#certified enneagram teacher
enneagramwithemily · 4 months
Understanding the Enneagram and Coaching
The Enneagram is a powerful tool for better understanding ourselves, others and improving communication. There are nine different ways to see the world. It is guaranteed that your relationships will improve once you learn the way you see the world...and the way people you are in relationship with see the world differently. 
Learning the Enneagram will give you insight, tools and strategies that will improve your life and your relationships as well as give you clarity into who you truly are.
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cleapallea · 2 months
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.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Hi I'm clea! You can call me by that name. I'm currently in my 4th year of college taking English Education specialized in Languages and Literature (analysis). My hobbies are random but I have these special interests such as astrology, occults, mythicism, Human brain dynamics, numbers or patterns, arts, literature, societal interests, and science. This is kinda weird though, but I'mma share with you my experiences of how and why I came up with this blog.┕━☽【❖】☾━┙
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My birth chart :*¨♚¨*:·.
Readings Reminders
Personal related:
Age: 20s
From Asia>  you can speak diff language. Me, quite flexible but I'm not native to those languages. So bear with me.I am a freelance writer, gamer, and pre-service teacher. Plus, I'm always a student. I do modeling/cosplaying sometimes, but most of the time, I usually stay inside my house and read various contexts.  
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۵♡۵ Personality related۵♡۵
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enneagram: 5W6 ❣tritype: 584 so/sp ❣socionics: ILI-3TE ❣ alignment: True Neutral ❣ temperament: melancholic-choleric ❣Hogwarts house: Slytherclaw 
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Blog Clarification: I'm not a certified astrologer. I created this blog to practice my craft/knowledge and try to be consistent with it. For those curious,  I'm self-taught and still learning today, forever ,until my sweetest death. Always been a newbie.
My goal is to serve my knowledge for good and with purpose. 
I use the whole signs system, western/tropical astrology, Placidus, degree theory, numerology, etc when interpreting birth charts —with the help of good resources, intuition, spiritual guidance and of course myself (because I can't come up with those insights easily). So sometimes, you may find it resonates to you. In addition, I offer personal readings, but don't expect I tell it in a detailed form. (at least I'm in my mood) 
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᭢ Heaven Zone: Your Guidelist 𓏶゚𓈒
Astrology and Sacred science
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─┈ 𝗿𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 ─┈ Credits: My own rights.
ఌ :Things I don't do: death readings (only warns applicable based on astro) trigger warnings. 
ఌ: Things I can do: my opinions about your birth charts, indicators, and asteroids/midpoints.
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clubaphrodite · 8 days
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Welcome everyone! My name’s Ayra, an astrology student, apprentice practitioner and teacher living in Italy, you can simply call me Ira ♡
⭑ AGE : around my 20s
⭑ MBTI : intj
⭑ BIG 3 : ♑︎ ☉, ♍︎ ☾ , ♏︎ ↑
⭑ MOTTO : "Nothing to lose, not here to play"
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⊸ My journey with astrology started back in 2015 when I first approached the principles of this amazing subject and never stopped ever since;
⊸ I attended various webinars and courses - Chris Brennan, Demetra George, Catherine Urban, Aliza Kelly, Leisa Sham, Stephen Arroyo, Stephen Forrest, Liz Greene, Rebecca Gordon, Richard Tarnas, Austin Coppock and Kelly Surtees are just some of the notorious astrologers I studied from - and enriched my knowledge the most I could’ve until the present moment.
⊸ Unfortunately though, I’m not a certified astrologer yet, I’m currently looking forward to enroll in an official Astrology School/Uni/Academia abroad hence none really exists in my country, luckily enough I purchased almost 150 books during these years and privately improved my chart-reading skills on hundreds of charts to get better and better over time.
⊸ Nowadays I serenely consider myself pretty well-rounded about my practice and want to put my knowledge at your service, I’m sure of what I can offer to all of you and willing to help other people with astrology.
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» I see astrology as a great tool for self-discovery, a tool to understand your own identity, values, desires, needs, how different periods of your life affect you, which career you may pursue, goals, ideal partner and so much more…
» I don't like to use astrology as a strictly divinatory/predictive practice, I don't like “foretelling” as far as I don't like the recent overhype of “fame/wealth astrology” and extremely incorrect “astrology observations”, I think it all generates a lot of anxiety/discouragement, it's ego-feeding and causes unnecessary panic/anger/resentment most of the time.
» I prefer to keep my practice professional, serious, serene, pragmatic and realistically useful.
IN BRIEF: professional, serious, impartial, objective, simple, practical, rational, analytical, serene, useful.
