#etm au
kingscourthouse · 4 months
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This an au that's loosely based on Epic The Musical. It was an idea I had a few months ago and so much is plotted out that I'm tempted to make a few comics.
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ETM Reference Sheet
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Other notes: Is completely sterile. Krogan has had any and all reproductive organs completely removed and voided. (Is Castrated, for example. Had womb and any feminine parts scooped out besides what is left of his vaginal canal. Any testosterone or estrogen that he needs to simply live and exist are created via the system that allows him to eat via sunlight.
Most of his organs have been replaced with artificial ones for the sake of compatibility. He cannot eat anything harder in consistency than Ice Cream and if he does, he will vomit. His body still rejects anything that has grains or vegetables in it, with the only thing it will take being mashed up puréed fruits or meat. Preferably fish due to its soft texture.
To avoid being over fed the solar panels will close down on his back and simply stay like that until he needs to eat again. Of which, sedative is released into his body and he sleeps until he is done (sometimes after if the anesthesia doesn’t completely clear out of his system. This behavior is ONLY activated when the chip in his brain doesn’t feel any kind of strain being exerted on the body.
When he climbed his way out of the facility all he had on his back was a slightly torn hospital gown. Krogan relaxes into the ease of running over a few days and spends about a week curled up in the remnants of an abandoned shed on the outskirts of the mega city before he eventually moves on and out into the wasteland beyond.
There are some cities in between his journey where he stops and rests for longer periods of time, but never enough to be routinely spotted by residents of said towns, usually holing up in old unused warehouses and anywhere he can to get away from the elements. After about a month, he makes it to a forest, and then decides to weasel his way in there. There is no shelter in the undergrowth except for the occasional hole in the ground. But he decides to stay in a cave long term until he can find another abandoned building to take refuge in.
Krogan has only killed one person. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. His death was personal.
(Slides a @duoatomica in here)
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duoatomica · 5 months
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New toy (hiccups head)
@reallyprofoundkryptonite he loves new toy
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haley-harrison · 13 days
Epic modern AU incorrect quotes part 1/?:
Elpenor: Why are you eating tofu?
Perimedes: I'm trying to convince the Captain that I'm vegan.
Elpenor: Why?
Perimedes: 😏 Because I keep stealing his chicken wings and this way he'll never suspect me. 😎
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yoinkschief · 1 year
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theodysseyofhomer · 1 year
i love odysseus deeply but some people really think he should be entrusted with adopted (read: kidnapped) trojans
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bambiilooza · 1 month
Return to Samos AU
odysseus is not the captain, eurylochus is. because epic the musical got me fixated on this guy. the au is very etm specific and for fun!! so no judgy comments or asks please. i got some of those that i had to delete. just be nice thanks.
my first post on this concept
the character's personalities have not changed just (most) of their roles. I hope this post makes sense, i am not good at typing my thoughts down
@imheretocausechaos25 add on with ur take on the plot! i think the way i see it might be different to urs but that's what makes it fun :D
eury <--> ody
ctimene -> penelope
perimedes <--> polites
ares <--> athena
poseidon <--> zeus
pegasus -> polyphemous
aeolus <--> hermes
scylla <--> circe
war saga
so it's not the trojan war. epic doesn't reference the iliad much and with ares as eurylochus' mentor, it just does not make sense. but everything that happens, still happens.
there is no trojan horse. they do a traditional ambush to suit ares' style of fighting more. the vision is given to ody by poseidon and the place they're attacking is by the sea. he kills the baby by thowing him into the water (baby drowns)
full speed ahead is the same but, the lotus eaters is very different. perimedes is not going to be singing about the hope left in the world. bro is living in denial and in his cut song, he uses the lotus to numb his pain and depression. the lotus eater island, instead of being a quick break with sunshine guy, is a harsh reminder of what war does to someone. and eury ultimately makes the promise to perimedes smth like 'i know it's hard but we WILL get home and things WILL get better'
and uuh that doesn't...happen
ares shows up to tell eury to stop sugarcoating reality or smth. ya know like embrace war and the life they live instead of telling people things will be fine cuz he wants to keep the peace. face the reality!! or smth. i think the flashback would show a rational, younger eury and ares bonding.
pegasus saga
pretty much what happens in cyclops but it's with pegasus. perimedes dies :(( he doesn't get home ands things did not get better. rip.
