#httyd krogan
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the-writing-trash-panda · 2 years ago
Viggo and Ryker being one of the very few accurate depictions of siblings I’ve ever seen.
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Also your going to look at this and tell me there wasn’t something else going on between these two
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fictionalnormalcy · 2 months ago
I'm thinking about it again! Fic research, rewatching S4 of RttE. Got to Midnight Scrum. And Krogan's a bad dude, he's framed as a bad dude. But I still have sympathy for him.
He doesn't make sense being in that episode. I look at it like this. Yes, he was in there so we can see what he's capable of for when he makes more of an appearance in the 5th season. S3 was the sprinkling of signs of the RttE greenlight getting more seasons after S4.
His first appearance however, was Last Auction Standing. He was the "important guest" who would bestow a significant profit for the Grimborns. Further strengthening their reputation as dragon traders.
They were relying on his wealth, Drago's money. And Krogan, had gone under those orders to procure dragons for his army. They were establishing that by this point.
In coming back to Midnight Scrum, I think of the moment Krogan forces Hiccup in front of Ryker.
"Your eyes look familiar masked man. Do I know you?"
Now this begs the question: Why doesn't he want them knowing he's the same man from the auction? This same important guest?
Best answer my mind conjures, the bounty wasn't an order from his superior. The reward would have only been for his benefit.
I return to this post I made years back.
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garussy · 2 months ago
Incorrect quotes for my HTTYD but Hiccup runs away with Toothless during the monstrous nightmare fight AU/feral hiccup A
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duoatomica · 10 months ago
Was rummaging through my school things and found these assholes
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Also that text behind is actually a Kroggo lycanwing reading I made for school AND THE TEACHER ACCEPTED IT
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If anyone manage to read this I'll be surprised
Hey you three @reallyprofoundkryptonite @cujokroggo @ziggityzigg look at them sillies
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reallyprofoundkryptonite · 11 months ago
Character handwriting headcanons!
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@duoatomica @ziggityzigg @amyrafiercebladeartz >:)
anyways yes hello. To further elaborate on some of these:
Viggo’s middle name is Maurice. (Idk why I’ve had it for like forever but it sounds nice)
The entirety of Krogan’s latter half of his name is entirely my headcanon lmao. If he was actually within his culture everyone in the show would be referring to him as Aéros instead of Krogan. Krogan (Krogæn’Tan) is ONLY allowed to be used by Krogan’s immediate family. (Signifigant other, parents, siblings, etc)
Dagur’s last name is Oswaldsson. I did not write that down because there was no room for his shit chicken scratch.
Ryker’s middle name is Hrøthgær.
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puffpal7 · 5 months ago
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johann in that one scene between krogan and viggo
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xstatic-12235 · 11 days ago
Tell us about your OC Chervil!! (How do they fit into the httyd world and in turn interact with Krogan??)
Ok ok ok, I have been waiting for this ask hehehe >:)
This is gonna be a ride so buckle up
So her full name is Chervil Blackmoor and she's higher up in the ranks of the Northern Alliance, probably similar to where Krogan would have been but the two have never met before. She is first introduced probably at the end of season 5 in the tent where Johann is revealed to be a traitor.
Krogan is not bothered by her at first, he doesn't know she is from The Northern Alliance. Viggo and Ronan (another OC that I'll probably talk about at some point) are put off by her however. Viggo thinks she's just another self righteous recruit that will just be a thorn in their operations. Ronan flat out doesn't like her, but he isn't really able to tell why until later.
Krogan and Chervil don't really get along until it's reveal that she is a part of The Northern Alliance. She was sent more as a convoy from Drago to Johann so Drago could get another king of dragons faster.
Chervil is like, 5'11" and is between 17-19, so younger than the riders but much more capable at combat/survival skills. She rides a singetail named Sigrün. Sigrün is a daughter of Krogan's singetail. (I'm totally not foreshadowing anything nooo-) (All I will say is like dragon like rider)
I don't want to reveal too much in regards to plotline/backstory and all that good stuff because I do have like- 5 fics (and art) planned for her-
So uh yeah, Chervil is awesome and I love her (and all my other OCs) sooo much :3
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for-the-love-of-avo · 1 year ago
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I don't know why but I was rewatching this scene and this idea popped into my head and I've been struggling to breath ever since
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noctusfury · 2 months ago
Dragon Flyer Hierarchy (RTTE Headcanon and Theory)
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Sorry it took a while to write and put together since I was basically creating their lore from scratch.
