#good bond with kreacher
zipadeea · 2 months
if reincarnation exists in the harry potter universe, regulus black definitely came back as harry potter
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
Trans Reggie black brothers fic:
NOT EDITED (will be before it goes onto ao3)
Words: 2239
Warnings: outing (sort of, Sirius figures it out and asks him about it but nobody is told against reg's will), reference to bigoted parents
The light twittering of birds was silenced as Regulus strode across his room and pulled the window shut with a slight thud. If he wanted to get any work done before he was due to return to school he would have to do it now, or he would put it off until the last minute. It was a bad habit picked up from Dorcas but one he had come to keep under control for the most part. So long as nothing else disrupted him, he should be okay to continue. His parents were at some important function and Kreacher was out collecting shopping so there wasn't too much that could distract him.
He had managed to sit down at his desk and unscrew the lid of his inkwell by the time his bedroom door slammed open behind him. He heard the unmistakable sound of his brother's heavy-footed stomps come up behind him and had to force himself not to snap right then and there.
“Yes?” His tone was clipped but Sirius either didn't notice or actively chose to ignore it.
“Are you busy?” Without waiting for an answer he attempted to sit down on Regulus’ desk, only stopping when he received a murderous glare and shark smack to the arm; he narrowed his eyes petulantly and tried to hide his irritating grin. “Move and I'll sit in your chair then, my legs are tired.”
Regulus pretended to have not heard him and returned to the introduction of his Defense essay. After a few moments Sirius stood and walked over to the bed, sitting down silently and waiting for a few minutes to see if Regulus was going to say anything. Nothing happened.
“Turn around, you little brat.” Nothing. “Please.”
“Don't call me that,” The reply was quiet but Sirius still heard it.”
“Merlin, I try to be nice once,” He grumbled under his breath, trying to keep his composure and her to the point. “I want to talk to you about something.”
Regulus looked at him as if to say ‘go on’ so he did.
“Look, can you just come here? I'm trying to be nice to you and do sibling bonding or some shit so the least you can do one nice thing and not stare at me from across the room? I'll distract Father so you can visit your friends on Sunday if you let me have this.” He let the suggestion sink in for a moment, then watched as Regulus pushed away from his desk, stretching out the time it took to close the ink and place down the quill, then made his way over to his bed to sit at the opposite end to Sirius, his posture perfect and his hands clasped in his lap.
“Sorry, do you or do you not have a pair of 35 galleon shoes in your wardrobe as we speak?”
“First of all, I got them in muggle London so technically they were £170, not galleons. And secondly, that is a very good price for a well-made, hand crafted, long-lasting product you intend to use frequently.”
Regulus couldn't help but laugh at that. “You sound like Narcissa.”
He didn't stop laughing when he was slapped on the arm or when Sirius snapped at him to shut up, it was only when Sirius attempted to redirect the conversation that his face fell back to his typical moody stare.
“I wanted to talk about school.” He managed to ignore Regulus’ sigh, having grown fairly immune to the constant dismissals by now, even if it still made him feel a little hurt when he thought about it late at night. “Over the summer term and a little bit before that, I've heard-”
“Oh for Salazar’s sake, if this is going to become one of your anti-Slytherin, ‘you're all evil' rants, I really want nothing to do with-”
“It isn't that!” He hissed, almost laughing at Regulus’ affronted reaction to being cut off halfway through his sentence as if he had not just done the exact same thing mere seconds ago. “Stop coming for my throat and give me a change to finish my sentence before you assume you know what I'm going to say.” He took a deep breath and started again. “I have recently been hearing your friends talk to you while you're in the corridor and then again while they're alone. And I noticed a few things.”
It was then that Regulus finally picked up on what the conversation was going to be about.
“Oh, for-”
“Shush, let me finish. I heard you and your friends talking quite a few times and I heard that they called you a different name.” He looked at Regulus knowingly. “You might disagree but I'm not stupid. I mean my grades speak for themselves really, I don't think I did any revision before the day of for my exams and I still…anyway. Your friends were calling you Regulus and they were calling you he and I'm no idiot. I know what that means.”
“You understand names, well done. Maybe you aren't a complete imbecile after all.”
“Alright, you're being rude because you're nervous so I'll let that slide. I know that it means you don't want to be a girl anymore. And that's great! That's okay. I just wanted to give you the chance to talk about it. With me. If you want.”
Regulus looked at him blankly for a while. He opened his mouth to speak at least four times before closing it. Eventually he picked up the courage to actually say something.
“I'm not a girl.” Sirius nodded along. “Your eavesdropping was right there.” Sirius frowned in disapproval but did not get the chance to interject. “I am a boy. My name is Regulus. Yes, like the star. My friends are okay with it because they aren't completely despicable people despite what you Gryffindors may like to think. And you didn't have to interrupt my homework to talk to me about this, you haven't spoken to me besides polite greetings since November.”
“Actually, it was your birthday.”
“December, then. My point still stands, Sirius.”
“Is it rude to ask when you knew?”
“A little bit, yes.” Regulus snapped. “I didn't always know.” He seems to consider telling the story for a second, then decided not to. “I don't want to talk about it.”
“Okay.” Sirius nodded. Maybe if the rest of the conversation went well he would tell him another time. “It's a nice name. Bit long but not bad.”
“Thank you.” It was robotic and almost cold but Sirius was not deterred.
“I might shorten it to Regs. I've heard your annoying friend call you Reggie but you'd probably kill me if I called you that to Regs it is. It's short, efficient, and probably won't get my ears cut off and fed to Kreacher.” Regulus couldn't help a smile like that, which seemed to get Sirius out of his tentative, unnaturally calculated state and make him grin himself. “I'll take that as a yes.”
“I have a brother,” He mused to himself. Whether it was with shock or glee neither of them could say.
“You can't tell anybody.”
“I won't! I'm great with secrets. Really, name one secret I haven't been able to keep.” He took in Regulus’ meaningful look and recalculated. “Yeah, alright, but I won't tell anyone this. I promise.” He attempted to look as sincere as possible. When he looked down at the sight of movement, he saw that his brother’s hand was extended, palm up and waiting.
Sirius couldn't help but smile when he was it, moving his own hand to place on top before taping each of their fingers together as he muttered the words 'I swear on my life’. It was a silly way of making a promise that Andromeda had taught them when they were younger and caught her writing to her muggleborn boyfriend. They knew not that she had just made it up to get them to stay hushed but they had never really grown out of it. Without a word, they both retracted their hands, but Sirius was now smiling and Regulus seemed at least somewhat more relaxed so it was worth it even if it was a kids thing.
“I just wanted to say that I am glad you were honest with me,” Sirius began the little speech he had prepared in his head. He had gone over it time and time again, attempting to eradicate any signs of his usual self to form a kind, welcoming speech that would soften the situation. “And I am glad that you have been able to find yourself like this.” Regulus groaned into his hands and swore under his breath. “I am here if you want to talk about…this and I would be really happy if you trusted me to talk about you being….a guy now.”
“Oh Merlin, this is humiliating. Stop. Stop. Sirius, stop.” He waited for him to trail off awkwardly before letting out a relieved sigh and beginning his own explanation.
“Okay; thank you but I really don't need a lecture on my ‘validity’. I am aware of it. And I didn't not tell you because I was scared, it was because we haven't spoken properly in months and I doubted that you'd even care. It would be weird, that's why.” He grasped around for another point to make while he had the silence to be able to get a word in. “And don't you think I should have been able to tell you this in my own time instead of just barging in and asking me about it.”
“When would that have been?” He wasn't expecting an apology, but the bluntness of the reply still caught Regulus off guard. “Would you have told me? Would you really? Hm?” He got no answer. “Reggie.”
“The point is that I should've gotten the choice.”
“Well I admit I didn't think it through that much!”
“That's new.” Regulus drawled.
“I was just shocked when you didn't tell me. I was shocked that they knew basic crap about you that I apparently don't. Call me selfish but I care quite a lot about that. You used to tell me everything.” The anger in his voice was barely-veiled. “We used to be best friends but I feel like I don't know anything shoot you anymore.”
“And who's fault is that?”
“Yours! You are the one who got all those amazing Slytherin friends and decided I was the shit on your damn shoe, Regulus.”
“I don't want to do this right now.”
