#idk what it was but scylla really got me acting up
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funky-sea-cryptid · 5 months ago
something that fucks me up about "scylla" is how eurylochus probably interpreted the "light up six torches" request. he's just admitted that he's fucked up - he's so sorry he opened that goddamn wind bag!!! this is all his fault - and odysseus looks up and tells him to light up six torches.
the relief he must have felt. odysseus still trusts him to do things. odysseus still trusts him. he's his second in command still! it'll be alright. this is forgiveness, or at least the start of it. surely they'll have a conversation and eurylochus will tell him it'll never happen again, he'll trust odysseus more he promises, he swears.
and then it's to sacrifice some men (and potentially him!) to scylla.
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skylarkva · 4 months ago
Day After Thoughts on the Vengeance Saga
I was super hyped for the Vengeance Saga, as I am with every saga release, but after sitting with it and digesting a bit, I think Epic act 2 overall is having a pacing issue. (This is going to be super long)
Like here's the thing: the Thunder Saga? Perfection, absolutely nailed it. And then we get into the wisdom Saga, which — although I thoroughly enjoyed it— had something about it that felt off. Now with the vengeance saga I'm realizing that act 2 just doesn't feel long enough.
I loved God Games, but it felt like Athena won the gods over too easily. Hearing the snippets got me hyped, and then in context of the song, I realized those snippets being the whole verse for each god felt too quick. Most of the wisdom saga is paced alright, at least for me, but that last song has been hyped up since the planning stages, and it's a really important moment! A little more back and forth with the gods would have shown just how much getting Ody free meant to Athena.
Now I'm not just saying this because Wangui's vocals are heavenly— we desperately needed more Calypso. It makes me sad because I know Jorge had another song with Odysseus and Calypso that he cut, and I think it would have added so much had it stayed in to the final album. Ody has been trapped with her for seven years, and we see him hit his limit in Love in Paradise, but for the audience that limit is hit immediately. We aren't given enough time to really see Odysseus get desperate, Calypso not understand his needs and wants, and her trying and failing to win over a faithful married man. Because the thing is, now we get to Not Sorry for Loving You, and Calypso is absolutely broken over losing Odysseus. Why? Did she fall in love with him at first sight, or did they talk and she fell deeper in love with him the longer he was there, all while he tried to push her away? That "let me speak" moment stands out to me because of this too. Without the context of seeing those seven years, I'd assumed all Odysseus did was let Calypso speak, because what else can he do with a goddess? So is that the case and she's just being controlling here, or did she truly feel like Odysseus hadn't listened to her during their time together. Idk. It doesn't feel earned and it does a disservice to her character. Plus more Wangui wouldn't hurt. Oh the Calypso saga we could've had...
Then we get Dangerous which, I don't have many notes that song hurt me and then was funky. I love Hermes, moving on.
Charybdis felt underwhelming to me, I feel like it ended too soon. Which could very well be the point, I had just gotten hyped off of the snippets and felt the final battle wasn't as impactful as I'd been expecting it to be. The ending destroyed me though, Jorge did an amazing job there, knew exactly how to stomp on my heart.
Get in the Water was the other song besides Scylla that I had been waiting the entire musical to get to, and I think it was executed almost perfectly, I really have no notes there either.
Six Hundred Strike....oh Six Hundred Strike. It was epic, it was chilling....but the first half just does not fit into the rest of the show musically. I'm mostly talking about once the six hundred men chant starts up. I love Aeolus' theme being used as an instrument, like I actually adore it so much, but those dang drums... For me it shoots straight past "this is a boss fight so this is a video game reference" into "this is Poseidon's boss theme for the Epic fighting game". That part of the song is the first time I've really said to myself "I can't see this on stage". Especially considering where Get in the Water ends musically, this just feels really jarring to me. I actually don't have any problem with Odysseus stabbing Poseidon. This isn't a mortal vs a god anymore, this is a monster vs a god, and a monster that god created at that. I think to make it feel less overpowered though, it could've been fixed with Poseidon saying "alright, fine" instead of "alright, please" to get Ody to stop. Then it would've been less that he was begging and more that he was annoyed and just wanted to be rid of him and never deal with him again. Same with his line delivery of "after everything you've done, how will you sleep at night?". I almost would've liked to hear him laughing there, like in disbelief, or in a mocking tone, only for Odysseus to shut him up with "next to my wife". The wing bag jetpack is also too funny for me to take seriously so I'm gonna ignore that for my own personal head canon.
