#guide to nail growth
remedialcare · 6 months
A Perfect Guide for Quicker Nail Growth
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Nails can also be an indicator of general health and wellbeing. Strong, long nails are an indication of health and nutrition. Nonetheless, many people may find it difficult to grow and strengthen their nails to the proper length. We'll examine the nuances of nail development in this in-depth article, along with helpful tips on how to efficiently speed up this process.
Knowing About Nail Development
Understanding the fundamentals of nail biology is crucial before exploring techniques for accelerating nail development. The nail matrix, which is found underneath the cuticle, is where nails, which are made of a protein called keratin, grow. Individual differences in growth rate are caused by a variety of factors, including age, genetics, and general health.
Three phases make up the nail growth cycle: the rest phase (telogen), the transition phase (catagen), and the growth phase (anagen). It is essential to comprehend this cycle in order to put tactics in place that maximize nail development.
Ways to Encourage the Growth of Nails
Keep a Balanced Diet: For healthy and growing nails, make sure you're getting enough of these important nutrients: biotin, protein, vitamins A, C, and E. Include items like leafy greens, salmon, almonds, and eggs in your diet. Hydration and Moisture: To keep your nails from becoming dry and brittle, drink lots of water and use moisturizing lotions.
Establish a regular nail care regimen that consists of hydrating, filing gently, and avoiding harsh chemicals, such as those contained in nail paint removers.
Steer Clear of Harsh Chemicals: Acetone and formaldehyde are two examples of harsh chemicals that should be avoided as they can weaken and destroy nails.
Wear gloves when performing home tasks or participating in activities that could subject nails to chemicals or trauma to prevent damage to them.
Think About Supplements: To boost nail development and strength, speak with a healthcare provider about combining supplements like collagen or biotin.
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How to Grow Nails More Quickly at Home
Nail Strengthening Treatments: To encourage nail growth and strength, try natural therapies like soaking nails in olive oil or dabbing on a mixture of honey and lemon juice.
DIY Nail Masks: Known for their nourishing qualities, avocado, banana, and yogurt are excellent items to use to make homemade nail masks. Essential Oil Treatments: To strengthen and hydrate nails while also encouraging growth, apply essential oils such as jojoba, lavender, or tea tree oil.
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Expert Interventions for Nail Development Consider expert treatments offered at salons, such as vitamin and mineral-enriched nail growth serums and strengthening treatments for nails, if you're looking for more instant results. Common Myths About Nail Growth Dispelled Regular Nail cutting Encourages development: Despite common assumption, regular cutting has no direct impact on nail development. On the other hand, routine care keeps nails from breaking and encourages general health.
Growth is Hindered by Gel and Acrylic Nails: Although incorrect application or removal of artificial nails can harm natural nails, well-maintained and applied extensions can offer defense and promote normal growth. Nail Hardeners Encourage Growth: Although they could momentarily strengthen nails, nail hardeners do not actively encourage growth. Prolonged use might also cause brittleness and excessive dryness.
You Can Also Try This Product: ProNail Complex
Maintaining Nail Health To preserve the health of your nails, use appropriate procedures for shaping and trimming them, keep your nails clean to stop germs from growing in them, and give up bad behaviors like picking and biting your nails that can harm them. Identifying Problems with Nail Growth Watch out for symptoms like discoloration, ridges, or alterations in shape that could indicate underlying health problems that need to be addressed. These signals of sluggish nail growth should also be taken seriously.
When to Get Expert Assistance For an accurate diagnosis and course of therapy, speak with a dermatologist or other healthcare professional if you have significant abnormalities or persistent problems with nail development.
You Can Also Try This Product: ProNail Complex
Conclusion: It takes perseverance, consistency, and a comprehensive strategy that includes healthy eating, staying hydrated, and taking care of your nails to get faster nail development. You can cultivate strong, healthy nails that represent your general well-being by putting the techniques mentioned in this article into practice and dispelling frequent misconceptions. Recall that achieving ideal nail development requires perseverance and commitment.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Validate Yourself & Stop People Pleasing
A comprehensive guide to learn love & trust yourself and break out of your people-pleasing identity. Hope this helps xx
Remember the longest relationship you have in life is the one with yourself. While we all need an external support system to be well-rounded & healthy individuals, no one else will be with you throughout your entire life except for you. So, acting as your own best friend is the secret to living your happiest and most fulfilling life. You ultimately need to do what's best for you. Otherwise, you're damaging the only relationship you will have to confront in every aspect and stage of your life.
Acknowledge your humanity and fundamental right to have needs, goals, and personal desires. Validate your personhood and individuality. Remember you're only human and are bound to have your own physical/emotional limitations and preferences. If you would be willing to cater to others' schedules, boundaries, and limitations, give yourself this equal level of respect and expect others to do the same.
Know everyone is self-centered to a certain degree. No one cares about your happiness as much or is watching you as closely as you are. They all have themselves and their lives to worry about. People are paying attention to their own self-interests (or want you to accomplish things to boost their own credibility or self-esteem). Being your greatest personal cheerleader is the only way to fully give yourself the praise and spotlight you deserve for your accomplishments.
Self-confidence is magnetic. It is the secret to showing up as your best self in all areas of life. Being secure in yourself makes you a better friend, family member, lover, partner, spouse, professional, conversationalist, etc. Validating yourself will make you feel good, but also radiates into every relationship or interaction in your life.
Discover what you love about yourself. Reflect on the personality traits, skillsets, and behaviors you know to be admirable about yourself. Are you constantly making others laugh? Do you get endless praise for your cooking, drawing, singing, or problem-solving skills? Would people come to you first to manage a crisis like a champion? Are you a master disciplinarian when it comes to going to the gym or reading? Do people regularly compliment your outfits or nails? Think of all of the aspects of your being that make you unique and help you to feel content with your existing, authentic self.
Take control of your life to cultivate your ideal self. While you should consistently praise your naturally admirable qualities, remember that you always can change aspects of your life that will help you feel like your best self. Know that you're in control of your decisions and have the mental freedom to think & act in any way you desire to reach any goals or implement lifestyle changes to feel like the person you feel destined to be.
Block out the noise and negative self-talk. We're (almost always!) our worst critics. Consider every new experience or interaction as a learning opportunity. Mistakes and failures are life lessons that facilitate self-reflection and opportunities for growth. Remember not to beat yourself up for past mistakes: You did the best you could with the information you had at the time. If you weren't embarrassed by your past self, you never gave yourself the chance to evolve and grow. Every success, failure, and new life stage offers its own lessons and teachable moments. Remember that we're all our own unique life paths. Comparing your life to someone else's is like comparing apples and oranges. Both entities may be fruitful but have vastly different flavor profiles, growing seasons, and rates at which they ripen. As Dita Von Tesse shrewdly said: "You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there will always be someone who hates peaches."
Acknowledge that people-pleasing is a form of self-neglect. By prioritizing another person's desires or approval above your own, you're ultimately neglecting your physical, emotional, energetic, or spiritual needs. Consider acting in your best in your own best interest as an act of self-care that safeguards your well-being.
Set boundaries. State your limitations, calmly, clearly, and directly. Understand that boundaries are your response to other people's actions, not a means to control other people's behavior. An expectation would be to ask someone not to call you during the workday. A boundary is stating that you will not pick up the phone during the workday and will only make/return calls in the evening after leaving the office.
Communicate your needs & expectations clearly. While you can't control what others will do, being upfront with your needs and expectations can eliminate unnecessary stress, logistical issues, misplaced hurt feelings, or disappointment in any type of relationship. Direct communication between parties will allow you both to respect each other's boundaries and to prioritize interactions that are mutually more positive, helpful, and emotionally nourishing.
Express your "no" freely (and without over-explaining). Remember that "No" is a complete sentence. You do not owe someone your time or emotional energy simply because they asked or expect you to do something/attend an event out of perceived obligation/guilt or simply to make someone else happy. Making sure you're okay is your first priority. Feel free to say "no" to any requests that would emotionally drain you, make you overextend yourself, or compromise any of your personal values/goals/priorities. You don't need to justify your needs. Just kindly decline, and let it be.
Remain consistent with your boundaries & priorities. People will treat you how you let them treat you. Once you set a boundary or share your priorities will someone, stick to these words through your actions to show you're serious about how you expect to be treated. Teach people how to interact with you in a way that doesn't feel self-sacrificing. No one will respect your boundaries and priorities if you don't and are easily swayed to forgo these self-imposed standards on a day-to-day or case-by-case basis.
Consider the long-term consequences of people-pleasing. While it may appease immediate conflict or anxiety, people-pleasing offers a one-way ticket to resentment and misplaced anger. By ignoring our own needs for the sake of others, we place unspoken expectations on these individuals' obligations to reciprocate our emotional labor – whether it be with their future actions or matching our generosity with unprompted favors or emotional support. We start keeping score as we continuously give ourselves over to others of perceived obligation. When someone doesn't return the favor, we get upset, despite never expressing this expectation of someone else or that we're even self-sacrificing in any way. This can lead to us feeling depleted or guilt-tripping others, and from their perspective, seemingly out of nowhere. It is best to remember we always have a choice whether to give to others and it should be of a genuine desire, love, or support for the other person – not as a way to gain external validation or manipulate a situation to create a false sense of obligation that we keep ourselves or the receiving party beholden to. Think of your energy, time, and personal resources given to others as a gift, not a bargaining chip.
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sefinaa · 3 months
❝𝐏𝐀𝐂: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. 𝐒𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐰 𝐲𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐞.❞
What is your future spouse’s aesthetic?
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🧡 ݁₊ ⊹ . 🎃 ౨ৎ Masterlist Subliminal Channel Tips ‧₊˚ 🎃⋅♡🍊౨ৎ 18+ Readings Paid Readings Tarot Services
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Pac Summary!
🍊Your future spouse's aesthetic.
🍊How they feel about it in the future or in the present moment.
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Moodboard | Divider
Pile I
Your future spouse's aesthetic. 
As I was shuffling, nothing came out. So I went with the assumption; perhaps they are lost with who they are. They are trying different aesthetics and seeing what makes them happy. I believe having a title like an aesthetic can bring us down if we don’t know what makes us happy, and that is the same with your fs. They are struggling to see what fits their standards of aesthetics.
Reversed nine of wands.
The reversed nine of wands confirms my thoughts. Right now, they are struggling with everything. They remind me of the tower tarot card. This is seen as something negative, but I see it as a breakthrough in life. Because if there isn't a negative situation, then you can never become uncomfortable or grow from the experience. You need those negative emotions for growth even if it’s sabotaging yourself. You become self aware throughout and teach yourself to not be your own enemy. I’m still feeling hopeless energy with your fs. So right now, the aesthetic is baggy clothes. They are struggling to become comfortable with their skin and what they like. They have tried fancy and luxurious suits. They have tried the swag or baddie aesthetic. They have tried sexy dresses, etc. They keep going for materialistic outfits, and intuition says you will meet them in a month or two and help guide them out of that hell hole. So when you do meet, I see them going for a flowy or relaxing aesthetic. It reminds me of a bit of boho and a soft aesthetic. And those who are into men, I see them actually painting their nails. Now, I've seen people associate nail polish on men with the LGBTQ+ community, alternative/emo/punk, etc., but no. Nail polish is about expressing yourself like makeup; the same goes here. 
How does their aesthetic make them feel in the future?
I kept shuffling the cards, but wasn’t able to get anything. Then I realized they wouldn’t feel much about it. I don't see them caring about how other people perceive them because of you. You were able to guide and heal them in a positive manner that made them realize they don't have to try so hard to impress others and that impressing themselves is more important. And you also taught them that materialistic aspects won't last in the long run; appreciating the small things you have in life is important. Beautiful life lessons; thank you for sharing those with them and elevating them into someone they love. So there isn’t a feeling here, but more of a thank you note from them to you.
