Eerie places.
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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The lost neighborhood of Lincoln Way
Nestled away at the bottom of a hill in Clairton, the eerie little abandoned neighborhood of Lincoln Way had, in its later years, become an attraction for urban explorers and vandals. Consisting of about 30-40 abandoned homes, speculation on the internet about the reason that the homes were abandoned ran wild, and came to be unfortunately defined by an entirely fabricated and ridiculous story of a "Beast of Lincoln Way" terrorizing the residents.
Horror stories about how pets went missing, there being large claw marks on the trees outside of the homes as proof of the Beast's existence. However, the reality is perhaps more mundane and melancholy. While the history of Lincoln Way is hard to uncover (in part because of the aforementioned monster stories), the first reference to it was in local newspapers dating all the way back to 1910s. According to this excellent and informative piece on Grounded - one of the few recent articles that actually seems to have spoken with former residents to try to present an account based around facts - Lincoln Way was a "vibrant black community" inhabited by "a bustling enclave of large families that relied on each other. The street was home to a church and several stores. A butcher shop supplied meat from livestock raised behind the homes, and gardens and orchards fed the residents." What do you think? Do you believe the monster stories?
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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On April 26, 1986, the Number Four RBMK reactor at the nuclear power plant at Chernobyl, Ukraine, went out of control during a test at low-power, leading to an explosion and fire that demolished the reactor building and released large amounts of radiation into the atmosphere.
Although Chernobyl is primarily a ghost town today, a small number of people still live there, in houses marked with signs that read, "Owner of this house lives here", and a small number of animals live there as well. The Claw, The Elephants Foot, and Red Forest are things you should stay clear from if visiting Chernobyl.
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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Forest Haven Asylum
Many abandoned buildings take on a feeling of malevolence only thanks to their decay, but the rotting complex of buildings that was once the Forest Haven Asylum was known as a place of death and abuse long before it stopped being used.
Opened in 1925 to serve residents of the District of Columbia, Forest Haven was initially a beacon of progress and quality in treating children who were mentally ill, handicapped, or otherwise unable to function normally in society. With over 30 structures on the 250-acre campus, the inmates were taught job skills in a communal farm colony environment that provided them with essential training and an emotionally empowering sense of community. For the first few decades that is... (While the YouTubers Sam and Colby were visiting the asylum, they heard someone being murdered.)
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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The Hill of Crosses
Many believe the crosses cropped up at the end of the 19th century, after an apparition of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus asked the believers to cover the holy place with these icons. The Hill of Crosses represents Lithuania's unique national and religious identity.
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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The Never-ending Catacombs
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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The most dangerous city in America
Gary, Indiana is home to over 13,000 abandoned buildings, and is known for being the birthplace of the famous pop singer Michael Jackson (who's home has definitely seen better days). Gary is deemed dangerous because of its high crime rate. In 1993, it became the murder capital of the United States of America after the population of over 100,000 saw a record of 110 deaths. The rate was three times that of Chicago. In 1995, Gary had a population of 115,269 and over 3,000 reported crimes. Even to this day, people still go to the abandoned town to commit murders, however, there is one active police station. Would you ever explore here?
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
The Lighthouse in Toronto
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
The Church of Bones
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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Island of the Damned
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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The Catacombs of Paris
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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Suicide Forest
The forest has a historical reputation as a home to yūrei: ghosts of the dead in Japanese mythology. At least since the 1960s, Aokigahara has become associated with suicide, eventually becoming known in English by the nickname "Suicide Forest" and gaining a reputation as one of the world's most-used suicide sites. If visiting the Aokigahara Forest, it's recommended not to go alone. Tourists visiting often reported feeling very ill all of a sudden while inside the forest or had an overwhelming urge to kill themselves, even those without mental illness such as depression.
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
The Real Lost Town of Silent Hill
The town of Silent Hill West Virginia, is actually Centralia, Pennsylvania. In May 1962, the city had the local landfill burned in an attempt to clean up waste. The fire spread through unsealed tunnels that led to an abandoned coal mine, and the fires are still burning to this day.
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eerieluzt · 1 year ago
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Island of the Dead Dolls
After leaving his family, Don Julian Santana Barrera resided on an Island South of Mexico city. Not long after relocating, he made a chilling discovery on the shores of his island: a young girl, drowned in the lake. A doll came floating down the canals shortly afterward, changing the course of Santana Barrera's life and the shape of the island for years to come.
Barrera took the doll and hung it from a tree in order to appease the spirit of the dead girl. But, at least in the eyes of the man who now considered himself the island's caretaker, the one doll was not enough. For the next 50 years, Santana Barrera would scrounge dolls from the trash and from the canals, and hang them from the island's many trees. Some he'd hang whole, others in various states of disrepair — headless, torso-less, or taken apart in other ways.
Many believe that the girl never existed, that he completely made up the story or had some type of mental disorder that caused him to hallucinate it, due to there being no proof of the child actually existing. However, he devoted his entire life to her.
And the creepiest thing of all, in 2001, Don Julian Santana Barrera passed away. His body was discovered — you guessed it — drowned in the canal, in the exact place he always said he'd seen the little girl. In response, tourists began flocking to the island to pay tribute. They brought dolls of their own, and to this day people honor both Santana Barrera and the girl (whether she was real or not) by hanging up dolls in tribute. What do you think? Would you visit this creepy doll island in Mexico city?
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