#Certified Enneagram Coach
enneagramwithemily · 4 months
Understanding the Enneagram and Coaching
The Enneagram is a powerful tool for better understanding ourselves, others and improving communication. There are nine different ways to see the world. It is guaranteed that your relationships will improve once you learn the way you see the world...and the way people you are in relationship with see the world differently. 
Learning the Enneagram will give you insight, tools and strategies that will improve your life and your relationships as well as give you clarity into who you truly are.
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pwrn51 · 2 years
Narcissistic People can affect daily life for many
Narcissistic People can affect daily life for many
    Today’s guest is Dr. Sterlin Mosley, Author and Writer of “The NARCISSIST in YOU and EVERYONE ELSE”, Recognizing the 27 Types of Narcissism. Dr. Sterlin Mosley is a Professor of  Human Relations at the University of Oklahoma and a Certified  Enneagram Coach and Teacher and a scholar in the fields of empathy, narcissism, and personality psychology. Dr. Mosley discusses why he wrote the book,…
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maaarine · 9 months
I was talking to my soon-to-be sister-in-law (henceforth STB SIL)
she brought up a woman I went to high school with, saying that I might find her interesting given her current profession
she proceeded to show me her (shudder) LinkedIn profile
apparently she works as a ~certified~ enneagram expert who coaches people to DevELoP THeiR PoTenTiAL
her profile was the ghastly corporate bullshit you always find on that wicked website, but with an added icing of enneagram bullshit on top of it
now I was in a difficult position
how can I convey to my STB SIL that my interest for personality types is like....... deeper than that — but without sounding like a total douche?
I kept thinking: girl my hyperfixation on personality types lead me to read Kant, do you hear what I'm saying?
I read goddamn Schopenhauer to deepen my philosophical understanding of consciousness and you're showing me the LinkedIn meditations of someone who was already criminally insipid in high school and who has clearly not found an interesting thing to say along the way
I did not say that out loud because I know how that sounds
but do you see my problem though, it's tough for me out there
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drgreg · 2 years
Dr Greg Hough South Africa
Daddy gave me my second name in illustration of you. I hope I make you proud on a regular basis. We love and miss you and you are always in my thoughts. The best grandpa role mannequin to a granddaughter who cherishes and loves u always and eternally. Mrs b as u have been known to us or just edna to the remainder of the world or mother to her superb daughters.THANK U THANK U THANK U A ZILLION TIMES OVER FOR THE PERSON U WERE. ARE. AND WILL ALWAYS B.. Dearest daddy - I love and miss you each and every day.
You have been at all times there for me and I loved you a lot. Darling mommy I miss you each minute of every day you are endlessly i ..... I never got the chance dr greg hough south africa to satisfy you. Every time i think about you my heart cries out to Hashem to provide your neshama an Aliyah, ברוק דין האמת. Rohan 10 years in the past you were with us in Toronto.
Mainly as a result of the continuing economic despair, the South African College, forerunner of the University of Cape Town, was pressured to cut employees salaries for 1908 by ten per cent. Fortunately, the college's financial position improved dramatically the following yr, when the government paid arrears, and various legacies and benefactions have been received. The Department of Agriculture of the Orange River Colony misplaced dr greg hough south africa two senior scientific members of workers this yr. Stewart Galbraith, the division's agronomist, resigned at the finish of the yr to return to Canada, where he began large-scale industrial seed manufacturing. Hendrik Neethling, chief of the division's Biological Division, retired on the finish of the 12 months and took up farming within the Senekal district.
We are inviting anybody who loves Kingswood to donate R125 in the course of our imaginative and prescient and have their photograph included on this historic photograph. There is something fairly special about music – the truth that gamers of all ages and skills can combine to carry out. For today’s #MusicMonday we wish to share some photographs from our Strings Concert which occurred on Thursday 5 November.
Birdlife South Africa is a revered worldwide tourism draw they usually accomplish that professionally and in a very attractive method. Birlife SA does and Incredible job promoting conservation and protection of all chook life in SA. As a result dr greg hough south africa of these efforts many Birders come to SA get pleasure from our special birds. “Obesity has reached epidemic proportions, adversely impacting the lives of an estimated two billion individuals worldwide. This week’s #WellnessWednesday message comes from our college psychologist Ms Teresa Yell.
