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somjuie · 1 day ago
i usually pick the emojis for my mutuals, but i will not be doing that this time >:3c !!!! time for a change 💝
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loveoaths · 11 months ago
hey y’all, i haven’t been here (or anywhere, really) because my illness got worse.
much, much worse.
the tl;dr is my brain is inflamed and i can’t really think most days. i forget my own birthday sometimes. i have days where i can’t walk. it’s not great.
the long version can be found here on my ko-fi. if you feel like donating a buck or two so i can try to access some treatments and medical services, i’d appreciate it. if you just wanna go full voyeur and see what my deal is, well, i won’t kink-shame you lol.
please share this post if you can!
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elektranxtchiios · 1 year ago
how long after trevor and sypha died did it take for alucard to disappear into myth? had trevor and sypha's kids already run off to hunt evil? did they look for alucard after? did the grandkids have hazy memories of a vampire named alucard that sang to them and hunted with their parents and grandparents? did trevor and sypha's kids visit home only to find two graves and no sign of alucard
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xanfippa · 3 months ago
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another crk fan art 🫦🫦🫦
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supurman · 8 days ago
hello everyone. my dog rocky has passed away. he was my everything. i wont be here for a long while. and i wont try to neither. my dms will probably be dormant. i hope you guys dont move on from me while im unable to write or be there. im going through it. see you all soon.
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shroudkeeper · 2 months ago
Please, please SE, you are way overdue to making these alliance raids explorable. I really do not feel like dragging Kikyo through Dun Skizzy just to take pictures..
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phainonn · 15 days ago
the way genshin single-handedly revived its fandom with the moon sisters lore and teasing nod-krai should be studied.
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devilagent · 26 days ago
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xianqu · 2 months ago
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i finished my exam with a 90!!!!!!!!! i have step studying to do tomorrow but i will get some writing done!!!!!!! i hope everyone is gearing up for a great weekend hehe
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inisuap · 2 months ago
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keepmovinjunior · 3 months ago
thoughts on mufasa...
i haven't seen a disney live action film since the remade lion king (and that was forced on me lmao, i hated it as well), and i'm not planning on seeing this one. but just from what i've read of the plot, it seems like... scar is getting more of a sympathetic reason for his bitterness at not being king? mufasa was adopted, and then automatically appointed his son, or something?
if this is the case i simply must ask: why. why why why. this is the problem with all of disney's films lately. there is this incessant need to soften villains and make other characters in their stead more problematic. and i just don't like that? the original lion king worked fine - mufasa and his son were obviously modeled after real monarchies in which the ruling family stays in power through direct bloodline, and the only way for the sibling to become king is for the one before to abdicate. scar being bitter and feeling overlooked simply by being born into a monarchical family worked just fine!! the original story was such a good and powerful cautionary tale of dictatorship, and how they take hold. now we're gonna add all of these weird "aCtuAlLy mUfaSA" elements? why? why do we have to do this?
it's literally because wicked succeeded so much after it was written in the 1990s and disney has been trying to profit off of the VILLAIN WITH A SAD TRAGIC BACKSTORY ever since. it works with wicked. it doesn't need to be every single villain story. i don't think it's a good lesson to teach kids that every person who grows up with selfish or power hungry motivations once had a Sad Thing done to them and If Only They Were Shown More Love.
as someone from a very abusive family of origin, no level of love or kindness could have changed my family. some people are who they are. and the only thing we need to do is protect ourselves and set boundaries. this whole trend is so tired and it needs to go.
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xanfippa · 3 months ago
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old cookie run fanart
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supurman · 11 days ago
art? since when
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idk how i feel about it but thats how it usually goes lmao
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shira-cosmic-star · 9 months ago
Hello! Mind if I send in a request? I'm not sure how familiar you are with Sanrio, but how about some headcanons for the Hotarubi boys + Alan, Luca, and Kaito with a reader that's like Wish Me Mell.
In case you don't know, Mell is a bit shy, a bit clumsy, but she's very kind, and her heart is always in the right place. She enjoys collecting stamps and writing letters. Mell is considered a bit disorganized and a scatterbrain, but despite that, she has a kind and loving heart for everyone
Hotarubi boys + Alan, Luca, and Kaito with a reader that's like Wish Me Mell.
