#hp canon fan
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potterblog · 7 months ago
poor Draco 😭😭😭
One day he'll meet his soulmate Dudley, and they'll both be so happy together 😍
Does anyone else ship Drudley?
Reblog if you agree that both our boys deserve happiness!
Let's Make Drudley Great Again!
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rijsamurai · 11 months ago
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Follow the spiders
Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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urmumsgyatt · 5 months ago
let’s be so for real, regulus likely contributed to sirius’ abuse the same way dudley did to harry. yall just dont want to admit it cause you attached a pretty face to him.
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boredomsbonedeep · 1 month ago
james sirius potter!!
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he acts like a cool guy but he's 100% embarrassed himself a trillion times in front of alice
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thechamberofcanon · 10 months ago
This is so sweet and wholesome! I love this gorgeous art of young Draco with Narcissa and Lucius! ❤
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69slaysoulsister69 · 3 months ago
In honor of me not buying one of the cardigans from the restock (rip) I NEED to talk about how at the beginning of 2022 I rarely listened to taylor swift and had no idea who the marauders were but I saw a tik tok of an atyd fanart with right where you left me as the sound and since that day I’ve read 30 million words of harry potter fanfic and taylor has been my top artist on spotify for three years in a row
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iamnotthenewwriter · 6 months ago
A Second Chance
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Part Seven
After Draco ran away Harry could only curse himself for being too careless, if only he had not kissed Draco they could have talked more about how he wanted to help him and maybe Draco would have even accepted but he had lost his only chance.
A few days later Harry, Hermione and Ron were about to track down the next Horcrux they would need to destroy.
Harry was walking down an hallway when he turned around the corner he saw Draco just a few steps ahead of him, he was quick to catch up to the other male.
“Malfoy.” He called out his name as he placed his hand onto the other’s shoulder. “I’m sorry about what happened.” He said sincerely, Draco seemed startled as he turned to face Harry.
“Potter…” Harry didn’t even let him add anything else before stopping him.
“Just…as if nothing happened…please, I will help you.” He looked into Draco’s eyes as if trying to tell him that he could completely trust him.
Draco didn’t know what to say, maybe he actually needed help, maybe he could trust Harry and escape his already written out faith.
“I…” Draco bit his bottom lip as he tried to find the right words. “I will help you destroy the Horcruxes.”
For the rest of the story search #a second chance on my blog
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I find it hilarious when people are like "They're just a morally grey character, antis write negative analyses because they can't handle it and need to have the moral high ground. I bet if you read classics like Dostoevsky it'd blow your mind because everyone is flawed there." Honey, I've read Dostoevsky in original and let me tell you, the character you're defending is still ✨️a piece of shit✨️.
Firstly, I don't understand why everyone and their dog is jumping to Dostoevsky when they decide to start reading classics and gain a superiority complex after reading a couple of his books 💀. I'd start with Pushkin and Chekhov and then move onto him, Tolstoy, Gogol, etc. Secondly, almost all my favourite fictional characters are morally grey and even if I don't like some, I find their arc fascinating. But when someone writes long, detailed analyses and supports their claims with facts, it means they have a point and that "negative light" they write that character in, is just casting light on them and their shitty actions. 😀
All the detailed anti analyses I've read clearly state that the author appreciates the well-rounded, flawed character but criticizes their person, or that the author feels like the character should be held accountable by the fandom for what they truly are. Also, we're allowed to hate a character if they're a bully, sexist, racist, etc. Because those are real-world problems that resonate with us, even if the character is well-written and is actually morally grey. No one is saying we can't handle their moral greyness and duality. Sometimes the piece of shit is likable, sometimes not. And even then, there's a huge difference between "this character screws up a lot and is selfish" and "this character was a nazi who enjoys bullying children". If you truly accepted the character as they are with their "moral greyness", you wouldn't be pulling out your hair every time someone writes what they actually did.
I've also noticed that these character defenders pull the "moral greyness" card out to justify their favs, but will nitpick other characters' actions and exaggerate their every past screw-up. What happened to accepting the flaws? 🧐
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mrsnerdygirl · 7 months ago
Sixteen year old Tom Riddle stood frozen in front of the destroyed house . It was scary , dark and abolished , just like his life , his soul , this was his legacy . He approached the huge house , noticing the dead snake on the doorframe , that was hanging there , its eyes opened , two dark slits , warning everyone who dared to try and enter the mess , that his mother used to call home , or at least he thought she did . Tom had never met his mother , he didn’t know what she looked like , nor how her touch felt , how her voice sounded , but that was amazing . Words couldn’t describe how mad he was with her, how much rage he held against his birth giver . For some reason though , his rage towards his mother couldn’t compare to the many emotions he held against that man , that man that was the reason he is Tom Marvolo Riddle .
