Y/n Dream Life
277 posts
-- 200+ comfort letters event -- Asks: Open -- Requests: Open -- 18 --
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yn-dreamlife · 2 years ago
Guys someone just left me a comment 🥰
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
Hiii! I was just wondering what is the name of my favorite writer? Or what do you like to be called
I call myself dreamlife on here, so I suppose that’s what you can call me!
Anyone who follows me is one of my dreamers (sometimes referred to as lil dreamers (affectionately))
Anywho yeah the name is dreamlife!
Things you didn’t ask about me that I’ll tell you:
- Im short… like short
- I’m messy usual- unless company’s coming over and then I rapidly clean my room (the rest of my house I’m able to keep clean) because I don’t want people to think I’m a mess so my anxiety forces me to clean up. ..,, this is actually very helpful if I feel unmotivated to clean lmao
- I’m 18
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
Mornings like this with the bakusquad when??
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Good morning...
// ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴜᴘʟᴏᴀᴅ //
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
Hiya! Saw the comfort letter thingy pop up on my FYP and thought about giving it a go! If you aren't doing this anymore, I completely understand and don't mind. Hope you have a wonderful day💞
Pet names: Baby, princess, or blondie.
Insecurities: We'll be here for hours if I list all of them, so I'll give a minor summary instead. I'm highly insecure in my abilties and talents revolving anything. I tend to doubt my self worth since I grow up in a house where my parents aren't all that great. As for my body, I struggle with a short torso and my nose.
Form of comfort: Reassurance or some form of letting me know I'm good enough and that the way I look in my own skin is perfectly okay.
Characters: Bakugou
Thanks if you choose to do this! It really means a lot💞
Hello love, I’m sorry to have taken so long I’ve been severely depressed lately. I hope I could bring you some comfort.
Oi blondie,
What’s this I hear from damn shitty hair, he said that after you found out how you got on our latest test you looked upset. Why are you upset you did fantastic! And I don’t just hand out comments all willy-nilly and you know that! You always do so good on everything you do. Be it school or work or even in your personal life… I’m proud of you dumbass. Tch I always am.
And don’t think I didn’t notice how you’ve been looking at yourself. Baby I think you’re so perfect; from the tips of your toes all the way to the smallest hair on your head. I know you don’t like your nose- but you shut up about that you’re not aloud to hate on any part of yourself. At least not as long as I’m around and since I’m not leaving well then I guess you just can’t do that anymore.
Your nose is perfect okay? You know that I- that I like to kiss your nose. And I know you don’t like your torso saying it’s “to short”- whatever that means. I think it’s perfect! My arms wrap so perfectly around it and I can hold you so nicely- if you were any different it wouldn’t be the same.
I’m with you because you’re amazing. And I only date the best! Because you’re gonna be with me when I become #1 and I’m going to be so happy to have you by my side. And if any shitty extra is making you feel bad about yourself whether it’s your family or a friend or a rando you tell me and I’ll take care of them.
Now get your ass over here so I can praise you for your amazing work and all the other accomplishments you’ve done! I don’t care if it’s from when you’re five if I need to praise you for it I will!
Now hurry up… I miss you princess.
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
may i request a comfort letter ?
any nicknames or no nicknames are okay
comfort regarding losing a pet
and relationship with character can be any
Hey love, I chose Sato because I couldn’t get over the idea that he would make comfort food for you and would have been happy to make Lola treats. If this isn’t what you wanted or you’d like another character please let me know. I hope I could help you a little.
Hey cutie,
I’m so sorry love, I just got the news about Lola… I can’t put it into words how sorry I am. If it’s any consolation she’s at peace now. I know that can’t comfort you much and I’m sorry. Im sorry i don’t know all the words that will ease your pain.
She was such a good dog though, so tough a protective but always took care of her family. I know you know that of course, seeing as she was your dog. I’d like to think she liked me, but perhaps that was just because she saw you liked me. Or maybe because I always made her those dog treats with all her favorite things in it.
Im working on making you your favorite meal and desert now, if your not up to coming over don’t worry I can pack it all up and bring it up to you. We don’t even need to leave your room if your not up for it. And if your not ready to eat yet we can wait… I will make you eat eventually though love.
I have to finish cooking, it’ll burn if I don’t get back to it. I love you, I’ll see you soon cutie.
