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petkittymeowmeow · 5 months ago
Halloween Spooktober Monster Month Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
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Izz sleep on tings. I’m freeky af right now for you macADaddy I fucken sense you with me. All the feelers! You. Are. All. Up. On. Me! Like a virus a cold bug no fighting it both are in it for de long hall ol towing the line Toeing the line
Trawling for trouble on the dubble
toil and trouble
boil and bubble
Yes Dorothy, generally freeking
Halloween is Double speaking
drop the mic
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nando161mando · 6 months ago
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This is Orwell newsspeak
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tinyreviews · 8 months ago
Wordplay: Using doublespeak to manipulate your readers!
Doublespeak distorts, like a cuttlefish squirting ink. It makes the bad seem good, the negative positive, the unpleasant attractive.
It frames reality in a different way than it really is. For example, reframing an act of war as a “defensive freedom” and a “necessary action to protect our way of life”.
Types of Doublespeak:
Euphemism: Using mild or vague terms to mask harshness or unpleasantness.
Example: Referring to tax increase as “revenue enhancement”, shellshock as “”operational exhaustion”.
Jargon: Using special(pretentious, obscure) language that confuse, and exclude those not familiar with the terms.
Example: “The machine has a baseplate of prefabricated amulite, surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing.”
Gobbledygook: Using complex, convoluted language to appear sophisticated and official.
Example: Instead of saying “We are cutting costs”, say “In alignment with our strategic operational objectives, we are initiating a paradigm shift in our financial allocation protocols to optimize resource utilization and enhance fiscal prudence across all departments.”
Inflated Language: Using grand words to make things appear more significant.
Example: Referring to a janitor as a “sanitation engineer”.
With doublespeak, deceptive language is normalized, politicians don’t lie but misspeak, illegal acts are inappropriate actions, and a fraud is a miscertification.
“If thought can corrupt language, then language can corrupt thought.” -George Orwell.
The above is my summary of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzsEp_hakK4
I like the concept of doublespeak, reframing, and tuning words to convey same-ish, yet different meanings.
Wordplay! Love it!
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pinkrangerv · 1 month ago
Do you have any headcanons for the MMPR team?
The biggest thing here is that in shows pre-gay marraige, it was REALLY standard to queercode. I don't know if you've ever seen Xena: Warrior Princess, but it's a chaotic, insane love story between two women...that never once has either one say they're in love. And frequently has the femme girl marry or date a guy, and tossed in a 'comic relief' male character SOLELY to 'prove' it was straight (and make the audience homicidal).
Really, half my generation complaining about saying 'unalive' is just that it's so *unsubtle*. We put DRAMA into OUR anti-censorship coding...and walked uphill to school both ways in the snow...
So if you go look at MMPR with that understanding?
This is a queer polycule with power exchange kinks. Mininum. And I don't know if it was on purpose, but if you want gender or power relationship primers, go watch Power Rangers in the Saban era. (Disney killed an impressive amount of it until RPM. After that it's very hit-and-miss.)
It's not official canon, but the entire season of Time Force places the insanely butch Jen in the role of heroic vengeance on the lines of a Viking saga husband; the difference between domanatrix Astronema and the innocent Karone is a huge emotional driver in Space...
And MMPR really only worked because the team is in love. Romantic? Platonic? Agape? Yes and more. We can read The Letter arc not as a real breakup, but as Tommy, Kim, and Kat playing at being 'normal' to outsiders so Kat could join them. Jason is a young bear, and his donning of biker leather is a completion of his nature. Billy and Trini intertwine themselves, and they move power between each other so fluidly that when Trini leaves, Billy has to almost reinvent himself--but he has no sexuality with her (or other girls, and Yost is a damn saint to not tell Saban to fuck themselves on a daily basis).
So...not headcanon. But not canon. Just the reading of someone a bit older, who learned a different kind of doublespeak. Saying 'unalive' was always clever to me--it was worrying only when no one stopped.
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telomeke · 2 months ago
I speak fluent Linkedinese: 🤣
ORIGINAL Sometimes when you seek out new challenges, you find yourself in the most unexpected situations but meet some of the most extraordinary people.
TRANSLATION When I changed jobs, I wasn't prepared for the level of assholery and backstabbing from the two-faced bastards at my new place of work.
ORIGINAL I joined Company A as a call to a challenge to help build and lead a business through its global strategy.
TRANSLATION You bastards didn't keep your word about what you wanted me to do.
ORIGINAL I am immensely proud of my team, their achievements and what we have managed to achieve in less than 2 years.
TRANSLATION That's almost two years of my life wasted!
