#i enjoy a tasty snack
prettybbychim · 1 year
do u ever just remember how good food is
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unless my tablet charges Really Fast i have no halloween treat to offer so uhhhh
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grab a handful and Run! they cant catch you all
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i’m a bitch, i’m a boss
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asexualbookbird · 7 months
i feel like people see "three stars" and think thats a Bad Rating but for me it's more like. I had fun! Won't be revisting this, but enjoyed it while it was there! I know my ratings are more vibes than anything else but generally three stars are just that. Its the two stars that make it more There Were Problems Here That I Will Grumble About, four stars are like I May Think About Rereading This One Day. One star is shit. Yall know that Thats easy. Five stars altered my brain chemistry. It's mot about technical skills. Its about my enjoyment and three stars i enjoyed SOMETHING!
all this to say i dont think Scalzi is a Bad Author, hes just a very specific kind of author. He's like. A Midlist romance author that doesnt write romance and none of that is an insult. His books are easily digestible, theyre funny, theyre silly, they fall apart if you sit and pick them apart, bht they're not meant to be picked apart! They're just there to be enjoyed as is and thats okay!!!!!
His books are also the perfect thing to read when you have post covid brain, which is funny about Start Villain because he wrote it with post covid brain. So. High five mr scalzi.
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alphacrone · 1 year
rice cakes are really really good if you've always wanted to know what it's like to eat styrofoam
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valdotjpg · 2 years
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prettyboynightwing · 1 year
I was having major trouble opening a jar of salsa for my afternoon snick-snack, to the point where I didn’t think I could get it to open and I’d either have to eat a different snack or I’d have to go back to the gym to ask one of the boys in there to open it for me. But the mere thought of asking a man for help caused my muscles to surge with strength and I popped that bitch right open
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thekingofchungus · 2 years
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sidenote. want this
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piplupod · 2 years
counselor has called in sick I guess (she's not "in" today) so.... at least I don't have to sit in her chair and lie about how I'm doing to avoid being put in psych ward ? a win and a loss I suppose (also I was absolutely about to forget to bring the distress tolerance booklet she wanted me to bring so fhdjdl perhaps this is a saving grace)
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johannestevans · 2 years
always bothers me when "improvements" to unhealthy diets are all about taking tasty things away rather than ADDING new things. like. add new tastes and new flavours and MORE NUTRIENTS and vitamins
there was some awful show on for encouraging middle class mothers to take their eating disorders out on their children and it was like "oh well, this snack doesn't taste as good as my usual one, but it's healthier"
so get one that??? actually tastes as good?
like this thing of. you know this food that you like and enjoy eating? why don't you toss all that out and eat stuff you don't enjoy as much or want to eat?
that's unhinged to me.
like i just think the process of discovering newer, healthier foods should be ADDITIVE, where you're exploring new tastes alongside your usual ones, slowly broadening your palate and your preferences, rather than punishing yourself for "unhealthy" food
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koolades-world · 5 months
hiii i was wondering if u could write something about the obey me brothers (plus diavolo if ur up for it) with an mc who randomly feeds them their own food. for example mc is snacking on chips and theyll just walk up and hold a chip to his mouth until he takes it/refuses. doesnt matter what hes doing theyll just offer a bite or two.
i do the same thing with my younger siblings and friends so its kinda like a love language. ^^
hi! sure thing :)
enjoy <3
Mc who shares their food randomly
he won't lie, he was confused the first time and actually asked what you were doing haha
once he learns it's just because you care, he gets the warm fuzzies
he works so much that sometimes he forgets to eat or skips it altogether in favor of getting more work done
he's very glad to have you in his life and he thinks that every time you offer him some of your food
he's ecstatic to take snacks from you even if it's not something he likes or think he'll like
he never thought he'd be so loved
he learnt about this habit early on into your trip in the devildom and while he thought it was a little strange but he grew used to it
now he can't imagine you without that! he tries his best to reciprocate
when you offer him your snacks, he actually might not notice for a second
usually he's in the middle of gaming
but he really appreciates the habit and you <3
like lucifer, sometimes he forgets to eat since he's always in the middle of play a game so sometimes the snacks you feed him are the only snacks he gets that day
as long as any crumbs won't get on his books, he's more than happy to let you feed him
he himself is guilty of getting crumbs between the pages so if it happens on accident, he's not mad he just wants to prevent it if possible
he'll offer you a seat beside him and even if all you do is continue to snack and not share, he's happy
he loves having you around and your presence is a comfort <3
he thinks it's so sweet!
