#tma x the mechs
thatmoththoth · 9 months
I should draw a picture of gunpowder tim, but he’s holding a detonator and is in a circus with a mannequin running towards him with the text “woops wrong Tim.”
Edit: check reblogs for progress updates
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saym0-0 · 7 months
tma x mechs college band aus are SO funny because all i can imagine are basira and jon awkwardly not making eye contact and pretending not to know each other the whole entire time they're working together, but sometimes one of them will offhandedly reference a song and the other one will laugh at this seemingly entirely random sentence leaving everyone around them like ?????
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lazyasriel · 2 months
Tumblr media
Drawn by me :)
so apparently I was right about the Keliser/Dockson ship (kelson?? keldox??). I've now read 400 pages of the first mistborn book and now am thinking that there must be a poly ship for all of Kelsier's crew. there's definitely some energy between Ham and Breeze and everyone seems to have some vibes with Kelsier
(this might be corruption from various fandoms I'm part of that love poly ships (tma, tmagp, mechanisms)
Is this a thing??? Are there fics?? when can I read them without spoilers??!
(also I love the art work @king-of-the-oreo !!)
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arri-kitt · 1 year
People keep making Nikola and Toy Soldier the same person but I think it’s funnier if TS is the voice box Nikola stole and now TS is flailing around on the Aurora and Jonny now has to play charades to understand who he’s killing and why
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brainwormsprompts · 1 year
TMA x The Mechanisms: The Bet
So the other Mechanisms notice that Jonny is in a funk after Out (sry folks, Out is canon here) and in an effort to try and distract and/or cheer him up, they offer up a bet. The details of the bet are up to you but the end goal means that Jonny ends up pretending to be Jonathan Sims the Archivist and works at the Magnus Institute.
Who else is in on the bet and what they have to do is up to you. If you don't want to write all of the Mechs, you can have this happen during the Bifrost Incident so Raph, Ivy, and Marius are imprisoned on Midguard. Ashes as Basira would be a particular choice done for irony purposes and to make sure that Jonny isn't the only one suffering (you can't tell me that they wouldn't be petty like that). Now TS could be Nikola oooorrrr we can go with a potentially angsty option and have Nikola take TS's voicebox (remember, it has to follow any orders given to it). Those are the major characters who share VAs with the Mechs so those are really the only ones I have a suggestion on.
Now one of the bets is to prevent any coworkers they have from knowing that they are immortal space pirates. This is part of the reason why Jonny puts on the skeptic attitude for the Archivist. He definitely has a group chat where he's making fun of the statements, the statement givers, and the institute in general. However, when the connections between the tapes start coming, he gets invested and actually starts caring a bit. (You can't tell me that he wouldn't.) I can also see him eating the teeth apple from Lionel Elliot gleefully (TS has probably given weirder things to eat).
Now, Jonny probably knows that Elias is older than a normal human because of his eyes. So in the interview, he tenses up and try purposefully asks if Elias has met with Dr. Carmilla and is thus another Mechanism. Elias is confused and denies it and then Jonny puts back the actor mask and it goes fairly normally.
Jonny is absolutely not going to get in the way of Tim and his revenge. In fact, I can see him inciting it and encouraging him to be destructive. With the Unknowing coma, there's probably a Mechanism sitting nest to Jonny at all times. This is both out of concern for him (bc he should be awake, his Mechanism healed him, why isn't he awake?) and to mitigate panic when he wakes up. Dr. Carmilla has left a lot of hospital trauma to them and they are a tight knit bunch who are there for each other.
At the America trip, Jonny's inviting one of the other Mechs along. (It's America, we have guns and violence in spades, it sounds like a playground for these chaos space gremlins.) They steal the skin book and maybe kill Trevor and Julia. Though they may or may not release Gerry in a timely manner, he's only been suffering for a couple decades at most while they've been around for millenia, he can hold on for an extra couple of month.
Jonny is laughing internally when Daisy makes him dig his own grave and then threatens him. He's making faces to Ashes when they come to try and talk Daisy down (if they do that). Jonny is definitely giving Daisy points for making him dig his own grave when the secret gets out. He is not gonna interfere with Ashes' decision about joining the Archives. The Mechanisms know all about the Archive drama and they are immortal space pirates, they can make their own decisions. However, he is ready to back them whether or not they want to murder Elias or not.
