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pinewoodpipit · 3 days ago
any pointers for writing fade? neon is my current fixation & i wanna write abt her bc i wanna get back into writing. fadeshock is rlly cute but idk fade all too well 🤍
lobe ur works sm
Oh, this is a fabulous question, I'm going to have a fantastic time answering this, thank you!
First, I want to make clear though that this is just my opinion and my take on Fade's character. You're welcome to write her how you like and if you disagree with my headcanons, that's okay! You're welcome to form your own.
Now, for my answer.
I think when writing Fade it's important to keep in mind that her driving force is loyalty. Almost everything she does is in service to someone she cares about - usually him - and she will pursue this service even to her own detriment.
She blackmailed the Protocol even though they would probably have killed her if she failed, and when they offered to help her and gave her information on how to further her search, she joined them. She throws herself so hard into her work it makes her seriously unwell at times, such as when she got so distressed and sleep-deprived that Brimstone needed to send her on a wellness vacation to Vietnam to recover.
Through her voicelines and additional lore (such as the audio recording of Cypher interrogating her) we can glean that her manner of speaking is informal and "masc". She calls people "abi" in the same way one might say "dude" or "bro". She's friendly with her teammates, offering them coffee and encouragement (and we also know she has a network of friends in the Protocol, with Clove's D&D club for example). She's arrogant and clearly recognises her own skills, but on top of that, we also know that she's heavily depressive, angry, and fearful. She's terrified of losing him, but we know she's beginning to believe he might be dead from when they didn't find him in the Hourglass cells. "You live until you're forgotten, right?"
When I'm writing her I tend to write from the perspective of a woman who's deeply afraid, but not for herself. She sees very little value in her own life, at least when she isn't using her life to serve. She's self-sacrificing and too easily puts herself in harms way if she believes it will protect those she loves, and when she's struggling she isolates herself. From the Vietnam situation, we've seen it takes other people reaching out for her to get the help she needs when things are dire, and when she didn't find him in Hourglass, she was very clearly upset but didn't ask for help, instead kind of solidifying in her resolve to continue the search without giving up on him.
When things are good, I think she's a pretty loving person. A lot of people depict her as edgy all the time but I think that's doing her a disservice, personally. She's depressed and self-sacrificing and I think without help she could very easily fall into dangerous patterns (I imagine she uses smoking, drinking, hookups with strangers etc to cope with how bad she feels).
That said though, she's a good person. She's warm with her teammates and has a sense of humour with them. She can be optimistic in dire situations, too, although likely this is just to avoid accepting the reality of him possibly being dead. I think when she loves someone, she does it in a way that needs communication to work, because she could otherwise love them in a way that could be smothering or overly possessive, but when she doesn't need to be permanently afraid, she'd be a great person to be in love with.
I imagine that love as a concept is very hard for her, now. This is a hc, but I imagine that after the pain of losing him and how close it's come to killing her a number of times now, she'd be terrified of loving people again. I think she'd push people away long before ever accepting she wants them, and it would take a lot of time for her to believe she deserves to love another, especially if she's falling in love before saving him. Loving someone is distraction, it's attention spent off of the trail of hunting him, but it's also shockingly vulnerable. It's putting her heart on the chopping block and hoping her partner won't cut it.
ugh, I love her. Apologies for this really long answer - I really, really love both Fade and Neon and I have a LOT to say about them both, and how they work together. I really enjoyed answering this, thank you so much for the question and I hope this can help a little!
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bluestarjay · 1 day ago
Almost done with s2!! Will be done soon probs tomorrow but I love how Jon just has a way with women,,, like not romantically but he's just collecting these girls?? They all start out disliking him bc he's weird and creepy but before they know it they're bffs LMAO Like Basira, Daisy AND Melanie he's just got this little brigade of badass paranormal girlies??? Hello??? Like he's hardly got any friends, (the closest he has is Martin 👀) but like now hes just got all these girlfriends like ok, slay Jonny!!!!
Ok help its SO ooc IK but I cant help but imagine a normal au in which shits not freaky and hes lowkey just kinda doing girls night with them and they're just shit talking all these co workers??
(Im not particularly a fan of long haired Jon, at least not this far in bc i think it makes sense with how shitty his mental health is, yk, he's so paranoid hes hardly taking care of himself but rn hes still at the lvl where his hair is getting longer but its still quite short. Honestly I dont think I could ever truly picture him with that long long hair people like to give him, yk its growing out and its def disheveled, but it's pretty well kept all things considered. But I digress; one of the girls braiding his hair? OK. I can accept that.)