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✔ Debunking Pop Astrology Myths
✔ Debunking False Information
✔ High Quality Lessons of Hellenistic/Traditional/Western Astrology
✔ Posts with Reliable Content coming from Professional Astrologers Books, Videos, Websites & Courses
✔ Observations & Notes always accompanied with proper explanations from valid sources
✔ Personal Researches and Theories
✔ A Safe Space to discuss Astrology, Self-Improvement & Tools for Self-Discovery
✔ Posts about Other Esoteric Sciences (Numerology, Matrix of Destiny, & Tarot specifically)
✔ Simple Aesthetic to simplify your reading and learning process
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✗ Alarming, false and clickbait claims/notes/observations
✗ Useless predictions of all sorts
✗ Free Readings of all sorts - except on special occasions
✗ Posts about sensitive themes such as dea*h, trauma, pregnancy & health conditions - except on special occasions and with proper documentation
✗ Vedic/Sidereal Astrology
✗ Karmic Astrology - except when talking about synastry or composite charts
✗ Spells, Incantations, Rituals or other witchy practices
✗ Magic of all sorts
✗ Law of Attraction Content
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rp-partnerfinder · 9 days
((re-submitting, forgot ages)) Hey y'all! I am a 33 y/o trans male searching for an X-Men RP, specifically Erik/Charles. I have a pretty huge over-arching plot that I'd love to do set in a modern Sentinel/Guide AU. I play Erik/Sentinel and I am searching for a Charles/Guide. Looking for RPers age 25+!
This AU is set in 2018. Sergeant Erik Lehnsherr is a baseline human medic who has just returned stateside from his tour in Afghanistan where he was injured by an IED. His best friend Magda got pregnant after they had a one night stand, and decided not to tell him since he was deployed. She died, and left him with two six-month old twin infants, Pietro and Wanda when he returned home. Professor Sebastian Shaw is Erik's "ex," as they were engaged in a scandalous secret "relationship" during his time at MIT. Sebastian is ultra-rich and hires a mega powerful legal team to go after Erik and take custody of his children. In this 'verse, Sentinels and Guides are pseudo-mythological figures. David/Jonathan, Achilles/Patroclus. They are hyper-powerful mutants who rely on a soul-bond (genetically, hormonally) to amp one another up. The Sentinel is the Destructive force and the Guide is the Reasoning force. When they meet, they immediately form this bond with one another. The Guide helps the Sentinel regulate, and directs the Sentinel's devastating powers. The CIA monitors any mutant who has the potential to manifest as a Sentinel, and so have been following Erik unbeknownst to him, his entire life. While Erik appears to be a baseline human, he is actually an Omega-level mutant capable of molecular/temporal/reality manipulation. Enter Charles Xavier, Erik's VA caseworker helping him navigate the legal battle and reintegrate into civilian life. When they meet, the Sentinel/Guide bond immediately flourishes to life.
I like a good mix of plot, action, intrigue and eventual smut. I enjoy both slow burn and insta-chemistry. We can hammer out the minutiae of the world, or allow it to unfold organically.
Erik is played by Adam Brody. He is a Lithuanian-American semi-observant Conservative Jew from Midwood, NYC. He is friendly, charming and talkative. ESTP, Leo-vibes, Enneagram 9w8.
He's the diplomat and the leader, knows several languages, and is a genuine, certified genius. This is the domestic fluff guy, always ready with a joke and a can-do attitude. His wit conceals a soft interior.
Keeps kosher and goes to his dad's house every Saturday for Shabbat. They keep asking him when he's going to Bring A Nice Young Man Home. It's a whole thing.
Word bank ; diplomacy / foreign language , CIA , military , college , teacher / student , teacher / parent , parenting , soldier / civilian , clinician / patient , TiMER , sentinel / guide , ds!verse , omega!verse , time travel , multiverse traversal , mind control , poetry , narrative fuckery , experimental , telepathy , soulmates , bonds , true love , trauma , recovery , abuse , WWII , modern historical , war , cultural discrepancy , fish out of water , sci - fi , star trek redux , blah la la la !
If this interests you, feel free to add me on Discord. I am Weemie.
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pwrn51 · 2 years
Narcissistic People can affect daily life for many
Narcissistic People can affect daily life for many
    Today’s guest is Dr. Sterlin Mosley, Author and Writer of “The NARCISSIST in YOU and EVERYONE ELSE”, Recognizing the 27 Types of Narcissism. Dr. Sterlin Mosley is a Professor of  Human Relations at the University of Oklahoma and a Certified  Enneagram Coach and Teacher and a scholar in the fields of empathy, narcissism, and personality psychology. Dr. Mosley discusses why he wrote the book,…
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notyourdoe · 3 years
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ayyyy! we’ve finally got an intro, kids! to kick it off, i’m baz and a certified Disaster™️. i’m here to bring you my Disaster Child™️, dorcas. i honestly can’t wait to throw her sarcastic, foolish self at y’all, so let’s get to it shall we?
p.s. this is inevitably going to be long and obnoxious so like...i apologize in advance rip.
lets pray we stay young; stay made out of lightnin’.
FULL NAME: dorcas selene meadowes. NICKNAME(S): doe, dork, meadowes, dorkass if you’re feelin’ reckless. AGE: 26. DATE OF BIRTH: april 13th. GENDER: cis female. NATIONALITY: english. HERITAGE: black, ukrainian. SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): fluent in english, latin, and french. speaks very broken spanish, but understands most. OCCUPATION: auror. RELIGION: agnostic. SEXUALITY: pansexual, panromantic.
FACE CLAIM: paulina singer. HEIGHT: 5’5”. WEIGHT: 127 lb. DOMINANT HAND: left. HAIR COLOR: brown. EYE COLOR: brown. SCARS: scattered scars on both knees from falling while learning to ride a bike, a five inch long scar on the middle of her back around her right ribcage from a curse she caught during the war, a scar on her upper, left thigh from spilling a hot kettle on herself. TATTOOS: the rune for resistance on her inner left wrist, ‘all my love, always’ in her mother’s handwriting on her inner, right bicep WEAPON OF CHOICE: wand. POWER(S): wordless magic.
