#i apologise in advance
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iwannafallintoaholelmao · 3 days ago
twst book 3, but it’s a musical
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audio is from starkid’s “the trail to Oregon”
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frenchublog · 9 months ago
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digipaw-does-art · 22 days ago
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Cyclops in casual clothes!
This is for my ongoing personal project which is a AU of the Xmen focusing alot on Cyclops.
[Pt. 1] [Pt. 2 You're here]
More details below the cut
So the basic idea for Scott's casual outfits is that alot of it is based on the clothes he was given when he first arrived at the X Mansion. I'm imagining when he first arrived he didn't have anything with him after what he went through. (Which I will elaborate on further down) so Xavier would of had to get him clothes, some hand-me-downs from his own closet, alot new. And since he idolizes Xavier and views him as a father figure he became really attached to what Xavier got for him. So he kinda dresses like a grandpa.
The Sweater he wears most was a hand-me-down from xavier given to him the first night he was at the mansion after being saved. It means alot to him and, especially when he was young, acts like a comfort item to him. It was far too big for him at the time, and is still rather loose. By the time that he's an adult it will fit him more or less perfectly though. Also shown are his glasses for when he's not using the visor. They wrap around the sides of his head abit to make sure no energy leaks out the sides.
Generally he trys to dress very neatly so that he's always ready to be a good example. He views it as a way to help himself live up to xaviers expectations. (More about all of this will be brought up later in other pieces, especially ones depicting his early time at the mansion)
Okay some more general AU stuff
In my AU (which is mostly just what I'd do if I was incharge of a Xmen series that let me start for 0) I am keeping most everything that Scott went through before the Xmen, but I am shifting the time frames around abit. The reason I'm shifting the time line around is because I want to have Scott be abit younger when he first arrives to the mansion. I want the team to form roughly when Scott's 15, but I want some time before hand where it will be him recovering from the abuse he dealt with.
Scotts time line is roughly:
Age 0-7: Happy normal childhood
8yr old: Plane crash, causes his parents to die and puts Scott in a coma for 6 months
9yr old: Fully in the foster system and doesn't go great, gets placed in the group home that Mr Sinister runs and deals with that. His mutation starts showing itself around this time.
10yr old: mutation has fully manifested, he escapes from the group home and is functionally blind while living on the streets.
11yr old: runs into Jack winters who abuses Scott to try and force him to help him commit crimes. (Scott's more or less held captive)
11 or 12yr old: gets rescued by Xavier and Co. And is brought the mansion as the first student.
12 or 13yr old: Jean joins the school and slowly gets to know Scott. And awhile after Jean arrives Scott acquires his first pair of glasses that let him see again.
13yr old: Bobby joins the mansion and they start combat training
14yr old: They start going on simple missions to help Xavier recruit more students, as team is being fleshed out.
15yr old: Xmen form properly and start doing more crime fighting types of missions.
The exact timeline is pretty loose at the moment, but that's roughly the plan. The bulk of the comic will take while they are forming the team and after. But most of the current development has been on Cyclops backstory in particular. These time periods will get fleshed out more as more art is drawn.
The next batch of art will be depicting him when he's younger. Around the time that he got rescued by Xavier and came to the mansion.
Well that's all I can think of to say atm, but if anyone has questions I'd love to answer them :)
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nottoonedin · 1 year ago
Shitty ALNST memes because this is how I cope:
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Ogs/Templates below:
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thatmoththoth · 1 year ago
I should draw a picture of gunpowder tim, but he’s holding a detonator and is in a circus with a mannequin running towards him with the text “woops wrong Tim.”
Edit: check reblogs for progress updates
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arun-armand-amadeo · 2 months ago
I am not prepared for the person I'll become if we ever get to see Armand covered in blood
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1thesewordsaremyown1 · 7 days ago
Talk About Jinxing Yourself
Read on ao3 or below
Tommy softly closed the door to Eddie’s place behind him (Evan’s place now, he had to remind himself) and paused for a moment on the front step to take a deep breath.  Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he quickly organized an uber to come pick him up.  The nearest available car was fifteen minutes away, so he arranged to be picked up from the corner store he had been at only an hour before and started walking.