On Thursday morning, 18 March 2021, the annual Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture was delivered at Kingswood College. The lecture takes place annually to celebrate the life of Dr Neil Aggett and is held to honour his legacy. This 12 months we held a hybrid Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture with Dr Zweli Mkhize as this year’s speaker. Our BYs lately completed an introductory Enneagram course with our Chaplain, Rev Tim. Rev Tim has not only been working with the Enneagram for over a decade but can also be an internationally certified Enneagram coach and coach.
We honored my grandfather Eugene at his consecration yesterday surrounded by shut family and associates. He was always a sort and compassionate man who beloved animals, music and the continuous pursuit of information. I will always keep in mind him instructing me maths issues at a younger age after fetching me from college.
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the miraculous enneagram post nobody asked for
if by now you don't know i'm obsessed with the enneagram & personality stuff, i present to you know the depth of the hole i'm in. hello, i'm wackus, type 9, and if you skip this rambling post i totally understand.
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the enneagram is a personality tool i use for writing (both fanfic & non-fanfic stuff) and irl to navigate relationships. this post will focus on how i type the mlb characters in my fics. however, the enneagram is more than putting people in boxes and stamping them with stereotypes. i use it in my writing is to know what motivates each personality and how their values shape not only their worldview, but the actions they will take in the narrative.
1 - the reformer marinette (wing 2), su han, kagami driving goal: integrity, perfection, improvement basic fear: being bad or corrupt
2 - the helper nino, rose, sabrina (wing 1) driving goal: love, appreciation, validation basic fear: being unwanted, unloved
3 - the achiever chloe (wing 2), lila (wing 4): driving goal: worth, success, image basic fear: being worthless
4 - the individualist gabriel (wing 5), zoe, juleka driving goal: identity, authenticity, significance basic fear: the void
5 - the investigator felix (6), max, nathalie (wing 4) driving goal: knowledge, understanding, competency basic fear: being helpless or incompetent
6 - the loyalist mylene, roland, sabine (wing 5) driving goal: security, community, certitude basic fear: having no support system
7 - the enthusiast adrien (wing 6), kim, gina (wing 8) driving goal: satisfaction, excitement, contentedness basic fear: missing out, feeling pain
8 - the challenger alya (wing 9), alix (wing 7), ivan driving goal: autonomy, importance, control basic fear: being harmed, being controlled
9 - the peacemaker luka, fu (wing 8), tom driving goal: harmony, connection, peace of mind basic fear: conflict, separation, loss
there is no enneagram type that's better or worse than the others. an unhealthy person will present the worst symptoms of their type, while a healthy person will present the best. remember, the goal of the enneagram is to get out of the box you're in so you can be a more healthy personality!
*i'm like 95% sure i got their types right but if you think differently pls feel free to correct me
*wings are when an enneagram type leans into the traits of the type next to them on the circle (either side). i, a 9 wing 1, am mostly laid-back and chill, but if you don't do the dishes like i asked then i'll passive aggressively get up and do them myself while saying "it's fine."
*each type might act like another when they are healthy/unhealthy. E.g nino (type 2) has gone to the "bad side" of 8 in stress (bubbler & rocketeer tried to dominate & regain control). but when he is healthy he looks like "the good side" of 4, making videos and dj-ing & just being super creative.
*any type can be in a happy relationship with any other type as long as they're both healthy (which is one of the things i like about the enneagram's perspective). that being said, my favorite couples that i always end up shipping the hardest are the 1/7 and the 2/5. just so much fun to watch ❤️
*if you're looking at this like "mm i don't buy it, sounds like bull" you might be a type 6
*if you are reading this and thinking "i need to research this more and get the right info" you might be a type 5
*if you're looking at this and are unsure which one you might be because some or all of them kinda sound like you, you're probably a 9
**i am not a certified enneagram coach, just v obsessed
tldr: wackus sorts the miraculous characters into enneagram types bc it helps her write good.
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snapeaddict · 4 years
My interest in MBTI has dwindled for a long time now (I used to love all those types of tests, which led me to study the enneagram in school) but seeing your posts/rbs on its inaccuracy made me think of how recently, corporations in my country have been asking job applicants to write down their mbti types and how when I first heard it I was just struck by how weird that was,, I don’t know exactly how they use the info, but I fully agree that treating this as a science could have real damages
Yes it is exactly what I'm taking about when I say it can be damaging! It's really not about people enjoying it as entertainment or trying to find meaning in it while being aware it isn't psychology or science, I mean we all like to do this and it's great if it can be of use to people and for self motivation <3
For example saw on twitter:
To people bringing it up, I’m fully aware that Myers Briggs is essentially pseudoscience. I’ve never even understood it to be something people took literally at all? It’s just a fun personality test that can double as a nice way to self reflect.