Au or not, it's just a group of girls that are definitely able to beat someone's ass and are so intelligent and beautiful and they're just the coolest women you'll ever meet and then there's just Jon. Standing behind them, hunched over, eyes twitching, like the freakiest little dude you've ever seen, and you'll ask the girls if they found this guy in a bush or something at the park, but they just say, "Oh, him? That's just Jon. Don't worry about him, that's normal." And no one EVER explains who or what Jon is or where they found him and you've just accepted that he's sort of like a purse dog.
Like, that's just Jon, the homeless guy that goes with them to brunch. Nononono he's not *following* them, he's actually part of their group!! And him and Basira kind of have Sheldon and Penny vibes from that one ep where Sheldon needs to get a gift for Amy and the guy at the jewelry shop assumes Penny is his gf. Like that scene but with Tim.
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scoobydoodean · 18 hours ago
while i dont think bobby probably wouldve told dean to hold off on whining until they dealt with the leviathans (and tbh i dont think frank devereux's advice is completely terrible its just very much advice for people suffering from suicidal ideation and not actually listening) but bobby's response to dean expressing vulnerability feels borderline absurd especially when we've seen very heavy emotional reactions towards dean's vulnerability in earlier seasons (like him crying when dean makes the deal for sam). when the levee breaks is similar but i feel like it's slightly different bc bobby knows that if dean gives up on sam it could be really bad for them both. but his response to dean in season 7 feels unbelievably cruel, especially when he saved dean and pulled him out of the hospital in 7.03 and acknowledged that dean had just lost the best friend dean ever had. it just feels kind of insanely over the top and out of character from bobby
On the one hand, I think Bobby recognizes that they're all in the war zone, and that none of them can afford to fall apart, and he's afraid Dean isn't going to make it if he doesn't "stow his shit". It isn't about whether Dean's feelings are valid or not but about whether Dean will live long enough to see a day beyond the battle they're facing where he has the space to process those feelings. Bobby feels Dean does not have the time or space to process his negative feelings about the world and hunting now or thinking about them too hard because he'll break down emotionally and be off his game, then he'll be killed by any one of the numerous entities after them.
If the generational persistence of phrases like "get your shit together/stow your shit/get over it/suck it up" dates back to the world wars (if not further than that) then our negative outlook on it today comes from our recognition that we do have space to process our emotions and nothing is going to jump out of the sky and kill us while we're doing it.
So while I do think Bobby's speech sucks, I also think it's easier for us to say Bobby's speech sucks while sitting on our couches at home. If instead we imagine ourselves as protagonists in Alien, then Bobby is perceiving Dean (largely because of the turducken-induced rambling about his depression) as a crew member who is frantically focusing on their situation being hopeless and there being no point in going on, which is how you get killed by a xenomorph. Ripley needs to bitch slap that crew member across the face or they're going to get eaten and maybe even get other crew members killed in the process. They're in a horror show and they have to act like it.
That said, you are absolutely right one of the things that makes it so irritating is that Bobby offered for Dean to open up to him in 7.02, and when Dean said he had everything he was feeling locked down just fine, Bobby's response seemed not just skeptical but almost judgmental about Dean not opening up, only for him to turn around and tell Dean lock his shit down in 7.09. From 7.02:
BOBBY: Yeah, I’m – I’m worried too, but humor me for a second. How are you? DEAN: Who cares? Don’t you think our mailbox is a little full right now? I’m fine. BOBBY: Right. And weren’t you pissed at him when he said the same thing just a couple hours before he spilled his marbles all over the floor? DEAN: Yeah, well. I’m not Sam, okay? I keep my marbles in a lead friggin' box. I’m fine. Really. BOBBY: Of course. Yeah. You just lost one of the best friends you ever had, your brother’s in the bell jar, and Purgatory’s most wanted are surfing the sewer lines, but yeah, yeah, I get it. You’re – you're fine. DEAN: Good. BOBBY: Course, if at any time you want to decide that’s utter horse crap, well I’ll be where I always am. Right here.
This is what's really infuriating for me tbh. It isn't that Dean's friends and family want him to open up or that they don't want him to open up. It's that they won't pick a lane and stick with it, so the way Dean handles his emotions can never be right or good enough for them and he's always deserving of criticism whether he's opening up or locking everything up in a box. When he's stowing his crap, he's being emotionally unhealthy and he should be honest with them and open up, but when he opens up, it's the wrong thing to do and he needs to realize that he doesn't have time for emotions and get over it, idiot. "Hey Dean, you're a person. Sometimes you aren't okay and that's fine and I'm here for you. Never forget this" then "Wow I guess you forgot that you're not a person??? Couldn't be me."