They fell back into relative silence. The sound of the wind against the old, thin window was all they could focus on for a few minutes. Eventually, siris cleared his throat and reached out his hand, patting his brother on the shoulder a few times like he was a delicate animal.
“What are you doing?”
Sirius blinked. “I'm comforting you.”
“Don't do that.”
“Fine, I won't.” He looked away again and waited.
“I can tell you want to ask something else.”
Sirius shrugged noncommittally, then gave in and asked what he had wanted to know the entire time. “Who else knows?” The hint of desperation in his voice was embarrassing but he hoped Regulus hadn't picked up on it.
“My friends,” He provided. “That's all really."
“And…” He didn't need to say it for the implication to be obvious. They both looked towards the doorway despite knowing the house was empty, as if anticipating their arrival. Regulus slouched slightly, seemingly having given up on acting properly.
“Do you think I'd still be here telling you about it if they knew?”
“Don't say that.” Whispering was uncharacteristic for Sirius but he didn't exactly want to say the words that left his mouth, they just sort of did. Giving away the card he held for his brother's wellbeing even after all this time.
“It’s not exactly a shock, is it? The perfect angel of the black family ends up being a man with a woman’s features, guess what happens next.”
“Regulus, stop.”
“...Sorry.” The apology sounded almost forced out but it was better than none at all in Sirius' opinion.
Sirius shook his head lightly. “It's fine. It's not like it's your fault. Hey, uh, if you wanted to, we could go shopping together at some point. Get you some stuff that makes you feel less, y'know.” ‘Girly’ was the obvious end to that sentence. Regulus frowned and turned to face him again.
“I can go shopping with my friends, thank you.” Sirius waited. And waited. Then, “When would you want to go?”
“Why, do you can be conveniently busy that day?” He suggested; Regulus stared silently. “Next Saturday?”
“Yeah, good, alright. Cool. You're paying for your shit though.” He added as an afterthought.
“What? Why one earth to would you invite me shopping if you're not paying for anything?”
“I'm not your Mum Reggie.”
“You're uglier than her, that's for sure.”
Taking it as the natural lull to the conversation, Sirius pulled a face and turned to leave, spinning back around one step out of the door so he could confirm their agreement.
“Next Saturday, yes?”
“Yes, that is what I said.”
With that Sirius nodded silently and left, leaving the door wide open and Regulus sat on the bed wondering where in the name all of that had come from.
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in-flvx · 10 months
I still find it interesting how so much of the perception of Sirius as a character is swayed by his haughty expression.
Most metas (this is not a dog against those btw, I love Sirius metas, just want to add my own) etc I've seen go with this, his ultra love for james, and his derision towards Peter as the most prominent shows of his character, and infer meaning into every other relationship he has from that point out.
And I think these are outliers.
He looks haughty? Some people are born with resting bitch face, what of it?
And I'll discard any mention of James and Harry right now, bc these are outliers of the greatest magnitude, and looking at every relationship Sirius as extensions of his love for james imo just cheapens his bond to him.
His derision towards Peter is very reasonable, and also the most obvious outlier, and I don't think I need to explain it further. Instead I'll add snape and mundungus fletcher into the mix here, and go on to talk about the often-talked-about usage of certain descriptors within the black family towards people they don't like. As others have pointed out before me, the preferred way to insult people within this family is to insinuate uncleanliness. Walburgas portrait, kreacher and I think also Phineas nigellus use these kinds of insults on a pretty regular basis - many of which go against Sirius as well. And Sirius has adopted these insults, and uses them when he really wants to cut deep. He has many people to be angry with, is surrounded by a whole lot of poor people (for example the entire weasley clan, Remus, and mundungus fletcher), and we even see him in battle.
But he notably uses these cleanliness based insults on two specific people: Peter, and snape. What do these two men have in common? For one, obviously, they all went to hogwarts at the same time. For another, Sirius has, or had had obvious respect for both. Peter as one of his closest friends, as a person he confided in and cared for, and who he then expected to care for him in return (and we know how that turned out). And snape as a rival. As much as Sirius likes to insult snape to his face, he also never misses an opportunity to praise his intellect. Similarly to the way he praises and goads bella in his last duel.
Meanwhile, again, he purposefully surrounds himself with people, who the malfoys regularly call dirty ( the weasleys, hagrid, Remus, hermione), and is also on notably good terms with mundungus fletcher, who everyone from the order likes to call these things too. All of which Harry has described in several shades of dirt as well, tbh. And I'm saying this not in a 'oh wow, the rich boy lowers himself to the commoners' kind of way, bc to me he never gives anything close to this impression. The weasleys come closer to this kind of mindset toward any kind of marginalized person lbr.
What we do see, though, is sirius being incredibly forthcoming and caring towards literally everyone.
He has discussions with hermione about elf rights and their projections of the coming year. He obviously cares about Ron's well-being, long after he mauled him. He jokes around with the twins, and helps them with their inventions. He forgives Remus for thinking Sirius was the spy. He makes a considerable effort to be friendly with Molly after their fight. He adheres to dumbledores bs orders. (I think he told ginny about the repellant charm on the doors but don't quote me on that.) He had the most emotionally honest relationship with lily we see in the text. He cared so much about Peter that lily notified him of his emotional state as something Sirius should see to. He organizes the best Christmas he can manage to keep everyone's mind off of their worry for Arthur. He came close enough to kingsley for inside jokes to develop - jokes urgent enough to be passed to him as quickly as possible.
In my eyes Sirius Black is singular in the way he develops relationships, and in the way he cares for everyone he surrounds himself with.
Even with those he hates.
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deathnguts · 2 months
So trans regulus and walburga’s a+ parenting and how she let gender norms decide her children’s punishments, let’s go
Some things are the same of both of them at first. Like imperfection leads to a slap (slice really) with the ruler (if you’re thinking muggle AU, slicing hex if not), it’s just the reason for the imperfection is sometimes different. Like for grades it’s the same, tardiness it’s the same, but regulus gets punished for imperfections in his appearance more often than Sirius who gets punished for imperfections in his actions than regulus. It’s very obvious they value showing regulus off like a trophy while they value taking in pride in Sirius building respect for their name. Regulus’s corset isn’t tight enough? Slice. Sirius decided to cuss in polite company? Slice. Regulus’ has kept his resting face too sullen for their liking? Slice. Sirius made their guest uncomfortable with too dry of a joke? Slice.
But anyway, more personal stuff.
As we know, for Sirius, his discipline was mostly physical. He got grounded, he got hit. It was about putting him in his place with the power she held over him while he was still smaller than her. He was rebellious and fought tooth and nail but she’s bigger, more powerful, for the time being and she wants to beat it into him ti be afraid of her so she’ll still hold that power when he’s the larger one. It’s very much about being afraid of the impending threat of his masculinity. One day he’ll be big and strong, he’ll take upon the money and power of the family, and he will outrank her in everything. She needs him to respect her, fear her, even when this happens so she can still maintain control and not be at his mercy. It’s making his pain, his punishment, a spectacle of weakness and shame.
But for regulus, who was born female, she has no such fear. Regulus is just like her: powerless. Every day ‘she’ grows older, ‘she’ only grows closer to being married off. Walburga’s punishments for Regulus reflect that. They bank on embarrassing him, reminding him of his place. It’s Walburga ordering Kreacher to not cook or clean for the day and making regulus do it so he knows how for a man(peep Kreacher and regulus bonding when he was younger and didn’t know how to cook yet but as forced to figured it out and would be punished if he didn’t so Kreacher pitied him and showed him how because wasn’t ordered not to teach the young master anything…), or holding him down and stripping him and then bathing him in scalding water and scrubbing at his skin until it’s bleeding and applied perfumed lotion like salt in the wound so he’s cleanly and soft for a man, forcing him to entertain suitors no matter how sleazy or old they are for ‘practice.’ All things to remind him that he should do good to remember she will be picking his husband. It’s making a shameful hideaway of punishment, suffering in silence and in duty like a ‘good woman.’ It’s important he knows how to done, after all. If she’s inclined to lean more in the family’s favor for than decision than his then things will get far worse than the ‘preparation’ she’s given him. Shes only looking out for her ‘daughter.’