Jonny's probably going to take the Archivist powers in stride and is trying to exploit them on the rest of the Mechs while he can. He's long considered himself morally corrupt so not being human and getting cool narrative powers sounds cool. The Mechanisms have also tried to let the Assistants quit after killing Jonny hoping that his Mechanism regains slow enough for them to make it.
One thing's for sure. Elias nor the Earth at large is ready for the chaos these space pirates are going to bring with them.
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boxes-of-soup · 1 year
what if
i finally decided
to sit down and write the mechs x tma fic thats been in my head for literal months now
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mechsconfessions · 2 months
i am tired of people who use the mechs as jonathan sims (tma) ‘s college band and nothing else. on one hand i could possibly see it. on the other hand stop butchering everything. georgie (tma) never played anyone in the mechs. can i please just. just get a good mechs x tma that isnt That
My all time favourite TMA Mechs thing is that nothing is different except for Nikola is actually The Toy Soldier
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lostonehero · 3 months
Tma x mechs
Jonny archivist baby
"Is there a reason you're in my office, Sasha?" Jonny looked up from the statement on his desk.
"I've figured it out." Sasha smirks.
Jonny raised a brow. "Figured out what?"
"Why you suddenly became a dick after the promotion." Sasha hums. "You've fallen hard for Tim and Martin and me, but I'm aromantic, so sorry about that, bud. You're trying to cover your tracks by being a dick and pretending you hate everyone."
Jonny scoffs. "Of course not. I'm perfectly being just here as me and.... have you noticed Martin has a spider collection above his desk?" Jonny sighs. It's only been a few decades. How has he gotten so shit at lying?
Sasha raised a brow. "Jon, come off it." She crosses her arms as Jon sighs. "I'm sure if you talked to them they would be on board."
You're mortal all of you. Is what Jonny wanted to shout, but he couldn't. Even with the metal heart, he was falling hard and fast, weird horror be damned. Maybe he could use the weird horrors to keep them around long. He groans. "You have to be included aromantic or not. You're going to be a part of it, even if it's just sex."
"I'm sure I could arrange something." Sasha finishes her text, and there's a shout from Tim outside Jon's office.
"BLOODY KNEW IT." Tim shouts.
Jonny covers his face. He was screwed.
It's only been three weeks since they tried out the dating thing. He can only recall one other time truly where he was in love, and that was with Tim, not Stoker, but Gunpowder. It didn't end well. They remained friends, but it hurt. Tim blamed him for his eyes, but Carmillia was already dead to their knowledge, and they didn't mean to find him. They tried again a few times, but it was never the same, and everything it just hurt him more. DTTM was the final straw that broke the camels back. He's happier now than he has been for a long time. His crew probably doesn't even care that he's gone.
"Jon?" Martin's soft voice broke him away from the self hatred. "Jon, are you ok?"
Tim hugged Jonny's arm. "What ya thinking about, boss man?"
"We are literally in bed together. Don't call me that." Jonny sighs. "My ex, his name was also Tim. We became friends after but it was never the same yaknow. We were a part of this group like a family. I had a really bad falling out with them. That's how I ended up here." He sighs. "I'm not good at being open."
Martin sighs and moves Jon to his chest. "You feel like with us, you're betraying what you once had."
Tim nods. "Well, I'll be a better Tim." He hums softly. "You still have your memories even if they aren't great."
Jonny tries to hide his face in Martin's chest. "Enough! You're making me soft."
"That's the only thing soft about you. You're way too thin." Tim chuckles.
Jonny whines as Martin traps him in a soft hug. "Stop. I am a vicious man."
Tim smiles, joining the hug. "Mmh, yes, you're so scary."
"Yes, you make the statements come alive. Even if toy think they're fake." Martin smiles.
Jonny was absolutely fucked. He had to figure out how to keep them alive, and he'll be damned if Carmillia got involved. That bitch better stay the fuck away from here. She better be dead.
It took a year for everything to go to shit. A fucking year. Jonny sat in the empty archives. It started when Sasha got bit by a moth of all things. He didn't think moths had mouths. Then she got sick. Elias was being a dick about it, and soon she was coughing up worms and talking about music she could only hear. She disappeared after that, claiming she was sick and he hadn't heard anything.
Next was Tim. He started to get sick and pale, claimed the light hurt. He wore long sleeves and sunglasses inside, but he didn't change mentally he just... physically, he was changing, and he tried to help, but one day, they were walking, and a cars shadow passed by, and he vanished. He mourned with Martin.
