#dps knox
redsummermoon · 1 month
Charlie Dalton x reader
CW: female reader, use of Y/N, making out, Knox and Chris, slight underage drinking
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“You guys gotta help me! It’s an emergency!” Knox burst into Charlie’s dorm room, breathless and frantic. He barely noticed the way Charlie and Y/N were laughing over some inside joke, their textbooks abandoned on the desk. He knew Y/N would be there; she always was.
Charlie looked up, his eyes narrowing with a mix of curiosity and concern. “Whoa, slow down, Overstreet. What’s the crisis?”
Y/N’s smile faded into a slight frown as she turned to Knox. “What happened, Knox? Are you okay?”
Knox took a deep breath, knowing this was a long shot but feeling like he had no other choice. “I need you two to fake date each other,” he said in one breath.
Y/N blinked, her frown deepening as she tried to process what Knox had just said. “Wait, what?”
Knox pressed on before he could lose his nerve. “Chris thinks we have something going on. You know how we flirted at one of her parties so I could make her jealous? Well now she thinks you and I are a thing, Y/N, and I need her to know that we’re not. Because you’re with someone else.” Knox took a breath. “I don’t care if it's Charlie you fake date. Hell, I can ask Cameron if you want.”
Y/N gasped at the thought of even fake dating Cameron, “Do you really think so low of me?”
Charlie raised his eyebrows, curious to see how Knox could get out of the grave he's digging for himself. 
“No, I don’t. I promise,” Knox whined. “I’m just a guy in love making stupid decisions. So please, help me out, would you?”
Y/N opened her mouth to tell him he’s out of his mind, but before she could get a word out, Charlie’s lips curled into a mischievous grin. “You know what? We’ll do it,” he said, cutting her off, his tone filled with a teasing edge. He shot Y/N a wink, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
Y/N’s initial shock faded as she caught on to Charlie’s playful mood. A slow grin (and a lot of blush) spread across her face as she realized this could be a lot more fun than she’d initially thought. “Alright, yeah,” she agreed, turning to Knox with a smile. “We’ll help you out.”
Knox’s shoulders slumped in relief. “You two are the best,” he said, though he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something he was missing in this whole arrangement.
“Not so fast,” Charlie said. “Our fake relationship comes with a price.” 
And there it was, Knox thought, the missing piece. “Alright, what?”
“We each get a request. Only fair because this is Y/N’s second time helping your sorry ass out,” Charlie said.
Knox looked at his shoes, as if contemplating, however everyone knew he would do anything for a chance that Chris even looks at him. “Fine, but you have to decide now what you want.”
Y/N and Charlie looked at eachother and high fived. “Score!” Y/N cheered. 
“Alright, I want folded laundry for a month,” Charlie requested. 
“A week,” Knox retorted.
“Two weeks and I’ll give you a pick-up line pep talk.” Charlie shot a wink towards Y/N. “Angels should be in heaven. How'd you escape?”
Y/N giggled and put her head in her hands to stop them from seeing her face blush. It wasn’t even that good of a line, but it was Charlie delivering it. 
This got Knox to reply quickly. “Deal. And for you?” 
“Hmm. Twenty dollars so Charlie can take me out,” she responds. 
“Done and done.” 
Charlie pauses to argue, “Hey wait, how come you didn’t negotiate with her? Twenty bucks for one date? That’s so much!”
“Can it Charlie, he already agreed,” Y/N hushed. “And aren’t I worth an expensive date?”
“You know that's not what I meant,” Charlie pleaded.
“She’s worth more than you and has helped me out multiple times,” Knox explained.
“Fair enough,” Charlie shrugs. “Okay, so. How is this gonna work?”
“Well…” Knox starts. 
The plan was simple: Knox and Y/N were both invited to one of Chris’s parties as usual, and this time, they invited Charlie to tag along. The idea was that Chris would see Y/N with Charlie and realize Knox was available, and maybe, just maybe, Chris would stop thinking there was something going on between Knox and Y/N and then make a move on Knox.