Today will once again dive into the Dragon Flyers, this time concerning the topic of their hierarchy.
This is a continuation of my recent article which you can read here.
Now, be aware that this is a theory and headcanon on this end since the show doesn't really give us much background on the Dragon Flyers — even more so than with the Dragon Hunters — and we know very little about their ranks and hierarchy. This is just me taking a crack at how they function as a unit.
"Dragon-skin Meritocracy": A 300(?)-Years-Old Hierarchal System
The first part of this article will dive into my theory of what I call "Dragon-skin Meritocracy" — a system of hierarchy based on the merits of one's achievements via the possession of certain dragon skins from dragons that they slay. They are forbidden from purchasing any dragon skins to boost their own status, career, or reputation. Even leaders or individuals with wealth or influential families must adhere to this dictate.
Each Tribe in the Barbaric Archipelago has its own customs, cultures, rules, traditions, etc, concerning the etiquette of dragon skins and the art of dragon-slaying. In fact, I even hazard to guess that there are differences even between the Tribes in the Inner Isles vs those of the Outer Isles, as what those of the Inner Isles view as a top-tier dragon to hunt might not be what those of the Outer Isles view as a prestigious dragon to hunt, simply due to exposure to different dragon species that those of the Inner Isles aren't accustomed to.
(You can look for my previous article on the use of dragon skins here)
Aside from the fact that they look aesthetically pleasing to wear and give the user anti-fire protection, it's also a show of one's prowess and status as a man and warrior.
As Hiccup had even said in the first film:
"Killing dragons is everything around here. A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed. Gronckles are tough. Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend. A Zippleback? Exotic. Two heads, twice the status. Then, there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those."
As such, in Archipelagoan society, there is a hierarchy or meritocracy that is based on what dragons you kill, and how many of them. And it's also based on how difficult these dragons are to kill.
Again, the achievement hierarchy concerning dragon skins differs from tribe to tribe, from region to region — heck, even family to family.
However, I'm going to try to create some sort of hierarchy that the Dragon Flyers might plausibly employ, since it's an organization and must have some semblance of order. (You can find the article here.)
Thus, I created this chart below:
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From this chart, you'll see the following:
Flyers wearing Zippleback + Nightmare skins are Elite Flyers.
Flyers wearing yellow dragon skins are Senior Flyers.
Flyers wearing Nightmare(?) + Nadder skins are Junior Flyers.
Flyers wearing brown/poor-tanned dragon skins are Rank-n'-File
I'm only basing this on what I've seen on the show, where the ones showing the most experience and ferocity in battle were those wearing Zippleback and Gold-skins, respectively, while those below them seem to be not as experienced and are more prone to express fear and cowardice. Naturally, there are exceptions, but strictly based on what we've seen, that is my diagnosis concerning the Dragon Flyers and their hierarchy based on the dragon skins they wear. It's likely that Netflix intentionally did it this way, but I haven't a clue.
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Those who wear those brown-skins (I can't tell if they're poorly tanned Nightmare skins or Gronkle-skins or what) seem to be more greenhorns than anything. Those without the pauldrons and Nadder-wing skirts appear to be more rank-and-file than the others. In contrast, those with those items seem to be slightly above them in rank — similar to how a Private First Class or Corporal is above a rank-n'-file Private.
The Hierarchy
Now, it's VERY possible that it's just a random configuration of minions without any order of hierarchy. It's possible that the hierarchy is the following:
Krogan > 12 Flyer Disciples (Dawn of Destruction & Wings of War) > Other Flyers > Dragon Hunters
Here is a graph I made which showcases this hierarchy, as I see it.