HOMETOWN: london, england. CURRENT RESIDENCE: london, england. FINANCIAL STATUS: middle class. EDUCATION LEVEL:
potions - e
charms - o
transfiguration - o
herbology - a
care of magical creatures - e
history of magic - o
defense against the dark arts - o
potions - e
charms - o
transfiguration - e
care of magical creatures - a
history of magic - e
defense against the dark arts - o
FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: nathaniel meadowes「 father, 51, primary school teacher, muggle 」; aaya meadowes ( née davies )「 mother, 39, auror, witch, deceased 」; thalia meadowes「 sister, 24, muggle 」; taryn meadowes「 brother, 24, muggle 」; dodge meadowes「 brother, 22, wizard 」
JUNG TYPE: entp. ENNEAGRAM: 8w7 - the maverick. TEMPERAMENT: choleric. MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral good. SIN: pride. VIRTUE: courage. ZODIAC: aries sun, gemini moon, virgo rising. ELEMENT: fire. CHARACTER INSPIRATION: julia wicker, rose hathaway, kat stratford. CHARACTER PLAYLIST: coming soon.
full bio is here. 
intimidating as she may be, dorcas is genuinely kind and caring, despite her prickly and sometimes off-putting exterior. all dorcas has ever wanted to do is the right thing and help those who don’t have the skills or confidence to do it for themselves. genuinely, all dorcas wants to do is make the world a better place, but she 100% does not always get it right. for as much as dorcas wants to do the right thing, she’s a very confrontational, sarcastic person. stepping on toes is definitely something doe is incredibly good at, though she usually doesn’t mean to. if someone sticks around through her social missteps, dorcas is a fiercely loyal and wickedly fun friend. she’s constantly getting into some kind of trouble ( of both the serious and whimsical variety ), so she’s a guaranteed adventure. the impulsive streak in dorcas has definitely ebbed since she was young, but every so often it does rear it’s ugly head - usually when she’s fighting or in extremely emotional situations. one could say, she doesn’t handle those well. despite aaaaalladat, dorcas is insanely focused when she’s at work. it doesn’t matter that she’s extremely good at her job, dorcas constantly feels like she’s got something to prove and  tl;dr - she’s a bog goofball with a big heart and wicked temper. 
okay so i haven’t thought these out or gone super in depth on them yet, but as far as some jumping off points go:
friends from hogwarts - both from gryffindor and other houses. dorcas was an obnoxiously social person in school, so she wouldn’t have let houses stop her from befriending anyone
former flames - both from school and after. can be any gender!
literally please give me all the adversarial dynamics! be it an enemies to lovers type jam or a mutual tolerance with just...all the sarcastic banter. or flat out hatred. i want it all pls.
auror friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bonus points for superiors who begrudgingly put up with her shenanigans.
other ministry friends also!
obvs we also need a best friend. forever accepting applications.
a work wife/husband/partner????
childhood pals! we love a ‘we pretended to marry each other when we were six’ type beat.
fwb type deal.
a will they/won’t they.
honestly we’re up for anything, so if you have open dynamics/connections you wanna toss our way, i’m down
aaaand yuh! that’s what i have for y’all at the moment! i’m more than happy to plot or screech about hc’s, so drop me a dm or whateva! i’m v excited to get started!!
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sakorispolyglot · 5 years
About Me
Hello everyone (Hallo Leute)! I am a 21 year old University student studying Creative Media (not my actual major; my actual major is specific enough to dox me, but that’s the best generalization) who loves learning languages! Currently, I’m focusing on my German, but I’m an aspiring polyglot. Hopefully, you’ll get to know me a bit better with this post.
On this blog, I’ll mostly be posting about my language learning journey, how I’m learning my various languages (listed below) excluding perhaps sign language for obvious reasons, and my progress in those languages.
My Languages and Levels (on the CEFR scale; none of these are actually certified, just based on the CEFR scale and what it says and the self-evaluations that I’ve done):
English: Native
German: A1/A2
American Sign Language: B1
Spanish: A1
Italian: No Level
I have a few other languages that I would like to learn, and I’ll be adding them to this post as I go along. I think the next one I want to learn is Japanese (after I add Italian, that is).
Reasons for Each Language:
English: My parents speak English, my classmates speak English, and I live in America (even though English isn’t the official language of America, I will say that it is one of the most common languages used).
German: I am part German, so I wanted to connect with my ancestry and learn more about the country and the culture.
American Sign Language: I kind of fell into learning ASL. It’s kind of been part of my life for a long time now. My high school has a program for deaf students that provides interpreters in each class that they have, so every time an interpreter would come to our class, I would listen to the teacher and watch the interpreters and pick up signs as I would go. I would also watch videos online to pick up signs that way. Eventually, I decided to take a beginning ASL class to formalize my ASL knowledge. At the end of this class, we were required to attend a social event where everyone used ASL. Throughout the next year, I would try and attend any ASL social that I could.
Spanish: I took Spanish for two years in high school and would like to make use of some of that knowledge. Mostly just revising, although we didn’t go over a lot in those two years that I can remember.