Sincerely yours,
Sato Rikido
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
As someone who’s been sexually assaulted no one has the right to tell me or any other victims how they respond to trauma. Nor should kink shaming be a thing at all tbh, but that would be asking for to much I’m sure.
Anyone is entitled to there trauma responses or kinks (irl kinks that your actually acting on and not just writing about are as long as it is safe and consensual! Of course no person with a rape kink or cnc kink actually condones rape). And even if someone was into noncon or cnc or rape play wtf does it matter to you?!
Idc what you do in bed so you shouldn’t care about what I do. Period. End of discussion. Anyone just my piece to say.
Said it once I'll say it again
Fantasizing about noncon is a trauma response very often seen in SA survivors.
You don't like it? Block my dark tag. Block the trigger warning tag for it. Hell, block me for all I care!
Commenting your disgust for it isn't telling me to quit writing it, it's telling me you're some close minded asshole with nothing better to do than criticize other people
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
Um h-hi. Okay uh so I was wondering if you could do a comfort letter for me? Um.... well I would kinda like the whole bakusquad but y’know if you’d rather only do one that’s fine! (When I say the whole I mean like all of them in... one.... letter.... if that makes sense- anywyas) um my pronouns are she/her. If you know anything about reality shifting could you maybe do something just like then being excited to see me or something idk. If not my insecurities are my body: thighs, stomach, stretch marks, height (solid 5’1”), nose and forehead. As well as certain mannerisms I have like when I get super excited or right before I eat I rub my hands together really fast. When I’m nervous I rub my hands together and also like speed snap but I’m really just rubbing my fingers together in the motion (there’s no snapping sound) I squeal and like bounce around when I’m super excited. Idk- anywyas uh yeah.... oh uh if you do decided to do the whole squad could it be like a poly relationship? Um.... oh right nicknames! Princess (any), teddy bear (bakugo), pebble (Kiri), beautiful and babe (mainly Kami but honestly any), cutie and baby (Mina but again honestly any), mi amor (Sero)
Thank you sorry this long sorry if I forgot anything and uh yeah I hope you have a great day!
Our little baby ,
I can't believe you let me alone with those idiots! How dare you ??? I fucking missed your smart ass around ! How is it in there? Is someone is bothering you? You know I will fucking kill them right? I kinda missed my short idiot... haven't got alot of sweet little hugs since you left... kinda think it's fucking cute how short you are .
We DID TOKE CARE OF BAKUGOU , I am telling you he love us, poor baby is just so shy about it. (I will fucking kill you shitty hair!!!). Anyway! I missed sleeping on your stomach where you will play with my hair or the little things you do when you are so excited.. I hope you are doing okay there because I really missed hugging you and kissing your forehead good night and good morning every day :(
Hey beautiful;) how is my fav human in the whole world? Is it good there? I missed you around.. missed the small nose kisses i give you and the cuddles we share and staying up late playing video games until bakugou drag us to the bed :( I hope you come back soon ! (Will fucking drag your ass every night if I have to , dunc face. You need some fucking sleep) (ooh ,you actually care about us don't you , kachan?) (Stfu or i will plow your fucking ass)
Aaaand back to the point! Can't believe you left me alone with the boys!! I hope it's good because I fucking miss my princess:) how is it? I miss u so much here... no one to go out shopping with me (she is lying!! I was with her last night shopping for eyeliner) denki!! It's never like her :( I also missed painting your stretch marks to show you how beautiful you really:) when you come back i will do it all night
Mi amore ! I missed you too of course, how is everything? I missed cuddling you to sleep and sleep between your thighs... I love how soft and sweet they are .. sometimes I can't deal with how soft they are ! I missed talking to you and sleep with you .. please come home soon okay? We all really miss you:)
I hope this came out okay because it's the first te I try this ! Anyway you are amazing! I think every insecuritie you have is beautiful.. you don't have to worry about any of those! Even i have stretch marks:) you are always welcome to request again okay?♡♡
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
Hey bestie I know I just asked so I probably should wait but I was wooondering oh trigger warning: drug use (weed), intoxication (high)
I was wondering if I could get a Sero letter and just like him kinda telling me how to take care of myself but like as if he was here so like
“Take a deep breathe in for me mi amor
Hold it
And exhale good job baby good girl”
Like that kinda thing.