I love epic and I hope the Ithaca Saga sticks the landing. I'm just dumping my thoughts after last night lmao
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badgirlcovenrep · 4 years ago
Raylla, Samhain and the union of life and death
If you haven't seen my post on Scylla and Morrigan click here, it'll make more sense:
As I was doing my research on the Morrigan and looking around random books I have on mythology, I couldn't help but notice that not only does Scylla relate to Morrigan, but Raelle actually shares many similarities to the Dagda.
(He has been described as being fat and comical before but if I'm correct, it's believed that was actually added in there by the Christians as a way to minimize and poke fun at pagan religions, so, for this post, we'll be talking about the traditional depictions of him from norse communities)
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The Dagda is described in Norse mythology as a "Good God" and the protector of the nordic people. He was son of Danu, the mother goddess, and Elatha, who was the king of the Fomorians, the same people with whom he'd actually be at war for most his life after he, himself, became king of the Tuath Dè Danann, or "people of Danu".
This, to me, already draws parallels to the fact Raelle is half civilian, yet she fights civilians in the name of the witch army, in some way choosing (or really being given no choice but) to side with her mother's people and defend them over anything else, just like Dagda after becoming king. Eventually, and only with the help of Morrigan, Dagda brings waste upon the Fomorians and peace to his people during the battle of Magh Tuiredh.
Another parallel that came up a lot were Dagda's magical weapons. As a god, he represented fertility, plentifulness, magic and the seasons, as well as being the literal God of Life, and linked to healing magic. The coire ansic was his cauldron that never ran empty, a representation of plentifulness. Then there was his harp, uaithne that commanded the seasons, as well as led men into battle.
And lastly, the one that I think correlates to Raelle the most, the lorg mór, a mighty staff that could "take nine souls with one end, and bring them all back to life with the other", which, idk, reminds me of our good old Mother Mycelium?
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I mean, it's been stablished she can just as easily kill a room of people and bring them back to life so I think it checks out.
But what really got me obsessed with these parallels has to be how much Dagda and his goddess of death wife remind me of Raylla. It has to be on purpose by this point.
The union of Dagda and Morrigan is, from the very beginning, a metaphor for the relationship between life and death. Dagda, being so full of light, and seen as the protector of life, doesn't seem like he'd have much in common with the Morrigan, a goddess assimilated to death and destruction. At least if you look at them at first glance.
Their meeting supposedly happened by the bank of a river, and Dagda was instantly enamored as he saw Morrigan singing and washing herself in the water.
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According to myth, it was love at first sight, and they were both as fascinated with the other as can be. This meeting is what originated Samhain, and their reunion itself is believed to thin the veil every year on that same day, bringing the taken souls back to the land of the living as a sort of celebration from their union. The marriage itself points to how ancient norse people saw the correlation of life and death, where one only exists with the other.
Dagda and Morrigan actually end up having a lot in common if you think about it, both being warriors and protectors of their people.
The Morrigan is a very complex deity, some say she takes pleasure in the carnage of war and that she is a cruel goddess, only interested in death, but what is most believed is that she acts as a sort of Washer for the Fords, warning warriors that their deaths are near and overseeing battle. She is linked with pain and grief, but also with reinvention and in some ways, forgiveness. Meanwhile Dagda has been related to fertility, happiness and healing, yet he is also ruthless in battle, and known to crush his enemies without mercy.
They're like the same sides on two very different coins, but they complete each other in an union that is believed to bring forth peace to the new year with Samhain.
This transcript from the Cath Maige Tuired (the book that describes all this stuff in Irish mythology) tells their first meeting, honestly, and it just says everything
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I mean, are you gonna tell me I'm wrong? It's literally Raylla!
The Goddess of death who is also a protector of the soldiers. The one that reinvents and rebirths herself out of darkness all in the name of love. The queen of everything dark, scary and painful. The one who they call queen of terror, but who actually comes to comfort damned souls.
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And the fixer, bringer of better times, (literally brought people back from dead before) and probably the reason Scylla hasn't burned the whole world at this point (we all know she could). The one that fights for the innocent, even if it means losing her own life, the one who's got so much light when the world does so much to extinguish it.
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They're opposites but they still fell in love, because believe it or not, life and death are not enemies, as we've been told. They're lovers, allowing themselves to end and begin and end again, over and over, in the name of the other. And when they truly, actually, collide as physical things in this world, they'll win a thousand wars, be born a hundred times over and still find their way back to each other.