Last was Martin he helped get to the bottom of things. These fear gods were changing his loves, but they were supposed to have a choice. He rubbed his burned hand. Martin went to hill top road and didn't come back.
He should have known better. He can't just play pretend like he was some mortal. He wasn't even human. He could feel something wet drip down his cheeks. He was crying so much lately he was fucking pathetic.
A soft knock on the door made Jonny rub his face and sit up. "What is it?"
"Sup boss man." It was Tim he had sharper teeth, and his eyes were pitch black, but it was him.
"T-Tim?" Jonny shot up out of his seat.
"Yeah, it's me." Tim rubs his arm. "I can promise you I didn't want this. I've become some sort of monster, and you deserve to -" he gasps as Jonny knocks him to the floor in a hug.
"Fuck that, monster or not I still love you." Jonny freezes he never spoke those words since....
Tim pulls Jonny into a kiss. "Are you sure?"
Jonny nods. "You have to help me find Martin and Sasha now. Im a monster, too, I think. I got this weird knowing thing. Elias won't tell me anything, but I know he knows more than he lets on. We I know about the fears, and you've become an avatar. So what? I don't care."
"Jon, I could kill you." Tim still wraps his arms around Jonny."
"And?" Jonny scoffs. "A lot can kill me. it doesn't mean it will stick."
"What?" Tim blinks.
"I'll explain later." Jonny gets up, grabbing Tim's hand. "We have to find Martin."
"Jo-Jon, wait." Tim can't really stop as he's pulled along.
It wasn't hard to find Sasha next her apartment complex was condemned due to infestation. It also took no effort to break into.
"Tell me again why you know how to pick locks?" Tim sighs.
"Immortal space pirate, Tim please keep up." Jonny smirks as the door opens.
"Just because you survived being dragged through the dark doesn't mean I believe you." Tim pinched his brow as worms splattered Jonny, and soon enough, he exploded in worms, leaving a metal heart on the floor and a half eaten corpse. "Jesus fucking christ."
"Don't you hear.... oh hi Tim." Sasha waves as she makes her way across the room. "Seems you've been busy following a different song."
"I didn't have a choice in the manner." Tim frowns, staring down at Jon. He pauses, and his eyes widen, and he jumps back.
Jonny suddenly sits up as his skin knits back together. He now has ears that flare out like a cow and horns. His teeth are sharp he has claws and a long tail. "Ok, the first time I died like that."
Sasha blinks, and the swarm pulls away from Jon. "I'm sorry my brood ate you, and you exploded. Not that I'm mad, but how?"
"Immortal space pirate." Tim and Jonny say at the same time.
Jonny brushes himself off. "Aw shit my disguise failed. Anyway, do you know where Martin is? I'm pretty sure you guys aren't fired, and I'm in love, and I'm not giving up just because you're weird horror creatures. I've fucked weirder."
"I have so many questions." Sasha pursed her lips. "Let me get dressed, and I'll help you look."
"I also have questions." Tim pauses for a moment. "I love you too."
A woman answered the door at hill top road. "Archivist."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, where's Martin?" Jonny crossed his arms.
"Oh, dear archivist mother has plans for him."
"Ew." Jonny scoffs pushing past the woman. "Martin! I don't care what weird creature you've become. I'm not human, so it will be fine."
A confused response from Martin. "I.... what?"
"Martin!" Jonny runs towards the voice, getting caught in a web. "Fuck."
"Hello Annabelle." Sasha waves at the door she looks almost normal minus the moths fluttering around her.
"Mother doesn't want him dead." Annabelle pauses. "What is he hoping to accomplish?"
"True love." Tim dramatically swoons under his umbrella.
"We also warned him not to just run into here but as you can see." Sasha vaguely motions.
"FUCK!" Martin shouts. "WHAT THE FUCK JON?"
"What you act as if this is the first time I've knawed off a limb to get out of something. See, look, it's already growing back." Jonny motions to his newly reformed arm. "Also spider centaur is pretty hot."
Martin pulls Jonny up and kisses him roughly. "You are the weirdest man I've ever met."
"Technically, not a human man." Jonny snickers.
Elias was about to pull his hair out. He had no idea how his new archivist had gotten his assistants back after they turned into avatars. It's actually impressive, but since one of them is now the web, he can no longer spy on his archivist. The hats were new, but he couldn't understand why Jon insisted that it's his new thing. It's the middle of summer. He does not need to wear winter hats.