Sorry this is so long and probably weird like I said I’m kinda high right now..... and by kinda I mean a lot
Sorry if that bothers you please ignore you if you. Or hopefully my trigger warnings helped people not read.
Um.... yeah! Just like him taking care of me and like telling me I’m doing good (sorry the praise kink is on rn lol) thank you so much!! Oh she/her my names Gabby if that’s needed or nicknames can be Gab, princess, mi amor, baby
Mi amore,
Uh I see, you are smoking huh? It's fine ,Hermosa
Hey, pay attention to me yah? Now do as I tell you , darling
Take a deep breath in , just like this.. good girl
Now out , you are doing so good
Can you feel your head getting lighter? Yah? Does it feel as good as it does when I am around you?
I bet it doesn't, does it .. mi amore?
Now now , another breath in for me , that's it... doing so good for me
Now out , good job baby girl
Now get up , get some food and some water.. rest and let the weed play his games, let everything else fall out of your mind
Don't think about anything but me ,
That's it , relax for me . Mi amore
I love you beb , yah?
Let yourself go , it's okay
I am not going anywhere
And my love for you will not disappear,
I promise.
I hope you smiled reading this, you can always request again yah?
I love you .
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
Bestie!!!!! I’m not sure if you’re doing requests and I’m sorry I’m giving you one. I was just wondering if I could get a letter from the bakusquad the same way as last time if you remember. We’re all together (like dating)
My birthday was a little sad but nothing to horrible I had fun for the most part I went on a hike with my dad and swam in the reservoir. Then I went to my moms and had a little cook out smoked a little (okay like lowkey a lot) and drank a little (actually a little)
Anyways thanks so much bestie! You can use the same nicknames and you probably know enough about me that I trust whatever you do if you write it, and if not that’s fine!
I love you babes!
Hey dumbass, another year went by with you in this shitty world huh? I know it may not be the best with everything in it but at least you got us , don't you ? Can't wait to see you this night so we can smoke together, I bet none of those extras in your life makes you as happy as us , right kitten?. Happy birthday, don't be late . I fucking miss you already.
_ Bakugou
Mi amore , can't wait to see you tonight! I wanted to remind you that I adore you to no end and that you are my fav human being ever. I also got your fav weed so we can smoke together, I know you like when we smoke around you , don't you? I promise we will treat you even better than usual, princess ;) don't be late mi amore, okay?
_ Sero
Heyyyyy ! I missed you sunshine!! I am so excited for tonight, we missed you so much omg . I can't wait to see you , I will shower you with kisses and love you to no end ! The squad prepared the perfect night for you :) I love you sunshine. Happy birthday btw love!
_ Denki
Hey princess ! How is my fav girl today humm? I know you missed me as much as I missed you didn't you? I know princess. Now why don't you get ready for us humm? It's date night ! Wear our fav clothes. You deserve to look like the princess you are especially in your birthday! Happy birthday btw love ! Can't wait to see you tonight!
_ Kirishima
If it wasn't my fav girl in the whole world! How are you baby? Was it a good day? If no , it will be tonight ;) we are all waiting for you ! Oh oh sero got the best weed and bakugou made younyour fav meal ! I can't wait to cuddle you the way you like ! Happy birthday my amazing and beautiful girl! I love you so fucking much as you of course know! Don't be late to us okay?
_ Mina
Omg happy birthday! If you want I can write you a small fic as a present! I didn't know it's your birthday 🥺 I am here whenever you want me ! I love you too beastie!❤
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
I’m reblogging every comfort letter my friend has written because… I need them rn
Hey bubba! As you know I passed my super hard test could I maybe get like idk a letter or something with me and the bakusquad and them like idk being happy for me or something. Idk it can be sfw nsfw whatever you please just like…. If you wanted to throw some praise in there I wouldn’t complain lol. Anyways sorry I’m weird but you know this! Thank you!
I just saw this , hopefully you accept late praise my moonchild!♡
Dear little explosion.
AM SO FUCKING PROUD. That's my FUCKING girl . Look at you!! You are doing so good . Making me proud. Yet of course you did great. I only choose the best of there remember?"
Hey bubble!!
Look at youuuuuu!!! This is so manly!!!! Like fuck am so fucking proud!! Wow girl!!! You did perfect! Can't wait to see you !!