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These two are star crossed lovers with the power of fucking gods of life and death. Their love will bring this war to an end and I will not hear a word otherwise.
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megatraven · 3 years ago
Got an Astoria question for you! 😌
From each route, what is your favourite part? Like out of each of their seasons including the Lost Kisses ones 👀💛
For Alex, my favorite part of their route is 1000% the proposal, but that's not in the actual route itself so idk if it counts lmao. If it doesn't, then my favorite part is forever going to be that scene in AFK Season 2 where MC tells them that she didn't want to get in their way and Alex stops Everything to tell her that she's never in their way, that she is their way. That scene is everything to me. The reassurance in the face of doubt and danger. The fear and the heartache and the love, the knowing that they each need to be better for the other. (MC needing to communicate better with them. Alex needing to make sure that she knows she can come to them at any time for any reason.) It's just. Such an incredibly important scene.
For Medusa, my favorite part.... I think I have to go with that scene in AFK Season 3, when Medusa has been avoiding MC/keeping her out of the know and MC confronts her when it all boils over after Medusa misses their appointment with the wedding planner. Where Scylla and Eryn side with MC and reassure her that Medusa will make the right choice. And where MC goes home (to her own apartment) to find Medusa sitting in the dark, thinking she really didn't know MC anymore. They make up afterwards and work to re-establish their broken boundaries and stuff and it was just so. AUGH SO GOOD!!!! The drama, the hurt..... the apologies, not just a simple "I'm sorry I did this" but an apology through their actions and fully open communication. They make it through such a big relationship issue and it brings them closer together and they come out stronger than ever before!!!!
For Cerberus, My favorite part is 100% in ALK Season 2, when MC and Cerberus are having an argument and Cerberus summons his aura when he's sitting across the office from MC... and his aura immediately seeks MC out and gives her little aura kissies <3 Cerberus calls them back for bothering her but MC is like "They only did it because they're an extension of you and you love me" or whatever she says and she also says that she loves his dogs and it's just. So. CUTE!!!!! Even in their argument they just love each other so much. AND!!! Following said argument, Cerberus apologizes and immediately is like "I'm so sorry for calling you stupid, no one should EVER say that to you" and MC goes on to talk about how she does value herself and it's not up to anyone else to say how she values herself. Just. a very very good conversation.
(I'm starting to see a pattern in my favorites,,,, conflict resolution my beloved)
For Hydra, there's the scene in AFK Season 2 where MC gets fired and lowkey blows up at Hydra and gives up and just. Leaves. And then she meets Ladon and I always make her scream out her frustration. And then Ladon brings her to the bar (and texts Hydra at some point so he knows where she is) and then all the monsters in Eryn's bar treat MC to drinks. And she's like totally drunk by the time Hydra comes to her, and she's embarrassed of how she's acted so she doesn't really know what to say or do, and they just sit there for awhile in silence. And Hydra doesn't leave her alone for one second, and he helps her get home when she's had too much to drink and she kind of cuddles into him. It's a moment where she's in a lot of pain but Hydra stays with her through it all, and just wants her to rest and be okay. The love shines through <3
For Astraeus, it's 100% that scene in AFK Season 1 with the Alex confrontation. But in regards to scenes that actually, you know, have Astraeus..... my favorite is that scene where MC rushes to the rooftop of HERA and like throws off her shoes and rips out her hair tie and she's shouting with all of her being for Astraeus, and he comes, even when he's being actively poisoned by Earth's atmosphere. The way he immediately accepts her and whisks her away the moment she asks him to, and the unbridled joy he feels, and the aching sadness that she ever had to feel so hurt. But at the same time he sees and recognizes her power. Not to mention that KISS they share. Not to mention the scene shortly after where Selene and Helios tell MC that they're there for her, to support her and be with her because they love her, too... So so so so good. (Though I will say this scene MIGHT be tied for my fave with that scene at the end of ALK Season 2 where MC sees her mom again and she's like "Maybe I should have just let the gods replace me with Hera" bc that is Heartbreaking.)