And NO problem with that. It's even lovely and interesting.
BUT it is what it is: pseudoscience. You give it the meaning you want it to have. You cannot be not biased when it comes to yourself. And like my mother, a specialist, said, "it's not psychology, and there is often no point in this, because most people will be unable to improve their behaviour even with a broad overview of how they function at the moment they took the test." What can help and IS science is cognitive psychology (for example find out what are your automatic thoughts, the most important values in your life and your motivations to ACT accordingly. This works).
Dr. Adam Grant explained, “The Myers-Briggs is like asking people what do you like more: shoelaces or earrings? You tend to infer that there’s going to be an ‘aha!’ even though it’s not a valid question. ... [It] creates the illusion of expertise about psychology.”
Personality tests like Myers-Briggs give people labels. Those labels are often taken at face value and used as a fundamental aspect of a person's identity. "I am a [fill in the blank]."
Why is it harmful that this is used when hiring people?
1. The scientific grounds for the MBTI test are missing and based on OUTDATED science.
In 1917, Katharine Cook Briggs began research into personalities to determine her future son-in-law’s personality. Soon she was joined by Isabel Briggs Myers, who added the different personality types based on the then recent work of Carl Jung. Neither Myers nor Briggs were formally educated in psychology and lacked scientific credentials in the field of psychometric testing. The work attracted the attention of Henry Chauncey, head of the Educational Testing Service. They developed their work to a commercial test in 1975 then sold the test and the manual to Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP). MBTI is based on eight hypothetical assumptions and until this day there has been no scientific proof to support the claims of the method. Carl Jung admitted the basis of his research was anecdotal and has not been subjected to any control study. So he just made these things up by himself and added some stories from his friends. 
2. The black and white MBTI scales force binary behavior
3. The MBTI test results are a Self-fulfilling prophecy
4. It is a huge BUSINESS using pseudoscience to make profit
The test only takes 45 minutes and can be purchased by certified MBTI organizations. Most of the time it is an online test program. The MBTI test is owned by the MBTI Foundation and executed by Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP), a privately owned company with no annual report available online. At the MBTI Foundation you can certify yourself as an official MBTI testing facilitator (amongst others). A percentage of the money you pay for your MBTI test goes to CPP. A study by David J. Pittenger shows 2 million copies of the MBTI test are being sold annually. This roughly calculates to a market with an annual turnover of about 500 million dollar in testing fees alone. This explains the extensive investment in marketing and research projects to generate pseudo-scientific proof for this method. There is a lot of money to be made from MBTI testing and from the additional training and coaching programs. MBTI is big business.
5. Makes people believe PERSONALITY IS INNATE. Spoiler, it's not.
So using this in workplaces is damaging and wrong and unethical. It has no predictive value so isn't predictive of your performance.
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consciousenneagram · 5 years
Mind Body Connection with Zahra Mohamed Ali (Enneagram 2)
This week I sit down with my favorite internet stalker, Zahra Mohamed Ali! I met Zahra at the International Enneagram Association's Global Conference this July and she is just a TOTAL BADASS. We have an awesome converastion about Yoga and the Enneagram and then near the end we take a fun little detour into what sobriety has offered our spiritual journeys.
Here's more about Zahra:
Zahra Mohamed Ali is a certified Enneagram coach, yoga teacher, and writer based in Orlando, FL. She helps her clients integrate their mind, heart, and body so they can be at home in their bodies, experience deeper self awareness, and live in alignment with their purpose. She’s completed trainings with Ginger Lapid-Bodga and The Enneagram Institute for her coaching certification and is undertaking her 300 hr yoga certification with Susanna Barkataki. Currently she works one-on-one with both coaching and yoga clients and runs workshops that help clients integrate the knowledge of the Enneagram with the body awareness of yoga.