ORIGINAL I have enjoyed the joint partnership with fellow directors Belinda V and David R and the Management Team in leading Company A through some difficult times.
TRANSLATION Read: whatever, they stiffed me as much as the rest of them.
ORIGINAL Most importantly, thank you to my Leadership team Melissa B, Mitchell B, Matthew M, Craig S, Maha M, Mitch M, Catherine L, for standing alongside me through the good times and the many challenges, and the many Company A people and clients who have been part of this journey with whom I hope I have made a positive impact, and who constantly remind me why I do what I do.
TRANSLATION Read between the lines. Those who stood by me, you know who you are. Those who didn't, you know who you are too. And those I haven't mentioned by name, you ASSHOLES.
ORIGINAL It is now time for me to take pause and reflect on the journey thus far, before embarking on the next phase, whatever that may be.
TRANSLATION You bastards asked me to join you and then let me go after less than two years. I don't know what I'm going to be doing now at this stage of my career. My inbox is open for any offers. 👿
Not my own, but adapted from an actual LinkedIn post. Names redacted to protect the innocent (and the guilty). 🤣
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shotbyshe · 7 months ago
Words of the Day
A husband or wife, especially the spouse of a monarch.
A companion or partner.
An animal with which another animal, usually of the opposite sex, forms a bond for a temporary period during which the two individuals maintain close proximity and engage in mating or other sexual behavior.
Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; listless.
Slow-moving or weak in force.
Showing little or no vitality or animation.
The specialized language of a trade, profession, or similar group, especially when viewed as difficult to understand by outsiders.
Nonsensical or incoherent language.
A hybrid language or dialect; a pidgin. Not in technical use.
To change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform.
To undergo transmutation.
Opinion, or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork.
An opinion, or conclusion, formed on defective or presumptive evidence; probable inference; surmise; guess; suspicion.
Any language deliberately constructed to disguise or distort its actual meaning, often by employing euphemism or ambiguity. Typically used by governments or large institutions.
Any language that pretends to communicate but actually does not.
I find it interesting that the definition of consort went from "spouse", to "gf/bf", to "just some animal you're currently fucking".
There was a lot of conjecture in "The Apothecary Diaries". I really enjoy mystery anime. That series really drew me in. The period-piece setting was also very comforting. I was truly transported. I was languid that week -- I really didn't want to get up and do anything -- "The Apothecary Diaries" was a great temporary escape for me.
There's 'say one thing, mean another' and there's 'say one thing, mean no thing'. The latter is doublespeak. Just STFU please.
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neardeparture · 8 months ago
if you take away the books, they'll come back to immortalize your folly
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ultramaga · 1 year ago
Ads on my Windows computer? It's more likely than you think!
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I started getting ads for MS stuff when the computer was booting up. I don't know if this is new, but I never saw them before, and certainly wouldn't have agreed to it. Apparently as part of a "security update", they snuck in what they call "funfact", which the rest of the universe knows as "outright lies".
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ultramaga · 3 months ago
Yes, it's called doublespeak, and it is a useful marker that the speaker is either brainwashed or seeks to rule you through confusion.
the statements "clothes don't have gender" and "clothes can and do invoke gender dysphoria and euphoria for many people" can and should coexist.
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inmidsummerfiresrevival · 1 month ago
how it felt writing an essay about the consequences of social media while hopping on instagram or tiktok every few words written down on the page 😭🙏
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constancevigilant · 2 months ago
If that be right which Warwick says is right, There is no wrong, but everything is right.
~from Henry VI, part 3, by William Shakespeare
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red--life · 3 months ago
god am I actually gonna have to watch wild life
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mckitterick · 2 months ago
oh look what showed up again 8 years later
me: 1984 is an overrated book and george orwell is a hack
Buttface Presidency, Day 3: Openly declaring objective truths that we can see with our own eyes to be invalid and 'dishonest', 'alternative facts', already went after a twitter account for sharing pictures of the inauguration that did not comply with the bullshit they made up.
me: The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command… and if all others accepted the lie, which the party imposed, if all records told the same tale, then the lie passed into history and became truth.
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ultramaga · 23 days ago
I have to laugh at the Australian PM saying We are not sending soldiers, we are sending peace keepers!
Buddy, there's no peace to keep. This is no African warlord situation.
"... there is a general understanding that at the international level, peacekeepers monitor and observe peace processes in post-conflict areas"
Does anyone here see the russo-ukraine war as "post conflict"?
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meganekkotwi-lek · 3 months ago
Jan sixers werent charged but Luigi was, such double speak bullcrap.
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agentfascinateur · 4 months ago
Big fat JOKE 🤦🏻‍♀️
#twisting his head 360°
#ICC arrest warrants à la carte
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