The other thing about Bobby though is that Bobby is not great with his own emotions, and he isn't very good at dealing with other people's emotions either, sometimes as a result of what he's going through himself. Throughout season 7, Dean and Bobby both rely heavily on alcohol as a coping tool, and Bobby loses Rufus and immediately locks up about it, and he's worried about Sam's mind, and he's worried about Dean's depression, and he's worried about the leviathan, and he feels a parental responsibility to Sam and Dean—he sees them as his sons. So there's a lot on his plate, and he isn't actually that great with emotions (and he had zero reliable role models for that growing up). So his approach to other people's emotions tends to be a mix of cool headed fatherly advice one minute (see: 5.10 for example) and worry-induced lecturing the next. This all makes him pretty relatable if you grew up with a dad for example who clearly loved and cared about you a lot but also freaked tf out when you cried because his brain was telling him a xenomorph would eat you while you were busy being weak. But as a dean fan one can't help harrumphing and also remembering that this is not a response isolated to Bobby—that Sam also does this to Dean over and over and over and over.
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getvalentined · 1 day ago
FOR THE ASK GAME! i know you've posted a ton of amazing analysis, but i would love more of your vincent thoughts. If you're tired of writing about him right now, i'd also like to hear your thoughts about Glenn, who i don't know if i've heard you talk about a lot. 🖤
💭 How I feel about this character
I will never get tired of talking about Vincent Valentine. He is my favorite character in the whole of fiction, my blorbo of blorbos, and I consider him the single most personally compelling character ever created. I'm not sure I can quantify how much I love this character.
One issue I do run into with regard to how much I adore the guy is assertions and assumptions that it's because he's hot so I wanna fuck him, which is 1000% not the case. I do appreciate his looks—his Rebirth design in particular makes me slightly feral—but it's not from a place of attraction, per se. I personally have no interest in boning Vincent Valentine! I do think he deserves to do some boning, though.
💞 All the people I ship romantically with this character
I ship Vincent with Veld, Cloud, and Genesis, and often Cloud and Genesis at the same time. Also Reeve. Sometimes Tseng, but that's complicated.
I was the first person on the English-speaking side of fandom to draw VinVeld fanart, way back when Before Crisis was still fairly new, and I have RP'd VinVeld with multiple partners since about 2009. Chapter 19 of BC happened, I got fed a loose translation on LiveJournal, and my brain chemistry was changed—another Turk, still alive, who knew Vincent? And they don't refer to each other with any honorifics at all? And he recognized Vincent immediately when even Lucrecia didn't? Those two were basically married, I'm sure of it.
That said, I actually shipped Strifentine before I shipped VinVeld, and I still ship it really hard. My current slice-of-life slow-burn WIP fic is Strifentine, and in Ye Olde Fandom Dayes it was intended to be a core component of my massive Sefikura Bodysharing AU that temporarily broke FFN's review system, although I never got that far.
I've shipped Vinesis since Crisis Core, because Vincent and Genesis are kindred spirits in a way that is similar to Vincent and Cloud while also being completely different, and I love that for them. Two men-turned-monsters-turned-Weapons, doomed to walk the planet until its death, paying for crimes that were never their fault in the first place. Lovely.
While I've never personally posted much if anything related to Valenstrifesodos, I think the dynamic between the three of them would be amazing. Also, as I described to a friend literally yesterday, it's like this: Genesis is Sephiroth's soulmate by fate, Cloud is his soulmate by force, and Vincent is Sephiroth's only living relative so he inherited both of them when the guy died.
Reeve and Tseng are much less commonly shipped with Vincent for me, mostly because I ship them with each other as endgame 100% of the time. In my head, Vincent was kinda with Reeve for a bit postcanon but it just didn't work, and he's honestly pretty attracted to Tseng but doesn't ever pursue it because Tseng kinda hates him. (Tseng does not hate him, it's complicated and entirely Veld's fault, if Tseng ever gets over it they'd have a really fun dynamic.) Sometimes—assuming he doesn't get back with Veld or enter into a relationship Cloud and/or Genesis—I feel like Vincent would occasionally be a third while Reeve and Tseng are together, but it'd be very rare.
🤝 My non-romantic OTP for this character
Also Genesis (in universes where Valenstrifesodos doesn't happen they're generally platonic for a very long time before anything happens between them), as well as Barret and Reeve, but I think my favorite option here is Shera.
