#dick Grayson is such a good big brother
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the-bat-bros · 2 months ago
Please enjoy these panels of Dick Grayson being the best big brother 💕
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He gave Damian the stick HE GAVE DAMIAN THE STICK.
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Don’t mind me sobbing because Robin is crying. He watched Alfred die. Alfred died because Damian couldn’t stay away. Yes it was Bane’s fault but my poor boy blames himself 😭.
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“But you were my Robin.” Brb I need some aftercare after being emotionally FUCKED.
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The wink. Dick knowing that this is basically a right of passage. The others just giving up and going along with it because Dickybird is right - as always.
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dc-gotham-instincts-wild · 8 days ago
Headcanon that Jason just kidnaps his siblings instead of asking them to hang out sometimes.
Sometimes he does the normal abduction thing and other times he has his methods.
Dick: Jason sneaks into Dick’s apartment in Blüdhaven at 3 AM, throws him over his shoulder, and drags him to his motorcycle. Dick wakes up mid-ride, half-conscious, groggily mumbling, "Jay, what the hell—?"
- Jason just shushes him and tosses a burger into his lap. "Shut up and eat, Goldie. We're bonding." (Jason, allowing his big brother to ruffle his hair? Nooooo, absolutely not...)
Tim: Jason straight-up drugs him asleep him when Tim refuses to take a break. He wakes up in Jason’s apartment with a cup of coffee and a sandwich waiting for him, while Jason sits on the couch reading a book.
- “You looked dead on your feet, Replacement. Either you napped willingly or I made you. Guess which one you picked.” (Jason totally doesn't rake a hand over his lil bro's hair during this time)
Steph: Jason knows Steph is a wild card when it comes to hanging out, so he has to be a little sneakier with her. He'd show up at her place unannounced, pretending to just be casually passing by, and in one smooth motion, he'd grab her and yank his little sister into his car or bike before she even realizes what's happening. (He totally doesn't do this in time with hard school, noooo)
Damian: Jason scoops him up mid-battle and just walks away with him. Damian kicks, bites, and yells, "UNHAND ME, TODD!" but Jason holds him like an angry kitten.
- They end up at a rooftop picnic with Alfred’s homemade food. Damian eventually eats while grumbling about Jason's “barbaric methods” but secretly enjoys the attention. (Jason maaayybe ruffles his hair a lot.)
Cass: She just lets it happen. Jason shows up, gestures toward his bike, and Cass just hops on without a word. They go on long road trips in comfortable silence, getting ice cream at 2 AM and scaring off criminals for fun. (Jason totally doesn't take the time to help her with her speech-)
Duke: Duke gets fake-napped. Jason tells him, "Be outside in five minutes," and when Duke says no, Jason still shows up, grabs him, and hauls him into a car.
- Duke just sighs and texts Bruce: "Jason's 'kidnapping' me again. Back later." (Jason totally doesn't get the names of school bullies from him and uses them, noooooooo)
Bruce knows this happens. He just sighs and lets it happen because, honestly? It’s Jason’s way of showing love. And at least the kids are getting along.
Jason kidnaps his siblings because it's his way of saying, "You're important to me, and I'm gonna drag you into ridiculous situations whether you like it or not."
He also, however, does it to Bruce.
In fact, it might be one of his favorite things to do, just because Bruce is always so serious and “responsible.”
Jason thinks it’s hilarious to force Bruce to take a break. He just shows up at the Batcave, probably with some kind of overly complicated plan to "kidnap" Bruce without him realizing.
Step 1: Jason would distract Alfred with a "Oh, just a quick check-in, you know, 'cause it’s been a while.’"
Step 2: He would wait for Bruce to get fully immersed in some case files and then sneak up behind him, tap him on the shoulder, and when Bruce turns around, Jason’s already got him in a headlock, pulling him out of the chair like, "Get up, old man. We're going to a diner. No arguments."
Bruce would protest, of course. He'd probably try to get out of it with his usual grumpy “I’m too busy” routine. Jason might fake-sigh and act like he's just trying to help Bruce loosen up, reminding him, "I know you think you’re invincible, but you still need to eat, Batman."
And if Bruce insists on not going, Jason would just drag him anyway. He might even grab the Batmobile for a joyride (he's always wanted to), making Bruce sit shotgun while Jason drives like an absolute maniac (Jokes on both because Bruce taught him to drive-)
Bruce would probably be scowling the whole time, but Jason would know his dad is secretly enjoying it, even if he won't admit it.
Eventually, Bruce would probably give in and get his grumpy little “dad” lecture—“You’re so reckless, Jason—” but Jason would just smile and be like, "Whatever. You’re welcome.”
Jason totally doesn't like it when his dad just ruffles his hair at some point.
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psychokatrixxxy · 10 months ago
Batfam AU
Damian was captured by some villain, and Dick just saved him.
Nightwing: Why didn't you send a distress signal? You could have gotten hurt. What if I didn't get here in time?
Robin: tt, stop your incessant nagging, Grayson. I can handle myself. Besides, I did send out a distress signal.
Nightwing: Really, cause I didn't get it, and neither did B.
Robin, realizing something: Ah, I believe I may have alerted someone else of my capture then...
Nightwing: who-
He's cut off as a red figure barrels through the window, shattering it.
Red Hood, guns cocked as he looks around the room: Who the fuck do I need to kill?
Robin, deadpan: Impeccable timing as always, Akhi.
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farshootergotme · 8 months ago
Occasionally I picture Nightwing calling Red Hood "little wing" in front of others and people looking between this huge, 6'0 feet tall man with growing white hair, and then Nightwing, a shorter man who has flawless skin, probably around his 20's, and a fit but not too buff build and they just- don't know what's happening. Is it some kind of inside joke they aren't aware of? Why is Nightwing acting as if he's years older than Red-fucking jacked-Hood?
Nightwing: Little wing, you actually were decent in that fight! I'm impressed.
