#lesbian vampires make me crazy
four-unwell-lesbians · 3 months
Thinking about the way dungeon meshi does queer horror. Using horror to tell queer stories is already subversive, but dungeon meshi subverts it even more
Normal queer horror is like. A monsterous desire and immortal love of something isolated/hated and the uncontrollable but suppressed need to consume someone to live and they only die if you break/pierce their heart. its great.
In dungeon meshi, the group is STARVING. they do things the way they're expected to and they're so deprived that eventually, one of them is consumed by that monsterous desire.
Then when Falin becomes a monster, she doesn't eat Marcille because she doesn't NEED to, Marcille already offered herself up as part of Falin by mixing her own blood with the dragon's for the resurrection.
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Also Marcille is a monster too!! She doesn't need to be turned by Falin. She's a 'witch' doing black magic for one but she's also very vampiric
Her name is super vampirey especially given one of the translation spellings was Marcilla, an annogram of Carmilla*. And Marcille is very similar to Marceline from Adventure Time so it's a name with heavy connotations to me. Also her staff is Ambrosia which means immortal.
*ps Carmilla is the original modern vampire that inspired Dracula and also a lesbian. she used annagrams of her name (Marcilla, Mircalla, Millarca) to disguise herself across hundreds of years.
Marcille is like. a vampire in that death is a big part of her theme. She can breathe that immortality into someone else using her resurrection black magic and death is a huge part of her character. She wants them to live as long as she does. To make them immortal. Like. Like a vampire. Vampires which are unholy when her love interest is a cleric.
But once again this is subverted!! she doesn't 'turn' Falin, she makes her undead by giving her own blood instead of taking Falin's. Falin becomes a monster not because she's attacked or turned, but because her DNA, something INHERENT about her is now intertwined with the monster. so a god-like figure merges them. Then the only way to free her from that frenzy and grant her autonomy again is to finally consume her. something inherently lesbian about all that i think idk about you
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jevilowo · 27 days
For funsies
fun ship, but they're GodComplex4GodComplex and I fear that would only end in disaster
if there is one heavypyro fan on this stupid baka planet it is me. shout out to menacing quiet individuals who like violence but have a soft side fr.
literally The Original toxic yaoi rivals to lovers red blue combo ship. speeding bullet and napoleon complex fans WISH they had our shared update and corresponding voice lines
BATTING HELMET: (scout n solly)
i just think it's really funny trust me on this one guys. have you seen them in the fourth comic it's a constant "yes, and" bit between the two of them. soldier's love language is choking people out.
HIT AND A MISS: (scout n pauling)
like most ms pauling ships, i'm only into it if scout's a cool lesbian. which he is not most of the time.
AAAAAAAAAAAAA literally the ship of all time save me heavymedic save me. if they don't smooch in the next comic i will become jay pinkerton's personal sleep paralysis demon.
my feelings on it are Complicated. twas my first love (otp) in this fandom, but the overabundance of twinky uwu scout and daddy dom snoipah has built up some resentment on my part. call me back when people stop making up imaginary life problems for sniper to comfort scout over.
literally just rarjack if they were boys and not horses to me and i'm not even an mlp fan. it's alright, just doesn't really stick out to me.
LITERALLY THE POWERCOUPLE EVER TRULY A LOVE STORY FOR THE AGES or at least the version that exists in my head is. i have so much made up spyma lore it's crazyyy. bonus points if they're polying up they cule with sniper it's quickly becoming my favourite genre of fanart (i have seen at maximum three)
SUPPORT SANDWICH: (spy n sniper n medic)
in my opinion, it is healthy for everyone to have at least one ship they just like bc they think it's hot. for me, that is support sandwich. not much else to say on that the fics are all banging go look them up.
SNIDOS: (sniper n GLaDOS)
hell yeah.
i used to like it a lot, but timelining implies ms pauling's been working for helen since her mid teens at the latest so i no longer like it. 4chan leaks my beloathed pleaseee don't make them kiss i think it would kill me in a bad way
URINE SAMPLE: (medic n sniper)
there's a lot of werewolf and vampire stuff for these two on ao3 which is pretty fun. and i'm way more likely to find sniper angst under the medicsniper tag than sb and bs which is always a plus.
have you seen that one animation where pyro gives birth to spy's child and gordon freeman is there at one point. yeahhhh. the ship's pretty cute tho spy would be sooo soft for pyro they'd light his cigarettes for him.
THE FORBIDDEN RED/BLU ROMANCE GOES CRAZY I ADORE IT. same team bnb is pretty banging too. bonus points if they're polying up they cule with zhanna.
HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. imagine. spy x pauling. yuri. that will be all.
SWORDVAN MY LOVE!!! idk what it is about demo and sniper together but HELL YEAH TOP 5 SHIPS FR FR. shout out to the guy still writing monsterous intent, they're like single handedly carrying the swordvandom.
I used to think "this is cute" but then my friend got really really into it and that hyped me up into "THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SHIPS OF ALL TIME" territory. bonus points if they're yuri! shout out to Technicolor California, my current favourite fanfic of all time (it overtook running blind in the interal rankings). oh yeah insert mandatory "no hate to engie and pyro father son dynamic preferers" message here lol.
Ok that's enough I will cover more at some point maybe.
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jewishdragon · 9 days
Ok so now ive watched all the episodes of batman caped crusader
here are my thoughts (HUGE SPOILERS)
they said evil lesbian rights :D
Harley Quinn is straight up insane just off the bat she's her own unique brand of clown crazy without the even a whiff of the joker and im here for it
Ohmygod two-face's scars are disgusting its actually hard to look at that's a trigger warning yall huge Trypophobia warning (fear/reversion to holes in skin. NO BLOOD THO)
Actually the show is very bloodless but its still VERY violent they somehow managed to include a LOT of brutality without any gore, be aware of this.
The show is mostly about mundane corrupt gotham but also there are real ghosts and vampires giving it a just the right dose of comic book urban fantasy
Speaking of fantasy the racial and queer diversity for what is vaguely the 1950s america is a big fantasy but im also here for it. racism what? homophobia who? (basically there are a lot of POC, men and women, in positions of power and this is never questioned or brought up or pointed out. Also queer people can just go out for dates and engage in PDA without any issues).
batman regularly beats up cops :D
Anyways this show is not mindblowing, it's straightforward (except for the gays). The character designs are top notch, but the storytelling isnt revolutionary. what it IS is decent fresh batman stories. The fantasy 1950s is great because the lack of high tech means the power-levels of the villains and heroes feels very tangible and less unconscionable (sorry superman youre my favorite but its hard to comprehend the scale of destruction and power)
Nothing that is making me sit back and go "wow that was the best thing i experienced in my life" and more "that was really nice, it was exactly what I wanted. classic batman stories set in a fantasy version of a bygone era and new takes on the classic villains that feel well thought out"
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idontknowanametouse · 28 days
Straw Hat girlies headcanons! (Sanji included cuz transfem bigender Sanji lives rent free in my head. Also Bonney cuz why not; And Vivi is on the straw hats I don't care)
TW: mention of sexual abuse and other kinds of abuse, and also the trauma that comes with it
Autistic, but developed the habit of masking. Has been learning to undo it around her crew. Special interest? Maps, maps, maps. Tangerines are comfort food. She also has hypersensitivity to clothes, so she picks them very carefully. Her meltdowns are often, they come when she is emotionally overloaded, and she usually needs to stay alone to calm down.