The night of the party, Knox was a nervous wreck. Charlie tried to help calm his nerves when he gave his Flirting 101 Pep Talk, but Knox still felt a knot in his stomach as they arrived at Chris’s place, a large, bustling house filled with students and the sound of music booming from the speakers. Y/N and Charlie walked in together, Charlie's arm slung casually over Y/N's shoulder, their smiles easy and relaxed. Knox followed close behind, trying to keep his cool.
Chris greeted them at the door with a smile, but her eyes quickly darted to Y/N and Charlie’s closeness, then finally to Knox.
“Hey guys. Come on in,” Chris welcomed the group. For a moment, her face hardened with suspicion, looking mildly uncomfortable. 
“Chris, hi!” Y/N called. She moved to give Chris a hug, but Chris deflected, moving to let them all inside.
“Well you all know where the drinks are. See you around.” Chris ran off into the party, leaving the three friends in the foyer of Chris’s massive house. 
“What did you do, Overstreet?” Charlie asked, turning to Knox. 
“What do you mean, me?” Knox said with his hands up. “It was obviously Y/N she’s mad at.” 
“Yeah, I didn’t like that at all. We were really starting to be close friends too.” Y/N hugged herself, feeling shame for something she didn’t understand. 
“Hey, we’ll figure it out.” Charlie reached out to rub Y/N’s arms. “It’ll be okay, angel.”
“Let’s just get to the party to carry out Knox’s plan.” 
“Right, let's loosen up.”
As they made their way through the crowd, Y/N and Charlie naturally gravitated toward each other, their banter flowing easily as they exchanged inside jokes. Knox couldn’t help but notice how well they got along. Better than most fake couples he’d ever seen (which was zero). They sat down on a couch in the corner of the room, and Knox awkwardly squeezed in between them. 
Chris hovered nearby, her eyes darting between Knox and Y/N before she excused herself to grab drinks. Y/N and Charlie, noticing this, looked at each other and then at Knox’s sad face. 
“You know what, Y/N and I will get us something to drink,” Charlie said, standing up. He offered Y/N his hand, which she accepted.
“Yeah, you just.. save us this spot, okay?” Y/N offered. 
They received a groan in response, so they made their way to the make-shift bar. 
Charlie got to the bar first and started grabbing multiple different bottles and cups at once. 
“Careful with that, Dalton,” Y/N teased as Charlie attempted to pour them both a drink. “You might spill it all over yourself.”
Charlie smirked, deliberately overfilling his cup. “Maybe I just need someone to clean me up,” he quipped, leaning a little closer.
Y/N laughed, shaking her head as she reached for her drink. “You’re impossible.”
“And yet, you’re still here,” Charlie shot back, his tone light but his gaze intense. He brushed a stray strand of her hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering a moment longer than necessary.
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat, and she playfully nudged him. “Don’t get too full of yourself, Dalton.”
Just as Charlie was about to retort, Chris appeared beside them, her expression unreadable. “Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you for a second?”
Y/N glanced at Charlie, who gave her a small, encouraging nod, before turning back to Chris. “Sure, what’s up?”
Chris crossed her arms, her voice edged with frustration. “It’s not fair, you know. How you’re treating Knox. Last party, you two were all over each other, and now you’re with Charlie? What’s going on?”
Y/N sighed, realizing how things might have looked from the outside. “Chris, it was just for fun. There’s nothing between Knox and me. We were just trying to have a good time. I’m with Charlie now.”
Chris looked between Y/N and Charlie, processing this new information. “So, Knox is single?”
Y/N nodded, trying to keep her voice gentle. “Yeah, he is. I didn’t mean to lead him on or anything. He’s just a friend.”
Chris’s shoulders relaxed slightly as if a weight had been lifted. “Okay. I just.. I wanted to look out for him, you know?”
