Peter goes for the head
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Your local starker (+18) writer | Moodboards and submissions | Ask away, my peeps, I'll try to answer as soon as possible | stucky is allowed | AO3: @tinygiantsam
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starkerdayss · 2 years ago
lmao hi y'all
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starkerdayss · 2 years ago
hello lovey doveys, how are y’all? ik I haven’t been here in a while but I’m still a writer lmaooo so I’m just gonna blatantly promOte my newwww Destiel fanficccc (ik this is not the main ship here but ik some of u like it so here!!)
Thank u in advanceeee
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
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Ladies and gentlemen… Tom Holland (2021).
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
Gang AU where Peter is part of Tony's rival gang and Pete is kind of like their prize twink if u know what I mean, so Tony just takes him into an alley and fucks the actual b r a i ns out of him as a symbol of his dominance over the other gang?? U can change the prompt to make it better too bc. I'm not the best at this sjdhsksjud
(Peter is exactly 19 in this, warning for slight gun play and well, exhibitionism. My work is meant for adults and its written by an adult)
Peter knew that being the youngest in the gang wasn’t good. Was he proud of himself for getting his own little ass into that situation? No. But there was nothing he could do now. 
The small, brown leather jacket adorned his back with a phrase and a symbol of a cut off head that was hard to forget. ‘Shadows’
Peter barely knew how to ride a bike, like a regular bike, and now he was riding a motorcycle, hanging onto the handles for dear life, his too-strong-for-a-teenager cologne abusing his nostrils to the point he felt sick. Sick and late. Every single gang member was ahead of him, and Peter was just trying not to break any more laws than necessary, stopping at the stop signs and trying not to look around at the people he knew were staring. 
When he finally got there, the other gang members were visibly annoyed, waiting for him with their arms crossed. Peter only walked fast, thanking whatever was in the sky not to have gotten there after the other gang. 
Before one of his camrades could say anything, the all too familiar roar of a motocycle filled the air. They were here. The Phalanx. 
When the oppostie gang got out of their bikes and walked towards them, Peter gulped. He knew what was happening, but not everything that awaited for him.
Tony, the gang leader, walked like he owned the place, a cigarette hanging loosely on his mouth, his entire figure looking like he just fell from heaven. He was glorious and Peter was in awe. The only reason he allowed himself to be this awestruck by that man’s power, was that nobody was paying attention to him. Steve, the leader of the Shadows was standing in front of them, smug look on his face that nobody could see but everyone knew it was there. 
“So we meet again, Tony” exclaimed Steve, something bording a laugh coming out of his mouth. Peter gulped again when Tony took one last pull from the cigarette and threw it on the floor, stepping over it and then exhaling. 
The two gangs had been fighting since Tony’s dad and Steve’s dad created them. Both too powerful to coexist in the same city. Peter knew this because it was public knowledge, because everyone was scared of them. 
“So we do” replied Tony, sending shivers down Peter’s spine. His voice was buff and exhausted, like he had been screaming for the past forty years. Peter had to physically restrain himself from walking towards the man. 
“I hear that you want peace” muttered Steve, looking back at his fellow gang members and smiling. “We’re willing to arrange something if you’re willing”. Peter’s camrades laughed, Peter knew he was suppossed to laugh as well. He didn’t. 
Tony nodded and turned around, flashing the black leather jacket with an axe and the name of the gang displayed on it. He looked at his camrades and smirked, every single one of them giving the smile back. “It’s time we collide and rule this city”. He turned around again, taking a look at Peter, who lowered his head, feeling so overpowered.
“What makes you think I didn’t already rule this town?” 
Seguir leyendo
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
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Have you ever thought about Peter annoying Tony so much that he almost blows him up? 
Just picture me this: Tony working on remodeling his Iron Man suit, concentrated, nose deep into mechanic books. His brain barely tolerating the lack of sleep and his hands shaking every few minutes, holding them steady only enough time to put yet another reactor into his glove before sweat goes down the bridge of his nose. 
The time goes by quickly and imperceptibly, worrying a certain boy in bed two floors above, who could have sworn his boyfriend said he was going to be back at least three hours ago. 
So said boy slowly goes down the stairs, making his way silently into the lab, only to see his man’s hand wrapped by metal, waking up his desires immediately. If only he wasn’t completely aware that as far as a Stark man was working, no attention would be given. 