‘’Thank you for showing me something that I thought was lost. Thank you for being there for me when I struggled and put money, charm, and looks on a pedestal. It was because of you that I realized that those weren’t important. What matters is the inside of us, our soul, and how we actually do things for other people. Without you, I wouldn't be able to understand who I was—I wouldn't be self-aware of the flaws I had, nor would I understand the struggles I put you in when I was so self-absorbed in the fashion world. Forgetting how toxic the industry has been. So thank you for being by my side and allowing my wings to flutter open as I escaped hell and finally met you in heaven. In our heaven.’’
Pile II
Your future spouse's aesthetic. 
I was seeing a dark, winter night. The wind is flowing around the dead but beautiful trees. Beautiful white snow is raining down from the clouds, and there is a haunted house. Well, that is how the rumors spread, but in that house was a single father with his sweet daughter, trying hard to survive in the winter. Though it was hard to survive time to time with rumors being spread, people coming to throw hate, and such, the only thing that helped them cope was the love they had together. Before, I check what the card is. Intuitively though, they give me the aesthetic of gloomy winter. That softness that comes from the winter days, the excitement that comes out when it’s winter break, and when you want to go to the fireplace and have a nice cup of hot chocolate while being sneaky and adding marshmallows for yourself. The darker days of the winter as the moon glistens over a river. Or when the days become cold you must isolated from your friends. This is what your future spouse’s aesthetic. It’s complex but that’s the beauty of it. They allow people to spread false judgments while they express what they love, their aesthetic. They portray softness while appearing rough, a contradiction that works beautifully like dead trees allowing the snow to pile on top of it. Eventually the tree grows back and blossoms once more. That’s the irony of your fs.
Reversed four of wands.
A smile appeared on my face because the energy matched. Even though it is reversed, it’s a siren (bird form) on an apple tree, as weapons, i believe arrows, are pointing at her and targeting her. Do you see the resemblance? The weapons are the rumors. The siren are the people in the house, or in this case, your fs’s house. And the apples are the love shared with the family. The tree is what your fs holding their family together. Their family has accepted what your fs change in their traditions/culture which has made them happy. Thus causing them being comfortable with themselves and wearing the aesthetic they like despite it being frowned upon. I am getting a conservative family with them, but the family was able to heal because your fs took the stand and changed their views. I heard the family had no idea of the pressure given to their children before everything went down.
How does their aesthetic make them feel in the future?
The first word that popped up in my head was refreshing. The biggest weight came off their shoulders; it will be so rewarding. Everything they wanted has already come their way, and to top it off, you will be their last reward. Their wishes are coming and you are the last wish. They are manifesting for someone like you; you are their dream person, and the thought of being with someone like you makes them go nuts. Think of the craziest TV show character you know and amplify it by 3-5 times. That’s the excitement I feel with them, but with a healthy mindset. It’s just something they have been dreaming about for so long, since their childhood or teenage years. 
Reversed seven of wands.
Yeah, so with the reversed seven of wands, this is about a turning point that will lead to a positive situation occurring in someone’s life. And you are their positive aspect. If they didn’t stand up for what they believed in and speak with such vulnerability and power, then you guys wouldn’t be meeting in three to four months. Everything would’ve been delayed. And as I channeled this, I kept hearing soulmates. I know all (other than the 3-4% who believes it) of you don’t believe it, but that’s what I am hearing. So if it’s not soulmates for you, then it’s a relationship that is meant to be.
Pile III
Your future spouse's aesthetic. 
Two of wands.
Your future spouse’s aesthetic is daring. They like to try new things, always getting out of their comfort zone. Sometimes, they enjoy pissing other people off because they live in a traditional area. Wearing something that is provocative or very showy bothers the people around them, but for them, it’s similar to adrenaline. I see someone riding on a skateboard wearing ripped jeans, showing their bruised knee. A grin is on their face as they are wearing a crop top, accentuating their curves and body. People look at them with disgust, but all they can see is their reactions. People record them to make fun of them and yet, they do not care. This is your future spouse’s energy. They genuinely don't care what other people think of them unless it comes to you.
Their fashion is fun and bold. It makes you think about them as they stay on your mind. In terms of aesthetic names, I get punk and emo vibes and lots of tattoos or piercings. Someone has vampire teeth, or they add them in. For some, your fs loves wearing spiky boots or making their ponytail in a spiky motion. Others, think of alternatives mixed with cyberpunk. Very wild and bright colors too. They know what they want when it comes to life and their fashion taste, and they are very straightforward about what they dislike too. So when there is a communication issue, they will be upfront about it and you both can resolve it quickly. 
How does their aesthetic make them feel?
Ten of pentacles and queen of wands.
Honestly, they feel blessed that they are wearing what they love. When you live in a traditional area, it’s hard to wear the outfits or do the things you enjoy, but they were able to push past their fears and become confident. Their outlook on life changed drastically, and they became comfortable with their real selves. They also feel thankful for how you will accept their fashion. They felt hesitant around you because they assumed you wouldn’t like their fashion style.
Pile IV
Your future spouse's aesthetic. 
When I was shuffling your cards, a card flipped by itself, and then it became lost. At first, your future spouse kept changing their aesthetics constantly. They didn't know what looked best with their facial structures. They have a mother who is into cosmetics, so they know how to work well with fashion, but the idea of being perfect has affected their mindset. ‘’Perfectionism is my downfall; I know that, but I am working on it.’’
Reversed strength and reversed the high priestess.
Their mother has always been strict with them. Always putting their imperfections on their child because they couldn't handle their insecurities. So your fs has absorbed what they said onto them, thus causing them to become a perfectionist. The high priestess reversed is focused on trust issues and a lack of personal harmony. Their mother pressure has caused a strain in their relationship, and the amount of projection has made your fs doubt their fashion style. That is why the card disappeared and became lost. That is their energy right now. Their aesthetic is kind of like piratecore mixed with richness. It’s very attractive and will make you feel flush. I see them wearing a corset tank top with a white blouse top, showing their breasts slightly, or they will show their chest and torso in a laid-back way. They will have black pants that are tight to accentuate their body and to match their eyes. They will wear a black steampunk or some type of long jacket with buttons resembling a pirate’s captain. It’s going to fit very nicely. They will leave their hair loose to create that effect. And I am also seeing that sometimes they will switch it and wear a suit while still allowing their chest to show. I'm getting a strong nonbinary aesthetic too. They don't focus on what is feminine or masculine; whatever appeals to them and makes them look attractive in their eyes is what matters. 
How does their aesthetic make them?
Reversed six of wands and the empress.
There is already a huge cliff between their mother, and their fashion focused on piratecore and rich/luxury has drifted them a bit. Their mother isn’t noticing their hard work to find what they like; they are supposed to be into only classy outfits. Everything must be hidden and modest, and they break that. So that has pissed off their mother. The six of wands reversed is about a temporary setback and a lack of recognition for achievements. In the future though, I don't see much of a difference between them so meeting their mother isn’t a likely occurrence. On the bright side, they love their aesthetic, which makes them love themselves more. They are able to rebel against their mother and find comfort in this. The amount of changing things up to fit their mother’s standards killed a part of them, and to be able to gain it back and become resilient is something they are thankful for. They have a strong connection with themselves, and it makes them want to learn how to make their own clothes or design them. But no, this is a hobby and not their major or what they want to have as a career in the future. I also hear that they find themselves to be beautiful now, and a huge weight is off their shoulder. In a way, they are their own mother now (accepting their feminine side and taking care of their inner child), and when you meet, they will prorate a nurturing and mother-like nature. Tranquility is what appeared in my mind; you will feel peaceful around them. A true gemstone amongst the fake ones. 
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vgilantee · 1 month
John shares his pretty little wife with his team (except the whole team other than price is trans)
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sending "show hole" to the 141 group chat and getting johnny and Simon's cunts, gaz's cunt and asshole (he put effort in for you) and price's ass, his cock hanging heavy between his legs
>> thanks lovers 💋
and the video has the wettest most obscene sounds John has ever heard from you. you'd added lube and everything because you want to get them all wet and leaking.
you are whimpering and moaning and gasping and begging out please.
in return you get videos of gaz and johnny fingering themselves, and a lovely close up of John fucking simon, glob of spit on his cunt. it rudely cuts off before you get to see simon cum
jounny and kyle look so pretty grinding against each other's hands.
their video ends with gaz pulling his fingers out of johnny and flipping him over so they can grind their cunts together. you see a lovely shot of johnny taking his fingers out and gaz's pierced clit twitching
you get home one day and see four pairs of boots neatly by the door, your husband's on the rack and the rest tucked out of the way. home early, and they didn't tell you!
and you can hear john's voice so you follow it through the house, curious when it sounds like it's coming from your bedroom. and oh what a sight he has laid out for you
all three of his men, naked and laying on your bed, puffy, wet cunts on display. John in his boxers - the grey ones you love, always end up sucking his cock through the fabric when he wears them - with the clear outline of his hard cock, dark spot of pre smeared across the front.
johnny sees you and whines, nails digging into simon and gaz's stomachs on either side of him. John saunters up to you like you don't have three of the prettiest cunts you've ever seen waiting for you, kisses you softly and smiles.
"want to give them a feel before you pick, love?"
and if one of them (*cough* johnny *cough*) moves to hold your head against their cunt, John smacks his hand, then his clit, before putting a hand on your neck to guide you away from the offenders cunt.
"told you the rules. hands to yourselves until she's finished having her fun with you."
while your fingertips graze over the stretch marks on Simon's inner thighs, lightly lapping at his clit before watching his cunt flutter as you collect the slick dribbling down to his ass, price pats your ass before turning to look at gaz
"put some fingers in soap's pussy, gaz, if he's so desperate. don't move them though, just fill 'im and let him fuck your hand." he then leans back and kisses between your shoulder blades, moving your hair out if your way so you can keep playing with simon "no touching soap until he cums on kyle's hand, okay love?" and you hum and nod, mouth still working at simon who is being such a good boy, keeping his hands scratching at his thighs and not touching you
while you're there lapping at simon, it's truly you playing. exploring. letting price watch you wiggle your ass as you excitedly taste the lieutenant, sucking harshly at his clit as he cums
hopping off the bed, leaning over johnny's cunt to let spit fall of your tongue, before climbing back onto the bed between gaz's legs to play with him. running your fingers lightly over his clit, tracing his piercing, running your tongue slowly from his asshole up to his bottom growth
price loves watching you play, loves watching you wriggling your ass for him, so he can see how much you enjoy tasting his men, he loves the way you preen under his attention while being satisfied with the moans and gasps from the guys.
in his eyes he's not just sharing his pretty wife with his men, but he's giving you new toys to play with
I'm totally normal
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prettieinpink · 8 months
Hi I really love ur blog and I was wondering if you have any tips about nails, bc my nails grow long but are so flimsy that they keep breaking off and bending easily, no pressure or anything
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Avoid nail polishes that contain formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate as they can cause your nails to weaken over time. Highly pigmented polishes can also cause weak nails. To avoid this, take breaks from nail polish and go natural from time to time. 
Use cuticle oils frequently, which varies from the condition of your nails. If you don’t have cuticle oil, vaseline or a lip balm is a good alternative.
Keep your nails away from dirty or wet environments. Dirt can nurture the growth of bacteria and wet nails are weak nails. If you have to be doing things that include excessive moisture or dirt, try to wear gloves of any kind.
Stop biting your nails and picking at them. While both are difficult habits to break, both can destroy the health of your nails. Be very mindful of how you treat your nails.
