#fort kickass
conarcoin · 1 year
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Davey: We’re never going to get this strike to work!
Jack: We can if certain people would help!
Spot: I’m sorry, are you addressing me? Because your authority is not recognized in… Fort Kickass.
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Tatsumi: You know I think we’re making some real progress Mirai: Where, in opposite world? We’re never gonna finish all this! Tenten: We could, if some people would help! Kakashi and Gai [standing behind stacked cardboard boxes]: I’m sorry, are you addressing us? Because your authority is not recognized here in Fort Kickass
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cunninghamschrissy · 2 years
Eddie and Max Concert Headcanons
No one knows it, but Eddie Munson took Max Mayfield to her first concert
It was Metallica, in July of 1986, in Fort Wayne
Eddie had only managed to score two tickets, and not wanting to cause inner-band drama, he figured he might ask Max if she’d like to go
He’d given her some old Metallica cassettes a few months prior since he was getting new ones, and she’d really gotten into metal, now it was all they listened to on the way to school
One morning on the way to school, Eddie brought up the concert and asked Max if she’d like to go
“Um, absolutely!” she blurted out, as if he even had to ask. Then she added, “We just gotta make sure my mom doesn’t find out.”
Max tells her mom that she’ll be spending the night at Eleven’s house, and once her mom has headed off for work that evening, she sneaks over to Eddie’s trailer
Eddie’s fully decked out in a Master of Puppets T shirt, ripped jeans, denim vest, and combat boots when he opens the trailer door
“Here.” Eddie tosses her a shopping bag when she enters, which she unwraps to find a Metallica shirt. “I braved going to the mall in the next town to get you that, Red, so hope it’s the right size.”
Max changes in the bathroom and the shirt fits perfectly
“Looking kickass, Red.” Eddie says when she steps out of the bathroom. “Ready to roll?”
They pile into Eddie’s van and begin the drive, blasting Metallica the whole way to Fort Wayne and singing along
When they get to the venue, it’s crowded with people
“Stay right behind me, okay?” Eddie tells her as they make their way inside. “Half of Hawkins already thinks I’m a Satanist, I don’t need ‘child endangerment’ on my record too.”
They find their seats relatively easily since Eddie knows where he’s going, then head to check out the merch table
They have everything from vinyl to t shirts to guitar pick necklaces, and Max buys herself a soft pretzel to eat while Eddie browses
Finally, he returns with a bag full of stuff and a beer, and they make their way back to their seats
The minute the lights dim and Metallica comes onstage, launching into “Battery”, Eddie looks over to see Max’s eyes light up as she stares in awe
He cracks his beer, takes a sip, then elbows her and holds out the bottle
“Here. Have your first sip on me.”
Max takes the bottle from him and takes a drink, and immediately makes a face, which makes Eddie laugh
“That’s gross!” she sputters, handing the bottle back to him.
“Ah, so you say now.” Eddie smirks, taking another drink. “In several years time you’ll appreciate the ability to have a drink while listening to some righteous music.”
They both headbang and jam out when Metallica plays “Master of Puppets” because it’s both their favorite song by the band
At the end of the concert as they walk to Eddie’s van, he pulls something out of the merch bag and hands it to Max
“Here, I thought you might want a souvenir from your first concert.”
It’s a guitar pick necklace
Max swallows the lump in her throat, tries to say something halfway akin to a “thank you for this whole night” but can’t get that out, so she just resorts to throwing her arms around Eddie instead
He turns bright red and pats her back gently, but when she pulls away from him and keeps walking, she can see him smiling out of the corner of her eye
They get back to the Munson trailer before dawn, and when Wayne Munson returns home from his night shift at the plant, he finds his nephew and Max Mayfield both fast asleep on the couch, Max’s head on Eddie’s shoulder
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
yeah, more of these…
Batboys x reader feat. living together bc I don’t see enough headcanons about that (in some you’re a super and in some you’re not)
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dick Grayson/ Nightwing
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We’re imagining a Matt Murdock style Manhattan apartment, with entire walls made of murky glass, limited amount of walls within the place, very nice. It’s in Blüdhaven (:
There are two bedrooms. The two of you live in the smaller one and the master is for superhero stuff
All your tech, suits, files, medical, all that
The ceiling in your room is glass!!