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centerforhavening · 2 years
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Congratulations to Elizabeth Hall on becoming a Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner. Elizabeth Hall is a Certified Professional Intuitive Wellness Coach who specializes in reconnecting people to feelings of joy and ease in their relationship with food and their bodies using a weight neutral, holistic approach to healing. As women learn to trust the innate wisdom of their own bodies, they also report experiencing a ripple effect and are able to find more peace, freedom, and joy in multiple areas of life. Elizabeth relies on her training as a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, a Certified Mind-Body Eating Coach and as an Enneagram Coach to support her clients in unraveling and rebuilding their complex relationships with food. Her coaching incorporates mind, body, and spiritual elements that assist people in better understanding the emotional and energetic roots of their body dissatisfaction and interactions with food so they can find relief from chronic dieting, binge eating, emotional eating, and more. Havening is one of the tools Elizabeth uses in order to calm the nervous system and improve how people connect to the guidance from their higher selves. Having a calmer system also allows people to make choices from a place of clarity rather than from old patterns built on shame and judgment. Elizabeth works with clients all over the world in private one-on-one sessions and in groups. Areas of specialization: Food addiction, Eating disorders, Low self-confidence, Low self-esteem, Obsessions and compulsions, Relaxation, Stress, Self-Belief, Self-Development, Shyness, Belief Creation, Confidence, Empowerment, Weight #havening #HaveningTechniques #HaveningPractitioner #healingtrauma #selfhavening #haveningtraining #mentalhealthawareness https://havening.org/directory/grid/view/details/14/1228-Elizabeth-Hall https://www.instagram.com/p/CiAGdatOjBI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jiggyjaguar1 · 3 years
Dr. Darrell Griffin is a Senior Pastor, spiritual director, published author, Certified Ministry Coach and Enneagram trainer who can provide key talking points for using the Enneagram to build a stronger bond between parents, teens and young children
Dr. Darrell Griffin is a Senior Pastor, spiritual director, published author, Certified Ministry Coach and Enneagram trainer who can provide key talking points for using the Enneagram to build a stronger bond between parents, teens and young children
Would you like to speak to Dr. Darrell Griffin, author of Building a Better You, on how parents can develop stronger parent-child relationships using the Enneagram Test? Dr. Griffin is a Senior Pastor, published author, Certified Ministry Coach and Enneagram trainer, offering families guidance to cultivate stronger interpersonal bonds. He has taught this ancient spiritual system to numerous…
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enneagramwithemily · 4 months
How to Treat Your Friends and Family Depending on Their Enneagram Number
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The Enneagram is a powerful tool that offers profound insights into the unique ways individuals perceive the world and interact with others. By understanding the Enneagram, you can enhance your relationships, improve communication, and provide more personalized support to your family and friends. This comprehensive guide will help you learn how to care for your loved ones based on their Enneagram number, fostering deeper connections and mutual understanding.
Introduction to the Enneagram
The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology system that describes nine different ways of viewing the world, corresponding to nine distinct personality types. Each type has its own core motivations, fears, and behavioral patterns. By learning about these types, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and those around you, leading to more harmonious relationships.
Understanding the Nine Enneagram Types
Type 1: The Reformer
Type 1s are principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic. They strive for integrity and wish to improve the world, often having a strong sense of right and wrong.
Type 2: The Helper
Type 2s are generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive. They are empathetic and caring, often placing the needs of others above their own.
Type 3: The Achiever
Type 3s are adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-conscious. They are highly motivated and focus on achieving success and recognition.
Type 4: The Individualist
Type 4s are expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, and temperamental. They are introspective and seek to understand their unique identity.
Type 5: The Investigator
Type 5s are perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated. They value knowledge and tend to observe and analyze the world around them.
Type 6: The Loyalist
Type 6s are engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious. They value security and loyalty, often seeking guidance and support from others.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Type 7s are spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and scattered. They seek adventure and excitement, often avoiding pain and discomfort.
Type 8: The Challenger
Type 8s are self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational. They value control and power, often taking charge of situations.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Type 9s are receptive, reassuring, complacent, and resigned. They strive for inner and outer peace, often avoiding conflict and prioritizing harmony.
How to Identify Your Loved One's Enneagram Type
Identifying the Enneagram type of your family and friends can be done through observation and conversation. Pay attention to their motivations, fears, and behavior patterns. You can also encourage them to take an Enneagram test, such as the best free Enneagram test available online, to gain more clarity.