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manzis-world · 17 days
Chapter 1 -An unlikely encounter
Part 1
Sirius Black, age 6, with his striking black curly hair and grey eyes, fidgeted nervously as his mother, Walburga, fixed his bow tie. Her emotionless face, framed by her long, slicked-back black hair in a tight bun, betrayed no hint of warmth or affection. "Sirius, I want you to look after your brother and behave properly while your father and I mingle with the adults," she instructed, her voice firm and controlled. "Kreacher, keep an eye on them."
Sirius nodded, his grey eyes darting to his father, Orion, who stood beside Walburga, his stoic face and piercing silver eyes revealing no emotion. "Be good, my boy," Orion said, his deep voice firm but devoid of warmth.
Sirius looked down at his 5-year-old brother, Regulus, who clutched his hand, his big silver eyes welling up with tears. Sirius squeezed his brother's hand reassuringly, trying to convey comfort and protection. Regulus's curly hair was mussed, and his small face was pale, but he gazed up at Sirius with trust and adoration.
As their parents turned to mingle with the adults, Sirius felt a surge of responsibility and protectiveness towards his younger brother. He straightened his small shoulders, determined to care for Regulus and make their parents proud...
As Sirius and Regulus entered the children's corner, they were immediately drawn into a lively conversation with their cousins and acquaintances. Narcissa, Bellatrix's younger sister, greeted them warmly and invited them to join the group. Sirius, however, soon found himself losing interest in the conversation, his attention wandering to the other children in the room.
That's when he saw him - a boy with unruly black hair, brown eyes, and brown skin, playing with a ball in the corner. Sirius's curiosity was piqued; he had never seen anyone with brown skin before, and he felt an overwhelming urge to approach the boy.
Excusing himself from the group, Sirius made his way over to the boy, his eyes fixed on the unfamiliar features. The boy looked up, noticing Sirius's gaze, and smiled hesitantly.
"Hi," Sirius said, trying to sound casual. "I'm Sirius Black. I've never seen you around before."
The boy's smile grew wider. "I'm James Potter," he replied. "I'm here with my parents, Monty and Euphemia. We're friends of the Malfoys."
Sirius's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I'm friends with Lucius Malfoy too!"
James's eyes lit up. "No way! What a coincidence!"
As they began to chat, Sirius found himself feeling an instant connection to James, their shared curiosity and sense of adventure sparking a friendship that would last a lifetime...
Sirius asked James, "Why are you brown-colored?" But before James could answer, Regulus interrupted, "Yeah, why are you different from us?"
James looked taken aback by the questions, but he explained, "My father is from India, and my mother is from Spain. People from India are usually born with this skin color."
Regulus's curiosity was piqued, and he asked, "What's India?"
James thought for a moment before responding, "It's a country far, far away. My dad says it's hot and sunny there, and they have yummy food like curry and naan bread."
Sirius asked, "Why aren't you playing with the other kids?"
James looked down, his eyes sad. "They don't want to play with me because I'm different. They say I'm not like them."
Sirius's face darkened with anger. "That's not fair! I'll play with you, James. And Regulus will too, won't you, Reg?"
Regulus nodded enthusiastically, and James's face lit up with a smile. "Really? You'll play with me?"
Sirius grinned. "Of course! We're friends now, James. And friends don't care about skin color or where you're from."
The three boys clasped hands, forming an unlikely but strong bond, as they ventured into the garden, ready to face whatever adventures came their way...
As they explored the garden, James suddenly stopped in front of a beautiful, delicate flower. "Hey, guys! Look at this! It's a Blue Lily!"
Sirius and Regulus leaned in, fascinated. "What's so special about it?" Sirius asked.
James's eyes sparkled. "My friend Peter told me about it. His dad supplies herbs to my dad's business, and he said the Blue Lily has magical properties that can cure sunburn."
Regulus's eyes widened. "Wow, that's amazing!"
Sirius nodded. "Yeah, that's really cool. I've never seen a flower like that before."
James smiled. "Peter's really smart. We've been friends for ages, but he couldn't come today because he went to visit his grandmother."
As they admired the Blue Lily, Sirius turned to James. "You should show this to your friend Peter he'll be really interested."
James grinned. "Yeah, let's go! I want to see what he'll say about it."
Just as they were about to pick the Blue Lily, a soft voice whispered in James's ear, "Master James, remember what your mother said?"
James turned to see his house-elf, Simmy, standing behind him, her eyes shining with a gentle reminder.
"Oh, yeah!" James exclaimed. "My mom said not to break flowers at night because they're sleeping."
Simmy nodded, her curly hair bobbing up and down. "That's right, Master James. Flowers need their rest, just like we do."
Sirius and Regulus looked at each other, intrigued. "Flowers sleep?" Sirius asked.
Simmy smiled. "Yes, Master Sirius. They need the darkness to recharge for the next day. If you pick them now, they might not bloom again."
James nodded, making a decision. "We'll come back for it tomorrow, then. Thanks, Simmy!"
Simmy beamed with pride, happy to have helped her beloved master. "Anytime, Master James. Now, shall we get back to the party?"
As they continued their stroll, James and Sirius chatted excitedly about anything and everything, their conversation flowing effortlessly. Regulus listened intently, occasionally interjecting a comment or question, but never leaving his brother's side.
James smiled, noticing Regulus's constant presence. "You know, Regulus, you're always sticking with Sirius. You two are inseparable!"
Regulus looked up at James with a shy grin. "Yeah... Sirius is my big brother. I always want to be with him."
Sirius ruffled Regulus's hair, his eyes warm with affection. "And I always want to look out for you, little bro. We're a team, right?"
Regulus nodded, his eyes sparkling. "Yeah! We're a team!"
James smiled, feeling happy for the brothers. "That's really cool. I'm glad you two have each other's backs."
James's eyes turned wistful. "I wish I had a sibling... it looks like so much fun."
Sirius's face lit up with a grin. "Don't worry, James! I'll be your brother! We can be brothers in spirit!"
But before James could respond, Regulus's face crumpled, and he burst into tears. "No! Sirius is my brother! I don't want to share him!"
Sirius knelt down, concern etched on his face. "Hey, Reg! What's wrong?"
Regulus flung his arms around Sirius's neck, holding him tightly. "I don't want James to be your brother! You're mine!"
James's eyes widened in surprise, but Sirius just chuckled and hugged Regulus back. "It's okay, Reg! James can be our brother too, and we'll all be like brothers together!"
Regulus sniffled, slowly calming down. "Okay... but you're still my big brother, Sirius."
Sirius smiled, ruffling Regulus's hair. "Always, little bro. Always."
James smiled warmly. "Hey, Regulus! I can be your big brother too! We can all be brothers together!"
Regulus's eyes widened, and he looked up at Sirius, who nodded encouragingly. Regulus's face lit up with a smile. "Really? You'll be my big brother too, James?"
James nodded. "Of course! We'll be like three brothers, always looking out for each other!"
Regulus squealed with delight, flinging his arms around James's neck. "Yay! I have two big brothers now!"
Sirius laughed, joining in the hug. "Now we're a team! The three of us, unstoppable!"
As they hugged, Simmy, James's house-elf, looked on, a warm smile on her face. "Master James, you've found yourself some wonderful friends..."
The three friends continued to hug, basking in the joy of their newfound brotherhood...
Just as the three friends were basking in the warmth of their newfound brotherhood, their stomachs growled in unison, as if on cue.
Simmy and Kreacher, who had been watching from a distance, chuckled and stepped forward. "Time for some food, young masters!" Simmy exclaimed.
Kreacher nodded, his eyes twinkling. "Indeed, indeed. Let us get you settled at the children's table."
With Simmy and Kreacher leading the way, the three friends followed, their stomachs rumbling in anticipation. They were soon seated at a cozy table, laden with all sorts of delicious treats.
Regulus's eyes widened at the spread before him. "Wow! So much food!"
James grinned. "Dig in, brothers! We're starving!"
Sirius nodded, already serving himself a plateful. "Let's eat, and then we can get back to our adventures!"
As they began to eat, their chatter and laughter filled the air, accompanied by the clinking of utensils on plates...
