#if money just happens to appear there spontaneously well. she won’t complain
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the-crooked-library · 1 month ago
okay but like, as much as I am a fervent proponent of “not every ship should get married and in fact some of them would Never” - especially in context of enemies-to-lovers - I hope that everyone who sees me posting like that knows I am not talking about Spuffy. in fact, I would go so far as to say they are the two characters most willing and even desperate to get married that I’ve ever seen.
one of Buffy’s most persistent struggles is her right to girlhood and the inevitable expiration date she faces as the Slayer. she’s forced to fight and claw for every possible milestone that other girls around her take for granted - trying out for the cheer squad, running for prom queen, going to college, etc. one of the nightmares she has after killing Angel is about being unable to be a bride and get married. in Something Blue, she throws herself into wedding planning with a passion that speaks to her having daydreamed about it. in most cases, her commitment issues veer toward clinging rather than avoidance, and marriage is absolutely one of those beautiful, unreachable things that were ripped away from her when the Powers chose her. it haunts her.
Spike is probably even more obvious - he’s a man from Victorian England, a society that held marriage on a pedestal. furthermore, he is fundamentally a creature of devotion, never straying from Drusilla for over a century, and then from Buffy even after she was dead. their desperation is also quite similar - Spike’s original community had considered him undesirable, barring him from a love match; and while a union may have been arranged for him as a human, his vampirism took that option away entirely, in the same way that Buffy’s becoming did it. during Something Blue, he is just as committed to planning the minutiae of the wedding as Buffy is, even though they could’ve just decided to do it at the courthouse and get it over with under a shoehorned pretext. he’s been dreaming of a wedding for 150 years, let’s be real
Spuffy would’ve gone insane about a wedding. they would’ve fallen in love worse. they would have threatened each other with divorce constantly but stayed married anyway for however long they lived. hell, they should’ve done it just for the CPS reasons in season 6, just imagine having to hide it from everyone except the government, lest Anya thinks they’re trying to steal her thunder
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official-weasley · 4 years ago
First Date (Bill Weasley x OC one-shot)
Warnings: fluff + fluff = this story
Word count: 3,317
Characters: Bill Weasley and my OC Theodora from the story Love, William which you can find here
A/N: First of all I am back! Second of all, I have more ideas for Bill and Theo 🙈 Third of all, I bring fluff! Fourth of all, I am done creating new OCs for a while and want to spend some time creating and bonding with my 3 girls (mostly Nova and Theo because I only have 5 ideas for Rhylee but 47 for Nova (no, she's not my favorite, what are you talking about?)) so you can expect more one-shots from my previous OCs rather than new stories 🥰
“Theo, come down here a sec!���
Theodora peered over the top of her book toward the door and sighed. One of these days, she might get to finish a chapter without her having to leave the room and check out what the twins need.
With them, it was always a guess – either it was something serious and had to do with the shop or they called her just to see her annoyed face when they would tell her that they already took care of it.
“Yes?” She said, halfway down the stairs.
“There's a package for you.” George grinned at her and gave her a rather big box.
“Who is it from?” Theodora's interest was piqued.
“There's no card. There's probably a message inside.” Fred pursed his lips, thinking.
“Is it from Bill?” George sent a wink to Theodora.
It has been 3 days since Bill came to the shop and very spontaneously kissed Theodora full on the mouth. 3 days and Theodora still can't stop thinking about it.
After the twins went away, letting the pair have a private moment, Bill officially asked her out on a date. He was very secretive about it – giving away only the date and the time and saying that she should wear something more formal.
Theodora was so enchanted by the kiss that she simply nodded to everything Bill said and it wasn't until the next day when she started to think about what she is going to wear – wanting to impress Bill – that she realized she has absolutely nothing that would fit the category 'more formal'.
She liked her clothes simple. Tank tops and linen shorts for the summer. Jeans and long-sleeved shirts – preferably in dark green or burgundy red – for the winter. There was nothing in between. She never had the need to buy other clothes and she liked to be comfy – especially since they opened the shop and it was so busy all the time.
The morning after Bill's visit, she threw every pair of pants and every shirt out of her closet. The most formal thing in there was her old Hogwarts uniform and she can't show up in that – Bill would think she has lost her mind.
She sat on her bed, trying to find a gap in her work schedule where she could slip out and get a dress or something. Her face screwed in an uncomfortable expression – she was not a type of a woman to wear dresses. But on the second hand, Bill might like that and if she was completely honest with herself, she never gave dresses a proper chance.
She let out a panicked sigh when she acknowledged that she won't have enough free time in the next 2 days to get the dress. There was also no time to inform Bill that she can't go or ask him if they can postpone so she can buy something for herself. Just the thought of admitting to Bill that she has nothing to wear – finally understanding her roommates which had closets full of clothes but always complained that they can't find the right outfit – made her stomach turn.
Another sigh. If she asks Freddie and Georgie if she can go out for two hours, they are going to tease her or ask her where she is going and if she says she needs something to wear to go on a date with their brother, she will listen to howling, whistling and seeing their eyebrows move up and down mockingly until she leaves for her date with Bill.
It was enough that their first kiss was in front of them. They didn't shut up about it for hours after Bill left for work that day. They teased her in front of customers, when they had their break, when they closed the shop and they waited for her when she came from the shower. She knew that they were happy for them and they were just excited that it finally happened but she also decided then and there that she is never sharing anything about her relationship with Bill with them ever again.
After a day of beating her head around it, she gave up and now that the day of their date has arrived, she tried to bury herself in her book so she wouldn't think about how she is going to wear the same shorts and a top to their first date in which Bill saw her last year at the Burrow.
“I don't know,” Theodora mumbled looking at the big box, shaking it a little.
It was quite light for a box that she could barely hold and the curiosity inside her chest was getting bigger. She wasn't expecting a package. Eric will come and visit in 2 weeks so he wouldn't send her anything. If the box was heavier, she would have a mini heart attack, thinking that perhaps Charlie has sent her a baby dragon.
She put the package down on her bed and carefully opened the lid. It dawned on her that it could easily be the twins trying to prank her. They knew that today was her date with Bill – it was the first thing they mentioned this morning at breakfast. But they wouldn't try to sabotage that, would they? No. No, they would not.
Nothing jumped out of the box when she took the lid completely off. There was something wrapped in thin grey paper and there was a note on the top. Theodora took it and turned it around.
Dear Theodora,
I was so overwhelmed by our kiss the other day that I didn't even consider the fact that I didn't tell you what you should wear to our date.
I apologize for that. I have known where to take you for our first date ever since we admitted our feelings to each other through letters.
To make it up to you, I have bought you a little something to wear. I hope you'll like it. I can't wait to see you tonight.
Love, William
If Theodora didn't find Bill perfect before, she definitely did now. She inhaled and exhaled sharply. She couldn't believe it! He solved her dilemma with one box.
Her heart was racing, looking at the wrapping paper as she placed the card on the bed next to the box. Bill bought her something to wear? He bought her something?
Suddenly she felt really uncomfortable. He shouldn't have. She doesn't deserve this. What if he spent a lot of money on this? Spending any kind of money on her was not okay in her book. She didn't require any gifts, she just wanted him.
Her hands were shaking nonetheless and she finally gave in to opening the box. A loud gasp escaped her mouth when she pulled out a long princess-like black dress. Was Bill insane?! This had to be the most expensive fabric she has ever laid her hands on. And were those feathers, flawlessly falling at the back? A lace corset with a princess cut with a lower part that was shorter in the front than in the back.
Theodora was holding the dress high, staring at it with an opened mouth for solid 5 minutes. Where was Bill taking her that she would have to wear anything like this and why would he put so much effort into their first date?
She put the dress down and looked at herself in the mirror. She frowned at her hair. What is she supposed to do with it? It's as straight as if she was ironing it. Perhaps a high ponytail? A braid to the side would be nice but she never learned how to do that and she never paid attention when her roommates were braiding each other's hair. A ponytail will have to do. She nodded at herself and turned on her heel.
Another wave of panic stroke her as she looked at the dress again, remembering that she has no shoes to match such a beautiful garment. She has boots and flip-flops and a pair of sneakers. Her eyes escaped back to the box – wistfully gazing at it, wishing some shoes would appear there.
She pressed her lips together and peaked inside once more and started rummaging through the wrapping paper.
Theodora wasn't even that surprised when her hand got a hold on something that felt like a shoe. Of course, Bill thought of everything. She couldn't stop a smile from spreading all over her face even though she wanted to. Bill put all this effort into this and what will she do? Just appear there and let Bill do all the work. Pathetic!
She sat down on her bed, now a shoe in each of her hands. She stared at them, half in admiration half in terror. Heels. Bill bought her heels. She swallowed hard, cursing herself to ever make a decision to be comfortable and laughing at the thoughts of ever putting something that made you taller for more than 3 centimeters.
Another mini heart attack. How is she supposed to do this? She couldn't walk in heels! She barely even laid her eyes on a pair. She tilted her head to see the time on the clock she had by the door of her room. 2 more hours until she has to meet Bill.
2 hours to learn how to walk in heels and properly put on a dress with a corset. How hard can it be?
“How's it going up here?” A gentle knock on the doorframe and Fred's voice, made Theodora look away from the mirror.
“I-I'm fine.” She bit the inner side of her cheek and smoothened her dress to calm her nerves. “Why?” She asked, turning back to the mirror.
“Well we have heard some heavy footsteps and some thumping here and there and I decided to check up on you. What were you doing?” Fred giggled.
“Oh, nothing. Embarrassing myself, mostly.” Theodora let out a nervous chuckle and showed herself to Fred.
“Theo, wow!” Fred gasped, forgetting how to close his mouth.
He has never seen his best friend in a dress before. She was more likely to wear something of his or his twin than ever put on a dress.
“Where did you get this?” Fred asked after he composed himself.
“I received it in the box this morning.” Theodora's cheeks turned scarlet.
“Bill bought you an outfit for your first date?” His face turned into a smug one immediately.
Theodora nodded and once again turned to the mirror. She put the dress on correctly and she was quite proud of herself for doing so. The heels were surprisingly comfortable but her ankles hurt from her stepping the wrong way, almost breaking them a few times.
“He isn't always like this, right?” Theodora turned to Fred.
“What do you mean?”
“It's just a one-time thing, right? He won't spend money and give me presents?” Theodora explained her question.
“He might.” Fred shrugged. “He fancies you, Theo, let him spoil you.”
“I don't want to be pampered like this.” Theodora frowned. “It's enough if he holds me tight in his arms, smiling softly, listening to me, and showing me with gestures how much I mean to him.”
“I know. You like things simple.” Fred bestowed her with a small smile. “But that won't stop him. Unless you tell him that it's making you uncomfortable.”
“It's not. It's just,” Theodora sighed, “I don't feel worthy of it. I have nothing to give in return. What am I supposed to buy him? A tuxedo?”
