#honestly i could go on and on about these two forever
samandcolbyownme · 3 days
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Summary: reader drunkenly explains her love for Chris to ‘Matt’
Warnings: swearing, reader being drunk, drinking alcohol, drunk confessions, kissing, mainly fluff
Word Count: 2.9k | unedited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
The night started out slow, but then quickly picked up as more people arrived. Your friend, Wren, was hosting a five mill party tonight and you were definitely celebrating.
“Come play pong with me!” Wren yelled as she grabbed your arm.
“One second, I need to send this text.” You kept your eyes on your phone, typing out a text. Wren leans over, “Texting Chris?”
You jerk your phone away, “No, it’s- um.” You roll your eyes, “Yeah, Chris.”
“Christopher Sturniolo.” She says with a smirk and you shush her, “Keep your voice down. He doesn’t even know I like him, I don’t need a hundred and fifty people knowing before him.”
“Are you ever going to tell him?” She tilts her head and you nod, “Yes.”
“When.. I fell like te-“ you huff, shoving your phone back into your pocket, “Let’s go play pong.”
You pull her over to the table, standing next to her as two other people emerge from the crowd to play against the two of you.
Your drink was finished by the first round, “Damn.” You laugh, “We really suck at this.”
“You’re not drunk enough. The key to pong is being plastered, okay?” Wren points to the guys across the table, “Well be back for a rematch.”
They laugh, giving a thumbs up and she drags you to the drink table, “Here.” She places two shot glasses on the table top and fills them with a clear liquid, “Cheers to five million!”
“Cheers to five million!” You take your shot and set the glass down, and she instantly refills it, “Oh sweetie, we are just getting started.”
You laugh, taking the second shot, “Okay.” You pour some alcohol into your cup, “Let’s go dance a little bit.”
You dance, go back for more shots, dance some more, get a few more drinks, play some pong - and win, and in between all of that, you were still managing to text Chris.
You so agould hace came,, chrisypjher
You watched the screen as the text bubbles popped up and smiled when his text came through.
Looks like you’re having a damn good night. I would have, but I didn’t have an invite.
You bite your lip, your cup between your knees as you focused on typing as best as you could.
You were drunk, drunk.
Yo u coula have cane wirh me it woulw have bwsn okayu
You lean back, finishing the rest of your drink. You were honestly ready to go home. It’s been a few hours, and within those hours, you partied hard.
It’s okay, ma. I hope you’re having a good time. You deserve it.
You bite your lip, smirking as you reread his text. You were close with the Sturniolo brothers. You grew up down the street from them, so you knew them pretty well.
Your crush on Chris, though, only grew bigger and bigger as the years went on.
Before you can reply, you’re pulled up from your seat, “Come with me!” Wren yells as she pulls you away from your seat.
“What? What’s going on?” You ask confused. The tone in her voice made it seem like something was wrong, “Wren?”
She pulls you away from everyone and turns around, “That girl over there, the-the blonde one with the bow.”
You look over, nodding as you see her, “What about her?” You look back at her, swaying back and forth, you felt like you needed to sit down but the words from Wren’s mouth shocked you, “She likes Chris.”
“What?” You stare at her, “What?”
She nods, “You need to claim him now or else he’ll be gone forever.”
“Don’t say that.” You felt like you could puke, “Are you serious right now?”
She nods, “I over heard her talking to my friend, she said that Chris has been texting her and he really seems interested.”
You glance down at your phone, seeing a Chris from text, “M’gonna ask him.” Wren watches as you bring your phone up.
“What’s her name, Wren?” You look up at her and she shrugs, “I think Leslie or something of that sort? I dunno, I jus’want you to be able to be honest with your feelings with him. You’ve liked him forever.”
A part of you felt like Wren was making this whole thing up just so you would tell him, but then again, the triplets were popular and it is LA that you’re in right now.
“I don’t feel good.” You shake your head, “I need to..” you step back and start walking towards the back patio, “..go outside.”
You walk out, closing the door behind you. To your right, two people were pretty much choking on each other’s tongues and you let out a small huff, walking over to the back of the house more and leaning up against the wall.
You squint your eyes as you try to navigate through the letters on your keyboard as you type out your message.
You stop, realizing when you don’t know what to say. You’re just tapping random letters, “Shit.” You take a deep breath, swiping out of texts and going to your contacts.
You scrolled down to Matt’s contact and his call.
After a few rings, he picks up, “Hey, how’s the party?”
“I-I need you to come get me.”
“Is everything okay? What happened?” Matt asks from the other end, “Y/n?”
“I’m just..” you sigh, “Ready to leave this place.”
“Okay, can you drop your location to me? I don’t know how to get to Wren’s house.”
“Yeah, yeah I can do that.”
“Okay, I’m on my way, can you wait out front?”