while he has lots of fans and is very popular, you're so easily able to look past that
sometimes you don't even say anything when you offer him the snacks and he knows you do it just because you care about him
he always shows the love back with a quick hug or verbal confirmation
bestie he is SO on board!
he he wasn't already snacking he's taking it without a second thought
even if we was snacking, it's just something to mix up what he was eating
he'll be sure to tell you how tasty it was and how the flavor of the food you gave him and the food he was eating combined in his mouth haha
he's asleep more than he's not
you might just be sitting by his side ready with snacks that you will probably eat all of in the process
when he is awake though! he couldn't be happier
he's more than happy to accept but if it's something he dislikes he's not afraid to voice it because that's more for you and less for him
he thinks it's very cute! he cares about you very much and he finds it very endearing
whenever you offer him your snack, he'll stop whatever he's going to turn all of his attention to you
as long as it's not pickles, he will accept
never accepts it absentmindedly, and will always always say thank you!!
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asunflowerana · 1 month
𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭
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summary: usual grocery day with your husband
with: bokuto koutaro, oikawa tooru, sakusa kyoomi and osamu miya.
n/a: brought this one from my old blog, one of my favorites. I'm thinking about making a part 2 with more hq boys, I personally enjoy imagining them dealing with grocery with me 😂. hope you guys enjoy!
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⊛ bokuto koutaro
a child inside a full-grow 190cm male body, that's what he is. The fact that he still pouts whenever you remind him that "no, you can't get inside the cart baby, you won't fit" proves the point. But besides his childish mood, he can turn your time shopping a lot funnier.
he does cart races, searches for lower prices like hunting a treasure, throw his hands in the air when he finds his favorite snacks and cackles at every single brand with a silly name. He's a total dork, but his excitement is so endearing that you cannot help but absorb it. It's actually sweet, the way he lightly takes a domestic duty. He's also helpful, willingly carrying the bags to the car, and storing the groceries later at home.
he yearns to stay close to you, so even if his both hands are grabbing the cart handle, at least some arm-brushing will happen. He'll feel pretty lost if you both need to part ways through the market, but it's cute how he beams when you guys find each other later.
favorite section: breakfast food section (he's addicted to cereal), and meat section.
what you usually hear from him: "babe, can we buy this?"
⊛ oikawa tooru
if there's something Tooru doesn't look forward to, is grocery day. He even tried to wipe it off the fridge calendar a few times before, but you're too good to be fooled. "the Santos already ordered by delivery, why can't we do the same?" and he always uses the neighbor's card to try to convince you, whining like his teenager version would.
but one way or another, you always get him to go. If he's in a bad mood, he'll probably sulk in the beginning, lazily riding the cart while sighing every two minutes 'cause this is a total "waste of time". But as the shopping proceeds, he gets used to it, even forgetting what he was so grumpy about when a product catches his attention. With some subtle kisses and a small treat, you can even get a smile out of him. 
He likes to wrap his arm around your back or keep you close by the waist. Not having you there with him it's the worst thing it could happen, so he needs to make sure you stay by his side (also because he simply likes holding you).
favorite section: checkouts (not a surprise), and cosmetics section (he can spend a good amount of time selecting body products).
what you usually hear from him: "are we done?"; "baby, I need your help. This one, or this one?".
⊛ sakusa kiyoomi
He's the one looking forward to this day. He gets uneasy when things run out in the house, so going shopping is almost necessary for his peace of mind. What he doesn't look forward to, though, is dealing with people at the supermarket. Most precisely, the lines, but let's not talk about it to not ruin the mood.
he's very selective, taking whatever time he has to inspect and be sure of the products, in case it isn't a common choice of yours. He appreciates being aware of what you are consuming, not only for being an athlete but because he cares about your health. He likes to share what he's been learning from the team's nutritionist, but he is not a dictator: if you want to treat yourself to some tasty sweets or snacks, he won't get in the way. He'll even join the party.