“No.” Fred laughed wholeheartedly. “Just show him how much he means to you. I know you never experienced this with any of your ex-boyfriends but Bill is very traditional and a romantic. You might need to get used to this.”
“Okay,” Theodora said slowly. “If it makes him happy and this is something he enjoys doing then I will do it for him.”
“That's the spirit!” Fred exclaimed and wrapped Theodora in a hug.
“Sorry, to interrupt your mo, but Theo, it's time for you to go.” George appeared in the door, pointing at the clock on the wall.
“Bloody hell, I'll be late!” Theodora stood up, trying to balance herself in those heels. She grabbed her black purse – grateful to have at least one item to match – and hurried past George, completely ignoring the dumbfounded expression on his face when he saw what she was wearing.
She hurried down the stairs and out through the back door, hoping she won't be too late. Bill told her to meet him at the only square in Diagon Alley and said that they are going to apparate to Muggle London together from there.
Theodora was surprised at how fast she could run in those heels. She was almost better at running than walking in them. She slowed down as she reached the square, spotting Bill immediately.
Her heart started racing when she saw how dashing he was wearing a black tuxedo and tie and a white buttoned shirt. She must be dreaming – this whole scene and them dressed as they were – it looked like something out of a fairytale.
Bill was turned in the opposite direction, his hands crossed behind his back, rocking on his feet – he seemed nervous. That calmed Theodora down and her heart stopped trying to escape her ribcage.
As she approached him, the sound her heels were making made Bill look in her direction. His eyes widened and all the air in his lungs escaped him as she took his breath away. Theodora bestowed him with a sheepish smile, stopping a few steps away from him.
“So what do you think?” She cleared her throat to make herself appear more confident and twirled on the spot to the best of her abilities.
It was true, the dress did grow on her and she didn't trip over her legs just yet and she wanted to show Bill just how grateful she is for the gift.
“How uncomfortable are you right now?” A giggle escaped his throat, taking a step toward her and offering her his hand.
“It's not as bad as it was 2 hours ago.” Theodora bit her lip.
She felt relieved. Bill knew that this wasn't her cup of tea after all.
“I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable or for you to think that I reckon you don't have a proper attire for where I am taking you tonight,” Bill said with burning cheeks.
“You saved me, actually. I was panicking for far too long about what to wear tonight. I have nothing 'more formal' whatsoever in my closet.”
Theodora loved many things about Bill, but the fact that she could be brutally honest with him and tell him exactly what was on her mind was one of her favorite.
“I promise you can toss the dress the second I get you home safely tonight.” Bill smiled, put his left hand on Theodora's lower back, and pulled her closer to his body.
He first kissed her forehead, then her nose, and then put his other hand on her back and kissed her on the mouth. At first, the kiss was gentle but as they both missed each other so much, it quickly got stronger.
“I have no words for how beautiful you look tonight,” Bill whispered in Theodora's ear, making her knees weaken.
“Thank you.” She breathed.
“I saw the dress yesterday when I was walking home from work and I decided to buy it for you. I wanted to see you in it so badly.” He said, almost apologetically.
“Hopefully, there won't be a lot of dresses like that. I don't want you to spend money on me.” Theodora said truthfully.
“I might, here and there.” Bill winked at her and gestured for them to start walking. “I want to make you see that you deserve the world.”
“Then I'll get all spoiled and demand dresses.” Theodora giggled mockingly.
“See, that's why I want to buy things for you because I know you will never turn into someone like that.” Bill giggled with her.
“So,” Theodora made puppy eyes, “will you finally tell me where we are going tonight all dashing and fancy?” She scanned him from head to toe and winked at him, making Bill's face match the hair in his loose ponytail.
“I'm taking you to the opera.” Bill cleared his throat, trying to hide that he was nervous about how Theodora would react to his date idea.
“To the...” Theodora blinked at him. “...wow.” She didn't know what else to say.
She was never the one to obsess over Muggle things too much but she loved their music, especially classical one. She was pretty sure she never told Bill about that before but she couldn't imagine a better first date.
“I thought you might like it. Last summer you mentioned that you love to listen to music and I wanted to do something not as cliché as a fancy restaurant.” He scratched his cheek.
Bill has been nervous about their date ever since he asked Theodora out. Taking her to the opera seemed like a brilliant idea up until the point he arrived at the square and waited for her there. What if Theodora wouldn't like it? What if she would think he is weird for taking her to the opera?
Bill's face brightened up when he saw the sparks with which Theodora was looking at the opera house. He felt so relieved that she liked the idea and wasn't disappointed about where he was taking her.
“What are we listening to?” Theodora questioned, looking around and reminding herself of how she looked at the Enchanted Ceiling when she first arrived at Hogwarts.
“I think it's called Carmen by...”
“Georges Bizet!” Theodora squeaked but then quickly put her hands over her mouth, realizing how inappropriate her behavior was for such a beautiful building.
“You know it?” Bill let out a silent laugh.
“Know it? It's my favorite.”
Without thinking about it, Theodora jumped into Bill's arms, hugging him as tightly as she could.
Suddenly she didn't care about the people walking past them, she wanted to express how much this meant to her. She never thought she would be lucky enough to go to the opera, let alone to listen to her favorite one.
All of Bill's doubts if this was a good idea were diminished the second the music started playing and the singers appeared on the stage. Theodora was sitting on the edge of her seat the entire time, her mouth slightly opened, her eyes glistened with tears of admiration for their voices and the beauty of it all.
Bill has never been to the opera either and if he was perfectly honest with himself, he wasn't sure how much he would like it, but seeing Theodora enjoying it so much was completely worth it to him.
He was thankful that he could enjoy listening to it without paying attention to what was happening on the stage because he couldn't take his eyes of Theodora. Not only did she look breathtaking but the way she was paying attention to the stage – how happy it made her and how she admired the singers – made him fall in love with her even more and he couldn't wait for her to tell him about all the places she ever had a wish to see and visit because he wants her to have more moments like this.
They decided to walk back home. Bill insisted that he accompanies her to her apartment and despite being worried that Theodora's feet might hurt in those heels, he didn't want to apparate because Theodora couldn't stop talking about what they have just experienced in that opera house and Bill could listen to her for hours, his heart melting by the passion in her eyes.
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mammonshuman92 · 4 years ago
- Sapphire -
(Mammon x MC)
| part two | part three |
It’s here, in the endless sapphire pools, that I could get lost swimming, forever. The sheer power that they hold over me is otherworldly, and to be honest, quite unfair.
“MC! Are you listening?” Satan was looking at you with slight irritation, closing his book. The two of you have been studying for an upcoming test in the common room since you got home from RAD.
You jumped a little, abruptly interrupted from your daydream.
“Hmm? Oh, sorry. I guess I zoned out.” You replied sheepishly. You sat up in your chair, looking at your textbooks trying to regain some kind of memory of what you and Satan had been studying, but it was no use. As of late, there was only ever one thing on your mind. Well, one demon anyway.
“It appears that your mind is elsewhere. Maybe we should take a break and pick it back up after dinner?” he suggested.
You checked the time on your D.D.D., and jumped up from where you sat. Satan looked at you, shocked by your sudden rash behavior.
“Oh, umm.. I can’t tonight, I have a....thing. Tomorrow though?” You rushed around gathering your books and notes into a disorderly pile. Satan looked at you suspiciously. What has gotten into her? He thought.
“Alright. Are you actually going to be present? More than just physically, I mean.”
“Yes, yes. I’m really sorry. Thanks!” You yelled over your shoulder as you ran from the room.
As you rounded the corner of the hallway, you ran right smack into something, sending you and all your books and papers flying. 
That thing you smacked into? Yeah, that was Mammon. You both landed on your butts with a *thud*
“What the Hell are ya runnin’ for?!” He griped, confused as to what had just happened. When he noticed who had run into him and his attitude changed. “MC? What are ya doin'?”
“I’m sorry, Mammon! I didn’t mean to run into you, I’m just in a hurry.” You quickly explained, trying to gather all your papers, again. He grabbed the small bit of papers near him and handed them to you.
“In a hurry for what?” he asked curiously, cocking his head to the side a little.
Shit! He can’t know where I’m going! I need to make an excuse and fast!
“Oh, umm.. I, uh, I-I’m going shopping with Asmo! Yeah.” That should work. He ususally follows you everywhere, especially shopping but once it comes to shopping with you and Asmo? Yeah, he’d rather sit that one out. Although, I’m sure he’ll complain that you’re not hanging out with him anyway.
You quickly grabbed the last bit of papers and took off toward your room without another word to Mammon.
“It’s movie night, ya know?!” He called after you.
“I’m sorry! I’ll make it up to you, I promise!” You yelled hastily, before quickly shutting your door.
“Hmph. Guess I’ll just do movie night by myself then” He pouted, sticking out his bottom lip a little like a small child.
As he turned to go to his room, something caught his eye. 
A piece of paper the two of you had missed. He picked it up and looked it over. 
It’s for sure MC’s handwriting. Is it song lyrics or somethin’?
He shrugged and shoved it into his pocket.
“I don’t have time to change, so my RAD uniform will just have to do. I just need to grab my bag, then I can go. Ugh! I’m gonna be late!” You said aloud while darting around your room.
I’m pretty nervous. I’ve never read any of the stuff I write in front of anyone, much less a crowd or people. Maybe I won’t choke since none of the brothers will be there. Could you imagine reading what you wrote in front of HIM?
*Shiver.* No thanks. Pretty sure I would spontaneously combust.
You grab your things and hurriedly rush out of your room. Hopefully I get out of here without being seen. I’m not sure how many lies I can come up with.
As you made your way down the staircase, someone came through the front door.. Dammit! It’s Asmo.
After a quick discussion, you were able to slip away from him.
Checking your D.D.D. for the time, you quickened your pace. “If I hurry I can make it there before the first reading.”
Mammon laid sprawled out on the couch in the common room, scrolling through Devilgram. He sighed heavily. “I’m so bored.”
He heard someone talking just outside the doorway.
Is that Asmo?
He went to investigate only to find Asmo walking down the hall with an arm full of shopping bags.
“You guys are back already?” Mammon questioned him. 
“Pardon?” Asmo asked, visibly confused.
“You and MC only left like an hour ago and you’re already back? Are ya sick?”
“Mammon what are going on about? I left to go shopping right after school.”
Huh? She ...lied?
“MC told me she was goin’ shopping with ya and left in a hurry earlier. If she ain’t with you, where’d she go?”
“Maybe she has a date.” Asmo shrugged and headed toward his room. Mammon stood there motionless and shocked like he’d been slapped in the face.
A date? The thought clawed it’s way around his brain. He felt a pang in his chest.
He’s always with her. To and from RAD, after school, through dinner, and until bed. Always together. They’re best friends.
So how did she manage to meet some other demon without him noticing? He started to get antsy and decided to go look for evidence in her room.
