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The Vatican unveiled its annual Nativity scene earlier this evening, paying special tribute to the origins of the beloved tradition on its 800th anniversary.
The scene in St. Peter’s Square depicts not only Mary and Joseph standing beside the manger, but also St. Francis of Assisi, who organized the first Nativity scene in a cave in the Italian village of Greccio on Christmas Eve in 1223.
Cardinal Fernando Végez Alzaga, the president of the Governate of the Vatican City State, presided over the December 9 inauguration ceremony.
More than a thousand people gathered in the square for the event, which included moments of catechesis, an explanation of how the scene was put together and the signing of seasonal hymns.
The Vatican’s Greccio-inspired Nativity scene does not include live animals and people, as St. Francis’ original did, but it does feature life-size terracotta figures, crafted by renowned Neapolitan sculptor Antonio Cantone.
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At the center of the scene is the now-empty manger, where a figure of the Newborn Savior will be placed on Christmas Eve.
On one side of manger, a statue of Mary kneels, flanked by a rendition of St. Joseph, while on the other side, a statue of St. Francis of Assisi stands in a pose of wonder.
In addition to the figures of Mary, Joseph, St. Francis, and the traditional ox and donkey, the 13th-century mayor of Greccio who helped organize the first Nativity scene, Giovanni Velita, is featured in statue form, along with his wife, Alticama.
Three Franciscan friars, whom St. Francis had tasked with setting up the first Nativity scene as a place where local faithful could come and contemplate the poverty of the Incarnate Lord, are also depicted.
The backdrop of the scene is a replica of the fresco that decorates the Chapel of the Nativity in Greccio, which is built into the grotto where St. Francis set up the first Nativity scene.
On one half of the fresco, the saint is shown kneeling in adoration of the Christ Child; on the other side, Mary is depicted feeding the Newborn Savior, while the figures of Joseph, the ox and the donkey look on.
Underneath the fresco, a Franciscan friar is depicted celebrating Mass in the grotto.
The friar elevates the Body of Christ directly behind the manger.
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In another fitting tribute to the Nativity scene’s origins, this year’s Vatican display was provided by the Diocese of Rieti, which is where Greccio is located.
The Vatican’s Christmas tree was also lit at the December 9 ceremony.
The tree, an 80-foot-tall fir, had been donated by the Italian community of Macra, located in the northwest of Italy.
The tree was adorned with edelweiss flowers that are native to the Alpine region.
Upon lighting, it glowed with ever-changing patterns of green, blue and red.
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After the tree’s use in St. Peter’s Square, its wood will be used to make toys for children in need.
Earlier in the day, Pope Francis spoke to delegations of the two communities that had donated the Nativity scene and the Christmas tree.
The Pope said that meditating in front of any Nativity scene should “awaken in us the nostalgia for silence and prayer, in our often so-hectic daily life.”
The Pope also said that the Vatican Nativity scene’s connection to Greccio should in turn prompt people to think and pray for the inhabitants of the Holy Land amid the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, especially children and their parents affected by the conflict.
“These are the ones who pay the real price of war,” Pope Francis said.
Both the Nativity scene and the tree will remain in St. Peter’s Square until the feast of the Baptism of the Lord on 7 January 2024.