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Of course, this is in Krogan's own eyes, as he deems himself and his Flyers to be above Viggo and the Hunters. In contrast, Viggo would likely have viewed himself as equal to Krogan, despite having no choice but to work with him, as his organization has mostly been absorbed or scattered.
Furthermore, the Flyer hierarchy is further divided into the following:
Krogan's Disciples > Squadron Captains > Veteran Flyers > Junior Flyers > Regular Flyers > Recruits
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If you're wondering who I mean by "disciples," it's the 12 Flyers who were personally trained by Krogan and were his BEST warriors in "Dawn of Destruction" and "Wings of War". "Disciples" is what I call them, as a result.
Also, by popular vote, they'll be called "The Deadly Dozen" from now on.
Underneath them are the Squadron Captains and Veteran Flyers who lead the pairs and squads of regular Flyers. After them are the Junior Flyers, who are essentially like the Corporals or Privates First Class of the unit. Underneath them are the Regular Flyers, who are the mainstay of the force; their experience, equipment, and abilities vary. And finally, we have the Recruits, who have recently joined and have only basic training and have little combat experience.
Let us start with Krogan's Disciples, shall we?
"The Deadly Dozen": Krogan's Elites
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So then, who are these "disciples," in detail?
In Wings of War, Krogan says this to Viggo after the latter questions him:
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Viggo: I haven't seen your Flyers in quite some time. Shouldn't they be preparing?
Krogan: Those are twelve of my most fearless and gifted warriors. I doubt they'll have much of an issue.
As they are Krogan's elites and are close to him, they will possess the highest place in this hierarchy as Krogan's lieutenants, with Krogan possessing the top-most position as their Chief. As a result, they will be ad hoc and de facto leaders who will be in charge of important and secret projects or missions. They'll also be given limited carte blanche authority at these times, so long as they obey any direct orders from Krogan.
The foremost of whom is the Flyer Leader, who appears to be the Chief Disciple among the "Deadly Dozen", similar to how the Witch-King of Angmar was the Chief Lieutenant of the Nazgul, Sauron's servants. He was charged with hunting down the Riders in "Dawn of Destruction" and "Wings of War", and was later in charge of protecting one of the secret Singetail Nurseries in "Family Matters".
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That being said, aside from these times, they'll most often act as Krogan's personal entourage, who accompany him whenever and wherever he goes anyplace, or to hunt down anyone he wants.
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These Flyers would prove to be the Riders' greatest adversaries capable of besting them in air-to-air combat. However, later in the war, the Riders would end up on top as the numbers of the "Deadly Dozen" dwindled — either because of war attrition or because of reassignment to other bases or missions — or were replaced by regular Flyers who had less training and teamwork abilities than their predecessors.
By the time Krogan's and Johann's forces attacked Berserker Island, the "Deadly Dozen" would lead their fellow Flyers into battle to intercept the Riders and provide close-air support to their ground forces.
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The "Deadly Dozen" is definitely a force to be reckoned with, and were Krogan's fiercest, most experienced, most loyal, and most fanatic warriors under his command, and were warriors whom the other Flyers respected and wished to emulate.
Squadron Leaders / Veteran Flyers: Backbone of the Dragon Flyer Warband
As such, whenever Krogan's Disciples were absent, the squadron leaders and veteran flyers were next in command. These two groups were the backbone of Krogan's Flyers and were essential to the command structure.
Based on what we see in the show, these Flyers often wear Zippleback or golden dragon skins. The Gold-skins, interestingly, are the only Flyers with a one-horned helm, possibly indicating some senior NCO-esque rank, as these guys are purposefully distinct from the other Flyers. They are usually tough, cruel, and experienced.
Squadron leaders were responsible for leading their squads on patrols and missions and for ensuring that their unit was battle-ready and prepared to fly at a moment's notice. It's possible that this position is less of a rigid rank and was more of a fluid position that interchanged hands frequently, depending on the mission and circumstances.
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Veteran Flyers, as their name implies, are those who have accumulated a lot of experience and were essentially the NCOs of the Thunderband. They were the wing leaders of every pair of Flyers — the Senior Flyers, if you will, accompanied by their wingman.
