#he could have still die and still not solved any of that big problem
waffultaim · 16 days
If I were to rewrite Graystripe character, like for fun, I would add the problem of nepotism being superrr related to his character development.
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eydi-andrius · 1 year
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A/N: I wrote this on my phone cuz I need to! Nothing crazy but I hope you enjoy some Gojo! 🥰
"Don't give me that," he said, annoyed when your body flinched, involuntarily, when he touched your knee.
You pulled yourself backwards and shuddered when you felt the headboard against your back. You need to be as far away from him. Just being this close makes you want to die.
Why are you so stupid?
Tears frozen and sticky on your cheeks, fresh ones joined them as you felt him dripping out of you. You choked on your own hiccups as you felt his seed oozing out of your sensitive flesh due to the sudden shift of your movements. The evident red stain on his white sheets, made your hand pull tighter on the blanket you used to keep your modesty.
You were so naive.
You should have said no. You should have stayed home. Or maybe you should have known better and prepared yourself to just be bullied next time. Who even told you that confronting your bully will solve all of your problems? If it does, bullying will cease to exist. You should have shut your mouth instead of asking him to meet you and convince him to stop tormenting you further.
Now, you regret everything.
Your body is sore and bruised all over. You don't even need to see it in the mirror to check the damage he has done. You can feel it. Especially, down there. He wasn't gentle at all. He was rough and mean; as if wanting to brand you. To make you feel him all over your body. Deep inside you felt his possessiveness to mark you.
He stood up and stretched. Lithe body betraying his rotten personality. He looks satisfied. Calmed, even. His actions lit a fire within you and without thought, your hands pulled the sheets too strongly. The next thing you knew, the force of your pull destroyed the thin piece of cotton, ripping it into two, and causing the white sheet to bunch up on your stomach and involuntarily, showing your still swollen pussy at him. Giving him another free sight of what he did.
A shame to you. An achievement to him.
In panic, you did your best to put it back on. To cover you again. But before you could put the sheet back down, he was unto you, and he held your legs tightly, showing your still sensitive flesh in front of him. Closer. Personal.
He was frowning as he stared at it. He looks annoyed by something he saw down there.
With a surprised gasp, your body went cold when he did the unthinkable.
"Geez! Babe, you're moving too much. See? You made it fall out of you. Do you know how many women want my seed inside of them? They begged, they cried and they threw tantrums but it was only you I have chosen! Be thankful that it was only you, I did it raw." He tsked as he scooped the still warm cum and put it back within you. Your gummy walls squeezed his digits. They were too big and you were still sensitive. But he groaned when he felt you tightened, mistaking the gesture for your approval.
"God. I should have taken you sooner. This pussy is obviously made for me. I was naive and stupid, babe. I'm sorry." He looked down and moved his face closer to you. You froze in fear, but when he finally touched your bruised lips, you did not hesitate the bloody scream you let out. With renewed strength, you tried to push him away. However, this is Gojo. And he had always been too strong.
Your voice echoes throughout the room as he maneuvers his body again to fit into you. He is delusional. And you invited the insane. When he finally placed his tip near your entrance, he did not feel any remorse as he dipped his girth all the way in, deeply, using his previous seed as a lube, to easily move back and forth within you. You felt all of him. His veins and muscles twitching inside with excitement. He groaned with fervor.
That night, he showered you with praise, clung to you like a lover should. Acting as if what he did was the norm. As if you two were together before all of this.
What you did was a mistake and you won't be able to recover from now on. He branded you as his and you know he has you by the neck.
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greycaelum · 11 months
My shoujo ass cant stop thinking of kenma and masaki wit my baby sai...................
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters: { First Princess }
—Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Genre: fluff, domestic life, parenthood
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (1.7k)—/overprotective Dad Satoru, he's having a girl dad dilemma, lovey-dovey moments, fluff, overall domestic life, 3rd munchkins cameo, slight mention of jujutsu society, childhood friends—/
𑁍 A/N: Trick or Treat! And Satoru got the treat from his Baby Cat! In exchange for a stomachache~
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Gojo Satoru... never in his life thought he would die this early...
He can't believe time has passed so much that his bones are starting to hurt when he moves or that his already white hair can get any whiter... or that—
"Love... I have never once doubted where our kids got their drama skills." You sighed, interrupting his monologue.
"Baby!" Your husband whined from the couch and stomped his feet. "She's just 13!"
"Exactly... Calm down 'Toru." You sighed and wiped your hands on your apron. You could see Kouki watching over his two younger siblings in the backyard... Satoru, on the other hand, is having a midlife crisis because of his first daughter.
Barefooted, he trudged to the kitchen and hugged you from the back, a petulant pout on his lips.
"I should have taught her to kick harder as a kid. Maybe I should enroll our daughters in an all-girls school instead. It's not too late y—"
You stuff his mouth with the mochi you're making, effectively shutting him up and, at the same time, calming him down. His ranting turned to munching, and his chattering mouth soon turned to a chin resting on your shoulder while you make snacks for the kids with a husband stuck to your back, hugging you like a teddy bear, asking for bites of what you're making.
You wiped your hand after putting the new batch of brownies you made in the oven.
"You know Saika would never intentionally do anything to make you disappointed. But she's a growing girl, a very good girl at that. Barring her from exploring will not solve the problem." You sighed and turned around to stare at your husband's pouting lips. Gosh, he never grew up from the pouting phase. "If we try to stop her from exploring, she might tend to be sneaky instead. How can we give her guidance if she doesn't feel accepted?" You smiled at Satoru, washing off his worries with your words.
"I know... It's just that..." Satoru blew out a frustrated sigh. "I don't want her to get hurt. She's too young for this, y'know..." He hugged you, burying his face in your neck.
You inhale a large breath and pat his back, empathizing with your husband and his dilemma for being a girl dad. You wonder if you'll ever feel this too with your sons... Or if your husband is simply just being the sensitive big teddy bear he is.
"Y'know, Love..." You trailed and took his face in your hands. "I hate to break it to you like this, but..." You chuckled. "Saika is just with her classmates doing a school project."
Saika has been telling you for one week straight how she's so excited to go over to her friend's house for the first time and do their project, something about some baking activity in home economics, which you agreed with delight. Satoru was also happy about it... until he asked who was her group partners.
"Masaki and Kenma and Iori, and..."
The rest of her partners were ignored the second Satoru heard familiar names.
"Masaki... Kenma?"
"Still! Did you see how that Chiba boy dared come to my doorstep every Tuesday morning to pick up my Cat? That brat, when he grows up, I swear when he grows u—"
You poked his cheeks with your fingers, stopping his plans.
"Baby, you see that?" You pointed to your eldest son, making flower crowns for his youngest sister while his younger brother kept climbing on his back. "You and Kouki have been watching over her since she was born. Do you think your son will be this calm if he doesn't trust Saika's friends? We both know how protective he is of her sister, and he knows Masaki because he goes to school with him almost daily."
You kissed Satoru's frowning brow, easing his temples while his arms remained around your waist, still with the bit of pout on his lips but not as hysterical as earlier.
"Can you blame me? I'm clingy with my first princess." Satoru sighed. "She was so tiny when I first held her. I was so scared if I breathed too deep, she would cry. She's so precious and fragile that I can't handle it. If she cries, it would crush me..." Satoru's words were muffled as he sank into your arms.  
"Mnnn... I know. Must prepare our youngest girl if you suddenly bawl out when she finally gets a boyfriend two decades later.
You didn't have to pull his face up to your eyes to know how Satoru turned several shades paler and sucked a nervous gasp against your collarbone. You saw your two youngest munchkins run to the front yard and the famous single-double tone of knock on your doorsteps.
He left you as quick as a bullet train and ran to the door where, as expected, his Cat was, holding a basket of sweets, and behind her... was someone Satoru would pronounce as his mortal enemy years from now.
Maybe because Masaki is the one he often sees, Satoru never really paid attention to Kenma. That was a long time ago. Saika was just a toddler back then, oblivious to what a 'boyfriend' meant, and took it too literally as a male friend.
"Papa! Look, I made mochi for you!" Saika's eyes lit up, and excitedly enumerated the sweet he brought home for everyone.
"Hey Princess, did you make all these? Lemme have this one~" Satoru looked in the basket and got a cheese stick, then praised his daughter for making them very good... that's a lie, it tastes like the Baumkuchen you threw out coz it was three days expired. But he can't possibly say that in front of his precious daughter, who will probably cause him to go in and out of the toilet later.
"Sir, good afternoon."
A serious voice greeted Satoru.
In his straight stance, hands behind his back and feet against each other, Masaki bowed to Satoru. Saika was used to this. Masaki would greet her Papa, and her Papa would grunt with the same constipated look he always had every time Masaki came into their home.
"Masaki-kun, thank you for bringing Saika home safely." You appeared behind Satoru with a smile. The kid looked up and greeted you formally as well.
"Good afternoon, Lady Y/n..." The young boy visibly softened his stance at your sight, but when he saw Satoru watching him like a hawk, Masaki instantly straightened up again like a soldier under his supervisor's stern glare.
"How about you come inside for tea, Masaki-kun? I made some baklava." You warmly invited, patting Satoru's shoulder in silent warning. Saika already went inside, calling her siblings.
"I... I'd love to, Lady Y/n, but my mother told me to be home by 3 in the afternoon." The boy looked a bit somber as he turned down your offer. You know his parents are stricter than others, so you cannot find fault in such an answer.
"Then next time, I'll make some milk pan. Saika loves those." You didn't miss how his eyes sparkled at your offer and the subtle scoff of Satoru on the side.
The kid waved goodbye, but just then, a rushing Saika almost collided with you in the hallway. She ran past you and Satoru towards Masaki, who was already at the gate.
You couldn't hear what they were saying, but based on the cellophane-wrapped baklava your daughter was handing towards Masaki, you could only chuckle and hold down the hand of your seething husband, dragging him a little more inside the house, just enough so the two of you can spy on the kids.
Your husband silently huffs and walks into the house, holding the basket of sweets Saika brought home, calling the kids to share the treat. Though you didn't miss how he ordered his men to watch over Masaki to make sure the boy reached the Chiba Estate safely.
Later that night, you saw Satoru talking to Saika over an ice cream, the two of them huddled up on the couch, playing some Mario Kart.
"Papa doesn't like Masaki, Mama?" Kouki, in his pajamas, walked closer to you, asking you to dry his long hair from the shower.
"You know your Papa, you'd never hear the end of it if it comes to boys." You carefully wring out the excess water from his artic tresses while he hummed and stared at his sister and father fighting over the last spoon of the ice cream.
"Masaki is better," Kouki said with a long look.
"Why so?" Oh? You quirk a brow at your eldest's remark.
"His family is a branch of the Gojo Clan, though the Chiba clan is a minor family, at least that lessens the complexity of explaining about normal citizens and sorcerers." Kouki huffs.
