
He couldn't help but blush
“Liam, I'm going to give a single millisecond to remove yourself from the premises” Logan announces, Patton bites his lower lip. Liam nods but stands. “Go on now, coward”
“Actually I dont think I want to” Liam chuckles, Patton swears things moved too quickly. Logan grabs his collar, delicately but hes pinned now on the wall. “What the hell! Get off of me!”
That was Patton's line
“Get out and leave Patton and his childr-”
“Our!” Patton corrects “Our children” he smiles, Logan refuses the intense urge to grin but nods.
”-Our children alone” He makes the change, proudly. Liam groans, finally getting the clearly superior man off of him. He gives Patton one more glare before disappearing. Logan wipes his hands, sanitizing. Patton falls back on his pillow laughing. “What? I don't like him” Logan sits.
“You and me both dearest” Patton sighs, he stretches his arms gladly taking Logans water. “Hey” His tone softens, he reaches for Logans more than ready hand. “I want kids” He admits, Logan retracts, sucking in.
“I hate to inform you but you already do” Logan teases “Two in fact” Patton turns to his shoulder laughing, Logan would never get tired of that. Patton tugged carefully, Logan takes his lay next to him. He wraps him up, they lounge comfortably.
“I want more” He finds Logans fingers, interlacing them carefully. “With you” He requests, Logan lets out a sweet breath, kissing gently on the nape of Patton's neck. “I know we have the twins, and I love them more than anything, but I want more kids...i want a-”
“Family” Logan completes
“Talk to me Logan!” Virgil grabs the lawyers arms, the fuming rage he faces terrifies him. “Please just let me explain”
“You dont get it do you? There is no explanation” Logan faces him. “Thats it, nothing is justifiable ok?”
“It was for Damian! I had just gotten him, I was young and stupid and wanted to make sure my kid was ok! I have never felt so much shame in my life but I needed it” Virgil rushes, Logan keeps his face cold but he knows in a heartbeat Patton would figure Virgil.
“And Remy?” But before Virgil can answer his face resolves “Emiles surgery…” Virgil nods, shuffling his feet on the ground. “Still, you shouldn't have taken the money, there were other ways...other solutions. You're just lucky that Patton was able to get out of that situation.” Logan tries his hardest to remain calm, his breath quivers but he musnt. “But what would have happened if Patton had not, if he had stayed?”
“I know that! Look, don't tell Patton, I need him to forgive me in his own time...I don't want him to know why...he's too forgiving and he has every right to be upset but I needed you to understand” Logan nods, he still has his duvidas. “But Logan....why do you care so much if we took the money?”
“Because I didn't Virgil” Logan reveals, the detective's heart drops. Of course it was a stupid question in the first place, it was Patton, it was a bribe. “I had a case, we had a case. We could have gotten him out of there. But then strangely two of my testimonies dropped out”  Logan shook his hand, grunting. “I don't want to talk about this, or talk to you, or anything” He takes his coffees disappearing behind Patton's room. “Hey”
“Hi!” Patton smiles, the twins giggle from their hiding spot. Logan keeps his eyes forward however, as if nothing was heard. “I can't seem to find the twins, would you care to help me my love?” Logan breaths, a cheeky smirk .
“I suppose I can, I wouldn't want our children to disappear” He laments, soon the door opens and they both rush into Logan's arms.
“No dada!” They cry, he kneels hugging them tight. Patton watches from his bed, his heart couldn't comprehend this. Was this real? Logan carries the kids to the bed, all four of them. A happy family...their happy family. His…
“You alright honeybee?” Logan whispers as the twins focus their energy on the tv. Patton nods, cradling himself into Logan's chest, the twins following into their fathers. “You look sad”
“No no...far from it” He promises, kissing Logan. “Are you? I heard some frustrated voices outside” Patton fiddles with Valerie's hair, braiding it gently. “Sounded like Virgil…”
“Not right now Pat” Logan assures “We are here, together and…” He falters, Patton turns him. He wipes away the newly freshened tears. “I apologize Patton, it seems I am overwhelmed at the moment” Logan admits, Patton purses his lip struggling to reach the tissues. “I love you”
“And I you”
“Alright shithead, fucker, pile of trash-”
“Virgil” Remy kicks him under the table, the detective glares. “Liam” Remy seethes. “You want to tell me where you were approximately an hour after the situation was diffused?”
“I was behind the barricade, the doctors were checking me” Liam concludes, Virgil kicks the chair. He knows as soon as he checks with the emergency response team, Liam would be on their record. He may be a flaming pile of trash but he isn't a killer.
“You're free to go” Virgil bites his lip, feeling his skin almost chew off.
“And I didnt even have to pay you this time” Liam snarls, Remy holds Virgil back while Liam makes his way out.
“Argh!” Virgil pounds, Remy signals for the rest of the team to leave from behind their one way mirror. “I'm so sick of him beating us! Always beating the goddamn system!” Virgil huffs, Remy's hand placed on his back for support. “I shouldnt have done it, we shouldnt have taken the fucking money Remy”
“I know...I know..I know I know-”
“Stop it!” Virgil slaps the table “Just...I have to go”  Virgil grunts.
“Patton?” Virgil knocks “Pat? Ready to-” Virgil pauses listening to the grunts
“Shut it or ill stuff-” The voice pauses “Whos there?” The detective recognizes the disgusting voice of the slimy intoxicating man. Liam.
“Its Virgil, Pat and I have a lunch date” He knocks once more, quiet but annoyed shuffling can be heard before the door opens up. Patton whimpers on the couch, his beagle Molly comforting him, the twins safely away at his sisters. “Are you ready to go?” He addresses. The lawyer coughs, clearly wiping something away from his face. He stands, plastering a fake smile. Virgil sees the bruise, he sees it and he goes towards Liam as Patton gets into his car. “WHat the hell did you do?” He accuses
“Now now detective, remember that information is not for you...not anymore” His sly smile turns Virgil's stomach. “If I do recall, a hundred grand being placed in yours and detective Nyx’s name sealed that”
For damian
For damian
For me…
He felt sick
“You're not giving me much choice” Roman sighs,Logan smirks, rolling his eyes. The pair make their way from the cafeteria, holding three trays of food. Logans, Romans and of course Pattons. The breeze was chilly as the doors would swirl open every now and then. Roman enjoyed this moment, right now, everything was fine. Everything was ok.