The doggo is a black German Shepherd with a white patch on his chest that looks like the Nightwing symbol, which is the entire reason you got him. His name is Eagle :D
No matter where you work, the two of you take your lunches together every day and get coffee before work if there’s enough time. You picked this place because it’s close to both your jobs, obvi
As far as decor goes, there are a few high-humidity plants, neutral and blue tones, and cool metal
It’s always humid in your place for the plants, but it’s nice
Rainforest vibes, especially when it’s raining
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason Todd/ Red Hood
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So many books
All the books
Y’all’s live out kind of in the middle of nowhere so it’s easier to retreat and lay low when necessary
Bout an hour out of Gotham
That’s Albus Dumbledore, the Great Dane
Alby for short cause she’s actually a girl but Jay wasn’t budging on that name
Kitty is Angelica
Anyways it’s nice and quiet out there, no city noises or being constantly worried about a stray bomb being thrown in a window
Every goddamn cup or container in your house is a mason jar
Plates and bowls are literally just hammered out sheets of scrap metal
It’s an aesthetic tbh
Plenty of succulents
Anyways the library? Massive
The kitchen? Top of the line
Maybe you two live out in the middle of nowhere, but no way in hell do you pass up the opportunity to abuse Bruce’s money to build a kickass house with all your favorite things
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tim Drake/ Red Robin
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Tim wanted to stay close to Bruce, as he is still a Robin
So y’all’s are only like a ten minute drive from the manor
Two doggos!! Rapunzel and Rella. They are both trained service dogs for anxiety and PTSD, for you and Tim both. Damian helped Bruce find them for you when the two of you moved in :DD
You have a smaller apartment, but it’s close to the top of the building and you actually get to see the Gotham sun sometimes
Whenever Rella or Rapunzel knows Tim’s been on his computer too long, or you’re hyperfixated on a case, or neither of you have slept in a while, they’ll drag you away from your work for a walk or a nap or food
Da best guard dogs :3
The house has quite the modern vibe going
Bright colors, cool shapes, sensible uses of space
Yes, the loft king bed is a real thing
Although sometimes you guys end up sleeping in the living room with a blanket fort bc your dogs can’t follow you up the ladder
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Damian Wayne/ Robin
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First and foremost: Playdough’s rainbow spots are just dye; she’s fine I promise
Dami brought Titus and Alfred, obviously, but sadly Batcow had to stay at the manor. The condo building owners didn’t like the idea of that; a Great Dane is barely allowed as it is
The other cat is Cookie!! She’s nice but you and Dami tell everyone she’s mean so when they get affection they feel all warm inside [:
Keep in mind these guys are the only permanent ones- you foster all kinds of animals, including more dogs and cats, chinchillas, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, even a bat once
Dami also had to stay close to the manor for Robin purposes. You guys are a few minutes away
There are little weapons and med kits and snacks (human and pet) scattered all over your place
Everything is so dark at your place so bloodstains are less noticable
(Dami tends to stumble through a window at like four in the morning, potentially with stab or gunshot wounds and bleeds all over the place)
If you’re a nurse, the stitching up came easy
If you’re not… you had to learn pretty fast
But hey it’s not all bad you’ve got four emotional support animals and a giant tv to watch Nat Geo on
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that-ari-blogger · 9 months
Adrift Is The Perfect Opening Number
The first I heard of Stray Gods: The Role Playing Musical, was Laura Baily and Ashley Johnson singing a duet in the Myth & Music: An Evening with Stray Gods livestream. The song was Adrift and it struck a chord with me (pun fully intended there), and I'd like to delve into why.
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First up, the chorus.
"Like a boat, lost at sea with no sails, not a breeze I am drifting, cold waters with no star, to be seen"
This is a fantastic metaphor being set up, not just the lack of direction but the lack of ability to move. There is nothing stopping Grace from going anywhere she likes, except herself. She's just drifting.
The way this is sung also compliments this. I don't know much about musical terminology, but dwelling on the end of each few words (boat, sea, sails, breeze, etc.) creates a rocking sensation that shows the power of the waves. She is more influenced by external factors than her ability to do anything about them. She's adrift. The notes help this feeling, but I can't explain how because, again, music terminology ain't my forte.
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This is also the first song in which you get to choose, and how you are introduced to this concept is fascinating. Grace begins feeling adrift, and the audience has no control, just like her. But then Calliope gives you some advice, and you make your first choice.