He looked everywhere. All over her desk and dresser, he couldn’t find a single shred of information on this mystery demon. Feeling defeated, he flopped across her bed with a groan.
Am I not good enough? I mean, she already spends all her time with me, what’s she need someone else for?
Thoughts of MC being with someone romantically ...intimately, started flooding his mind. He tried to shake it, but they just kept coming. The pain in his chest got worse.
He’s always been fond of her. In the beginning, when she was still new, he acted like it was such a burden to watch over her, but he secretly enjoyed it. There was just something about her. As hard as he tried to fight it, he found himself developing a sweet spot for the human. She’s always so nice and sticks up for him when it comes to his brothers. She always seems happy to see him and is down for whatever crazy money making schemes he can come up with. Before she got here, it had been a long time since he had felt this happy. He’s pretty sure he’s never laughed so much in his entire existence than when he’s with her.
As much as he tries to convince himself that he doesn’t care about the human, he doesn’t want to go back to life without her. Truth is, he cares about her. A lot.
All the thinking was starting to depress him.
He decided to get up and go to his own room and sulk for the rest of the night. Maybe he could stop by Lucifer’s study and sneak off with a bottle of Demonus. 
As he made his way to the door, he noticed something. The little calendar on your desk had a date circled in red. He picked it up to get a closer look. The date circled was today.
“Coffee shop, 6pm”
Boom. Re-con was successful! He found out where your date was!
He put the calendar back on your desk and checked the time. Crap! It’s almost 7.
He bolted from the room. If he had any chance of seeing what kind of punk lesser demon you were on a date with, he needed to hurry.
“This has to be it. She only goes to one coffee shop.” Mammon whispered to himself as he tried to peak inside the front window of the establishment. He couldn’t see you anywhere from where he was and decided to go inside and sit at a table in the very back. Maybe she won’t notice me. He thought. 
He scanned the room, but still couldn’t see you anywhere. Maybe she went to the bathroom?
As he kept scanning the room, the lights started to dim and everyone focused their attention to a small stage with a lone microphone at the back of the shop.
A light shined on the stage and a man stepped up to the microphone.
“Thank you all for coming, we have a great turn out tonight. Without any further adieu, let’s get open mic night started!” The crowd applauded and the man walked off stage.
"Open mic night? I didn’t know she liked this kinda stuff.” Mammon said quietly to himself.
Maybe that’s why she’s on a date. He probably noticed all the stuff I didn’t. Mammon sat back in his chair, arms crossed across his chest, pouting. She’d never wanna be with an idiot like me anyway.
A couple people read poems, one girl sang, and a few people played instruments. Still no sign of MC.
Maybe she does know a different coffee shop. He started to fidget in his seat, mentally kicking himself. You shoulda told her, ya idiot!
How could he though? He is one of the seven rulers of the underworld. How is he supposed to tell a human that she makes his life so much better? That your laugh is like music and his favorite smell is that of your shampoo? That when you fall asleep next to him on the couch on movie night it’s the best night of his week? 
“Our final act of the night is new to the stage and a little nervous, so go easy on her.” said the emcee. The audience started to applaud as the man walked off stage.
Mammon scooted his chair out and stood to leave. She obviously wasn’t here and he needed a drink.
He was making his way to the door, when he heard it. 
That voice. MC?
He turned to see you standing on the stage, spotlight shining on you. He listened as you spoke.
Is that ...a poem? The words sounded very familiar, like he had heard them very recently. Then it clicked. 
He fished the piece of paper out of his pocket. The poem you were reciting on stage was the same thing written on the paper he found in the hallway.
She wrote this?
He looked up at where you stood on the stage. You hadn’t noticed him so he made his way back to his seat. As he watched you, he started paying attention to the words you were saying. You spoke so softly.
“It’s here, in the endless sapphire pools, that I could get lost swimming, forever. 
Gold flecks, warm like sunshine, adorn the precious gems he dare call an iris.
The sheer power that they hold over me is otherworldly, and to be honest, quite unfair.”
So there really is someone. He thought. There was a stinging feeling in his chest. You don’t talk like that unless love is involved.
“Warm skin, the color of caramel, electricity felt in the slightest of touches.
Hair born of the winter, soft as the Heavens from where it once reigned.
Completely enamored by this creature, I would also happily fall from grace.”
Hair born of winter? Fall from grace? Tan skin?
Wait. That sounds like..
Realization hit him like a truck.
“..It’s about me..” He whispered, barely audible even to himself.
His chest felt like it was going to explode. His stomach so full of butterflies he felt nauseous.
He couldn’t believe it..
| part two |
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sgstories123 · 6 years ago
Hui Ru’s Bet
Hui Ru was regretting her decision to join her friend Gwen to watch the basketball match. All she has been hearing for the past 30 minutes was how great Gwen’s boyfriend Nick was. Was it not enough that every other sentence that Gwen had uttered in the last 3 months since she got together with Nick was about her boyfriend? Does she need to do a running commentary about how great Nick was in playing basketball? Even when Nick misses a shot, it was still a great shot. It was the wind, or the sand on the court or the glare of the sun. Somehow, Nick misses the shot not because he was no good, but because something else affected his performance.
Granted, Nick was really cute. He was lean and tall. One time, when Nick took off his shirt after a game, Hui Ru saw that he had a muscular and sexy body too. And to top it all, if Gwen is to be believed, he has a long and thick cock that he expertly use to drive her bitch crazy. Hui Ru tried to make out the size of Nick’s cock but he was always wearing loose basketball shorts or jeans which made it difficult. Well, maybe Gwen is exaggerating, as always when it comes to boyfriends. Every one of Gwen’s boyfriends is godlike in her book.
“Look at that! See how high he jumps!” Gwen purred. “What a powerful throw!”
“Stop it! You have been going non-stop about Nick. One more word about Nick and I will make sure you regret it.” Hui Ru glared fiercely at Gwen. “Oh, you are just jealous. And most probably because you have not had sex in a while. You know, that makes you cranky. Let’s see, you broke off with your ex for nearly 6 months? Yeah, that’s a long time.” Gwen countered.
Hui Ru did not reply. She did not want to talk about her ex-boyfriend, Weng. They broke up because she found out he was sleeping around with other people. Not only that, one of the girls that he slept with was from her school. The girl walked up to her one day and showed her a video clip of Weng having sex with her. In the video, Weng was heard saying that the girl was better in bed than Hui Ru. The girl obviously wanted to insult Hui Ru. She was still hurt from the incident and did not want to talk about Weng at all.
“Yes! What a wonderful shot! Nick is going to win the game for the team! We are going to celebrate!” Gwen shouted.
Nick turned around and gave a smile. Hui Ru thought the smile was directed at her. But, that cannot be right. It must have been directed at Gwen. Afterall, Gwen is Nick’s girlfriend and is sitting next to her.
“Nick is so good. Without him, the team would have lost. Now they are going to win.” Gwen was delighted.
“I don’t think that is a sure thing. They were behind most of the game and now they are only catching up. They are still behind by a couple of points.” Hui Ru was trying to stop Gwen from talking about Nick again. “You are just so jealous, sex deprived Hui Ru without a boyfriend!”
Hui Ru was upset now. “What happens if Nick’s team loses the game? You want to take a bet if you are so sure?”
Gwen did not even look at Hui Ru but was just staring at Nick as he tried to take another shot. “Okay. Bet you a hundred dollars that Nick wins the game.”
Hui Ru was surprised that Gwen was so spontaneous about it. Gwen must really be crazy about Nick. For a hundred dollars and a chance to put Gwen down, especially after the callous remarks she made about Weng, Hui Ru thought that she should do something to win the bet.
The teams stopped playing to take a break. Nick took off his shirt and wiped the perspiration off his body. Hui Ru could see his abominable muscle. She thought she caught sight of a faint trail of pubic hair extending towards his belly button. A thought came over her but she quickly brushed it off. Nah, this is crazy, she thought.
Just then, Nick looked in her direction and gave her a smile again. She looked around but did not see Gwen around. Nick was really smiling at her and not Gwen. Fuck! She thought to herself. Let’s do this. She might even enjoy herself.
She strode nonchalantly towards Nick, smiling in return.
“Hi. Are you enjoying the game?” Nick asked.
“Yes. But you know, I was wondering if you can do me a favour.” Hui Ru replied. “Gwen is betting that your team will win the match. I hoped to win the bet and earn some extra cash. Do you think you can play less competitively?”
Nick laughed. There was a twinkle in his eye which made Hui Ru’s heart beat a little faster. Damn. He is really cute.
“But we play to win. And I don’t get to win anything. Are you splitting the winnings with me?” Nick smiled mischievously. NIck’s teammates overheard the conversation and moved closer. Hui Ru was nervous with what she was about to say next. She saw Gwen approaching with a bottle of 100Plus. She must have gone to buy that for Nick. There was not enough time and she need to do it quickly.
“If you lose the match, I will let you fuck me.” She tried to say it as seductively as she could but she knew that her voice was quavering.
“Now that is something that I can consider.” Nick was pleasantly surprised. “Basketball is a team sport. You need the whole team to work together. If we lose as a team, can we fuck you too?” Hair Ru turned around and saw that it was Mark, one of Nick’s teammates. Gwen was almost within hearing distance. “Ok. If the team loses, I will let everyone of you fuck me. Now do we have a deal? Gwen is here. We cannot let her know.” Hui Ru whispered sharply.
“Ok. Deal.” Nick replied. His teammates were all nodding and smiling.
“Deal? What Deal?” Gwen purred. “Nick, your 100Plus. You are so good. I think we are going to win this. We celebrate later okay?”
Nick smiled but said nothing. The match was starting again and the girls moved back towards the benches. Once seated, Hui Ru saw Nick gave her a wink. Hui Ru was nervous. If Nick really loses the game, was she going to have sex with a group of almost strangers. She started to doubt herself. Was she crazy?
The second half of the match went by quickly. Somehow, Nick’s team keep on missing shots. The scores moved further apart and when the final whistle was blown, Nick’s team lost the game. Nick and his teammates were not too bothered. They were still smiling and congratulating the other team. Hui Ru looked at Gwen. She seemed devastated. She was no longer smiling or talking.
“Tell Nick I have something on. I am going home first.” Gwen spoke softly to Hui Ru. “Gwen, you owe me $100.” A part of Hui Ru felt sorry for Gwen but another part of her was enjoying the look on Gwen’s face. Gwen took out the money and handed over to Hui Ru without saying a word. She walked off, turned around one last time to look at Nick, and then walked resolutely away from the court.
“Where’s Gwen?” Nick asked when he approached Hui Ru. “She left. She said she has something on. I think she might be angry. Sorry. Hope I did not make things difficult for you and Gwen.”
“It is okay. She does this quite often when things don’t go her way. Let’s talk about us. Shall we go to my house? No one is home and it is quite near here.”
