Currently fixated on Buck and Tommy from 911Sometimes I write fic
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after what tim pulled in 8x06. i have no idea how anything will play out with bucktommy. 😭
Tim’s writing is bad. I don’t believe there’s a method to the madness.
There’s three ways this plays out.
From worst case scenario to best:
1) Buck wasn’t lying but he comes to a realization he loves Eddie. “Thank you Tommy for helping me realize what I could have at any point and didn’t because it’s not true but you know fanservice”. Absurd but given the crappy writing a possibility.
2) Tommy helps the 118. He does all the things only our hot pilot can do. His interaction with Buck brings closure to their relationship and they part ways on good terms. Buck the Bachelor continues.
3) In the drama and chaos of the emergency, everything is put into perspective for Buck and Tommy. They both know exactly what they want, each other. Brought back together in the same way they first met.
Doesn’t the third option just write itself? Tim put the pen down. I’ll help you.
#3rd literally writes itself but you know Tim never misses the opportunity to miss an opportunity#< prev tags#truer words have never been spoken#bucktommy#911
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I was rewatching the Bucktommy scenes from Season 7 (as one does), and a thought popped into my head. Now, I might be way off-base with this one, and it might be just my perception, but hear me out:
Season 7 was for Buck. Season 8 is for Bucktommy.
Let me explain. The Bucktommy scenes we got in Season 7 were great (I maintain the first kiss scene is one of my absolute favorites from the show as a whole), and it did give us the start of them as a couple. But did it establish them? I know they were working with a shortened season, and considering that, they did an amazing job, but still. I feel like Season 7 just began to explore what Bucktommy could be - especially if we look at Season 8.
Because I feel like Season 7, naturally, focused mostly, if not entirely, on Buck. Again, makes sense - Buck is our main character and the one who was discovering his sexuality. Tommy was an old side character we hadn't seen since Season 2, and they did a great job re-introducing him and making us fall for him, but the focus was on Buck.
(And I do recall some of the criticisms towards the ship were how little development we saw on our screens from them. Again, they were working with what little time they had, but it meant we didn't get a whole lot. And it does feel like the writers, or Tim, saw that and went: alright. Bet)
Season 8 is very much about Bucktommy. Yes, Buck is still our main guy, and we still explore his feelings and his growth, but there is a tiny difference that I noticed when rewatching Season 7. And that is, the show is making sure that we are also aware of Tommy, even if he is not in our screens. Whenever the plot touches Buck (and even if he's only indirectly affected by it- see 810), we are reminded of Tommy. The only time during this season Buck has had an entirely separate storyline from his relationship was during 804, and that was in order to bring Bobby back home, and during 809, where he was dealing with Eddie leaving.
Buck's journey this season isn't as solitary as it was last season. Because last season, despite Tommy being the reason Buck started to realise his bisexuality, it was about Buck, period. But this one? Buck is not riding alone on this one. When we think about Buck's storyline this season, it all draws back to Tommy. To them.
This is also seen in the way they treat Tommy this season. Because not only are they making sure we are aware of his existence in the 911 universe, but they are also making sure we know how he's feeling. They are making sure we're aware he's completely gone on Buck, but is apparently terrified and very insecure about his overall place. The show is making an effort with Tommy and is not trying to hide it, to make us relate and be sympathetic, and to make us aware (as much as they can do it when Lou is recurring) of his feelings.
(To make the audience long for them and for a reconciliation. To make them want to see Buck finally figure it out and win Tommy back. But I digress)
I might be reading too much into it, but the thought hit me like a truck when I saw the hospital kiss. The way we've seen Bucktommy in Season 7 and 8 is different. And, even if I am putting on my clown shoes by saying this, it very much feels like this season is the season they've started to treat them like the other main couples (that is, giving them drama).
Anywho. Please do tell me if I sound insane.
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So, while I know the buddie fans were crowing over Tommy thinking of Eddie as "competition" as well as some bucktommy fans being worried what Tommy meant by that, looking at what we know about Tommy's character and what we've seen happening on the show in the last two seasons, I have another interpretation (and I'm sure others have had similar thoughts).
The root cause of Tommy thinking of Eddie as competition wasn't that he thought Buck might be in love with Eddie - it was the fact that Eddie is a major part of Buck's life and basically had all of his attention.
Let me back track for a second. Let's look at what we know of Tommy as a character. We know he can be jealous - he has admitted as much himself. In 7x04 he told Buck that he saw what the 118 had and wanted that for himself, and in 8x05 he brought it up again how great it must be to have a support network like that. We know he had a "Gerrard-like" father who he doesn't really talk to, and that unlike Buck who was oblivious to the fact that he liked men, Tommy very much knew that he was gay, but couldn't find the courage to come out until his early 30's. This very much sounds like a guy who has never been able to form close bonds with anyone, platonic or otherwise. And to top it off, we've seen that Tommy is very much a caregiver - odds are, he has spent the majority of his life putting the effort into making others feel wanted and prioritised yet not receiving the same in return. It could be why he has a tendency to run when things get hard, because he has given his all before only to be burned time and time again.
Now let's look at what we've seen on the show. Tommy knew that Buck and Eddie were close - he knew before they started dating. He knew that this was a guy that Eddie's son couldn't stop raving about. He had seen how close the 118 were and he would have seen the same in Buck and Eddie's friendship (much like Hen and Chim are each other's "ride or die"). And while I'm sure there was probably some stirrings of jealousy over something that he had been missing in his own life, he would have also hoped that maybe he could be brought into the fold and have that too.