“Yeah, I’ll go there now.” You hang up, sending him your location before you walk back in. Wren runs up to you, almost like she completely forgot the news she just delivered, “So good news.”
You sigh, “I’m leaving.”
“Is it because of what I said?”
You shrug, “I just.. drank too much? I think?”
“Whatever, anyway, good news is, she was talking about a different Chris. Apparently this guy is some actor or something, so your Chris is still available.”
You smile slightly, “You need to work on your wording and getting to the point faster.”
“How are you getting home?” She tilts her head as she sips her drink. You hold up your phone, “Matt is coming to get me.”
She nods, “You going to their house?” She smirks, “Where Chris resides. Hmm?”
You roll your eyes, “I guess. Unless he wants to go out of his way, I mean it’s almost one in the morning so.”
“Just bite the bullet, stay at their place.” She perks up, “Fuck I love this song.” She runs away before anything else is said and you shake your head before stumbling to the front door and walking out.
You sit down on the sidewalk outside, looking around as you wait for Matt to roll up.
You look down, gasping quietly when you remember you left Chris on read, “Oh shit.”
Sorty things gor a litle hetiv
You laugh, shaking your head as you type more.
I’m deubk
You look up as a car pulls up and stops right in front of you. Matt gets out and walks around, “Hey drunkie. Need a ride home?”
You laugh and extend your arm out, indicating you need help up, “Please.” You laugh as he pulls you up and opens the passenger door, “Don’t puke in my car. I just got it cleaned.”
“I’m good, I’m good.” You smile and give him a double thumbs up, “I promise.”
“You better be.” Matt laughs and shakes his head before closing the door. He walks around and gets in, buckling up before looking at you, “Seatbelt, please.”
“Aye aye captain, sir.” You turn, pulling the belt out and laying it over your body. Matt shakes his head, laughing as he starts to drive once he hears the click.
“How was it?” He glances over at you and you sigh, “It was good, really fun, up until Wren had to go and ruin my mood.”
He furrows his brows, “Why did she do that? That wasn’t very nice.”
You scoff, “She told me that some bitch was trying to talk to-“ you stop talking, shaking your head, “Some bitch was causing issues.”
“Issues how?”
You sigh, resting your head back, “Stuff. I think, I don’t know. Wren said she was talking to someone I liked and I got all.. down in the dumps.”
“Who do you like?” Matt asks teasingly and you push his shoulder, “m’not tellin, but you know him.”
Matt knew you liked Chris. Chris was oblivious, even when Matt and Nick would pick on him about how he wouldn’t stop smoking around you.
“I know I do.”
Your head snaps over, “You know I like Chris?”
“I didn’t.” He plays dumb, “But I do now.”
You groan, “Please don’t say anything. Please Matt.”
“I won’t, but you should probably tell him soon.” Matt looks over at you and your heart sinks into your gut, “W-why? Is what Wren said actually true?”
He shrugs and you whine, “Don’t do that. Don’t pretend like this is a game because it’s not.”
“You get whiney when you drink, too much. You know that?” He looks at you and laughs, “I’m kidding. I’m kidding.”
You roll your eyes, fighting back laughter, “Not my fault.”
You cut him off, “Are you taking me home or to your place?”
“Where do you want to go?” He asks as he stops at a red light, “Either one is fine with me.”
“My house is further than yours and I need a shower.” You sigh and Matt nods, “Yeah, I know that, too.” He laughs and you smack his arm.
“I think I’m getting buzzed just by you sitting next to me, goddamn.” Matt laughs and you shake your head laughing, “Fuck off, Matthew.”
“Oooh, we’re going by full names now, okay.” Matt shakes his head, “Why don’t you text Christopher and tell him what you told me.”
At that moment, your phone buzzes in your lap, a few texts from Chris appearing on your Lock Screen, “I’m not going to tell him that, not yet. But I will tell him how much of a bully you’re being to me right now.”
Matt laughs, “Good luck with that.”
You read down the texts from Chris,
I can tell lol
Is Matt there to get you yet?
Are you coming here or going home?
You bite you lip, concentrating on typing out your message.
I’m wirh Matthew hea being a bulky righy now tho lol alsp coming to youe house
You hit send and look over at Matt, “Does Chris like me too?”
Matt shrugs, “You’ll have to ask him that one yourself.”
“How do you not know?” You scoff, laughing as you look over at him. He shrugs, “I don’t get paid enough to be a matchmaker.”
“We don’t pay you at all?” You laugh and Matt laughs, “Exactly.”
He pulls into the driveway and you let out a sigh, “Fuck.”
“What?” Matt asks as he undoes both seatbelts, “Thought you wanted to come here.”
“I did, I do. I just, am way too drunk for this right now.”
Matt laughs, “Too bad, you’re not sleeping out here. Come on.” He gets out, walking around to open your door. He helps you out, holding onto your arm as you walk up the steps, “Last one.”