After her meltdown in Arlong Park, her arm got paralyzed due to nerve damage. Now, she uses a sling to keep it always in place and not get hurt. Her tatoo covers a little, but not all her stabbing scars.
She has PTSD due to Bellemere's death, her enslavery and also due to being a survivor of SA. Has been doing therapy sessions with Chopper (he is learning about human psychology in order to help the crew) to help cope with it and receives help and support from the rest of the crew.
VERY pale, but due to spending so much time in the sea and under the sun, she ends up having many, many freckles through all of her body. Usually keeps wavy hair in ponytail due to it being really long.
Lesbian, loves girlies. Dating Vivi ever since they set foot in Alabasta. Clings to her so much it looks like they can't be separated. Also, Vivi was her lesbian awakening in the way of "wait, I think I like girls romantically???? And they are also hot????"
When she first entered the crew, she was underweight, almost malnourished, due to never having enough food and saving almost all money to save her village. However, after Arlong Park, she started gaining weight with the help of Sanji and Chopper. Now, she is fat, healthy and happy.
Loves orange, but also blue (no, it's not to match Vivi, shut the fuck up Usopp)
Swears and yells a lot. Has low voice tone control, actually.
Sometimes, when she is sad, she speaks to her tangerines as if Bellemere was there, as it feels comforting.
Ever since she received news that Cocoyashi Village got a Den Den Mushi, she calls them everyweek to tell Nojiko and Genzo about hers and the strawhat's adventures.
Besties with Usopp and Zoro, they talk shit about everyone. Gossip friends with Robin. Is one of the few people that can make Luffy not destroy an entire fucking island. Jinbei's second daughter (first is Koala).
Loves Beyoncé, rap and brazillian funk (Luffy introduced her to it) (yeah, I know this is a more modern-au like one, but let me have my headcanons ok).
Due to high sensitivity to clothes, she usually wears beach-like clothing cause they are light and let most of her skin exposed, so she can feel better the weather.
Terrified of bugs AND bats. Almost fainted when she first heard about vampires and now is fucking terrified of the possibility.
Likes drawing, not only maps, but her crewmates too. She is really good at it, however, she won't show it to anyone, just Nojiko (she's embarassed).
Only wears makeup and/or does different hairtyles in special occasions, as she finds it to be very inconvenient when they are on the sea.
Watching and hearing the sea is a nice visual stim. It helps her to calm down from the crazy thing that is day-to-day life with the straw hats.
She may say shit about her friends sometimes, but will absolutely kill you if you say anything bad about them.
Autistic, special interest is fishes and the All Blue. Cooking is so stimmy hmmmm. Does not realize when she is being way too much on others. Even though he doesn't seem like, is very picking about food, can't handle anything made in a shit way. Has shutdowns instead of meltdowns as trauma response, and needs to stay around the crew these times.
Has PTSD due to constant abuse in childhood and from being stuck on the rock-island with Zeff (and also due to Zeff eating his leg). Due to never telling about it to anyone, he tried to hide it from the crew because of self-loathing, but after Whole Cake Island, the moments of crisis and panic attacks were so frequent it turned impossible. He is now working on it with Chopper, just like the rest of the crew.
Tall, with very strong legs with many scars on them. Has leg and facial hair, but, after Momoiro Island, she let her wavy hair grow and now keeps it in a bun, still with the part in front of the eye, of course.
Egg cracked with Ivankov, about both gender AND sexuality. Bi queen. Even though he didn't want to pass through surgeon (aka Ivankov's fruit) he still got a lot of help from the newkama. Also learned he loves drag and will do it sometimes for the crew.
Learned ballet as a kid from Reiju and his mom. Even though he always practiced it in secret, it came out once she started to do drag (on her shows, she uses ballet steps a lot).
Fave colors are yellow and blue, it feels soft.
Swears a lot. Zeff did swear a lot back on Baratie, after all.
Calls Zeff monthly to tell how things are going. Sometimes, after this, she cries a little.
Started dating Zoro shortly before timeskip and was afraid of how he'd react to the whole trans thing, but he couldn't care less. She cried over a week because of this.
Loves woman with all of her heart, specially her crew's ones. Not in a more sexual like way, but in a whole-heartdly way. Besties with Usopp, surprisingly VERY friends with Brook.
Listens to classical and french music, but sometimes likes some rock and roll.
Has three types of clothes: suits, dresses and a suit with a short and skirt. No matter the look, is always with ballet shoes.
Fucking scared of bugs. And pigeons. Don't ask, ok?
Sings very well, but doesn't like to show it. Only does it on the bathroom, but everybody ends up listening. They don't comment cause the single time they did they thought Sanji was having a heart attack.
Adores make-up and diverse hairtyling, finds it to be really cute.
Usually rocking back and forth on her feet, it feels nice.
Once kicked a guy to uncosciousness when he touched her butt.
Autistic, has those big bug autism eyes, even though she masks well she cannot function daily without help, Karoo is her therapy animal, special interest in bugs (shares it with Luffy), has meltdowns whenever she knows she is completely alone and helpless.
Developed some level of paranoia after being infiltrated in Baroque Works, and sometimes has frenzys in which she thinks she is back there and that Alabasta is still in danger. It diminuted drastically after Chopper developed a medicine for her, but it still happens sometimes. Those moments, she can turn aggressive and needs to stay only with Karoo so she can calm down.
Has brown skin and some tatoos typical from the Nefertari family. She is short and skinny, and the secret nobody can absolutely know is that she dyes her (curly) hair blue (it's her favorite color and her mom used to do the same, so, she dyes it. Nobody other than Nami can know though).
Lesbian, her first crush was Miss All Sunday (it didn't last much, but o boi, how many nights she spent thinking about how ABSOLUTELY WRONG having a crush on your enemy is). Had an immediate crush in Nami, but couldn't say it cuz of the whole Miss Wednesday thing. They kissed after they left Drum Island and started dating at Alabasta.
Deals with the guilt of being with the strawhats instead of Alabasta very often, and likes having hugs so it can go away.
Favourite color is blue, but not all blue, just sky-blue.
Never swears, feels a little embarassed whenever someone does.
Resolves troubles from Alabasta through Den Den Mushi, that way she doesn't get that much worried. Also keeps in contact with her dad, Pell and Igaram.
Even though they had a complicated relationship at the start, Robin and her ended up being very friends, they love parallel playing (honestly, who doesn't?). Also very close to Luffy and Yamato, the one that keeps a leash on the two of them, relates a lot to Zoro in that aspect.