And then about two months into their relationship, Eddie's life implodes. And Buck, being the type of guy who also gives and gives to those he loves, would have wanted to be there for his friend. Which there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. But how many times did that desire to be there for his friend override time with Tommy? We saw it in 7x09 - at the end of his shift, Buck was heading over to Tommy's. He was packing an overnight bag so we can assume he was heading straight there. But then he runs into Kim and immediately heads to Eddie's to confront him and talk it out. How late was Buck when he finally rocked up to Tommy's place? And when Chris wanted to leave, Buck was the one Eddie called to get him to try to stay. How many times did Eddie call on Buck to try and open a line of communication with Chris when he wasn't speaking to him?
I know Tim said in an interview something along the lines of "Eddie was going to be feeling a bit alone because he won't have Buck around as much to lean on" as he was busy with his new relationship, but the thing is, that isn't what we saw on screen. For us bucktommy shippers, a fair few of us were a bit frustrated about the fact that, with what little screen time Buck and Tommy had together, Eddie was often involved. (And I'm not saying I hated it - I loved seeing the Eddie/Tommy friendship, it just would have been nice if there had been more solo Buck and Tommy scenes to balance it out.) And if we extrapolate what we saw on screen to how their relationship was during the hiatus, you can understand why Tommy might be thinking "can I just have some alone time with my boyfriend here?" Especially as it was at the start of the relationship too, a time when they should be getting to know each other. And for Tommy, someone with obvious self-worth issues, you can imagine that there might have been a few doubts starting to emerge. Is the reason Buck keeps prioritising Eddie because he's actually in love with him? Or worse - he's NOT in love with him, and Tommy just isn't worth it enough to compete with Buck's best friend?
And the thing is, I think Buck knows that this is the real issue. Or at least he has an inkling that it's not so much the "Buck might be in love with Eddie" that has been the problem for Tommy, but the whole "Eddie and Buck are extremely close and Eddie takes up a huge part in Buck's life". We see that in his conversation with Maddie at the end of 8x11. One line I think that often gets overlooked in that talk is when Buck says, "I understand him feeling threatened by what me and Eddie have". Now I'm sure buddies would see this as an admission of love towards Eddie, except for one small thing - only thirty seconds earlier, Buck had told Maddie that he was NOT in love with Eddie. So, either Buck blatantly lied to his sister only moments before, or he was telling the truth - he doesn't love Eddie but recognises that what he and Eddie share is a unique friendship, one that takes up a lot of his time and that those on the outside would find it hard to compare, or compete, with.
So yes, while I'm sure there may have been moments where Tommy wondered if Buck may have had feelings for Eddie - after all, Buck had just realised he was bisexual and he was extremely close to his good-looking best friend; it would only be human nature for doubts to creep in. But at the end of the day, I don't think it was Buck's feelings towards Eddie that Tommy felt he was in competition with, but his time and attention. For once in his life, he wanted to be seen as a priority by someone he cared for, and when he heard that Eddie was gone, he figured he finally had that chance.
#here I go waffling on again#I have had a lot of thoughts#but I love the idea of Buck feeling he had to fight to get Tommy's attention in the beginning#only for Tommy to then feel he had to fight to get Buck's#if the show has Tommy turn around and say “trying to get your attention has been kind of exhausting” that would just be...#chefs kiss 🤌#bucktommy#tommy kinard#evan buckley#911 spoilers#911#my ramblings
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I think the start-stop try again nature of buck and tommy’s relationship is actually a good sign for its longevity. it’s the whole “you don’t find it, you make it” thing; the “no, I want you, actually. I want to try to do this difficult thing with you.” it’s choosing and being chosen over and over again not because it’s easy but because it’s worth it to have that person in your life
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But imagine the season ends with the 118 gathering for a bbq at Bathena's house. Buck and Tommy got back together after 14-15, Tommy is there too.
Tommy bumps shoulders with Buck.
'You know what? The next 118 gathering should be at our place.'
Buck blinks and smiles disbelievingly.
'Wh-what are you saying?'
'I'm saying... Let's move in together.'
And the season ends 🥰
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like to charge, reblog to cast

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BuckTommy endgame means so many new stories and plotlines.
- Tommy's dad showing up randomly
- an old army buddy
- that account cousin
- maybe a sibling
- is his mom dead or alive?
- meeting Philip and Margaret properly
- insight into Harbour
The opportunities are endless.
#mmm hmmm#we've all been saying the storylines are getting a little stale#8 seasons in and were running out of things to do with our mains that isn't a repeat#having a new character gives the opportunity for fresh new stories#not just for Tommy but for Buck as well#he hasn't had to face homophobia before - how would he deal with Tommy's dad?#bucktommy#tommy kinard#evan buckley
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It would be dramatically and chaotically sweet if how 911 got Maddie to see that Tommy wants to stay (with Buck) and basically see him in a new light by having the ep in where she gives birth to her son by having her and Tommy get into an argument in where Tommy realizes that Maddie doesn't like him and she's trying to lie and say she does and what does it matter if she likes him or not.