Source: National Catholic Register
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Highlights: Inauguration of the Nativity scene and lighting of the Christmas tree on 9 December 2023
10 December 2023
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gregor-samsung · 9 months
“ A partire dal 1223 si apre il periodo che i biografi [di san Francesco d'Assisi] definiscono della «grande tentazione», tentazione di abbandonare tutto, di disinteressarsi completamente della comunità, forse di non avere più fiducia in Dio. Ma ci sono momenti di remissione: uno di questi è la grandiosa celebrazione del Natale nell'eremo di Greccio nel 1223. Francesco organizza una sacra rappresentazione corale che trasforma in attore anche il pubblico accorso ad assistervi. Chiama un nobile di nome Giovanni, «di buona fama e di vita ancor migliore» sul cui affetto e devozione sa di potere contare e gli ordina, quindici giorni prima di Natale, di preparare lo scenario adatto. Dice all'amico: «Voglio rappresentare quel Bambino nato a Betlemme come se in qualche modo avessi davanti agli occhi i disagi in cui si è trovato per la mancanza delle cose necessarie a un neonato, come fu posto in una greppia e come stette sul fieno fra il bue e l'asino». Dobbiamo immaginare che per evocare la grotta siano state adattate le rocce della montagna, magari allargando qualche cavità naturale, oppure che per accogliere anche i fedeli sia stata costruita con tronchi d'albero una grande capanna? Quindici giorni sono un tempo eccessivo, se dedicati soltanto a preparare un po' di fieno e a condurre sul luogo due animali. Il bue e l'asino non fanno parte del racconto evangelico della Natività, ma furono aggiunti dai Vangeli apocrifi. Francesco, sensibile al messaggio delle immagini, ritenne bue e asinello indispensabili al suo teatro sacro.
Il racconto di Tommaso da Celano sembra la descrizione di un meraviglioso presepio vivente: vediamo accorrere «molti frati da varie parti; uomini e donne arrivano festanti dai casolari della regione, portando, ciascuno secondo le sue possibilità, ceri e fiaccole per illuminare quella notte nella quale s'accese splendida la Stella che illuminò tutti i giorni e i tempi. [...] Questa notte è chiara come pieno giorno e dolce agli uomini e agli animali. La gente accorre e si allieta di una gioia mai assaporata prima, davanti al nuovo mistero. La selva risuona di voci e le rupi imponenti echeggiano i cori festosi. I frati cantano scelte lodi al Signore, e la notte sembra tutto un sussulto di gioia. [...] Poi il sacerdote celebra solennemente l'Eucarestia sul presepio e lui stesso assapora una consolazione mai gustata prima». Francesco è felice, profondamente commosso. Si riveste di paramenti diaconali e canta con la sua bella voce il Vangelo, predica con parole dolcissime, trascina ed entusiasma gli astanti rievocando la piccola città di Betlemme, il Bambino divino e poverissimo, con tale entusiasmo infuocato che un cavaliere, forse il medesimo Giovanni, ebbe una visione: «Gli sembrava infatti che un neonato giacesse esanime nella mangiatoia, che il santo di Dio si avvicinasse e destasse quel medesimo bambino da quella specie di sonno profondo. Questa visione non manca - conclude Tommaso da Celano - di un suo significato perché davvero il fanciullo Gesù giaceva dimenticato nel cuore di molti e per grazia di Cristo, tramite il servo suo Francesco, fu risuscitato e il suo ricordo impresso in una memoria di nuovo partecipe». Nella preghiera composta da Francesco per il Vespro di Natale, alla descrizione della nascita nella mangiatoia segue la citazione della lode angelica: «Pace in terra agli uomini di buona volontà» (Lc 2,14): Cristo è venuto a portare la pace, quella pace che gli uomini non sanno trovare proprio nei luoghi dove egli nacque, la pace che Francesco era andato ad annunciare prima ai crociati e poi al sultano, e vorrebbe accolta dai conterranei, dai frati, dalla Chiesa. “
Chiara Frugoni, Vita di un uomo: Francesco d'Assisi, introduzione di Jacques Le Goff, Einaudi (collana ET Saggi n° 824), 2006⁶; pp. 112-113.