Nastya had returned to the Aurora too much fanfare, and it only took a day for her to ask where Jonny was. She stared at Tim, who crossed his arms. "So?"
Tim sighs. "After we realized we're yaknow truly immortal. He took it the worst and didn't accept it like the rest of us, and he left. Stole a ship and a bunch of shit, but he's been gone for 100 years. Lyf took his position as lead singer, but we have been looking for him."
"We don't have a way to track him." Brian adds. His metal body has been changing to reflect how he looked before the mechanisms. He was very quiet about it, but it was extremely noticeable. His top hat covered his fox like ears. "We all want him back. We found you by accident looking for him."
Nastya frowns. "He's gone?"
Tim frowns and looks away. "He didn't even take the metal box he keeps under his bed."
"Bullshit." Nastya touches the wall. "Aurora, track the ship Jonny stole. I'm getting my brother back. You're going to apologize." She points to Tim. "He's our captain."
Tim nods. "I fucked up."
"Man, you human holidays are fun." Jonny's tail flicked happily behind him. The Magnus Institute was throwing a massive festival for Halloween. Elias was taking statements he insisted on that. "Didn't have anything like this on my astroid."
Martin followed behind with normal legs but 8 eyes and three pairs of arms. "Well , we will remedy that."
Tim seems to have hair that floated like rising darkness. His eyes were pitch black, and his mouth was full of sharp teeth. He was wearing a shirt. Jonny made him say the better Tim. "Martin, I think he likes it for the amount of sweets he's able to get."
Jonny scoffs. "I like the costumes."
"You're not even dressed up." Sasha raised a brow. "You said that was your normal outfit in space."
"Well, yeah, but it's not normal here, and humans don't have ears teeth or a tail like mine." Jonny huffs.
"Point taken." Martin chuckles. "Oh, looks like Elias got a band to play for the festival."
"It's not a band it's an open mic. A feast of stage fright." Jonny hums. "I'll perform something."
"Spoiling us?" Tim purrs.
"Yes, always." Jonny gasps as Martin picks him up.
"You're a hopeless romantic for someone who has lived as long as you and claims to be just as bitter." Martin smiles.
"Only for you guys." Jonny kisses the right side of Martin's mandible. "We could just skip this and have fun in the bedroom."
"Horndog." Tim chuckles. "How about after we hear you sing song bird?"
"Tim's right." Martin's gaze darkens. "You have to both earn it."
Jonny shudders. "Yes, sir."
Tim nods eagerly.
"Impressive costumes." A cheery soft voice came from a tall, muscular sailor captain.
Lyf blinks. "Um, hello."
"Costume?" TS tilts their head.
"I didn't think Nikola would change for Halloween." A man wrapped around the sailors arm.
"Um, right...." Lyf sighs. "Um, could you help us? We're looking for a man going by Jonathan Sims." He hopes Nastya was right in the fake name Jonny chose.
"You're looking for my archivist?" The man's eyes flash green.
Lyf's eyes flashed rainbow. "I'm sorry. Did you say archivist?"
"Correct. I'm Elias Bouchard. This is a nice Halloween festival for my insistute. Jon is with his partners traversing the festive scene." He gives a sinister smile. "I highly suggest the activities while you look."
"That Sounds Like Jolly Good Fun." TS drags Lyf into the festival grounds.
"W-wait, TS!" Lyf groans he had more questions to ask.
Inspector: At the Halloween festival with TS. It's being thrown by the Magnus Institute. TS has prevented me from asking more questions to the head of said institute. However, Jonny might be the head archivist.
Archivist: There is a 100% that's bullshit.
Fire Fire: that's a good joke kid
GP: there's a open mic here to perform.
TS: I Made A New Friend.
There's a picture of TS next to a mannequin who seemed nervous in clown makeup. There appears to be human skin stretched tightly around the plastic body.
TS: This Is Nikola.
Inspector: Tim why the fuck didn't you warn us about earth?
GP: What the fuck are you talking about
GP: TS what the fuck.
Drumbot: I am with Nastya. We have found a meat themed activity. I agree with Lyf. This doesn't seem very human. However my phone will be taken for this so I will talk later.
GP: meat?
GP: Brian?
Doctor: I am going to the mushroom tent! Lyf invitation open to join. I think they will enjoy the fact I am poisonous.
Inspector: Marius we still haven't figured out what you are.