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As you can see from the pictures above, the Gold-skin Flyers seem to hold this position more often than not. This seems to imply that they are often veterans or have some commanding ability.
However, this doesn't seem to be restricted to just them, as we see in the photo below. As such, it can be speculated that either anyone who is senior can be a wing leader, or such a position doesn't even exist and pair groups are more of a teamwork-oriented unit than having a true hierarchy.
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For example, look at these two Flyers as they take down Stoick in "Darkest Night".
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Or these two Flyers when the Twins were chasing their tail in "Dawn of Destruction".
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So it's very possible that in pair-units, it's more of a fluid, teamwork-focused unit with a dash of hierarchy, similar to the Riders' command structure (albeit less flexible since they have to obey Krogan's commands to a T).
On to the next group!
Junior Flyers: The Runner-Ups
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Junior Flyers are those below the Veteran Flyers and often fill the wingman roles in the pair-units, and would probably be similar to the corporal or sergeant ranks, in contrast to the Goldskins' senior sergeant or ensign ranking. The one above is one of those "Deadly Dozen" Flyers prominently shown in Seasons 5 and 6.
Junior Flyers are often portrayed wearing one pauldron, white markings, Nadder wing skirts, and Nightmare tunics. This implies they have some status in the Flyers organization, since Nightmare and Nadder skins are impressive skins. (However, as Hiccup mentions that slaying a Nadder only "gets you noticed", it's probably more of an expected minimum requirement in order to even start ascending the hierarchy.)
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Similar to the Zippleback and Gold-skin Flyers, they seem to be experienced, ruthless, and tough warriors. Unlike the former two, however, the Junior Flyers seem to be far more expressive and more likely to express fear or uncertainty if something doesn't go the way they expect.
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Which leaves us to our next layer in the hierarchy.
Regular Flyers: The Rank and File
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The rank'n'file. The wings on the sky. The wannabes. The grunts. The minions. Whatever you wanna call them, this what makes up the Regular Flyers, the second-lowest part of the hierarchy, who are given no command positions, few protections, and fewer distinctions and trophies to set them apart as warriors.
Often portrayed as Flyers who lack pauldrons and even shields, they are often given menial tasks and missions that those further up the hierarchy can't be bothered to do. In fact, they can be called the apprentices, disciples, or even squires to the Flyers of the Upper Ranks. Their wish is to be recognized and gain much fame, wealth, and glory for themselves and rise up the hierarchy. Their ultimate ambition is to become a part of the "Deadly Dozen," their Chieftain Krogan's personal retinue.
However, even then, they're not the bottom-feeders of the hierarchy. There's one more group of Flyers.
Ranker/Fledgling Flyers: The Snubs of the Litter
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The Fledglings. These are basically the greenhorns, "boots", or "Shinies" of the Flyers. They just passed their Flyer Cadet Training School exam and are easily recognizable by their distinct lack of everything aside from a helm and a vambrace made of Monstrous Nightmare skin. Other than that, the rest of the outfit looks badly tanned and not as quality as the others further up the hierarchy. They're also noticed for their distinct expressive natures, easily showing their lack of experience and emotions too easily — particularly fear and uncertainty.
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Due to their bottom-most rank, and derisively called "Stubs" (basically wings that haven't come out and developed yet, practically meaning "flightless bird") or "Shedders" (as in discarded scales) by the more experienced Flyers, they are basically given all the unwanted tasks, chores, errands, and assignments as a form of hazing. Despite this, they are proud to be a part of the force and look up to the Higher Echelons, and look down on those beneath them, such as the Riders and the Dragon Hunters, often using them to feed and clean the Singetails in their place.
Dragon Hunters: The Grunts and Footstools of the Organization
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While not strictly a part of the Dragon Flyers, the Dragon Hunters are the grunts who do the heavy labor, patrols, security, garrisoning, as well as the capturing, feeding, and cleaning of Singetails. They also serve as walking target dummies for Flyer training. They do all the dirty or unwanted work for the Flyers, who view such work as beneath them (which is usually the case since they're always high up in the air 😎).