Wash your hands thoroughly when needed. Before and after you eat, you go to the loo, you handle food etc. When we wash our hands, The grime under our nails is also being washed away.
Nails are not tools. Don’t use them to open cans, remove stickers or open boxes. This will weaken them in the long run and increase the chances of them being chipped or broken. Use the provided tools you have instead.
Avoid prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals like cleaning products or acetone-based products. They can strip your nails of moisture which causes breakage
If you have nail polish on, don’t peel or pick at it but use a nail-friendly nail polish remover gently with a cotton pad/ball.
After that, if needed, file or trim your nails to your desired length. For smooth cutting, wipe down your nails with a wet cotton ball or wipe. 
Get a bowl of warm water and soap to soak your cuticles in. Then use a soft brush or a clean toothbrush to gently exfoliate your nails. You can usually use a little bit of your body scrub or a tad bit of sugar. Then, dry your hands & nails with a small microfiber towel.
Apply cuticle oil or any cream to moisturise your nails, then massage that it for a few minutes to stimulate nail growth.
Apply your polishes in the correct order. Base coat, nail polish then top coat. 
Moisturise with a nice hand cream! 
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wtftarot · 6 months
PAC: The World
We've come full circle and it's about fuckin time, right? Time for the end. The World is harmony and the end of a cycle. She is that moment when you remember that you are the universe, you are One with everything and you feel it in your bones. It is recognizing your place as a human on this planet. The World is an ending, the inevitable conclusion but he is also the herald of a new beginning. What do they want to tell you? Let's fuck around and find out
As always this reading is for entertainment purposes ONLY and is not a substitute for professional advice in any capacity. Remember, use common sense and don't be a dumbass.
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Four groups today, you can pick The Bird (eagle?), The Lion, The Person, or The Bull and head on to your reading.
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The Bird/Eagle
The Nine of Cups and The Nine of Wands on the bottom of the deck.
This is fuckin gorgeous for y'all. The cycle that's ending for y'all is one where y'all had to fight tooth and nail for everything you wanted. I'm seeing the end of the Lord of the Rings, where the eagles fly Frodo and Sam out of Mordor after they destroy the Ring. I don't remember if Frodo actually says it, but I'm hearing him say "It's done". Y'all have been dealing with a rough ass cycle, huh? For it to show up as the One Ring? There may be one last battle of sorts? Like a boss battle. This is my nerd group (affectionate), I'm getting a lot of fantasy imagery. Think of it as one last challenge so you can truly close this cycle once and for all. For some of y'all, this cycle has been a long and very internal one. Something that's been weighing you down, that you're finally letting fall from your shoulders. What I'm seeing is that this 'boss battle" is a choice of sorts. You've been growing and figuring your way out of this cycle and all at once you're faced with a choice. This cycle has been more internal and you may have not seen much externally about it. It's like this choice embodies the cycle externally and you have a physical/material choice to make. Continue this cycle? Or Step forward with growth? And it will be that clear to you. Again with the imagery, I'm seeing a game screen with a choice. This path is unknown, keep going? Press X: Keep going. Press Y: Turn Around. Listen, I'm not much of a gamer like at all, so I don't know if that's a thing that happens in games? The last game I played was like three years ago?? So, the fact I keep getting gaming imagery means I'm really tapped into some of y'all's guides. Ok, the guide that's doing a lot of this is practically screaming in my ear to yell at y'all TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DREAMS. FOR FUCKS SAKE. If you're into gaming and have been playing a game that's set in the woods, that message goes double. Don't ask me, I just work here. Now the cycle y'all are stepping into? Fucking beautiful, ok? Y'all are gonna be getting a lot of shit you have been wishing and crossing your fingers for. I'm hearing/seeing "yes, those too" and imagery of a belt and other accessories? This group is loud and I love it. Yea, even the "little things" you've wanted that aren't high on the priority list will be coming your way soon. And y'all are going to be rightfully smug about it. I think some of the blessings coming your way were things that people around you have tried to dismiss or downplay or talk you out of, so yeah you can be a lil bit smug about it. You've earned it. The past lil bit for y'all has probably felt very stale and stagnant but now that it's closing, things are going to be moving and improving. It may jolt y'all a bit at first. Cause this energy is so fucking different from where you've been, that even just dipping your toes in it will be a shock. It will be a welcome shock though, refreshing. The way this will manifest will be different for all y'all, but one thing's for sure, y'all are gonna fuckin run with it. After that initial choice, falling into this new chapter will be the easiest thing in the world.
random ass vibes: video games, d&d, 999, leaning into a new clothing style, fish, moon cycles, someone have a moon tattoo? birthday cake, HAPPY BIRTHDAY?
The Lion
The Moon and The Tower on the bottom of the deck.
Ok, you need to take a break. Full stop. Even if it's just ten minutes of sitting in nothing and silence. Your brain needs a rest from everything. I feel like y'all need to be told that yes, this thing does need to end. The cycle you're in may have become your comfort zone and you feel safe repeating it cause you know what to expect. It does have to end though. Y'all may have some idea that this ending is coming but you don't know just how much things will change when it does. This may be about a belief about the world or yourself that's really holding you back. Once clarity comes, you won't fit in the same places, with the same groups you used to. I don't blame you for resisting this, it can be terrifying to start questioning belief systems or old worldviews. Some of y'all may be questioning the religion or politics you were brought up in. It could be an understanding of who you are vs who others want you to be. Y'all are feeling a bit overwhelmed and confused as to what all this means. Sweetie, that's okay. This IS confusing and overwhelming. It is hard and scary and can leave you feeling very vulnerable. Babe, you need to stop pushing yourselves to have all the answers already. This one takes time and it's okay to let it. That's probably why the message I got for y'all before I even pulled the cards was for y'all to take a break. Not only that, but you don't have to tell anyone about this. Yes, if you can find some safe support through these periods of life do it, but you don't owe anyone what you're going through. Y'all are putting soo much pressure on yourselves to know everything already, to have all the answers. To know every aspect of who you are and what you believe. Wanna know something terrifyingly liberating? You never will. You will never know every single aspect of yourself cause you're always growing and changing. Same with your beliefs, you're always learning new things about how the world works, so your beliefs will always be shifting, even slightly. This is all coming from The World card cause y'all, more than anything need to let yourselves just BE. Be in the moment, stop interrogating them as if all the answers will be found there. The answers you're seeking will come in time and letting yourself live. I know the world we live in pretty much demands you have everything figured out at all times but that's bullshit. It's okay to change your mind.
random ass vibes: small-town vibes, doves or white birds, 919, the goth kid at the family reunion, lightning, trees, dragons, red clothes. nature vs nurture.
The Person
The Sun and The Hermit Rx on the bottom of the deck
Y'all it's time to come out of hiding. You've been hiding your truth for a WHILE. lol I'm hearing that lil Sunday school song: "Don't hide your light under a bushel, NO!" ( I grew up in the bible-belt, don't judge). That's a song for little kids if y'all don't know it, you don't have to look it up. It's telling me though that y'all have been hiding your light, so to speak, since you were a little, little kid. Like four-ish years old. Now, I don't know y'all's situation, it may not be safe for y'all to be fully yourself, and cause it seems like y'all have been hiding your whole damn life that's probably the case. So, BE FUCKING SAFE, okay? Because you're at this reading though, there are probably some ways you're hiding yourself that you don't have to. It's like y'all have just been letting people decide who you are when you're around them? Y'all are wearing other's projections of you like masks. I'm hearing "too much". Ooh boy, y'all listen, this group feels like I'm talking to my younger self. I cannot tell y'all the number of times I was told I was "too much", too loud, too quiet, too stubborn, too whatever. Unless y'all are being too cruel, too bigoted or whatever, y'all have a place here okay? Y'all seem to have taken being told you're too X, or not Y enough to heart and have whittled yourself down piece by piece cause that's what the people around you want. Y'all are like the fucking sun and everyone is demanding you be a candle. I think it's people you care about telling you this too. And because you care about them, you want them to be happy and comfortable. So, of course, you can be a little smaller, whatever they need, right? Now though, you've been doing this so long, you've lost yourself a bit, haven't you? The World is telling you it's time to call those parts of yourself back. Dig up those parts of yourself that you've buried. You can start as small as you feel you need to. It may be hard and confusing at first but soon it will be as natural as breathing. If you're not even sure where to start or have forgotten those parts, ask your guides and the universe for help. Ask for signs and to be put in situations that bring out those buried parts of you. You may have outgrown some of them and that's okay. Just prepare yourself, it won't be easy. Ya know that tingling feeling when your leg has been asleep and it's waking up? I feel that even though my leg has been fine this whole time. So it will probably be uncomfortable too. You should probably expect some hard reactions from the people around you too, especially if they've only known you as the you you've pretended to be for them. But that home you've been looking for? Felt calling? That can only be built by you being your authentic self. Otherwise, it'll just be another place where you have to wear a mask to be welcome. I wish I could end this one on a lighter note for y'all. This isn't an easy one. Take some alone time and please, take care of yourself through this. Whether you realize it or not, you are working through something really difficult and need to go easy on yourself through this.
random ass vibes: Halloween, candy, ghosts, 11:11, turtles, alligators, Frankenstein's monster, Venus, halos or angels?
The Bull
The Page of Pentacles and the Eight of Swords with the Empress on the back of the deck.
Y'all have so much fuckin potential, okay? Y'all are doubting yourselves so fuckin hard and The Universe and your Guides are sick of it. We all know someone who's amazingly talented but is so fuckin hard on themselves about it, to the point where you just want to grab em by the shoulders and shake them screaming YOU ARE WONDERFUL AND TALENTED. That's how your guides are feeling about you, all the damn time. I'm serious. I was only taking One card and the bottom of the deck for each group but the Eight of Swords came out too for y'all. Y'all are stuck in your head, questioning your every goddamn move and wondering why you're exhausted and never seem to move forward. This reading's tone is much more direct, like fed up snap the fuck out of its energy. Not that your guides are fed up with you, just fed up with your self-doubting bullshit. I'm hearing "..but they'll think I'm x" So, you may feel like if you truly lean into your potential and fail, people will have shit to say. Sweetie, they will and they will if you succeed and they will if you never do jack-shit. One of the few guarantees in life is that people will talk shit no matter what you do. The only control you have is why they're talking shit. Would you rather them talk shit about you cause you went after what you want, win or lose? Or because you never went after what you wanted, which is exactly what they wanted. The cycle that needs to end for you is one you have to end. End the cycle of shitting on yourself just cause you may not be where you want to be. End the doubt of your own capabilities. You really have NO CLUE how fucking amazing your life will get the second you start questioning those shitty thoughts. Like just questioning them, not even fully disbelieving them yet. Just questioning them will do fuckin wonders for you. If you're a beginner let yourself BE a beginner. If you want to try something new but are afraid of being a beginner then say fuck it and fuck you to those thoughts and start anyway. Hell, you don't have to tell anyone you're starting at first. You have the potential to be a whole-ass fuckin meadow and are doubting and even criticizing yourself for having to start as a handful of seeds. This is you're pep talk, in case you haven't figured that out yet. One other thing, some of y'all may be fearing the work that'll come with believing yourself, that it'll be tiring and all that. It's gonna be the opposite, sweetie. I mean, yeah it'll be work. But it's gonna be energizing. Do you know how much energy you've been hemorrhaging by shoving down allllllll that potential constantly? All of that will be freed up in a second and spent on fun shit. I believe in ya, babe.
Random ass vibes: thrifting, rainbows, makeup, cinnamon, puppets, purple, birds, card games, heart tattoos.