Italian: Firstly, I am part Italian, so, like German, I would like to connect with my ancestry, the country, and its culture. Secondly, my family and I are planning a trip to Italy next summer, so I would like to have some command of the language before going. Plus I like the language.
Japanese (even though I haven’t started yet): I like me some anime. Also, the culture is super interesting to me and I would love to learn more about it.
Hobbies that I have other than Language Learning:
Reading sci-fi and fantasy, or basically any fiction. Right now, I’m reading the Dark Ability series by D.K. Holmberg.
Creating Languages, a la JRR Tolkien. I have a giant language family tree layout that has like 33 languages in it. It also contains sign languages.
Playing video games. Currently playing through Astral Chain, and I love it so much. It’s basically an anime. A really good anime.
Writing. I have some plans for a book that I want to write. I also am in the process of writing a D&D Campaign.
Video Game Development. I have a large background in programming (what with my previous major being Computer Science), although
Coding. I have a few languages under my belt from my previous Computer Science major.
Filmmaking. I’ve worked as a Gaffer (Lights) and a Folly Artist (Sound). I’ve also dabbled in Sound Editing.
Dungeons and Dragons. I play as well as run games (DMing). Mostly I play magic users (Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard, mostly Bard).
I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do after graduating from University, but the main thing that I want to try to do is create things. I have a large background in programming and computers, as well as film and sound. I want to post more on my YouTube channel and keep up with my bullet journal that I plan to start next year (that will help me with my language learning).
Fun Facts About Me:
Without doxxing myself, I attended the same high school as the creator of a popular TV show, as well as someone who was on an early season of the Voice (US).
I am a Gemini
My Hogwarts House is Ravenclaw, my Ilvermorny House is Thunderbird. My Patronus is White Mare, and my wand is a Cedar Wand with a Unicorn Hair core that is 14.5 inches in length with a Surprisingly Squishly flexibility.
I don’t have a favorite Pokemon. Although, my favorite game is Platinum and my favorite region is a tossup between Unova and Kalos.
My favorite season is Winter.
My MBTI is INFJ. My Enneagram is 9w1.
I play a billion instruments. Pretty much the only types of instruments I can’t play are brass instruments (e.g. trumpet, trombone, etc.). My first and best one is piano. My favorite is cello. I also sing; my voice type is kind of low baritone, kind of high bass--it’s weird. My vocal range is E2-G4.
My favorite animal is a fox. If it weren’t so bad to domesticate them, I would want to get one in the future.
I’m really good at remembering dates. For example, October 4th this year is when I started to decide to change my major.
Where does my url come from? I was trying to figure out what to choose when I thought of how I chose my Twitter handle (which is also my personal tumblr, linked in my description). It’s a combination of the mispronunciation of the German and Irish words for snow (Schnee and sneachta, respectively). So, I took the Icelandic words for snow and ice and changed it up a bit. Added the word Polyglot and Sakoris Polyglot was born.
My Duolingo: skeetcha My Memrise: skeetcha Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/skeetcha
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tookchances · 5 years
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[ JEON JEONGGUK, 20, NONBINARY MASC, THEY/THEM ] welcome to the du pont institute for the young & gifted, [ HARRISON MOON ]. you have been accepted as a [ SCHOLARSHIP ] student from [ USA ], going into your [ SOPHOMORE YEAR ] and majoring in [ HEALTH SCIENCE (PRE-MED) ]. your peers at the institute say that you are [ RESERVED & DEVOTED ], but being [ SELF-DOUBTING & WARY ] may be the reason why the police are asking about you. did you think they wouldn’t find out that you were michael’s [ CHARITY CASE ]? [ MEVEE, 21, THEY/THEM, PST ]
warnings: bullying, vague descriptions of dysphoria.  
legal name: harrison moon. / moon hyunsoo. alias(s)/nicknames: harrison. aris. harry. date of birth: june 1, 1999. zodiac: gemini. place of birth: san diego, california, america. ethnicity: full korean. gender: nonbinary (they/them). blood type: o negative. orientation: bisexual. fluency: korean, english, spanish - fluent. education: high school graduate, some college. cna certified. occupation: part-time cna for a nursing home, part-time receptionist for valmont and specter law firm.
moral alignment: neutral good.   enneagram: achiever. temperament: phlegmatic. myers-briggs: infp -t; the mediator.
harrison moon comes from a small humble family in san diego, california. their parents were first generation immigrants to the us. 
they are the only child in their little family of three. they only have a few cousins, not having many uncles and aunts on either sides of their family tree. which is fine - they like how close they are with their parents.
they never had much money - their father was an elementary school teacher while their mother was a receptionist. regardless of their lack of money, they made the most of what they had. it makes them appreciate their life so much more with that perspective.
harrison was a precocious child. one of those kids that apparently read at a college level in third grade. they studied hard and focused all their attention on school. 
they never really had a lot of friends growing, not for lack of trying either. they just never really clicked with other people, no matter how hard they tried. 
when they were younger, they were an easy target for bullying because they didn’t quite fit in. they didn’t really hang out with others and was the loner among their classmates. they didn’t defend themselves either, not really understanding what was happening to them. they passed off the shoving as accidents and the insults as just words.
around this same time, harrison was also starting to go through a lot of other things in their life.