(So sorry this took me a while, I wanted to make sure I got the character’s personality fully. So I did more research, because I wasn’t confident in myself 😅. I do hope you enjoy this💙)
Warning: spoilers on episode 5 + super long writing
When Haku first met MC. He noticed a few things about them. They were a bit shy and clumsy. So clumsy that when they first met and got off the train. MC accidentally tripped over their own feet and slammed right into Haku. They apologized profusely, Haku chuckled. He found it cute and adoring. As he got to know MC. He found more of this cute personality of their’s
•MC once came to Hotarubi to give him a document that had a mistake. When they got there, they have completely forgot why they were there. When they admitted that, Haku reminded them that they have told him about the documents. “Oh! Right, sorry hehe.” MC pulled out the documents and hand it over
•After Haku looked it over and signed it. He handed it back to MC. When MC was leaving…they accidentally tripped over nothing and fell. They were okay, but it worried Haku a bit.
•Haku always told MC to be careful. But he would also teasingly say. “Falling for me again?” Which caused MC to blush madly
•When MC comes over to relax and have some tea with Haku. They have gotten on a subject about working too hard and all. MC complimented him and told him that if he ever needed help. He could count on MC. This warmed Haku’s heart. He placed a hand on their head and thanked them.
•One time MC misplaced their phone somewhere and looked everywhere. Haku was walking in the halls and saw them on the floor in a classroom. He decided to help them. Only to find out that their phone was in their bag this entire time. MC felt embarrassed.
•Haku chuckles every time he’s around them. It’s never a dull moment with them.
MC was walking down the empty hall. When they almost accidentally ran into someone. “Oh! I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” MC stated while apologizing again. Subaru told them that it was okay. When they were going their separate ways. MC accidentally ran into a wall. While blushing madly, they laughed and speed down the hallway.
•Ever since that day, they have bumped into each frequently. Not actually run into each pre-say. Just seen each other on the opposite sides.
•They would smile and say hello to one another.
•Once MC started to work with Hotarubi. They felt relaxed that Haku and Subaru was in this dorm. Especially after what happened with the last dorm..
•Subaru would often invite MC for tea. Once MC held their cup and accidentally let it slipped. The tea was dumped all over their lap. They were embarrassed and apologized. Subaru didn’t mind the mess and asked them if they were okay.
•MC asked Subaru to meet them for lunch. They wanted to ask him something but completely forgot what to was. But Subaru sat next to her and enjoyed lunch with them anyways. After lunch MC then remembered and texted him. It was about tea.
•Subaru feels at easy when around MC. Didn’t have to force himself to be perfect. Though he’s still anxious, he feels that, he can make mistakes and that MC wouldn’t get mad or disappointed.
•Though let’s be honest, if MC freaks out during a case or missing something in their daily lives. This would make Subaru more anxious. So if MC’s calm, he’s calm. Haku has to help both of them
•Subaru also thinks that MC would be able to help his friend Lyca. Lyca has been through a lot and so maybe he’ll learn how to trust MC and maybe others.
•He uses this to learn more about MC. And MC uses them opportunity to know both of them
Zenji accidentally scared MC when they have first met. He wrote a note to warn them, but when they have woken up. He didn’t finish writing it. So it came off creepy and scary for them. But when MC was finally able to see and hear him. He was extremely excited. He would often speak to them with a lot of energy.
•”My sweet beautiful doll! I’m so glad you can see me!” The nickname he have given MC, made MC blushed. They smiled back and said, “it’s so nice to meet you” they spoke in a shy soft voice
•”Your voice is like a soft melody my dear.” This made have caused MC’s heart to race
•Zenji would often compliment them every time he sees them. They would smile and talked to him or listen to his music.