You nod, stepping up and standing at the door. You stare at the knob and look at Matt, “Is it locked?”
“No it’s not locked.” Matt laughs, “Get in there, drunkie.”
You laugh as you walk in, gasping when you see Nick heading for the steps, “Nick!”
He turns around, head tilting as his eyes go wide, “Hello?”
You walk up and give him a hug and Matt closes the door, “She’s wasted.”
Nick nods, leaning back, “Yeah, I can smell it, goddamn. How much did you have to drink?”
You start counting on your fingers but you end up laughing, “A lot.”
Nick raises his brows and shakes his head, “So you had a good time?” You nod, “a greeeaate time!” Matt walks up behind you, “Come on. To the bathroom. You need to wash off the night, literally.”
You groan as you follow him, taking your time on the steps. When you look up, Chris is standing there with a smirk, “What’s up, drunkie?”
You roll your eyes, smirking as you make it past the last step, “I am in fact, drunkie.”
“I know, you told me. Multiple times.” Chris laughs and you sigh, “I gotta go wash the night off, literally. Matt’s words, not mine.”
You hold your hands up in defense and lean back, you gasp as you feel like you’re falling but both Matt and Chris reach out for you, grabbing you before you tumble, “Yeah.” Chris nods, “I’ll go get you some water.”
You walk to the bathroom and you can hear Matt and Chris whispering but you pay no attention. You walk into the bathroom and close the door.
You lean against the wall as you reach in to slowly turn the water on. You sigh, pushing yourself up off the wall and take off your dress and everything else.
You step in, closing the door and letting the water fall down all over you. You sway back and forth, humming to yourself as you reach out to grab some of the soap.
You wash your body, then you move to your hair and rinse and you take a few more moments, just standing under the hot water before finally getting out.
You were still drunk, but you already knew you were in for a massive hangover tomorrow, which you dreaded, but it was always worth it.
You wrap the towel around your body, wiping the mirror to check if all of your makeup was off or not, and it was, luckily.
You opened the door and walk out. As you make your way down to the guest room, a voice calls out for you, “Y/n.”
“What?” You turn around, moving to lean against the wall. Matt walks down the hall, “Do you need clothes or anything?”
“I think I have a few things here. If not I’ll come find you.”
He nods, “Okay. If you need anything at all, just yell.”
“Okay.” You laugh and walk to the room. You had a shirt and a pair of sweats here, so you dried off and threw them on.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. You got up from the bed and opened it, “Matt. I’m good.” You spin around and walk back to the bed to lay down.
You cut him off, “Actually. I want to talk to you.” You sit up, glancing over at him, “Remember what I said in the car?”
“You said a lot.” He chuckles, “what part exactly?”
“About Chris.” You look over at him, “Matt, I don’t know how to tell him.”
“Tell him what?”
You scoff, “That I like him. Come on, keep up dude.”
You hear him laugh and he brings his hand up to his mouth, “Right, yeah. Sorry.”
“What so funny? Seriously, I feel like I’m going to lose my chance on being with him, like I just want to know if he likes me back, why can’t you just give me that?”
“He does like you.”
“He does?” You snap your head over to him and your heart sinks into your gut, “Oh fuck.”
“Hey.” Chris pushes down his hood and runs his hand over his hair and you shake your head, “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.. to.. fuck. Drunk me always embarrasses myself.”
You lay your hands over your face and you feel the bed dip down. Chris gently pulls your hands away and tilts your chin up, “Look, I’m just glad that I finally got confirmation.”
He laughs slightly and you smile, “I’m not, like, having a drunk hallucination am I?”
He shakes his head, “No, ma. This is real.”
You were suddenly feeling,. Bold, to say the least. You tilt your head, squinting your eyes, “Prove it.”
Chris smirks, shaking his head as he laughs, “Alright, fine.”
He leans in, cupping your cheek before pressing his lips to yours. Your hand slides up his chest, resting on his neck as your lips move with his.
He leans back slightly, eyes looking into yours, “Did that prove anything?”
You nod your head, “Uh huh. I just hope I remember this tomorrow.”
Chris laugh, “Yeah, me too.” He smiles and nods towards the top of the bed, “Come here.” He moves up, laying down and holding his arms out.
You move up, laying your body on his and his arms wrap around your body, holding onto you tight, “Thanks for drunk texting me.”
You laugh slightly, “drunk or sober, it’s always you.” You tilt your head up and he looks down at you, smiling before pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Good, now get some sleep.” He kisses your head and with that and his embrace, you were out like a light.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Thanks for reading! I love you all so much! Catch you in the next one. 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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qqueenofhades · 3 days
I may very well be getting too far ahead of myself here, but reading your last two (back to back, hot diggity damn, queen!) essays got me thinking about the future. In the beautiful possible future where we keep up the fight, elect Kamala, and keep Trump out of office for another 4 years, do you think there's a real possibility we'll be seeing the same election (Kamala vs Trump) in 2028?