- kirishima
Hey hot stuff ;)
I think you are intelligent. Look at you ! My fried brain could have never done this good! Am so proud! And am sooooo waiting to praise you in other ways for it ;) Don be late .
- denki
Hey mi amore ,
I thought the best way to celebrate such a thing us With weed , wine and long sex . Because honestly am even more proud than I can write. Bit i can always show you ;)
Hey my pink flower!!!!
GO QUEEN!!! like God girl am so proud! I have to take you out for this! It's all on me ! Am so lucky to have such an amazing girlfriend!!!
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
I’m so sick of seeing this trend on tiktok.
Straight girls are posting a trend where they show them ‘99% of the time’( just normal best friend stuff) of the time and then ‘1% of the time’ where they are kissing. It’s not okay, especially because it reinforces fetishisation over w|w couples , many of them do it for male validation and it’s clear queer baiting. It’s genuinely revolting seeing it.
So many queer or w|w people have duetted or stitched those videos explaining why it isn’t okay and their experience going out in public holding hand with a partner and how it can be dangerous.
There are so many w|w couples who don’t show PDA in public because they get catcalled, things thrown at them horrible comments or men who find it ‘hot’. Women have been sexually assaulted because they are queer and were seen kissing, all because a man found it hot.
Making these videos isn’t cute or quirky you are queer baiting, and fetishising w|w couples. It’s disgusting.
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
Hey darling, I still can't thank you enough for being willing to write this. You are amazing. 💛
So hi ! You know me as Tonix already. But my most preferred name is Nix . My pronouns are they them , Am mostly insecure about how I look....how much I weight...my chest , hips...face .. sometimes even my hair , even tho I love it so much .
So um..am stressed with revisions , my mom keep saying am not doing good enough. I put on 1 kg and people around me started to say I look fat I should go on a diet until I just can't eat without shitty thoughts about my self image , I keep skipping meals and having the argue to sob when I have to eat . I rarely have any time for myself because there is lessons and homework all the fucking time . And my only way of self comfort is out of the way now that I don't even have someone to rp with . It's pretty fucked around here . AND, it's really hot too lol .
If you gonna ask , my Top comfort character is bakugou katsuki. The relationship statue is my lover .
If you generally wanna know more about Me , it's in my pinned post . I even have a reference cartoon photo of how I generally look like ! . Again, thank you so much for doing this...you don't know just how much this means to me .
Hey friend promise I didn’t forget about you! Graduation stuff is hectic.
To my love, Nix
Look, I know you’ve been stressed. And I know I’m not the best at talking about my emotions… but I care about you and need you to take care of yourself. I noticed you haven’t been sleeping as well because of the stress. And I know you haven’t been eating as much too. I’m not sure if the latter is stress or if it’s insecurity but let me tell you this…
If you’re stressed, I’m here for you. Just like I will always be here for you. Look if I can help that idiot shitty hair study I can help you!! You’re looking at the future number one hero for a reason! And… I know you can’t rp anymore and I’m sorry but I’m always here to listen or for you to talk to. I know it t the same and it won’t replicate that escape but I’m always here. You have a lot of tests and assignments but I’m here to help you tackle every. Single. One.
But if your struggle to eat is insecurity let me tell you, you are perfect! My favorite thing to do is to hold you, to pull you in by your waist gently which fits so well in my hands. Or to cuddle with you and rest my head on your chest and listen to your heart beat.
And when you’re not in the mood to be touched, I’m happy to admire you. Your smile, your face, your body; whatever I can admire I will. Because I always admire what’s mine.
With all my love and all my support,
Forever yours,
Katsuki Bakugo
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
Fanfic writers really said "in any universe, in any scenario, despite any obstacle, these people would love each other" and I think that's very cool of us
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
ok !! :D are you comfortable writing for the robot in the show by chance ?? <33 if not thats alr !!
I’m not sure, do you mean in a romantic sense? Cause like platonically or building a bond with the robot, sure! But I’m not sure about romantically
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years ago
ok !! are there any other characters you write for besides don and will :>
If you name whomever your thinking of I can let you know! I think I’d write for anyone but I won’t make any promises so I won’t disappoint if you say one and turns out I’m not comfortable for that character 😅
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