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hollowtakami · 4 months
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content; hawks x transmasc!reader, chubby!reader, anatomy referred to as boycunt, hole, pussy; bottom growth mentioned, binder mentioned, male-exclusive pronouns.
this fic is intended for transmasc readers! there’s scarcely any rep for trans readers, esp with kei. happy pride month, you are loved:)
a/n; thank you sm for 200 followers! i appreciate every single one of you, thank you for helping to make my dream of being a writer a reality<3 i am preparing a few posts and they’ll be regularly posted!
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“Come here, boy,” Keigo purred, spreading his legs as he leaned into the plushness of his leather sofa. The fabric dipped as he laid back. His eyes pinned on you, dilating.
Keigo had his left wrist resting against his knee, his free palm lifting to pat against his inner thigh; a silent order. You swallowed your anticipation, your legs guiding you forward. Lowering yourself into his lap, your soft thighs rested against his, legs dangling down as he gently grabbed at your sides. He hummed to himself in satisfaction, eyes just as glazed as yours.
“So fucking perfect…” He whispered, as though to himself, through gritted teeth.
Wasting no time, he bit his lip as he lifted your shirt to reveal your binder. He took a moment to marvel at the sight, the way your skin softly spilled out its pressure. Keigo leaned into your collarbone to nip at your skin with a primal hunger. You could feel his smile against your skin when you let out a small gasp, teeth sinking into you as he marked you.
“Let me hear you, baby boy,” Keigo growled between sharp breaths. His fingers dug into your sides as he teased you. Red crescents dented your skin as his nails clawed deeper, desperate to feel all of you.
You whined as you felt a hand shy down into your boxers, past your open fly as two fingers grazed along your t-dick. Your body betrayed you, back arching a little at the small release of tension from Keigo’s teasing. He drew back, admiring you as your face scrunched slightly when his fingers continued to explore your needy boycunt, stroking down your folds, fingertips coating in slick.
“Oh, god-” You winced at the pleasure, at the pain as two digits stretched out your hole. As you moaned, Keigo felt his stomach knot. Your soft walls around his fingers, the warmth sucking him in so perfectly. He wanted to breed you so fucking bad.
“Keigo, please, don’t stop-” You found yourself fucking into his hand already.
The suns of his eyes flicked upwards into yours, equally full of desire. He smirked, cocking his head as his wings furled back from behind you to his back.
Raising an eyebrow, Keigo purred, “Tell me you want it, dove,” He waited for you, any signal to continue. You merely whined, but your hips rolling into his knuckles was the hottest affirmation he could have asked for.
Slowly curling his digits into your pussy, you whimpered as your breath hitched at the hot pressure, walls clenching around Keigo’s fingers. He hummed to himself as he watched you writhe in his lap, his cock aching at the pressure. Worshipping you with his hands as your back curved in pleasure, eyes rolling back as his fingers were sucked in and out of your tight heat.
“That’s my good boy.” Keigo growled.
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corruptedcaps · 10 months
The Mean Manual
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“64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69…. Done!” Charlotte groaned as she finished her 10th straight day of her bust exercises. She stretched out her remarkably flexible body and looked lovingly at her big tits. She almost couldn’t believe that two weeks ago she had the body of a flabby no chested geek but that was before she found, the book.
Back then she was know as Charlie, a girl so anonymous you could ask her classmates what she was like and they would reply with, “Who?”
Charlie wasn’t noticeable enough to be bullied, didn’t stand out enough to be noticed, a quiet solitude she had grown to accept. She would spend her free time in the school library, reading her fantasy and sci-fi books away from the crowds.
However that changed when she found, hidden behind several books in the reference section, the ‘Mean Manual’. Its cover was a bright pink that almost glowed amongst the drab covers it surrounded that made it hard for Charlie to ignore.
Pulling it out she blew away the dust that had accumulated over years maybe even decades of neglect. Charlie opened the tome and curiously flipped through its pages. It seemed to be some sort of guide to becoming the ‘Queen of Mean’.
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Charlie chuckled to herself as she skimmed its pages, realizing it had to be some sort of parody book. How could it not be with chapters like ‘Spreading lies to get your way’ and ‘The 10 ways to steal a man’. It was laughable to her that anyone would take the instructions as gospel.
Amused by it, she decided to take it home and read some more. It was there that she came across the chapter on ‘beauty exercises’. There was sections on toning your stomach, getting the perfect tan, how to make your body more supple, but what weirdly interested Charlie was the section on breast growth.
As the other girls in school had all hit puberty and grew reasonable and sometimes outrageously sized tits, Charlie had lagged behind, growing no more than an ‘A’ cup. It wasn’t something Charlie ever cared about, most people didn’t notice her anyway, and yet she found herself reading the instructions on how to increase her boob size intently.
“I’ll give it a try, just as a joke of course.” She said to herself with a half hearted laugh as she readied her body. The excercise involved getting on her knees and pushing out her chest 69 times, which seemed intuitive enough if a little juvenile but what was odd was she had to moan each time she did it. She felt a little silly as she began.
However with thrust of her chest her moans got a little louder, a little more genuine. It felt good sticking out her chest again and again, it felt as though her whole body was getting a workout. She couldn’t help imagine how good it would be to have the perfect tight body with perfect round tits, she found herself getting wet with each shove of her chest. She went into a near trance as she went on and before she knew it she hit 69 thrusts.
She panted in pleasurable exhaustion as she shakily got back to her feet, feeling warm and wet between her legs. She stumbled over to the mirror and gasped loudly at the sight. Her meagre breasts were gone, replaced with impressively big tits.
“No freaking way!” She said as she turned each way to make sure it wasn’t some mirror illusion but there was no denying it, her boobs were bigger.
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She eyed the book out of the corner of her eye, maybe it wasn’t a joke after all, she thought. She looked at her reflection and couldn’t help wonder what she would look like with the long nails, the silky hair, the smooth skin and everything else it purported to be able to give her. She had to know.
An hour and several exercises later, Charlie was looking at a practically different woman in the mirror. Her body wouldn’t have looked out of place on a runaway, there wasn’t an ounce of imperfection anywhere now. She could bend and flex in ways that would make the Hailey the head cheerleader jealous.
A smile started to cross her lips as the idea of making a bitch like Hailey green with envy suddenly made her horny. He mind went to wicked places as she thought about doing more than making her jealous.
She imagined strutting in to school the next day, in a tight shirt outfit, all eyes on her but she would be focused on only one set of eyes. Chad, Hailey’s boyfriend, was a big block headed idiot but did anything Hailey asked. If she could seduce him, she’d have the school in the palm of her hand.
“When I seduce him.” She corrected herself with a smirk, after all no one would be able to resist her looking the way she did now. She’d take Hailey’s friends, her cheerleading position, her power. It would be so easy and fun.
She started to move her fingers down her body towards her increasingly wet pussy when she stopped herself. Something didn’t feel right, why was she thinking such cruel and nasty things?
As if to answer her, a sudden gust of wind started to flicker the pages of the book back to the opening, where ‘Queen of Mean’ was emblazoned in large letters. Charlie drank in the word ‘Queen’ again and again. It seemed to almost put her in a trance as she put her hand into her panties.
As soon as her hand made contact with her soaking wet pussy a sinister grin came across her face.
“Ohhhh fuck yes!!! More, more! I want to be a fucking bitch called Charlotte not some loser nobody called Charlie. Make me a toxic slut, make me a wicked whore, make me the Queen of Mean!” She moaned loudly as she pumped her pussy again and again, her nerdy persona getting weaker each time she did.
The book began to glow bright pink as she continued and Charlotte had an innate knowledge of what it was doing.
“Yesss take my pathetic soul, make me evil and bitchy, I’ll be hot, corrupt and unstoppable!” She moaned thrusting her chest out as if it was being pulled up. She watched in malicious joy as her soul was ripped from her body and sucked into the book. She felt free of morals and doubts as she began to cum harder and longer than ever before.
As the book slammed shut, a surge of dark energy enveloped her newfound form. Her eyes glowed for a moment a deep crimson before settling back into a cold icy blue. A wicked smile curled on her lips as the transformation completed. She reveled in the intoxicating power coursing through her veins, ready to unleash chaos upon the unsuspecting world.
“Bye bye Charlie you fucking dork nobody. No one will miss you and even remember you when I walk into school tomorrow. It’s going to feel so hawt and nasty taking everything Hailey has, in fact why wait until tomorrow.” She said to herself as she picked up her phone and snapped a sexy selfie of herself.
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With an evil grin she started to text Chad: “Hey! I got your number from the school secretary. I’m, like, the new girl in school and she said you would be able to show me around and stuff? It would be totes amazing if we could do something tonight? I’m so alone xxx.” She wrote sending it along with her picture.
She smirked to herself as he quickly replied and made plans to meet up asap. Within the hour she was sucking his dick in the back of his sports car and cementing her hold on him. As soon as she had swallowed his load she dropped her cutesy bimbo act and became more demanding of him. He of course would do anything she asked now.
Now ten days later and Charlotte was the most feared and popular girl in school. Everyone knew her name now and there was no way she would ever fade into the background with her commanding presence and bitchy hot body.
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She didn’t know if she needed to continue doing her stretches and exercises to maintain her evil sexiness but she did them all the same, enjoying the wave of pleasure each would give her. The book seemed to glow happily each time she did as well but she could sense it was growing hungry for more. It had opened one day on a page marked “Beta Bitches”, giving Charlotte the guidance and knowledge with what to do next.
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“Hello girls, welcome to tryouts to be my new friends.” She announced to a group of nerdy girls who had all been lured to Charlotte’s house under the pre-tense that Charlotte would stop bullying them if they did. And for some of them that would soon be true. “You are all pathetic losers right now, adrift, invisible. But after today some of you will be getting a new wonderful purpose; worshipping me. Now do as I do and try and keep up.” Charlotte said to a sea of bewildered faces as she began doing her stretches and one by one they each followed suit.
Charlotte’s book began to glow…
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Tears In His Ferrari || Chp 9 - B.Barnes
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Character: Bucky Barnes x Farmer!Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes, used to a life of luxury, takes on farm challenges in a bet with his father. Mud-stained Ferraris and a rustic farmhouse lead to unexpected personal growth, guided by the stern mentorship of Y/N, a farmer making his city-boy life difficult.
Theme: Fluff, Slice of Life, Heart-Warming.
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
Chapters: Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3 , Chp 4 , Chp 5 , Chp 6 , Chp 7 , Chp 8 , Chp 9 , -Chp 10 , Chp 11 , Chp 12.
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Bucky, noticing the strained atmosphere between Kate and Y/N, decided to take matters into his own hands.
"Hey, Y/N," Bucky interjected, his voice laced with a hint of urgency, "could you teach me how to clean Alpine's hooves?"
Y/N paused, her expression softening as she recognized Bucky's attempt to diffuse the tension. "Of course," she replied, offering him a reassuring smile.
With a sense of relief washing over him, Bucky led the way to the stables, eager to learn from Y/N and escape the brewing conflict with Kate.
Meanwhile, Kate seethed with frustration, her hostility towards Y/N palpable. Clenching her fists, she struggled to contain her anger as she watched Bucky and Y/N walk away, leaving her behind.
"Shit!" she muttered under her breath, her perfectly manicured nails leaving indentations on her palms as she pressed them tightly together.
Turning to her assistant, Kate issued a terse command. "I want you to gather information on someone."
Kate couldn't fathom how Bucky could abandon her for a mere farm girl when there were plenty of wealthy suitors vying for her attention. The thought fueled her irritation, exacerbating her already sour mood.
With a frustrated huff, Kate stomped her expensive shoes on the ground, unwittingly stepping into a patch of mud. The dirt splattered across her face, staining her clothes and ruining her pristine footwear.