I hear the arguments against the possibility - he's old and unhealthy so he'll probably die (not counting in it), the Republicans cannot be stupid enough to try again (they can), his fragile ego will be too broken to try again (his ego disconnected from reality long, long ago), he'll be in jail (unlikely with this Supreme Court, and hilariously we have no laws preventing someone in jail from running), but even the sum total of them doesn't seem like enough to count him out.
Mind you, if he does run against Kamala in 2028, I feel like the odds would be on our side? I'm just. So. Tired of this guy. I'll keep fighting till the day I die, but it'd be nice if we could actually see this dude go down and take on the next one.
We honestly have a good shot to shut ourselves of Trump forever at this election, because of the simple fact that he is in rapid dementia decline and I honestly don't think he'll be remotely sane in another 4 years. Not that he's sane now, but at age 82 after another four years of associated legal troubles and/or penalties complete with his rapidly unraveling mental state... I just don't think it will be possible even for the withered husk of the GOP to trot him out again, and I say that as someone who always unfortunately knew he would be the nominee again in 2024 despite some overly optimistic prognostications to the contrary by others. As I've said before, this is the last-chance saloon for Trump in any number of ways, and that is part of the reason he is so desperate now.
We can't count on the legal system to rid us of Trump before the election, but the delayed sentencing in his NY felony trial is coming a couple weeks afterwards, the Jan 6th trial has restarted, and the 11th Circuit is fairly likely to reinstate the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case. Trump running for president is a convenient grift to pay his legal bills, and if he gets crushed in November, even the most faithful MAGA diehard are going to find it hard to keep coughing up for his various fundraising appeals. I mean sure, he'll get something, because some of the cult members will be in it to the bitter end, but overall, he will be fucked. On many, many levels.
This is the delightful vision that is fueling me and frankly should fuel all of us, so yes. Vote. Remove stubborn orange stains, once and possibly fucking finally for all. Please.
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pepi1989 · 2 days
Also (me again) a long ben Shelton about your first date? Like maybe Bryan had to give Ben the confidence to ask you out after being friends with you for so long and you’re both at a red carpet event when he does ask you in private and how that date goes/ what he plans and how he dresses and how it ends etc.
More Than Friends - Ben Shelton
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Ben’s hands felt a little too warm, stuffed in his pockets as he shifted awkwardly. The red carpet was full of flashing cameras, people calling his name, but all he could focus on was you. You stood just a few feet away, smiling as you posed for a few photos. Your outfit was stunning, perfectly suited for the glitz of the event, and Ben couldn’t help but stare.
“Man, you gotta ask her out tonight,” his dad, Bryan, had told him earlier. “You’ve been friends for too long to not give it a shot. Just go for it.”
But the thought of ruining the friendship, the one constant he had, made his chest tighten. You and Ben had been friends for so long that asking you out felt like crossing some invisible line he wasn’t sure he was ready for. But here you were, more beautiful than ever, and Bryan’s words echoed in his head.
As the event wrapped up and the cameras shifted elsewhere, Ben caught your eye. “Hey,” he started, voice steady despite the nerves bubbling underneath. “You wanna get out of here for a bit?”
You raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at your lips. “Ditching the red carpet already?”
Ben chuckled, running a hand through his short curls. “Yeah, well, I had something else in mind.”
You followed him out of the chaotic scene, slipping into the quiet behind the scenes. The city lights outside the venue glowed softly through the large windows, casting everything in a warm, golden hue. Ben paused and turned to face you, the tension finally catching up to him.
“Look,” he started, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’ve been thinking… for a while now actually, and I know we’re friends, good friends, but I was wondering if you’d wanna go on a date with me? Like, tonight?”
You blinked, surprised but clearly amused. “Ben, are you asking me out on a date… after dragging me out of a red carpet event?”
He laughed, the nervous energy bubbling out as he looked away for a second. “Yeah, I guess I am. But I’ve had this planned, trust me.”
You tilted your head, clearly intrigued. “Planned, huh? Alright, Shelton, I’m in.”
The rooftop was perfect. String lights were strung up above, casting a soft glow over the cozy setup. A small table, set for two, waited for you in the middle of the space, with the city skyline stretching out around you. Ben watched as you took in the sight, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Wow,” you breathed, clearly impressed. “Okay, I didn’t expect this.”
“I’m full of surprises,” Ben said with a grin, pulling out your chair for you.
You sat down, still a little in awe. “So, when exactly did you plan all this?”
“Let’s just say I had it ready in case… I ever worked up the courage.” Ben rubbed his hands together, clearly still a little nervous despite the charm he was putting on.
The night was filled with easy conversation, laughter, and moments where the two of you just stared out at the lights below. Despite the fact that this was your first date, it didn’t feel awkward at all, more like an extension of the friendship you’d always shared.