While they're going back and forth they're going into an elevator (let's say Maddie wasn't feeling good and tried to call Chimney and Buck but they were both still on shift so Buck calls Tommy) and the elevator get stuck. Maddie's panics in the small space since its dark and she's feeling stuck, so Tommy calm her down and distracts her. Maddie is embarrassed that she panicked and Tommy knows why she did and tells her when he used to have panic attacks at work. They start talking more openly when Maddie's contraction starts and they're coming fast. The maintenance workers are still having trouble with the elevator so Tommy tells her he has to check how far along she is since her contractions are quick together. The baby is starting to crown and Maddie's pain from before comes tenfold with how bad the pain from pushing is. She's crying about Howie and Evan not being with her and missing this, about how she was supposed to at least give birth in a hospital room and not a hospital elevator. She tells Tommy she wanted her chance with second kid's to start off normally because she's afraid she'll mess it up like she did Jee's. Tommy comforts her, tells her that Evan always considered her as his parent and he turned out great, how wonderful Jee is. Tommy tells her he knows what bad parents and bad parenting is like, "You'll mess up as a parent because all parents mess up, but I know one thing is for sure Maddie, you are not a bad mom."
That gives Maddie enough energy pull through and push out her son, but Maddie and Tommy knows something is wrong. Maddie tells him she doesn't feel good and Tommy can see she's still bleeding and her lips are turning blue.
The elevator door opens just as Maddie loses consciousness. She's rushed to the OR and Tommy has to face Chimney and Buck.
It's hours later and the whole crew, the Lees, Josh and Linda are at the hospital. Chimeny tells them that Maddie pulled through and that doctors were able to stop the bleeding and she's resting.
When the Lees and the others ask how the baby is doing, Chimney tells them with a tearful smile that "Kevin Thomas Han is perfect."
Cue to the Lees tearing up and hugging Chimney and Buck looking at a tearful and shocked Tommy. "Thomas?"
"Yeah, figures you would try to one up me after I saved your life, Kinard."
Tommy pulls Chimney in for a hug.
It's the next day and Buck and Tommy are visiting Maddie and Kevin. "Someone has been very eager to meet his uncle Buck and uncle Tommy." Tommy tries to fight back the tears as Buck holds his nephew.
"Just promise me you're not gonna teach him or Jee how to fly a helicopter before they can even ride a two wheeler."
Tommy knows she's half joking, but the fact that she's planning on Tommy staying long enough to teach her kids means that she trusts him to stay.
"I promise."
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Looking at the way this season, in particular the way that Buck's story line has panned out so far, I'm going to put on my Optimistic Akubra (that's like a bush/stockman's kind of hat for non-Aussies wondering what the hell that is) here and say that Buck and Tommy will be back together by the end of the season.
Read under the cut for my long arse dissertation as to why I think this is the case.
Now I know there have been many of us who have said that Buck and Tommy's story has been following a rom com trope and we're ready for the final third act. I fully agree with this, but I'm not going to look at their story through that lens, but more of that of general storytelling within television, and specifically what we have seen in 911 so far.
While 911 mostly have insular stories, they do have story arcs that carry out throughout a whole season (or even multiple seasons) for their characters. Hen had her medical school arc that lasted for several seasons, this season Eddie's arc has all been about being able to get Christopher back, and this season (last two really, although it's been more prominant this year), Buck's arc has been about his relationship with Tommy. (Yes, his abandonment issues as well, but that's been an arc that has been going on since pretty much day 1, so at this point it's more a point of who Buck is rather than an arc.)
Looking at it through the lens of a GA (or as best as I can), in the last two seasons we've seen Buck meet a guy who blew him away so much it made him realise he was bisexual, start a relationship with this person, be happy with this person, get broken up with only to not be able to stop thinking about this person, meet up (and hook up) with said ex and reveal each other (and the audience) that they both still want to be together only for them to be absolute idiots and part ways again, still hurting (and still baking...). If the season doesn't end with the resolution of them being together and instead Buck is left single and alone once more (it is faaaar too late in the game to suddenly throw in buddie this season if that was what they were going for), it leaves an anticlimactic taste in the audience's mouth. Even if they did have a nice conversation and decide they shouldn't get back together after all, it would leave the audience questioning "what?!? All that pain, and pining, only for them to NOT resolve their differences and get back together, especially when they have shown that they WANT to? What a waste!"
Another thing to look at is all of Buck's partners on the show so far. Tommy has been the longest lasting of any of his love interests to date. You could argue that Taylor has lasted longer as she first appeared in S2 and her last appearance was in one ep of S6, but besides hooking up, they didn't actually get together until the end of S4 and were broken up by the end of S5, whereas while Buck and Tommy were also together for roughly a season, they have a "will they won't they" dynamic still playing out that we know will most likely continue until at least episode 14/15 on an 18 episode season. Now if the plan had always been for Tommy to simply be a "starter relationship", why bother going to all this effort to keep Tommy around? They could have had them break up at the end of last season, although considering how it was reduced to only 10 eps, you could argue they ran out of time to do so. Ok then, why not break them up off screen in the hiatus like they did with Natalia? Instead, even though (I believe) he wasn't initially supposed to be there, they brought Tommy back in the first ep to remind the audience that Buck has a boyfriend (a boyfriend that he was very much into by the way, with all their heavy flirting). Well ok, you could then argue that they wanted to SHOW the breakup. So why bother writing ep 8x05? I mean, as much as we love Tommy, the truth is he hadn't had a lot of screen time - if 8x05 had not existed, the casual viewer wouldn't have been as invested with the breakup. "Oh well, this guy that we see pop up every now and then has broken up with one of our mains. meh, okay, we didn't really see much of them anyway." But Tim decided to create 8x05 AFTER they had already filmed 8x06 because he wanted the breakup to hurt.
