#he would NOT let that slide.
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arsprince · 3 months ago
i think if what happened in the new ep ever happened to my stolas bc his scheme got exposed, he would actually stage a coup.
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castiels-undercoat · 7 months ago
RIP Lazurus Rising Cas. You would have loved beating the shit out of Dean winchester in season 15
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He would have destroyed that old man (sexual) (also violent)
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yuwuta · 3 months ago
omega satoru who purposefully makes himself sick and tries to trigger his own heat after hearing you’re going on a date or something with someone else. there’s such a desperate need to have your attention all to himself. he doesn’t take his suppressants, he goes out of his way into crowded areas where he knows the mix of scents will agitate him and he paws at you all week before your date, each time more desperate than the last until his body finally breaks down and he’s borderline delirious, crying and cooing and nuzzling his nose into your neck and begging and begging and begging you to take care of him, to be his alpha
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kyouka-supremacy · 8 days ago
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rizavii · 8 months ago
me personally if i was Zarkon i would have been so embarrassed after that fight in season one.
imagine being the all-powerful super feared ruler of 99% of the universe and all of a sudden this weird punk with approximately two weeks of Space Experience comes into YOUR HOUSE and starts throwing hands with you while his friends jail break what is possibly your most valuable prisoner.
the kid then proceeds to give you a genuinely difficult fight and leaves UNSCATHED (with the help of his brother dragging him out by scruff but STILL).
I'd never show my face again.
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netherregionblog · 1 year ago
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X-05 count your motherfuckin days
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acowardinmordor · 5 months ago
Hey. What if Chrissy was cursed, but she doesn’t go to Eddie to ask for ket, she goes to ask for carboprost. And maybe she doesn’t call it that by name, and maybe she doesn’t outright say that she can’t stay pregnant because it would mean that she’d have to marry Jason, but that doesn’t matter. Because in this version, Eddie is the child of an accidental pregnancy, and his mom and dad got married, and it destroyed his mom. So fuck that noise.
Normally, he’d have the meds on hand, and would offer to drive her out of town to a clinic. He happens to be out, and Chrissy is terrified (because Vecna is making it all so much worse) so Eddie changes something.
He offers to drive Dustin home, and has Chrissy with him. Dustin thinks this is hella weird, but Eddie says that he needs to talk to Claudia. Dustin still demands answers, but the kid knows that his mom is a nurse, and it has to be important to happen at 11 on a Friday. Chrissy stays in the car with her favorite music playing to help her calm down, while Eddie has a quick, awkward conversation with Claudia. She thinks Eddie got his girlfriend pregnant and gives him a look about it. She didn’t think that situation was a possible problem for Eddie tbh.
Claudia doesn’t have a random bag of abortion meds with her - that would be insane - but she works the next day, and can get Chrissy in quickly and quietly. Before opening.
Eddie goes back out to the van with the news, planning to ignore Dustin’s questions the entire way, and then leave. Thus. Dustin is with Eddie when Chrissy pauses the tape to listen. Thus. Dustin sees her cursed, and he’s a little shit, but he is always right. Cranks the music back up, manages, with Eddie’s help, to snap her out of it.
Dustin runs inside to grab his walkie, shout to his mom he’s having a sleepover, and starts the fight 16 hours early.
Hot potato if you want it
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stealingyourbones · 3 months ago
Peter Parker dimension travels to Metropolis. Not MCU Peter, but 616 late 20s Peter Parker who can forge his identity and works for Lex Corp, initially not realizing it’s a bad company, but when he does he continues working for them to slowly yet surely make plans to expose and dismantle the company.