Hero, who was helping during this fight as well, listening in to the conversation: little...?
Red Hood: Wow, feeling very appreciated right now. Got any other backhanded compliments in there?
Hero: Wait, excuse me-
Nightwing: As a matter of fact-
Red Hood: Nope! I'm outta here. Screw you!
Nightwing: You know you love me!
Red Hood: In your dreams, dickhead!
Nightwing: Hey! We don't use that-
Red Hood: Not listening!
Nightwing: Jeez, kids these days...
Red Hood: I'm an adult and fuck you too!
Nightwing: What? Thought you weren't-
Red Hood: See you never, I'm out.
Hero: ...
Hero: what the actual fuck?
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 1 year ago
De-Aged Danny, gesturing to a dazed Bruce inside Wayne Manor: And this is Bruce! Otherwise known as the Himbo! Reporters: Hmm, yes, interesting... Bruce: What the- Danny: I'm not sure what that word means. I heard it from Dick, but no one will give me my answer, not even Jason, who is easily bribed. Bruce: Why are there reporters in my house!? Danny, innocent and childlike: They asked to come inside, Bruce! They seemed like really nice people, so I thought it'd be polite to give them a tour. Bruce, filled with infinite patience: I really wish you had asked me before you did that, chum. Danny: But why? We don't have anything to hide... do we, Bruce?
Or, in order to rise to the Ghost Throne, Danny has to complete a series of trials to prove he is capable of ruling (or any other reason, Danny just needs to do trials to prove himself).
The last trial, issued by Clockwork, is thus: discover the Wayne Family secret in two weeks without the use of any of his powers.
He has one shapeshift to pick a form that could endere him to the Waynes, but only one before he starts and he has to get close to the family by his own wits. Danny, after studying the family and reading of one sentence summary of each Wayne, picks the body of a six-year-old little boy that looked like a child Jason Todd.
Bruce: That child is up to something. Dick, third favorite: I don't know, Bruce; he acts like a normal kid. Jason, #1 favorite: I doubt the old man's ever met a normal kid. Tim, least favorite: Bruce is right, but can you please not talk like the villains from Chicken Run.
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dc-dorito · 4 months ago
Something I wish would get used more is Damian actually having plenty of friends but his family thinks he has none or just Jon. It could be absolutely comedic gold ex:
Dick: Damian why don't you go to the park and see if anybody from Gotham academy is there?
Damian: if I befriend anyone from that nightmarish, low IQ, Sad excuse for a learning facility you have all rights to kill me
Dick (mentally): little wing, Im afraid you are actually going to die alone at this rate
Jason: Ay! Demon brat, why the hell are you here? It's a Friday night don't tell me you're so lonely this is how you spend your Fridays
Damian (Who spent lunch break with Jon who flew over and freakshow showed up after school)l: Tt, for your information Todd this is a perfectly fine way to spend a night on Friday
Jason: Since you have time then you're helping me on a case, I need to stake out a where House down by old Gotham
Damian: Tt, so be it Todd
Jason (mentally): God, he's so lonely that he spends Friday nights actually alone and studying, not even reading
Damian: Jon it seems as though my family insists that my alone time is... pitiful
Jon: how?
Freakshow: Did you put on too much mascara again?
Colin: or did they catch you listening to My chemical romance or Kiss again?
Freakshow: Naaa, probably Alec Benjamin
Colin: Probably
Damian (with slightly red ears): Cease this nonsense! They have just been in more need of my valuable attention as of late when I am alone
Jon: Aww, c'mon Damian you know that's how Alfred and Dick show love
Damian: it's Todd as well
Jon, Colin and freakshow: Get tested, 80% your dying
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fckbatmanhiskidsareminenow · 8 months ago
What’s for Breakfast?
(yes it’s the parsnip fic)
(tw mentioned nightmares and mildly dissociation)
disclaimer: this will probably be ooc, i’m still extremely new to the fandom so be nice please
description: jason decides to cook and is interrupted by the rest of the bat siblings.
word count: 1556
All he came here to do was drop off some intel for Bruce but now? Now Jason is standing in the middle of the Wayne manor kitchen, with his hands on his hips, wondering what he should cook. He’s hungry, alright, sue him.
It’s Sunday and Sunday is the day Alfred restocks the kitchen so the chances of Jason actually finding something other than premade pancake mix was not great.
The first ingredient item he finds is a few parsnips. He passes one between his hands trying to think of what he can make with them. After a few seconds he comes up with something, tossing the parsnips onto the counter and he collects some onions, a leek, flour, eggs and vegetable oil. He gets the grater out and it’s decided. He’s gonna make parsnip and onion fritters.
Jason starts with slicing the onion. Just get that shit over and done with. The familiar burn of the onion begins in his eyes and he is immediately reminded of the last time he cooked in here. He was 15, it was a few weeks before his death. He and Alfred were making home made burgers, requested by Jason himself, and they made caramelised onions to go with it.
He’s pulled out of the memory by the wet feeling of tears dripping down onto his hand. He glares down at the vegetable as if it had personally wronged him. And you know what? It did. He’s crying all because of a fucking onion.
He continues slicing only slightly more aggressively when he hears a soft patter of feet.
“Todd?” At the sound of his name he looks up and is met with a sleepy Damian staring back. The kid’s got on a set of cat pyjamas, that Jason can admit is kinda cute, and is wiping away what looks to be tears. Must have had a nightmare or something.
“Cooking.” Jason replied gruffly. Damian approaches the island he’s cooking on and stands on his toes to try and see what Jason is cooking. Once again he can admit the kid looked kinda cute with only just his head and little hands poking over the bench.
“Cooking what?” He asks softly and with genuine childlike curiosity, which is rare for Damian. Jason breathes out a sigh and walks over to the small table on the far side of the kitchen and pulls a chair up against the bench.
“Parsnip and onion fritters. Wash your hands and come grate the parsnips for me.” He usually would tell him to fuck off but the kid looks like he could use a distraction and he does love a mission.