When he reached the store he checked his watch – still five minutes until the car arrived, so he sat down on the kerb to wait.   Bringing his legs up, he crossed his arms on his knees and dropped his head to rest on them.  He knew what he looked like – a guy in last night’s clothes, slumped over on a roadside kerb, but he didn’t care.  All he wanted was to go back in time, just a few hours, to when he had woken that morning with Evan fast asleep in his arms.  He had simply laid there for a few minutes, his eyes drinking in every inch of him – the way the early morning sun streaming through the bedroom window highlighted the flecks of gold in Evan’s hair, his long eyelashes fluttering, his handsome face relaxed in sleep.
Not wanting to wake him up, he had untangled their legs before gently removing the arm that was flung across Tommy’s waist.  Silently getting dressed, he had headed to the kitchen, intent on waking Evan with breakfast in bed only to find the fridge and cupboards bare.  Remembering from previous instances of hanging out with Eddie and needing last minute snacks and beers that there was a store only a short walk away, and since he had taken an uber to the bar last night, he had grabbed his phone and wallet and made the short journey on foot, enjoying the early morning sun and fresh air on his face.  The kind, elderly lady who owned the store had been unable to hide an amused smile at his unkept hair and what was obviously the previous night’s clothes and gave him a sly wink when she scanned the bottle of champagne along with the rest of the groceries.
He should never have bought the champagne.  Talk about jinxing yourself.  He had popped it in the freezer for a quick chill in the hopes that they could open it after breakfast, celebrating the two of them getting back together.  Instead, he had to open his stupid mouth and ruin everything.
Although, at the same time, he didn’t regret saying anything.  He resented the fact that it had resulted in now sitting on a dirty kerb, no closer to being back with Evan than he was the day before, but he had vowed to himself when he woke up that morning that if he and Evan were going to give it another shot, things would be different this time.  He was going to try to be more open and honest.  And as much as he hated feeling the way he did about Eddie, deep down he knew that at some point it was going to have to be said.  He just wished it hadn’t slipped out the way that it had.
Did he really think Evan had feelings for Eddie?  It was so complicated.  Regardless of whether Eddie was straight (and he honestly didn’t think Eddie was gay – Tommy may only have been out for the last 8 years or so, but he felt his gaydar was pretty functional, and he just didn’t get that feeling from him), it didn’t mean that Evan still didn’t harbour feelings for Eddie.  Whether they were romantic or not… that’s where the uncertainty fell for Tommy.  Regardless, even if Evan didn’t have feelings for Eddie, Tommy had always felt like he was competing for Evan’s attention.  Look, he got it, Eddie had been going through a rough patch for the past few months, what with the Kim debacle and Chris leaving, but his over reliance on Evan to help him feel better about himself was… grating.  (And boy, did that make him feel like a terrible friend, feeling that way.  No wonder Diaz didn’t bother keeping in contact once he and Evan had broken up.)  But there had been far more than one occasion where a date night had started late because Evan had had to rush to go help Eddie deal with some crisis, or Eddie had joined them because Evan had felt sorry for him and hadn’t wanted Eddie to be lonely.
Maybe this was all Tommy’s problem, and he had an inability to recognise what a true friendship was.  He didn’t have very many close friends.  Any at all really.  It’s not like he had no friends; he had plenty.  He just had none that weren’t more than a casual hang out for drinks or trivia night every now and then – certainly no one he could bare his soul to when things got hard.  He had spent so much of his life hiding who he really was – first with his father, then the army, then at the 118 under Gerrard – that he found it hard to open himself up to people, to let them in.  He wasn’t sure if the closeness that the 118 seemed to have with one another was perfectly normal and it was his inexperience that was clouding his judgement – perhaps that’s what deep friendships were really like?  Maybe he was just being silly and selfish in feeling that pang of jealousy every time Eddie unintentionally interfered with his and Evan’s plans, in the way that Eddie could rely on Evan to drop whatever he was doing and help.  He didn’t know – all he knew was that during his relationship with Evan there had been an ever-growing yearning that Tommy for once in his life be seen as a priority for someone else.  And yeah, he knew it was incredibly selfish of him to think that way, but when he heard that Eddie was gone… well sue him for being happy at the prospect of finally getting that chance.