With only one thing to do, the boy takes out his sweater and grabs a water bottle from the stack by the door, walking into the lab confidently and eagerly, his left hand roaming down his now naked torso and his right one holding the bottle.
“Hi, Tony” he mutters, creating a distraction. 
“Not now, Peter” 
The boy lifts his eyebrows and opens up the water bottle, slowly pouring just a little on the floor, making a sound that his boyfriend couldn’t ignore. 
As soon as the man eyes lay on the wasted water, he’s turning his entire body, a frown garnishing his eyes. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Thankfully, that was just a distraction, and now that he had attention, he could begin the show, pouring almost half of the water onto himself, starting from his hair, wetting streaks of skin and fingers, sliding down to his waistline and entering his trousers, rapidly drawing the silhouette of what the boy was hiding undeneath. 
Unfortunately, although delicious treat, Tony knew better than to bite right away, so after shrugging his shoulders and letting out a: “I can’t right now”, he turns around to go back to work, hurting Peter in ways he can’t imagine. 
“Oh, yeah? How about this?” and before any of them can do anything else, Peter is pouring the rest of the water on top of some electronical devices that Tony had just repaired and/or acquired, making them sizzle. They were ruined and Tony knew that. 
The man clenched his fists and growled, anger sipping through his teeth. He could tolerate basically anything, but messing with his work was on another level. He speedly put his hand up, and pointed his palm at his boyfriend, whose face had turned paler than any white paper. 
But he was given no time to speak, because a blast shook the lab, landing on his left side, making him catch just enough heat to hurt him on the suface, his eyes closed in fear and his heart in his hand. 
When the initial shock was over, Tony looked at Peter: “Now clean that up” 
The order resonated in his head, but he understood that he couldn’t say no, so his hands instinctively went to grab the bottle, to throw it outside. 
“Oh and Peter...”
“... y- yes?” 
“If you ever pull anything like that again, I will fist you with my metal glove on and i will explode you from the inside”. 
Peter wasn’t sure he didn’t want that. 
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
I bet you are baby boy
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SPIDERMAN: FAR FROM HOME ( 2019 ) dir. jon watts
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
Favorite starker content you've made? 👀
oh my god how do I answer this??? Okay so my three favorite drabbles are:
• The one where Tony fucks Peter into switching gang groups.
• The threesome between Tony, Peter and Steve.
• The one where they meet at the bathroom of a bar.
And long fics? Maybe dangerous possession on my AO3 (@/tinygiantsam)
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
(alright this is me testing the waters to see if I have enough support to come back ajsjsjs)
There was no one in this world who was allowed to call Tony, Anthony. Except one little human; Peter.
He didn’t choose to call him that every day, because why would he destroy their little secret? Instead, he used it in only one little place: the bed.
So, when Tony was pounding into Peter slowly, lights off, a candle on the window bay to stop them from falling asleep in between pleasures, Peter’s hands restrained by the tie Tony had worn all day and his legs spread and bruised like the slut he was… the words rolled off so effortlessly they ingraved themselves into Tony’s brain, causing him to hallucinate.
Because no one could stop Iron Man from releasing himself into the tiny rosy hole he so wholeheartedly loved once he heard his boy whisper “fill me, Anthony”.
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
This is it. Should I write part 7?
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I’ll win you over at trial (part 6)
(well, guys, if you need the other parts, you can either find them in my blog or personally ask for them on my messages. I have them all, so it’ll literally take me five minutes to send them. Enjoy!)
“Do you want anything to eat?” 
Peter’s eyes snapped up, his brain processing the simple question way slower than it should have, his eyes wandering down Tony’s body, taking in the stress, the tension, the toughness. 
“No, thank you” he replied, taking in his hand once again Oscar’s statement and taking a picture of it, sending it to MJ, the assistant, next to the name of the hotel Tony had told him he and Hendrix were so they would have the video first thing in the morning. Leverage over the other team. 
“It’s almost one, you should eat something if you’re gonna keep working as hard as you have” 
“If you’re hungry I don’t mind you eating. I just don’t mix food with work” 
Tony nodded, emptying Peter’s whiskey glass as well and leaving it on the table, then taking the morgue papers once again and going through all of the information they had on his head. There was just one thing that didn’t quite make sense. 
“Peter… if Rosa had called her mom to pick her up, then why did she started to take a short cut to her house?” 