Now, I know we were all a bit pissed when we heard this. Thought it was Tim just being cruel towards bucktommy shippers. But thinking objectively, why would he want to be? Bucktommy shippers have been nothing but supportive of the relationship from day 1. We have all loved Tommy's character, the relationship and the storyline. We didn't send death threats or harassed the showrunners or the actors on social media - we were heaping them with praise! Unless he's an absolute sociopath, why would Tim want to hurt us when we appreciated what he was doing? Unless he wasn't intending to hurt us specifically - he wanted to hurt the GA. He wanted that extra episode to flesh out Tommy's character a bit more, show how Buck and Tommy's relationship really worked so that when they broke up, the GA would be upset and want the pair back together. Because with no 8x05, the GA would be wondering why the hell Buck is still pining for this guy weeks and months later.
So why would Tim bother making sure the GA were receptive towards Tommy unless... he had planned on bringing him back? If Tommy wasn't meant to be important to Buck, why bother having him pop up in 8x11? If they wanted to show that Buck was lonely after Eddie left, they could have had him hook up with anyone. But instead, they had him hook up with Tommy. Because he's not just lonely in general - specifically it is Tommy that he misses, it's Tommy he wants to be with. Because despite what they had Maddie say, Buck has been alone before. In fact, he has been alone throughout most of the series! Of the six seasons prior to the shift to abc, he's probably spent at least half of that time single. And no breakup has ever left him as devastated as what Tommy has left him. And furthermore, if they do have Tommy called in to pilot one of the helicopters we've seen in the spoilers for eps 14/15, again, they could have had any pilot do that - Tommy is not the only pilot at Harbor. If they had no intention of reuniting Buck and Tommy, they could have used any random actor and they just do an offhand comment about Tommy not being on shift at the time, or Buck say how they haven't spoken since the breakup etc to effectively write Tommy out of the show. Having Tommy keep popping back into Buck's life is a very deliberate choice that the writers are making.
Now going onto the target audience of 911. 911 is a procedural - it runs on network television where it drops one episode a week for an approximate 18 episode season (this has varied over the years due to multiple factors, so we'll keep it at the 18 average). The style of tv is aimed at the older audience - older millennials through to boomers - who have grown up with this and are used to this style of tv. The younger generations, the streaming era, from what I've seen in the forums of a variety of shows tend to prefer shows with shorter seasons and released in the one shot so they can binge. And on top of that, look at the cast of 911 - the two youngest are Oliver and Ryan at 33 and 37 respectfully. The rest of the cast's ages range from 49 through to 66. It seems only logical that the vast majority of their audience are within this age bracket (and if you look at their viewing figures, you'll see that this is pretty accurate). Their target audience are MOSTLY people who don't go into fandom spaces like tumblr. So we have to remember, that no matter how much the buddie fans bang and crash and scream on all sorts of social media platforms, they are not the majority of the audience. We are not the majority of the audience. 911 pulls in about 3.5 million to 4 million viewers a week. US viewers that is. There are also who knows how many millions of viewers outside of the US (of which I am one). Yet the 911 instagram page only has 965k followers. Their facebook page has just under double that. And of those followers, they don't even get 1% of that number engaging in their posts - the most engagement they get are usually bucktommy and buddie related posts where the buddie fans have a tendency to spam the comments, but even then, those posts get only a maximum of 3-4 thousand comments. Let's face it - the fandom world is MINISCULE compared to the general audience. Tim and co are not going to write to cater for the buddies (although I do believe the last ep was them trying to finally shut buddie down without one of the characters staring down the camera and blatantly saying it, because small as they are, they have caused a lot of harm in the past with their harassment). Hell, they're not going to cater to us either. They're going to cater to the general audience. And what the GA are seeing on screen, what they are being guided by the show to do is cheer on Buck and Tommy. All the show has ever shown is Buck and Eddie as a close friendship, and when you look at the comments from the general audience on facebook (you can tell they are GA as they don't seem to have "fandom speak") many of them (the ones who aren't homophobic and are still hating on bi-Buck that is) are liking Buck and Tommy together. Were upset when they broke up.
We also have to remember that 911 was cancelled back in season 6, before it was picked up by abc for season 7 and beyond. When they made the switch, they probably picked up a lot of new viewers (I've certainly seen plenty of posts on tumblr of people admitting they only started watching from S7). I know we all complain about how 911 has a tendency to recycle stories, but the thing is, not everyone who started watching once it hit abc have either the means or the motivation to go back and watch a whole six seasons to catch up. This could explain why we are getting stories that we thought were wrapped up years ago brought up all over again - Bobby's trauma over losing his family, Eddie's inability to move on from Shannon, Hen and Karen trying to grow their family again etc. Season 7 and 8 have basically been almost a soft reboot of the show or a really long winded "here's what you missed last week on Glee."