Caring for Each Enneagram Type
Type 1: The Reformer
Understanding Their Needs
Type 1s thrive on order and structure. They appreciate constructive feedback and strive for improvement in all areas of their life.
How to Support Them
Offer constructive feedback gently.
Help them relax and let go of perfectionism.
Acknowledge their efforts and achievements.
Type 2: The Helper
Understanding Their Needs
Type 2s need to feel appreciated and loved. They derive joy from helping others and often neglect their own needs.
How to Support Them
Show appreciation for their help and kindness.
Encourage them to take time for themselves.
Offer support and assistance without them having to ask.
Type 3: The Achiever
Understanding Their Needs
Type 3s are motivated by success and recognition. They enjoy setting and achieving goals and often focus on their image.
How to Support Them
Celebrate their achievements and milestones.
Provide constructive feedback on their projects.
Encourage them to balance work and personal life.
Type 4: The Individualist
Understanding Their Needs
Type 4s seek to understand their identity and express their individuality. They value authenticity and emotional depth.
How to Support Them
Acknowledge and validate their feelings.
Encourage creative self-expression.
Provide a non-judgmental space for them to share their thoughts.
Type 5: The Investigator
Understanding Their Needs
Type 5s value knowledge and autonomy. They enjoy intellectual pursuits and often need time alone to recharge.
How to Support Them
Give them space and time to process information.
Engage in thoughtful and meaningful conversations.
Respect their need for privacy and independence.
Type 6: The Loyalist
Understanding Their Needs
Type 6s value security and support. They often seek guidance and reassurance from trusted individuals.
How to Support Them
Offer consistent support and reassurance.
Be reliable and trustworthy.
Help them explore and address their fears.
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Understanding Their Needs
Type 7s seek excitement and adventure. They enjoy variety and often avoid discomfort and pain.
How to Support Them
Encourage their adventurous spirit.
Help them stay grounded and focused.
Be supportive during difficult times.
Type 8: The Challenger
Understanding Their Needs
Type 8s value control and power. They often take charge of situations and appreciate directness and honesty.
How to Support Them
Be direct and honest in your communication.
Respect their need for autonomy and control.
Support their leadership and decision-making.
Type 9: The Peacemaker
Understanding Their Needs
Type 9s strive for peace and harmony. They often avoid conflict and prioritize the needs of others.
How to Support Them
Create a calm and peaceful environment.
Encourage them to express their opinions and needs.
Help them address and resolve conflicts.
Why Choose Us?
Choosing the right Enneagram coach can make a significant difference in your journey towards personal growth and improved relationships. Here are a few reasons why we stand out:
Expertise and Certification
Our Enneagram coaches are certified professionals with extensive training and experience. We are accredited by the International Enneagram Association, ensuring that you receive the highest quality coaching.
Personalized Approach
We understand that each individual is unique, and we tailor our coaching sessions to meet your specific needs. Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions, group workshops, or online coaching, we have a solution for you.
We work with your schedule to create a class that fits your lifestyle. Whether it's for you and your friends, your business team, or your church group, we can accommodate your needs.
Proven Results
Our clients have experienced significant improvements in their relationships and personal growth. Learning the Enneagram has provided them with the tools and strategies needed to navigate life's challenges effectively.
Free 30-Minute Session
To help you get started, we offer a free 30-minute session. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Enneagram and how our coaching can benefit you.
How Can We Help People?
Improved Communication
By understanding the Enneagram types of those around you, you can communicate more effectively. You'll learn how to speak their language and address their needs and concerns.
Enhanced Relationships
Understanding the core motivations and fears of different Enneagram types allows you to build deeper and more meaningful relationships. You'll be able to support your loved ones in ways that resonate with them.
Personal Growth
Learning about your own Enneagram type provides insight into your behaviors and thought patterns. This self-awareness is the first step towards personal growth and overcoming self-defeating behaviors.
Conflict Resolution
The Enneagram offers strategies for resolving conflicts by understanding the perspectives of different types. You'll learn how to navigate disagreements and find common ground.
Clarity and Direction
The Enneagram can help you discover your true self and clarify your life purpose. Our coaching sessions provide the encouragement and support needed to pursue your goals.
General Tips Based on Enneagram Types
Here are some general tips for caring for your loved ones based on their Enneagram type:
For Type 1s
Encourage them to embrace imperfection.