Peter looked up and took the piece of paper from Tony’s hand, realizing that the question had nothing to do with what was written, leaving it next to Oscar’s files. “She was drunk, Tony. I wouldn’t think too much of it”
Tony looked around, craving some more whiskey. “I don’t know, I feel like… like there’s more to it. Especially if mommy dearest was on her way to pick her up” 
“Like you don’t do stupid shit when you’re drunk” Peter muttered under his breath, preparing the papers he was going to have to present before the judge the next day to make the mom incompetent, not even realizing that Tony had raised his eyebrows, the commentary ringing in his ears. 
The man decided to ignore that. 
“Did you check the phone calls?” asked Tony, receiving a nod and an affirmative sound from the younger male. “It’s just… if she’s dead, how do you guys know she walked willingly to the shortcut, or that it was a shortcut at all? How do we know she called the mom? Why did she arrive so quickly?” 
Peter sighed and closed his eyes, then opened them, looking at Tony. Deep, tired eyes returning the stare. “That information was given to us by her mother in the statement” 
“I thought she was sent to the mental hospital almost immediately” 
Peter frowned slightly. Yes, he had been told that, so that was what he told Tony. He started to look for a specific paper, scattering them around the table. It actually didn’t make sense. The person needs to be in a stable state to testify, which means she either didn’t have the mental breakdown immediately or…
“Tony, I think I know who set you up” 
The man’s face turned into a wolfish grin as he rounded the table, walking towards Peter, his eyes giving off the sensation of smugness as well. “See? I told you it was a good idea to work with me”. Peter’s throat progessively turned into the desert, his eyes wide with… fear? No. He didn’t fear Tony, but maybe what he was willing to do when drunk. 
“I-I told you I was going to keep you out of jail…” the poor young man trailed off, his heart way too fast for him to make complete phrases, but still keen on showing Tony he didn’t give himself away easy. That he wasn’t vulnerable, that he was strong, and one hell of a smart man. 
“Well, as long as you keep your word…” inquired Tony, his hand slowly traveling to Peter’s chin and lifting it, looking for any signs of uncomfortableness. Nervousness was normal, even a little shyness was okay. He stepped closer to him and backed him up until his lower back bumped into the table and he could feel the beating of the man on his own chest. “…We’ll be okay”
Peter swallowed thickly when Tony’s knee dangerously parted his legs, taking place right against his crotch, his face revealing the satisfaction he was feeling by blushing. His eyes closed automatically, his tongue licked his lower lip in anticipation. This was wrong. So wrong. 
“Why don’t we get that tiny suit out of you, huh, Attorney Parker?”
He knew Tony was a respectful man, so the answer was on his hands. If he gave him the green light, he was on for probably the best night of his life. If he gave the red light he was making the right thing. Lawyers and clients didn’t go well together. Not to mention it would be illegal for Peter to keep representing the man after, and at this point, Peter was Tony’s best chance, and he definitely wanted justice for the man. 
He didn’t know what to listen to. His needy part or his responsible part? 
Yes? No?
@godlovesstarker​ @insatiable-spider @starker-garbage @im-a-goner-foryou @kitty-min-mina @337-years-old @mighty-elephant @donttellanyoneitsmebabe @poshbirds @azriel221 @yuihoshiart @yourfairyqueermother @y-o-u-r-fellow-g-a-y @professional-fangirl75 @questionable-moral @catastropheismyfirstname @barnesontopofnoble @travel-paper-grasshopper 
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
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I’ll win you over at trial (part 5)
(references to How to Get Away with Murder and Suits. Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 on my blog. you can also message me for them)
Peter’s mind shut down, and the next thing he knew, he was kissing back. They were kissing like a couple of teenagers, their hands to themselves and no movement. 
And later on, Peter would think what the fuck drove him to do it, but he slowly reached for the man’s face and pulled him down, straightening his own back so they could be at the same level. Peter wasn’t thinking when he parted his lips, but Tony definitely was when their tongues mixed. 
A little moan returned Peter to reality. Did he just moan? Was he kissing Tony?
No. No. No. No. What was he thinking? 
Peter pulled away the second Tony’s hand reached his waist, his pupils dilated and big wide eyes, his lips slightly swollen. “We can’t do that. I’m your lawyer” 
Tony coughed slightly and looked at the boy. He wasn’t going to fight him. 