they came into their identity at twelve, although they never really felt comfortable with their body. it just only started getting worse. this rising restlessness and agitation that everything was wrong. this feeling that they didn’t fit in the body that they did was stifling for them. 
terrified of how their parents would react, they went to their counselor and talked about it. together, they told harrison’s parents and while it wasn’t easy to understand for them, the counselor helped their parents with processing it all. 
in eighth grade, the bullying harrison was going through was finally caught by a teacher when harrison was locked in a classroom over night after staying after school. they suspended the bullies. but the damage was done.
the summer before high school, harrison’s parents moved their family to new york. it wasn’t easy, money was even tighter than before, but they managed. it helped that in this new school, harrison managed to slowly come out of their shell, joining clubs on campus and doing volunteer work.
it was in this high school that harrison would come to see their passion for helping people and their interest in pre-med.
harrison never really intended to apply for du pont institute. they weren’t even confident of getting in, and they sure as hell knew they’d have problems paying for it. but they’d been working multiple jobs and saving up anyways. so, taking a chance, they applied. and surprisingly... they got in.
they were nervous to tell their parents at first that they got in, but their parents found out when the letter was mailed to their tiny apartment. harrison got a full scholarship ride into the university under strict requirements, but it was worth it. the scholarship didn’t exactly fix everything -- harrison became cna certified and began working at a nursing home to try and get money for books and university fees.
michael valmont is not the kind of person that harrison moon would be around. still, they met when harrison took up their second job as a receptionist for valmont and specter law firm. while they weren’t really close at first, they did talk briefly every now and then.
it wasn’t really until they ran into each other at the institute that they talked more. whether it was because harrison never treated michael differently because of his bad reputation or partying, michael was kind to them.
for a while, harrison and michael were close aquaintances. harrison was adamant that michael not treat them weirdly after he found out about their money situation. still, michael seemed to take it upon him to help him them out. what his reasons were remained and will now forever remain unclear to harrison. 
after finding out about michael’s death, harrison was shocked. while harrison knew not everyone liked the upperclassman, they didn’t think he or anyone for that matter deserved death.
<– abt tag.
<– wanted connection.
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consciousenneagram · 5 years
Mind Body Connection with Zahra Mohamed Ali (Enneagram 2)
This week I sit down with my favorite internet stalker, Zahra Mohamed Ali! I met Zahra at the International Enneagram Association's Global Conference this July and she is just a TOTAL BADASS. We have an awesome converastion about Yoga and the Enneagram and then near the end we take a fun little detour into what sobriety has offered our spiritual journeys.
Here's more about Zahra:
Zahra Mohamed Ali is a certified Enneagram coach, yoga teacher, and writer based in Orlando, FL. She helps her clients integrate their mind, heart, and body so they can be at home in their bodies, experience deeper self awareness, and live in alignment with their purpose. She’s completed trainings with Ginger Lapid-Bodga and The Enneagram Institute for her coaching certification and is undertaking her 300 hr yoga certification with Susanna Barkataki. Currently she works one-on-one with both coaching and yoga clients and runs workshops that help clients integrate the knowledge of the Enneagram with the body awareness of yoga.
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surferjoe · 3 years
Sarah Duet Interviews Narrative Enneagram Certified Teacher Abi Robins, Author of The Conscious Enneagram from The Narrative Enneagram on Vimeo.
Sarah Duet talks live with Abi Robins (@consciousenneagram) a certified Narrative Enneagram teacher, on Tuesday, April 29, 2021 about their new book, The Conscious Enneagram How to Move from Typology to Transformation. Read more about the book here: broadleafbooks.com/store/product/9781506465029/The-Conscious-Enneagram
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enneagramwithemily · 4 months
How to Treat Your Friends and Family Depending on Their Enneagram Number
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The Enneagram is a powerful tool that offers profound insights into the unique ways individuals perceive the world and interact with others. By understanding the Enneagram, you can enhance your relationships, improve communication, and provide more personalized support to your family and friends. This comprehensive guide will help you learn how to care for your loved ones based on their Enneagram number, fostering deeper connections and mutual understanding.
Introduction to the Enneagram
The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology system that describes nine different ways of viewing the world, corresponding to nine distinct personality types. Each type has its own core motivations, fears, and behavioral patterns. By learning about these types, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and those around you, leading to more harmonious relationships.
Understanding the Nine Enneagram Types
Type 1: The Reformer
Type 1s are principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic. They strive for integrity and wish to improve the world, often having a strong sense of right and wrong.
Type 2: The Helper
Type 2s are generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive. They are empathetic and caring, often placing the needs of others above their own.
Type 3: The Achiever
Type 3s are adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-conscious. They are highly motivated and focus on achieving success and recognition.
Type 4: The Individualist
Type 4s are expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, and temperamental. They are introspective and seek to understand their unique identity.
Type 5: The Investigator
Type 5s are perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated. They value knowledge and tend to observe and analyze the world around them.
Type 6: The Loyalist
Type 6s are engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious. They value security and loyalty, often seeking guidance and support from others.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Type 7s are spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and scattered. They seek adventure and excitement, often avoiding pain and discomfort.
Type 8: The Challenger
Type 8s are self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational. They value control and power, often taking charge of situations.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Type 9s are receptive, reassuring, complacent, and resigned. They strive for inner and outer peace, often avoiding conflict and prioritizing harmony.
