#first year of wedding
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jupiterovprsten · 9 months ago
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the-crooked-library · 8 days ago
okay but like, as much as I am a fervent proponent of “not every ship should get married and in fact some of them would Never” - especially in context of enemies-to-lovers - I hope that everyone who sees me posting like that knows I am not talking about Spuffy. in fact, I would go so far as to say they are the two characters most willing and even desperate to get married that I’ve ever seen.
one of Buffy’s most persistent struggles is her right to girlhood and the inevitable expiration date she faces as the Slayer. she’s forced to fight and claw for every possible milestone that other girls around her take for granted - trying out for the cheer squad, running for prom queen, going to college, etc. one of the nightmares she has after killing Angel is about being unable to be a bride and get married. in Something Blue, she throws herself into wedding planning with a passion that speaks to her having daydreamed about it. in most cases, her commitment issues veer toward clinging rather than avoidance, and marriage is absolutely one of those beautiful, unreachable things that were ripped away from her when the Powers chose her. it haunts her.
Spike is probably even more obvious - he’s a man from Victorian England, a society that held marriage on a pedestal. furthermore, he is fundamentally a creature of devotion, never straying from Drusilla for over a century, and then from Buffy even after she was dead. their desperation is also quite similar - Spike’s original community had considered him undesirable, barring him from a love match; and while a union may have been arranged for him as a human, his vampirism took that option away entirely, in the same way that Buffy’s becoming did it. during Something Blue, he is just as committed to planning the minutiae of the wedding as Buffy is, even though they could’ve just decided to do it at the courthouse and get it over with under a shoehorned pretext. he’s been dreaming of a wedding for 150 years, let’s be real
Spuffy would’ve gone insane about a wedding. they would’ve fallen in love worse. they would have threatened each other with divorce constantly but stayed married anyway for however long they lived. hell, they should’ve done it just for the CPS reasons in season 6, just imagine having to hide it from everyone except the government, lest Anya thinks they’re trying to steal her thunder
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ecstarry · 6 months ago
@jegulus-microfic / school / 319 words
It was the first day of his second year at Hogwarts. James was already running late for class; he had forgotten the lucky necklace his mom had given him during his first year. He never took it off, but he had cleaned it the night before, wanting it spotless for the start of the new school year.
James sprinted back to his dorm and rushed to his first class. As he took a quick turn, he crashed into someone, causing the other boy's books to scatter at his feet. Incredibly embarrassed, James immediately started apologizing, but as he bent down to pick up the books, he realized his sun pendant had gotten tangled in the boy's sweater.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” James said, his fingers carefully working to untangle the mess he’d made. “This is why they always tell us not to run—I really should listen to McGonagall more often…”
His words caught in his throat as he finally lifted his gaze and locked eyes with the prettiest boy James had ever seen. He had to be new; James would never have forgotten those charming freckles scattered across the boy’s face or the perfect curls framing it.
“I- I’m James.”
“I thought you were sorry,” said the boy in a sweet voice, a quiet chuckle escaping his lips. He looked at James with more kindness than he deserved after bumping into him.
“That too.” James felt a blush creep up his neck, even more embarrassed by his awkward introduction. “And you are?”
"My brother." Sirius’ voice came from behind. "James, please stop distracting Regulus. He'll never forgive you for making him late on his first day."
Sirius wrapped an arm around Regulus' shoulder and started guiding him toward class. For a moment, Regulus glanced back at James and smiled, their gaze lingering just a little longer for two boys who had just met.
It really was a lucky necklace.
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mohntilyet · 3 months ago
veilguard spoilers regarding a josie romance. but can we talk about the letter josie sends to a romanced inquisitor because. i’m sorry. fucking losing my mind at the fact that the inquisitor and josephine are close enough friends with the guy the inquisitor duels in her romance to be invited to meet his third child. implying they’ve been invited to the other two. at a baby shower and getting introduced as the one who dueled the baby’s father because he was trying to steal your girl. antivan romances insane.
NO LITERALLLYYYYY. AND HE’S AN IN LAW. ITS TOO FUNNY. i cannot imagine how they met and how yvette probably was like “teehee…. the man that my sister spurned…. has fallen in love with ME!” and the best/worst part is that ortranto really has. i like to think of them running around with each other and secretly meeting as though their families actually hate each other (they really don’t lol) . the ortrantos would probably be delighted to have their son actually marry a montilyet like they wanted, even better that they’re actually in love and it’s not arranged!