So for those viewers who have only ever watched from season 7 onwards, what have they seen of Buck's storyline? Sure, there has been the mention of past ex's (mostly Abbie) but from what the GA have seen, Tommy has been Buck's only love interest. They are onto the second season at abc now, and broken up or not, Tommy is still here. That has to mean something to that audience. That Tommy means something, especially as Lou is not a main. And for those of us who have been here from the beginning? Well, like I said, the show likes to recycle storylines, and we are seeing it here - this story has played out before. But not with Buck - with Chim and Maddie. A couple who seemed so good together, only to break up. One is a runner, the other a clinger. Unable to move on from each other, they end up hooking up, before finally deciding to get back together. Now obviously, they can't reuse that storyline with Maddie and Chim themselves by breaking them up again and redoing it, that would be waaaay too on the nose, but they can certainly do it with someone new, and we are seeing it with Buck and Tommy.
Now, I was GA up until 7x04, until I saw the chemistry that Buck and Tommy had and went looking for fanfiction (which ultimately led me here), so while I admit I have a bias towards Buck and Tommy now, i'm still new enough to this fandom that I can remember what I saw and felt as a member of the GA. I had no idea buddie was such a big thing until I first popped onto Tumblr (although to be fair, I wasn't surprised when I found out - I have been in several different fandoms over the years, and m/m non canon ships always seem to be the favourite. I was surprised at how aggressive they were though, which I really shouldn't have been, as I've unfortunately seen that in other fandoms too). The people in my life who still watch the show and are in NO WAY part of the fandom (I don't think they even know what a fandom IS), are tv watchers only, and have never had the slightest inkling that there might be anything more to Buck and Eddie than friendship. I have seen that sentiment echoed by others here who have told of the reactions of GA members in their lives. Like I said, most of the audience are seeing what the show is telling us. And so far? The show is telling us that Buck is NOT in love with his "straight best friend". That Buck and Tommy still care about each other. They still want to be together. Their story isn't over.
And here is why I think they will reunite by the end of the season (I know, I know, it took me a whole arse ramble to get me to this point). The thing is, they can't wait until next season to resolve Buck and Tommy's story line. People will have lost interest in the what, four/five month long hiatus between seasons? Not including Natalia, because they thought they were being cancelled and wanted Buck to have a happily ever after, but there's a reason that all of Buck's prior relationships have fizzled towards the end of a season - so they can start fresh when the new one begins without the baggage weighing him down (there was obviously baggage following Abbie, but she was a main, so there has to be exceptions made to explain her absence and to be fair, Buck only held on because he thought she was coming back - once he realised she wasn't, there wasn't much pining going on). Hell, almost ALL of the character's major relationship dramas have been resolved by the end of a season (only for fresh ones to pop up at the next) - it's just the way 911 likes to work. But they've broken away from the regular script here. They had Buck and Tommy break up towards the beginning of the season. They deliberately have shown Buck pining and unable to move on. He keeps mentioning Tommy. They brought Tommy back and teased them almost getting back together until they blew it with their communication issues. We know Tommy will be back for the big two parter, and that they will be utilising his skills. Tim and co are going out of their way to try and make Tommy sympathetic (they could very well have made him the absolute villain when he broke up with Buck, but they haven't), to show him as useful and more than just a "bed buddy" for Buck. Why bother with all this effort, with all this character building for a recurring character, if it's going nowhere? Because guaranteed, bringing back Tommy for this one time post breakup has sowed the seeds of a potential reconciliation in the minds of the GA. But bring him back a second time, for a big story line? They will absolutely be expecting by the end of this season, if not before, for them to reunite.
Now am I 100% sure this will happen? Of course not. Will I be upset if they don't get back together? Absolutely. Because no matter how much it makes sense (and now that SWAT has been cancelled, we know Lou will have more time to pop in as a recurring next season so availability shouldn't be an issue, not to mention Lou has said he loves playing Tommy) the writers could decide to ball this all up and throw it in the bin. They have dropped big plot lines before. Hen's med school story for example. I really thought they were going to use that as a way of expanding the 911 world - the 118 do the rescues and then bring them to Hen to save them. And can you imagine the drama of Hen having to work on one of her old teammates? Of her coming in to work on a lightning strike victim only to see it's Buck on the table?!? But nope, all that time, effort and MONEY that Hen would have spent on that education only for her to go "meh." What a waste. Anyway, I digress. There's every chance that Buck and Tommy will never get back together. But what I am saying though, is if the writers do decide to follow the road they have been laying out, it only makes sense for Buck and Tommy to reunite before the season ends.
And I am 100% here for it if they do.
#I apologize for the ramble#I have had a lot of thoughts#just needed to finally get them out#sending positive vibes into the universe that I'm not wrong#Buck deserves to be happy#and 911 has shown us he's happiest when he's with Tommy#let the man be happy!#both of them!#bucktommy#evan buckley#tommy kinard#911 spoilers#911 speculation
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hi everyone have a wee bucktommy fix-it fic to get you through the rest of this day known as monday. might expand on it, but i also like where it is now.