[Prima edizione: 1995]
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radiotusciaevents · 10 months
Greccio accoglie il primo film che ne racconta la storia
Ottocento anni dopo aver ospitato il primo presepio della storia, Greccio accoglie il primo film che ne racconta la storia. Domenica 17 dicembre alle 18.15 a Greccio, nel Santuario francescano del Presepio, verrà infatti proiettato La Stella di Greccio di Arnaldo Casali, che narra la nascita del Presepio a Greccio nel 1223 per iniziativa di Francesco d’Assisi. Prodotto da ConfraTerni e Istess…
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umbriasud · 2 years
Marmore, resta chiusa un'altra settimana la strada per Piediluco
“Stiamo proseguendo con le verifiche sul costone sovrastante la Sp 79 Ternana nella zona di Mazzelvetta (Marmore). L’obiettivo è terminare a breve i sondaggi e mettere in sicurezza la parti che risulteranno più a rischio. Entro la prossima settimana prenderemo le misure che risulteranno necessarie”. A dirlo la presidente Laura Pernazza e il consigliere delegato alla viabilità Sergio Armillei a…
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ukdamo · 2 years
Francis at Greccio
Bonaventure OFM - in his Life of St Francis. 
“It happened in the third year before his death, that in order to excite the inhabitants of Greccio to commemorate the nativity of the Infant Jesus with great devotion, [St. Francis] determined to keep it with all possible solemnity; and lest he should be accused of lightness or novelty, he asked and obtained the permission of the sovereign Pontiff.”
“Then he prepared a manger, and brought hay, and an ox and an ass to the place appointed. The brethren were summoned, the people ran together, the forest resounded with their voices, and that venerable night was made glorious by many and brilliant lights and sonorous psalms of praise. The man of God [St. Francis] stood before the manger, full of devotion and piety, bathed in tears and radiant with joy; the Holy Gospel was chanted by Francis, the Levite of Christ. Then he preached to the people around the nativity of the poor King; and being unable to utter His name for the tenderness of His love, He called Him the Babe of Bethlehem. A certain valiant and veracious soldier, Master John of Greccio, who, for the love of Christ, had left the warfare of this world, and become a dear friend of this holy man, affirmed that he beheld an Infant so marvellous sleeping in the manger, Whom the blessed Father Francis embraced with both his arms, as if he would awake Him from sleep (…)”.
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ignacionovo · 9 months
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¡Hola, buenos días, humanidad! 🌍 ¡Feliz domingo! 🎄🎅🎁❄️⛄️🔔🌟 Hoy os dejo una imagen del portal de Belén y os cuento que su origen se sitúa en la Edad Media, en el año 1223 y tres años antes del fallecimiento de San Francisco de Asís. Con la autorización del papa Honorio III, el humilde fraile franciscano llevó a cabo una conmovedora misa de Navidad en el pueblo de Greccio. En este evento, se representó la escena del Nacimiento con una imagen del Niño Jesús, el buey y la mula, creando un cuadro emotivo que se acompañó con canciones y poesías populares. Religiosos de diversas regiones, junto con hombres y mujeres del lugar, fueron invitados a participar en esta Nochebuena iluminada por luces y antorchas.  
La emotividad de este acontecimiento conmovió profundamente a la gente, extendiendo la costumbre a lo largo de los años en otros pueblos y ciudades. Los franciscanos fueron los pioneros en la representación plástica del aniversario de la Natividad. 
Para tener en cuenta... 
Recuerda que la Nochebuena nos brinda la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre el año que se va, agradecer por las bendiciones y renovar nuestros lazos afectivos. Es un momento para abrazar a nuestros seres queridos, valorar lo que realmente importa y abrazar el espíritu de la generosidad y la compasión.  
Que esta Nochebuena nos deje corazones llenos de amor, memorias preciosas y la esperanza de un futuro lleno de alegría compartida. ¡Feliz Nochebuena, querida familia! Que el calor de nuestro amor continúe iluminando nuestros días en el año venidero. 