Loves bubblegum pop, an absolute Swiftie. Sometimes also compelled to Aurora and Halsey.
Whenever they go to an island, she likes keeping her formal clothes (after all, she is the crew's diplomat!). In fights, she uses more simple clothes and a mask to keep her identity hidden. In the ship, however, you'll always find her in pajamas (no, she is not always sleeping, Zoro does that very well for the whole crew).
Is scared of the sea, even though she can swim, nobody knows why.
Likes dancing and presenting to the crew, but the crew only. If some outsider is there, she won't dance at all. Likes helping Sanji with the choreography of her drag shows.
Likes makeup, but hates stylizing her hair. She is absolutely terrible at it, so she just keeps it in a ponytail during fights and that's it, that's the best you can get from her.
Likes playing and fidgeting with small things like coins, buttons, rubik cubes, pebbles and stuff like that. Usually has something in her hand.
Feels bad for being one the weakest crew members, but is always cheered up by the rest. After all, she doesn't need to fight to be nakama, even though she can kick some asses.
Autistic. Weirdgirl, big autistic stare, says every single creepy fact she knows in not very good situations, no social cues get to her head, never masks, almost always same expression and tone, special interest in history, does not know how to function normally, has auditory and light hypersensitivity, meltdowns caused by way too much light, sound and visual information.
Has PTSD due to the destruction of Ohara, living her childhood, teenagehood and adult years as a runaway and being constantly betrayed and abandoned. She sometimes has moments of profound anxiety in which she asks herself if she is gonna lose her family. Chopper helps her a lot with it, and, when she has those crisis, she gets a hug from everyone anytime she asks for it.
Very tall, with a few specific parts of her body being thicker than the rest. Her skin is dark, with many scars through all of it, and she has blue eyes and long (but not as long as Nami's or Yamato's), straight black hair.
Trans woman, found out during early childhood, and bisexual queen. Even though she was never in a relationship before entering the crew, she was with a few people before. Franky is the first guy she is with, and also the first person she dates. It's a bit scary for both, but feels also really, really good.
She was underweight most of her life due to the inconstancy of her nutrition and life situation, but in Baroque Works she had lots of food. She thought a pirate crew wouldn't care about their nutrition or food, but it was opposite. Even though she does not gain weight easily, her sillouette, that was VERY slim before, became thicker in a few points. Not much, she still is thin, but it's less ill-looking.
Favorite color is purple, black and dark blue. Goth girl Robin is real.
Does not swear, but says such weird, creepy and worrying stuff it makes everyone wish she did. It would be less scary.
Loves organizing stuff, for some reason. If you leave her alone in a messy room, in a short time it will be very nice-looking and clean. She has fun with it!
After some initial tension, she started taking care of Vivi like a big sister. Was called "mom" by Chopper once and almost had a heart attack. Enjoys parallel playing with Zoro and Law, scaring Usopp and playfully flirting with Jinbei (Franky loves this, it makes them laugh how embarassed it makes Jinbei look).
Likes goth and punk music, it feels very nice to her. Also loves horror-like classical music, it helps her to sleep (weirgirl Robin weirdgirl Robin weirdgirl Robin-).
Even though she appreciates goth fashion, it's not really for her. She prefers long, purple jackets to her elbow over dark flower-pattern dresses, dark boots and her cowboy hat with sunglasses (they help her with light sensitivity and it also looks really cool).
Absolutely HATES to be around statues. They just get a nerve on her. It feels awful, she wants to break them in half so they stop looking at her.
Likes sending messages to the crew in the vitorian flower language. Nobody gets it, but they try. She keeps infodumping about it, so they can get at least a few things.
Doesn't like makeup very much, but simple hairtyling is nice. She will experiment on it, but only in particular.
Makes many vocal stims. They variate from humming to speaking random syllabes to screaming out loud. The crew has gotten used to it. Stimming with her akuma no mi also feels very nice.
Has broken more necks than you would think. Is also nicer than you would think.
Autistic. Very loud, has no control over her tone, emotionally extreme, no social abilities, pizza is her comfort food, has hyposensitivity to sounds and lights, sarcasm queen but doesn't get other's sarcasm or lies, has meltdowns because of people fighting that involve a lot of self harm.
Has night terror with her dad being chained and his death. She needs to go to Luffy so she can hug him and feel better. Also has hyperactivity and needs medicines from Chopper so she can sleep and focus on stuff.
Small for her age, has white skin that is also tan due to the sun, likes putting piercings through her body (Chopper is scandalized), has brown eyes and hair, which she dyes pink cuz she knows her mom did as well.
Transfem demigirl, came out when she was 7 and told her dad "I wanna be a girl" "alright" and that was it. Didn't know what was a period until Chopper explained, and then got reliefed she didn't get that shit.
Eats A LOT, but runs so much throughout all of the ship all the day through it basically doesn't affect her body in a noticeable way. Shares this fact with Luffy.
Favorite color is pink, all of them. Does not matter the tones, if it's pink, she loves it.
Learned to swear on her time as a pirate. Does it on a daily basis.
Always speaks to her dad when she feels alone. It makes her feel better, to think he is accompanying her journey with the straw hats.
Likes smelling stuff. Sometimes looks like a dog while doing it. She just can feel the vibes of the person through their smell. She warns the crew whenever she smells evil. She is never wrong.
Calls everyone her big siblings. Luffy's apprentice, spends much time with him, specially when they are eating. Is spoiled rotten by Sanji, he loves when she asks for food. Loves being carried by Zoro, Yamato, Brook, Franky and Jinbei. Never gets tired of hearing Usopp's stories. Besties with Chopper.
Loves pop and rock, always sings along while screaming.
Always wearing clothes way too big for her size cuz of her akuma no mi, likes wearing bubblegum-pop and tiktok like clothes.
Scared of labs and doctors. Had to be convinced throughout an entire week to do her first check-up on Chopper. She is now ok around him, but other doctors are terrifying (she keeps trying to find out where Law hides the bodies he obviously kills. He is called death surgeon, come on).
Likes hearing Robin read books for her and Chopper. It's nice and recalls her home, plus Robin's voice is really sweet.
Loves experimenting on makeup, specially with help of the girls, but hair is too complicated. When she is not with her hat, she keeps the hair in a bandana and that's it. Plus it's always messy and she has a hard time combing it.
Stims by running. A LOT. And jumping. Whenever she thinks something interesting, she goes through the entire ship, down and up, until she falls on the sea and someone has to get her.
Can kick ass, but is still a child, so the crew kind of... overprotects her a little. Basically, if she gets hurt in battle, prepare to die. Very painfully.
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I have no idea what Arkknights is
And at this point im afraid to ask
Girls be called shit like Asbestos, Gravel, Mud and Debris
They eat rocks???
Working in difficult terrain? I dunno
But i know the lesbians go crazy over it
I can clarify this (well, clarify again, I get this question occasionally).