How to Identify Your Loved One's Enneagram Type
Identifying the Enneagram type of your family and friends can be done through observation and conversation. Pay attention to their motivations, fears, and behavior patterns. You can also encourage them to take an Enneagram test, such as the best free Enneagram test available online, to gain more clarity.
Caring for Each Enneagram Type
Type 1: The Reformer
Understanding Their Needs
Type 1s thrive on order and structure. They appreciate constructive feedback and strive for improvement in all areas of their life.
How to Support Them
Offer constructive feedback gently.
Help them relax and let go of perfectionism.
Acknowledge their efforts and achievements.
Type 2: The Helper
Understanding Their Needs
Type 2s need to feel appreciated and loved. They derive joy from helping others and often neglect their own needs.
How to Support Them
Show appreciation for their help and kindness.
Encourage them to take time for themselves.
Offer support and assistance without them having to ask.
Type 3: The Achiever
Understanding Their Needs
Type 3s are motivated by success and recognition. They enjoy setting and achieving goals and often focus on their image.
How to Support Them
Celebrate their achievements and milestones.
Provide constructive feedback on their projects.
Encourage them to balance work and personal life.
Type 4: The Individualist
Understanding Their Needs
Type 4s seek to understand their identity and express their individuality. They value authenticity and emotional depth.
How to Support Them
Acknowledge and validate their feelings.
Encourage creative self-expression.
Provide a non-judgmental space for them to share their thoughts.
Type 5: The Investigator
Understanding Their Needs
Type 5s value knowledge and autonomy. They enjoy intellectual pursuits and often need time alone to recharge.
How to Support Them
Give them space and time to process information.
Engage in thoughtful and meaningful conversations.
Respect their need for privacy and independence.
Type 6: The Loyalist
Understanding Their Needs
Type 6s value security and support. They often seek guidance and reassurance from trusted individuals.
How to Support Them
Offer consistent support and reassurance.
Be reliable and trustworthy.
Help them explore and address their fears.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Understanding Their Needs
Type 7s seek excitement and adventure. They enjoy variety and often avoid discomfort and pain.
How to Support Them
Encourage their adventurous spirit.
Help them stay grounded and focused.
Be supportive during difficult times.
Type 8: The Challenger
Understanding Their Needs
Type 8s value control and power. They often take charge of situations and appreciate directness and honesty.
How to Support Them
Be direct and honest in your communication.
Respect their need for autonomy and control.
Support their leadership and decision-making.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Understanding Their Needs
Type 9s strive for peace and harmony. They often avoid conflict and prioritize the needs of others.
How to Support Them
Create a calm and peaceful environment.
Encourage them to express their opinions and needs.
Help them address and resolve conflicts.
Why Choose Us?
Choosing the right Enneagram coach can make a significant difference in your journey towards personal growth and improved relationships. Here are a few reasons why we stand out:
Expertise and Certification
Our Enneagram coaches are certified professionals with extensive training and experience. We are accredited by the International Enneagram Association, ensuring that you receive the highest quality coaching.
Personalized Approach
We understand that each individual is unique, and we tailor our coaching sessions to meet your specific needs. Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions, group workshops, or online coaching, we have a solution for you.
We work with your schedule to create a class that fits your lifestyle. Whether it's for you and your friends, your business team, or your church group, we can accommodate your needs.
Proven Results
Our clients have experienced significant improvements in their relationships and personal growth. Learning the Enneagram has provided them with the tools and strategies needed to navigate life's challenges effectively.
Free 30-Minute Session
To help you get started, we offer a free 30-minute session. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Enneagram and how our coaching can benefit you.
How Can We Help People?
Improved Communication
By understanding the Enneagram types of those around you, you can communicate more effectively. You'll learn how to speak their language and address their needs and concerns.
Enhanced Relationships
Understanding the core motivations and fears of different Enneagram types allows you to build deeper and more meaningful relationships. You'll be able to support your loved ones in ways that resonate with them.
Personal Growth
Learning about your own Enneagram type provides insight into your behaviors and thought patterns. This self-awareness is the first step towards personal growth and overcoming self-defeating behaviors.
Conflict Resolution
The Enneagram offers strategies for resolving conflicts by understanding the perspectives of different types. You'll learn how to navigate disagreements and find common ground.
Clarity and Direction
The Enneagram can help you discover your true self and clarify your life purpose. Our coaching sessions provide the encouragement and support needed to pursue your goals.
General Tips Based on Enneagram Types
Here are some general tips for caring for your loved ones based on their Enneagram type:
For Type 1s
Encourage them to embrace imperfection.
Help them find balance and relaxation.
Validate their feelings and perspectives.
For Type 2s
Show appreciation for their kindness.
Encourage self-care and setting boundaries.
Offer help and support willingly.
For Type 3s
Celebrate their achievements.
Provide constructive feedback.
Encourage work-life balance.
For Type 4s
Validate their emotions.
Encourage creative outlets.
Provide a supportive and understanding environment.
For Type 5s
Respect their need for space and privacy.
Engage in intellectual discussions.
Appreciate their knowledge and insights.
For Type 6s
Offer consistent support and reassurance.
Be dependable and trustworthy.
Help them address their fears constructively.
For Type 7s
Encourage their enthusiasm and adventures.