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marcelskittels · 2 years
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Primož Roglič of Slovenia and Team Jumbo-Visma celebrates at finish line as stage winner during the 58th Tirreno-Adriatico 2023, Stage 4 a 218km stage from Greccio to Tortoreto on March 09, 2023 in Tortoreto, Italy. (Photos by Tim de Waele/Getty Images)
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thegothicera · 9 months
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St. Francis Setting Up the First Nativity Scene (Presepe) at Greccio in 1223, fresco at the San Francesco Convent in Pistoia executed by Antonio Vite, ca. 1390-1400
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anastpaul · 6 months
Saint of the Day – 19 March – Blessed John of Parma OFM (c1209-1289) Priest
Saint of the Day – 19 March – Blessed John of Parma OFM (c1209-1289) Priest and Friar of the Friars Minor, the 7th Minister General of the Order (1247–1257) and a noted Theologian. He was known for his attempts to bring back the earlier spirit of the Order after the death of Saint Francis of Assisi. Born in 1209 at Parma, Italy as Giovanni Burali and died in 1289 at Greccio, Italy of natural…
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careful-disorder · 9 months
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Institution of the Crib at Greccio (1223), Saint Francis cycle in the Upper Church of San Francesco at Assisi
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allaboutjoseph · 10 months
Plenary Indulgence - 800th Centenary of the Nativity Scene in Greccio
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rg-realgb-fanfic · 2 years
After Diagnosis & Stabilized POTS (Part 2)
Part 2
NOTE: This runs with my AU that Peter has POTS and Anemia. This story is the first one after diagnosis and after he's been "stabilized".
Please read the explanation post at the top of this blog.
I lied! Here is part 2. I realized it was better written than I thought it was. Enjoy! :D
Peter steps out of the cab slowly making sure not to move too quickly. He didn’t want to pass out before he even got to the table. He turns and pays the cab driver, “Will you be picking up again later tonight?”
“I plan to be around, why?”
“Good, you may get a repeat customer.” He grins at him before turning back to the restaurant. It wasn’t anywhere fancy but it was something different that wasn’t home cooked. Now he just had to find his dad. He turned starting to look around the dark landscape.
They had an out door seating area that had warm lights on strands surrounding it with music playing – a nice atmosphere. It could be fun to sit outside for a change. He started to walk over to see if a table was available when he saw his dad had beat him to it.
“Peter! My boy! You made it!” Charlie got up from the patio table walking over to him. “You look great – how are you?”
Peter tried not flinch as his arm was tugged and he was led to the table. He never did like when his dad got physical with him. Not that his dad had hurt him in anyway like that but usually when his dad was affectionate it meant he needed something. “I’m alright, pops. How are you? I haven’t seen you in months. I thought you were going back to the farm?”
“I was …er did. I got bored and came back up here again.” After his son sat down, Charlie joined him sitting across from him at the table. “Want some beer? Wine? Appetizer?”
Peter eyed him suspiciously, “Bored? That’s entire point of being at the farm - Is to be relaxed and bored.” He sits back and crosses his arms. “No alcohol for me. I need to walk back.”
“Huh, that’s a first. Usually you jump at free alcohol. Are you sure you’re feeling ok?”
“Dad, I’m fine. I promise. Just ..just trying to be healthier that’s all.” Peter could tell he wasn’t falling for it, “Look, I have a big ghost busting job tonight and can’t be tipsy. It’s an important client, big house, lots of expensive stuff… would rather not run up a bill kinda thing.”  
Charlie raised an eyebrow looking up at his son before shaking his head, “Alright then. What would you like to drink? You like Coke right?”
“Sure.. a coke and a water.” Peter then took the menu from his dad and started to look through it. He realized he hadn’t chosen his own food in nearly two months. What did people with anemia eat anyway and what’s more – what could he stomach. Now that he was here, the butterflies were back and he felt sick to his stomach.
His mind was racing wanting to know what his dad wanted from him. What mess had he made that he’d have to clean up. He was so exhausted he didn’t think he had the energy to even begin to clean up something like whatever this was.
“Yes, he’d like a coke and a water… and I’ll take some wine – Pinot Greccio, please. Yes that’s perfect and we’ll get some onion rings as an appetizer.”
He sighed hearing his dad order them some drinks and food as he hid behind his menu.
Meals together were always so awkward between the two of them. Even more so now that Peter was on edge and didn’t want his father to know any of what was going on. The talking went silent between the two of them as they both decided what to eat once the waitress left.
