#especially fic writers
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kithtaehyung Ā· 1 year ago
[ 3tan11 ] alrighty, my loves. i've been on writing lockdown and took a break to finally type this up. few things to note before drop:
this will either drop tomorrow night as scheduled, or sunday, december 3rd to give me a little more time. too many recent unexpected things happened for me to be completely sure about the 27th drop and it hurts to think about pushing it back, but if i need to, i will.
estimated wc will be 25-30k, so this chapter will be split into two parts - two separate posts - on the same night. i know it will be super easy to just move onto the next part, but please consider interacting with both parts equally even if you do it after reading! any likes, comments, and shares would be loved and appreciated :D
just gonna say this now, but if this gets reported by anyone and slapped with a community label, i'm deleting the posts and will completely reupload. if you are curious as to why, this ask by the wonderful kiki @chryblossomjjk herself sums up why labels are harmful to creators.
if you're a person that reblogs with comments, have those notes saved somewhere in case this happens! if you don't wanna see this on your blog, just filter *ryenfictalk, 3tan11, or three tangerines so that it doesn't show on your feed.
šŸŠthe discord server has been amazing! if you are a reader of the series and wanna join this super fun community, go ahead and apply hehehe. it's been one hell of a time alreadyšŸŠ
that's it for now! love you all and i am gonna work super super hard on this bc i know how long the wait has been, and i truly do wanna put my best effort forward for y'all. if that means pushing it back, so be it! iā€™ll be sure to let you know once i know for sureā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹
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mobblespsycho100 Ā· 2 months ago
the funniest part abt wind and truth is that Kaladin starts genuinely forming a platonic bond with Szeth and even developing a brotherly/paternal protective instinct because like. youre telling me that this guy literally went from killing him to kind of thinking hes a messy freak of a human being to "despite his heinous crimes hes just a lil guy your honor. a poor little meow meow" in the span of 10 days / even less ?? maybe the real ideal isnt "i will protect even those i hate" cause im starting to believe Kaladin cant even hate anyone. perhaps the real oaths were the friends we made along the way
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gothamite-rambler Ā· 6 days ago
People argue Dick is Damian's favorite big brother, but I feel like that's everyone's favorite. In reality, he definitely likes Jason more. I love to imagine due to the headcanon of them knowing each other when he was a baby, Damian grew attached to him more, but hides it. Yet he'll believe nonsense lies like Jason having one night stands.
Damian: Akhi Jason, in school I learned about different families and ... I've been thinking about how you raised me when I was a baby. You made me so happy and still do so... I just wanted to say... I love you and you will always be my first akh.
Damian patted Jason on the hand then returned to drawing. Everyone in the room was silent, questioning if that just happened.
Tim: Aww, that was actually sweet.
Dick (offended): What?!
Damian: I just wanted to say he's the first brother I knew. He raised me well and was the one sliver of good I had before meeting all of you. He's... Akhi Jason. Yeah... So there. Drake don't expect me to say the same.
Tim: Yep, fuck you too.
Jason (sniffled, holding his head down): I knew he liked me more... In you're face Dick.
Dick: I raised him while Bruce was off being a teacher!
Jason: And I changed his diapers and was the only good thing while he was raised around Ra's Al Ghul.
Alfred (on his tea break): That's a good point. He dealt with the terrible toddler years and Ra's. Jason, I'm honestly very proud of you. You raised this child right.
Dick (jealous): Et freaking tu, Alfred?
Jason (smugly): I wish I had recorded this just so I can replay it whenever I need to rub this in your face... But I'm still going to rub this in your face.
Bruce (reading a newspaper): I feel like chopped liver... I didn't know he existed for 8 years of his life but I feel like I've done a pretty good job raising him.
Dick, Tim, Alfred, Damian, and Jason: This isn't about you!
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blackgoddesssworld Ā· 1 month ago
I don't care what anyone says.
Your story is not X reader if the "reader" has a name and full description of how they look.... It's a fucking OC!!!!
Stop tagging your shit x reader!!!!