Hui Ru was initially confused. Why was she supposed to go to his house? Then his teammates appeared behind him. There were four of them. Besides Mark, she only knew one other person, Riduan. She had seen the other two before in school, but she did not know their names.
“Let’s go. I am so horny.” Mark whispered softly to Hui Ru. It finally dawned on Hui Ru that Nick had wanted to complete the deal in his home. She was regretting her offer. But a deal is a deal. Anyway, besides Nick, the rest of the team were quite cute. It might not be so bad after all.
“Okay. Let’s go Nick’s house. But the deal is only one fuck each. No kissing, no touching, okay. And, please use condom.” Hui Ru tried to sound nonchalant as if it is something that she has done many times. The boys just laughed.
An hour later, they were in Nick’s room. Hui Ru had insisted that they stopped by 7-Eleven to buy condoms and KY jelly. She was not taking any chances that the boys may do her raw.
“Ok. Take off your clothes and lined up. Who is going first?” Hui Ru again tried to sound calm. She pulled off her jeans and panties, and laid down on Nick’s bed. She glanced at the boys and they were all staring at her cunt. “I don’t have much time. Can we get this over quickly? Wear your condom and put on lube. Be gentle and don’t hurt me, okay?”
The boys took off their pants and Hui Ru was able to see all their erect cocks. Gwen was not bluffing. Nick really had a long and thick cock. He was much larger than Weng or any of Hui Ru’s boyfriends. But Mark’s cock was just as big. He has shaved his pubic hair so it looked clean and smooth.
Nick came over and spread Hui Ru’s legs. He leaned over and tried to kiss her but Hui Ru pushed him away. “No kissing. Just fuck.” Hui Ru reminded Nick. Nick cupped his hands over her cunt and tried to finger her. “No touching. Just put you cock in and fuck.” Hui Ru was adamant. “But you are not wet. And you won’t enjoy this.” NIck complained.
“The deal was a fuck. Nothing more.” Hui Ru wanted to make this as business-like as possible. It may be the only way to get through this quickly.
Nick sighed. He spread the lube thickly on his cock and pushed himself into Hui Ru. She was tighter that he expected and he had a hard time pushing his whole length in. When he was finally in, he almost ejaculated into her. Hui Ru was so tight and warm that he could hardly control himself.
“Hey, guys. She Is really tight and warm. Go slow okay or you may come before you are done.” Nick warned his friends. “That is only you lah. You weak lah.” Riduan laughed.
Nick slowly moved his dick in and out of Hui Ru. Hui Ru was trying to suppress her moans. Nick was really stretching and filling her up. With every thrust, she could feel herself closer to her climax. No wonder Gwen loves Nick cock so much.
Nick could not control himself. He had tried to slow himself and enjoy Hui Ru as long as he can, but it only took him a short while to shoot his load. He pulled out of Hui Ru and Riduan quickly took his place. He plunged himself into Hui Ru without another word. Like Nick, it did not take Riduan long before he shot his load. The others took their turn, fucking Hui Ru mechanically and shooting their loads quickly. Within minutes, everyone except Mark had fucked Hui Ru.
Mark positioned himself in front of Hui Ru. “Hey, you haven’t come yet right? Do you want me to do it properly and make you come. Let me suck your breasts or kiss you? You are so pretty that it seems not right that you are not enjoying this. Okay?”
“Just get this over with. I don’t need to enjoy it. It is just a deal for a fuck, okay?” Hui Ru was quite tired by now. She did not want to let the boys know, but she was also growing more horny getting fucked by them. The boys ejaculated too soon and she was getting frustrated from not being able to cum.
Mark sighed and plunged himself into her. He pumped her quickly and within moments, he came into the condom.
By now, the rest of the boys were all dressed. Nick had pulled on a pair of track pants but had taken off his shirt. Mark cleaned himself and quickly pulled on his pants.
“Thanks Hui Ru. You are so tight. It was a good fuck. But I wished I could have a real fuck with you instead of this. Anytime you need us to lose a match again, let me know. I want to do this again.” Mark said, before leaving the room with the rest of the boys.
Hui Ru heard the boys making comments on the fuck session before leaving the house. She heard the front door closed and the boys voices faded off. She heard Nick in the kitchen and she was just wondering whether she should get up from the bed when Nick walked into the bedroom with two glasses of iced coke.
“You okay? Here, have a drink.” Nick offered.
Hui Ru set up with some effort. Her body is numbed from the fucking although she had simply lied down there and did not do anything. “Thanks.” She took the soft drink and was grateful for having something down her dry throat. She realised that lube and some other bodily liquid was oozing down her cunt.
“Don’t worry. It is not sperm. All of us wore condoms.” Nick reassured her when he saw her staring at her cunt. “Let me clean it for you.” He took some tissues and started wiping her off. “You are so pretty. I had been thinking so long of fucking you so it was like a dream come true for me.” Nick continued wiping off Hui Ru’s lower body. “Remove your blouse. There is some on your body.” Hui Ru was now only dressed in her bra. “Nice. So sexy. You make me hard again.”
Hui Ru saw that Nick was not lying. His cock was making a tent in his track pants.
“Fuck me.” Hui Ru whispered, unable to control herself.
“The deal was only one fuck. No kissing, no touching.” Nick smiled at Hui Ru.
“Fuck you. Just fuck me. Do it properly this time. Fuck me like you fuck Gwen.” Hui Ru commanded.
Nick brought his face to Hui Ru and kissed her. Hui Ru melted in his kiss as his tongue pried open her mouth, seeking her tongue. Their tongues wrestled with each other while Nick’s hand moved down her cunt. His fingers found their way in one at a time. He simulated fucking action with his fingers and was rewarded with Hui Ru’s juices flowing out of her cunt. Hui Ru was getting wet and aroused. Nick pushed Hui Ru’s bra up, removing her erect pink nipples. He sucked on them and nibbled on each one gently. Hui Ru was now moaning uncontrollably.
“Just fuck me already.” Hui Ru whispered hoarsely.
Nick took another condom and pulled it over his erect cock. He plunged into Hui Ru and started moving again. He lifted her hand up and let them rest on his shoulders. He will fuck her properly this time. As he pounded her, Hui Ru felt herself reaching orgasm again and again. Waves of pleasure hit her again and again. Finally, after several minutes, Nick could not take it anymore and came again in her. He collapsed on her, both of them drenched in perspiration.
“Can you be my girlfriend? I want to fuck you over and over again.” Nick whispered. Hui Ru could only nod her head.
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steamishot · 6 years ago
Not homeless
I’m pretty burnt out at work at this point ~4pm. I felt sick this week, I think due to having a lot going on and the weather changes. I also think I’m pmsing so I’m more tired than usual. It’ll be interesting to see when my period will come this month and if I will return to having a regular cycle.
It was match week last week. On Monday Matt found out that for the second time, he did not match. During this period, I spent the most time with him- saw him like 10 days in the last 12/13 days. Which now that I’m typing it out, is a LOT and the most I’ve ever seen him. I think because he was so vulnerable, he confided in me a lot. During that week, there was a soap process/scramble where unmatched candidates can try to find an open slot. He told me that only his family and I know that he was doing that and he didn’t tell his friends about it. He felt the chances of getting into a program through soap was so low that he pretty much gave up/didn’t try his hardest. Which is a shame because he got one in person interview and one phone interview. Anyway, I did my best to be supportive. On the day he didn’t match, I sent him lunch through uber eats. I bought him a stuffed animal the weekend prior for good luck and in case he got bad news. I hung out with him and provided comfort. I enjoyed doing all that with him but it was also pretty draining in retrospect lol. Now he’s bouncing back and I hope he can do better this time around.
Last Saturday, my uncle came to pick my grandma up to take her out to eat breakfast and bring her to his place for dinner. My mom and dad had plans to go to a party that day and therefore my grandma traveled alone with my uncle. Normally my grandma clings onto my mom. My dad hates that and wishes my grandma would rotate around her other 6 six kids places instead of staying at our home all the time. When my grandma left, my dad was so happy to not have to be responsible for her for a few hours and allow my mom the freedom of not having my grandma to babysit. I think my mom was happy to have some space as well. She ended up going to yoga with me and my friend for the first time. Afterwards, I took her to thread eyebrows (for myself, but eventually she was curious and I pushed her to do it). She was always afraid of eyebrow hair falling out or becoming too thin, so she never allowed people to wax or thread her brows, but she actually really liked how it turned out. We also had lunch together in Monterey park with my friend before I brought her home. She was really grateful for me taking her out and had a joyous time. This makes me think that I should spend more time with my family and less with my partner during the weekends lol.
Last night I saw matt again spontaneously. His parents had just bought a new car for him. He called me while I was driving home from work and then asked me to hang out when I was approaching downtown. I said no it’s okay let’s just stay home, but he resisted (to try to be cute) and I don’t understand these cues so I’m just like okay make it happen then. The biggest stressor about being with him is our differences in time management and planning. He’s more free flowing, spontaneous and relaxed. I’m normally very punctual and considerate of other people’s times and pretty good at judging how much time so and so takes. He said he would go get dressed and head out to my house to pick me up. I was a little annoyed already because I knew that he’s kinda slow in getting ready and I’ll probably have to wait like 20 min for him. In hindsight it’s really not a big deal. I could have gone home and relaxed for a bit. But I think I’m just more anxious overall because he’s a secret from my family and I get stressed out anytime he comes to my house. I want to avoid my mom asking me where I’m going/who I’m going with. And avoid them finding out about him. So instead of going home, I told him we can meet up somewhere along the way. We ended up doing that and because I was annoyed and hangry and possibly PMSing, I started scolding him for not respecting my time. Last week, we had agreed to meet for dinner at 5:45, and he didn’t show up til 6:15. Over the weekend he got a phone call related to his career while we were having lunch and I ended up just waiting alone for like 45 minutes. Also, we stayed at an Airbnb a mile away from his house. He forgot to bring his hair product so I offered to take him home to do his hair. I waited in the car for like 10 min for him to do that. I guess on the surface I try to appear supportive, but the selfish part of me does not like waiting around and these incidents plus others added up.
I scolded him more through text in the morning as well, saying that he comes off as not very reliable. That if he shows up on time 4/5 times that’s still 1/5 times that he’s late. I told him that he gives himself too much credit for doing the minimum and he gets complacent easily. And I connected it to how he acts in his career, which is why I think he didn’t match. I was pretty emotional in sending the texts (I think I’m PMSing) but I felt his response was direct and comforting. I like that he doesn’t give in to the emotional turmoil (because I don’t think he has the capacity to) lol which is good because in my last relationship, both of us would be emotional during these “fights” and it would take longer to move on from it. Honestly, it’s not a big deal. Because if this is the biggest problem between us then I think that’s okay. I won’t expect him to change, but I hope that we can work together to make our shared experiences better and more fair.