Tommy’s laying on the couch, arm thrown over his eyes as his mind plays over the events of the morning. He sits up with a gasp and mutters, “The champagne.” He reaches for his phone to call Evan, hoping he’s not too late. * Buck startles and yells out a loud, “What the fuck!” when an audible boom comes from the direction of the kitchen. He races down the hall, trying not to trip over or run into any boxes on his way there. Almost bashing his elbow in the doorway, Buck stumbles his way to the fridge and groans at the sight of liquid puddling on the floor beneath the freezer. He yanks the door open, cursing even more when he sees the glass and sticky champagne covering the shelves and freezer wall. Did Tommy buy this..? Buck looks around himself, glad that he at least took out a roll of paper towels, then chews his bottom lip as he scans the boxes, trying to find the one labeled ‘cleaning supplies.’ He’s pulling out the spray bottle of all-purpose cleaner when his phone vibrates in his pocket. Buck frowns at the screen but decides to answer. “Y-Yeah?” “Hey, I left a bottle of champagne in the freezer. You should get it out before it’s left in there too long.” Buck glances over at the mess and can’t help but let out a huff of amusement. “You’re a bit too late for that. I’m cleaning it all up right now.” “Oh.. I’m sorry.” “For the champagne?” Buck asks. “Or for dumping me again, before we even had a chance to get back together?” Silence for a few beats. There’s some sort of shuffling as Tommy moves. Buck thinks he hears a door close, but isn’t sure. Then, “Can it be for both?” Buck almost leaves Tommy hanging, but the part of his heart still reaching out for Tommy compels him to say, “Depends. Do you want to help clean this up?” “The champagne or us?” It’s Buck’s turn to ask, “Both?” “I’ll be there soon, I’m already in my car.” They hang up, and Buck inhales deeply, hope unfurling in his chest once again.
tagging: @wearethecyclones @buckhastwohands @hippolotamus @pxrxmoore @ohithankyou
@spacetimeconundrum @hippolotamus @eddieblrs @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @hipsterdarcy
@tenmiceinacoat @disaster-j @bucktommysunset @buffaluff @a-mel0n
@firehose118 @cliophilyra @champagnetommy
#finally someone addressing the champagne potentially exploding in the freezer!#glad it's not just me who thought about it 😂#this was super cute#fic rec#bucktommy fic#bucktommy#911
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This! Someone who understands how hard it is to raise a child on their own. Who would be more than just a babysitter to his kid. Hell, maybe even someone who has lost their husband and can understand how hard it is to move on from the love of your life. Someone who just gets him. Like queso said, Eddie deserves some happiness too.
Streets are saying that allegedly Eddie meets a potential LI next episode. If that is the case makes sense why they attempted to shut down buddie in 0811. Along side knowing that we are getting more Bucktommy scenes in 14/15. I think they’re trying to free up the characters to actually focus on what is going on the show.
Can the streets keep me updated? lmao I hope this is true because Eddie deserves to be happy, too. And being selfless by leaving the family he made and the job he loved to choose his son and put him first?? He deserves something good.
Is that why the BoB couch writers sound like they're on a farewell tour?
Alexa, play Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vitamin C on repeat.
#Eddie deserves a happily ever after#just because I don't think that should be with Buck#doesn't mean I dont think he should have it#eddie diaz#911
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Tommy Kinard | 9-1-1 -> 8x11
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They still have a rifle trained on Evan.
He's a reckless idiot, chasing after a bunch of assholes with guns, ditching the rest of his crew with their fucking ladder because he'd heard a detail Tommy had been desperately hoping Mehta wouldn't release over comms, and now Tommy is going to be responsible for the death of more than just himself and these dickheads who think they're getting away with this.
He'll try to live, but he's calculated the odds - sorry, Mr. Solo, force of habit.
The one who'd knocked out his co-pilot and dragged her out three hours ago huffs a breath like the inconvenience of distraction annoys him.
Evan's hand is still poised on his radio at the edge of the rooftop - setting sun shading him in a brilliant orange glow, curls on display because he'd clearly ditched any equipment that would bog down the climb. A finger twitches. Static fills Tommy's comms.
His new co-pilot never put his headset on. It's just Tommy and Evan and the entire LAPD/LAFD on comms, and four equally reckless, armed men with their weapons at the ready.
Tommy doesn't even know their endgame. They'd been waiting on the hospital roof, and he's landed them three times and never seen them return with anything when the three not shoving a barrel in his gut disappear into a building.
"Go for Kinard," he says, ignoring the dig into his ribs; at the very least he'd warned them early on that he needed to appear ready and available to communicate if they wanted whatever it was they'd hijacked his bird for. It was a blatant lie, but the moment they'd first pointed a weapon at him he'd known it'd be his only chance at a possible goodbye.
He just hadn't realized it'd be this.
Not face to face, with the added terror of knowing he might lose Evan and never even know for sure.
Not like this, he thinks, and then reminds himself that he was the dumbass who fell for Evan Buckley knowing full well the kind of stunts he'd pull for someone he cared about.
But, hey. At least this is confirmation that his petty lash-out had just been a response to feeling hurt. Confirmation that he did care, in some way.
"Tommy, can you hear me?" Evan asks over comms, voice clear as a fucking bell - Mehta's been a tyrant about keeping this line clear. Could just be Mehta and a negotiator listening in. Could be the entirety of the fire and police departments of the city.
We're all gonna die anyway, Tommy thinks.
"Loud and clear, Firefighter Buckley."
His neighbor stares him down, barrel still at his rib cage. If he was a betting man, he'd say they'd never actually been taught not to hold a gun close enough to a hostage that they might be reckless enough to try to take it.
"I have a plan," Evan says, and with the distance between them and the sun at Evan's back he loses some details, but he knows that determined set to his shoulders.
"Negative, Firefighter Buckley."
Two of the men have lowered their weapons. Confused, maybe. Unsure what the hell this random guy thought he was doing clambering up a ladder and onto a rooftop occupied by a search and rescue chopper, a harried pilot looking death in the mouth, and four armed men.
The quiet one doesn't lower his weapon.