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starcurtain Ā· 22 days ago
Potential Phaidei Crumbs
Some more possible Phaidei crumbs that I've been thinking about and haven't seen people discussing yet:
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First, in the very first scene with Mydei, there's this one odd line. It's a tiny thing, but nothing in a character's first appearance is accidental, so...
Mydei starts griping, telling Phainon that the people of Castrum Kremnos as a whole will not accept him. Presumably he actually means this in a general sense, aka "The Kremnoans won't accept any other hero; Kremnos won't become allies with anyone."
However, something I haven't seen many people note is that Mydei's very next line is:
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"As the successor of Kremnos, I am not able to act independently on such matters."
This is a weird statement, right?
Saying "I am not able to act independently" basically implies that there is a desire to choose differently than his people. It's not "I would never act differently than my people demand." It's not even "I don't want to act independently"--it's "I am not able to." Wording the statement this way actively suggests that Mydei has a different stance than Kremnos itself--that if he had the power to act independently, he might make a different determination than his people expect.
Or, in more direct words: He would accept Phainon if he had the choice.
The dev team is very careful about the first impression that characters make in their debut appearances in the game. Choosing to deliberately reveal to us that Mydei has a different opinion of Phainon than the rest of the Kremnoans might is a strong signal for Mydei's characterization--deep down, he is very different from other Kremnoans--but, even more importantly, it tells us instantly that Mydei thinks more highly of Phainon than other people from Kremnos do. (Even if he also thinks Phainon is a mannerless heathen who lacks hospitality lol.)
Okay, okay, but that's just one little line. There's another thing I wanted to point out too, and that's actually Miss Castorice...
I've seen a lot of people suggesting Mydei/Castorice, Phainon/Castorice, and even Mydei/Castorice/Phainon, but for all the fandom's shipping (and everyone should feel free to ship what they love; your ship is valid, fam!), I actually kind of think that...
Castorice is a bit of a Mydei/Phainon shipper herself.
Although Castorice is of course just a good person who is doing what she can to help Okhema, she also is quick to assist Phainon specifically to save Mydei, quick to try to keep Phainon calm because that's what will help him get to Mydei quicker, and she just brings Mydei up out of the blue to Phainon several times throughout the story.
It's Castorice who halts Phainon's ascension ceremony to ask where Mydei is, because she expected him to be there for Phainon.
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It seems to be a given for Castorice that if Phainon needs him, in Phainon's most important hour, Mydei should obviously be with him. She knew Mydei would come.
Even before that, when Phainon was feeling down, Castorice admits she doesn't know how to comfort Phainon herself, and instead... brings up Mydei to comfort Phainon???
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Girl thought Quick, how can I raise Phainon's self-esteem? and Mydei's nickname for Phainon was the first thing that seems to have come to mind. šŸ˜‚
She really said "You're not lame, Phainon; Mydei thinks you're a hero!"
Okay, being more serious--even putting shipping aside entirely, it's just overall clear that Castorice perceives the close comradeship between Phainon and Mydei (probably moreso than Phainon himself) and understands how important having that close friendship is to Phainon, who seems to have nothing else left outside of the Chrysos Heirs at all.
She seems to be able to tell how much Phainon needs people in his life who believe in and can stand beside him, and seems to have clocked that Mydei is definitely one such person. The game tells us players clearly that Castorice is an incredibly perceptive person who is sensitive to the feelings of others, and part of that includes her continuing to verbally recognize, throughout 3.0, the support Phainon gains from his close connection to Mydei.
I think this is just another cool touch--but also maybe another subtle nod from the devs. Castorice won't even let Phainon have a single scene where Mydei isn't mentioned lol.
And finally, one last crumb based on a pet theory...
"As I've Written"
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We don't yet know who is responsible for actually writing the character profiles in the "As I've Written" book--although the rewards section is called "Author's Recompense" and the player get rewards for "composing sagas," alongside the interact button being "Write Story," there's actually an entire achievement teasing the fact that the Trailblazer doesn't know who actually wrote the book:
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It's not remotely written in a style the Trailblazer would write in, and it also contains information the Trailblazer (at least currently) has no way of knowing at all, like the details of Castorice's backstory.
