#enneagram coaching online
enneagramwithemily · 4 months
Understanding the Enneagram and Coaching
The Enneagram is a powerful tool for better understanding ourselves, others and improving communication. There are nine different ways to see the world. It is guaranteed that your relationships will improve once you learn the way you see the world...and the way people you are in relationship with see the world differently. 
Learning the Enneagram will give you insight, tools and strategies that will improve your life and your relationships as well as give you clarity into who you truly are.
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witnessinggrief2 · 1 year
Witnessing Grief
Website: https://www.witnessinggrief.com/services
Address: St Paul, Minnesota, United States
Holly Margl is an exceptional Enneagram coach who possesses a unique ability to guide individuals on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. With her insightful and empathetic approach, she delves deep into the intricacies of the Enneagram coaching system, helping her clients unravel their core motivations, fears, and desires. Through her guidance as an Enneagram coach, Holly empowers individuals to understand their patterns of behavior and develop strategies for personal development. Her compassionate and supportive nature creates a safe space for exploration and fosters profound insights, leading to meaningful transformation and a greater sense of self-awareness.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hollymargl/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollyMarglMCC/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hollymargl/
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rin-and-jade · 1 year
Meet the Author, Jade!
The time has come where a proper introduction had to be made, why not grab yourself a virtual hot coco and get to reading. And as promised to join and make content apart from medical/practical things for plurality, lets cover the basics first;
As the person who created this blog, it's nice to introduce myself to you, my full name is Jade Everson, most people call me "J" by default, and also commonly used by other parts or online friends, will you be surprised if i tell you im 19? do you originally think im maybe younger or older, you're free to answer this or not. Anyway, Im a demigirl, lithromantic, and so so so not into sex kind of orientation (its ace).
When it comes to my personal details about hobbies and interests, you should think of me as a really possessive french fry eater who would stay in a distance hoping nobody touches my fries and i, because that's totally accurate.. factual joke aside; my key interests are learning & researching, wearing fashion that has vests, flannels, anything green, blue or brown, plus obsessing any potato dish (admit it, potato = good). I am in love with personality tests and astrology too, in fact im an istj, enneagram 3w2 and a virgo, i also started reading books so hope it counts.
I also got a lil story to end this introduction, like c'mere, you should know that day where i bought a box of high quality chocolate, just so that i can do a friendly fire hit (on the crotch, knee kick, for being a lovely jerk, cute aggression overload) to my best friend because they consented it??? like wow gotta bring a commemorative gift because i would feel bad meeting up empty handed anyway. (please don't do this because it will hurt if it got overshot, i tried my best to be careful) But yeah things went great, thanks for asking, both parties agreed it would be funny to actually execute it. I still remember it to this day because, why would someone consented it right??
I hope you see me as green flags, coming from a past who had a really tough time and get treated wrongly since a child, i have worked on myself so the red flags are little to none, overall im very adaptable with talking to other people, and i have a huge compassion to coach systems to the better life, hope you're not scared or thinking weird of me after that story (why do i have to pick this one out of all anyway, right). Why not share whats impression you got after reading this if you have a moment? And have a good day too!
- j
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Weird Managers’ Club Group Chat
Tags: @millythegoat, @alissonbecksfan234, @moomin279, @rubybecker-rb2
Cross your fingers girlies
TheNormalOne: GUYS
TheNormalOne: I need your help
TheNormalOne: Have any of you faced Real Madrid as managers before
CatalanMagician: Sorry, no free help Jurgen
TheNormalOne: Thomas HEEEEELP
TT: you sound desperate
TheNormalOne: Because I AM
TheNormalOne: I made all the plans but I’m still terrified of their attack
Jessethe🐐: You watched the Real final, huh?
TheNormalOne: 😬.
Jessethe🐐: 😑 I told you not to do that
TheNormalOne: I can’t help it, I’m really freaking out here
SuperFrankieLampard: How much Ed Sheeran have you been listening to?
TheNormalOne: 0%, why?
SuperFrankieLampard: Because 🎶 My bad habits lead to late nights endin' alone🎶
CatalanMagician: 🎶Conversations with a stranger I barely know🎶
Jessethe🐐: 🎶Swearin' this will be the last, but it probably won't🎶
TheSpecialOne: 🎶I got nothin' left to lose, or use, or do🎶
TheNormalOne: Sums me up right now
TT: Come here 🤗
TheNormalOne: Thanks 🤗
TheNormalOne: @Jesse @Frank @Thomas When are you guys going back into managing?
Jessethe🐐: There’s the Southampton job
Jessethe🐐: Just kidding, noone wants to go there
TheSpecialOne: Come rot with me in Italy
TT: No way Jose
TheNormalOne: 🤣. 🤣. 🤣.
CatalanMagician: Brilliant
TheSpecialOne: Jurgen, I used to coach them but I can give you some tips
TheSpecialOne: You are a bird, ready to soar/ Beware the dangers that come before/ Your wings may be clipped, especially the right/ Your head will be crucial to winning the night
CatalanMagician: ???
TT: I think it’s a riddle
TheNormalOne: Great! I love riddles
TheSpecialOne: Your head has three parts, a beak and two eyes/ All must be swift, prepared and concise/ If your beak can make the right decisions/ Then all of your chances may come to fruition
TheSpecialOne: The heart in the middle, so young and brave/ He’ll be the key to save your day/ He must be a wall, yet a guiding light/ He will be crucial to winning the night
TheSpecialOne: Your keeper in black, perhaps in lilac/ He’ll be bombarded with Los Blancos’ attack/ All the defense must do their part
TheSpecialOne: You must have passion and hunger and pride/ Feel the love that you felt inside
TheNormalOne: I got all of that except for the last part
TT: Of course, typical Jurgen
CatalanMagician: Would go through hell and back for his boys but doesn’t give a damn about himself
TheNormalOne: 😶. No need to attack me like that
TheSpecialOne: It’s the truth
Jessethe🐐: And all your Enneagram codes point towards you being very protective and supportive of others, but sometimes neglecting yourself
TheNormalOne: Since when do you do those online tests?
