#dragon flyer leader
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noctusfury · 2 months ago
Dragon Flyer Hierarchy (RTTE Headcanon and Theory)
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Sorry it took a while to write and put together since I was basically creating their lore from scratch.
Today will once again dive into the Dragon Flyers, this time concerning the topic of their hierarchy.
This is a continuation of my recent article which you can read here.
Now, be aware that this is a theory and headcanon on this end since the show doesn't really give us much background on the Dragon Flyers — even more so than with the Dragon Hunters — and we know very little about their ranks and hierarchy. This is just me taking a crack at how they function as a unit.
"Dragon-skin Meritocracy": A 300(?)-Years-Old Hierarchal System
The first part of this article will dive into my theory of what I call "Dragon-skin Meritocracy" — a system of hierarchy based on the merits of one's achievements via the possession of certain dragon skins from dragons that they slay. They are forbidden from purchasing any dragon skins to boost their own status, career, or reputation. Even leaders or individuals with wealth or influential families must adhere to this dictate.
Each Tribe in the Barbaric Archipelago has its own customs, cultures, rules, traditions, etc, concerning the etiquette of dragon skins and the art of dragon-slaying. In fact, I even hazard to guess that there are differences even between the Tribes in the Inner Isles vs those of the Outer Isles, as what those of the Inner Isles view as a top-tier dragon to hunt might not be what those of the Outer Isles view as a prestigious dragon to hunt, simply due to exposure to different dragon species that those of the Inner Isles aren't accustomed to.
(You can look for my previous article on the use of dragon skins here)
Aside from the fact that they look aesthetically pleasing to wear and give the user anti-fire protection, it's also a show of one's prowess and status as a man and warrior.
As Hiccup had even said in the first film:
"Killing dragons is everything around here. A Nadder head is sure to get me at least noticed. Gronckles are tough. Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend. A Zippleback? Exotic. Two heads, twice the status. Then, there's the Monstrous Nightmare. Only the best Vikings go after those."
As such, in Archipelagoan society, there is a hierarchy or meritocracy that is based on what dragons you kill, and how many of them. And it's also based on how difficult these dragons are to kill.
Again, the achievement hierarchy concerning dragon skins differs from tribe to tribe, from region to region — heck, even family to family.
However, I'm going to try to create some sort of hierarchy that the Dragon Flyers might plausibly employ, since it's an organization and must have some semblance of order. (You can find the article here.)
Thus, I created this chart below:
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From this chart, you'll see the following:
Flyers wearing Zippleback + Nightmare skins are Elite Flyers.
Flyers wearing yellow dragon skins are Senior Flyers.
Flyers wearing Nightmare(?) + Nadder skins are Junior Flyers.
Flyers wearing brown/poor-tanned dragon skins are Rank-n'-File
I'm only basing this on what I've seen on the show, where the ones showing the most experience and ferocity in battle were those wearing Zippleback and Gold-skins, respectively, while those below them seem to be not as experienced and are more prone to express fear and cowardice. Naturally, there are exceptions, but strictly based on what we've seen, that is my diagnosis concerning the Dragon Flyers and their hierarchy based on the dragon skins they wear. It's likely that Netflix intentionally did it this way, but I haven't a clue.
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Those who wear those brown-skins (I can't tell if they're poorly tanned Nightmare skins or Gronkle-skins or what) seem to be more greenhorns than anything. Those without the pauldrons and Nadder-wing skirts appear to be more rank-and-file than the others. In contrast, those with those items seem to be slightly above them in rank — similar to how a Private First Class or Corporal is above a rank-n'-file Private.
The Hierarchy
Now, it's VERY possible that it's just a random configuration of minions without any order of hierarchy. It's possible that the hierarchy is the following:
Krogan > 12 Flyer Disciples (Dawn of Destruction & Wings of War) > Other Flyers > Dragon Hunters
Here is a graph I made which showcases this hierarchy, as I see it.
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Of course, this is in Krogan's own eyes, as he deems himself and his Flyers to be above Viggo and the Hunters. In contrast, Viggo would likely have viewed himself as equal to Krogan, despite having no choice but to work with him, as his organization has mostly been absorbed or scattered.
Furthermore, the Flyer hierarchy is further divided into the following:
Krogan's Disciples > Squadron Captains > Veteran Flyers > Junior Flyers > Regular Flyers > Recruits
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If you're wondering who I mean by "disciples," it's the 12 Flyers who were personally trained by Krogan and were his BEST warriors in "Dawn of Destruction" and "Wings of War". "Disciples" is what I call them, as a result.
Also, by popular vote, they'll be called "The Deadly Dozen" from now on.
Underneath them are the Squadron Captains and Veteran Flyers who lead the pairs and squads of regular Flyers. After them are the Junior Flyers, who are essentially like the Corporals or Privates First Class of the unit. Underneath them are the Regular Flyers, who are the mainstay of the force; their experience, equipment, and abilities vary. And finally, we have the Recruits, who have recently joined and have only basic training and have little combat experience.
Let us start with Krogan's Disciples, shall we?
"The Deadly Dozen": Krogan's Elites
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So then, who are these "disciples," in detail?
In Wings of War, Krogan says this to Viggo after the latter questions him:
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Viggo: I haven't seen your Flyers in quite some time. Shouldn't they be preparing?
Krogan: Those are twelve of my most fearless and gifted warriors. I doubt they'll have much of an issue.
As they are Krogan's elites and are close to him, they will possess the highest place in this hierarchy as Krogan's lieutenants, with Krogan possessing the top-most position as their Chief. As a result, they will be ad hoc and de facto leaders who will be in charge of important and secret projects or missions. They'll also be given limited carte blanche authority at these times, so long as they obey any direct orders from Krogan.
The foremost of whom is the Flyer Leader, who appears to be the Chief Disciple among the "Deadly Dozen", similar to how the Witch-King of Angmar was the Chief Lieutenant of the Nazgul, Sauron's servants. He was charged with hunting down the Riders in "Dawn of Destruction" and "Wings of War", and was later in charge of protecting one of the secret Singetail Nurseries in "Family Matters".
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That being said, aside from these times, they'll most often act as Krogan's personal entourage, who accompany him whenever and wherever he goes anyplace, or to hunt down anyone he wants.
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These Flyers would prove to be the Riders' greatest adversaries capable of besting them in air-to-air combat. However, later in the war, the Riders would end up on top as the numbers of the "Deadly Dozen" dwindled — either because of war attrition or because of reassignment to other bases or missions — or were replaced by regular Flyers who had less training and teamwork abilities than their predecessors.
By the time Krogan's and Johann's forces attacked Berserker Island, the "Deadly Dozen" would lead their fellow Flyers into battle to intercept the Riders and provide close-air support to their ground forces.
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The "Deadly Dozen" is definitely a force to be reckoned with, and were Krogan's fiercest, most experienced, most loyal, and most fanatic warriors under his command, and were warriors whom the other Flyers respected and wished to emulate.
Squadron Leaders / Veteran Flyers: Backbone of the Dragon Flyer Warband
As such, whenever Krogan's Disciples were absent, the squadron leaders and veteran flyers were next in command. These two groups were the backbone of Krogan's Flyers and were essential to the command structure.
Based on what we see in the show, these Flyers often wear Zippleback or golden dragon skins. The Gold-skins, interestingly, are the only Flyers with a one-horned helm, possibly indicating some senior NCO-esque rank, as these guys are purposefully distinct from the other Flyers. They are usually tough, cruel, and experienced.
Squadron leaders were responsible for leading their squads on patrols and missions and for ensuring that their unit was battle-ready and prepared to fly at a moment's notice. It's possible that this position is less of a rigid rank and was more of a fluid position that interchanged hands frequently, depending on the mission and circumstances.
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Veteran Flyers, as their name implies, are those who have accumulated a lot of experience and were essentially the NCOs of the Thunderband. They were the wing leaders of every pair of Flyers — the Senior Flyers, if you will, accompanied by their wingman.
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As you can see from the pictures above, the Gold-skin Flyers seem to hold this position more often than not. This seems to imply that they are often veterans or have some commanding ability.
However, this doesn't seem to be restricted to just them, as we see in the photo below. As such, it can be speculated that either anyone who is senior can be a wing leader, or such a position doesn't even exist and pair groups are more of a teamwork-oriented unit than having a true hierarchy.
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For example, look at these two Flyers as they take down Stoick in "Darkest Night".
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Or these two Flyers when the Twins were chasing their tail in "Dawn of Destruction".
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So it's very possible that in pair-units, it's more of a fluid, teamwork-focused unit with a dash of hierarchy, similar to the Riders' command structure (albeit less flexible since they have to obey Krogan's commands to a T).
On to the next group!
Junior Flyers: The Runner-Ups
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Junior Flyers are those below the Veteran Flyers and often fill the wingman roles in the pair-units, and would probably be similar to the corporal or sergeant ranks, in contrast to the Goldskins' senior sergeant or ensign ranking. The one above is one of those "Deadly Dozen" Flyers prominently shown in Seasons 5 and 6.
Junior Flyers are often portrayed wearing one pauldron, white markings, Nadder wing skirts, and Nightmare tunics. This implies they have some status in the Flyers organization, since Nightmare and Nadder skins are impressive skins. (However, as Hiccup mentions that slaying a Nadder only "gets you noticed", it's probably more of an expected minimum requirement in order to even start ascending the hierarchy.)
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Similar to the Zippleback and Gold-skin Flyers, they seem to be experienced, ruthless, and tough warriors. Unlike the former two, however, the Junior Flyers seem to be far more expressive and more likely to express fear or uncertainty if something doesn't go the way they expect.
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Which leaves us to our next layer in the hierarchy.
Regular Flyers: The Rank and File
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The rank'n'file. The wings on the sky. The wannabes. The grunts. The minions. Whatever you wanna call them, this what makes up the Regular Flyers, the second-lowest part of the hierarchy, who are given no command positions, few protections, and fewer distinctions and trophies to set them apart as warriors.
Often portrayed as Flyers who lack pauldrons and even shields, they are often given menial tasks and missions that those further up the hierarchy can't be bothered to do. In fact, they can be called the apprentices, disciples, or even squires to the Flyers of the Upper Ranks. Their wish is to be recognized and gain much fame, wealth, and glory for themselves and rise up the hierarchy. Their ultimate ambition is to become a part of the "Deadly Dozen," their Chieftain Krogan's personal retinue.
However, even then, they're not the bottom-feeders of the hierarchy. There's one more group of Flyers.
Ranker/Fledgling Flyers: The Snubs of the Litter
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The Fledglings. These are basically the greenhorns, "boots", or "Shinies" of the Flyers. They just passed their Flyer Cadet Training School exam and are easily recognizable by their distinct lack of everything aside from a helm and a vambrace made of Monstrous Nightmare skin. Other than that, the rest of the outfit looks badly tanned and not as quality as the others further up the hierarchy. They're also noticed for their distinct expressive natures, easily showing their lack of experience and emotions too easily — particularly fear and uncertainty.
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Due to their bottom-most rank, and derisively called "Stubs" (basically wings that haven't come out and developed yet, practically meaning "flightless bird") or "Shedders" (as in discarded scales) by the more experienced Flyers, they are basically given all the unwanted tasks, chores, errands, and assignments as a form of hazing. Despite this, they are proud to be a part of the force and look up to the Higher Echelons, and look down on those beneath them, such as the Riders and the Dragon Hunters, often using them to feed and clean the Singetails in their place.
Dragon Hunters: The Grunts and Footstools of the Organization
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While not strictly a part of the Dragon Flyers, the Dragon Hunters are the grunts who do the heavy labor, patrols, security, garrisoning, as well as the capturing, feeding, and cleaning of Singetails. They also serve as walking target dummies for Flyer training. They do all the dirty or unwanted work for the Flyers, who view such work as beneath them (which is usually the case since they're always high up in the air 😎).