Anyway, over the weekend he said that I make him happy and that he wants to make me happy too. And he told me to choose a restaurant for dinner. I first said hot pot, but he’s like is there anything new you want to try? So I hit him with SUGARFISH LOL. We ended up going and the bill was like $96.
During one of our talks a few weeks ago about him not matching and going to have a $20/hr job… he said he will save some money for applications and spend the rest on hanging out with me. I think he was joking but he said that’s around $400 a week we can spend on fun. When he asked me how much I’d put into this “fun pool” I said that he can pay and I’ll do the labor i.e. planning, bookkeeping, etc. I don’t know if I’m shooting myself in the foot but I do feel that I do more of the “laborious” activities and he just pays which is a simple act that doesn’t require much thought- and that I’m technically working harder for our relationship. 
However, I don’t think I should think about it in that sense. Naturally, women are more nurturing and care more about their relationships. Men are dependent on these relationships but don’t necessarily understand what the women need (in hetero relationships) from them. He is working hard in his career to provide for me and his future family. So i’ll try to think of it as we’re using our strengths as a team. I’m good at and enjoy planning, and should plan for our enjoyment, not to expect him to mirror me. The last time I saw my indian mama, she gave me some relationship advice - i told her how my sister in law was complaining to me about my brother being spoiled and lazy. she said it takes asian men like 8 years to learn how to do things/clean up around the house because they just don’t know!! she noted how asian men, compared to western men, have lower EQs and she repeated this a lot- they just don’t know. and she said it’s okay that they don’t know because it means they don’t have bad intentions. however, she said if they do know and they continue causing harm, then that’s bad. and i totally agree with that. 
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archivedmusesbyr1x1 · 5 years ago
Surprising Gift
1 month later…
After a long week at work, Sebastian was looking forward to unwinding at home. Work has been stressful, what with the projects that were in need of completion. Even so, he was glad to have help. In the month that Selena has been with the company, she’d been a great help. Plus, it didn’t hurt that it was easy to flirt with her. He’d been vying his time with her, waiting for the right moment to strike, but so far, the time was never right. He’d get there someday though, so he wasn’t worried. In the mean time, his friend Carter was sending him a gift for helping him with a project. He had never dealt with escorts before, but he wasn’t going to deny the chance at some relief either. So, here he was, in his bedroom, waiting for his companion of the night to arrive. He’d already told his maid to open the door when she arrived, so there really was no need to greet her at the door. When the woman arrived however, his jaw dropped, it was none other than his assistant Selena. “What are you doing here?” He asked, gobsmacked by her appearance.
Selena had gotten into the groove of working with Sebastian, and she was slowly easing out of the escorting business. She was saving a lot of money, and would only work the business on the weekends to pass the time, and to make more money to keep up her lifestyle. She made a lot of money as an escort, and she couldn’t give it up completely, until she was matching her income at the office. So when she got the call for a job, she easily accepted. She was told that the client wanted her to meet him at his home, and they were to spend the evening there, which he knew meant sex. She would prefer that they went out, and she was there for arm candy, but not all clients were like that. So she got herself ready in her sexiest outfit, got her makeup and hair perfect, and she was on her way. Arriving at the home, she knew this guy was a big shot, because his place was amazing. She was let in by the maid, and directed where to go. She took a deep breath and walked into the bedroom, but what awaited her was not what she expected. “Sebastian? What are you doing here? Please no….this can’t be.” Her worst nightmare was coming true, her two worlds were now colliding, and here she was as an escort to her boss. She wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole. She needed to get out of there, “I-I’m sorry, I will get your money back, I got to go.” She started running out of the room.
Sebastian couldn’t believe his eyes. He’d been waiting for an escort to show up, but the one that did was Selena. To make things worse, she was dressed to kill. The red dress and stilletto heels she had on nearly gave him a heart attack. There had to be a reason why she was here. Maybe it was work related. It had to be. “What am I doing here? This is my home.” He responded, feeling a little puzzled by her nervous demeanor. When she told him that she would be giving his money back, it finally clicked. The escort that he was waiting for was her. That knowledge blew his mind. “Wait, what? You’re the escort?” What the hell was going on? Why was his assistant working as an escort?
Selena was mortified, and all she wanted to do was run out of there. When she heard Sebastian say that this was his home, and she was horrified, “I can’t be here…I have to go.” When he asked if she was the escort, she was halfway out of the house. “I’ll have the company refund your money.” She just needed to go. Damn him for having such a big house, she forgot which way she came up, and turned the wrong way and just went into another room, “Fuck! How do I get out of here.”
Once everything clicked, Sebastian knew he couldn’t let Selena go. This was the opportunity he’d been waiting for, so when she tried to run out, he quickly chased after her. Grabbing her by the arm, he spun her around and flashed her a cocky grin, “Where do you think you’re going? You’re mine for the night.” She was clearly uncomfortable, but did he care? He led her back into his room, closed the door behind him, locked it and sat her down on his bed. “So, when were talking about our hobbies, I didn’t know that escorting was one of yours.” He said, standing in front of her still wearing that cocky smile.
Selena was doing her best to get out of there, but Sebastian stopped her, “Stop, you don’t have to do this…” But she was shocked to hear him say that she was his for the night. Although they had been flirting back and forth with each other at work, she never thought that they would ever cross that line, and become intimate with one another. He was her boss, and she was his assistant, things could get weird if they crossed that line. As much as she wanted to fight him, she honestly didn’t want to fight him. She let him lead her to the bedroom and on his bed. She rolled her eyes at him, as he was being cocky, “You are so mean, but I never wanted you to know that I did this, and I was trying to get out of the business.”
“I’m mean?” Sebastian laughed at her comment. “How am I mean? It’s a legit question. We shared our hobbies, but not once did you say that you enjoy being paid for sex.” He wasn’t trying to be an ass, he was just honest about things. If she thought he was mean, she definitely hadn’t met some of the men he was around. Now, those are assholes. “As far as I can tell, you don’t need the money. I mean, I do know that what I pay you is more than enough to support a single woman.” He sat down next to her and moved into her personal space, “So tell me, is it a thrill thing? Do you like making men beg for you?”
“Yes you’re mean.” Selena tried not to laugh, but she was failing. Sebastian had a way of making her laugh all the time, and tonight was no different. Even with this awkward situation, she was still laughing. She shook her head, “Yes you pay me a lot, but not like I was getting paid when I was just  an escort. And to be honest, I like the lifestyle that I have, so I want to keep it, so that’s why I haven’t given up on it completely.” Her breath hitched when he moved closer, “No it’s not a thrill thing…not completely. But seeing a man beg is quite fun.” She smirked.
From this distance, he could smell Selena’s perfume. The same one that she wore everyday. He remembered that it drove him crazy, and just like all the previous times, it was doing the same thing. He couldn’t think whenever he smelled her perfume, but he forced himself to sober a little, so that he could answer her, “So you like being a vixen, huh?” He leaned forward again, “Tell me, do you think you can handle me? I’m not used to being dominated, but for you, I’ll do it.” He placed a teasing kiss on the crook of her neck once the words left his lips.
Selena was still so shocked this was happening, but she was also very turned on. Something about Sebastian always had her wanting him close to her, and it was not just how hot he was. But his aura that he had about him, it was magnetic, and she was drawn to him. She slightly giggled when she asked if she liked being a vixen, “Maybe…” She bit her bottom lip, and started to relax more, this was going to happen, and she needed to just let it happen. She was an escort, not his assistant in this moment, so she needed to get in that mind frame. She smirked at his next question, “Oh…Sebastian.” She got up, put her hand on his chest, and pushed him down on the bed, “I know I can handle you, but you won’t have a choice, I will dominate you.” She smirked, and straddled his lap.
Sebastian wasn’t sure how Selena was going to react, but he definitely didn’t think that she would jump him so fast. Not that he was complaining, he’d wanted to fuck her ever since he got to know her. She was sexy and beautiful, now that he knew she had a wild side, he was definitely going to take advantage of that. “Show me what you got, vixen…” He told her as she was straddling her lap before pulling her to him and kissing her hungrily. His hands were everywhere, roaming up and down her body and he was jerking up against her, trying to feel more of her. “Why don’t you take this thing off,” He said, as he tugged at her dress. “Actually, why don’t you do a little strip tease for me.”
Sebastian was so sexy, and he wanted her, and Selena wanted him so bad. It was obvious that with their flirting back and forth, they wanted this to happen with them. And now she was in escort mode, so there was no stopping it, “Oh you are not even ready for what I got.” She licked her lips and kissed him deeply. She was grinding her body against his, and liked the feeling of his hands all over her body. She smirked when he asked to take off her dress, but then he wanted a strip tease, “Well I can do that, but it is not going to be a long one, because I am not wearing may articles of clothes.” She smirked, and sat up, but not getting off his lap. She reached the hem of her dress, and pulled it over her head, revealing her see through strapless red bra and panties. “See….I told you.”
The request for a strip tease was a spontaneous one. Sebastian didn’t even think of that earlier, but now that it had crossed his mind, there was no way he would let the chance pass him by. Thankfully, Selena was quick to work. She didn’t even hesitate before pulling her dress over her head. Still, he wanted more. She she was no completely naked and he wanted to see every part of her in her birthday suit. “You still have your bra and panties on.” He said, slapping her on the ass. “Now, get up and show me the whole thing. Slowly, I want to enjoy the experience.” He moved away from her then and went to the head of the bed to sit down and wait for her to start the show.
Selena smirked, hearing that Sebastian wanted to see her naked, and she giggled as she slapped her ass, “Eager much?” She got up, and slowly started to remove her bra. She held her bra against her chest, as she pulled the straps off her shoulders, and then finally threw at him. She smiled as she saw his face. She then started to pull off her panties, bending over, and slipping them down her legs, giving him a perfect view of her ass.
Sebastian hadn’t even seen much, but he was already getting excited and he coulldn’t wait to see more of Selena. What she did show him definitely didn’t disappoint him. He could feel his heart racing with every piece of clothing she stripped and threw away. When he saw her ass, he couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Alright, that’s enough.” He said, practically jumping off the bed to get to her. Once he was by her side, he pushed her onto the bed, joining her before he began kissing her hungrily. Moving his right hand down, he teased her moist folds, strumming her clit gently.
Selena was all ready to tease Sebastian a little more, but he was not having it, and he was ready to get to it, and if she was being honest, so was she. She giggled when he pushed her on to the bed, and started kissing her. She moaned feeling his fingers on her clit, “Oh…fuck.” She moaned out, “And here I thought you wanted me to dominate you, but I guess you are a bit eager.” She didn’t mind at all, she actually liked not being in control for once.