"Since when did my son start thinking of this stuff? Sweetheart? Is that all?" You chuckled and hugged your eldest, pinching his nose. 
"Of course, it also makes it easier to hunt him down if he hurts Cat's feelings," Kouki grumbled with a pout. Just like his father, thankfully, your youngest son is just a toddler, or else you don't know how to keep your three boys from guarding their sister like an apparition against other men.
"Mama! That's unfair. You didn't comb my hair tonight." Saika called from the living room as she saw her brother all fluffy and well-groomed from your hands.
"I can comb it for you, Cat!" Satoru added. Kouki soon joined the huddle, poking fun at his sister.
Needless to say, whoever tries to ask for your daughter's hand, they'll have to go through a lot. She is, after all, the first princess of the most important boys in her life... Just like that, you can't help but wish that if ever... she did find the man of her life, he would treat her as precious as you all have treasured her... Just like how her father has cherished you, or maybe even more.
Satoru chuckled and put down the comb.
"See, my Little Treasure is as pretty as ever!"
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @loml-riri @pelicanpizza @emichou-chan
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cinmngirlnfr · 7 months
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Edmund Pevensie x Reader
In my mind, Edmund Pevensie is a Dorky Nerd
Summary: Before the battle in miraz's castle, Edmund tries to convince Y/N to not go to the battle, but things took turn when he ends up conffesing his fellings.
Y/N was sharpening her sword. She looked around her "room", it was very generous to call it a room though. Let's just say that the fortress were Caspian had leaded them to, their base is you must, and where the stone table used to be (and it still is, just broken), was not particulary cozy. She had a discomfort look on her face, yes, she loved Narnia and she would do anything for her people, but is not like she found battles apealing.
She was on her way to put her armor on when someone busted through the door. It was Edmund, hyperventilating.
"Excuse you?" Y/N asked a bit annoyed, he could have at least knocked.
"Sorry" Edmund had a looked of concern on his face "Is it true?"
"What ever are you talking about?" Y/N asked.
"That you are going to the battle, is it true?" Edmund asked with a more stern tone.
"Yeah...?" Y/N was kinda confused, it was not her first battle, back when they lived in Narnia, The golden years, She would atend to any battle or figth there was, she was very skilled at it, and it shoudn't be surprising that she was going to this one.
"No you are not!" Said Edmund almost like in a childish tone.
"Why not?" Y/N asked annoyed, he was acting very strange.
"You just can't" Edmund looked nervous, like if he was holding something from her, and she hated liars, or in this case, not being told things that were directly related to her.
"Yes I can, and I will!" She started getting defensive, and her insecure thoughts started to appear. Was this because she was a girl? i wouldn't be the first time somebody understimated her because of her gender, all though she never expected that kind of behavior from her dearest friend, Edmund. Maybe, when they had came back to England, the boys from his school had contaminated him with misogynistic ideas.
"No, you will not!" Said Edmund, starting to raise his tone of voice, something he did when he felt frustrated, whitch often happened while he treated with Y/N, because it was very rare the ocation when she actually listened to him.
She rolled her eyes, and continued with her preparation for the battle, she always thought that Edmund was smart... Book smart, not life smart... She actually belived Edmund to be very Dorky when it came to real life problems, yes, he was wicked smart when it came to play chess or to solve a math problem, but not so smart in social/emotional matters... He just needed a little reality check sometimes. Most of the times Y/N would just ignore him when he was being ridiculous.
"Y/N, are you listening to me?!" His face was very flustered with frustration, she didn't answered. "Please! you must not go!"
"And why is that?" Y/N was just listening orders but not explanations. He just mumbled something to himself. "Why is that?" she spoke louder, more intimidating.
"You could get hurt..." He said in a shy demeanor. She coudn't help but chuckle.
"Getting hurt? Yeah, of course i could, is a damn battle! im not stupid" she said as if it wasn't a big deal, and it wasn't for her, she would die for her nation a thousand and one times if it was necessary.
"Well, you are acting very stupid rigth now!" she felt the urge to punch him.
"Me?! Me Stupid?!" She got closer to him "I'm a better figther than you and your brother together! I have to go to the battle, I'm not turning my back on Narnia for your bloody tantrum!" She didn't realized how close they were, their chests were almost touching, she was breathing heavealy and he was very flustered. Both of them were mad at each other, but for very different reasons.
"You could die!"
"So could you!"
"But I don't want you to!..." His voice cracked a little "I don't want to live without you..." He admitted shyly, and now her eyes full of fury were filled with confusion and tendernes, she had to admit that was kinda sweet.
"Im still going Edmund... " She tried to say in a softer demeanor, she now understood were he was coming from, she still thought it was stupid, but it also melted her heart.
"I know..." He cupped her cheeks with his hands, and then he leaned to give her a soft kiss on the lips, she was stuned to say the least, but she didn't felt any feeling of rejection, quite the opposite actually.
When they separated he looked at her in the eyes with love, but also a bit of shynes.
"...Wh-what?..." Scaped her lips in a gasp, she was very confused, She always belived Edmund to be very handsome... But she always thought he saw her as a sister, he never gave any sings of even felling atractted to her. But Y/N never noticed how much Edmund Liked her, since he had a very wierd way of express it, When he was mean or sassy, when he was clumsy or dorky in front of her, it was just how he flirted (No need to say that it was wierd way of showing love), But i mean, he never had to learn how to flirt, back in the golden years, when they lived on Narnia, Girls would just make lines to talk to him, he was handsome, he was a King, he didn't needed to flirt.
"I love you..." He said. "Sorry for realizing so late about it..." She tilted her head and smiled.
"You wove me?" She mocked him pouting and chuckling a little.
"Shut up!" He laughed. She smiled and grabbed him by the collar, she gave him a very heated kiss, that made him a little dizzy, but in the good way, a total contrast from the soft and tender kiss he had gave her. He kissed her as if he was afraid of breaking her, She was kissing him as if her intention was to break him.
When they separated she smirked from the dumb smile Edmund had On his face "I'm still going to the battle, Pevensie"
"Uh...huh" Was the only thing he managed to say.
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restinslices · 7 months
If it's alright with you, can you write the lin kuei trio with a s/o, who is a detective tracking down a serial killer who is going to target s/o and the lin kuei trio's reaction to it.
I can confidently say I have never gotten a request like this
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Handle it or he's handling it 
It's as simple as that 
Did Bi-Han let his own father die? Yes. But for whatever reason he didn't fuck with him 
I'm assuming he fucks with you though, so the thought of someone hunting you down is not something he's very fond of 
I don't think he'd have any strong feelings about you being a detective. Not everyone can be out and about fighting people from other realms. Some people gotta do some protective work for the smaller people 
So you being a detective is whatever to him
When you say you're hunting down a serial killer, I don't think he'd have any strong emotions either. He just assumes you'll catch them soon. His faith is pretty high 
When it's revealed the serial killer is hunting you, that obviously becomes a big problem 
A problem he has to solve 
If you're like “No Bi-Han! I got it! Let me find them and end this!” he'll consider giving you a set amount of time before he handles it 
Doesn't know how he's gonna track this unknown person down but his faith in himself is stupidly high 
If you find them and lock whoever up then great for you 
If the agreed time passes and they're still on the loose, he becomes Batman. Get out the way. He got it 
No point in protesting either. Just sit at home and let him figure it out 
He becomes the annoying boss in police movies. Y'all know what I mean 
Definitely finds the person eventually and finishes the job for you 
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Honestly I think all the brothers are a “handle it or I'll handle it” case 
Thoughts on you being a detective are positive. I think he can see how difficult that certain job would be 
He's fighting with his fists. You're using your brain. You're both helping people. 
He admires it lowkey 
You're hunting down a serial killer now? Ok. Be safe-
What do you mean you're a target now?
He kinda saw it coming but it's still unfortunate 
He'd understand still wanting to lead this case and he applauds standing your ground, but he's also worried because ya know, you could be killed 
He'd try to assist but at some point he would really want you to let someone else handle it 
By someone else, he means him 
He's a trained assassin. He can probably hunt this guy faster than you can 
Has more patience than Bi-Han but if a lot of time passes and they're not handled, then he'll step in 
He probably would've warned you beforehand that this was something that would happen but as we can see, you either didn't listen or still slipped up 
It's not that he thinks you can't handle it… kinda. 
You're just not moving quick enough 
I think he’d be nice enough to remind you he has faith in you but would vocalize his concerns when it comes to you still working on this case 
Whether or not you decide to drop it is up to you, but he’s definitely not 
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Thoughts on you being a detective I think are also positive
He thinks you're doing a good thing
The Lin Kuei can't help everyone. They do more bigger things 
So you helping civilians is great to him. It's a good cause 
I think he'd also enjoy hearing about your cases and chiming in whenever 
Hunting down a serial killer? Well, he guesses someone has to do it 
He'd be confident enough in your abilities to catch this person 
But then you're the next target
I think honestly all the brothers would have a similar reaction. So much so, I don't think there'd be much of a change. I probably could've written this in one paragraph 
He could possibility be the most cooperative when it comes to letting you handle it
Gives you the most time to figure it out and tries to help out as a partner 
Doesn’t wanna step on your toes but if you’re taking too long, he’s gonna do his own investigating 
Probably asks Kuai Liang for assistance 
I’m not saying any of them would find this person in days time, but they certainly believe they will 
Worried about your safety as you could imagine, so he wants you to sit this one out 
He’s probably conflicted, like what I said with Kuai Liang. One part is like “yeah, you gotta find this person!” And the other is like “you need to sit down so you’ll be safe”
Probably prefers for you to do all your investigating at home. Any leads you have you’ll either follow together, he’ll follow it, or someone else will 
I think all the brothers will want to help as much as they could and would wanna handle this serial killer. And by handle, I don’t mean letting them go to prison. You can get out of that if you play your cards right 
The only real difference is how much they let you help after they find out you’re a target 
Bi-Han is like “I gave you time. You’re done. I got it”. Kuai Liang is “I knew this would happen and I know you wanna stand your ground, but maybe take a step down” and Tomas is “I get it so let me help”
This is kinda boo boo. Also I hate their little moodboards I made. It’s sickening
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liliaeth · 2 months
I was just thinking about something that keeps returning in fandom...
People acting as if Scott somehow thinks in black and white, while Stiles to them thinks in shades of grey, which they translate to 'is willing to kill'. And it's just such absolute nonsense.
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A big part of the issue here that I've noticed, is something fandom often loves to ignore. Namely that from s1 on, Scott was most often the one being attacked, the one forced to deal with life or death choices. While Stiles, still got to keep seeing death as something abstract, something that happened, but wasn't a decision that he personally had to make. Stiles wasn't forced to resist the urge to kill, he didn't have some force in his head try to make him kill people, and in the early seasons, he was a foil for Scott. Someone who didn't have to face the choice between life and death. For Stiles that responsibility did not come until s3b.