Charlie looked over his menu concerned. His son looked pale, like he hadn’t been out in the sun for a while and exhausted. He could see what was left of the dark circles under his eyes. This was off character for Peter. He was always out and about doing something. Even with the ghost busting jobs he still had somewhat of a tan. “Peter,” he started sounding serious. “Are you feeling alright? You’re looking a bit pale. Have you been sick?”
Peter nearly dropped the menu. He hadn’t expected to be asked out right like that. Was it that obvious he wasn’t feeling well? “Sick? Me? NO! Of course not, just uh…the anemia kicked up a bit. It’s nothing serious.”
“Son, I may not be the best at much but I’m not blind. Did you get hurt on a job?”
“Dad, please. I’m okay.” He pleaded wanting his dad just to drop it.
They went quiet as the drinks were delivered.
Peter was starting to feel lite headed as his heart rate started to rise. His chest was starting to hurt. He took a few deep breaths trying to calm himself down, it wasn’t worth it. He’d just gotten here.
He could feel his dad looking at him and could see he was worried. He took another deep breath and reached out for the water taking a few sips of it hoping to calm what was going on inside. It seemed to help and he was able to relax a bit. He sat back into the chair hoping the lite headedness would go away.
“Ok, I see when I’m not wanted.. I’ll stop prying.”
Peter’s heart sank, he sighed. “N-No… dad its not… please. A lot has gone on lately ok? I’m just tired. It’s been rough.”
“Work has been that bad? Maybe its you who needs to come back to the farm.” Charlie joked not liking how his son looked.
“Can we just drop it? What’s the real reason you wanted me to meet you.” Peter finally asked.
“The real reason? Can’t I just want a meal with my son?” The older man asked sipping at his wine, “I mean it’s been months as you said.”
“You could have just as easily called, pops. We have these new inventions called telephones, not sure if you’ve heard of them.” Peter forced himself to sit up, he shivered unexpectedly. “Now what do you want?”
“Want? Well, I came up with a new business idea. One I think you’ll enjoy.” Charlie started off grinning.  He bent down to get his suitcase and put it up on the table, as he did he saw Peter fighting to stay up right. From where he was the lights shown on his son, Peter looked like he was sweating. He sat up straight in his chair and made a point to flip open the top of the suitcase so it looked like he wasn’t staring. “It’s ghost related.. what if we take a few of the ghosts from the ones you boys caught and you just let me borrow them and I “let them loose” out in the country? Get you boys some work out of New York.”
Peter shivered again unable to stop it from happening. He felt sick to his stomach again. He reaches forward unable to hide his shaking hand as he picks up the cup of water. This time water sloshes out onto the table.
“Peter?” Charlie got up and was by his side to catch the glass. “Ok, easy. What’s wrong.” He did his best to downplay it so no one would suspect anything. As he grabbed Peter’s shoulder to keep him from falling, he felt how fast his son’s heart rate was. “Are you having a heart attack?”
“N-No… I-I..I’m ok..just…just need to calm down.”
Wordlessly, Charlie grabbed one of the napkins and dipped it into the water before placing it on one of his sons wrists to help cool him down. As he did he saw something shiny hit the light. His eyes widened, “Peter! That’s a medical bracelet.”
Peter attempted to pull away but he was fighting his body too hard to keep from passing out. “J-Just anemia… don’t over react.”
Charlie caught his arm and pulled his sleeve down before getting a hand on the bracelet. He tilted his head so he could read it, “Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome…”
Peter yanked his arm back as he started to panic. This was not going the way he wanted it to go. He sat up looking around for a way to get away from everything. His heart was racing in his ears, everyone’s voices were merging into one, he could see his dad talking but couldn’t understand him.
He had to get away. He struggled to his feet nearly knocking the drinks over.
Charlie reached out and steadied him, “Peter? Son, sit down. You don’t need to be standing up –“ He ducked as Peter tried to push him away. He held him by his arm looking around people were staring. “Ok, let’s go take a walk. Get away and get some fresh air.”