At this point, the real author could be anyone. But I feel like there's a few things pointing in favor of the idea that the real author might be Phainon. It could also be Anaxa or Cyrene or even Mem too, but hear me out...
First, the book's design is reminiscent of Phainon: the book features prominent sun/moon symbols, has the same blue-white-gold color palette, and even the design at the bottom of the book resembles the design along the front of Phainon's coat:
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The book also seems to be strongly foreshadowing that someone is going to lose their way, step onto a dark path, or end up making a terrible mistake.
In Tribbie's chapter:
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In Aglaea's:
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And of course in Phainon's chapter, where the foreshadowing is strongest:
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If this "one who has lost their direction" and "lost themself," the "flawed hero," are all references to Phainon, then the book over and over again seems to be--for the player--foreshadowing Phainon's downfall. Or, from the other perspective: This is a record written by someone who has witnessed (or experienced) the downfall and knows what is coming.
There's also the fact that while Phainon's chapter is written in third person, the narrator occasionally slips in some hints that they know what's going on in Phainon's mind:
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And there's also this moment from Mydei's chapter:
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We already know that this is not how Mydei behaves around people he doesn't know. When Mydei isn't familiar with a person, he doesn't banter with them--he doesn't even bother with them. He barely speaks directly to the Trailblazer the entire 3.0 plot, for example! He doesn't remotely seem like the type of person to sit down at a table and drink with someone he doesn't know.
We also know that he's already scolded Phainon several times for trying to act like an expert in Kremnoan legends:
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(Thank Streetwise Rhapsody from Youtube for these screencaps because I forgot to screencap it myself lol.)
And the icing on the cake:
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The exact phrase "amateur historian" again.
To me, this all but confirms that the "true" author of the "As I've Written" chronicle is probably Phainon, which finally brings me to the actual Phaidei crumb I wanted to discuss all along:
Mydei's story is listed as chapter 10 of the book. Yet for some reason --even though we get the book only after completing nearly the entire 3.0 questline, when the player has definitely met Aglaea, Castorice, and Tribbie already--Mydei's story comes first.
While Castorice, Tribbie, Phainon, and Aglaea all share the same memory crystal, Mydei has his own separate memory crystal, not shared with any other character, and it is given to the player first, before anyone else:
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Phainon really said "My man is more important than the rest of us combined."
Tribbie is chapter 1. Phainon is chapter 7. Aglaea is chapter 9. But for some reason, we jumped all three of those characters to present chapter 10 first. Theoretically you could say that it's because we went to Castrum Kremnos and fought Nikador? But, story-wise, was Mydei the most important? The Trailblazer met Phainon and Tribbie first, got to actually play Aglaea for a sequence of this story, and traveled alone with Castorice. Mydei is the character the Trailblazer actually had the least connection to in the whole 3.0 storyline, so it doesn't seem that the story is truly what determined the order characters' chapters were given to us.
At the end of the day, in a book that seems it could be written by Phainon (from the future? the past?), Mydei was given special treatment and came before anyone else.
I'm just sayin'... the devs don't do things on accident.
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randomsufff Ā· 1 year ago
You know what I really need in fanfics? More confession scenes where one person drops the confessions then runs, fast as fuck, in the other direction.
Like, obviously theyā€™ll meet back up eventually and talk about it (which is hilarious in itself that they would have to sprint to catch up while yelling why theyā€™re like this) , BUT THINK ABOUT IT!!! It 1) give the other person a chance to gather their thoughts so the person confessing doesnā€™t have to sit in anxious silence and 2) allows the confessor to get it over with quick and overcomes that anxiety over confessing. Also itā€™s just fucking hilarious.
Like imagine your fav paring or whatever, they get to that part where one (or both idk) realizes their feelings for the other but theyā€™re just anxious to be vulnerable like that or they fear rejection, whatever. One of them suddenly goes, fuck it, and they turn to the other. (Maybe theyā€™re on a sidewalk, maybe theyā€™re in a park IDK endless possibilities here) and they go:
ā€œok Iā€™m about to say something, itā€™s nothing bad (I hope) and Iā€™m willing to talk about it after I say it. Iā€™m 100% serious, this is really not a joke. But Iā€™m going to say this and run to (relevant location). Ok? Okā€¦. Donā€™t freak outā€¦ iminlovewithyouā€ *Cue maniac SPRINTING as fast as humanly possible in the other direction* (Bro Iā€™m cracking up just typing about this)
AND THEN!!! You get to chose how they react after a few stunned seconds. Do they sprint after them? Do they shout to bring their ass back over to them? Do they race like hell to beat the other at the determined location??? I donā€™t know, but itā€™s hilarious as fuck and can transition seamlessly into heartfelt feeling talk.