Flyers always outrank the Hunters in status, similar to medieval knights and men-at-arms.
Often called "Tuskies" in a derogatory manner (viewing them no better than boars), Flyers aren't afraid to look down on them with disdain or indifference; they [the Flyers] often throw all the unsavory jobs to them, particularly when it comes to caring for the maintenance of the Singetails. They view them as clumsy, unreliable, vulgar, noisy, and stupid, and make it a point to never get close or communicate with them anymore than necessary except when giving orders. They don't hesitate to use them as fodder against the Riders and dragons, and even enjoy forcing them to act as target practice for them.
Neither side trusts nor likes each other. Nonetheless, their mutual fear of Krogan drives them to work together for the sake of his plans. They often use the Hunters for ground-to-ground and ground-to-air combat, while the Flyers provide cover for the Hunters in close-air support.
In conclusion, this is my idea of what the Dragon Flyer hierarchy might've been like.
Again, keep in mind that I could be totally wrong and that Netflix had no rhyme or reason or purpose for the Dragon Flyer designs or outfits. Meaning that the Flyers could be much more fluid than I expected.
However, I personally feel that my theory and headcanon is plausible, even possibly correct. Even if the canonical hierarchy is literally just consisting of Krogan, the "Deadly Dozen," and everyone else below them, with the Dragon Hunters being at the very, VERY bottom.
What do you guys think about this? Like the hierarchy? Or think that there's anything I'm missing or should add? Or perhaps got your own thoughts? Let me know what they are! 🤓
Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I plan in the near future on posting an article with some fanedits on what I think the Dragon Flyers could look like if they were a large organization, and what ranks they would have. Look forward to it!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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cozzzynook · 3 months ago
Dragonformers may I present Starbee?
Thunder rumbled as lighting lit up the grey sky in dangerous pattens. Rain poured down hard making each drop feel like thousands of tiny stones. Starscream gave a scowl as his large elegant wings struggled to remain the air even for a skilled flyer like himself this storm was one of the worst ones he ever saw. In the red, white and blue dragon's talons was a small fuzzy black and yellow dragon who's wing was terriblely torn and bleeding.
With a grunt Starscream twisted his lean body avoiding another strike of lighting as he headed for shelter. Quickly glancing down at the tiny shape in his talons, he let out a sigh when he saw Bee was still breathing. "Just hang on a little longer, we'll be home soon"
"Star...it h-hurts" Bee whispered his voice barely audible as the storm drowned out any voices. Wincing he shuffled his weight to look down at his wounds, while most were sallow there was one deep wound running far to close to his swollen stomach.
Suddenly a bright flash forced the pair to shut their eyes, Starscream braced himself to be hit with the lighting only to feel a second set of talons on his body. When they opened their eyes again they found themselves in a warm dry den, Starscream let out a breathy sigh when he saw Skywarp at his side.
"Thank you, Skywarp" Star turned to face his flock mate while he quickly trotted up to the nest. "But Bee needs attention now!"
The black and purple dragon reached for their stockpile of herbs quickly scouping them in his snout and trotted to the nest before handing the herbs to Starscream. "What about the hunters should me and Thundercracker finish them off?"
"Just stay on guard....hopefully the storm made them lose track of us" Starscream sighed as he began treating Bee's wounds.
Skywarp gave a nod and headed for the den's entrance ready to tear apart any human he saw stray too close their den, Meanwhile Thundercracker joined Starscream's side with fresh water and prey so Bumblebee can regain his strength.
The next morning Skywarp woke up the rough shaking of his flock mates paws. With a groan Skywarp opened a his eyes before puffing a cloud of red smoke into Thundercracker's face with a snort. "What is it? Its too early in the morning..."
"Get up lazy salamander" The blue dragon grunted as he gave a playful whack with his tail. "Its happened"
Skywarp's eyes grew wide as he bounced onto his paws and barrelled towards the dens entrance leaving behind Thundercrakcer who only rolled his eyes and slowly followed behind. Inside and in the centre of the nest was Bumblebee who was looking much better and in the fuzzy yellow dragons paws was a small sleeping hatchling.
"Aww, they look like a mini you Star" The purple dragon teased as he lean into his flock leader's side with a smile. "Don't you agree Thundercracker?"
"Mmm a little..." The blue dragon chuckled.
Starscream just rolled his eyes as he snuggled closer to his mate's side, wrapping one of his wings around Bumblebee carefully. "In my eyes, they are just perfect"
Bumblebee just softly smiled as he nuzzled both his hatchling and mate's cheek with his snout. He then turned his attention back to his hatchling pulling them closer to his fuzz to keep them warm and safe.
(Sorry if this a little short, I just wanted to add onto that little Starbee dragonformers idea)
Its not short its perfect!!!
Thank you!!!!
Small dragon bee! Small dragon bee!!
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leafnighthybridwolfsbane · 5 months ago
Icewing Headcanons
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(Info below the cut)
OK. FINALLY GETTING TO THESE AGAIN. I got the motivation when going back to working on designs for horror movie villains (+the Final Girl). I greatly apologize about not getting these done sooner. Hopefully you all enjoy these last 5 headcanons and the designs. As a fair warning two of them look a lot like their canon designs. I will explain more in those posts specifically.
Tribe Headcanons
Icewings have icicle like spikes along their neck that work similarly to a North American porcupine's quills. Meaning that they're loosely attached. Though, they can still pierce another dragon. These quills have tiny little barbs that keep the quills stuck. This makes it extremely hard and extremely painful to take the spikes out of another dragon.
Their horns branch similarly to an elk's or caribou's antlers as one of the very few ways you can rise in the ranks is by fighting for dominance. Normally this is one by the matriarch of the family.
Their ears are made of a thicker layer of skin and have a thin layer of muscle around the middle sections of the ear. Meaning that their ears can do a lot more movement than other dragons. Though it also means that this muscle can easily be torn if not careful. Much like the human eyelid.
The thick skin goes along with their wing membranes. This makes them one of the loudest flyers besides Hivewings.
Icewings can be under the arctic waters for around an hour, their nostrils working a lot like a seal's nostrils or a marine mammal's blowhole.
Fur covers the entirety of an Icewing's body to help keep them warm in the frozen lands they inhabit. Some Icewings end up sharing patters with arctic animals such as arctic hares or lynx.
Though, patterns seem to be extremely looked down upon. Typically being considered an impurity in the ice nests the young hatched from. The only accepted pattern is a darker gradient going into a lighter gradient. It's only been in the most recent ruler's time as queen that this belief has been slowly worked on unlearning.
Most Icewings have some form of gradient on the top of their wings while the bottom is the lightest color on their body.
Icewings are well known for being pursuit predators, having the most stamina when they run out of all of the tribes. Most of the time prey is caught in a group with a leader of the hunt.
These hunting groups works similarly to a pack of wolves as they are all the same rank. One is considered the "Alpha", or leader, of the group and another is considered the "Beta", or second in command, of the group to keep things organized. Alphas and betas are considered responsible for the lives and performance of their group, meaning they can get put into a lower circle if their efforts are not good enough.
There is a rare coloration morph an Icewing can get called Auroran. It is considered a version of melanistic where the coloration on an Icewing match up colors to the northern lights. This means they can end up being colored to any color of the aurora.
Environment also dictates coloration. Closer to a forest most of the time will cause them to look more green. Closer to an ocean would bring out more of a blue coloration. Closer to the sky means either a more purple or pink-ish coloration. Barren icelands or ground level of the palace will grant a teal-ish coloration. Sometimes this is a great indication of which rank they came from.
Icewings are considered the second grumpiest tribe while also being the coldest. Unlike skywings that seem angry or easily annoyed, Icewings tend to be arrogant, cold, or conniving with their grumpiness. Some believe it's due to their close-mindedness.
Icewings have the opposite to an ancient sandwing's fire scales. This cold is the only thing that can combat a skywing's fire scales, and even potentially freeze them with frost bite. Most Icewings, though, only have a chill that come off of them naturally and isn't enough to combat a fire scales skywing.
Icewings are also well known for holding festivals, but most of the time it is only rumored as no one is able to cross into their border to really get the full story.
If an Icewing were to be a hybrid of any sort, their blood will come out as a bluish tinted purple color. This can cause their coloration to have purple coloration, especially in the spikes, horns, and face.
Icewings aren't as quick to anger as Seawings, but they are more ruthless. Their loyalty to their queen is unmatched though. This is due to how their society works and has been for many generations.
An Icewing will almost always think about everything they do and the outcomes due to how their society is and how brutal it is when looking at their strict rules.
Lore Headcanons
Icewing society was one of the first societies to exist. First it was made of militant group, then they had kings until their society started becoming matriarchal. Their society eventually being lead by females or fem presenting (transfem and fem nonbinary individuals specifically) individuals.
It is said that they're the first tribe to have an animus dragon. Meaning that they're the first to control it and learned how to "properly" keep them from becoming murderers.
Family groups are not too important in Icewing society due to their use of the circles and the gift of order. Families can be separated at any point, typically when the dragonets become adults and either move up or down in the ranks.
Icewings have communal homes for dragonets in different circles that work similarly to private schools. These communal homes are meant to provide dragonets their best chances at rising in the ranks. Though, not all do. Normally being rare (much like a lower grade school in the US) as they don't always have the resources.
It is Considered an honor for lower ranked Icewings to be called out to a war as it means that if they come back with enough kills, they can potentially come back with a higher rank. Though these opportunities are far and few in between.
Their festivals are normally to celebrate the northern lights. It is said that during the great battle between the Icewings and Nightwings, and Auroran Icewing went into battle and slaugtered tens of hundreds of them in a week on their own. Eventually dying and ending the war temporarily. Eventually dying the night where the northern lights came out. There are also festivals similar to yule as it is culturally believed the first Icewings didn't have their current resistance to the cold.
Most Frost scales Icewings were killed during the animus scare. Though not all were killed and aren't considered as dangerous as an animus. Though, they are looked down upon until recent wars that they were cast into to try to combat sandwings and skywings.
Current exports of the Icewings are pelts and taxidermy due to their knowledge on how to properly take care of the hide and bones. Though, some tend to export lumber and delicacies only in the Ice Kingdom.
Drawing Inspirations
Turkish Angoras were the cat species I took some inspiration from for the body typing.
"Till I Collapse" by Eminem was great inspiration for drawing, but I imagine any militaristic beat will work for Icewings due to the militaristic society I see them having.
Used a lynx for the patterns on this one. Plus the idea of when you pick up snow while the temperature warms gave me the idea of "impurities" patterns imply to their society.
Basically they're giant antlered penguins when they swim, which is why they have counter shading as well
Wings of Fire Headcanon Lists
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sailorgoon13 · 11 months ago
Lorenzo Berkshire
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Full Name: Lorenzo Berkshire
Nickname: Enzo
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 10 June, 1980
Heritage: English, Portuguese
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: Mahogany, Dragon Heartstring, 11 1/2", Stiff
Hair Color: Chestnut brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Olive undertones
Height: 5'11"
Body Type: Lean and muscular, with defined muscles in his arms, legs, and abdomen.
Style: Sophistication, elegance, and a hint of edgy flair. Favors fitted pants paired with tailored button-down shirts. For formal events, he gravitates toward sleek suits in rich fabrics like velvet or silk, often in deep, bold colors that command attention. Loves his accessories like a bold watch or thin gold chain necklaces.
Features: Jawline, Intense gaze, Well Groomed appearance, Confidence, Style
Traits: Funny, Charming, Competitive, Loyal, Complex
Likes: Fashion, Socializing, Intellectual Challenges
Dislikes: Incompetence, Losing, Close mindedness, Disrespect
Hobbies: Quidditch, Dueling, Drawing
Fears: Failure, Mediocrity, Rejection
Family and Friends:
Father: Mr. Berkshire
A shrewd businessman who oversees the family's investments and enterprises.