“You alright?” Logan asks, turning the corner, he smiles politely to the nurses and doctors who rush by.
“I'm doing alright for myself specs” Roman catches himself in the bliss. James, Patton, his job, his friends...everything was alright. Pattons room was just up ahead, he could make out two figures. James must have beaten them to it. His phone buzzes in his coat, he holds them up for a moment. “Roman Reial!”
“Ro?” It was soft, almost a squeak but he knew who was on the other line. Virgil.
“What is it?” He felt commanding, a fierce tone as he demands an answer. He could hear the sniffles, the desperation and he softened. “Virge?” He whispered.
“I...I need to talk to you please” He begs, Roman could feel the heat rise. Logan furrows his brows but allows them to continue the conversation. “Just later? A-at some point?”
“Sure, yeah, of course” He rushes, the phone falls into his pocket. Had he hung up? Thank god he hadn't. They approach the door, swinging it open with charm. “Alright we hav-” His heart fell flat, the scene couldn't have played out like this. “James” Roman barely breathes
“That does appear to be my name” The judge says, Logans lips tremble angrily
“And you do appear to be pointing a gun at my fiance” Logan growls
“Well he just won't die” James claims, a quick click.
The safety's off
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heartslobbf · 5 years
iconic percival moments.
listen ok. the most badass thing in the history of anything ever is making your premiere in a show by CAUSING A GIANT FUCKING ROCKFALL SINGLEHANDEDLY and saving everyone’s butts from an immortal army. let’s just ignore the fact the writers never gave him the central episode he deserved and adore the shit out of this dumb scene instead
his lil :D when he realises he’s on first name terms with a prince oh my fucking GOD he’s so precious
the chicken thing. listen. listen. everyone laments about this scene all the time i KNOW but like baby look at the fucking grate it’s tiny like oh my god that chicken isn’t going to fit percy please this is why you shouldn’t socialise with gwaine
when he either basically fucking materialises or turns into sonic for a hot sec to save gwaine from the dorocha in that one scene in 04x02. like. you just walked off into a cave about ten seconds ago HOW DO YOU JUST APPEAR LIKE THAT PERCY CAN YOU FUCKING TELEPORT HOW DID YOU DO IT ITS LOGISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FROM THAT ANGLE KEKDKDKFJF
*merlin returns from the dead* percy: MERLIN!!!!!! :D
the rest of the knights: tee hee hee let’s not give merlin any food wow we’re so fucking funny hahahahaha percy, the only hufflepuff left after lance died, absolute sweetheart, would jump off a bridge for you if you asked nicely: uhhh i loved it :D !!!!!
the line “you’ll be getting shorter if i have my way” makes me, a lesbian, tremble with fear i mean holy fucking SHIT tom hopper did that
his face of pure unadulterated judgement during the stew/reading scene in 04x10
percy: *heartfelt speech about how all the knights love elyan so much and understand why he tried to kill arthur and no they’re not mad at him they just want to talk* also percy: *knocks elyan out cold*
in 04x12 when simpleton Arthur is just being simpleton Arthur and Percy’s just like “let’s go!!!!!!” like he doesn’t give a fuck if the king is suddenly a dumbass he Will save your fucking life because he’s a sweetheart
gwaine: *severely malnourished, exhausted, near death* percy, unable to not validate elyan’s joke because he’s a sweetie: :D !!!!
not wearing sleeves in the freezing fucking snow. he has a brand and he sticks to it. iconic.
gwaine: *disappears for days on end with no word in a deeply hostile environment* arthur: where the fuck is gwaine percy: 🤷‍♂️
percy sweetie i don’t CARE if you’re a skeptic that doesn’t believe in ghosts, uther pendragon is a classist prick back from the fucking dead and he hurled a wholeass axe at you at like a million miles per hour iT DIDNT FUCKING FALL FROM SOME DUMB RACK PERCY PLEASE I THOUGHT YOU WERE VAGUELY SMART PERCY CMON
percy babe i know you are Literally Hercules but percy sweetheart you’re not gonna be able to just shrug every single one of odin’s men off you like i appreciate the effort but honey
just stopping to check if his shoes are rubbing in 05x06 like yes we stan a self care queen ✨🍃🌸
seeing merlin sneaking around ““garnering herbs”” in 05x10 and just being like !!!!!! :D
punching poorly written mordred. that’s it. that’s the whole thing.
when he hears his friend the literal love of his life in pain and it’s literally all the motivation he needs to break free of some Thicc ropes. like. the sheer strength of this boy. the unconditional affection he has for his found family. im just going to say it: iconic.
anyway these are just off the top of my head at 1:08 am because my love for percival knows no bounds. please love and appreciate him more he deserves it he’s sad and loves his friends so fucking much.
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aceofwhump · 4 years
Okay I think enough time has passed that I can post this now. Here are my thoughts on Outlander 5x08
So I am both disappointed by and incredibly happy with Outlander 5x08. Mostly pretty happy. It’s a weird contradiction but I'll try to explain.
The Disappointments:
We only got like a minute of them saving Roger and that was it. PLUS it was told via silent film style. Which mean it was quick, in black and white, and SILENT. 
I’m so utterly pissed off over the fact that they included my favorite Jamie/Roger line BUT IT WAS SILENT!!! Jamie told Roger, with a hand over his heart, “You’re alive. You’re whole. All is well” BUT IT WAS SILENT! I DIDN’T GET TO HEAR JAMIE SAY IT TO HIM!!!! I’M SO MAD ABOUT THAT!!! I WANTED TO HEAR IT SAID OUT LOUD SO BADLY!! I LOVE THAT LINE!!!!