Ps- this is my first time writing if you guys like it I will write more the black are not evil in this just little chaotic
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jirstho · 2 years
No Voldemort AU
Harry doesn't have a scar on his forehead
Lily and James live to give Harry siblings
Remus and Sirius marry and live happily
Dorcas and Marlene marry and live
Regulua is alive and healthy and gets his happy ending along with Kreacher
Neville's parents are sane and healthy and make him feel so loved
Ron and Hermione stay at Harry's place over the holidays
Hermione and Lily bonding over their nerdiness
James and Sirius grinning at each other and doing a high-five every time they get a letter from Hogwarts that Harry caused Professor Snape trouble
Tonks, Fred, Colin, Hedwig, Dobby, and many others are still alive
Xeno and Pandora work together on the Quibbler and love Luna to bits
James teaching Harry Quidditch
Molly becoming like an older sister to Lily and giving her tips on parenting
Peter being there with his best friends
Mary being able to watch her best friends grow old
Harry introducing Ginny as his girlfriend and Peter having to look twice because he thought he just saw young Lily and James
Harry and Draco are on good terms
Fred goes on to live a happy life and have a family of his own
Barty Jr. is alive and well and so are his parents
The marauders telling Harry and his siblings what they used to be up to 'back in the day'
Nobody is traumatized and everyone is alive and happy
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
The Blood Traitor
The Blood Traitor https://ift.tt/vt10XWG by Kaitlyn444 When her son in tortured to near death, Narcissa makes a decision she should've made over a year ago. After the death of Dumbledore, none of the trio were expecting Narcissa Malfoy to show up at the Burrow carrying her bloody son in tow. When Draco finally realizes his father and Voldemort had no qualms about his death, he finally decides to take revenge into his own hands. Joining the Order wasn't too hard of a decision to make. But joining the twit trio wasn't his first option, but it's his best shot at helping end the war. However there's more going on than any of them suspect. xxx Everyone was stunned into silence as Draco’s naked back was finally in view. Starting at his shoulders and going all the way down to the indentations in his back were the disgusting, crude cuts Hermione had ever seen. They were so deep, she could swear she saw bone. It was almost impossible to see what it spelt, there was so much blood, but the damaged skin was torn xxx Words: 29787, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Andromeda Black Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks, Order of the Phoenix, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Weasley Family (Harry Potter) Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Good Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bad Lucius Malfoy, Angry Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter Friendship, They all need hugs, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soul Bond, Prophecy, Everything is a mess, Slightly Enemies to Lovers, i mean literally the smallest amount of enemies, Morally Grey Draco Malfoy, there will be murder boy draco, I hope you like revenge, Everyone is potentially out of character, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Happy Ending via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/ME1kvsZ April 17, 2024 at 12:09AM
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padfootastic · 1 year
honestly I can't get the idea of sirius cooking and this leading to him + harry bonding out of my head. personally, i don't think he can cook that well. guy grew up w house-elves at home + hogwarts, and after that had enough money that he decided to live what he thought was the muggle food experience and just ate take away or leeched off of james + lily's cooking. i imagine effie taught him a bit, but considering he went to azkaban for 12 years he probably forgot most of it. enter: harry, when he comes to stay with sirius, and sirius isn't about to let harry do any work so he decides to cook for him bc no way is he letting kreacher anywhere near anyones food. only problem is he has no clue how to properly cook a meal, and he sure as hell isn't going to ask molly and he's not sure of remus' cooking skills, but he decides to try anyway (it doesn't turn out great), and seeing this harry rolls up his sleeves and teaches sirius to cook. obviously harry is probably pretty good from his days as a live-in chef at the dursleys, and i like to think sirius is a quick learner, so this leads to a ritual of there's where they cook together every dinner. their bonding time is cooking different dishes, and in the end they have too many cookbooks to count
dude. DUDE. this is literally one of my favoritest headcanons ever. i think i’ve put it in some fic too?
i also think sirius learnt a bit from effie and the forgot in azkaban so it was like. a bit tough for him ykno? and he’s picked up bits n pieces from james (like aloo paranthas and chai!!) but that’s the extent of it.
until harry comes in, experienced as a chef. and the first time his godson makes a full meal for him, he’s like :O
(and then the meaning of that, why harry would know how to cook so well at such a young age, hits him and he just. really wants to burn something to the ground then)
and i think cooking was a way for them to break the ice too like, once all the chaos dies down and harry’s living with sirius, u just have two strangers sharing the same house ykno? it’s gonna be awkward as fuck. and i imagine sirius shouting the house down bc he’s trying to make breakfast or lunch for harry one day but it goes very wrong and harry comes down to what looks like a crime scene (the tomatoes weren’t cooperating) and just goes 😧😧
he then, hesitantly, offers to help sirius but only if he wants to no pressure harry’s not even that great a cool he just thought—
and sirius, ofc, is jumping w joy at being able to spend time w his godson so he says yes. and just. that’s it. that’s where it all begins. hours and hours of getting to know each other, hearing stories of the past, talking about anything and everything—it’s priceless.
and they keep it going even when sirius had learnt to cook super well, even after harry moves out and gets married and has kids. their weekly cooking together time is sacred and the entire potter-black family knows that.
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spatial-jump · 6 months
AB / spatial-jump
“That’s one badass stapler!” — Five Hargreeves, the Umbrella Academy
Name: AB (she/her) Birthday: 17th March (minor); Pisces Ethnicity: Asian British, of Indian descent Hobbies: Reading, writing, procrastinating, netball, badminton, swimming Favourite colour(s): Aquamarine, royal purple Height: 5’2” or 5’3” A-Level Subjects: Maths, Economics, Classical Civilisations Likes: Flapjacks, books, the rain, thunderstorms, lightning, chocolate, broccoli, the night sky, space, cats, monkeys, volcanoes, oceans, Greek and Roman mythology, Spring, my favourite fandoms and characters Other: INTP, Gryffindor, daughter of Poseidon, incredibly stubborn, grammar freak, angsty writer, sarcastic, mix of introvert and ambivert
Quotev: Main, Writing Account Wattpad: Main AO3: Main Pinterest: Main Discord: ABADA17
(Favourites are in italics.)
Primary: Harry Potter, Marauders Era, Fantastic Beasts, AVPM Trilogy, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, TLT Musical, Heroes of Olympus, the Maze Runner, the Hunger Games, the Umbrella Academy, Stranger Things, Divergent, Once Upon a Time, Anne With an E, Dead Poets Society
Secondary: A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, Chronicles of Narnia, Miss. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, Murder Most Unladylike, How to Train Your Dragon (books), Noughts & Crosses, Enola Holmes
Other books: Five Survive, Yellowface, Love You to Death, Anne of Green Gables, Black Beauty, Swallows and Amazons, Pride and Prejudice, The Secret Garden, Malory Towers, Famous Five, THUG, the Midnight Game, This Book Kills, the Odyssey, War Horse, Arc of a Scythe, Nancy Drew, A Series of Unfortunate Events, the Atlas Six (first book only)
Other films/TV shows: Line of Duty, Red Eye, the Capture, Trigger Point, the Green Mile, the Shawshank Redemption, the Hurt Locker, Terminator, James Bond, the Bay, the Tourist, Barbie, Troy, Cruella, Ghosts UK, the Apprentice, Dragons’ Den, the Traitors, Enola Holmes, Kaos
Currently reading: The Maze Cutter, Little Women
Currently watching: Teen Wolf, Runaways, Pirates of the Caribbean
Future: Supernatural, Bridgerton, Good Omens, the Kane Chronicles, the Mortal Instruments, the Matrix, the Shining, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, the Godfather
Comfort kins: Five Hargreeves (TUA), James Potter (HP), Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano (Hoo), Henry Mills (OUaT), Thomas (TMR)
Kins: Ron Weasley (HP), Lee Jordan (HP), Dustin Henderson (ST), Charlie/Nuwanda Dalton (DPS), Severus Snape (HP), Percy Jackson (PJO), Hazel Levesque (HoO), Tina Goldstein (FB)
Comforts: Teddy the Niffler (FB), Pickett the Bowtruckle (FB), Kreacher (HP), Newt Scamander (FB), Regulus Black (HP), Newt (TMR), Eleven (ST), Steve Harrington (ST), Leo Valdez (HoO), Sadie Kane (TKC), Killian Jones (OUaT), Mulan (OUaT), Gilbert Blythe (AWaE), Jerry Baynard (AWaE)
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endversewinchester · 1 year
Alright! Hard talks. I’ll add my thoughts tomorrow because rn I’m kinda tired.