He'll offer his arm for you to wrap your own, or hold hands. He's grateful to have your company, so he'll cherish it as much as he can. He's also very protective if the place or the lines are too crowned, keeping you by his side and holding you close with his arm.
favorite section: cleaning products (you have no idea how relieved he gets when he goes there).
what you usually hear from him: "I know you want it. Go ahead, put in the cart"; "tsc, they always put the gloves way back there"; "these stupid lines. Again."
⊛ osamu miya
The king of groceries. He's used to doing this two, or three times a week, and it never gets boring. The experience has made him smarter about where and when it is best to buy, plus he has a good eye when it comes to product quality and price. So yeah, you have almost nothing to worry about when Osamu Miya is your grocery partner. Almost.
He's very chill and helpful while shopping, but you better keep a good eye on the cart: it'll get filled to the brim in one minute. When Osamu likes something, he makes a point of buying as much as he can. Once, he filled almost three entire carts, and half of one was just from rice bags. Someone might think you have a whole volleyball team as a family with the amount of food he wants to take home.
Hands on your back, shoulder, waist, any free space he has to keep you close to him – and he'll keep it there the whole time. Touch is one of his love languages, so there's no way he won't keep in contact with you.
favorite section: fruit and vegetables section, and bakery section (he loves the smell of fresh ingredients).
what you usually hear from him: "sweetheart, just one more. It'll be the last, I promise"; "hope Tsum doesn't visit us today"
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© asunflowerana 2024 — all rights reserved.
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"What A Beautiful Family!"
In which you get confused for being a family
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- It happens during a trip to the store in town with his little brother. Maybe it was to restock groceries or maybe it was buying supplies for his next demon conquest, either way: all three of you went down to visit.
- Rengoku smiled softly at you as he watched you with his little brother, holding his hand and laughing with Senjuro and occasionally lifting him up and spinning around.
- At some point during the walk, Senjuro pointed at some birds flying in the tree and begged Kyojuro for a closer look, which Kyojuro happily allowed him to do and put him on his shoulders with a big smile. You helped Senjuro steady himself and laughed at how precious the two looked.
- As Senjuro and Kyojuro debated about what kind of birds they were, you couldn't help but look at Kyojuro with nothing less than love in your eyes and a fond smile.
- "Aw, how precious!" a woman walking past with a basket filled with baked goods cooed at you three, "I'm glad even with demons terrorizing us, people can still have moments like this. Here, have some!"
- At first you tried to decline out of embarrassment but Kyojuro humbly took them and gave one to Kyojuro and handed a pastry to you. You were hesitant but then you took it and graciously thanked the lady, "but also, I feel bad for not paying for these, ma'am. Please, let me-"
- "Don't you worry about it. A beautiful family like you should enjoy a good snack on such a lovely day, especially since your husband's a hashira."
- Rengoku opened his mouth to let out a hearty "TASTY!" but stopped himself halfway when he heard that. You just stared at the lady in flustered shock as she bowed her head and walked away.
- You and Kyojuro shared a look with each other, Kyojuro giving you a nervous yet wide grin and you returned it. Both of your faces felt warm and you were barely able to hold eye contact with each other.
- "Haha, that lady thought you were (Y/n)'s husband! Isn't that funny, big brother?" and Rengoku's gaze softens as you become timid and look down at your feet, "Yes...I suppose it is, Kyojuro."
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- You were walking with Tengen and his wives, happy to see him a bit more after his retirement, when you stumbled upon three neighboring children, who played too roughly and were crying their eyes out about it.
- You and Hinatsuru helped them while Suma tried not to cry with the two boys but offered to help and Makio awkwardly tried to calm them down. Tengen just squatted down and told them that it wasn't very flashy to cry, which made you and Hina elbow him.
- Instead of getting more upset, however, all three boys became excited and seemed to recgonize Tengen, asking him if he was the sound Hashira, which seemed to greatly inflate his ego as he said: "Yes but I am also the God of Festivals!"/ "WOW! REALLY!?"
- You and his wives exchanged glances knowing he wouldn't shut up. When they asked if he could tell him a story of the demons he fought, he tried to be all: "Oh, it might be too scary for you kids...BUT WHAT THE HECK- So I was in the Entertainment District which is filled with prost-"/ "UZUI."/ "IT'S IMPORTANT TO THE STORY."