When he entered he met his uncle , the man that without knowing it had changed his life . He went there to take a piece of that bloodline with him , the bloodline that would end soon , because he couldn’t continue it, not with the curse on his back , not with his own name following him around , like a ghost whose destiny was to hunt him . He came out knowing where his father lived , knowing that a piece of his own DNA was alive , breathing every day , knowing that Tom existed , never bothering to look for him . “Of course not , thought the young boy , he wouldn’t look for the witch’s son.”
He was so close to his blood , to his living relatives . He never knew how his mother looked like , but when he left the Gaunt house, the ring of Salazar Slytherin tightly wrapped on his hand , he knew, nothing like him , because Tom and his father shared more than their name , they shared a face . As he went up the hill , he hoped that the mad man was wrong , that he was mistaken , because Tom couldn’t think of a worse curse than having to live with the image of that muggle .
He stood in front of the mansion , it was beautiful , well kept , the opposite of the house that stood not too far way . He gazed through the window , looking at the grant entryway , filled with expensive souvenirs. He opened the door , and put a silencing charm on himself , insuring that whoever occupied the house wouldn’t be able to hear him . On that richly decorated hallway , stood young Tom Riddle , gazing back at his own face . On top of the grant staircase hang the portrait of a boy , who must have been his age . He sat on a chair , in the middle of his haughty looking parents . They were like all the rich people Tom had met , haughty , wealthy , rude and full of themselves , so sure on their riches , that they forgot about everything else . They were not on the level of the pureblood families , the children of which he associated with . Tom stared in his own eyes , painted perfectly on the boy’s face , no not just any boy , his father , the man who abounded him , who left him alone in poverty , to suffer while he ran off to his rich family .
The curse was real , he shared the same filthy blood , name and face as the muggle . Without knowing why he went through the wooden door on his right , where he clearly heard voices . The drawing room matched the outside of the house , rich looking , impressive even . Three heads turned his way . The older man , who he saw in the portrait got up first , like his wife and son , still in his dinner clothing , looking shocked and angry : “Who are you ?” , his voice was loud , harsh and rude . Without thinking much about it , he lifted his wand , and a shiny lightning came out , hitting him straight to his chest . The woman screamed , but soon , not even a second later , she too dropped dead , eyes opened , staring at the ceiling . “Mother ? what have you done ? what in the bloody hell are you ? “ , Tom stared at eyes as dark as his , at features the same as his , he never cared about his looks , not until he realized he could use them to get what he wanted , but for some reason now he was angry at the looks of this man . His “father “ raised his hand , and Tom noticed a wedding band . Perhaps he was engaged , perhaps married, and that just made him madder , because someone got to have this man in his life , a child got to have this man , when all Tom wanted as a kid was for his dad , or a relative even , to come and take him away forever . Someone like him , who understood his ideas , because they were the same , they were just like him . He waited for so long , not knowing that the hero he wished for didn’t care , the hero had forgotten about him , hadn’t bothered thinking beyond the muggle village . Tom smirked at Tom senior’s expression , and this time he spoke , feeling the wave of power radiate through his arm to the wand ; “Avada Kadavra “ .
It wasn’t the first time he used the spell , it wouldn’t be the last , but it surely felt different . He killed his father’s family , his own blood , made a Horcrux , separated a part of his soul once again , and blamed Morfin Gaunt for everything . He walked away from the houses ,leaving Little Hangleton behind , together with his family history , vowing to build a name for himself , one that would have nothing to do with his past , one that people would fear and would recognize as great and powerful , one that would be his and his only .
So , i dont know how accurate this is but in my opinion, Tom didnt know his dad lived in the village, because noone knew who his dad was , so noone could have told him about it . I think he just went in the village to see his mum's house as well as get the ring . I also think that he didnt want to kill him uncle to make the Horcrux , but i dont know who he was planning to kill , maybe a muggle and then frame his uncle ? Anyways so yeah that was my version of what happened to the Riddles .
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potterblog · 1 year ago
This! <3 I respect all ships but in canon, Romione is the most perfect ship! 🥰 Their relationship dynamics are amazing and so interesting. They're attracted to each other physically, emotionally, and romantically. They enjoy each other's company. Their personalities are extremely compatible with each other. Their obvious chemistry and tension is so cute and visible to everyone around them!
Whenever a multi-shipper respects the validity of canon Romione and canon Hinny, I trust their fic recs way more! Because I love canon characterizations in a fanfic, and the canon flaws of these characters are what makes their relationships so appealing and sweet. The fact that Hermione and Ron both emotionally matured and grew so much throughout the 7 HP books and still have so much growing left to do together is something I really love about this pairing.