Scott didn't have that privilege. Even as early on as s1, when Peter tried to control him, he was forced to feel what it would be like to maul and possibly kill someone he cared about. It might have been just a dream, but all too soon he had to find out it was a dream based on reality. the reality where Peter tried to make him kill someone. And it took all of Scott's will power to resist doing so.
And then not long after, Peter forced Scott's darkest instincts to come up, making him actually want to kill his friends. A experience that clearly horrified Scott. Because he'd already had that feeling in the first two episodes of the show, where his instincts made him go after Stiles, his best friend.
So when Peter sent Derek after Jackson, for Scott, that wasn't some abstract notion, it was reality.
It wasn't just people trying to kill him, and the fear of that, but the fear that he himself might kill others. Which is why in s5 to him, the worst thing to happen to Liam would be for him to have to live with having killed Scott. Not for Scott's sake, but for Liam's...
For Scott, killing isn't some black and white bullshit, it's real, it's a way of ending any and all other possibilities for a person.
When Scott refuses to kill, it's not because he believes in black and white, or good and evil, it's because he doesn't.
Because he knows that just because someone is an asshole, or does bad things, that doesn't mean they're evil, that doesn't mean they deserve to die. Because he believes in shades of grey. because Killing and Death are not just funny abstract threats, or exaggerations, it's something real, and it's not a decision that should be taken lightly.
Stiles can argue for killing, since he's never expected to be the one to do the deed. He can ask Scott to "consider letting [Derek] die," or to "kill Jackson, problem solved," because he's not the one who has to bear the responsibility.
Now admittedly, it's not that Stiles had no idea of how dark things really were, not after the end of s1. he'd seen dead people, Lydia’s mauled body made it more than real. His willingness to consider killing was more from powerlessness…he didn’t see many options to stop the killers without killing them. After all, in S1 his first instinct was to have Derek arrested and it didn’t work, so he suggests murder and killing, but still never has to actually make the choice to commit the killing himself
Not until s3b, and even then Stiles choice was 'lock himself up' or let the Nogitsune kill. The same choice Scott already had to make in s1.
Fandom likes to pretend Stiles could easily kill the bad guys, when the reality of the show is that when Stiles did accidentally kill, in s5, it devastated him. Because just like Scott, he came to realize that killing is final, killing is destructive, and doing so should never be a first solution.
Both Scott and Stiles had to make these choices, both of them came to the same conclusion, and that's something fandom loves trying to ignore.
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How would the sinners react to the reader (who presumably they care about to some degree or another) distorting? I think there's a lot of potential in a reader distorting and the conflict that would bring (especially if the sinners are close to them) and there's almost none of it so...
God these became so long
Faust: She would like to study the phenomenon of distortion, but not like this. Not when the one she cares so much about is involved. Her mind is racing to find the right questions that would lead to answers relevant to this problem. She doesn't want to consider killing them, but she knows very well how these things tend to go. Her team works hunting distortions, after all. Still, there is a chance, a remote possibility that she can revert this. She's a scientist who sticks to hard data, but this time she has to put her faith on something much more abstract: hope.
Yi Sang: He wishes he could have perceived the circumstances that have led to this. He knows an individual does not distort under normal circumstances. He knows a distorted individual is one who was often pushed to the brink of their sanity by an immeasurable amount of suffering. He feels impotent in the face of his dearest's pain, because if he had been a better person, he could have prevented this. It takes all the other sinners' help to make him realize he can still stop them, and that there is a chance to revert the distortion. He needs all the support to actually face them in combat.
Don Quixote: She's shaken and unsure of what to do because she's used to seeing distortions as foes. She heard all the scientific explanations to this occurrence, but in her mind she simplifies it so she can do her job competently. Now she has to come to face the fact that behind every distortion is a person who is dear to someone else. The world is not so black and white with heroes and monsters. The one that takes a monstrous form this time is none other than a person; a human she deeply cares for. She is uncharacteristically serious and sober, and leans on the smarter sinners to solve this issue.
Meursault: He knows it can be reversed and that's the first thing his mind goes to when it happens. He's compartmentalizing it so bad he can't feel his own body. It's do or die, and he doesn't want the latter to be happening to anybody here. If they can undo this, he can begin to unravel the reason for their distortion, but for now he can only think one step ahead. He needs to bring them back, no matter what it takes. Failure is not an option here.
Ryoshu: The trembling of her hand is almost imperceptible as she listens to the explanations the big brained sinners give her. She knows she will have to face them in battle sooner or later, but for the first time in a while her muse fails her. She doesn't want to lift her arm, she doesn't want to use her knowledge of murder to take them down. Ultimately, she doesn't want to cut down the monster her beloved has become. There's no art in taking the life of a distorted creature, no soul in a brainless abomination. She wants them back. She will have them back.
Ishmael: Not only has she read the manuals about this phenomenon, she has also seen it happen many times before. More than that, she knows it's reversible. She's holding onto hope that she knows them well enough to talk them out of it. She raises her shield and mace, gritting her teeth and bracing her heart and mind for what she has to do. If they are to have a chance, she has to strike them down. She doesn't want to do it, but she also doesn't want to see any of the others do it either. She must be the one to neutralize the threat.
Heathcliff: He knows that behind a distorted monster there is a human being going through unimaginable suffering and grief. He's been there, he knows better than any other sinner what goes in a distorted person's head. He's the most hopeful about it, even if he's not looking forward to taking them down in combat. Heathcliff doesn't want to hurt the one he cares about, but he knows it is a necessary part of the process. He won't fail them, no matter what.
Outis: She's dealt with this before many, many times. Her team's the most competent at handling distortions. Of course, they're a bumbling bundle of fools, but still the company trusts them with these missions for a reason. Still, for all the outer confidence she tries to show while she requests permission to order the sinners around, her voice wavers. Her hand trembles when she has to raise her weapon, and the sound of breaking glass when the others take on their ids make her jumpy and tense. Will it really be fine? Are they really enough? As another identity begins to override her mind, she cannot help but ask herself: is she making the right choice?
Hong Lu: His heart is taken by unspeakable sadness, he can barely bring himself to say a word. He's seen distorted people before, and to them it always seemed like the manifestation of nightmares. To him, a distortion is always a physical manifestation of one's nightmares, and he can't help but look up at them and wonder: is this what haunts them in the darkest, coldest nights? Of course they cannot answer him, they're lost to their own grief. Whether they are capable of words, it's impossible to say unless they are confronted. Regardless of the answer, what he knows is that this event will forever haunt his nightmares from now on. He relies on his comrades to help bring them back, but he feels too helpless to lead the charge. He numbs his heart to the task ahead and waits for Dante's orders patiently.
Rodion: She feels cold, like it's the coldest winter night. She's sure it's only herself though. She cracks a joke about how the weather changed, and tries to smile but everybody knows how hard she's faking it. She's shaken, and among all the low blows life has given her, this is the one that bends her spirit near its breaking point. She tries to keep her smile up, in spite of the deep pain she feels in her chest. She knows if she isn't careful, she'll be the next to distort here. For a moment she wonders if that wouldn't be the preferrable route. After all, then they both could be together again as monsters.
Sinclair: This can't be real, right? This must be a mirror dungeon or something. His mind is being tested, that's all. It is definitely not real. Because after all the suffering he had to face through his journey in hell, why's it that he has to go through this too? Has he not gone through enough punishment to pay for his sins? No. No, maybe not. The mistakes of his frivolous, youthful, immature mind are yet to be paid for, and this is why he has to witness a person so dear to him distort. Deep inside he can't help but feel a deep anger and hatred towards life and this unfair world he finds himself in. He will save them, no matter the cost. He will save them, and FUCK YOU WORLD YOU WON'T TAKE THIS FROM ME. YOU WON'T TAKE ANYBODY ELSE FROM ME. DON'T FUCK WITH ME!
Gregor: Of course some shit like this had to happen eventually. He sort of saw the signs of a greater darkness hiding in their heart before, but he could never... bring it up. He knows that somehow, he's half responsible for their pain. If he was a better man, he would have stopped it in time, but now he has to see them become something else; something out of control. He trusts the others to come up with a solution that could bring the person he treasures so much back, but he's resigned himself to observing and following orders. The best he can do here is let others take over for him. He could never do anything right on his own. He's sorry, deeply so, but knows that his sorrow won't change a thing.
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1perplexed1 · 3 months
More ranting but its the protags now
Danganronpa, despite its out of pocket comments and shitty development sometimes, is actually still great with presenting how characters deal with trauma. This is mostly gonna be about the 3 main protags but yk (p.s. I haven’t watched the gameplays in over a year or two, so correct me if I’m wrong😓)
Makoto, being a cheery guy, still came to forgive everyone for their misdeeds. He didn’t yell at Kyoko for getting mad at him, he kept Sakura’s secret, he still got along with everyone, and he didn’t hold a grudge despite being sent off to the execution. He never held a grudge (apart from Junko but that’s cause she’s a bitch!!). He obviously went through a lot, watching people he actually knew for 3 years die right in front of him while he thought he didn’t know anyone, as well as nearly dying from the execution. But even so, he still kept his optimistic self and continued encouraging everyone despite knowing what the cycle would be, never giving up. In the Dr3 anime, in the scene where he’s driven insane, you can actually see that a lot of his trauma is internalized. Meaning he still holds regret in his heart, but chose the healthy way out and continued to work on it, despite having to go through 2 different killing games. His trauma had a heavy impact on him, which was the reason why he could be driven to despair, but even so, he’s a strong character, which allowed him to keep his mindset and still fight for the best
Now onto Hajime. Hajime is a whole different story. We don’t know much about his backstory or family, apart from a few glimpses into his Reserve Course life. We can easily tell that he truly dreams of becoming talented because Ultimates were a big deal in the world, but the Reserve Course was deemed as being desperate for that (they were lmao). So dealing with obvious self-esteem issues and somewhat implied self-loathing, he sold his damn body to scientists to experiment on.
What you believe is entirely on you. You can believe that Hajime and Izuru are two seperate identities, sharing the same body and brain, as a split personality, or you can believe that Hajime and Izuru are one in the same, with his brain just getting a few modifications. And there is no humane way for him to be able to accommodate all of those talents without obvious body modification, so imagine that, some parts of him aren’t even his at that point. Anyways, Hajime deals with trauma a bit differently. He gets agitated and deals with it like any average person: panicked and desperate. Constantly seeing his friends die, it gave an impact on his brain where he had slowly, but unknowingly grown used to it, with still being obviously impacted, but each time less and less, though it’s really faint. By chapter 6, Hajime let those bottled up feelings out, since he never lets his guard down and is always tense, and is obviously upset and angry because he had no reason to be there, again his self-loathing. In the anime, we can see him getting better, accepting his past (via the symbolism of Chiaki fading out, though he still keeps her dear in his heart), and moving on by going back t his friends. So he most likely also ends up dealing with it healthily!
