#gi disease
vulpine111 · 2 months
I am glad my therapist talks to me on Wednesday. I can explain I don't know what I want to do quite yet. Part of me *never* wants to walk away from Rasheed or quit him for good.
I understand his diverticulitis, hep c, and other sources of pain aren't at all an excuse not to respect me/my time. I understand we're probably just not meant to be together.
I still care, though.
It feels cruel/wrong to leave a friend to rot when they are dealing with so much pain and serious illness. I want to keep praying for his recovery and salvation and other blessings. I know that's obviously frustrating to everyone who he makes uncomfortable and I'm sorry.
I can't shut off my feelings.
I still love him.
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chaos-and-ink · 2 months
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Hurts if I eat, hurts if I don't; hurts if I sleep, hurts so deep.
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existennialmemes · 3 months
Having Crohn's is like
"Please excuse me, I have just consumed vital nutrients in delicious forms, and it dealt me no less than 50 damage points, and now I must lie down and recover from this ordeal"
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twisted-rat-king · 10 months
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when GI issues
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cupidddd-d · 2 years
i love you, tenderly, tragically
in which you loved him tenderly and tragically until the very end
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ও you loved kaedehara kazuha, and you knew that complete certainty
ও but you also knew that he didn't, and would never, love you back
ও which is why it came as no surprise to you when you were suddenly hit with a series of sputtering coughs and petals
ও you were happy that kazuha was out on the crux, travelling the seas
ও you didn't want him to ever know how you felt
ও you didn't want to see the disappointment in his eyes at your feelings
ও and selfishly, you prayed that he wouldn't come back until you had long since passed on
ও you couldn't bare to see him and carry the feeble hope that maybe, just maybe, he might be able to love you back and save you
ও so in each of your letters to him, you acted normal
ও in each of your letters, you were as tender and kind and loving as you always had been
ও you ensured that he would never find out about your disease
ও and he never did find out.
ও he never found out that whenever he called you an amazing friend, the petals would get a little more choked up in your throat than usual
ও he never found out that when he addressed you as his best friend in each of his letters, the coughs would viciously tear through your throat, each even more violent than the last
ও you ensured that he would never realize what you were suffering through and why. because if you couldn't be loved and happy, at least he could be
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connorjesup · 2 years
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Yook Sung Jae as Lee Seung Cheon and Son Woo Hyeon as Jang Moon Gi in The Golden Spoon (2022) episode 2
Aren’t you too tired today to read? It’s for a school assignment.
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chicago-geniza · 1 month
Don't have a uterus or periods anymore but my body makes up the difference with gastroparesis (called in sick to work and spent the day curled up in bed with alternating ice packs and heating pads on my abdomen, puking into disposable emesis bags, taking muscle relaxants, anti-emetics, and fucking. Codeine for the nausea and cramps)
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gentlenotes-moved · 8 months
every now and again i'll feel like i'm about to throw up everywhere whenever i eat even the smallest amount of food or do something simple like existing and then i realize it's been like 2 days since i've taken my pills
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cavewretch · 23 days
if i can be so honest . i am very stressed
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arataka-reigen · 7 months
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Screaming crying throwing up at the soul of this man's wife that barely remembers her life on earth finding her love again and giving him the forgiveness he needed to move on
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vulpine111 · 2 months
Rasheed basically went an entire week without any medication for his diverticulitis. The jail wouldn't help him with it. Yesterday, he said it was "really bad."
I wish I could make him the rest of the tulsi aka Holy Basil tea I've got left right now but he probably doesn't find my company comforting. Otherwise he'd be here. There is always some reason he can't get a ride to my place. I wanna have more on hand just in case, though. I love that tea even more than kava.
Anyways, I don't know what I'd even feed him if he made it here and actually wanted to spend some quality time with me? I used to do *a lot* of research on diverticulitis because Grandpa has it too, but yeah... idk. It's been a while since I sat down and contemplated it.
Sometimes, Rasheed feels like eating stuff that just makes it worse and I don't want to be mean or controlling so I let him without the reminder it will hurt later. lol
I might explain if he ever wants to come stay for dinner, I don't mind stocking up on some recipes that are good for him though. I still haven't ordered anything fun shaped for Jell-O, for example. Applesauce might be okay too. He might even like the way I make egg drop soup.
I want a bigger, comfier place to sleep btw. I have a futon for myself and one for guests but what I really need is a huge mattress.
If Rasheed wanted me to, I'd love to cuddle him and gently hold a heated sock filled with rice up to the places that hurt. I told him we've known each other so long, he really doesn't need to be self conscious about that sort of thing anymore.
Oh well.
I should do more research regarding what I can feed someone with extreme GI issues. If not for Rasheed's sake, it's just good info to have because I want to be able to be a good friend. That includes people who have issues eating.
I want to be able to provide suggestions that are fun and comforting!!
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blakedotpng · 1 year
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sorry i’ve been kinda dead heres some art
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meanlesbean · 3 months
this not working thing is so nice i should've seen if i could've gotten my docs to extend my leave until next week
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puppyboycoded · 2 months
have almost all my testing back and it's looking like I have an autoimmune GI disease like severe IBD or Chrons wooooooo
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belgianjournalists · 13 days
Man I'm really vibrating from wanting to know if I passed my exam or not lol
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morguerue · 2 months
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my baby mans is healthy. needed a little diet adjustment for his sake but overall pretty on point in terms of unlimited hay, properly portioned pellets, ect.... . hes getting neutered soon, got a 1 of 2 vaccine and general checkup today. apparently continuing to give him fruit is No Good for his digestion but honestly finding out that fruit and most veg is not so good... kind of explains to me though why so many petfluincer types say rabbits just Get serious GI stasis issues at semi random when actually my backseat conspiracy is that.. giving them fruit, if it is something that wears down their digestive system( as much as a nationally renowned, 2+ decade practicing rabbit specialist has told me it does..) kinda explains that
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