It is notable that the piece of advice that pushes you into making a decision is "there is no inertia in the ocean". But I want to highlight what you are choosing. In a song about being unsure what to do, you get to choose who you will be, charming, clever, or kickass. It's a neat way of tying the themes, the gameplay and the story together.
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Now, here's a different take on this song. This is the opening of the Illiad:
"RAGE: Sing, Goddess, Achilles' rage"
This is the opening of the Oddysey:
"Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy."
These are two of the Ancient Greek Epics that were handed down in oral tradition before Homer wrote them down in the form we know them today (more or less). And how do they open? They open by calling upon the muses to sing.
That's how Stray Gods opens as well, although not quite, and that's where the interesting thing lies. Adrift blatantly invokes the Odyssey with its suspiciously nautical metaphors, but it subverts the format. Instead of Grace calling upon the muse to sing, the muse just rocks up out of nowhere and calls Grace to sing. Grace goes on to become the muse, but she hasn't yet, and if you look at this song with that in mind, it's a neat twist of the expectations and I love it.
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incorrectuksies · 10 months
henry: you know, i think we're making some real progress.
specs: where, in opposite world? we're never gonna finish all this!
crutchie: we could, if certain people would help!
albert, standing behind stacked cardboard boxes with race: i'm sorry, are you addressing us?
race: because your authority is not recognised in fort kickass.
albert: *high fives race*
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ap-kinda-lit · 10 months
Goku: I think we're making some real progress.
Nappa: Where? In Opposite World? We're never going to finish this!
Vegeta: We could, if certain people would stop screwing around and help.
Raditz, sitting in a fort made of cardboard boxes: Oh, I'm sorry, are you referring to me? Because your authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass.
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neverchecking · 11 months
Random little images that have lived in my head for the past few days:
Reader: I want a puppy
Time: We have Twilight
Reader: But whos gonna snuggle with me when I go to bed?
The entire chain: ME!
Sky: *running after Reader* Its 3 in the morning! You need to sleep!
Reader who's refusing to sleep: YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE! *keeps running*
Wild: Wind does your pillow fort really need to be in the middle of the room?
Wind: Im sorry did you say something? Cause your authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass.
Reader: *pops her head out of the fort* Fort Kickass is eternal.
Wild: *surprised pikachu face*
The chain being straight up OFFENDED at the question KILLS ME-
Also Sky getting cardio he hasn't gotten since his adventure HOGBF
I love the LU Incorrect quotes x Reader typa beat sm <33
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ghostiewriter · 2 months
Seeing you are a Polin fan makes me wonder why haven’t you written a Bridgerton!Jiara AU I would sooooo read that
Also the lack of period Jiara is my roman empire istg so please authors all around the world hear my prayer🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
unfortunately, I am very shit at writing historical fiction aus😭as much as I would love to write a bridgerton jiara au (which trust me, I have IDEAS) it’s not my forte
HOWEVER your best bet for a kickass jiara bridgerton au would be @mariko-toda
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yazzydream · 7 months
JJK Playlists: Yuji | Geto | Toji | Gojo
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Tired As Hell (Itadori Yuji Playlist)
Somehow Yuji's playlist ended up hurting my heart, but maybe that's just because I know the context. Manga SPOILERS ahead.
→ [Spotify Link]
1. Heart ni Hi wo Tsukete ("Light a Fire in Your Heart") - 9mm Parabellum Bullet
Chosen by Gege Akutami. Oof, sounds like being trapped with Sukuna.
So light it aflame, light my heart aflame, so this'll never disappear again. Burn the loneliness, burn the secrets, won't they turn to ash, won't they turn to ash, see? You and I are stuck to each other, bound tightly together, we just simply can't be alone. You and I are stuck to each other, lying to each other, two tongues tangling up, deeper into the night.
2. Remember the Name - Fort Minor
First and foremost, Yuji is a kickass shonen protag.
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of will Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain And a hundred percent reason to remember the name
3. Cursed - Codeko
Always feeling like I'm different Is there a cure for my condition, can't find one Cause I'm cursed Yeah I'm cursed [...]
I've learned to laugh at myself, But I'm getting tired as hell, I'm bad at asking for help, even when I need it Every day, it goes the same, Feels like, I can't catch a break I'll try again tomorrow
4. lies - Sion
Getting a mix of Sukuna toying with Yuji even while Yuji is just. suffering.