People should ship what they want, but don't invalidate canon pairings. Canon doesn't need to be rewritten to everyone's specific tastes. That's what fanfiction is for! There's room for non-canon-shippers and canon-shippers to all get along! 🥰
I hate hate hate the argument that Ron and Hermione have nothing in common. I mean did we read the same books? They have LOTS in common. They both are stubborn, passionate, brave, loyal, courageous, argumentative, possessive and intelligent in their own ways. Just bcz he didn't read 100827562 books like her or she wasn't interested in quidditch.. that doesn't mean they are a bad match. A girl like Hermione would HATE someone who is similar to her. She constantly belittled Harry in HBP bcz he was doing better than her in potions. She would never be happy with someone who is academically as smart as her. Ron has the street smartness while Hermione has the book smartness. They balance each other out in the most perfect way.
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rewritingcanon · 1 year ago
[jegulily] worse than jegulus but somehow less annoying idk how to explain it
dude this is so real! like it's hard to explain but it captures those feelings perfectly. like it is worse in a sense that it directly romantically connects an oppressed woman with her oppressor and that's gross, but it's also less annoying because of how fandom acts, they at least try to act like they don't completely erase Lily? I guess? so it's more palatable to 'see' rather than the complete erasure or demonization or downgrading that happens with jegulus, though you can still tell that she's treated like a third wheel and the lesser one in that poly and the only posts you see about the ship not working cause one of them feels like they don't fit in are always about Lily lol. but in the end both still bad in a sorta same way, cause they both only serve one character, Regulus irrelevant Black and that's it, they only exist for one character, cause neither James or Lily or their fans gain anything from these ships, they're both deliriously happy with each other and don't give a flying crap about the new twink of the month and don't 'need' him in their ships. yet still one of those camps is at least trying to fight the misogyny allegations while the other is just blatantly misogynistic.. so like there are layers and levels to the badness and annoyance here lmfao
im literally dying over “regulus irrelevant black” and “new twink of the month” because thats exactly how these new death eater babygirls feel to me all the time and we seriously need to retire the image. and i really said “idk how to explain it” and then you came and explained it perfectly.
it sucks because i do wish there was more love for polyamorous ships in fandom in general but did the popular had to have been jegulily?? youre also completely right about how jegulily shippers (from what i’ve seen) are mostly regulus fans, because the whole ship does seem to center around him in some way. it’s so funny how often lily would feel shoved into the ship absentmindedly when in reality the third wheel would be regulus. and there would be a third wheel in this scenario because canon lily and canon james wouldnt want to touch regulus within a ten foot pole. lily, who dumped her childhood best friend over his prejudices against muggles/muggleborns (that extended years of her having to look the other way) would want to voluntarily put herself in a relationship that could so much as entail the same sort of bullshit. james, who joined a whole ass war to defend the rights of the oppressed and had probs a million bitching sessions with sirius over how shitty his family was (including regulus) would want to date said character? mmm uh huh okay. fanon is getting out of control its time we curb stomp a lot of it.
ive yapped too much too long im not gonna even get into the jegulus part. it makes me too maddddd
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neverenoughmarauders · 10 months ago
You're not anti-muggle-born, you say?
'Good lesson,' Potter said, grinning widely.
'Potter, how'd you go and transfigure that match?' Macdonald asked, leaning across Remus.
'Magic,' Potter said simply, but Remus caught a quick look between the two black-haired boys that told him that he was missing some private joke.
'More importantly, you weren't really trying to transfigure Black's hand, were you?' Evans asked, looking disapprovingly over at the two, but unable to conceal some curiosity all the same.
'Not his hand,' Potter said, 'his nails. It'd be fun having sharp, metallic nails, wouldn't it?'
'Like claws,' Black agreed.
'But that's - that's - it's completely different,' Evans said, exasperatedly, 'human transfiguration is nothing like transfiguring objects! It could go really wrong.'
'How would you know?' a plain-looking girl with mousy hair sitting next to Macdonald asked, 'you're muggle-born, aren't you?'
'Evans might have opened a book before she came here,' Potter said, looking coolly at this girl.
'Or listened to professor McGonagall in class,' Remus suggested.
'Exactly,' Potter said. 'She might have used her ears. Who are you anyways?'
'Gemma Dawlish,' the girl said, 'and don't look at me like that. I am not anti-muggle-born if that's what you're thinking.'
'You are right,' Black agreed, 'that was precisely what we were thinking.'
'Good of you to clarify though,' Potter said, sarcastically.
'Like you're one to talk, Black,' the girl said, scornfully. 'Your whole family -'
'Oh, I see, you judge everyone based on their families,' Potter interrupted. 'How very equitable of you.'
'Ignore them, Gem,' the girl sitting across from Dawlish said.
'Do that, Gem-Gem,' Potter agreed.
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urmumsgyatt · 5 months ago
i hate marauderstok
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potterblog · 11 months ago
Omg i love this so much!
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‘an ode to ron weasley’ by hermione jean granger 🩷
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romantichopelessly · 2 months ago
the worst thing about being into book fandoms is that no matter the genre. no matter the content. there will always be a pocket of h*rry p*tter fans in the fandom. and they will be vocal.
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deadwardiann · 1 year ago
the toh reddit page being 90% mor*ngmark stuff is so dull 😭
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