Sebastian liked the way Selena was moaning, he probably should have allowed her to take charge like he told her before, but he simply didn’t have the patience. When he wanted something, he went for it guns blazing and this was no different. “I can wait for that in the next round. You’re mine for the night anyway.” He said before kissing her again, his fingers continuing to pleasure her sensitive clit. He could see that he was getting to her, but he wanted more, so a minute later, he crawled down her body, separated her legs and began to eat her out, focusing on her nub by sucking on it.
It was something about the way Sebastian was being very possessive over Selena that she liked a lot. He was taking over her body like he owned her, and for the night, she guess he did, and that was okay with her. She ground her ass against his crotch as he kissed her again, and continued rubbing her clit, “Oh God…” She moaned out, “You do…and I am yours all night…” She liked being his, even if was for the night. She opened her legs wide as he slid down her body, and arched her back as he started eating her pussy, “Fuck…Sebastian.” He definitely knew what to do with his mouth.
Sebastian really liked the reaction he was getting from Selena. He wanted more though, he was greedy like that. As he sucked on her clit, he pumped two fingers in and out of her. He could see that she was getting wetter by the minute, which boosted his ego somehow. “You like that, huh?” He asked, looking at her with lust veiled eyes. Going back to what he was doing, he flicked his tongue over her clit rapidly as he continued to pump his fingers into her, wanting more than ever for her to cum.
Selena ran her fingers through Sebastian’s hair as he was feasting on her pussy, it was so good, and she wanted so much more. He was so talented with his mouth, she wondered if his talents went to other areas. She moaned out, “Yes…I like it a lot.” He was so damn sexy, she really couldn’t believe she was fucking her boss right now, but he was so damn fine, she honestly didn’t care about anything else in this moment but the pleasure she was getting. She was getting close, and she knew it, “Fuck…I am going to cum!” She screamed out.
She was getting closer, he could feel that she was. She was also screaming that she was cumming. Sebastian didn’t want to wait any longer, he was too horny to do that, so he kept on licking her clit and pumping his fingers in and out, until she was squirting her juices all over his mouth. He licked her out until she had calmed down and when she was no longer shaking, he rejoined her, kissing her passionately before pulling back to say. “You taste sweet…” He kissed her again, while fumbling with the buckle of his belt. While she was naked, he was still completely dress, so they definitely had to do something about it.
Selena’s entire body began to shake, as she was cumming so hard on his mouth and fingers. It was so amazing that he could get her body to react like that the first time they were together. But she was sure it was partially his skills, and because they had been flirting with each other so hard this past month, she wanted him, and he delivered. She kissed him back, licking her juices off his mouth, “I do.” She agreed, and moved his hands from his pants, while he was fumbling with his belt, “Allow me.” She said in a sultry tone. She unbuttoned his pants, and slid them down, along with his boxers, and smiled when she saw his huge dick, “There he is, all ready to play.” She licked her lips, and dropped her head onto his dick, and took him into her mouth. She teased the head first, and dipped her tongue in his slit. She then flattened her tongue, and ran it over his vein, before taking him all the way in.
As he was fumbling with his belt buckle, Selena stopped him. “Go ahead,” He said, glad that she would be finishing the task for him because at this point, he couldn’t even think clearly let alone undress himself. He’d probably look like someone who just suffered a stroke. “Oh, he’s definitely ready to play.” Was all the coherent words he could manage before a slew of curse words followed suit when she took him in her mouth. “Fuck… Yes, right there. Suck that dick.” She was teasing him, taking her time with the task. For now, he was not going to be to forceful. After all, he didn’t want her to think that he had no self control at all.
Selena had to adjust to having someone so big in her mouth, but once she got it together, she was going to town on his dick. She was moaning letting the vibrations hit his dick. Sebastian was a perfect specimen of a man, she couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have him desiring her, and she was going to enjoy fucking him.
The longer she sucked his dick, the more he felt like exploding. He didn’t want that, not yet at least. Plus, he didn’t want her to think that he was a 5 minute man, so he pulled back and reached for the condoms on his bed side. Tearing the wrapper, he slid the rubber on before pushing her onto her back. “You don’t think I was just going to let you blow my load that easily, do you?” With that, he pushed inside her snug and wet pussy all the way to the hilt and groaned, “Fuck, you feel good.” With no control, he began fucking her, pumping into her hard and fast, trying to make her scream.
Selena was on a mission, and that was to suck his dick until one of two things happen, he came in her mouth, or he pulled her off of him. The latter was the outcome, and she was pleased with herself. She giggled as he threw her back on the bed, “I do like it when you manhandle me Sebastian.” She smirked, “I didn’t know Sir…” She giggled thinking back when he ordered her not to call him sir, but it seemed to fit in this situation. She screamed out as he slid inside her. He was so big, and she loved the way he filled her up. She ached her back, as he started pounding inside her, “Oh Fuck…Sir!” She screamed out, she wondered how he knew she liked it rough.
Sebastian should be worried that he might be hurting Selena, but judging by her reaction, he could tell that she was loving it. She even called him sir, he might not like people calling him that in person, but in the case, he was just gonna roll with it. “You like that, don’t you, Selena?” He whispered into her ear as he bucked into her, letting his full length be buried in her wet pussy. When she didn’t answer, he stopped, pulling out completely. “Answer me, Selena? Do you like it when I fuck you hard?” As he questioned her, he rubbed the tip of his dick along her clit.
Selena was so engulfed in the feeling that Sebastian was giving her, all she could do was nod at his question. But apparently that wasn’t good enough for Sebastian, and he pulled out of her. She whined feeling the loss of connection, and she looked up at him, with innocent eyes, “Yes Sir, I really like it when you fuck me hard, please don’t stop.” She begged and didn’t care that she was. The way he was making her feel, she would beg all the time for him to fuck her like that.
Sebastian could only smile at the quickness of Selena’s response. He had never thought about dominating someone before. Sex was just sex. He liked it hard and fast, and as long as his partner was happy, that was all that mattered. Clearly, that was not the case with Selena. She wanted to be dominated, and being the gentleman that he was,–ha! a gentlemen he was not–he was here to satisfy her. “Good girl…” He uttered, before slamming back into her pussy. “Fuck, you feel so good.” He rutted into her, not caring that they were making noise and probably startling his poor maid, Rosa.
Selena screamed out as Sebastian slammed back inside her, “Fuck! Yes, just like that!” She wrapped her legs around his waist, dug her nails into him, and slid them up and down his back. She never thought that she would be with Sebastian like this, but she honestly had no regrets about it in this moment, because he was so damn sexy, and could fuck her so good. She moved her hips to match his movements, and it was feeling so good.
His actions seemed to spur Selena on and it made him smile on the inside. She was bucking up to him and digging her nails into his back. It drove him crazy. “You like that, girl? Fuck…” He could feel his climax coming close, but before he could do that, he wanted to get a few rounds of release, so he placed his thumb onto her clit and began rubbing at it as he fucked her hard. “Be a good girl and cum for your Sir,” He demanded before licking the shell of her ear.
Selena didn’t want to have him pull out of her again, so she made sure to answer him this time, “Yes Sir….I like it a lot.” She moaned out and arched her back to allow him to go deeper inside her. She heard his words, “Yes Sir, I will be a good girl.” It was all that needed to be said, before she was coating his cock with her juices, “Oh fuck Sir!” She screamed out, not caring who heard her.
It Sebastian every ounce of control not to cum right then. He had to ignore her eager responses and especially the way her pussy clenched around his dick when she came. He didn’t allow her time to calm down, before turning her around, getting her onto all fours and slamming back into her. “Fuck!” He groaned. If she was tight before, she was even tighter now. Seeing her ass in the air, he couldn’t stop himself from slapping her globes. “Such a pretty ass. You like being spanked, girl?”
Selena had never been handled like this before, and she loved it. Sebastian was giving her everything that she wanted and needed. She was cumming so hard, harder than she had ever come with a client before. But this was no regular client, this was the man she had been flirting with, and dreaming about for awhile now. She screamed out as he flipped her over and slammed back inside her, “FUCK! SEBASTIAN! She was feeling so good, and all she wanted was more. She squealed when he smacked her ass, “Yes Sir, I like being spanked a lot. Please spank me again.”
Sebastian admired his handy work when the redness appeared on her ass. It made him even hornier. “You want me to spank you again? I can definitely do that.” Whack. Whack. Whack. Whack. He administered slap after slap to each ass cheek while still fucking her roughly. His balls were drawing tighter now and he knew he was going to cum. Grabbing for her luscious locks, he brought her body closer to him by pulling at them. “I want to cum again, girl. Cum really hard.” He growled into her ear, hoping like hell that she would comply before he blew his load.
Selena nodded, “Yes Sir.” She screamed out in pure delight as Sebastian slapped her ass, and with the feeling of him slamming inside her pussy, she was in pure bliss. She was moaning out raucously, and she didn’t care, he felt so good. She loved when he yanked her hair, “Yes Sir….I will do whatever you want.” It was not hard for her to cum again, she was already on her edge again, and his words had her cumming hard once again.
Sebastian couldn’t think straight anymore. He couldn’t think of a coherent word to say to Selena. All the blood in his body had traveled down to his dick. He was close, so close to cumming that all he needed was to feel her pussy clenching around him and he was a goner. He groaned loudly as he came, shooting streams of cum into the condom. Exhausted, he moved off her and landed on the bed. “Fuck, you nearly killed me.” He told her as he tried to usher her over. With no energy left, he couldn’t do much but lay on the bed and wait for her to curl up to him.
Selena was spent after cumming twice as hard as she did. And when he came inside her, it only prolonged her own climax. She couldn’t move once he was out of her, and she wasn’t used to cuddling, so she just laid there. She giggled hearing his comment, “I wasn’t trying to kill you, just pleasure you.” She smirked, and laid there looking at the ceiling.
Sebastian wasn’t good at showing affection to the women he slept with, but this wasn’t just some random girl. It was Selena. He might not have any romantic notions towards her, but he wanted to respect her. She didn’t seem to want to snuggle up however, so of course, he didn’t push it. “Well, you nearly did. Thankfully, I’m a strong man. I can’t imagine what it’d be like for an old man…” Feeling a little curious, he asked. “I don’t want to be nosey, but what’s the deal with this job? I know you said it gives you freedom, but there has to be more to it, right?”
Selena giggled and pulled the sheet over her chest, “I am glad you are a strong man, and can handle it. I wouldn’t have gone in so hard with an old man.” She smiled and rolled over to look at him, when he asked a question, “You don’t want to be nosy? I think you do, but I have no problem telling you. It started because I was broke, and I needed a job. I met a woman that saw potential in me, she said that I was perfect for this job. She took me under her wing, and showed me the ropes, and it turned out that I was good at it.” She shrugged, “I liked the money, and it was so much better than any 9-5 job. So I kept doing it, and my lifestyle was amazing, so I never quit. But I wanted to let it go, that’s why I got the job with you.”