Arknights people aren’t actually named asbestos, gravel, mudrock, cement, rockrock or any of that other stuff. Those are operator code names. A lot of the characters we don’t know their actual names, and since they go by their code names in the game anyway that’s just how people refer to them. All of them choose their code names (except arguably Pudding) so they frequently choose things significant or symbolic of who they are. Asbestos is a fireproof salamander who is a toxic jerk and has cancer so it was a very fitting name. Cement is a construction worker. Rockrock’s name is Rochelle Rockwell. There’s a lot of different reasons but ultimately those aren’t their actual names, but they are effectively their names.
They don’t actually eat rocks. As a gameplay mechanic, characters require resources in order to be promoted and become more powerful in game. However the resources they require for upgrades are kind of strange things like weird metals, cubes of rock, devices, a non alcoholic chemical that apparently gets you effectively drunk if you ingest it, and a bunch of other stuff. Tomimi, the alligator girl who is known for having an extremely fat tail despite her being a fairly short and small person, requires concentrated orirocks that require well over 100 orirock cubes to craft in order for her promotion. So I make dumb jokes that she was eating the cubes and that’s why her tail is fat
Gatorpeople? Yep! Almost all the characters in Arknights are like the type of catgirls that are human but have cat ears and a tail, but for a bunch of different types of animals. There are a few that are anthropomorphic animals and then there’s the people who are demons, vampires, elves (very rare. There’s only one), and characters based on mythical creatures like manticores, nues, all kinds of dragons, etc. there’s also some robots, not robot girls, just robots, they’re mostly rectangular and on wheels. And then there’s weird crossover characters like a stack of the cats from monster hunter, but those aren’t really canon anyway.
I don’t actually know what you’re specifically referencing by the difficult terrain thing but the world of Arknights is full of large scale catastrophes that require most cities to be on enormous moving platforms so they can avoid catastrophes. The world is also full of many hazards. I don’t know what else you might mean so I can’t help more with that
Yes the lesbians go crazy for it. ~80% of the characters are women who are often written to be competent and powerful and actually the focus of the stories. A lot of them are at implied ranging from slight hints to extremely blunt and obvious by their behavior to be lesbians. The story and setting are interesting, the characters have cool designs and interesting personalities and narratives, and a lot of them are gay women, and especially with the kenomimi-style animal girls, it’s not particularly surprising that other people like me get so obsessed with them.
Funnily enough, I think there’s still only 2 “canonical” lesbian operators if you take the extremely blunt stance of ignoring everything that doesn’t outright explicitly involve them professing their love or being in an explicit relationship with a woman. But you’d have to be intentionally obtuse to actually think those are the only ones given how a lot of the women act
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juststoriesintheend · 2 months
i started thinking about jecki and now i'm emo
college roommate au where she starts realizing she's sapphic & nonbinary, and she doesn't know what to do with all that information, but god you're just so pretty and you make her feel all fluttery inside
jecki being a tae kwon do lesbian, her adopted dad taught her everything. but when a new student (mae) comes in and absolutely kicks her ass, jecki's torn between "must be better than her" & "must fuck her immediately"
i proposed werewolf jecki as sort of a random idea, but now i think i love it. something about jecki and sharp lil canines just makes sense. shaggy brown fur and green eyes, maybe. & rival werewolf reader? rival vampire/witch mae??
jecki reminds me a lot of obi wan?? something something, obi wan au? the way that obi wan's relationships w/ satine and cody could easily translate to jecki's relationships w/ mae and osha (mae, the princess w/ opposing morals and an irritating stubborn streak, but the chemistry between them is crazy + osha, the soldier who lives at her side, the soldier turned best friend, the soldier who turns at the end of the war) i really think i'm on to something here
apparently i just really like jecki/mae concepts
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markerofthemidnight · 7 months
Body Horror and Transformation Writing Prompt List For All You Freaks-But-Not-Sexual-Freaks
As a certified body horror fan, I wholeheartedly believe that there’s a horrific lack of body horror/transformation-but-not-in-a-kinky-way fics on AO3, so I made this to set things straight.
We got all kinds of possibilities: body horror for all you horrible freaks out there, and simple non-painful or disgusting transformations for all you significantly less freaky weirdos out there!
You can choose which to write by yourself if you’d like or maybe just use a random number generator.
Reblogs are much appreciated, and inspired fics even more! (I can’t promise that I’ll know anything about whatever fandom you decide to write for obviously but I’ll likely give it a shot as long as it was made using this list (and isn’t smut))
Body Horror Prompts
Wingfic (The good, old-fashioned, non-kinky transformation fic tag.)
Gothic (Werewolf, vampire, etc… you get the drill.)
Animal (Another good old-fashioned classic.)
Cyborg/Robot (Not as fleshy as the others but it is body horror still.)
Fantasy (This one’s pretty good because “fantasy” is actually just a really big umbrella term for absolutely anything as long as it’s not an animal that exists. “Fantasy” ain’t just dragons and unicorns.)
Alien/Eldritch Anatomy (Let’s say your character got abducted by aliens while they were asleep last night and they’ve come out all fucked up. Like that.)
Mutilated by a crazy person Human Centipede-style (Of course, though, this could result in a number of things. Please don’t make me read your own retelling of Human Centipede.)
Really fucked disease (This is fun because if it’s contagious it means potentially more than one character could be affected.
Mutilated by power (You know that one scene from Akira? Yeah, that. A character gets exposed to more weird magic than their body can handle and it starts to change them. Like how the Fantastic Four got their powers, depending on the adaptation.)
Transformation into species from one of your other fandoms (PLEASE someone make it Pokemon, the body horror potential there is impeccable)
Angelic/Demonic transformation (Which one is up to you… or maybe just flip a coin.)
AMOGUS (or something similar like changelings or such. Excuse me, I just left this here because I was out of ideas.)
Body Horror extra flavour spices for you to add if bored:
Mass Transformation (The same except whatever the prompt is happens to more characters than just one or two.)
Partial Transformation (They transform except not much.)
Slow Transformation (In case you feel like writing something a bit longer.)
Voluntary (Voluntary body horror sounds like something really fun, honestly.)
Involuntary but temporary (Like a werewolf, y’know?)
Roll more than once (Self-explanatory.)
Roll again on the opposite table
Transformation (aka the same thing but with no body horror) Prompts
Animal (like the above but instantaneous/oblivious/painless.)
Body Swap (Very fun, especially when different species are added to the mix.)
Gender Swap (If you’d like an idea of a nice twist to add to this, I’d suggest swapping sexual preference as well as gender. Straight men are still straight as women, and gay men are now lesbians. Very fun if only a select few characters have been affected.)
Ghost (May lean into body horror slightly depending on the method of death. Speaking of which, I’m a big fan of when ghosts get unique appearances/powers depending on the method of death, so maybe you could add that to spice it up?)
Trapped in a computer/other kind of machine (I think I read a creepypasta about this once. It was really fun.)