Help them stay grounded and focused.
Be supportive during challenging times.
For Type 8s
Be direct and honest in your communication.
Respect their autonomy and decisions.
Support their leadership and initiatives.
For Type 9s
Create a peaceful and harmonious environment.
Encourage them to express their needs and opinions.
Help them resolve conflicts constructively.
Book a Free 30-Minute Session
Ready to learn more about how the Enneagram can transform your life and relationships? Book a free 30-minute session with us today! In this session, you'll gain valuable insights into your Enneagram type and discover how our coaching can help you break through self-defeating behaviors and achieve your goals.
Caring for your family and friends based on their Enneagram number can lead to more fulfilling and harmonious relationships. By understanding their unique perspectives and needs, you can provide the support and encouragement they need to thrive. Whether you're looking to improve communication, resolve conflicts, or foster personal growth, the Enneagram offers valuable insights and tools to help you on your journey. Contact us today to learn more and start your Enneagram journey with a free 30-minute session.
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auroresarchive · 7 years
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FULL NAME: jeanne marie beaubier NICKNAME(S): aurora AGE: 23 DATE OF BIRTH: december 4th, 1994 GENDER IDENTITY: cisgender female SEXUALITY:  heterosexual (jeanne-marie), bisexual (aurora), varying (the others) NATIONALITY: french-canadian SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): english, french PAST OCCUPATION: nun, teacher RELIGION: catholic
FACE CLAIM: eiza gonzalez HEIGHT: 5′8″ WEIGHT: 140 lbs BODY TYPE: slender MUSCLE TONE: toned HAIR COLOR: black EYE COLOR: brown ACCENT: slight canadian SCARS: none TATTOOS: none
HOMETOWN: quebec, canada FINANCIAL STATUS: supported by alpha flight EDUCATION LEVEL: certified teacher CONVICTION(S): none FATHER: jean-baptiste beaubier ( deceased ) MOTHER: unnamed ( deceased ) SIBLING(S): jean-paul beaubier ( twin ) PARTNER(S): none of note CHILDREN: none
HOROSCOPE: sagittarius JUNG TYPE: isfj as jeanne ( the defender ), esfp as aurora ( the entertainer ) ENNEAGRAM: the helper as jeanne, the challenger as aurora MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good SIN: envy as jeanne / wrath or lust as aurora VIRTUE: charity as jeanne / diligence as aurora MOTTO: the voices in my head, which i used to think were just passing through, seem to have taken up residence. THEME SONG: crazy train - ozzy osbourne
AURORA POSITIVE TRAITS: witty, intelligent, resourceful AURORA NEGATIVE TRAITS: cruel, manipulating, dominating
JEANNE POSITIVE TRAITS: kind, patient, helpful JEANNE NEGATIVE TRAITS: pushover, timid, fearful
jeanne’s suicidal thoughts never really went away even if she had to learn how to control them
in addition to having dissociative identity disorder she is also schizophrenic
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier Personality (One): Her primary personality of a prim and proper, repressed woman.
Aurora Personality (Two): A second personality of an uninhibited extrovert.
Personality Three: Likes fine wines, horse racing, and casual ultra-violence.
Personality Four: A weekend goth, who occasionally self-harms, and has an inexplicable aversion to shellfish.
Personality Five: Likes sports activities, photography, and is an amateur paleontologist (someone who studies prehistoric life). Spoke only in French.
Personality Six: Likes opera, gardening, and creationist literature.
Personality Seven: Likes graffiti, mild S&M, and gambling.
Personality Eight: Is reckless and is a committed masochist.
currently aurora and jeanne are the two dominant personalities and share the spotlight pretty evenly
jeanne doesn’t have a problem with carol danvers but aurora hates her
aurora and jeanne went from hating each other to learning to live together
aurora has began looking for relationships of her own as she’s allowed to live
despite what people may think she loves leading alpha flight as a liason and takes it seriously
the time spent in weapon x / mental asylums left her with ptsd
the pointy ears are a sensitive subject for jeanne but not aurora
JEAN-PAUL BEAUBIER - her twin. technically her other half but they’re so disconnected it’s hard to say. jeanne feels like a burden to her brother.
ALPHA FLIGHT - anyone on the damn team.
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westernmanews · 6 years
AGAWAM — The Employers Association of the NorthEast (EANE) will stage its Annual Leadership Conference on April 4 at the Sheraton Springfield Monarch Place with a focus on measuring success as you motivate and inspire your team to improve performance.
“Great leadership is genuine. It’s developed through perseverance and learning from experience, all while boosting those around you to new heights.”, says Meredith Wise, President of the Employers Association of the NorthEast.  “In a time which we know that employees won’t stay with weak leaders, it’s more critical than ever to make sure that managers and supervisors know how to lead.”
The program will feature Jim McPartlin, vice president of Leadership Development for Forbes Travel Guide. McPartlin’s keynote will challenge attendees to bring integrity to their leadership responsibilities, even when times get tough.
He has held several leadership positions in the hospitality industry with companies such as W Hotels Worldwide, Walt Disney Company and Lowes Hotels & Resorts. McPartlin has more than 20 years of experience as a certified teacher in the Enneagram, which is a powerful gateway to self-awareness and understanding of others.