Help them find balance and relaxation.
Validate their feelings and perspectives.
For Type 2s
Show appreciation for their kindness.
Encourage self-care and setting boundaries.
Offer help and support willingly.
For Type 3s
Celebrate their achievements.
Provide constructive feedback.
Encourage work-life balance.
For Type 4s
Validate their emotions.
Encourage creative outlets.
Provide a supportive and understanding environment.
For Type 5s
Respect their need for space and privacy.
Engage in intellectual discussions.
Appreciate their knowledge and insights.
For Type 6s
Offer consistent support and reassurance.
Be dependable and trustworthy.
Help them address their fears constructively.
For Type 7s
Encourage their enthusiasm and adventures.
Help them stay grounded and focused.
Be supportive during challenging times.
For Type 8s
Be direct and honest in your communication.
Respect their autonomy and decisions.
Support their leadership and initiatives.
For Type 9s
Create a peaceful and harmonious environment.
Encourage them to express their needs and opinions.
Help them resolve conflicts constructively.
Book a Free 30-Minute Session
Ready to learn more about how the Enneagram can transform your life and relationships? Book a free 30-minute session with us today! In this session, you'll gain valuable insights into your Enneagram type and discover how our coaching can help you break through self-defeating behaviors and achieve your goals.
Caring for your family and friends based on their Enneagram number can lead to more fulfilling and harmonious relationships. By understanding their unique perspectives and needs, you can provide the support and encouragement they need to thrive. Whether you're looking to improve communication, resolve conflicts, or foster personal growth, the Enneagram offers valuable insights and tools to help you on your journey. Contact us today to learn more and start your Enneagram journey with a free 30-minute session.
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justorklifestyle · 3 years
SBS Spotlight: Inner Calling LLC
Our business relies on small business: that is why we came up with the small business spotlight where we select one small business a month to feature on our website and all of our social media platforms.  We like to find small businesses that have been looking for unique ways to stay afloat, businesses powered by passion and not profits.  The businesses where the owners are truly invested in what they have and only want to see their dreams prosper.  We want to support the real small businesses of America.  To be featured as part of our Small Business Spotlight, please reach out to us either by calling or texting 862-803-0225, by emailing us at [email protected], or by visiting us on our website at www.justork.com.  Our own unique way of giving back to the community we serve; the spotlight is a free post to our website blog and social media channels, with additional paid marketing features available as well for extra promotion.
Justork Lifestyle is back with the Small Business Spotlight.  This Saturday we are featuring a self-inspired self-starter. We have the owner of Inner Calling, LLC based out of NJ. Who she is:
"Amanda Nafash is an intuitive career coach who counsels people of all ages and helps them both interview for and discover their inner calling. She believes in finding opportunities to pursue what you love while also bringing out the best in yourself."
You can find my bio and mission statement at our website, www.innercallingllc.com
1.  Hometown / state / country origins:
My hometown is Ringwood, NJ. We have some of the best hiking spots in the world if you ask me ;)
2.  Where are you located now?
I am still local! But I am looking to spend a lot of this next year traveling and working from the road.
3.  Enneagram number:
I never did an enneagram test, but I do see myself changing over the years as I grow and learn to love certain aspects of myself, so even if I did a test last year, I would probably see different results today.
4.  Zodiac sign:
Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising
5. Wake up / start your day routine:
I start my day with a cup of coffee (despite trying to kick this caffeine addiction.)
6. First job ever:
My first job was babysitting; I got CPR certified at 12 and started watching my cousin and sister and all of their friends.
7. Your best quality / skill:
My best skill is my ability to talk to people- conversation is how I built my business, grew my network, and established a reputation as a professional and student. I thank my Italian family for that!
8.  Worst habit:
My worst habit is the high expectations I have for myself- though they have led me to achieve great things at young ages, they have also been the cause of a lot of stress and negative self- talk. This next phase of my life is dedicated to being more present and being proud of what I have already accomplished.
9.  Introvert or extrovert?
An extrovert who values alone time
10. Business motto - influential motto? Mine is fall down 7, get up 8:
Sooo many favorite mottos, but something I love to remind my clients is "work smarter, not harder"
11.  3 things you love about being self employed:
TIME FREEDOM!! , getting to choose whose opinions get to impact the final business decisions, infusing my own values into every part of my business so I can truly see my mission in every day's work.