Tell me a lie I can believe 'Cause everything you say right now seems like gibberish to me (la, la)
Are you afraid that I would harm you if you tell me you would leave Na-na-na oh, leave, na-na-na Tell me a lie for my relief Could you stop being ruthless stepping right onto my deepest points?
5. Bring Me to Life x Just the Two of Us - The Gregory Brothers
A mashup that gives Evanescence a nice upbeat fluttery feeling. (Mashup is not available on Spotify so it's pure angst on the Spotify playlist.)
(Wake me up) wake me up inside (I can't wake up) wake me up inside (Save me) call my name and save me from the dark (Wake me up) bid my blood to run (I can't wake up) before I come undone (Save me) save me from the nothing I've become
6. Itadori - roseboi
7. New Invention (feat. Tessa Violet) - IDKHOW
Kenjaku made Yuji after all.
The girl is like an architect And I am just a new invention I am just a new invention I am just a new invention You've got to choose between your faces Feels like you're running out of holy places And now the room is getting quiet (shh) Oh, what a shame Nobody taught you how to read and riot Oh, bless my soul I'm losing control
8. bury a friend - Billie Eilish
Shibuya arc இ௰இ
Step on the glass, staple your tongue (Ahh) Bury a friend, try to wake up (Ahh-ha) Cannibal class, killin' the son (Ahh) Bury a friend, I wanna end me I wanna end me I wanna, I wanna, I wanna end me I wanna, I wanna, I wanna– What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go?
9. Strawberry Fields Forever - Jim Sturgess
When Yuji regains consciousness after Sukuna wrecked Shibuya.
Let me take you down 'Cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields Nothing is real And nothing to get hung about Strawberry Fields forever
10. Happy Endings (feat. iann dior and UPSAHL) - Mike Shinoda
Did Yuji's grandpa put a curse on him? Why'd he get a hero complex? ┗( T﹏T )┛
Hey, at least in my mind I'm feelin' like I'm the hero that saves me There, I hold my head high Get everything right Delusional maybe If I'm pretending, why not write happy endings? Where I'm better than we both know I could be, oh Still, at least in my mind I'm feelin' like I'm the hero that saves me
11. overwhelmed - Royal & the Serpent
I say this playlist came out more angsty than I expected. It's all because of Yuji's subtle self-loathing post-Shibuya I've been picking at here.
I get overwhelmed so easily My anxiety creeps inside of me Makes it hard to breathe What's come over me? Feels like I'm somebody else
12. Would Look Perfect (feat. Rxseboy) - Powfu
Yuji, prone to loneliness. Despite Yuji being Yuji, a warm extrovert, ride or die friend, he doesn't appear to have really fit in back home?
See you with your friend group, lonely like I always am Gave a silent wave but, I don't think you noticed it Thinkin' of what happened as I continue my walk I grew up in this town, but somehow I'm feelin' lost Wishin' I was cool, why does everybody fit in?
13. XO Tour Lif3 - Lil Uzi Vert
All my friends are dead, push me to the edge All my friends are dead, yuh, push me to the edge All my friends are dead, yuh, all my friends are dead, yuh
14. Fight Again - Chica, Hiroaki Tsutsumi
JJK season 1 OST
15. Occult Phenomenon - Paranom, Aztech, Hiroaki Tsutsumi
JJK season 1 OST
16. Your Battle Is My Battle - Chica, Hiroaki Tsutsumi
JJK season 1 OST
17. Learn The Lesson - Kasper, Aztech, Hiroaki Tsutsumi
JJK season 1 OST
18. Kimi wa Dekinai Ko ("You're a Useless Child") - Kikuo
Yuji to himself.
You are a useless, useless useless child The most useless child in the whole world
La la la Monster, ghost, invisible human A vase, an urinal, being truant With a dry mouth, under your breath You utter slander Let's listen to the monotone squeal Yet months and days pass and pass You're a child with not enough time nor brains Now it's too late, you're mentally retarded You cute child, good child, you belong to me
19. Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown
Back before he realized he was just a cog, Yuji was the typical teenage boy.