Values hard work, ambition, and determination
A dynamic and adventurous wizard
Mother: Mrs. Berkshire
Comes from an old English wizarding family known for their wealth and influence.
A socialite who is actively involved in wizarding society
Down-to-earth and compassionate. Values kindness, integrity, and loyalty
Friends: Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Mattheo Riddle
Special Abilities: Exceptional flyer
Boggart: His friends turning to the Darker side
Patronus: Falcon
Polyjuice: Rich golden hues. Would smell like expensive cologne and freshly-cut citrus. The taste would start with a sweetness like ripe figs or dates, followed by a warm, spicy kick of mulled wine or aged oak. The after taste would be like sipping fine brandy.
Amortentia: Cologne, Subtle notes of wet grass from the Quidditch pitch, red wine
Lorenzo Berkshire was born into a world of wealth, privilege, and magic. His parents were prominent figures in the wizarding community, known for their influence, intellect, and refined taste. From a young age, Lorenzo was immersed in a world of luxury and sophistication, surrounded by the finest things money could buy.
Growing up, Lorenzo was groomed for success from the moment he could walk. His parents instilled in him the values of ambition, determination, and excellence, encouraging him to pursue his dreams with unwavering confidence and tenacity.
As he entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Enzo quickly established himself as a formidable presence among his peers. He excelled academically, earning top marks in his classes, while also demonstrating exceptional skill and agility on the Quidditch pitch as a Seeker for the Slytherin team.
Outside of academics and Quidditch, Lorenzo's magnetic charm and charismatic personality made him a natural leader among his classmates. He effortlessly navigated the complexities of social dynamics, forging alliances and friendships with ease, while also earning the respect and admiration of those around him.
He also had a penchant for romance, enjoying the thrill of courtship and showering his romantic interests with attention and affection. He loved taking girls out on extravagant dates, wooing them with grand gestures and heartfelt compliments. However, despite his best intentions, his relationships often fizzled out quickly, leaving him feeling disillusioned and disheartened.
Best Subject: Charms
Favorite Subject: DADA
Favorite Professor: Snape
Worst Subject: Arithmancy
Least Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Professor: Trelawny
Student Life:
Always eager to learn and expand his magical knowledge.
Quidditch is not just a sport for Enzo; it's a passion and a way of life, and he pours his heart and soul into every match
A social butterfly
Well-liked and respected by his peers, known for his magnetic charm, quick wit, and kindness
The nicest asshole you'd ever meet
Grapples with his own insecurities and fears like any teenager
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Template: @hazyange1s
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shinycozytwistedglam · 2 months ago
Onyx Storm RECAP ch1-ch4
Who is Aura Beinhaven? Aura is the senior wingleader among the 4 wingleaders of the wings that remained in Navarre after Violet & Xaden defected to Aretia with dozens of cadets. She's the wingleader second wing.
Who is Ewan Faber? Ewan is the wingleader of what remained of Fourth Wing in Navarre. So...he's Dain Aetos, but for the remnants of Fourth Wing that didn't go to Aretia.
Who is Caroline Ashton? She's Jack fucking Barlowe's girlfriend, or she was at one point. I think she's in first wing. One of the wings that hated Violet & her crew.
Who is Eran Norris? We have never heard of this dude before LOL. Apparently he built Basgiath. Only Violet would know that.
Who is Commandant Panchek? Panchek commands the Riders Quadrant. That means Lilith used to be his boss, because she commanded all of Basgiath War College. You've been hearing his name since Fourth Wing. He's the guy who occasionally appears at Formation to give annoying speeches after the death roll is called. Violet was usually talking about sex or flirting with Xaden whenever Panchek was talking.
What is the Senarium? The Senarium is made up of the leaders of the 6 provinces of Navarre. They seem to serve as some kind of ruling counsel. They are not elected; they all have titles of Duke or Duchess, and the seats appear to be hereditary and/or political appointments.
Who is Tecarus? You remember this guy. He's Cat's uncle with the fancy house, the rich guy with the luminary who wanted to see Violet wield lightning and "add her to his collection."
Provinces of Navarre. Refer to map for details. Luceras (far northwest, Sawyer is from here), Morraine (for northeast, Rhi is originally from here), Elsum, Deaconshire (includes Basgiath & the Vale, Calldyr (capital city), and Tyrrendor (largest, most southern).
Provinces of Poromiel. Poromiel is where Cat & the flyers are from. The provinces are Krovla, Braevick, and Cygnisen. See wiki for more details
Welcome back, kids. We're gonna jump right into it so hang on for the (dragon) ride.
WTF is happening in ch1-ch2? 
Cadets & riders are continuing to patrol around Basgiath for stray venin. There's anger & tension between the riders who left for Aretia and the riders who remained in Navarre. No classes are happening, most of the Aretia professors are gone.
Violet & Andarna are plotting to find the rest of Andarna's kind.
Mira is away from Basgiath doing something we (the readers) are not supposed to understand yet but it's suspicious. Xaden's friends want Violet to stop sleeping with Xaden (literally & figuratively) for her own safety.
Iron Squad is visiting Sawyer in sick bay. Suddenly a bunch of people in sick bay are drained because venin are inside the walls. The venin are trying to get JfB out of his cell. Violet & her friends confront venin at the door of Jack's cell. Xaden comes to the rescue before any of them can get killed.
Xaden walks Violet to her meeting with the Senarium. They are talking both out loud & across their mental bond.
WTF is happening in ch3-ch4? 
Violet goes to meet with the Senarium about the mission to find other dragons like Andarna. The only person who matters is Lewellen, who is representing Tyrrendor on the Senarium. Andanna has a list of demands (!!) for the mission, which Violet presents. There's arguing. The Senarium wants Capt Grady of RSC to lead the mission.
This mission is a precondition for Poromiel negotiating an alliance with Navarre. (Remember: Navarre was literally AT WAR with Poromiel until 2 weeks prior LOL it's so stupid to think of now.) The queen thinks the 7th breed knows how to defeat venin. The negotiations with Poromiel are fucked because the fliers can't wield at Basgiath due to the wards & that means they'll get killed by riders.
It's really a 3-way negotiation between Navarre, Poromiel, and Tyrrendor. Also: Violet is negotiating on the side directly with Tecarus? Because of course she is.
Xaden & Violet try to have morning sexy times, but Xaden can barely control his urge to draw magic when he's close to Violet & she's all powered up.
Mira is back and Violet is very happy. Mira has been in Aretia fucking around with runes, but she seems to have succeeded at what she was trying to do. Also Mira was evaluating Aretia's wards and they have maybe 6 months left. Mira says she's found a way to keep the fliers safely at Basgiath.
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reallyprofoundkryptonite · 1 year ago
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Night Fury!Krogan redesign
Hi welcome to the post!! Anyways. I decided to redesign him. More of a story now too.
Hiccup only discovers Krogan after Krogan has been separated from the flock for a few monrhs, getting himself taken into the custody of dragon hunters after suspicions of Krogan’s disappearance and a subsequent appearance of a night fury that has scars that match up nearly identical ally with the man. (And the inquiry to Drago about him having a night fury branded with his mark, which was a resounding “no… why?” Essentially therefore confirming the potential status of the dragon as being Krogan. That… and the dragon replies to the name in question when one tried it out (*coughs at Viggo who’s literally the only person who can get close to the Fury without being bitten.)
During the first encounter, it is in the skies, with Viggo having taken an (entirely and completely uncertain) perch upon Krogan’s back. Turns out Krogan has just a bit of malice towards Toothless for whatever reason because it was litterally an on sight attack that Krogan yoinked toothless with. Viggo took Krogan’s place since. They’re still down a leader for the dragon flyers considering Krogan. Does not speak human no matter how hard he tries (it is amusing itself to hear him muttering what is in essentiacality gibberish as he tries to speak to Viggo… but his vocal chords REALLY are not made to speak.
He can commune with other dragons… fine enough. When Hiccup and Toothless are captured in the episode that would be triple cross, Krogan nearly rips Toothless’s wing off when capturing the other dragon. (Viggo really wishes he could understand what it is with Krogan and other Night Furies, because Toothless is TERRIFIED of Krogan’s simple presence. Though Krogan has seemed to back off with his aggression towards Toothless, Viggo is unsure of the stem of the aggression, besides the new scars, bite marks and wounds they had found Krogan with. Maybe there was a flock that took Krogan in and since he was in the lowest pecking order he was ruthlessly picked on and tormented?)
Viggo just understands that it might be a trauma response. They manage to make it through Triple Cross, Krogan earning a place among the dragon riders with Viggo at his side. Krogan is entirely uninterested in everyone and everything except for Viggo, though he starts warming up a bit to Snotlout, surprisingly enough. Viggo doesn’t understand why, but maybe it’s because Snotlout likes sharing chunks of the mangoes he occasionally buys with Krogan. (Krogan likes mangoes.)
For further reference… here is Krogan next to toothless. Toothless is just under half Krogan’s size and weight, which is why Krogan can throw him around so easily.
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pokepollsters · 2 years ago
Best Pokémon Gym Leader Tournament-
Preliminary Round-
Unova Division: Match 2
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Dear god, do you have enough gym leaders yet Unova?
In our next set of Unovan competitors, we have the easygoing Marlon- not one to get involved in conflict with Team Plasma, but will he put up more of a fight here? Cheren makes the second rival in the series to become a gym leader in a future appearance, and is yet another tough Normal type fighter. Burgh is an artist both on and off the battlefield, making good use of the plentiful strong Bug types in the Unova region. After sharing the spotlight with the prodigy Iris in the first set of games, Drayden is the one and only Dragon gym leader the second time round, and he's a tough cookie! Will he earn the spotlight again despite all the tough competitors- including our last two? Clay and his Excadrill come don't take any nonsense, and they don't have to when they can sweep teams as fast as they can! As well as that, he helped to set up the PWT, where gym leaders from across the world could come to battle it out, much like they will here! Last but certainly not least is Skyla, the high-flyer with no time for delays! She helps the player travel across Unova, will she take her opponents for a ride too?
Remember- the top two competitors will move on to round 1, not just the winner!
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sarnai4 · 10 months ago
Ever The Chief
I think an underrated skill of Dagur's is his leadership.
Something I love was Dagur's interaction with the Riders in the episode "Gold Rush." Easily, he could have just acted like a side character and gone along with whatever they wanted to do, but that's not what happened. Immediately, Dagur goes into leader mode. They get on the island and he says they should split up to cover more ground. When they try to take down the structure that's actually the gold, he is up with an idea again. The same thing goes on when the Riders (minus Fishlegs and Heather) get captured. I like that he's not pushy though. Dagur isn't trying to force his idea on anybody, but he knows that it could work and mentions it again when what they tried before failed. This makes a lot of sense to me because he's the only one there who is officially a leader. Note the word "officially." Hiccup might lead the Riders, but Dagur is a chief and that shows here. A consistent thing with Dagur is that he's never been afraid to take charge.
Honestly, I think that Dagur is one of the best leaders in the series. Now, I will 100% admit that he made a load of mistakes and wasn't a leader I would want when he was evil. So, I'm specifically saying post-redemption Dagur is ne of the best. That said, I do feel like he really wasn't even the worst bosses of the villains. Compare him with Viggo and Krogan. One of the Hunters literally had to steal money for food. The Berserkers haven't gone hungry. Dagur was even shocked to hear that the Hunters were deserting them and that Viggo considered his people expendable. Krogan is just as bad and even kills one of his people who decides to leave (not to mention when a bunch of people died trying to get the Dragon Eye and he couldn't have cared less). It's made clear that Dagur doesn't feel this way.