Damian washes his hands, climbs up the chair and starts grating.
They slice and grate mostly in quiet, only breaking the silence to quietly giggle at each other's onion induced tears.
“Cooking?” The sound of a voice startles them both so badly Damian almost throws a parsnip and Jason damn near cuts his finger off. When they look up at the source, Cass is standing there with an eyebrow raised.
“Christ, Cassandra, you could have killed us.” Damian says as he lowers the parsnip. Jason huffs out a laugh.
“Again.” He mutters and doesn’t miss the nasty look Damian throws him. Cass only smirks and shrugs. She looks dishevelled but Jason chooses to ignore it. She wanders over to the island, inspects what they’re doing before sitting on one of the stools and pulling her phone out of her pocket. Jason and Damian share a look before continuing what they were doing.
They finally get through all the slicing and grating when Steph and Tim stumble in looking like they had not slept all week. Jason stops what he’s doing just to look at them judgingly.
“Where the fuck have you two been?” he asks like he doesn’t want to know. Steph groans and collapses into the stool next to Cass.
“We were out all night for a stake out that turned up nothing.” Jason makes a confused face at that and looks to Tim who is all but dragging himself to the coffee machine.
“I don’t even want to talk about it.” He says holding a hand up to block out Jason’s judgmental look. Stake outs like that happen, not often but they happen. But for Tim? It’s even less often, he gathers all the intel he can before going out. Make sense for his mood to be shit.
Jason can practically sense Damian is about to say something so he scoops him up by the armpits and places him onto the ground.
“Your jobs done now.” He tells him before the kid can protest. He only receives a slightly grumpy nod before Damian drags the chair back to its regular spot and sits down. Tim looks away from the coffee machine.
“Are you making breakfast?” He asks half judgy half genuine. Jason almost responds with some snarky sarcasm but just looking at Tim tells him the poor guy's exhausted brain would probably melt if he did.
“Yeah I am. Parsnip and onion fritters.”
Steph lifts her head from where it was laying against the kitchen island.
“What the fuck is a parsnip?” Jason chuckles and holds up one of the unused parsnips.
“It's like a white carrot thing. They taste good, trust me.” Steph eyes it suspiciously before shrugging and laying her head back down.
Duke runs in while Jason is mixing in the flour and eggs. He stops and looks at everyone surprised. To Duke’s credit it is rare for all of them to be in the same room for a non vigilante related reason. He looks at Jason and into the bowl.
“Hey, that looks great! I’m heading out to patrol but save me some for when I get back?” He says as he grabs an apple and speeds out of the kitchen without waiting for an answer. Jason files the information to save some away in his head before he continues mixing. He makes sure everything is evenly coated before heating up a pan and drizzling some vegetable oil onto it. He places as many scoops as he can evenly spread on the pan and waits until he can flip them.
The sizzly of the fritters and the oil almost covers up the sound of a new pair of feet entering the kitchen.
“Whatchya making, Jaybird?” This time he doesn’t jump at the sound of Dick’s voice coming from directly over his shoulder. Just by looking at Dick’s eyes tells Jason the eldest is floating in between a dissociation episode. He’s not really all there.
Jesus Christ, was he the only one who had a good night? Well, he doesn’t really know how Duke’s night went but with the way he was rushing to get on patrol, if Jason had to guess it would be probably not good.
“Parsnip and Onion fritters.” He replies while scanning the kitchen for what task he can give Dick to help him out.
“Hey, could you do the dishes for me? I wouldn’t want Alfred to wake up and find the kitchen a mess.” He asks softly. Jason doesn’t mention that Alfred is already up and upon seeing all of them in the kitchen, about ten minutes ago, gave Jason a soft smile and left to do whatever Alfred does when he’s not butlering.
Dick turns to where Jason points to the dishes and nods.
“Oh yeah, of course.” He says spacely. Jason fights the urge to fist pump. If he’s learnt anything it's if you wanna get Dick Grayson to help himself, you gotta guilt trip him a little bit. He does take the knife before Dick can add it to his washing pile. Yeah he’s got some less than moral helping tactics but he’s not gonna let the guy hurt himself.
Damian gets up to help Dick with the dishes and they make quiet conversation. With Damian occasionally yelling when Dick splashes him or tries to place bubbles on his head.
Jason hands the empty bowl to Dick before placing the last of the fritters onto one big plate. He quickly whips up a greek yogurt and herb dip sauce. He grabs out enough plates for everyone and places two on a plate for Duke before wrapping it with foil and placing them in the fridge. He then hands the remaining stack of plates to Dick.
“Alright losers follow if you want breakfast.” He calls out before heading into the proper dining room. Dick sets the table before taking one for himself.
Jason will never tell anyone but he did feel nervous waiting for everyone’s reaction.
“Wait, why is this good?”
“I can’t tell if these are good or if I’m just really fucking hungry.”
“These are really good Jaybird.”
He tried to hide the way the tension fell from his shoulders before digging into his own food. The atmosphere was good and it made Jason kinda miss moments like this. This sense of family and belonging. Just a family having breakfast together.
“Is there any left for me?” Bruce asks as he walks in. Jason looks up at him. He’s met with a proud look he hasn’t seen in what feels like a lifetime. He hides his face and gestures to an empty chair.
“Take a seat, old man.”
I hope the fic is a good as you guys imagined 🥰
here’s a special thanks to @kaycynyrs for sending in the ask that inspired me to look at this fic again and @yourlocal-edgelord for encouraging me to rewrite it and to @heavenssolitude for being there and supporting me 🥰
(i’ll totally untag you guys if you didn’t wanna be tagged. just wanted to say thanks)
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ghost-bxrd · 1 year ago
Jason never made his debut as a Crime Lord and instead only comes back to Gotham when Damian insists on training with the Batman, insistent on guarding him from the shadows.