- Anyways, after some censoring, each boy found a home in your lap, Suma's lap, and another sat on Hinatsuru's but leaned their head on Makio's arm. All of you entranced by Tengen's storytelling and prescence.
- "Haha, such an energetic father. Those boys are definetly gonna grow up strong!"/ "I wonder which of those women are his wife?"/ "From the way they're looking at him, all four, probably."
- Tengen's voice suddenly stopped, most likely because he heard what they said, but instead of correcting him, his eyes landed on you. You could feel Hina's, Suma's, and Makio's gaze on you as well and you felt timid...but not uncomfortable. His lips upturned into a smirk and you felt yourself trying to look at ANYWHERE but the attractive faces that were staring at you.
- "Well, what happened next!?" One of the boys demanded, impatient from the cliff hanger.
- "Huh- Oh, right! Anyways, this demon CAME OUT and he was UGLY. Absolutely hideous, like a monster that crawled from under your bed-"
- When the boys finally were called home, you all waved goodbye and parted ways. Leaving you alone with the retired Hashira and his wives, you didn't say anything but the energy felt different as Suma clung to your arm and Tengen walked closer to you, Makio's eyes would stray towards you but timidly look away when you caught her gaze as Hina wished this walk would last forever. Just the five of you.
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foxfirexo · 2 months
hi its my first time writing a lil story like this, I hope it's not too long and you like it!! ^^
you're at a party and you don't know why you thought this was a good idea. it's not some insanely big party, just a group of friends but you only know a few of them and aaaaaaa it's still enough to be loud and overwhelming. you cling to the wall, not knowing how to join into the circle of conversation happening in the middle of the room without disrupting its flow.
this is stupid. why are you even here? you're terrible in this kind of situation. might as well just use the bathroom and then leave, not like anyone will notice-
wait, did that girl just look at you? no, not just that, did she just stop mid sentence and- and did you imagine it, or did her jaw clench and her lips curl into the subtlest of smiles when she saw you?
no no no no you say to yourself as your cheeks flush bright red. you abandon your drink on a side table and flee the scene, now needing to find the bathroom for multiple reasons...
you search the halls desperately trying to find the bathroom, wanting so badly to hide. damnit why do you have to be too shy to just ask somebody where the damn thing is? it's not helping that every time you close your eyes even just for a moment you see that devious little grin and that gorgeous face- wait
you blink a few times. this time your eyes aren't closed but the gorgeous face is staring mischievously at you anyway? you blink a few times, surely you've finally gone insane and this is a hallucination
"going somewhere, darling?" she says, her voice low and dripping with... desire?
you barely manager to stutter out a pitiful, "i- no i- I was j-just trying to find th-the bathroom," but you're finding it really hard to focus fck why is she standing so close that you can smell her fck why does she smell so good fck fck fck
"surely you weren't going to hide away all... this... from me?" too close too close you can feel her breath from here oh god what is she looking at why are her eyes wandering like that
you're slammed with instant regret that you decided you didn't need to wear a bra today, and you are painfully aware of the texture of your tshirt as your very excited nipples say hello to the gorgeous lady who is staring directly at them oh lord what is happening
before your mind can catch up she reaches up and brushes a finger in a thoughtless circle against the hard lil bump poking out through your tshirt. "oh my~ looks like i wasn't the only who felt something between us~" she grabs your wrist and starts dragging you into an empty bedroom but you're still trying to process what she just said. wait, what? not.. not the only...????
the click of a door closing pierces through your confusion and brings you back to the present, only to find yourself being pushed back and falling and- oh you were caught by a bed and- oh shit she's kneeling over you-
"im glad i caught you before you could run away, kitten," her lips find yours for the briefest of moments before leaning in right next to your ear and whispering, "i can't stand the thought of missing out on a tasty little snack such as yourself, that would be a tragedy" *she licks your ear* "hmmm, wouldn't it?"
you go to protest but her knee presses up between your thighs and your words are lost to a moan escaping your lips. your head is fuzzy but you can't help yourself and as if they have a mind of their own your hips start moving, desperately pushing up against her knee, you can't get enough aaahhh
"awww what a pretty little slut," she coos, her fingers reaching down and wrapping around your dick and eliciting a sharp gasp from you. "such a good girl, perhaps I should reward you by using you, mmmm?" she grins and her eyes sparkle at you, she's enjoying this too damn much but nnngh fck its so hotttt
the cold air of the room makes your skin prickle as she tugs off your clothes, leaving goosebumps all over your skin. as she pulls her own shirt off and undoes her bra you forget how horny you are for just a moment as you marvel at how breathtaking her body is, she looks like one of the goddesses just dropped out of the sky and now she's undressing in front of you...