(Thinking about this with specific ships is funny as hell too)
Idk I think of more fics had this trope we could all have a grand ol silly time instead of accidentally speed reading through confession schemes because the stress is too much then having to go back and re-read it to fully process it, as one does. You know?
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frango-maconheiro Ā· 3 months ago
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was trying to read some welcome home x reader, but like, i thought the fandom was at least semi alive on the writing side,,,, but it's like, dead dead. These damn porn spam bots took all over the wally darling x reader tag and the writers have pretty much flied away.
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whenthelightisrunninglow Ā· 9 months ago
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remembered @hehe-hoho-ohno's misfits au it's sooooo good and i love it. CHEERS AND APPLAUSE. YAY
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nenoname Ā· 7 months ago
stan twins the canon cptsd brothers i will always think about all your unaddressed issues that would make perfect plot fuel for your spinoff
and also the whole 'stan getting that poem by bill via a website which contrasts with bill getting one from the axolotl via a website' foreshadowing thing
like idk i would love something like su future but like more optimistic, aka not an accumulated breakdown that has to be mostly resolved off screen at the end :/// but something thats being kinda addressed throughout? (although would love to see one of them turn into a monster thats always fun lol)
stan having severe issues from his dad and those years of being homeless that we keep on getting more info on but never really getting confronted on (the drifter catalogue and tijuana incident...), him being completely alone for like twenty years when running the shack before soos comes along to the point that 1998 is noted as his low point, and him not really learning about bill+what he did to ford until ages after he killed him if he ever did get the full context
while i think amnesia and everyone seeing him as a hero actually helped with stan's 'i'm a worse version of my brother' thing its still a lingering issue too and we now got him being insecure over his own hands
ford being immediately thrown from 'being tortured by bill' to 'being stuck in the multiverse and being chased by bounty hunters constantly', him fully expecting himself to die when destroying bill, and him only now being safe for the first time in 30 years ....relatively safe, he's still in constant danger because of course he is
idk in the end the series wants them to be happy and they deserve it, its why i wasn't too worried about the book being like 'ooh bill is back!! and the book is haunting ford' thing cos i knew they'll be ok
#stan pines#ford pines#stanley pines#stanford pines#gravity falls#stan twins#as for the 'still on your mind' thing to me its stan literally thinking about bill despite ford resolving to move past it#or alternatively me on my same coin theory obsession lmao#me yelling and screaming at ouroboros being used to link to the axolotl and bill and how ford didn't actually keep it#which brings up even more questions about it reappearing in the shack when stan takes over#of course even if him realising about reincarnation being a thing i think its still way less to deal with than his actual issues#something something a same soul doesnt mean much when he already proved himself a better person a million times over#idk my thoughts on reincarnation as a concept is like eh??? anyway#also completely unrelated but stan writing fanfic means he knows what soos meant when he was talking about stan fics#soos seems like a gen fic writer especially with the ones we got as those promos#the train one where he comes up with a giant backstory for the setting that has nothing to do with the fic bros is super funny#but meanwhile we have stan the canonical smut writer who had to be writing it that summer#would he be a self insert shipper? would he projecting on the duchess instead? is he both???#i have many questions#then again judging from hows theres a wedding scene that he got super emotional over he might just be a shipper????#this has nothing to do with my original post#...or does it cos the axolotl last appears reacting to stan freaking out about count li--#anyway if you think this post is longer than my usual its cos i physically made myself delete most tags and put it in the actual post
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pencil-n-pen Ā· 1 month ago
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little mood board I made for something i have in the works <3 scrolled through his tag and it was JUST smut. people please know your eldest daughter hurt/comfort queen is coming :) itā€™ll be a long one so stay tuned :]
edit: fic is up! read it here !