For Hades, there's that scene in AFK Season 3 where Hades is being all self-sacrificing in a misguided attempt to protect MC and keep her safe from the other gods, and in doing so he hurts her by renouncing her as his fiancée. And when MC confronts him about it when he's in his little jail cell, he's so cold towards her that it absolutely breaks her heart and she rips off her engagement ring and throws it at him. The emotions in it are so raw and I really do understand both sides of the situation but Hades is hurting MC so much more than she would be hurting otherwise. THAT SCENE in contrast to the following scene (iirc, it's been a hot minute since I read S3) where he breaks out of his cell and talks with her for a moment and he's so gentle with her and it's so OBVIOUS that he loves her so damn much..... and then he makes her pass out and disappears and it's just. So. Painful. But so, so good.... I love it.
For Chimera, I think my favorite scene has to be in AFK Season 2 when MC and Alex meet with Prime at the Boarback and Alex has to dip out for a second so Prime is like poking and prodding at MC with mean things about Chimera and MC like SNAPS and she starts going off on Prime and Prime starts to say something and MC is like "I wasn't done talking" and she keeps going just absolutely fueled by adrenaline and the need to defend her guy <3 It's SUCH a good scene and it lives in my head rent-free. It's also really funny because she storms out of the bar after that and just leaves Alex behind without saying anything LMAO
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child-of-peace · 3 years ago
I’ve watched the Raylla scene at 31:50 of S1E03 so many times and I can’t for the life of me figure out why Scylla downplays what happened to her parents.
“When the military tried to arrest my parents, the whole thing went south, and they were both killed.”
The phrasing is interesting because it almost removes the horror of what the military did. The use of the word ‘tried’ makes it seem like they weren’t as powerful or intimidating of a force as they most likely were, and the former part of the statement makes it seem like the military went there solely with the intention of arresting her parents. Not to mention “the whole thing went south” implies it was an accident. As for the latter part, she uses the passive voice which removes agency from the military police who actively killed her parents. A very different recount than the one she gives Anacostia in S1E10.
“I was 16. We were drifting west that spring, across the cession, undetected. We were good at that. Until we weren’t. … We got new names. I was starting school. [Military police] were waiting at our home. My parents surrendered themselves, but they killed them anyways, to prove a point. I was hiding in the garage. I did nothing. Now, I fight in their honour.”
This version of the story is longer and in far more depth. It really allows you to feel Scylla’s pain and the self-hatred at her own inaction. She uses the active voice to talk about the military killing her parents. She humanises her family and mentions how her parents surrendered. They would have accepted arrest. And she uses the 3rd person plural, showing her family as a unit. Implying that they always acted together, you didn’t get one without the others. Until you did. This is a completely different story. The same event told in two different ways.
Which begs the question why? Why does Scylla tell Raelle what happened like this?
If her goal was to radicalise Raelle and pull her away from the military and closer to the Spree, then surely it would have made more sense to tell the story the way she told it to Anacostia. All I can come up with is that maybe she didn’t want Raelle getting suspicious of her having joined the army, so she makes it seem like it had been an accident or that the military weren’t entirely to blame, but that would make more sense if she hadn’t followed it up with “That was when I decided to enlist. Try to beat them at their own game, maybe get some measure of justice for my parents.” Because that follow-up completely undermines the point of that.
Idk, if anyone can answer this for me, please do!
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jameshcricket-blog · 8 years ago
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Your Father Would Be Proud by Michael Giacchino
On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss by David R. Holsinger
Locke’d Out Again by Michael Giacchino
Macbeth by Jed Kurzel
The Way by Zack Hemsey 
Histoire Sans Nom by Ludovixo Einaudi
The Threat of War by Alexandre Desplat
Goodbye by Apparat
It’s Not Forever by Javier Navarette
Mr. Reese by Ramin Djawadi
My Mother’s Funeral by Fernando Velázquez
Trigger Warnings: Death, Suicide.
I went for a soundtrack for the journey through hell? Even though I have not...been around.....a lot....for this event and probably won’t be able to write anything for them for it because I’m how do you say...trash. But I would like to think or will probably head canon that James went down there for the reason that he has been all over the world and wouldn’t miss an opportunity to be in Hell. He can add it to the list with all the countries he’s ventured to you know. 
Anyways, let’s all laugh as I try to give an explanation to these choices in songs. I believe the only one that has words in it is the one from Breaking Bad, Goodbye, but I kept to all score/soundtracks because that’s usually what Jiminy listens to and it was fun to try and find stuff that would fit into his walk. BEWARE: This got out of hand because I know I won’t be able to partake in the challenges or anything so I just dump a lot of ideas into this to try and compensate. 
Another warning: I don’t know music. I don’t know anything. Whatever I say here is, lbh, ramblings. So, like I said, let’s all laugh as I try to figure out instruments and how to describe music with words. 