i have this image of josie going like “you can’t marry him. is this a joke, because it’s not funny. i almost embarrassed him! the only reason the ortrantos do not hate us is because he is a very kind man who saw that i was in love with the inquisitor! ….yes i suppose a very kind man like that could love you…….. yes of course i want you to be happy…… yvette gabrielle montilyet, i fear you are not hearing what i’m saying— DON’T SAY YOU ARE ALREADY AN ORTRANTO. DID YOU ELOPE? ah okay. don’t do that. i said don’t do that. yvette come back and listen to me” etc etc
of course i must believe that there was a big scene caused (once again) by a montilyet and ortranto that ends with lord ortranto making a speech where the publicly declares his love for yvette in front of all of antiva city to see and hear. so there’s no backing out from this one. in my mind there’s a rehash of the big “BECAUSE I LOVE HER!” (ortranto, desperate but genuine), “you do?” (completely aghast josie who has somehow missed the fact her sister has been giggling even more than usual), plus an “OF COURSE HE DOES!” (a thrilled yvette) that reminds josie so fondly of her own love story that she's immediately relaxed (and suddenly accepting) about this whole thing <3
#josie to me also feels more awkward than she lets on because she's quite good at being graceful and kind#but he is kind of. you know. the guy she rejected in front of val royeaux#i think the most out of character thing is that josie doesnt notice her sister and ortranto meeting up and falling in love etc#but i also think she can be busy enough being an ambassador/running the family business/eldest daughter#that she somehow misses it. for the sake of this beautiful idea i have. and also it would be cute and funny <3#also like the image of yvette saying ‘i’m getting married to adorno!’ and inq is like yeah ok :] congrats!#later asks josie like ‘oh yeah. who was the guy ur sister is marrying’ and josie pauses thinking abt how to say this LOL#this is also how trev finds out ortranto’s first name is adorno. nearly dies laughing over the whole situation i think#he really is like a footnote in her mind where she's like ':/ guy who almost married my beautiful wife' and then almost#without any issue she's able to go like 'GUY WHO IS MY IN LAW. AND WAS REALLY GRACIOUS ABOUT THE WHOLE ARRANGED MARRIAGE THING.#HE'S QUTE COOL ACTUALLY!' <- and has no issue about ortranto after this#much to josie's amusement and exasperation <3#josephine montilyet#adorno ortranto#yvette montilyet#not to mention josie's unseen brothers. they do intrigue me#the idea of either of them kind of finding out their youngest sister is running around with ortranto they probably sighed in relief like#yeah we can distract josephine with this. that will get her off my back about marriage for about a year.#even more if theyre planning the wedding!#evelyn trevelyan#<- mentioned briefly. i guess#veilguard spoilers#for a codex entry but when i saw it i did melt. everyone deserves to experience this firsthand#long post
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backpackingspace · 2 months ago
Okay so with the line "the olive tree where we first met" we have two equal hilarious options.
When penelope was sassily like oh I'll marry you if you make a living bed out of this tree right here! Cue penelope stumbling over odysseus very very carefully digging up the tree "because how else is he going to get it to itacha we can't have a wedding bed out in the open in sparta duh"
2. Penelope, knowing that Helen's suitors would soon be arriving to take over her home for a while. Snuck out and went on her own wacky shenanigan filled journey where she scoped out all the major players. Odysseus caught her spying in an olive tree. And when she got back she told Helen she had dibs on the cutie from itacha.
#epic the musical#epic spoilers#Itacha saga#penelope#Odysseus#Odypen#odysseus x penelope#Young odypen courting was filled with wacky nonsense basically canon confrimed#The line “....where we first met” implying that they first met under that specific olive tree#Which has to have some absolutely insane logistics that only odypen (and maybe Athena) could pull off#Odypen being 🥰 🤝 rat bastards in love#Option one odysseus Athena please please please helpppp me pen said she'd only marry me if I made a wedding bed out of this tree#Athena: once again I think you are praying to the wrong person but fuck it how do you think you're going to keep that tree alive#Odysseus: ....a large bucket?#Athena gimme a sec okay I need to go have ares bash my skull in before I watch something this stupid#Athena: checking in on penelope her chosen weaver only for her to be pulling her hair out#Penelope (to her cousins): why did I fucking say that! Beating fathers already an impossible challenge why did I say that#He's going to think I was making fun of him! He's not going to want to marry me now!#Helen: weren't you? Making fun of him?#Penelope: That's not the point!#clytemnestra: Hey he's digging the tree up and has the biggest bucket I've ever seen#Penelope: what?! Trips over every item in the room and gets tangled in her curtains blushing like crazy#Athena: ....it's been a while since I checked up on diomedes training. He'd never put me through this nonsense#Option 2#Helen's maybe a little nervous and wants to know more about who she has to potentially marry and penelope promises her she'll get rundown#Helen did not expect penelope to disappear but she probably should have....it'll probably be fine. Right?#Some kings penlope just straight up greets some she stays hidden and spies#Odysseus is the only one who catches her (he trains woth Athena in the olive Grove#She was not happy when odysseus nearly tripped onto her spear point face first when he saw the strange pretty girl)#And odysseus who's been king for a few years now knows every lady's face because he'll probably have to marry one of them someday
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jojaxcola · 6 months ago
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It would be fun if we could go sledding, wouldn't it? I don't think there are any good hills nearby. Plus, I don't have a sled.