"Tommy -" Evan starts, and Tommy tries to split his focus. Four hostiles, upwards of ten quick-shot weapons, too many bullets to count. A strangely shaped chest settled in the roof between Two and Four: is that their end goal? Is this his last flight?
Fuck it.
"Evan," he cuts in, and even from this distance Tommy can see him go stock still. "Evan, whatever happens, I just want you to know -."
His co-pilot rips the headset off his ears.
Through the blind panic, Tommy catches sight of Evan ducking for cover behind an HVAC unit.
Shots - he loses count after seven, takes the butt of a gun to his cheekbone, listens to Three yelling about not knocking out their ticket out.
The odds are shit for Tommy either way, and One is distracted now, arguing with Three, weapon no longer aimed at the bulk of Tommy's organs. His belt is a quick release. His door is still open.
Dumb of them to let him do that every time they landed.
This building isn't half as tall as the surrounding ones. It's possible they've managed to get snipers up on some of the other rooftops. For once in his life he doesn't mind how glaringly bright his flight suit is, when he takes a final stock of his captors positions in their all black ensembles. Maybe. Maybe.
He wants to finish that sentence. Christ, he wants to give Evan a full novel of painful stark truths. Jesus. He's gonna die, either way, one day. Might as well try to make it fucking count for something.
The belt makes a shit ton of noise being unbuckled, but over the rushing vortex of the blades, the hum of the engine, the quickly devolving argument happening between the four men in black, he doesn't think anyone hears it.
Tommy rolls right out of his seat and makes a break for another HVAC unit.
He's out of sight before they realize he's missing, and from this angle, back to the humming fans, he can see Evan two units over.
Tommy finds a rock. Peeks just long enough to confirm the absolute shit show of the four men who've just now realized they're down a pilot. Tosses it just far enough to catch the protruding length of Evan Buckley's leg.
He's always appreciated those legs, but if they get out of this alive and this means what he thinks it means he'll spend some extra time reminding them how grateful he is of them.
Two of the men are beelining it for the door to the roof - the opposite direction from Tommy, but if they get there Evan will be in a direct line of sight.
When Tommy's rock hits, Evan glances up. Catches his eye. Starts crawling the fucking moment Tommy crooks two fingers and hell if that doesn't do something to both his heart and his dick. Jesus. He's so fucked.
If this doesn't mean what he thinks it means, Tommy's gonna wish he'd stayed in his seat long enough to kill the engines over the Pacific.
"This was not the plan," Evan hisses the moment he's perched behind Tommy's air conditioning unit.
"New plan, don't die," Tommy says, and Evan glares at him, full piss-and-vinegar scowl like he doesn't think Tommy's very funny. Howie would have laughed himself into discovery. Tommy risks another glance over the fans.
One, his forcefully appointed co-pilot, is trying to figure out the birds controls. Three is hefting the chest up into the back. Looks like Two and Four are about to be abandoned. If they could fly their own damn chopper what the hell was Tommy for?
"I'm in love with you," Tommy says. "And you scare the shit out of me."
Evan's eyes settle on him, pinks and purples reflecting off the lens, yellows and oranges burnishing his curls.
"This is how you choose to tell me?"
Tommy's grin is wry. "No time like the present, sweetheart. That, and the adrenaline is kicking my ass right now."
"If we make it out of here, I'm gonna kick your ass."
Evan's hand is right there, balanced on his knee, and Tommy - the plan he's been formulating out of thin air coalesces. It might actually fucking work, too.
Tommy reaches for it. Squeezes. "That a promise?"
Evan rolls his wrist, and palm to palm he squeezes back.
If he ever has the chance to look back on this, he's going to have some pointers on the script. He's always eaten up rom-com stakes in the middle of an action movie, but the dialogue could use some work.
He needs to keep Evan occupied at least until that bird is in the air.
"You think anyone had bets I'd say it over comms? LAFD has a whole bookie system devoted to your house, you know."
"In about seventy seconds they're gonna realize I disabled a bunch of systems they can't enable back in the air, and we're gonna make a run for the ladder."
"Tommy," he says again, eyes bright, hand squeezing harder.
"Stay low, do not engage, if the guys who went down the stairwell come back you let me handle it."
"Tommy, shut up," Evan says, and ducks in to kiss him.
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EVAN BUCKLEY and TOMMY KINARD 9-1-1 (2018-) 8.11
#the way they look at each other#my heart#they love each other#bucktommy#evan buckley#tommy kinard#911
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I cannot for the life of me figure out what Buck meant with that sentence that pretty much set Tommy running; the first part obviously meant he doesn't have sexual attraction for every person he has feelings for, which is fair, but the second part was meant to be about who?? He knows he has feelings for Tommy, he obviously wants to try again, so it can't be about him. What was the point of even saying that? I refuse to believe he wanted to hurt Tommy by saying he slept with him but it didn't mean anything because that's not his personality at all and he looked very hurt when Tommy left afterwards
Hi, nonnie!
This is obviously my interpretation of it… I might be wrong, hehe! Also, this got a bit long so I'm putting a cut...
I don't think Buck wanted to hurt Tommy, I don't think that was his intention at all. Like Buck tells Maddie, he just got so frustrated and pissed off that he ended up saying what he wanted to say in “the meanest way possible.”
I think it’s important to remember that everything that happened that night was a surprise for both of them.