... then your eyes trail down a little further as she tugs off her jeans and you inhale sharply at the sight of her gorgeous dick, already dripping and pulling her lacy blue panties taught. oh my god this is really happening oh my god
she wraps you up in her arms and pulls you into her lap, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear so she can sink her teeth uninterrupted into the supple flesh of your neck. her hardness is pressing up against you now and your heart is racing like a hurricane in your chest. all you can manage to squeak out is a desperate, "p-please.." before she sinks herself into your ass. your back arches and your tits press against hers and it feels amazing, so amazing, you can feel her swollen nipples pressed against your own and you cry out with utter desperation
"shhhh, quiet, pet! I don't want anyone interrupting my playtime. nobody gets to enjoy this but me."
you feel sharp nails digging into your back as her throbbing dick thrusts into you even deeper than before, but the shuddering moan trying to escape your throat is silenced by three fingers shoved into your mouth, pressing against your tongue. with that your mind goes utterly blank and your whole body clenches
its too much its too much its too much
you feel her teeth sink into your neck once again, using you to stifle her own moans as she fills your ass with hot cum. you cry out against her fingers and it feels like your whole body is bursting at the seams and in a moment of hazy mind numbing pleasure that seems to hang and stretch out for an eternity....... your body shudders and you orgasm harder than you've ever orgasmed before
your heaving chests still pressed together like the world depends on it, she smiles up at you and you feel a little silly, your mouth dripping with saliva and your thighs covered in the sweet evidence of what you'd otherwise discount as a fever dream.
"what a good girl, a very good girl," she mumbles with a huge shameless grin on her face as she kisses your last few shreds of consciousness away
damn what a crazy part amirite i want to go to a party like this goddamn
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arc-misadventures · 28 days
The Lady’s Next Door
The 'Milf next door' when she says she just going to say 'hi' to that cute blond boy your daughters friends with.
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Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why do you want to do that, Mom?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why are you dressed like that?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Why do you want to talk to, Jaune?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: Is it because he's a human?
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Blake: He’s just my friend, Mom, he is not another, Adam waiting to happen.
Kali: I just want to talk to him.
Jaune: Hi, Blake. Oh, hi Ms. Belladonna!
Kali: I just want to fuck him.
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Blake: What?!
Yang: Hey, Mom, I’m sorry, but can you do me a favour?
Raven: I don’t wanna.
Yang: Mom! Come on! I just need you to watch over my friend till I get back.
Raven: Back, back from where?
Yang: Blake got…?!
Raven: No! Say no more, since it involves your ‘girlfriend’ I can assume it’s something illegal.
Yang: She’s not my girlfriend!
Raven: But, was it illegal?
Yang: …
Yang: Well…
Raven: Ha! Love the bad girls don’t you? Fine, I’ll watch over your friend. Who is it you want me to babysit; It better not be the, Schnee girl! I swear I’ll shoot her one of these days if she…?
Yang: No, it’s not, Weiss. It’s, Jaune. Jaune’s coming over.
Raven: J-Jaune…?
Yang: Yeah, we’ve got a school project we’re working on together, and Jaune wanted to get ahead of the game. So he asked if he could come over here so we could work on it. Is that okay?
Raven: Jaune coming over here…? T-That’s fine! I’m totally fine with that tasty snack…?! I mean! That fine young man coming over here. W-When is coming over…?
Yang: In… half an hour-ish?
Raven: Half an hour? That gives me plenty of time… Time for a shower, and time to put on something spicy~!
Yang: What was that?
Raven: Nothing! Go, and save your girlfriend!
Yang: She’s not my girlfriend, Mom!
Raven: And, I’m not about to get laid, now get going!
Yang: Alright! Alright! I’m going.
Yang: …
Yang: Wait, ‘Get laid?’
