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Non torno a casa per pranzo, qui in ufficio i tecnici della fibra hanno ancora molto lavoro da fare
Sono carini
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e tu adesso mi mandi i messaggi, tu guarda: ora che ce l'ho fatta. "Ne ero certa", mi dici, bugiarda. È passata la nostra occasione, però grazie per l'ispirazione; che dalla nostra storia c'è uscita la strofa per questa canzone.
#Fabri#Fibra#Fabrizio Tarducci#Fabri Fibra#PARAFULMINI#Ernia#Bresh#frasi#frase#frasi rap#frase rap#rap#italiano#rap italiano#e tu adesso#la nostra occasione#nostra storia
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I just acquired all 3 parts of Scott Pilgrim [in Croatia, Fibra (a comic company) decided to make hard covers of all Scott Pilgrim comics and make 2 volumes one.]

Here they are! My pride and joy. I love all of them. I already read the comic online on english so I know the plot and dialoge and how it's supposed to go and this is okay. A few things get lost in translation since english and croatian are very different and also the culture is very different. Some words to me seem a bit cringe like 'faca', 'buraz' and 'koma', but that's mostly because either A they fell out of use by the time I got old enough to percive them or B they aren't really used in croatian to begin with. Like I irl have never heard anyone say those words and if I did it's rarely used.
I've read the 3rd volume and am currently reading the 1st one and the 3rd one so far seems the best translated [except the Gideon 'memory flash' pannel, in english is alright in croatian it's hilariously bad. First time I read it I cringed and now I just laugh]. In the first volume I mostly don't like the translation, okay it's not shit, but it clearly wasn't made with love, effort and will to live. Though Ramona in the english translation while talking to Scott while delievering him the cds and just hanging out with him seemed a bit rude and in croatian she seemed hella chill. Small brownie points to croatian dub.
Also, since Matthew Patel is dramatic most of his dialoge is beautifully translated. Not too much to complain except nothing rhyes in the part that (I think) was supposed to rhyme [I can forgive it since at least the meaning was kept as is] and like on one verb they should've added a prefix and it would've sounded way nicer. But that's about it.
(Sorry if some grammar makes no sense, my brain is melting and overthinking shit. I'm just typing stuff as I think it. Just my pure unfiltered thoughts about this topic since I'm way too passionate about Scott Pilgrim and croatian translatiors getting shit right and they mistakes)
#enby ramble#scott pilgrim#scott pilgram vs the world#scott pilgrim comic#I guess I'll mention some of the characters dialoges I talked about?#tagging is hard#forgive me#gideon graves#gideon gordon graves#ramona flowers#matthew patel#fibra#comics#comic books
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#fibra#fotografía#photography#original photographers#photographers on tumblr#spanish photographers#madrid#julian callejo
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Tex takes Fibra out on a nice beach trip to relax--not realizing he'd have some tutoring to do for the doctor on the basics of taking it easy. Well, Fibra will get there eventually.
Inspired by my GF basically saying this to me on a recent vacation lol
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Princesas ya no me estriño, gracias simifibra por todo 💗🫶🏻
#4anorexi4#princesa ana#tips ana#anaymia#diario de una gorda#ana y mía#anamotivation#ed rant#no quiero ser gorda#estoy gorda#fibra#princesa de cristal#princesa mia
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capisci le marche quando capisci che questo capolavoro è stato fatto a Senigallia
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Los 10 Tipos de pan Más Sanos Alternativos al Pan Blanco
Descubre los panes más saludables alternativos al pan blanco
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Neurotensina: La Hormona que Regula el Apetito y la Digestión
Descubre la neurotensina, una fascinante molécula que desempeña un papel crucial en nuestro cerebro y cuerpo! 🧠✨
La neurotensina se encuentra en varias regiones del cerebro, como el hipotálamo y el tracto gastrointestinal.
¿Qué hace exactamente la neurotensina? Bueno, tiene múltiples funciones. En el cerebro, ayuda a regular la neurotransmisión, influyendo en procesos como el estado de ánimo, la memoria y la respuesta al estrés. También está involucrada en la regulación del apetito y la saciedad.
Además, la neurotensina tiene efectos en el sistema gastrointestinal. Actúa como un potente estimulante para la liberación de ácido clorhídrico en el estómago, lo que facilita la digestión de los alimentos. También desempeña un papel en la regulación de la motilidad intestinal.
Dado su papel en múltiples funciones biológicas, la neurotensina ha despertado un gran interés en la investigación médica. Se están llevando a cabo estudios para comprender mejor su función y potencial terapéutico en trastornos neuropsiquiátricos, como la depresión y la esquizofrenia, así como en enfermedades gastrointestinales.💡🔬

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Tarassaco, il riparatore dei danni epatici
Lo avevano capito già nell’antichità: questo vegetale è una medicina per rinnovare il fegato e l’energia. Molti la considerano un’erba infestante di cui sbarazzarsi, eppure il tarassaco, della famiglia delle Asteracee, è una vera e propria benedizione primaverile. Tutta la pianta esprime al meglio il potenziale energetico della bella stagione. Già nel Medioevo i medici e gli erboristi avevano…
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Los MICROplásticos ya están dentro de ti
Están dañando tu cerebro, tus pulmones y tu sangre… incluso si llevas una vida “saludable”. Pero hay algo que puedes hacer hoy mismo para protegerte👇 Desde los años 60 se estudian los microplásticos, pero en los últimos 5 años han sido detectados en sangre, cerebro, semen y hasta en la placenta. Están en el aire que respiramos, la comida, el agua y hasta en la ropa que usamos. ¿Qué tan pequeños…
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El otro día, un amigo me dijo que no podía comer lechuga porque le producía muchos gases. En realidad, casi todas las verduras le hacían lo mismo, así que apenas las comía. Continue reading ¿ESTREÑIMIENTO Y GASES? ESTO TE INTERESA…
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e non sai quella notte quanto ti ho cercato, amore, poi le tue promesse le ho dimenticate.
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Consumo de fibras protege intestino contra infecção bacteriana grave, sugere estudo
Roedores alimentados com dieta rica em fibras solúveis lidaram melhor com microrganismo que causa diarreia e pode levar pacientes debilitados à morte. Pesquisadores observaram que o acetato – composto produzido pela microbiota intestinal a partir da digestão das fibras – ajuda a modular a resposta i
André Julião | Agência FAPESP – Estudo publicado na revista Cell Host & Microbe por pesquisadores brasileiros e norte-americanos sugere que uma dieta rica em fibras solúveis pode proteger o intestino contra bactérias patogênicas. A conclusão se baseia em experimentos com camundongos expostos à Clostridioides difficile, que causa inflamação do cólon, diarreia e afeta cerca de 500 mil pessoas por…
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