Shuichi? Oh fuck he’s a mess…
Shuichi obviously also struggles with a self-esteem problem, but it’s not severe. He generally doesn’t believe he’s worth his Ultimate, because he only solved one case the police couldn’t, and is quite shy or introverted on his own. Throughout the gameplay, he obviously builds up confidence, which could also play as tiredness and anger, because of continuously doing these class trials and losing people he tried to make a genuine connection with. Even so, he tries to stay strong, but again, he never truly built true confidence, which is why he’s so easily knocked down in chapter 5, where his feelings are exposed, revealing that he did in fact become/was already depressed. He gave up with everything, because knowing there was no point in killing, everyone’s deaths were a waste, and everything that happened was pointless, gives a pretty big impact. He even comes to a point of giving up on his own life. But with a bit of support from Maki and his friends, he gets back up on his feet again and continues on, making everyone’s deaths important because they never lost their value. Though in chapter 6, you can see his confidence waver again, but he still stands his ground, proving that he actually grew to accept everything, and built actual confidence, which I think is a nice touch to his character.
So truth be told, Danganronpa, despite still being shitty, is still good at character development when they actually put work into them. But of course, sometimes you just can’t get that
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klaustozier · 2 years
owner ; chishiya
SUMMARY: Chishiya owns a company and calls the marketing manager into his office to solve some problems and now the two have to be quiet for the rest of the office not to hear them.
this is smut, be aware with what you read!
warnings: chishiya x fem!reader, daddy kink, voyeurism, ownership kink, use of workplaces in working hours for non-corporate purposes, light spanking, slapping, choking, spit kink, degradation kink, breeding kink, aftercare, Chishiya is cute after being a motherfucker <3
word count: 4.1k
english is not my first language, so i'm sorry for any mistakes.
i hope you enjoy it.
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It was Monday. Chishiya had requested that you come to his office so you could have a meeting that morning. You thought it was odd, because you could see on the calendar that he was busy. Maybe the meeting got canceled and the calendar didn't update, so you just accepted it.
At nine-twenty, the woman went to the office of Shuntaro Chishiya, the owner of the company. You were the manager of the marketing department and there were some promotions they were doing. Probably Chishiya wanted to discuss how the projects of this promotion were going.
"Hello, Mr Shuntaro", you said, closing the door behind you.
"Hello, miss," he smiled. The desire to die that rose in you when he smiled at you was unbearable, Chishiya was so beautiful, "Please, come here", you approached the chairs in front of Chishiya's table and started to sit down, but you were stopped, "Take the chair and come here beside me, miss, please. I want you to look at some things with me."
Promptly, you grabbed the chair and pulled it to stand beside him, sitting down quietly, "Is something wrong, mister Shuntaro?"
"Actually, there is. I don't know if you remember Saturday", he began, without opening anything on his computer, he had his email open, but that was it. You frowned at him, you didn't know what he was talking about, but when your mind calculated what had happened on Saturday, your little eyes widened. Chishiya smirked and grabbed her face, "but I remember well…", on Saturday they had gone out to a managers' dinner with him and you couldn't just rub against the boss, nobody knew they had an affair, however that didn't stop you from flirting with Arisu, manager of the export department, "you were having so much fun of Arisu, we should just be having dinner and you were flirting…"
"Mister Shuntaro…", you tried to say, but he squeezed your face harder, making you tremble.
"You were flirting like a whore, then go home with me, suck my cock while I drive and let me fuck you in my kitchen, right?", you kept quiet and he slapped your face, making you gasp , "Right?"
"Yes, it is, daddy," you answered softly.
"Yeah…", he nodded, "And I'm fucking horny and only you can help me. Fucking bitch", he snarled.
"We're at work, daddy," you commented quietly.
"I know", he smirked, "So that means you're going to have to be quiet and unfortunately I won't be able to slap that fucking ass as much as I want, it might get attention, but this little face", he smirked and gave you another a slap, "I can have fun."
"Daddy," you whispered, not knowing what to say because the throbbing in your pussy was driving you crazy.
"I wonder if you're still calling me that it's because you want to know where my idea goes, am I wrong, sweetie?", he asked, his eyes dark.
"You are always right, daddy", you smiled adorably having your neck grabbed and he kissed you.
The kiss was desperate, without rhythm. You were pulled by the waist, being sat on Chishiya's lap, more specifically, on one of his legs, one of his big hands squeezed your ass and forced you against his thigh. A soft moan escaped your lips as you kissed him. Chishiya held your hair in one hand and watched you open your lips, he let saliva slide down his tongue to your before kissing you desperately again.
The kiss only broke when Chishiya's cell phone vibrated, calling their attention, "I have five minutes until my meeting starts", he commented.
"So you didn't cancel the meeting?", you asked, lips red and glistening from the kiss, your neck being held only gently.
"It is an important meeting", he replied as if it were obvious, "But it's online."
"And what about me?"
He smirked, "You're going to be pretty and quiet while I do my meeting."
"You know, sweetie…", you pursed your lips and watched him chuckle.
"But what if you do some shit that give away what I'm doing?"
"Are you doubting me, sweetie?", Chishiya challenged, raising an eyebrow.
"No, daddy."
"Great", the president of the company smiled and stroked your hair, "Good girl", he praised when you got up and knelt down in front of him, sitting over your legs under his desk, fitting perfectly. Chishiya unzipped his pants and called you with a finger, "Come make daddy happy."
You pulled Chishiya forward by his waist, the chair moving without difficulty, your hands going to his pants, pulling them down watching the black briefs pressed against his erection.
He sighed and ran his fingers through your delicate hair, "You can do whatever you want, but be quiet, because I have to get into the meeting, okay?"
"Yes, daddy."
Chishiya put on his headphones and took a deep breath when your tongue licked his erection still covered by his underwear, "Fucking shit", he whispered, entering the meeting, opening the microphone only to say, "Good morning, if everyone is here, you can start the meeting now."
You continued licking and kissing Chishiya's cock over his underwear, making him roll his hips and moan softly. Clearly he wasn't paying attention to the meeting, he was looking at the screen, but his head had to be out of orbit, that's what you thought at least until Chishiya spoke again.
"But these numbers were better last month, what happened?", as he said this, he brought his beautiful hand to your chin and held it in place as he lowered his underwear, "My beautiful little girl", he looked at you tilting his body to the right, grinning as you flicked your tongue out so he could smack is hard cock against it, "Suck it real good, okay?"
"Yes, daddy."
He smiled, "Good girl."
And you did as you were asked, your hand held the base of his cock taking it to your mouth and began to move his head up and down, your hand following the movements, which were facilitated with the saliva running down your lips.
Chishiya moaned from time to time, his hips moving slowly, sometimes he answered something in the meeting, extremely restrained, it seemed that nothing was happening, it didn't even look like he was with a girl under his desk, swallowing his cock.
"Thank you all, if you need any help, don't hesitate to call me. Have a great day", he said before ending the meeting. As he took off his headphones and tossed them on his desk, he sat up straighter in his chair, his head lying against the upholstery, his hand going to your hair, stroking softly, "I should fuck that mouth until you're crying for you to learn not to be a whore", he commented, "But I have other things planned", the smile he gave, made your pussy throb, "Come here, sweetie."
You let go of Chishiya's cock and stood up, straightening your clothes. The man ordered you to open your blouse and take off your pants, while you did that, he took his briefcase next to his table and opened it, taking out a silver plug with a pink jewel in the base, a lube and a vibrator, placing them on the table. He smiled adorably at the plain black panties you were wearing and your open white button up blouse.
"I want you to come in one day in a tight black knee-length skirt and black pantyhose that I can just rip off in the middle of the day so everyone will ask if you weren't wearing pantyhose before you walked into my office and having to lie", he smiled like a saint, "Now, sit at my table."
"What about those papers on the table, daddy?", you asked.
"Organize them for me", he smirked to indicate what he wanted you to do.
You smiled, turned to the table with your back to him and leaned forward, sticking your ass towards him, letting him watch the panties sink in your ass as you picked up the papers spread out on the table and put them together and banged them against the table to make them line up.
"Will I get a raise for being your secretary too?", you teased, placing the papers in the corner of the table leaving space in the center next to the computer.
"If you were my secretary people would think it was strange that I kept you here all day", he laughed, "I would let you blow me all day."
"You were going to make a scandal for this company."
Chishiya smirked, "It would be worth it", he stated, "Now be a good slut and sit on the table."
You obeyed, sitting in the center of the table, keeping your legs together. Chishiya took his hands to your knees and pushed them apart, his hands slid down your thighs until they reached your pussy, his thumb of his right hand pressed on your clit, making you sigh softly.
"I can feel that you are all wet", he whispered, "Take off those pretty panties and start masturbating for me."
"Yes, daddy", you nodded and promptly complied, causing him to smile and lean back in his chair.
Your fingers slid through your wet pussy, stroking your clit in gentle circular motions. Chishiya watched in silence, his eyes going from your pussy to your face, watching your eyes closing, moaning softly, then watching the hand that grabbed your own breast, squeezing it and pinching the nipple. His large hand wrapped around his own cock, masturbating slowly.
Your eyes remained downcast, sometimes staring into his eyes, but you watched carefully as his hand glided across his hard cock, the veins bulging, pre-come slipping through his beautiful fingers. He was so beautiful and powerful, he knew that anything he ordered you to do, you would do.
"Daddy", she whispered.
"Yes, baby girl?", he smiled, "Are you close to cum?"
"Yes, daddy, may I?"
"Okay… just know that it won't be the last time…"
Your fingers stopped their rhythm and you muttered, "Oh, fuck."
"No, no, no", he scooted over to his chair, grabbed your neck with one hand and squeezed, "did I tell you to stop?"
"I'm sorry, daddy", you whispered in a low voice.
"No excuses", he slapped your face making your whimper, "Make yourself cum for me and be quiet, I don't want people to hear you moaning like a slut."
"Fine, daddy", you nodded and went back to work.
Your fingers returned to the rhythm you liked. Chishiya's big hand was still gripping your neck, when you thought you couldn't get any more stimulation than that, the man got up and kissed you, making you moan and sway your hips. Your low moans were swallowed by him who didn't stop the movements of his tongue for a second, rubbing it against yours while still choking you.
"Daddy", you whimpered, softly as he stopped kissing you.
Your fingers moved away from yourself and the hand that held your neck caught your wrist, making you stare at the blonde man and not notice when he took the vibrator and placed it in your panties, positioning it between your still sensitive pussy, he put your panties back in place after pressing the button at the base, turning it on.