•MC actually likes the passion Zenji has when he composes his music or tells stories
•When MC accidentally hurt themselves, Zenji would freak out a little bit. A worrywart like him would rush to their side and ask them if they are okay
•After finding out what had happened to Zenji, MC wept for him. Such cruel fate for their dear friend. When Zenji saw tears swelled in their eyes. He soothes them. Telling them not to worry and that he is okay and still here. If MC ever needed to talk. They can come to him.
•Zenji adores MC even more after seeing MC cries for him. Not in a sadistic way, but as a, “they care about me” way. He deeply cherishes that. He cherishes them
Luca, became more and more protective of MC when he started to spend more time with them. Noticing how clumsy and disorganized they were. Once they dropped their pencil on the floor. Bent down to pick it, came back up and hit their head.
•When walking to the cafeteria, MC tripped over their own footing and Luca caught them. MC thanked him
•MC accidentally forgot their notebook in class, they were freaking out when they couldn’t find it. Luckily Luca had it and gave it back to them. They were relieved. After they have dumped their entire bag on the table
•Luca would keep an eye on them when he’s around. Making sure they don’t accidentally hurt themselves or run into anything. He would grab their hand gentle to pull them aside, away from the wall, person, or any object they weren’t looking because they were daydreaming.
•He had continued to hold their hand until they have reached their destination. Kaito wasn’t happy
•Luca noticed how kind MC was. Especially when MC would calm Kaito down from his melt downs or panics.
•When Luca had gotten into a confrontation with Shu and Leo. It was MC that calmed him down a bit. MC had grabbed one of his hands and rubbed their thumb on the top of his hand. He looked over to MC and noticed a worry look. MC asked him if he was okay. He nodded and took a deep breathe. Though it didn’t last, it definitely helped
When Kaito first spoke to MC. He cried over how sweet they were. Calling them an angel that came to save him. This made MC blushed, shortly after they first time they’ve met. Kaito would fall for her more and more. How? This is how
•MC saw Kaito outside the cathedral. There were stairs and Mc almost fell down it. Kaito helped them by grabbing their hand to support them as the walked down.
•It scared Kaito at first, but he felt like a try gentleman or a knight!
•When in need of rescue, always count on Kaito! He definitely didn’t tell MC that out loud. He did
•There were times where MC showed their appreciation to Luca and Kaito. They would often by sweets or any snacks they knew where their favorites. Kaito would either cry or blush with excitement.
•He falls for them more and more until he hit the core of the earth.
•He would often try to impress MC. Which may or may not caused him to accidentally make a fool of himself. Even though that happens, MC would often encourage him to look on the bright side or encouraged him to keep trying.
•And so he does, so hopefully one day. They would be a couple.
MC was extremely nervous about working with Vagastrom. Especially after the whole Sho vs Luca fight. It didn’t help how mean Leo was to them. Alan did however make things a little easier. Then Sho did, but never Leo. So when MC came over. They felt comfortable when Sho and/Alan was there.
•When on the case, Alan made sure to tell them not to enhance his stigma. He was terrified of hurting them. He would put enough space between them.
•While on top of the cliff, MC fell and Alan quickly saved them. He asked them if they were okay. They thanked him over and over again. He wasn’t used to being thanked.
•It warmed his heart, but went back to focus on the case.
•MC told him that they were clumsy and often accidentally hurt themselves so. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.
•This caused Alan to make sure to keep an eye on them. Incase they accidentally get hurt again. He doesn’t mind it though. MC however felt like they were hold everyone back.
•Alan in his own words reassures them that they are doing plenty to help.
•When MC waited outside with Sho. Alan couldn’t stop thinking about their safety. It made him incredibly uncomfortable. Anxious really. When MC screamed and then Sho. He rushed to saved them.
•After he saves them, MC was grateful and smiled gently as they take his hand.
•A sweet gentle smile, from a shy and kind person. Even though they went through a hellish situation. They were still able to smile. That is called strength. He liked that and told them that. In his own words
This was a lot, sorry that it was so long. Tell me what you think. What’s your favorite one, what you didn’t like or maybe something I can improve on? Was it romantic enough or not enough. Im curious to hear your guys thoughts! Have a great day! 💙
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ketsumyo · 3 days ago
:( they didn't add tsubaki to brave souls. devastated.
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