1. Your Father Would be Proud: Start with an ender aye. So this is the song that plays in Rogue One when (Spoiler Warning, kids it’s on Netflix pls watch Star Wars and love yourselves) Jynn and Cassian go out on the beach to hug it out and wait for death. But for me I thought it was a nice tune for James to go walking into the forest with and then venture down the stairs. Towards the end when the brass comes in it gets really full in sound with the trumpet (??) letting loose for a second, that’s him making it down to the bottom and looking around like, “Oh wow.” And like the very end is probably him looking around like, this is so dope, but the sadness and the impending doom at the endend when the Death Star finally ends everything is it being like, yeah, this is HELL, so good luck on your journey you idiot. It gets kinda big and I like that because even if Hell isn’t all that in CGI, I think he would still feel an overwhelming force from the scenery of it because his muse is a cricket and to him, everything is HUGE, so I put that into Jame by him knowing he’s just a spec in the vastness of the universe, so yeah, looking around Hell is kinda a big deal for him. 
2. On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss: This song would be playing after he decided which path to take. And it’s kind of grand in the beginning and then it gets small again for a while, and then ooooooOOO it starts getting bigger. And then get them drums in there, and it slows down and seems to finish with that only to get quiet again, like a soft hum, until that melody starts again, and the lil triangle, until it ends. T h a t is what I imagine the first part to be like for him. Ebbing and flowing with his awe until he finally calms down enough to continue on his walk. The big parts are probably him seeing those who live in that area, seeing the kinds of scenes Hell puts forth, and then finally chilling out enough to continue on his walk. 
3. Locke’d Out Again: I was so sold on Lost when I saw the first season. I thought it was so good, and then I never watched any of the other seasons. So. Rip me. But this song still sticks out to me when I think about that show. And what’s even better, I could add it to this playlist. It’s so beautiful with all the instruments going back and forth and then the piano takes over everything and my god. This, my friends, is where James’s background comes out to play. This is when someone would come out onto the path he chose to greet him and it would be a reunion of the sad variety. I don’t want to go into detail because his past is still a secret! Stay tuned to find out! If any of you are even reading this far, lmao I doubt, but anyways. The song went with John Locke’s discovery that he could walk again, and it would fit into James seeing that person and reaching out tentatively towards them only to find them as a solid entity in front of him once more. Tears and hugs and all that mushy stuff would take place. But the thing that sold me on this song for this part of Hell was the ending. The last few seconds that make such a sweet/sad/moving song end on a sinister note. Because Hell pulled the carpet out from under James and lets him fall on his ass as he meets the first challenge. 
4. MacBeth: This song is slow and gives me such desolate vibes. There’s that pitched sound that comes and goes and idk the name of it, but I love it in this piece with the low string coming in later to give it a partner. The first challenge would be set to this because the first challenge would be Death. That person(s????) from the scene before would die in front of him. And that part would be silent from any music because it would probably have to happen several times over until Jiminy finally gave into Hell and realized that he can’t save them and therefore lets them die, but the part afterwards. When he’s probably just holding their body and just sitting trying to recover. That’s when this song would play. Putting more emphasis on the effect that had on him. Don’t wanna get spoilery, not that anyone is still reading, but. 
5. The Way: The Way kind of reminds me of the Inception soundtrack with the piano playing that one note, but it also has a darker thing going on which is what I wanted for the next part. The Judgement Door would come and go and James would be in the dark, walking along until he got to the muddy bit, but this would accompany the little montage of him walking in the dark, trying to light a light only for the wind to whisk it away, and then having to move forwards. He isn’t excited about this adventure anymore. After the first challenge he’s sad and regrets his choices in coming down the stairs, but knows he can’t go back. This song will probably get him to the Marshes. It starts doing that clapping bit indicating something is coming. And that would be wrong. Because something is waiting for him. His second Challenge. The second part of the song gets kinda fighty to me, so we would but the monster of Scylla here, as he tried to get into a boat and she just won’t let him and tries to drown him, too. I don’t?? Know if that’s viable, but I needed a monster who he was able to speak too because that’s all he has really. His voice. So in the midst of him trying to fight her at one point, when she’s probs got the upper hand on him, he would say something that would make her stop. Leading us to...
