#homeopathy health
brahmhomeo · 2 years
Allergic rhinitis treatment
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suzieb-fit · 6 months
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No early walk, no workout.
I didn't know I'd be having a day off until my usual "get up and move" time came around, and my whole system said "nope, not today sue...not today".
Rough night, which is nothing unusual, and I just decided to stay in bed late for a change. That is VERY unusual!
I'd already decided on a shorter fast last night.
Day three back on the peanuts. Just half the amount I was having before. Mixed with plain, mixed nuts and half an apple.
Seems fine. No noticeable backlash. Yet. Really looking forward to the homeopathy appointment on Saturday. Fingers crossed!
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danielflemingart · 1 year
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Acrylic on canvas.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Our immune system is our body’s defense against infections and other harmful invaders. Without it, we would constantly get sick from bacteria or viruses.
Our immune system is made up of special cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect us.
Normally, the immune system can tell the difference between foreign cells and our own cells.
In an autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakes part of our body, like our joints or skin, as foreign. It releases proteins called autoantibodies that attack healthy cells.
Some autoimmune diseases target only one organ. Type 1 diabetes damages the pancreas. Other diseases, like Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), affect the whole body..
Women get autoimmune diseases rate is high compared to men. Often the disease starts during a woman’s childbearing years (15Years to 44Years).
Certain autoimmune diseases, like multiple sclerosis and lupus, run in families. Not every family member will necessarily have the same disease, but they inherit a susceptibility to an autoimmune condition.
Because the incidence of autoimmune diseases is rising, researchers suspect environmental factors like infections and exposure to chemicals or solvents might also be involved. Our modern life style, working style and foods are also huge causes.
We don’t know exactly what causes autoimmune diseases. Genetics, diet, infections, and exposure to chemicals might be involved.
The lymph or lymphatic, system is a major part of the immune system. It's a network of lymph nodes and vessels. Lymphatic vessels are thin tubes that branch, like blood vessels, throughout the body. They carry a clear fluid called lymph. Lymph contains tissue fluid, waste products, and immune system cells. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped clumps of immune system cells that are connected by lymphatic vessels. They contain white blood cells that trap viruses, bacteria, and other invaders, including cancer cells.
White blood cells are the cells of the immune system. They are made in one of your lymph organs, the bone marrow. Other lymph organs include the spleen and thymus.
When our immune system doesn't work the way it should, it is called an immune system disorder.
• Primary immune deficiency – Be born with a weak immune system.
• Acquired immune deficiency – Get a disease that weakens your immune system.
• Allergic reaction – Have an immune system that is too active.
• Autoimmune disease – Have an immune system that turns against you.
There are some common examples:
• Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is an example of an immune deficiency that is present at birth. Children are in constant danger of infections from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This disorder is sometimes called “bubble boy disease.”
• Temporary acquired immune deficiencies. Our immune system can be weakened by certain medicines, for example: This can happen to people on chemotherapy or other drugs used to treat cancer. It can also happen to people following organ transplants who take medicine to prevent organ rejection. Also, infections like the flu virus, mono (mononucleosis), and measles can weaken the immune system for a brief time. Our immune system can also be weakened by smoking, alcohol, and poor nutrition.
• AIDS. HIV, which causes AIDS, is an acquired viral infection that destroys important white blood cells and weakens the immune system. People with HIV/AIDS become seriously ill with infections that most people can fight off. These infections are called “opportunistic infections” because they take advantage of weak immune systems.
If we are born with certain genes, our immune system may react to substances in the environment that are normally harmless. These substances are called allergens. Having an allergic reaction is the most common example of an overactive immune system. Dust, mold, pollen, and foods are examples of allergens.
Some conditions caused by an overactive immune system are:
• Asthma: The response in our lungs can cause coughing, wheezing, and trouble breathing. Asthma can be triggered by common allergens like dust or pollen or by an irritant like tobacco smoke.
• Eczema: An allergen causes an itchy rash known as atopic dermatitis.
• Allergic rhinitis: Sneezing, a runny nose, sniffling, and swelling of your nasal passages from indoor allergens like dust and pets or outdoor allergens like pollens or molds.