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This is just info on how talking through Floo works. Nice bit of canon to have.
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Let me just say I love the mom-dad dynamic that is going on between these two all book long. Whenever the topic is something more complicated, Remus is around either during the conversation or afterwards to soften what Sirius said, and I love this.
Kreacher you little shit.
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This is pretty much the first fully domestic convo they’ve had. Before it was about the war, about Harry’s visions, and Sirius shared a bit of his backstory with us to explain why he was behaving the way he was.
This is the first time we get to see them just talking about minor stuff (at least the boys think it is minor as of right now). Just a teen curious about his father.
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This is a great shot of the mom-dad dynamic. Lupin is trying to be sensible. He saw Harry at school, he knows how he is and how his friends are. He understands why seeing the father he carried practically as a god behaving like that is a big shock, so he tries to be reasonable (which doesn’t really work, because Harry too is “just a kid” and never acted like that).
Sirius otoh is practical about it. He acknowledges that memory isn’t one of the best, but he’s more about justifying James. “Yes, he behaved like that BUT they were rivals from day one because Snape was jealous of your dad ( he was. Not for the reasons Sirius quotes though) and big on the dark arts and so that makes it okay.
Which doesn’t work with Harry either because in that memory Snape wasn’t involved in dark arts or anything. He was literally just existing, and Sirius himself started the mess. But still. Mom-dad dynamic.
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The bombastic side eye. Criminal offensive side eye that Lupin gave him there makes me chuckle. It is a massive lie. He doesn’t regret bullying Snape, he hates Snape to this day. But I think it is sweet that he doesn’t want to set a bad example to Harry.
Because here’s the thing, Sirius could have kept his line of thought there. “Yeah well he was a racist asshole and he deserves it”. Harry dislikes Snape, he would buy into it eventually. But Sirius doesn’t. He acknowledges it was wrong, and doesn’t try to encourage Harry to behave like that, or see his actions as good.
And then Lupin comes in, but this time he switches up. He uses what Sirius said earlier to try and mediate. Do I think he believes what Sirius said? After that bombastic side eye? No I don’t. And I think we all know that the real reason for the Snape and James war was Lily, not some silly popularity jealousy. But having Harry hate his dead father who he looked up to doesn’t sound very fair to Harry, or to James’ memory, so he plays along with Sirius somewhat.
And oh look. Sirius switches up in response! “Ok yes we were dicks sometimes” which earns him a smile from Remus for telling the truth.
Then they have some genuine bonding over James, which I think is cute and sad at the same time. And then we get to see more coparenting in action.
Sirius acknowledges Harry’s feelings further in his way, and then he looks at Lupin for validation on how he’s handling this, and what would be the best thing to say. It’s cute because it’s wolfstar but it is also cute that Sirius is trying really hard to parent well.
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And here we get some character traits. Lupin’s self awareness is on point, but so is his self hatred. We need to remember he spent 13 years as the sole survivor of his friend group (as he believed the Sirius he knew never even existed), and so he has a lot of survivor’s guilt and self esteem issues. He didn’t stop James and Sirius and so it is his fault that they are here right now discussing the sins of their dead friend with his horrified son. But Sirius with his loyalty does very much what he did to James earlier. He gets protective. “Well actually you did call us out sometimes”, not letting him linger on that self hatred.
And we also get to learn that James grows past that stage and turns into a better person. Good enough that Lily went from hating him to loving him, and eventually marrying him and having Harry. It is most likely that version of James that people refer to when they complimented him to Harry all his life.
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Here’s where it gets complicated, because we are talking about seventh years now. Legal grown adults in Harry Potter canon. By this point in the story, we are at the first wizarding war or very near it. Though their main issue is Lily and will remain Lily for the rest of her life, there is a lot more going on in the world around them and they are doing a lot more.
The fact Lily didn’t see the bullying (which are now fights) makes me think these happened during missions for the order. Not that James wasn’t relishing on going at the guy that wanted his girlfriend, because he very much was. But there is a broader context, and with that broader context Snape stops being a victim and he becomes a death eater. It’s a war now.
But Harry doesn’t know any of that. He is still thinking about school level Malfoy bullying. The type he saw on the memories. So it’s not enough, and you know what? I won’t fault him for that. He is allowed to dislike his father’s flaws, even with the broader context. I think the realization our parents aren’t perfect happens to all of us at some point in life or the other. He is entitled to his run.
And Sirius well. Sirius got a bit protective. I understand that too. Because sure, James was an attention [bleep] and a bit of a bully but he was also the guy that saved him from an abusive household. That taught him he didn’t have to be what his parents wanted him to be. That took him in as a brother and gave him love on a level he never had before. As he says earlier “the world isn’t split into good people and death eaters” and this is a good example of that.
I think that’s a lot to process at 15 though. Especially when you are fighting a war against Hitler himself. What do you mean people have nuance? So Harry is taking this well enough.
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Remember when Sirius said her regretted bullying Snape?
Knowing what the adults know, Harry and Voldemort are connected and occlumency is the only way to keep him safe. Snape stopping the lessons over a childhood grudge that Harry didn’t cause and risk losing the war is a bad move.
I understand. His worst memories. He panicked. Still. Broader context. War. Harry needs to be good at this or everyone dies, so I understand why Lupin and Sirius freaked out.
I love Lupin being the mediator tbh. I really do. “Yes I know you love Harry and you want to protect him but sit tf down, padfoot”.
And yes it is for the best if Lupin speaks with Snape instead, please and thank you. I don’t know why he told Harry to talk to Snape. He won’t “kill him” as Harry suggests, but he won’t want to continue the lessons either. It’s best if Lupin gets Dumbledore to do it.
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FFS Filch. The timing!!!
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ao3feed-romione · 2 years
Ethereal Wisteria
Ethereal Wisteria by vani is typing
Reincarnation sounds fun, doesn't it? Especially when the world you are being reborn into is one you'd always wished could have been real, and that you could have been a part of it. Diane Allan-Becker thought so too.
It's probably why the universe decided to have a little fun with her, and instead of sending her to the Heaven where she was supposed to go, she was reincarnated in the magical world of Harry Potter as Harry's twin sister, which meant playing a crucial role in the prophecy, and having to handle all the other problems that came along with being a Potter.
She didn't know if this was a mistake or if it had been done on purpose, but it was everything Diane had ever wanted. The universe had given her a gift. A chance to form bonds with and save lives of the people she had always adored, in a world she could have never imagined even in her wildest dreams to be real.
Diane was getting the chance to live the Y/N life, and oh, was she ready to fuck shit up.
Words: 907, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Draco Malfoy, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Ginny Weasley, Remus Lupin, Dudley Dursley, Kreacher, Neville Longbottom, Saoirse Mallick (Original Female Character), Wisteria Potter (Original Female Character), Harry Potter, Original Potter Family Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s) of Color
Relationships: Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley & Original Female Character(s), Draco Malfoy/Original Female Character(s), Harry Potter & Original Female Character(s), Fred Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Pansy Parkinson/Original Female Character(s), Fred Weasley/Draco Malfoy/Original Female Character(s)/Pansy Parkinson, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Gay Sirius Black, Gay Harry Potter, Bisexual Female Character, Bisexual Remus Lupin, Reincarnation, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships, Gryffindor & Slytherin Inter-House Friendships, Gryffindor Harry Potter, Gryffindor Original Character(s), Slytherin Original Character(s), Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter Friendship, Fix-It of Sorts, Everyone Is Gay, not really but you get it, OFC is a Mary Sue, but i make up for it with good writing, LGBTQ Themes, Charlus Potter and Dorea Potter are James Potters' Grandparents, Harry Potter Has a Twin, Harry Potter Has a Sibling, It's The Twins Who Lived, Metamorphmagus, POV Original Female Character, POV Original Character, Polyamory, Mild Language
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45026506
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in-flvx · 4 months
Why do you think does Sirius get along with creatures so good? For example buckbeak.. It's probably another plothole, but we should treat it as there is a reason, because I love Sirius bonding with them. So what are your thoughts on that?