"Fuck!" she exclaimed, her outburst startling the nearby animals, who responded with their own cacophony of sounds.
As the chickens clucked "Buk-buk-ba-gawk!!!" and the cows mooed, "Moooo…!" Kate felt a surge of indignation. She despised the rural setting and everything it represented, longing for the comfort and luxury of her city life.
Determined to uncover any secrets Y/N might be hiding, Kate hoped that the information her assistant obtained would give her the leverage she needed to regain control of the situation.
At the stable, Bucky observed closely as Y/N expertly cleaned Alpine's hooves. Her movements were precise and confident, a testament to her familiarity with the task.
She explained, her voice calm and knowledgeable, “Regular cleaning is also the only way to remove impacted dirt, mud, and manure from the hoof. When you give your horse a bath, take the time to carefully clean out their hooves to prevent horse scratches and infections.”
Bucky nodded attentively, absorbing her instructions. “I see. I'll try my best to take care of Alpine.”
Y/N smiled approvingly. “Good. You're getting better at living on this farm.”
Bucky felt a flush of shyness at her compliment. He hadn't expected Y/N to praise him. “Hehe, but I'm nothing compared to you.”
As she brushed Alpine's coat, Y/N chuckled softly. “Well, I'm already used to this. If you asked me to drive a sports car or make a vlog, I wouldn't have a clue.”
Bucky's curiosity piqued. “You've never driven a sports car?”
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. “Not everyone is as rich as you.”
Realizing his unintentional insensitivity, Bucky hurriedly apologized. “Uhh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way.”
Then, an idea struck him. “Do you want me to teach you?”
Bucky said, "You have taught me how to drive a truck. It's more difficult than driving my Ferrari. I think you can do it."
Y/N paused, considering his offer. Bucky couldn't see her expression from his angle. “Hmm, I'll pass, but thanks for the offer.”
Disappointed but understanding, Bucky nodded. He had hoped to share the thrill of driving a sports car with Y/N, to give her a glimpse of his world, and understand his passion for racing.
Suddenly, Toby burst into the stable, his usually cheerful face now drawn with worry. “Y/N, Bucky, I need to go home!”
Concern etched across his features, Bucky approached. "What's wrong?"
“My grandmother,” Toby gasped, his voice trembling. “She's having a hard time breathing.”
Y/N wasted no time. “Get in my car, and I'll call the doctor on the way.”
Bucky, feeling a surge of determination, stepped forward. “I want to help.”
Y/N hesitated, considering Bucky's offer. “It won't fit since we're going to pick up both his grandparents.”
But Bucky wasn't deterred. “I'll use my car. It's faster. I'll meet you at Toby's house and then drive his grandma to the hospital.”
Y/N nodded, seeing the logic in Bucky's plan. “Alright.”
With determination in his eyes, Bucky hurried to his red Ferrari and fired up the engine.
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The roar of the Ferrari's powerful motor sent a thrill through him. “Let's help someone,” he declared, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
As they drove towards Toby's house, Bucky followed Y/N's truck, his mind racing with thoughts. He couldn't help but marvel at Toby's resilience, realizing that the young boy had been walking to and from the farm every day.
Bucky remembered Toby, who never seemed tired each time he came by.
He felt like all his life he had the privilege to own a car and have a private driver to drive him around.
Arriving at Toby's house, Bucky took in the scene before him—the abundance of bee boxes and honey jars, a testament to the family's livelihood. Yet, despite their hard work, they lacked the resources and transportation in times of emergency.
Feeling a pang of guilt, Bucky reflected on his life of luxury, provided by his father's wealth.
Entering the house, Bucky saw Toby's grandparents. The love between them was palpable, even in their moment of distress. Toby's grandmother struggled to breathe, her frail form supported by her husband.
Bucky sprang into action with urgency, lifting Toby's grandmother gently into his arms.
Toby's grandfather regarded Bucky with curiosity who carried his wife into the small car. “Who is this young man?”
Toby assured him, “He's my great friend. Trust him, grandpa.”
As they hurried Toby's grandmother into Bucky's car, Toby's grandfather's eyes reflected both worry and gratitude, hoping for the best for his beloved wife.
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With minimal traffic on the road, Bucky navigated the streets swiftly, arriving at the hospital in just 10 minutes. Carrying Toby's grandmother into the emergency room, he conveyed the urgency of her condition to the attending doctor. "She's having a hard time breathing. It's been 20 minutes."
The medical team, already briefed by Y/N, sprang into action, swiftly preparing a bed for the elderly woman. "Quick, put her here," they instructed, their sense of urgency matching Bucky's own.
As he received updates upon his arrival, Bucky prayed for Toby's grandmother's swift recovery. The weight of the situation settled heavily on his shoulders, a newfound sense of responsibility driving him to do everything in his power to help.
Ten minutes later, Y/N, Toby, and his grandfather arrived at the hospital, their anxious expressions mirroring Bucky's own concern. "Where is she?" Toby's grandfather inquired, his voice trembling with worry.
Bucky relayed the nurse's assurance. "The doctor is still looking after her, but the nurse told him her breathing problem has already improved."
Relief washed over the group, evident in their collective sighs. Toby's grandfather extended his hand to Bucky in gratitude. "Thank you, young man. Thank you so much."
Though unused to such displays of appreciation, Bucky accepted the gesture with a sense of humility, his heart warmed by the genuine gratitude.
Not just him, but Y/N felt it too. Watching Bucky's efforts to help Toby and his grandparents, Y/N's perception of him changed. He wasn't the spoiled person she had initially thought him to be.
As they waited at the hospital, Bucky's thoughts drifted to his father. Reflecting on their strained relationship, he wondered when they had last spent quality time together. The sight of his father's graying hair flashed in his mind, prompting concerns about his health. Had his father undergone regular check-ups?
His musings were interrupted by Toby's grandfather's somber conversation with a doctor. "We couldn't afford the surgery," he overheard, the weight of the words settling heavily on Bucky's heart.
Caught in a moment of helplessness, Toby echoed his grandfather's sentiments. If only his father hadn't succumbed to gambling, they would have had the means to afford the necessary medical treatment for his grandmother.
Feeling helpless, Bucky watched as Toby and his family grappled with the harsh reality of their financial limitations. Meanwhile, Y/N, ever resourceful, discussed options to assist Toby's grandmother with the hospital administration.
In the midst of the chaotic scene at the hospital, Bucky felt overwhelmed by the raw emotions surrounding him. The sight of an 80-year-old man in tears and the anguished voice of another man grappling with his inability to provide for his loved one brought a lump to Bucky's throat, threatening to unleash his own flood of tears.
In stark contrast to his usual composed demeanor, Bucky clenched his fists in frustration, his heart aching with the weight of helplessness. In a world where a simple swipe of his card could solve most problems, he now found himself powerless in the face of someone else's suffering.
Determined to make a difference, Bucky stepped outside the hospital, his resolve firm as he dialed his father's number.
“Hello,” came his father's curt greeting.
“Dad. I need your help,” Bucky began, his voice tinged with urgency.
His father's response was laced with skepticism. “What did you do this time?”
Bucky's frustration mounted as he struggled to convey the gravity of the situation. “Huh? No, Dad, this isn't about me. I want to help someone.”
But his father's skepticism persisted. “Really? It's not the same as when you ask for a private jet to pick up your friends for a party?”
Bucky winced at the reminder of his past selfishness, feeling ashamed. “No, Dad, this is different. This is about someone's life. A farmer I know is facing a medical issue and can't afford surgery. I want to help them, but I don't have the money. Dad, can you help me?”
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, stretching agonizingly as Bucky waited for his father's response.
“Hello? Dad?” Bucky prompted anxiously, his heart pounding in his chest.
“How much for the surgery?” his father's voice finally broke through the silence.
Relief flooded through Bucky, gratitude welling up within him. “Thank you, Dad. You're the best. Oh, can I ask one more thing?” he added, seizing the opportunity to make another request, his mind already racing with possibilities.
As he awaited his father's response, Bucky couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, knowing that with his father's support, he could truly make a difference in someone's life.
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Inside the office, with expansive windows offering sweeping views of the city skyline, sat a man of distinguished presence. David Barnes, at 50 years old, possessed an aura of approachability coupled with an unmistakable air of authority.
David was renowned in the business world for his astute decisions and remarkable success. With a seemingly effortless knack for turning ventures into triumphs, he had earned the moniker of having a Midas touch.
Yet, despite his prowess in the realm of business, David found himself somewhat adrift when it came to matters concerning his son, Bucky. His only child, Bucky's recent actions had stirred something within David, a sense of curiosity and perhaps even pride.
As he listened to Bucky's earnest plea for assistance, David felt a stirring within him. It was a rare glimpse of the young man his son had become, a departure from the carefree persona that had once defined him.
With a decisive nod, David motioned to his secretary. “Send $20,000 to this hospital,” he instructed, his voice tinged with a quiet resolve.
The secretary, ever efficient, sought clarification. “Did Bucky get hurt?” she inquired, her concern evident in her tone.
David shook his head, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he gazed at the sunset, casting its golden hues across the city cape. “No,” he replied simply, “he's helping someone.”
At that moment, as he watched the sun dip below the horizon, David felt a swell of pride for his son, realizing that there was more to success than just business acumen—that true wealth lay in the ability to lend a helping hand to those in need.
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mercurianchild · 7 months
I read your post about Pluto-Ascendant and loved it! I have Pluto conjunct Ascendant and you nailed it. In which way also having Mars square, Neptune sextile, Saturn trine, Jupiter trine, NN square, BML sextile ( 0-degree orb ) on the Ascendant is manifesting? Could also having Venus biquintile be considered? I've heard this aspect ( as well as a quintile ) is quite underrated. What are your thoughts about all these aspects? Many thanks✨
Hey! Thank you so much! ✨
Let’s have a look at the aspects to your ascendant!
Mars Square Ascendant: The Mars square to your Ascendant adds a dynamic and assertive energy to your personality. You possess a strong drive and determination, but you may also face challenges in finding the right balance between assertion and aggression. Learning to channel this energy constructively can lead to powerful self-expression and assertiveness in pursuing your goals.
Neptune Sextile Ascendant: The Neptune sextile to your Ascendant infuses your personality with sensitivity, creativity, and a touch of mystique. You have a natural ability to tune into the emotions and needs of others, and your intuition guides you in navigating the complexities of human relationships. This aspect can also bestow a sense of idealism and spiritual insight, inspiring you to seek deeper meaning and connection in your interactions with the world.
Saturn Trine Ascendant: The Saturn trine to your Ascendant brings a sense of discipline, responsibility, and maturity to your personality. You possess a strong work ethic and a practical approach to life, which allows you to steadily pursue your goals with determination and perseverance. This aspect bestows a sense of stability and reliability, earning you the respect and admiration of others for your grounded and disciplined demeanor.
Jupiter Trine Ascendant: The Jupiter trine to your Ascendant expands your horizons and imbues your personality with optimism, confidence, and a spirit of adventure. You possess a natural charm and generosity that draws people to you, and your positive outlook on life inspires others to believe in themselves and their potential. This aspect enhances your social skills and may bring opportunities for growth and success in your personal and professional endeavors.
North Node Square Ascendant: The North Node square to your Ascendant indicates a karmic lesson or challenge related to self-expression and identity. You may feel a sense of inner conflict or tension between your past conditioning and your soul's evolutionary path. Learning to embrace authenticity and follow your true calling can lead to profound growth and fulfillment in your life's journey.
Black Moon Lilith Sextile Ascendant: The Black Moon Lilith sextile to your Ascendant adds depth and intensity to your personality. You may possess a magnetic and enigmatic allure that intrigues others, drawing them to you like moths to a flame. This aspect can also indicate a strong connection to your primal instincts and a desire for authenticity and empowerment in your interactions with others.