They don't really have any canon interactions to speak of, but I spend a lot of time thinking about Cid talking to Vincent in Dirge, telling him that Shera is worried about him and will want to know if he's been eating enough—so they've had interactions, offscreen, between the OG and Dirge. Enough that Shera fusses over him and worries about his diet and sends messages along with Cid to make sure Vincent is doing all right. That's adorable. That's so sweet. I love that for both of them.
🚫 My unpopular opinion about this character
I feel like I have a lot of these, but it really depends on what one considers "unpopular." I guess the biggest is that he isn't in love with Lucrecia anymore? Even though that's...canon. Like that's canon. That is something explored in Dirge, the conclusion of their shared storyline is that Vincent was never actually in love with Lucrecia at all, because he never really knew her, and now that he does he actually appreciates her more, but is able to move forward and leave her behind. (Which is literally what she wants for him! She wants him to be happy without her! This was her goal and she succeeded! But god forbid women do anything!)
The next one is that he would not enter into a relationship with Cid because even if Cid is his type (which he is!) he's in a dedicated relationship with someone else, and Vincent has already done the song and dance of "fool around with a scientist under Shinra's banner* who has a highly intelligent scientist partner who isn't afraid to go to extremes for their work.**" It has nothing to do with interest or a lack of interest, it's because Vincent literally, canonically got killed and turned into a monster for poaching*** and he's never going to even entertain the idea of that ever again.
* Cid is an engineer in Shinra's Department of Space & Aeronautics
** Shera is also an engineer in the same department and was literally cool getting burned alive if it meant the Shinra No. 5 launch would go off safely
*** Lucrecia and Hojo were canonically married and were already in a relationship at the time that Vincent showed up in Nibelheim
The rest include such hot takes as Chaos' consciousness being gone at the end of Dirge (which is also canon), Vincent being Sephiroth's biological father (which is not canon but fuckit), and him being unabashedly pansexual (any character that expresses romantic or sexual interest at any time in any media is bi or pan until proven otherwise) but not having relationships with cis women or anyone who could ever theoretically conceive—he interacted with Nero, immediately knew what happened there, and is not so irresponsible as to risk making any more monster babies capable of flattening the planet when they have a tantrum. (This is actually super rough for him because it's a big part of his sexuality that he just has to cut off forever out of safety concerns and that's pretty fucked up but there's nothing he can do about it.)
🌟 One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
It's funny, because prior to Rebirth's release I said the one thing that would make up for Vincent not being playable would be if he turned into something and attacked the party, but obviously the devs wouldn't do that with a character everyone is supposed to trust—and then they did! I wanted to see them do something with the asymmetry established in Dirge, maybe give him a wonky eye or something like I draw him a lot of the time, but the devs would never do something like that—and then they did! I wanted him to be more fleshed out, like it would be nice to know if he ever had hobbies, but the devs would never waste time on that—and then they did! Rebirth Vincent was made especially for me.
All I really want now are more interactions between him and Cloud moving forward into FF7Re3, and I have a decent amount of faith that it'll happen.
[ for the character breakdown ask game ]
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discordiansamba · 3 days ago
godaiin POV is so funny here, bc like... he befriends the class delinquent only to find out that Rin isn't quite a delinquent. he helps him with his demon problem and even goes out of the way to obtain special eyedrops so that he can stop seeing demons that while he doesn't end up using them, he very much appreciates regardless. rin is apparently an exorcist in training, and so are all of his friends and his twin brother.
then, while working at his classes' food stall during the dance party, one of rin's friends- and the girl he's pretty sure he has a crush on- just casually brings what godaiin is pretty sure is a demon to the stall. he looks way more human than any of the other demons godaiin has seen thus far, but there's no mistaking those spiral eyes as anything human. shiemi smiles and introduces him as her date and says his name is rinka.
out of the corner of his eye, godaiin sees rinka and 'rin' make direct eye contact with one another. it kind of seems like they know each other? actually, they look a little similar, he can't help but think.
('rin': what are you doing here?
rinka: it was shiemi's idea! don't look at me like that with my own face!)
he finds out later through rin's friend group that rinka is apparently quite literally the son of satan. he's childhood friends with shiemi or something. godaiin has no idea what to make of this information, except a sense of being very impressed with shiemi. girls really are powerful...