I also really wanted to see the life saving surgery Claire performs on Roger and it was all shown via silent film style and I did not like that at all. I feel like it really took me away from the moment and as a whump lover I desperately wanted to see this moment in all of its brutal glory.
We didn’t see any of the 3 months of recovery!!!!!! Absolutely none of it!!! Not one second!!! I'm SO pissed!!!
Honestly that was pretty much it. I was so severely disappointed as a whump fan that those scenes didn’t happen and that we cut straight to 3 months later. So fucking pissed we never saw Claire take care of him or how afraid Bree was to leave his side for fear he’d die. That we never saw Roger want to tell them what happened to him but be unable to because of his voice and his hands. Jamie talking to him or how his words were an anchor for him when he woke up. I’m so mad we got none of that. UGH!
Oh I with there had been more moments with him and Jemmy because the book had Jemmy has a big reason why he works on his voice and begins to heal and in this episode Jemmy was kinda nothing to him.
The Happy:
This episode was entirely focused on Roger!!!!! I was so worried it wouldn't be because his story is often set aside for other stupid things but this episode was all Roger baby!!! THE FOCUS WAS ON ROGER FOR A MAJORITY IF NOT ALL OF THE EPISODE!!!!!!!! That’s what he deserved and I am beyond thrilled about it!!! 
Roger teaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE SAW OXFORD PROFESSOR ROGER WAKEFIELD AND I DIED!!! He’s an amazing teacher and I loved seeing him as a professor.
Richard Rankin portrayed Roger’s trauma and ptsd so incredibly perfect I have no words. The way that man is able to portray Roger’s fear, sadness, loneliness, and despair without saying a single word is a true testament to his acting abilities. His eyes spoke volumes
I got so emotional every time we saw Roger alone because that’s how he feels. He’s lost and scared and alone and I just wanted to hug him. I think the most poignant moment for this, for me was the dinner scene where there was an empty chair, Roger being conspicuously absent during that scene only for us to see that he's actually alone in the cabin trying to sing again and having flashbacks. It's so freaking heartbreaking!!!
Each flashback Roger had throughout the episode. I loved that not only were these moments throughout the whole episode but they were shown through Roger's eyes. I loved that the feel of the burlap bag sent him into a ptsd induced flashback, how Marsali kept pulling the Hanged Man card for his tarot reading and it gave him flashbacks, the nightmare and the flashback he had by the cliff. All so emotional and all wonderfully showed how deeply scarred Roger is by this trauma.
Roger crying. Look I love whump and emotional whump is my favorite thing in the world so every time Roger let some tears loose I loved it. When he cried hearing Brianna sing Clementine to Jemmy and then when he let one tear drop while Bree told him to fight I LOST IT OKAY I LOST IT AND I CRIED BOTH TIMES RIGHT WITH HIM
The astrolabe. I absolutely loved how it was included in the episode and how Ian used it to calm Roger after he had a nightmare. Amazing. "Wherever you thought you were, we're both still here" UGH MY HEART
Lord John Grey and Bree. I love their friendship and how at ease they are with each other and their scene was so cute and perfect. 
The scene of Marsali playing with the tarot cards with Roger was cute until it was sad. I thought it was cute that she was taking time out of her day to sit with Roger and play cards with him and just be with him. She thought about how alone he must be and decided to keep him company. And then it all went to shit when she pulled the Hanged Man card twice and Roger had a flashback and then I cried a lot. 
The paper airplane. That was a wonderful way for Bree to connect with Roger. It wasn’t demanding or aggressive. It was sweet and open and full of meaning for him. I loved it.
Claire worrying that Roger plans on killing himself and voicing those concerns to Jamie. Any time we get Claire worrying about Roger makes me happy and now we got Jamie worried too and yes! LOVE IT! 
This episode was a great discussion of how Bree and Jamie and Roger all deal/dealt with trauma differently. Jamie got lost for a while like Roger. Brianna had to fight and act normal and be normal. Roger is lost and broken. People respond to trauma differently. 
Sophie’s singing!! She sings so beautifully! It was so nice to see her singing to Jemmy but then I got sad because Roger could hear it and he started fucking sobbing because he’ll never be able to sing to his son again and I thought about the promise he made and now i’m gonna cry
The moment when Roger returns from the surveying trip and finally speaks to Bree and tells her what he’s been going through. God it was hard to watch but so so good!!
Honestly the whole trip with Ian to survey the land was perfection. 
I liked that this episode really showed how Roger’s voice is his identity, his strength, and how lost and afraid he is without it. This whole season has been trying to show how Roger fights not with his hands or with a weapon but with his words. He talks to people, he sings to them and we’ve seen the effect it has. Without his voice Roger is utterly lost. His whole identity is shaken and hes afraid. What will he do now?
Was Disappointed by At First but Came To Love by the End:
The silent film flashbacks.
I'm really very conflicted about the flashbacks. I hate it because it took away from my whump but I also thought, by the end, that it was the PERFECT way to show Roger's flashback episodes because when you have a trauma related flashback like that it really can be just specific scenes playing over and over in your mind. And for Roger this is just how it happens. Silent, jarring, and disjointed. Silent film style was kind of the perfect way to encapsulate that feeling inside of Roger for the audience. 
As I thought on it more and more I think showing it to us only as silent film only to show the whole hanging scene in all of its technicolor glory was fucking brilliant because not only were the silent film parts showing us how its seen in Rogers head but when we see it in full is the moment Roger is able to take a step forward in his recovery. He sees it all clearly for the first time and is able to accept it and begin to move forward and I think that amazing. 
So even though I still wish the saving wasn't in b&w silent film style I do love the use of it throughout the rest of the episode. They could have done the Claire surgery part in normal and throw in the silent film flashbacks between moments and the continue to use it for the rest of the episode like they did. It would have made Roger seem to be coming in and out if consciousness, seeing his hanging and then jumping into the tracheotomy and back to silent film hanging and then bam its Brianna whispering for him to open his eyes then bam hanging silent film and zap Jamie is speaking and end with a fade out and then fade into the 3 months later. That's how I'd have done it i guess. 