"Daddy, no", you whispered desperately.
"No?", he chuckled, "Are you sensitive, baby girl?", you nodded, whimpering, "That's how I like you to be", he smiled slyly, "So pretty."
"Daddy", you whispered.
"No, no", he scolded, "Shhh", he stroked your hair before pulling you by the arm, "Come on, my princess", you stood up, your legs shaking, forcing yourself to your feet, "I can't wait to see your cum sliding down your pretty thighs."
You watched as Chishiya took off the pretty red tie he was wearing, he winked teasingly at you, he knew you liked watching him take off his own tie, you found it attractive for some reason, and you were turned around, being leaned over the table. Chishiya took the plug and poured lube all over the toy.
"I want you all day with this here", he said, pulling your panties away enough to be able to sink the plug inside your ass, he watched for a moment, giving you a light slap on the ass, trying not to make too much noise, making you moan softly, "Did you know that it vibrates? And that I can control it with my phone?", he laughed when you moaned squeezing your own legs, trying to ease the throbbing in your pussy, "I'm going to stay here on my office, controlling that plug, knowing you're going to be holding meetings and talking to your colleagues, controlling yourself not to moan and squirm as this little toy vibrates nicely against your ass", he sighed, squeezing your ass, "I can't wait to get home and be able to fuck that little ass."
"Daddy", you whimpered, "what do you want to do now?"
Chishiya smiled and stroked your hair, "Such a good girl", he grabbed your wrists and folded your arms over your back letting them rest gently there before using his tie to tie you, "You look so beautiful when I tie you up, look at you, I don't know how I got so lucky", he chuckled as you pressed your legs together again, "It makes you horny when I compliment you, doesn't it?"
"Yes, daddy, I like to be complimented", you confessed softly, feeling his body pressing against yours, his hard cock pressed against your ass.
"Perfect for me", he whispered into your ear, making you moan softly, "You're everything daddy ever wanted, you know that?"
"Am I, daddy?", you asked softly.
He placed a gentle kiss on your neck and pulled you up, "Yes, my baby girl", he sat back in his chair, his cock still out of his pants, so beautiful and hard, "Come on, princess", you were placed gently on his lap, your legs rested on the armrest, your head lay on his shoulder, making you sigh adjusting yourself so the vibrator didn't press so hard against your delicate clitoris, but without success, "Now, you're going to sit here pretty while I answer some emails, okay?"
"Daddy", was the only thing you managed to whisper, that position tightened the toy against your pussy even more and was making you more horny.
"I should be much worse", he said, "I should leave you pushed against the window", behind his desk there was a window hidden by a long white curtain, "forcing you to stand up there for being a whore."
"But, daddy", you whispered, "am I not your baby girl?"
"Of course you are", he agreed, "But it still doesn't erase the fact that you nearly sucked Arisu in the middle of a fucking restaurant just because I couldn't pay attention to you."
"Didn't mean, daddy, I swear I wasn't trying to tease you", you promised.
"Do you think Arisu is cute?", he asked, looking at you, "Huh? Do you think he's hot? Would you like him to fuck you?"
You knew that if it was any other time and that question was asked, you could answer "yes" and likely Chishiya would laugh and nod jovially, but since they were in that situation and everything was purposefully articulated to make them aroused, there was only one way this conversation could lead to.
"Yes, daddy", she replied.
"Oh yeah?", he asked, smirking.
"Yes, daddy, I think he's so hot."
The man grinned and slapped you across the face, "Fucking bitch, shut the fuck up, I have to answer important emails."
"Arisu would never treat me like that", she teased.
Chishiya laughed again and slapped you across the face, grabbing your neck before continuing, "Shut the fuck up, fucking slut."
"Sorry, daddy", you whispered.
"Now, be quiet, I have to work", you nodded and had your mouth covered as you moaned in surprise when Chishiya pressed the button at the base of the vibrator one more time, still hidden by her panties and increased the vibration, "Shhh", he whispered. You purred laying your head against his shoulder, Chishiya's arms wrapped around you and he started writing on his computer, "I just want you to know", he whispered placing a kiss on the top of your head, "that if Arisu had the opportunity, he would destroy you", he explained, "he would treat you like the whore you are. He would leave you limping like me, but he wouldn't be nice like me and let you come, you would leave your pussy so sensitive that your wouldn't even be able to sit up straight", he paused for a second, stopping writing as well, "Maybe I should do that too."
"Daddy", you whispered, your hips moving smoothly.
"Okay, baby girl, I'll do it another day", he assured, "Today I'll be good and make you come again and again and again."
You moaned softly, burying your face in his neck, receiving a kiss on the forehead as he went back to analyzing his emails, responding calmly, smiling adorably as you controlled yourself to moan. Your little feet still in the white socks moved, when the toes curled, Chishiya knew what was going to happen so he stopped writing and looked at you, so he could watch you cum.
"Chishiya…", you moaned softly, "Daddy…"
And for the second time that day, you came. Your legs were held tightly together, causing you to squirm and strain your arms against the tie on your wrists, "Fuck, you're so hot", your breasts were delicately covered by the button-down blouse, your lips were reddened and you squirmed in despair, unable to take the vibration in your sensitive pussy anymore. Chishiya let go of your legs and turned off the toy making you sigh in relief before being kissed.
Chishiya caressed your face gently before pulling your hair so he could deepen the kiss even more. You just panted and moaned against his lips. His tongue slid across yours, and as if on command, you parted your lips in anticipation, making him chuckle before letting saliva slide down his tongue to yours.
"Naughty girl", he purred, "Now, do you prefer that I fuck you lying on my table or do you want to fuck yourself on my cock while I sit on the sofa over there?"
"I don't think I have the strength in my legs to fuck myself on your cock, daddy", you answered truthfully, making him chuckle.
"I've never seen a more lazy slut", he stated, "I remember your birthday I made you cum more times and you still wanted to ride on my cock, why are you lazy today?"
"Because my fucking boss make me wake up at half past five in the morning", you replied simply.
Chishiya chuckled, "I don't remember you complaining about that when you were eating the breakfast I made you."
"The panna cotta was very good, daddy", you commented quietly.
Shuntaro pecked you on the cheek, "Cute."
"You're playing with fire, little slut, we're at work."
"You called me here because you can't keep your cock in your pants."
He grabbed you around the waist and lifted you, forcing you against the table, one of his hands tightened around your waist and the other slapped your ass, his body pressing against yours, whispering in your ear, "I know you're doing it on purpose just to piss me off so I can fuck you hard… just know, it's working", he bit down on your earlobe making you moan softly, "You'll be sorry when I get home and I spank that little ass for being a slut."
Chishiya's large hand squeezed your ass and gently shook it, making you moan as you felt the plug tightening inside you, "Daddy, make me be sorry."
He laughed, "I will, my baby girl", one of Chishiya's hands took the vibrator and the other lowered her panties. He brought the dildo to your lips and, after smirking when you started licking the toy, started licking it as well. Your tongues rubbed together as they roamed the toy causing you to moan softly every time, "It tastes wonderfully, princess", he praised, "Before we go to my place, I'm going to put you in the back seat of my car and eat that pussy out so I can calm down after this stressful day at work and drive more calmly."
You chuckled, "What a stressful day you've been having, huh, daddy?"
"Very much", he agreed, straightening his posture, "I'm going to spend the day knowing that this little ass will be getting ready for me to fuck when I get home… imagine the stress I'm going through."
You laughed and were about to say something, but your words disappeared from your lips when Chishiya's cock tip slipped through your wet pussy, "Daddy…", you whispered.
"Fuck", he purred, "So… wet…"
And as he said that, he sank his cock into your pussy, going slowly, inch by inch, watching it be swallowed. The embellishment at the base of the plug shimmered against the light, making it even more adorable. When he was all inside you, he moaned softly, his hands going to your waist and squeezing initiating calm movements.
You moaned softly, your tits pressed against the table as your pussy began to be pounded, "More", you whispered, very softly.
"Sure, sweetie."
Chishiya started to increase the rhythm of his thrusts, as he was still dressed, the sounds were muffled, it wasn't as pleasant as hearing your moaning over the sounds of skin hitting skin, however they couldn't make that much noise.
You tried to hold on as best you could, when you were having fun alone you were extremely silent, but Chishiya managed to make you lose track of things. You just noticed that you were starting to moan very loudly when Chishiya pulled your body, making your back stick to his chest, and his big hand covered your mouth.
"Shut the fuck up, bitch", he snarled, his hips continuing ceaseless work.
"Daddy", you whispered, your voice muffled by his hand.
"Fuck, you look hot like that", he grinned.
Your head lay against his shoulder, your mouth being cupped, your pussy being fucked without any mercy. You could feel your own pleasure sliding down your thighs.
"Fuck", he cursed, "I'm going to cum… Can I fill you up, baby?", he asked and smiled when you nodded, "You're going to spend all day dripping, all uncomfortable, trying to work with cum in your pussy and a plug in your little ass," he grinned, "Fucking slut."
Chishiya's free hand went down your belly to your pussy and began to caress your clit. The hand that was over your mouth let go just so he could kiss you. Your pussy pulsed around his hard cock, their tongues tangling as they moaned against each other's mouths.
As soon as you felt the cum filling you, you came, your beautiful body shaking, not even able to stand up after coming for the third time.
Chishiya held you by the waist, trying to keep you in place, getting out of you, arranging his clothes before placing you in his chair, you threw your head against the soft chair, your chest rising and falling with uncontrollable strength as you tried to recover from the orgasm.
You purred softly as Chishiya helped you get dressed again. As he replaced your pants and zipped them, you watched him kneel on the floor and put on your sneakers and tie the laces so that he could finally button up your blouse.
He continued to kneel, smiling as he stroked your hair, "Do you want water, princess?" he asked.
"Please daddy", you nodded.
Chishiya smiled, as he got up and walked over to the small water filter on a small table next to the sofa, grabbed a plastic cup and filled it with water. Upon returning to you, he took you in his arms, sitting on the chair and placing you on his lap giving you water.
"Thank you, Chishiya", you thanked him quietly while drinking water, your head lying on his shoulder, while your hair was stroked and you received a kiss on the forehead.
"Are you all right?", he asked, "Want to stay here for a while?"
"Just one more minute", you replied.
"Cute", he smiled, giving her a peck.
You spent a few more minutes on Chishiya's lap, after calming down and feeling like you were going to sleep right there and you shouldn't, you got up and tried to walk pretending to be completely fine making him laugh. You smiled, showing the middle finger before leaving. Chishiya sighed, still with a little smile on his face, went back to work.
Not ten minutes later he received a message on his cell phone, it was from you. When he opened it, it was a little video. You filmed yourself opening your blouse and showing your breasts in the company bathroom and had the courage to write "I already miss you". Chishiya laughed, you were so fucked up when you got home.
i hope you liked it
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(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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gatitties · 1 year
Hai hai!!! I hope your having a good day, lad.