As a hero, we see Dagur help protect his people against their enemies and there's another fun moment in the last two episodes. Dagur is shown to jump into his leadership position again when the Flyers and Hunters are approaching. He's got an idea I think is deceptively clever. The chief's plan is to wait for the Flyers to get close and then fire the catapults. The other Berserkers think he's crazy (which is funny, sad, and a bit nice when he just acknowledges that they're right), but he still goes through with it. At first glance, if you don't think it's a dumb plan, you might think it's a simple one. Despite that, it involves a lot. By waiting, it uses the information Dagur already has: that dragons can't fly close to the island. Why attack the ships when the Singetails are in the way? They'll either blast the boulders, saving the ships, or get hurt which would be bad since they're innocent in this. So, Dagur waits. Waiting fixes two problems. It gets the dragons close enough to get discombobulated AND allows easy access to sink the ships.
I wish we got to see more of his leadership in the show. I absolutely adore it, but there's just not a lot. Still, I enjoy the little that we do get. (Not even going to lie...I think good Dagur is a better leader than Hiccup. One of the two DIDN'T lose all his island's gold, not search relentlessly to find it, and have all his Vikings evacuate their home of 400+ years for a relatively minor threat compared to what they're used to..just sayin'.)
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fairyoctopus · 1 month ago
World Building Wednesday: The Elysium's Eclipse Incident
The Astéri Connatus clans' were startled to see advertisements for a mysterious amusement raining down from the skies.
This took me almost a full week to write!! I hope you guys enjoy it :}
On XX day at XX hours, fliers had been spread across the entirety of the Astéri Lune village's sky. Several hours later at XX, the same fliers were spread within the Astéri Sōlis clan. Various fliers landed in the paths, in front of many villager's homes. The contents of the fliers are as follows:
Visit the most spectacular attraction in all of the Scarred Wasteland! There's plenty of fun, food, entertainment and mystery awaiting you at ELYSIUM'S ECLIPSE. Come to the big top to see LEGENDARY performers, displaying incredible feats of strength and flexibility! Enjoy the fantastic rides and addicting games with unique prizes found throughout the park! As well as many other amazing sights and experiences you can only find here at ELYSIUM'S ECLIPSE!! Located at a safe, convenient and RISK-FREE location near the mirelands of Plague, you'll hardly believe you're anywhere near the Wyrmwound!
Present this flyer at the front entrance for 30% off all tickets purchased!
They seem to have been dropped strategically- although at first glimpse it seemed haphazard, none of them had landed in the surrounding starwood trees or in streams- only where dragons would easily find them.
Who- or what- dropped them remains a mystery. There were no eyewitness accounts of any potential perpetrators; some sort of spell or invisibility cloak could have been in use (both of which are outlawed within the Astéri clans' borders).
Clan progenitor and leader Fharamire made an official statement assuaging the worries of the villagers that the issue is not only being investigated thoroughly, but that there is no danger present in the Astéri Connatus clans. Progenitor and leader Ziro of Sōlis made a similar statement to his respective clanmates. Both, however, have asked villagers to NOT go to the advertised location until the investigation has concluded and determined it to be safe.
Fharamire sighed. Advertisements such as this are not allowed within the clan- it is considered littering, after all. Perhaps they're overly cautious, but even if asked for permission, Fharamire would want to investigate this... circus... amusement park? Whatever it may be.
The Astéri clans are meant to be a solace for dragons from all walks of life, so carelessly letting someone advertise a place far from home that they know nothing about... They simply cannot let that happen.
With a letter hastily drafted up, Fharamire quickly flutters to the post office to have a Courier deliver the notice to Ziro of Sōlis as soon as possible. There's no way of knowing if the sister clan of Lune has also been targeted...
Kainé of course, is in a complete rage. It's her job to protect the clan... Yet, she never saw the foul assailant that dared to spread this trash all over the village?! She storms over to Fharamire, launching into her tirade.
"Just WHO could've done this!? Who do they think they are?! If i get my claws on them, I'll-"
"Kainé. I understand you are... displeased with this situation. But i am going to address it directly- please inform Altair that I'll be leaving shortly."
Having become accustomed to these outbursts by the Guardian, Fharamire calmly speaks over her shouting. The other progenitor, Altair, lacks combat prowess, being rather feeble even for a Fae.
"Urgh... fine, I'll let him know we're leaving, then. Anyone else coming along?"
Kainé grumbles, trying to not have too much of a temper around their mentor. Fharamire's ears twitch, noticing that she invited herself to accompany them. It's not an argument worth having, they've found; As the clan and its progenitors are her charge, Kainé must attend Fharamire any time they leave the village. Despite being an exceptional mage, they must admit- As a Fae, the protection of a dragon nearly 20 times their size is rather reassuring. Her attitude, however, may cause problems with any diplomatic meetings.
"Well, since it is located in the Scarred Wasteland," Fharamire starts, anticipating Kainé's reaction,
"I figured that Euphoria could come along with us, since he could navigate the Abiding Boneyard with ease."
Kainé's face twists in disgust. She wants to protest, but is unwilling to argue. She tries to reason with Fharamire, but is cut off quickly.
"...Do we HAVE to-"
Euphoria, an Imperial of nearly an equal size to Kainé, is likewise one of the most capable warriors in Lune. And as a dragon of the Plague element, he's well-suited to join them on this quest. However, due to his foreboding appearance and cryptic personality, Kainé greatly mistrusts him.
Euphoria was happily reading the flyer, perhaps scrutinizing the text to find any sort of hidden meaning to it.
"Oh, good day, Fharamire," he greets them happily, before going back to poring over the text.
He glances over with a sly grin, nodding before once again turning his attention back to the flyer. Kainé just growls in response, poorly holding back her honest feelings. Fharamire glances back at her before turning their attention to Euphoria.
"I would like to request you accompany me on this investigation. As a Plague dragon, I imagine you could assist us with navigating th-"
"Well of course i will! I thought you'd never ask," The Imperial cuts them off enthusiastically.
"It sounds quite interesting, doesn't it? My, a circus in the middle of the Scarred Wasteland... Quite the rare attraction, hm? I'm very excited to see what might await us!"
"...Very well then, we should be off soon."
Hopefully Kainé's ire will mostly focus on Euphoria, who eagerly feeds the fires of her anger, and not on whomever they may have to speak to about these unwelcome advertisements.
Over in Dragonhome, nearly the same thing has happened in the Astéri Sōlis clan. Fliers had been spread very deliberately in the pathways throughout the village. Likewise, progenitor Ziro addresses the bizarre incident with his clanmates. He declares that he will personally investigate the matter, asking everyone to avoid this place until he can determine the validity of the advertisements.
It's more troublesome than anything. With this clan being his charge, he swore to protect it with his life. As innocuous as a flyer like this may seem, at the very least it's best to make sure no one will get scammed.
The most troubling part to him, however, is that no one saw a perpetrator. These fliers were dropped in broad daylight, with plenty of dragons out and about, many taking to the skies themselves... Yet, no one saw the one responsible. That simple fact is enough to make him uneasy; Sōlis may be a small village, but no one witnessed anything other than the fliers themselves?
"Who in the world littered all over our beautiful canyon? They have a lot of answering to do!"
Titania, the other "progenitor" (in title only) of Sōlis, flutters up to Ziro. She's a Fae like Fharamire, but is much, much younger- still practically a fledgling.
"Hmph. They'll have to grovel to earn the princess' forgiveness!"
Though Titania considers herself royalty, she's more of a village mascot than anything. As one of the younger dragons in the clan, many see her princess complex as charming. At the very least, she's kind and considerate- more of a fairytale princess than a spoiled noble.
Ziro chuckles nervously, aware of where this is heading.
"Well, Titania, I was going to head over there myself to investigate the matter."
She nods, staring up at him with her big, round eyes.
"What?! But as the princess of Astéri Sōlis, I too should be in attendance for such an important matter, no? How could i stand by idly while my poor subjects fret helplessly, distressed over the state of things?!"
Their clanmates were hardly distressed; the incident is more puzzling than anything. Many have already returned to going about their day as though nothing happened.
Ziro closes his eyes, sighing gently. If this is a dangerous place, it would be irresponsible of him to bring her along. Finally, an idea pops into his head.
"You're right. But, if everyone is in such a frenzy, would it really be wise for their beloved princess to leave them in such a state? They need a reassuring presence in these trying times."
Titania lets out a little whine. She isn't completely deluded into believing the things she says... And she's aware this is Ziro's way of telling her that under no circumstances will he allow her to join him on this quest. she pouts, turning away from him.
"...At least take someone with you. I can't send my bravest knight out alone, after all."
Truly, she just worries about him. Ziro may be much older and larger than her, but Titania knows he tends to overexert himself for the sake of others. He certainly did a lot as he raised her, after all.
"Very well. As you wish, my princess."
He smiles sweetly at her, and she flutters over to give his snout a hug.
Having received each others letters, and confirmation of their similar situations, Fharamire and Ziro meet halfway between Lune and Sōlis- directly into the Plague territory.
Ziro is accompanied by one of Sōlis' warriors, Seraphina. The Spiral is a former member of Lune, having moved to Dragonhome to help establish the Sōlis clan. Before he could even ask for assistance, she approached him very eager to join. However, she wished to accompany purely out of a desire to see the promised spectacle.
"Fharamiiiiiire!! Hiii!! Ohh, its so good to see you- Euphoria too!! Ah, Little Kainé, you too!! Oh my, you've gotten even taller, haven't you?"
The Spiral excitedly flies over to the three, giving each of them an unreciprocated hug (as best as she can for the two larger dragons.)
"Greetings. Though it's unfortunate the circumstances we're meeting for," Ziro remarks.
He appears to have a worse feeling about this investigation than the others. Are five dragons enough? Is it too much? Would Sōlis be safe without two of its warriors present? Sōlis is significantly smaller than Lune, with very few warriors and mercenaries. If he isn't there to protect them... If something were to happen-
Fharamire seems to pick up on his anxiety, or at the very least prefers to sit atop his head as an alternative to Kainé. It shakes Ziro out of his worries, and makes him chuckle a bit. Are all Fae like this? Titania often does similar things; he had only thought she enjoyed riding on his head since he's a father figure to her.
"Well, are we excited? Let's go see this fantastical park!!"
Seraphina twirls in the air excitedly, making gentle figure-eights in the sky.
"I certainly am. Very curious to see how they've made an appealing attraction in the middle of the Scarred Wasteland. Well, appealing to the masses, i should say," Euphoria states blithely.
"I of course, quite like it here. The mushrooms are quite charming, as well as the fact that everything here is teeming with life! Even the very ground beneath us."
Euphoria is, of course, the only one with positive feelings towards the Plague territory. Kainé looks down in disgust at the aforementioned ground.
After a bout of small talk, the five head off in the direction of the park. The two smaller dragons sit upon Ziro, not being able to cover the distance as quickly or easily as the other three. Kainé, of course, seems to pout that Fharamire is no longer perched upon her. Seraphina prattles on idly while the rest of the group is mostly silent, save for an occasional response from Euphoria.
It could hardly be believed that they were still in the Scarred Wasteland. Even with the greenery present around the Seedscar, The mireland was still an unpleasant place filled with ferocious (and many venomous) beasts, as well as wartoads the size of guardians. However, this park... Elysium's Eclipse. The architecture is pristine, decorated with glimmering lights and lush greenery. One could mistake this place for being in the Sunbeam Ruins instead, considering how bright and elegant the surroundings are. There are plenty of guests coming to and going from the park; dragons and beastclan of all variety.
The groups' heads were on swivels, taking in the marvels of the surrounding area; even the ever-monotonous Fharamire seemed impressed.