Neither of them was expecting to meet at the bar and hook up, but it ended up happening. And then, when Buck wakes up, he thinks Tommy has left. But, he finds him in the kitchen making breakfast for both of them. When he tells Tommy that he thought he left, Tommy says: “not before feeding you.” So, Buck then tells him that he knows nothing has changed but Tommy surprises him by asking him on a date. I think Buck gets excited about that prospect (it’s something he has wanted) but he is also cautious, so we see him asking Tommy if the reason he broke up with him wasn't there anymore. Tommy's reply of “Not as much” and then mentioning everything about Eddie and feeling like it was a competition was another surprise for Buck.
Basically, I think that the entire thing was a rollercoaster for Buck (and for Tommy as well, to be fair). So, after all of that, Buck gets frustrated and angry and ends up saying what he said without explanation. And you can see the regret immediately setting in as soon as he finishes talking and when he notices Tommy's reaction. He realizes he hurt Tommy but instead of trying to apologize and explain himself, he lets Tommy walk away again.
(Tommy runs, Buck lets him go without demanding they talk about things… the same thing that happened during the breakup). So, yes, Buck didn't want to hurt him, I believe.
Now, what did he mean by what he said? I think he was trying to say that Buck is not stupid, he knows how he feels, and he doesn't need someone else telling him who he has feelings for and who he doesn't have feelings for. He can tell for himself… and he can sleep with someone without feelings, and he can feel something for someone without sleeping with them. (Personally, I think this was also a dig at everyone who keeps treating Buck as someone who can’t tell what he feels for his best friend *cough cough*). Again, like what he says to Maddie, everyone seems to want him pining after his straight friend but that's not the case. Buck knows what he feels… whether Eddie is straight or not, it doesn’t matter because he doesn't have feelings for him and the fact that Tommy thought he did -for possibly their entire relationship-, angers him.
I don't think he was trying to say that he doesn't have feelings for Tommy. That's the way Tommy took it because of course he did… we’ve seen that he has insecurities and he thinks that Buck won't want to be with him forever (I’m your first, not your last) but that’s not what Buck meant (at least for me.)
Does any of this make sense? I hope you understand what I’m trying to say, nonnie.
Thanks for the ask. Hope you have a good day!
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+ bonus: 👅
bucktommy + being horny for each other
#the chemistryyyyyyy#Buck has never had a LI that has looked at him like this before#or vice versa#fans self#bucktommy
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Me blabbing under the cut on why Eddie presence in between Buck and Tommy makes sense to me from a storytelling pov, and is actually a pretty good plot device.
3 points before beginning:
-I believe Buck when he says he's not pining after Eddie, because Oliver's acting really does not make me think anything else
-I believe Eddie is straight
-I don't necessarely give much credit to the writers, but I gotta admit this makes a lot of sense to me up until now, let's see what the future holds
Addendum: by putting Eddie in the mix they managed to pique the interests of both the sides of fandom, so it surely is a marketing win...
And now here we goo
I believe that Eddie being the point of contention, so to speak, between Tommy and Buck is a really good way to create tension between them, because Buck truly IS attached to Eddie to a degree that it's not healthy for him (see: overinvolving himself in Eddie's departure to yhe point of sabotaging it even when it's clear that Eddie is pulling away and is focused on something else).
And this type of attachment is also what makes Buck be overinvested in his relationships. In short, and as we know very well, Buck has abandonment issues, tries to move too fast forward or is too accepting in fear of being abandoned, and lashes out when he feels wronged by the people he loves... This happens in both his friendships and romantic relationships, but Tommy has seen this happen only with Eddie and literally from the moment they all met.
Buck is especially devoted to his relationship with Eddie and Chris - to the point that Eddie even takes advantage - see when he goes to trivia night with Tommy... And asks Buck to babysit?!
See the confusion over who Buck was jealous of in 7x04: we know that he felt abandoned by Eddie and had unexplained butterflies for Tommy, but it makes sense that Tommy only saw jealousy there and that's not a really good foundation for not being insecure entering a relationship.
Now this is the reason Eddie as a plot device between them works so well: because all the internal issues Buck has are very clear in his relationship with Eddie and while WE know that they are issues that to different degrees permeate ALL his relationships in one way or another, all Tommy has seen up close is how attached Buck is to his honestly quite pretty straight bestie.
Tommy is not able to understand (yet) that the reason Buck is so attached to Eddie is because he has a hard time being alone, and needs to feel like he is wanted.
So Buck realizing people think he's pining after Eddie, realizing his issues being alone is part of the reasons he jumped into bed with Tommy and then deciding to move forward with unpacking is fundamental and shows us that he IS finally self aware and actively trying to resolve these issues.
And Tommy's insecurity, having the character re-entered the show when he did and not being a regular, makes total sense that it centers around Eddie, as narratively it balances and reflects the issues of our main who we as the public have already seen in relation with more characters and we know that it's not just Eddie, it's a pattern that happened even with Tommy himself (asking him to move in way too soon).
Nobody other than Eddie could have covered this role because it's the way Buck's abandonment issues have been made evident to Tommy, even if he mistakenly thought they revealed something else.
In short, IDK what's gonna happen but as a set up for Buck's character growth it's actually pretty decent writing, IMO.
#I snickered at “Eddie as a plot device”#because oh the absolute IRONY#if after all the cries of “Tommy is just a plot device to make way for buddie”#it turns out Eddie is the plot device that helps make bucktommy endgame#but seriously you make some very good points here#and I agree#bucktommy#911
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