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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 2 months ago
Poll: Round 2a #7
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*For Realm of the elderlings pictured only is The fool. I couldn't find a official looking image of Fitz
*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Fitz and The Fool:
-They have a romantic friendship that nearly implodes when Fitz is faced with tons of homophobic abuse over rumors about their closeness, and then overhears a conversation between the Fool and someone else, bringing him to confront the Fool and force him to admit the truth that he’s attracted to him. Fitz is high on drugs during this part and freaks out and an absolutely brutal fight ensues. The highlight: the Fools absolute banger confirming that he is not in fact a perpetual virgin like Fitz assumes because “don’t flatter yourself Fitzchivalry; I doubt you would have been worth the wait”
Perry and Dr. Heniz Doofenshmirtiz:
-The nemesis breakup in that episode with Peter the Panda in it
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 2 months ago
Poll: Round 2a #5
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Curt and Owen:
-(major spoilers)
curt accidentally caused owen's death and then spent 4 years feeling super guilty and becoming an alcoholic about it. then turns out owen wasn't dead and he's spent the past 4 years plotting revenge. so owen shows up in disguise, tortures the shit out of curt, and reveals his true identity and the fact that he's alive. they fight each other and curt tries to reason with him, but owen will not listen to any of it, and so curt kills him.
Aziraphale and Crowley:
Were submitted without propaganda
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round #8
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
-Their break up had 1 prominent death and 3 permanent maimings. Both of them lost use of eyes out of it. But don't worry they got better👍👍
Harry Du bois and Dora Ingerlund:
-Their breakup is one of the central points towards why Harry is such a horrific, shambling, sopping wet mess. She dumped him six years ago and hes still not over it. She appears in his dreams often in the form of an in-universe religious figure and he is completely helpless to not relive the day that she left him, over and over and over again.
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round 2a #7
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*For Realm of the elderlings pictured only is The fool. I couldn't find a official looking image of Fitz
*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Fitz and The Fool:
-They have a romantic friendship that nearly implodes when Fitz is faced with tons of homophobic abuse over rumors about their closeness, and then overhears a conversation between the Fool and someone else, bringing him to confront the Fool and force him to admit the truth that he’s attracted to him. Fitz is high on drugs during this part and freaks out and an absolutely brutal fight ensues. The highlight: the Fools absolute banger confirming that he is not in fact a perpetual virgin like Fitz assumes because “don’t flatter yourself Fitzchivalry; I doubt you would have been worth the wait”
Perry and Dr. Heniz Doofenshmirtiz:
-The nemesis breakup in that episode with Peter the Panda in it
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round 2a #6
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
John Doe and Arthur and Lester:
-They fall on the platonic/qpr breakup side. The two share a body after a supernatural incident, so when they fight it gets extremely messy for both- Arthur controls most of the body’s movement but is blind, while John can see through their eyes but only has limited control over other parts of the body. Usually John narrates what’s in front of them, but when they have a particularly bad fight he’ll leave Arthur to stumble around in the dark or intentionally give him bad information, even when it means both get hurt. Their two most prominent ‘breakups’ (they physically cannot separate but have on occasion fallen out so badly that they refuse to talk to each other) happened in two subsequent seasons of the show. In the first, Arthur and Johns’ tense companionship reached a boiling point when Arthur killed an old woman and John revealed that he killed Arthur’s best friend, so John refused to talk to him and left him to get arrested. In the second, John lied to Arthur and then brought up his dead daughter as leverage in the resulting fight not days after being trusted with that information, leading to their now genuine friendship being fractured again (and them going to jail again, but a much worse one).
Arthur and Guinevere:
No propaganda was submitted for them
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round 2a #5
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Curt and Owen:
-(major spoilers)
curt accidentally caused owen's death and then spent 4 years feeling super guilty and becoming an alcoholic about it. then turns out owen wasn't dead and he's spent the past 4 years plotting revenge. so owen shows up in disguise, tortures the shit out of curt, and reveals his true identity and the fact that he's alive. they fight each other and curt tries to reason with him, but owen will not listen to any of it, and so curt kills him.