“Okay, I’m being nosey, but anyone would curious in my position.” Sebastian said before listening to her explanation. “I understand why you got into it in the first place. You’re a beautiful woman in need of money, so do you what you have to to get it. What I don’t understand is why you have to keep doing it. I mean, you did get a good paying job.” He stated, raising a brow, “I think you’re addicted to the thrill. Might be why you haven’t been able to quit yet.”
Selena shook her head, “No, it’s not the thrill, it’s more of the fact that the job I have pays well, yes, but not nearly as much as I get when I work a night. I have a very expensive penthouse apartment in the city, and my bills add up, so I needed to do a few more jobs to get ahead of my bills so I could quit.” She looked up at him, “Do you know how much this night is costing `you?”
“How much do you actually make escorting?” Sebastian asked. If she had a penthouse, it meant that she was making a lot of money. “Are you escorting for rich guys?” That might be the reason why she was able to afford her lifestyle. He shrugged his shoulder at her question, “I don’t know. I didn’t pay for you. My friend bought your services as a gift. Now that you ask, you should tell me how much he paid for you.”
“It’s a lot more than people would think.” Selena asked, and she nodded, “Oh definitely, there is no way someone not rich would be able to afford my services. I am what they call a high class escort.” She was shocked to hear that his friend paid for her as a gift, “You have very rich friends, with expensive taste.” She smiled, “Let’s just say, he paid for five hours tonight, and I get ten thousand an hour.” She smiled.
Sebastian choked when he heard how much she made from this night alone. “Are you kidding me? 10k just for 5 hours of work? That’s crazy! How desperate are these men…?”  Not that he thought there was anything wrong with her chosen profession, but he would never pay for sex. Why? When he could get it for free at a club or bar? But then again, he wasn’t ugly to begin with, so what did he know? “I would think with all that money you’ve made, you could retire by now. Even if you work once a week, that’s 40k per month!”
Selena laughed seeing his reaction, “Nope I’m not kidding, that’s the rate.” She shook her head, “They’re not desperate, they are just looking for a certain type of woman. Sometimes sex is not even involved, they want to have a beautiful woman on their arm to close deals, impress people, and it’s my job to be the perfect girlfriend for the night. Your friend ordered a sex goddess, so I came here for that.” She smiled as he broke down how much she made. “Yeah, I should have, but I have been taking care of my family, so I don’t have all the money that I should have. Not to mention I was young and spending the money on a lot of frivolous things at first. So I really just starting to save only 3 years ago.” She admitted.
“Okay, I understand paying for sex, but just for a companion? No way.” Sebastian shook his head, “No man in their right mind would pay just for companionship. At least not for that amount of money. Unless…” He stopped and let out a laugh, “Unless their tinky winky is not working well.” He snorted at the thought. “You must have a bad spending habit then. Then again, I can’t judge, I’ve been rich all my life, so it’s not like I know anything about budgeting.” He wanted to know about her family, so he asked, “You talk about taking care of your family. Why is that? Are your parents sick?”
“Sometimes people just need someone to impress someone, and needs to have some arm candy on their arm. You would be surprised how many important meeting I have sat in, and a little flirting to the other person would seal a deal.” She laughed at his comment, “I don’t know if their tinky winky don’t work, that is not my concern. The only thing I wanted to do was the job I was paid to do.” She nodded, “I did in the beginning, I never had money before, so when I got it, I went a little crazy. but I learned my lesson really quickly.” She wasn’t surprised to hear that he never had to budget, “I can believe that.” When he asked about her family, she nodded, “My dad is sick, he has prostate cancer, and my mom takes care of him. But it was hard, so we had to hire a nurse for him, and that cost a lot of money. So I paid for that, and made sure they had everything they needed.”
Sebastian might not understand why Selena did what she did, but the last thing he wanted to do was judge her. He himself could never fathom selling his body for sex, but then again, he was rich. He’d never been desperate enough to do so. And maybe she was like him in a way. He always viewed sex as a way to release tension, so why not use what she was given to make some money, right? Other than the moral and legal issues, it was after all her body and she had the right to do whatever she wanted with it. “I’m sorry about your dad.” He apologized sincerely, “He should be proud to have you as a daughter.” He’d always known that she was strong minded, but what he didn’t know was that her will strong too and he respected her for that.
Selena was not always proud of what she did, and she wanted to quit, so she could finally tell her parents the truth about her job. And when she started working for Sebastian, she was excited to tell her parents, so she could show them an actual paycheck from that job. She nodded, “Thank you, he’s a fighter, and I would do anything for him. She smiled, “I hope I make him proud, I’ve always been a daddy’s girl.”
Sebastian smiled kindly at the woman next to him. He’d found an appreciation for the latina. It had to be hard to do what she did, just so she could help her ailing dad. “I can assure you that he is. Most of the time, sons look after their fathers. You’re his daughter and you’re taking care of him. If he’s not proud, there must be something really wrong with him.” He smiled. Feeling intrigued about her childhood, he asked, “So, tell me about your childhood? Were you a delicate little flower?”
Selena smiled and actually felt tears welling up, just the thought of her father being proud was something that she wanted more than everything. “I think he is, he loves when I come by to see him, and tell him about my day.” She smiled and thought about their talks they would have. This was something new for her, she never talked to any of her clients after they had sex, but Sebastian was not like her other clients, she was his boss. And not to mention they flirted everyday for the past month, and she really liked being around him. “Delicate…I think not, I was a tomboy. I loved getting dirty and playing sports.”
Sebastian didn’t know why he was so interested in the spicy Latina. He couldn’t describe it, but in a way, he was drawn to her from the very start and now that he’d actually seen her in all of her glory, he wanted to really get to know her. None of the superficial stuff. He wanted to know what made her tick. “I can’t say I blame him. He does have an awesome daughter.” She said with a smile. “You’re a tomboy?” He asked with a raised brow. “I can’t believe that, but I bet you’re still beautiful even then.” The compliment was genuine, he honestly couldn’t picture as anything other than beautiful.
Selena couldn’t stop blushing as Sebastian continued to compliment her, it was almost becoming too much. “You don’t have to say all those nice things about me, I am already paid for.” She teased and giggled. “But yes I was a tomboy, but not so much anymore, I like girly things now. I grew into my womanhood.” She smiled, and looked over at him, “What was your childhood like?” She wanted to know a little about him, now that he got her talking about her life.
Sebastian turned to look at Selena, actually look at her this time. What he found was a woman who was beautiful, even if she might be slightly scarred. But then again, there’s beauty in everything and he definitely found her breath taking. “I’m not trying to be nice. It’s the truth. Maybe you should be paying me for being nice.” He returned, with a wink. “Oh you don’t have to say anything about that. I can definitely tell that you’re all woman now.” He teased her and thought about his childhood. “Oh you know, the typical boy with bad hair.” He laughed, “Kidding. I was actually a well behaved kid. My parents didn’t have any trouble with me. More of a boy scout, except I never joined.” He laughed at the last part.
Selena chuckled, “Oh Sebastian, I think I am definitely paying you for being nice.” She licked her lips and ran her finger down his chest. She giggled as he said she was all woman, and she lifted the sheets, to show off her body, “Definitely all woman.” She smirked, and moved her hand further down his body, “And you are definitely all man.” She smiled, before moving back into her space, and listened to him talk about his childhood, “A boy scout huh? So when did the rebellious years hit?”
Sebastian couldn’t even think let alone focus on talking about his childhood when Selena ran her finger down his chest. It definitely made things worse seeing her naked body. He tried to quell his need, but it was too strong, so the next thing he did was roll on top of her and pinned her arms down with his own. “You’ve been a very bad girl, haven’t you? Trying to seduce me while I’m trying to talk to you… You know what bad girls deserve? Punishment. And I’m about to give that to you right now.” He whispered those words to her before leaning over to kiss her hungrily.
Selena smirked when Sebastian called her a bad girl, “No Sir, I haven’t been, I was just doing what I was brought here to do.” She teased, “I was listening Sir, I promise.” She put on her most innocent face, but she was loving every second of it. She gasped when he said he was going to punish her, “A punishment Sir…but…” She licked her lips, and kissed him back when he kissed her, and she thought that this was the best punishment she had ever gotten before.
Sebastian kissed Selena like a man starved. He didn’t know what it was about her that made him react like a caveman. Perhaps it was her feminine wiles. But at this point he truly didn’t care. Their tongues clashed together, each trying to get the upper hand, and his dick which was hard to begin with, got even harder. After a minute, he pulled back. “You know you’re a bad girl and bad girls needs to be punished. Get on all fours.” He demanded. When she did, he moved closer to her, rubbing each of her ass cheeks and when she wasn’t expecting it, he slapped the globes hard. “Are you gonna be a good girl now?”
Selena liked the way Sebastian kissed her so roughly, he wasn’t gentle on her, and she loved that. She never denied that she was trying to seduce him, because it was just natural for her to do that in escort mode. She whined a little as he pulled away, but she smiled at the thought of being punished. “Yes Sir.” She happily got on all fours when he told her too, and moaned as he rubbed her ass, but then squealed as he smacked her ass, “Fuck Sir….I was being good.” She liked being punished by him, so she was going to prolong it just a little.
Sebastian let out an unamused laugh before slapping her ass again. “You were not being good. I was trying to tell you about my childhood, but you couldn’t let me, could you?” He said as he rubbed her ass for a few seconds to give her a chance for a break, “You just had to show me your sexy body. A good girl would’ve let me speak. But since you can’t-” Whack. He administered another slap onto her ass cheeks. “-you deserved to be punished.”
Selena squealed out again, “I’m sorry Sir…I was just too caught up in how sexy you are. So if we’re being honest, you are to blame.” She smirked, and appreciated the break on her ass. “I thought you wanted to see it.” She screamed out again, as he hit her again. And she had enough teasing, “I’m sorry Sir, I will be good for you.” She whined out, as her ass was stinging.
Sebastian felt a little smug when Selena admitted that he was sexy. Not that he didn’t know he was nice to look at, but still it was nice to be appreciated. “Oh so now, it’s my fault?” Whack. He slapped her ass cheeks again. “I’m not the one to blame here. You are.” Whack. “Good girl. At least you apologized.” He practically cooed the fact. “Good girl deserves a treat, don’t you think?” With his right hand, he gently trailed his fingers from her ass, down to her sopping pussy, rubbing at her nub. “I think you like being punished, you’re already soaking wet…” Then, like he promised, he rewarded her, inserting his fingers into her pussy and pumping them in and out.
Selena knew putting the blame on Sebastian would garner her another smack, and she was anticipating it. She just giggled and squealed as he continued smacking her ass. “Okay, okay, I am sorry Sir, you are not to blame, I was being a bad girl, but I promise to be good.” She liked getting praise from him, and she knew she was going to try to get more. “I would like a treat Sir.” She let out a moan as he slipped his finger inside her, “I like being spanked Sir, it turns me on.” She answered honestly, something that she would never do with another client. “I am all wet for you.” Her moans got louder as he slid his fingers in and out of her.