The changing of the first time Roger speak
I was so pissed that they didn’t have Roger say Brianna’s name after he shouted at Jemmy to not touch the hot stove but it made the moment when he does say her name after returning from the surveying trip so much sweeter. And at the time, he was still really broken and scared to speak so saying her name at the time wouldn’t have been right. I liked that even though he said something he was still broken and not ready. It was the right time for it in the books but not for this episode.
Ian coming back early
I had a feeling Ian was returning when I saw that promo pic of Claire and Jamie smiling with Jemmy and I was soooooooo worried he was going to overshadow Roger but he didn’t! Even when he arrived and killed the boar I was like oh god was that all of Roger we're gonna see now that hes back!? But that didnt happen at all!! In fact, they were great parallels to each other and helped each other heal in a way that was so much better than the book. And I loved that Roger was the first to hug Ian and he tried to thank him and speak but couldn’t and sort of ran away. It was great. the actors worked so well together
Roger's surveying trip
I was mad at first that they shoved Ian in with Roger on his what is supposed to be a personal healing journey because I was worried this would take away from how healing this job becomes for him. He uses this surveying job to find his way again and I didn’t want putting Ian with him to disrupt that. Roger’s story hasn’t been treated well so I get worried a lot that his time is gonna be taken by someone else. But this was an amazing idea and the whole trip was remarkably better than the books. I hated the whole fire and seeing Fanny Beardsley thing that went on in the books so I’m very glad it happened like this. This was way better. Ian and Roger were able to help each other and I loved that Ian was kind of looking after Roger during the trip. I wonder if Jamie or Claire asked him to do that. It must have been really hard to film those scene with only Ian being able to talk but the two of them were amazing together. I loved it.
So even though I didn’t get a lot of what I wanted to see I think I'm really happy with this episode. We got some incredible ptsd related emotional whump from Roger, everyone worrying about and trying to help him, and Richard is so amazing I think I can be okay with not seeing some of those book scenes I wanted to see. Still gonna be disappointed by it cause that's quality whump I not getting but god this episode was so damn good it's okay. I love the changes they made and the acting was phenomenal. There were some really heartbreaking moments and I love it. Really, it was a great episode. 
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starkerdayss · 5 years
I’ve seen it, and I have things to say...
Okay, so, let’s start with the light-hearted stuff first: 
Bruce Banner finally accepting the Hulk as a whole ??? yes
America’s Ass
Steve winning the battle with his other self by naming Bucky ?? marvel cant resist the gay tm even if they tried 
Carol Danvers and her lesbian haircut can fuck me up with a rake 
There was a brief moment where I shipped Natasha and Carol, but that just fell off a cliff ;)
Peter Parker emerging from that portal looking FiNNER than ever. my poor starker heart
i like the way Steve said “avengers... assemble” meaning everyone on their side was an avenger, even the smallest of them all. they just... thats the perfect fucking ending. theyre all avengers. 
loki just randomly grabbing his cube and disappearing 
is gamora like... alive? why is gamora 
tony stark being the motherfucking hero agAIN literally just proves that without him marvel is and will be nothing. he invented time traveling... it doesnt get better than that, folks 
every single character together on the same planet fighting the same evil 
my relieved ass when thanos got dusted 
“this is the one?” “the options were him or a tree”
Tony fucking Stark lived happy for five years with his daughter okay
Now, onto the sadded stuff: 
Thor, as far as I know, was written that way for this movie to add some commedy, but it just literally broke my heart to see him like that after losing everything. 
Continuing with Thor, the encounter with his mother. She’s just really wise, and understanding and I’m so glad Thor got the closure he needed on that department. 
I’m going to express how insanely mad I am about Steve’s ending. First of all, I feel like the happy ending that Tony deserved they gave to Steve. I’m not saying he shouldn’t have ended happy as well, but common. I understand that he wanted to live a life with Peggy, but even if it was six seconds for the others, he left Bucky alone. He doesn’t have Steve, Tony, Natasha. Anyone, and he didn’t even get the shield? catch me on CNN news hitting marvel writers with a frying pan. 
What the fuck was Natasha’s ending? It felt flat and it was really... quick. I just... don’t like it. 
Tony dying. I cried so hard that my little sobbing stopped me from watching the whole scene. Peter finally got his hug, and then he was calling for him saying “mr. stark... we won! mr. stark, do you hear me? we won... tony?” just... breaks my heart. Pepper calming him down, telling him that he could rest in peace... it just, also breaks my heart. Peter has no mentor, Pepper has no husband and Morgan has no father. I love you 3000. im crying as i write this, obviously. he deserved so much better. “proof that tony stark has a heart”. fucking hell, my heart is so sad. the fucking funeral is just,,, the worst thing that has ever happened to me
i love that peter reconnected with his friends and all but you could see the sadness in his eyes. specially in the funeral, when aunt may was holding him. 
happy is just such a good person, and i know he’s going to miss his boss. hes going to take care of that little girl like it was his own daughter
we didnt get enough groot/rocket and im pissed. 
we also didn’t get bucky/steve recognition aT ALL and if anyone wants to talk about this pls come to my dm’s 
i truly dont know how im going to get passed this 
my starker heart was going to explode “i lost the kid” and the hug and “tony...” and fucking hell 
peter sorrounded for women. which isnt sad but i remembered now 
doctor strange telling tony that it was the only way literally just fucks up everything 
i didnt see doctor strange in the funeral ?? i might have been crying too hard to notice tho,, but if any of u did can u let me know. where my boy at 
tony got closure with his dad as well and that simultaneously breaks my heart and leaves me a little calmer 
loki had no respectful ending whatsoever and im mad 
im happy for clint and scott but they did my man stark wrong 
was that rando at tony’s funeral harley? i thought i was going to see much more tbh 
they better not leave sam and black panther in nothing just cuz theyre black cuz everybody a racist nowadays. im watching marvel.