"Just how did they manage this, i wonder..."
Their eyes narrow as they speak aloud to themselves. Fharamire, though reclusive, does tend to listen in on the rumors that spread around the clan. This isn't a mere traveling circus- this is an entire park, with permanent fixtures on the land, many of an impressive size. Of course, its not as if they know of the goings on of the surrounding territories to the Starfall Isles. But this place... it isn't too far out of the way from the Couriers' path to Dragonhome. They surely would've noticed this being constructed...?
At the front entrance, there are two structures with what must be security atop keeping watch. Fountains are on either side of the path, as well as more greenery and benches of varying sizes to accommodate patrons of any kind. Two stalls are set up for guests to pay their entry fees. A young Faun- perhaps close to Kainé's age- is leaning on the desk of the one they approach, idly chewing on some sweets.
"Hi and welcome to Elysium's Eclipse, the uh, most spectacular attraction in all of the Scarred Wasteland,"
she monotonously states, looking over at a flyer to remember her line.
"We've got uh... five of you? Any fledglings or hatchlings with you or is it five adults?"
The Faun scrutinizes the group, trying to determine the age of Fharamire and Seraphina. They do seem older, but also, dragons don't age in the same way most beastclan do.
"We are here for information. Who spread these flyers about the Astéri Lune and Astéri Sōlis clans? We would like to meet with the proprietor of this place."
Fharamire instantly launches into their questioning. Though they can tell this Faun seems to be an entry-level worker, she should hopefully know where to find the one that hired her.
"Uh... well i mean, you gotta buy tickets if you wanna get in, regardless. Sorry," she sputters out.
"Oh! don't worry, i have the fliers, so we can get a discount!! And yes, five adults!"
Seraphina happily hands over five of the fliers. The other members of the group awkwardly reach into their travel packs to retrieve the treasure to pay the entry fee.
"Uh, cool. Enjoy the uh, fantastic sights and exhilarating thrills that Elysium's Eclipse has to offer."
They step beyond the entrance gate, directly in the center of the midway. Several stalls, each harboring a different carnival game, line the pathways, with carnies beckoning guests to take part in their respective activities.
They're cut off, however, as a voice loudly announces from a PA system. The speaker emits a high pitched squeal, as well as a crackly noise before the announcer comes through properly.
"Ladies, gentlemen, and dear patrons! The three o'clock show at the big top is about to start in ten minutes! Head on over to the big top to see the incredible performers and dazzling entertainers! I repeat, the show will be starting in TEN MINUTES! Don't miss out!"
At the end of the path they're on, the big top can be seen towering in the distance. Dragons and beastclan flock towards the area, eager to see the main event. More crowd the sweets stand not too far from the tent, creating a slight obstacle. After navigating the various hordes, they finally make it to the main event, Fharamire slipping seamlessly into the crowd to get a front row seat. Seraphina quickly joins them while the three larger dragons struggle to navigate the crowded stands.
The lights dance across the ring, a drumroll sounds as two different speakers announce over the PA. Suddenly, the stage lights head straight to the center, lighting up the polished Plague symbol in the center of the ring... Smoke billows seemingly from nowhere, and in the center stand two dragons- a Nocturne and a Skydancer, both wearing similar outfits, differing only in color.
"Ladies, gentlemen, and dearest patrons- WELCOME," they announce in unison.
The crowd cheers in excitement, riled up by the showy entrance.
"I'm Fantasia, the Master of Ceremonies," the Nocturne starts, gesturing towards the Skydancer as she speaks,
"And I am Capriccio, the Ringmaster!"
The duo bow in unison, letting the crowd get their energy out for a bit before they continue.
"Well then, shall we get right into it? It's time for..."
"The most fantastical show..."
The two join claws, once again announcing simultaneously,
"...That you could EVER find in all of Sornieth!!"
Various performers emerge from backstage, each with their own dazzling act. An Undertide with flaming ribbons moving rapidly to draw shapes in the air from the flames, a Snapper contorting her body in ways only a spiral usually can, a Veilspun effortlessly lifting up various weights before moving onto picking up the aforementioned Snapper, and plenty of other acrobats and exciting performances.
The crowd oohs and ahhs, cheering as each exciting spectacle unfolds before them. At the end of the show, the tent is filled with the cacophony of shouts and cheers, all of the patrons being thoroughly entertained. The duo of announcers return to the center of the stage, accompanied by all of the performers at their side to give a final bow as the show comes to an end.
As the spectators file out of the big top, the group reconvenes. However, Kainé is quick to notice the lack of someone very important.
"W-WHERE IS FHARAMIRE?! Seraphina, you were next to them, weren't you?! Where did they go?!"
She's in a complete panic, shouting and nearly reaching to grip Seraphina tightly.
"Ohh... I was so taken by the performance, I suppose I didnt even see them slip away," Seraphina laughs nervously, scratching her head.
"WHAT. You weren't paying attention?! Where did they go?!"
"Well of course she wasn't paying attention. Fharamire is the oldest of us all, they hardly need to be watched over like a child. Besides, they're your charge, aren't they? Or is it only the clan itself you care about? My... to think you wouldn't watch out for them..."
Euphoria, of course, wastes no time getting under her scales, teasing her relentlessly.
"Easy now."
Ziro warns him sternly. A Guardian's charge is no joking matter, and he knows that well. Euphoria smiles serenely at him.
Fortunately, Kainé pays him no mind, frantically pacing around, searching everywhere for Fharamire. The park has a strict height limit for how high one can fly to avoid air traffic around the park, and she's luckily mindful enough about it to not get them kicked out. Seraphina, feeling guilty about Kainés stress, tries to alleviate the tension.
"Well... should we wait here for them? They're bound to turn up at some point... Ah, i can go get us something sweet to eat! How about it? I'll be right back to tell you what's on the menu!"
She quickly takes off, her excitement from the dazzling park making it hard to stay in one place. Ziro chuckles at her reaction.
"A little hard to believe she's my age, with how youthful she acts."
"Ah, excuse me... You aren't supposed to be back here!"
A Dusthide fledgling rolls over to Fharamire, looking very concerned.
"This is the employee only area! I'm really sorry, but you gotta go," She frets.
"I apologize for the intrusion. However, I must speak to the ringmasters."
Fharamire, amid the final act of the show, had slipped towards the back of the tent in the entrance meant only for performers. A few others have noticed their presence and look bewildered or annoyed. However, Fharamire is completely unfazed, looking around for the two announcers.
"My, my, my! A trespasser?"
"Oh my, an intruder?"
They find the two they're looking for as the duo condescendingly remarks on the Fae's presence. They approach, towering over them, their gazed focused on Fharamire despite their swirling pupils. Completely ignoring their comments, Fharamire begins their questioning.
"Who is the proprietor of this place? I need to speak with them. Could it be you two? I have several questions, starting with how and why you dropped so many fliers over my clan despite no one witnessing who was dropping them. I can only imagine you did this for several clans, but you simply must understand my concern with a strange circus inviting my clanmates to come to their location, in the Scarred Wasteland of all places-"
"Goodness me! You're quite the curious one, aren't you?"
Capriccio cuts them off. Before Fharamire can begin again, Fantasia starts speaking.
"Why, madame Elysium runs this place! It is in the name, is it not? We merely wanted to provide entertainment in the middle-"
"Elysium... Where may i find her? I have questions. Such as... how did such a place crop up almost overnight, with no one seeing its development?"
The two hosts exchange a knowing glance, and a sly smile crosses their face.
"My, my! Well it certainly may seem it was built overnight, but such a thing would be impossible, would it not?"
Despite their emotionless expression, their fins and ears twitch in annoyance.
"Where do I find Elysium?"
"Why, one could argue this place is Elysium! A word to describe paradise," Fantasia smirks again.
"Where do I find madame Elysium? I can be equally as persistent, you'll find."
The two seem irritated at Fharamire's lack of reaction. Their demeanor changes, both of them becoming completely despondent.
"Very well. We'll escort you."
Fharamire turns towards the young Dusthide again, with a seemingly softer expression.
"I apologize for worrying you. I won't bother you again back here. Your performance was very nice; I hadn't seen a dragon be safely shot from a cannon in such a way. It was very exciting to see."
Hearing this, the fledgling giggles and beams. They wave goodbye as Fharamire leaves, accompanied by the emcees.
Upon exiting the off-limits area, Kainé seems to have instantly detected Fharamire's presence, bounding towards them. She slides to a stop, glaring daggers into the duo behind their Charge.
"Fharamire, where were you?! Grgh, are you alright? Are these the two responsible?! You better give us answers, we-"
"That's quite enough, Kainé. I'll handle the questions alongside Ziro, alright?"
Kainé grimaces as they're scolded. Fharamire eases up slightly, fluttering up to reassuringly sit atop the Guardian's head.
Ziro and Euphoria catch up to them, with Seraphina carrying an armful of sweets close behind.
"These two are going to take us to madame Elysium, the proprietrix of this establishment," Fharamire states.
Fantasia and Cappricio seem unnerved with how many dragons accompany the Fae.
"My, my, so many friends you have," Fantasia remarks.
"I certainly hope you all can fit in the parlor," Capriccio adds.
Their enthusiasm seems to have returned, and they gesture the group to follow them towards a dense forest.
This, too, seems to be a part of the park... an area designed to be frightening, with attractions featuring with a much darker theme. An intimidating, towering mansion stands at the center of a clearing. It's architecture differs greatly from the rest of the park's, and it appears to be much older as well.
At the mansion's entrance, an elderly Obelisk with a deadpan expression raises a brow at the two ringmasters. Still, he doesn't question them, opening the door and wordlessly welcoming everyone in.
Like the outside, the interior of the mansion has a much older feel to it, though in pristine condition. A wine-red carpet lines the floor, with dark oak wood interior. The light brown patterned wallpaper is decorated with macabre paintings, depicting various scenery found in the surrounding locations throughout the Scarred Wasteland.
While Kainé and Ziro seem unsettled, Euphoria and Fharamire seem unbothered, the former seeming rather pleased with the surroundings. Seraphina gasps excitedly, being a fan of such morbid decorations, rambling to anyone that listens about how beautiful it looks.
"Adelbert, please see our guests to the parlor. They wish to speak with madame Elysium," Capriccio states.
"They have questions for the madame only she can answer, in their eyes," Fantasia adds, chuckling.
"Very well. The madame will see you shortly. Lieselotte, please keep our guests company should they need anything. Verrine, Ursinia, please prepare some tea for our guests."
Adelbert finally speaks, giving some orders to a trio of maids. The Mirror, Lieselotte, joins them while the Pearlcatcher and Tundra hurry off to the kitchen.
They make themselves comfortable in the parlor, Ziro and Euphoria sitting upon the large cushions meant for dragons of their size. Fharamire and Seraphina opt for the smaller couch, while Kainé stands next to Fharamire. After a while, Adelbert returns, this time accompanied by an Aberration.
Fharamire tenses up their entire body. This Aberration... she seems no different from any other, physically. It's something few would be able to notice- a very controlled aura of energy emanates from her. A powerful mage? ...No, not quite. She possesses strength beyond comprehension. Like Fharamire, this dragon is much older than she looks. She is of an Ancient bloodline, but...
This is no ordinary dragon.
"Greetings, my dearest guests. We've heard about your issue... Luckily for you, We're not very busy today. So... care to explain? Let's start from the beginning. What's troubling you? Surely you aren't so ruffled by any old advertisement, hm?"
Both heads speak at once, perfectly synchronized, her eyes piercing directly into Fharamire. Although they're tense with a deep feeling of dread in their gut, they speak calmly.
"Firstly. Was there a specific reason you dropped these fliers over our clans? It seems they were spread only an hour apart."
"All are welcome in Elysium's Eclipse! We spread the word to as many potential patrons as possible. No one should feel left out, after all."