Y/N offered her a reassuring smile. “I get it. But seriously, there’s nothing going on with Knox and me.” Chris looked down, bashfully. “If you like him, you should talk to him.”
Chris nodded thoughtfully. “We’ll see. Thanks, Y/N.”
Chris left quickly, leaving the two of them to watch her go. 
“Do you think that solved it?” Charlie asked.
Y/N kept her eyes on Chris. “Well, she’s heading upstairs instead of to Knox or at least the party.”
“I don’t know if that's a good sign or not.” Charlie rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m starting to think that Knox’s plan isn’t going to work.”
“Well, I don’t want to upset Knox, so I think we should stick to our plan and be by his side in case things go sideways for him.” Y/N picked up her drink and took a sip. “Here, get him a drink and we’ll go back.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Charlie saluted and grabbed a beer for himself and a mixed drink for Knox. They both made their way back to where Knox was seated.
“Here you go,” Charlie said, putting a drink in Knox’s hand. “Made your favorite.”
Charlie sat down next to Knox, and instead of Y/N sitting on Knox’s other side, she sat on Charlie’s lap.
“Oh, hello.” A smile spread across Charlie’s face as he situated himself for Y/N. She sent a smirk back. 
Knox leaned in toward the two of them, lowering his voice so no one else could hear. “It’s not working,” he hissed. “She’s still ignoring me.”
Charlie rolled his eyes, an exasperated sigh escaping his lips. “Knox, you can’t think it's that easy. Even if she knows Y/N and I are together, she might want to take her time with you. Relationships aren’t that simple.”
Knox frowned, his frustration bubbling to the surface. “Then what do you suggest? Because it looks like you’re just sitting there talking, and she’s still convinced Y/N and I are a thing!”
Y/N, who had just about enough of Knox’s bullshit and bad flirting ideas, finally spoke up, her voice tinged with irritation. “Maybe the problem isn’t us, Knox. Maybe you just don’t know how to talk to her.”
Knox opened his mouth to protest, but Y/N wasn’t finished. She turned to Charlie with a determined glint in her eye. “You want to see what a real relationship looks like?”
Before Knox could respond, Y/N leaned in close to Charlie, her hand gently cupping his cheek as she whispered, “Let’s give him something to believe in.”
Charlie’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, but a slow, confident grin spread across his face as he caught on to what Y/N was planning. “As you wish,” he murmured, his voice low and playful.
Without another word, Y/N closed the distance between them, her lips meeting Charlie’s in a kiss that was anything but fake. It was slow and deliberate, filled with an intensity that took both of them by surprise. Charlie responded immediately, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. They could feel the electricity between them, a chemistry that neither had fully acknowledged until now.
Knox stared at them in shock, his jaw dropping as he watched his friends completely lose themselves in the moment. He could barely comprehend what he was seeing. Their kiss was so convincing, so real, that he almost believed they were a couple.
As the kiss stretched on, Chris reappeared with slightly more makeup on and a new shirt, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of Y/N and Charlie locked in a passionate embrace. She turned to Knox, her expression a mix of confusion and curiosity. “Knox, can we talk for a minute?” she asked, her voice soft.
Knox snapped out of his stupor, nodding quickly as he stood up. “Uh, yeah, sure,” he said, casting one last glance at the kissing couple before taking out a twenty dollar bill and leaving it on the table nearby. 
“Let’s leave those two lovebirds alone,” Chris said with a small smile, taking Knox by the hand and leading him away.
Once Chris and Knox were out of sight, Y/N and Charlie finally pulled apart, their breathing heavy, their faces flushed. They looked at each other for a moment, a mixture of surprise and amusement dancing in their eyes. And then, simultaneously, they both burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the room.
“That was..” Y/N started, but she couldn’t stop giggling long enough to finish her sentence.
“Amazing?” Charlie offered, his grin wide and unrestrained.
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, amazing.”