I have a bunch of theories, which im not telling right now cuz i have to get them together. 
you can all bET your fucking asses that im rewriting the end and im making it both starker and stucky 
beyond being a heartless movie, it has been the best one yet. the time traveling thing was a little confusing but the effects, the whole steve meeting steve was super well done and it kept me on the edge of my sit the three fucking hours. this has definitely been the best movie marvel has ever done. 
tony will forever remain in my heart, and my page is not going to acknowledge his death. 
tony stark was one of the few happy things i had left from my childhood and now its gone. my heart aches tremendously. I will never comprehend whats the reasoning behind it because tony is the whole foundation of marvel, and without him, theyre nothing. i cant believe hes dead. i cant believe it and i just... that should not have been his ending. i love him, i loved him and i will always love him. Rest In Peace, my love. 
“And I’m... Iron Man”
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Forget About It ~ S.P. (part 5)
A/n: I didnt go to sleep after all... So yeah um here's the next part OOPS. Also I didn't realize I already have a part five so I wrote this whole thing and then found the part five aId already written except I liked this a LOT more so, here's part five rewritten! Hope you enjoy it :)
Warnings: Bullying is the biggest one tbh. Isolation.
Word Count: 5000+
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You know there are some days when I really feel like this could work. Like you and I are finally gonna get it right... Then there are days like today, when you make me wanna tear my fucking hair out!
My first day back to Riverdale High was rough. The paperwork hadn’t taken long, but I had gotten used to South Side High, where expectations were low and no one gave the teachers the time of day. Where drugs roamed wild and everyone had the insignia of some gang or another.
Which means I’d made the mistake of wearing my Serpent’s jacket, to begin with.
Everyone was glaring at me. Every single pair of eyes of every single person I cane across threw daggers at me mercilessly. It was only a matter of time before Cheryl Blossom got her claws around me.
“If it isn’t Judas herself!” The red headed cheerleader greeted far too brightly. “Et tu, Brute?”
I rolled my eyes. “Do you want somethjng Cheryl, or are you here simply to get your kicks in because you need a distraction from the lack of your own pathetic, sad existence?”
Perhaps I’d been too harsh. Cheryl wasn’t like anyone in the Serpents. They all hesitated to strike back. They saw when they’d been defeated and were smarter about the approach, even if said approach was waiting until you were alone to strike. Because, unlike in the North Side, if you attacked someone in the South Side there would always be someone who stood up for that person. You mess with someone, you mess with their freuds or family. Or worse, the gang they’re in- which is the same thing, except a gang will rip you apart.
On the North Side, everyone was fighting for themself. Even if I hadn’t been an outsider here, no one would have stepped in. But, since I was a ‘Judas’ as Cheryl had so eloquently put, not only was no one stepping in, but they were thriving off of it. When I insulted her, they all turned on me with equally nasty looks and it made me feel small and in very much danger. Cheryl thrived off of it.
“Keep your head down, Serpent.” Her mockingly sweet tone had dropped to a hateful, dangerous curl. “You’re in bulldog territory now, and we’ll eat you alive.” She walked away and I was reminded of the day Sweetpea Gad come to my house to face down Archie and Reggie had told him the same thing.
I looked around and saw everyone mirroring that same look in Cheryl’s eyes. I tried not to look too terrified as I kept walking.
The day continued with everyone giving off an attitude like that. People made large circles around me in hallways and classrooms alike, squishing together so they could be as far away from me as possible. Two kids tripped me, and a third tried and failed. Shoulders slammed into me in the lunchline and eyes followed me everywhere. The traiter North Sider turned Serpent had returned, and no one was happy about it. They had made it as clear as I had.
Finally, I got some relief from school when Jughead called me. After talking for a little while though, I nearly lost my crap on him. "FP got out and you're only telling me this NOW?" I demanded.
I could FEEL Jughead wince. "He needed some time to get readjusted and have some space... Plus, you do too. How are you holding up on the North Side?"
A sigh escaped me as I tried not to reveal how anxious that question made me. It had been going... not well, to say the least. "Don't change the subject, Jones. You could have told me at least! I need to know what's going on in the South Side, you guys are my family. I'm going to lose my MIND if I find out something major happened and I missed it because no one's talking to me."
"No one's talking to you?"
My mouth audibly snapped shut. "I...” I worked my jaw in an attempt to loosen it. “No, they're not. Not returning my calls or calling me- I'm in the dark here..." I sighed, pushing a hand through my hair.
He paused. "I called to tell you they're throwing a party for my dad. I wanted you to come." His voice sounded tight.
"What's wrong Jug?"
There was a quiet that stretched long enough to make me anxious. "Penny's still on my case."
"What?" I snapped, tensing.
He rushed to explain, maybe to soothe me, but he just couldn't do both. The explanation would only make me more upset. "She targeted Betty. She has a video. It's- a mess. I don't know what's going on with everybody else but I just need you at this party okay? I know I've been distracted and told you last minute but you're still one of my closest friends, Y/n." There was a pause and his tone lightened. "My dad complains that he didn't get to enjoy your cooking." I smiled. "I didn't realize how much you... helped things, around here. I miss you."
My voice was soft when I responded. "I'll be right over Jug. Maybe yell at Fangs to get off his ass and come pick me up." My smile fell. "Or I can... I'll figure it out."
Another pause. There was so much tension and awkwardness. I absolutely hated it. "I'm sorry."
My eyes closed. "I know." Forcing my tone light and trying to ignore the false note in the words, I chirped, "See you soon! Can't wait to see that karaoke machine- maybe I'll get someone to go up there with me." We exchanged our goodbyes and hung up. I moved from the pillows and blankets on the floor of my room to the door. The room otherwise remained completely untouched, just as it had been when I very first left it. I still couldn't find it in myself to touch anything. Especially now if anything, with everything going on at school. Even aside from that, it still felt invasive, but now it also felt dangerous too. This was a life I could so easily fall into. Fade away into. With my friends ignoring me for some reason and Archie and my dad only too eager to bring me fully back to the North Side, I made my statement clear. I was a guest in this house, not apart of even this room. I could see the hurt in my dad's face but I couldn't bring myself to mend the situation. There was no going back. This wasn’t my home anymore and it never would again.