Ruby: Mom?
Summer: Yes, sweaty~?
Ruby: What are you wearing?
Summer: A bikini.
Ruby: Why?
Summer: Well, your friend, Jaune is coming over to help clean the pool, so I thought I’d give him a show~!
Ruby: A what?
Summer: I thought I’d get a suntan.
Ruby: Oh… Then why are you taking the sunscreen?
Summer: So I don’t get sunburned silly.
Ruby: Okay, do you want me to…?!
Summer: No! No, noo, no. I’ll ask, Jaune to put it on~! That way I get those big muscular hands all over me, feeling me up~! Oh gods~!
Ruby: What was that mom?
Summer: Nothing~!
(Ding dong~!)
Summer: Oh? That must be my boy toy~! Coming!
Ruby: Boy what…?
Jacques: Willow! Where are you! Blasted, where is that drunkard!
Willow: …
Jaune: …
Willow: Well, that was close…
Jaune: Yeah… too close.
Willow: Jacques would have thrown an absolute fit if he caught one of, Weiss’s friends snooping about the mansion.
Jaune: I wasn’t snooping, I was lost.
Willow: In a supply closet?
Jaune: I thought it was, Weiss’s room.
Willow: Not even close dear.
Jaune: Okay… but can you open the door, you shoved us in here to get away from, Jacques, and this broom closet is rather cramped.
Willow: No can do… my hands are stuck here… Feeling your broad chest~! Y-You’ll have to open the door yourself.
Jaune: Okay fine… where is the door knob…? Eh? What is this, a pillo…?!
Willow: Ohh~!
Jaune: Ahh?! S-S-S-Sorry! I didn’t mean to…?!
Willow: Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Y-Yeah…?!
Willow: Harder~!
Athena: So tell me, why are you in such a panic to clean up, our already clean house?
Pyrrha: Ooooh… My teammates are coming over, so I wanted to spruce the place up for their visit.
Athena: Your teammates…? Does that mean… Jaune is coming too…?
Pyrrha: Yeah, he’s coming too.
Athena: I see… Well, then I hope he’ll enjoy visiting us in our humble abode~!
Pyrrha: Uhh… Mom? Your top has come undone.
Athena: It’s a little hot here, I just want to cool off.
Pyrrha: It’s not hot in here at all?
Athena: Oh~? What makes you think that?
Pyrrha: Mom, your top has come undone again.
Athena: So it has.
Pyrrha: Mom, I can see you bra.
Athena: And?
Pyrrha: Mom, do up your blouse, unless you want my friends to stare at your breasts.
Athena: So long as it’s him, I don’t mind if he stares, or even copes a feel. I’ll be very happy by the end of it all~!
Pyrrha: C-Cope a feel? Who are you talking about?
Carla: So that’s the, ‘loser twerp’ you’ve been bullying?
Cardin: Yeah, his name is, Jaune Arc, complete loser.
Carla: Jaune Arc…? Jaune ArrrrrrrrrC~! Hmm… Rolls off the tongue.
Cardin: Pff! That’s part of the idiot’s stupid catch phrase.
Carla: What catch phrase?
Cardin: “The nAme’S JaUNe ArC; roLLLs of tHE tonGUE! LaDIEs Love it” Pff! How stupid can you be?
Carla: ‘Love’s it?’ So, he is the boy you are being forced to apologize to?
Cardin: Yeah, the teacher says they’ll end my two month long detention early if I apologize to him… I have no intention of apologizing to that loser.
Carla: I see… You know what, Cardin. How about I apologize on your behalf?
Cardin: You’ll do that?
Carla: Of course! He may not accept it, but he’ll at least get that apology he is owed.
Cardin: You’ll do that? Thanks, Mom. I probably would have decked him in the face if I went over there to apologize to the loser.
Carla: Then I best go over there. Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll make sure he accepts your apology. After all, what better apology can a boy get than fucking his bully’s own mother~?
Cardin: W-What was that…?
Ruby: Amethyst, honey? Why are you dressed so… slutty?
Amethyst: Oh… uhh… Parent teacher conference is tonight…
Ruby: I’m aware…
Amethyst: Yeah… so… Professor Arc is coming over to…?!
Ruby: Jaune?! J-Jaune’s coming over here?