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urfavcrime Ā· 6 months ago
dsmp is still SO insane to me. still not completely convinced it wasn't a social experiment. it is something that can never be replicated again due to the really specific circumstances that attributed to it's creation and popularity
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we-are-inevitable Ā· 2 months ago
hey. heyyy creators. stop knee-capping yourself. if you wrote something, you wrote something! be proud of that! if you drew something, be excited about it! saying things like ā€œoh, this isnā€™t very good,ā€ or ā€œi donā€™t like how this looks but here it is i guessā€ is only going to hurt you in the long run. be proud of your creations!! stop being your loudest critic!!
and for writers specifically, this goes double for when you post on a site like ao3. if your summary is just ā€œidk why i wrote this/iā€™m bad at tagging/this is bad but iā€™m posting anywayā€ or any other variation of putting yourself down, it hurts your engagement soooo much. if you think what you wrote is bad, why would anyone else read it? you just gave them a warning to stay away from your work. be unapologetic about what youā€™re creating and put enthusiasm into sharing it!!
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wickjump Ā· 2 months ago
im gonna start posting fanfic recs btw whenever i find good ones. both here and my (awfully barren) 18+ account. because there are so many good fics out there with so few hits and fewer kudos and sometimes no comments period and it SUCKS because i REALLY LIKE THEM A LOT.. and i hope that by linking them here and yelling at everyone to COMMENT DAMMIT they might actually do it
seriously though any comment means a lot. most people who read a fic donā€™t even give a kudos. even if the fic wasnā€™t top tier, if you didnā€™t dislike it, hand over some kudos!! and if you liked it, comment!!!! even if the comment is one singular heart emoji it will be appreciated. if the comment just says ā€œgreat fic!ā€ the author will be happy. your comment doesnā€™t have to be this long winded gushing or analysis.
so many authors quit writing or lose motivation because the comments are few and far in between or just sometimes nonexistent. trust me when i say authors donā€™t care about how long or cool or smart sounding your comment is i promise!!!
i hope that mmmaybe recommending fics and telling people to comment might help fics i really like get more support maybe. and i, points at you reading this, hope that you will listen!!!at least a littleā€¦.at least sum kudosā€¦.
#if u have the ability to reply to my reblog saying how much you loved the fic i recommended comment on the fic itself so the author can see!#especially since the rise of ai writing and seeing ai fics out there can be disheartening#make sure you let your writers know you appreciate them#you never know they might one day write a sequel bc your comment touched them#or might get the motivation to make more works.#(ā€‹but donā€™t just comment bc you expect something out of it btw. sometimes the author might be too intimidated to reply ive seen that before)#im a huge yapper. if you canā€™t tell. lmfao.#and i mostly comment on guest. like 99% of the time because the fics are either really embarrassing#or i get nervous about them knowing me/finding my tumblr and thinking im cringw#bc i admire authors so much. and I get that nervousness! given I experience it!!! but guest mode EXISTS!!! most work allows you to comment#on guest mode!! the author CANT see the email you use for it!!! the only reason they even ask is to give you notifs if theres a reply to it!#a comment is still a comment even if on guest or an alt or your main#even if the fic is embarrassing shameful depraved smut you can log out and comment on guest. even if itā€™s embarrassing#because the author still worked HARD. itā€™s so hard to write. people donā€™t give enough credit to fic authors who do it for free#i had an account (now super abandoned) that had over 400k words. and that didnā€™t include wips#i reallg do struggle to write because i took a break for so long!!! i can write but not nearly as much as I used to!!! and it sucks!!!#support your authors guys. 1k words is an hour for the first draft at MINIMUM and another hour for revision and editing. and people get#pissy if a fic chapter is less than 3-4k words for some reason. thatā€™s 6-8 hours of work at MINIMUM. likely so much more because thereā€™s#also plotting and brainstorming and So. Much. Editing. stressing out over words and sentence structure. it takes so much time out of your#day. the only oneshot i have posted on this account is 2460 words. and it took me SEVEN HOURS#seven hours!!!! thatā€™s a lot!!!! and for authors that have school or demanding jobs that kind of time is hard to come by!!!!!#and I hope i have convinced at least one of you to listen and go okay you know what. i will. because even if itā€™s a silly comment itā€™s loved#tldr support your local fanfic authors of you will be so stabbed. by me#fanfiction#fanfic#archive of our own#ao3#comment on fics#wick fic recs#thatā€™s the rec tag btw. wow custom tags AGAIN i know. im doing what i thought i never would
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gothamite-rambler Ā· 3 months ago
Gotham citizens are kind of used to the whole child sidekick with Batman
A brunette on-the-scene reporter named Angela held the microphone slightly higher for the six-footed Bat-wearing hero to speak into.