After grabbing my Serpent jacket, I headed toward my door. I was going to North again and between that and this house, the tension never left my body. It was starting to become infused into the make of my very muscles. This jacket was the only comfort I had. It caused problems, but so far there wasn't much chaos about it since I didn't speak out about the bullying and no one else made as much of a scene as Cheryl had. I'd gotten through lucky so far.
On my way out of the house, I heard Archie and my dad talking. Despite myself, the tone of their voices worried me and I paused, listening. They were still my blood after all...
"So I take it things didn't go so well with the four-letter-word, huh?" My dad. My eyebrows came together. Wait, what?
"When I'm with Veronica, as dark as things get - and they've been getting pretty dark - she makes me feel like... everything is gonna be fine. She makes things fun. I don't wanna lose that."
My heart seized. He had said he loved Veronica? Was he really so lost to them? "You won't," my dad assured. "You just have to give her some time. And space. You're a great kid Arch. Really, get out there, have a good time." He began moving but I was frozen in place. "Take the pressure off."
Our eyes locked as he entered the hallway. Why was he encouraging it? Didn't he know how dangerous the Lodges were? Was it being around the Serpents that had made me so painfully aware of the twisted North Sider who was rich and so in power as I sat alone at night thinking how about all the danger and drama we'd had in Riverdale? How much Veronica hated her father? How much she had changed and given into him since he'd been back?
My father came to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. He didn't know what I was thinking exactly but he must have got the gist because his words hit home. "We all take our own path, Y/n. If Archie can find some stability and happiness with people his age, who am I to stop him? Really." He paused as I mulled over that. "He could use his sister right now." My lips pressed together. He sighed. "I know everything that's happened, but... he's been so lost since you've been gone. You gave him a purpose and he gave you security. And now..." He shrugged, his hand falling away. "Maybe just ask him for a ride? Where are you going by the way?"
I flinched. "Sorry, I was going to ask on my way out. Um, Jughead's having a party for his dad-"
My dad nodded. "I've heard. Be safe, okay?" I nodded. He left with just that and I stood alone, on the stairs, thinking.
When I looked up again, Archie stood there. "I'm going too. You... want a ride?"
There was only a second before I mumbled, "Sure."
The car ride was absolutely silent. No nervous tapping, no conversation- not even any music. It was like we were both terrified to more more than necessary, even to breathe. When we got there and he parked, he sighed. "Y/n-" I wanted to bolt and he seemed ready for me to do so and for his words to be lost to me. But my dad's words came back to me and I forced myself to stay. I was... curious. I wondered where this boy who used to be my whole world stood as I lost my footing in the world I thought I knew. It seemed every time I was sure of myself the rug was pulled from under me. Why not go for another fall? He looked at me, unsure if he should continue or not.
A breath escaped through my nose. "Truce?" I asked, holding out my hand. He looked at it, smiled at the childishness, and then took my hand. There was a little release in the cement wall between us. It became a little thinner. The distance shortened, just slightly. We both smiled and then I slipped out of the car, returning to one of the places that felt like a real home. My smile grew to a grin.
I didn't find Sweet Pea before I found my brother on stage with his girlfriend, both singing and the tension between them tangible.
So the problem hadn't been solved yet.
"Mad World"? Really? I stood in my place, my heart filling with sadness. They ran off the stage and I almost followed them.
But then Betty got on stage.
I froze, eyes wide and lips parted. A second later my attention snapped to the people around me. My eyes landed on Sweet Pea, who chuckled. My heart exploded in my chest. Why was I suddenly sick to my stomach? My eyes landed on Jughead next. He wasn't looking at me but before I moved to his side I heard Alice Cooper whimper, "Oh my god." When I reached Jughead, my hand touched his arm. He looked away, his jaw working. And then to top it all off, FP Jones announced very dramatically that he wasn't retiring after all.
There was suddenly so much heaviness in my chest and I turned and left, moving outside.
Archie and Veronica.
Archie in GENERAL.
Betty and her- her Serpent dance.
FP was coming back to the Serpents after all.
The way Sweet Pea has looked at Betty Copper.
My friends all going dark on me, cutting me out of their life suddenly because I wasn't around to remind them I existed anymore.
Jughead was upset, shutting me out, and I could do nothing to even slow his steady fall into whatever darkness he felt consuming him.
The whole world was falling apart and I had been desperately trying to hold on... but my fingers had slipped and I was lost again.
I didn't wait for Archie. Like I had done so many times before, just as recklessly, I stormed out into the night in a known dangerous part of town, by myself. I didn't get far before I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I turned around, startled, to see Sweet Pea.
His smile faded as he took in my expression. I pulled away from him. "Y/n?" He didn't move, unsure what to do about me turning my back as I faced away.
"You know, this sucks." I took a sharp breath in, closing my eyes. "My father's heart is breaking because I'm turning into everything he fears. My brother lost another person as we both make reckless, desperate decisions to find stability and security. My best friend is being slammed in the face as his mistakes bite him in the ass. And my boyfriend-" I spun around to face him. "Has been ignoring me." Sweet Pea frowned. "My entire school is turning on me because I'm proud of the family I'm apart of. The family that is suddenly shunning me? GOD, what is this?"
He moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Hey, hey, slow down. What do you mean I'm ignoring you?"
"You haven't answered any of my calls," I gasped, trying to hold back tears. "I've been really alone and it's only been a little while but I'm so scared over there. I needed to hear your voice..."
His arms tightened around me. "I'm sorry. I've been busy with school and the Serpents are having a hard time with Jughead and Penny and with FP getting out of prison. My brain has just been super preoccupied. And I've been missing you too. I'm used to having you in person. We didn't ever text or call before- I just have to get used to it. I'm sorry, Y/n."