Hi dear! Sorry for the late reply, it got swallowed by the ask box or smth
Also, I took some time to think about it, and I have come to a few reasons why Sirius has such an affinity with animals. In my opinion that are the reasons why Harry is ready to die by his side approximately 2h after meeting him, why he survived azkaban, and why he keeps fighting with kreacher and snape.
By which i mean: sirius genuinely sees and treats everyone he meets as equal entities, hes also incredibly honest person, he is generally super chill and only gets aggressive if provoked (or towards snape), and he shows a strong emotional intelligence towards himself and others.
AFAIK these are all traits animals tend to favor in people. And his emotional intelligence helps him to understand animals body language, and then react accordingly, even without turning into padfoot.
To buckbeak: I think there are several ways to read their relationship, especially in poa. Buckbeak has spent considerable time behind hagrids hut. Sirius often strolled around the premises. Maybe they met before and built a bit of a relationship through that. We know that buckbeak is very drawn to hagrid during poa. No reason he couldn't feel the same towards sirius.
But also... Harry and hermione both get buckbeaks trust and then spend several hours with him. In which they tail sirius and themselves. So buckbeak gets to see both of them having a positive relationship with sirius. When they break him out, sirius is the third person joining two people buckbeak already trusts, so it stands to reason that they trust him, which buckbeak might intuit. All three of them also take buckbeak further away from the axe meant to kill him so that might help as well.
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
Tell me a EdxRegulus for send a ship like..the bois >>
Sadly the vast majority of this wouldn't be canon for these boys, since they were both such "good boys" that they wouldn't go against their families' wishes and Pureblood mania and romantically pursue each other while Regulus was still alive...but hypothetically, if Reg had survived the War and Ed had rebelled against his awful parents without Reg's death spurring it on...
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who made the first move: Arguably -- and this is from their canon -- it was Ed! When Ed graduated Hogwarts, he gave Regulus a square locket as a token of their "bond" and a showing of his eternal support.
“Sure, I won’t be there with you…but well, this will. Maybe that’ll make fighting your battles alone a little easier.”
Regulus went on to wear that locket every day under whatever high collared robes he'd chosen to wear. In a world where Regulus survived, he'd continue to wear it more openly, even while wearing Muggle clothes without collars.
who kissed who first: Interestingly enough, Regulus! Ed is the pragmatic one in their relationship, so for the longest time, he sort of resigned himself to the fact that he couldn't have the future he'd always envisioned -- namely, succeed in the music industry, marry and have a family with someone his parents would approve of -- with Regulus. And even after breaking away from his parents' toxic arses, Ed would have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that he'd never succeed in that, after how hard he worked to try to earn his parents' love and acceptance. Regulus, being the more romantic of the two, would definitely likewise have trouble with the thought that he'd fought for a man who would try to kill the only living being in the Black family home who loved him unconditionally (namely, Kreacher) and who quite honestly wanted a world where people like him didn't exist…but Reg would be the one who'd be idealistic enough that he'd declare his desire and intention to stand by Ed, no matter what might happen to either of them, as well as to clarify his intentions if Ed didn't take him seriously. Therefore Regulus would be the one who'd both physically act on his feelings and full-out confess first.
who started the relationship: Ed. Regulus may have confessed his feelings first, but Ed was the one who -- after taking some time to collect himself and his thoughts and get over his own hang-ups about never being able to earn his parents' approval -- broached the subject of a formal relationship with Regulus. Being the sort of person who always wants to know what he was doing and where he was going, Ed didn't want to get into a relationship with Regulus unless he knew what it was going to look like and that they were both in it for the long haul -- once he was assured of that, he was ready to settle down and be Regulus's forever.
who remembers things: Ed. He's always been the planner out of the two, so he's the type to have a calendar keeping everything straight.
nicknames for each other: Ed calls Regulus "Reg" or (in private) "babe." Regulus usually just calls Ed "Ed," like everyone else excluding Chess Thornton @cursebreakerfarrier does, but also (in private) "dear," "sunshine," and "handsome."
who is more likely to pay for dinner: *snorts* Ed certainly tries to do it, a lot of the time. He's a very generous sort, so he loves spoiling and otherwise taking care of Regulus. Regulus will sometimes beat Ed to the punch, though -- after his mother Walburga passes away and especially after Sirius makes it clear he wants nothing to do with his family's money or house, Reg ends up being the main inheritor of the Black estate, even while technically disowned, so he has a decently sized pocketbook.
who normally cooks: Ed again! Again, he loves spoiling and taking care of Regulus, and feeding him is a great way to do it. Regulus loves watching Ed cook, though -- he thinks his other half looks really handsome, his sleeves rolled up and cooking at the stove in an apron.
who remembers anniversaries: Both! Regulus because he's the romantic one and Ed because he's the planner. Regulus usually tends to do spontaneous romantic things, while Ed plans out the entire bloody day.
what would they get each other for gifts: Ed writes Regulus songs constantly, but he also likes buying Regulus new clothes, cuff links, watches, or other kinds of jewelry. Regulus buys Ed new records, art pieces, tickets to concerts and Quidditch matches, and (after seeing how charmed Ed was by a fan giving him a giant stuffed wolf) stuffed animals.
most trivial thing they fight over: Fighting over who pays the checks when they go out on dates. 😂
how often do they fight: Not often. Both of them are very sensitive people who long to make their loved ones happy, so they actively avoid angry confrontations. They're more likely to have serious heart-to-heart conversations if they sense the other is upset.
who uses all the hot water: Ed. Hey, this boy's in a famous magical boy band: he can actually be a little bit of a diva.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Ed. Ed ends up taking charge of paying all the bills, given his flair for organization.
who leaves their stuff around: Honestly, neither of them. Both Ed and Regulus were strictly trained by their parents to put things back where they belong, so they're both rather tidy people.
who remembers to buy the milk: You'd think it'd be Ed given his flair for organization, and yes, perhaps Ed is the one to make the grocery lists more of the time, but Regulus I see as the one who does most of the errands and gets the groceries most of the time, since Ed's so tied up with work when he's not at home.
who controls the netflix queue: Regulus -- Regulus is more of a reader than Ed, so I could see him ultimately being more of a movie person too. Ed would honestly be very willing to let Regulus decide their evening entertainment, if he was very opinionated about it.
who steals the covers at night: Neither of them -- I see both Ed and Regulus as being very touch-starved, so they'd be clinging to each other more than the covers.
who cusses more: Ed, but only by a little. Both of them were trained so early not to swear by their families that they never fully break down that wall and use a lot of swear words, even in the heat of anger. In Ed's case as well, being one of the older, more senior members of his band, he feels like he has to set a good example.
who does most of the cleaning: Regulus, because of how all-over-the-map Ed's schedule is. Not that Regulus minds -- he used to have to clean up after his brother Sirius all the time, and Ed's messes are nothing in comparison, given how sensitive Ed is about not giving Regulus too much work to do.
what’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Helping each other dress in the mornings. Regulus and Ed are both so touch-starved and longing for praise and validation that these two love combing each other's hair, showering each other with compliments, and making sure they each look their best every day.
who’s the cuddler: BOTH.
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Most often Ed is the big spoon, while Regulus is the little spoon. A lot of that is because Ed is taller and bigger than Regulus, though.
who’s more dominant: Technically Ed, since he generally has more of an opinion of what he wants from the off-set, but he and Reg do switch off quite frequently. Regulus knows exactly how to make Ed melt into putty in his hand, both when they're intimate and otherwise.
who is the dirty talker: Neither. These two are all about praise and worship, so neither of them is that turned on by dirty talk.
what do they do when they’re away from each other: For Ed, it's generally either work for his music label or writing songs. For Regulus, I could actually see him taking a job either at the Ministry or for a non-profit organization, maybe in promoting house elf rights. I could see his idealistic bent taking his life in a very different direction, once he realizes just how misguided his parents' way of thinking really is.
what would they do if the other one was hurt: If Regulus was hurt, Ed would initially turn into a dear in the headlights: mind blank with panic. Then, once he recovered, Ed would immediately barrel over and try to help however he could, whether it was getting Regulus out of danger, trying to heal the injury, or even just shielding Regulus from further damage. If Ed was hurt, Regulus would flip out. He would lash out with surprisingly violent ruthlessness against whoever hurt Ed -- much like his older brother Sirius would, if he was in the same position.
a headcanon: Regulus is gay. Ed is pansexual. Neither of them were ever brave enough to express their sexuality openly while they were at school, though many suspected it.