A second keynote will be presented by Tim Hebert, a perennial entrepreneur, innovator, author, speaker, and adventurer. Hebert will ignite the leadership spark in attendees in a keynote focused on the choices of leadership and techniques to help live your life by design, not by default.
Between keynote presentations the Leadership Conference attendees will have access to dozens of breakout session topics ranging from performance management, to diversity and inclusion, to perfecting “C-Suite speak,” and more.
The cost for the program is $360 per person with discounts for three or more. Register at www.EANE.org/leadership-2019 or via phone at (877) 662-6444. The program will offer 5.75 credits by the HR Certification Institute and SHRM. Sponsoring the program are the HR Certification Institute and Constellation.                                .
  The post EANE Leadership Conference on Measuring Success Set for April 4 appeared first on BusinessWest.
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/6-perfect-yoga-retreats-for-after-a-breakup-yoga-retreats-for-heartbreak/
6 Perfect Yoga Retreats For After a Breakup | Yoga Retreats for Heartbreak
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Learn about these 6 yoga retreats for post-breakup healing.
Photo courtesy of REI Adventures
Heartbreak is brutal. It doesn’t matter who did the breaking up, the end of a big relationship is devastating. Your body feels like it’s going through withdrawal (there is a reason it’s called heartbreak, after all), motivation hits rock-bottom, and though your friends and family are sympathetic, no one really seems to get it. Add a family and divorce and you might also be looking at big financial and legal messes, all while trying to keep it together in front of the kids.
But, there is an upside: All those raw feelings and jarring shifts can provide a solid starting point for some serious growth. That’s why the weeks and months after a breakup is a prime time to embark on that yoga retreat you’ve been meaning to take.
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See also Healing Heartbreak: A Yoga Practice to Get Through Grief
Yoga is a secret weapon for the heartbroken. Not only does your practice give you a happy-boosting workout, but it also emphasizes patience, flexibility, and mindfulness—all traits that come in handy when charting a new path forward. These six retreats combine those ideas with gorgeous locations and groups of soul sisters (plus pro counseling sessions, adventure, cleansing ceremonies, massages, and spiritual healers) to turn your breakup into a breakthrough.
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6 Yoga Retreats Perfect for Heartbreak 
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Spreading Our Wings in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Georgia
When: April 26-28
The ladies who run Soul Nourish are some of most likeable (and real!) gals around. For proof, just read Spreading Our Wings’ co-host Mandy Roberts’ post on divorce. All those things you’re feeling? Yep, she can relate. Roberts also came out on the other side, and now she and Soul Nourish Retreats founder, Shari Fox, help other women do the same. The itinerary benefits from Fox’s experience as a certified enneagram teacher—the personality system has garnered a ton of recent buzz as a powerful tool for improving relationships. Fox will identify your enneagram type and teach you how to apply the findings in your day-to-day. When not engaged in workshops to tap into your intuition or doing guided energy work, days at the lush Elohee Retreat Center can be spent hiking trails on the site’s 200 acres, wading in front of a 100-foot waterfall, or taking in the views from your mountaintop cottage or campsite. Expect the mood to be decidedly light-hearted. “Joy is so often overlooked in the healing process,” Fox says. From $595, soulnourishretreats.com
See also 13 Yoga Retreats You Can Actually Afford
About the Author Stephanie Granada is a freelance writer and editor, who splits her time between Colorado, Miami, and NYC. 
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abirobins · 6 years
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So, it’s been a bit since I’ve introduced myself on here, and with all the new follows lately, I figured I should let y’all know who I am. I’m Abi. I live in Austin, Tx. I’m a queer nonbinary person (they/them). I’m a contemplative Christian and lead with type 8 on the Enneagram. I am a yoga therapist intern and an Enneagram teacher soon to be certified in The Narrative Enneagram. This is a picture of me doing what I love: teaching yogis how to use the enneagram and ennea-enthusiast how to use yoga, it’s really the best. I’m partnered to a gorgeous woman who just so happens to be an incredibly gifted tarot reader (@oakmoontarot) and we have two smart, sassy, lovable daughters. I also have a dog named #ziggythepittie and she’s my animal familiar. She hold’s a piece of my soul I didn’t know existed until she came into my life. On this insta you’ll see pictures of me, Enneagram stuff, Ziggy, my partner and daughters, and probably a lot of nature. I’m currently in Menlo Park, California training with Helen Palmer and Marion Gilbert around the Enneagram and Spiritual Awareness. When I get home I’ll hit the ground running teaching workshops all over the country. Dm me if you want to bring me to your city! Thanks for following and being a friend. :) • • • #enneagram #enneagramintensive #thenarrativeenneagram #enneacamp #enneagram1 #enneagram2 #enneagram3 #enneagram4 #enneagram5 #enneagram6 #enneagram7 #enneagram8 #enneagram9 #spiritualgrowth #personalgrowth #enneagramcoach #enneagramteacher #queerenneagram #queeryoga #faithfullylgbt #loveislove #lovewins #nonbinary #queer #yogatherapist #yogatherapy (at Vallombrosa Center)
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enneagramwithemily · 4 months
Unlock Your Potential with Emily’s Enneagram Life Coaching
Discover the transformative power of Enneagram Life Coaching with Emily. Unearth your core motivations, embrace your unique strengths, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Experience the difference an Enneagram Life Coach can make in your life today.
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