A sigh came from me. "Everyone around me is hurting and I can't do anything to stop it. To even begin to help. I'm worried, Sweets. I'm so worried..."
"I know," he soothed. There was a pause. "What did you say about school?"
Instantly my heart fell into my toes. I tried to play it off. Making a problem out of a bunch of idiots wasn’t going to do anything but make everyone feel worse. "Nothing. They're just being self righteous, dumb North Siders as usual." I pulled him close. "I miss you. I miss the South Side. The Serpents."
I pushed out all the stupid things I knew I didn't have to worry about. Archie wasn't my concern anymore. If our relationship was mended then fine, but for now I was still done with him. Sweet Pea's look at Betty, as well, was more of amusement than interest. I knew that, looking back, with my emotions a little clearer and with his reassuring hold to calm me. The Serpents weren't ignoring me. It was about perspective again. What I saw in the moment, with my silly emotions and jumping to conclusions. There was a real problem that I needed to focus on. Jughead. FP. Penny.
He rubbed my back. "What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking that I need to focus. I'm letting too much get to me." I shook my head. "One thing at a time. How have you been?"
I could hear the smile in his voice. "Of course that's your focus." I smiled too but at his next words it grew weaker. "I've been miserable. It's so cold and uncomfortable, sleeping without you. And we've been dying without your cooking. Your smile and your voice and your laugh and your hand in mine. You make the South Side so much better and I just- really miss you."
My hands tightened around his shirt, fingers pressing between my chest and his. "Sweets?" He hummed the question without saying the words. I bit my lip. I wanted to say it. Thinking about Archie and Veronica only made me want to say it more. But Archie and Veronica also made me more scared to say it. The three words. Those three damn words. "You're amazing. I'm glad we're together."
He paused. A long time. A VERY long time. "Y/n, I..." My eyes widened. The tone of his voice- was he going to say it? "I think I'm in love with you."
Oh. OH. That was so much deeper than 'I love you'. Even with the hint of question it still resounded into my bones, shaking through my body until it tingled in my toes. I was suddenly filled with light that buzzed in my system, waking me up and super charging me. I looked up at him. "I love you," I whispered, my voice cracking. "I'm in love with you." Our eyes locked and it felt so insanely right that our bodies both locked up right there. "I'm in love with you," I whispered again.
The words broke the spell and he broke into the brightest, most contagious grin. His lips found mine and everything was wiped away. Just like in those moments before, it didn't matter. Penny. FP. Jughead. Archie. Betty. The Black Hood. It could all wait for later because in this moment, nothing dark could exist in such pure happiness. The darkness of night seemed to morph around us, the stars and moon and artificial street lights and the lights from the Wyrm all becoming brighter, softer, warmer. Maybe we were young and this wouldn't last but who cared?
I was in love with a boy who was in love with me and despite the raging dangers of Riverdale, that's all that mattered for now.
We slowly parted, our foreheads pressing together. Archie spoke and I slowly looked over, still dazed. He spoke quietly, his eyes not meeting mine. "I'm sorry... but it's time to go home." He looked so defeated that my little glowing paradise was dulled, just a little. But I didn't frown, just nodded.
Turning back to Sweet Pea, I pecked him softly. "Call me when you get there okay? So I know you made it safe."
Ah, there was that glow again, at full power. I nodded. "Of course."
I might as well have been floating as I made my way to Archie's truck. I got in the passenger seat, the air inside it stifling. Archie was dark, oozing despare and agony and struggle. I was light, radiating joy and excitement and fulfillment and ease. My bright mood fought with his heavy one but I didn't notice it. I was stuck on cloud nine, Sweet Pea's kiss and words echoing in my mind to make everything so wonderful. The light and dark fought for dominance until we reached our house and Archie parked. There he finally gave in, letting my light infect him. "Why are you in such a good mood?"
I turned to him. "Sweet Pea told me he loved me." I didn't think about the words. They just came out of me. I was beaming and floating and brilliant and somewhere in my brain I worried that my success where he had failed would be like a slap in the face. I worried that he'd lash out at me and it would be ruined. "He said it and then I said it back and it felt so RIGHT." My hand went through my hair again and I sighed, melting into my chair.
Despite my distant concerns, Archie smiled. "That's amazing, Y/n." He paused. "You seem so happy there."
"Of course, it's my home. My family."
That did hurt Archie. I think both my success and my rejection were too much for him and his face crumpled. My happiness fell and I began to reach out a hand to him, lips parting. But that felt so wrong and it dropped before it even really begun reaching. Just a twitch.
I had been so ready to give him up... how did one begin to close a gap that was so incredibly wide? How do you compromise with the perfect North Sider I used to be and the South Side Serpent I now was? The... North Side Serpent? Was that who I was now?
We didn't talk for a long time. "I'm sorry, about that night. I shouldn't have left you. I shouldn’t have been out there at all." He couldn't look at me. "I'm so sorry."
"I'm genuinely glad what happened the way it did actually." He looked at me in surprise. "Look Archie I know that you're carrying the weight of our family falling apart on your shoulders, but you know what? Don't. I was weak before. Easily broken and walked all over. Now I'm strong. I have a family that doesn't just overprotect me but also lets me protect myself. They make me stronger instead of just... letting me be weak. I have a boyfriend who I LOVE who loves me and a home I feel safe and comfortable. I know our family isn’t as strong but this was the best thing that could happen to me. The Serpents are... fun." I cringed at the word. "Not always, but when they are- I don't know. It's like how you are with Veronica. What you said to Dad earlier. They make everything else disappear. They make it feel OKAY. And I know that I'm losing you, but it's not because I'm choosing the Serpents." A realization hit me and my eyes went wide. "I'm not a South Sider." The words were soft, remembering that night with Sweet Pea where he begged me to understand. Now I finally did and it was amazing. "I'm a NORTH Side Serpent." My back straightened. "You want to worry about something? You don't want to lose me? Stop regretting my time with the Serpents. Stop treating me like I sinned just because I'm not depending on you to function anymore. Appreciate that I've grown and that I'm strong now and love me for who I am, as I am. Not who I was. Not how strong I made you feel with my weaknesses. Accept me as I am, and maybe we won't just become strangers under the same roof." With that I left the truck, slipping inside the house.