Little did Knox know, Y/N and Charlie had been secretly dating the entire time. Their relationship had started out quietly, both of them preferring to keep things low-key, but tonight had changed everything. There was no fooling anyone about their status anymore, not after that kiss.
“So, what now?” Y/N asked, her voice softening as the laughter died down.
Charlie leaned in closer, his forehead resting gently against hers. “Now, we stop pretending,” he said, his voice tender but firm. “No more hiding. No more fake relationships. Just us.”
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with happiness as she nodded. “Just us.”
“So how about I take my best girl out on a date she deserves,” Charlie says, picking up the twenty dollars as Y/N’s reward. 
Y/N laughed, “I don’t know, Charlie. Someone told me that was too much for a date.”
“Yeah, well, that was before the hottest make out of his life.” Charlie winked and stood up. “I think my baby could use some pampering.” “Well if you insist.” Charlie bent over and picked up Y/N as she squealed in excitement. He gave her a quick kiss before starting to make his way through the party to leave. 
“Well, I’m glad to be out of a fake relationship and into a real one. With the same person, if I might add. Gets a little confusing, don’t you think?” They were approaching the front door and finally getting outside. 
“I think I’m more happy to be done flirting with Knox,” Y/N shuttered. “Do you think your pickup lines helped him at all?”
Charlie stopped walking and stared straight ahead. “Well, either that or you talked some sense into Chris to finally talk to Knox. Look.” Charlie tilted his head forward, pointedly. 
There stood Knox and Chris sharing a kiss (really getting at it for a first kiss too). 
“Awe. Charlie, I think we did that.” Y/N hugged Charlie tighter, pushing their heads together. Charlie slowly set her down, keeping her wrapped up in his arms. 
“No, baby, I know we did that. We’re gonna have to make speeches at their wedding about tonight. They’re gonna have to repay us by naming their kids after us.” 
Y/N laughed, turning to Charlie. “I hope Charlie’s a girl then.” 
Charlie rolled his eyes. “Well, as long as she’s beautiful. Gotta live up to the name, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh I do know. You are quite beautiful Charlie,” Y/N said, looking at Charlie as if he was the only thing in the universe. 
Charlie blushed. “You know I could never compare to you.”
“I love you, Charlie.” “I love you too, angel.”
They both leaned in for a kiss, this one slow and tender, a stark contrast to the heated exchange they’d shared earlier. It was gentle, filled with warmth and affection, a moment that spoke of love more than anything else. 
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tee hee dps art dump + some more angles :)))
(also the friendship meme is a reference to my fic HAHSHSH I PROMISE TODD WOULD NEVER DO THAT)
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dead-poets-trio · 1 year
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some character designs for the main poets + a baby cameron because i couldn’t fit him (i PROMISE i’ll draw his real design later HAJAJAJ!!!)
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meep-meep-richie · 11 months
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My Dead Poets Society heart🥹❤️
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sulsulellison · 2 years
Knox Overstreet Headcanons
- the brother type, people tend to see him like and older/little brother than anything else (aka not the boyfriend type)
- full of himself (one the outside) but still insecure
- does laundry bi-monthly
- forgets to move it over too
- really good at chess, cameron always loses
- was a bowl cut kid
- only wears name brands (he even forgets to take the tag of sometimes)
- loves marvel comic
- hugs his friends goodbye
- distracted very easily
- an average student
- caring and supportive of his friends
- he is the reason dry cleaners are still in business (constantly bringing in his suits, button ups, and cashmere sweaters)
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grungelvrr222 · 2 months
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please dont let this flop i was cackling as i wrote these lolol
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elle8n · 5 months
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This movie changed my live <3
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got-the-cheese-touch · 4 months
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these are all noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.
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but poetry,
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these are what we stay alive for.
happy aniversary dead poets society. you make me bawl like a little baby every time.