Ship Ask!
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remus-poopin · 2 years
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Hey! Here is a huge master list of all my favorite Harry Potter character analyses and Metas! 
I DID NOT write these! Please do yourself a favor and check out some of the wonderful and intelligent writers of these metas as they deserve all the praise for their hard and impressive work!
If anyone of the writers for whatever reason wants me to remove their meta from this list just tell me and it will be done!  
Some of these may be contradictory to each other but that is because I like to hear other interpretations. These may not line up exactly with your view of the characters (not all of them line up with mine) but please try to be respectful.
*Almost all of these are from Tumblr except one from reddit and one from a outside blog.
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Gentleman Monster: How Remus’s Marginalization and Comparative Privilege Made Who He Is
The Marauders Map scene in POA: Verbal Fencing Between Snape and Lupin
Prisoner of Azkaban: When Hostility Meets Passive Aggression
Remus Lupin: in depth analysis
“And I haven’t changed...”
Lupin as a manipulator
Remus would rather categorize himself with his oppressor than validate his own experiences.
Harry, Snape and Lupin: morality and “the greater good”
Lupin and his failure to think ahead - the boggart scene
Remus Lupin: ENFJ
Remus lupin: Repentance vs Regret
Lupin and Language
Remus And His Use of Language + Sirius' Dark Humor
Lupin and his use of pauses and “ers”
Lupin and language - “glimpse”
Neither Likes Not Dislikes Severus…
Lupin appreciation: How he speaks
Debunking Fanon:
Fanon vs. Canon: Remus Lupin Edition (reddit)
Harry and Remus’ dynamic
Snape and Lupin parallels
The Great Pretenders: Remus and Regulus
Nearly Always Right: Remus and Harry
Remus and what his friendships represent
Power game that goes on between Lupin and Snape in POA
Lovable Except for that Terrible Period: The Upbringing of Remus Lupin
Theories and headcanons:
Remus’ “unmistakable signs of trying to live among wizards”
Remus did a lot of “growing up” during the lost years
If Lupin and Tonks had survived the battle?
Lupin isn't the middle ground in Mrs Weasley vs Sirius argument
Remus with his own special brand of comforting logic
Lupin and how he presents in front of others
Remus Lupin is so detached from things
Remus Lupin at his most dangerous
Lupin lying to himself and others
Lupin is a gold standard for for the male manipulator trope
Bonus thoughts on werewolves as sexual predators, and Lupins' response to this.
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Part one: Sirius and the shadow of being a Black.
Part two: Sirius Black: the victim of the system he was born to rule
Grimmauld Place: Azkaban by a different name
Sirius Black and Complex trauma
Sirius's core need for family
Sirius's views on Death-Eaters: The world isn't split into good people and Death-eaters.
Padfoot and the Liminal Space
Arrested Development – Sirius, Snape, Obsessions and Blind Spots
Sirius Black, Mental Health and Masculinity
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Debunking Fanon:
Sirius is not as explosive as he is often characterized.
Sirius was not an immature man -child
Sirius is both emotionally and academically intelligent
Someone Like A Parent: The Beginning of Bond in POA
Padfoot and Prongs: an analysis of the friendship
Why Sirius hated Snape so much
Sirius and Walburga: the passive-aggressive Sticking Charm
Sirius and Walburga's similarities
Regulus and Sirius's relationship
Sirius and Lily
Sirius and Orion Black
Sirius and Regulus’s relationship is Kreacher
Snape parallels:
The Hogwarts Express scene in Prince’s Tale: A Sirius and Snape analysis
Sirius and Snape as foils
Sirius and Snape both want to be part of a world that they will never truly understand.
Snape, Sirius, and revenge 
Sirius and Snape parallels: rule breaking
More Snape and Sirius parallels
Sirius/Snape parallels - Gender coding
Sirius’ sense of humor
Shame of My Flesh: Reading into Sirius’ Thoughts on Crouch Family
Sirius and Molly Argument in OOTP
James, Sirius and Snape: privilege and intelligence
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Ashes’ thoughts on James
“the marauders’ is essentially just three people wanting to be James’ best friend but only one of them actually achieving it”
Debunking Fanon:
“golden retriever” James Potter
James and Sirius had the best friendship in the story
Mine!: James Potter and Regulus Black
James Didn’t Suspect Remus - First War edition
Theories and headcanons:
How does growing up with elderly parents affect James’s personality?
James inner sense of nobility prevents him from killing
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Peter Pettigrew is emotionally intelligent and uses it in a strategic manner.
Peter is a Beautiful Scum Bag
Where is the Loyalty? Regulus and Peter
Peter and Remus
Theories and headcanons:
Peter Pettigrew and the Werewolf Incident (Not as Much of a Key Event for Him)
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Reading Marauders Dynamics in SWM
An Analysis of the Snape’s Worst Memory Pensieve scene
SWM occurring after The Prank is neither a plot hole nor inconsistent
The rifts that made it possible for the Marauders to fall apart were evident even as far back as Hogwarts.
Fallout of the “prank”
Debunking Fanon:
J/S vs F/G: different types of troublemakers
The marauders individual relationships
Remus with Sirius and James?
Lupin within the marauder dynamic
The marauders recklessness
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Lily and Altruism
Lily and insecurity
Slughorn’s favorite student
Lily’s weakness is her fondness for being the exception
Debunking Fanon:
Lily’s cold anger
Lily as a friend
Interpretation of Lily’s blush
Lily Evans’ letter to Sirius Black
Lily Evans is attracted to James Potter in Snape's Worst Memory.
Lily intended to break off her friendship with Severus before SWM
Harry’s relationship to the Prince as a blueprint for Lily’s friendship with Snape
Lily’s feelings for Snape are more complex than fandom gives them credit for.
Lily and her friendships
Lily never hated Petunia
What’s Up with Petunia’s Resentment of Lily?
Theories and headcanons:
Mulciber, Mary Macdonald and why Lily almost smiled in Snape’s Worst Memory
Lily is blind to the flaws of people she admires/loves unless it explodes in her face.
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Snape and the importance of his memories
Snape and Class
How Dumbledore’s death speaks to Snape’s moral evolution
Snape: class and power
Two up, two down
Spinner's End (white hound)
Why does Spinners End matter?
Snape, Lupin and the trolley problem
a matter of perspective
Snape and wizarding privilege?
Snape as a guardian
Debunking Fanon:
James and Snape were rivals? Nah.
Snape was not upset over the lost of the order of merlin
Snape doesn't want revenge
Snape and textbooks
Obsession or Love?
Lily and Sev
“Lily Potter’s Son”
Feminist reading of lily/James/snape
Snape and lily’s shared spirit
The extremely dysfunctional friendship of Snape and Lily
Dumbledore, Snape and the werewolf incident.
Snape was his own man
Snape and Lupin
Theories and headcanons:
Snape and the Order confrontation of the Dursley's
Snape and the prince nickname
“Said Snape”
Snape as a “bad victim”
Snape, tropes, and classic English literature
On Rage and Kindness
Snape’s use of language
Severus Snape or the Importance of Body Language
Snape being female coded
Snape had to practice being a person
Snape and queer coding
Snape loving the “goodness in lily”
Snape was really traumatized by SWM
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Reconciling Kindness and Callousness: A Discussion on Hermione and Emotions
A Discussion on Hermione and Leadership
Hermione was born a leader and diplomat
Hermione “character growth” with SPEW
Debunking Fanon:
Hermione IS soft
Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins: A Closer Look into Hermione’s Modification of Her Parents’ Memories
Harry and Hermione understand each other
Harry is in awe of Hermione
Theories and headcanons:
Hermione wouldn't like fiction
Cool Hermione Things: Magic Under Pressure
Hermione and internalized misogyny
Hermione can be very ruthless
Book Hermione
On Grandness: A Hermione Granger Appreciation Post
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Deconstructing Harry: The boy we meet in Philosopher’s Stone to the man in Deathly Hallows
The Resurrection Stone Scene: Culmination Of Harry’s Emotional Arc
The Dementors and Harry's Complex grief
Harry’s inherent tendency towards fairness
Harry, Hermione and the prince
'Be brave like my mother, Professor'
The Lightning-Struck Tower: “It is My Mercy, Not Yours That Matters Now”
Harry And Personal Conflict: A Meta On Evolving Dynamic With Ron and Hermione
Harry identified with and reluctantly admired Snape even before ‘The Prince’s Tale’
Harry and Hermione in The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
Harry and The Dursleys: Examining His Response to his Abusers
Harry-Hermione Friendship
On Harry and the adults in his life
The Mirthless Laugh: Sirius and Harry
Harry and Tom: Parents, Love and Death
A Cold Blooded Walk to Destruction: The Deaths of Harry and Dumbledore
Harry and the Dursleys: (Companion Piece to Deconstructing Harry)
Harry's intuitive, empathy related approach to morality
Harry and intellectual curiosity
The Potters and class
Harry and masculinity
Harry’s quirks
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
I Have Seen Your Heart: Exploring Ron's arc through the Mirror of Erised and the Locket
Ron isn't a strategist, he's the heart
Debunking Fanon:
Ron’s humor and emotional intelligence
Harry and Ron’s friendship
Ron and the Horcrux: An Alternate Reading
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Gender Dynamics in the Trio, Part One: Gender and Subordination
Debunking Fanon:
Hermione and Ron don't blindly trust harry
Harry and Hermione: Balancing Acts, Effort, and Compromise
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
“Lucky you”
On the veil
Does gender plays a role in Harry and Ginny’s respective interactions with Voldemort?