I found my dad first. When he saw me, his face light up. I knew he saw it in my eyes. In my posture. In my hands and my smile and in the air around me. "How was-?" He cut off as I slammed into him, clinging to him. He gasped in surprise and then wrapped his arms around me as well, rubbing my back. "You okay?"
"I'm amazing," I whispered softly. "Everything is coming together, and... dad, I'm SO sorry. I'm sorry I shut you out and tried to be a Serpent and not include you in my life just because you're a North Sider. You're the best person in my life and I'm SO lucky to have you. I love you."
My father's chest shuddered and his hold on my solidified. "I love you too, Y/n. I'm proud to be your dad. I just want you safe. Okay?"
I smiled. "Okay."
"Do you promise me?" He asked desperately, pushing me back to hold me at arm's length.
I hesitated, meeting his eyes. "I can’r promise to be safe, dad. Even ont he North Side, things are dangerous and twisted. But-” I quickly added as he seemed to defalte in resignation. “I'll be careful. That I can promise." My smile faltered. "Duty will call, whether it be Serpents- or maybe even Betty or... Archie" he frowned at my hesitation and the odd look on my face at my brother’s name, but seemed to also acknowledged that I had included him at all. "But I will be careful."
He sighed. "I can... agree with that."
We hugged again and then I was off to my room. I texted Sweetpea to let him know I was back safe as I took off my shoes and jacket. When I finished, I jumped into bed and wrapped myself up in my blankets for the first time. The bed was actually comfortable and much nicer than the floor, but I was painfully aware of the absence of Sweet Pea where he should be - had been before I'd left - next to me. This had been the first I’d slept in a bed since I’d come back to the North Side. It felt weird not to have him there too. I pushed it away and pulled a pillow to my chest.
So it wasn't perfect. But it was quite nice all the same. I fell asleep better that night than I had since I'd been back.
Unfortunately, the next day, it was back to Hell. And the kids didn't give me a break.
Cheryl Blossom wasn't even the worst antagonizer. Tripping me, calling me names, insulting me, saying "it" instead of "she" as they talked crap about me loud enough for me to hear it, slamming doors in my face, pulling my hair, throwing harmless things at me in class, laughing ridiculously loud at me if I did ANYTHING even a little wrong... it was endless. They became more and more creative each day. Tripping in the hallway on purpose and slamming into me. Objectifying me loudly to anyone nearby. Banging on the bathroom stall I was in. Someone left a note in my locker telling me to go back "where I came from" as if I wasn't born and raised on the North Side.
The staff didn't help. Literally. I finally told them what was going on, showed them the note, asked for something - anything - but they pointed out that they couldn't punish the whole school or gave them excuses or straight up called me a liar.
I was getting bullied. Brutally.
It was only getting worse too. Halfway into the week, someone slammed their shoulder into mine and I dropped the three books I was carrying. I paused, honing my self control as kids tittered their laughter around me, before bending down. Someone whistled and I swallowed, the back of my eyes burning with tears as I picked up one book, two. As I reached for the third, someone kicked it out of my reach. I slumped in defeat when, suddenly, a hand reached down. My eyes widened as someone picked up my book. No! I looked up to see the commotion around me frozen as Archie moved to me through the students. When he looked at me, his expression was dark and angry. We hadn't talked since the conversation after the Not-Retiring-After-All party for FP and I wondered if he was mad enough to lash out at me for it. Everyone seemed ready for the Andrews sibling show down. If Archie treated me like shit I would never get another break. They’d have all their reasoning and I’d truly be hopeless. If my own brother did it...
He offered me his hand and it took me a second to realize it was to help me stand. I took it, speechless. My book still in his hand he looked at the students around him. "You think this is funny?" His voice carried and I froze, in awe. "You think this is OKAY? Because she's small? Because she's a girl? Because she's not lashing out? Because she's taking this? Because she's a Serpent?" He glared at the people around us in general. "Touch my sister again and watch what happens." He turned to me, putting an arm around my shoulders and guiding me to a more private place. I stared at him. "Are you okay?" He asked, finally offering the book. His face was gentle and his voice was soft. He was only concerned.
My eyes watered. "I..." My voice cut off. His expression twisted with pain.
"I'm so sorry Y/n, I didn't know it was like this until I saw it just now. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell the staff?"
"They won't do anything about it. Because I'm a Serpent."
Archie's pain mixed with anger and frustration and heartache. He saw the tears in my eyes and relaxed, settling in worry. He opened his arms and I slammed into his chest. He held me, soothing me with soft shushing and rubbing my back. "I'm here now, okay? No more North Side attacks. I'm here too." There was a pause and then he whispered, "You were right. I won't fight your battles for you, Y/n. But I will be here to have your back. Okay?"
I nodded, relaxing against him. "It's so good to have you back, Arch."
His hold on me tightened. "It's so good to be back." We hugged for a little bit longer before leaning away. Class would start soon. "Want to have lunch with me later?"
My smile warmed. "I'd love that."
He grinned. "Perfect. Come on, I'll walk you to class." He let me wipe my face clean and we waited a second for the both of us to calm down before heading to class. We chatted, casual and pleasant. With him by my side, no one bothered us. In class no one talked to me still - no one even sat next to me, a circle of empty chairs separating me from the rest of the students. The teacher ignored my raised hand and snapped at me for interrupting if I just said it out loud. But, also left me be. And it was all because of Archie.
That lifted my heart a lot. Gave me some hope. Maybe my brother wasn't as far out of my reach as I thought.
FTL: @alexa-playafricabytoto @chipster-21 @bitchyseawitch @justanotherdaydreamersoul
Story Tags: @reblogserpent @xprblmatcprincess @black-kitten-imagines @foolsgoldxo @90skpophoe
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