Reincarnated as a Different Species (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, So I’m A Spider So What?… I think there was this one anime where the main character got reincarnated as a vending machine. That’s how versatile this prompt is.)
Isekai into Another Fandom (Overlaps with the above heavily, but more specific.)
Video Game Logic World (You know the Jumanji sequels? That.)
Emergency Transformation (Like the TvTrope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EmergencyTransformation)
Karmic Transformation (Like the TvTrope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KarmicTransformation)
Two+ Characters, One Body (I REALLY love this trope because that baby can fit so many shenanigans in depending on how it’s taken.)
Empathic Transformation (This wasn’t worded really well but basically what if a character is transformed into what they see themselves as/transformed by another character into what the transformer sees them as. This could also cross over into body horror depending on how you take it.)
Transformation Extra Flavour Spices For If You’re Bored:
Mass Transformation (self-explanatory)
Involuntary but temporary (Again, like a werewolf)
Partial Transformation (Of course, this only works with about half of the listed prompts but it’s still good.)
Roll more than once (Self-explanatory.)
Roll again on the opposite table
And that’s all! I’ll try my best to read anything you guys may make with this list (that’s not smut, kinky or a retelling of Human Centipede) so go out and spread the word! (oh god people are definitely going to accuse this of being my fetish aren’t they)
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catinasink · 2 months
this is so bad im sorry in advance
i tie my mid length undercut hair into a messy bun, and slip on my red converse. my green orbs slid towards my laptop and i opened tumblr with my little hands. i was a tumblr girl, after all. i opened the one direction tag and scrolled through it, so many stupid fanfics of girls getting sold to them. my horrible mom shouted at me from downstairs and i turned down my sad indie girl playlist to lisen to her screech: y/n! come downstaris, you piece of shit! i'm selling you.
i gulped. selling me? i knew her drinking problem was bad, but the idea that she'd sell me.... oh well. maybe i'd be happier somewhere else. maybe. i walk sownstairs as quick as i can, my dainty frame moving swiftly, carrying my favourite fanfics in paperback version.
i walked into the porch to see a car. a car conaining the three members of boygenius? a band my friend was obsessed with, though she's shut herself away recently due to her intense unrequited crush on a girl she'd has 3 conversations with. i rolled my eyes. i recognised phoebe bridgers, but the others? not so much. i only liseded to REALLY underground indie music.
the shorter one turned to me and smiled. hey. i'm jb. nice to meet you. i smiled at her. and your name is? oh, y/n. sorry. i could feel myself getting flustered. i looked past her into the car. oh, that's luce. she's my.... partner. in crime? i joked. oh, you listen to her music? no? jb looked confused. she decided not to say anything. i looked back at lucy in the car. can i sit in the passanger seat? sure.
i looked at lucy's platform heel press into the accelerator, i wished it was me in that moment. i blinked. was i.... gay now? i shook my head a little. i wasn't... gay. i liked men! i knew that. maybe i was bicurious?
we drove away to the BG mansion where they kept the other girls. jb put her tattooed hand on my thigh as we drove. what does.. why does it say hard work on your hands? what are your hands working so hard doing? and why is there a tooth on your wrist. are you one of those lesbians that are ino vampires?
she laughed at me. i was taken aback at her blunt reply. maybe i am. none of your busuness, unless you want it to be. ok. i said. be like that. jeez.
i looked back at phoebe, whose bleached blonde hair blew in the wind, making her look like a loser member of a boyband from the 2000s. i was.... kinda into it. i wanted to slap myself in the face. this could not be happening. what a crazy day; sold to a band only to have a gay awakening? they never do this in the oned fanfics, i grumbled.
she glared at me." i can;t believe i'm going to look after her while you two just flirt with everyone. i'm meant to be the one that does that. " i looked at her in surprise. she would be looking after me? i tried to stop glancing down at her shirt, which she was wearing without a bra. why were girls suddenly so much prettier? i tried to shake myself out of it, but when i tried to remember an attractive man, i found myself empty handed. wait. i had a boyfriend. what was his name? i know it started with a j....
i give up trying to remember. i'm leaving anyway. so, will anyone else be there? at the mansion, i mean. i don;t wanna get lonely!!
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nijigasakilove · 2 months
Even better than the first episode, definitely the best PA works show this season. S/O to the staff for actually doing their homework on content creation as well. Can’t wait to see how Mayopan’s video making journey goes now.
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“I can suck you bone dry” PHRASING.
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So I’m not surprised that Masaki and Live’s channel came crashing down, but the reason took me by surprise. I thought that they would realise doing crazy stunt videos and shorts wasn’t sustainable because once you start doing crazy shit, you have to keep doing crazier and crazier shit to retain an audience. A lot of YouTubers have had burnout once they realised that. But Yuki showing up and telling the girls to cut all of that out and erase the channel was unexpected.
First of all, love Yuki’s design and I love how she and Live banter back and forth. Will Live ever get her name right?😭 but this “mother” I’m guessing is the leader of the vampires and just the idea of not liking something Live is doing put the fear of GOD in her lmao. Yuki trying to attack Masaki when she got cheeky with her was great too, using the garlic paste was brilliant
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Had to feel deflating for Masaki to come back to an empty house after she was so certain she had a new group of friends to make videos with.. then that falls apart and her old group has moved out and are making new videos in a new house. felt bad for her. BUT , Live showing up and wanting to help out and genuinely get to know Masaki was so cute! I know a lesbian couple when I see one 😍
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Live gotta be really taken by Masaki to go around “mother” and make vids again with her.. can’t wait to see how it turns out. For now, making vids without appearing in them makes sense due to everything that went down with her last group but hopefully she’ll get directly involved soon
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dykekingofhell · 3 months
I’ve been working on a comprehensive list of all films with references or allusions to in the vampire chronicles books, films, show, and related promotional materials, along with films that anne rice and rolin jones have listed as inspirations!
Here’s some highlights:
Louis’ favorite films during the Tale of The Body Thief era:
The Company of Wolves (1984) (directed by neil jordan who also made interview with the vampire 1994)
Beauty and the Beast (1946) (i just know he was kinning Belle to a sickening degree)
The Dead (1987)
Armand’s favorite films during the devil’s minon era:
Bladerunner (1982)
Time Bandits (1981)
The film Anne Rice has credited with heavily informing her views on vampirism:
Dracula’s Daughter (1936)
AR: "I always saw vampires as romantic and abstract. In Dracula they’re presented as closer to animals—feral, hairy, foul-smelling. But I always saw them as angels going in another direction—not toward goodness necessarily, but they had become finely tuned imitations of human beings imbued with this evil spirit. Since the spirit is not material, what actually happens is that they become refined and abstract rather than animalistic and materialistic. This idea probably stuck with me from childhood, when I saw the movie
Dracula’s Daughter. I loved the tragic figure of Dracula’s daughter—the
regretful creature who didn’t want to kill but was driven to it. It had that tragic dimension. The vampire myth is at its fullest, most eloquent, and most articulate in this movie because the vampire herself was articulate and eloquent. I never forgot that film. It has the best seduction scenes I’ve ever seen—very subtle. You don’t see her come into contact. She lifts the ring and hypnotizes the victim." (Ramsland, Katherine. “Let the Flesh Instruct the Mind A QUADRANT INTERVIEW WITH ANNE RICE .” The Anne Rice Reader, 1997. )
This is also notable because of the film’s queerness and overt lesbian subtext. As the Countess Marya Zaleska struggles with her vampire nature it functions as an oblique metaphor for lesbian sexuality, and she also seduces a young woman named Lili. (crazy louis parallels over here)
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some of the promotional posters for season 2 took clear inspiration from the poster for the 1944 film Gaslight (shout out armand):
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episode 2x03 makes major visual allusions to the noir film The Third Man (1949):
for more about this read @dorianbluee ‘s great meta: link
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I have longer list with citations and quotes linked at the top of this post on letterboxd if anyone wants to check it out! also let me know if i’m missing anything major over there!