12. Favorite holiday:
Small Business Saturday!
13. Favorite small business you admire:
It's very hard to pick one small business, as I tend to surround myself with small business owners and young entrepreneurs,
14.  Favorite Instagram to follow:
My sister runs a page called @_runningonplants_ where she talks about mental health, physical fitness, and posts pictures of all the delicious food she makes. She inspires me every day, and her posts always put a smile on my face!
15. Favorite vacation / place to unwind and let off steam:
I love the beach- everything melts away when I am swimming in the ocean or reading a book on the sand.
16.  Next place you wish to travel:
I am hoping to go to Colorado and Louisiana in the next coming year!
17.  2021 personal goals:
My personal goals for the rest of 2021 are to absolutely live it up for my 24th birthday, and expose myself to more art, both man made and in nature.
18.  2021 business goals:
My business goals for the rest of 2021 are to host a vending fair and provide an outlet for other small businesses to succeed, to expand my listening network on my podcast, and to incorporate more networking events into my business.
19.  Best business related purchase:
The best business related purchase I have made was my rebrand and website, which I had done by an up and coming entrepreneur! Her instagram is @everythingbybreckel I highly recommend her for all of your web design needs!
20.  Ideal client:
My ideal client is someone who is open minded. When someone is willing to talk about their loftiest dreams and trust that I will be not only supportive, but also an asset to them achieving  their goals, that's when the magic happens.
21.  Your biggest business related failure:
I've come to realize that success is subjective. My old mindset is crumbling and a new one is taking its place, which I feel is much healthier. When things don't go as planned, I consider it a really important life and business lesson, and I analyze what I learned and how I can adjust from it. Failure is currently being phased out of my vocabulary.
22. A mistake that taught you the most / that you learned from:
A mistake I learned from was assuming that I could tell anyone and everyone about my intentions and plans for my business. I've learned after a year of business that it is sometimes best to keep your plans in a more private circle until they are completed or a little more concrete. Unfortunately not everyone has your best interest in mind. I never was one who understood the "move in silence" mentality, but this year I have definitely seen the positive aspects of it firsthand.
23. How / why you chose to work for yourself:
I chose to work for myself as I was finishing grad school in the height of Covid lockdown. While there were delays with the state in getting applications approved for the LSW exam, I decided to start my own business. Once I started, I couldn't look back. I don't think I'll ever return to a cog-in-the-wheel position.
24. Your entrepreneurial summary / journey to how you got here:
My whole adolescent life I was doing a bunch of odd jobs, so I made connections everywhere I went, and I ended up being the connection for so many of my loved ones to network or get jobs in different places. I love to be a listening ear and a mentor to those around me. I was a social work student from my second semester at community college, and every semester I changed my idea on what I wanted to do in the field. Right before graduating with my Bachelor's degree I was required to do some career readiness through our Career Center on campus, and thus began my love of career coaching and college counseling. I talk a lot about this journey in the first episode of The Inner Calling Podcast.
25. Your biggest win:
My biggest win is hard to pinpoint. I think the greatest feeling was on my one year anniversary with Inner Calling when I reflected on how many of my goals I achieved, and remembering that when I started the business I told myself, "I'll do it for one year. Next year if it doesn't seem like it's working out, or if I don't love it, I'll pack up shop and chalk it up to experience." Now I hit the ground running with plans for year 2. It's going to grow so much more, and so am I. I can't imagine giving up on Inner Calling now.
26.  Advice for new business owners:
New business owners, take those opportunities for help people are offering you! Barter your products and services! Making connections is how you stay alive and successful. We are not in this alone. "It takes a village. . ."
27.  Favorite recipe:
My favorite recipe is for snicker-doodles, I learned how to make them in my high school foods class and they are my favorite thing to make in the winter. They make the whole house smell like butter and cinnamon.
28.  Mac or PC?
@innercallingllc on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/inner-calling-llc
website: www.innercallingllc.com
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Justork lifestyle is a business consultant and financial advisor. We help small businesses from start to finish; from the funding stage all the way to product launch. One of our consultants is with you, every step of the way, to answer all of your questions and drive your business to success. For more information, please visit our website or reach out to us via email at [email protected]. We offer a variety of services, including but not limited to:
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A new focus on life has made me pursue a Master's in Educational Counseling. I love working with High Schoolers. Especially high-risk, low SES populations. As i get my degree my goal is to get my LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) & do some side work. There I would like to work with the communication between couples using the Enneagram.