“Why would you do that?” continued Peter, his voice shaky and his heart stammering, falling on his ass, the floor cracking with the weight (the house was old). His throat felt so dry it was painful. 
“You were the one who kissed me back, Peter” and then he stood up, looking at the boy sitting on the floor. “Now you can either pretend it didn’t happen and do your job or know that it happened and do your job. I’m still paying you” then he slowly left the room, making his way to the bathroom. 
Peter ran a hand through his hair, and then he touched his lips, a ghost feeling of Tony’s soft ones still haunting him. Fuck. Okay. Priority number one, keep Tony out of jail. 
He stood up and reached for the phone with shaky hands, calling his assistant, Mary Jane. The phone rang twice and then she picked up. 
“It’s almost midnight” 
“I know, I’m sorry. I need you to bring Hendrix O’Ryan tomorrow” 
“The Cambridge professor? What does he know about Tony? More importantly, isn’t he like… you know, not in this city?” 
“He’s the alabi, MJ” muttered Peter, his ears turning a little red at the mention of the name that brought them to kiss. MJ didn’t have to know that, though. 
“Are you aware that if we bring him there, they’re gonna call Tony to the stand? He can’t commit perjury, Peter” 
“He’s innocent, I know this. Can you please just convince him to testify?” 
Peter heard MJ sigh at the other end. It was going to be hard. Both men had a very strong ‘straight’ reputation and neither of them wanted to lose it that way, but Peter knew Tony was innocent, he just did. And he much rathered Tony losing his reputation for this, than losing it for being a convicted murderer. 
“Okay” she finally said. “Do you need surveillance footage as well?” Peter made an affirmative sound. “On it, boss. Now I’m calling it a night, so don’t call again” then she hung up. 
Peter smiled. She was a pain in the ass, but he would be nowhere without her.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Tony was washing his face for the fifth time. Maybe he knew how to act cool in front of the young man, but his head was spinning with something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Guilt. 
What if he ruined that young man’s career? What if because of this he didn’t want to be his lawyer anymore? It’s not like they could call Annalise Keating or Harvey Specter. They would never take the case. 
Tony sighed and decided that he couldn’t keep feeling sorry for himself, so he opened the bathroom door and directed himself towards the table, knowing he was going to find Peter there. 
“What now?” he whispered, making Peter lift his head in surprise. Apparently, neither one of them was ready to face the other again, but time wasn’t on their side. 
“I just called my assistant, and she’ll find Hendrix and the footage of the hotel. They will probably call you to the stand tomorrow. If they ask you a question that will incriminate you, look at me, I’ll call for fifth amendment right” 
“And that is…” Tony trailed off, looking at the still full glass of whiskey on Peter’s side. 
“A witness has the right to not testify when they could be incriminating themselves” 
Tony nodded, then looked at the papers. “Are we gonna do anything about Oscar lying?” Peter nodded. “And what about the incompetent witness?” 
“I told you. I’ll talk to the judge first thing tomorrow before the trial starts. And Oscar… we’ll call him again to testify, but we’re gonna wait for them to do it first, because then they will not see it coming” 
Tony laughed. “Can they not take into accounts a witness’s statement if he was lying?” 
“What it can cause is a larger investigation, maybe even Supreme Court” then he laughed to himself, Tony looked at him confused, Peter sighed and rolled his eyes. He forgot he wasn’t joking around with another lawyer. “It’s extremely difficult to reach the Supreme Court, you’d have to be sentenced with little to no evidence, descriminated or well, buried evidence. But that’s not our case. We’re looking at someone who framed you at max. The court doesn’t really care for those things” 
“It’s one hell of a system” Tony muttered. 
“Tell me about it” 
They both laughed, then Peter looked up and caught Tony staring at him, a grin on his face. 
You can either pretend it didn’t happen and do your job, or know that it did and do your job. 
The words resonated on Peter’s mind. He knew Tony wasn’t about to pretend it didn’t happen. 
“What?” he asked softly, fidgeting with his fingers as he half looked at Tony and half avoided his stare while reading pieces of phrases that were displayed on the table in numerous papers. 
Tony laughed again, then reached for the glass Peter had on his side, getting dangerously close to his face from over the table. But he backed off, standing again. “Nothing, you’re cute” 
Peter felt his entire body lit up on fire. Fucking hell. 
(give me constructive criticism please!)