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musicalcastingideas · 6 months
Gender Fucked Falsettos Dreamcast
So, I feel like Falsettos is one of those shows that you can't fully gender bend, because the character's genders are central to the plot (Marvin and Whizzer have to be gay men, Charlotte and Cordelia have to be lesbians, Trina and Mendel have to be the token straights). However, I do think it would be very possible and also amazing to have all the actors in drag. I did do this casting using current bigger names, but it would be amazing to have this show done with only drag kings and queens.
Marvin: Rachel Bloom
She plays an asshole really well on Crazy-Ex Girlfriend, so I think she'd be great for Marvin. Also, alto rights.
Trina: Daniel Radcliffe
Please, Broadway Backwards, give me Daniel Radcliffe doing I'm Breaking Down. He also isn't afraid of gender-fuckery parts (I have no idea what show the clip is from, but I have seen his She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain drag performance more times than I can count) and I think he would do great as this neurotic mess of a character.
Whizzer: Kat Graham
She's a great actress, and got absolutely shafted by the Vampire Diaries. Also a really great singer. I think she deserves a better career, and I think she would be a great Whizzer. Whizzer is a tough one, because of the difference between Act 1 and Act 2 Whizzer, and I think she would be able to pull it off. (Sorry for the vagueness, I'm trying to be as spoiler free as possible).
Mendel: Julie Benko
The people's Fanny Brice is an absolute powerhouse, and I think she could kill any part, but I think her endearing nature would make a great Mendel. Also, I just have a feeling her and Daniel Radcliffe would play really well off each other.
Charlotte: Daveed Diggs
I'll be honest, I can't think of a part Daveed Diggs wouldn't kill.
Cordelia: Jan Sport
I just want to hear her do "You save lives and I save chicken fat. I can't fucking deal with that". Also, she has some strong ass high notes.
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borathae · 5 months
Chapter 6
Hoseok stumbles, colliding with Seokjin’s chest. ofc he laughs with his entire body FUCK I MISS HIM WTF NAH NOPE WE WONT CRY WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHER
Seokjin pleads, giving you the biggest puppy eyes that man hates aegyo on command, but watch his ass do aegyo on command if its on run bts tasks 😭 ik he will be the most supportive one if you told bts you are selling feet pics
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who calls their fraternity Alpha? What kind of superiority complex do they have?” 💯fr
What are you? Secret vampires or something?” um
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So mysterious”, Hoseok says, ok ig
“that man can be an asshole.” WHAT DO U MEAN MY KITTY IS AN ASSHOLE????
dig his metaphorical fangs into your neck and drain you of your metaphorical blood WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? (ik what it means, but 👀👀)
at least she got her sleep and is stress free now, i guess thats a win
they are quaking with the desire to punch each other’s faces in. BE LESBIAN, PROBLEM SOLVED YEEHAW
Without me? homie really said that with his whole chest
It’s one of those activities you like to call terribly boring." ??? sir ??
also u know what, i will make it unboring for you real quick, lets go on a pirate ship, that will make u scream
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dont judge my man yall, he was giving birth to lie on the pirate ship
WHAT DID TAE TELL HIM???? JAMAL SMILED AT ME??? his moodswings be like ➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️↕️↔️🔄️↪️↩️⤴️⤵️🔃
joon asks me out to study AAAAAAH 😩
holding his arm before you giggle into it. *twitching eyes WHY SHE GOTTA LIVE MY DREAM AAH BUTTER TAE THOSE ARMSS 🤤😋
“Oh you’re still here?” Taehyung asks STOP HE IS SOO SASSY, GIVE THAT MAN LONG NAILS
making Taehyung chuckle.......... one of his weirdly dishonest ones. tae when jin forces him to laugh at puns (that still makes me cackle)
He is a self-centred peacock PEACOCK DAMN GURL
“Violence is never the answer IT IS THE SOLUTION
ok sorry tae, back to serious mode, IS THAT FORESHADOW TO HIS PAST(mentioned in drabbles)
we are going swing dancing today UWUW
I can’t dance. What if I make a fool of myself?” I CANT DANCE EITHER, LETS GET MARRIED we can swing dance together for shits and giggles and get drunk in each other's laughter and smile, kissing passionately as if we are still in high school.
(omg that was so romantic, lemme just copy that)
did i tell you i still love the way he talks, its so coquette, in a manly way
I am a terrible student. i got exams in a month i have barely studied 😃😭
time does really fly fr it does, you wish it went fast, but when you think back, you wish you could live in that moment one more time
“cake is quite the delicacy oof the fanciness
ah yes old stuff *sighs in delight and coziness
There is fog in the air. It got stuck on the rooftops of the houses. Like a perfect gradient it makes them disappear into a grey nothingness. if this scene was on tv, what color light would it have?? (background lights you know) i was thinking of yellow, since we are talking about antiques
“I guess…” you look out the window for quite some time to think of an answer. You look at the perfectly polished stones of the sidewalk. You watch how the rain builds little rivers in the nooks and crannies. And that is when you get your answer. and the lights slowly becomes cool and blue (blue for calm, unity and stability)
thats a nice perspective of history but for the love of god, i cant stay awake or mentally present during it 😭
With your cheeks burning up like crazy and a big smile on your face you look out of the window again. A swing song comes on the radio, Taehyung turns it louder the tiniest bit. AND THE LIGHTS TURN PINK
“N-no? I-I’m alright”, you stutter. we can see that
Taehyung gets a few (probably painful) steps on his toes, but he doesn’t say anything. MASOCHIST ALERT 😭
stop flattering me im shyyyyy *shakes booty like jimin
this is so cute bye im soo single
“this was like in the movies! Do it again!” SHE IS SOO CUTE UWUW MOVE TAE SHE IS MINE *hits the gym so i can yeet tae out of the way and carry her
“Okay but that throwing thing you did? You can’t just do that without training first. Also why are you so strong? It’s inhuman really.” SAY IT SIS
I just think you are beyond precious”BYE IM GONE
Why do an elderly lady and Taehyung know each to such extent that they are hugging as if they were two old friends reuniting? dont overthink, they are just besties, um they met on a idk metro yeah
“it’s been so many years and yet you still look the same. While look at me”, OBVIOUSLY ITS SUS
Perhaps I should have taken the offer back then.” 👀👀
“What offer?” um the plastic surgery offer, anti aging laser. HERBS YEAH IT WAS THE HERBS, SHE MISSED OUT ON AN HERBAL MASSAGE
No way! That’s splendid! Just what you dreamt of!” they are such cute besties pls
It is hard not to choke on your olive, not when your body is burning up like that. i choked on air
How is it?” WHY IS THIS SOO HOT STOP DONT FOLD THAT FAST BITCH NA UH *also folds like a lawn chair in a sec
Taehyung gets off the barstool and closes the distance between you and him. SIR MY MENTAL HEALTH???