Jessethe🐐: I need something to kill time
TheSpecialOne: If you need something to kill time, plan how not to get relegated
TheNormalOne: Well, as the French say, the day of glory has come 😬. Wish me luck 🤞.
Jessethe🐐: Forza LFC ❤️!
TT: Forza ❤️
SuperFrankieLampard: Forza❤️
CatalanMagician: Forza, but it’s only because I hate Real
TheNormalOne: Same here
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typewhisperer · 8 days
Advanced Enneagram AI Analysis: Exploring the Depths of Personality Types with Artificial Intelligen
The Intersection of AI and the Enneagram
Artificial intelligence, particularly machine learning, excels at pattern recognition. When applied to the Enneagram, AI can analyze vast amounts of data, ranging from personality test results to textual and speech inputs, to more accurately assess an individual's Enneagram type. Advanced AI systems can identify not only a person’s dominant type but also their wing (adjacent type that influences their personality), stress and growth points, and even triads (groups of three types that share fundamental similarities).
These AI-driven insights help overcome the limitations of human-led assessments, which can be subject to biases, misunderstandings, or incomplete self-awareness. Advanced Enneagram AI analysis By contrast, AI can comb through large datasets, identifying trends and patterns that are often overlooked, offering more precise and personalized Enneagram readings.
AI-Powered Personality Profiling
One of the key benefits of AI in Enneagram analysis is the ability to conduct real-time personality profiling. Advanced algorithms can analyze written or spoken language patterns and behavioral cues to determine someone’s Enneagram type. For example, AI can assess email correspondences, social media interactions, or workplace communication to draw conclusions about a person's emotional responses, motivational triggers, and relational tendencies.
The AI can identify subtle markers, such as specific words, phrasing, tone, and sentence structure, that correlate with certain Enneagram types. For instance, individuals of Type 1 (the Reformer) may use language that emphasizes ethics, responsibility, and structure, while Type 7 (the Enthusiast) may display more spontaneous, optimistic, and idea-driven communication. Through this method, AI doesn’t rely solely on static test results but continuously refines its understanding of an individual’s personality based on ongoing interactions.
Deep Insights into Personal and Professional Relationships
One of the most compelling applications of advanced Enneagram AI analysis is in relationship dynamics. The Enneagram offers a framework for understanding how different types interact with one another. With AI’s capacity to analyze complex relational data, it can offer predictions and insights into compatibility, conflict areas, and communication strategies. By analyzing communication patterns between two people, AI can assess areas where their Enneagram types may naturally align or clash, providing practical suggestions for improving understanding and collaboration.
In the workplace, for instance, AI-driven Enneagram analysis can be used to optimize team dynamics by understanding how different personalities work together. Managers can tailor their leadership approach based on the types present in their teams, ensuring that they support both the individual and collective growth of their employees.
Personalized Growth and Development Paths
An advanced Enneagram AI system doesn’t just stop at identification; it also facilitates personal growth. By continuously tracking an individual's behavior and choices, AI can recommend tailored development paths. For example, if an individual exhibits traits of Type 6 (the Loyalist) but is under stress, the AI might suggest coping mechanisms or stress-relief strategies based on Type 3 (the Achiever), the type toward which a stressed Loyalist might shift. Online MBTI test AI Likewise, the AI could recommend activities or mindsets that help individuals integrate the best qualities of their growth type.
This personalized coaching aspect of Enneagram AI can be invaluable in both personal and professional settings. Whether someone is looking to improve their relationships, enhance their career trajectory, or simply gain a better understanding of themselves, AI-driven analysis provides a roadmap for continuous self-improvement.
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mr-entj · 3 years
Hi Mr. ENTJ. You mentioned before that you're a career coach. Do you take the person's MBTI type into consideration when you give career advice to the people you've coached? I'm wondering how that affects what you say or how you say things to them. Thank you.
Yes, but I first take their goals into consideration ("Is my advice going to maximize the chances of securing the outcome they're aiming for?"), then their personality type ("How can I tailor this plan so the person will actually use it?"). Their personality type affects how I frame feedback, pose questions, and tailor potential solutions to their problems.
Although everyone is an individual, I've seen patterns emerge from my 15+ years of career coaching and tracking career outcomes based on type that inform my advice:
xNFPs / xNTPs who join big corporations typically end up miserable and dead inside, better outcomes are seen when they join smaller companies or freelance to do their own thing.
xNFPs are the least money motivated of all the types unless they're enneagram 3s trying to be xxTJs then they try to suck it up and suffer through corporate hell although they're not very successful with upward mobility. Those that persist end up on Tumblr quoting Nietzsche and screaming about individuality and freedom.
xNTPs swing dramatically between having 9,999,999 different career ideas they want to explore or no ideas at all because they're procrastinating and avoiding career planning at all cost. If they have rich parents, they can afford to further avoid career planning for a few more years until they reach back out to me in a panic because they're approaching their late 20s/30s and are now 'behind'.
xNFJs tend to first lean towards big picture but impractical careers that will improve society in some capacity (psychology, public health, social justice) and they'll try to Mother Teresa it for a bit. If it works, it really works. If it doesn't work, they default into corporate roles to pay the bills or go back to school for another degree.
xNxPs and INFJs are highly represented in academia (PhD programs). They're 2 inches wide and 2 miles deep (specialists). Most of them are convinced that more education is always better. For personal reasons, sure. For professional advancement, not always, and at times it’s detrimental.
xSTJs are resistant to joining smaller and unproven startups unless it's their own idea, they have a high preference for joining established companies immediately post-graduation and typically rise quickly.