The Venus biquintile Ascendant aspect is not typically considered a traditional aspect in astrology, as I’ve learned. If anyone has a different way of seeing this, please let me know!
But from what I’ve read, biquintiles are considered aspects of creativity, talent, and inspiration, suggesting a harmonious blending of energies between the planets involved. In the case of Venus biquintile Ascendant, it could imply a natural affinity for expressing beauty, harmony, and artistic creativity in one’s persona and interactions with others.
These aspects combine to create a complex and multifaceted personality, blending assertiveness with sensitivity, discipline with optimism, and depth with charm. Embracing the insights and opportunities they offer can lead to deep personal growth and self-discovery as you journey towards realizing your fullest potential and finding fulfillment in life.✨🦋
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bitchy-craft · 2 years
Normal PAP's and Affirmations
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Affirmation Series:
Abundance Affirmations
Beauty Affirmations
Big And Lucious Lips Affirmations
Confidence Affirmations
Courage Affirmations
Creativity Affirmations
Dream Body Affirmations
Good Luck Affirmations
Health Affirmations
Inner Peace Affirmations
Lucid Dreaming Affirmations
Money Affirmations
Motivation Affirmations
Personal Growth Affirmations
Self-Love Affirmations
Self-Love Affirmations pt. 2 [NEW]
Strong And Beautiful Nail Growth
Success Affirmations
Spiritual Animals:
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Time Related | Pick A Piles:
How January Will Go For You
How February Will Go For You
How March Will Go For You
How April Will Go For You
How May Will Go For You
How June Will Go For You
How August Will Go For You
How September Will Go For You
How October Will Go For You
How November Will Go For You
How Your Summer Will Go
What You Should Focus On Next Week
What You’ll Learn in 2023
What You'll Learn In 2024
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Spirit Team Messages | Pick A Piles:
Your Next Shadow Work Prompt
Messages For You
Messages From Your Desires
Messages From Your Inner Child
Messages From Your Pet
Supportive Messages For You
What You Need To Look Out For
What You Need To Hear Right Now
What You Need To Work On *HARSH*
What Your Higher Self Wants To Tell You
What Your Spirit Guides Want To Tell You
Who Your Spirit Animal Is
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About You | Pick A Piles:
How People Feel In Your Presence
How To Get To Your Fullest Potential
Let's Get You Hyped Up
Let's Give You A Confidence Boost
Messages From Your Future Self
Ten Facts About Your Future Carreer
Ten Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself
What Carreer Field You'll Pursue
What Direction Your Life Is Headed In
What Is Unique About You
What Kind Of Beauty You Possess
What Kind Of Self Care You Need
What Love Will Come Your Way
What Makes You Addictive
What Makes You Beautiful
What People Admire About You
What People Envy About You
What Skill Can Make You Famous
What You Should Manifest
Who Is Thinking About You
Your Next Glow Up
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Just For Fun | Pick A Piles:
Are You On Santa's Naughty List
What Alice In Wonderland Character You Are
What Barbie You Are
What Bridgerton Character You Are
What Crystal Best Describes You
What Disney Princess You Are
What Planet You Are Associated With
What Mythological Creature You Are
What Stranger Things Character You Are
Which Princess and the Frog Song You Should Listen To
Yes or No
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theamazingmuse · 3 days
Does anyone said WINTER ARC ?
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I know that you know this term, especially on TikTok . Men love to talk about this period (October - November - December). I always said this in my posts. When you see those morning routines, how to be this or that, you don't need do those things if it's not for you.
Remember that this your life and you decide the rules.
-> This a guided plan to succeed your winter arc . No BS.
1 -Look at what you've done so far. Take a piece of paper and be blunt. What worked ? What didn't ? How did you feel this year ?
2 - What can you achieve in 3 months ? See it on a long term scale. It's useless to do things fast fast fast. You're going to lose it as fast as you reached it. For exemple, being more cultivate. Start with 3 topics that you like and look for documentary / articles about that.
3 - yes, start slow. We have so much expectations especially at the beginning (of the year) thinking that we can achieve everything. No, our old version of yourself is still here and we need to start slow to not shock this version.
4 - I guess you do this winter arc to improve yourself. You heard it before. Who you want to be ? What that version of you have ? They have an aura ? They know how to paint ? A good eloquence ? What ? Not gonna tell you to act like this version because it difficult but make some choices (slow), yet intentional choices towards this person. (the hardest part to change)
5 - If you want to be in shape, start with YouTube videos. No need to take a pilates class there is everything at home (unless you have the money to take a class). Going to the gym is easy but having the discipline is definitely not. Have a workout program, know what you want to train. There is a bunch of gym creators with your dream body.
(do not put too much pressure on yourself , it has to be enjoyable so you can stick to it)
-> practice 80/20 in you alimentation. Look at what is good for you. Regarding sugar
6 - Waking up early is for the people that don't have school or don't work traditionally. If you're a student, take some rest and be organized if you want to do this. And know what you're gonna do as an early bird
7 - if you wanna star reading, I recommend you a sky beyond the storm. This is a dystopia and I loved it. I need to read the fourth volume but it is not available for now. If you are into self development start with the 7 habits of highly effective people or the compound effect. Go with the flow, even if you read one page.
8 - Take care of yourself. Do some selfcare, massage, meditation, breath work. Learn how to do things on you own like nails, epilation, improve your makeup
9 - track what you did. On each day write down what you did and how you feel. At the start there is nothing but on December you're gonna be like WOW
10 - Lastly, at end on each week write good things that happened that week in your life. Whatever. I started by doing that and it's so peaceful. For exemple, last week I succeeded in parking the car by myself. I struggle with this pls I am just a girl . Writing this made me so happy
This period is perfect for growth. You're gonna know what you like and who you are.
I hope you stay discipline toward the person you wanna become (I wish myself that too). Everything is not gonna be perfect but always do 1%.
(if you didn't do something, be easy on yourself but don't let more that 2 days pass, get back on track)
Its gonna be challenging, not gonna lie this is hard to change. So hard. I am here to tell the truth. You're here with that version of you that you have for many years, with traumas that people gave you and now you have to deal with it alone.
There is no other choice to evolve otherwise you're gonna be the same. Go for it. I believe in you
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The end. I don't like traditional rules in those type of challenge. There is some of these things that might be true YES but it seems like you're gonna die if you don't take a cold shower or if you don't wake up early omg
I hope that is period is gonna be a good way for you end up 2024. By reading this you are a step ahead of everyone who waits 2025 lol
I love you wherever you are
theamazingmuse 🫐
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Build Unshakeable Self-Confidence
Here are some practical, no-frills mindset reframes to help you begin cultivating higher, healthy self-esteem. Consider these tips the building blocks of enduring, self-confidence. Save & share to engage in some self-love and help yourself (& others) feel your best xx
Remember Your Self-Perception is Magnetic
Discover What You Love About Yourself
Invest In Your Appearance & Social Skills
Remember You're Irreplaceable
Remember Your Self-Perception is Magnetic: Others will perceive you similarly to the way you perceive yourself. In other words, you need to tell yourself that you're a confident woman and the hottest, the most well-spoken woman in the room at all times. While it will still take some practice to maintain good posture and conversation, changing your mindset is the first (and most important) step to overcoming this confidence roadblock. Discover What You Love About Yourself: Consider your talents, skill sets, unique personality traits, appearance, sense of style, etc. Write out a list of the qualities you love about yourself. These characteristics can range from a great sense of humor and understanding subtext to a knack for mental math, cooking, or styling an outfit. Remember the valuable qualities that you bring to the table. While we're all of inherent worth, a regular reminder of our special talents can boost our confidence and make us feel more competent in different life areas/situations. Keep this list visible and read it over at least once a day until you internalize this unbreakable sense of confidence in your capabilities. Invest In Your Appearance & Social Skills: Life is about growth, progress, and personal development. So, one of the most practical ways to level up is to be more mindful of how you put yourself together daily and present yourself to others. Always ensure you look clean and polished with freshly-washed hair, manicured nails, and wrinkle-free outfits. Refine your personal aesthetic, beauty routine, and signature scent. Learn how to hold your head up high, your shoulders back, and maintain direct eye contact. Control your emotions, embrace a sense of humor, tact, and smile when appropriate. You will gain respect and instantly become magnetic. Remember You're Irreplaceable: Uniqueness makes the world go round, so always remember that you offer certain qualities and talents that add value and make others feel special. Internalize this truth and allow these gifts to be shown. You're worth it.
Build upon these mindset shifts & fully embrace your self-confidence journey with my guide: How To Cultivate Self-Love & Boost Self-Esteem. Hope this helps xx
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gooppoo · 2 years
Finding a Mate: Part 5
Requests Open!
warnings: aged up neteyam remains, y'all are fuckin again 🙄, multiple creampies, biting, scratching, sorry abt disappearing for a few days it was my bday!
tag-list: @famousbagelshandspurse
Stars were sprinkled across the rich night sky.
The ground beneath your feet was chilly and lively -- you felt Eywa breathe life into everything around you. Especially Neteyam.
To pay your respects, you let the dancing tendrils at the end of your braid wrap around a drooping growth of the spirit tree to feel electric sparks in your nerves and the lovely song of your ancestors. Overcome with feeling, you reached for Neteyam's hand and held it tight, hoping he experienced the level of intensity you were.
After hearing and seeing your loving family and friends, Neteyam and you returned to each other, taking to a magical spot beneath the tree. He sat cross-legged with his elbows connected to his knees, fist under his chin, eyes dopey. You comfortably sat with both your legs bent beside you, an arm behind you keeping you upright, hair cascading over your shoulder.
Something about Neteyam's height was already enamoring and never failed to bring about an excitement between your thighs. But now before him, seeing his taught muscles beneath tough skin, dared to break a sweat across your brow. How had you landed someone as sexy as him. No matter what he did, you were nearly dizzy with infatuation, tingling with admiration, and always hot with desire.
Unable to refrain, your pointer finger teasingly drug along his well-rounded bicep, "Neteyam...do you know how hot you make me?"
Even with all the flirting and touching he had shamelessly done earlier, your words now had straightened his spine.
"You are such a gentleman. Always an eyeful. You have something that makes me..." one perfect word to describe your yearning was deflected into a provocative sigh, "I'm happy you are my mate." An attempt to dilute the yen tension in the air.
Overcome with a waterfall of emotions, a bashful tint flushed Neteyam's cheeks, and he chuckled, "I am, too."
Your heart ached to be closer to his, skin anticipating his caress; to ameliorate this, you crawled onto his lap, knees either side of his hips. Now your chests were connected, hearts thudding rhythmically. Your skin was pleasantly warm with him close, like a hot meal on a cold day. It felt criminal not to hum at the sensation of melting against him.
His dexterous fingertips traveled across the expansiveness of your back like he was tracing patterns in the sand. All that he had to offer told you, you were safe, and most of all admired. A mane of braids lulled against your chest, nose inhaling the aroma of your oozing pheromones mimicking intoxication. Exhilaration, it was for him. Devotion, it was for you. You gasped when his sharp canines tickled your alert skin, waiting for any notion to sink his teeth deeper into you. In teasing retaliation, a handful of carefully crafted braids were clutched.
Your torso collided against Neteyam's in a grapple, the skin along your neck was pierced by his carnal bite. The burn and zing made you release something between a howl and a moan -- your nails deeply drug along his ripped back. His stiffness grew against your thigh. The inguen between your legs grew sticky. There was a sex-driven delirium fogging your mind and making you slow, but quick to extinguish your sinful desire. It made your hips buck against his and tease the desperate tent below his naval.
