#hooded girl
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Alis Italian Dhimmi whore Loretta
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bloomeng · 2 months
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red bow & sailor nightwing
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bluejayscrying · 3 months
no thoughts just Jason blasting ‘white girl music’ on his motorbike as Red Hood
Minor villain: ahaha! The bats are nothing! I will easily beat them!!
*call me maybe starts playing*
Minor villain: oh shit
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Classmate or teacher: damian? Is someone coming to pick you up?
Damian: one moment *raises his head slightly*
*Superbass (Niki obvi) can be heard in the background at full volume, the ground shaking*
Damian: *heavy sigh* yeah my brother is here
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itsdabatt · 23 days
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Some classic team-ups
What do you mean they look off. They’re bats that’s their job
Part 1
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[During a white elephant gifts exchange]
Steph: A metro card? no way!
Tim: From me! Unlimited rides
Jason: Oh, unlimited rides? Is that what your tramp stamp says?
Tim: I was gonna get mad, but that was a damn good one
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batfamgalore · 5 months
*Dick is Batman but he’s gone missing and they’re trying not to assume the worst but Damian is already trying to pick out the next Batman*
Tim: He’s not dead, Damian.
Damian: Well, not yet.
Damian: Hopefully, he won’t, you know, die, but if he does, the show must go on.
Damian: Isn’t that right, Jason?
Jason: You terrify me.
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do1li3 · 11 months
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ivynightshade · 5 months
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fatima aamer bilal, excerpt from moony moonless sky’s ‘i am an observer, but not by choice.’
[text id: i often asked myself / do i want love / or do i want proof that i am loveable?]
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fanaticalthings · 3 months
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it's tough being the oldest.
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"anyone can be a babygirl but it takes a man to be a single mother"
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wocina · 9 months
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pink111shit · 8 days
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bluejayscrying · 4 months
Due to the robins getting progressively younger, A lot of neighbourhood kids seem to think they can also be a superhero. Jason, who knows firsthand the dangers of being a kid vigilante (he died as one, after all) opens up a Martial arts Centre for the kids of Gotham.
there’s no payment required, and you can see kids who look like they wouldn’t be out of place in the Wayne manor suburb helping a younger crime alley attendee perfect a punch-and-grab combo.
He calls it ‘Jaybirds nest’, runs it as many nights he can afford, and tries to discourage the young children from a hero’s life while still teaching them how to defend themselves.
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bloomeng · 6 days
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been playing around with some sticker designs
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teaspace · 3 months
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I’ve done everything but the last so far
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batfamgalore · 5 months
*All the batboys have plans to see a concert in Gotham, but there’s an Arkham break out so now all hands are on deck*
Jason: Oh, great.
Tim: I hate my life.
Bruce: Look, guys, I know how much you were looking forward to seeing that show. But there will be other concerts.
Dick: No, there won’t. The fact that this one’s happening is a miracle. Nobody good ever comes here because we keep killing each other.
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