(so does elpenor. he had some of the lotus wine before battle or smth dumb dumb. they're gay in the underworld now yippie!!)
now, ares is very much hoping they just kill pegasus because while he knows that will still piss zeus off, leaving him with no wings in a dishevelled state is worse. but eury says no and doxxes himself. and ares leaves to get that milk.
thunder saga
ok so, zeus is pissed and is sending lightning storms and stuff. they end up on an island that has some clear hermes imagery all over and as they are travellers, ody has the plan to ask him for help after calling eury out on his doxxing of self. both eury and ody go to ask hermes for help and hermes gives them a bag of moly. (funny idea that it's crushed up and they snort it but u don't have to accept that hc)
all you gotta do is not open this bag
um so most of the moly when eury wakes up is gone. um weird, i wonder why that is. and they send up stuck in another lightning storm with just a little bit of moly. zeus shows up and kills people and eurylochus uses the last of the moly to make a big pegasus to blow zeus away or smth.
nice one bro i'm sure that wont piss him off further.
scylla saga
they get aeolus' help to go to scylla's island. idk how or why but yea it happens.
then, scylla's island!! she turns men into mutts cuz i hear in the myths, she has dog heads? thought this was a fun nod to that.
now odysseus is not talking much to eury - no idea why - but polites is like 'captain, i have something that i must confess. something that i must get off my chest-' but ody is like 'yo let's go explore the island!!' they do that and they get turned into dogs.
polites is the only one who manages to escape and he, gives eurylochus the moly he had (in the case it wasn't obvious ody and polites took the moly) and is very guilty. well, you can't be mad at polites for long and the stealing of moly was only a minor inconvenience anyway.
polites doesn't tell eurylochus that it was ody's idea to steel the moly. eury has no idea ody has moly on him.
scylla vs eurylochus blah blah i miss my wife whatever. underworld time!!
underworld saga
tirisias is female presenting. that's really the only change i think.
ocean saga
so the sirens are cut. (that's the funniest thing mr jalepeno's done. i love his little jokes sm) and they end up in a cave (ooh scary cave)
this is the circe's cave. 'odysseus light up six torches' 😬
then, mutiny!! but, while i had the idea that poli and peri have a direct swap and poli stabs eurylochus. i prefer the idea he's killed by circe and that's what triggers odysseus to mutiny. i like that. that's fun. unionise!! and in the battle, ody uses the moly to make chimera - like circe is - and knock eurylochus out.
ody kills selene's horses and she tells poseidon and he shows and ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves but also someone's gotta die today and you have got the final say. the 'i have to see her' would be very painful cuz he is talking about odysseus' sister.
i'll update as the rest is released. hope this made sense. tagging ppl who's takes have helped and have expressed interest: @naori-is-nidaime-hokage @luminescence110 @awnrii
thanks for reading this :D hope u like!, i! send ask about itf ur interested, i'll try and answer
i wanna draw for this au but i do not have the motivation and get distracted lmao
this is the best thing i've made for it i think. it might be the best thing i'll ever make 😔
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Confess your Alternative Universes to me 😋
I don't really have anything against AU's, so confess them to me! You're safe here :)
No negativity! This is meant to be a positive and happy zone! So don't drag me into the drama!
Any and all AU's, headcanon's, and fandom's allowed!
This is only an ask blog, not an RP blog!
NSWF free!
No offensive things please, that goes with the 'no negativity' rule!
No. Bringing. Me. Into the biased-tsams-confessions drama.
Some things about me:
Favorite Song: 'Open Arms' from Epic the Musical!