Science officer: Not for a lack of trying. Anyway, I'm going to find that meat tent.
Fire Fire: there's a woman named Jude Perry and she's all about Fire I'm going to find her.
Nastya: They did not let me in with Brian. However, they did give me some sort of meat on a stick. Jonny would love this.
GP: ill play my song. If he's here, he'll come to watch right?
Nastya: I will join you.
Brian stumbled out of the tent. His throat hurt from screaming. He stopped in his tracks and when he looked down at his hands and saw flesh. He blinks and continues to stare. He could feel more so than he did before. He could hear the heart in his chest. He can feel his fox ears twitch under his hat. He could feel his tail. When did he get a tail? He always had one before...
A man bumped into him. "Oh shit sorry man." The man paused, tilting his head. "You ok?"
Brian stared at the man, and it was Jonny. He had glasses on and his normal outfit. "I uh...." He could feel everything, and he was getting overwhelmed. "I think... I." He felt Jonny grab his arm.
"Come on, you look like you're about to pass out." Jonny says softly, leading him to a table where three other people are already sitting down. "Hey, I know promised snacks, but we'll he looks like he's about to panic." He sits the man down who stares down at his hands.
Brian blinks as a bottle of water is put in his hands. He can't eat or drink. Why was this... he unscrewed the cap and drained the contents. Something wet dripped down his cheeks. A soft warm had patted his back, and Jonny sat to his left.
"Hey, are you ok?" A soft voice came from Brian's right. A man with eight eyes and a spider mandible gives a soft smile. He hands over half of a sandwich. "I know the tents can be much for anyone."
"Because avatars run them." The man with shadow like hair sighs. He hands Brian a few tissues. "It's impossible to stop others from being dragged inside."
Brian nibbled on the sandwich. It's been millions of years since he ate anything since he could taste. He couldn't even feel the metal in him, but he knew it was still there. It was changed and he couldn't understand, but this was the best meal he had ever had.
"So what's your costume? It seems very realistic." Jonny smiles.
Brian swallows and wipes his face. It was still so overwhelming, but he could handle it. He pulls off his hat to reveal two fluffy fox ears.
"Oh, let me guess! A foxy magician!" The woman chuckles as moths flutter around her.
"No, he's obviously an animal tamer turned animal." The man nudged her and they both giggle.
"He could just be a furry." Jonny wiggles his brows and the table erupts into laughter.
Brian can't help but laugh along.
"Wait, I have one he's a musician." The spider man smiles.
Brian giggles and nods. "Correct!"
"I'm an ex musician." Jonny smirks.
"No, you're not. You take every chance to perform." The man throws a crumple piece of paper at him.
"Ok, fine, I'm a part-time musician and full-time archivist." Jonny smiles. "Ah, right, let me introduce everyone. The man in the better Tim shirt is Tim, the lovely lady with the various moths is Sasha, and the spider guy is Martin. I'm Jon, the archivist of this insistute, currently dating the two handsome gentlemen, and fucking Sasha because she's happily aromantic."
Sasha salutes.
Martin waves, and Brian notices he has three pairs of arms.
Tim throws finger guns. "You're free to join us. Jon's got a sweet tooth, and double boss man got some American sweets for a few booths."
Jonny nods and gets up. "He's an honorary assistant for the day then."
"You probably shouldn't say that, Elias might actually hire him." Martin chuckles.
"To be fair, he hired you." Sasha winks getting up.
Martin chuckles, holding one hand out to Brian. "Come on, we'll help you navigate this place."
Brian realizes Jonny doesn't recognize him. Which makes sense if he wasn't metal anymore. He also left before his body started to change to reflect what he looked like before mechanisms. He sighs and nods. Might as well see what has happened to Jonny.
"I'll lead the way!" Jonny hops up.
"Eye eye boss man." Tim chuckles.
Jonny rolls his eyes. "We are literally together. Don't call me that."
"Fine, sorry, cowboy." Tim smirks as Jonny blushes.
"... go back to boss man." Jonny says with a deep blush on his features.
Drumbot has changed his name to Brian
Brian sent a photo
It's a picture of Jonny between two men looking happy. Both men are kissing either cheek, and he has a sign that says little cowboy and his partners.
Brian: Jonny doesn't recognize me, but I also don't recognize me.
GP: I'm sorry, but Jonny got hitched!
Nastya: He's wearing wedding bands? Isn't that a human custom?