you stutter, knees buckling slightly as he helps you stand up. SLIGHTLY???? u mean buckling like a trying on heels
You haven’t told anyone ever but in your dreams you always pictured your prince charming to be good with elderly people and kids. Not that you would tell anyone your stupid fantasies, but you really did picture him like that. we all do, tae is a prince charming *sighs in high standards
“I think you gave that lady proper heart palpitations fr, i got so giddy just reading
And so full of life”, 👀👀👀as opposed to what sir???
Taehyung seems properly flustered for a moment, eyes flitting downwards and blinking rapidly. YES WE GOT THE CUTIE PIE FLUSTERED YEEHAW THIS IS A WIN FOR THE GAYS AND UNGAYS (i love to use this in sentences unrelated to sexuality)
quite sad to think that we are looking at something which has died thousands of years ago ... Well if you say it like that mood sis
it is nice to know that we can look at the past when we look at the stars?” waaaah im in love with her
I always thought of them as a reminder of death”, “or rather hell.” AYO??👀👀
they are still burning bright. Mustn’t it be such a burden to never get to rest?” ooh
*starts playing love maze
“Then you mess up, you mustn’t worry about mistakes you haven’t even made yet” i will try to remember this all the time
because right now I am thinking that this lamp is also alone, surrounded by darkness and thick fog and it should feel so terribly lonely and yet here it is, outshining both of them." 
People normally aren’t happy when they are around you and finally experiencing it feels so good.  WHO HURT YOU POOKIE??? IM COMING WITH MY FRYING PAN
this is soo cute i cant, the writing, them, the lamp and the stars gosh, i feel so giddy i wanna spin around the lamppost like a simp does in music videos
Yes darling” Taehyung whispers and there is obvious seduction in his voice. OHO HO HO I SEE U NAUGHTY BOI
this was a cute chapter im gonna sleep soo good with idk grass and unicorns in my dreams
lmoaoao he is so mean for no reason fajsdfja I love him JFAJDFJ
Hoseok stumbles, colliding with Seokjin’s chest. ofc he laughs with his entire body FUCK I MISS HIM WTF NAH NOPE WE WONT CRY WE MUST STAY FOCUSED BROTHER
Seokjin pleads, giving you the biggest puppy eyes that man hates aegyo on command, but watch his ass do aegyo on command if its on run bts tasks 😭 ik he will be the most supportive one if you told bts you are selling feet pics
I miss him so much 😭 BUT ALSO LESS THAN A MONTH TILL HE IS BACK OMGMGMG (the most supportive for feet pics would be Tae though change my mind. you can't.)
who calls their fraternity Alpha? What kind of superiority complex do they have?” 💯fr
“that man can be an asshole.” WHAT DO U MEAN MY KITTY IS AN ASSHOLE????
the foreshADOWINGNNG (i said too much)
dig his metaphorical fangs into your neck and drain you of your metaphorical blood WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? (ik what it means, but 👀👀)
Without me? homie really said that with his whole chest
It’s one of those activities you like to call terribly boring." ??? sir ??
i love their sass fr fjadsjf
WHAT DID TAE TELL HIM???? JAMAL SMILED AT ME??? his moodswings be like ➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️↕️↔️🔄️↪️↩️⤴️⤵️🔃
perhaps something with her metaphorical blood HELLOO
joon asks me out to study AAAAAAH 😩
AAAH (scared)
holding his arm before you giggle into it. *twitching eyes WHY SHE GOTTA LIVE MY DREAM AAH BUTTER TAE THOSE ARMSS 🤤😋
when this video dropped I lost IT
ok sorry tae, back to serious mode, IS THAT FORESHADOW TO HIS PAST(mentioned in drabbles)
time does really fly fr it does, you wish it went fast, but when you think back, you wish you could live in that moment one more time
YES THIS OMFG the most painful thing ever 😭
ALSO I love how you thought of different colours during the scene <3 I love this energy heheh <3
Taehyung gets a few (probably painful) steps on his toes, but he doesn’t say anything. MASOCHIST ALERT 😭
there are no lies to be found here tbfh
“this was like in the movies! Do it again!” SHE IS SOO CUTE UWUW MOVE TAE SHE IS MINE *hits the gym so i can yeet tae out of the way and carry her
NO BUT THANK YOU i LOVE HER SO MUCH she is so cute frrr
“it’s been so many years and yet you still look the same. While look at me”, OBVIOUSLY ITS SUS
it IS
lmaooao you losing it over Tae existing is so me fr
it is nice to know that we can look at the past when we look at the stars?” waaaah im in love with her
me fr
I always thought of them as a reminder of death”, “or rather hell.” AYO??👀👀
THE FORESHADOWING GOES CRAZY FR ps: i forgot the stars and photography part during this chapter and now im <3 holy moly they were so cute together in the beginning im so soft
People normally aren’t happy when they are around you and finally experiencing it feels so good.  WHO HURT YOU POOKIE??? IM COMING WITH MY FRYING PAN
this is soo cute i cant, the writing, them, the lamp and the stars gosh, i feel so giddy i wanna spin around the lamppost like a simp does in music videos
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explosionshark · 1 year
top 5 horror book recommendations? it's spooky season and i need to get my read on...
Hell yeah! Gonna break this down a little. First an obligatory rehash of books I always recommend for this, these are like all-time faves for me
Wounds/North American Lake Monsters by Nathan Ballingrud - can't choose between these two, so they're tied for my favorite single author short story collection. Nathan Ballingrud is one of my favorite writers of all time
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado - a very very close second for my favorite single-author short story collection. Machado is a beautiful writer and finding an author writing such powerful horror from a queer woman's perspective was world changing for me.
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson - COME ON!!!! You might have already read this but consider reading it again! Absolute classic.
The Cipher by Kathe Koja - dark, fucked up meditation on art and addiction and toxic relationships. I think about this book all the time. A guy finds a weird hole in his apartment basement and then everything goes wrong (first slowly and then very very quickly)
Red X by David Demchuk - talked about this a lot before too but I really do love it. Fictional story inspired by real life serial killings that took place in Toronto's gay village over decades. The author inserts essays throughout the book that makes it part memoir as well. A supernatural story about real queer trauma.