Bruce’s headache reaches epic proportions when neither Talia nor Damian elaborate on the man’s presence other than that he’s “Damian’s older brother”.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 7 months ago
Brother will you believe (until my bones are dust)
Tim will always be the first.
The first bird to hold a mantle covered in the corpses of Dick's wings, the first to carve a space into his heart, to make an all consuming void that only a brother can be.
"Bruce's alive, I can prove it."
He's angry at the world at Batman. How dare he leave, making another mess for Dick to clean up. Damian a child that he barley knows, Jason angry and vying for a cowl that both know, they don't believe in.
It's been years since Dick has worn the suit he worked so hard for. Passed from Jason to Tim. Only one with his actual consent not that his consent ever seems to matter anymore.
"Grayson, when will Drake be gone? He's unneeded."
Tim is all he has the only constant the only thing he can actual lean on. His little brother who has had his throat slit by Jason, and Damian is doing his damn best to push his out. He's backed into a corner.
Choices, a constant balancing act that all the acrobatics in the world won't allow him to slip from. Selfishness is his only net and for once he isn't gonna hit the ground.
"Tim I need you, I need my brother, I need someone to watch my back. We can come back to it but for now I need to breathe."
He leans back into the smell of coffee and absolutely horrid axe body spray that every teenager seems to love and just inhaled. He can feel a knife uncomfortable against his back, and what sounds like typing but he doesn't dare move.
His net curled around him and for once the world is quiet. Jason, Damian, and Bruce can come later.
For now it's Tim and Dick Grayson and he can feel the air.
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to0-many-headcanons · 3 months ago
I love the idea of Jason deciding to check his grave for whatever reason before Titans Tower and seeing Tim just talking to his grave and showing pictures that Tim really likes that he's taken recently
I like the idea that J didn't think that people cared enough to go to his grave and then checking it and being surprised to find someone there but also pissed off that instead of Bruce or Dick it's the Stalker he saw on patrol sometimes
He isn't pissed off at Tim, actually he is super touched and goes back to watch him and listen to him talk, he's pissed off at Bruce and Dick, he thought he'd see them at some point but he never once does, not in person and not on the cameras he eventually sets up hoping that he just keeps missing them, that they actually care enough to show up
He ends up kind of adopting Tim in his head, like the more he sees Tim and hears Tim ask for advice on how to save Batman, on how to be as good as J, on how to make Nightwing like him instead of reminding him of Jason, his dead brother, J decides that he is gonna do his dramatic reveal plan and then he is gonna move back to the Manor to make sure Bruce isn’t fucking up when it comes to Tim
Tim became his Baby Bird, like he’s Dick’s Little Wing, he is the first one to notice that Tim feels like he is overstaying his welcome, he notices when Tim tries to move back to Drake Manor, he makes sure Tim knows that J came back to the manor for him, stays for him and will leave with him
Can you tell I love J being a good big brother to Tim
Can you tell I’m very fandom heavy with next to no comic knowledge
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smilesheartshugs · 4 months ago
Okay okay okay, so there are fics where the bat fam slowly realizing just how much tim is hiding, but like are there any where the bat fam slowly see dick’s happy go lucky mask slowly crack over time and they just go “oh shoot he need some serious help”
I want a fic where dick reaches his breaking point and (probably Jason) is the first to see past the carefully crafted mask and take the time to help him or force dick to take care of himself. Maybe have some go ol bird snuggles.
I just want a fic where dick gets to take a break from the good big brother act and has someone take care of him! Wether it’s Jason with his physically bigger and stronger brother act or Wally as a “good friend” that may or may later form into a romantic relationship i don’t really know which one I crave more of. No I really want Jason to force cuddle Dick to sleep and dick to just sorta realize “oh, it’s safe here” when he finally gets a cuddle with his brother and his body kinda just melts into the cuddle.
Gah I’ll think of a better way to put my thoughts down later, or forget about this entirely, I have to many tabs open in my head!
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the-bat-bros · 12 days ago
Oh my sweet Jason
You joking about your death will ALWAYS be funny to me idc what anyone else says
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dc-gotham-instincts-wild · 2 months ago
Headcanon that Bruce uses the term 'little one' with all the Batkids. It doesn't matter how old they get or how large in size they grow.
He even uses it on Jason. Jason allows this and secretly loves it.
Dick and Jason also both go 'I'm not so little anymore' many times when he does it.
Cass just grins and goes over to him whenever he does it.
Tim was surprised the first time Bruce called him that, back in Tim's Robin era. He eventually got used to it.
Steph complained that she wasn't little but secretly likes it.
Duke was surprised but got used to it.
Damian pretends to hate. Keyword pretends.
Dick, Jason and Cass also use it on Tim, Steph, Duke, and Damian all the time. Dick did it from the start. Cass started after a bit. Jason slowly started after a while, as he adjusted to being a big brother.
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eyesthecolorofarson · 2 years ago
Best Man
Dick didn’t know what to expect when he arrived at the Manor, but it certainly wasn’t a flustered, obviously swooning Damian.
He’d came to check on him after another one of his balls with other royal families. This one being the first to be held in a place called the Infinite Realms with family’s from other dimensions and universes.
It was stressful for everyone, letting the packs youngest omega leave and go to other countries–and now other dimensions–to mingle and chat up princes and princesses like himself.
Unfortunately he would be the only one besides Alfred to talk with Damian when he first gets back. Tim and Bruce were stuck head first into a bombing, Jason was tracking down the guy who killed three of his workers, and the girls were away for a well-deserved vacation.
That left him to walk in and immediately be hit with the scent of maple syrup, sweet and earthy in a way Damian’s scent had never been before. Damian made a beeline for him from where he was sitting, obviously waiting. “Richard!” Damian smiled, “We must speak! At once!”
He let himself be pulled to Damian’s room, his mind turning. What could have happened to make Damian Al Ghul-Wayne smile, let alone flustered? Why was he so happy, because he was obviously, very openly, happy?