Ziro narrows his eyes. He attempts to ask a more detailed question, equally as desperate for answers.
"How was this amusement park... or, whatever this place might be considered... built without any word of its construction? With such a close proximity to the mire hunting grounds, I would expect to have heard rumors from mercenaries. If it were a traveling circus, I could understand. But these buildings... many of them seem as if they've been here for decades. Centuries, even..."
The Guardian gestures vaguely to the very mansion they're in. A building like this was not constructed recently, that much anyone could tell.
"Elysium's Eclipse is whatever a patron may need most. An exciting escape, perhaps? A dazzling wonder to fill their hearts with joy? A relaxing retreat for a weary soul, even! ...This park must be a miracle, a result of the wishes of those needing solace in the Scarred Wasteland."
Ziro quickly catches on to what kind of dragon Elysium is... He's always had trouble communicating with those esoteric wizard types. Euphoria, too, picks up on it. He sits back and enjoys the show, eager to see how Fharamire can navigate this situation. The Fae, sensing Ziro's frustration, continues with the interrogation.
"What might happen to guests that come here? Can you guarantee it's safe, that you don't have anything nefarious planned?"
"All are safe in the haven that is Elysium's Eclipse! Worry not, we have an exceptional medic whom tends to the ill or injured, should one encounter any unfortunate accidents."
Elysium talks in circles, replying to each question with an answer that seems to be for a different question. The conversation was going nowhere; Fharamire's tail flicks ever so slightly, the stress of the entire situation getting to them.
"I'm sure you've noticed, since you and i aren't too different from one another. But i feel something here. I can sense the energy of something here. Elysium, tell me- just what is it that resides here?"
Fharamire is not usually so paranoid; there are well over a hundred dragons living in the Lune clan. Each member can come and go as they please, and governing the activities of each dragon would, quite frankly, be a pain.
But there was some sort of gut feeling they couldn't explain when they saw the flyer... Something deep down told them to see for themselves. Meeting this Aberration only confirmed to them that they were right to distrust the flyers. She is unfathomably powerful... and this whole park is hiding something... Something ancient. Something just as cryptic as Elysium. Something horrible. Elysium smirks knowingly at Fharamire.
You're quite the clever one, but you are quite far from home now.
Though there are several dragons present for this meeting, it's as if only two are sitting in this room. Fharamire's eyes are locked onto Elysium's, all five of the latter's peering deep within the Fae's very soul. A pair of incredibly powerful, ancient wizards, both able to glean more than what's said... This is a battle of wits. The tension is palpable; even the poor butler and maid seem rather uncomfortable.
Was this a mistake? Fharamire should have come alone. To bring the other four into the very jaws of something so dangerous... Its not as if Elysium is unaccompanied, after all. There's more lurking in the shadows... What, they do not know.
They can feel more eyes on them, surrounding the group. Some are not even present in this room... No, perhaps not even on this plane. They're glaring like a predator watching their prey from the shroud of darkness. It's there, but they don't know from which direction they'll strike.
Claws reaching out from the walls, the growls of unseen entities slowly filling the air, increasing in volume until nothing else can even be heard. The gnashing of voracious fangs creating a breeze against their scales, growing ever closer... The light in the room almost seems to dim until it's impossible to see right in front of them. Fharamire can hardly get enough air, the atmosphere thick with a malicious energy. The ground beneath them erupts, the sound drowned out by hundreds of bestial howls. Tentacles as black as the void reach up from the darkness, constricting them, pulling them all downward to their demise-
"My, a staring contest of all times? I thought we were having a meeting," Euphoria remarks, interrupting the silence. This seems to snap Fharamire back into reality, clearing their throat. A quick glance to the others tells them that what they experienced was not felt by the others in the slightest.
They take a deep breath, closing their eyes for a moment. After steeling their resolve, they look the Aberration in the eyes once more.
"...I have but one question for you, Elysium. Could you truly guarantee none of my clanmates would be in any danger if they come here? I care not for what you may be doing here. Truly, it may be none of my business. But it would be if any harm came to the Astéri clans. That is my sole reason for being here."
A wide grin spreads across Elysium's two faces once more.
"We can promise you, no harm will come to your clanmates. What kind of attraction would we be if misfortune befell our patrons? No, we simply wish to make our guests feel happy. That is truly all there is to it. Is it so wrong of us to want others to experience such jubilation in the Scarred Wasteland?"
It wasn't a lie. There's far more behind it, but it is the truth. There's something much more sinister afoot in this park... Perhaps it isn't even a park, and is much like the Wyrmwound itself. Something is brewing here, something is incubating here. This park merely exists as a way to feed it. To help whatever that may be to grow...
"...Just don't involve others in whatever it is you're planning."
With a sigh, Fharamire flutters up from the chair, seeming to be exhausted.
"Thank you for your time, madame Elysium. As long as you can guarantee none of what you're doing here will harm my clanmates, it is none of my business. I would prefer you not involve any innocent parties, but that is out of my claws."
"Rest assured, my dear. Ah, and one more thing..."
Fharamire reluctantly turns back to Elysium, tensed up. The Aberration gives a very sweet smile that doesn't reach their eyes, which are filled with contempt.
"Everyone has their secrets. But I'm sure you know this well."
Not entertaining that with a response, Fharamire lands atop Kainé's head. The rest of the group, including Elysium's personnel, are completely bewildered as to what happened... Rather, the lack of what they saw unfold. Those two were clearly experiencing something far different from what was seen.
The journey back is mostly quiet, save for Seraphina excitedly rambling about how incredible the performers were. Upon returning to their meeting point, the group splits, each bidding farewell to the other, headed towards their respective clans.
Fharamire is lost in thought, ruminating on the meeting. From what they could tell, nearly all of the performers and laborers have no involvement in whatever Elysium is planning. Fantasia and Capriccio, of course do, but none of the waitstaff in the manor seem to be aware of what is right under their noses. There are others living in that mansion as well, most likely a part of her scheme.
As luck would have it, not too far from this park is a wizard Fharamire knows of. Despite their avoidance of one another, they may have to meet with them again to discuss this place. Ilarune, a venerable Sandsurge mage, might possess valuable insight to the situation. She would abhor such a large crowd visiting her tower, however, and Fharamire noticed their group was being watched as they left. Meeting with her would have to be at a much later date.
Euphoria pipes up, breaking the silence.
"So, did we have fun? I certainly did."
Kainé only grumbles in response. Euphoria looks over at Fharamire with a raised brow.
"That Elysium sure is interesting, isnt she? I am curious as to what you think she may be hiding... Ah, and I believe she even implied that you had something to hide! Very curious, hm?"
"Well, I'd argue everyone does. You're no stranger to this, after all. I, however, do not harbor such things like Elysium. My secrets lie squarely in the distant past, and I would prefer to keep it that way."
Fharamire has returned to their unwavering state, content to be far away from that place. Kainé scowls at the Imperial.
"Yeah. You really are one to talk, huh? No one has to go back into their past just to satisfy your morbid curiosity. But if Elysium is planning something actively, then we need to do something about it."
Fharamire gently pats Kainé with their tail.
"We needn't do anything at present. Being hasty would only lead to disaster. If my suspicions are correct, it may be entirely out of our claws no matter what."
Euphoria's ears twitch, smiling wryly.
"Pray tell, could you inform us on what it was exactly you felt? You've been so vague, I can't help but wonder if you have some sort of involvement!"
Yes, of course. The real reason Euphoria joined was because of his prying nature. But even he did not pick up on it... Not entirely, anyways.
"To put it simply, I would say it's a cult of some sort. There's more to it than that... But I doubt they're recruiting members, exactly."
"Oho, trying to gather sacrifices, then?"
"Not quite. They're certainly using the guests, but not in a way that harms them. I'll have to look into it, But it isn't unheard of for ancient faiths to gather the emotions of others, feeding their lesser deity. My best guess is that it's something like that."
While Kainé is startled by this revelation, Euphoria seems content. It is exactly as he expected. Frustratingly for him, he cannot pick up on the subtle energy that Fharamire can... not yet, anyways.
"I ask that you two do not share this to the others. I am trusting you to keep this between the three of us, understand? I will be transparent, make no mistake, that I suspect more going on behind the scenes. For now, I will not actively stop anyone who wishes to go. I suggest against it, but it will be up to the individual to determine if they wish to support a shady organization."
As the clan leader, Fharamire is incredibly lenient. Having a strict dictator watch over everyone closely leads to resentment, after all. Especially when one punishes those who defy their leader... Only if it seemed to be a risk to their lives would they so harshly command their clanmates.
An official statement is made, and Fharamire reiterates to their village that, while they do not wish for them to attend, they're free to do so at their own discretion. Life goes on as normal, and some dragons even plan a fun trip even if the owners of the park are shady. Fharamire stays holed up in their home, researching fervently all of the cults of past and present within the Plague territory.
Likewise, Ziro makes a similar statement declaring his distrust for the proprietrix of the amusement park, informing his clanmates to make their own decision on whether or not they wish to attend. Seraphina herself, as well as her partner Iblis, plan to return and enjoy a lovely vacation with a hint of mystery behind it all.
A reply from Ilarune is received after having written to her, affirming Fharamire's beliefs on the activity of Elysium's Eclipse. She notes something peculiar in her missive.
"However, I cannot be too certain. It would appear they're attempting to foster a malevolent presence. Not that I wished to be there, but when i came to air my grievances about their obstruction of a park in such close proximity to my home, I had met an Aberration fledgling that claimed to converse with a spirit. I'm no fool; fledglings always prattle on about their nonexistent abilities. But this little one was different, and I'm inclined believe her. If that entity is the one they're feeding, perhaps it may not be a threat to anyone. Again, she is a mere fledgling and perhaps is fooled by the spirit, but her conviction was rather impressive. Regardless, I hope they finish what they're after so they can disband this nonsense and stay far from my lair."
Ilarune's very long scroll was filled from top to bottom, but that section stood out to them. A Fledgling that can communicate with some manner of entity unseen by others... Perhaps they'll have to return at some point, or send someone else. Elysium and her cohorts most likely won't be too pleased to see them again.
They roll up the large scroll, noting the "please don't bother replying" at the bottom, and begin drafting a letter addressed to Ziro to reiterate what they'd learned. This would hopefully ease some of his anxieties... This only feeds Fharamire's curiosity, however. Meeting with this fledgling seems imperative. They begin to agonize on how to tackle this situation, when they're interrupted by their twin, Altair.
"Fharamire, would you like some dinner? I've made us some grilled lunar lacewing," he states, holding up a plate. It's Fharamire's favorite meal.
"You've been so stressed, lately... Not that I don't understand your worries, but I wish you would take some time to rest as well. We aren't exactly young anymore," he chuckles.
"...Yes, you're right. Pulling these all-nighters are going to kill me at this rate. I do apologize for worrying you. And... Thank you."
The twins flutter up to the top of their tree home, staring out at the sea of glimmering starwood trees beneath them. What lies in the future is unknown... For now, they decide to enjoy the moment with their brother, refusing to stress over this situation any longer today.
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real-total-drama-takes · 1 year ago
the pahkitew man cast is probably the best gender specific ensemble of the entire franchise.