Not that it mattered in the end.  Because Tommy had opened his stupid mouth and said the wrong thing (again!) and then Evan had said… he’d said…
Tommy took a shuddering breath and squeezed his eyes shut to stop the tears that had started to form from falling.
Behind him, there was the cheerful jingle of a small bell as the store door opened and shut.  He heard a soft set of footfalls approach and stop next to him.
“You okay there hon?”
Tommy lifted his head and looked up to see the store owner he had met earlier.
“Fine thanks,” Tommy said with the smallest and most unconvincing smile ever known to man that he suspected that this woman could see through as easily as seeing though glass.
“Mmm hmm,” she said in a tone that suggested Tommy was right.  Shifting, she sat down on the kerb next to Tommy with a small groan.  Her eyes took in Tommy’s features – his drawn face and moist eyes – and her eyes softened.  “So, didn’t go so well, did it?”
Tommy turned his head back towards the road to avoid her gaze and hide the tears that had sprung back up.  Refusing to let them fall, he shook his head slowly and silently, and beside him he could hear her tut sympathetically.  A small, dark hand rested on the hand that rested on his knee and squeezed.
“I’m sorry.  She’s a fool to turn away a handsome man like you.”
“He,” Tommy corrected automatically, eyes still trained on the road.
“Then that boy’s a fool,” she amended, not missing a beat.  “A man buys enough food to cook up a buffet breakfast along with a nice bottle of wine, only to get sent packing?  If I were twenty years younger, and a man of course, I’d snatch you up in a heartbeat.”
Tommy couldn’t help but give a short bark of laughter.  He turned to look at his companion.  “Thanks.”
Tommy’s brief smile started to slip, and he felt his hand squeezed again.  “Oh honey, I’m sure things will work out in the end.”
Before he could reply, a car pulled up in front of them – his uber had arrived.  Standing, he turned and offered his hand to help the store owner to stand.
“Such a gentleman,” she said with a teasing smile, accepting.  “Like I said, twenty years younger…”
“Thank you,” Tommy said once he’d helped her to his feet, and on an impulse, he leaned forward a planted a soft peck on her wrinkled cheek.  “For offering comfort to a stranger.”
“Not a problem at all.  Good luck sweetheart.”
With a reassuring pat on his bicep and another smile, she turned and headed back into her store, while Tommy hopped into the uber.  His mind was roiling on the short drive home, barely taking note of the building traffic as people with regular 9-5 jobs started to make their commute to work.  Once he had arrived at his house, paid the driver and walked through the door, he dropped his keys into their bowl and headed into his kitchen.  In the end, he’d had nothing to eat at Evan’s so his stomach was grumbling, but he found that he couldn’t bear the thought of eating anything.  He stood in the middle of the kitchen, staring blankly at the fridge, not knowing what to do.  Now that he was home, and without the distraction of the conversation with that nice lady form the store, the memories of what had happened that morning returned with painful clarity.
Evan had said that he didn’t care for him anymore.  “I don’t have to have feelings for everyone I sleep with,” he had said.  Right after they had slept together.  Evan had told him how he really felt, and Tommy had heard him loud and clear.  And all that morning he had been stupidly thinking and hoping that they had found a way back to each other, that they could give their relationship another chance, when for Evan it had just been a one-time thing.  A drunken mistake.  A way to scratch an itch.  That’s all Tommy was – that’s all he’d ever been in his life – a Mr. Right Now, never a Mr. Right.  And he had so badly wanted to be Evan’s Mr. Right, to finally be able to address his abandonment issues, fight through his fears of inadequacy and try and make it work this time with Evan.  To have a second chance.  And Evan…
Evan hadn’t wanted him.  Not anymore.
This time, alone and in the safety of his own house, Tommy allowed the tears to fall.
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kinzhae · 4 months ago
Set in Jujutsu High, 2006, Second-Year Timeline
Gojo x Fem!Reader
Angst with no comfort.