Damian pulled him into his room, locked the door, then pushed him onto the bed and began pacing. “I will first explain to you the way I, and by proxy every other heir in attendance of this ball, communicate.” Dick let him speak, knowing he wouldn’t appreciate being interrupted.
“First and foremost, every little thing matters. From the way you position your hands to the tilt of you head, where you look, and even the position of your feet, every little thing means a completely different thing. This means that there are over a million–billion, really–things that you can say and express without a word.”
Damian looked to him for confirmation that he understood, then continued. “Not only that, but in the ballroom setting the order of which you introduce oneself to those in attendance is equally, if not more, important. As one could expect you go from those you deem most important to least. The shape of which you do these introductions also showcases this, moving past one party to another of higher standing.”
Here he paused, flushed again, and began fanning himself. “So, as you can imagine, a straight line means that you are the most important person in the room to this man.” “‘This man’?” He asked, some prices falling into place.
“Yes!” Damian said, turning towards him with a love struck, dazed expression, cupping his face and swooning. “Oh Richard, I met an alpha! The most wonderful, handsome, benevolent alpha in the world!” Dick couldn’t help himself; he squealed and hugged Damian, squeezing tight before setting him down next to him. “That’s amazing, Dami! Tell me everything—start from the beginning.” His little brother found someone! Someone who made him this happy—It was a miracle! Damian seemed very pleased with his reaction and grabbed his pillow as he began again.
“As I said, a straight line means you are the most important person. But what you do while you cross the room matters as well. Where you look, where you stop, how quickly you go, understand?” At his nod Damian flushed again, squeezing the pillow. “So, a straight line, with no stops, never looking away, and coming to me from the other side of the ballroom in less than a minute?”
“That means your very important to him.” Dick couldn’t help his high tone, Damian’s happiness seemed to be affecting him. Not like he minded; this was the first time one of his sibling came to him practically bursting with excitement about a potential relationship. This was a moment he would cherish forever.
“Yes!” Damian said, his tone matching Dicks own. “But that’s not all! The first meeting is also incredibly important, for so many reasons I don’t have time to name them all. But the first handshake can say a million things just like everything else. And since he was the first person I talked to–and in accordance to his standing-I gave a half bow to show I respected him but that I was also of high standing as an Al Ghul, dipped my head since he is a king and I am a prince and held out my hand waist high as an invitation.”
“And what he did in return?” Damian’s voice dipped into an excited whisper as he clutched the pillow and leaned in. “He did a full bow, bent his right knee and put his right foot behind his left with the heel raised, his left arm behind his back, took my hand with his right and kissed it long and deeply, all while maintaining eye contact!”
Damian pushed his face into the pillow for a second, then looked up. “And the meaning of that? The kiss? The eye contact?” Dick leaned forward, “What dose it mean?” Damian flushed again, his scent growing sweeter. “All of that combined means ‘there are no words in the languages we speak to describe your beauty’.” “Oh. My. God!”
“I know!” Damian voice was muffled as he screamed into his pillow. “And that was only the introduction, Richard! The introduction! Oh, and everything after was a dream.” He raised his head and grinned—a real, genuine smile. It warmed Dicks heart to see his usually stoic brother so happy.
“All while we were talking he wanted to know me. Not the Al Ghul heir, not the son of the bat, me! He asked about my interests, my favorite things—Richard, he called me Damian! You almost always refer to a heir by their last name because that’s what’s important to you. But he called me only Damian! I was important to him!”
Dick couldn’t help but laugh as he asked, “You called him by his name, right? Oh! His name! What’s his name? And you said he was a king, what’s he the king of?” Damian blushed–blushed!–and nodded. “Yes, it was only appropriate. His name is Daniel Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms, the afterlife dimension. Simply put, every afterlife that exists is located in this dimension.”
“Oooo, do you think there’s a queen? If the seats open~” Damian blushed at the implication, pushing his face into his pillow again and taking slow breaths. He was a little concerned about the whole ‘king of the afterlife’ thing–and wait, wasn’t the ball held in the Infinite Realms? Does that mean Damian was in the afterlife?–but if the Percy Jackson books have taught him anything it’s that the specifics matter. King of the afterlife is different from king of the dead or death itself.
“No, there is no queen. Daniel was only recently crowned after defeating Pariah Dark, the previous king and tyrant. Oh, I almost forgot to mention! You remember how the JLD marked Amity Park, Illinois an area of concern and in less that 72 hours lifted the warning without doing anything?” “Yeah, drove B crazy cus’ they wouldn’t say why or how or what happened.” “It was Daniel and Pariah Dark fighting for the throne!”
“What? Back up a bit,” Dick asked, confused. “What do you mean ���it was him’?” Damian’s eyes shined as he explained. “Apparently, the entirety of Amity Park–Daniels home town–was dragged into the Infinite Realms due to Pariah Dark waking up and attacking! Daniel had to fight Pariah Dark to stop him from continuing his assault of this earth and the surrounding dimensions and universes, which is why he was trapped in the forever sleep.”
Damian swooned again, hugging his pillow as he sighed, “He saved not only earth but the surrounding multiverse, and confined in me that he didn’t even know he would become king! He said that the only thing that mattered to him was keeping everybody safe! Isn’t it heroic?” Dick expressed his agreement, making a mental note to tell all this to Bruce. He’d want to know about a kid Damian’s age who’s saved the multiverse seemingly all by himself.
Which reminded him, “How old is he?” Didn’t want another Midnighter situation. Damian’s advances on his first crush were hell to handle. “He’s one year my elder, and oh Grayson I was not exaggerating when I said he is gorgeous. He—well, hm.”
Damian paused and then pulled out his phone. “Please allow me a moment to acquire the correct knowledge of the colors blue, white, green and black so I can accurately portray to you just how otherworldly beautiful Daniel is.” Dick let him pursue the internet for a while, mentally filling out the start of a report form for Bruce. He returned his attention to Damian when he was ready.