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glorious-destruction · 8 months
“Tortured poets department?” Back in my day it was dead poets society
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ash5monster01 · 15 days
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finally that time of year 🍂🤍
Dead Poets Society (1989)
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reggieslocket · 4 months
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934 notes · View notes
redsummermoon · 1 month
Wild Side
Charlie Dalton x reader
CW: female reader, quiet reader, use of Y/N, classic pig prank, and Mr. Nolan
First published thing on tumblr.. I’m nervous [1.4k words]
Y/N arrived at Welton as one of the few girls in the entire school, a result of its recent decision to go co-ed. She quickly learned that, as one of the first females, she was both an outsider and an anomaly. Sharp-witted and observant, Y/N realized that to gain the respect of the boys and teachers, she had to be more than just smart—she needed to be quiet, watchful, and strategic. She kept to herself, sitting in the back of classrooms and taking meticulous notes. Y/N spoke only when necessary, blending into the wood-paneled walls of Welton’s corridors like a fly on the wall.
But while she played the part of the diligent, invisible student, inside she felt like she was suffocating. The school’s rigid rules, the condescending looks from some of the boys, and the constant pressure to perform weighed heavily on her. And yet, through it all, she noticed one boy who carried himself differently. And that was Charlie Dalton.
Charlie was everything Y/N wasn’t: loud, rebellious, and carefree. She had heard whispers about him and his friends, their love for breaking rules, and their knack for mischief. Yet, she had never interacted with any of them. Charlie was always surrounded by his friends, laughing, joking, and getting into trouble. He was everything Y/N wasn’t allowed to be, and for that, she envied him.
Even so, Y/N chose to remain in the shadows, keeping her head down and making no friends. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t planning something.
It was lunchtime in the cafeteria, and the Dead Poets were seated at their usual table, enjoying their meal.
“This place has gotten a little boring, don’t you think, fellas?” Charlie said, pushing his lunch around on his tray.
“Dalton, I swear if you get us in trouble again, I’m going to kill you,” Neil replied, though his tone was light-hearted.
Charlie grinned mischievously, his eyes scanning the room as if he were already planning his next scheme. “Relax, Perry. I’m just saying this place could use a little excitement.”
At that moment, the cafeteria erupted into chaos. A loud squeal echoed through the room, and all heads turned to see a pig trotting through the center of the cafeteria. The pig had the number “1” painted on its back in bold black ink. The students burst into laughter, and even the most uptight teachers looked momentarily baffled.
“Is that…” Knox started, but was cut off by another squeal.
“Charlie, what did you do?” Meeks cried.
A second pig appeared, this one with the number “2” on its back, followed by a third pig, marked with the number “4.” The pigs darted between tables, students jumping out of their way, and soon the entire cafeteria was in pandemonium. The teachers, led by Headmaster Nolan, were frantically trying to catch the pigs while also searching for the missing pig number “3.”
“This is amazing,” Charlie muttered, his grin widening. “Where’s the third pig?”
“Where’s number three?” a student shouted, his voice tinged with glee. The question spread like wildfire. Everyone started speculating about the missing pig. Was it still on the loose? How had it escaped?
Charlie’s grin slowly faded in awe. “I don’t think there is a third pig.”
The teachers were losing their minds, and Headmaster Nolan himself was stomping through the hallways, barking orders and demanding answers.
But Y/N was laughing. Not just smiling, not just chuckling, but truly, laughing. It was the first time she had felt joy since arriving at Welton. She laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes, and she had to sit down to keep herself from falling over.
She was practically in stitches, and for the first time, Charlie noticed just how beautiful she was when she wasn’t trying to blend into the background.
“Hey, I’ll be right back,” Charlie said to the group, getting up from his seat before anyone could stop him. He crossed the room with his usual swagger, dodging a teacher who was trying to corner one of the pigs, and made his way over to Y/N’s table.
Y/N wiped away a tear from her eye as Charlie slid into the seat across from her. She looked up, still smiling, but with a hint of confusion as Charlie sat down.
“What’s so funny?” Charlie asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.