Pls don't let this flop 💔
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Spring Nights at Jujutsu High...
The spring air smelled of sakura blossoms and mischief as you sat on the rooftop of Jujutsu High's dormitories, your legs swinging over the edge. The distant hum of Tokyo's lights flickered on the horizon, a reminder of the world beyond the chaos of curses and missions. The night was quiet except for the occasional sound of laughter from the courtyard below—students blowing off steam after an especially grueling week.
And then there was Gojo.
He emerged like he always did: unbothered and obnoxiously tall, his silver hair messy from the wind. He was carrying a bag of snacks he’d likely stolen from Ijichi’s stash. Gojo’s presence was never subtle. Even before he spoke, you could feel the weight of his energy pressing against you, warm and electric.
“I knew I’d find you up here,” he said, plopping down beside you, close enough that his knee brushed yours. He unwrapped a lollipop and popped it into his mouth.
“You’re like a bad habit,” you muttered, taking a drag from the vape pen you’d smuggled into the school.
He smirked. “A habit you can’t quit.”
The Way He Looked at You
He didn’t make it easy. Gojo Satoru had always been more than a little infuriating. He knew how to get under your skin, but it wasn’t just his teasing or his stupidly attractive smirk that kept you off balance. It was the way he looked at you—like you were the only thing in the world worth paying attention to.
Tonight was no different.
“You know, when you sit here like this, with the city lights behind you, you kind of look like Anne Hathaway,” he said, resting his chin on his hand as he studied your face.
You snorted. “What, from Princess Diaries?”
He grinned. “Nah, from The Devil Wears Prada. You’ve got that whole ‘too cool for this’ thing down, but with just enough softness to keep me interested.”
“Softness?” You raised an eyebrow, blowing out a cloud of vapor. “You’re imagining things.”
“Am I?” His grin widened as he leaned closer, stealing the pen from your fingers. “You wouldn’t let me sit this close if you weren’t soft on me.”
You tried to snatch it back, but he held it just out of reach, laughing when you gave up with a groan.
The World Fades Away..
It wasn’t always fun and games with Gojo. When it was just the two of you, the walls he put up for everyone else seemed to crumble. You’d seen him at his most raw—after missions that went sideways, after friends were hurt or worse. Those moments made it hard to stay mad at him, no matter how much he annoyed you.
“Do you ever think about leaving?” you asked suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.
He paused, the lollipop stick dangling from his lips. “Leaving Jujutsu High?”
You nodded.
Gojo’s smile faltered, just for a second, but he recovered quickly. “Sometimes. But then I think about what I’d miss.” He nudged your shoulder. “Like you.”
“You’re such a sap,” you teased, though your chest felt tight.
“Only for you.” He wasn’t joking, not this time.
Won’t you kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor?..
It happened before you could think—his hand cupping your cheek, his lips brushing yours. The kiss was as reckless and consuming as Gojo himself, leaving you breathless and buzzing.
When he pulled back, his eyes were alight with mischief. “Well? What’s my flavor?”
You rolled your eyes, trying to play it cool despite the heat rising to your cheeks. “Annoying. With a hint of cherry.”
He laughed, throwing his head back, and for a moment, the weight of the world didn’t exist.
“You’re lucky I like annoying things,” you shot back, crossing your arms in mock defiance. But the warmth in your voice betrayed you, and Gojo, ever perceptive, noticed.
He tilted his head, his grin softening. “You know, you’re pretty bad at hiding how much you like me.”
You scoffed, turning your gaze back to the horizon. “And you’re pretty bad at staying humble.”
He leaned back on his hands, letting out a dramatic sigh. “Why should I be humble when I’ve already got the best thing in the world sitting right next to me?”
“You’re unbearable,” you muttered, though your lips twitched upward despite yourself.
Gojo studied you for a moment, the laughter in his expression giving way to something more serious. “You ever think about what we’re fighting for?”
The question hung heavy in the air.
“Sometimes,” you admitted. “When it’s quiet, like this.”