“Now fully educated I can describe him in the detail he deserves. His skin is colored light blue grey and his face, possibly his whole body, is covered in freckles that take the shape of constellations colored passport blue. His hair is a dancing flame pulled back into a ponytail colored Mint cream, a greenish shade of white. His eyes are Lazarus colored, as is his tongue and blood. His teeth are sharp canines, piercing skin easily.”
A little worried how he knew that, but Dick would ask later. “His crown, the Crown of Fire, is a halo of Vantablack ice. The other piece showcasing his status is the Ring of Rage, colored same shade of black with a gemstone colored Carmine red.”
Damian sighed dreamily. “He was dressed elegantly, a Lazarus green suit vest over a vantablack button up and tie. His cape was clasped around his shoulders with a gold chain, pure white on the outside but a galaxy on the inside. It moved, Richard. He told me it changed galaxies and that at the moment it was showing the galaxy of dimension 62V-K.”
“Richard,” Damian said softly, his face flushed and eyes shining. “When he took my hand….I shivered. At first I thought nothing of it, but the longer I stood by his side it became harder and harder to deny it. His scent was….attractive. Like hickory and rain, maple and lightning. He smelled like a rolling thunderstorm, a summer morning.”
“I wanted to be closer, to drown in his scent. But it wasn’t just me.” Dick was certain he was about to die. It wasn’t just him? Oh no. “Were there others?” Dick asked worryingly. Damian blushed more, shaking his head then pushing his face into his pillow. When he raised his head he looked dazed. “It wasn’t just me, Richard. He...My scent…we were in the garden when he brought it up.”
“He’d wanted to show me the animals in the sanctuary, star seals and pomerantulas. We were sitting under a wysteria tree watching them roam. We were….I guess you would call it ‘cuddling’. Just…leaning against and holding each other. His arm was wrapped around my waist while his other held my hand.”
Damian blushed again and pushed his face back into the pillow as Dick ‘aww’ed. He raised his head once more and continued. “He turned to me and told me he couldn’t contain his desire any longer. When I asked what he meant…..” Damian took deep breath.
“He asked to smell my scent gland.” Dick blue screened for a moment. “He WHAT!?” He leaned forward, thinking he had misheard. Asking to smell a scent gland was more than a big deal. It was practically a mini proposal! “Did–what did you say?” Damian smiled again. “I said yes. He pulled my hand and put his lips to my wrist gland. He inhaled deeply and shivered. Richard, he growled.”
“He kissed my gland and told me it was taking all his strength and willpower not to mark me as his mate right that second. I…I didn’t know how to respond, and without thinking I told him he could scent me if I could scent him.” Dick gaped at him. Damian was very particular about physical contact, even more so about scenting. For him to ask an alpha to scent him, to ask if he could scent him—Damian was more than interested.
“He immediately agreed, and then….” Damian paused and Dick thought his head was going to explode from how red it was. “Theeeen??” Dick inquired. “Oh Richard, he pulled me onto his lap and against his chest.” Damian fell back into the bed, still clutching his pillow. “He began scenting and kissing my neck, telling me he wanted me in ways he didn’t know how to describe.”
Damian sighed dreamily. “He told me he wanted to court me, to make me feel like the most special and important person in the multiverse because that’s was I was to him. That he wanted to spread every waking and resting moment with me. Richard, he asked my opinion on children.”
“Oh and scenting him was heaven,” Damian swooned again, “to claim him as my alpha, even in the smallest ways, made my head spin. Richard….I began kissing his neck.” Dicks jaw was so open it was practically in the batcave. “You kissed him?? His scent gland?? Did he like it? What did you say to him???”
Damian nodded, eyes blown wide with a smile on his face. “I told him I accept his advances and that I wanted to mate as soon as possible. I told him I’d never wanted anyone–anything–more than I wanted to be his omega. That I wanted him to be my alpha. And then…. Oh it was so foolish and irresponsible of me to do, but I couldn’t wait any longer.” Damian put a hand over his heart.
“I kissed him.” Dick gasped. “Wh–did he kiss back?” “Yes!” Damian said, sitting up. “He kissed me back! It was so….soft at first, but then—oh it’s embarrassing to say.” Dick clasped his hands together. “ please please pleaseeeeee tell meeeee. You can’t leave me on a cliffhanger!” Damian laughed a little, laughing louder when Dick pulled him into a hug, still pleading.
“Ok, ok, I will tell you!” He giggled, allowing Dick to keep hugging him, which said a lot about how happy he was. “We–well, I don’t really know how, but one moment we were sitting up and the next he had me pinned to the ground.” Dick choked. Damian only laughed again. “Yes, I was surprised as well. He—we were…” Damian cleared his throat.
“….I believe it’s called ‘French kissing.’” Damian his his face in his hands at Dicks scandalized gasp. “It…was so warm. He tasted wonderful, and I wanted it to continue forever. I….I’ve never been more impulsive than I was in that moment. I put my hands in his hair–and I’m surprised it didn’t burn me–but anyways, I pulled him closer to me. But it wasn’t enough.”
Damian laughed a little, peeking through his fingers. “I…ha…I flipped us. So I was–dear lord Richard, I was sitting on his lap! I was straddling him!” Dick gasped again. “My baby brother, straddling someone? Oh pinch me, I think I’m dreaming!” He teased, smiling as Damian pinched him. “It certainly felt like a dream.” Damian sighed.
“Did he like it?” Damian hid his face again. “Yes, very much. I could smell and….feel him, if you understand.” Oh my god. Dick ‘ooo’ed and Damian laughed airily. “He obviously liked it, but did you?” Dick laughed as Damian squeaked, gasping again at his small nod. “Ooohhhh my little brother is growing uuupp,” he cried, hugging him again. “He has a boyfriend, he’s being courted, pretty soon you’ll be mated; it’s too much! Just yesterday you were eight!”