Flyers always outrank the Hunters in status, similar to medieval knights and men-at-arms.
Often called "Tuskies" in a derogatory manner (viewing them no better than boars), Flyers aren't afraid to look down on them with disdain or indifference; they [the Flyers] often throw all the unsavory jobs to them, particularly when it comes to caring for the maintenance of the Singetails. They view them as clumsy, unreliable, vulgar, noisy, and stupid, and make it a point to never get close or communicate with them anymore than necessary except when giving orders. They don't hesitate to use them as fodder against the Riders and dragons, and even enjoy forcing them to act as target practice for them.
Neither side trusts nor likes each other. Nonetheless, their mutual fear of Krogan drives them to work together for the sake of his plans. They often use the Hunters for ground-to-ground and ground-to-air combat, while the Flyers provide cover for the Hunters in close-air support.
In conclusion, this is my idea of what the Dragon Flyer hierarchy might've been like.
Again, keep in mind that I could be totally wrong and that Netflix had no rhyme or reason or purpose for the Dragon Flyer designs or outfits. Meaning that the Flyers could be much more fluid than I expected.
However, I personally feel that my theory and headcanon is plausible, even possibly correct. Even if the canonical hierarchy is literally just consisting of Krogan, the "Deadly Dozen," and everyone else below them, with the Dragon Hunters being at the very, VERY bottom.
What do you guys think about this? Like the hierarchy? Or think that there's anything I'm missing or should add? Or perhaps got your own thoughts? Let me know what they are! 🤓
Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I plan in the near future on posting an article with some fanedits on what I think the Dragon Flyers could look like if they were a large organization, and what ranks they would have. Look forward to it!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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msnewobsessioneveryweek · 2 years ago
I only have one more group of human characters to post and then I'll include the dragons
I'm running out of jokes.
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hiccupbutpurple · 1 year ago
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Sharing this 1) because it made me cry laugh with my dad and 2) I want the gang (plus the villains) to make silly fruity (literally and metaphorically) fellows
Also I saw toothpick legs and……Hiccup
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the-writing-trash-panda · 2 years ago
Ft. My next generation
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Why does the guy in the second photo look like my uncle?
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fictionalnormalcy · 2 months ago
I'm going to confess, I don't recall initially what got me to read the HTTYD books way back when. Because I used to be one of those clueless people who was like: "These were made based on a book series?"
The instance I do recall was where I was watching HTTYD 2 (not for the first time), and I finally took note of the "Based on the HTTYD books by Cressida Cowell". I don't even remember if I'd started watching RttE by then.
What I can also guess is that I wanted to see what events from the first book were covered in the first movie. Like, how extensive was Hiccup's meetings with Toothless, what truly ran through his head as was poising the knife over the Night Fury's heart.
Obviously that wasn't what I encountered, instead the polar flip where reader encounters an established world of dragons trained by vikings and the gradual relationship deterioration. But I still never want to say that the translation was done terribly. If moreso I just think they had an opportunity to work on making the connections so the book world could make sense and still make its way on screen.
Although something I wish I could've read in that series had it not been a polar flip: I think of the moment in HTTYD 2 where Eret shows the brand on his chest. Astrid's and Hiccup's visible discomfort. But what to have read it, is Hiccup thinking back and remembering (in RttE, S3 E1) that he almost got that same brand. And maybe even that Krogan wore that same symbol as a clasp for his cloak. Because as an angst lover, and if that detail would even be cared about, I would've immensely enjoyed that part.
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loverofwhump216 · 7 months ago
I am rewriting an old story and can't decide if it would be better for Hiccup to fly in recklessly for a slim chance at defeating his current enemy with only his former foe as backup. Or for him to be "captured" by the former foe so he can fight his enemy one on one. Either way Hiccup is hurt (tortured) in the process.
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duoatomica · 10 months ago
I saw no one doing it and I felt too overwhelmed and had to
@reallyprofoundkryptonite @ziggityzigg @cujokroggo yall
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reallyprofoundkryptonite · 7 months ago
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@amyrafiercebladeartz >:3 dragon guys
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