He nodded, his gaze fixed on the sky. “It’s funny, isn’t it? We spend so much time fighting things most people can’t even see. We save lives they don’t even know are in danger. And yet...” He trailed off, his voice dropping. “Sometimes it feels like it doesn’t matter. Like it’s never enough.”
You turned to him, your heart aching at the rare vulnerability in his voice. Without thinking, you reached out, your hand finding his. His fingers curled around yours, strong and steady.
“It matters to me,” you said quietly. “You matter to me.”
For once, he didn’t have a witty comeback. Instead, he looked at you like you were the only thing holding him together.
Hating the Wait...
You leaned back, your head resting against his shoulder as the sky began to lighten. “It’s crazy,” you said quietly.
“What is?”
“How much I hate being away from you. Even sleeping feels like too long to wait.”
Gojo chuckled, the sound low and warm. “So, what I’m hearing is that you’re obsessed with me.”
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips. “Maybe a little.”
“Good.” He tightened his arm around you, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Because I don’t want to wait either.”
The Night’s Promise..
The two of you stayed on the rooftop until the first hints of dawn began to creep over the horizon. When Gojo finally stood, pulling you up with him, he didn’t let go of your hand.
“Let’s run away,” he said suddenly, his tone light but his eyes serious.
You blinked at him. “What?”
“Just for a day,” he clarified. “No curses, no missions, no responsibilities. Just you and me, doing whatever the hell we want.”
“And where exactly would we go?”
“Anywhere.” He grinned, swinging your hand playfully. “We could hole up in some cheap ramen shop or sneak into a movie theater. Or we could drive to the coast and pretend we’re sailors, running away from the world."
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Sailors?”
“Yeah.” His grin turned softer, more genuine. “We’d be free. Just for a little while.”
The idea was ridiculous. Irresponsible. Impossible.
But with Gojo, it felt like anything could be real.
“Okay,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. “Let’s do it.”
His smile lit up the entire rooftop. “That’s my girl.”
And in that moment, with his hand in yours and the weight of the world forgotten, you thought that maybe, just maybe, he really could be your savior.
Why wait?...
The house was silent, save for the occasional creak of the floorboards and the distant hum of the wind outside. You sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the empty pillow beside you. The blankets were untouched on his side, as if you’d been too afraid to disturb the last remnant of him.
Your voice came out weak, shaky, and tired as you whispered to no one, “I want to go back…”
The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of longing. You were sleepless, your mind caught in a cruel loop of memories—his laughter, his teasing, the way his hand had felt so solid and sure in yours.
But now, that hand was gone, and the other side of the bed had been cold for days.
You clutched the fabric of your shirt over your chest, as if pressing against your heart might stop it from aching so much. The emptiness in the house wasn’t just physical; it was suffocating, a void that swallowed every ounce of your strength.
Whenever you closed your eyes, he was there.
You’d see his smirk, hear his voice, and feel the warmth of his touch as if he were still beside you. But then you’d wake up, and the cold, stark reality would hit you like a curse you couldn’t exorcise.
“What’s the point?” you murmured, your voice barely audible. “Why wait for someone who’s dead?”
You wanted to scream at yourself, to shake away the foolish hope that clung to your chest like a parasite. Satoru was gone. No amount of waiting, wishing, or praying would bring him back. You knew that. You’d seen it with your own eyes, felt the world crumble beneath your feet the moment his light went out.
But the memories wouldn’t let you go.
You remembered the way he’d look at you, so full of life and mischief, as if daring the universe itself to try and stop him. You remembered the quiet moments, too—when the bravado melted away, and he was just Satoru, the boy who carried too much but still made room to carry you.
"You are my savior, savior from this dull life... Satoru."
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 1 year ago
okay so i finally finished it... allow me to present a comprehensive, chronological compilation of miles and alex singing *THAT* moment in standing next to me for the whole eycte tour 🌟
this video took me the better part of two months to make, and cost me a not insignificant part of my sanity (related: i may never want to hear this song again), so yeah... i hope you enjoy 😅
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rougethebadbinch · 2 years ago
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the only thing i could think of while watching
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whatamiobsessingovertoday · 2 months ago
this scratched at my brain until I created it
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greattigerssimp · 5 months ago
PO boxers (my AU) and what their sponsors would be!
