#god im fucking losing it
oakthefrog · 2 months
TW suicide mention
oh great the voice in my head that's telling me to kms is back. i didn't miss it. i did, however, miss being able to stay up in bed all night because it won't shut up :3 /sar
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foxstens · 17 days
kevin getting angry at neil for not taking his health seriously and telling neil to run then promising to teach him every night and keeping neil's binder safe without looking what's in it and calling wymack to make sure neil is okay after winter break and offering to talk about riko if neil wanted to
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bread-that-draws · 1 year
Flowey’s so funny and has me so fucked up like he’s a talking flower. He tries to kill you upon your first interaction. He is ten years old. He is damaged beyond repair. He’s a flower named Flowey. He’s become friends with every single character. He’s killed all of them countless times. He knows everything about everyone. He doesn’t care anymore. He takes care of his mom when she can’t take care of herself. He’s killed her before. He doesn’t care if you kill her. He thinks she’s trying to replace him. He just wants to be himself again. He wants to destroy everything. He hates you. You’re the only one who understands him. He wants his best friend back. He’s terrified of them. He believes in kill or be killed because he died by giving mercy to the wrong person. He believes himself to be the wrong person. He doesn’t understand when you show him that kindness he showed others, even when you know he could kill you for it. He’s tried every route. He asks you if you have anything better to do when you try to do the same. He’s a direct reflection of the player. He’s a fucking talking flower named flowey and his only voice line is by Ronald McDonald and his officially licensed plush does a little dance for you
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nartml · 2 months
"Hey, I think this beef was planted to distract us from Rafah—"
Shut up.
Oh my god, for one, are you incapable of doing both? Are you fucking incapable of paying attention to two different matters?
Which are both serious. Not equally so, obviously, but this isn't just a silly, superficial "ha ha, I slept with your girl" beef.
Kendrick is not only making everyone take notice of things the community has been saying for a long ass time, he's also talking about the industry as a whole as well.
Two, this situation has been a month and a half in the making. It did not start this weekend.
Three, this is hip-hop. Do you know anything about hip-hop and its culture?
And four... Really? Really now? Do you not see how what you're suggesting is ever so slightly 🤏... what's the correct word here...racist?
And listen, I'm a white bitch. So if it's not my place to point this stuff out, let me know, and I'll take it down.
I just find the whole ordeal baffling.
I know it's difficult to believe, and I'm not being ironic about this, but not everything is puppeteered by the government.
Not everything is a conspiracy or a ploy, a ruse or a trick masterminded by the "higher-ups".
Yes, a lot of shit could be.
But I genuinely think we're overestimating them.
Both about how 'clever' they are and about how much they care what we, the lowly peasants, think.
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jaylaxies · 3 months
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i need him in ways that are concerning to humanity i fear
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demadogs · 1 month
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Sophie Thatcher & Jasmin Savoy on the set of Yellowjackets season three
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moisthairyfarts · 4 months
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Ds9 custody battle
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philocalistwrites · 6 months
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percymawce-arts · 27 days
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one in five billion
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jubmato · 29 days
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guys. guys hear me. out. pelase hear me out im cooking i swear guys ple
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Vincent Price as Dr. Frankenstein
The Danny Kaye Show - aired 1965
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thatcoyperson · 7 months
The fact that Scar won the season he was made out to be the villain constantly and was alone with no real friends the whole time is what really gets me.
Like its his second time being without allies and he just turns that loneliness into anger - less because he wants to, and more cause he's forced to cause of being made out to be the villain by the secret keeper. I feel like it'd just prove to him that hes better off alone than with friends and MAN. IM THINKING ABOUT THIS SO MUCH-
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xxsuicidalravenxx · 2 months
I found a thing thanks to Tumbler, and I will just be leaving this here
Do with it what you will, but I am definitely not freaking out, definitely not one bit...
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v8mpvrse · 9 days
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what if we led our team to the finals two years in a row and when we met u said it feels like we’ve known each other for ten years and what if we’re so publicly LOUD with our appreciation and admiration and LOVE for each other. what if together we won and brought the first cup in franchise history to the city that brought US together. lol. lmfao even.
never moving on from this picture (or them) thank u so much for ur concern and for asking!!!!!
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cannibalcarcass · 2 months
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I need yall to know how unbelievably healing it is to see such a wonderful sapphic relationship so blatantly shown like I cried the first time I watched this show
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