Okay with that out of the way, here's some recommendations for stuff I think would be fun for Halloween specifically
Echoes edited by Ellen Datlow - OKAY CHEATING I ALSO RECOMMEND THIS ALL THE TIME BUT IT'S A PERFECT OCTOBER BOOK!!! Fuck-off huge ghost story anthology. Huge range of tones, pretty diverse group of contributing authors, it's my all-time favorite anthology.
Slewfoot by BROM - this one's got major autumn vibes. It's a story of a woman in Puritan New England who's accused of witchcraft. It's also a story about the devil. Kind of. The print version has really amazing paintings by the author, but I've heard this is also good in audio.
Come Closer by Sara Gran - this is a great little novella. Possession story that really packs a punch. I can't really say much more than that, but it's not a huge time investment and I think it's really worthwhile.
Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan LeFanu - if you can, get the version edited by Carmen Maria Machado (she adds in some great footnotes and it has some neat art too). This is a classic and also quite a brisk read. The original lesbian vampire story.
Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia - here's a new release for you! I always watch a ton of horror movies in October, and if you're anything like me maybe you'll want to read a horror novel about horror movies. This story follows a female film editor in 90s Mexico and her washed up actor friend as they help a retired filmmaker complete his famously unfinished last film, which he had been making with a former Nazi occultist before strange misfortunes and the occultist's mysterious disappearance forced production to shut down.
Okay that was double the amount of recommendations requested so I'm stopping here. Haha don't look in the tags don't worry about it there's nothing there you're crazy
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pealeii · 4 days
Hiya!! Love your new blog theme btw. Please tell me about your OCs!! I wish to know about them because you love them sm <3
HIHIHIHI I’M SO SOrry that this took so long to answer i kept THINKING about it but never got the chance to answer it so HERE WE ARE!!!
obviously i got a bunch of ocs but the ones I’m currently fixated on (like MAJORLY fixated) rn are some vampire ocs 🧛💥💥💥💥💥 (some vampires some not lololol)
okay i kinda went crazy so this got long 😭😭 so all the lore + art under the cut
okay so i’m not gonna go TOO in-depth but basically vampires who are turned (were human before but were bitten) are basically roadkill. when ur turned ur not immortal so over 70% of turned vampires die in the first few days (in-universe statistic)
but uhh there are also vampire hunters who don’t really take that into account and just think of them as potential murderers. and here’s one! our protag, angel ensworth!
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his family + best friend (who was also his codependent homoerotic situationship kinda but that’s another topic) were killed by a vampire, and he was basically taken in by this vampire hunting corporation. angel lived comfortably in suburbia so he really never questioned anything—so he took all this vampire hunting ideology at face value (also he was in a really vulnerable situation poor guy.) but he only starts questioning stuff when’s he’s assigned to kill our secondary protag—oliver “ollie” robin! (i’m obsesed with him.)
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so ollie’s just a chill trans dude who likes to party—currently studying social work at college. long story short he’s making out w/ this dude who turns out to be a vampire, who accidentally bites him. ollie then kinda roughs it in the forest until angel is assigned to him…but just cant kill him. i mean he’s just a guy shaking covered in blood in a shed like how could he hurt anybody?? he’d more likely hurt himself
good thing tho that the vampire hunter corps angel works for has a highly underfunded vampire rehabilitation center!! featuring…
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esperanza “espy” cabron—the head of the program—a hyperactive, rabid researcher who Never Sleeps. very passionate about her work. wears contacts but forgets to take them out. always wears her ponytail too tight. also lesbian. theyre all lesbians. most of the characters are sapphic in some way.
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and enid hawthorne!! she basically does everything else in the program—researcher, therapist, front desk…on the internet too much, taught espy abt neopronouns (enid’s are she/star and espy’s are she/her/fae/faer) asexual lesbian who tries her best to dress butch but is preoccupied and overloaded with work.
so they take ollie in and a bunchhh of other stuff happens like these guys have been in the COOKER. they are ROTATING in my brain like no one’s business. there’s another vampire named trixie—aromantic lesbian — goth w/ tourettes (i love her)
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oh and ollie has a sister who we meet later!! (she’s a high school theatre kid named summer)
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anyway idk if ANY of this made sense but these guys are my current hyperfixation
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hekateinhell · 9 months
Ideal lesbian l/a breeding kink scenario? 👀
Honestly, there's too many. 😅 College Lesbian AU? Single Moms AU? Could easily make this one work in the vampire world too with just blood sharing and some pretty illusions.
But okay okay, I'm thinking a human AU. I want them as rivals on a college sport team (I know absolutely nothing about sports, I just want an excuse for sweaty and sexy enemies-to-lovers). They hook up in secret because right now they both have a lot of contempt towards each other (and a lot of lust). So they fuck nasty and the fact that it's "just sex" makes it easier for their kinks to come out!
One day, Armand is fucking Lestat hard with that strap-on doggy style when she suddenly pulls out, flips her onto her back, bends her legs all the way back and says something filthy and derogatory (the stuff Lestat likes): "You're such a whiny little slut, you know that? What would make you happy, huh? Fucking spoiled princess..."
And Lestat is going crazy for it, moaning and dragging her nails all over Armand's shoulders, trying to shove her face into her tits. And she's so close, she's in it, and she just starts babbling nonsense like, "Fill me up... Make me a mommy... Give me a baby... I want it so bad..."
And Armand is all: 🫢👀🥵💦 scandalized but she sees it through and softens towards Lestat for the first time, kissing her nipples and saying, "I can do that, sweetheart. You'll be such a great mommy, won't you?" (Lestat would most definitely would not be, not any time soon).
I think Lestat would be a squirter in this one too, btw. I just get the vibe.
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femmesandhoney · 2 months
motherland fort salem really surprised me not just because of the lesbian main character but also the fact that it was such a specific genre kind of TV show. not even the typical dragons or vampires or supernatural stuff. it was some weird army witches?ik it wasn’t a CW show but it had the vibe of one and tbh i miss that era of kinda shitty low stakes campy CW shows. there was always at least one bi/lesbian in the cast, even if she wasn’t a main character and near the end of their superhero era they were just throwing in lesbians everywhere like batwoman was a lesbian and the lead of her show and black lightening too. people make fun of that network for being trash and it’s definitely produced some bullshit but it also gave us a lot of fun lesbian stories for sure. these days shit gets cancelled by the third episode it’s crazy
surprisingly freeform had a lot of fun shows like that! its usually a shame tho bc while bigger networks often can take some hits in numbers and keep a show going for a few seasons longer than something like netflix would do, they still often get cancelled :( so sad, but its nice that a lot of those types of shows do try to give us something. MFS especially was sooooo interesting w their world building, wish we got more seasons of it.
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