In autoimmune diseases, the body attacks normal, healthy tissues. The causes are unknown. It is probably a combination of a person’s genes and something in the environment that triggers those genes.
There are some common autoimmune diseases are:
• Type 1 diabetes: The immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. Insulin removes sugar from the blood to use as energy.
• Rheumatoid arthritis: This type of arthritis causes swelling and deformities of the joints. An auto-antibody called rheumatoid factor is in the blood of some people with rheumatoid arthritis.
• Lupus: This disease that attacks body tissues, including the lungs, kidneys, and skin. Many types of auto-antibodies are found in the blood of people with lupus.
So, we should never ignore to our care for immunity system. Homeopathy medicines are a good choice for improving our immunity system.
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tuttle-did-it · 2 months
I'm a very big fan of when specialists debunk crap online because it's ineffective or dangerous.
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greatmotivation · 5 months
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Negative motivation corrodes the spirit, transforming ambition into anxiety. It erects barriers to progress, replacing hope with apprehension. Like a dark cloud, it obscures the path to success, casting shadows of doubt and hesitation. In its grasp, potential withers, suffocated by the weight of pessimism and despair.
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starhadm01 · 9 months
Homeopathy treatment for psoriasis
Star Homeopathy Provides Best Homeopathy treatment for Psoriasis providing natural care and permanent solution. We have specialised homeopathic doctors for Psoriasis for best homeopathy treatment.
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health-homeopathy · 6 months
5 Health Benefits Of Consulting A Homeopath
It is best to consult a good homeopathy doctor in India for: -
Getting a treatment free from side-effects
Treatment of acidity
PCOD treatment
Heal skin and hair problems
Treats arthritis, bone and joint problems
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zipper-neck · 9 months
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This is advice on reducing nausea from the website of a Dutch shrooms and cannabinoid seller. Is this legit? Like I can kinda understand drinking the tea, but rubbing on the wrists? Is this distinct from peppermint extract? Because I thought the extract was hazardous enough to warrant wearing gloves while using it. Does it matter what exactly caused the nausea?
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whatevergreen · 1 year
Homeopathic "medicines" are nothing but stale water or pills of what might as well be lumps of chalk, that may have once associated with whatever "active" ingredient is put on the label.
It's a vile fraud and anyone promoting or selling this garbage should be shot.
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suzieb-fit · 4 months
I may be having a reaction to the latest homeopathy remedy.
Hard to describe, but I'm kind of... restless? Mentally, not physically.
Reading up on this particular treatment, that makes sense.
Far too long of a story to try explain here, but just......yeah.
Or maybe it's the simple fact I believe I need to make some changes to how I'm trying to work on my physical/hormonal/wellbeing journey.
Fasting is mostly now just habit. But I have never felt or seen any benefits.
Right at the beginning, a couple of years ago, I experienced a real energy boost. But that faded pretty quickly.
I have done several different fasting routines, tried the FLAG reset twice, done several longer fasts, up to 72 hours.
If anything, it actually does me no good at all.
I am not saying that's it, I'm done.
Just thinking about the whole subject in general.
Hmmm, anyway, just laying out my thoughts!
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thevibranthomestead · 10 months
From Spice Rack To Wellness Wonder!
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Natural Remedies For A Healthy Wholesome You.
Read More Here: 
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danielflemingart · 1 year
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Acrylic on canvas
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official-fitness · 2 years
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Home Doctor
This unique book was written by doctors to help people take care of their health ailments at home when the medical system cannot be depended on anymore.
It will prove vital in the next crisis, and you should check it out while it’s still available. Click here to get yours now!
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alternativehealthdm · 2 years
Alternative Health helps patients recover from any type of illness or chronic disease using alternative medicines.
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essencehomeopathy · 2 years
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Why Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is the second type of therapy in the world. It is both an art and a science, and homeopathic medicines are neither harmful nor dangerous. Self-reflection, self-perception, and patience are cultivated when you introduce homeopathy into your life. From birth to death, homeopathy can play a fundamental role in the health of people and their families.
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