GP: Brian, what switch are you on
Brian: None
Archivist: impossible
Brian sends another picture
It seems to be a selfie. He has grayish goldish skin, soft, long hair, and big fox ears. He doesn't appear to be made of metal anymore.
Brian: The meat tent was actually a guise for a Flesh god.
GP: this literally can't be earth
Doctor: I think I accidently poisoned the nice mushroom man.
Lyf: I need to bleach my eyes.
Fire Fire: I think I believe Brian becoming flesh again over Jonny getting hitched
Archivist: this is all highly unlikely scenarios
Science officer: I am grabbing you Brian.
TS: My New Friend Stole My Arm Then Screamed When It Reattached
Lyf: I'll get TS from causing a panic.
Doctor: Wait let me come with you my love.
Lyf: not until you bathe in a bath of bleach
Doctor: only for you.
GP: I'm going to rip my eyes out.
"Brian!" A woman swoops down mechanical wings spread out as she grabs Brian's shoulder. "It even feels like flesh."
"Ah." Martin pauses. "So, is this a former crew member?"
"Yup." Jonny hums and sips on his bright orange drink.
"So how many are there, like 9?" Tim raised a brow.
"Well, Nastya left, but Lyf joined, and Aurora can be considered a mech as well." Jonny shrugs.
"Isn't Brian supposed to be metal?" Sasha nudges Jonny.
"You know that explains what he looks so familair and yeah he is supposed to be metal." Jonny shrugs again, watching Raphaella poke and prode Brian.
"No wonder why he had a panic attack." Tim hums. "I probably would too if I went from metal to flesh."
"Jonny...?" A Russian accent caught Jonny's attention.
"Nastya?" Jonny smiles. "It's been a while and it's nice to see you."
"What happened to you?" Nastya stops right in front of Jonny.
"Therapy mostly, got hitched, and git a degree, became archivist, and just enjoying life with weird horror gods. What's up with you? It's pretty fucked up that you broke up with Aurora because she changed physically but not mentally."
Nastya blinks and opens her mouth, but Jonny cuts her off.
"Yaknow, I spent decades helping her through the breakup and losing my sister." Jonny sips his drink obnoxiously. "Eh, I'm mostly over it, Marius was right. Therapy does help. Anyway, congrats on rejoining the mechs or whatever you're doing."
Raphealla and Brian have both stopped and stared at Jonny.
Brian takes a breath. "I think my ears are malfunctioning."
"No, I heard that too." Raphaella blinks.
Nastya stared stunned at Jonny.
"Have a fun time and stay away from the tents, you'll get pretty fucked up in you go into them, and not in the fun way." Jonny gets scooped up by Martin.
"I think that was very emotionally grown of you." Martin smiles.
"Does this mean the other Tim is here? Oh fuck yeah I'm going to fuck with him." Tim runs off and jumps into a shadow.
"Follow him!" Jonny climbs to Martin's shoulders. "This is going to fucking confuse Elias to no end."
Martin chuckles. "With pleasure."
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barmy-demon · 3 months
Mechs x tma funny thought
“Really archiving?”
“Like your one to talk mx acab”
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zonatcannibalism · 8 days
Ok so about my fanfiction.
I have a 26 page long outline for a longfic (12 chapters) and I have about 5k-10k words written for it, but nothing in chronological order i can post. The outline was made about 9 months ago and i simply don't have the time to write it. (Its a mechanisms x tma crossover fic set after dttm and in season 3 of tma but it has weird time travel shit going on so its also a post season 5 fic)
So i think I should probably focus on oneshots, but tbh i don't really have that many ideas. in the last year or so im much more focused on my original fiction then fanfiction. Im currently writing a short story, and I know what the book im going to work on for nanowrimo is gonna be.
The list of fandoms i want to write for but have no idea what to write:
The decameron- there is one fic in all of ao3 about it. I have to take on the mission. I don't really have ideas just the vague sense it should be something about panfillo
Tma/ tmagp- i would probably write teaholding, doorkey, dyhard and platonic relationships between the archives gang, fluff and angst/ hurt comfort/ just unresolved angsty character explorations. I could also just adapt my longfic into oneshots. I don't really have ideas and tbh its not really a thing im very passionate about
The mechanisms: that's the fandom my longfic is for, i could just adapt the scenes i have of it into oneshots
Hatchetfield- i have. No ideas. But it will probably be fluff, and focus on the npmd gang or ms Holloway. Edit: i could probably have a lit of dun writing something angsty about lautski post npmd adapting their relationship to the trauma. I do have an EXTREMELY developed hatchetfield oc, but i use them for rping and writing about them could be weird to me.