ISTJs tend to resist or delay taking up people management positions preferring instead to be specialists (highly ranked individual contributors).
INTJs tend to toy with a career in politics while in college until they join the workforce, meet other human beings, and are forced to work with dumb people which set that dream on fire.
IxTJs in careers they hate make the best online memes.
xSxPs you never have to worry about because they always find a way to make money even though their career moves are heart attack inducing.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
In need of help to find my type
Hello, I have a question after seeing the post about how different Enneagram stances manifest in making decisions. I did an Enneagram workshop a couple months ago and was typed as a 3w4, I believe it be accurate since it has greatly helped me understand myself, and explain complexes I've had since I was a child. One of the coaches recommended me to get into MBTI as a self help tool, trouble is I see contractions in myself that make it difficult to settle on a type. I got a couple books on the subject and have been searching online but the only thing I can be certain abut so far is that I use Fi/Te vs Fe/Ti. I came to that conclusion because while I'm regarded as logical and dislike emotionalism (it clouds judgement), I could never ignore the morals/ethics of a situation. Living in peace with my conscience is a no brainer. I also have displayed individual values that differed from my family since really young, and I hate when people try to "change my mind" and go against my principles, peer pressure has never had an effect on me. I won't preach to people about how they should live their lives, that's presumptuous and invasive, but I demand the same respect in return.
Healthy Fi and Te, yes.
While I enjoy mastering systems I deem trustable and useful I found that reading the ITP chapters on your book made my brain hurt. To me their way of thinking is convoluted and unnecessary, and there's way too much trust put by Ti on deduction and their own ideas about things, which can be very divorced from reality and subjective. By logic and in theory a lot of things should be true but aren't, because reality is not perfectly logical. If something doesn't work throw it out is what I think, I don't like wasting my time. I just don't understand why they'd take so much time and what sounds like a torturous  thinking process to get to conclusions that to me seem obvious.
Strong Te.
You said the aggressive types repress feelings, but how does that work for the F types in the MBTI? 
ENFPs (since you asked) are very driven when 3s -- image-conscious and goal-oriented, but also firmly aware of their own feelings and motivations and desires; they don't lose themselves in others like a Fe-using 3 might. Strong Te. Immense drive and ambition, but also somewhat inconsistent (being Ne-doms).
[...] I got your book to help speed up the process. Of course I read the whole thing, but it was easy to eliminate the Fe, Si, Ni, Ti and Se dom types. I could also confirm I'm an Fi/Te user, as I found myself highlighting most of what was said in every FP/TJ type chapter related to values and identity.
I would say Fi and Te, but not to rule out FiTe over TeFi unless you would allow your emotions and ethics to override your objectivity. 3s are objective, but feeler 3s often 'overdo' low Te and become callous (in their mind, and in others' minds) rather than having a nuanced sense of objective logic -- why something is factual or correct (TJ), as opposed to bulldozing people to get things done (FP).
I also highlighted a lot from the ENTJ chapter, so tertiary Te seems likely. I don't believe it can be higher because I have issues with discipline and long term commitment to things, I'm impatient with results.
Issues with discipline how? The specifics are important. The ENFP way of life, which is to get all excited about this life-transforming new thing I am going to do, but not see immediate results, and then two days later you are bored with it and chasing after something else (like: I want to lose weight, but I don't want it to take 6 months, it needs to happen in two weeks!)... is different from the ENTJ "I want immediate results" tert-Se tendency to over-live in the moment, leap on things without fully thinking them through, and live a life of great opportunism. A Te/Se user can be very impatient, because they are losing their grip on Ni to develop (or fall into) "here and now." I WANT RESULTS, HERE AND NOW. If I don't get them, I get distracted!!!
I used to be single minded in relation to my future goal when very young, but once that fell apart I became so heartbroken, lost and directionless (definitely disintegrated into 9) for a long time. Now I'm getting back into track by pursuing education in another area, but with a "let's see where this takes me" mentality. I'm open to different opportunities leading me in a different path, as I have different interests I might pursue professionally.
Is it possible this was/is Ni but now that you have found out things don't always work according to plan, you are using Ni in a more flexible way than you used to? Are you a specifics person (Ni) or a "no clue, I will know it when I get there" person (Ne)? What did the chapters on writing tell you? Transpose writing into other things you want to get done -- do you have specific, long-term hunches, a specific vision of what you want, or sometimes need technology to catch up to your ideas (like the guy who invented Netflix -- he knew streaming would become a thing before he even started mailing DVDs; that was to get his foot in the door, so Netflix could be on the cusp when people finally had fast enough internet to support streaming)? Or are you more of a general hypothesis "wing it while I do it" Ne user?
Reading the ENFP chapter the things I related to were: transcontextual thinking, reading a situation way beyond the obvious and trusting my analysis and theories, being able to entertain myself with my imagination in boring situations, always looking at the big picture and seeing most things as connected.
This is general intuition, just as easily Ni as Ne.