Can I have a StrawHats x Teen! Reader who suffers from Anxiety? the reader is strong for their age though but under all that tough exterior they are still a child. I suffer from it myself and I wanna know how the crew handles a younger person with it. The reader has a habit of clutching their chest whenever they feel that overwhelming feeling coming through, and even has anxiety attacks now and then. It would be sweet seeing the crew comforting them.
Pleaaase and Thank you! Take your time I know people have other things going on in life besides Tumblr!
─Strawhats x teen!reader (platonic)
─Summary: you have an anxiety attack but luckily they are there to cover your back
─Warnings: none
(Related part)
Dealing with anxiety is quite a struggle, I hope everything goes well for you friend, a big hug to all of you who also fight against it 🫂
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─ Being the youngest only means that you will have a little more attention in case something happens to you, this doesn't mean that everyone doesn't knows that you are strong enough to fight your own battles, otherwise you would not be on board.
─ That's probably why at first you hid your little moments of anxiety as best you could, despite being the youngest, you wanted to see yourself as one of them, you don't need so much attention or seek anyone's approval to make your own decisions.
─ You were a teenager despite everything, a stubborn and proud one who doesn't accept the help of others so easily, although you learned to toughen your exterior, your interior was as soft as plasticine.
─ But bad habits never die, whenever you had stronger anxiety attacks unconsciously your hands were positioned on your chest, squeezing to try to make the feeling in the pit of your stomach disappear.
─ Robin and Chopper were the first to notice this when you were in some stressful situations, and they immediately knew that you weren't well, however you will lie so they don't worry.
─ Unfortunately, after the two of them noticed how sometimes your breathing stops out of nowhere, the anxiety attacks increased.
─ They began to subtly help you so that you wouldn't feel like they were helping you, your pride wouldn't allow it, if they noticed that you were starting to get anxious they would distract you by talking to you about anything or moving you to a quieter place.
─ But when it started to get worse, everyone noticed your mania when you felt anxious, except Luffy, he just thought that the food had made you sick.
─ Although when they explained it to him, he hit you on the nape for being an idiot, this man doesn't have a bit of tact, he scolded you for not trusting them covering your back, it's okay that you want to solve your problems on your own, but sometimes it's okay to ask for help.
─ And you collapsed after he told you that, Sanji hit Luffy for being so hard with his words and took you to the kitchen while preparing the meal, he asked you for help letting you do the simplest things to calm down.
─ The cook spoke much more calmly with you, you were able to release some of that pressure that oppressed your chest thanks to him.
─ After that, none of them seemed to behave differently, that is, if they helped you in a much more noticeable way when you had your attacks, but they didn't comment on anything, they simply helped you without asking anything, they knew that sometimes you can't get to talking in the middle of an attack.
─ Luffy will fight it off with hugs, Usopp will offer his hand for you to grab and squeeze, Chopper knows a lot of types of breaths to calm you down, Robin will pat you on the back, Nami will pat your head, Zoro will probably drag you into another quieter place (you end up lost), Sanji will probably kick the reason for your anxiety if he can, Brook will play something on his violin to relax your body, Franky will distract you with any of his new inventions and Jinbe will make you focus only in him to calm you down.
─ In general everyone knows that you will be fine on your own most of the time, but if you start to hold your chest it will be the sign to take action to give you a little hand, they did not make you feel weaker, you learned to better cope with anxiety by their side and luckily the attacks subsided a bit after that.
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crownmemes · 9 months
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Detective Sentences, Vol. 11
(Sentences from various sources for detectives and/or muses that like to solve mysteries. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Are you accusing me of covering up a crime?"
"Wait, wait, wait - how is this legal?"
"You may fool others, but you can't pull the wool over these eyes."
"I get instincts about people. I have an instinct about you."
"If you want to continue this conversation, I'd be happy to do so in the presence of my lawyer."
"You didn't really think I was going to beat his head in, did you?"
"This is ridiculous! We can't just sit around doing nothing!"
"This isn't the first time I've been threatened, and I'm still here."
"He's human, outside. Inside, he's a hideous, murdering monster."
"I want you to look, and I want you to listen, got it?"
"Why have you got a gun?"
"For every problem, there is a solution."
"This game has gone on long enough!"
"I do not threaten. I merely state facts."
"You can't always rely on me to solve your cases for you."
"Murders, you can solve, but relationships..."
"This actually makes sense to you?"
"Do you realise that makes your father the most likely suspect?"
"You're missing the big picture here."
"A man alone can be invisible if he knows what he's doing."
"Don't judge me before you know the facts."
"Are you accusing me of something?"
"Promise me, that next time, you will back me up."
"I know what you're trying to do, and I don't like it!"
"Don't be so obsessed."
"I have to tell you, I'm not the one to talk to about this."
"There's something wrong about a man who never smiles, whose conversation never varies from the routine of the job, and who won't talk about his background."
"You're being very loose in your accusations, and drawing conclusions without any facts."
"Are you really suggesting what I think you are?"
"You can imagine why it might irritate me to be condescended to by someone who hasn't bothered to do his homework."
"I consider the safety factor low, but acceptable."
"Where would you go to elude a mass search?"
"Perhaps I could be of assistance?"
"It's not my job to work out what happened; it's yours."
"Did you really kill all those men?"
"This man shouldn't be dead! I couldn't find anything wrong with him!"
"People do not just die out of nowhere for no reason! They die because something was done to them by someone!"
"You're not going to answer my question, are you?"
"You can't evaluate a man from logic alone."
"I think you do have a drinking problem. I think we all do. It's part of the job."
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a-confused-spoon · 1 day
...I- okay, so-
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Let me get this straight:
You make a show about cycles of violence and establish it as the main cause of suffering
You establish the main villains as victims of the different levels of said cycle (Claudia - interpersonal / Viren - historical / Aaravos - cosmical)
You also give each and one of them a sob story as to why they are in the place they're in, one that the audience is very obviously supposed to empathize with
You ALSO also make the cosmic council child murderers as well as apathetic assholes and basically imply they are the cause of everything
...and we're supposed to root for said council to stay intact and face no consequences? There's no one above them, so unless they punish themselves there'd be no repercussions on them for what they did and eventually caused
It's been a while since my post about Viren in s6 and I recognize that most of it was typed as an immediate reaction to it, as in I could verbalize it better or whatnot. Yet I still stan with what I ultimately said, and while Viren is gone I'd like to reiterate that he was deemed unredeemable by the very creators and (to add a very important something) the fact that everything he does from s2 ep9 'till the end of s3 mostly stems from Aaravos's manipulation doesn't matter- cause yeah, after the pentarchy thing he would've been done if Aaravos didn't persuade him into going forward.
Taking this into account, plus the fact that they confirmed someone else might die, how am I supposed to think there's going to be a satisfying and rewarding ending to this series?
It'll go in 1 of 3 ways:
OPTION 1: Miraculous Ladybug style
Ezran talks it out with the Star Council (don't pay attention to the fact that Viren did far less demage and Ezran still gave him the "you don't deserve any [mercy]" treatment) because that's how he solves everything and everybody is supposed to take his "but love!" speeches seriously because hey that's the moral of the story so he's right! (don't pay attention to the fact that literally everytime he does this he never actually tries to get the person he's talking to to reason, he's just "but don't you want peace and love too?🥺" as if the show didn't try to make a whole deal about the weight of history's influence, it's just either you're a naturally loving person or fuck you) and they end up agreeing for some forsaken reason called 'convenience' and not only they change their ways but they also grant some big miracle like repearing Katolis's Castle, Harrow being freed from the bird (even though I remember vividly they said that was the plan at first and then changed it because it was unfair to Callum and Ezran's grief, but this was before the saga was greenlit) and/or the lava river being replaced with a garden or something.
OPTION 2: if you're manipulated you're still compliant therefore every villain is unredeemable
Aaravos gets killed by the Nova Blade and Claudia either kills herself because something happens to Terry or she gets killed in the process, maybe by Soren- not because it makes any sense obviously, but they already had him kill Viren that one time and we had no kind of repercussions of it (PTSD, conversations about it etc.) so they might as well pull another shocker that results in absolutely nothing narrative-wise, and since the brother-sister relationship that was oh so important in the first act now counts less than the baby glowtoads surely they wouldn't have a problem giving them more angst (aka the only thing the magefam is allowed to get out of each other apparently).
OPTION 3: the best case scenario still doesn't solve the problem
Claudia gets redeemed, Aaravos doesn't. Turns out Aaravos lied or only shared a fraction of the truth but Claudia will not find out about it (only the main heroes will) and the reason for her flipping won't even be about her character finally finding guidance in herself instead of always relying on what other people may or may not suggest- it'll be EXACTLY that by Soren or Terry (hence no actual character development, just a change of circumstances) or alternatively she does it to save one of them (hence no actual character development because literally everything this girl ever did was already out of love); the Star Council that still killed an innocent autistic child stays intact and we all just pretend it's fine because it's what the heroes wanted.
(...these are exaggerations of course, I am joking... but I wouldn't be too surprised, y'know?)
I hope book 7 proves me wrong. Truthfully.
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sleepy-aletheas · 4 days
Alhaitham and the eternal misconception of his relationship to knowledge (and life)
This truly is gonna be the hill I'll die on, huh. Long post incoming I guess.
Listening to Alhaitham's voice lines, it's fascinating how he manages being perceived as callous and seeing everyone else beneath himself for not being smart enough or being overly emotional to his standards, when that's not even his view of others or what he values.
Sure, he's blunt, he doesn't enjoy engaging with others, he wants to solve problems in the most efficient way so that he can go and live his life in peace, even if it comes off as him being lazy.
Of course, this type of approach on life makes many people uncomfortable. Be it for being raised to toe unsaid lines for the sake of politeness; feeling it as a personal dig at themselves for being someone that tries to go out of their way to help others; or just working oneself to the bone to achieve their goals and then seeing someone do everything with minimal effort just to "laze around".
From an outside perspective, the misunderstanding of such a character makes sense. When others exchange pleasantries and ask if they should help, and always smile and have a more friendlier approach, anyone not doing that seems rude, cold, sometimes even hostile.
And Alhaitham uses this misconception to his own benefit, to be left alone and avoid unnecessary social interactions. But that's besides the point.
It's hard to get past his walls of privacy, but we can know more about Alhaitham from the crumbs left around. Sure, there is more in the quests (be it the main archon quest, his own, Cyno's second story, Kaveh's hangout) or events (Parade of Providence, or the latest An Odd Textual Mystery), but even if we only get little tidbits we're allowed to find out through the voice lines, it's still enough to disprove this mischaracterization.