I'm a dumb teen boy I eat sticks and rocks and mud I don't care about the government And I really need a hug I feel stupid (stupid), ugly (ugly) Pretend it doesn't bother me I'm not very strong, but I'll fuck you up if you're mean to bugs
Just turned 14 And I think this year I'm gonna be mean Just turned 14 And I think I know everything Just turned 14 And I think this year I'm gonna be mean Just turned 14 And I think the world revolves around me Don't mess with me, I'm a big boy now, and I'm very scary I punch my walls, stay out at night, and I do karate
20. Two Face - Jack Daniels
A little more literal with Sukuna.
Lately, I've been talking with a ghost He tells me all the places I should go He makes me paint my face so that I know That I'm not the only person in my soul He tells me that a monster lives inside And when it gets too angry I should hide 'Cause if I were to try to pick a fight I would barely stand a chance and I'd die
21. Nosedive - BoyWithUke
I was thinking of Nanami at first, but the vibe was more from a young adult. Well, Yuji's bound to have picked up some things from him.
We're all grown up, we're all so lost Nothin' has prepped us for this life It's like we don't know why Nosediving from the high
22. idtwcbf (friends) - BoyWithUke
Regrets on Megumi, what happened, etc. There's also an asura/mythological vibe I'm digging.
I just wanna stop, had enough, out of love and out of luck I don't wanna give a fuck about my feels, dulls enough Emotionally uninvested, resting for the day to come Try my hardest not to run away from everything I've done But I'm looking back, ignoring facts I see two moon, but walk six paths Inside my head, I'm going mad for you (Oh, oh)
23. A Better Son/Daughter - Rilo Kiley
Yuji, his feelings, and his mom.
Sometimes in the morning, I am petrified and can't move Awake, but cannot open my eyes And the weight is crushing down on my lungs, I know I can't breathe And hope someone will save me this time And your mother's still calling you insane and high Swearing it's different this time And you tell her to give in to the demons that possess her And that God never blessed her insides Then you hang up the phone and feel badly for upsetting things Crawl back into bed to dream of a time When your heart was open wide, and you loved things just because Like the sick and the dying
Tired but hopeful.
Said I wanna die, yuh No, I'm not alright, yuh I might start a riot I'm so fuckin' tired, yuh So what's up? What you say? Feelin' good, I'm feelin' great Tired of the fuckin' hate Stackin' cheese all on my plate So outside of my misery, I think I'll find A way of envisioning a better life For the rest of us, the rest of us There's hope for the rest of us, the rest of us
25. Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
Wasn't sure to include this. Honestly, you can't forget that even after all the misery Yuji goes through, in the end he pushes through with his unrelenting ability to shake it off.
But I keep cruisin' Can't stop, won't stop groovin' It's like I got this music in my mind Sayin' it's gonna be alright
26. Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots
Ugh, that scene where the first-year trio is just hanging out and Nobara spills coffee on Gojo's shirt-- then the hard cut to Nobara dead is devastating EVERY TIME.
Wish we could turn back time
To the good old days
When our mama sang us to sleep
But now we're stressed out (oh)
27. SAD (Clap Your Hands) - Young Rising Sons
Continuing on a more upbeat tune. Todo coming to Yuji's help in Shibuya.
If you're sad and you know it And you don't want to show it Clap your hands If you are sad, that's okay You can clap it all away Just clap your hands Come clap your hands We're all a little sad
28. mercy - KING MALA
Aaand back to the self-hatred. Because things just got worse post-Shibuya.
I've been getting so tired Starting so many fires I always find a way to burn Now I'm begging for mercy From everyone that I've wronged I've done more harm than I thought
I'm begging mercy Is there any good inside of me?
29. Antarctica - $uicideboy$
With blood and whatever Drag you outside, let you rot in the weather I don't think I can explain any better I'm $carecrow the Terror I live for the lesser, my birth was an error I am the lord of loneliness I'll hold my breath, just spoke with death He said he hopes for the best Told him I'm roping my neck Then I woke up choking from the hole in my chest
30. It's Alright - Mother Mother
It's hard to pick out just a few sections of the song, so really the whole thing is just... perfect for Yuji. I can imagine the scene post Higuruma vs. Yuji trial.
It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not a monster, just a human And you made a few mistakes It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not gruesome, just human And you made a few mistakes It's alright Ooh, it's okay Ooh, it's alright, oh Goddamn I throw a brick right through the window My life ignored the signals I'm high and drunk on ego, can't see straight So I just feel my way around and I'm touching and I'm grabbing Everything I can't be havin' I am broken down in shame
31. Kaibutsu ("Monster") - YOASOBI
Wanting to be stronger and not succumbing to darker feelings.