Angela (inquisitive reporter voice): Batman, what do you have to say to those who find it odd and concerning that you have a child sidekick?
Batman glanced down at his Robin, a ten-year-old Dick Grayson in his Robin suit, then back at the reporter then at the camera.
He sighed, covering his eyes because this was becoming annoying to deal with when his son/sidekick has been that for two years. Why did they find it odd that a child could fight well.
Robin beamed sweetly, his head peeking up next to Batman's imposing figure.
Robin!Dick (chipper greeting): My name's Robin, by the way. I can do flips and tricks!
Angela (sweetly): You sure can, kiddo. Batman, inquiring minds would like to know.
Batman (deadpan as he looked at his son): Robin, how do you feel about being my partner, or sidekick, who just happens to be a child?
Robin!Dick (sweetly, high-pitched): Itā€™s fun! I like fighting with him. Tonight, I bit the arm of a guy who was going to hurt a child! Batman is a... um... neat man. Yes! Plus, weā€™re getting McDonaldā€™s afterwards!
Batman (confused): I never said we were.
Robin!Dick (mischievous grin as he swayed back and forth): Iā€™ll cry if you donā€™t.
Batman let out a heavy sigh and shook his head at the small whirlwind beside him. He knew Robin would hold him to that promise, and he was already dealing with a lot on his plate.
Angela (sympathetic tone): Yeah, I have a four-year-old at home; I get it.
Batman (exasperated): Can we leave now?
Angela: Yes, I think you gave a decent answer and I wish you the best as a parent. Have a good night, heroes.
Batman (flatly): Yep, Robin, come on.
Robin!Dick (holding up his arms): Carry me, please! Iā€™m too sleepy to walk.
Cameraman: Aww.
Robin opened and closed his hands, eagerly waiting to be picked up, fully aware he was milking the moment for every second it was worth.
Batman (annoyed): Donā€™t fall for that; heā€™s tricking you with his cuteness.
Despite his annoyance, he picked up Robin and carried him back to the car, the little boy hugging him tightly as they walked off. Angela giggled and then turned back to the camera.
Angela: And there you have it! While I find the duo an odd pairing, itā€™s a sweet father-son team-up. Iā€™m Angela Ito reporting live from Gotham. Back to Chip and Lily in the studio.
The camera cut to a white man with blonde hair and a black woman with black hair, both unable to hide their amusement at the interaction. Lily even covered her face with a sheet of paper while laughing.
Chip (raising his eyebrow with a smile): Thatā€™s a cute kid, but did he just say he bit a child abuser?
Lily (still laughing): Yeah, yeah! Oh my goodness, this is so dang weird, but I love it. I love it so much!
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marauderingpaige Ā· 1 year ago
Can someone please explain to me why there are only 8157 House M.D. works on AO3? Like, that doesn't seem right to me. There should be more. And like, I am certainly working on adding to it, but more people should work to add to it, I think. I need more fics to read. Even if it is just a cute little one-shot, or you posting your fan art.
I think we should work on getting it in the top 20 on AO3, it's doable, certainly, if we all just write random things that could/should be canon, or are canon but also not canon, ya know?
Anyways, I don't know what I am saying, I am exhausted right now, but I hope all of you phenomenal people are having a wonderful day! xx
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat Ā· 7 months ago
i wish writers were kinder to fanfic writers and i wish fanfic writers were kinder to x reader writers
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