It's easy to take his dismissal of others and having his nose eternally buried in books as a superiority complex, where he holds his vast knowledge above the heads of others, and views them as lesser. But it's a combination of a few things that make this misconception (and by an unfortunate result, mischaracterization) possible.
A big part is The Project he had with Kaveh and some other students during their Akademiya days, where he didn't go out of his way to help or do the workload of others, and instead let them drop out of the project to do their own thing. It was one of the reasons they fought so much - the perception that Alhaitham didn't want to help anyone, because they were lesser in intellect than him, so they weren't even worth helping. It didn't help, that he made a distinction between him, Kaveh, and the others - he and Kaveh were geniuses, and the others couldn't naturally keep up. Nothing more, nothing less. Is it a harsh thing to point out? Yes. It makes people feel self-conscious, dumb, undervalued, and Akademiya students would absolutely feel it hit their pride.
But if we take a step back, and look at what he says, it's clear he didn't think lesser of them as individuals, because it didn't make sense to him that they would drag themselves through this exhausting process they didn't have the will to follow through, the stamina to keep up and not make it a harder ordeal than necessary, or even having any enjoyment out of it. The only positive thing this project could give the other students was a good collaboration that helped with their grades and graduation, but the toll it would take on them could burn them out for years if not turn them off from seeking knowledge altogether, because they exhausted themselves, when there were other (and better) ways they could reach satisfaction and not hurt themselves. In his selfish little way of wanting to work in peace and not shoulder the responsibilities and faults of others, he might have been the thing that saved some academic enjoyment for them before it was too late.
And this line of thinking goes into the present as the Akademiya's scribe. Is he harsh with the applications? Sure, he doesn't let anything subpar slip through the cracks if he can help it, because that's his job. If the scholars don't even try to make a decent request with no spelling errors or other faults, why would he bother with it? They can do better, even for something as little as this (of course, we get to know from NPCs how stressful the whole academic process is, how much it can burden someone, and how it can feel unfair that their hard work can be rejected just like that; but Alhaitam pretty much just refuses the poorly written applications, so it's all about rewriting the request, not the work itself).
Which just winds back into the belief that he sees himself on a pedestal above everyone else. And it's funny, because he does think a lot of the scholars are dumb, but not because they're lacking or not deserving education, but because a lot of them see themselves as superior to others (mostly to those who don't go to the Akademiya or who are artists), and the ones that are lazy and rely purely on book smarts they most likely won't even understand if it had to be applied irl. He's pretty much laughing at the ones that talk big game and then fall on their faces, not at the ones that try their hardest, or are average, or who don't care for academics and live their lives out of that sphere at all.
If anything, he values when people know their strengths and weaknesses, and don't try to make their lives harder by being someone they're not (we can see it in his voice lines about Dehya and Nilou, where he holds respect for them and their ways of living). And in his voice like "Something to Share", he himself doesn't think knowledge is a 'be all, end all' of humanity, and that there are other ways to be fulfilled in life (the voice line is: "Truth serves no master. Humankind is not a vehicle for knowledge, nor is knowledge the aim of humankind." and I guess that's why Nahida doesn't think he's wise, because she views knowledge/wisdom and the relationship of humanity to it differently than he does).
And that just brings us back to the beginning, where people see him as rude and self-centered...which yeah, he is the later. But that's not an inherently bad thing. He doesn't see the point of being needlessly friendly or lie to be perceived that way, so he doesn't do that. He doesn't seek the company of others, because it's not his core need, so he doesn't do that. He doesn't like to use rhetoric, because the truth is important to him, so he doesn't do that. He just wants to live a peaceful life with the least amount of conflict, and in his voice line 'Alhaitham's Troubles' he explains: "Based on my observations, many people inflict trouble upon themselves. Life already has enough hardships — no need to add to them." so of course he will try to avoid unnecessary strife when he can, and so he doesn't do that.
He is steadfast in his beliefs, and respects others who do the same, because in his voice line 'More about Alhaitham III: "Every person should have something that they believe in and hold on to from beginning to end. Otherwise, it's easy to succumb to the vicissitudes of life and find yourself being led astray.", so him asking Kaveh "How has realizing your ideals gone for you?" wasn't a dig, it was him trying to see if his best friend changed because of his hardships. And when he saw he didn't, it must have been such a relief to know that his mirror in the world was still there, altruistic and passionate, even with more emotional bruises than before.
Alhaitham is so many things, but someone who inherently doesn't understand emotions (his and other people's) or disregards everything that isn't pure knowledge or utilitarian way of living, are not some of them.
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loremaster · 11 months
rain code dlc thoughts
watched em all (spoilers obviously)
can't believe this guy literally tried flirting with a child. he has gone unchecked for too long. we need to beat him up
enyne is good. i would love to see her in a cool thief outfit
not worth $5
the interactions between the detectives were cute. but i wish she'd gotten a chance to shine more on her own
it was kind of aggravating how slow they solved the mystery though. all that wondering about what the numbers could possibly mean... y'all the die was right there
not worth $5
kind of a shame that this one was the only actual investigative one. it was great!!! i liked the mystery setup and i liked figuring out how the culprit pulled it off even if the identity of the culprit was obvious the moment he showed up
"Good girl, Sugar" lololololol
good to know halara can be bought with cats instead of shien. love that yakou's totally onto their shit
and the cat they have a picture of is REAL!!! IT'S NOT A RANDOM JPG FROM THE INTERNET (WHICH I HAD ASSUMED)
worth $5
i love how before it came out we were all like "please... one conversation with yakou... even just a mention of him would be okay" and then we got hit with a flaming rainbow fist #LoveWins
vivia all like "i wish i had something in this world to care about" and yakou literally forcing open the doors to his cold dead heart in response
the way he keeps flashing back to all the little things yakou has done to care for him... vivia you can't deny the truth anymore. you can't run from these gay thoughts
fellas is it gay to be another man's reason for living? (only if you share an umbrella)
for those who don't know, sharing an umbrella is like the most romantic thing you can do in japan. the only way this could have been more explicitly textually gay is if one of them pointed out how beautiful the moon was.
where's my Melt amv
'i'll enjoy the scenery along the way' *yakou seductively swaying his hips back and forth* HELLO???????????????????????
i hope after that is when vivia finally agrees to that dinner date
honestly up until now i've been very attached to the idea of vivia being head over heels for yakou the whole time and yakou not ever really noticing but now???? my god. this chief really can bisexual
speaking of bi i'm also not opposed to the idea of vivia/ryo... them both being like 'i'm interested in you' 'i'm interested in you too' oh are you now? hmmmm...
and they were both ghosts (oh my god they were ghosts)
I was saying to my friends while we were playing it that it makes sense the first suicide was 5 years ago, before the blank week incident... because otherwise she wouldn't have been a ghost at all, just a walking corpse
loved that line btw. 'all humans are just walking corpses' good news vivia, you're among peers here in kanai ward
worth $5. i mean technically since vivia/yakou dlcs are bundled together (gaaaay) it only cost $2.50 so it's extra worth it.
the amount of fanfiction that will inevitably come out of this is worth way more than $5
his hips still do the little wiggle even as a zombie. can't slay the sashay away <3
him thinking of all the other detectives.... UUU....
yuma's flashback is from ch5 after yakou's already dead (but clearly there's still enough of him left...)
desuhiko's... is it from the dlc? idk. he said "i won't cause any problems" and then went on to cause many problems
halara's scene from the dlc is clearly a moment that made a big impression on yakou LMFAO... i mean if halara nightmare sat in MY chair it would make an impression on me too :flushed:
fubuki's i'm pretty sure is from ch.4 as yakou is dying on the floor?? he must have felt so bad, hearing her cry so much while he was fading away and couldn't do anything about it... his last moments UUUUUU
vivia gets the FUCKING aforementioned umbrella scene. sad wet cat man. learning to accept kindness and finding something (someone) worth living for... the exact moment vivia falls in love with him lmfao. and this is the moment that sticks out in yakou's zombie brain. seeing someone in need and actually being able to reach out and help them (for once). ;_;
and then SHE!!!!!!! SHEEEEEEEEEE
i shrieked when i saw her
mad she STILL doesn't have a name but oh man. i love her. i mean i already loved her when i saw the labcoat + turtleneck combo but the GLASSESSSSSS. and her VOICE AARGGGHHH they picked the perfect va for her
She must've given him the glasses while she was still alive, since he's the one wearing them in The Photo. good call, he looks naked without them
and now we really understand why yakou is as pitifully broke as he is, because he can't bring himself to make the corrupt choice that screws over innocent people for the sake of money. love that for him. he suffers so much for the sake of his city
very funny that he couldn't recognize his childhood friend (i'm assuming she recognized him immediately from across the room lmao). love the idea that she's trans. they're t4t your honor
she asked the most useless man to be her bodyguard but we all know who's protecting whom lmao
i feel like she must have been the one who proposed to him. or at least knowingly coaxed him into it haha
AND THE BADGE... UUUUUU.... and her ghost led him to it.... she had such an important job to do...
need to see vivia talk to her now. ghost 2 ghost communication. yakou simp 2 yakou simp
i think she would tell yakou to go kiss that goth boy silly
and most importantly... the medicine. the research... her dream lives on... i thought it was stupid that makoto literally cancelled everything about the homunculus research - sure they didn't need to make any more but how about research into alternate diets? or uv protection beyond like. sunscreen. WHAT ABOUT HER RESEARCH MAKOTO. PLEASE
so the existence of a possible cure for zombie homunculus begs the question... what's next for yakou? we thought his story was done but turns out it's far from yakouver, bitches. he's coming back one way or another.
what will he do with this magical macguffin - bring it to somewhere they can analyze it and duplicate it, or just take the pill himself? how complete is this untested theoretical cure? will yakou Come Back Wrong? is he gonna struggle to speak? (though that'd be a waste of kaiji tang)... is he gonna struggle with the urge to, you know, eat human flesh? i think that would be pretty hot cool
of course there's the chance it won't work at all. or will just straight up kill him, speedrun to reuniting with dead wife
definitely worth $5. or $2.50.
but at the same time since it actually does continue the main plot of rain code in an interesting way (or hint at it) i think they should bundle it with the main game instead of vivia's dlc
i mean if i had it my way they'd ALL be free but... i get it. they gotta gauge popularity somehow (and pay the devs/vas for extra work)
anyway. i should be working on homework but no. this game has absolutely ruined me
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crehador · 2 years
good morning to suwa rei specifically i’ve been thinking a lot the cat scene again (literally frothing at the mouth kazuki how COULD you) and what really gets to me is that this clearly isn’t the first time rei has brought home a stray
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which makes me wonder, well, just how many times has he done this in the past? is it always cats, or has he brought home other animals?