I am in the process of becoming a Certified Enneagram Coach.
Let's see how this all pans out!
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love-bookrelease · 5 years
"Driver Is Not My Name" By Raj Prabakar
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I have met many different and unique personalities in my Personal and Professional Life. This book contains incidents about some of these real-life personalities and their inspiring approaches. You will experience subtle but very powerful and motivating messages which these people have shown in each of the chapters, such as, Humanity, Hierarchy, Kindness, Leadership, Attitude, Commitment, Passion, Ownership, Culture, Empathy, Synergy, and Hope.
The author is a passionate speaker and a social thinker. He is an expert in the fields of Learning & Development and People Management for the last twenty-five years. He has reached lakhs of leaders, managers, and people in various walks of life through his inspirational speeches and programs. He is the Founder and CEO of FYMC, an HR Talent Management Company offering HR Development Services to more than 1000 reputed organizations in India and abroad. He is an internationally certified Leadership Coach. He is the first person to introduce ‘Enneagram Personality Profiling’ in India for organizational developmental Initiatives. He has the gift of seeing unseen emotions and positive energy in people.
Shop on Amazon Flipkart ShopClues and BlueRose
Website: https://rajprabakar.com/
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radiostpete1 · 5 years
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12:20pm ET Listen https://t.co/lcU6DU70Tc. "Peter's Proffer" w/ Attorney Peter Tragos. Guest is Don Rice, a certified StrengthsFinder coach/ enneagram expert. How to use personality tests to gain a deeper understanding both at home and in the workplace. https://t.co/2IhuFA6rpg https://t.co/xI7q0FxYnY
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Brian Gast - Founder
- Brian has extensive training and certification in the areas of coaching, personal growth, and small group facilitation. He is a certified forum facilitator for Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), is a member of YPO Gold, has a Master’s in Business Administration, is certified to teach and coach using the Enneagram, is a long-time Zen student, has received a Certificate in Positive Psychology from Kripalu/Tal Ben-Shahar, and is a graduate of The Rohr Institute’s Living School, a program for aspiring modern-day mystics; together with his wife Tricia, Brian is trained to coach couples by The Gottman Institute. Brian lives in Denver, Colorado with Tricia, his wife of over 26 years. They have two young-adult children as well as a Portuguese Water Dog named Bodhi and a Tibetan Terrier named Tess.
- https://www.talklaunch.net/podcast/
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consciousenneagram · 4 years
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Hey friends, it’s been a little quiet over here and I want to give y’all an update and do a little intro post! •• I’m Abi, the engine behind Conscious Enneagram. I’m queer and non-binary (they/them), and I live in Austin with my fiancé @oakmoontarot and our two daughters, and SO. MANY. ANIMALS. •• I am a certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT) and Enneagram teacher and I help people see their patterns and live more meaningful lives through private coaching, workshops, and my podcast #ConsciousConstruction. •• I used to post a lot of “Enneagram specific” content on this page, but I’ve shifted away from that in recent months. Because, to be completely honest, y’all don’t need it. You already know enough to start engaging with the work, and spending more time reading the directions isn’t going to help you until you actually start building something. •• So, this is as much an intro post as it is a post about this accounts new direction. I’ve really burnt myself out the last couple years trying to create more and more content and I’ve realized what I’m really wanting to do is create connection. So, this account may not have as much “stuff” on it about the types or the instincts or whatever, but it will offer a lot of opportunities to connect, to others, to the Work, and to yourself. •• I hope y’all enjoy this new direction, because I’m really excited about it. •• Oh, and also please go preorder my book, it’s out in just a few months and you’re going to want to be one of the first to get it! Link in bio! • • • #enneagram #enneagram1 #enneagram2 #enneagram3 #enneagram4 #enneagram5 #enneagram6 #enneagram7 #enneagram8 #enneagram9 #millenneagram #spiritualgrowth #personalgrowth #enneagramcoach #queerenneagram #personalitytypes #enneagramtypes #spiritualwork #innerwork #transformation #contemplative #contemplativepractice #practice #yoga #meditation #yogatherapy #connectionovercontent (at Austin, Texas Y'all) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKO_tL3lcUM/?igshid=88fdbbwr1op9
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