#genuinely makes me smile
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littlemissfix-itfic · 1 year ago
After the Bad Days
Weeks after one of Dean’s really bad days, you’re in a diner, grabbing a quick bite with Dean, Sam, and Cas after a hunt. As you’re walking back to your table, you can hear Cas and Dean talking, but you’re not near enough to make out any of the conversation. You round the corner away from the bathrooms, and you hear the soft vulnerability in Dean’s voice as he murmurs, to himself more than to Cas. Sam and Cas pause, looking at him with surprised relief, and you slide into the booth next to him. Noting the pause in the conversation becoming awkward, you elbow him softly with a smile and offer up a few shining compliments about his work on the hunt you had just finished up. Your food arrives, and you all dig in, conversation resuming their regular flow. You can’t help but notice the smile that stays on Dean’s lips, and hope to yourself, and whomever or whatever else might be out there that cares, that it remains longer than the last smile did.
[COVERED IN BLOOD] Perhaps the world is slightly brighter having me in it.
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podargus-strigoides · 1 year ago
every image of a tawny frogmouth is perfection. i've never seen a single picture of a tawny that dissapoints.
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royalarchivist · 1 month ago
Jaiden: How did you guys even find out that, um... Chayanne's admin plays Cucurucho? [Reading chat] Ohhh, accidentally played the soundboard as Chayanne? That's hilarious actually. I wanna see the clip of Phil reacting to that.
Jaiden: I love– I love the way that Phil laughs, it's just such a hearty, genuine laugh. The few times that I've made him laugh, I've felt really good about myself! [Embarrassed laugh] Because he makes me feel much funnier than I am, you know?
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Jaiden talks about silly QSMP moments and laughter. 💜
[ Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Jaiden: How did you guys even find out that, um... Chayanne's admin plays Cucurucho? Did they just tell- tell Phil? Did- were they just hangin' out? [Reading chat] "The same username"? Ohhh. [Reading chat] "It was a mistake"? ...Wait, what was the mistake? What do you mean "it was an accident"?
Jaiden: Ohhh, accidentally played the soundboard [Laughs] as Chayanne? That's hilarious actually. [Laughs] What di- what did he say, was he just like, "Ha ha ha"? [Laughs]
[Old clip of Bad, Fit, and the Eggs] Bad: –have one of the things I'm looking for. Chayanne: [Cucurucho voice] HA HA HA Bad: What was that? Fit: You heard that too, right? Chayanne: [Cucurucho voice] NO Bad: ...What the fudge was that. Fit: Wait–
Jaiden: [Reading chat] "He said 'no'" [Laughs] That's so funny. [Laughs] I wanna see the clip of Phil reacting to that. I love– I love the way that Phil laughs, it's just such a hearty, genuine laugh.
[Clip of Phil laughing]
Jaiden: The few times that I've made him laugh, I've felt really good about myself! [Embarrassed laugh] Because he makes me feel much funnier than I am, you know?
[Old clip of Phil and Jaiden] Jaiden: Oh, that's awesome! And then it– [She gets snagged by the machine] Jaiden: Oh– Ahh! Phil: Be careful! Jaiden: AAAAAᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃ — [Her screams fade as she's dragged away] Phil: [Laughs] There she goes! [Hits his desk and laughs]
[Another old clip plays] Jaiden: [Singing along to "It's Been So Long" from FNAF] It's been so long, since I've last seen my– Phil: What is happening? [Laughs, then laughs more seeing Jaiden's mask] PFTTT– [Laughs] Jaiden: [Laughing] Phil: Jesus Christ–
Jaiden: It's just like, such a good laugh! I wish I had a– a like, more-hearty laugh. You know? You know what I'm talking about? My laugh is kinda like... Uh, you know how you guys compare Foolish's laugh to like, the... window cleaner? Like a– [Squeaky window-cleaning sound]
[Short clip of Foolish covering his face with one hand and making the squeaky laugh he's known for, slapping the arm of his chair as he keeps laughing]
Jaiden: I can't do it– [Laughs] It doesn't sound like that. I think mine is like... Because like, I do like, "Hee hee hee!" and I also like, breathe in, like– [Squeaky sound] You know? So I think– My laugh kinda just sounds like... Like, after you spray the window, and you're like, cleaning it. Like, wiping it down with a cloth. You know? That's what my laugh sounds like. I wish it was more of like a, "Ha ha ha."