-beardo is an amusing prankster (although i dont care about the shy aspect of him) with excellent taste in sound effects
-dave is a fun to study basket case and his situationship with sky is entertaining
-leonard is a goofy head-in-the-clouds wizard (the pretending headcanons are lame!!) and suprisingly good team leader (as seen in episode 1)
-max is hilarious and better than any actual villain (and ill say it: way more robbed than leshawna)
-rodney is a fun gimmick that honestly couldve gone on longer
-topher has a cool dynamic with the host and a better plot than half of what goes in in pi
(oh uh, shawn is good too, just very overrated)
the woman cast is good too, but sans scarlett (who i like both the regular and evil versions of her) and sky, specific variants of them are better than the canon ones:
-ella in dramarama with the temper and dragon transformation thingy
-sugar in dramarama and the cake flyer where she wasnt forced into a villain role
-amy and samey in the cake flyer where theyre conflict seemed to be on equal grounds
-jasmine in dramarama cause shes only in a cameo and doesnt speak at all
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burnwater13 · 1 year ago
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Well, Greef Karga was good to his word and sent a crew over to pick up all the set pieces, flats, and other decorations Grogu and the Mandalorian had made over the last day or two. Grogu had been amazed to see how much of it there was. It was almost as if they were recreating that whole laboratory place from the destroyed Imp base. 
Grogu had only wanted a few pieces to give off the creepy vibe that place still had. He certainly hadn’t intended to build a replica of the cloning console or a whole cloning chamber. He didn’t even remember asking R5 to get him the Spaarti cylinders. But when he reviewed his list, they were right there with a little green check mark next to them. 
Grogu wondered how many other things he had designed and built without knowing about it. Probably more than one. He checked the list while his dad was packing some things up for them so they could supervise the installation at the civic office complex. He was glad that his dad had thought of that. He was still so discombobulated after discovering that he’d done a bunch of work he didn’t remember, he didn’t trust himself to do anything more complex then review the list. 
Apparently, Grogu had really wanted people to remember how awful the Empire had been, once he looked over the list. He’d found the descriptions for the Emperor’s Throne Room, the high security prisoner’s cells you’d find on any Imperial Star Destroyer or Dreadnaught, the diorama for the energy shield shaft used on the Second Sun, and finally, a scene that was just lava flows as part of an industrial background. Grogu had no idea why that scene was so creepy, but it was. 
Those scenes were going to look very different from the ones he remembered designing and painting. Those had been more mundane, like the playing fields at the Jedi Temple, or krill ponds on Sorgan, or even the entrance to the Krayt dragon nest on Tatooine. They were all outside areas where you could pretend that something was sneaking up on you, or where wild critters would be, or where it would rain and rain and rain. 
He had found sound effects for all of those things and thought that would be fun for his dad, because the Mandalorian had spent so much of his life cooped up on a ship and/or in his armor. He’d thought as long as he was telling stories about scary things that hadn’t happened, it would a story about his dad getting stung by a bee at an amusements park, or tripping and falling into water where the fish would catch you and bring you to the leader of the fish who would make you eat vegetables instead of good food. 
Grogu had to admit that story was more scary to him than it would likely be to the Mandalorian, but he had wanted to tell it, none the less. Now, having seen all the scenes from Imperial spaces, it seemed like Grogu wanted to terrify people with real history and not stormy night stories of things that had never happened. That gave him the shivers and his dad commented that maybe he needed to buy Grogu a jacket, since it had been getting cooler in the evenings. 
They reached Nevarro City after a short ride on the speeder bike and Grogu was relieved to see that the High Magistrate’s protocol droid had already started putting up flyers for the event. That was nice. It was printed out in bright colors like orange, purple and green. It didn’t look particularly scary, and honestly, Grogu was pretty happy about that. He was scared enough as it was and that was just because he couldn’t remember doing so much. 
“Come one, come all! Listen to the terrifying tales of “A Dark and Stormy Night’ as performed by Clan Mudhorn. Feel the chills. Feel the thrills. As Din Grogu and Din Djarin tell you how they thwarted Moff Gideon!” 
Grogu’s dad sighed as he read the copy from one of the posters. Grogu didn’t remember writing that but it did sound like something he would write. He was proud of how he and his dad and the other Mandalorian kicked the Imps off Mandalore and stopped that Imp remnant from threatening folks. 
“Buddy, tonight you’re sleeping in my room. I don’t want you waking up and sneaking off to do more stuff like this. You’ll wear yourself out.” 
Grogu nodded his head and coo’d at his dad. He didn’t want to wear himself out either. Now people were expecting an exciting show of storytelling and he wasn’t sure if the stories he’d been working on would do the trick. He didn’t even know what stories his dad was working on because they hadn’t had a chance to talk about it. 
What if Din Djarin regaled the fine citizens of Nevarro City with the story of the horror of running out of armor polish on a day the shops were closed to celebrate the beginning of spring? Or worse, what if he explained in great detail how he helped Grogu deal with an ingrown hair in the middle of his back?! That thing had itched like crazy, but Grogu didn’t think that was a good basis for a scary story. 
As they walked into the civic offices, Grogu groaned in embarrassment. He didn’t remember painting a flat that showed him with the Mandalorian. He wasn’t embarrassed by the artwork, far from it. It looked great. But he’d never worn a black, hooded cloak, and his hands were green, not blue and white like Force lightning and his eyes definitely weren’t red! Uff. The Mandalorian’s figure looked fine. At least to Grogu.
“Buddy, my visor doesn’t glow green and purple. Not even if I wanted it to.”
Grogu shook his head, then heard a voice whisper in his ear, “But it could. It could!” And then he heard cackling and the sound of thunder crashing. 
Oh, no! Not again!
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techobaby · 2 months ago
Global Electric Bus Market 2025 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030
An electric bus is a bus powered by electricity. An electric bus uses electric motors or traction motors for propulsion. An electric bus may be powered through a collector system by electricity from off-bus sources, or may be self-contained with a battery or generator to convert fuel to electricity. According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global Electric Bus market size was valued at USD 11960 million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 22530 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 9.5% during review period. The influence of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine War were considered while estimating market sizes. Global Electric Bus key players include Schneider Electric, Southwire Company LLC, Gonda Metal Industry, etc. Global top three manufacturers hold a share over 25%. China is the largest market, with a share about 25%, followed by North America, and Europe, both have a share over 35 percent. In terms of product, Battery Electric Bus is the largest segment, with a share over 90%. And in terms of application, the largest application is Transit Bus, followed by Travel Bus, etc. This report is a detailed and comprehensive analysis for global Electric Bus market. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented by manufacturers, by region & country, by Type and by Application. As the market is constantly changing, this report explores the competition, supply and demand trends, as well as key factors that contribute to its changing demands across many markets. Company profiles and product examples of selected competitors, along with market share estimates of some of the selected leaders for the year 2025, are provided.
Sample Plan: https://www.reportsintellect.com/sample-request/2911515 Key Features: Global Electric Bus market size and forecasts, in consumption value ($ Million), sales quantity (Units), and average selling prices (K USD/Unit), 2018-2030 Global Electric Bus market size and forecasts by region and country, in consumption value ($ Million), sales quantity (Units), and average selling prices (K USD/Unit), 2018-2030 Global Electric Bus market size and forecasts, by Type and by Application, in consumption value ($ Million), sales quantity (Units), and average selling prices (K USD/Unit), 2018-2029 Global Electric Bus market shares of main players, shipments in revenue ($ Million), sales quantity (Units), and ASP (K USD/Unit), 2019-2025
Inquire Request: https://www.reportsintellect.com/discount-request/2911515 The Primary Objectives in This Report Are: To determine the size of the total market opportunity of global and key countries To assess the growth potential for Electric Bus To forecast future growth in each product and end-use market To assess competitive factors affecting the marketplace This report profiles key players in the global Electric Bus market based on the following parameters - company overview, production, value, price, gross margin, product portfolio, geographical presence, and key developments. Key companies covered as a part of this study include Yutong, DFAC, BYD, King Long and Zhong Tong, etc. This report also provides key insights about market drivers, restraints, opportunities, new product launches or approvals, COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine War Influence. Market Segmentation Electric Bus market is split by Type and by Application. For the period 2018-2029, the growth among segments provides accurate calculations and forecasts for consumption value by Type, and by Application in terms of volume and value. This analysis can help you expand your business by targeting qualified niche markets. Market segment by Type Battery Electric Bus Plug-in Hybrid Electric Bus Fuel Cell Electric Bus Market segment by Application Transit Bus Travel Bus Others Major players covered Yutong DFAC BYD King Long Zhong Tong Foton ANKAI Guangtong Nanjing Gold Dragon Volvo New Flyer Daimler Gillig CRRC Electric Vehicle Higer Bus King Long Motor Group Proterra VDL Bus & Coach Solaris Bus & Coach EBUSCO Market segment by region, regional analysis covers North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and Rest of Europe) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Rest of South America) Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, South Africa, and Rest of Middle East & Africa)
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zuko-always-lies · 1 year ago
ATLA Overall Character Stats Continued Continued
This is characters with 1 or 2 lines.
Aang and Sokka 2 lines, 0.020030045% Actor Jet 2 lines, 0.020030045% Bodyguard #2 2 0.020030045 Brainwasher 2 0.020030045 Bujing 2 0.020030045 Captured agent 2 0.020030045 Chamberlain 2 0.020030045 Class 2 0.020030045 Commander 2 0.020030045 Crew member 2 0.020030045 Dock/Xu 2 0.020030045 Ember Island teenager #3 2 0.020030045 Farmer 2 0.020030045 Female prisoner 2 0.020030045 Female student #1 2 0.020030045 Fire Nation watchman #1 2 0.020030045 Girl with umbrella 2 0.020030045 Guard captain 2 0.020030045 Guest 2 0.020030045 Head of the Dai Li 2 0.020030045 Huge round angry face 2 0.020030045 Joo Dee replacement 2 0.020030045 Joo Dees 2 0.020030045 Koala sheep 2 0.020030045 Kyoshi Warrior #1 2 0.020030045 Male soldier 2 0.020030045 Merchant woman 2 0.020030045 Old Fire Nation civilian 2 0.020030045 Oracle 2 0.020030045 Pet store owner 2 0.020030045 Pirate 2 0.020030045 Qin Lee 2 0.020030045 Sensitive ruffian 2 0.020030045 Servant #2 2 0.020030045 Song's mother 2 0.020030045 Store owner 2 0.020030045 Team Avatar 2 0.020030045 Village boy 2 0.020030045 Village Woman 2 0.020030045 Young Ty Lee 2 0.020030045 Aang and Zuko 1 0.010015023 Actor Bumi 1 0.010015023 Actress Yue 1 0.010015023 Adult guest 1 0.010015023 Agent 1 0.010015023 Audience 1 0.010015023 Aunt Wu 1 0.010015023 Big Bad Hippo 1 0.010015023 Blue Spirit 1 0.010015023 Bodyguard 1 0.010015023 Bogyguard #2 1 0.010015023 Both 1 0.010015023 Boy's mother 1 0.010015023 Citizen 1 0.010015023 Colonists 1 0.010015023 Crowd 1 0.010015023 Earthbender guard 1 0.010015023 Elder general 1 0.010015023 Eye-patch soldier 1 0.010015023 Fangirls 1 0.010015023 Fire Nation Captain 1 0.010015023 Fire Nation kids 1 0.010015023 Fire Nation watchman #2 1 0.010015023 Firebenders 1 0.010015023 Flyer distribution man 1 0.010015023 Gan Jin man 1 0.010015023 Girl 1 0.010015023 Gondola guard #2 1 0.010015023 Gondola guard #3 1 0.010015023 Gondola guard #4 1 0.010015023 Guard #2 1 0.010015023 Guard two 1 0.010015023 Gyatso and Katara 1 0.010015023 How 1 0.010015023 Iio 1 0.010015023 Katara (flashback) 1 0.010015023 Katara and Sokka 1 0.010015023 Kuruk 1 0.010015023 Kyoshi Warrior #2 1 0.010015023 Lady on stage 1 0.010015023 Lieutenant Jee 1 0.010015023 Longshot 1 0.010015023 Lu Ten 1 0.010015023 Male prisoner #2 1 0.010015023 Male soldier #1 1 0.010015023 Man in the bar 1 0.010015023 Man with Red Shoes 1 0.010015023 Mask dealer 1 0.010015023 Old woman 1 0.010015023 Older guest 1 0.010015023 Painted Lady 1 0.010015023 Painter 1 0.010015023 Palace woman 1 0.010015023 Peasant girl 1 0.010015023 Ping 1 0.010015023 Poi 1 0.010015023 Poi and Ping 1 0.010015023 Princess Yue 1 0.010015023 Prisoner 1 0.010015023 Prisoner #2 1 0.010015023 Puppet Fire Lord 1 0.010015023 Red dragon 1 0.010015023 Resistance fighter 1 0.010015023 Resistance fighter #1 1 0.010015023 Resistance fighter #2 1 0.010015023 Royal messenger 1 0.010015023 Sandbender #1 1 0.010015023 Sandbender #2 1 0.010015023 Scout #1 1 0.010015023 Scout #2 1 0.010015023 Scribe 1 0.010015023 Second Engineer 1 0.010015023 Shop keeper 1 0.010015023 Shopkeeper 1 0.010015023 Southern Water Tribe girl 1 0.010015023 Spectators 1 0.010015023 Star 1 0.010015023 Strange Man 1 0.010015023 Student 1 0.010015023 Sun Warrior 1 0.010015023 Ta Min 1 0.010015023 Tea seller 1 0.010015023 Terra Team leader 1 0.010015023 Terra Team member 1 0.010015023 The Hippo 1 0.010015023 Third girl 1 0.010015023 Together 1 0.010015023 Toph and Sokka 1 0.010015023 Train conductor 1 0.010015023 Tribal man 1 0.010015023 Village kids 1 0.010015023 Villager #1 1 0.010015023 Villager #4 1 0.010015023 Villagers 1 0.010015023 Waiter 1 0.010015023 Warrior 1 0.010015023 Water Tribe warrior 1 0.010015023 Weapons store shopkeeper 1 0.010015023 White Lotus member 1 0.010015023 Young boy 1 0.010015023 Young guest 1 0.010015023 Young Mai 1 0.010015023 Younger guest 1 0.010015023
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iraniraqcrisiscommittee · 1 year ago
Crack Rock
Into the Shadows
An international committee has been established to uncover details regarding House of the Dragon and LOVEMUFFIN.