The things I couldn't relate to were: I'm not nearly as flippant about ideas/opinions as they are described like. Yes I can do an 180º quickly, but there's gotta be a clear new evidence or happening that trumps what I knew before. The part about changing your own theories and reversing your positions and convincing yourself of the opposite sounds pretty bizarre to me, in fact I have great difficulty dealing with people like that in real life. I think it's because I like knowing where others stand, and that attitude brings up inconsistency and contradiction, things I'm not comfortable with.
This could be Ni opposing a Ne way of thinking, because it's inconsistent and you want a specific trajectory and conclusion to become more permanent. It also suggests, by insisting there be evidence, that your judging Te is stronger than you think.
I'm not bored with reality or think of it as mundane. I'm realistic and not idealistic, I'm okay with the limitations of reality and working within it. I don't look to change the world, only to adapt to it.
That sounds like Te/Se to me. Read the ETJ sections again. I think there's something along those lines in there, where it talks about you don't invent something and sell it to them, you find out what people want and give it to them.
I'm not really interested in nourishing other people's potential, I'm focused on my own trajectory. I'm careful with which ideas I adopt...
*buzzer sounds* Not a Ne-dom. Ideas stick to us like flypaper. We don't have to envision them, we collect them, indulge them, and then abandon them when they're no longer interesting. It takes a lot of time and skill for us to learn not to run away with ideas, or pile them onto our existing ideas, rendering our opinions wildly inconsistent.
I easily cut off  from my life anything or anyone who offends me or whose presence doesn't benefit me. <- strong Te.
I did consider being an IxFP since my Fi is more rigid making me not inclined at all to experiment in a "I'll try everything once" way as much as ExFPs are described. I know what repulses me just by hearing about it, no need to live it out. But I'm a 3 so I can't relate to the resistance to external standards and rejection to rules of inferior Te, or the comfort with extreme subjectivity of dom Fi. So what do you think: does being a 3 account from what I can't relate to in ENFP, or is IxFP more likely?
Honestly, I'd say NTJ. I see strong Fi but it's not stronger than your intuition, your awareness of reality, or your Te. ENTJ?
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creatingquirks · 4 years
omg hi!! i was wondering if i could get a quirk matchup? this is a really cool idea btw! here are my answers to some of your questions (and some extras because i’m... well, extra).
my astrology: cancer sun. virgo moon. libra rising. cancer mercury. cancer venus. pisces mars.
hobbies: watching tv. listening to music. hanging with friends. practicing makeup. online window shopping. making people laugh.
pet peeves: weirdly, i don’t think i have any specific pet peeves? i tend to get annoyed by everything. if i had to point out specific things that bothered me... maybe when people don’t listen to me or take in what i’m saying? i hate feeling ignored by people.
one thing i’m good at: making people laugh or expressing myself.
one thing i’m bad at: timing. i say things at the wrong time, always late or early, can’t tell time, whatever it may be. also terrible at math.
i’m an ambivert! i crave socializing, but i also love being cooped up at home.
it’s up to you if you would like to give me a quirk good in combat, i don’t really care! :)
mbti: isfp
enneagram: 4w5
enneagram tritype: 469
enneagram subtype: sx/so
character alignment: chaotic neutral
four temperaments: melancholic-sanguine
hogwarts house: slytherin
some significant personality traits: i’m very goofy, and never takes things seriously. extremely socially awkward. very open-minded and non-judgemental. i would say i’m friendly. hot-headed though, very short temper. can be co-dependent. shy. aggressive. flirty. overdramatic. very self-critical. i’m an ambivert. i can be obnoxious. appears very angsty. not very intelligent or bright, lacking common sense, book smarts & street smarts. can be impulsive. adventurous. clumsy. lazy.
some things i like: roller skating. photography. writing. car rides. smelling candles. rain. the beach. making new friends. aesthetic. practicing makeup. online window shopping. daydreaming. junk food. clowns. 80’s/90’s/y2k. emo rap. pop punk. classic rock. 80’s pop. hyperpop. adventures. clothes. making people laugh. astrology. personality typing. watching tv. tarot cards. horror movies. comedy movies. gothic stuff.
some things i don’t like, fear, hate: rude people. cruel people. any form of discrimination. country music. liars. spiders. bugs. ceiling fans. crowds. rejection. criticism. hacking. abandonment.
habits: biting nails. chewing inside of mouth. overeating. picking at eyebrows and eyelashes. scratching when nervous. playing with my hair. rocking back and forth. hard/excessive blinking. repeating phrases for fun.
dream job: psychologist. psych nurse. sober coach. mortician.
positive qualities: i’m a good listener. i’m able to make people laugh. i’m very honest.
negative qualities: i’m very temperamental. can be self-destructive. lacking intelligence.
talents: i’m good at listening, being expressive within my appearance, writing?
traits/qualities i admire in others: loyalty. honesty. adventurous. humorous. non-judgemental. friendly.
traits/qualities i avoid in others: rude. mean. cruel. judgmental and overly critical.
goals/aspirations: to gain confidence, be more spiritual, attend college, get a job, live on my own, overcome my personal and inner struggles, be more social.
love language: quality time or words of affirmation. i like to spend time with people i care about and i like when they reassure me that they care.
favorite color: black. blue. hot pink. neon green. dark green. purple.
favorite musicians: lil peep. eminem. nirvana. hole. type o negative. pierce the veil. falling in reverse. mother mother. mötley crüe. slipknot.