[Short clip of Cucurucho saying "HA HA HA"]
Jaiden: But, I mean, I'm not complaining. I don't think– I don't think "laugh anxiety" is something that I wanna– is not a path I would really wanna go down. [Quiet laugh] It's like- sometimes, you just gotta pick your battles. [Laughs]
Jaiden: [Reading chat] "You have a good laugh" Thank you. [Quiet laugh]
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weewoow-20706030 · 2 years ago
Side note, I think it's really funny how artists draw the most amazing, brilliant, iconic, members of the batfamily then they just draw batman as a blob with horns and white spaces for eyes.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 11 months ago
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she turns, makes direct eye contact with you, smiles,
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ruoyeming · 8 months ago
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Spirited Away! AU to heal my sad little heart <3
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lotus-pear · 2 years ago
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never forgiving bones for fucking up this scene
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four-unwell-lesbians · 8 months ago
Thinking about the way dungeon meshi does queer horror. Using horror to tell queer stories is already subversive, but dungeon meshi subverts it even more
Normal queer horror is like. A monsterous desire and immortal love of something isolated/hated and the uncontrollable but suppressed need to consume someone to live and they only die if you break/pierce their heart. its great.
In dungeon meshi, the group is STARVING. they do things the way they're expected to and they're so deprived that eventually, one of them is consumed by that monsterous desire.
Then when Falin becomes a monster, she doesn't eat Marcille because she doesn't NEED to, Marcille already offered herself up as part of Falin by mixing her own blood with the dragon's for the resurrection.
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Also Marcille is a monster too!! She doesn't need to be turned by Falin. She's a 'witch' doing black magic for one but she's also very vampiric
Her name is super vampirey especially given one of the translation spellings was Marcilla, an annogram of Carmilla*. And Marcille is very similar to Marceline from Adventure Time so it's a name with heavy connotations to me. Also her staff is Ambrosia which means immortal.
*ps Carmilla is the original modern vampire that inspired Dracula and also a lesbian. she used annagrams of her name (Marcilla, Mircalla, Millarca) to disguise herself across hundreds of years.
Marcille is like. a vampire in that death is a big part of her theme. She can breathe that immortality into someone else using her resurrection black magic and death is a huge part of her character. She wants them to live as long as she does. To make them immortal. Like. Like a vampire. Vampires which are unholy when her love interest is a cleric.
But once again this is subverted!! she doesn't 'turn' Falin, she makes her undead by giving her own blood instead of taking Falin's. Falin becomes a monster not because she's attacked or turned, but because her DNA, something INHERENT about her is now intertwined with the monster. so a god-like figure merges them. Then the only way to free her from that frenzy and grant her autonomy again is to finally consume her. something inherently lesbian about all that i think idk about you
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npdkondraki · 3 months ago
Can I hear the 4 paraghraph essay abt why kondraki is the most repressed woman alive im genuily very interested
ok starting off strong; her entire personality hinges on her overperformance of masculinity. she is violent, overprotective, and incredibly arrogant, all traits that she has picked up from both the men around her and the men she saw on tv. her entire worldview is centered around the idea that if she is not uncaring, aggressive, self-centered, and spiteful, then she isn't just less of a man, but less of a person, less of an individual. despite being self-centered, she despises everything about herself. she hates how violent she is, she hates how cruel she is, she hates how she doesn't even care about anyone around her.
she perpetuates a cycle of hating everything "being a man" stands for by traumatizing herself, and the traumatization only makes her more violent, more "man-like" in her eyes. she uses her perceived masculinity as a shield to hide behind any sort of self-reflection, she's tricked herself into believing that she IS a man and she IS better for it. she believes that if she outperforms every man around her, then nobody can question her manhood, meaning she doesn't have to question her manhood. she doesn't even refuse to think about it, she just is so deeply caught up in her own narrative that she doesn't realize she's repressing everything.
she views womanhood in a deeply misogynistic way, purposefully. she views anyone that she deems a "non-man" as weak, perceptible to violence, perceptible to being hurt, perceptible to emotion. it's both a product of the way that she was raised, and a way for her to cope and deny any feelings of being a woman. she is arrogant, she is violent, she is overly masculine, and she is not weak. she desperately makes both herself and everyone around her see herself as anything but a traditional woman, going out of her way to get into fights and arguments as a form of dominance.
kondraki views the very act of being feminine as a joke, something to be laughed at, to be made fun of, because it is so utterly ridiculous in her own eyes that anyone would want to be weak. she is incapable of separating "vulnerability" and "being a woman" from eachother, firmly believing them to go hand-in-hand. during her recounting of the 113 incident, she talks of it extremely fondly, almost dream-like, calling herself a "pretty princess" and saying how gorgeous she felt. this is played for laughs, even by herself. she plays it off like a joke, all while obviously being deeply fond of the experience. throughout the entire post, she speaks wistfully of being a woman, like it's some faint dream that she woke up from and could never hope to achieve. she clarifies towards the end that, after the effects had worn off, she was deeply depressed again. it's a deeply vulnerable post on her own part, whether she plays it for jokes or not.