Favorite Color: Amber!
Favorite Book Series: Trials of Apollo by Rick Riordan!
Favorite TV Show(s): Sun and Moon show, Lunar and Earth show, Eclipse and Puppet show!
Favorite Fandoms: FNaF, ETM (Epic the Musical), PJO, HoO, ToA, MCGA!
Something about me: I like music!
A goal I one day wish to achieve: 100 followers!
A talent I have: Singing!
Something I don't like: Arguments!
Something I hope doesn't happen: More SaMs/LaEs characters die :( I don't want them to
Bye bye 😊 I'll update it whenever I can!
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fatherfigurefusion · 1 year
about the sekai swap au can you tell a little more about enter into the machine :3 and/or street sekai n25 :)
Nice to meet you, random Anon!
Enter the Machine, as you can tell from the chart, is a group consisting of Emu, Rui, Mafuyu, and Kanade. Their outfits and music have an overall steampunk/gaslamp aesthetic, with music matching the aesthetic. Their SEKAI is the Town SEKAI, with a full-on Victorian aesthetic for both the landscape and the Vocaloids inhabiting them. ETM!Kanade has the same objective as N25!Kanade (saving Mafuyu), and bonded with ETM!Emu over this very desire. However, as opposed to music, ETM!Kanade specializes in machinery, allowing her to easily bond with ETMRui. In addition to that, ETM!Kanade reminds ETM!Rui of SS!Nene.
Street!Niigo, much like with the original VBS, is divided into two units: KanaMafu and MizuEna, with their respective relationships paralleling their canon relationships. Street!Kanade's dad functions a lot like a mix between Ken and Nagi, being a former legend that Kanade (and the rest of the group) wishes to surpass. On an extra note, Street!Mizuki is the best dancer of the group (on account of being the only person in the group with prior experience in dancing), while Street!Kanade is very easily the worse (but Street!Mizuki is trying their best to teach her). Street!Mafuyu also ran away from home near the start of the story, which is where he met Kanade.
I hope you appreciate these little infodumps!
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schorschidk · 10 months
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Erlanger Genuss-Festival 2024: Nach Herzenslust schlemmen
Gaumenfreuden der Extraklasse locken vom 07. – 09.03.2024
Bereits zum siebten Mal organisiert der Erlanger Tourismus und Marketing Verein (ETM) gemeinsam mit Spitzenköchen aus Erlangen das Genuss-Festival in der Hugenottenstadt. Vom 7. bis 9. März 2024 locken kreativ gestaltete Menüs bei den Dinnerabenden, eine Genuss-Safari durch die Erlanger Innenstadt sowie der krönende Abschluss, „Cooking with friends“. Das Event wird dieses Jahr von der Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Erlangen Höchstadt Herzogenaurach gefördert. Der Ticketverkauf zum kulinarischen Höhepunkt der Hugenottenstadt startet am 20. November 2023.
„Auch dieses Mal wollen wir den Besuchern des Genuss-Festivals ein qualitativ hochwertiges Erlebnis bieten. Von daher freuen wir uns ganz besonders, dass wir die Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Erlangen Höchstadt Herzogenaurach als Förderer unseres Events gewinnen konnten“, erzählt Christian Frank, Geschäftsführer des ETM. „Durch diese Unterstützung ist es uns gelungen – neben den bewährten Erlanger Spitzenköchen – Top-Gastronomen aus dem Landkreis mit in die Veranstaltung zu integrieren. So verbinden wir Stadt und Landkreis in einem Event“, so Frank.
So sieht es auch Johannes von Hebel, Vorsitzender des Vorstandes der in Erlangen ansässigen Stadt- und Kreissparkasse: "Das Erlanger Genuss-Festival ist eine herausragende Gelegenheit, die Vielfalt und Qualität der hiesigen Gastronomie zu zelebrieren. Als Förderer dieses kulturellen Schatzes verfolgen wir mit Stolz das Ziel, Stadt und Landkreis durch die kulinarische Verbindung dieser Spitzenveranstaltung auf diesem Wege zu bereichern und zu vereinen. Wir wünschen allen Gästen wunderbare Stunden im Rahmen des Festivals".