(he pats rin on the shoulder like. i think you might have to give up. rin just gives him the most conflicted look he's ever seen in his life.)
then the apocalypse happens.
except the world doesn't end, somehow. and eventually, once the mess is cleaned up, they all have to go back to school like nothing happened. except rin doesn't return to school. he texts godaiin to say that he had to transfer suddenly, even though yukio's still at school. family issues or something. sorry he couldn't tell you in person!
and then class 1-D gets a transfer student.
his name is rinka egin. he is 100% the same demon godaiin met at the school festival. it's way too obvious that he makes everyone in class nervous, but godaiin himself is just kind of like. huh. that's an unexpected development, but he guesses this isn't the first time a demon has been a transfer student. he doesn't get the vibe that rinka is particularly dangerous? so he tries to be friendly to him and set the tone.
but rinka is avoiding him.
...the literal son of satan is avoiding him. godaiin has never been more perplexed by a development in his life, and that's saying something! he brings it up to rin's friends and they all just kind of nod like yeah. expected behavior. don't worry, he'll come around eventually. just uh... maybe be open-minded when he does?
godaiin: uh. sure????
anyways white phosphorus fun fact of the day: shiemi asks rinka to the dance party, which is obviously a problem since rinka isn't a student. but mephisto is just like 'that's funny actually' and just snaps his fingers and now rinka has his very own student ID card.
(he's listed as Rinka Egin, of course.)
mephisto: of course, I'm not giving it to you for free! I'll be asking for a favor later, dear younger brother.
(the favor is escorting Amaimon to class on his first day, which does not stop him from slipping away to go bother the exwires and Shiemi. they are truly just hit with the one two punch of seeing Amaimon in a school uniform, followed shortly thereafter by Rinka scruffing him and dragging him off. Rinka is also wearing a school uniform.
they have so many questions.)
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bisexualgenderfemme · 17 days ago
rly hate being let down & disappointed after getting my hopes up but honestly & truly what am I supposed to do when I approach someone openly & vulnerably & ask to communicate & they basically respond with "ukno what? im good actually."
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starry-bi-sky · 7 months ago
Thinking about the CFAU and marveling at how much Danny and Jason care for one another. Does anybody else figure out that Danny is going to kill the Joker, or is that knowledge Jason exclusive? I can't see Danny being close enough to any other Batfam member to disclose his plans, but I wonder if he drops hints. They're a family of paranoid detectives. I'd be surprised if they don't figure out Danny has a PURPOSE for being in Gotham at some point. Whether Danny's able to disguise it as wanting to be closer to Jason or not is another burning question.
Its def Red Hood exclusive! You're right in that Danny isn't close enough to disclose his revenge plot to any of the batfam members -- hell, not even Sam and Tucker know his true motives for returning to Gotham, and they're his best friends right after Jason! And Red Hood knows only because Danny accidentally slipped up ;].
I do also think that the Waynes kinda think something might be up with Danny -- at least Dick and/or Bruce might since they're the only ones who actually know him beyond brief mentions of him. Tim knows about him due to his stalking, but doesn't really know him -- and Danny plans to keep a healthy, friendly distance from the family so he can carry out his plans.
It's not that he holds any dislike towards them -- quite the opposite. He appreciates what they do for Gotham and recognizes the hard work that goes into keeping their Rogues Gallery at bay (even if he is bitter about Joker, but there's an obvious reason for that) -- but, well. He knows they're the vigilantes, he doesn't want to risk them sniffing out his murder plot before he can even go through with it.
Luckily for him he can excuse any distance he puts between them as just being busy with life and trying to settle in, and they're not close enough to him anymore to find it suspicious. I do think they figure out he's back in Gotham for a reason, Danny's not going to exactly hide the fact that he's back to find some kind of closure -- but what that closure is?
I think the only person who might suspect something sinister going on would be Bruce, who saw the sinking rage in Danny's eyes at the funeral -- it was part of the reason he didn't tell him who killed Jason (beyond secret identity reasons). But that depends on whether or not Danny reveals some of his hand, and the fact that he was still holding onto that rage (somewhat unwillingly) all this time.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#cfau#childhood friends au#cfau danny#dpxdc crossover#danny's kept this deep-seeded hatred close to his chest for years. he's so close to his goal he's more careful than ever. he's under the#watchful eyes of his home city and the even more watchful eyes of her knights. he can't make any mistakes here -- not after the last one#with red hood. every step he takes going forward must be a cautious one so he doesn't draw the light of the batsignal.#also! funnily enough danny doesn't blame bruce for jason's death. sure they had a fight but he's not the one who sold him out to the joker#he's not the one who beat him to death. who blew him up. he's bitter over the fact that bruce withheld the identity of his murderer from hi#but even he can recognize the need to protect one's secret identity so he doesn't hold it against him that much. he's bitter over the lack#of action against the joker but that's a personal vendetta and again he recognizes how hard it is to be a hero. he would never ask bruce to#kill the Joker. he recognizes the fact that a hero cannot play judge jury or executioner and he respects Bruce's adherence to his moral cod#he knows it must be hard and he agrees that batman shouldn't kill. ever. bc if the batman kills the joker what's stopping him from killing#the common criminal? its a level of self-restraint and self-awareness that all heroes must have. and he genuinely respects bruce for it#if someone wants the joker dead that bad they can go and do the deed themself -- that's what HE'S doing. danny recognizes that his revenge#is wholly selfish in nature. it is closure for him and jason and him and jason only. its not good its not righteous its murder and danny#has come to terms with it.