Tag list: @yuihoshiart @godlovesstarker @starker-garbage @yourfairyqueermother @insatiable-spider @kitty-min-mina @337-years-old @im-a-goner-foryou @donttellanyoneitsmebabe @poshbirds @azriel221 @maprabbit @y-o-u-r-fellow-g-a-y @professional-fangirl75 @mighty-elephant @teamtonyspidey
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
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I’ll win you over at trial (part 4)
(this chapter is more personal than lawyer-y)
Tony was in the kitchen, pouring himself more whiskey even when he knew it was a bad idea. He was locked up with his lawyer for another… eight hours if his watch wasn’t lying, and here he was, getting drunk. 
He could hear rustling on the leaving room, and he knew Peter was trying desperately to find something that got Tony out of jail. But the boy was right, if they couldn’t un-place him at the crime scene, then everything was lost. 
Tony slowly made his way back into the leaving room, only to see Peter kneeling on the floor, reading and re-reading the same papers he had been reading all afternoon, the disgustingly tight suit he had adorning his whole body, making him look classy and ready. 
The man leaned against the door frame, his eyes wandering down the boy’s figure, wondering how someone could have so much knowledge. Peter raised his head just in time to meet Tony’s eyes, and after holding the stare for what seemed a second too long, his head fell down again. 
“You finally gonna tell me where you were?” 
Tony smiled with a sad connotation, walking towards him. “Yes, I am” 
Peter’s ears perked up, looking up at the standing man in front of him. “Wait, really?”
The man nodded and Peter slowly stood up, cleaning his suit and looking at Tony expenctantly. 
“I need you to swear that you’re not gonna go rushing to the judge about it” 
Why would Peter run to the judge? He nodded anyway, whatever he needed to make Tony finally confess so they could win. 
“No, Peter, I need you to promise me” 
“Why is it so important?” he replied. 
“Just do it” 
“No, but I don’t get why-”
“I was sleeping with a man!”
Silence. The room was quiet, the only thing that you could hear was the sound the little ice cubes made as they melted away on the whiskey, and even though Tony knew already by the face Peter made that he wasn’t homophobic, he also knew he didn’t understand why was that such a problem. 
Peter’s head was spinning with this information. If they wanted to make Tony’s alabi useful, then they needed the man he was sleeping with, to put him in the stand, make him confirm the time and hopefully get some kind of surveillance video of the hotel or wherever they were together.
“Tony…” Peter started, walking towards him. 
“No” muttered Tony and walked away, getting close to a couch that was misteriously dirty, finally sitting down and chugging the rest of the whiskey. 
“We can win this” 
“Listen to me!” screamed Peter, his ears burning, making Tony immediately turn to him. “The surveillance video won’t show you two doing the things that you’re telling me, it just will show that you met him and that you were with him at the time of the crime. Tony, I can get you out of this, but if you don’t help me I can’t do anything. You know I respect my client’s privacy, and that if you don’t give me permission to say anything I won’t but… I really don’t want to see an innocent man go to jail for something he didn’t do” 
Tony breathed in slowly and then exhaled, his face showing different emotions. He knew that if the video didn’t show anything, the only possible threat were rumors, and his company had been dealing with them for over two decades. He hid his face in his hands, sighing deeply. 
“But we still have to find who’s setting me up” muttered the man, lifting his head only slightly. 
“And I’m on it. I have to make so calls, Tony. Can I get the guy’s name?” Peter’s face was pleading, but before saying anything else, he saw the man hide his face again, and this time he looked like… 
“Are you crying?” inquired Peter, too shocked to be careful about it, his heart racing as he saw one of the most powerful men in the world show vulnerability. It actually broke his heart that the reason had to be with his sexuality. Peter understood that too well. 
“Hendrix O’Ryan” 
Peter’s heart sunk at the way Tony whispered that, defeated. 
“He’s a professor at Cambridge University. He’s here visiting his family or something” and finally he lifted his head again, his eyes teary, but not for that less strong or powerful. “What? Aren’t you gonna run to tell everybody?” he said, his voice louder than he would have intended. 
Peter fidgeted with his fingers, then slowly approached the couch, kneeling in front of Tony. He hadn’t been a lawyer for a long time but he had dealt with things like this before, and he wanted nothing but Tony feeling good about himself. 