Ben, however, was different tonight. A little more thoughtful, a little more attentive. He kept glancing at you when he thought you weren’t looking, and his smile held something deeper than usual. It wasn’t until dessert, though, that he finally let himself say what had been on his mind.
“You know,” he started, his voice softer than before. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. Like, a long while.”
You set your fork down, your curiosity piqued. “Yeah? What held you back?”
He looked down, fingers tapping lightly on the table before he met your gaze again. “I was scared, honestly. We’ve been friends forever, and I didn’t want to mess that up. But I… I like you. More than just as a friend.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his confession, the weight of his words hanging in the air between you.
“Ben,” you began, your voice soft, “you could’ve told me that sooner, you know.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “Yeah, well, took a little push from my dad.”
You smiled, leaning back in your chair as you watched him. “And here I thought you were fearless on and off the court.”
“I am!” he protested, grinning as he leaned in slightly. “Just… not when it comes to you.”
The playful banter between you was easy, but beneath it all, there was a tenderness you hadn’t realized was there before. The night ended with a slow walk under the stars, Ben’s hand brushing against yours as he reached out to hold it. Neither of you said much, but the silence was comfortable, filled with all the things that didn’t need to be said.
As the two of you stopped outside your place, Ben turned to face you, his eyes filled with that same nervous energy from earlier. “So, was that okay? First date and all?”
You smiled up at him, squeezing his hand gently. “It was perfect.”
He leaned in then, pressing a soft, tentative kiss to your forehead before stepping back, his grin spreading wide. “Good. ‘Cause I’m planning on taking you out again.”
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tategaminu · 3 days
Some predictions for S7
It seems some people are concerned about Rayla and Callum being separated for half the season when I honestly don't think that will be the case. They have never been separated more than two episodes, you could say "well it could happen now!" but I doubt they would do that in the same season we will fully see them together for the first time.
Now some proof or my own guesses to favour this:
In this screenshot Rayla isn't with Callum, she could be out of frame but I don't think so.
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I'm guessing he went ahead since maybe Rayla's wings weren't working anymore (they said they didnt't last forever if I remember correctly)
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Look how sad he looks, he has no gf to cheer him up over Katolis' destruction.
Now, we see Rayla and Ronaldo standing up in front of the Banterlodge, why are they here? I think Callum told them to meet there since it's a place both him and Rayla know.
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Why is she in attack mode?
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Looking at the trees it seems Ezran, Aanya and the animals seem to be around the banterlodge. Maybe Rayla sees the katolians coming or Ezran asking Corvus and Soren to arrest Raul and she gets defensive ofc, tho it doesn't seem to be an overly agressive stance.
We have confirmation that Callum and Ezran will have a conflict and Ezran is gonna be mad about Runaan, so maybe Callum defends Runaan here and confesses that he is the one who fred him, making the brothers fight. An upset Callum then leaves with Rancher and Rayla.
My guesses are, Callum and Rayla separate in episode 1 and reunite in late episode 2 or early episode 3 (they tend to "meet" in the second episode lol) maybe ep 2 ends with them meeting and the cliffhanger of Ezran finding out about Ronald.
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Callum, Rayla and Richard arrive at the Silvergroove (perhaps is on episode 3 to parallel season 3) we get the Ruthari reunion and Rayla's trial in the same episode, a confirmed to be a very emotional episode.
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The place Rayla is having her trial on seems to be the lottus pond thing, we only see her, The Keeper (I didn't know moonshadows could have beards okay dude) and the ghosts of the deceased assassins. I'm guessing she will have to be forgiven by them to be accepted back on The Silvergroove and she will need a lot of emotional support, I don't see why Callum wouldn't be there since he was there when she found out about her ghosting so he being there when she gets unghosted makes all the sense.
Callum, Stella and the other ones are out of frame probably watching this, unless this is another place where they aren't allowed.
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I wouldn't be suprised if Rayla doesn't want to go with the trial at all but we get a little callback to this with Callum saying something similar, maybe even more agressive this time.
Now onto the next clue, this oopsie leaked scene by the animation company:
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Stella jugglinga adoraburrs! look how cute!
I'm fully convinced this is a rayllum scene, it screams romance with the flowers and singing baitlings "oh it could be ruthari!" yeah? maybe? but let's look at the clues shall we:
Stella is there, Stella is always with Rayla
Callum and Rayla love adoraburrs
Sneezles is there, Sneezles is always with Callum
There are two lovebirds and Rayllum tends to attract animals (very disney princess/prince if you ask me)
The baitlings are singing, screams Rayllum corniness (kiss the girl!)