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girliism · 11 days ago
puppy!art pissing himself and reader just laughs then ‘punishes’ him…. That’s all 😊
ohohohoh. puppy!art always ask for permission for anything, even to use the bathroom. and all day you had been nagging him to drink more water because, “it’s important you stay hydrated, pup.” so he did, but all the weight of the water he drank was heavy on his bladder begging to be released. “can i please go to the bathroom.” art whined and continued to whine when you didn’t answer him. “art, baby. can you be quiet i’m busy.” art squirmed where he stood, clenching his thighs closed. “but i really need to-” your sharp shush shut him up and he bit his lip backing away a bit. he doesn’t know what set him off but before he knew it he felt warm liquid trail down his legs and heard a soft hissing noise. “art!” you gasped. “did you just piss on yourself?” you tried and failed to hide your small laugh. “sorry, i’m sorry.” he pouted, standing in the puddle of his own piss. the humiliation he felt caused his cheeks to burn. “look at the mess you made. only bad puppy’s make messes, and bad puppy’s get punished.” you looked up at him with your arms crossed.
you didn’t bother cleaning art up just striped him of his clothes and had him sit against the headboard. “please i didn’t mean to piss on myself. i’m sorry just wanna cum.” tears streaming down his flushed face. you’ve been ruining art’s orgasms for the past five minutes as a “punishment”. “if you were really sorry you wouldn’t have done it. right?” you cocked you head to the side, and turned the vibrator you were running over art’s angry red tip on a higher setting. his cock twitched, little beads of precum dribbling out. “it was an accident just— please.” you took pity on him “fine, this next one you can cum.” you saw his eyes light up and his head fall back. “oh, th-thank you.” you jerked your hands faster and placed the vibrator right on his slit. art’s lower abs tensed and untensed, and he was letting out high little yips and moans. you knew he was close. right before he could release like you promised him, you pulled your hands off him and a loud sob broke from his pouted lips. “on second thought i changed my mind.”
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hawkeyeslaughter · 1 year ago
love that henry blake is genuinely just a normal guy . weirdest thing about him is that he’s obsessed with fishing and that isn’t even remotely as bizarre as anything hawkeye and trapper got going on at any given moment . he’s just some guy from illinois in a camp of people who are bonkers and he’s so fucking funny for it
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vonspe · 20 days ago
Forensic Investigator Anon again. Scipio: "Now class, if we know the killed came from behind and the cut across the throat is deeper on the right side than the left, what does that mean?" Student: *raises hand* "The killer is left handed?" Scipio: *tosses the student an individually wrapped piece of torrone* "Correct! Now bonus question: Identify this blood splatter pattern." Student 2: *raises hand* "High Impact Velocity!" Scipio: "Excellent!" *tosses another piece of torrone* "Give an example of how low impact velocity blood splatter forms." Manfred: *Hisses* Scipio: "Perfect answer as always!" *there goes another piece of torrone.* (I meant this to be all serious with adults but somehow the image turned into him teaching this to children in my head. Never too early to get them started, I guess? Also Manfred will always have straight A's in Scipio's class even if he's not actually officially part of the class.)
I can see him being like this to a class of kids 🥹 i don’t think real life kindergarten teachers are even this encouraging lol. Also teaching kids quick reflexes(or dodging), u know he’s throwing that candy fucking hard. But yeah i’m thinking gordon ramsay; very encouraging with children, very demanding with adults. Your teacher is also your your school bully lol
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His uni classes are like ”if anyone fails this test i’m personally coming to your house and turning your glasses into contacts, here’s the reading list you beasts”
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sketchygabz · 7 months ago
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A take on Sir Knight’s Master 🥰
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gothamite-rambler · 16 days ago
Batman: I am-
Tim took a pause from sipping his flavored water, his shoulders slumped on the table as he began to sing.
Red Robin (singing): Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room? Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room? Why do you assume you're the smartest in the room?
Spoiler (joining in, starling Batman): Soon that attitude may be your doom?
Batman avoided eye contact with the other JLA members, his face turning red with embarrassment.
Signal (singing as well): Why do you always say what you believe? Free ammunition for your enemies.
Batman (authoritative voice): Stop singing!
Green Arrow (smoking a cigar): Yeah, you're making him look like a doofus and he doesn't want that.
His smirk as he glanced at the Dark Knight. He walked off angry because he was being bested by more musical lyrics.
Batman: And Hamilton was a god damn president. So there!
Green Lantern!John (trying not to laugh): Th- that's not the flex you think it is.
Signal (slapping hands with the hero): That's what I'm talking about my brother!
Batman walked out refusing to lose it... further.