Aziraphale and Crowley:
Were submitted without propaganda
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round 2a #4
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Andreth and Aegnor:
"anyway, Aegnor is an elf and Andreth is a mortal woman, and Aegnor's brother convinced him to break up with her because of the mortal/immortal thing. Both of them remained sad and bitter about it for their entire lives, with Andreth eventually challenging Aegnor's brother to his face about the matter, but Andreth and Aegnor themselves never saw each other again. Aegnor ended up dying before Andreth did anyway, as he was killed in battle, and he chose never to return to life - despite that being a thing elves can do - because of his grief that she wouldn't be there. Aegnor's brother went on to die helping another human/elf pair get married. Go figure."
Kirk and Spock:
"after the five year mission they clearly have a very messy breakup because next time we see them in tmp they haven't seen or spoken to each other or any of their mutual friends for 2.8 years (that number is beta canon and is not specified in the movie. if you go by actor ages it can be as many as 11 years).
kirk has depression, attempted marriage for a year to a woman he clearly had no interest in, and even getting the enterprise back doesn't get him out of his funk. he's mean to everyone, he's pushing the ship too far, he won't listen to what his officers keep telling him.
spock, for his part, fucked off to gol to purge all his emotions and the only reason he failed is because kirk sent him a telepathic sos. when he comes on board he's cold and distant and doesn't really talk to anyone.
long lasting and impactful, double check. they do make up tho <3 love wins"
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round 2a #3
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Jesus and Judas
-just listen to the last supper, any version
Grace and Simon
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round 2a #2
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Chell and Wheatley Propaganda:
These two were submitted without propaganda
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr:
"they've been divorced and then back together so many times lol. their bitterest breakup is probably the one in first class though. in which erik puts on a helmet to block charles out of his head, kills a man and causes charles to feel that man's pain of dying, tries to kill a bunch more people before charles stops him, accidentally shoots charles which causes him to remain paralyzed for the rest of his life, and then runs away with his sister, abandoning him entirely not even knowing if he'll survive his injury."
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round 2a #1
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut
Obi wan and Anikan propaganda:
I mean talk about a break up anakin destroyed everything and everyone obi wan cared about and then obi wan cut all anakins limbs off yelled at him that he loved him and left him to die on a volcano
Propaganda for Catra and Adora:
The two were best friends (and in denial about their love for each other) but when Adora leaves and joins the good guys, Catra goes on a downward spiral for four seasons and tries to end the world multiple times just to get back at Adora. Meanwhile Adora becomes so obsessed with stopping Catra that she regularly makes strategic errors
They have a best friend breakup but they had been doing the teen lesbian thing of "we're definitely very best friends who want to conquer the world together" so it's also kind of a romantic breakup, but they weren't together officially, THEY'RE A MESS. They fight on opposite sides of a war for a while, Catra tries to end the world because Adora also lives in it and she can't stand it, five seasons of shit happens and they do reconcile at the end, they're so important to me.
Adora and Catra grew up together and are abused by a manipulative parent figure (more blatantly in Catra's case, while Adora is clueless), and then Adora runs off and leaves Catra and their shared dreams behind to become a superhero for their worst enemies, so Catra becomes She-Ra's worst enemy and eventually tries to destroy the world (and nearly succeeds) because she doesn't know how to healthily process her feelings, and she only gets worse to everyone around her until season 5 when she finally starts to become a functional person, then her and Adora kissing saves the universe in the final episode
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
After. More then a year, we go to Round 1, here is the matchups, hopefully polls will be out tomrrow
Round 2A:
Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker vs Catra and Adora
Chell and Wheatley vs Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr
Jesus and Judas vs Grace and Simon
Andreth and Aegnor vs Kirk and Spock
Agent Curt and Owen Carvour vs Aziraphale and Crowley
John Doe and Arthur Lester vs Arthur and Guinevere
Fitz and The Foolvs Perry and Doofenshmirtiz
Vrisrezi vs Harry Du bois and Dora Ingerlund
Round 2b
Mulder and Scully vs Mercymorn the First/Augustine the First/Emperor John Gaius 
Lea & Isa / Axel & Saïx vs Cavendish and Dakota
Sophie and fitz vs Cherry and Adam
Shen Qingqiu & Yue Qingyuan vs Jack harkness and John Hart
Jason Mcconnel and Peter simmonds vs Junnana
Mac Macdonald and Dennis Reynolds vs Archie and Maxie
JackieShannua vs Anna, Sasha, and Marcy
Ron and Tammy2 vs Rosho and Sasara
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Its done! 64 competitors on this.