Peter looks at him confused as he’s walked away from the table. His head drops into his hand as he lets his dad help him. He staggered a bit as the dizziness got worse. He had stood up too fast earlier.
Charlie helped his son away from the restaurant and helped him sit down on a low wall that kept a flower bed protected from the street and side walk. “Peter? What is going on?”
“I-It’s called POTS. I-It means my heart rate can’t s-stablize its self a-and if I stand up too fast I could faint…” Peter attempted to explain in between taking gulps of air trying to stop what he knew was coming.
“And that’s what’s happening now?”
Peter only nodded unable to answer this time. He hung his head closing his eyes hoping that would help. He wished he’d never left the firehouse… he felt awful.
They went silent for a few minutes as Peter tried get his heart rate to drop back down. Charlie sat beside him before attempting to change the mood a bit. “So, what do you think of the new idea? We could get this whole operation working in the other states, get you some more income… cut me in on it.”
“T-There is no way!” Peter exclaimed, “That’s a terrible idea – we’d get in trouble! We contain ghosts .. y-you can’t just borrow a few and let them loose.”
“Why not? No one would have to know, we’d keep it hush hush and it would just look like the ghosts are moving out west.”
Peter hunched over more feeling worse than he had been. This entire conversation was stressing him out. The entire dinner was stressing him out. His hands shook as he tried to regain control of his body. It wasn’t working. Nothing he was doing was working.
All of this was leading towards him passing out without any of the guys nearby.
Egon had been right about all of it. He shouldn’t have come here to have dinner with his dad. He didn’t realize how badly his dad stressed him out. Most of the time he was able to laugh off his dad’s stupidity but tonight he was unable to.
He just wanted to get home. The problem was he didn’t trust his dad to get him back. He didn’t like thinking like this but he didn’t. He didn’t trust the cab. He didn’t want to go to the hospital again. He just wanted to get home.
“D-Dad…I-I need you to call the firehouse.” He finally whispered his voice shaking.
“N-Now? What for? We don’t have to go with my idea, Peter.” Charlie offered afraid he was going to be explaining this to his son’s friends. He glanced over seeing how bad off his son was. “Maybe I should just call for an ambulance or we can call a taxi and I can get you to the emergency room.”
“N-No no ambulance, no doctors, no taxis.. just call the guys.” He was so tired of hospitals. Tired of being poked and prodded. Tired of the sterile rooms, the wheel chairs – all of it. He just wanted his bed and Egon and the guys.
Vertigo and darkness started to wash over him over whelming his senses. He was losing the fight.
“P-Peter I don’t think this is a good idea…” He trailed off as Peter slumped against him finally giving into everything passing out. “Peter?!”
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rassegnanotizie · 10 days
Maria Rosaria Boccia ha recentemente affrontato la questione riguardante Sangiuliano, condividendo alcuni post sui social media. In una delle immagini, la si vede di spalle all’ingresso della grotta del santuario francescano di Greccio, che è stata visitata di recente dall’ex ministro della Cultura insieme a sua moglie. Questa visita sembra avere un significato particolare per Boccia, che ha scelto di accompagnare la foto con una citazione attribuita a San Francesco: "Fai attenzione a come pensi e a come parli, perché può trasformarsi nella profezia della tua vita". Questo commento evidenzia una riflessione profonda sull’importanza dei pensieri e delle parole nel plasmare il nostro destino. Inoltre, la Boccia ha condiviso un’immagine panoramica della località di Greccio, accompagnata dalla canzone "Un'emozione inaspettata" di Raf, suggerendo così un legame emotivo con il luogo. Questo accostamento musicale potrebbe anche indicare un momento di introspezione o di connessione personale con la bellezza naturale del panorama circostante. Ha anche pubblicato un’altra storia con la scritta "Ordine di scuderia", associata all'hashtag 'brothers', un possibile richiamo a Fratelli d’Italia, il partito politico. Il richiamo all’“ordine di scuderia” e l’hashtag sembrano voler sottolineare una certa alleanza o una posizione di sostegno a valori condivisi, contribuendo così ad alimentare un dialogo politico e sociale. Allo stesso tempo, la scelta di chiudere il post con l'immagine di un frate che invita al 'Silentium' attraverso un antico affresco suggerisce una dimensione di riflessione e di ascolto interiore, elementi che possono risultare fondamentali in un contesto politico attuale. L’intera narrazione comunica un messaggio di introspezione e di attenzione alle parole e ai pensieri, richiamando valori spirituali e comunitari. Attraverso le sue immagini e i messaggi, Maria Rosaria Boccia sembra voler riflettere sulla propria esperienza e sulle implicazioni più ampie di queste riflessioni all’interno del panorama politico e culturale italiano.