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
#spheal#i wish i could post circular images on tumblr. because this one is deserving of a fully circular PNG. i could technically just take a#regular square image and then make the edges transparent to make it *effectively* a circle‚ but like… would that appeal?#if that would appeal then i'll do it. i don't think it would be *too* prohibitively hard. i would be willing to make an addendum#with a circular transparent image of spheal staring at the screen if enough of you want it. either way#this guy rolls everywhere and i think tumblr is gonna like that. i feel like this is gonna end up being a well-liked pokémon amongst tumblr#as in. i feel like. it already is. because. of how it is. i just don't know bc spheal isn't like. one of my favorites#it's cute don't get me wrong but it's just not one i think about all the time. it's one that i'll like if prompted but not unprompted#i'm gonna stop before i dig myself into a hole. i beat totk finally. it was very good and i honestly had way way more fun with it than i did#with botw. i have my criticisms obviously. it's not perfect it's not pmd. but it was very good. and now i've moved onto the next game in my#backlog. which is very long but i'm steadily working through it. hopefully i can get it done before i graduate this december and stop having#any time for the rest of my life ever forever to play video games. dreading that day. but uh#until then i will game. and hang out with my friends. and go on tumblr. and do all these things i like to do. until i no longer can#wow this got depressing i'm gonna Stop here. enjoy spheal
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theygender · 3 months ago
Just discovered the term les4les. Are we really trying to make biphobia cool again
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fbfh · 1 month ago
do you still write for jj?
ooooh not only do I write for JJ but I kiss you on both cheeks for giving me an excuse to talk about one of my favorite obscure JJ thoughts. JJ x ballerina!reader (gn so technically ballet dancer reader, but you do dance pointe and in a more feminine style in pas de deux so do with that what you will)
They thought you were a kook for the first few summers since you clearly went to school off the island. It turns out you're not, you're just a scholarship kid to whatever fancy school you go to (something that Pope LOVES to pick your brain about since he's dying for a scholarship to his dream college)
at some point or another, there's a hurricane. you end up sticking it out with the other pogues. that's when they notice how... weirdly flexible you are. especially JJ. mostly JJ. it started off small, with you stretching a little while you guys are hanging out in the aftermath since the day after a hurricane is always a free day. JJ looked away from you for like two seconds and you just fuckin... dropped into a perfect split. he's surprised by this obviously, but he's more surprised when you seamlessly shift to a split on the other side, then a center split, bending and moving with impossibly flexibility. then a moment later, you're asking him "hey can you grab my leg?" as you stand up and stretch into a scorpion/needle pose. soon you're dragging him out of the room to "help you with something else." he FULLY thinks yall are about to hook up, but instead you put on this beautiful, artsy, erratic piano music, kick off your sandals or sneakers or whatever, and begin moving like a fucking vision.
you're rambling to him while you dance like it's nothing, but his jaw is on the fucking floor.
"This is the solo I learned last semester," you chuckle while spinning like a little figurine atop a music box, or something in a snow globe, or... wherever else he's seen ballerinas in passing before.
"If I'm rusty by the time I get back, Miss Raine will kill me." you chuckle playfully.
after a few moments, you finish, posed delicately on the ground. you look up at him, your cheeks flushed, your eyes glistening with mirth.
"holy fucking shit," he exclaims, making you blush. "goddamn, princess, that-"
he trails off with a disbelieving chuckle.
"That was fuckin' incredible," he says with a breathy laugh, then nudges you playfully, looking at you more closely like he must have missed something all those times he looked at you and never saw this magical ballet fairy hiding inside you. "you've been holdin' out on me." he teases.
"okay, okay, here's where I need your help." you begin, trying not to get too distracted. you reach out and grab his wrist, holding out his left arm palm up. "I'm gonna run at you like this-"
you demonstrate, taking a step forward. his attention is locked onto you even harder from the moment you grab his arm.
"And kinda... kick my leg around," you do just that, so you're twisted around and facing away from him. he lets out a little noise of surprise. you know it must seem convoluted and ridiculous, but you really need help practicing this lift.