its so small I will put the mashups under the cut, but know that the first 8 polls, Round 1 A will release on Sunday, August 20th, 3pm EST, and will last 1 week.
If anyone has ANY specific photos they want me to use for anyone here, please send them to me. (Also if you see anyone on this list you like, feel free to send n more propaganda for them because I may put it in their poll and some people here don't have any lol)
Round 1 A
Edgar and Fay from Dolls of New Albion vs Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker from star wars
Catra and Adora from She ra vs The doctor and the Master from Doctor who
Jekyll and Lanyon from The glass scientist vs Chell and Wheatley from Portal
Colm Doherty and Pádraic Súilleabháin from Banshees of Inisherin vs Chalres Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr from x -men
Jesus and Judas from Jesus Christ Superstar vs Rogue and Gambit from x- men
Grace and Simon from Infinity train vs kim Wexler and Jimmy from Better call Saul
Evellyn, Luel, and Sahar from Luna Story picross/coloring book apps vs Andreth and Aegnor from Silmarillion!
Anna and Hans from Frozen vs Kirk and SPock from Star trek
Round 1b
Ruth and Debbie from GLOW vs Agent Curt and Owen Carvour from Spies are forever
aziraphale & crowley from good omens vs Nastya and Aurora from Mechanism
John Doe and Arthur Lester from Malevolent vs Kotetsu and Barnaby from tiger and Bunny
Fitz and the fool from Realm of the Elderlings vs HeathCliff and cathy from Wuthering Heights
Akeelah and Dr.Larabee from akeelah and the bee vs Arthur and Guinevere from Arthurianna.
Peery the platypus and Dr. Heniz Doofenshmirtiz from phineas and Ferb vs Skull and vintage from Spatoon
Hil and Tavek from Girl Genius vs Vrisrezi from Homestuck
Harry Du bois and Dora Ingerlund from Disco Elysium vs Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao-Long from RWBY
Round 1c
Jackieshannua from Yellow Jackets vs Addek from Greys Anatomy
Eddie and Shannon from 9-1-1 vs Mercymorn the First/Augustine the First/Emperor John Gaius from The locked tomb seris
Junpei and Skane from Zero escape vs Lea & Isa / Axel & Saïx from Kingdom hearts
Scooge MC'Duck and Goldie I'Gill Ducktails (2017) vsCavendish and Dakota from Milo Murphy's law
Rebecca Bunch and Josh Chen from Crazy ex-girlfriend vs Sophia and fitz from keeper of lost cities
Cherry and Adam from sk8 vs Dazi Osamu and Nakahara chuuya from Bungo Stray dog
 Shen Qingqiu & Yue Qingyuan from Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System vs Igor Grom and Sergey razumovski from Major Grom: Plague Doctor 
Jack harness and John Hart from Torchwood vs Yuma Tsukumo and Vector/Rei Shingetru from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Round 1d
Powl and Mesothulas (trantulas) from transformers vs Jason Mcconnel and Peter simmonds from Bare: A pop Opera
Cappie and Even from Greek (2007) vs Junnana from Revue Starlight
The band Amatelast from Show By Rock! vs Mac Macdonald and Dennis Reynolds from Its always sunny in Philadelphia
Mulder and scully from x-files vsRosho and Sasara from Hypnosis Microphone!