emoji’s to describe my aesthetic: 🤡💋💅🏻🦇🥀🪐🧃⚰️🚬⛓🔮🧸🛍💞🖤💒🏩📺🕯💎💉����🧺💌🎪🍓🍒🍷
fun facts: i have a dry sense of humor, like jokes that aren’t funny but the way i say it makes it funny. i dye my hair a lot it’s starting to thin. i live in sweatpants. i will like a song and listen to it for a week straight. i thought the first us president was george clooney. i can’t tell the difference between a nickel and a quarter. i once thought dinosaurs never existed. ran into a clothesline. fell into a river that went up to my neck because i thought it would only be ankle deep. i tried to explain a theory that technically if we emerge ourselves in the ocean, we physically become a part of the earth.
my appearance: i’m about 5’5. i’m chubby. i have split dyed, half black and half blue hair. shoulder length hair. i have brown eyes. i wear glasses. i have moles scattered in random places ( a lot taking place on my right cheek ). pale in the winter, olive skin tone in summer? rarely wears makeup but it’s dramatic when i do. rarely dresses up but it’s dramatic when i do. round face. usually wears sweatpants, pajama pants, tank tops, baggy ripped dirty shirts, slippers. hair is usually matted in a bun or down.
i hope all of this was useful! again, sorry for being very... extra 😅
Hi, hope you like this!
I give you..........
Quirk type: emmiter
Quirk summary: you The ability to stop molecules and restrict a substances movement. This also gives ability to generate ice, which is done by stopping the movement of water in the air. Using it on a person separates there mind form there physical senses because of the time gap inbetween them. And it also gives the ability to slow down many different types of attacks.
Drawbacks: the objects you inflict will eventually speed up again. And you can’t reverse the effects of your quirk, only time can.
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hey my name is jen
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here’s a few things about me:
I have one year left in college (i’m scared to adult)
I’m in marketing and management (double degree baby)
I currently have two internships
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I volunteer at a church camp every summer
I’m very involved in my school (extra curriculars for the win)
I live in Louisiana (culturally best state. no offense)
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I love watching/playing/coaching softball
I make friends easily (I’m an enneagram 9 and myers briggs ENFP what do you expect)
My birthday is November 2nd (scorpio gang)
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I like twitter more than tumblr (it’s superior. offense intended)
I get busy and forget to come online (sorry)
I’ve made so many friends bc of my stan accs
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oh.. and I love @taylorswift
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snapeaddict · 4 years
My interest in MBTI has dwindled for a long time now (I used to love all those types of tests, which led me to study the enneagram in school) but seeing your posts/rbs on its inaccuracy made me think of how recently, corporations in my country have been asking job applicants to write down their mbti types and how when I first heard it I was just struck by how weird that was,, I don’t know exactly how they use the info, but I fully agree that treating this as a science could have real damages
Yes it is exactly what I'm taking about when I say it can be damaging! It's really not about people enjoying it as entertainment or trying to find meaning in it while being aware it isn't psychology or science, I mean we all like to do this and it's great if it can be of use to people and for self motivation <3
For example saw on twitter:
To people bringing it up, I’m fully aware that Myers Briggs is essentially pseudoscience. I’ve never even understood it to be something people took literally at all? It’s just a fun personality test that can double as a nice way to self reflect.
And NO problem with that. It's even lovely and interesting.
BUT it is what it is: pseudoscience. You give it the meaning you want it to have. You cannot be not biased when it comes to yourself. And like my mother, a specialist, said, "it's not psychology, and there is often no point in this, because most people will be unable to improve their behaviour even with a broad overview of how they function at the moment they took the test." What can help and IS science is cognitive psychology (for example find out what are your automatic thoughts, the most important values in your life and your motivations to ACT accordingly. This works).
Dr. Adam Grant explained, “The Myers-Briggs is like asking people what do you like more: shoelaces or earrings? You tend to infer that there’s going to be an ‘aha!’ even though it’s not a valid question. ... [It] creates the illusion of expertise about psychology.”
Personality tests like Myers-Briggs give people labels. Those labels are often taken at face value and used as a fundamental aspect of a person's identity. "I am a [fill in the blank]."
Why is it harmful that this is used when hiring people?
1. The scientific grounds for the MBTI test are missing and based on OUTDATED science.
In 1917, Katharine Cook Briggs began research into personalities to determine her future son-in-law’s personality. Soon she was joined by Isabel Briggs Myers, who added the different personality types based on the then recent work of Carl Jung. Neither Myers nor Briggs were formally educated in psychology and lacked scientific credentials in the field of psychometric testing. The work attracted the attention of Henry Chauncey, head of the Educational Testing Service. They developed their work to a commercial test in 1975 then sold the test and the manual to Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP). MBTI is based on eight hypothetical assumptions and until this day there has been no scientific proof to support the claims of the method. Carl Jung admitted the basis of his research was anecdotal and has not been subjected to any control study. So he just made these things up by himself and added some stories from his friends. 
2. The black and white MBTI scales force binary behavior
3. The MBTI test results are a Self-fulfilling prophecy
4. It is a huge BUSINESS using pseudoscience to make profit
The test only takes 45 minutes and can be purchased by certified MBTI organizations. Most of the time it is an online test program. The MBTI test is owned by the MBTI Foundation and executed by Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP), a privately owned company with no annual report available online. At the MBTI Foundation you can certify yourself as an official MBTI testing facilitator (amongst others). A percentage of the money you pay for your MBTI test goes to CPP. A study by David J. Pittenger shows 2 million copies of the MBTI test are being sold annually. This roughly calculates to a market with an annual turnover of about 500 million dollar in testing fees alone. This explains the extensive investment in marketing and research projects to generate pseudo-scientific proof for this method. There is a lot of money to be made from MBTI testing and from the additional training and coaching programs. MBTI is big business.