Fantasy high- i feel like i could have so much fun with writing fics for this, but im only on season 1 (ep 12 i think) and o don't want to get stuff wrong about whats going to happen
The marauders- tbh probably the one im most inspired for but I don't really like the famdom or the characters that much, the fanfiction for it is just the best ove ever read
I allredy have a doctor who fic up but i wouldn't be against writing more (im just not that interested in doctor who fanfiction. Maybe i could write something about donna before she got her memories back? Character exploration style)
Also i do love good omens and could potentially write for ot but i don't really want to
My ao3:
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snekberry · 2 years
So some tma fics recs! (If I specify a fic is jonmartin that means it's primarily focused on it, since most fics in the tma fandom are jonmartin in ways)
Jonmartin dating app fic (37k words rounding up, complete)
Tim focused timeloop fic that takes place in the season 3 finale (7k words rounding up again, complete)
Jonmartin mechanisms fic (17k words, complete)
Jonmartin fic where Martin makes Jon shit tea on purpose and jon pretends to drink it because he doesn't wanna tell Martin the tea is bad (13k words, complete)
A lonely eyes crack-fic in which Simon bets elias and Peter can't live together for a month. (9k words, complete)
A fic in which jon is cursed to tell the truth (20k words, completed)
A fluffy museum au in which the archive team try to hide kittens from jon. (7k words complete)
A au where Jon literally becomes head empty. (16k words, incomplete)
A au where Jon and Martin were already married pre-podcast and sasha and Tim didn't know this. (2k words, complete)
A fic where season 1 jonmartin is arguing only to get future memories in the middle of it. (2k words, complete)
Lonely eyes soulmate fic. (6k words, complete)
A series where Jon becomes even more inhuman than in the actual podcast. (31k words, complete)
A lonely eyes fic in which elias tells peter he's not dead. In typical elias fashion (3k words, complete)
Mechs!Jon fic with jonmartin. (9k words, complete)
Future jon goes back in time wingfic (36k words, incomplete)
Another jonmartin mechs fic! (21k words, complete)
So, you know that one tumblr post with the witch who goes around as a cat and whoever catches it can get with her?
That but jonmartin (12k words, complete)
Teacher jon! (26k words, complete)
A au where season 1 jon finds a leitner that makes everyone think he's a cat. Very good jon x Martin x Tim (144k words, complete)
A jonmartin fae jon au (38k words, complete)
Those are all the fics that in my bookmarks! Hope you enjoy!
(Also since you're planning on getting into mechanisms I recommend Ulysses dies at dawn! Not my favorite album (the bifrost incident beloved) but a close second and the one I tend to recommend to new listeners! (And if you're struggling to find songs at all the channel "the void sings" has uploaded all the albums with subtitles too!))
HELLO thank you for the food anon 🙏🙏🙏 im going to save all of these
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thatmoththoth · 1 day
Oh hey, Thoth here, you don’t mind if I just set this envelope containing a little snippet of what I’m working on your desk would you?… alright then… Just don’t open it, ok?
Open the envelope?:
“My name is Lyfrassir Edda, I am the new Head Archivist of The Magnus Institute, London. Due to recent events I have acquired a job here. Before this I worked as an inspector, and perhaps that’s what got me hired. Either way my employer, one Ms. Carmilla, seems happy with my placement here, and who am I to complain about getting a paycheck. She has given me three assistants. Their names are Ivy Alexandria, Raphaella La Cognizi, and… Marius Von Raum… I will not say much about them, but I hope I will not be needing their assistance often.”