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the detail that really gets to me is the cat food and kazurei’s interaction over it (well not much of an interaction as rei barely gives us a reaction but i think his silence says a lot)
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kazuki starts to say rei can’t even take care of a cat, only to cut himself off when he notices boxes upon boxes of cat food sitting nearby
to me this suggests that a) kazuki has specifically used “you can’t keep this cat you don’t even have food for it” as a reason in the past and b) rei chose to address that argument specifically while ignoring all the other arguments kazuki probably made
and that’s both hilarious and adorable to me
it’s almost like if you told a kid “we can’t go to disneyland until you clean your room and bring up your grades” and they clean their room and expect to go when THE GRADES (being unable to give a cat a stable home life in case they die, in kazurei’s situation) WHICH ARE CLEARLY THE BIGGER ISSUE HERE STILL SUCK
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i don’t even know where i’m going with this i just think it says a lot about rei’s character, which is a surprisingly masterful display of good storytelling. rei doesn’t say anything in this scene, but through his actions and kazuki’s reactions to those actions we see a lot about the type of person rei is and the sort of past they’ve had together
it makes me think rei is still learning how the world works, he gives off the vibe that in some ways he’s still in the “cat whose paws are too big” stage of his life. there doesn’t seem to be any malicious intent in him bringing home another cat and buying all that food for it, he didn’t seem to be doing it just to annoy kazuki, it feels like he genuinely thought that getting the cat + food would solve the all the problems
he’s a little i don’t even know how to say this in english but i just think he’s a little 纯 (affectionate) and i really think kazuki 偶尔可以宠宠他!!!
(like he’s a little pure? and i really think kazuki should/would spoil him a little sometimes? i think that’s what i want to say? but the english language does not allow me to fully express the feelings i am having here alsdkfjlk)
anyway once again i must say i understand kazuki’s reasons and commitment issues but i still think LET REI HAVE A GODDAMN CAT! PLEASE!! THANK YOU!!!
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perpetualexistence · 8 months
Sea Monster AU: A Deal with an Eel
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I'm so very proud of the name of this part. Rhyming gives me too much joy. As do memes.
Anyways, we're cooking with petrol now fellas. Once more I told myself I'd mostly copy and paste a paragraph I already have, and then I went ahead and elaborated on it. Whoops. On the plus side, if I do make this into a fic I'll have a lot of the heavy lifting cut out for me.
There's no scene with dialogue in this one, but boy howdy is there trauma. This is where it starts to get messy and gorey, so read at your own risk. I don't go into too much detail (saving that for the fic), but still. If you want to avoid the worst of it, you can stop reading where it says 'From there? A bloodbath.' and pick up again at 'Noah doesn't do so well for the first few days after that.'
TW: Gore mention, Alejandro being a manipulative ass, Cannibalism (Don't know if it really counts since it's a merfolk eating humans, but I'll just put that there just in case)
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Noah's in quite a bind since his former best friend is now threatening to murdering him for the sake of reputation. He's never been one for words that aren't sarcastic quips, and those are probably going to get him killed faster right now. Alejandro's always been the one who was better with words. Can't exactly ask him for advice right now.
From what he knows about Alejandro, Noah can piece together that the eel likes power over others and acclaim. And apparently eating people. Whatever he's going to offer, he's going to have to make himself useful for a long period of time. Noah doesn't want Alejandro to just decide it's no longer worth it to keep him alive.
He also know there's no way he can just let Alejandro do whatever he wants in Lake Wawanawkwa. For as much as he hates his hometown, he doesn't want any of the people in it to die. Not to mention having people 'mysteriously disappear' around his hometown would probably be bad for business and serve as the final nail in the coffin for the town.
It's just his luck that Alejandro found his way to Noah's hometown first. This seriously couldn't have happened to the Big City instead?! It's got plenty more people to lose. Definitely more who deserve it. Or literally any other town that surrounds Lake Wawanakwa. The lake's the size one of the Great Lakes. It borders the US and Canada so it's got plenty of manned cargo ships and dumb asshole tourists. Noah wouldn't be surprised if Alejandro chose it for that reason.
Noah might have just found two problems that solve each other.
It's cruel. He's surely going to have nightmares trying to live with himself. But it will quell Alejandro's appetite, preserve the few people Noah actually cares about, and buy him enough time to figure out how to take Alejandro down permanently.
Noah tells Alejandro that if he keeps Noah around, then he'll will help Alejandro hunt.
Noah can hack into shipping routes to find ships that are going to be isolated. Check for when news about 'mysterious disappearances' starts getting more public. Use social media to find out when any touristy assholes with their big yachts are coming to one of the nearby towns for a visit. Sure, Alejandro could settle for just the waters around his town first. They'd be easy pickings with no one taking notice until most of the town was gone. But if Alejandro really wants to make a name for himself? Start with mysterious disappearances of ships in deeper waters first, and then work your way up towards the bigger towns. More challenging prey, but much more of them. Besides, Alejandro loves a challenge, right?
Noah's sick to his stomach. Alejandro just blinks at the sheer cojones of this small human that he can feel is trying not to shake like a leaf. And he beams because this is going to be a marvelous partnership.
Alejandro's not happy that he'll be forced to let Noah go for this first meal so that Noah can actually find a good ship for him using his computer. He does remind Noah that until then, Alejandro won't really have a choice but to hunt on his own. And that his new size require quite an amount of energy to maintain. And if Noah tries to use this time to set up a trap? Well, even if Noah could find something that would hurt him, Alejandro would make certain that he's not the only one who loses.
Now, off Noah goes. Alejandro knows he's got a lot to think about now. Oh, and he does expect Noah to come back again tomorrow for their regularly scheduled reading time. Alejandro's simply enthralled by the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy, and must know how it evolves!
Noah's thrown back at how Alejandro can just flip his mood around so fast. And Alejandro insists that the deal is just business. The friendship is for pleasure, and he sees no reason to stop it so long as they make sure business is always handled first. Leaving a very confused Noah to process what he's just done.
Cut to a short timeskip where Noah finds a decent sized ship he's willing to sacrifice to Alejandro. He tells Alejandro all the details, to which Alejandro thanks him. Noah's ready to turn tail and not face what he's just done when a large hand suddenly cuts off his path. Alejandro insists that Noah has to come with him. He needs to make sure Noah hasn't just created a trap for him. Besides, it'll be fun. He even got a small boat for Noah so that he can push Noah along to the hunt.
Noah wants to know where Alejandro got the boat. Alejandro wants to know if he really wants the answer to that question. Noah decides he probably doesn't need to know.
Noah knows that he has no choice, so he reluctantly gets on the boat when the time comes. Alejandro pushes the boat from under the water so that Noah can go faster that the boat could go on its own. He's so eager that he's letting out 'little' shocks in the surrounding water. So Noah's not going to be jumping out of that boat to flee even if he was stupid enough to try.
Once they're close enough to spot the ship, Alejandro leaves Noah close enough to see what's happening on the ship, but not close enough to put him in any danger. Alejandro swims under the water and Noah watches as electricity suddenly courses through the ship. Alejandro's just fried all the systems, making communications to other ships impossible.
From there? A bloodbath.
There's shouts of alarm from the crew at the electricity that just coursed through the ship. Quickly turned into fear when Alejandro emerges from the water. They beg for the sake of their families, pray to whatever god(s) they worship. Alejandro does not hold back. He grabs and squeezes sailors to death, dropping their bodies so he can move onto the next one. He tears them apart, bites them in half, swallows them whole, throws them into a wall to watch them splatter. He switches between kills as fast as he goes through sailors. It's almost wasteful if the point is to eat enough to be content for a while.
That's what clues Noah in to the fact that this isn't just a hunt. It's a performance for Noah's benefit. Because Alejandro is constantly looking back to make sure Noah's still watching (as if Noah could tear his eyes away from the sight). Alejandro's testing Noah's resolve. This isn't a test that he can afford to fail. He forces himself to keep watching.
When Alejandro is done feasting, he makes sure to sink the ship to hide the evidence of what he's done. He makes his way back to a Noah who absolutely fails to hide his fear this time around. It was one thing to stand up to Alejandro when what he said was just a threat. It's a much different story after seeing exactly what he's capable of.
Alejandro apologizes for pushing Noah so hard so fast. He promises that he'd never do the same to Noah so long as he keeps up his end of the deal. He reaches his finger close and gently uses a knuckle to brush aside some of Noah's wet hair. He gently nuzzles that knuckle against Noah's cheek, taking care not to get any blood on him. Alejandro promises Noah won't even have to find another meal for a week or two. He won't even need to come the next time around if he doesn't want to.
Noah's more than happy to take him up on that offer and just head home. To which Alejandro cleans himself of any unsightly gore, and takes Noah back.
Noah doesn't do so well for the first few days after that.
He's definitely avoiding the cove, and he's avoiding his family too. The biggest thing eating at him is the guilt that there's a very good chance the people Alejandro ate didn't actually have it coming. He just made assumptions based on who they worked for. Even if he never has to witness it again, he still knows innocents COULD be on board. This is all his fault and is the problem he made for himself. It's his responsibility to do something about this. So during his spiraling and attempting to find some way to salvage this, he comes up with a new idea.
Noah drags himself back to his spot. Alejandro's clearly been waiting for him and perks up when he spots him. Before Alejandro can say anything, Noah lays down some new terms. He's going to keep going to the hunts. BUT. He wants to be able to get on the ship before Alejandro starts slaughtering. He can use the boat to fake being a castaway or a stupid tourist who didn't put enough fuel in his boat. Anything to get whoever's on the ship to let Noah on without raising suspicion. Whether he's faking being hurt or being in trouble, he'll use that to try to determine the kind of people they are. If he manages to find someone who doesn't deserve to die, then Alejandro spares them.
Alejandro stops Noah right there. Because Alejandro likes Noah, but he can't just let Noah dictate exactly who does or doesn't get to die. No one gets to control Alejandro like that.
Noah points out that any survivors could just be used to spread stories around. If Alejandro plays his cards right, he could be viewed as a vigilante rather than a monster. It might lead to fewer people attacking him in retaliation.
Besides, Noah calls him out for doing the hunt like that for his benefit. He knows Alejandro likes an audience. So if he wants to keep Noah as a willing audience, and as anything even remotely resembling a friend, he'll agree to the new terms. Otherwise Noah will only come by to give him targets and that's it. All business, no pleasure.
Alejandro really doesn't like the fact that Noah's figured him out like this. That display should have completely cowed Noah into submission to any demands Alejandro makes in the future. Because he definitely had plans to consume more ships than Noah was for now 'allowing' to while still keeping his companionship. On the one hand, he admires Noah's intelligence. On the other hand, it means that getting Noah to do exactly what he wants is harder. Still, Alejandro agrees to these new terms. He'll get Noah completely under his thumb one way or another.
The deal has been struck. Now it's time for the routine to begin.
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