Yoo Junghyuk and Anna Croft from omniscient reader vs Archie and maxie from Pokemon
sherlock and Watson from Blackeyed Theatre's Valley of Fear vs Anna, Sasha, and Marcy from Amphibia
The two boys from Bokura from Bokura vs Rom and Tammy from Parks and recs
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
New Bracket Announcement for you!
It’s finally December! And with the new month comes a new Bracket…
The Artists Bracket!!
However, I don’t quite have enough people for this bracket. So, I’m opening up submissions again this time around.
Any fictional artists (e.g. Yuga from The Legend of Zelda, or Fujino Kyo from Look Back) qualify, so if you can think of anyone at all, please submit them!
Submissions for this bracket will be open until Dec. 23. Please consider sharing this around so I can gather as many submissions as possible.
Oh, and feel free to submit more than one character!
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
If they tie they both move on and I shuffle their side of the bracket a little bit
Poll: Round 1d #4
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Mulder and Scully:
I don’t even know where to start for context if u don’t already know it but it involves alien abduction, pregnancy, lost children, long term separation, pining and misery and bitterness and arguments
Rosho and Sasara:
They were a manzai duo (and while not a canon couple there is a LOT of subtext between them but anyway) but Rosho felt inferior to Sasara and Sasara had trust issues so Sasara ended up pulling most of the act along himself when Rosho messed up. This led to Rosho coming to Sasara's apartment door (IN THE RAIN) to tell him he's breaking the duo up. Sasara moves from his home in Osaka to Tokyo afterwards and meets another man that reminds him of Rosho and starts befriending him to try to get over Rosho.
Sasara eventually has ANOTHER falling out with the new guy which involves being hypnotized by a government clone but that's a whole different breakup
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
The situation is catastrophic now in Gaza after the heavy rain and winds this week. Did you know that families in Gaza are sheltered only by some pieces of nylon and that the cold is very severe? My family is suffering from severe cold.
There is no shelter to protect them from the bitter cold. Their help will save my family’s lives from starvation and may help them flee Gaza soon after the crossings are opened soon.
I know that most of you are desperate and bored of constantly asking us for help. But how many times do you see the world and governments that did not look at us with mercy?
Only people with compassionate hearts like you help and sympathize with the afflicted.
Your continued support saves the lives of all my families. Support link here
Save the life of the Balousha family here
Thank you all for your help in reblogging and thank you for your donations that give us hope I am grateful to all of you 💝
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Lubna @help-lubna and her lovely family need our help! She is a 30 year old mother of 3 children (Eline, 7 years old / Kinda, 3 years old / Nasser, 4 years old) Read her story here!
As you may already know, the price to feed and take care of her family in Gaza is astronomical, and Nasser, her middle child, was born without a thyroid gland and needs help with extra care for his medical condition. As you may know, there are no more facilities that can treat him at this time.
Here is proof of vetting and Nasser's medical records for you to check - this campaign has been vetted by @ gazavetters and several other trusted vetting accounts on here!
£3,509 raised out of £16K goal
Please, even if you can spare a little bit of money, we will be eternally grateful!! Thank you so much for sharing and donating :D your care and kindness are much appreciated
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round 1d #7
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
The Two boy from Bokura:
They go on a freaky adventure together as kids and they stop talking as adults :(. Also everyone play Bokura its a fun two player puzzle pixel horror game
Ron and Tammy2:
Absolutely the messiest divorced couple. Every time they get back together they fight and scream every second they’re not going at it and usually seem to wind up arrested
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the-bitterest-breakups-poll · 3 months ago
Poll: Round 1 #6
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*Reminder that Break up is being used loosely here and not all relationships may be romantic in nature
Propaganda under cut:
Sherlock and Watson:
Watson realises that Sherlock has been keeping a secret from him for three years that could have put him and Mary in danger. They argue, big time, and Watson decides he's finished helping Holmes with cases altogether. Holmes leaves and Watson spends the rest of the day sitting around in a "melancholic torpor".
Anna, Sasha, and Marcy:
No propaganda was submitted
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