Amethyst: Yeah, he told me so himself.
Ruby: So, you’re dressing like a slut to seduce him?
Amethyst: Yeah… That is the plan…
Ruby: Nonono! That won’t work at all honey! He won’t give you so much as a fleeting glance if you dress up like some common harlot!
Amethyst: He won’t?
Ruby: No! You need to dress in something more conservative, something that shows nothing, but something that emphasizes everything~!
Amethyst: Like what?
Ruby: I’ll show you after I’ve seduce him~!
Amethyst: What?! But, I want to sleep with him first!
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
HONEYS IT GIRL MAGAZINE may edition⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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welcome back to honeys it girl magazine, this is the may catalog. get ready for the inside scoop on data that i've collected, things i've learned/started doing, and just general info like that organized in kind of a teen-magazine inspired fashion. a magazine for it girls ✨ and now please enjoy, the it girl magazine.
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this month i discovered ballerina tea! and if u dont know what ballerina tea is, im going to put you on bcuz thats the whole point of the it girls magazine. the key ingredients in ballerina tea is senna and chinese mallow.
so essentially ballerina tea contains herbs that some cultures have traditionally used for a long time. its marketed as a weight loss tea but thats not all true. ballerina tea has a laxative effect and is really good for DETOXIFICATION and translate into lost weight in the form of water and stools.
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while we are on the topic of consumption this is your reminder to eat ur fresh fruits and veggies! lets talk about ways to incorporate more fresh foods into our everyday diet.
if u like to snack, make fruits and vegetables more accessible for you. by prepping snacks before the cravings start, your snacking smarter.
start making smoothies or açai bowls as a rly yummy and easy way of getting fresh fruits daily.
make tasty veggie platters with home made sauces as a way to get in vegetables, or find a way to incorporate veggies into ur favorite recipes.
something that i did recently that has improved the quality of my diet is simply making some foods from scratch. for example i had a huge craving for fries, so i made home made fries and i can guarantee its 10X better then the processed fries that i would've gotten.
school is FINALLY done. we are free to enjoy our hot girl summers! but now that school is done i find myself faced with the "now what?" question. no but seriously now what? no one wants to have a wasted summer, and ik u dont either so make sure to live up ur summer!
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i did not take my own advice and i did not make preparations in advance for my summer so as of writing this post i have no plans, so im scrambling to make plans with my friends and set things up for myself. im planning out things like girls trips to the city, shopping trips, parties, dinners etc etc. and ofc manifesting for the vacation that i deserve.
SUPER EASY TANNING ROUTINE - tanning is one of the most important parts of summer! to start ur tanning routine, first things first set up a tanning playlist. my tanning playlist consists of songs like espresso by sabrina carpenter, nasty by tinashe, and turn it up by pink pantheress.
next apply some SPF to protect ur skin from the hot sun and apply some tanning oil if u have it. something else important to remember when tanning is to cooldown after tanning so keep some aloe vera gel on hand to avoid burning. we wanna TAN not burn.
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tan the front then the back (each in 10 minute intervals) by the time ur done each side should tan for about 20 minutes each. so it'd be something like (front - 10 minutes, back - 10 minutes, front - 10 minutes, back - 10 minutes)
afterwards COOL DOWN with some swimming, some aloe vera, have a tasty mocktail/cocktail, apply some tanning oil and repeat the process one more time.
SMELLING LIKE THE BEACH - if u wanna smell like the beach, go to the beach. but if u wanna have the same effect i recommend the following products : the watermelon and coconut scented tree hut scrubs. the maui hair products. cabana girl body wash from philosophy. the bum bum body scrub. sol de janeiro rio radiance. ;
dionne is my absolute favorite character in the clueless movie and show for a MULTITUDE of different reasons. she is the embodiment of black femininity, girlyness, and she just exudes the lavish energy that we all know and love!
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lets start off by talking about the way that dionne styles her hair. dionne's hair is so healthy, bouncy and absolutely GORGEOUS. she frequently styles her hair with things like headbands and clips. i've seen her in lots of different hairstyles and she always EATS.
dionne isnt particularly drawn to one specific color, the colors that she wears ranges depending on her outfit but everything is so well put together. one of dionne's most ICONIC looks is her unforgettable burgundy velvet dress with some white detaling.
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