Sechs Erlanger Restaurants haben an drei Dinnerabenden besondere Kreationen für ihre Gäste vorbereitet. Die individuell gestalteten Mehrgang-Menüs richten sich an Genussmenschen und locken mit kreativen Gängen: Saibling-Filet im Schwarzen Adler, Seeteufel unter Chorizokruste im Gasthaus Polster, ein Duett von der Ente mit Süßkartoffeln und Ahornsirup im Alten Brunnen, ein Kalbsrücken mit Lauch und Shiitake im Muskat oder Pulpo a la brasa in Santiago’s Kitchen sind nur eine kleine Auswahl des gesamten Angebots. Das Restaurant Herzstück gestaltet ein Überraschungsmenü mit Auswahlmöglichkeiten für seine Gäste.
Der große Abschlussabend findet dieses Jahr am Samstag, 09. März 2024, im Gasthof Alter Brunnen in Marloffstein, statt, erstmalig mit einem Hobbygastkoch. In Zusammenarbeit mit Fritz Striegel jr. konnte der Bundestagsabgeordnete Stefan Müller gewonnen werden, der als Hobbykoch für einen der sieben Gänge verantwortlich ist. Zusammen mit den Erlanger Köchen Dominic Polster, Zacharias Dengler und Fritz Striegel jr. entstand so ein abwechslungsreiches Menü. Unterstützt werden sie zusätzlich noch von zwei weiteren Gastköchen: Santiago Estrada Lozana von Santiago’s Kitchen setzt Akzente aus der südamerikanischen Küche. Marco Hollbauer vom Hotel HerzogsPark verführt durch seine regionale Küche. Begleitet wird der Abend durch verschiedene lokale Winzer, die zu jedem Gericht den passenden Tropfen servieren.
Das dritte kulinarische Format des Festivals ist die Genuss-Safari. Die Teilnehmenden bekommen eine Stempelkarte und entdecken auf ihrem Rundgang elf ganz unterschiedliche Geschäfte in der Erlanger Innenstadt, die mit kleinen Köstlichkeiten verwöhnen. Das Angebot reicht von Schokolade, über Kaffee bis hin zu einer Weinverkostung. Dieses Jahr haben sich das Contigo, Vier Jahreszeiten, der Katzentempel, Betten Bühler, Café Südliche, Australiss, Erlanger Teehaus, Köstlich & Co, Kernwein’z, Wohlsein Weine und Decantus wieder kleine Überraschungen ausgedacht.
Informationen und Ticketverkauf Die Tickets zur Genuss-Safari, den Dinnerabenden und „Cooking with friends“ gibt es ab 20. November 2023 bis einschl. 23. Februar 2024 in der Tourist-Information Erlangen (Goethestraße 21a, 91054 Erlangen).
Mehr Infos unter www.erlangen.info/...
Copyright Text: Erlanger Tourismus und Marketing Verein e.V.