Damian didn’t try to push him away, leaning into him instead. “You are ok with this?” He asked hopefully, “You will allow him to court me?” Dick pulled back so he could look at Damian fully. “Damian, I’ve never seen you more happy than you are now. If this alpha can make you smile and laugh like this just after the first meeting, he has more than my blessing. He should be more worried about what I’ll do to him if he doesn’t court you.”
Damian laughed happily, hugging him. “I am very glad. I was worried you’d be against it, for I know Father will be.” He had a good point. Bruce went over-protectively ballistic when he found out Roy and Kori were courting Jason. When he finds out Daniel is the fucking King of the afterlife? It’ll take every super to hold him back from going to the Infinite Realms and interrogating it’s king.
“After a few minutes of, um….kissing, he pulled back rather quickly, so quickly in fact that I believed I’d done something wrong. Thankfully that was not the case.” Damian said, continuing after a moment. “I’d asked him and he quickly told me that I’d done nothing wrong, and that—that I was perfect. He said that he was having trouble controlling himself, and that if we continued…”
“Oh my god.” Dick whispered. “Damian, show me your neck right now.” Damian gasped and almost shrieked a scandalized ‘RICHARD!’ as Dick pulled at his shirt. Thankfully, there were no marks, some light bruises, but that was normal with kissing. He allowed Damian to smack his arm after. “How irresponsible do you believe me to be?! I tell you I do something without thinking once and suddenly you treat me like a harlot!?” Dick laughed as he apologized, conceding that it had been a little rude. Damian took a moment to collect himself before continuing.
“It is embarrassing to say, but while we were, ahem….busy, his sister appeared to inform us the ball would soon be over and Daniel had to give his closing speech as the host.” Dick laughed at Damian’s expression. He knew the mortifying feeling of a sibling walking in while you were making out with someone, and was glad Damian got to experience it.
“Her name is Jasmine, and I do hope you do not meet. I know your history with tall redheads.” He laughed again at Damians expression. “But more importantly, after Daniels speech he gave me a courting gift.” Dick gasped and watched as Damian quickly went to his dresser and dug under everything to bring out a small black box.
Damian came back and sat down next to him, opening it to reveal a ring. It was a green gemstone with a black band. The band was carved into a blooming flower with the gem in the center with leafs coming out the sides slightly. The gemstone wasn’t one of this world, or dimension most likely. The color changed shades of green depending on the light, the cut changing with it. To the left it was zigzags, to the rights it was a jagged bismuth, and when Damian pulled it back Dick saw it change to liquid.
Damian pulled it out and put it on his left ring finger, and Dick watched as it changed shape to fit his finger. Damian sighed dreamily as he turned his hand this way and that, tracing the gem with his other thumb. “He told me this was his mothers wedding ring, and that she had given her engagement ring to his sister and her wedding ring to him. Apparently his father created this jewel for his mother and carved the band, and he said he’d do the same for my wedding band.”
“Man, Daniel knows how to make a move!” Dick whistled as he took Damian’s hand to see the ring better. “I’ve seen some amazing courting gifts in my day, but his mothers wedding ring as the first gift? You said his dad made this gem for his mom? Does that mean he’s going to make the same gem for you?” Damian blushed as Dick admired the ring.
“I believe so, since according to Daniel this gem is currently the only one in existence, making my wedding ring the second.” Damian stopped for a second, making Dick pause too. Damian was still and silent for about thirty seconds before he exclaimed “My god, it’s a tradition!” Dick blinked. “..what?” “It’s a family tradition! It’s something his father did, he’ll do, and our children will do as well! It’s generational!”
Damian was fanning himself and blushing again, and Dick couldn’t help but laugh. Of course thats what does it. A tradition. And probably also the fact that Daniel was already talking about their wedding. Damian was also going on and on about the wedding, who would be there and what type of flowers and what he would wear.
“Father and Mother will walk me down the aisle, of course, and Jon will be groomsman as well as Colin, Jason, Tim, and Duke.” Dick raised an eyebrow. “What about me?” Damian smiled at him. “You’ll be my best man, of course.”
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crows-sleepy · 7 months ago
Summary: A tear rolled down his cheek, falling and landing to the floor under him, he didn't cry loudly like most children his age do, it was silent, better that way.
But it wasn't best that way, he shouldn't be crying at all, he was not a child, he was an heir, he could not, even for a second risk falling that far.
Or, Damian's past ia always there no matter how badly anyone wishes it wasn't
Or or, Damian angst in which league standards make sure no one can ever know he's not alright, but they do
Title: Robin's are meant to fly, how did you lose your wings?
Chapter one, also on ao3 under the same name, will be updated regularly
Tap, tap, tap
Click, click, click
Tick, tick, tick
In the living room of the manor, Tim's foot tapped repeatedly against the floor as his leg quickly bounced with anxiety, the only other noises being the ticking of the ever turning clock, and the clicking of Jason unloading and reloading his guns, looking like he was about a second away from punching whatever was closest to him.
So on the couch sat Tim, a long empty cup of coffee in hand, next to him sat Dick, so eerily silent, he had never been this quiet, the oldest's pale blue gaze bore into the smooth wood of the floor, his hands clasped so tightly together his knuckles were white, as he sat deep in thought, and Jason in a plush arm chair across from the two, a couple guns on hand.
'2:00 pm'
The clock had read, two, only an hour and a half until Damian came home from school.
Jason let out an aggressive huff of irritation, slamming his gun down on the table.
"What the hell is up with the demon brat?"
Jason's loud, angry tone rang out to his brother's.
Tim sighed heavily, exhaustion and even concern seeping from his body language, he placed his empty cup down on the coffee table in front of him.
"If we knew that, this wouldn't be happening would it?"
Tim had snipped back.
"Both of you stop it, this isn't getting us anywhere.."
Dick spoke through a sigh, unclasping his hands to run one through his hair.
"Well I don't suppose you have any better ideas, Dickie bird?"