Because ain't no way the babygirls are living in NY on a single paycheck. Sell out time! (Also for my rp with @vampirtulpe )
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Glass Joe 🇫🇷 🥐
- Typically partners with smaller bakeries that he frequents
- They reward him with free pastries and coffee in return for companionship
- When Joe first came to NY, he thought Panera Bread was a small indie bakery... oh how he was wrong and made fun of for it.
Von Kaiser 🇩🇪🔩
- Very cautious about partnering with anyone, mainly because of the whole ordeal with Soda
- Did exactly one commercial with some hardware company and then dipped
- His boxing class absolutely adored that commercial though, they were like "omggg Mr. Kaiser I saw you on the television yesterday!!1!"
Disco Kid 🇺🇲 🕺
- His sponsor is actually the radio station His dad owns
- In fact that radio station actually promotes most of the WVBA... but especially Disco Kid in particular
King Hippo 🏝 🦛
- No sponsors
- Created a blender once to sell it
- His blendah sucks
Piston Hondo 🇯🇵 🥊
- Will happily promote any small business he stumbles upon or that reach out to him
- This includes that boxercise class Heike owns
- Brings an unnatural amount of energy into each commercial, you'd swear he was on something
Bear Hugger 🇨🇦 🐻
- Partnered with this one syrup brand (ofc)
- So intertwined with them, Spruce is dead ahh the mascot of the brand now.
- Puts a secret environmental message into each ad he does
Great Tiger 🇮🇳🐅
- Not really a partnership, but he used to collab with multiple rap artists
- The deal was he'd get to sing at least two lines, or else he's not promoting the song
- Nowadays he'll just do a random gig if he needs extra cash
Don Flamenco 🇪🇸 🥀
- Does perfume and men's clothing commercials
- Bro is basically making tv-friendly thirst traps
- He actually loves doing them, but Carmen only let's him do them once per month
Aran Ryan 🇮🇪 😈
- Did a singular ad for some energy drink...
- Long story short, he got fired, the set burnt down, and 4 people landed in the hospital
- Yeah no one wants his smelly redhead ass
Soda Popinski 🇷🇺 🍾
- Soooo that whole fiasco with the corrupt Vodka company... yeah.
- Thankfully Macho Man helped him break off from the company
- No longer does any partnerships
Bald Bull 🇹🇷 🐂
- No sponsors, doesn't want any
- He's happy with what he's got
- He doesn't work well with others
Super Macho Man 🇺🇸 🌊
- Dude has done adverts for everyone and everything...
- Body care, cars, energy drinks, Hippos blender's... you name it, he's probably done it. Dude is a walking advert.
- Shares his promotional money with Soda
Mr. Sandman 💤 🟢
- Partnered with the WVBA
- Helps sell WVBA merchandise such as action figures, clothes... even events.
- Isn't allowed to interact with anyone or anything else...
(This was a cringy idea, I'm sorry ;-; )
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bookdragon-shenanigans · 6 months ago
I just finished bingeing tdp and I am OBSESSED. Also the rayllum brainrot is real you guys they weren't lying
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earthw0rm · 11 months ago
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POV: some bitch ass twink won’t eat my chestnut tart
Aka, I’ve started playing Twisted Wonderland
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ernestfreeman · 5 months ago
I'm new to the fandom so I have no idea if I'm gonna get eaten alive. Thus I'm threading this territory lightly. I don't actually ship these two but I thought it would be fun to animate something wholesome (especially because I want to forget about the trauma I got from those violent Shrimpo x Dandy fanfics I saw on ao3. Not fun, I do not recommend.)
It's a bit... Weird, stiff, that's mostly because I'm not actually a real professional animator, I just started animating this for fun at around 2 in the morning.
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polin-erospsyche · 1 year ago
I’ve finally seen THE CLIP and I’m not well
This and the “come with me” had me swooning but I was holding it together
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With ZERO warning??? Like I’M SORRY? This has me dead in my grave
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