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funky-sea-cryptid · 5 months ago
something that fucks me up about "scylla" is how eurylochus probably interpreted the "light up six torches" request. he's just admitted that he's fucked up - he's so sorry he opened that goddamn wind bag!!! this is all his fault - and odysseus looks up and tells him to light up six torches.
the relief he must have felt. odysseus still trusts him to do things. odysseus still trusts him. he's his second in command still! it'll be alright. this is forgiveness, or at least the start of it. surely they'll have a conversation and eurylochus will tell him it'll never happen again, he'll trust odysseus more he promises, he swears.
and then it's to sacrifice some men (and potentially him!) to scylla.
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astrababyy · 10 months ago
i think the thing that frustrates me the most about feyre's character post-acotar — hell, even post-acomaf — is that she stops being a character past that point in the series. acomaf, i can still see elements of feyre's original character, but i think acowar and beyond (especially acofas and acosf) is where her character devolves completely into something virtually unrecognizable. and this, in my opinion, is because once she and rhysand become established in their relationship, her entire characterization starts to revolve around him.
prior to acomaf/acowar, feyre has a personality independent of the relationships she has with other people. her characterization has its flaws, as the first book is flawed as a whole, but she's generally a decently-crafted character. feyre is an interesting character because, in the first portion of the book, we learn that she's a jaded, clever huntress who is willing to kill to survive and make painful decisions for the good of herself and her family. she's bitter, resentful, and miserable, and the crux of her life revolves around survival.
but then we learn new things. feyre loves painting, and if she had a choice, she'd marry off her sisters and live peacefully with her father, spending her days painting anything her heart could desire. she's capable and an able killer, but her dreams and wants are for a peaceful life. these desires are expanded upon later in the book when we learn that, if given the option, feyre wouldn't kill. she's jaded and can come off as someone who'd be a stereotypical "girlboss," badass killer. but in reality, feyre doesn't like bloodshed. she doesn't like killing, and if she had it her way, she'd never kill another living thing again.
this is interesting. acotar!feyre is actually a very interesting and dynamic character when compared to who she becomes in later books. she has an internal conflict that affects every aspect of who she is, and it is this conflict that is so deeply tied to what she's forced to do in the climax of the story: either kill innocent faeries or watch as the love of her life dies before her very eyes. this final trial is so painful because it's been established that, in a peaceful environment, a killer is not someone feyre wants to be, and a killer is instead what she's forced to become.
then, of course, acomaf happens and yada, yada, yada. she's still a relatively interesting character on her own, if (arguably) ooc, but has an independent characterization regardless. it's after this book where things take a turn for the worse.
in acowar, feyre is no longer the character who protects the "little guy" and would give up petty jewels to make sure a faerie can eat. she's no longer the character who acts based on her morals and inherent humanity, rather than faerie logic. instead, she's the character who destabilizes an entire court on the brink of war, uncaring of the consequences to the people of spring. in acofas, she's buying another goddamn house while people in velaris and beyond are struggling to make ends' meet following the war that she and rhys dragged them into. in acosf, she's doing the same fucking thing to nesta that destroyed and traumatized her a few books previous, and she's become the glorified housewife to rhysand. she's having his kid when she's not even 25 yet. she's being paraded around like some prized horse. she's sitting around, painting and decorating houses, while rhys does all the actual politicking. she's exactly what she feared she'd become in acomaf, and there's no consequence whatsoever.
this is not the feyre of acotar. this feyre is the faceless, empty love interest to the real main character: rhysand. she's a reflection of him. that's why she went from the woman who feels uncomfortable wearing fancy jewels to the woman who'd spend her newfound millions on frivolous lingerie rather than do anything meaningful with her position as high lady. that's why she went from the character who had respect and a new understanding of nesta in book 1, to the character that'd do such horrendous things to her in acosf. that's why she stands around and lets rhys and amren bully and degrade nesta. she's not a character anymore. she's just rhysand's mate.
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bugflies00 · 4 months ago
perhaps its just the toxic inniterisms but he was SIXTEEN and idk it just makes me really fucking angry. im glad that he's now grown up and more confident and clearly fine enough to talk about it pretty calmly but like. that was a fucking kid and he deserved better even just from what we know publicly, and given his allusions to how "horrible" some people were to him well. i think the death by hammers is justified
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