“Tony, we can find another way. But it’s important that you know it’s okay to be gay…”
“I’m bisexual” admitted Tony, security in his voice. He knew what he was, he wasn’t ashamed of it, he just didn’t want it affecting how everybody saw him. He didn’t want people to stop believing in him because he could turn up with a boyfriend. 
The young man nodded, searching for Tony’s face. “And that’s okay” he repeated. “What is not okay is for you to go to jail”. He caught Tony’s attention. “It’s not okay” 
“I’m not any happier here” replied Tony, as to what Peter frowned. Why was Tony acting this way? Back at the court, all he wanted was for Peter to win the case so he could go home, and now he didn’t care? 
“You won’t have your freedom, Tony, which is just as important. I might be a lawyer, and I know what they say about us. That we’re cold-hearted, that we don’t care about our clients, that we just want money. I’m- I’m not like that. I don’t want the money, I want for you to be okay” 
Tony turned his face completely to the young man. 
The room was almost dark, the clock was ticking, and Tony slowly looked down Peter’s face through the tears, finding his lips. He knew he had to look up, but he just couldn’t. 
His face slolwy moved towards Peter’s as all of his senses told him to back away, to run, to stop. Stop. Stop. 
He didn’t stop. And finally, their lips met. 
(part 1, 2 and 3 available on my blog!) 
Tag list: @godlovesstarker @insatiable-spider @yuihoshiart @starker-garbage @im-a-goner-foryou @kitty-min-mina @337-years-old @mighty-elephant @donttellanyoneitsmebabe @poshbirds @azriel221 @maprabbit @yourfairyqueermother @y-o-u-r-fellow-g-a-y @professional-fangirl75
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
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I’ll win you over at trial (part 3)
Tony had let go of Peter, and was running his hands through his hair, exasperation running through his veins as he realized his threats were useless with the young man. 
“I’m twenty three by the way” muttered Peter just as the door was knocked. 
Peter rushed to open it, only to see Lee standing in the door, looking not only smug, but extremely annoying.
“The judge had a family emergency, the trial’s gonna continue tomorrow”
Peter nodded and before letting Lee say anything else, he slammed the door in his face. “You can go home, the trial’s continuing tomorrow” 
Tony frowned and watched as Peter moved around the room, collecting his papers and briefcase, probably with too much on his mind to notice that Tony was staring at him. 
“I’m working with you tonight. You can come to my house” and when Peter’s reaction was a frown and shook of the head, Tony insisted: “Common, I’m the only one that knows as much of this case as you” 
Peter rolled his eyes and sighed, defeated. “Okay, but do you understand that we’re gonna be working really late?” 
“Nothing some whiskey can’t fix” 
When they got to Tony’s house, Peter was impressed. It wasn’t exactly what he had imagined, and Tony noticed immediately because of Peter’s expression. 
“This is my second house, and I have it under a fake, uh, legal name. I come here when I don’t want anyone finding me”
“Right. So, we should get started” he said and sat down, cleaning the table so he could expand his papers, all of this while Tony poured two glasses of whiskey and sat at the other side of the table, leaving one glass closer to Peter. 
“If you’re not gonna tell me where you were, I’m gonna have to somehow un-place you at the crime scene, which is complicated. We only have Oscar Eastwood as a witness in that, besides Victoria, obviously, but I’m gonna make her incompetent for the trial”
“What do you mean?” 
“If I can prove that she was more than two weeks on medication at the mental hospital, her statement becomes useless, because she’d… well, a witness might be considered incompetent if he or she were not mentally competent and stable, or if he or she were particularly young, for example. You obviously know which one I’m using” 
Tony nodded. “Smart move. How you gonna prove that?” 
“The hospital’s papers. I can get a warrat. But, again, with no location for you, the best thing we can do is try to find the actual killer”
“Yeah, find the mother fucker, the only reason I got this goateé was because nobody else had it” muttered Tony and then drank a big zip. 
Peter’s head snapped up and smiled, an idea forming in his head that for some reason he hadn’t considered before. It was brilliant. “That’s it. That’s it, Tony. Nobody could look like you unless they tried. This was a set-up. Do you have any enemies?” 
Tony scoffed. “The real question is which one of my several enemies was it” 
Peter sighed and let his head all. Fuck. 