6.  Histoire Sans Nom: Gosh, what a song. It’s got so much to it, I really enjoyed it. I put it on the playlist because it would be a good background to the tail end of Jiminy and Scylla’s conversation. He would listen to her woes, give her advice, and she would hopefully allow him safe passage. Again, idk if that’s an option here, but for the sake of Jiminy’s lack of knowledge in fighting I’m going to hope it is. This song would be the end to her sad story she tells him and Jiminy’s advice to her, and then the departure. The tone is kinda sad to fit with the sad things going on, Scylla’s story and the continuation of James’s journey on the Marshes. The end dies off so that’s him waving to her and watching as she gets back into the water near the boats to continue her life as a monster in Hell because that’s all she’s got left to do. Which would be sad for him to see that he couldn’t change her mind at all. This, I think, would be his third challenge. Seeing someone he thought he had helped, that he had put effort into listening to their problems, only to find out that he hadn’t even helped them at all. This is his Sorrows. Because that’s the worst thing in the world to him. So the ending to this song would be him floating in the boat for a long ass time crying and crying until he fell asleep. Only to wake up in the middle of the water. Surround on all sides by it.The song would end on him falling asleep. When he wakes up he wouldn’t be fine, per say, but it would take him a while to get passed Scylla. 
7. The Threat of War: Starts of kinda slow, but it has that background tick to it, which I thought would be a good representation of him rowing the boat, over and over like the ticking sound across the water. Like The Way it would act for the boat montage across the water. Stopping every so often because he’s WEAK and doesn’t exercise, though he might start after this tbh, and looking down at the souls under the water. And when it gets kinda spooooky with a more...idk how to describe it but when the strings start making things feel rushed and like you gotta get outta there, probably at like 2:30, he would start running into the other boats with the Gluttonous souls. And when it gets kinda panicky that’s James trying to get out of the way of a war between two boats that are threatening to crash his. But manages to get out of there and moves on to land not soon after. It will also play into trying to get through the monsters at the end of the Mashes.
8. Goodbye: This has a heartbeat type thing going through it at the beginning. I figured after getting out of the marshes there would be no music for a while until he through The Wall (???somehow) and into the City of Dis. So the heart beat part is to his own, getting louder and louder. And then the I don’t even know what it is but like western-y guitar coming in every so often would be like in the Western movies when the hero comes into the town and looks around like. Where is everybody? And this would just be following him around as he walked throughout the city. There are words in this song because I also wanted to play on the fact that he isn’t alone here. He was never alone on his path really, but here he can’t seem to find anyone, but they’re there. And the words are there to show that. Even though he can’t find them right now, they’re there. The song ends when he sees someone, indicating he is no longer ‘alone’, on top of a building and watches them jump off. It scares the lights out of him, but when he closes his eyes against it, waiting for the impact sound to happen, it never comes. So he opens his eyes and walks up to the top of the roof where several other people are. There he inquires what the FUCK is going on as one of them jumps and he couldn’t run to the edge in time to pull them back and there isn’t a body down below. One of the people tells him that’s the way outta this place. To jump. One by one they all leave, and then, after a lot of pacing and a lot of talking himself up, he does too. 
9. It’s Not Forever: Mmm, the Suicide Forest. This song is just him walking through it. Just another James H. Cricket montage. 
10. Mr. Reese: I guess I must divulge some secrecy, /shift eyes/, not that I expect anyone to get this far, so lmao hi if you are, but THIS SONG. I love Person of Interest you guys, fml. This song is so beautiful. And I wanted to include it when James got here because the song would be when he heard the voice of an old friend there. Another therapist he went to school with. They were good mates, studied together, talked to one another all the time when they got out of uni. Then, one day he woke up to the news that he had committed suicide. AND LIKE THIS WOULD BE, I’m treating this like a movie and don’t care, WHEN IT WENT INTO FLASH BACK MODE OF THEIR LIVES TOGETHER. And him just kinda breaking a bit as he hears him talking again. But then peacing out real quick when other voices reach out and try to get him to join them.
10. My Mother’s Funeral: The End. This is a lil bit of music for his last little walk through the forest, and makes eyes with gift shop where I think the sudden drop off fits. James is like really weirded out by it but super charmed, too. I laughed so much when I read the post and Calcifer’s Family runs the joint. That is ADORABLE. So Jiminy would hang out here. Buy himself a regular shirt and other stuff because?? Fuck it dude this is HELL’S GIFT SHOP he’ll never get a chance like this again. And he has plenty of memories of his adventures around the world, so he’s literally set. He’s walking outta there with two bags on each hand. 
The End. 
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