In Pakistan, cocaine has been found in rebel regions. We legit don't know what is going on there. All we know is that Pakistan is very unstable on the moment.
Iran Mounts a Comeback
There seems to be a massing of Iranian troops as they finally start fight back against Iraq. In response, Iraq is holding and strengthening their position in Khuzestan as they wait for Saddam Hussein to give new strategic orders in response. For now, the advancement of Iraq is paused. Thank you Ayatollah Khomeini for your response. Dwayne Johnson's Namesake
The sacred rock of Mecca has disappeared. The Saudi government is an uproar over it. They are calling for immediate intervention in finding this holy stone. Economic Updates
The price of oil has sky-rocketed with the freezing of the Shatt Al-Arab. Fortunately, a pipeline from Iraq to Turkey allows for an alternative method for Iraq to send oil. Iran, on the other hand, felt more of an impact from being cut off from it's own oil fields.
The petroleum pool has helped stabilize both the price and the situation in Iran. Additionally, the humanitarian aid in Iran has helped mitigate the overall impact.
Employment Opportunity
Flyers around the world have been calling for new workers in the House of Dragon. Will the investigations reveal who is behind it?
Speaking of employment, Iran has none. There are rumblings unrest in the University students who at one time were faithful loyalist to the Islamic Revolution ... now who will they support?
Like a Good Neighbor
The Shatt Al-Arab has been demilitarized but more ships now guard the entrance of the Shatt Al-Arab (as soon as it finished thawing ... but we're nearly there!). All ships should be screened from here on out. There is hope that this will decrease public dissent.
Furthermore, leaders of Iran are hosting a music festival to boost morale within the country. Will people stay together? Or will they begin to fracture into their own groups?
Kurdish Freedom Fighters
With the tides finally on their side, Kurdish freedom fighters have mobilized in Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria. We are unsure what caused this uptick when recent relations between Kurdistan and Iraq have been better in recent months.
That may have been with just a small faction... there are many leaders in the region who don't seem to be on the same page with what they want. Referendum for Resolution
The majority of Arab League proclaim neutrality or are in support of Iraq. The findings indicate that some are afraid of backlash if they support a losing side. International commitment to protecting those in the region may mean more members of the Arab League would participate.
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debbiechanclub · 1 year ago
So here there are my Nellie x LIJ headcanons
Even though Hiromu is two years older than her Nellie actually enjoy to see his childish antics on the ring and outside of it
Sometimes she like to go out with Bushi to get their nails done and to bond over the facts that they are the most sane people in their faction
I think that at first she was really intimidated by Shingo but when she realises that he’s just a really loud dude that likes dragons to the point to make it his intere gimmick she find that funny and less intimidating
At first she didn’t understand why Naito was the leader of this faction but after she saw how he managed to get himself and his faction mate to the top she understood why Rush trusted Naito in to creating LIJ
She couldn’t believe that the Tsuji that joined LIJ was the same Tsuji that she knew as a young lion. I actually think that he had for a little a Crush on her, being star strucked by her confidence
The only one that I don’t really have an headcanon for is TITAN but one thing that I’m sure of is that he would teach her some lucha libre manoeuvre
Too Sweet
I just want you to know that I've been looking forward to receiving this all day 😊
But oh my gooood okay no joke, I've actually imagined Nellie being lowkey besties with Hiromu and it makes Naito... jealous isn't the right word, but he's definitely like, "Why do you like Hiromu more than me." Like he just doesn't understand 😂 And I've also definitely imagined that back when Nellie was with Zack in Suzuki-gun and they had some important match against LIJ, Naito brought out one of Nellie's sexy Stardom photobooks for her to sign and she's like 😑
Bushi's HC LOL, but you're right, they are the most sane ones now that I think about it 💀 And she def would have been intimidated by Shingo at first, but I think she would realize he's not actually that scary pretty quick.
Not Tsuji having a little crush as a Young Lion 🤭 I could see it, especially since Nellie probably wouldn't terrorize the ringside people like the rest of Suzuki-gun
As for TITAN, he could try to teach Nellie some moves but she's not a high-flyer or very acrobatic so she'd probably make a fool of herself 😂
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lostparadox · 2 years ago
Pokémon Sword and Shield (Rewrite) : Strongest characters
This will be the list of the trainers strongest to weakest (main timeline and in the Galar region)
1. ‘New Galar Champion’ Victor (6 Pokémon and G-max)
2. ‘New Chairman of the Galar League and former champion’ Leon Woodrow (6 Pokémon and G-max)
3. ‘Dojo Master and former champion ‘ Master Mustard Mishima (6 Pokémon and G-max)
4. ‘Next Pokémon professor’ Hoppleton ‘Hop’ Woodrow (6 Pokémon and G-max)
5. ‘Next shop owner’ Gloria (6 Pokémon and G-max)
6. ‘Dojo Matron’ Heidi ‘Honey’ Mishima (6 Pokémon and G-max)
7. ‘Voice of Spikemuth’ Marnie Baines (6 Pokémon and G-max)
8. ‘Brash Battler of Ballonlea’ Bede Consgrove/Rose/Lancaster (6 Pokémon and G-max)
9. ‘Tamer of dragons’ Raihan Qadir (6 Pokémon and G-max)
10. ‘Lightning-fast strategist’ Michael Growth (6 Pokémon and G-max)
11. ‘The ice-cold professional’ Melanie ‘Melony’ Volkov (6 Pokémon and G-max)
12. ‘The earth forger’ Garth (6 Pokémon and G-max)
13. ‘The hard-rock crusher’ Gordie Volkov (6 Pokémon and G-max)
14. ‘The silent boy of mystery’ Allister Callum (6 Pokémon and G-max)
15. ‘The Galar karate prodigy’ Beatrice ‘Bea’ Duncan (6 Pokémon and G-max)
16. ‘The Sky-high flyer’ Ace (6 Pokémon and G-max)
17. ‘The genius of steel’ Rhodney (6 Pokémon and G-max)
18. ‘The ever-burning man of fire’ Kabu Kaguya(6 Pokémon and G-max)
19. ‘The raging wave’ Nessa Crawford (6 Pokémon and G-max)
20. ‘The fighting farmer’ Milo Flockhart (6 Pokémon and G-max)
21. ‘The normal type of extraordinary’ Amelie (6 Pokémon and G-max)
22. ‘The bug-catcher of amazing things’ Midge (6 Pokémon and G-max)
23. ‘Steel-thorn rose and former champion’ Peony ‘Steel Peony’ Rose (6 Pokémon and G-max)
24. ‘Head of Team Yell’ Piers Baines (6 Pokémon)
25. ‘New Professor of Galar’ Professor Sonia Magnolia (6 Pokémon and G-max)
26. (Tied) ‘Bea’s parents and former gym leaders’ Lima Duncan (Psychic) and Mauis Duncan (Fighting) (6 Pokémon)
27. (Tied) Battle tower trainers
28. ‘Telekinetic trouble-maker’ Avery Kingsley (6 Pokémon and G-max)
29. ‘Pretty girl with a poisonous personality’ Klara Adkins (6 Pokémon and G-max)
30. ‘Former Galar League Chairman and Former Head of Macro Cosmo’ Daniel Rose (6 Pokémon and G-max)
31. ‘The mater of fantastic theater’ Opal Lancaster (6 Pokémon and G-max)
32. (Tied) Restricted Sparing trainers
33. ‘Professor of Galar’ Professor Constance Magnolia (6 Pokémon and G-max)
34. ‘Brash archeologist’ Bray Zenn (6 Pokémon)
35. ‘Careless archeologist’ Cara Liss (6 Pokémon)
36. ‘Scary secretary’ Oleana DeVito-Rose (6 Pokémon and G-max)
37. (Tied) ‘Reformed elites’ Edward ‘Sordward’ Arthur/Gilbert ‘Shilbert’ Arthur (6 Pokémon)
38. ‘Schoolboy’ Marvin (6 Pokémon)
39. ‘Former electric gym leader’ Berto (6 Pokémon)
40. (Tied) ‘Oleana’s elites’ Group of Macro Cosmo employees
41. ‘Normal Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Yue
42. ‘Flying Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Kent
43. ‘Ground Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Dunne
44. ‘Grass Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Pia
45. ‘Fire Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Phoebus
46. ‘Water Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Vega
47. ‘Electric Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Corvin
48. ‘Rock Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Cher
49. ‘Fighting Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Deneb
50. ‘Ghost Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Wei
51. ‘Ice Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Izar
52. ‘Flying Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Kent
53. ‘Dragon Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Terry
55. ‘Bug Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Polaire
55. ‘Steel Type Gym Challenger Specialist’ Theemin
56. ‘New head of Team Yell and New Galar League Manager’ Gym trainer Joshua (6 Pokémon)
57. ‘Mum’ Ally (6 Pokémon)
58. ‘Mayor of Freezington’ Mayor Percy (6 Pokémon)
59. ‘Darlin Daughter’ “Nia” Peonia (6 Pokémon)
60. ‘Diggin’ Pa’
61. ‘Diggin’ Ma’
62. ‘Older brother of the Digging duo’
63. ‘Younger brother of the Digging duo’
64. ‘Young boy genius’ Hyde Mishima (6 Pokémon)
65. (Tied) Dynamax adventure partners and Max Raid Adventure partners
66. (Tied) Macro Cosmo employees
67. (Tied) Gym Trainers
68. (Tied) Battle Cafe employees, Hairstylists, Clothes shop owners
69. ‘Interviewer Reporter’ Gillian
70. ‘Cameraman’ Cam
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