Rayla and Callum have something going on with boats
Maybe Callum and Rayla decided to take the rest of the baitlings with them to the Silvergroove (for some reason)
Maybe this scene isn't before the mid season at all and it's at the end! but for now I choose to believe it's kind of the calm before the storm scene. Maybe Rayla and Callum are celebrating her unghosting, before Aaravos starts fcking shit up and they have to leave and go back to Ezran. I don't think this will happen in the way to The Silvergroove because 1) third wheeling Runaan would be uncomfortable and I don't think Callum would prepare this at all in the way unless he wanted to annoy him hard idk 2) Rayla and Callum didn't need to cross water to arrive at TS the first time.
I'm choosing also not to believe this is at the end because them leaving The Silvergroove mid season for them to come back at the end wouldn't make much sense to me unless they are getting married right in this scene mostly because I don't think Rayla and Callum will choose to live in there, at least for now, and this will be the end of the arc not the series so yeah, they could be visiting tho and this could be a chilling ending scene.
In a summary, I don't think rayllum will be separated for a lot of episodes and Callum is totally going to The Shitlvergroove maybe they will get separated again when she gets kidnapped
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listen you can't separate them for much unless it's against their will
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piratefern · 3 days
okay so basically about your AU it's great but I honestly don't understand why scp 049 left scp 035 alone and what's with briefcase? *confused noise* I'm quite confused I do understand some things but some things are quite confusing to understand there backstory I will appreciate if you explains to meh clearly (*°∀°)=3
Hey :D! Thankyou for your ask :3
Basically, to understand the briefcase you’ll need a bit of context first :3
SPOILER WARNING (technically, im hopefully making them a youtube shorts series once ive finished with my main project, but we’ll see :3)
Hasel (or 049 :3) comes from 1340’s france. He had a wife and a daughter who both caught the black death. He was working as a doctor at the time, and tried everything he could to save them, but they died. His daughter’s dying wish was for him to live, which cursed him to live forever altering his form to something resembling a crow, the omen of death.
In this sense he is now a monster (or anomalous if you prefer) and now portrays more birdlike traits :D
So with this in mind, he feels incredibly guilty. He feels as though the deaths of his wife and child are entirely his fault because he couldn’t cure them.
This guilt manifests itself into a caricature of his wife, where she taunts and tortures him within his mind in a place known as the grey dimension (seen in my earlier birdsong project)
when he gets lost inside the grey dimension (more or less lost in guilt) his physical body turns to auto pilot, and will hunt down anything obstructing his path to “the cure”. This is the monstrous form we see :D
The caricature also produces a black vine, which is my au’s version of the pestilence :D He can see this everywhere, he believed it infects people, and he believes he must find the cure for it in order to redeem himself (this isn’t true, especially because this vine isn't actually real)
right, so Hasel meets dyo (or 035 :D) in 1601. They travel together and eventually fall in love :3 Hasel slowly becomes happier now that hes learning how to enjoy life, and continues his journey to find a “cure”, unaware that its staring him in the face, Dyo, who helps him to forgive and tackle his past, whether unintentional or not.
Eventually their story leads up into 1916, during the first world war. Battles, despite their nature, are an efficient way for Hasel to research the dead whilst avoiding killing where he can.
He had almost hurt dyo by accident after his monstrous form takes him over, and the vine was telling him that he was in the way, that dyo was stopping him from reaching the cure.
At this point something had been building up inside of him. It was a sense of dread, a feeling that something bad was going to happen.
And there it was. He looks over no-man’s land and all he can see is death. He can’t take it anymore, and that night he runs, scared of hurting his lover and scared of “failing” those from his past.
The briefcase however? Its not too important :3 Its a way for him to carry his supplies and it changes to keep up to date with the time period :3 He left it behind so dyo would know he’s gone. Dyo had also had this impending sense of dread, he felt deep down that something like this might happen, but he desperately tried his best to ignore it. So now he’s searching for hasel, the only person in his life who could never leave him, the only one who wouldn’t die.
So yeah thats it in basic terms :3 (after hasel leaves the caricature of his wife is replaced with a manifestation of dyo, masks comedy and tragedy and a mix of the two as it shows how his guilt has become more complex over time :3)
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(Once he gets captured by the foundation the back of his cloak is branded with the logo)
any more questions lmk :3
I haven’t shared much on dyo since this was mainly a hasel focused question so if anyone’s curious about that then be my guest to drop an ask whenever :D He isn’t as built up but I do definitely have ideas for him :3
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christinafaaaye · 6 hours
i know i already made a post about people asking if dan and phil are "dating", but i have more to add as to why that question is ridiculous lmao. it's nothing new and it's been said before by others, but i feel the need to reiterate just for fun. and also because im tired of people answering/denying that question by only referencing "Basically I'm Gay"
- they built and designed a house together and share a mortgage. but also, they've been living together for 13 or 14 years.
- they only go on vacations together and if there are other people, those people are couples or phil's family. same thing when they hang out with friends. those friends are also couples.