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pjsk-story-summaries · 1 year ago
Want to know everything that's ever happened in Project Sekai but don't have time to read all those stories? Guess what! For the low, low price of "it seems fun", I'll be summarizing every single event!
Feel free to request any summaries or card stories you'd like to see summarized. You may also submit your own summaries, if you'd like! Use the forms found in this post to do so :)
You can also join our Discord, where we can collaborate on writing summaries and manage requests! (or just come say hi :) )
If you have a question about any of the stories as well, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer!
If you'd like to use any of these summaries as part of a project (i.e. video essay, character analysis, etc.), you are more than welcome to! Just please credit this blog when you do so, since I do put a lot of work into each.
I do my best to get summaries out regularly, but I am a busy college student doing this in their free time, so please do be patient!
Masterpost links below the cut. All summaries will be tagged by unit, character appearances, and special type, if applicable.
(Spreadsheet contains organized, filterable lists of all events and cards! I've tried making it as accessible as possible, but if you're unfamiliar with Google Sheets, just ask and I'll show you how to navigate it!)
Old Masterposts below! (Out of date, no longer maintained)
Key Stories
Wonderlands x Showtime
Nightcord at 25:00
Mixed Events
Year 1 (Run! Sports Festival Committee Rush! - Scramble Fan Festa)
Year 2 (Time to Hang Out - At this Festival Bathed in Twilight)
Year 3 (Screaming!? Welcome to the Forest of Wolves! - Hello • Good • Day)
Year 4 (The Best Picture Wrap! -Wedding Live ♡ With Everyone!)
Card Stories
Any event card stories will be linked next to their respective events, as well as within the summary itself. (Initial 3* cards are part of the Main Stories)
Initial 1*/2* (Including 3rd Anniversary)
Birthday Cards
Fes Cards / Bloom Cards
Collaboration Cards
Card stories for events yet to be summarized
April Fools
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taffywabbit · 2 years ago
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local silly girl tries to learn something new, dozens injured
(this caption could refer to Claire or myself and it would still generally apply)
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badassindistress · 2 months ago
A year ago Ariel from Hazariel Atelier asked people to send in scales so she could make the Thierry Mugler Chimera dress. I immediately made some scales and sent them in:
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And now the dress is done and it is Showstopping! I've seen the scales I made pop up once or twice and it's just the most wonderful community project. And so shiny!
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recurring-polynya · 11 months ago
It has been 14 hours since I found out that, according to Kubo, Byakuya calls Renji by his given name "because Rukia does" and I am obsessed with this information.
This is both the best and worst possible answer to this question. I feel like if you asked Byakuya, this is exactly the reason he would give. However, if Rukia were present, she would lose her damn mind. While I do think Rukia's assertion that Byakuya didn't look at her even once in 40 years is hyperbole, over that time I can imagine Renji's name coming up in conversation once, maybe twice tops.
Like, two weeks before she goes on her fateful mission to the Living World, B's been shortlisting Vice-Captain candidates, and over dinner, real casual:
B: Rukia. You know your friend?
Rukia: My who now?
B: That friend of yours who shouts too much. The boorishly tall one. With the red hair. Is he in Squad Eleven now?
Rukia (wracking her brain frantically for people Byakuya would consider 'her friend'): You mean Renji?
B: Yes, him.
Rukia: What about him?
B: Is he in Squad Eleven? The Sixth Seat?
Rukia: ...maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The next day, Byakuya's office, Renji shows up for his job interview.
B: You must be Renji.
Renji: uhhhhhhhh sure why not?
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rooolt · 4 months ago
every so often I have to take an extended moment to ponder canon gothcleats and I am bowled over by the emotions that overcome me at the thought of them
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thebestpartofwakingup · 9 months ago
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When you realize a seemingly obvious candidate for cartoon nostalgia time skip fan art from your childhood is completely untapped online...
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magniloquent-raven · 6 months ago
i cannot get over the henren flashbacks in 6x06. ur tellin me they met, developed feelings but decided to have casual sex about it because hen wasn't ready for anything serious, somehow figured their shit out and bought a house together, broke up over hen wanting to adopt denny, got back together and then took the kid in, and ALL of that took place in less than 12 months
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zzoupz · 9 months ago
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awkward-sultana · 6 months ago
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Magnificent Century + Mahidevran Sultan & Mihrimah Sultan
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