Over and over again, I sink my teeth Into my weak self Because in this world riddled with mistakes I want to make sure you can smile I don't want to lose anyone anymore And that's why I want to get stronger, even stronger So that I can stay myself I just want to protect you - and that's why I'm running, running, running So that I can overcome the "me" inside myself
32. Kaikai Kitan - Eve
The very first JJK OP. Yuji-coded.
Can't you see I'm a mess? This is the current, pathetic me Just a dead corpse that achieved nothing, go on and ridicule me Yet I quit just running away from everything before my eyes Repeatedly depicting the fantasy in my mind Go to the far side of your imagination Exorcise the darkness, exorcise the darkness Once the veil of darkness descends, that's our cue After the tit-for-tat, leave all the circular battle front line And such nonsense away Don't stop yet, it hasn't ended yet To search more keenly than anyone else for the truth bred in the streets Now only imagine my future being cursed with a curse Running and falling I'll embrace this pain that won't disappear The world is quietly waiting For this moment
33. Itsuka Dokoka de (Someday, Somewhere) - KUCHIRORO
Second song chosen by Akutami. Long, winding, and whimsical. Not available on Spotify.
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Slender: Please come out
Toby and Ben hiding in a pillow fort: Your authority is not recognized at fort kickass
Gummy Worm Anon
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giggle-bee · 1 year
Pillow Fights with the Demon Brothers (gn!MC)
(Because I can)
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You must be joking. Asking him for a pillow fight?
He knows you often get bored when you’re sitting in his office, and he appreciates the company. You had gotten done with your assigned council work a while ago, but he could tell you were getting restless
You were currently situated upside down on his office couch, your legs resting against the back of it and your arms dangling off the seat.
He makes a mental note to come to a stopping point and pay some attention to you, taking his eyes away for a second
This, was his first mistake.
A red throw pillow hits him square in the face and drops onto his papers.
Oh, you’re on now.
It would be wise of you to run, but you know that won’t get you very far with a demon lord on your heels.
You wanted a fight and you’re getting one. But it’s gonna be more him pelting you with pillows and mercilessly tickling you until all the boredom is gone.
the second you saw the luxe car in his room your eyes bugged out
three words
drive in movie
This concept is new to Mammon, but he sets up the projector in his room and positions the car center stage
When he texts you to come to his room, you assume that he needs help with Charms and Curses again, but to your surprise, he’s propped on the hood of his car with the biggest proud smile on his face
He shows you how the back seats are down and they’re filled with fluffy blankets and plenty of cushions and he picks you up and drops you into the comfy space, wrapping you up and making you warm
Your favorite movie plays in the background of your favorite company but after a while, you start to get a bit restless, moving around a bit
Mammon, being a cuddle monster, refuses to let you wriggle around because he’s comfy, so you decide to persuade him a bit
you start lightly bonking his head with a squishmallow, and he instantly throws a cushion at your side in retaliation
From then on, it’s war
The nice organized little fort turns into an all out battle field and you and Mammon almost roll out of the car several times, pillow fight turning into play wrestling turning into a tired truce with you both falling asleep in the comfort of the destroyed fort
In the morning, all of the pillows are on the floor and some of the stuffing is strewn across the car
Sometimes when he’s cleaning it, Mammon finds a stray down feather in the crevices of the trunk and he thinks of you
you already know that being with Levi means many late nights staying up and playing games together
You two both have wrecked sleep schedules that don’t line up at all
So you’ll both be delirious on energy drinks at 4am playing the new Demon Racer game and you wanna get more comfy so you take a pillow of the top of his pillow throne
he gets obviously offended because “that was essential to the structural integrity MC”
he gets more jealous over you stealing his pillow than actually wanting to have a pillow fight
the pillow fight is you fighting over the pillow
If he accidentally touches you he will get super nervy bc this is Levi
You’ll have to reassure him
and bring in some pillows from your own room to create a kickass blanket fort to spend the night in
if you stay up until breakfast racing the adorable demon beside you, that’s future you’s problem
he wants to cover you in kisses and pillows
you play a silly game of trying to push him off while he stacks more pillows on, much like his books
you can’t really have a pillow fight in his room because one wrong move and the book towers come tumbling down
He likes stuffed animals more than pillows
Especially cat ones, you got him a cat squishmallow for Christmas and he never sleeps without it
So he obviously wants you to come snuggle with him with the squishmallow
But it’s like that one “my boyfriend and his 4 foot mareep”
you wanna be the cat squishmallow
and so that’s what you fight over
And he’s a stubborn little shit so even though he obviously wants you in his arms, he doesn’t want to give in (takes that from Lucifer)
But once the three of you are in harmony, it’ll be the best cat nap you’ll ever have
Asmo ft. Solomon
you know a sleepover is gonna include these two
As much as Asmo would love you to himself, Solomon decided to invite himself over, he’s not gonna miss any of the action
Asmo’s sleepover is probably what you’d expect, facials, nails, gossip, and of course, pillow fights
It’s all fun and games until Asmo’s beautiful face gets hit
Then it’s war.