- during the hiatus (the time where they were "done" being a youtube duo), they were still together and had already designed their forever home during that process. this one's obvious, but like, considering they told us that Interactive Introverts was intended to be "the end" of dan and phil, that never meant the end of them. no matter what, those two were gonna be together.
i could honestly go on for days about them and their insanely complex and intertwined relationship. it'll forever amaze me how much those two love each other. and it astounds me that a relationship as deep and beautiful as theirs is somehow wrapped up into the most basic fucking question "are they dating?" it's almost insulting lol
and listen, im always open minded to the possibility that i could be wrong about this, but when you see all these context clues they've given us over the years, it just doesn't make any sense to me that they'd only be friends.
literally no matter how you look at it, they are committed to each other in every way you can imagine and that is a fact. there's truly no need for them to officially and explicitly confirm or define what they are. we know and they know we know. and what they've built together over the past 15 years is truly beyond what any of us can comprehend. ❤️
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akuzeisms · 2 years
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@pessimistics sent:
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send me a     ❛   ✿   ❜       and I’ll talk about our muses in some capacity  ;  be it a headcanon or a plot idea that I’d love to write!  Don’t be scared to send this in if we haven’t interacted,   an idea or something magical might happen !!
Oh man, I have So Many Thoughts™️ about these two, in all honesty.
Honestly I really like the idea of how they met: just some random encounter set up by someone else. It’s cheesy but that’s kind of what makes it cute imo! But also, them just kind of keeping in contact a lot while she’s away and kind of giving each other something to look forward to. They’re both kind of introverted and a bit reclusive because of things that happened to them, but they look forward to gifts/messages/the like from each other, and I think that makes their time together something they really cherish. In Kat’s case, I think it’s nice to have someone who understands dedication to the job (since his career has a very similar “the job comes first” mentality) but also, at least for her, he’s kind of a quiet escape from the absolutely wild parts of her life.
But also the angst of her dying? God, I can only imagine what that did to him, how that destroyed him, and her coming back? Hard to say which of them it was worse on, though; Kat herself is pretty messed up by the whole ordeal, & tbh I think she even feels guilty about it, & the other events that happen to her definitely don’t help. (That being said, having him around when things get rough will definitely help her in the long run 😭 this woman has way too much on her shoulders, she needs a quiet escape from the chaos of her life).
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 1 month
"trio built like a sitcom" is just SUCH a good tag I love it
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miodiodavinci · 2 months
i saw that you used to hint at oc stuff on twitter (don't ask me why im digging im looking for zola stuff lmao) why don't you post more about them?
i am simply terrified that if i post oc things online someone will steal the concept and run with it faster and better than i ever could have and then i will be devastated forever and ever
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more seriously i have very little to show for any of my oc things (adhd brain making life difficult as per usual awawawawawa) and every time i've shared oc things in the past i've ended up never following up on it and it makes me feel bad and guilty so i've just convinced myself i will Never talk about my ocs until i have something substantial i can put out there
#mio answers things#anon#i'm getting a little better with making things for my ocs#on account of having friends i can actively share my brain rot with#but i still dread the feeling of posting a character and being forever haunted about never doing anything with them ever again#(echoes of custard howling in my mind)#just like how i dread having a repeat of that time in middle school#where i talked about my werecrow oc in the comments of a bigger artist's works#and they ended up making their own werecrow oc immediately after#they very much directly aligned with mine#but it got wildly popular on their account and they made a ton of art for it and i just#ended up deleting any evidence of mine because i felt so bad about it skjdfhgkldhfkgj#like i have no problem with people taking inspiration from my designs#i think it's fun seeing people design vy2s with two toned hair and kyos with pink eyes and hair pins w#but like. the thought of posting my oc and having someone run them through a blender to make their own character makes me feel. bad.#i can't articulate the specific reason Why it makes me feel bad but it does skjfghdkjfgsdhkjf#like if i finally posted theater gang stuff and then saw someone else take those concepts and make them into their own characters#i might just collapse into a pile of beef trimmings and never get up sdfkjhglksjdfg#it's silly and i don't know why my brain's like this but because of this in combination with my fear of posted oc things haunting me foreve#i simply will not be posting <3333#(and also just that. i'm incapable of producing enough artwork to make my ocs matter in a public context i think.)#(like you breed affection for a character through familiarity)#(which you only really get by creating A Lot Of Art)#(and i cannot do that <333)#(so instead most times i post it's a few handfuls of likes)#(and that doesn't really feel worth it to my brain when i could just settle for going insane over them with my friends skjdfhgkjsdf)#i really think this last year has just taught me that i really. honestly truly prioritize the reactions and feelings of my friends#over strangers on the internet#and it feels a lot more comfortable that way w#AH
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ripclaudia · 1 month
i understand why succession didn't get a fifth season. that doesn't mean i agree with the decision to end the show after four seasons.