5. Makes people believe PERSONALITY IS INNATE. Spoiler, it's not.
So using this in workplaces is damaging and wrong and unethical. It has no predictive value so isn't predictive of your performance.
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jitterbugjive · 5 years
So my mom got me a book for my birthday that I’ve wanted to own for YEARS, which is “The Wisdom of the Enneagram”.
The enneagram is a perfect tool for writing believable characters, and this book goes in to more detail than any online source I’ve found. There are entire chapters dedicated to each personality type and it explores all sorts of possibilities.
Right now I’m studying Suzie’s type and Coach’s type.
Suzie is a type 1, The Reformer
While Coach is a type 7, The Enthusiast
You can get a good summary of the two here if you want a good idea of what Coach and Suzie’s strengths and weaknesses are:
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enneagramwithemily · 4 months
How to Treat Your Friends and Family Depending on Their Enneagram Number
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The Enneagram is a powerful tool that offers profound insights into the unique ways individuals perceive the world and interact with others. By understanding the Enneagram, you can enhance your relationships, improve communication, and provide more personalized support to your family and friends. This comprehensive guide will help you learn how to care for your loved ones based on their Enneagram number, fostering deeper connections and mutual understanding.
Introduction to the Enneagram
The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology system that describes nine different ways of viewing the world, corresponding to nine distinct personality types. Each type has its own core motivations, fears, and behavioral patterns. By learning about these types, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and those around you, leading to more harmonious relationships.
Understanding the Nine Enneagram Types
Type 1: The Reformer
Type 1s are principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic. They strive for integrity and wish to improve the world, often having a strong sense of right and wrong.
Type 2: The Helper
Type 2s are generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive. They are empathetic and caring, often placing the needs of others above their own.
Type 3: The Achiever
Type 3s are adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-conscious. They are highly motivated and focus on achieving success and recognition.
Type 4: The Individualist
Type 4s are expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, and temperamental. They are introspective and seek to understand their unique identity.
Type 5: The Investigator
Type 5s are perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated. They value knowledge and tend to observe and analyze the world around them.
Type 6: The Loyalist
Type 6s are engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious. They value security and loyalty, often seeking guidance and support from others.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Type 7s are spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and scattered. They seek adventure and excitement, often avoiding pain and discomfort.
Type 8: The Challenger
Type 8s are self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational. They value control and power, often taking charge of situations.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Type 9s are receptive, reassuring, complacent, and resigned. They strive for inner and outer peace, often avoiding conflict and prioritizing harmony.
How to Identify Your Loved One's Enneagram Type
Identifying the Enneagram type of your family and friends can be done through observation and conversation. Pay attention to their motivations, fears, and behavior patterns. You can also encourage them to take an Enneagram test, such as the best free Enneagram test available online, to gain more clarity.
Caring for Each Enneagram Type
Type 1: The Reformer
Understanding Their Needs
Type 1s thrive on order and structure. They appreciate constructive feedback and strive for improvement in all areas of their life.
How to Support Them
Offer constructive feedback gently.
Help them relax and let go of perfectionism.
Acknowledge their efforts and achievements.
Type 2: The Helper
Understanding Their Needs
Type 2s need to feel appreciated and loved. They derive joy from helping others and often neglect their own needs.
How to Support Them
Show appreciation for their help and kindness.
Encourage them to take time for themselves.
Offer support and assistance without them having to ask.
Type 3: The Achiever
Understanding Their Needs
Type 3s are motivated by success and recognition. They enjoy setting and achieving goals and often focus on their image.
How to Support Them
Celebrate their achievements and milestones.
Provide constructive feedback on their projects.
Encourage them to balance work and personal life.
Type 4: The Individualist
Understanding Their Needs
Type 4s seek to understand their identity and express their individuality. They value authenticity and emotional depth.
How to Support Them
Acknowledge and validate their feelings.
Encourage creative self-expression.
Provide a non-judgmental space for them to share their thoughts.
Type 5: The Investigator
Understanding Their Needs
Type 5s value knowledge and autonomy. They enjoy intellectual pursuits and often need time alone to recharge.
How to Support Them
Give them space and time to process information.
Engage in thoughtful and meaningful conversations.
Respect their need for privacy and independence.
Type 6: The Loyalist
Understanding Their Needs
Type 6s value security and support. They often seek guidance and reassurance from trusted individuals.
How to Support Them
Offer consistent support and reassurance.
Be reliable and trustworthy.
Help them explore and address their fears.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Understanding Their Needs
Type 7s seek excitement and adventure. They enjoy variety and often avoid discomfort and pain.
How to Support Them
Encourage their adventurous spirit.
Help them stay grounded and focused.
Be supportive during difficult times.
Type 8: The Challenger
Understanding Their Needs
Type 8s value control and power. They often take charge of situations and appreciate directness and honesty.
How to Support Them
Be direct and honest in your communication.
Respect their need for autonomy and control.
Support their leadership and decision-making.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Understanding Their Needs
Type 9s strive for peace and harmony. They often avoid conflict and prioritize the needs of others.
How to Support Them
Create a calm and peaceful environment.
Encourage them to express their opinions and needs.
Help them address and resolve conflicts.
Why Choose Us?
Choosing the right Enneagram coach can make a significant difference in your journey towards personal growth and improved relationships. Here are a few reasons why we stand out:
Expertise and Certification
Our Enneagram coaches are certified professionals with extensive training and experience. We are accredited by the International Enneagram Association, ensuring that you receive the highest quality coaching.