"I need you to wrap your arm around me like this," you say, bending forward with one leg extended behind you, the other supporting you, so your stomach rests on his bicep and his hand holds the small of your back. "And then place your other hand right on my ribcage here."
"oh, my hand will be wherever you want it, cupcake." he says, making you roll your eyes at the (only half joking) innuendo.
"okay." you say, taking a step back. "you ready?"
the first few times you walk through it together are clumsy and slow, a mess of limbs and giggles, but eventually you get it. you call your friends in to show them the bluebird lift you've been working on, even having successfully taught JJ how to lower you and do a few basic steps with you to conclude. you both get through it unscathed, and your friends reactions are very similar to JJ (with only slightly less innuendo and teasing from John B and Pope), and as JJ giggles and demands you come at him so he can lift you again, you start to see a lot of potential in him.
maybe, just maybe, you can shape that potential a little more over the summer. your ballet academy always has scholarships for boys available since they're always in demand in the performing arts. you think there might just be a chance for JJ to do a lot more lifts with you.
#drabbles#outer banks#outer banks x reader#outer banks drabbles#JJ maybank#JJ maybank x reader#JJ maybank drabbles#ballet!JJ#THIS IS MY FAVORITE BRAIN ROT AU IVE NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO TALK ABOUT#ITS SO WEIRD AND SPECIFIC BUT AUUGUGHHHH BALLET!JJ JUST HITS DIFFERENT#ITS GIVING SKATER BOY BY AVRIL LEVIGNE BUT INSTEAD ITS YOU WERE A CLASSICALLY TRAINED BALLERINA/HE WAS A SURFER TURNED BALLET DANCER#CAN I MAKE IT ANYMORE OBVIOUSSSSS#also I have an ex friend who is HORRIBLE at singing (I normally never say that about people but she gave me nothing to speak kindly about)#and she was obsessed with that song#I didn't love skater boy by avril (also genuinely surprised I only got one letter wrong in her name before) by avril lavigne before#but after knowing this person I wanna puke a little whenever I think of it bc I can only hear it in a voice that I can only describe as#the scene from the family guy sherlock holmes episode where the dead bodys organs are replaced with bagpipes and sewn back up#and brian and stewie jump on the stomach and play that one song#toxic ex friend used to sound like she had bagpipes in her stomach and was being weakly and erratically punched by a fatigued amateur boxer#every fucking time she would sing#HORRIBLE breath control. nasally. horrible diction. could not stay on key or on tempo to save her life#so yeah anyway#doubt she'll ever see this much less read these tags but girl if you do??? no you didn't. do not fuckin interact w me girlfriend#and yes this is the same bitch I had to block on ALL social media platforms INCLUDING youtube pinterest gmail kakaotalk and several others#I tried to block her on spotify but unfortunately you cannot block people on spotify (last I checked)#anyway enjoy ballet!jj and this bizarre and vague borderline trauma dump lol#to quote that line from fiddler on the roof “may god bless and keep the czar far away from us”#relieved to say she is not my circus and ergo I am not responsible for any related monkeys
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months ago
my problem with pokemon team building is that i am very much a “play with your favorites” kind of person and thats fine for casual play except all of my favorites are from the three same exact types and they do very little to cover eachother and it makes me very sad. will be getting walled by the nearest fire type pokemon which is really just embarrassing
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yeonban · 2 months ago
I was thinking there aren't enough memes catered to third parties on this site (ex. two muses talking about a third) which imo make rp flow so much smoother sometimes bc it feels more realistic for interactions to not start & end at only the two people directly involved, but then I realized... blud, you have a meme sideblog. You can literally make your own dreams come true
#◜✧ . ❪ ooc. ❫#I remember back in the day (<-2016ish) we all used to yap about each other's dynamics in-chara; for example friends would tease one another#about their alleged crushes; strangers would ask one another if they've seen [x/y/z] whether it was a friend of theirs or sb they want dead#and I recalled this today bc I saw one of the. idk maybe 5 total?? memes of this sort again... I stood there as if struck by lightning#Obviously I think it's especially great to do this organically/unprompted but I feel like a lot of people are (understandably!) shy about#bringing up one muse of theirs in an interaction where that muse isn't the main focus. I get it!! But imo it feels sm more lifelike#to experience those tiny details 🥹 I know at some point it was considered cringe (??) to use one muse to ask a mutual abt their other muse#(ex. me using Tobias to ask sb's muse about Elijah; me using Ango to ask sb's muse about Nikolai etc; you get the gist!)#but frankly........... WHO gaf about what's cringe & what isn't in this day and age 😭 I think we should all bring back being cringe & free#especially since these can be great drivers for BOTH the side dynamics (the people talking could become better friends) AND the people#from the main/primary dynamic whom they're talking about (a third party could help drive this dynamic further/make them realize things etc)#Once I get my break (real soon!!!!!!) I might work on making more of these memes bc starting w smth prompted may make it easier#for people to jump onboard & then later down the line we can eventually start doing stuff like this out of the blue too 🫡#And speaking of creating memes... I don't usually tend to; but if any of you guys ever have suggestions for memes you'd like to see#but can't find anywhere/can't find enough of? Lmk and I'll write them up for you so you can rb them & live the life of your rp dreams 🫡
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trainerethan · 6 months ago
I should be working leaf into my little universe somehow but I just. Don't know. I don't read the manga and don't plan to so I can't even use that version of her for characterisation or backstory or anything. I only like gameverse. In pokemas she's really cute and sweet but I'm not particularly attached to her so I haven't had any ideas for her yet. My singular idea so far was her and red as twins but their parents split and leaf went to live with dad while red stayed with mom.