magic is being used and Asmo is in his demon form and Solomon’s eyes go white with the pillow army he’s psionically controlling
You are caught in the middle of their battle and get pummeled by their pillows
And that is when they both realize you’re there
And Asmo starts fretting over you while Solomon collects the pillows and arranges them how Asmo likes them
Y’all watch a chick flick and get some nice beauty sleep
Beel and Belphie
you already know the twins are gonna pull you up to the attic for naps
Especially belphie, he loves to cuddle with you, calls you his dreamcatcher
But when Beel is thrown into the mix, the two love to fight over you, playfully of course
Pillow fights are very common, belphie has so many pillows it’s unreal
In fact, he has a separate closet filled with them that avalanches when you open it (you learned this the hard way
Expect lots of tickle fights and play wrestling that makes you all tired enough to fall asleep in a pile of blankets
They are not afraid to fight you too, you better hold your own
It’s quite easy to best belphie, but beel is another story
he won’t ever hurt you, but that doesn’t mean he won’t challenge you to a pillow fight
he lets you win bc he’s a sweetheart and dramatically falls back
you’ll have to revive him with the promise of hellfire newt chips
overall 10/10 sleepovers with these two
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fort kickass
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sarahhillips · 1 year
This is What I Call, the Start of Season 3 of Libertys Kids
Sybil Ludington
I first learned about her from Rejected Princesses and have fallen if love with her. She’s like Arya Stark.
Funny because Sarah and Sybil would have a Sansa and Arya dynamic
James is a natural horseman now
Sybil straight up ready to kill
‘I’m so proud of my daddy who has a target on his head’
“But why aren’t you fighting?” Imagine Sarah heard that and said “Listen bitch,”
Sarahs ballgown should just be solid pink
Of course Arnold sees Sarah right away. Thank goodness she has a chaperone. I bet Mrs. Adams knows he’s kinda flirty with her and keeps an eye on them.
“I had hoped our paths would cross paths again Ms. Phillips, away from the field of battle” GOD why aren’t they waltzing while he’s saying this, that would be intense.
In fact their entire conversation could have been discussed while they were waltzing but that would take the animators way more work.
Imagine Benedict starting his passionate rant while dancing and then dancing
Sybil gotta be starting shit for no reason
I bet Sarah and Hannah would bond tho.
“I’m coming” “Like hell you are”
Sybils eager af to fight
She’s that girl at school that would punch the bully for me
The last shot of the entire city on fire before the dramatic music plays 😱😱
They just shot a fucking cannonball at a house
Sneaking out to go report hell yeah
Imagine getting to storm into a place on a horse. Kickass.
Once again, Sarah stalks Arnold into a danger zone
The horse even went into the water
It’s like that scene from home alone
Stupid af but it worked
Arnold is done with this army shit. He worked hard to earn that rank.
“I’ve come to think of you as like a daughter.”
“He’s destroying himself with his own bitterness and anger.”
I feel like Sybil would be mean af to Sarah just because she’s British and Sarahs doing her best to stay civil and in control. And then James would yell “Enough Sybil! She’s my friend!”
Lafayette Arrives
The drag episode 💄
Course Bens surrounded by bitches
Instant connection between Henri and Lafayette. You know he’s gonna adopt this child.
How old is Henri supposed to be by now? Thirteen I’d say. He should be growing.