Y/N’s smile grew wider as she leaned in a little closer, lowering her voice. “Can you keep a secret?” She whispered as Charlie leaned in impossibly closer, nodding. “This is my prank.”
Charlie’s eyes widened in surprise, but his grin didn’t falter. “You’re kidding.”
“Not at all,” Y/N replied, a hint of pride in her voice. “I thought it’d be fun to throw the teachers off. There’s no third pig. They’ll be looking for it all day.”
Charlie let out a low whistle, clearly impressed. “That’s genius.”
“I’m glad someone appreciates it,” Y/N said, her tone teasing, though she was genuinely pleased by his reaction.
“Are you kidding? This is the best prank I’ve seen all year. You’ve got Nolan running around like a headless chicken.” Charlie leaned back in his chair, studying her with renewed interest. “So, how does someone like you, no offense, pull off something like this?”
Y/N shrugged, still grinning. “Well, for starters, I grew up on a farm. My brother graduated from Welton a few years ago and hated it just as much as I do. He helped me get the pigs here as a parting gift for this place.”
Charlie couldn’t help but laugh. “I think I’m in love.”
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress the warmth that spread across her cheeks. “Please, you don’t even know me.”
“I know enough,” Charlie said, his tone suddenly more serious, though the playful glint in his eyes remained. “You’re the first person here who’s managed to pull off a prank like this without getting caught. That’s something.”
“Thanks,” Y/N said, surprised by how much she enjoyed talking to Charlie. He was different from the other boys at Welton. He was bold, confident, and a little reckless, but in a way that made her feel like maybe this place wasn’t so bad after all.
“If you ever need a group to hang out with, we’ve got a club where we meet up, read poetry, talk about life, and basically just try to remember that there’s more to the world than this school.”
Y/N’s interest was piqued. “Sounds intriguing.”
“It is,” Charlie said, his eyes locking onto hers. “And we could use someone like you. Someone who knows how to shake things up.”
Y/N felt a warmth in her chest at his words. For the first time since she’d arrived at Welton, she felt like she might actually belong somewhere. “Maybe I’ll check it out,” she said, trying to sound casual, though her heart was racing.
Charlie grinned. “Good. I’d like to take you out some night as well.”
“And how would you manage to sneak both of us out Dalton?” Y/N asked.
“I have my ways, beautiful,” Charlie winks. 
Before Y/N could respond, one of the teachers finally managed to catch the first pig, eliciting a cheer from the students. But the excitement was short-lived as the search for the elusive third pig continued.
“Well, it looks like your prank is going to keep them busy for a while,” Charlie said, standing up. “Nice work, L/N.”
Y/N smiled up at him. “Thanks, Dalton.”
As Charlie walked back to his table, Y/N watched him go, a smile still lingering on her lips. For the first time since arriving at Welton, she felt a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, this place wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Back at the Dead Poets’ table, the boys were still talking about the pigs. Charlie slid back into his seat, a satisfied smirk on his face.
“What are you so happy about?” Knox asked, glancing at Charlie suspiciously.
“Oh, nothing,” Charlie said, his eyes flicking back to where Y/N was sitting. “Just met someone who might be even crazier than me.”
“You mean to tell us these pigs have nothing to do with you?” asked Neil.
“Nope,” Charlie replied, popping the “p” as he tilted his head in Y/N’s direction.
Neil raised an eyebrow. “L/N? The quiet girl?”
Charlie nodded, still grinning. “Turns out she’s got a wild side.”
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todd-anderson-trash · 2 months
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goofy sketches i did :)
stick, charlie and knox ^^
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perksofbeingpoet · 2 months
welton might have felt like a chilly blue winter night, but the poets were an orange-tinged window with child's laughter spilling out of it, filling the snow-crisp air with the promise of tea and music
walk on, little poet. soon the snow will melt off your boots.
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cowboylexapro · 1 month
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theyre the silent generation btw. not even boomers.
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deadxregulus · 10 months
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I'm bitches too
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