Jason had asked, his tone sarcastic as ever, irritation clear in his voice, something was wrong with Damian, something was really wrong, and they wanted, no needed, to find out what it was.
Dick had paused to think, that seemed to be the only thing he knew to do about this, he needed to think this over, think Dick, think, you want to ask him but he just shuts off, you can't scare the kid...
But then he spoke.
"We can't talk to him about it, we all know he isn't going to say anything if we just come right out and ask, we need to think this through."
Think this through? Is that all you know how to do? What a crappy older brother, can't even figure out what's wrong with Damian.
"Dick's right, plain out asking him isn't working, we need to be more careful about this, or he'll start trying harder to pretend like nothing's wrong."
Tim had agreed, his tone thoughtful.
"Let's go over everything, what have you two noticed about Damian recently?"
Dick offered, they needed to get everything together, if they went without knowing everything Damian would surely tear them down just as fast as they had gotten up.
Jason scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"That he's a damn brat."
Dick gritted the name out scoldingly.
"We have to take this seriously."
Dick spoke with exasperation and worry sinking through his voice, and Jason must have heard it to, given how quickly he caved.
"Kid's been getting hurt more on patrol, it's not like him, letting himself get all scraped up over nothing."
Jason spoke as he gave in, Tim nodded as Jason spoke, before his own voice rang into the air.
"I noticed that too, but that's not where it started, Damian seems distracted, upset even, something's wrong."
Dick didn't necessarily feel any better at his little brother's words, guilt and concern flooded his gut swarming and swallowing him alive. How hadn't he noticed this sooner? Why hadn't he been there to stop it before whatever Damian is upset about happened? Why did he have to be such a bad brother...
But he couldn't focus on those feelings right now, he needed to focus on Damian, he needed to focus on helping him before anything, and compiling this information just might help.
"Has he said anything that could show what he was upset about?"
Dick had wondered worriedly to his younger brothers. Tim shakes his head, looking disappointed, Jason grumbles to himself under his breath.
"As if that stubborn brat would say anything.."
Dick stayed silent after that, no one had any idea what happened? Why was Damian so set to hide it?
The sound of the front door opening was the only thing that pulled them all out of their thoughts, Damian stepping into the hallway of the manor, he wasn't visible yet, but his small footsteps could be heard against the wooden floor of the manor.
"Hey, Dami-"
Dick had called out gently to the boy, who hadn't even seemed to hear him, walking through the hallway past the doorway of the living room, his lips fallen in a small frown as his gaze watched the floor and lower parts of the walls, anywhere but up as he climbed the stairs.
Dick rather quickly fell silent, his words leaving him in that moment, Jason looked even more pissed if that was possible, and Tim looked utterly confused and frustrated, but Dick, just felt something well up in him, concern, worry.
What was happening? It wasn't unusual for Damian to ignore him, or anyone for that matter, but this was weird...
Damian walked up the staircase like he had hundreds of times before, but this time felt wrong, so wrong.
Why was it wrong? This is how it was supposed to be, mother wanted you here, Damian, you want you here.
But the thoughts wouldn't leave his mind, of course he wanted to be here, he loved it here-
When had that happened? He wasn't supposed to love anything.
He wasn't supposed to be like this, so why was he? Why did he have to be so soft recently? Mother would surely be so disappointed, grandfather would truly kill him...what about father? What would father think?
Damian's foot slipped from the step as he tumbled down, grabbing onto the railing, pulling his arm painfully as he held himself up with only the railing to help, Damian heard the shuffling in the living room, how could he not?
The way Grayson, or maybe, maybe, even Todd or Drake shot up to come over, but he couldn't face them at the moment, he couldn't let them know how foolish he was being.
Falling down the steps just because he was distracted, he knew better than that, he should know better than that.
He quickly pushed himself to his feet, rushing up to his room, it's not like he was hurt anyway, so it didn't matter.
Why would it matter?
He's fought through worse, he should be able to just walk through this, it was a fall, a stumble, nothing of importance, in the league it wouldn't have mattered, in fact he may have even been punished for it, for being imperfect, why were things so different here?
He didn't know what to do..it was all so different, he had been here long enough to be used to it, and he was, he was used to it but he couldn't be anymore, this was wrong, he was wrong, so, so wrong.
He was a failure, he was weak, he was something he shouldn't be, he was human, and oh, how scary that was...
Sat in front of the door, his bag dropping near him, his knees pulled up to his chest, he buried his face in his knees, his arms wrapped around himself.
Why was he doing this? It was pitiful, disgusting...if mother saw-
Mother wouldn't see, she didn't know, she couldn't know, he couldn't be punished if she never knew he was breaking a rule, it would be like all the other rules he's broken without her supervision.
No one could know about the weakness he was showing right now, it was pathetic, horrid, he was a terrible son, a terrible family member.
He was soiling the name of their family by being so weak, he wasn't supposed to be like this.
This isn't why he was born, he could never be a child, he had to be an heir.
A tear rolled down his cheek, falling and landing to the floor under him, he didn't cry loudly like most children his age do, it was silent, better that way.
But it wasn't best that way, he shouldn't be crying at all, he was not a child, he was an heir, he could not, even for a second risk falling that far.
Word count: 1422
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maybe-in-another-universe · 9 months ago
give me a bruce that not only grieves for his lost (and recently found) son but also for his well and living sons who he has irrevocably broken any semblance of a normal father/son relationship with. give me a bruce that struggles with his relationship with dick, son or soldier? his greatest achievement or greatest failure? give me a bruce struggling with the image of the much younger jason he knew vs the jason before him now. give a bruce who struggles with tim and what he is to him? is he his son or is he just a kid he took on and what if that answer is different than when they first met? how to repair that? give me a bruce who struggles to be a father to damian knowing that he failed the three boys who came before him? just give me a bruce wayne that struggles and maybe doesn’t make the right decisions but tries nonetheless.
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