Personalized Approach
We understand that each individual is unique, and we tailor our coaching sessions to meet your specific needs. Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions, group workshops, or online coaching, we have a solution for you.
We work with your schedule to create a class that fits your lifestyle. Whether it's for you and your friends, your business team, or your church group, we can accommodate your needs.
Proven Results
Our clients have experienced significant improvements in their relationships and personal growth. Learning the Enneagram has provided them with the tools and strategies needed to navigate life's challenges effectively.
Free 30-Minute Session
To help you get started, we offer a free 30-minute session. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Enneagram and how our coaching can benefit you.
How Can We Help People?
Improved Communication
By understanding the Enneagram types of those around you, you can communicate more effectively. You'll learn how to speak their language and address their needs and concerns.
Enhanced Relationships
Understanding the core motivations and fears of different Enneagram types allows you to build deeper and more meaningful relationships. You'll be able to support your loved ones in ways that resonate with them.
Personal Growth
Learning about your own Enneagram type provides insight into your behaviors and thought patterns. This self-awareness is the first step towards personal growth and overcoming self-defeating behaviors.
Conflict Resolution
The Enneagram offers strategies for resolving conflicts by understanding the perspectives of different types. You'll learn how to navigate disagreements and find common ground.
Clarity and Direction
The Enneagram can help you discover your true self and clarify your life purpose. Our coaching sessions provide the encouragement and support needed to pursue your goals.
General Tips Based on Enneagram Types
Here are some general tips for caring for your loved ones based on their Enneagram type:
For Type 1s
Encourage them to embrace imperfection.
Help them find balance and relaxation.
Validate their feelings and perspectives.
For Type 2s
Show appreciation for their kindness.
Encourage self-care and setting boundaries.
Offer help and support willingly.
For Type 3s
Celebrate their achievements.
Provide constructive feedback.
Encourage work-life balance.
For Type 4s
Validate their emotions.
Encourage creative outlets.
Provide a supportive and understanding environment.
For Type 5s
Respect their need for space and privacy.
Engage in intellectual discussions.
Appreciate their knowledge and insights.
For Type 6s
Offer consistent support and reassurance.
Be dependable and trustworthy.
Help them address their fears constructively.
For Type 7s
Encourage their enthusiasm and adventures.
Help them stay grounded and focused.
Be supportive during challenging times.
For Type 8s
Be direct and honest in your communication.
Respect their autonomy and decisions.
Support their leadership and initiatives.
For Type 9s
Create a peaceful and harmonious environment.
Encourage them to express their needs and opinions.
Help them resolve conflicts constructively.
Book a Free 30-Minute Session
Ready to learn more about how the Enneagram can transform your life and relationships? Book a free 30-minute session with us today! In this session, you'll gain valuable insights into your Enneagram type and discover how our coaching can help you break through self-defeating behaviors and achieve your goals.
Caring for your family and friends based on their Enneagram number can lead to more fulfilling and harmonious relationships. By understanding their unique perspectives and needs, you can provide the support and encouragement they need to thrive. Whether you're looking to improve communication, resolve conflicts, or foster personal growth, the Enneagram offers valuable insights and tools to help you on your journey. Contact us today to learn more and start your Enneagram journey with a free 30-minute session.
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consciousenneagram · 5 years
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I know many of you are already knee deep in the holiday gift department, but what about giving something really meaningful this year? •• This year I’m doing gift cards for typing interviews and individual coaching sessions as well as coaching session packages. If you know someone who’s struggled to find their type, a typing interview can help them find clarity! If there’s an ennea-enthusiast in your life who’s looking to do some deeper work, why not help them along with an Embodied Enneagram coaching session (or four!)?! •• Typing interviews can be done in person in Austin, TX or online via Zoom. This is the perfect gift for anyone looking to really make 2020 their year! •• Give the gifts of insight, awareness, and personal growth this holiday season, the world will be grateful you did! DM me to order yours! • • • #enneagram #enneagram1 #enneagram2 #enneagram3 #enneagram4 #enneagram5 #enneagram6 #enneagram7 #enneagram8 #enneagram9 #millenneagram #spiritualgrowth #personalgrowth #enneagramcoach #queerenneagram #personalitytypes #enneagramtypes #spiritualwork #innerwork #transformation #contemplative #contemplativepractice #practice #yoga #meditation #yogatherapy #holidays #enneagramgiftguide #giftideas (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5K1A0JlYv_/?igshid=kaq01kmc6jc3
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growth-plan · 3 years
Enneagram Personality Analysis You can have your own personality test for free online by clicking on this link. https://lnkd.in/dKdf7sH 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO YASIR’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Lp6t-ObAMxSGSKFbPB1ig?sub_confirmation=1 Yasir Jabari is a human resource consultant with over 15 years of experience specializing in establishing productive business relationships and resolving critical human capital business issues. Offering an array of skills in accurate employee job performance assessment, recommending and implementing action plan strategies to meet HR needs, interdepartmental coordination, consultative relationship building, coaching, training, communication, and schedule planning. I have developed two copyrighted models to get the best of staff at the workplace. The first model describes the internal stress process and how to eliminate it. The second model is an extension to the known communication model VAK to include timeline effect and underlying motive of users. Feel free to connect and share your knowledge with others. I wish you all the success and looking to meet you someday. Yasir Jabari ★☆★ CONNECT WITH YASIR ON SOCIAL MEDIA ★☆★ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7e22_2Ag_INhHoW2X82vKQ?sub_confirmation=1 LinkedIn: https://ift.tt/3yh0er2 #yasirjabari # by Yasir Jabari
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Obama MBTI
I saw that you typed Barack Obama as an ENFJ recently, and I’ve seen that as well as ENTP online elsewhere - but I’ve been reading his newest memoir and he comes of as an INFP to me - which was a surprise! I’m not very adept at typing people though so I’m wondering if you could check my judgement on this:
I see his Fi in how he talks about his moral convictions and is uncompromising on his ideals of how politics should serve people. When he writes about his campaign, he talks about how they went against all conventional wisdom at the time and his main strategy was to be honest, even if it meant saying things he wasn’t ‘supposed’ to say as a politician. He also insisted on writing all of his early speeches himself to make them more authentic. He talks about not really caring if he made other people mad or upset on the campaign trail if they were simply reacting to him, but that he would become livid if anyone on his team said anything disrespectful about another candidate, even if it was just internal (seems more fi than fe to me). He also seems to have a strong Fi prioritization of his morals and vision over his family harmony in the sense that Michelle was incredibly vocal about not wanting him to be in politics and his response seems to be mostly shrugging and saying it’s what he 'has to do.’