Henris like I adopted this French guy
I need a dramatic retelling of Lafayettes drag escapade
Lafayette would be the most anticipated
Why is Henri allowed in Congress
Wtf just a second ago ya’ll didn’t want him
What if politicians gathered for meetings in bars?
Lafayette is an America fanboy
They’re like ewwww it’s French
Omg he’s coming this way
Pretend it’s chicken and dumplins
Ben is cunning af
We’re French but we’re American Yay
The Hessians Are Coming
Those girls aren’t the Schuyler sisters are they
Those laughs are not believable
No, they’re German girls
When he’s an asshole but his horse loves you
Here he goes ranting again.
“I learned it from school lol” “Who needs to go to school to build forts”
“Are you trying to sway the Hessians into leaving us?” “I’m a reporter jackass”
“I’m not a soldier, I’m a musician” Yeah like how Tom was not a soldier but a scientist
“Your witness is dead so you’re guilty”
Another victory for Arnold that will be ignored
James and this German dude had to puss next to each other for weeks.
“You guys are cannibals” whut
Will both of you stop acting like dicks please.
That’s more like it.
Arnold gets screwed over so much
That poor little german boy. Of course he didn’t want this James.
Arnold marching into battle shamelessly without permission.
Arnold saved James life without knowing it
Yeah we all quit
Sarahs reaction to Arnold having his leg shot is not realistic at all. L
Polish guy said go to school
Oh his name is Gunther
The last line of this episode did not age well at all.
Valley Forge
Arnold (the ARNOLD) is in this!?
Oh look mini log cabins
Von Strudel really came in on a sled like the white witch
“No meat! No meat!”
RIP Aaron Carter. This poor kid.
So its like diet bread
I can feel the cold
Girl went outside in the cold after being outside for stays
Where did the gust of wind go?
I love Lafayettes loyalty
Imagine having to poop outside in the snow
Bare ass exposed to the snow cold
“Corporal, yell at him for me.”
“How can I appreciate what you don’t have?”
Henri would definitely become a soldier in the adult version of the show
Henris the mascot. I need him in an eagle mascot costume now.
Imagine an eagle sports mascot fighting a king george mascot.
This dude is obnoxious
Ok now not so much
Omg Franklin sent Von Strudel
George Washington being a dad
Slide to the left. Slide to the left. Cha cha real smooth.
Sarah why aren’t you more worried
Allies at Last
Here comes Peggy Shippen
Nice dress Ben
That excited little barefoot leap on the cold concrete ground
Smart move on James and Moses
So without Ben or Moses around, that would put Sarah in charge. Since she’s still loyalist I’m sure she welcomed Andre at first
“The less I say about her, the better.”
Sarah, are you dancing with tory guys at these balls? I bet you are.
And now she wants Andre and Peggy out and I don’t blame her.
Oh look, hats
Oh no Moses the white guy your name is on the list
“I’m suddenly in the mood for English tea” petty Ben
Why are they telling Sarah all this stuff, she’s friends with Americans
Poor Henri being laughed at
“Have you forgotten that you are English?” “Not in the slightest.”
But Moses seems like such a nice guy
“This is because I’m Jewish.”
Pop off White Moses
Oh you motherfucker
Oh now you wanna sign it
“A lot more people will have to stand up for equality to come true.”
And now France is their ally.
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skyguywrites · 7 months
[marley/diego] “Everyone leaves eventually.”
“Yeah, well, suck it up,” Diego told her, fixing Marley with a glare that told her he wasn’t about to entertain her woe-is-me act. Well, okay, maybe it wasn’t an act, but he wasn’t about to sit there and baby her. She’d been through a lot, he knew that, but he also knew she needed a little tough love here and then. He was no good at the whole advice thing, and he knew she’d probably run a mile if he started holding her hand and pulled a Poppy on her. Words weren’t his forte, but he wasn’t about to let her trash talk one of his favourite people. 
Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her into a lazy headlock, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
“People fuck up, kiddo. They leave and they’re assholes, but sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they stick around, even when they think you’re an enormous pain in the ass,” he teased, releasing her with one last squeeze.  
Gently he tipped Marley’s chin up, silently imploring her to catch his eye. 
“You could literally stomp, kick, scream and beg me to leave, and I still wouldn’t. I’m not going anywhere, Marls. Neither is Harlow, and neither is Ivy. Despite our better judgement, we all think you’re kinda kickass.” 
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