If it was even possible, hearing Sabrina say that spanking turned her on, made his dick grow even harder. He could barely hear what she was saying with how much he wanted her. But for now, he was willing to play it cool and reward her first. “Mmm… I like hearing that you’re all wet for me. That deserves and even better treat.” He removed his fingers from her pussy and crouch down so that he was between her legs before using his mouth on her and eating her pussy out. Tasting her juices only made him hungrier and want more of them so he used his tongue to fuck her pussy.
elena wanted to please Sebastian, and for now, her body was his to use however he wanted. She was not just in escort mode, but this was her wanting him. Her attraction for him had been growing since they met, and now they were at a boiling point, and he was even better than she imagined. She moaned as he started eating her pussy, “Shit….your mouth Sir, it’s so good.” She knew she was so loud, and if he had neighbors, they would totally hear her, but she could care less, she wanted everyone to know that she was getting pleasured beyond measure.
Sebastian could only moan at her response as he got wrapped up on the act. He’d never love the taste of anyone as much as he did her. She was a drug he knew he could never erase from his system. The position he was in was starting to get uncomfortable, so he pulled back and said, “I want you to sit on my face, girl and let me give you the best treat of your life. Would you do that for me? Hmm?” He whispered those words to her from behind, licking the shell of her ear and pumping away at her pussy with his fingers.
Selena was enjoying every second of Sebastian pleasuring her, it was better than anything she had ever felt before. He knew exactly how she liked it, and that was amazing to her. She was a little jaded when it came to sex, because of what she did, but not this time, he opened her up again. She heard his request and she smiled, “I can definitely do that for you Sir.” Her body shivered as he whispered in her ear, feeling his breath on her skin. She moved into position when he laid down, and sat on his face.
Sebastian was too greedy now, he knew he had promised to go easy and let Selena dominate him, but honestly, he wasn’t the type of guy to be dominated, he preferred to do the dominating. Once she was in position, he helped her sat on his face and greedily, he ate her out, groaning at the sensual taste of her. He used his fingers to fuck her, pumping them in and out rapidly, trying to get her to cum and spill her delicious juices into his mouth.
Selena threw her head back and was moving her hips against his mouth, as Sebastian was eating her pussy out like a pro. Her body was on fire. She grabbed her breasts, and squeezed them, and moaned out, “Oh fuck baby…so good, don’t stop…please.” She was begging, another thing she never did, but he was hitting all the right spots, and she wanted more. She was so wet and hot for him, this was definitely a new feeling for her.
As much as he liked hearing the moans coming from Selena, he wanted more. He need for her to let go, so he could taste her juices and fuck her silly. So he pulled his mouth away and looked at her. She was playing with her breasts, the sight alone was enough to make him growl. “I want you to come now. Cum for daddy, baby girl…” His mouth went back onto her pussy then, eagerly fucking her with his tongue.
Selena was so into what Sebastian was doing to her, that she just got lost in the feeling. She didn’t even notice he stopped until he spoke, and was shocked he called himself daddy. She felt that daddy vibe from him, but she wasn’t sure if he would like that, but obviously he did, so she was going to go there with him, “Yes daddy, I’ll be a good baby girl and cum for you.” That wasn’t a hard request, since he had already pushed her to the edge.Soon after he went back to eating her out, she was cumming hard, all over his mouth, “Oh daddy.”
Sebastian had never had a daddy and baby girl relationship with anyone before. It had never even crossed his mind. But she would always call him sir, so maybe she wouldn’t mind that he wanted her to call him daddy. Thankfully, she didn’t mind a bit. If anything, she was all too eager to play the role. As she came, she was moaning daddy and that made him even hungrier for her. After letting her calm down a little, Sebastian laid her on the bed and got on top of her, kissing her lips hungrily. “Mmm… Such a good baby girl. It’s your turn to please daddy. Why don’t you suck daddy’s dick, hmm? This time, don’t stop until daddy cums in your mouth.” He requested this rather sweetly to entice her.
This was so new for Selena, she was supposed to be his escort for the night, but something about this night was more than that. This was the culmination of their flirting back and forth, their sexual tension coming to a head, and all she wanted was to please Sebastian. His praise was something she always wanted, and it turned her on. She kissed him back, tasting herself on his lips. “Oh thank you daddy, I want to please you.” She eagerly moved down to get in position to suck his dick. She started stroking it, “Oh daddy, your dick is so big.” She licked her lips, before slipping the head of his dick into her mouth, and slowly taking more and more of him in her mouth. She knew she was going to make sure she pleased him like he did her.
Sebastian had the feeling that whatever relationship he had with Selena before this was going to change completely. He wasn’t only her boss now, he was also her dominating daddy, and as much as he wanted to say that it didn’t thrilled him, it did. He could already picture all the ways he could torture her at work, very sexily of course. Coming to work was going to be sweeter than before. “Such a good girl.” He said, gently patting her hair. When her mouth covered his dick, he bucked.. It wasn’t like he wanted to hurt her, her mouth just felt too goo. “Fuck! Suck daddy’s dick, baby girl.”
Selena was so focused on giving Sebastian the pleasure he needed and wanted. She had never called anyone daddy before, but it felt right with him. She could think about all the ways things were going to be different for them back at work, but she didn’t want too. This happened, he knew her secret, and now she just had to roll with it. She never let the fact that she was an escort affect her work, and she didn’t plan on letting it do that now. He was still giving her praise, and all that did was motivate her to go faster and harder.
Sebastian could feel that the end was coming. His balls had drawn back so tightly that it slightly stung. It was a good kind of pain, it just meant that he was going to cum. Looking down at what Selena was doing, an erotic sight flashed before him. Her soft lips wrapped around his dick working in a frenzy and her beautiful face so determine, made him lose it. “I’m gonna cum.” He growled out and when it finally crashed, flashing lights blazed behind his shut eyes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” was all that he could say as he shot spurt after spurt of his load into her warm mouth.
Selena was determined to make Sebastian cum as hard as he made her cum. She wanted to please her daddy more than anything. She could feel he was getting close, and that made her intensify her movements. She smiled hearing that he was going to cum, and she was ready for it. She didn’t stop moving until her mouth was filled with his cum. She made sure to get every single drop of him, not wanting to waste a single drop. When she was satisfied he was cleaned, she took him out of her mouth, wiped the sides of her mouth and smiled, “Mmm….you are delicious daddy.”
It took a minute for Sebastian to catch his breath and actually open his eyes. Once he did, he was greeted by Selena’s pretty face. She was actually smiling and licking her lips like she’d just finished the last bite of ice cream and it somehow made him hungry for her again. “I remembered you promising to take the reigns here, baby girl. Why don’t do you do that for that?” He asked, rather sweetly if he was being honest while he gently sweep the hair back. “You wanna make daddy happy, don’t you? So why don’t you do this for me, hmm…?”
Selena was already up for more with Sebastian, he made her want more of him. She smiled hearing him tell her to take the reigns, “I think I can do that daddy. I always want to make you happy, so I will take control, and ride you till we both cum once again.” She kissed him deeply, and climbed onto his lap. She reached over and grabbed another condom, and put it on his dick with her mouth. Once he was all secured, she guided his dick right inside her pussy. She let out a loud moan, and threw her head back, at the feeling of having him inside her. “So good daddy….so full.”
Normally, Sebastian liked being in charge. It was ingrained in him somehow, but every once in a while, if he really connected with a woman sexually, it actually intrigued him to see her in charge. It was no different with Selena. After all, she did promise that she was going to dominate him. The way he saw it, he’d only trying to cash in on that promise. Luckily for him, she didn’t hesitate for even a second. “That’s what I like to hear.” He smiled at her comment right before returning her hungry kiss. The next thing she did had him grunting like an animal. The fiesty Latina was using her mouth to slip the condom onto his dick. He hissed in pleasure as her tight pussy engulfed his dick. “Bounce on this dick, baby girl. Show daddy what you got.” He urged her on, slapping her on the ass.
Selena was comfortable being in charge, she was usually in charge with her clients. So taking Sebastian like she did was something she ould do. She loved seeing how he reacted to her little trick she picked up. When she got on his dick, she squealed when he smacked her ass, “Oh daddy, I am going to ride you like a stallion, and have you screaming my name.” She started bouncing on his dick, and squeezing her breasts to put on a show for him.
“Such a good girl.” Sebastian cooed, loving the fact that Selena was turning into a good submissive. He was sure now that he would have a good time with her. When he heard her remark, he swore his dick twitched inside her. “You like being spanked, don’t you?” He didn’t really need the answer because he already knew it, but it was nice to voice it nonetheless. Just because she was being so good, he slipped his right thumb onto her clit and began rubbing it while she rode him. He could feel his edge coming close so his movements became desperate and although he wanted to wait for her, he couldn’t bring himself to do so. Before he knew it, he was cumming and screaming her name. “SELENA!!! FUCK!!!”
Selena loved the praise from Sebastian, and she wanted more from him, “I will always be a good girl for you daddy.” She giggled, and continued to bounce on his dick. “I do like you spanking me daddy.” She loved the feeling of him inside her, he was so big, she couldn’t contain her moans. When he put his fingers on her clit, she started to bounce harder and faster, because he was pushing her to her end. She could feel he was close, and the second he came, She was cumming too, “SEBASTIAN! FUCK DADDY!” She came hard, that she collapsed on top of him.
With all of his energy now spent, Sebastian simply laid on the bed, but instead of letting Selena go like last time, he wrapped his arms around her, making sure that she couldn’t pull away if that was her plan. “I think you earned some rest after the work you just did.” He told her with a gentle laugh as his hands slowly sweep across her back. He couldn’t deny the fact that her naked skin brought a calmness in him. Although he knew that having any form of attachment to the Latina was the last thing that should be crossing his mind. Still, he couldn’t deny their connection and after tonight, there was no way in hell he could possibly get her out of his system.
Selena was prepared to roll off Sebastian, but he had other plans, and pulled her into him. She couldn’t lie, she liked that he did, so she didn’t try to pull away. “I’ll take the rest daddy, but know it was my pleasure.” She kissed his chest, and started drawing circles around his chest. She could feel herself growing more and more attached to him, and she didn’t know if that was a good idea, but she couldn’t help how she felt. Sebastian was gradually breaking down her walls.
“I’m glad to hear that, but for now, let’s go to sleep. I’m sure you’re exhausted. In the morning, I can make you breakfast.” Sebastian couldn’t be more thankful that Selena hadn’t fought him and ended up moving away from his touch. It was nice having here in his arms. He felt comforted by her presence and honestly, he didn’t want her leaving just yet. That’s why telling her that he would be making breakfast for her made sense. As his heart rate continued to get back to normal, he found himself drifting off to sleep. Before long, exhaustion took over and he fell asleep with Selena in his arms.
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