His Ne seems fairly obvious in his writing - he’s a huge policy nerd who wants to know a bit of everything about everything - all in order to support his strong Fi ideals. He talks about how he had to be continually coached out of giving long, complicated responses involving multiple sides of every argument while on the campaign trail - and not getting that people didn’t want to hear that.
I’m not sure about Si, but he does mention having a hard time organizing things and how he has to have his team on top of all the practical pieces of things, which seems to fit with low Te.
It seems a lot of people have typed him as extroverted because he seems charming and personable, but from his writing it seems this is not when he is most comfortable. He says multiple times that his favorite times are when he is left alone to read and write and develop his ideas on topics. All of this just gives me a very strong INFP vibe - though that seems like an unusual type for a politician! My guess is that he’s an enneagram 3w2. Thoughts on my typing - or am I thinking about the functions incorrectly?
I still think ENFJ. Why? Because INFPs’ refusal to change / adapt to the outside world (tending to think everything is targeting them and doubling down on being defensive rather than opening up with Ne to explore) does not make for a very good politician. They are clueless about how to get other people on board with their ideas, due to a low Te tendency to just walk away if they don’t like you and/or you don’t understand them, and a Fi-dom detachment from anything but their own feelings on the subject. Obama successfully mobilized many, many people and convinced them he had all the answers and was going to change their lives for the better, through a universal FeNi message of “hope and change.” He had a Ni vision he implemented (get elected, pass ObamaCare), he used the support of the masses to do it (which he generated through a Fe tactic of “let’s do this together... we can make a difference... the future is ours...”), and he struggled mightily to deal with anything outside his Ni scope (that is to say, he was poor at reacting in a crisis and slow to decide what to do -- weak Se).
Don’t make the mistake of thinking all Fe-doms are accommodating -- they are not. Don’t make the mistake of thinking they don’t have strong opinions that they won’t change for other people -- they do. Fe-dom is more of the nature of “I do not like this and you are going to hear about it the second I feel this way” than “I will give you whatever you want to keep harmony.” ENFJs are determined to make their mark on the world and you can either get on board or go away. They know they are here “for a reason” and “they must do it” (strong Ni).
Being a huge policy nerd isn’t Ne. Ne is unfettered idealism and changeability -- a politician with Ne would be constantly seeing multiple perspectives, which is not one of his strengths. He likes to go away and develop HIS ideas alone, which indicates an introverted N process. Ne goes to the outer world, to expansion to grow ideas, and Ni pulls inside itself.
I’ve seen 9w8 for him and.... I would agree with it. A huge tell is that everyone projected things onto him as president -- they took ownership of him and assumed their needs and wants and ideals were shared by him, due to his extremely vague way of phrasing most things. You could never pin him down, and that mass level of projection and engagement is common in a gut type, especially a 9 who seems like a calm, unflappable but ‘determined’ blank slate. It would also lend itself to the stubbornness you mentioned in wanting to do things his way (due to the 8 wing not really caring if you disagree). But I would say 3 is his next fix, yes.
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onlinesertifika54 · 3 years
NLP’de bir önceki seviyeyi tamamlamadan diğer seviyeye geçilemez. Aşamalar aşağıdaki gibidir;
NLP Beginner & NLP Practitioner Eğitimi
NLP Master Practitioner Eğitimi
NLP Trainner Eğitimi
NLP Master Practitioner Eğitimi
Online NLP Master Practitioner Eğitimi
NLP Master Practitioner Eğitimi ile İleri düzey NLP uygulayıcısı olarak yola devam etmek isteyenler için harika bir eğitim hazırlandı. NLP Practitioner seviyesini tamamladıktan sonra Master eğitimlerini alabilirsiniz.
Eğitimin Sonunda NLP Master Practitioner Sertifikası alacaksınız.
– Değişim Yönetimi / Hedef Planlama – Kişilik Tipolojileri – CLARE GRAVES – Kişilik Tipolojileri – ENNEAGRAM – Modelleme – Değerler Hiyeraşisi – Stratejiler – İkna yöntemleri ve dili – Meta Programlar – Meta State’ler – İnanç sistemleri (ileri düzey) – İleri dil kalıplar – Kriter kullanma kalıpları – Hipnotik dil kalıpları – İleri Milton modellemesi – Değerler, kriterler (meydana çıkartma, aydınlatma, kullanma ve değiştirme) – Master time line becerilerinin geliştirilmesi – Coaching – İleri davranış modellemesi (ABM) – İleri modelleme
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