Neteyam nursed your love-aggressed wound with his steaming tongue, tracing the new indents of his mark and letting his eyes roll back into his skull. You frantically grabbed for his face and forced his eyes to see yours, a laughable look of primal libido and pussy-drunk befalling your characters. On the next beat your lips were crashing together with fervor, teeth clinking, but that wasn't nearly enough to deter either one of you.
Eagerly, the leadership role guided you, sending Neteyam's back to the ground below, and you to hover above him. By instinct, his hands rested on your wriggling hips. Truth be told he thought he felt your slick drip onto his loincloth, causing his naval to stir thrice as much.
Pulling away, a frustrated groan reverberated your throat, "Do you want to do this Neteyam?" You asked, hand ready to explore beneath his loincloth.
"Of course!" He panted, then his fingers wrapped around your wrist and dove your palm below his garment for you.
Like he had done your first time, your hand stroked along him, gaging the honest weight and length of Neteyam. At your touch he found himself biting his lip and trying to swallow his whimpers -- but your attentive ears didn't miss this, and even perked up at the adorable sounds he produced.
Before descending down his inches, you coated yourself and him with the abundant slick that had accumulated along your core and thighs, shivering when your fingers barely caressed your clit. A few more flicks of your wrist (this time with less friction), and you were quickly perched atop of him. It hasn't quite dawned on you how delicate Neteyam had been the first time, so when you took him in one swoop, your cunt stung and hesitated to stretch for him. The sensation made you mewl in an odd concoction of pleasure and discomfort.
"O-oh no-"
Neteyam's nails sunk into your shimmering skin, unable to keep his composure or really warn you about the cum spurting inside of you. Even his hips jutted a few times, and each time he breathlessly tried to muster out an apology. Then, his head flopped against the soft growth beneath him, clearly exhausted.
You were hesitant to speak, "...Are you okay?"
He swallowed thickly, "Y-yeah. I am sorry..."
You couldn't think of any reason for him to be sorry. Wasn't this a good thing? That meant your affect on him was stronger than either of you had anticipated.
"It is okay, really," you swept some braids from his face, "Can I move?"
After a deep breath, he nodded, and his hands returned to your hips. When you inched yourself off him you were careful to take your time, to not overstimulate him too much, and for your own comfort. Resting your hips back down brought about a familiar feeling of fullness.
Neteyam panted, "Fuck fuck fuck-"
A scratch within you was itched, and you sighed. For balance, your fingers spread across his pecs, back arched deliciously. His cum trickled down your inner thigh and his own length, beginning to form a ring of your mixture at his base.
More than anything you were testing the waters, finding what made him squeak, and you purr when that sensitive spot in you was nudged. Sometimes you'd roll your hips - "oh baby" - other times you'd ride - "mmhmm" and once in a while when Neteyam found his composure, he'd thrust in from beneath you - "just like that Neteyam."
And though you were plenty full within, your poor clit still throbbed in want. When it would lightly drag against his pelvis in a shift of position, you'd nearly go limp, the dual simulation sending you to other dimensions. But you felt your orgasm nearing - so close yet so far.
"Neteyam, mmm-" your words were being lost between your brain and your mouth "- touch me..."
"W-where?" he asked between groans, "Here?"
His thumb re-discovered your clit, feeling it pulse painfully. The moment he began to rub tender circles against it, you would clamp down on him, and you'd both call out pleasurably.
"Don't stop please don't stop..." you whined, losing your rhythm as your climax built in your naval. Neteyam stepped in and thrusted below you.
That's when you collapsed against his larger form, his hand now vigorous against your soaking clit, jutting into you shamelessly. His free arm held you stiffly against him, leaving you to do nothing but feel it.
"Neteyam, oh...OH-!"
Your body trembled against his at the rapture that was your fierce orgasm. The heat created at your groin left your muscles useless except to desperately writhe for another morsel of stimulation. Each time Neteyam stroked into you was another yelp from you, and eventually a plea.
Eventually, you both came to a stop. You shared the dense air and tried to catch your breaths. With the amount of sweat trickling down your body's, you were surprised you didn't stick to each other indefinitely, especially where your body's met below.
Now that the stretch was just too much, you pulled yourself up and grit your jaw as he descended from your center. It was your turn to collapse beside him, dizzy with the aftermath of your orgasm.
Affectionally, his hand reached for yours and held it comfortingly.
"I didn't know..." there were a few seconds dedicated to just breathing "...I could finish that quick. Or that I could finish twice."
You laughed, running your thumb across the back of his hand, "I didn't either. But now we do."
Through the spirit tree's branches the stars reappeared, shifting and twinkling in place. A bitterness made you shiver and retreat to Neteyam for some semblance of warmth. There was some middle ground between exhaustion and excitement you had wriggled into, hopeful you weren't the only one to experience this. Compulsion and muscle memory had you peppering kisses on his collar bone. His fingers lazily adjusted your hair.
"Will your parents be upset?" You wondered aloud.
Neteyam paused to think. Then scoffed his answer: "If they are, it is not important."
A curious smile appeared on your lips, "Want to find out?"
As you traveled back to his home to finish your approval meeting - at a very very late hour - you tried to fix the aspects of you that were a clear indication of what had happened minutes ago. Combing through your hair with your fingers, wiping away the dribbling cum beading down your legs. Neteyam spent his time trying to rid the scenario in his mind, fearful he'd get excited. When you approached the home, you paused to share some mischievous laughter, before masking your expressions with seriousness and stepping inside.
You were first met with Neytiri picking up around the home, "Hm," she began distastefully, "You two are nothing but trouble."
You could feel Neteyam roll his eyes. Then Jake came into view.
"It's uh- it's getting late. You should probably take her home son." The head of the household nodded toward the exit.
But, Neteyam didn't accept these answers, once again guiding you toward them proudly. Nervousness tickled your skin and made your heart grow almost too big for your chest...then you felt Neteyam rub along your back, and some of your clenched muscles learned to relax.
As confidently as you could manage, you cleared your throat and spoke with pithy: "Thank you for letting me into your home, and the chance to care for your son. I hope-"
Jake chuckled and stepped up to rest a hand on your shoulder, "Take it easy kid before you hurt yourself. Neteyam is all yours." He patted your arm and winked light-heartedly. Neytiri noticed this exchanged and added a few words, "If Eywa has accepted you, than I have. Continue to care for him." Her scowl had eased into something more neutral, scraping the surface of the closure you had nearly begged for.
You were quick to administer your thank you's, promising to be all you could for the warrior who had chosen to mate with you. To Neteyam's parents this seemed overkill, but they accepted all your frantic politeness anyhow. After wishing you a restful night, Neteyam ushered you outside the home to return you.
Like an elder couple leisurely enjoying each other, you swung your clasped hands and walked with a care-free pace.
"I knew they would like you." Neteyam mumbled, amusingly.
Now that the situation was put to rest, you could openly laugh about it. And now, you could laugh at Neteyam, too.
"Are you ready to win the approval of my parents."
"Pssh-" he tried to brush off his obvious anxiety "- who would not accept someone who has scars that were treated by none other than their own daughter? You are will be doing more convincing than me."
You pondered his words, "Will I now?" Both of your hands had fallen into his as you arrived at your home, and he nodded in false-confidence, "If some how they say no, I will throw myself in front of more danger, so I can ask you out again, and this time do it right."
"What was wrong about our time together?"
He dropped his head to the side and eyed you, smile never leaving his face. Suddenly he leaned in, lips dusting over your cheeks and spreading warmth across your skin until he reached your ear, "It is late, pretty girl, if I stay much longer, neither of us will sleep."
Lust rippled down your spine and made goose bumps rise on your skin. Unprompted, your fingers tightened around his sizable palms and your teeth pinched your bottom lip. Your unabashed desire left you reaching for the beaded necklace fitted around his neck, grasping it sensually. He chuckled into the junction of your neck, wanting nothing more than to take you then and there, but the time was too ill-fitting.
Gently, he pried your fingers from his accessory, "Not now, but I promise, soon."
Embarrassed by your quickness, you accepted the loving kisses planted on your cheeks, and a final one on your welcoming lips. On the next beat, Neteyam was slowly leaving your embrace, his extended arm and fingers the last to leave you. If possible, little fluttering hearts would be circling your head; you were enamored.
Who would've know the man you had patched up more times than you could count, would be the one making you this love sick?
Neteyam did.
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chiesdecayiing · 10 days
 ✚𓈒  ana guide  ⧽
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 ౨ৎ  note ; Block me instead of reporting me please, these are based off of my own experiences! ~
 ✿ ⠀Chapter 1 ; Symptoms
Osteopenia (Thinning of the bones): Poor nutrition, excessive exercise, and/or purging (such as by vomiting or laxative abuse) can cause an unhealthy, low body weight When this happens, less weight bears on your bones. This can lead to bone loss and potential loss of muscle that supports and strengthens your bones. So… How do you deal with it? Vitamin and mineral supplements: You might need over-the-counter or prescription calcium or vitamin D supplements. try doing weight-bearing and resistance exercises 3 or 4 days a week. Weight-bearing exercises focus on carrying the weight of your body against gravity. Walking is a great weight-bearing activity, as are running, dancing, aerobics, hiking and tennis, but remember don’t over do it, you can’t be skinny when you’re dead.
Anemia and muscle wasting and weakness: Reduced blood flow: Anemia can limit the delivery of nutrients to muscles and joints, increasing stiffness. Increased lactic acid: Muscles deprived of oxygen produce more lactic acid, leading to cramps. Weakened muscles: Over time, anemia can weaken muscles. This makes them more susceptible to pain and injury. What to do against it? eat iron-rich foods, including lean red meats, fish and poultry, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), fortified cereals and dark green leafy vegetables; eat foods rich in vitamin C (such as fruits and vegetables) which help the body absorb iron, don’t forget to do sport, and eat when you’re hungry.
Brittle hair and nails: Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, helps the body convert food into energy. A deficiency in biotin is somewhat rare, but when it occurs, brittle, thinning, or splitting hair and nails are some of the most noticeable symptoms. So here’s what to do against it! Eat a diet rich in nutrients such as vitamins A and C, zinc, and biotin. Stay hydrated; water can help strengthen your hair and keep it from drying out. Keep your nails short to minimize nail surface area, where water and chemicals can be absorbed. Use a fine emery board to file your nails. Don't pick or bite your nails or cuticles. Buff your nails in the same direction as the nail grows. Consider applying a nail hardener to help strengthen nails. Switch to a shampoo and conditioner designed for damage control. Don't skip conditioner. Choose hair styling products made with hydrating ingredients.
Dry and yellowish skin: Carotenemia may be related to restricted dietary habits, hyperlipidemia, or a deficiency in the conversion of carotene into vitamin A by the liver. So here’s what helps! Moisturize. Apply moisturizer several times a day, especially when your skin feels dry and after handwashing or bathing, while your skin is still moist. Vitamin C, D, E and anti-inflammatory! vitamin B12 deficiency can cause yellowish skin so make sure to include it in your diet.
Lanugo (Growth of fine hair all over the body): with anorexia often lack important nutrients that help keep the body insulated and warm, so as a response lanugo develops to act as a protective layer. Here’s what you can eat to get your nutrients! Green, leafy vegetables, Orange and red produce, Nuts and seeds, beans, Whole grains, Egg yolks.
Low blood pressure: Low blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is much lower than normal. This means the heart, brain, and other parts of the body may not get enough blood. Normal blood pressure is mostly between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80 mmHg.
Here are the risks of an eating disorder.
Organ failure , Brain damage , Hair loss , severe constipation , slowed breathing and pulse
 ✿ ⠀Chapter 2 soon (^_^)
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i-mybrunettelady · 4 days
hail, mighty hero
zaeim and nyra share a moment in kourna. set during long live the lich (lws4). mind the spoilers. 2k words. mature.