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umbriasud · 2 years
Da Strncone a Greccio pellegrinaggio in notturna "Sulle orme di Francesco"
Da Strncone a Greccio pellegrinaggio in notturna “Sulle orme di Francesco”
Il Santuario del Beato Antonio di Stroncone Col pellegrinaggio Stroncone-Greccio “Sulle Orme di Francesco” si apre il ciclo delle passeggiate d’autunno delle Terre dei Borghi. Un pellegrinaggioo che si svolgerà la notte fra il 1 e il 2 ottobre come accade ogni anno dal 2009 lungo la Via di Francesco che unisce Il Santuario del Beato Antonio di Stroncone al Santuario di Greccio passando per le…
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nijentravel · 4 months
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Ein paar Eindrücke der letzten Tage..... heute geht's von Rieti weiter, wo ich zwei Tage verbracht habe, einen Ausflug nach Greccio bei Regen erlebte und super toll gegessen habe. Noch 3 Tage ca. 70 km laufen und dann bin ich in Rom angekommen. 😃
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lamilanomagazine · 5 months
Contigliano – Greccio (Rieti). Gli alunni della 'Scuola Antonio Malfatti' visitano il comando provinciale e vivono "un giorno da carabiniere".
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Contigliano – Greccio (Rieti). Gli alunni della 'Scuola Antonio Malfatti' visitano il comando provinciale e vivono "un giorno da carabiniere". Nell’ambito della campagna annuale che l’Arma promuove per la formazione e la diffusione della cultura della legalità tra i giovani, il Comando Provinciale dei Carabinieri di Rieti ha ospitato gli alunni della scuola secondaria “Antonio Malfatti” del comprensorio scolastico di Contigliano – Greccio. Il progetto prevede un ciclo di incontri e conferenze a cura dei Carabinieri per la trattazione di argomenti specifici e d’interesse quali il bullismo, l’uso corretto di internet e dei social network, la sicurezza stradale, la tutela dell’ambiente, i rischi legati all’uso di alcol e delle sostanze stupefacenti. Gli studenti, accompagnati dai loro insegnanti, hanno vissuto “UN GIORNO DA CARABINERE”. Accolti dal Luogotenente Paolo BRIGOTTI, Comandante della Stazione di Contigliano, hanno esaminato l’attività degli operatori della Centrale Operativa, impegnata quotidianamente nel coordinamento delle pattuglie esterne e nelle risposte ai cittadini che pervengono attraverso il numero unico di emergenza “112”. I giovani hanno potuto anche osservare da vicino le nuovissime autoradio Alfa Romeo “Giulia” e le motociclette Ducati “Multistrada”, in dotazione alla Sezione Radiomobile della Compagnia di Rieti, con l’illustrazione del funzionamento dell’equipaggiamento e della strumentazione di bordo, nonché l’apparato per il foto-segnalamento ed il rilevamento delle impronte digitali. Sino al termine dell’anno scolastico in corso saranno organizzati altri incontri con gli studenti della provincia reatina: l’obiettivo resta sempre quello di far conoscere meglio ai più piccoli l’Arma dei Carabinieri e sensibilizzarli alla legalità.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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