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articskele · 6 months ago
Thinking about....... Sun Onceler.........
#sometimes the sun is a twink and he loves you and he refuses to leave your brain apparently#he's just so fun! what if instead of knitting thneeds he spins water into clouds! and they can be anything bc they can be any shape!#i realize in hindsight i have a tendency to make characters that embody some aspect of nature and may or may not be a deity lol#so maybe the others could make an appearance! sunler playing a lyre or smth singing about them#the stars and how she knows the fate in the cards#the siblings summer wind and rain#the beast and her orchard#but of course ending with how he's totally cooler and more important than everyone else#and it turns out apollo is not only the god of the sun but also of art and music so it really fits him methinks!#i doubt i could ever pull off running an askblog. however#i like the idea of him causing mischief. oh someone wants this thing to happen? let's make it a game!#keep your friends close from epic comes to mind#i don't have much in the way of story but. there are these two scenes in my head that are SO good#i wanna talk about em so badddd but i don't wanna spoil in case i do something with em#but i will say that one of them is a really really fun reference >:D#and the line “RED IS THE NEW GOLD”#but anyways i think an important part of him is that he loves people. he loves these silly little humans running around more than anything.#because all of this ultimately stems from the idea of the sun missing you when you've been inside for a long time#wanting things to get better for you and being there to celebrate the little victories yknow?#my nonsense
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moe-broey · 5 months ago
While the World's Slowest Slowburn makes the most logical sense, between Kiran and Alfonse. In my heart. Moe manages to find a way to get in an overly handsy way too intimate WAY too soon I just got my ass ghosted or perhaps dumped situationship with Alfonse. In a demisexuality and trust issues honoring way. ALL under Moe's assumption, that "Well he's Not gonna get attached to me so It's Fine."
#moe tag#moe lore#BUT. A BIG DISCLAIMER PERHAPS. is i can NEVER make up my mind on any 'official' sequence of events.#still i cannot resist. thinking what would be the funniest most unique form of torture to apply here#like moe sucking alfonse off before they even kiss. alfonse along the way getting to know moe#is making some fairly reasonable assumptions all things considered. given the information he has#and in a nonjudgmental way ofc ofc#only. as he slowly but surely unlocks more information from moe. the reality dawns on him.#the one relationship moe has ever been in was long distance. he doesn't quite grasp all of moe's explanation.#but they seemed to be something akin to pen pals. they never had a chance to meet.#moe's character is funky bc it IS very blunt and upfront and honest to a fault. HOWEVER.#DESPITE. ALSO being So Bad at hiding things. despite all of that. it still manages do this sort of thing.#like. so much. not telling him that it was moe who ghosted its old friend. him not even finding out#moe has a brother. it just straight up did not mention that until alfonse trying to comfort moe is like#'you must miss your sisters terribly... 😔' and moe is like. in the most autistic way possible. well yes.#but this isn't about them actually.#this is WELL into being friends w moe at this point. again no solid timelines but moe keeps Pulling This Shit#and then there's. gesturing broadly to all of mani#like i am ALWAYS caught between what would be the most piningful payoff or what would be just the Worst way to do it.#and EXTREMELY often. the funniest option wins. also alfonse is going to kill moe w hammers.#maybe the secret here though is. there's still a slowburn occurring here.
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skunkes · 2 years ago
what they dont tell you about being incredibly introspective is that you'll think you're done making realizations and then you'll just make more realizations always all the time forever
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