#code names
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petkittymeowmeow · 5 months ago
Halloween Spooktober Monster Month Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
Must Be. The Season of the Witch
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Izz sleep on tings. I’m freeky af right now for you macADaddy I fucken sense you with me. All the feelers! You. Are. All. Up. On. Me! Like a virus a cold bug no fighting it both are in it for de long hall ol towing the line Toeing the line
Trawling for trouble on the dubble
toil and trouble
boil and bubble
Yes Dorothy, generally freeking
Halloween is Double speaking
drop the mic
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divine0rdainment · 10 months ago
Adam: From now on, we shall be using codenames!
Adam: You can address me as Eagle One!
Adam: Lilith's codename, "Been There, Done That"
Lilith: *Hisses*
Adam: Lucifer is "Currently Doing That"
Lucifer: *High fives him*
Adam: Alastor is "It Happened Once In A Dream"
Alastor: *Angry radio noises*
Adam: Emily's codename "If I Had To Pick An Angel"
Emily: *Horrified*
Adam: Charlie is...
Adam: Eagle Two
Charlie: Oh thank God....
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cosmicbobatea · 2 months ago
Not sure what this means but do with it what you will:
Charlie: Alright, guys. From now on, we’ll be using codenames. You can address me as “Eagle One.” *points at Neil* Neil, codename, “Been There, Done That.”
Neil: *too stunned to speak*
Charlie: *turns to Knox* Knox is “Currently Doing That.”
Knox: *high-fives Charlie*
Charlie: Meeks is “It Happened Once in a Dream.”
Meeks: *jokingly* Yes, sir.
Charlie: *points finger-guns at Todd* Todd, codename, “If I Had To Pick A Bro.”
Todd: But, I-
Charlie: And Pitts is…“Eagle Two.”
Pitts: Oh thank god.
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press names
Okay, so you know how when Bruce is acting dumb to distract people from Batman he's Brucie Wayne? And occasionally you'll see a fic with 'Richie' Wayne (Dick aka Richard)?
I did this to the rest of the family.
Jason = Jacie Wayne
Cass (Cassandra)= Sandie Wayne
Tim (Timothy)= Mothie Wayne (yes he's usually competent Timothy but let him be an idiot, okay?)
Steph (Stephanie)= Sandie's Girlfriend Annie (no last name was given, and whenever Steph's asked she says 'It'll be Wayne someday')
Duke= Dukie Wayne (yes he's still a foster kid, but the press just uses Bruce's last name because they're trying to sell the story)
Damian= Ianie Wayne (pronounced 'eeny'; was almost Dami but Damian is weirdly strict over who's allowed to use what nickname and almost stabbed a reporter. His siblings waited until it was his official press name to tell him it sounds like another word for small. Most people think his name is never capitalized and call him Lanie. He very much regrets almost stabbing that reporter.)
When a new kid receives their press name they're horrified for a while, but soon they discover that nobody knows their real name, and that when they aren't with Bruce people don't know who they are. It becomes a weird third identity, especially for Tim who's Timothy, the CEO, and Mothie, Wayne's kid that fell asleep while actively dancing. High society thinks he's his own twin, and he can't correct them, because then his siblings would kill him for destroying their anonymity.
Babs (Barbara) laughs at them and sends them articles whenever the press names are used, but Dick and Bruce still remember when she and Dick were dating and the press called her Richie's RaRa.
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inlovewithquotes · 10 months ago
The Bomb elbows me in the side. “We came up with your code name,” she mouths. I hadn’t even seen her come in the locked doors.
“What?” I feel as tired as I have ever felt, and yet, for seven years, I will not be able to truly rest.
I expect her to say The Liar. She gives me a tricksy grin, full of secrets. “What else? The Queen.”
It turns out I still don’t know how to laugh.
-The Cruel Prince
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chasehollow-doodletour · 6 months ago
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Buddy: You don't even know enough words to play this game!
Chase: We are on the SAME team can you be nice to me for ONCE.
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akwolfgrl · 9 months ago
Letters home part 1
Your shit came in the mail after you left, Patty demands to know what cans you got this time. You got a whole ass sea to cook with and the two of you are getting caned fish. Crane sent you a new book, he said you better like it.