Copyright Foto: ANNE ZARNCKE
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cyrilbelange · 11 months
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MostBet Giriş Azərbaycanda MostBet qeydiyyatı etmək formu | Cyril Belange
MostBet Giriş Azərbaycanda MostBet qeydiyyatı etmək formu
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INTERPRETATION MULTILINGUE : Mon expérience d'interprète de conférence à Genève au milieu des Nations Unies, mon travail en free-lance et ma contribution à FIFA 2019 Women's Planet Mug m'ont amenée à gérer des missions d'interprétation simultanée multilingue, de la création du simple, au choix des interprètes et des produits, en passant par la fourniture du soutien vivant. Grâce à mon expérience pratique, j'ai découvert un certain nombre de contextes et de scénarios d'interprétation simultanée multilingue. Une nouvelle technologie a récemment fait son apparition sur ce marché. Je suis typiquement la seule personne de la région Provence Alpes-Côte d'Azur capable de vous conseiller sur le bon choix de l'interprétation simultanée. Le remède standard, avec des interprètes à jour et utilisant le bon équipement mp3, est considéré comme le plus cher mais le plus fiable. L'interprétation simultanée ou l'interprétation en direct via les smartphones des participants permet de réaliser des économies considérables, mais elle n'est adaptée qu'à des types d'activités très spécifiques. Vous pouvez me demander à ce sujet. Cette innovation technologique de l'interprétation simultanée est impressionnante et innovante, mais elle ne remplace pas les interprètes de conférence. Le but de ces solutions est simplement d'améliorer l'aide fournie. La composante humaine reste la clé de la fonction. C'est pourquoi je prends toujours autant de plaisir à me rendre au gymnase les plans pour les tâches, de votre côté, en m'efforçant d'apprendre vos spécifications et exigences et celles des gens. Occasionnellement, je vous proposerai des options qui ne nécessitent pas d'équipement, en utilisant soit l'interprétation séquentielle, soit l'interprétation chuchotée pour présenter le ton de la voix à la tâche. Dans certains cas, je peux également conseiller des interprètes de sexe féminin ou masculin, avec des registres de chant particuliers et une expérience pratique adaptée à votre projet. Encore une fois, il s'agit exactement de trouver votre discours. #interprete #conference #traduction #traductionsimultanee #traductionlive #multilingue #interpretation #evenement #Paris #Nice #France
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kingscourthouse · 3 months
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Hope you're ready for a blood moon
This is my HADES au Pearl and EPIC au Gem.
Honestly put a bit more thought into her design bc I love Artemis. Also if you can't tell, she doesn't have a wolf head. She can take the form of one. She would never kill one of her wolves.
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@duoatomica hehe sketch of his open mouth
His ears are actually quite floppy, fun fact
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year
„Firmenauto des Jahres“
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Bester Importeur: CUPRA sammelt fünf Awards - Erfolgreichstes Modell: CUPRA Born mit vier Titeln - CUPRA Formentor wiederholt Vorjahreserfolg - Ehrung fand im Rahmen der IAA MOBILITY in München statt - Insgesamt standen 213 Modelle in 18 Kategorien zur Wahl Riesiger Erfolg für die Marke CUPRA: Bei der Wahl zum „Firmenauto des Jahres“ 2023 wurde die spanische Challenger-Brand gleich fünffach ausgezeichnet und ist damit die erfolgreichste Importmarke im Rahmen des diesjährigen Wettbewerbs. Bei der Preisverleihung im Rahmen der IAA MOBILITY in München glänzte vor allem der CUPRA Born. Vier Titel für den CUPRA Born, ein Award für den CUPRA Formentor Das erste vollelektrische Modell der Marke gewann in den Kategorien „Kompaktklasse“ und „Elektroauto-Kompaktklasse“ jeweils die Import- sowie die Gesamtwertung und räumte damit vier Preise ab. Zudem setzte sich der CUPRA Formentor, das bisher erfolgreichste Modell der Challenger-Brand, wie schon im Vorjahr in der Importwertung der Kategorie „SUV und Crossover“ gegen zahlreiche hochkarätige Wettbewerber durch. Der CUPRA Born erhielt vier Titel bei der Wahl zum „Firmenauto des Jahres“ 2023 „Wir sind sehr stolz, bei dieser wichtigen Expertenwahl wieder einmal so erfolgreich zu sein, aber einen Fünffachsieg hätte ich wahrlich nicht erwartet. Ich freue mich enorm über dieses Gesamtergebnis. Es spiegelt die Beliebtheit beider Modelle auch als flottenrelevante Fahrzeuge wider und bestätigt die Verkaufserfolge der vergangenen Monate“, erklärt Christian M. Voß, Leiter Flotten bei der SEAT Deutschland GmbH. „Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an die Jury und natürlich auch an all die Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die im täglichen Austausch mit den Flottenverantwortlichen dafür sorgen, dass die Präsenz der CUPRA Modelle auch in den Firmenfuhrparks immer weiter ausgebaut wird.“
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Der CUPRA Formentor siegte in der Importwertung der Kategorie „SUV und Crossover“   Insgesamt standen 213 Modelle in 18 Kategorien zur Wahl Die Fachzeitschrift „firmenauto“ aus dem ETM-Verlag (EuroTransMedia) vergab die prestigeträchtigen Awards bereits zum 25. Mal. Insgesamt standen 213 Modelle in 18 Kategorien zur Wahl. Es entschied die „Firmenauto des Jahres“-Expertenjury. Sie bestand in diesem Jahr aus 180 Flottenexpert*innen, darunter Fuhrparkmanager*innen, Einkäufer*innen, Berater*innen und Fuhrparkprofis markenunabhängiger Dienstleister. Insgesamt vertraten die diesjährigen Jurymitglieder rund 150.000 Pkw sowie 45.000 Transporter. Read the full article
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drturkaa · 1 year
🇬🇧 Achieving a rejuvenated look with Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty! 🇨🇭 From Switzerland to revitalized eyes!
🇩🇪 Erreichen eines verjüngten Aussehens mit Ober- und Unterlid-Blepharoplastik! 🇨🇭 Aus der Schweiz zu revitalisierten Augen!
🇫🇷 Obtenir un regard rajeuni grâce à la blépharoplastie supérieure et inférieure! 🇨🇭 De la Suisse à des yeux revitalisés!
🇮🇹 Ottenendo un aspetto ringiovanito con Blefaroplastica superiore e inferiore! 🇨🇭 Dalla Svizzera a occhi rivitalizzati!
🇪🇸 ¡Logrando una mirada rejuvenecida con Blefaroplastia superior e inferior! 🇨🇭 ¡De Suiza a ojos revitalizados!
🇹🇷 Üst ve Alt Blefaroplasti ile gençleştirilmiş bir görünüm elde etme! 🇨🇭 İsviçre'den canlandırılmış gözlere!
🇷🇺 Достижение омоложенного взгляда с верхней и нижней блефаропластикой! 🇨🇭 Из Швейцарии к оживленным глазам!
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tyrantzeye · 1 year
YOOO WSG!!! im astor i go by like a shit ton of names 5heyre all in my sidecarrd :) pronouns in order of preference: he/8/bloo(blood)/she/they/cae(cake)/evi(evil)/🕷/it/adonis/(insert all basic neos here like ey/em, ze/zem, etm.)/basically evry other pronoun u can think of - fair warning this blog IS NOT ORGANIZED!!! its just!! A BLOG!!! FOR THINGS!!! i am just emptying my brains out here before i explode - GO READ MY CARRD
astrids silly lil thoughts - funny lil ramblings n just stuff not related 2 anythng astrid goes on a disgusting tangent - either rly lojg analysis posts or gross random thoughts of mine artstor - my art !! feel free 2 request i cant promise itll get done quickly or at all but like yeah astrids AUs - a ton of au stuff interrogation room answers - asks astrids ocs - oc stuff never kins - ME. heart emoji - little characters in my phone i love camille oc infodump hour - at 4p mst once a week i spew shit from my mouth about my ocs (mostly itsuki)(thisis rly inconsistent byw i havent done one in like 2+ minths) sasha and binx special appearance - cat pics :) never edits - video edits i post here sometimes i also have tags for some of my moots starting now (2/26/23)
zZz, inc.: Game Studio
blxckmxmbo - icons, borders, aesthetics and more!
^ neither of these blogs r consistent tbh i couldnt rven get the zzz inc 1 to like work cuz most or th3 wtudio dosnt have/consistently use tumblr💀
iwontrelyonanyoneanymore - essentially a spam account
okay thats basically all there is 2 say ab me if u wanna know anything more ask me urself. hmu
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