Ginny and dean
Ginny and Neville during DH
Did the Weasley’s know about Harry and Ginny?
Ginny, the diary, and her family’s reaction
Ginny and Luna's Relationship
Harry’s thoughts of Ginny in the Forest
Harry and Ginny's shared experience of going to their deaths
Harry and Ginny at Shell Cottage
Ginny and writing failures
Ginny is a chad
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Weasley siblings reacting to the expectations put upon them
Percy Weasley and the Gryffindor narrative
Percy fell through a big crack
Debunking Fanon:
Percy actually wasn’t Molly’s favorite
Weasley Family Dynamics as a quidditch team
Percy with F&G and Bill
Percy, Fred, and George
Ginny and Molly
The relationship between Percy & Arthur
Percy and Arthur were close without actually knowing each other's true selves
The Weasleys Aren’t Evil, Or Anything, But They’re Not Saints Either
Dumbledore as a Mentor
Dumbledore and Reflections of Himself
Albus Dumbledore is not only respected and feared, but also loved
Albus Dumbledore Has Done Great, Generous, Things for People (Though He Also Uses These People as Pawns Later)
The Blacks:
Walburga Black: the madwoman in the attic
General Thoughts on the Black Family
Bellatrix: Mental health and the feminist lens
The Black family and pureblood ideology
The Blacks are a family in decline
Regulus: unrepentant bigot
The Blacks family system is abusive
The Malfoys:
Draco & Blaise: frenemies, not friends
“This is Crabbe and this is Goyle”: friends on last name basis?
“all draco wanted was to be loved” debunked
“Said Malfoy”
Draco and Lucius are the magical equivalent of Dudley and Vernon?
Tom Riddle:
The Abandoned Boy And His Problematic Fathers: Snape with Voldemort & Dumbledore
Trevor and Neville’s Boggart
Neville’s Boggart
The Dursleys:
Petunia: “it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”
Pansy, the girly mean girl
Wizarding World Magic:
HP magic system
What the Patronus charm represents 
The Importance of Soul in HP verse
Wizarding World Politics:
Wizarding UK and democracy
Wizarding World Culture:
Chamber of Secrets- an insight into intersecting identities.
Why the Wizarding World Didn’t Oppose Voldemort
House Elves Are Slaves
The Wizarding World and Its Profound Ignorance of Muggles
A History of Magic Brought to You By The Carnivorous Muffin
The Wizarding World Lacks a Key Understanding of Magic
Hogwarts School Uniform
Hogwarts Houses by Muffin
How Old is the Bias Against Slytherin?
No, Really, the Hogwarts Houses Are Awful
The Order of the Phoenix is a Useless Joke
Wandlore: Remus, Slughorn, and Lily
Harry Potter as a colonial fantasy
Death as one of HP’s themes
The “not like other girls” syndrome in the Harry Potter books.
HP series being ‘ethically mean spirited’
Marauders era and the 70s aesthetic?  
JKR and chirstianity
Harry potter series and how american readers can understand classism a little better
Slytherin and Eton: A Primer on the British School System.
JKR’s absolutist way of seeing the world: gryffindor and slytherin
Hogwarts teachers and our modern muggle lens
Questioning the marauders map and the narrative surrounding it
Interesting debates/conversations/thought experiments/ideas:
If Harry had told Ron and Hermione about Snape's Worst Memory?
Bellatrix and feminism?
Snape and Stalking?
Best DADA teacher?
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xunvyrae · 2 years
regulus black headcanons
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here's some of my headcanons for regulus (which i might use in future fics)
regulus had always been jealous of sirius's long hair and wants to grow his out as well, but walburga never allowed him to
when he grew older, he dared to let it grow up to his chin (later, a little above his shoulder)
his favourite cousin has always been narcissa, both bonding over being the youngest siblings, and shared interests.
when his hair was long enough, he would braid them (narcissa taught him how to). it made his already curly hair even curlier
barty would tease him for it, but it also made him more popular (he doesn't understand why)
he'd always braid his hair during quidditch matches so it won't get in the way when he's flying
he loves pavlovas. kreacher makes him one all the time (usually in secret bc walburga wouldn't tolerate it) and the hogwarts elves picked up on it, so he always gets an extra pavlova during dinner.
he likes to wear rings, and when the black family signet ring was given to him, he wore it in his thumb (because it was a little too big for him but couldn't be bothered to resize it)
he's actually a fake it till you make it kind of person
he pretends he's good at the piano (one that walburga forced him to learn at a young age) but whenever he's told to play amongst an audience, he just uses a spell to make it look he's playing correctly
he also pretends he's good in french (he never bothered to advance his studies) so he mostly relies on translation spells to help him
he secretly likes david bowie because he heard sirius playing it before (his favourite songs are oh! you pretty things and sorrow)
he's a lot like sirius than he (and everyone) thinks, he's just good at masking it
and he's good at making jokes (although he doesn't do it often)
he's a better singer than sirius, but he almost never sings (only does it when no one's around) so nobody knows
except for remus, who caught him singing to himself during their prefect rounds, and he made remus swear to never tell a soul
canon compliant hcs:
as he is narcissa's favourite cousin, she broke down when she found out about his death.
he was only a boy, and oh so young. after, she swore that she'd make sure that her own son, draco, doesn't turn out like regulus, which made her overprotective but caring, making sure that draco grew up loved.
she saw a lot of regulus in draco, so when draco joined the death eaters she made sure that he didn't die like regulus did (hence making snape take the unbreakable vow with her)
she also raised draco with stories of her and her cousin regulus when they were children
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wellpresseddaisy · 3 years
It's sad Kreacher headcanons hours.
Because what I've come up with for that elf...
House Elf background - the Head Elf in a household is the nanny elf. House Elves revere those who care for children (elf, human, could be dwarf or goblin elves don't care...babies are babies). Humans think the head elf is the butler type elf, but that's according to human convention.
Anyelf can be in charge of other elves. Special elves take care of the babies and children.
Kreacher was the nanny elf. He adored his charges, such good boys and so bright, and they adored him in return.
And Walburga saw a way to hurt and control. She twisted the bond between elf and child. She made Kreacher hurt Sirius to keep Regulus in line. She hurt Kreacher to make him obey.
Kreacher fought.
But Kreacher wasn't strong enough. He was just one elf.
Decades later, when Sirius went back to Grimmauld Place, Kreacher was still punishing himself for his failures.
And Sirius hated him for it.
(In a happier, Sirius is Posher than God AU, Kreacher will be freed from Mistress's foul magics. Kreacher will never be nice, but Kreacher will be proud to serve his Little Master Sirius again. Even if it means Miss Granger keeps trying to knit him hats. He hates hats. They have bobbles. They offend his dignity.)
(Second side note: Elves only call the Head of Household wizard/witch by their title, Mister, or Mistress. All others are Master or Miss. So yes, the Malfoy House Elves see Lucius as a child.)
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