Did you get your navigator Miss. Nectarine back? There was a stir on a nearby island. I'm guessing that was you all. Thires gossip going round about it. A fishmonger stopped by for lunch yesterday and told me about you an a elephant bluefin tuna and about your broccoli headed boyfriend. Really eggplant? The idiot who nearly bleed out because he was stupid enough to chalnged Mihawk? He looks kinda like that dishwasher we caught you with.
The fishmonger told me about a botched pirate on pirate exsucsion I'm gonna guess your meatball of a captain was involved. Trouble will follow that boy wherever he goes. It'll be good for you.
Tell the rest of your crew, Meatball, Broccoli, Miss. Nectarine and Parsnip if they want they can send their letters to the families just send them here and I'll send them out. Make sure you use code names lest the marines get ahold of your letters.
Don't catch a cold
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zz-kitty-zz · 4 months ago
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I can play too?
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araliadon · 2 years ago
Vax: From now on, we will be using code names. You can address me as Eagle One. Gilmore, code name: Been There, Done That. Keyleth is Currently Doing That. Percy is It Happened Once in a Dream; , Scanlan code name: If I Had To Pick a Gnome. Vex is... Eagle Two.
Vex: Oh thank God.
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starryknight-dragonarts · 5 months ago
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What kind of Dragon is this! This is Neither a Tannin or a Valkirtani, the story of Soaring takes place on a relatively small continent, more like a large island, there is a much larger world still out there with other Dragons, Creatures, Cultures, Magics, etc... Azel aka “Hem Locke” The Interloper
Background: Hem Locke is an exile from another continent across the east sea. He came to the land of Laramidia but he has made no effort to interact with Dragons here and actively tries to disappear if he's approached. Some Dragons believe he is a Cryptid, and he's not the only one.
When Hem Locke was banished from his village as a child, he was brought into a "new family”. Now he searching for the remains of his siblings who have scattered to various corners of Laramidia.
Personality: Hem is a very private but kind dragon who tries to only move around when visibility is at his lowest, but he will step in to protect others albeit in a way that won’t reveal his existence. For now he is almost entirely focused on his mission. Only once that’s done will he return home to his beloved mate. However he does appear to have a strange fascination with the 7 Calamities. For whatever reason he doesn’t feel threatened by them.
Strengths: Larger Body, Strong Flier, Surprisingly Stealthy
Weaknesses: Isolated, Insomnia, Fearful
Powers: Void Magic, Enhanced Passive Perception (Those frills by his head are sensitive and pick up movement in the air around him so he is able to feel motion from all directions)
Stats Stamina: 10/10 He can outlast almost anything physically and his magical powers offer a lot of power
Control: 4/10 His magic is unwieldy and violent. He is more like a conductor than a musician, he can direct his power but doesn’t have a lot of command over it.
Intelligence: 8/10 While having no formal education Hem is a quick learner and even taught himself Laramidia’s language
Combat ability: 9/10 He’s unstoppable in the air and extremely dangerous on the ground. He invented several combat techniques to use in the air and on the ground. His only weakness is confined spaces
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sortofsmartvamp · 4 months ago
Guys.. Update on my band crush
So.. She's amazing omfg!!! She drew a Bill Cipher on me LMAO but we were flirting a lot in class, and she pinned me against the wall when I had the door opened for her, and our other classmates??? I called her pretty, she called me pretty back, and then blew me a kiss, I'M GOING FERAL HELPPP!!!!! She flirts with everyone though, but my GOSH does it make me flustered AAHAHRHRHTHTUTUTUTUTURU 😭😭😭
Btw she also really likes MHA, I love her sm, and I made a code name for her, so I'll call her Mango, and my friend made a code name for her crush, Pineapple, and in gym she showed me who Pineapple was, YIPPPEEE!!!!!
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nwodwols · 6 months ago
Lol I never knew Polar had Instagram marketing but I’m Mean Snake if anyone was wondering
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alsobooger · 8 months ago
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Kinning this guy from code names
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wordchanter · 21 days ago
8 Random Codenames
Complex Lion
Operation Sweeping Sepia Lion
Gold Heron Profit
Moose Synergy
Eel Alignment
Lumbering Algorithmic Moose
Eternal Ultramarine Lamb
Mission Corrupt Chigger Core
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enmie · 8 months ago
so I heard some girls also have code names for their crushes. I genuinely wanna hear what they are 😭
pineapple excluded.
mine's is 'Force' bcs in sci class, we were learning gravitational force and teach said to give a word that relates to the topic, the dumbass said 'force' bcs it ws in the damn name, n got 5 pts 💀✋️
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amyyythestarry · 1 year ago
Tsukasa’s a Himiko Toga kinnie. And a Pinkie Pie kinnie.