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saym0-0 · 8 months
grah Thinking About my tma x mechs au again,,, Lyf is there bc im obsessed with the aus where they reunite with the mechs,, this wasnt meant to be the purpose of the post but heres a lyf doodle im still trying to figure out their design:
Tumblr media
i dont like much of it but the bifrosty bits are awesome,,, ANYWAYS where was i,,
rest is under the cut bc my ramblings got long
ashes toy soldier and jonny were blasted down to earth for some reason against their will by the other mechs (probably just for fun) and toy soldier immediately wandered off and found (was found by?) the stranger; ashes and jonny are having a competition to see how many fucked up things they can do without anybody catching on and discovering who they are. they did not anticipate the sheer amount of supernatural stuff on this planet that Nobody Talks About
jonny refers to the way he dresses as the archivist as his lyf cosplay
also in this au jonny uses he/him but as jon uses they/them,, i said this in a previous post but in case anyone's confused about how i refer to him in this post
back to toy soldier with the stranger, nikola finds them and is like 🫵 ur just like me fr and like. idk if she yoinks its voicebox (third hand smh) or if she just has a different one but its uh,, i lost my train of thought hang on
actually i think it would be funnier if it somehow took nikola's place on accident. maybe it yoinks her mannequin head and cool outfit (it likes fun uniforms!) and everyone just believes it.
idk man i thought it would be funny if the two animate models played by jessica law were somehow stuck in the same body, but reading up on toy soldiers backstory my idea wouldnt work,,
maybe toy soldier comes to earth way earlier, back when nikola is made and whatshisname mr orsinov models nikola after them and they're kinda just there from the beginning,,, i need to relisten to nikola's statement
sorry this has devolved into me thinking out loud in text post format but like. im having fun
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rainbowstargazerlilies · 10 months
Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 1 Poll 28
Mad scientist x man who actively Enjoys being vivisected 
strong woman+wet racoon
Annabelle (TMA)/Carmilla:
I love them so much manipulation wives
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arri-kitt · 1 year
Saw your post about Nikola and TS and I thought about it late last night and just got reminded about it, so I’m putting it here bc it’s sorta similar (also, writing this at 1.45 am for me so sorry if stuff doesn’t make sense)
Toy Soldier stole a voice, right? (like to imagine the person being called Jessica Law bc “The toy soldier as Jessica Law” said in drunk space pirate) HOWEVER Nikola said she “borrowed” the voice. (ep 97)
Which lead me to think that TS was just wandering about in London at some point, saw Nikola without a voicebox and was like “I don’t need it for a little bit. You wanna borrow mine?” and so Nikola borrows the voicebox for like a year or two until the entire ritual thing. After that destruction TS has to go back to the ship, realises it hasn’t gotten the voicebox back and goes to find Nikola, finds it in the destruction. Takes it, puts it back into it and goes back to the ship as if nothing had happened
The crew never found out about it. The Archivist never found out about it. It was never mentioned ever again
HAHAHA that’s amazing
Just TS being a little silly and helping out a fellow little silly
TS and Nikola being friends and they have like tea or something because Nikola just loves to gossip
She has no idea what this thing is but it’s close enough to herself plus it have her a voice box! What an absolute sweetheart!
TS gets a bunch of stories that it may or may not tell Jonny later because honestly what do half of these things even mean what is an Unknowing and why is an Archivist important to it??? It was the epitome of smile and nod along shdjsjbska
I think that they could have a very weird friendship for a few years lmao
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brainwormsprompts · 2 years
Rose Red working in the Institute
So I’ve seen a couple TMA Mechanisms crossovers here and there. One on Ao3 had it where Jon=Jonny and an encounter with a couple of Rose Reds set it off.
That got me thinking: what if there was a Rose Red working in the Institute?
I imagine that a small crew of Rose Reds we’re trying to go to X place for the war efforts and something happens (wormhole, tech malfunction, whatever) that causes them to crash to Earth circa 2000s. There’s an adjustment period but eventually they/she decide that they can’t get back to the war and decide to try and live until they can get help.
Compared to whenever OUaTiS happens, Earth tech is unbelievably simple so it’s not a stretch to say that the Roses make fake IDs for themselves easily. They probably choose different names maybe keeping a last name. I don’t think they would keep “Rose” considering that’s what they are not who they are. I also feel like they grow out their hair as a healing bit. Long hair takes a lot of time and upkeep and is impractical in war so growing their hair out could be a sign that they finally see themselves as more than war machines.
Now for whatever reasons, one of them decides to work at the Institute. Elias probably says yes because he finds her interesting. Does this Rose coincide w one of the named characters? Up to you. The Slaughter probably retroactively claimed them so we have the option of human murdering, we also have paintball tournaments that could be used as an outlet. Idk if the UK has paintball but it could easily be said that the Institute Rose uses vacation time to go to paintball tournaments in the US.
I feel like there could be many shenanigans of having a war clone like the Rosies in the Institute, especially if she goes to the Archives crew. If any Mechs go there and recognize her then that could also be fun.
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