“We really need to find the killer. I’m going to call the mental hospital and hopefully try to get the judge to make her incompetent” 
Tony nodded and when Peter left, he grabbed the morgue papers. The autopsty had shown a clear gunshot to the head. Tony was extremely talented, but due to his anxiety his hand was alwyas shaking. Aim wasn’t exactly his… 
Wait. The autopsy said that the killer was probably left handed because of the way the bullet entered the brain. Tony was right handed. 
Peter came back. “She can be declared incompetent, what- are those the morgue papers?” 
Tony nodded and turned them around, pushing them to Peter and pointing towards a highlighted line. “It says the killer’s left handed. I’m right handed” and then he grabbed a pencil and wrote something with his left hand. It was impossible to read. Peter was sure a five year old could communicate better than that. 
“That can definitely be used, good work. But, Tony, let’s go over the facts. Rosa Rodríguez, the victim, walked at 5:48 am in the bar, we believe nothing happened inside the bar, and according the barman, she left around 6:40 am after calling her mother, Victoria and asking her to come pick her up, only to enter an alley, a shortcut to her home, and that’s when allegedly you appeared, shot her clean in the head and then ran away, throwing the gun in the trashcan, and left the body there, not noticing that Victoria entered the scene and saw ‘you’ leave the crime scene. She, then had a mental breakdown, and was sent to the mental hospital” 
Tony frowned again, going over one tiny detail that Peter said. “Wait. Did you just say inside the trashcan?”
Peter frowned as well and looked around for the papers, handing Tony the one that had Oscar Eastwood’s statement. “He said he found the murder weapon inside the trashcan when the police interrogated him, that you threw it inside the traschcan” 
Tony smirked. “In court he said the gun was behind the trascan, so he’s either really stupid, lying on stand, or…” 
“Or he was paid to lie” 
“Or maybe he’s the one who set it up” 
When Peter heard that, started looking for the papers. “He works on a farm, Tony, so, unless you’ve made a farmer upset, I don’t think he’s the one…” 
Tony stood up, drinking the rest of the whiskey he had on his glass, then got close to Peter, the alcohol clearly already affecting his right mind, even after of so many years drinking like there was no tomorrow. 
“I can make everyone upset, sweetheart” he whispered, the last word close to his ear. 
Peter turned around and grabbed Tony by the shirt so quickly that the man had barely any time to know what was going on. “Don’t ever call me sweetheart” 
Tony smirked and fixed the young man’s hair. “I pay, I call you whatever I want”
Peter rolled his eyes and turned around. He might have been the most annoying man in the world, but he was going to help him. Tony Stark was innocent. 
(part 1 and 2 on my blog!) 
Tag list: @godlovesstarker @im-a-goner-foryou @insatiable-spider @maprabbit @starker-garbage @kitty-min-mina @337-years-old @yuihoshiart @yourfairyqueermother @y-o-u-r-fellow-g-a-y @professional-fangirl75
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
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I’ll win you over at trial (part 2) 
Lee’s witness was Oscar Eastwood, the man who had found the murder weapon, the gun that was under Tony’s name, illegaly. 
“Mr. Eastwood, where did you find the murder weapon?” 
Peter bit his lower lip, he knew where Lee was going. 
“Oh, uh, behind a trashcan on an alley” 
Lee nodded and looked at the jury. “You might be wondering why a farmer that was just visiting town would get behind a trashcan in the middle of an abandoned alley, well, the answer is that man you see over there” and pointed at Tony. 
Tony looked around at all the faces staring at him and got close to Peter’s ears. “Can’t you object or something?” 
“I can’t object every time he speaks” 
“He had no problem doing so to you”
“Mr. Eastwood checked behind the trashcan because he saw a man throw something there. Mr. Eastwood, could you describe the man?” 
“Um, he- he had a suit on and a beard” 
“Would you describe it as a goateé?”
“Objection, leading!” muttered Peter as he stood up. 
“I’ll rephrase. Could you identify the man sitting over there as the man you saw throw the gun behind the trascan?” 
Oscar gulped and looked at Tony, then at the judge. 
“Answer the question, Mr. Eastwood” commented the judge. 
Seguir leyendo
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
Hey! This is getting popular again so I’m reblogging all parts
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I’ll win you over at trial
“Mr. Stark, my name is Peter Parker and I’ll be your defense attorney today” muttered Peter, extending his hand for the man to grab. 
Tony scoffed, not even glancing twice at the younger man. “How old are you?” 