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zeldasadork · 10 months
how do the mounders get even better every session. what the heck. if my creative niche were writing instead of art it would be all over for you guys
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hogans-heroes · 7 months
buck cleaning bucky’s wounds (the best he can) after they reunite🙏🙏
this is @buckycleven btw tumblr doesn’t let me use that blog to send asks😭
Hello! Omg yes I know I already wrote a little fic about this hurt/comfort post ep 6 but I CANNOT get enough! Buck would be so gentle and try his best. Even if he doesn’t have medical training he has to do something, can’t just leave Bucky like that. Maybe he’s shaking because he thought Bucky had been killed on that mission and he’s trying to keep his composure but Bucky looks so awful, who did this to him? If Bucky’s even half conscious he’d be trying to reassure Buck which just make Buck feel worse.
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detectivenyx · 8 months
it's a little weird to see the website that usually goes 'FUCK CORPORATIONS PIRATE AND STEAL FROM THEM FOREVER', when faced with two games utilising AI media generators, completely ignore the one that's not attached to any property in any way except perhaps Bram Stoker's Dracula that actively advertises its usage of AI as a central game mechanic, while tearing into the one that looks like something a large and hostile gaming corporation put out primarily because of that surface level similarity and only using the fact another game of theirs uses AI image generators
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caterpillarinacave · 4 months
well this sucks
#my chrome book is reaching the end of its natural lifespan#Ive gotten it to last like more than a couple years at this point#but chrome books are pretty much awful devices#so I need to go out and get a laptop that's NOT a chrome book#but for one thing I've literally never owned a laptop that's not a chrome book#I saved up and bought my current chrome book for like freshman year of highschool#I waited for a memorial day sale and special pricing so I could get it on like three discounts#so aside from the cost I have *no* idea where to go about buying a new laptop#I need one that's pretty sturdy at least and preferably similar size to a chrome book#I like the way I can charge things by attaching them to my Chromebook I like the way the keyboard is set out and I like that the touch-#screen and keypad aren't that sensitive#so I need to a) find a new laptop b) have the money to buy that laptop and c) learn how to use that laptop#none of which are things that I'll be particularly good at#I just want my 130 dollar old enough to be in elementary school hunk of plastic to work forever is that to much to ask#I've actually gotten it to live much longer than normal lmfao#really hoping it'll stay functional for at least another month or two#I hate getting new tech#I’ve still got an iPhone 8 for heavens sake#You can pry it out of my cold dead hands#I should probably get a new one but like. This one works pretty much.#Nothings cracked it charges fine all the buttons work#Honestly I’d prefer a phone a shade older than this one with a seperate headphone Jack#Basically the whole design of new phones is anti-me#Wide flat smooth super thin light and easily breakable#Plus I don’t have confidence that everything on this phone would transfer over. And this is literally the only phone I’ve ever owned#This thing is a treasure trove
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ontargetmadders · 5 months
It's been 4 days since it ended now but i'm still emotional about saturday night takeaway ending and I just can't get over it yet... and one thing that I can't stop thinking about is how every time they started the show they always welcomed us by saying welcome to YOUR saturday night takeaway even tho their names are literally in the show's title. And honestly the show really was a massive comfort for me at times. There were countless times I'd had a shitty day/week and just watching it on a saturday night lifted my mood so much and made me forget about my problems for 90 minutes. It was just something always guaranteed to put a smile on my face and make me laugh no matter how bad things were. So I'm just a bit heart broken that I may never get that feeling again when i need it 😔💔
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myname-isnia · 9 months
Idk why I thought the new year would suddenly bring immense change to me as a person, it was such a childish belief, I can’t believe I let myself fall for it. The years go by but I remain the messed up anxious wreck who starts crying the second she’s left alone with her thoughts. The new year won’t change anything, nothing will
#just look at me#I could very possibly graduate from school in half a year and I still don’t know what I want to do with my life#I can’t take the slightest bit of criticism or else I’ll feel like shit for a week#I need to be staring at a screen at all hours of the day because if I don’t distract myself I will break down#I’m so obsessed with pleasing people that when I can’t fulfill the simplest of requests I want to die#indulging in hobbies. things that are supposed to be enjoyable. feels like hell for me#through all my years of creating there is only one piece I can honestly say I like and am proud of#and I haven’t even touched writing since because I’m scared of not being able to reach that high again#art comes a little easier but I’m only capable of one or two pieces a month#I don’t have anyone irl whom I trust. I’m so lonely that I literally have imaginary friends. at 17#and I still haven’t figured out my gender or what pronouns I prefer. I don’t even like the name I picked for myself#I could go on forever#I don’t know how anyone puts up with me. I know I wouldn’t if I had the choice#I keep going on and on about how I want to get better. I don’t want to be so miserable all the time#but I just don’t know how#I try to be kinder with myself and I’ve been pretty successful at it but.. it doesn’t help#I can be soft and gentle all I want. it won’t make everything else go away#so there’s nothing left for me to do but cry all alone in my apartment at 2 a.m#I guess
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