one of the only times she allows herself to be vulnerable, to express interest in anything besides her over masculine persona that she has adapted over the years, is when she is talking about being a woman. it is overwhelmingly obvious that it has deeply effected her. it was, quite literally, the "prettiest she's ever felt". and that's the thing, it Was. past-tense. this is not something she has kept up. it is a deep secret she has hidden away. she allowed herself to be feminine, to be vulnerable and weak and every other word she has told herself women are, and it haunts her. again, she speaks of it so fondly, but it still haunts her. it's a nagging thought in the back of her head that she is not a man, that she is not safe, that she is vulnerable, that she is weak. and so she hides it, locks it away in a deep part of her that she refuses to look at, and she laughs at it, laughs at herself, implies she is ridiculous to even be thinking like this, allowing herself to be vulnerable and give away some part of herself that she has vowed to never release. she is arrogant, and she is mean, and she is cruel, and all of these things wind back into her own self-perception.
tldr kondraki hates herself and the 113 post is a deeply vulnerable thing for her to ever admit and she hates herself sooo deeply for it
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emmavakarian-theirin · 2 months ago
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another lucanis smile post :)
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punchouthottakes · 1 month ago
you know the scene where doc makes the ‘You ready for some chocolate cake?’ joke and laughs and you hear other people laughing, i interpret that as him and mac laughing together
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neon--nightmare · 17 days ago
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shocker!! mr. 90s autism enjoys the critters 🌙☀️
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royalarchivist · 7 months ago
Sneeg: ...Fit? What is that? WHAT IS THAT?
Phil: Fit came prepared, dude. It's a legit Minecraft nuke!
Techno: Wait– what the heck is that?
Phil: An End Crystal, he was about to use that to yeet someone.
Grunks (?): Techno is not aware of the 2B2T culture, I see...
Techno: Uh, I am not.
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Technoblade learns about End Crystal PvP from Philza and our favorite 2B2T veteran, FitMC! ⚔️💥
[Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Sneeg: ...Fit? What is that? WHAT IS THAT?
Phil: Fit- Fit came prepared, dude.
Fit: That's right!
Techno: OH– Fit has the nukes!
Phil: It's a legit Minecraft nuke!
Fit: I didn't get to use any of my weapons!
Techno: Wait– what the heck is that?
Phil: An End Crystal, he was about to use that to yeet someone.
Techno: [Laughs]
Grunks (?): Techno is not aware of the 2B2T culture, I see...
Fit: Ohhh.
Techno: Uh, I am not.
Phil: You see the obsidian he placed down over there next to that plane?
Techno: Yeah?
Phil: That was gonna be a blast radius of like, a huge Creeper– charged Creeper explosion.
Techno: Oh snap.
Phil: You know when you fight the Dragon and those towers have the explosive bits on the top?
Techno: Yeah?
Phil: Yeah, he's holding- he's holding one of those explosive bits.
Techno: I'm just gonna get launched.
[A black transition screen with text that reads: "1 year 7 months later..."]
Ranboo: There he is, there he is!
Techno: [Spots an End Crystal on the ground and picks it up]
Phil: I can't see him.
Ranboo: I can't- I can't–
Ranboo: Oh god– OH NO!
Phil: OHHH!!!
Squidkid: He's holding Nether crystals!
Ranboo: Wait, is he trying to Nether Crys– Or wait– is he trying to End Crystal us?
Techno: [Lying] I don't know how to do that!
Squidkid: If he tries, half of his dogs are gonna disappear!
Ranboo: [Overlapping with Squidkid] You're right, he wouldn't know how to do THAT.
Techno: More dogs, Chat! More dogs! It's the only way!
Clip sources:
SMP Earth: Battle of the Pit - Timestamp: 11m 30s
Minecraft But Viewers Control The Game (the charity event Techno did for the Sarcoma Foundation) - Timestamp: 2h 8m
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aaron04jpg · 3 months ago
Nothing new just the media taking lando’s words out of context again
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The full quote:
Reporter: “Lewis goes to Ferrari next year. How big finally could next year be in F1? Could be one of the great years.”
Lando: “I mean this year was already a great year, I don’t think that changes. Lewis with Mercedes is just as big. What he’s achieved with Mercedes is incredible. I feel like everyone is wishing him a farewell from Formula 1, but he’s just going to another team. I’m sure he’s had an amazing journey and he’s obviously going to Ferrari. Everyone wants to go to Ferrari at some point in their career, it’s something very special. It’s something everyone wants to tick off in their life, even Lewis, who’s grown up and been part of Mercedes since he was a kid. So I’m excited to see what he’s capable of doing next year.”
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communistkenobi · 4 months ago
re: that recent post I reblogged, honestly idk about other trans men but receiving attention from cis people you want to date that doesn’t come from a place of either deep pity or revulsion is pretty rare, even compliments like “wow you’re like if a woman wrote a man” wouldn’t phase me, I’d probably take that as a nice compliment. I guess my standards are pretty low when it comes to cis people but it is deeply isolating. and even dating other trans people (hard to do where I live) feels like gambling
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olasketches · 5 months ago
been thinking about that one artist on twitter who said how yuuji’s serious face is so scary that sukuna’s expression looks softer in comparison… and man. they’re not wrong. 
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