Allied Encampment is bustling with life. But it’s not the kind of life that would indicate happiness; in Zaeim’s head, that kind of life is almost a fragment of his imagination. It certainly is for the poor souls of Istan, or even Vabbi. Here in Kourna and the real world, it’s a life of anxiety, a life of uncertainty, of vague hope. People are carrying their restlessness with them and looking up at the leaders of this makeshift resistance group to make sense of it. 
Zaeim feels that burden intensely. He guides his Sunspears, makes plans, tries his hardest to not break nor bend under pressure. Every time he sees a wounded or dying Elonian, he sends a prayer to Kormir and it weighs his heart down even further. Every time there’s an accident, or a failed scouting mission, Zaeim wonders if they’re all going to die and Joko will remain the tyrant of Elona forever. 
So when he feels this way, he turns to Nyra. She stands tall, proud, indomitable and entirely mad. Her eyes shine with something wild and barely restrained, like fate itself had carved a chasm in her soul so now she’s trying to rebuild it back with parts of the real world. She attracts attention wherever she goes and people flock to her like moths to flame. From a distance, she looks radiant. Up close, Zaeim wonders when she’s going to burn out entirely. 
She can’t seem to fight off a sunburn from days in the sands and amongst the army. Her hair, short, messy and in constant disarray, has lightened to a near blonde, a contrast to the areas of her face that caught the beginnings of a tan. She has growing dark circles under her eyes and ever-present dirt beneath her nails, be it blood or tar or whatever else. Comfortable tunics she wears are more filled with creases and dust by the day, patched where they’d gotten nicked in the fights with Awakened. She hardly looks like their leader, Zaeim thinks, as worn out and bitter and restless as everyone else. 
He knows deep down, however, that it is her light this whole thing is centered around. And so, he can’t look away. Especially not when they’re discussing tactics, when she’s explaining things in that strangely accented Elonian of hers, or when she settles on a decision and cuts a clear line in the sand. I have listened to your suggestions. From this point on, you are with me or against me. 
Hardly anyone dares oppose her.
And thus Zaeim finds himself drawn to the moments where he’s with her. He likes the reassurance in her eyes. He likes the subtle nature of her smiles. “I’ve never been very expressive, in terms of.. Face,” she said one night, reclining against a wall. Zaeim raised his gaze to her face. “Do you mind that?”
“Some people are simply not,” he replied, with more eagerness than he’d intended. “I don’t doubt that you’re genuine about this and about Elona. Kormir knows you want Joko dead as much as anyone else here.” 
“There can only be one biggest dick in this desert, yeah?” she huffed and blew a curl of hair away from her nose. “For fuck’s sake, I need my hair to grow faster.” 
Zaeim smiled. “That growth spurt went elsewhere with you, it would seem.” 
Nyra laughed. It was a solid, deep sound, echoing in the small cottage they’d claimed as their base of command. “I’d say Joko stole it and I wanna get it back.” 
“Or Sayida.” 
“Sayida is wiser than Joko.” 
Zaeim shook his head. “Debatable, but I will not argue with you.” 
“That’s smart,” Nyra said, in a gravelly tone. If he hadn’t known better, he would’ve suspected a threat. “You are wise too.” 
Zaeim doesn’t consider himself wise. He doesn’t think Nyra herself is wise, either. All he knows is that between them, and supposedly Sayida, and the Olmakhan and the Primeval ghosts, they can take down Joko and see a free Elona. 
Sometimes, that is enough. 
Other times, though, he wants to see Nyra the woman, Nyra the person behind the legend. Then he watches her movements, and notices, rather quickly, that her right shoulder is almost always stiff by the end of the day. She’s careful to not move her right hand much unless she has to, and the occasional stretch she does brings about a pained expression. She doesn’t bring it up, however. 
He understands. He has old wounds too. But in the grand scheme of Alysannyra Ainsaph, that one thing feels like a game changer. She goes from a symbol to a person, and from person to a symbol in a way Zaeim is familiar with, as the Spearmarshal. It makes him want to hold her close, feel the heat of her skin and the roughness of her sunburnt cheeks, in a union that so few people can actually understand. 
She comes to him in a dream, once, and there, she kisses him. And maybe Joko kills them all without Zaeim ever having tried to recreate that dream in real life. Zaeim hopes he musters up the courage to try. 
Opportunity presents itself rather unexpectedly. There is an Awakened Inquest incursion that Nyra herself chooses to annihilate, and that has her painfully rolling her shoulder to try and relieve the ache of it all day. In a break between planning, when the maps are in the safety of Canach’s hands for the moment, Zaeim takes a chance to lean in and whisper in Nyra’s ear, “Does your shoulder hurt?” 
Nyra almost hits his head as she raises hers. “What?” 
Zaeim blinks and steps away. “I noticed your shoulder is stiff and I wanted to offer relief. There is something that us Sunspears use and that I have a little bit of in my pack for old injuries.” 
“Relief, Spearmarshal?” Canach snickers, still looking at the maps. “I do think our dear Commander would love some relief! She’s had so much on her shoulders for this little war of yours–” 
“That’s what you take from this,” Nyra drawls, unimpressed. “Anyone you wanna fuck, Canach?” Zaeim blushes. 
“My hand suffices, Commander.” 
“Good. Stay out of the poor Spearmarshal’s business then. Maybe his hand doesn’t suffice.” 
Miraculously, Canach backs down. He offers Nyra a smile and returns the maps in her hands. “I will ponder on the tactics, Nyra,” he says quietly. “I will also see if Gorrik has any advice on the matter.” 
“Gorrik?” Nyra raises an eyebrow. She huffs out a breath and leans in. “Lie better next time, you asshat.” 
Canach grins. “He knows more than you think he does, Nyra.” 
“Oh, indeed.” 
“Get lost, though,” she jerks her head towards the door. “Think about tactics elsewhere.” 
Canach salutes her and heads to the door. He makes sure to close them as loudly as he possibly can without breaking the damn thing. Zaeim watches him go and crosses his arms over his chest. His face feels hot still and he digs his nails into the exposed skin of his upper arms. Yes, Kormir curse him, he does want to sleep with Nyra, and is that a crime? Is it a bad thing if a man wants to sleep with a woman? 
“Zaeim,” Nyra says, “if you frown any harder, you’ll get a permanent wrinkle.” 
“Wrinkles are the least of my concerns,” Zaeim grumbles and looks away. He then clears his throat. “I hope you’re not offended that I–” 
“That you find me attractive?” Nyra taps a nail against the table. The wide stance she’d assumed earlier when talking to Canach now becomes a long, lean form. The wood creaks under her weight when she leans against the table. “No.” 
“But?” Zaeim looks back at her again. She’s rubbing her clothed arms. She’s the only fully clothed and covered person in this entire camp, barring Gorrik and Taimi. She has bandages up to her knuckles. “Are you hurt?”
“Zaeim, I’m more scar tissue than skin behind this patched up tunic,” she says after a while and laughs awkwardly. Zaeim stares. It somehow never crossed his mind that she too might have insecurities. His head has a hard time wrapping itself around that notion, that the Godkiller and Dragonslayer is insecure about her scars of all things. 
“That is hardly a concern to me, if it is any consolation,” he offers softly. “There are a lot of scarred Sunspears.” 
She looks him up and down. Her eyes linger on his arms and legs and on the peek of his chest, before she looks him directly in the eye. Zaeim squirms under inspection. He knows he looks older than he is; life of a Sunspear is hardly easy, and beauty is the first thing to go when you choose to defy Joko. In the grand scheme of things, it’s least relevant. But right now Zaeim wishes very hard that he’d been born a noble, a prince of Vabbi or Istan, someone she would find easy to look at. 
“For what’s worth, I think you’re attractive too,” she says and Zaeim’s head shoots up. She sounds a little sad. 
Zaeim breathes out. “I still have my ointment, if you’d like it.” 
She considers for a moment, and as if to prove a point, goes to roll her shoulder. She stops halfway. “Yes,” she says. She rises from the table that creaks thankfully, and carefully pulls some of her tunic down to reveal her right shoulder. Zaeim sees the tail ends of angry, dark pink burns, but when she catches it, she raises the sleeve so they’re covered again. 
He doesn’t ask. Instead, he points towards a little stool near him. She walks over, playing with the material of her sleeve, and turns her back to him as she sits. His breath catches in his throat. The scar there is gnarly, deep, like something had tried to tear her spine off. It sits in an uneven line at a weird angle too. 
“It would’ve been worse without surgery,” she says, distantly. 
“Is there a way to–”
“No.” The finality of her response makes him close his mouth and dig through his pack. He unscrews the little clay pot and a familiar, slightly pungent scent spreads across the room. Zaeim says nothing as he softly rubs the cream into the knotted flesh. The only sounds in the room are the scoops his fingers make and their breathing, rugged and tense. 
She has tan lines, he notices. Her skin is hot where he touches it. Every so often she turns her head to look at him, and her eyes seem so impossibly big and insistent, conflicted in a way he can’t possibly decode. The sunburn makes their purple hue stand out even more. Zaeim’s hands itch to touch and caress more of her. He imagines his lips on her exposed neck, his hands in her hair. This close, she’s less of a symbol and more of a living, breathing person, with dark circles and a haunted stare and greasy hair, and he cannot get enough of it. 
“Kiss me,” she says. Her voice is rough and rich and breathy. It echoes in Zaeim’s ears like a drum. 
“Gladly,” Zaeim mutters and closes the clay pot. He could die tomorrow; it would’ve been a damn shame if he didn’t leap at an opportunity to kiss her. The pot clinks as he returns it carelessly to his pack and washes his hands free of the ointment. Nyra watches him with a strange expression. 
“What?” Zaeim asks and his heart wants to beat out of his chest. He feels its thunder in his throat. 
“You remind me of someone,” she says softly. “It’s– it was a man as dedicated to his dream and his duties as you are.” The way she implies the man is dead makes it seem targeted, almost a reproach. She’d mentioned a lover before, back in Tyria, but that he is dead. Zaeim has no idea who this man is and senses the topic is too raw to discuss further, but he wonders.
Self reproach is the only thing worse than regret. 
Zaeim crouches before her. This close, she smells like the cream he’d put on her and sweat. “Do you want me to kiss you? Truly?” 
Her eyes blaze. “Enough consideration,” she bites out, “I’m not fragile, for fuck’s sake!” And she pulls him to her and crashes her lips to his, digs her hands in his locs. Zaeim moans under the attention, and he would’ve felt bad about it if it wasn’t swallowed by the domineering force of her lips on his, even if closed. He doesn’t know what to do with his hands. 
After a moment, she takes her head back a little, as if snapped out of a daze. “You probably wanted something sweeter,” she says quietly. “This was anything but.” 
“I will not lie,” he replies, “my usual idea of a first kiss is something that isn’t a metaphorical devouring.” 
Nyra blinks. “We can kiss slowly, if you’d like,” she says and plays with his locs. And then adds, with a grief so big it could swallow the world, “It’s been a long while since I had one of those. Probably don’t deserve them either. But..” 
Zaeim stands up. “This chair is a little uncomfortable,” he says. Nyra follows suit, close enough so he can feel the heat of her body. “I am certain there are more comfortable places in this house for people to kiss.” 
“Walls have hardly ever failed,” she suggests. Finding a little nook that’s big enough for both of them is a challenge, but when they finally do, and when he kisses her again, with his hands on her ass, the world falls away. 
Kormir knows they both need this. Kormir knows they both need a lot of things. And thankfully, Kormir, bless Her, provides. 
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