Peter let his hand fall and looked down momentarily. “Older than you think, and way smarter than the other guy they were gonna assign you”. 
“I sure fucking hope so” and then he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the jury, all of them giving him a nasty look. Tony knew where the scale was leaning, and the chances of him going to jail where no longer 50/50. 
Peter motioned for Tony to sit, and so did he, opening his briefcase and pulling out several papers. “Now, Mr. Stark” started whispering Peter; “I know we barely know each other but I’m going to need you to act as if I know every single dirty little secret in your life” 
“And don’t you?” whispered Tony back, smirk on his face, a slight sense of amusement running through him as he realized there was a small chance he could intimidate the boy and get someone better assigned. 
Peter smiled. “I do, Mr. Stark”. 
But before any of them could say anything else, the judge entered the room and they all rised, only to be commanded to be seated again, since the trial was going to begin. 
“Mr. Parker, you can start” muttered the judge, and so Peter stood up. 
“Your honor, my client here has been accused incorrectly of murder, and I can prove it. Mr. Stark did have an illegal gun and he’s already paid charges for that, but the time of the crime and the location of Mr. Stark don’t match, so I’d like to call my first witness. Victoria Lopez”. 
There was a round of murmuring. Why would he call her? That was the mother of the victim that claimed to have seen Tony at the crime scene. 
“What are you doing?” muttered Tony to Peter, grabbing his forearm and bringing him close to him. 
“Trust me”. 
Victoria Lopez entered the court and after swearing, she sat down. 
“Mrs. Lopez, how are you?” 
“Objection, immaterial!” 
“Your honor, the witness is clearly distressed, I want to make her feel comfortable before asking about the murder of her own daughter” said Peter. 
“Overruled” said the judge. 
Victoria then, answered with a very strong mexican accent: “I’m not okay, I want my daughter back, and I’ll do whatever I have to do to put her killer behind bars!”
Peter nodded. “Mrs. Lopez, isn’t true that you were so devastated after the murder that you had to be admited into a psychiatric hospital?” 
“Objection, this question was already answered” exclaimed the attorney Lee, defensor of the Lopez family. 
“Uh, yes. I had to go there, you understand that it was too painful to be at home and see all her stuff” 
“And where you on meds?” 
She nodded. “Yes, I was” 
“Could it be possible, then, that, you seeing Mr. Stark at the crime scene might have been all product of you watching the news where Mr. Stark appeared, then mixing it with your dreams, considering the pain was so strong all you wanted was someone to blame?” 
“Objection, your honor that’s speculation” 
“Your honor, I’m just asking if it’s possible” 
“Overruled. Seat down, Mr. Lee” 
Victoria gulped. “It could be possible, yeah- but I know what…” 
“No further questions” exclaimed Peter and went back to his sit. Tony turned to him right when the other defense attorney stood up, and looked at the younger man up and down, smirking. 
“You’re good” 
“I’m gonna get you out of here” whispered Peter, turning to Tony as well, trying to be as quiet as possible as Lee called his witness. 
“Good boy” muttered Tony and licked his lips, biting into the air, making Peter blush slightly. 
Peter gulped and coughed, then straightened a bit. This was going to be a long trial. 
(part two is available on my blog guys!)
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starkerdayss · 3 years ago
real ass question: should I come back?👀
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starkerdayss · 4 years ago
In case you missed it:
Dabi is a Todoroki theory confirmed
Hetalia is coming back
Megamind 10 year anniversary
Destiel is canon
(Rumor) BBC Sherlock season 5
System of a Down releases first song in 15 years
Johnny Depp is fired from Fantastic Beasts
Ted Bundy RPer Twitter Artist callout post
Day 3. Still no results of who the next U.S. president will be
Nevada is still counting votes
Georgia turned blue for the first time in 30 years. (Thank you Stacey Abrams and the late John Lewis)
Pennsylvania is also flipped blue. Gritty is dancing in a protest outside the convention center.
Speaking of protests…there are protests on vote counting. Some demanding their vote be counted. Others demanding to stop counting.
Trump is suing 3 states where the ballots are not done counting yet.
The election still goes on
World News:
Scientists found a hell planet made of lava
(Rumor) Putin is resigning due to Parkinson’s disease
Bolivia President-elect was attacked with dynamite
California is still on fire
COVID-19 pandemic
My brain still processing this hot mess
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starkerdayss · 4 years ago
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