Amane/Hanako is a Omori kinnie, and a Donnie + Leo kinnie.
Mitsuba is a Duck ( From DHMIS ) and a Sally Starlet kinnie.
Sakura is a Glitter Breeze and Glitter Ace kinnie. ( Can u tell I ran out of ideas )
Natsuhiko’s a Real Love Song by Nothing But Thieves and Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montogomery kinnie…
But, I thought of this thing that’s popular amongst friends, and my friends that definitely also relate to TBHK friend groups, even ones I made up.
In New Blues there are really only two main friend groups at first and one of them are called Aegean, that has Natsuhiko + Sakura + Mitsuba + Tsukasa + Amane + Y/n. ( Did I ever mention Y/n’s in this au?) I called it Aegean bc I had no other ideas and the au is called ‘New Blues’, and Aegean is a shade of blue.
This kinda has nothing to do with the kinnie thing.
Y’know when friends come up with code names, like for crushes and people they don’t like? Yeah, that’s the Aegeans.
Little scenario.
Tsukasa and Mitsuba are minding their business in Kamome’s high school building library. Mitsuba was on his phone scrolling through social media, and Tsukasa was doing homework he had, that he definitely wasn’t going to do it at home because it was Friday.
Mitsuba keeps looking up at his phone occasionally, at Tsukasa or to just gaze at his surroundings. The one time he does it though, he spots a new face in the library in between two book cases, the person looked to be trying to find a book. Because it was a library, obviously.
But Mitsuba gasped a little, and patted Tsukasa’s shoulder several times to get his attention.
Tsukasa turned off his music, Gimme Chocolate by BABYMETAL, and looked at Mitsuba.
“Oh my god, oh my god, look it’s mango!!!” He whisper-yelled.
Tsukasa looked around him, and saw no mangos, so he turned to Mitsuba confused.
“What mango-??” He said with a regularly-voluminous voice, and his best friend instantly shushed him.
The noise that they were making made the person turn to them, and smile as she walked towards the table they sat at.
“Don’t say anything Tsu.” Mitsuba whispered to Tsukasa one more time before he pretended like he was on his phone again.
Tsukasa, confusingly, continued to write on his paper homework.
“Hey Mitsuba-san, and Tsukasa-san! If you don’t mind, could I ask you guys do you know where the Sci-Fi books are?” The girl asked sweetly.
Mitsuba looked up, unnoticeably having a small blush on his cheeks.
“Ohhh, yeah! I think it’s over there somewhere, near the librarian’s desk. I’m sorry if that’s not it though..!” He laughed nervously.
He knew where the Sci-Fi section was, he reads them. ( As well as Tsukasa but he didn’t look up from his paper because he was told to not say anything )
“Oh, thank you Mitsuba-san! If it’s not there I’ll just ask the librarian. She’s a little rude though, so I wanted to avoid her..”
“Uh, yeah! I understand!”
The girl walked away towards where Mitsuba said, and Mitsuba breathed a sigh.
Tsukasa noticed the girl walking away, and turned to Mitsuba again. “Who is that??”
Mitsuba turned to him as well with a deadpan face.
“You seriously don’t remember..?”
He facepalmed, “Tsukasa-kun, that’s Maoi, the one freshman from our gym class. ‘Mango’, remember??”
Tsukasa looked totally lost.
“No, no I don’t remember. Mango??? What?”
“God Tsukasa-kun, did you not hear me ramble about her to you last week.”
“So…. We don’t like her.. Or—“
“No we like her, at least I do! She’s kind and pretty!”
Tsukasa thought for a second before oh-ing really long and loudly.
“You like her!” Tsukasa smiled.
“Shhhhhh!!” Mitsuba shushed him, “Don’t say that out loud, what’s wrong with you! It’s just a little crush! Like a hallway one!”
“Oh, well I wish I knew about her early.”
Mitsuba looked at Tsukasa like he was a dumba**, and Tsukasa turned to his homework again. Now listening to The End by BABYMETAL and Lil Uzi Vert.
That wasn’t that long, but I thought that was a funny scenario.
Tsukasa’s friend group just comes up with code names for people, and he has no idea what they’re talking about.
I know the whole Aegean group wasn’t included but that’s ok.
Anyways, that’s it.
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